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The molars come in second row. Molars grow second row behind milk teeth

The growth of teeth in two rows is an abnormal phenomenon that requires specific treatment. According to statistics, about 18% of the Russian population suffers from this problem, although the statistics are not entirely accurate. Surely this pathology occurs much more often. In any case, if a patient has teeth in two rows, this may indicate a serious problem, including psychological nature, so under no circumstances should you leave it.

If the lower molars grow in two rows, this is clearly visible during conversation and when opening the mouth. If only upper teeth grow in two rows, the defect is usually not noticeable. However, in both situations the risk of complications is quite high: with this anomaly, displacement of the dentition is possible, abnormal growth eight teeth, formation of malocclusion.

Why do teeth grow in two rows?

For many specialists, this anomaly still remains a mysterious phenomenon, since the exact factors and reasons influencing the development of teeth in two rows still require reliable confirmation.

However, several suspected factors are known:

  • Preservation of a baby tooth in the socket with active growth molar. In such a situation, the molar comes out, and the milk tooth moves, giving way to it, but at the same time maintaining its position in oral cavity. This creates the second row. More often this phenomenon characteristic of the teeth of the lower row.
  • Underdevelopment of the jaw. IN childhood This can lead to the fact that with an excessively small jaw, teeth grow in two rows in different directions.
  • Genetic abnormality, in which a child is born with a predisposition to supernumerary teeth.

What to do if a child’s teeth grow in two rows?

Doctors strongly recommend treating the anomaly already in early age, when the molars have not yet had time to appear on the outside or when they are just beginning to come “to the surface”, replacing milk teeth. On at this stage development, it is possible to eliminate the problem or prevent the growth of teeth in two rows. If a child has a mixed bite, the doctor will suggest removing baby tooth, which could interfere proper growth molar tooth.

If there is a problem with double-row teeth, the use of a braces system is recommended. It will allow you to correct malocclusion and solve the problem of teeth growing in two rows. In case of supernumerary, the teeth of the second row are removed, the remaining teeth are corrected using a specially selected brace system.

What to do if an adult’s teeth grow in two rows?

If the patient decides too late to treat the anomaly, eliminating the defect of double-row teeth will be much more difficult, but still possible. As a rule, the doctor will not suggest tooth extraction to the patient, since the molars have already managed to fully form by adulthood.

In addition, “global” deletion large quantity Molars growing in two rows can lead to severe swelling, bleeding and other serious complications.

The only and most effective and safe method in this case there will be teeth correction using a braces system. Another option is corrective veneers.

The appearance of a second row of teeth is rare, but dangerous defect. People call it the “shark smile”. Most often it occurs in children during the formation of permanent incisors, canines and molars. Less often - in adults, when the outer or supernumerary units erupt. This phenomenon threatens severe malocclusion, disruption of chewing functions and diction.

Typically, incisors, canines and molars erupt according to a certain pattern - a dental chart. Each of them takes its place. But in some cases there is a serious deviation from the norm - the growth of teeth in the second row. This happens in three cases: when the milk units do not fall out on time, due to underdevelopment of the jaw and supernumerary.

Late replacement

The second row may appear due to the fact that the milk units have not yet had time to fall out, but the permanent ones are already erupting.

The process of loss of milk teeth and growth of molars begins at 5 years of age. It usually lasts until 12 - 14 years. In this case, the second row may appear due to the fact that the milk units have not yet had time to fall out, but the permanent ones are already erupting. Looking for a way out, they begin to shift, moving behind non-permanent incisors, canines or molars.

Important! The first harbingers of an imminent change of teeth - gaps between them - should appear in a child at 4 years old. Their absence indicates a narrowing of the dentition. In the future, this will lead to a crooked bite.

Underdevelopment of the jaw

The teeth may grow in two rows due to the slow development of the jaw. Permanent units grow faster than space for them is formed. As a result, they cannot be positioned evenly, and crowding occurs.

The sooner you begin to correct this defect, the greater the likelihood of normal bite development. When the jaw is fully formed, eliminating the deficiency will be much more difficult.


Supernumerary is the presence of excess teeth. The medical name for this genetic abnormality is . It occurs in 2% of people, most often in men. There can be one or several additional units. Usually these are incisors, but it is also possible for “extra” fangs or molars to appear.

Important! Supernumerary units never appear in the area of ​​the outer ones - eights.

Supernumerary is the presence of excess teeth.

Usually, extra teeth defective, have a cylindrical shape. Their rudiments are located deep in the jaw. The defect is detected only during eruption or radiographic examination.

What causes teeth to grow in two rows?

It has not been established exactly why teeth erupt in two rows. Because of this, it is impossible to predict whether a child will develop a defect. However, there are several provoking factors:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Deterioration general condition the body due to an acute infectious or chronic disease.
  3. Malnutrition: lack fermented milk products, meat, fruits, vegetables, as well as solid foods - it helps the proper development of the jaw.
  4. Early removal, resorption of milk teeth or untimely appearance of permanent canines, incisors and molars.
  5. Incorrect formation of primordia.
  6. Pathologies of the jaw.
  7. Breathing disorders due to ENT diseases: adenoiditis, sinusitis, acute tonsillitis.
  8. Late weaning from the pacifier.
  9. Deviations during intrauterine development.

Important! Each of the above reasons is relative. They were observed in patients with a second dentition, but other factors could also cause the pathology.

Negative consequences

If at least one tooth has grown behind the milk tooth, the bite must be corrected. This can lead to serious consequences in the future:


Treatment of double-row teeth depends on the cause of the pathology. In each case, its own methods for eliminating the defect are selected.

Interfering milk jug

When milk units do not fall out in time and interfere with the growth of permanent ones, they must be removed. In this case, two teeth of the same name are immediately removed: both front incisors, both lateral incisors, and so on. This is needed for correct formation bite

Important! The interfering baby tooth must be removed as soon as the top of the molar appears.

The only exception is the fang. It changes late (at 11–13 years), and its removal can lead to severe malocclusion. The procedure is performed only for serious indications and after appropriate direction from an orthodontist.

Defects in the structure of the jaw can only be eliminated by installing braces.

Subsequently, the indigenous unit is constantly monitored. If the obstacle was removed in time, most likely it will align and become a common row. If this does not happen, they resort to a braces system.

Pathologies of the jaw

Correcting double-row teeth with underdeveloped jaws is a complex and lengthy process. It can last from six months until the moment when all the permanent units have erupted.

Important! When a child’s first teeth begin to change – the upper and lower incisors – it is better to show the baby to an orthodontist. This will help identify malocclusions at an early stage.

Defects in the structure of the jaw can only be eliminated by installing braces. However, children in kindergarten and younger school age will not be able to fully care for the structure. In this case, they prefer to use the Invisalign system. This is a special flexible mouth guard that gradually moves crooked units. It is practically invisible, it can be removed while eating and hygiene procedures. But this method is expensive - from 5 thousand dollars.

With proper development of the jaw, milk and then permanent teeth appear gradually, in a certain sequence. But sometimes the order of their eruption and growth is disrupted, causing deviations in the structure of the dentition. Why does a child's teeth grow in the second row? Such a violation leads to the appearance cosmetic defect and ruins your smile. Usually the cause of the anomaly is that the molars begin to erupt before the milk teeth fall out. In this case, their retention is observed when molars, canines or incisors remain completely or partially in the gum.

Features of correcting dental defects

If a permanent tooth erupts under a still firmly standing milk tooth, the direction of its growth is bent. Because of this, children and parents will subsequently have to face the need to straighten their teeth, remove a problematic incisor or molar, treat caries or gum diseases, which arise in this case more often than usual.

The reasons why children's teeth cut and grow incorrectly may be as follows:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • deterioration of health weakened by infection or chronic disease;
  • unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins and other useful elements in the diet;
  • disturbances in the development of baby teeth, leading to early removal, late resorption of roots and late replacement with permanent incisors or molars;
  • presence of obstacles to growth in the right direction;
  • violations of the structure of the jaw, incorrect location of tooth germs.

What to do if the baby tooth has not yet fallen out, but the molar is already growing? If you notice that your baby's teeth are growing in two rows, contact pediatric dentist. Usually the doctor advises removing the first, milky one, to ensure proper development the germ of a permanent The procedure is easy and painless, since the roots of baby teeth are less developed and do not go deep into the gums. To eliminate the sensitivity of the mucous membrane, a special gel containing an anesthetic drug is applied to it.

The formation of baby tooth buds occurs before the baby is born. Most often, crooked growth is caused by a discrepancy between the area required for their placement and the size of the jaw bone.

Also, crooked teeth can be caused by:

  1. poor nutrition of a woman during pregnancy;
  2. insufficient calcium, fluorine and other necessary elements in the child's diet;
  3. the baby's consumption of food that has a soft consistency - babies should also be allowed to chew on hard foods;
  4. mouth breathing, characteristic of some ENT diseases;
  5. a one-year-old baby sucking on a pacifier or fingers (the child should be taught to drink from a cup, eat solid food, and use a plate and spoon as early as possible);
  6. genetic predisposition.

Correcting crooked teeth

Aligning crookedly growing primary teeth reduces the risk of disturbances in the development of molar rudiments. In addition, their improper growth leads to such negative consequences like diseases gastrointestinal tract, headaches, the appearance of complexes. Crooked teeth are much easier to straighten in childhood than in adulthood. Dentists have effective methods correction of their growth using mouth guards, braces or trainers.

Installation of braces is used in adolescence and adolescence. Teenagers are able to care for the system independently and wear it for a long time after installation. For children younger age Correction of the bite is ensured by installing a mouth guard or trainer. The advantage of these devices is that they are not visible to others and can be easily removed if the need arises. The speed of teeth straightening is higher, the earlier it is started. When the teeth are in the gum, they are not yet fully formed, which makes the task of straightening much easier. At an older age, the roots are better developed, so the difficulty of straightening increases, and the process itself takes a longer period of time (at least a year).

Eights are often the reason dental problems. Let's look at why this happens. In most cases, this is due to insufficient length of the bone that forms the jaw. Wisdom teeth begin to erupt after the appearance of the second molars and other units of the dentition. If they do not have enough space, they do not grow upward, but at an angle, towards the 2nd molar, cheek or inside the oral cavity.

In this case, the figure eight itself is not visible, but the child is worried strong pain. What to do if the eighth tooth grows in the second row - treatment of such disorders is usually surgical. To diagnose the condition, an X-ray examination is prescribed. If a wisdom tooth is in the formative stage, the direction of its growth can be corrected without resorting to surgery. In cases where the 3rd molar has already grown, the only option is to remove it.

Sequence and timing of molar eruption

Around the age of five or a little later, children grow their first pair of molars. upper jaw. Then the corresponding pair of teeth in the area is replaced lower jaw. The second molars are cut in the same order. The period of appearance of eights can cover the period from 16 to 26 years. But increasingly, retention of wisdom teeth occurs - they do not appear after the second molars, but remain inside the gums. One of the explanations for this phenomenon, scientists believe, is the lack of need to eat solid food, which constituted the predominant part of the human diet in previous centuries.

Types of retention

Not only figure eights, but also fangs or incisors of the upper jaw can be hidden in the gums. In some cases, impacted teeth are completely invisible, as they are covered with soft or hard tissues jaws and are not felt by fingers when palpating. This type of retention is called complete. The tooth can be positioned vertically or horizontally relative to the jaw. If it is directed with the crown inside the oral cavity, this arrangement is called lingual-angular; if it grows in the outer direction, it is defined as buccal-angular.

The second type of retention is partial; it is manifested by the elevation of part of the crown above the surface of the gum. Impacted and semi-impacted teeth require mandatory treatment, as they are not only a cosmetic defect, but can also lead to the appearance of purulent cysts and worsen the resorption of the roots of adjacent baby teeth.

What can cause retention?

Expanded dentition often occurs because permanent teeth grow in before the temporary teeth fall out. Retention may also be associated with improper development of the jaw, insufficient area for the formation of dentition. Sometimes the reason for the appearance of the second row is the removal of a primary molar or premolar too early. This leads to displacement of the tooth germs and leads to the fact that the molar canine grows onto the tooth located nearby.

In some cases, overcompleteness of the child’s dentition occurs. This is manifested in the fact that in addition to the required 28 teeth, one or two more grow. Disease and destruction of an incisor can lead to getting stuck in the gum, features anatomical structure jaw bones, lack of constant parental control over the condition of the teeth, which have been cutting and growing since the first year of the baby’s life.

An X-ray examination of the dentition helps to identify complete retention. X-ray diagnostics allows you to find out in detail all necessary information about the impacted tooth, in particular how it is located, in which direction it grows, the condition of the surrounding tissues, the presence of granulomas or cysts.

Symptomatically, retention manifests itself as follows:

  • a defect is visible in the dentition - either the tooth is missing or is cut with a significant deviation from the place where it should appear;
  • swelling and hyperemia (redness) of the gums are noticeable, the child feels pain, and when pressing on the mucous membrane it increases;
  • fever, weakness;
  • if the tooth is semi-impacted, it top part slightly visible above the gum, palpable with fingers, the surrounding tissues are inflamed and painful.

Treatment of retention

The doctor must decide what to do with the impacted tooth and choose the optimal treatment method after examining the patient and studying the results of x-rays. If its location and direction of growth are not changed and the exit from the gums is prevented only by the increased density of the tissue, an incision is made on it with anesthesia using the local anesthesia. In the case of partial eruption of incisors or canines, a brace system is installed to correct the bite with preliminary exposure of the dental crown through surgery.

If the tooth is incorrectly positioned, coverage inflammatory process gums and signs of destruction of the dental neck appear, its removal is indicated to prevent the development of complications. Lack of treatment threatens the formation of cysts, slower resorption of the roots of adjacent baby teeth that are impacted, and a decrease in the aesthetics of the smile area. Therefore you should contact qualified help when the first symptoms of dental development disorders appear.

In the human body, the process of developing teeth begins in the third month of intrauterine development. The first baby tooth usually erupts when the baby reaches 5 or 6 one month old. By the age of three years, the child already has 20 baby teeth, which after 2 or 3 years will begin to change to molars. Sometimes, as shown in the photo below, a child grows a double molar behind the temporary ones that have not fallen out.

How are baby teeth replaced by molars?

Upon reaching one year of age, 12 molars begin to form in the child’s jaw, for which there was previously not enough space (see also:). Baby teeth differ significantly from permanent teeth in their size and structure (more details in the article:). Their roots dissolve over time, the gaps between the teeth grow, the tooth begins to loosen and falls out. The process of changing the “contents” of the oral cavity occurs in approximately the following order:

  • From 6 to 7 years of age, the lower and upper central incisors fall out.
  • From 7 to 9 years, the lateral incisors change.
  • From 9 to 10 years of age, the fangs of the lower jaw are replaced, and about a year later - on the upper jaw (we recommend reading:).
  • From 11 to 12 years old, the “fives” of the top and bottom rows change.
  • By the age of 13, all four radical “sevens” and “sixes” must emerge.
  • From the age of 16, wisdom teeth begin to grow. It should be noted that “eights” can grow even after the age of 30 or even 40.

The formation of the bite and the period of replacement of primary teeth ends at approximately 14 years of age. It is important to remember that each child is individual, and the above sequence may be violated. At any stage of teething and growth, parents should monitor the condition of the child’s oral cavity. Sometimes it happens that a molar comes out while the baby tooth has not even begun to loosen (we recommend reading:).

A permanent tooth protrudes behind a baby tooth: symptoms and diagnosis

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In the oral cavity, each incisor or molar is assigned a clear location. There are cases when a molar grows behind a milk tooth that has not yet fallen out. Dentists have two explanations for the origin of the second row of growing teeth:

  • the child’s jaw is underdeveloped and there is not enough space for teeth to grow;
  • the presence of supernumerary teeth (hyperdontia).

The appearance of supernumerary teeth in a newborn child will manifest itself as a disruption of the process breastfeeding. The child will be capricious, and injuries and cracks will form on the mother’s breast.

The situation with the development of “shark jaw” syndrome in older children is similar to the symptoms of the eruption of normal dental elements:

  • body temperature rises to 38-39 C;
  • swelling develops on the gum in the area of ​​the growing tooth, accompanied by painful sensations;
  • profuse drooling;
  • short-term loosening of stool;
  • development of rhinitis against the background of swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

The presence of a supernumerary tooth can be diagnosed independently without any problems. However, in cases of impaired eruption due to hyperdontia, it will be necessary panoramic x-ray or CT scan. These research methods help to clearly determine the location of all dental elements, both normal and supernumerary.

Causes of pathology in a child

The main reasons for the situation when a double permanent tooth grows:

  • genetic predisposition due to heredity;
  • pathology of embryonic development, expressed by impaired activity of the dental plate, as a result of which more dental buds are formed from it;
  • transferred during the period of active eruption of infection;
  • consequences of rickets.

Possible complications

Correcting the effects of hyperdontia may require a long period of time. Possible complications untimely or improper treatment are:


What should you do if a double tooth element has grown? The main methods of treating hyperdontia are:

  • removal of a tooth that has grown outside the dentition;
  • orthodontic treatment;
  • the use of medications to relieve teething symptoms.

The main means to alleviate symptoms are:

Waiting period

Sometimes, if a double permanent tooth has emerged behind or next to a baby tooth that is already loose, you should wait and not seek help from a dentist. There is no need to pull it out if there is no malocclusion or cosmetic defect. Parents should ensure constant monitoring of the situation and, perhaps, help the temporary tooth fall out as quickly as possible.

Should I delete it?

If a tooth grows in the second row in the mouth, it often needs to be removed, since its growth can cause disruption of the dentition and bite. Usually, removing supernumerary elements is not difficult, but sometimes there are exceptions.

Removal steps in simple cases:

  • X-rays are performed to determine the number and size of the roots of the second tooth;
  • after anesthesia is applied, the problematic element is removed;
  • if necessary, stitches are placed on soft fabrics gums.

Removal of impacted “shark teeth” occurs after a thorough examination according to the following scheme:

  • to accurately determine the location of impacted teeth, a computed tomography or x-ray is performed;
  • the operation is performed both using local anesthesia and general anesthesia;
  • tooth extraction is carried out after peeling off the gum mucosa and opening the bone tissue;
  • if necessary, the cavities formed in the jaw bone are closed with osteoplastic materials.

The patient spends the rehabilitation period at home, continuing treatment, which includes taking antibiotics and rinsing the mouth with antiseptics and herbal infusions. During this period, you should avoid eating too cold, hot, hard or spicy foods, and carefully brush your teeth on the operated side.

Human teeth, especially at an early age, are often subjected to various problems, deviations from normal development, diseases. Rarely, but sometimes, there is such a phenomenon as teeth that grow in 2 rows.

People call this shark jaws. Certainly, similar phenomenon can’t paint a child, much less an adult, it significantly spoils appearance, smile, makes you feel extremely uncomfortable. It is very important not to neglect the problem and consult a doctor as soon as possible to correct it.

Shark teeth occur for obvious reasons, and in the hands of a good dentist, the problem can be solved relatively easily and quickly. But don't underestimate possible dangers– if you do not start treatment on time and simply ignore the problem, this can lead to negative consequences, disruption of normal development.

As a result, a neglected problem may lead to the emergence of other troubles and dealing with all of them at once will no longer be so simple and easy. Let’s take a closer look at why a child’s second row of molars grows before the baby tooth falls out, what contributes to this, and how to correct the defect so that it does not lead to other problems and diseases.

Main reasons

The second row of teeth is a problem that in most cases concerns children aged 4-6 years. It is during this period that a gradual process begins, which occurs, as a rule, in a fairly strict sequence, well studied by dentists.

The process of gradual tooth replacement is quite individual and in some children it may take approximately until the beginning. adolescence(12-13 years old). That is, theoretically, the second row of teeth can grow even at this age.

The main reason why two rows of teeth grow is the beginning of the growth of molars, while the deciduous teeth in some positions still hold on very tightly to their place and do not want to give it up. The root plant cannot germinate normally in in the right place and because of this, he has to grow where the situation allows it. As a rule, such growth occurs in parallel or with a shift from the milk teeth, which gives rise to the effect of the second row or shark jaws.

Various factors can influence the likelihood of such defective development. These include:

  • features of genetic inheritance, when the problem was also observed in relatives;
  • rickets experienced by a child, which occurs due to a lack of vitamins and can lead to weakened development of the body;
  • consequences of infectious diseases experienced at an early age.

The child’s lifestyle can also play an important role. If at the age of 4-5 years the baby eats very little solid food, then some of his baby teeth will be quite strong, which may cause the second row of teeth to begin to grow.

These are the main causes of shark jaw development, although other, less common factors are also possible.

What could be causing the problem?

In most cases, the development of an anomaly is due to the fact that some baby teeth are still strong or grow crookedly and do not want to give way to new molars. New teeth grow crooked because of this, but the situation gradually changes over time. right side. But there are also cases in which a similar phenomenon is caused by the presence of some anomalies in the development of the oral cavity.

In general, two main predisposing factors can be identified:

  1. . This serious problem, the essence of which is that a person develops an abnormal number of teeth. There may be either less than normal (20 milk and 32 indigenous) or, as is most common, more. This deviation is genetic and is quite persistently inherited. There are many cases when a grandmother had an extra 33rd tooth, and then it went to her grandson. This anomaly occurs when various reasons, but usually it does not cause problems for its owner and he can live with it normally. Of course, if necessary supernumerary teeth can be deleted. Modern dentistry is capable of doing this.
  2. Underdevelopment of the dental system, which in medicine has a name for insufficient development of the upper jaw and lower jaw. There are quite a few reasons why such an anomaly can develop. This may include insufficient or poor nutrition women during pregnancy, metabolic disorders of the fetus, too early loss milk teeth, the same negative genetic heredity.

“Molochki” and indigenous ones are attacking each other...

These are the main developmental anomalies that most often accompany the appearance of the second row of teeth.

How to spot abnormal development in time?

In order not to miss the period of development of the shark jaw and not start the problem, you must, first of all, carefully monitor the child and his dental system during the period when the molars begin to grow. It is quite possible that the baby will complain of some pain in the mouth and discomfort when biting off solid food.

You need to take a closer look at the child’s smile - if at 4 years old the well-known large gaps do not appear between his teeth, then this may signal that a narrowing of the rows is developing. This phenomenon can directly affect the appearance of a second row or the fact that the molars grow crooked.

Corrective and preventive measures

Treatment of the anomaly can be carried out different ways depending on the level of the problem and related factors. The first step is to remove those “jelly” that interfere with the normal development of the indigenous ones. Usually this is enough for the problem to go away. Next, self-regulation occurs, thanks to the constant influence of the lips and tongue, the slightly crooked tooth accepts normal position.

If, after an examination, the dentist decides that the pathology is developing too actively and self-regulation mechanisms are not able to correct it, then more radical measures will have to be taken - usually wearing special ones, which for a long time affect the teeth of the second row and force them to return to their normal position.

There are no prevention methods that would 100% relieve a child from the likelihood of abnormal development. Here we can only recommend the following measures:

  • inclusion of solid food in the child’s diet, which will help the “milk” to fall out in a timely manner;
  • timely fight against problems that arise in the oral cavity;
  • You also need to ensure that the child learns to breathe through the nose and not the mouth.

Overall, shark jaw is a fairly rare problem, but in most cases it is relatively harmless and easy to correct.

It is enough to be attentive to your child and notice the problems that arise in time, so that quickly and without special effort fix them.