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Which is better, mammography or ultrasound of the mammary glands? Mammography or ultrasound of the mammary glands: choosing the optimal research method

Cancers- a real scourge of our time, taking hundreds of thousands of lives. One of the most common forms dangerous disease is female breast cancer, affecting more than 1 million people every year. A cure for it is possible only if it is identified early initial stages.

What is the difference between mammography and breast ultrasound?

Modern medicine recognizes two methods as the most effective in determining breast cancer. These are ultrasound and mammography.

As for ultrasound screening, this examination is not at all dangerous, can be performed during pregnancy, and does not require any preliminary preparatory measures from the patient. And radiography involves the use of a low-power radioactive beam.

If you are wondering what is more accurate than mammography or ultrasound of the mammary glands, we will answer that the first option shows an accuracy of about 92%, while screening is significantly inferior to it. However, it does not allow diagnosing the presence of cysts or distinguishing them from tumors. Also a contraindication to the procedure is the presence of breast implants.

The preference of each method is determined by the doctor individually.

Compare ultrasound and mammography

Usually in medical practice Mammography is performed to obtain accurate information about the presence of calcite (salt deposits) in internal tissues mammary gland. While ultrasound is designed to check the found formations for malignancy.

The film produced by a mammograph will not give as clear a picture as ultrasound screening, which reflects even tiny dots of pathological formations on a computer screen. The doctor will be able to identify even a tiny and seemingly completely invisible tumor, the size of which does not exceed 1 mm. Thanks to a clear picture of where it is located, it is possible to carry out a biopsy procedure and take cellular material for research.

Studies show that ultrasound is a more effective technique for patients over 29 years of age. Plus, scientists never tire of emphasizing the harmlessness of this examination for the patient, and the admissibility of its implementation even for pregnant and lactating women.

Key points characterizing both methods under consideration are given in the table below.



It is absolutely harmless; it is permissible to undergo this type of examination multiple times.

Patients will in any case receive a dose of radiation, albeit insignificant.

Allows you to see a detailed picture of the current state of the examined organ and structures nearby.

For successful implementation examinations must be provided strong pressure on the chest, which may cause some discomfort to the patient and discomfort.

Detects the presence of tumors with 100% accuracy.

The mammography image is distinguished by high clarity and image quality. At the same time, it is impossible to determine the obvious nature of the neoplasms, which may lead to an incorrect diagnosis.

Having reviewed the above information, we can conclude that ultrasound is preferable. However, one should not rush to such conclusions, because for a number of patients for whom the only possible way examination is mammography.

For whom is radiography preferable?

By virtue of age-related changes, the process of menopause changes not only hormonal background, but also the structure of tissues. Therefore, the effectiveness of ultrasound decreases after 40-50 years.

X-rays allow you to determine the likelihood of cancer in the initial stages of their appearance.

To clarify the data obtained, it is required additional examination, and since it is not recommended to resort to exposure to X-rays more than once a year, ultrasound of the mammary glands is performed after mammography. This approach is a real salvation when urgent examinations are needed.

The effectiveness of mammography and breast ultrasound techniques

Comparison of these types of surveys should be carried out from the standpoint of ease of obtaining and understanding their results, because the faster the result is obtained, the hurry up patient will be able to get suitable treatment and get rid of a dangerous disease.

During mammography diagnostics, the results are obtained using a specially designed computer program. The data recorded by the device is entered into the BI-RADS system, where it is classified and matches are identified that indicate or refute the presence of neoplasms. A number of experts claim that such a diagnosis allows not only to identify the presence of cancer, but also to draw conclusions about the causes of its occurrence, make a forecast of further developments, and predict the appearance of certain symptoms.

The results of the analysis are displayed in digital equivalent (from 0 to 6). The highest result indicates a cancerous tumor.

The rating scale developed by British experts is as follows:

  • 5 - neoplasms;
  • 4 - suspicion of a tumor;
  • 3 - the beginning of the formation of cancer;
  • 2 - detected foreign body is a benign tumor;
  • 1 - the patient’s condition is normal.

When we're talking about about ultrasound, the parameters indicating normality or deviation differ significantly from the technique described above. Also, screening is necessarily preceded by visual screening for the presence of compactions, ulcers, and damage. skin. Only qualified specialists can conduct the examination and evaluate its results.

It is quite difficult to compare both presented methods, because they are prescribed with different initial data, and the technique itself is different.

It is important that mammography and ultrasound provide a complete picture of the presence of malignant and benign tumors, cysts, calcifications. Their invention and complex application was a real breakthrough in the fight against dangerous illnesses, reducing the number of deaths by more than a third.

From time to time, women are advised to examine their mammary glands so as not to miss the appearance of tumors. There are two ways to do this - mammography and ultrasound. Patients often ask the question: mammography or ultrasound of the mammary glands - which is better? Which of these methods is more effective and safe, and what criteria do doctors use when prescribing them?

Ultrasound of the mammary glands

This is a harmless and painless procedure that is carried out within a few minutes. It is done using a special ultrasound scanner.

The patient lies down on the couch, undressed to the waist, and the doctor uses an ultrasound probe to examine her mammary glands, supra- and subclavian areas and axillary lymph nodes.

The sensor emits ultrasound, the waves of which are reflected and returned to the receiver, then converted into an image, and it is displayed on the screen. If a tumor is suspected, the doctor gives a referral to the oncology clinic.

Advantages of the method

  • absolute harmlessness;
  • high-quality image of soft tissues;
  • real-time research;
  • detection of pathologies in dense mammary glands.

Disadvantages of the method

The accuracy of ultrasound is insufficient to make a definitive diagnosis in such cases. serious illnesses like cancer. Therefore, if an ultrasound reveals any tumor in the breast, you will still have to do a mammogram to confirm.


Today, Russian clinics use analogue or digital mammography. The first method involves taking a picture on film, and with the second, the image is processed on a computer and recorded on a disk or flash card. Modern mammographs take better images, which minimizes misdiagnoses. Selenium is used as the emitting substance, which gives less radiation exposure than in conventional x-rays.

During operation of the mammograph, the breast is placed on a stand and pressed on top with a transparent plate. The mammary gland is compressed to allow images to be taken from different angles, but this may cause some discomfort to the patient. The radiating tube is designed so that X-ray radiation hits only the mammary gland.

A procedure that includes two photographs in different projections, after which the patient is given a result, on the basis of which the mammologist makes a preliminary diagnosis.

Benefits of Mammography

  • high resolution images;
  • high information content of the study;
  • photographs of the breast from different positions;
  • visualization of non-palpable tumors.

Disadvantages of mammography

There is only one disadvantage of mammography. Although radiation exposure is significantly reduced in modern digital mammographs, it may still cause little harm to patients if frequent use of this method.

Choice - mammography or ultrasound?

The main difference between mammography and ultrasound of the mammary glands is the higher accuracy of the result. Only a doctor has the right to choose which diagnostic method to use. While it is sometimes enough for young women to undergo an ultrasound procedure, women over forty may also be prescribed a mammogram.

There are two main ways to detect breast cancer in its infancy. The choice of which is better—breast ultrasound or mammography—depends on the patient’s age and the nature of the pathology.

Mammography is an x-ray of the mammary glands. The essence of the method is the use of ionizing radiation.

When is it prescribed?

A mammographic examination is prescribed both for annual preventive purposes and in case of specific complaints of the patient or suspicions of the attending physician. The greatest accuracy of the study result is possible only from the 5th to the 10th day of the menstrual cycle.

Reasons for using ultra-precise mammography:

  • uncharacteristic discharge from the nipples;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • detection of lumps in the mammary gland;
  • pain arising during palpation;
  • control of patients with oncological diseases and other pathologies;
  • annual diagnosis after 40 years.


Mammogram, as an advanced test, has a number of positive aspects:

  1. Accurate and effective method. It is able to detect the smallest tumors in the breast tissue.
  2. The study provides a complete picture of the formation, not only its size, but also its shape, character and potency.
  3. A type of mammography, galactography, examines the milk ducts, their thickness, functioning and condition - this is how benign ductal papillomas are detected.
  4. For women over 50, mammography is safer and more effective. At this age, the mammary gland transmits x-rays better, while Negative influence– minimal.

A separate plus is digital mammography, in which images High Quality are done quickly and stored on media. This is more convenient than with a film mammograph.


The study also has negative aspects:

  • irradiation during examination;
  • the diagnostic process may cause physical discomfort;
  • Only average breast size can be examined;
  • The mammary glands of women under 30 years of age have a dense structure, which is why the study result is interpreted incorrectly.


The method is based on obtaining an image of the mammary gland, its structure and condition, using high-frequency waves.

When is it prescribed?

Ultrasound, like mammography, is prescribed for both diagnosis and prevention. Because the chest pathologies in the early stages are asymptomatic, an annual examination of the mammary glands can reveal initial formations.

Diagnostics is required in a number of cases:

  • estimate general state mammary glands during pregnancy and lactation;
  • control oncological and cystic formations;
  • diagnosis of enlarged lymph nodes;
  • control silicone implants and their effects on tissues.


Positive aspects of the study:

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • Ultrasound can be performed as long as necessary without harm to health;
  • allows you to examine female breasts of any size, as well as axillary and The lymph nodes;
  • The Doppler effect checks the blood flow in the mammary glands during diagnosis.


Ultrasound, as a diagnosis, has weak aspects:

  • outdated technology may affect the correctness of the diagnosis.
  • the study reveals the neoplasm, but not its nature;
  • may not be effective in breast examinations of women over 40 years of age.

Which research method is better in terms of

You need to choose which is better—breast ultrasound or mammography—taking into account the main differences between radiography and ultrasound diagnostics:

  • safety of the procedure;
  • price;
  • individual need;
  • comfort of the process;
  • effectiveness.


Objectively, both studies are harmless to humans; the main difference is that mammography still involves radiation. However, a modern digital mammograph uses a minimal dose of radiation, which is unable to adversely affect the body.

But doctors warn that mammography is not recommended frequently or during pregnancy. The exception is when the patient has serious complaints of pain or lumps in the chest.

Information content

X-rays are more informative than ultrasound examinations; for example, the accuracy of diagnosing breast diseases using mammography is estimated at 95%, and ultrasound diagnostics - 90%.

X-rays are used to detect:

  • cysts;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • microcalcification content in the glands.

Simplicity and convenience

Both studies do not require serious preparation, but take a certain amount of time so that the specialist can thoroughly conduct the examination.

The difference is that during a mammogram, discomfort may occur. The mammary gland must be compressed between two plates for better ray passage. You may need to hold your breath to get a clear picture.


In a public clinic, upon referral from a doctor, diagnostics can be performed free of charge.

What to choose: ultrasound or mammography?

Mammography is more suitable:

  • women over 40 years old;
  • patients with suspected cancer;
  • if necessary, focal examination;
  • patients with already diagnosed cancer diagnosis(for control).

Ultrasound, I mean individual characteristics research, more precisely:

  • for teenagers and young girls;
  • for pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • for men;
  • for women with large or miniature breasts;
  • for a large-scale survey.

Only the attending physician can competently decide what is better to undergo: ultrasound of the mammary glands or mammography.

Advice from a mammologist when choosing between ultrasound and mammography. Filmed by the Health of the Nation channel Rostov-on-Don.

Is it possible to do both studies at once?

It often happens that ultrasound diagnostics is not enough; the nature of the detected tumor remains unknown. What happened was that the patient was sent for an additional procedure.

Various methods are used to examine the female breast. diagnostic methods. The most common are breast mammography or breast ultrasound. Each procedure has its own disadvantages and advantages, so the choice remains with a professional - the treating doctor.

Read in this article

Detailed description of mammography and ultrasound of the mammary glands

Almost every woman is interested in the question of how a mammogram differs from an ultrasound of the mammary glands. After all, I want to choose a more informative and safe method examinations. However, everything is not clear.


Quite often, ultrasound is used to examine the breast - non-invasive safe technique, which allows you to visualize the internal structure of tissues. At the same time, dense neoplasms stand out significantly against the background healthy cells. This allows you to determine malignant neoplasms, cyst, various tumors. Dopplerography (a type of breast examination using ultrasound) allows you to evaluate the characteristics of blood flow in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.

The main advantages of ultrasound are:

  • good information content due to the possibility of research from different angles (neoplasms are detected at the very early stage, one can judge their good quality);
  • the method is considered harmless, repeated use is allowed even in pregnant and lactating women;
  • it is possible to examine adjacent nodes, tissues, and blood flow, which guarantees a more extensive diagnosis of the breast.

Ultrasound allows you to detect formations from 0.1 cm in diameter and verify their nature (fibroma, cyst, fibroadenoma). In this case, the localization of the tumor is clearly determined, and parallel puncture biopsy is possible. However, we are talking about new, high-quality ultrasound machines, and not about outdated models that are used in most public clinics. Old devices “notice” a problem measuring only 0.5 cm in diameter.

Breast X-ray (MRI)

The whole process takes about 20 minutes. This diagnostic method allows you to obtain several images in different projections for a better study of the gland.

What does a mammogram show in contrast to an ultrasound of the mammary glands? The main advantage of the method is high detail. Mammography allows you to examine in detail the slightest changes in tissue. Excellent visualization of small elements makes it possible to fully evaluate them. However, mammography also has disadvantages:

  • the patient receives a dose X-ray exposure(perform frequently this study Not recommended);
  • during the procedure, the woman feels discomfort due to compression of the mammary gland;
  • the method allows you to detect tumors only at an early stage;
  • It is not always possible to judge the nature of the neoplasm, so the reliability is not high (errors are 0.35%).

During mammography false positive result happens in such cases:

  • a woman has increased tissue density;
  • a small neoplasm is hidden in the thickness of the tissue.

Digital mammography has lower radiation exposure and allows for better visualization. The results are saved on electronic media.

Which method should you prefer?

So, what is more informative: ultrasound or mammography? At first glance, ultrasound examination is a higher priority. However, in some cases mammography is also required.

Each research has its own niche

Which method: ultrasound or mammography will give more accurate results is decided individually

A mammologist usually prescribes breast ultrasound for young girls, and x-rays for women over 40 years of age. The fact is that ionizing radiation can activate mutagenic processes in cells. If the patient has a genetic predisposition to cancerous tumor, examination can be an impetus for its development. However, numerous statistical studies have confirmed that such a risk exists only for young patients.

In women over 40, breast tissue becomes denser. Therefore, ultrasound is not very informative. The tumor can visually merge with surrounding tissues, making it quite difficult to diagnose. This age group women should undergo annual X-ray examination mammary gland. Between mammograms, it is still advisable to do an intermediate ultrasound to monitor changes in the breast. After all, over the course of a year, the tumor may grow and not be visualized in the pictures.

There is no need to worry about the risk of radiation exposure during mammography. A one-time diagnosis per year will not harm your health, just like fluorography.

Now let's look at what is more accurate: mammography or ultrasound? If it is necessary to carry out (sampling of tumor tissue for examination), it is better to do this under ultrasound control. A mammographic image can only roughly determine the location of the tumor, so errors occur more often.

On the other hand, MRI allows you to more qualitatively study the condition of the ducts by conducting. The ducts are filling contrast agent, which allows you to see existing papillomas in the picture.

Cystography is also successfully used: the cyst is filled with air through a syringe, then pictures are taken. In this case, the wall of the bubble and all its contents are clearly visualized. This approach allows us to identify the degeneration of papilloma inside the cyst. Therefore, you should not unequivocally evaluate which is better: a mammogram or an ultrasound of the mammary glands. It all depends on the specific situation.

Brief comparison of methods

So, ultrasound is indicated in the following cases:

  • age up to 39 years;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • there is a risk of developing cancer.

Women should undergo mammography:

  • over the age of 40;
  • with high physiological tissue density;
  • to detect early stage breast cancer.

What is better (ultrasound or mammography) should be decided by the doctor who examined the patient.

So, now you know the difference between breast ultrasound and mammography. If one of the research methods does not provide a complete picture, the doctor may prescribe alternative method diagnostics

By x-ray results are assessed on a five-point scale:

  • norm (1);
  • benign education (2);
  • incompletely formed malignancy (3);
  • suspected tumor (4);
  • tumor (5).

As a result of the ultrasound, the doctor evaluates the thickness of the milk ducts, the density of tissues and glandular formations. The size of the “bumps”, the density of the walls, and the structure of the tissues are determined. Deciphering is more complex than using photographs and requires special knowledge and experience.

It is quite difficult to say which is better: mammography or ultrasound of the mammary glands? Each method has its own contraindications and indications, and diagnostic capabilities also differ. Therefore, it is better to trust the doctor and follow his recommendations.

Among the various diagnostic methods The most popular breast examinations are ultrasound and mammography (X-ray). These procedures have various indications, opportunities, and are intended for certain categories of women, as a result of which doctors use them comprehensively to clarify the diagnosis. To understand how mammography differs from breast ultrasound, it is necessary to consider the features of each procedure.

general characteristics

To identify differences between mammography and ultrasound examination breasts, you must first define these concepts.

Mammography is a research method that is carried out using x-rays. This method became famous for its effectiveness and is used for screening, that is, a comprehensive medical examination of women over forty.

It is not difficult to find a good mammologist in St. Petersburg. Each diagnostic center has specialists of this profile. When choosing which one to contact, you can ask for feedback on their work. Many patients praise S.V. Khokhlov, who is not only a mammologist, but also an oncologist. Good feedback about Dolmatov G.D., Nikitina E.F., Osokin A.V. In total, there are more than 200 mammologists in St. Petersburg.

How is mammography different from breast ultrasound?

Features of preparation and conduct

When considering how mammography differs from breast ultrasound, you need to pay attention to the issue of preparation for these procedures. In principle, there are no differences. Both mammography and ultrasound do not require any special preparation.

There is only one medical recommendation - to carry out procedures in the first two weeks after the end of menstruation. IN this period Any changes in the breasts can be seen more easily. In addition, on the day of the test, patients are prohibited from wearing perfume or deodorant, and jewelry must be removed before scanning and x-rays.

X-ray procedure mammary glands next:

The woman must undress to the waist, and then stand or sit down. The paramedic covers her stomach with a lead apron. Next, he places a special plate on each breast of the patient. He covers them with another plate on top, takes a picture, which is displayed on the screen or on film. The entire procedure takes no more than twenty minutes.

The ultrasound scan is performed in the classic manner for this procedure. The patient needs to expose her breasts. The doctor applies a special gel to them and begins scanning. Ultrasound waves are reflected from the breast tissue, resulting in an image appearing on the monitor.

Specifics of mammography

The benefits of mammography screening include:

The procedure is optimal for preventive analysis of patients after forty;

The ability to assess the condition of a woman’s breasts in the smallest detail;

Examination of the milk ducts;

It is especially effective for detecting dense formations and cysts of various sizes (compared to ultrasound);

Used to diagnose calcifications;

Price similar procedure two to three times lower than ultrasound.

Where the procedure can be done is carried out in medical diagnostic centers. For example, in St. Petersburg you can contact diagnostic centers"Energo", "Allergomed", Emergencies Ministry Clinic No. 1 named after. Nikiforova, MEDIS and others. The cost of the study ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles.


Mammography also has certain disadvantages:

Potential hazard from X-ray radiation;

Unpleasant sensations during the examination (during compression of the chest with plates);

The method is not very informative for women under forty years of age, since breast tissue very dense;

During pregnancy and breastfeeding examination using mammography is useless;

It is not possible to photograph small or too large breasts (from a technical point of view).

Specifics of ultrasound examination

Let's look at women. If you compare scanning with x-rays, it has many advantages:

Thanks to ultrasound, it is possible to diagnose pathological formations measuring half a centimeter;

Allows you to see lymph nodes and promptly determine the presence of metastases;

It is completely painless and safe;

The use of ultrasound with Doppler makes it possible to assess thoracic blood flow and identify tumors;

Use as a control method during puncture (replacing x-rays);

It can be used to examine patients with any breast size;

Used to examine male mammary glands.

Ultrasound also has disadvantages:

Low efficiency for assessing the condition of the milk ducts;

Inability to detect accumulations of calcium salts in the chest;

It is less accurate in detecting cancer (the results are false positive in more than fifty percent of cases).

But what is more informative - breast ultrasound or mammography?

Advantages and disadvantages of both methods

There is a lot of controversy regarding the use of x-rays, and mammography is no exception. Opponents of this procedure believe that radiation can cause damage to health and provoke the appearance of a tumor, even when used once a year. There is no scientific basis for such claims, but many patients think that ultrasound is safer than x-rays. In reality, breast examinations such as ultrasound or mammography have both their pros and cons.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which method is better, since each of them has its own characteristics. There are also differences in the diagnostic principles of each method. For example, ultrasound is one of the safest non-invasive therapeutic methods. Mammography allows not only to detect pathological formations, but also to determine their character.

When a specialist chooses one method or another for a patient, various parameters are taken into account: age, examination results, etc. In some cases, both methods are used simultaneously to complete the picture of the disease. If you have doubts about the effectiveness of the prescribed method, you can always undergo examination at a paid clinic.

We examined in detail how mammography differs from breast ultrasound.