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The effect of oxytocin on the child during childbirth. Negative effects of using Oxytocin. Childbirth and oxytocin

During childbirth, a woman’s body synthesizes a huge amount of hormones, one of which is oxytocin. This female hormone, produced in the hypothalamus. It is responsible for contraction of the myometrium - the muscular layer of the uterus and starts the process of lactation. From the 30th week of pregnancy, the amount of oxytocin in the body constantly increases, the physiological peak of the hormone is reached at the time of birth, and it is believed that this fact affects the onset of the labor process.

Artificial oxytocin is introduced into a woman’s body intravenously or intramuscularly for. The need to use this drug is determined individually by your doctor.

As a rule, this happens if he assesses labor activity as unproductive. Childbirth carried out with oxytocin stimulation is easier and faster, with minimal losses for mother and child.

With the onset of the first contractions, natural oxytocin in a woman’s body begins to gradually smooth out the muscular layer of the uterus, toning it and stimulating the cervix to open.

If there is not enough oxytocin in the blood, labor becomes weak, the process of giving birth to a child is delayed or even becomes impossible. To avoid this, the doctor decides to stimulate labor with artificial oxytocin.

The action of the drug is aimed at accelerating and simultaneous relief labor activity. After the birth of a child, oxytocin helps to establish lactation and helps the uterus return to its prenatal state.

Oxytocin is administered only if the cervix is ​​able to dilate on its own. This circumstance is determined by the doctor when examining the woman in labor: the cervix should be shortened, soft and slightly dilated.

If she is not prepared for labor, then the doctor first takes measures to accelerate her maturation, and only after that carries out appropriate stimulation of labor with synthetic oxytocin.

Once in the bloodstream of a woman in labor, oxytocin increases the contractile activity of the uterus after just 5 minutes. The effect of one injection lasts for up to 3 hours. It is believed that stimulation of labor activity with oxytocin does not have a detrimental effect on the fetus, since the amount of this hormone in its blood is practically not fixed.

However, this drug should be used with caution and only within the walls medical institution. Despite the fact that oxytocin quickly leaves the body of the mother and child, artificial intervention in physiological process childbirth can be dangerous for both.

When is labor induction necessary?

Stimulation of labor activity using oxytocin is carried out in the following cases:

  • The need for urgent delivery associated with an increased risk to the health of the mother and child. In this case, the birth is planned to be carried out naturally. The causes of this condition are: aggravated pregnancy, in which a lack of oxygen in the fetus is recorded; a prolonged “dry” or anhydrous period with weak contractions against its background; Rh incompatibility between mother and fetus, which poses a threat at the moment.
  • Weak labor requiring medical intervention. In this case, oxytocin becomes in demand after a pronounced weakening or complete cessation of the contraction process. If the fetus moves too slowly through the birth canal, and the dimensions of its head and pelvis of the woman in labor correspond to normal values, while the cervix opens less than 1 cm within an hour, then the specialist makes a decision to begin additional stimulation of labor in order to speed it up.
  • Oxytocin is also actively used in early postpartum period For better reduction uterus and prevention of possible bleeding. If childbirth was carried out by birth, then oxytocin is injected directly into the muscular layer of the uterus for its reverse development.

Experts are confident that the effect of oxytocin should be exclusively therapeutic. Labor cannot be stimulated just to speed up this process without serious indications.

If a woman’s pregnancy developed normally, then she will not need stimulation during labor; accelerating this physiological process only at the request of the patient is unacceptable. Nowadays, there is a list of strict indications and contraindications for the use of oxytocin.

Consequences for mother and child

Most expectant mothers are worried about the harm of oxytocin to their body and the body of the child. Undoubtedly, everyone medicinal product has its own side effects and undesirable consequences, and oxytocin is not an exception to the rule in this case.

But two aspects must be taken into account: any unwanted effects in the case of this drug, they occur when contraindications are not followed and the dosage is incorrect. In addition, the consequences that arose after drug induction of labor are rare rather than common. Therefore, there is no need to worry in advance.

Possible consequences for the mother:

  • uterine rupture;
  • a sharp increase in intrauterine and blood pressure;
  • heavy bleeding in the postpartum period;
  • the occurrence of a hematoma in the pelvis;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • allergic rash on the skin;
  • anaphylactic shock, hypotension;
  • confusion, convulsions, coma;
  • migraine.

Possible consequences for the child:

  • low indicators for;
  • jaundice;
  • arrhythmia, bradycardia, tachycardia;
  • hemorrhage in the retinal area;
  • problems in the central nervous system, brain dysfunction;
  • hypoxia, with possible fatal outcome.

Some scientists argue that children born as a result of oxytocin-stimulated labor later have certain characteristics in their development and behavior. But this information is not considered official, since it is not registered anywhere and has no evidence base.

Doctors can observe the development of this group of children following features: increased intracranial pressure, muscular dystonia, pronounced neuropsychic agitation, minimal brain dysfunctions(may manifest themselves in speech problems, impaired memory and attention, and hyperactivity of the child).

Contraindications for use

The list of main contraindications includes the following aspects:

  • discrepancy between the fetal head and the size of the mother’s pelvis;
  • large fruit;
  • incorrect positioning of the fetus in the uterus, preventing its normal movement along the birth canal;
  • fetal hydrocephalus (abnormal brain development);
  • presentation of the umbilical cord, which is located in close proximity to the cervix;
  • prolapse of the umbilical cord, which natural childbirth may cause fetal death;
  • the risk of uterine rupture due to the presence of scar changes on its muscle layer, for example, after removal of myomatous nodes or a previous cesarean section;
  • existing obstacles in the birth canal for the passage of the child - a tumor of the cervix, cervical atresia (its persistent closure, spasm), cicatricial changes on the cervix, all this complicates the opening of the organ;
  • increased sensitivity to synthetic oxytocin;
  • immature state of the cervix.

If a woman has myomatous nodular changes in the uterus, then the problem of using oxytocin to induce labor is most acute.

If hypoxia is registered in the fetus, then oxytocin is used extremely carefully, since this drug not only increases the number of contractions, but also significantly prolongs them, and therefore the condition of the fetus may worsen. Frequent and prolonged contractions lead to less blood and oxygen supply to the placenta.

To minimize the consequences of using oxytocin, you must strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage and schedule of administration of the drug. The injection dose is selected individually depending on the indications for use of the drug.

During labor, the administration of oxytocin is gradually accelerated until stable labor activity is established. As soon as the labor process has stabilized, it is recommended to reduce the administration of the drug to the minimum dosage that will be required to maintain normal condition women in labor.

During the process of inducing labor, medical personnel continue to monitor labor and the condition of the fetus using cardiotocography, which records the frequency and strength of contractions of the uterine myometrium and the fetal heart rate.

If the fetal cardiac activity drops and stimulation of the labor process turns out to be ineffective, the doctor decides to perform an operative birth by cesarean section.

Any indications for the use of oxytocin can only be justified if the drug is prescribed by a specialist. Oxytocin as a stimulant during labor management can only be used within the walls of a medical institution.

For many years, a person came into this world without medical intervention during the birth process in order to speed it up. However, today the situation has definitely changed. The participation of medical personnel in the birth process not only reduces the risk of various tragic situations, but is also extremely important. We are talking about those cases when the natural birth process for some reason slowed down or stopped altogether, although the time for the child to give birth has already come.

In medicine recent years usually uses prostaglandins and oxytocin to speed up labor. Data hormonal drugs contribute to increased uterine contractions. This speeds up the birth process and makes it easier, but the consequences for the health of the woman in labor can be irreversible. Of course, at the moment when a mother in labor is expecting the birth of a baby, and she is told about some difficulties that have arisen, she will agree to any intervention, as long as nothing threatens the life of her child.

However, the fact is that doctors in this century often unjustifiably begin artificial stimulation - simply in order to shorten the labor process in time. What it may seem good decision at first, later it will bring a result that is not what caring and loving mothers would like. As scientists have found, an excessive dose of oxytocin received by a woman in labor during labor poses a threat to the health of the baby, and not just to herself.

The presence of such risks forces pregnant women to seek detailed information about the hormone oxytocin, its influence, the necessity of its use during the birth process. And this is correct, because having information, you can make an informed decision when a specific question arises: whether to take risks or not. For women who have already experienced the effects of oxytocin, it would also be useful to find out what the consequences may be for mother and child, so that if signs appear, they know the cause and look for the correct methods of elimination.

Oxytocin in the female body

Oxytocin is known by a more romantic name – the “love hormone”. IN large quantities it is released in those moments when a woman experiences orgasm, which indicates its reserves in the female body.

Although during normal periods, when there is no talk of the birth process, the reserves of the hormone are insignificant, nature acted very wisely. She programmed an increase in the volume of this hormone for nine months while the pregnancy lasts.

The approach of the final stage of pregnancy, when the baby must free itself from the placenta and leave the uterus, is marked by an increase in the concentration of oxytocin in hematopoietic system mother. At night, the hormone is produced more actively, which explains the onset of the labor process in most cases at this time of day. Thus, nature creates all the prerequisites for independent delivery without additional infusion of oxytocin doses, preparing the body for subsequent recovery.

The role of oxytocin in the successful course of pregnancy is enormous. He can be called a kind of conductor of the process - he is responsible for connecting all kinds of elements together and helping with the onset of each next stage. In addition to its effect on the mother’s physiology, oxytocin also affects her brain during pregnancy, establishing attachment to the baby and a special feeling that manifests itself as soon as the woman holds the baby for the first time.

The influence of oxytocin at different stages

After childbirth, the hormone continues to work for the mother, participating in the contraction of the uterus, promoting the passage of the placenta and the return of the uterus to its usual size. In addition, it prepares the woman in labor for lactation.

Breast milk will only reach its intended destination, that is, to the baby through passage through the thoracic ducts, if there is enough prolactin in the body, and this is impossible without the assistance of oxytocin. That is, the work of this hormone does not stop with the birth of a child, but is in its most active stage.

One should also take into account the fact that oxytocin works so effectively not only in the female body - while the child is still connected to the mother by the umbilical cord, he is susceptible to the influence of the artificial hormone to no less extent than the expectant mother herself. The natural hormone has an unimaginably powerful effect on the activity of the child’s systems and organs, improving the process of development, formation and functionality.

Unnatural oxytocin is administered by injection if the doctor assesses labor as incredibly weak. At the same time, very often mothers themselves admit that the injection was not a mandatory need, since they were in a hurry to administer it at the very beginning of contractions, solely to reduce the time frame of the process, and not because of its absence. Feasibility of application synthetic hormone in such cases it is completely absent.

Scientists' conclusions about artificial oxytocin

Scientists around the world are conducting tests and experiments, monitoring women exposed to the hormone and their children. As a result, disappointing conclusions were drawn:

Non-natural oxytocin is not able to fully replace the natural hormone - that is, have a positive effect on the body at the level of its natural analogue.

Unnatural oxytocin has Negative influence on the birth process, which turns from natural into pathology, which leads to irreversible consequences.

All of the above does not mean that oxytocin should never be used under any circumstances. There are cases when you cannot do without the help of an additional dose of the hormone. However, they are extremely rare. At the same time, statistics from the World Health Organization state that oxytocin was used in approximately every 10th case. If we look at the WHO data in more detail for each country, it turns out that in a number of countries its use is even higher.

For example, according to Russian Ministry of Health, oxytocin was used to stimulate labor 2-3 times more often than WHO data indicate. And in some countries this figure, on the contrary, is several times lower. Why is it that in one country almost every second woman in labor is induced, and in another one in twenty to thirty? Is it really all about some special physiology of women? As it turned out, not at all.

Reasons for oxytocin stimulation

The reasons for such “universal” stimulation lie on the surface. Most women who receive an oxytocin infusion share incredible scary stories that oxytocin was administered simply because the doctor was in a hurry or even did not want to pay attention to the woman in labor during the long period of labor. As you know, the first birth usually takes longer than the subsequent ones - preparatory stage lasts too long, on average 10-12 hours.

At such moments, the expectant mother needs special attention and care, and doctors often do not want to spend so much time and are not prepared for the manifestation of individual approach, do not want to wait and be in tension. During the natural course of labor, the obstetrician should follow the entire phasing of labor events and be ready to provide assistance at any time. If you use a stimulator, you can reduce the process to a couple of hours, and in some cases achieve fetal resolution even faster.

Before proceeding with the administration of artificial oxytocin, doctors must try to induce an increase in its production by the body, that is, use natural methods activation of natural hormone surges. To such simple methods can be attributed:

  • nipple irritation;
  • walking in place or indoors;
  • squats;
  • wiping with cool water, etc.

Usually this is enough. Activation artificial method will be required if:

Scientists against artificial oxytocin

It is not for nothing that modern doctors, concerned about the well-being of their patients, demonstrate outright hostility towards supporters of artificial activation and specifically towards the synthetic hormone. They are based not on personal likes and preferences, but on well-founded and scientifically proven arguments that explain the negative role of the stimulant on the body of newborns. Unfortunately, the work scientists have done to evaluate the effects of oxytocin on children has led to some troubling conclusions.

Scientists were able to obtain confirmation that injections of oxytocin into the body during the birth process have no effect on positive influence to dilate the cervix. Also, it does not carry positive influence on the birth process itself. But there is significant harm from this manipulation. Activation of uterine contractions is actually nothing more than a spasm of the uterine vessels. But since these spasms occur unexpectedly and with impressive force, they provoke contractions of the uterus.

It is impossible to predict how sensitive and strong the contractions will be in each specific case, since each woman reacts to synthetic drug differently. So, determining a harmless dose for a particular case is a game of “lucky or unlucky” chance. Thus, childbirth with oxytocin every time turns into a risk zone, turns into an unpredictable one, when at any moment a serious danger can arise for the woman in labor and the child.

Dangerous consequences of using the hormone

The postpartum woman must give consent to the unreasonable use of oxytocin, understanding that at any moment she may end up on the surgical table due to the need for urgent intervention in the form of surgery “ C-section" In cases where this danger can be avoided, the woman may face another - the development of bleeding after the successful birth of the child. The use of a synthetic hormone very often provokes heavy bleeding, the consequences of which can be fatal.

So, what you need to remember about injections of artificial oxytocin during childbirth:

  • The main effect of the hormone is to provoke uterine spasms, and not to stimulate muscle function, as natural oxytocin does.
  • Spasms not only contract the uterus, simulating something like contractions, but also cut off access to blood and oxygen to the placenta and baby.
  • The administration of oxytocin speeds up the natural processes during childbirth, but makes the woman’s postpartum rehabilitation more protracted.

A number of pathologies and risks are created for a child as a result of the use of oxytocin stimulation:

  • Acute hypoxia
  • Microtrauma of the brain
  • Slow functionality of the central nervous system
  • Difficulty taking your first breath
  • High risk of postpartum injuries, etc.

Diseases accompanying “oxytocin children”

The birth of a baby is a very joyful event. However, such seemingly “little things” at first glance, such as stimulation of the birth process, can bring far-reaching consequences. That is, if you managed to avoid a caesarean section and bleeding, if the baby appears to be healthy, has taken a breath, and is screaming loudly, women may mistakenly believe that everything ended well. Experts refute such confidence and name a number of childhood diseases that can manifest themselves both in the first days and much later:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Autism
  • Psychical deviations
  • Epileptic
  • Hyperkinesis
  • Pathological jaundice (in newborns)

Neonatologists often use the expression “oxytocin babies.” Such babies are easy to identify by their distinct characteristics:

  • Due to the difficult birth process, which makes it difficult for them to breathe as they move through the birth canal, babies may require respiratory stimulation.
  • Such children often fail in development and sleep poorly.
  • The nervous system of children with oxytocin is very sensitive - they easily lose their temper.
  • Often observed muscle cramps and hydrocephalus.
  • The children are clubbed and walk on their toes.
  • Attention deficit syndrome has developed.
  • There is increased hyperactivity.
  • Deviations in the physics and psyche of the child are possible.

Thus, scientists have confirmed that natural oxytocin and artificial oxytocin do not replace each other. Unnatural creates only the appearance of effectiveness, since it cannot cope with the functions natural hormone. To top it off, it also has an extremely negative effect on vital activity. important organs and systems of mother and baby, can disrupt the psycho-emotional connection between two close people. All this should make a woman think carefully before agreeing to an injection of the drug.

Once again: The use of the drug is justified only in cases where we're talking about about saving a life or eliminating real threat health of the woman in labor or baby.

Oxytocin and contraindications

There are a number of cases when the use of artificial oxytocin is categorically unacceptable, and the expectant mother in labor should also be aware of them. This:

  • The inability to give birth naturally due to the large size of the fetus and its incorrect location.
  • Hydrocephalus is recorded or placenta previa is observed.
  • There are growths on the cervix of a woman in labor or they are no longer there, but there are places where they have become fused.
  • Traces remained on the uterus surgical intervention, for example, scars.
  • There is a high probability of uterine rupture due to intense contractions.
  • Allergy to unnatural oxytocin.
  • The amniotic fluid has not yet been released, and the cervix is ​​not prepared for the final stage of the birth process.

In exceptional cases, if the cervix does not yet show readiness to open, while the baby is already ready to be born, measures are taken to soften the cervix and shorten it, and only then encourage contraction by causing spasms of the uterine muscle.

The effect of oxytocin in such cases manifests itself within a few minutes. In some cases, doctors decide to use oxytocin with caution, taking into account all the consequences of the risk. This:

  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Presence of fibroids on the uterus
  • Manifestation of signs of developing hypoxia in a baby

Final stage of labor: with or without oxytocin

Oxytocin is not the only thing that can harm the baby and its mother. A woman in labor and her baby will automatically be at risk if other unnatural means of stimulating the birth process are used in order to accelerate the dilation of the cervix. Therefore, in all cases where it is possible to avoid outside interference, you should trust nature and yourself, which does not mean a mandatory relinquishment of control experienced doctor– assessment of the situation by a professional is very important for the successful development of events.

If it is still not possible to avoid oxytocin accompaniment due to completely objective reasons, then its use should be accompanied by Doppler and cardiotocographic monitoring of the slightest changes in the condition of the fetus. The dosage of the drug should be calculated extremely carefully and carefully. Women do not need to panic at these moments, but need to focus on helping the baby to be born.

Remember: proper preparation and the appropriate attitude in most cases is quite sufficient for the successful completion of the birth process.

In order for the process of delivery to take place with the least loss for the mother and child, a decision is often made to stimulate it. With her everything happens much faster and easier. However, the debate continues that this entails a lot of negative consequences for the health of the woman and her baby. A particularly strong prejudice is caused by oxytocin during childbirth - a drug that is most often prescribed to speed up labor if it is delayed.

Is its use justified? How dangerous is its introduction into the body of a woman in labor, both for herself and for the newborn? A young mother has the right to know the answers to these exciting and important questions.

Oxytocin is a hormone that is produced by the body in the hypothalamus, transported to the pituitary gland (its posterior lobe), where it is actively accumulated (deposited) and then released into the blood.

Its concentration in the blood changes slightly during menstruation and pregnancy. Whereas by the end of the 9th month its level increases significantly and becomes maximum at night. This is directly related to the fact that it is at this time of day that most babies are born.

On initial stage During childbirth, this hormone in the female body smoothes the muscles of the uterus, toning it, causing the cervix to open. After the birth of a child, it increases the secretion of prolactin, which is responsible for successful lactation.

Accordingly, if doctors diagnose weak labor due to a lack of this substance, labor is stimulated with oxytocin, which speeds up delivery, facilitating this process for all its participants. After everything is over, they can put it back to normalize breastfeeding and faster uterine contractions.

Through the pages of history. In 1953, chemist Vincent Du Vigneault (USA) spoke about the structure of oxytocin, and in next year carried out its synthesis, i.e. was able to obtain it under artificial conditions, outside of a living organism. In 1955, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this.


In order not to be afraid of such stimulation, it is better to find out in advance what specific effect oxytocin has on the female body and the fetus during childbirth and after it.

Stimulating function (for uterine contraction)

It is entirely justified to administer oxytocin during childbirth if there is too little of this hormone in the female body for normal delivery. It has a stimulating effect on the uterus:

  • tones its smooth muscles;
  • increases myometrial tone;
  • increases the frequency and amplitude of its contractions (if administered in small doses);
  • enhances tone (if administered in high concentration);
  • is administered to contract the uterus immediately before childbirth, as well as during the second and third periods of contractions.

Oxytocin administered before childbirth increases a woman’s strength, expands the entrance to the uterus, and promotes more quick birth baby, preventing .

Conductive function (for lactation)

Many women are perplexed why they inject oxytocin after childbirth, knowing only about the stimulating function of this hormone. In fact, it is he:

  • promotes contraction of the mammary glands, due to which milk produced under the influence of prolactin is actively released from the breast;
  • entering the breast, it helps milk pass freely through the ducts and be released painlessly from the nipples;
  • After the baby absorbs milk, oxytocin ends up in his hypothalamus, which contributes to the normal development of the baby’s central nervous system.

It must be borne in mind that the release of oxytocin during lactation contributes to moderate, but often very painful contractions of the uterus in the first weeks after childbirth. This is necessary as it helps the blood to clot at the placenta attachment site. It is for this reason that oxytocin is often used to stop such dangerous uterine bleeding.

Psychotropic function

Oxytocin calms and puts you in a positive mood, which is very important for a woman during childbirth and for further lactation. After all, it is stress that most often interferes with normal breastfeeding.

So the versatility of this hormone allows it to be used during and after the birth of a child: oxytocin induces labor and activates the production of breast milk. At first glance, it seems that it has only advantages and disadvantages, it is so useful. But why are they increasingly talking about negative consequences that occur after using it for stimulation? One of the reasons is a violation of medical indications.

This is interesting! Oxytocin, according to research, causes feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, calmness, and reduces anxiety. It is believed that this drug affects the areas of the brain responsible for fear.


You need to understand that the use of oxytocin during and after childbirth is determined by specific medical indications, the violation of which leads to sad consequences. The hormone is administered in the following cases.

During childbirth

  • , premature rupture of amniotic fluid and other pathologies that create a risk and threat to the life and health of the mother or fetus;
  • pronounced Rh factor;
  • weakening or complete cessation of uterine contractions, i.e. absence of contractions (the child remains motionless in the pelvic cavity for an unreasonably long time).

After childbirth

  • Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage;
  • insufficient .

Timely and correct administration of oxytocin in accordance with these medical indications can avoid many complications. For example, long stay fetus in pelvic cavity can lead to severe compression of soft tissues with the subsequent occurrence of fistulas (genitourinary or intestinal-genital) in the mother, as well as pressure on the child’s head, which provokes a violation cerebral circulation and cerebral hemorrhage. However, like any medical product, there are also contraindications for the administration of the hormone.

Oh yes oxytocin! According to scientists, this hormone restores youth to muscles by accelerating the growth of stem cells. So its systematic administration is safe and new way fight against aging.


Before inducing labor with oxytocin, the doctor must conduct an examination to identify contraindications for such medical manipulations.

Absolute contraindications

  • Discrepancy between the sizes of the fetal head and pelvis;
  • malposition;
  • impossibility of natural delivery (with a large fetus, hydrocephalus, frontal presentation, transverse position, presentation or prolapse of the umbilical cord, placenta previa);
  • threatening uterine rupture;
  • scars on the uterus after myomectomy and other surgical interventions;
  • cervical tumor, atresia (fusion of the cervix), cicatricial changes in this area that do not allow it to open completely;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • hyperstimulation of the uterus by oxytocin during previous labor;
  • immature cervix.

Relative contraindications

  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • uterine fibroids;

At relative contraindications the issue of stimulating labor with oxytocin is decided with extreme caution, since in some cases this can lead to those very dangerous consequences that are so often talked about and which mothers in labor are so afraid of. An overdose of the drug can also lead to side effects. Therefore, it is also better to find out about the hormone administration schedule in advance.

Interesting fact. Injections of oxytocin into large doses can reduce sensitivity to alcohol.

Progress of the procedure

Oxytocin is administered during and after childbirth in different ways: intravenously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, into the wall or cervix.

To stimulate labor, the application regimen is as follows:

  • intravenous drip infusion (i.e., a regular dropper is placed);
  • constant monitoring of uterine contractions in the woman in labor and cardiac activity in the fetus;
  • standard dosage of oxytocin: per 500 ml of solvent (sodium chloride or glucose) - 1 ml (5 IU) of the hormone;
  • speed - up to 8 drops per minute, increasing by 5 drops every 40 minutes until the desired degree of uterine contraction is achieved, then the rate decreases in the reverse order.

To stop uterine bleeding, an oxytocin injection is given after childbirth or an IV is placed.

  1. Intravenous drip administration: per 1,000 ml of solvent - up to 40 IU of the hormone.
  2. Intramuscular administration: 1 ml (5 IU) after separation of the placenta.

To prevent uterine bleeding after childbirth:

  • intramuscular injection of 5 IU of oxytocin up to 3 times a day for several (usually 2-3) days.

For caesarean section:

  • injection of 5 IU of oxytocin into the uterine muscle.

Many women who are about to undergo this type of stimulation are interested in how quickly oxytocin acts, that is, how long after its administration the uterus will begin to contract. The action manifests itself literally within a few (3-5) minutes, lasting about 3 hours.

About production. If previously they used oxytocin, which was obtained from animals, now only a hormone of synthetic origin is used.


Many women in labor worry whether oxytocin during childbirth is harmful, both for herself and for the baby. Indeed, negative and even dangerous consequences, unwanted side effects are noted. But here you need to keep in mind two very important points. Firstly, this only happens when contraindications and dosage errors are not observed. Secondly, the consequences of this kind of stimulation are rare. So there is definitely no need for panic here.

For mother

Possible consequences of stimulating labor with oxytocin for the health and life of a woman in labor if it is used incorrectly:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • uterine rupture;
  • heavy bleeding after childbirth;
  • hematoma in the pelvic area;
  • arrhythmia, reflex tachycardia, bradycardia;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • severe overhydration with coma and convulsions;
  • skin rashes;
  • anaphylactic reactions: hypotension, shock, anaphylaxis;
  • headache.

For a child

Possible consequences for the child of the administration of oxytocin during childbirth:

  • Not a large number of points according to the Apgar scale (pulse, respiration, muscle tone, reflexes and skin color);
  • jaundice;
  • hemorrhage in the retina of the eye;
  • sinus bradycardia, tachycardia, arrhythmias;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system and brain;
  • asphyxia with subsequent death.

According to some researchers, children who were born as a result of stimulation by oxytocin exhibit some developmental and behavioral characteristics throughout their lives. And although these data have not been officially confirmed, they are the ones that set young mothers against the introduction of this hormone during childbirth. Among the undesirable consequences in children, doctors note:

  • increased neuro-reflex excitability;
  • muscle hypertension;
  • muscular dystonia;
  • intracranial hypertension;
  • minimal brain dysfunction (, attention deficit).

But again, all this manifests itself only as a result of improper use of oxytocin during childbirth.

Keep in mind. Oxytocin causes drowsiness, which can negatively affect labor.

Knowing as much truthful information as possible about this drug, the woman will not be frightened by inducing labor with oxytocin, she will be able to respond to such a decision adequately and calmly. It is best to discuss this issue with your doctor in advance: whether you are at risk of weak labor or whether you can cope on your own.

You need to understand that the dangerous consequences of introducing this hormone occur only in certain cases: if contraindications have not been observed or the dosage regimen has been violated. The modern level of medicine and the professionalism of doctors makes it possible to prevent sad developments. So all fears and doubts are in vain in most cases.

Some are looking forward to the birth of a baby, while others are afraid of childbirth, and many are afraid not of the birth process itself, but are worried about the medical interventions of doctors in the maternity hospital, one of which is the use of oxytocin.

Such fears most often appear after stories from friends or relatives about how labor was induced and what severe side effects they had. Many women, in principle, would like to do without any medications during childbirth, especially without the so-called stimulation of labor with oxytocin. Because they believe that childbirth is natural process, and unnecessary medical intervention only harms them. But we suggest looking at the use of oxytocin in childbirth with medical point vision. First, let's figure out what oxytocin is.

What is oxytocin?

The drug oxytocin, which is used during childbirth, is a synthetic analogue of the hormone oxytocin, produced in the pituitary gland and responsible for the contractility of the uterus (the name of the hormone comes from the Greek oxys - fast, tokos - childbirth). It turns out that oxytocin is the first hormone in the world that could be artificially synthesized in the laboratory. This was achieved by an American biochemist named Vincent du Vigneault in 1953. For this discovery, the scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize. It is thanks to him that only synthetic oxytocin is currently used, which has fewer side effects than that obtained from animals.

Oxytocin is a hormone with a complex protein structure that is produced in the brain and acts mainly on the uterus, contracting it. This occurs due to the fact that a large number of oxytocin receptors are located in the uterus. During pregnancy, the number of receptors increases and their sensitivity to oxytocin increases. In other organs and tissues female body There are few receptors for oxytocin, therefore, this drug acts selectively, which helps to avoid many side effects.

Oxytocin during childbirth: only when indicated

It is important to understand that the doctor must have good reasons for using oxytocin in childbirth. So, indications for the use of this drug may be as follows:

  • Long water-free period (more than 12 hours). If the period after the rupture of amniotic fluid is too long, the baby may become infected, since after the rupture of the membranes and the release of water, he is left without protection.
  • Primary and secondary weakness of labor. Weakness of labor is a condition in which the strength, duration and frequency of contractions are insufficient to dilate the cervix and move the fetus through the birth canal. Primary weakness of labor is weakness that occurs with the first contractions, and secondary weakness occurs some time after the onset of good, effective contractions. This diagnosis is made when the dilation of the cervix is ​​slow (less than 1–1.5 cm per hour) and if the baby does not move through the birth canal. If labor is weak, the baby again suffers, wasting his strength during ineffective contractions. And if normal productive contractions do begin, then the woman and baby have practically no strength left to give birth and be born. This leads to hypoxia and birth trauma for the child and mother due to prolonged compression, slow movement of the baby through the birth canal, which requires the application of forceps, pressure on the abdomen or the use of a vacuum extractor. To avoid such adverse consequences, oxytocin is used during childbirth, which normalizes labor.
  • Prevention of uterine bleeding after childbirth, including during caesarean section. If you do nothing when it starts uterine bleeding, then the outcome here is possible very unfavorable. This is due to the fact that the uterus is fed by large vessels, due to which blood loss occurs very quickly. Oxytocin is especially often administered after complicated childbirth - the birth of a large child, discoordinated labor, and fibroids.
  • Insufficient contraction of the uterus after childbirth. If after childbirth the uterus contracts poorly, this can also cause severe bleeding or the occurrence/exacerbation of inflammatory diseases in the uterus (endometritis, etc.), which in turn will require hospitalization or serious antibacterial treatment after childbirth.
  • Rhesus conflict in a pregnant woman, but if the baby is feeling normal. Waiting strategy for Rhesus conflict is dangerous and can lead to sharp deterioration condition of the fetus, and then doctors will be forced to perform a caesarean section. When the number of Rh antibodies is higher than normal and increases, induction of labor is recommended. In this case, there is a high probability of developing a complication such as hemolytic disease newborn, which can lead to damage to the nervous system, liver and other organs of the baby. Childbirth through the birth canal is possible with feeling good child and gestational age over 36 weeks; in other cases, cesarean section is more often used.

All these conditions are triggered by pregnancy, and in order to cope with and avoid them severe complications, the woman needs to give birth as quickly as possible, so doctors decide to stimulate the labor process.

The necessary conditions

To carry out drug stimulation of labor, not only indications are required, but also conditions, in the absence of which labor stimulation is contraindicated. Necessary conditions are:

  • Satisfactory condition of the fetus. To determine the intrauterine state of the fetus, a cardiotocogram (CTG) is required before prescribing labor stimulation. If signs of intrauterine suffering of the baby appear, labor stimulation is contraindicated, since the use of substances that enhance labor can lead to vasospasm, disruption of uteroplacental circulation and development oxygen starvation fetus
  • Correspondence between the sizes of the fetal head and the mother's pelvis. To make sure that the fetal head can pass through the mother’s pelvis, pay attention to its size, the expected size of the child, the features of insertion of its head into the pelvis and some other indicators. That is, when deciding on the advisability of inducing labor, the doctor must be sure that the phenomena are clinically narrow pelvis(this is the name for the condition when the size of the fetal head does not correspond to the size of the mother’s pelvis) will not arise, since in this situation stimulation during labor is contraindicated.
  • Absence of amniotic sac, since stimulation with a whole amniotic sac is contraindicated (firstly, there will not be a sufficient effect, and secondly, it may occur premature detachment placenta due to increased intrauterine pressure).

An important point is that sensitivity to oxytocin varies from woman to woman. Therefore, individual selection of the dose of the administered drug is necessary. The oxytocin solution is started to be injected into the vein very slowly, gradually increasing the rate of administration of the drug until the rate of normal labor is achieved. It is believed that a sufficient effect of labor stimulation has been achieved when the speed of cervical dilatation corresponds to the physiological course of labor (approximately 1–1.5 cm per hour), and the frequency and strength of contractions do not differ from the norm.

When oxytocin is administered in a continuous mode, CTG is performed to carefully monitor the intrauterine state of the fetus, because it should not suffer from a lack of oxygen.

Possible complications when using oxytocin during childbirth

When using oxytocin during childbirth, the following complications are possible:

  • uterine hyperstimulation– development of very frequent, strong contractions of the uterine muscles. This is one of the most frequent complications. The cause of hyperstimulation may be not only incorrect dosage of oxytocin, but also increased individual sensitivity to it. In extremely rare cases, with the development of violent contractile activity of the uterus, premature placental abruption may occur, which requires emergency surgical delivery. Hyperstimulation of the uterus is dangerous for the development of rapid labor, which may be accompanied by rupture of the birth canal, postpartum bleeding, disturbances in the processes of separation of the placenta after the birth of a child, the development of oxygen starvation of the baby, injuries to the fetus;
  • fetal hypoxia and, as a consequence, a low Apgar score in the first five minutes of the baby’s life is a consequence of impaired placental blood flow due to hyperstimulation of the uterus. If symptoms of uterine hyperstimulation and/or symptoms of intrauterine fetal suffering appear, the rate of drug administration is reduced or stopped, drugs are administered to improve placental circulation, antispasmodics, and the condition of the fetus is carefully monitored;
  • when using any medications, it is possible allergic reactions , as well as side effects when using oxytocin. The most common side effects are nausea and vomiting;
  • with prolonged and/or excessive use of oxytocin it is possible fluid retention in the body– water intoxication, manifested by edema. This happens because oxytocin chemical structure similar to the hormone vasopressin, which has the ability to retain water in the body. It is worth noting that this complication occurs quite rarely.

Many women ask the doctor after giving birth whether it was possible to do without oxytocin stimulation. And here there is only one answer: if labor was stimulated by oxytocin, then there was a need for this, and in this case, the positive effects of using this drug prevail over the negative ones.

Often mothers worry that the use of oxytocin during childbirth will have a bad effect on lactation. But there is no need to worry: the use of this drug does not interfere with, and even helps to establish lactation due to its additional positive effects– increasing the production of prolactin, a hormone that promotes milk production and normalization of the excretory ducts of the mammary glands.

It is worth considering that oxytocin is correct dosage does not lead to complications. When used adequately, it causes uterine contractions similar to normal birth. If side effects or symptoms of overdose begin to appear, then canceling or reducing the flow of oxytocin into the blood can quickly eliminate them.

Before and now

In the recent past, the appointment of labor stimulation meant that the expectant mother would lie in bed for a long time with her arm outstretched so that the needle did not come out of the vein. Currently, all women in labor are equipped with intravenous catheters, which allow free movement of the arm, provide reliable contact with the vein, allow active behavior and movement around the ward without causing significant discomfort (the stand with the IV can be rolled around the ward if necessary). Also in modern obstetrics, special devices are used for labor stimulation - infusion pumps, which allow you to program the rate of administration of medications. The doctor sets a certain rate of administration of oxytocin, and the drug enters the blood in a clearly defined mode, which allows you to get as close as possible to the physiological course of labor.

Hello, dear readers! The time of waiting for the baby is filled with a wide variety of feelings: from impatience and delight, to excitement and even outright fear. It especially frightens and makes the expectant mother worry. imminent attack childbirth At this moment we worry that everything will go as well as possible and without any risk. But, unfortunately, things don’t always go smoothly. Doctors often encounter weak labor, which is easily corrected today by medicinal method. In today's article we will talk to you about oxytocin during childbirth, let’s understand why a woman’s body needs this hormone so much, and whether its artificial stimulation is dangerous for the child.

Today, induction of labor with the help of oxytocin is often resorted to. Often it is performed even on women who do not experience weakness in labor, in order to speed up and facilitate the process of childbirth. But women in labor experience next question: Is such stimulation dangerous, and is it worth taking risks when there is no special indication for it? I will answer these and many other questions in our article today.

What is oxytocin?

Whatis this what it is?

Oxytocin is a hormone that is synthesized by the hypothalamus. We are accustomed to thinking that oxytocin is necessary during labor only to enhance uterine contractions and stimulate the process of breastfeeding. But about a few very important functions often simply forgotten - strengthening the emotional connection between mother and baby, and natural pain relief from the birth process. Under the influence of oxytocin, a woman is in a euphoric state.

Oxytocin acts like a narcotic substance, the woman notes clouding of consciousness, a persistent feeling of joy and happiness. Thanks to increased content This hormone during childbirth and the postpartum period creates a strong emotional connection between mommy and her tiny miracle.

Oxytocin is by no means harmless for a tiny organism, therefore such artificial stimulation of labor is resorted to when a woman’s body really needs help.

For whatIs this hormone injected into a woman?

Situations when a woman needs additional oxytocin:

  • when labor was normal, but then abruptly stopped;
  • before regular labor began;
  • for severe cases;
  • weak or completely absent from the background;
  • difficult pregnancy;
  • with Rh conflict between mother and fetus;
  • at heavy bleeding after childbirth;
  • with weak contraction of the uterus in the postpartum period (large fetus, polyhydramnios, multiple births).

It is possible to stimulate labor in this way only in the 2nd and 3rd stages of labor, when the cervical dilation is more than 4 cm and the amniotic fluid is already completely absent. Therefore if amniotic sac is still intact, before stimulation an amniotomy is performed - puncture of the amniotic sac.

It is believed that from approximately 32 weeks of pregnancy, the level of this hormone in a woman’s blood steadily increases, and by the end of the pregnancy reaches its peak. It is this fact that determines the onset of labor. Most doctors are inclined towards this theory.


Even despite the many positive aspects of stimulating labor with oxytocin, there is a list of situations that prohibit this procedure:

  • there are scars on the uterus (after cesarean section or surgical interventions);
  • pelvic;
  • the presence of pathologies of the cervix and the uterus itself (tumors, fibroids);
  • during multiple pregnancy;
  • the cervix is ​​immature, with insufficient dilatation;
  • if the mother is expecting a large baby;
  • with a narrow pelvis.

In some cases, it also happens that a woman has a high risk of uterine rupture. This situation also prohibits the stimulation of labor with oxytocin.

Subtleties of inducing labor with oxytocin

As in any other matter, there are certain rules for this procedure.

How is oxytocin administered?

There are 2 acceptable methods of stimulation: intravenous and intramuscular (injection in the leg). Your doctor will decide which one to use individually, but most often they give preference intravenous administration oxytocin.

Functions of oxytocin:

  1. Stimulation of uterine contractions.
  2. Establishing the lactation process.
  3. Increased feelings of affection.
  4. Analgesic effect during childbirth.

Now let's look at the pros and cons of using synthetic oxytocin during childbirth.

What consequences does oxytocin have for the expectant mother and her baby?

Every expectant mother worries about the health of her little miracle. And when labor is stimulated with drugs, the woman is very worried that they can have a very bad effect on the baby’s tiny and delicate body.

Is oxytocin stimulation dangerous, and what consequences does it have?

A question that worries many pregnant women. Like any drug, it has its side effects, but with proper use, the likelihood of a bad effect is practically reduced to zero.

ConsequencesFor expectant mother:

  • uterine rupture;
  • strong pressure surge;
  • heavy bleeding in the postpartum period;
  • allergic reaction;
  • severe headaches, migraines;
  • general malaise;
  • convulsions.

In particularly difficult situations, a woman may fall into a coma, but this is only in case of gross mistakes made medical personnel and in the presence of a burdened medical history.

Consequencesfor a child:

  • hemorrhage in the corner of the eyes;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • may develop

In difficult situations, problems in the functioning of the brain are possible.

These consequences develop quite rarely in the presence of other negative factors. If you do the stimulation competently and wisely, then the birth will be wonderful. I can say with confidence that if you have competent and experienced staff, you don’t have to worry about possible consequences. My second labor was induced with oxytocin. I did not see any negative effects on my body or the child’s body.

As I said above, such serious problems develop when stimulation is carried out without obvious indications, with a number of gross mistakes being made.

No one will administer the drug to you without obvious reasons. Only in situations where the doctor understands that the woman will not have enough of her hormone, such a decision is made.

What are the advantages of the drug?

Agree, there are a lot of disadvantages, but there are also positive sides its use.

Benefits of Oxytocin:

  • begins to act within 5 minutes after administration;
  • causes regular good contractions sufficient to move the child along the birth canal;
  • helps to establish lactation after childbirth;
  • prevention of bleeding after childbirth;
  • improves the baby’s condition if his health suddenly worsens.

After how longDo contractions begin after the drug is administered?

In this situation, everything happens individually. In some women, strong contractions begin almost immediately after insertion, while in others they do not begin at all.

To stimulate labor, a small dosage of the drug is administered, while to start this process from scratch, its amount increases significantly. If the doctor sees that even the introduction of a hormone will not help facilitate the birth process, then a decision is made to emergency surgery C-section.


Oxytocin is a rather serious drug that cannot be used without obvious reasons. But when its use is justified, it turns out to be a very effective assistant in speeding up and facilitating childbirth.
The main thing is not to worry! Feelings of fear and excitement inhibit the birth process on a subconscious level. You need to calm down, because your baby is suffering no less, and his life depends to a greater extent on you.

After giving birth you will remember all this, how nightmare, but he will already be behind. And you will get unforgettable moments spent with your baby. I hope that you understand why a woman is given oxytocin during childbirth.

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I would like to wish you a successful and easy birth! Bye!