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Table of foods high in calcium. Calcium. Truth and myths

Calcium is very important for human body. It not only forms bone structure, but also provides muscle contraction, blood clotting, and the secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters. With calcium deficiency, many dangerous diseases develop:

IN childhood- rickets;

In adults, osteoporosis (bone destruction) or osteomalacia (softening of bones).

The risk group for calcium deficiency includes children, the elderly, and menopausal women. Once ovarian function declines, the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures increases significantly.

There is nothing difficult about ensuring adequate daily requirement calcium. At good nutrition Deficiency of this microelement usually does not occur.

As you can see from this table, it is enough to get only 1-1.5 g of calcium per day from food. With which? We'll find out now. Here's a look at 10 food groups that are the best sources of calcium.

1. Cheese.

All dairy products are rich in calcium. Cheese is one of the leaders in its content. It is enough to eat only 100-200 g of this product per day to provide yourself with calcium.

Different types of cheese have different levels of this microelement. This table will help you navigate:

Type of cheese and percentage of fat content


"Dutch" 45%

"Poshekhonsky" 45%

"Cheddar" 50%

"Swiss" 50%

"Russian" 50%

"Roquefort" 50%

Processed cheese "Russian"


Processed cheese "Sausage"



Bold cottage cheese (4-5%)

Fat cottage cheese (18%)

2. Milk.

A person who drinks milk every day is reliably protected from calcium deficiency in the body. The drink contains a large amount of this microelement. This is due to the fact that milk is intended for feeding newborn babies, who require large amounts of various minerals, and primarily calcium. Without this substance, full development of the skeleton is impossible.

Milk can be consumed not only fresh. Good sources of calcium are dry and condensed milk. The calcium concentration in a fresh drink can vary significantly depending on the degree of fat content, origin (store-bought or homemade), variety (goat, cow, camel, etc.).

3. Other dairy products.

Obviously, since milk itself is a source of calcium, then products prepared from it contain this microelement. Therefore, even if a person does not like to eat condensed milk or consume whole milk, there will always be alternative options for him that will suit his taste. Dairy products can be consumed separately or added to other foods during its preparation.

As you can see, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk or any other milk product in liquid form it contains the same amount of calcium per unit weight as whole milk. The activity of lactic acid bacteria does not affect its concentration in any way.

4. Seeds and nuts.

Nuts and seeds are one of the best sources calcium. On a per unit weight basis, some seeds contain more of this micronutrient than cheese or any other dairy product.

Nuts and seeds also contain a variety of other useful microelements and vitamins. Therefore, a person who regularly eats them is reliably protected from manifestations of hypovitaminosis or mineral deficiency.

5. Grains and legumes.

Although cereals, breads and legumes do not contain much calcium per unit weight, they are a good supplemental source of this micronutrient due to their volume. Most people consume these foods in larger quantities than cheese, nuts or seeds.

6. Vegetables.

Like grains, vegetables do not contain very much calcium per unit weight, but can provide you with this micronutrient through large amounts of consumption. Here are the vegetables with the highest calcium content:

7. Fruits and dried fruits.

Another additional source of calcium is fruit. Some of them have a fairly high content of this microelement. Among others, figs and persimmons should be noted - they contain the most calcium. But there are other fruits in which the amount of this trace element exceeds 40 mg per 100 g.

When dried, fruits typically contain more calcium per unit weight. This is due solely to a decrease in the percentage of water in the product.

8. Greens.

Greens can contain quite a bit of calcium per unit weight. And although the consumption of this group of products is usually limited to small volumes, they may well contribute to providing your body with microelements.

In any case, consuming greens will not be superfluous, because the composition contains a lot of other useful substances, in addition to calcium.

9. Confectionery.

Sweets are considered to be unhealthy products. Still, those with a sweet tooth can make good use of them. Confectionery products can become an additional source of calcium. It is found wherever cocoa, milk, seeds or nuts are present in the composition.

10. Fish and seafood.

Unlike meat, which is completely unsuitable as a source of calcium due to its extremely low content per unit weight, some fish or seafood can replenish the body's reserves of this trace element.

As you can see, calcium is sufficiently contained in a wide variety of foods. Therefore, a person who eats well usually does not lack this microelement. Strict vegetarianism or diet can lead to calcium deficiency. low calorie diets for weight loss. In this case, it is advisable to additionally take medications or dietary supplements containing calcium and vitamin D.

What is contained in cottage cheese:

  • vitamins B2, B6, B12, D, E, P;
  • folic and ascorbic acids;
  • retinol;
  • iron, phosphorus.

Cottage cheese must be consumed to prevent calcium deficiency in the body. The calcium content in cottage cheese is 95−125 mg/100 g, it helps restore the structure of hair, nails, teeth, bone tissue. This product is especially necessary during puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. It should be present in the diet of young children and older people.

The amino acids and vitamins contained in cottage cheese help prevent liver disease, atherosclerosis, and help strengthen the nervous system.

What is the difference between fat and low-fat cottage cheese?

In pursuit of slim figure It is customary to buy dairy products from reduced content fat But is there any benefit to low-fat dairy products?

Low-fat dairy products are less balanced in their composition and therefore do not always benefit the body. During production fatty varieties no cottage cheese is used heat treatment, which allows you to preserve not only protein, but also all useful substances.

For low-fat varieties, a milk starter is used, which is added to heated milk. As a result of heat treatment, the amount of fat-soluble vitamins and lecithin, the bioavailability of calcium decreases.

Low-fat dairy products are a source of valuable, easily digestible protein, but they cannot compensate for calcium deficiency. IN skim cheese dishonest manufacturers often add synthetic additives to improve taste.

The main difference between fat and low-fat cottage cheese– this is calorie content.

  • fatty, fat content 18% - 230 kcal;
  • semi-bold, fat content 5−9% - 160 kcal;
  • low-fat, fat content does not exceed 2% - 85 kcal.

Which cottage cheese has more calcium? Fat and low-fat products contain almost the same amount of calcium. But when consuming a low-fat product, calcium is less absorbed.

Calcium cannot be fully absorbed by the body without fat. For every 10 mg of calcium there should be 1 g of fat. The ideal cottage cheese from the point of view of calcium absorption is 9%, this fact is confirmed by nutritionists.

And what products contain it.

The role of calcium in the body

It is well known that bone strength and density depend on calcium (Ca) content, but the importance of this element does not end there. In particular, it is involved in the processes of muscle coagulation and contraction; normalizes the functioning of enzymes and hormones; has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system; protein synthesis cannot occur without it; it helps the body absorb other elements.

Close connection of calcium with other macro- and microelements

This element can either promote or hinder the body’s absorption of certain substances. Thus, it interferes with the absorption of iron. If it enters the body separately from this element, it is absorbed 45% better. In addition, its negative interaction with chromium is noted.

Important role Calcium-phosphorus metabolism plays a role in the processes occurring in the human body. These substances must be contained in a strictly defined ratio. If one of them is contained less than necessary, the other element begins to be poorly absorbed, which leads to various. Recovery correct ratio of these elements are usually regulated by products that contain both substances, as well as medicinal drugs as prescribed.

Calcium intake standards

This microelement is necessary for a person of any age, but different periods the need for it varies.
According to the recommendations of doctors, its optimal consumption per day is:

  • for those under three years old - 600 mg;
  • for children 3-10 years old - 800 mg;
  • for children 10-13 years old - 1000 mg;
  • children 13-16 years old - 1200 mg;
  • young people 16-25 years old - 1000 mg;
  • 25-50 years - 800 mg;
  • women during period and lactation - 1500-2000 mg;
  • women over 50 years old - 1000-1200 mg;
  • 25-65 years - 800 mg;
  • men over 65 years old - 1200 mg.

What foods contain a lot of calcium?

Almost everyone knows that a lot of calcium is contained in. However, besides them, there are products rich in this substance, so you have the opportunity to choose which products to use to replenish daily norm of this element.

Did you know? IN pure form Calcium is a silvery-white metal. It is very active, so it is not found in this form in nature, but is widely known in various compounds, such as limestone or marble.

Plant products

Products plant origin They are not record holders for the content of this substance, but they do contain substances that make it easier to assimilate this element. The list of foods that contain calcium is very extensive.
Nuts and plant seeds are especially abundant in this substance, namely:

  • poppy (1438 mg Ca per 100 g);
  • (975 mg);
  • almonds (280 mg);
  • (254 mg).
This element is present in all grains and leguminous crops, but the following stand out especially:
  • soybeans (241 mg per 100 g);
  • beans (92 mg);
  • barley groats (82 mg);
  • peas (61 mg).
The following crops can be noted:
  • basil (370 mg per 100 g);
  • (244 mg);
  • white cabbage (211 mg);
  • (182 mg).

can also become its source, especially such as:
  • (144 mg per 100 g);
  • (80 mg);
  • (54 mg);
  • raisins (50 mg).

Animal products

A significant amount of this substance is found in seafood. The calcium content (in mg) of some calcium-rich foods is shown in the table:

  • sardines in oil (420 mg per 100 g of product);
  • mackerel in oil (240 mg);
  • crabs (100 mg);
  • shrimp (96 mg).

In and meat products, where calcium is found in relatively low large quantities, there is approximately 10 to 30 mg of this element per 100 g of product.

Calcium content in dairy products

Dairy products have the highest calcium content. Its content ranges from about 125 mg per 100 g in milk, to more than 1300 mg in some hard cheeses.
Below is the Ca content in dairy products, calculated per 100 g:

  • Parmesan cheese - 1300 mg;
  • “Russian” cheese - 1000 mg;
  • - 540 mg;
  • cow's milk - 120 mg;
  • skimmed cow's milk - 125 mg;
  • medium fat cottage cheese - 125 mg;
  • medium fat content - 85 mg;
  • - 120 mg;
  • cream - 90 mg;
  • butter - 25 mg.

Eliminating calcium deficiency with eggshells

Egg shells consist of 90% Ca compounds, so you can hear recommendations to use crushed, disinfected shells chicken eggs, devoid of inner film, and it should only be white. This shell is used as food supplement to replenish the lack of this mineral in the body. Dosage: half a teaspoon per day with a couple of drops of juice. It is believed that this cheap alternative containing calcium.

Important! There is an opinion that such nutrition is generally pointless, since calcium in this form is almost not absorbed by the body. If you really want to try the shells, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of such a step.

Causes and symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body

The reason for the lack of this microelement in the body is usually an unbalanced diet. For example, symptoms of a lack of this substance may appear in those who try and abuse strict. Externally, a lack of microelement is expressed in general weakness, unpleasant sensations and even joint pain, strong heartbeat, convulsions.

Causes and symptoms of excess calcium in the body

It is quite difficult to accumulate excess amounts of this substance in the body. So, for this you need to consume at least five liters or about 400 grams of solid milk daily. But sometimes - for example, with fractures - without consulting with specialists, they begin to consume foods containing calcium in too large quantities. Symptoms of such excess consumption are nausea and vomiting, absence, abnormal functioning, and convulsive twitching of the limbs.

Features of calcium absorption

As noted above, the absorption of this microelement is facilitated. Since this vitamin is produced in the body when Sun rays irradiated, in summer the absorption of the microelement is facilitated, and in winter, accordingly, it is difficult. It is also recommended to consume foods that contain calcium and, such as

When it comes to strengthening skeletal system, nails, teeth and the need to provide the body with a certain daily dose calcium, the first thing that comes to mind for most people is dairy products. After all, it is precisely in it, according to many, that it contains a rich amount of this macroelement. But is everything so simple, and which dairy products have more calcium?

It has been proven that the daily norm of calcium necessary for the health of the skeletal system is 1000 mg, or 1 gram, and dairy products are one of its main “suppliers” to the body. But the fact is that the quantitative content (Ca) in each individual product of this series may vary.

When someone is found to have a deficiency of the macronutrient in question in the body, all-knowing friends vying with each other begin to advise: “Eat cottage cheese, it’s full of calcium!” At the same time, not everyone knows that cottage cheese is different from cottage cheese, and it doesn’t matter which option from the wide range available will be healthier. But then the question arises: how much calcium is in cottage cheese, and which one is better to buy?

Which cottage cheese is really rich in calcium?

Natural products (without industrial and chemical additives) are always beyond competition. Therefore, village cottage cheese comes first. It is prepared by preserving the whey, which contains the bulk of calcium, but such production takes longer.

IN industrial production do not wait until whey is formed, and to speed up the cooking process, calcium chloride is added to the composition.

In total, in the store version, the proportion of Ca is from 120 to 170 mg/100g, and this is not so much. It’s not difficult to calculate: if a standard pack of cottage cheese weighs about 200 g, you need to eat 4-3 such packs per day to get the daily macronutrient requirement of 1000 mg. It is clear that few people consume cottage cheese in such quantities, and it is good if the required amount of calcium is compensated by other products that also contain this element.

But since we're talking about about a specific dairy product from the store, it will not be superfluous to know which cottage cheese has the most calcium and what it depends on (if it is not possible to purchase homemade village cottage cheese).

Two controversial points

There are two contradictory beliefs regarding the usefulness of cottage cheese:

  1. You need to eat a low-fat product. Adherents of this belief believe that cottage cheese with a low (or zero) fat content in the product is much healthier, since fats, acting on calcium, form insoluble compounds, which are ultimately washed out of the body without having time to provide benefits.
  2. Fat cottage cheese contains more calcium. During production, a low-fat product undergoes heat treatment (heats), and this reduces the amount of a macronutrient important for bones, therefore fatty product there is much more of it.

Both judgments are right and wrong.

The thing is that with a high fat content in food, calcium is actually not fully absorbed, and the lion's share of its usefulness is simply excreted from the body.

On the other hand, even without fat, the macronutrient will not “take root” either: for every 10 g of Ca there must be 1 g of fat in order for absorption to be as efficient as possible.

It turns out that both options are not ideal, and it becomes not entirely clear:

  • Is there any calcium at all in the low-fat product after heat treatment;
  • Which cottage cheese contains the optimal ratio of both fat and calcium, which can be truly beneficial.

But every question has its own answer.

Optimal solution

There is indeed calcium in cottage cheese, both low-fat and fat-free. But, as already mentioned, in one case the macronutrient is not absorbed due to the lack of fat, in the other it is simply excreted from the body. However, between these two extremes there is a “golden mean”: low-fat 9% cottage cheese.

This option is ideal in terms of calcium absorption for two simple reasons:

  • a moderate amount of fat does not form insoluble compounds with calcium and does not provoke the useless removal of the macroelement from the body;
  • The fat contained in 9% cottage cheese in exactly this amount helps calcium to be fully absorbed.

Therefore, I would like to correct the advisors mentioned above, who recommend eating the dairy product in question as an undeniable source of calcium: eat low-fat 9% (and not just any) cottage cheese, because it is the very best option.

Tip: any cottage cheese (low-fat, low-fat or full-fat) is not recommended to be mixed with strawberries. This delicious dessert, but the oxalic acid contained in the berry does not allow calcium to accumulate in the body, and there is almost no benefit from such a delicacy. Moreover, this acid forms compounds with the macroelement that are part of the composition of stones that settle in the kidneys.

But since one cottage cheese is still not enough for the daily requirement, and people do not eat it every day in the amount required for the norm, you can compensate and replenish the amount of macronutrients with other products:

  • seafood (crabs, shrimp);
  • nuts (walnuts, brazil, almonds, pine);
  • poppy seeds, sesame seeds;
  • greens (basil, spinach, celery, lettuce, etc.);
  • from sweets – milk chocolate and creamy ice cream;
  • lean fish (sardine, salmon).

If we continue to talk about dairy products, the list of leaders will include hard cheeses, natural yoghurts, kefir and milk itself.

Other dairy products

Along with some products dairy range cottage cheese, to the surprise of many, does not take first place.

IN the largest quantities The macronutrient is found in Parmesan cheese. In 100 g of it, the macronutrient content is as much as 1300 mg! There is also calcium in cheese of other hard varieties (Edam, Russian, etc.), and in considerable quantities - from 600 to 900 mg per 100 g of product. In soft varieties there are slightly less macronutrients: 425 – 530 mg/100 g (processed cheese, cheese, goat cheese, etc.), but in any case these figures are higher than in any store-bought cottage cheese.

The calcium content in milk is not so high if we talk about a store-bought product. There, calcium in milk does not exceed 100 - 120 mg/100 g (no matter what the calcium content in store-bought milk is, this amount is somewhat inferior to most types of cottage cheese). But if you have the opportunity to drink steam cow's milk, then just 1 glass of it contains about 300 mg of Ca, which is already a little less than a third of the daily requirement.

Many people think that it is important to take calcium exclusively in childhood. Indeed, we tell kids what foods contain calcium, emphasizing that the skeleton, spine and bones are now being formed. However, as a person grows older, calcium does not lose its of utmost importance for the functioning of all organs and systems. Thanks to it, we have strong teeth and dense nails; calcium participates in complex biochemical reactions, ensures and regulates the activity of enzymes. This achievement list Calcium does not run out, it contributes to the contraction and relaxation of muscles and the transmission of nerve impulses. For an elderly person, the concept of osteoporosis is very familiar, when calcium is no longer absorbed by the body, bones become brittle and brittle. That is, the body needs this element throughout its life. Let's look at which products contain calcium and how to use them correctly.

Plant sources of calcium

Despite the fact that many people associate calcium with milk, it is most found in plant-based foods. This means that vegetarians are not so wrong with their choice of the most important foods for nutrition. The leaders among them are legumes - beans and soybeans, peas and lentils. Many people don't like them because increased gas formation in the intestines, but nutritionists advise be sure to eat them a little at least several times a week. An additional source for this important element maybe poppy seeds, sesame seeds or almonds, but due to their high calorie content they cannot be the basis of nutrition. If you are looking for a product that contains calcium, but cannot tolerate legumes, then pay attention to the next group of products.

Vegetables and fruits: an invaluable pantry of health

Honey is rich in calcium, so do not bypass this beekeeping product. Of the gifts from our garden and vegetable garden, pay most attention to apples, gooseberries and strawberries, citrus fruits, apricots, cherries and peaches, grapes, currants, pineapples and blackberries. It is very easy to explain to a child which product contains calcium; all you need to do is take it to the dacha for the whole summer. Despite the fact that the calcium content in vegetables and fruits is not very high, thanks to vitamins and microelements it is absorbed very easily. The big plus is that we can consume these products in large quantities. Parsley, cabbage, watercress, rose hips contain at least 200 mg per 100 g of product. Useful source there will be any greens, young nettles and seaweed. Using natural products, it is impossible to overdose on vitamins and minerals, but artificially mineralized water should be consumed carefully. When you visit a supermarket, you can track which product contains calcium; the ingredients will definitely indicate its content.

Milk and dairy products

Cottage cheese, cheese, feta cheese, kefir are the most important sources of nutrients. If a person is allergic to lactose, he will look for which foods contain calcium, except dairy; in all other cases, they should be eaten as often as possible. However, milk is not the richest source. It is much more correct to use cottage cheese as food; the calcium content in it is much higher. Separate topic- these are women who stick to a diet. The process of losing weight does not in any way eliminate the body's need for calcium. Today, a line of low-fat dairy products is very usefully presented on the market. These are milk, kefir and cottage cheese, there are also low-fat cheeses, and the amount of calcium in them remains unchanged.

Protein products

Let's continue the conversation about which foods contain calcium. The list is supplemented by sources of protein that are indispensable for our body, these are meat and fish, eggs. Today are fashionable various programs for weight loss, and people are trying to eat less animal products. This is only partly correct: fatty beef is really not suitable for daily use, and here chicken breast provides 50 mg of calcium from every 100 g of product. At the same time, the calorie content of this product is very low.

Diet for pregnant women

Substances that interfere with calcium absorption

Almost all products contain this element. However, we must remember that excess salt completely blocks the absorption of magnesium and calcium. In turn, caffeine greatly impairs the absorption of vitamin D3. As you already know, cereals and bread contain phytin, which interferes with the absorption of calcium. Based on this, sandwiches cannot be considered cheese and bread, it is better to eat them separately. Porridge with milk also does not contribute to the full absorption of all nutrients, so it is better to cook cereals in water.

Let's sum it up

Finally, we will additionally tell you where calcium is found. We have already noted which products contain the most of it, now we will list additional sources. This powdered milk and cream, processed cheese and condensed milk. A large number of contain calcium Walnut and hazelnuts, a delicacy like creamy ice cream. Drinks include tea and coffee beans, cocoa powder. We must not forget about canned food in oil, raisins, garlic, carrots and beets. The following will appeal to lovers of delicacies: it turns out that mushrooms, sausages and sausage contain calcium. All vegetables and fruits, berries, including watermelons and melons, also contain this element in small quantities. Thus, when the right approach there are no problems with calcium deficiency; almost every product that can be classified as healthy eating, contains one or another amount of it.