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Radiography phone. X-ray studies


Printing a duplicate of the radiograph 450 ₽ Additional image for any study 1 200 ₽ Orthopantomography (without printing the image) 1,000 ₽ Orthopantomography RUB 1,590 Radiography hip joint(2 projections) 2 800 ₽ X-ray of the hip joints (1 projection) 2 500 ₽ X-ray of the lungs (1 projection) 2 100 ₽ X-ray of the lungs (2 projections) 2 600 ₽ X-ray of the rib(s) 2,200 ₽ X-ray of the nasopharynx (lateral projection) 2,000 ₽ Sight radiography of organs chest 2,200 ₽ X-ray of the pelvis (1 projection) 2 300 ₽ X-ray of the hip joint (1 projection) 2,000 ₽ X-ray of the entire skull in two projections 2 300 ₽ RG-graphy of the sella turcica (1 projection) 2,000 ₽ Radiography paranasal sinuses nose (1 projection) 2 500 ₽ RG-graphy of the nasal bones (2 projections) 2,400 ₽ X-ray of the kidneys and urinary tract 2,700 ₽ X-ray of the sacroiliac joint (2 projections) 2,400 ₽ X-ray of feet (1 projection) 2 100 ₽ X-ray of the foot in two projections 2 300 ₽ Radiography calcaneus(1 projection) 2 100 ₽ X-ray of the calcaneus (2 projections) 2,200 ₽ Mammography of the 1st breast (2 projections) 2,950 RUR Sight radiography of the breast 1 800 ₽ RG-graphy of soft tissues of the axillary region (1 projection) 1,700 ₽ RG-graphy of soft tissues of the axillary areas (2 projections) 1,950 RUR Intravenous urography 6,200 ₽ General radiography of organs abdominal cavity 1 800 ₽ X-ray of the first and second cervical vertebra 2 100 ₽ Radiography cervical region spine (2 projections) RUB 2,350 X-ray of the spine with functional tests 4 100 ₽ Radiography thoracic spine (2 projections) RUB 2,250 X-ray of the lumbar and sacral region spine (2 projections) 2,450 ₽ RG-graphy of the lumbosacral spine with functional tests (4 projections) 4,450 RUR X-ray of the sacrum and coccyx (2 projections) RUB 2,350 Radiography shoulder joint(1 projection) 2 150 ₽ Radiography elbow joint(2 projections) RUB 2,250 Radiography wrist joint(2 projections) RUB 2,250 Radiography knee joint(2 projections) RUB 2,250 Radiography ankle joint(2 projections) RUB 2,250 X-ray of the scapula (1 projection) 1 800 ₽ X-ray of the sternum (2 projections) 2,700 ₽ X-ray of the clavicle (1 projection) 1,950 RUR X-ray of the hand (2 projections) RUB 2,250 X-ray of hands (1 projection) 2 150 ₽ RG-graphy of fingers or toes (2 projections) RUB 2,250 Radiography humerus(2 projections) 2 150 ₽ Radiography upper limb(2 projections) RUB 2,250 Radiography femur(2 projections) 2 150 ₽ Radiography lower limb(2 projections) 2 150 ₽ X-ray of the bones of the facial skeleton (1 projection) 1,700 ₽ Description and interpretation of radiographic images 900 ₽ Issue medical report on film 1,050 RUR Cystography 6,500 ₽ Urethrography ascending 8 300 ₽

Non-invasive and highly informative diagnostic test, based on the ability of tissues of different densities to transmit ionizing radiation - x-rays. In Moscow it is used everywhere to study skeletal elements and internal organs. Today the method, discovered back in 1845 in Germany, has no complete analogues. The development of technology has made it possible to improve it and reduce the radiation load on the patient’s body. X-rays can be taken using modern medical institutions and diagnostic centers.

Features of digital radiography

While maintaining the same operating principle, the latest equipment allows you to examine the body at the highest possible level. There is no longer a need to develop photographs and store film archives. Main feature Digital radiography is the ability to display high-quality images on a monitor screen.

Having taken an X-ray using digital equipment, the patient receives the finished image almost immediately. Main advantages this method studies are:

  • reduction of radiation exposure;
  • obtaining a high-quality, high-resolution image;
  • the ability to record images on digital media.

In addition, X-rays in Moscow, carried out on the basis latest technologies, allows for the most accurate diagnosis due to the ability to work with images from several specialists at once. The image can be transmitted over the Internet without loss of quality and analyzed in different departments hospitals.

Where can I get a paid x-ray?

Early diagnosis often makes it possible to avoid complications in the future and increases the likelihood of a complete recovery for the patient. You can get a paid x-ray done at a high level in “ Open clinic" High-quality equipment and extensive experience of doctors allow us to make accurate diagnostics and identify pathological changes of all body systems initial stages. With us you can undergo paid x-rays using machines latest generation. If necessary, you will be assigned effective treatment. Our clinic, where X-rays are performed by specialists high class, guarantees you:

The procedure itself does not take much time and does not require special preparation. Before the study, you will have a consultation with a doctor who will study your medical history in detail and listen to your complaints. In our clinic, where X-rays can be taken, this diagnostic method is not used unless necessary. We also do not conduct research on pregnant women and children under 14 years of age if the risk to the health of the child or fetus outweighs the benefits of the procedure. You can find out how much an x-ray costs on the website or by calling our clinic.

X-ray in Moscow on Kutuzovsky

The Open Clinic network of medical centers has its own diagnostic and treatment center. It is called “Kutuzovsky” and has high-quality equipment. The price of x-rays here remains quite affordable. IN medical center work the best specialists, whose qualifications are confirmed by numerous international certificates and diplomas. You can get an x-ray in Moscow at Kutuzovsky quickly and at a reasonable price.

All studies are performed on digital device Bucky Diagnost from Philips. It is a professional unit that allows you to undergo X-rays with high efficiency and as harmlessly as possible. The main concept of this equipment is modularity. The system can be assembled for specific research tasks.

Types of X-rays at the Open Clinic

In our medical center it is possible to undergo x-rays of all vital important organs, tissues and skeletal elements. The equipment used in diagnostics allows examination of any part of the body. Patients are given the opportunity to undergo even complex x-rays. We can make it in the following types:

  • X-ray of the head (nasopharynx, skull, nasal bones);
  • mammography (examination of the mammary glands);
  • chest x-ray;
  • x-ray of soft tissues (axillary area);
  • X-ray of joints and bones.

If any symptoms appear and discomfort Contact our center, where you can get an x-ray with the least radiation exposure. Our specialists will develop an individual diagnostic strategy for you, and if there are direct indications, they will prescribe a study. We are one of the largest clinics offering quality services at an affordable cost.

Why is it worth getting a paid x-ray?

The main advantages of institutions where you can get paid x-rays are the absence of queues and the speed of examinations. In addition, they provide high level service. In a private medical center in Moscow, where you can have an x-ray, you will undergo the procedure quickly and without discomfort.

Another advantage of paid diagnostics is an individual approach to each patient. Doctors working in private clinics, where leading experts recommend taking x-rays, care about your health. They will analyze in detail all the symptoms, on the basis of which they will decide on the need for radiography. It is important to remember that the cost of an x-ray is much lower than the treatment of the consequences that may arise if the disease is not detected in a timely manner.

X-ray: price

The price of an x-ray varies from 1000 to 5000 rubles. The cost of the study depends on many factors. If you need an x-ray, where to have it done is an important question, because each clinic independently determines pricing policy. The amount also changes based on the following points:

  • equipment class;
  • the prestige of the clinic;
  • location of the institution;
  • study area;
  • number of projections.

How much an x-ray costs may also be affected by the need for additional examinations or re-diagnosis.

One of the reasons why people go to the clinic is lack of money. If finances do not become a decisive factor, it is best to use the service of paid x-rays. There are enough arguments in favor of such a decision. Today you don’t have to fork out a huge amount to get a paid x-ray. Prices in Moscow fluctuate significantly, and everyone can find an option that suits them. In addition, by taking a paid x-ray, you can spend a minimum of time, which is so often missing. In public hospitals, queues have become commonplace. The quality of service also plays a significant role. In private clinics, paid X-rays are carried out at the highest level.

At acute pain You should seek help immediately. When choosing where to get a paid x-ray done, do not waste extra time. In every district of Moscow you can find several private clinics that provide services at reasonable prices.

By the way, performing a paid x-ray saves not only time and nerves, but also money. The cost of the procedure itself is not that high, while a visit to the clinic will take the whole day, and time off often affects your salary. Take a paid x-ray in the clinic - the best way out out of position. This will only take an hour or two of working time.

and on the basis of this study gives his conclusion about the severity, form and presence of a particular disease, which was suggested by the attending physician, but laboratory tests The test is not sufficient to confirm the diagnosis. The higher the competence this specialist, the more accurately he makes a diagnosis. At the Semeynaya clinic, X-ray examinations are carried out by doctors with extensive experience.

X-ray examination is based on differences in the absorption of x-ray radiation different organs of the examined organism. This difference is determined chemical composition and the density of the patient’s organ or tissue being examined. As a result, the more intensely the organ under study absorbs x-ray radiation, the stronger it casts a shadow on the screen or film. In addition, for the diagnosis of many organs and systems, a contrast method is used, when a special substance is introduced into the organ itself or into the space near it, which absorbs X-ray radiation to a different extent than the organ being studied.

Types of X-ray examinations


Using radiography, a fixed image of the organ or system being studied is obtained (x-ray). Using this method you can explore almost all areas human body . For bones, joints, lungs, diaphragm this is possible due to natural contrast:

  • Chest X-ray
  • X-ray of the spine
  • X-ray of the lumbosacral region
  • X-ray of the cervical spine
  • X-ray of the peripheral skeleton
  • X-ray of joints
  • X-ray of the hip joint

For other organs, radiography is possible through the use of artificial contrast. There are:

  • Duodenography is an examination of the stomach and duodenum. Allows you to determine gastritis that has arisen ulcerative lesions and tumor neoplasms.
  • Mammography is an examination of the mammary glands.
  • Urography is the study of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Angiography is a study of blood vessels using contrast agent. Highlight the following types angiography:
    • Arteriography – study of arteries
    • Venography – study of veins
    • Lymphography is the study of lymphatic vessels.

Depending on the purpose of the angiography, either general angiography is used, when all the main vessels of the examined area are contrasted, or selective angiography, when only individual vessels are contrasted


The essence of this method is to scan organs and systems using X-rays and obtain an image on a screen. This method allows you to examine organs and systems in the process of their functioning: breathing, heart contractions, peristalsis of the stomach, intestines. Using this method, a series of medical procedures, such as bronchial catheterization.
Modern X-ray machines allow fluoroscopy to be performed at different positions of the object being examined and in different directions of the rays:

  • Lateroscopy– transillumination is carried out at horizontal position the patient and the horizontal direction of the rays
  • Trochoscopy– transillumination is carried out with the patient in a horizontal position and the rays directed vertically.

This makes it possible to establish during the study the most advantageous position of the patient, in which changes in the examined organ are identified with the greatest clarity. In addition, in some cases it is possible not only to observe, but also to palpate the organ under study, for example the stomach, intestines.

Making an appointment with a radiologist

Diagnostic methods

Obtaining additional data about the disease

Fluoroscopy and radiography are a group common methods X-ray examination. They also form the basis of private radiological methods based on the use of special technical means for more information about the function and structure of the organ being examined. These methods include:

  • X-ray television illuminationmodern look fluoroscopy, in which an image of the examined organ is displayed on a TV screen using an electron-optical converter. If necessary, the image can be captured on film. With the help of this device, Radiology has “stepped” from darkness into light, since the image can be viewed in the light.
  • Teleradiography- radiography, which is performed from a great distance in order to obtain an image close in size to the organ being examined. Thus, the dimensions of the organ and the image are almost the same. Often used in heart diagnostics, dentistry, etc.
  • Electroradiography- a radiography method in which the image is transferred to plain paper. This method allows you to obtain an operational X-ray image first on a selenium plate and then transfer it to paper.
  • X-ray tomography- the most common method of layer-by-layer research; This method is based on the simultaneous movement of the emitter and the X-ray cassette during the examination.
  • Fluorography I is a method of x-ray examination, which consists of photographing an image from a screen onto a sensitive fluorographic film. Such photography is carried out using a special optical device.

Radiologist consultation

X-ray examination allows not only to diagnose the disease, determine its location and extent, but also to track its dynamics during treatment. To conduct an X-ray examination and accurately diagnose your disease, call the Semeynaya clinic and make an appointment for a consultation

Make an appointment with a specialist at the Semeynaya clinic

Fill out just two fields in the form below, our administrator will contact you to confirm the data and a convenient time

  • Every day and around the clock.
  • X-ray and fluoroscopic examinations of any degree of complexity for adults and children.
  • Emergency examinations without queues or registration.
  • Expert-class digital equipment is highly sensitive and allows one to reduce radiation exposure many times over.

X-ray studies

X-ray examinations are the first link in the diagnostic search for various diseases and pathologies. Among all instrumental examinations X-rays take the least amount of time.

EMC patients have access to:

    retrograde cholangiopancreatography;


Where can I get an x-ray for my child?

Standard radiography for young EMC patients is carried out at the Children's Clinic at 26 Trifonovskaya St. In a very cozy children's environment, with big amount toys, the child undergoes the full range of x-ray examinations prescribed by the attending physician.

The entire clinic staff has extensive experience working with children and finds an approach to every child.

Performed on a digital X-ray machine qualitative research with minimal radiation exposure. This equipment allows you to get a detailed picture of the smallest structures of the baby’s body.

In the X-ray room of the Children's Clinic, only pediatric radiologists who have extensive experience working with young patients and knowledgeable age characteristics child's body.

Radiography is the most accessible, multidisciplinary (applicable in all areas of medicine) diagnostic method. Radiologists apply European diagnostic protocols and work in close contact with pediatric specialists of all profiles.

At the EMC Children's Clinic in Moscow, young patients can:

  1. chest organs;
  2. abdominal organs;
  3. sinus and nasopharynx;
  4. spine standing/lying down, with functional tests, with a “stitching” function to assess deformities of all parts of the spine on one film;
  5. all joints, large and small bones of the skeleton;
  6. urinary system.

Get an x-ray at EMC in Moscow possible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Prices for x-ray examinations can be clarified at the clinic.

EMC carries out radiographic and fluoroscopic examinations of any degree of complexity:

  • examination of the chest organs;
  • organ examination gastrointestinal tract;
  • Retrograde cholangiopancreatography;
  • examination of the genitourinary system;
  • fistulography;
  • radiography and fluoroscopy of skeletal bones;
  • radiography of the paranasal sinuses;
  • X-ray of the nasopharynx, etc.

Digital X-ray equipment installed at the European Medical Center is highly sensitive and allows one to reduce radiation exposure many times over.

Preparing for the study

Standard X-ray examination does not require preparation from the patient - you will only need to remove objects with metal elements (chains, pendants) that fall into the examination area and follow the instructions of the laboratory assistant. An X-ray examination, as a rule, does not take more than 10 minutes (taking into account the positioning of the patient and taking a series of images). The process itself, which requires the patient to remain motionless, takes a few seconds.

X-ray of the upper gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, initial parts of the small intestine)

You should follow a slag-free diet for two days before the test. It is not recommended to eat legumes, brown bread, milk, carbonated drinks, vegetables, fruits, processed foods, and sweets. Allowed are buckwheat, rolled oats, lentils, rice, tea, dairy products(if there is no intolerance), lean meat, fish, vegetable soups. The study is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach. The last meal is the day before at 19:00, after which only sweet tea is allowed. On the day before the test, you must refrain from smoking.

Irrigoscopy (x-ray examination of the colon)

You should follow a slag-free diet for two days before the test. The study is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. The last meal is the day before at 19:00, after which only sweet tea is allowed. You should perform two cleansing enemas (the first in the evening before the examination, and the second in the morning the day before the examination) or take a laxative: for example, Fortrans or Duphalac, starting at 16:00 on the day before the examination. Each sachet is diluted in 1 liter of water, for body weight >70 kg, take 3 sachets,<70 кг – 2 пакетика (препараты приобретаются пациентом самостоятельно).

Defecography (functional study to assess the condition of the rectum)

You should follow a slag-free diet for two days before the test. The study is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. The last meal is the day before at 19:00, after which only sweet tea is allowed. You should perform two cleansing enemas (the first in the evening before the examination, and the second in the morning the day before the examination) or take a laxative: for example, Fortrans or Duphalac, starting at 16:00 on the day before the examination. Each sachet is diluted in 1 liter of water, for body weight >70 kg, take 3 sachets,<70 кг – 2 пакетика (препараты приобретаются пациентом самостоятельно).

Intravenous (excretory) urography

You should follow a slag-free diet for two days before the test. On the eve of the study day, a light dinner is allowed. The study is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach or (if the study is planned for a later time) in the morning on the day of the study - a light breakfast. Before the study, take Fortrans in the department (diluted in water and given by the treatment nurse). To do this, you must arrive at the department 1 hour before the examination.

Excretory urography in a child

3 days before the study, limit the intake of gas-forming products and follow a slag-free diet if the baby is breastfed - all these restrictions apply to the nursing mother. Legumes, brown bread, milk, carbonated drinks, vegetables, fruits, processed foods, and sweets are not recommended. Buckwheat, rolled oats, lentils, rice, tea, fermented milk products (if there is no intolerance), lean meat, fish, vegetable soups are allowed. 1 day before the study, you should take drugs that reduce gas filling in the intestines and/or sorbents (espumisan, smecta, enterosgel, Filtrum, activated carbon, etc. - will be prescribed by the attending physician). On the day of the study, 2-3 hours before the procedure, have a light breakfast (to reduce “hungry gases”). Before starting the study, you must empty your bladder (before entering the X-ray room, you are always offered to go to the toilet, even if you “don’t feel like it”).