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Natural methods of contraception. There are three types of changes in the nature of bleeding. Spermicides are available in various forms, namely

Natural contraception is calendar method, coitus interruptus, temperature method, cervical method , cervical method . Natural contraception is suitable for girls who cannot use other methods of prevention. unplanned pregnancy for any reason, for example, because of one’s own life beliefs.

Natural contraception is a method of preventing pregnancy that is based on phase control menstrual cycle girls. The use of such methods of contraception requires the girl to have self-discipline and complete logging of records, which are necessary in order to accurately calculate “dangerous” and “safe” days. You need to measure your basal temperature daily, monitor the quality of the mucus secreted by the uterine cervix, and control other aspects.

What do doctors say about natural contraception? Doctors say that it is optimal for girls whose menstrual cycle is regular and stable. Otherwise, it will be difficult to determine the days of increased fertility (the ability to conceive a child) and infertility (low chance of conception). In addition, natural contraception is suitable for girls who cannot use other methods to prevent unplanned pregnancy for any reason, for example, because of their own life beliefs.

Types of natural contraception

1. Calendar method. Optimal for girls whose menstrual cycle is regular. The method involves determining the day of ovulation (the release of an egg that is capable of fertilization from the ovary). Ovulation begins in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Having determined the day when ovulation begins, the girl will know when the “dangerous” period begins, during which there is a high chance of conceiving a child (about two to four days before and after ovulation).
It must be taken into account that the sperm remains capable of conception for a long period (two to three days). In view of this, from the tenth to the seventeenth day of the menstrual cycle, partners must practice sexual abstinence or use other methods of contraception.
2. Interrupted sexual intercourse. This method is the simplest and most natural, but not very effective. The method is that the penis is removed from the vagina before ejaculation occurs. Doctors believe that this method cannot be considered natural contraception.

The disadvantage of this method is that the quality of sexual intercourse decreases.

A man needs to constantly monitor the moment of ejaculation. It is also worth considering that at the moment of friction, a little seminal fluid is already released from the penis, which can lead to conception. In addition, the need to interrupt sexual intercourse can provoke the occurrence of various sexual disorders (inability to achieve orgasm, early ejaculation).

3. Temperature method. The method is to create a graph basal temperature. The measurement is carried out by inserting a thermometer into the anus for five minutes. The measurement results are recorded.
In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, a girl’s body temperature is usually lowered. During ovulation, the temperature increases slightly and remains high throughout the second phase. Consequently, based on changes in the basal temperature chart, a girl can accurately determine when she ovulated and not have sexual intercourse during the ovulation period.
4. Cervical method. This method can be used in conjunction with the methods listed above. When using this method of vaginal discharge, women are checked over the course of one day. After menstruation ends, there is almost no mucus (the so-called “dry” period; there are no restrictions on sexual activity). When the egg begins to mature, the mucus becomes more viscous and its volume increases. This is considered the first signal of the approach of a “dangerous” period. Most mucus occurs during ovulation. Outwardly, it resembles a raw egg white, stretches between the fingers. Of course, sexual activity on such days should be limited.
5. Lactational amenorrhea. This method applies a period of no ovulation for six months after the birth of the child (subject to breastfeeding). This method is very effective (ninety-eight percent effective).

Conditions for natural contraception

For the method to be effective, the following conditions must be met:
. the girl breastfeeds the child only, without supplementary feeding;
. baby takes the breast every three hours daytime and once at night. The period between feedings should not be more than six hours. The higher the frequency of feedings, the greater the effectiveness of the method;
. menstrual flow did not have;
. no more than six months have passed since the birth of the child.
The advantages of this method include the fact that breastfeeding is encouraged. The downside is that the effectiveness of the method decreases sharply if supplementary feeding is introduced or the time intervals between feedings increase.

You can find out which natural contraception is best from your gynecologist.

Natural contraception has many advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are:
. it is possible not only to avoid conception, but also to plan it by having sexual intercourse during a girl’s increased fertility;
. No side effects;
. no need to spend money;
. can be used by almost any married couple.
The disadvantages of natural contraception are:
. the average efficiency is approximately fifty percent. This is due to incorrect calculation of “dangerous” and “safe” periods;
. It is necessary to scrupulously and carefully keep records every day;
. it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity during the girl’s fertile period. When having sex, you need to interrupt the process or use auxiliary contraceptives;
. does not protect against venereal diseases;
. Some couples experience anxiety and uncertainty when using natural contraception. This may affect the quality of sexual life.
Which natural contraception is safer? The lactational amenorrhea method is the most effective, but it is only suitable for those couples who already have a child.

Video: Types of natural contraception

I will try to give an accessible explanation of what natural contraception is. Contraception is the prevention of pregnancy. It can be carried out by various chemical, mechanical methods and methods, and contraception, among which the most common are condoms, uterine caps and oral contraceptives.

Every person entering the time of sexual activity begins to think about methods of protection, that is, contraceptive options. In our technological age, scientific minds have come up with many ways and options to prevent the risk of pregnancy and unwanted viruses and diseases.

Simply put, there are many types of contraception, namely:

  • natural contraception;
  • contraception using various barriers or mechanical contraception;
  • hormonal contraceptive method;
  • chemical subtype of contraception;
  • surgical intervention as a method of protection.

Naturally, each type from this list has its pros and cons. In addition, none of them provide a hundred percent guarantee and protection against pregnancy or the possibility of contracting any disease or virus.

Let's talk about the first type of protection - natural contraception for women.

The main essence of this method of contraception is to refuse to have sex on the most “dangerous” days for women. That is, during the period when the body is already ready for fertilization - on the days of ovulation of the female egg. This, as a rule, requires not only a lot of courage, but also a certain amount of willpower. You also need to be able to painstakingly calculate possible “dangerous” women's days ovulation of the egg.

  • In what ways can you calculate when you can exercise and when you can’t?
  • How to calculate these ill-fated days?
  • How to avoid pregnancy without contraception?

Here are a few methods that will surely be useful to you.

1. Cervical method (Billing method)

The days of ovulation are determined from observations of the density of discharge from the female genital organs. So to speak, the woman calculates on which days they become thicker. This method According to statistics, it is approximately 85% reliable.

2. Calendar method

A woman calculates the ovulation of her egg using a calendar. Subtract 18 days from the shortest menstrual cycle, thereby obtaining the beginning of ovulation. And from the longest menstrual cycle it subtracts 11 days, thereby getting the end of ovulation. This method is inconvenient, since before you start using it you need to strictly calculate and monitor your menstruation for a whole year in order to be able to determine the longest and shortest menstrual period. female cycle. This method is also considered the most unreliable, since female body very unpredictable. It can easily fail even due to changes in a woman’s body as a result of primitive nervous tension.

3. Method of measuring the temperature of a woman's body from the inside

A girl who chooses this method should measure her basal temperature every morning to determine when it drops (this means that ovulation will begin within two days). And note when it is elevated (usually this lasts for several days while the ovulation of the female egg itself lasts). You need to enter the data into the calendar so as not to make mistakes in the future when calculating “these” days. This method is popularly considered more reliable (about 84 percent).

4. Lactation period

The most in a productive way The lactation method is considered natural contraception. That is, it is believed that a woman is unlikely to become pregnant during lactation or simply when she is breastfeeding small child after childbirth. This method has been confirmed and scientific research. But still, it also does not carry a 100% guarantee of a positive outcome of sexual intercourse, since it is almost impossible to predict exactly when a woman’s cycle will normalize.

5. Interrupted intercourse in time

By selecting this method As a method of contraception, all responsibility lies entirely on the shoulders of men. Since it takes a lot of willpower and concentration to stop yourself in time and pull the sexual organ out of a woman a few seconds before ejaculation. Naturally, we should not forget that with this method of contraception, you should take great care of personal hygiene every time: that is, do not forget to wash and sterilize the genitals of both women and men. Because this method also does not protect sexual partners from any sexually transmitted infection. viral disease or fungus. It is worth adding that this method of natural birth control carries with it very big consequences for your body, namely disturbances in the central nervous system. As a result of its constant use, neuroses may occur, breakdowns are possible, and even deterioration of erection up to impotence. This method of contraception is not recommended if you are not sure that your sexual partner is fully capable of controlling himself. The reliability of this method after much research is up to 80 percent.

Having considered and analyzed the methods of natural contraception, it is worth noting that they are effective only if you are completely confident in your partner, as well as in his fidelity and health.

Physiological or biological methods of contraception are natural methods of family planning. Consists of abstaining from sexual intercourse during the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle (the period during which a woman can become pregnant). During the menstrual cycle, a woman’s body prepares for conception and pregnancy. If conception does not happen, this process repeats again. The duration of the menstrual cycle is determined from the first day of menstruation (beginning bloody discharge), until the first day of the next and is 21-36 days, more often - 28 days.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle (in the first 14 days of a 28-day cycle) ovaries the growth and maturation of the follicle (a vesicle with an egg inside) occurs. The growing bubble releases estrogens (female sex hormones). Under the influence of estrogens, the mucous membrane grows uterus- endometrium. On days 14-16 of the cycle, the follicle bursts, and a mature egg comes out of its cavity, capable of fertilization, that is, ovulation . Ovulation occurs under the influence of pituitary hormones and estrogens. During each cycle, several follicles begin to develop, but only one of them reaches ovulation. Thus, in each menstrual cycle, as a rule, only one egg is available for fertilization. But sometimes (on average in one in 200 cycles) two follicles mature at the same time, so that two eggs can be fertilized, resulting in fraternal twins. The egg from the ovary enters abdominal cavity, captured by fimbriae (fimbriae) fallopian tube and heads into its gap. Due to contraction of the fallopian tube, the egg moves into the uterine cavity. If there are sperm in the lumen of the fallopian tube, fertilization of the egg occurs. Meanwhile, the burst follicle collapses, leaving in its emptiness small clot blood. Next, from the follicle cells, which are yellow, a temporary endocrine gland - corpus luteum , which begins to produce the hormone - progesterone . There is a distinction between the corpus luteum of menstruation and, in the case of fertilization of the egg, the corpus luteum of pregnancy. The corpus luteum of menstruation usually functions throughout the second half of the menstrual cycle (14 days). The corpus luteum of pregnancy begins to function upon fertilization of the egg and continues throughout pregnancy. If fertilization does not take place, the corpus luteum is in the stage of reverse development, the maturation of a new follicle begins, and rejection of the endometrium occurs in the uterus, which is manifested by bleeding (menstruation). Probability conception is highest on the day of ovulation and is estimated at approximately 33%. High probability also observed on the day before ovulation - 31%, as well as two days before it - 27%. Five days before ovulation the probability conception According to experts, it is 10%, in four days – 14% and in three days – 16%. Six days before ovulation and the day after it, the probability conception very small. Considering that the average “life expectancy” of sperm after ejaculation is 2-3 days (in in rare cases it reaches 5-7 days). A woman's egg remains viable after ovulation for about 12-24 hours. The maximum duration of the “dangerous” period during which pregnancy can occur is 6-9 days. Ovulation divides the menstrual cycle into two phases: the follicle maturation phase, which average duration the cycle is 10-16 days, and the phase corpus luteum, which is stable, independent of the duration of the menstrual cycle, and is 12-16 days. The phase of the corpus luteum belongs to the so-called period of absolute sterility (pregnancy is impossible under any conditions), it begins 1-2 days after ovulation and ends with the onset of a new menstruation.

Addiction conception from cycle phases

Keeping in mind the possibility of fertilization, three phases can be distinguished in the menstrual cycle (relative sterility, fertility and absolute sterility). Relative sterility (phase 1) lasts from the first day of the menstrual cycle (the beginning of bleeding) until ovulation. The duration of this phase of the menstrual cycle depends on the speed of the follicle’s “response” to the action of pituitary hormones, which, in turn, may depend on emotional background, from environmental, climatic conditions, etc. That is, ovulation can occur a little earlier or a little later, depending on certain factors external environment. During this period, difficulties with contraception sometimes arise, since the duration of the phase of relative sterility can vary from cycle to cycle within a few days, even with a stable duration of the menstrual cycle as a whole. This fact should be taken into account if you want to get pregnant in this cycle, that is, you should not count on conception after one sexual intercourse on the day of expected ovulation. The result will be guaranteed if you have sexual intercourse once every 2-3 days during the “dangerous period”. Fertility phase (phase 2) begins from the moment of ovulation and ends 48 hours after ovulation. These 48 hours include the time during which a mature egg is capable of fertilization (24 hours); the next 24 hours are reserved for inaccuracy in determining the time of ovulation. Absolute sterility (phase 3) begins 48 hours after ovulation and continues until the end of the menstrual cycle. The duration of this phase is quite constant and is 10-16 days. If we're talking about about contraception, it is rational to consider the last 10 days of the cycle as the phase of absolute sterility. Knowing the physiology of the reproductive system and the fertile periods of her menstrual cycle, a woman can use natural methods of family planning:

  • with the aim of conception – planning sexual intercourse for the middle of the cycle (10-15th day), when fertilization is most likely;
  • for the purpose of contraception - abstinence from sexual intercourse during that phase of the menstrual cycle during which the probability conception the greatest.

Advantages of EMPS:

  • no health risk
  • absence side effects
  • free
  • involving men in family planning
  • Possibility of use for pregnancy planning
  • deepening knowledge about reproductive system
  • closer marital relationships are possible

Disadvantages of EMPS:

  • low efficiency (9-25 pregnancies per 100 women within 1 year of use)
  • keeping daily records
  • the need for a thermometer (for the temperature method)
  • the need to abstain from sexual activity during the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle
  • effective only for women with regular menstrual cycles
  • do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases

Natural family planning methods can use:

  • women reproductive age having a regular menstrual cycle
  • couples whose religious, ethical, or other beliefs do not allow them to use other methods of contraception;
  • women who, for health reasons, etc., cannot use other methods;
  • couples willing to abstain from sexual activity for more than one week each cycle.

These methods should not be used:

  • women whose age, number of births or health conditions make pregnancy dangerous for them;
  • women with an unsteady menstrual cycle (breastfeeding, immediately after an abortion);
  • women with irregular menstrual cycles;
  • women who do not want to abstain from sexual activity on certain days of the menstrual cycle.

Types of physiological methods

Biological (physiological) or natural methods of family planning (EMFP) include: calendar (or rhythmic), temperature, method cervical mucus, symptothermal (a combination of the two methods listed above), interrupted sexual intercourse, the method of lactational amenorrhea (during lactation, physiological suppression of ovulation is observed due to the child sucking at the breast), abstinence (abstinence from sexual intercourse). Calendar (rhythmic) method To determine the fertile phase, it is necessary to analyze at least 6-12 menstrual cycles. During this period, abstinence from sexual activity or protection is necessary. barrier methods contraception. When analyzing menstrual calendar over 6-12 months, the shortest and longest cycles are distinguished. The number 18 is subtracted from the number of days of the shortest one and the day of the beginning of the “dangerous” period is obtained, and the number 11 is subtracted from the number of the longest menstrual cycle and the last day of the “dangerous” period is found out. Let us give an example of calculating the “dangerous” period with a constant menstrual cycle of 28 days. Beginning of the “dangerous” period: 28 - 18 = 10th day of the cycle. End of the “dangerous” period: 28 - 11 = 17th day of the cycle inclusive. The duration of the “dangerous” period is 8 days. It begins on the 10th day of the menstrual cycle and ends on the 17th day. Attention! This method can be used only with strict accounting of all menstrual cycles in the calendar and with a small spread of the menstrual cycle throughout the year. If you have not marked the duration of the menstrual cycle on the calendar for 6-12 months and cannot say with certainty about the stability of the cycle, then this method is not suitable for contraception, as well as for calculating the most favorable periods. conception days. Temperature method is based on determining the time of rise in temperature in the rectum (basal temperature). It is known that at the moment of ovulation the temperature in the rectum decreases, and the very next day it increases. By measuring basal temperature daily for several (at least three) months and abstaining from sexual intercourse in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, including the first three days of temperature rise after ovulation, a woman will be able to determine when she ovulates. The effectiveness of the method depends on the accuracy of determining the date of ovulation. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the temperature, observing following rules: always in the morning, within 10 minutes, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, using the same thermometer and with eyes closed, since bright light can provoke the release of certain hormones and contribute to changes in basal temperature. The thermometer is inserted into the rectum to a depth of 4-6 cm. The temperature value is noted on the graph. Basal temperature chart(see chart 1): normally, from the very beginning of the menstrual cycle (its duration is calculated from the first day of the previous menstruation to the first day of the next one) and before the onset of ovulation, the basal temperature is below 37 degrees C and can fluctuate within small limits, for example, from 36 .6 degrees C to 36.8 degrees C. At the time of ovulation, the temperature drops slightly (for example, to 36.4 degrees C), the next day the basal temperature rises above 37 degrees C (37.2-37.4). It remains at this level until the start of the next menstruation. A decrease in temperature and the subsequent jump beyond 37 degrees C allows you to determine the date of ovulation. With a 28-day cycle healthy woman Ovulation usually occurs on days 13-14 of the cycle. It should be noted that due to the increase in body temperature during various diseases basal temperature numbers also become high. But can only these two days be considered “dangerous”? Not at all. Even having clearly defined your individual ovulation date, you cannot protect yourself from accidents. If you are nervous, overtired, have suddenly changed the climate, and sometimes without any visible reasons ovulation may occur 1-2 days earlier or later normal term. In addition, the duration of viability of the egg and sperm must be taken into account. If on the eve of the expected menstruation and especially during the expected but delayed menstruation, several elevated temperature in the rectum, this allows one to suspect an existing pregnancy. The temperature method for determining the period of increased fertility presupposes that the woman is sufficiently disciplined and does not rush in the morning. The inconveniences of the method are associated with the need for daily temperature measurement and rather long abstinence. However, when used correctly, its effectiveness is quite high. In women suffering from diseases of the genital organs, the basal temperature schedule may change. In this case, the advisability of using this method should be discussed with your doctor. Cervical mucus method. IN different phases During the menstrual cycle, the cervix produces cervical mucus of varying amounts and consistency. Its quantity and consistency are influenced by female sex hormones (estrogens and progesterone). At the beginning of the cycle, immediately after menstruation, when estrogen levels are low, there is little mucus, it is thick and sticky. This thick and sticky mucus forms a fibrous network that “clogs” the cervix and creates a barrier to sperm penetration. Besides acidic environment vagina quickly destroys sperm. Rising estrogen levels gradually change the cervical mucus, which becomes clearer and thinner. Appears in mucus nutrients to maintain the vital activity of sperm, and its reaction becomes alkaline. This mucus, entering the vagina, neutralizes its acidity and creates an environment favorable for sperm. This mucus is called fertile mucus; its amount increases 24 hours before ovulation. The last day of slippery and wet mucus is called afternoon peak. This means that ovulation is near or has just occurred. After ovulation, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, cervical mucus forms a thick and sticky plug that prevents sperm from moving through. The vaginal environment becomes acidic again, where sperm lose their motility and are destroyed. 3 days after the appearance of sticky, stringy mucus a phase of absolute sterility begins, during which, until the start of the next menstruation, pregnancy will not be possible. The use of the cervical mucus method for contraception involves keeping records. In this case, a whole range of codes can be used (see graph 1). It is believed that the first day of menstruation is the first day of the cycle, the subsequent days are numbered. Relative infertility phase: red squares with an asterisk indicate days of menstrual bleeding; Green squares indicate a period characterized by vaginal dryness, the so-called “dry days.” Fertility phase (squares) yellow color with the letter M, day 11 of the menstrual cycle) begins with the appearance of mucus in the vagina. Ovulation has not yet occurred, but the sperm that has entered the woman’s genital tract at this time can remain viable and “wait” for the egg. As ovulation approaches cervical mucus becomes more abundant and elastic. In this case, the tension of the mucus (when it is stretched between the thumb and forefinger) can reach 8-10 centimeters. Next comes rush day(M). This means that ovulation is close or has just occurred. The fertile phase continues for another 3 days and its total duration in our case is 7 days (from 11 to 17 days of the menstrual cycle). The phase of absolute sterility begins on the fourth day after maximum discharge (on our chart from day 18) and continues until the first day of the next menstruation.

  • Since mucus may change consistency throughout the day, observe it several times a day. For this big and forefinger inserted into the vagina and remove any existing discharge. Next, the mucus is assessed by consistency and ability to stretch between the fingers. On “dry days” there is no discharge. Every night before going to bed, determine your fertility level (see legend) and place the corresponding symbol on the card.
  • Avoid sexual activity for at least one cycle to identify mucus days.
  • After the end of menstruation, during the “dry days” you can safely have sexual intercourse every second night ( rule of alternating dry days). This will prevent the mucus from being confused with sperm.
  • When any mucus or a feeling of moisture in the vagina, sexual intercourse should be avoided or barrier contraception should be used at this time.
  • Mark the last day of clear, slippery, stringy mucus with an X. It's rush day- the most fertile period.
  • After peak days Avoid sexual intercourse for the next 3 “dry days” and nights. These days are not safe (the egg is still viable).
  • Starting from the morning of the 4th “dry day” and before the start of menstruation, you can have sexual intercourse without fear of becoming pregnant.

The effectiveness of this method is low: 9-25 pregnancies per 100 women within 1 year of use. Coitus interruptus method consists of removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation (ejaculation) so that sperm does not enter the vagina and cervix. Its advantage is that it does not require any preparation or special devices, can be used at any time and does not require any monetary costs. The method requires significant attention from the man, since some men have sperm in the secretion released even before orgasm. In addition, sperm, entering the skin of the genital organs, retains fertilizing properties for some time. There is a widespread belief regarding the violation of sexual function of partners who use interrupted coitus. Harmless use This method is possible with a high sexual culture of partners, with sufficient motivation for choice. It is not recommended for young, inexperienced men and those who have difficulties with erection, potency and premature ejaculation.

Instructions to partners:

  • To improve the consistency of their actions and to avoid mutual misunderstanding, partners should discuss their intention to use the interruption method before sexual intercourse.
  • Before engaging in sexual intercourse, a man should empty his bladder and wipe the head of the penis to remove any semen that may remain from a previous (less than 24 hours ago) ejaculation.
  • When the man feels that ejaculation is about to occur, he should withdraw his penis from the woman's vagina so that the sperm does not fall on her external genitalia. A woman can help him by moving a little back at this time.

Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) - use of breastfeeding as protection against pregnancy. It is based on the physiological effect that a child’s sucking of the mother’s breast has on suppressing ovulation (physiological infertility develops during lactation).

Who can use MLA

  • Women who are exclusively breastfeeding and who are less than 6 months postpartum and have not yet returned to menstruation.

Who should not use MLA

  • Women who have resumed menstruation.
  • Women who do not exclusively (or almost exclusively) breastfeed.
  • Women whose child is already 6 months old.

It is important to know

  • Feed your baby from both breasts as required (about 6-10 times a day).
  • Feed your baby at least once at night (the interval between feedings should not exceed 6 hours). Note: Your baby may not want to eat 6-10 times a day or may prefer to sleep through the night. This normal phenomenon, but if any of them occur, the effectiveness of breastfeeding as a method of contraception is reduced.
  • Once you start replacing breast milk other food or liquid, the baby will suckle less, and breast-feeding will cease to be effective method protection from pregnancy.
  • The return of menstruation means that your fertility has returned and you should immediately start using other methods of contraception.

Abstinence - abstaining from sexual intercourse. This method of contraception does not affect breastfeeding. With abstinence, the effectiveness of protection against pregnancy is 100%. But for some couples, long periods of postpartum abstinence are difficult to bear. Therefore, abstinence is convenient to use as an intermediate method.

Natural contraception is based on the characteristics and consideration of the physiological specifics of sexual intercourse and the period of female fertility - an increase or decrease in the likelihood of fertilization depending on the period of a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Natural contraception includes

  • physiological method of preventing pregnancy
  • interrupted coitus

Physiological method of preventing pregnancy

The physiological method is based on the fact that a woman has periods of the menstrual cycle during which she cannot become pregnant and sex life on such days it is considered relatively safe. The essence of the physiological method is to abstain from sexual activity on those days when the likelihood of conception is highest.

To do this, the woman’s menstrual cycle is studied, and the days of ovulation are determined - the most favorable period for conception. Days on which conception is impossible are called “safe” or fertile.

However, when identifying the date of ovulation, taking into account the unequal duration of the first phase of the menstrual cycle in different women and even in the same woman in different menstrual cycles, to obtain more accurate data it is necessary to observe at least 8-10 last cycles.

There are the following basic physiological methods for determining contraception:

  • Calendar (rhythmic method)
  • Method based on measuring basal temperature
  • Method based on changes in cervical mucus
  • Lactational amenorrhea method after childbirth

Advantages of physiological methods of contraception:

  • Does not require any cash outlay.
  • Physiological methods of contraception are harmless.
  • They have practically no contraindications and do not disturb the chemical balance of the body.
  • If contraception fails, you can give birth and not be afraid negative influence per child, as with other methods of contraception.

Disadvantages of physiological methods of contraception:

  • In order to master the method and study the temperature fluctuation chart, you need certain skills and time;
  • The effectiveness of the method is low, because there is a high probability of error;
  • The level of basal temperature can be affected by: stress, illness, climate change, drinking alcohol the night before, insomnia;
  • It is not recommended to rely on the calendar of “dangerous” and “safe” days after childbirth, since the menstrual cycle is not restored immediately, may be irregular and its duration may differ from what it was before childbirth.
  • Does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Coitus interruptus

The essence of this method is that the man’s penis is removed from the vagina during sexual intercourse before ejaculation occurs. Sperm does not enter the vagina and fertilization does not occur.

Efficiency: 70-85%

Advantages: This method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is available to almost everyone and does not require additional cash costs or medical consultation.

Disadvantages: The effectiveness of this method depends entirely on the man and his experience. In addition, failures are possible due to the fact that a small part of sperm may be contained in the lubricant released during sexual intercourse, so the effectiveness of the method is reduced because of this.

Also, during sexual intercourse, there is some additional psycho-emotional stress on partners and a lack of complete satisfaction from sexual intercourse.

Even if both partners have an orgasm during interrupted sexual intercourse, complete emptying of the genital tract from the blood flowing during sexual arousal does not occur. Subsequently, this affects the development of tendencies towards accelerated ejaculation in men, and women may experience pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, menstrual irregularities, etc.

This method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

– these are methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy, based on monitoring the physiologically potential for conception and “safe” phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Application requires high self-discipline from the woman and careful recording of all records necessary for accurate calculation of “dangerous” and “safe” days. The essence natural method of contraception consists of daily measurement of basal temperature, monitoring the quality of mucus secreted by the cervix and other points.

Mainly suitable for women with a regular and stable menstrual cycle, because... otherwise, it will be difficult to calculate days of high fertility (ability to conceive) and infertility (impossibility or low risk of conception). Natural methods of contraception very well suited for women who, for some reason, cannot use other methods of contraception from unwanted pregnancy, couples who do not use any other means or methods of contraception due to religious or philosophical beliefs, partners who do not have sex every day, etc.

Types of natural contraception methods

Most common natural methodsLadies of contraception are:

Calendar (rhythmic) method. Suitable for women with a regular menstrual cycle. The essence of the method is to calculate the day of ovulation (the moment an egg capable of fertilization is released from the ovary). The moment of ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Knowing this, a woman can calculate the “dangerous” period during which the probability of conception is highest - approximately 2-4 days before ovulation and 2-4 days after it.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the sperm for a long time retains the ability to conceive (within 2-3 days), therefore, from the 10th to the 17th day of the menstrual cycle, the couple should abstain from sexual intercourse or use other methods of contraception. It must be remembered that ovulation can occur on other days of the menstrual cycle and then the calendar method is ineffective.

Interrupted sexual intercourse. One of the simplest and most natural methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy, which, at the same time, has one of the lowest degrees of effectiveness (40-50%). The essence of the method is to remove the penis from the vagina before ejaculation occurs. Medical specialists argue that interrupted sexual intercourse cannot be considered complete natural method of contraception.

The disadvantages of the method can be considered a decrease in the quality of sexual contact (a man must constantly monitor the approach of ejaculation, which is not always possible to feel), in addition, even at the moment of friction, several drops of sperm are already released from the penis, which can result in conception. In addition, according to doctors, the need to interrupt sexual intercourse can lead to the development of various psychological disorders sexual nature (anorgasmia, premature ejaculation and etc.).

Temperature method. The essence of the method is to construct a graph of basal body temperature (BBT), i.e. body temperature at rest. Basal body temperature is measured by inserting a thermometer into anus for 5 minutes and recording the results obtained with an accuracy of one tenth of a degree.

In phase I of the menstrual cycle, a woman’s body temperature is usually slightly lower; during ovulation, the temperature rises slightly and remains elevated throughout phase II until the start of the next menstruation. Accordingly, focusing on changes in the basal temperature chart, a woman will be able to accurately understand when she ovulated and avoid sexual intercourse on “dangerous” days.

Monitoring vaginal mucus. This method can be used as a separate natural method of contraception, and can be used in combination with other methods (temperature, calendar, etc.).

The essence of the method is based on the assessment vaginal discharge during the day. Immediately after the end of menstrual flow, there is normally practically no mucus - this period is called “dry”, during which sexual activity is allowed without restrictions.

As the egg matures, the mucus becomes more viscous, its quantity increases, it acquires a cloudy and sticky consistency, which is the first sign of approaching “dangerous” days. On these “wet” days, you must abstain from sexual intercourse or use additional methods protection.

The greatest amount of mucus occurs immediately before and at the time of ovulation. The mucus on such days looks like raw egg white, stretched between the fingers. Its appearance means the peak of the most favorable period for conception and the need to abstain from sexual intercourse for at least 3-4 days, if you are not yet planning a pregnancy. On the 4th day after ovulation, mucus production may be reduced, and before the start of a new menstruation, a woman may experience “dry” days, during which the likelihood of conception is low.

Benefits of natural contraception methods

Uniqueness natural methods of contraception is that they make it possible not only to prevent pregnancy, but also to plan it, “guessing” the dates of sexual contacts on days of a woman’s high fertility. Natural methods of contraception have no side effects, do not require financial costs, can be used sufficiently big amount couples without restrictions.

Disadvantages of natural contraceptive methods

However, along with the advantages, they also have a number of disadvantages:

  • Efficiency natural methods of contraception is approximately 50% (incorrectly calculated “dangerous” and “safe” days)
  • The need for scrupulous and thorough daily record keeping
  • The need for abstinence during the fertile phase of a woman, during sexual intercourse - interruption of sexual intercourse or use additional funds contraception
  • Lack of protection against sexually transmitted infections
  • Anxiety, uncertainty when using natural methods of contraception, which can somewhat reduce the quality of sexual life

We recommend consulting a gynecologist to select the most suitable optimal method natural contraception. GUTA-CLINIC specialists will help you choose the most suitable method of contraception according to your indications.