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X-ray centers addresses. X-ray studies

The role of radiographic examination in the diagnosis of human diseases cannot be overestimated. This diagnostic method is very popular. Every person should undergo fluorography once a year; some people receive a referral from a doctor for examination using an X-ray machine. various reasons. This article will discuss taking x-rays that anyone can do. Some of the institutions described below accept children.

When is an X-ray necessary?

The main indications for radiographic examination are as follows:

  • Diseases of the joint and skeletal system. These include: osteomyelitis and malformations, injuries, tumors, arthritis.
  • Lung diseases, including suspected malignant neoplasms.
  • Heart pathologies.
  • Kidney disease and urinary tract, as well as the large intestine.

In addition, radiography is used in dental treatment, as well as for examining the uterus and fallopian tubes.

Where to get an x-ray in Moscow?

Today, almost every health care facility and clinic provides the described service. In Moscow and the Moscow region alone there are more than 1,000 institutions that you can contact. The examination can be done for a fee or free of charge. Free x-rays in Moscow are done in medical institutions at the place of registration. To carry out the procedure you must provide compulsory medical insurance policy and passport. A referral from your attending physician will also be required. As for the paid examination, it is done in diagnostic centers and different specialized clinics. This service is not very expensive and depends on the complexity of the study. Minimum price for x-rays starts from 500 rubles.

Medical Center “Orange Clinic”

This is a family medical center. Doctors of various specialties work here, including 17 candidates medical sciences and 3 elders research fellow. In this institution, you can do x-rays for both adults and children, so if you are looking for a place where to get an x-ray for a child in Moscow, then this institution will suit you.

Types of medical center radiography

At the Orange Clinic, everyone will be able to undergo the following examination:

  • Fluorography. It helps detect tuberculosis and malignant formations in the lungs.
  • X-ray of the stomach. Using this procedure, stomach ulcers, tumors, polyps and other diseases are detected.
  • Irrigoscopy. It is necessary for examining the large intestine.
  • Urography. This examination is intended to examine the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Mammography. It is intended for examination of the mammary glands.
  • X-ray of the joints of the spine and bones, including the bones of the skull.
  • allowing to identify sinusitis.
  • Panoramic and regular dental x-rays.
  • Other types of examination.

The clinic is equipped with the most modern equipment. All patients are given an official report and photographs. The institution is located at the address: Novoyasenevsky Prospekt, building 13, building 2. If you decide to get there by metro, you will need to get off at Yasenevo station.

Clinic on "Strogino"

According to the administrator, X-rays at the clinic are performed only in branches located near the Proletarskaya, Yugo-Zapadnaya and Strogino metro stations. Thus, the branch at Strogino is located at the address: Kulakova Street, building 20, building 1L.

The Doctor Nearby clinic has the most high-precision X-ray equipment. Here you can undergo an examination not only after consultation with specialists from this medical center, but also upon referral from other health care facilities.

Advantages of the equipment of the Doctor Nearby clinic:

  • Radiation levels are 20 or 30% lower.
  • The device is guaranteed to provide high quality Images.
  • Patients receive images within 3 minutes after the examination.
  • It is very easy to store, process and transfer pictures taken with this equipment.

X-ray at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Those who want to undergo an X-ray examination quickly and inexpensively should contact the RAS hospital. Here you will be received at convenient time, no queue and no direction. Clinic specialists work until eight in the evening. After the procedure, the patient is given a conclusion. The head of the X-ray diagnostic department is radiologist Anastasia Mikhailovna Filimonova.

The institution is located on Litovsky Boulevard, building 1A. If you get there by metro, you need to get off at the Yasenevo station.

Institution services

By contacting the RAS hospital, the patient can sign up for:

  • Contrast radiography, which allows you to obtain information about the shape and location of an organ, its condition and mobility. The radiologist identifies deviations from the norm and tumor growths. This procedure is usually prescribed if other research methods are not very informative.
  • X-ray surgery, with the help of which it is possible to perform low-traumatic operations under the control of an X-ray machine.
  • Fluorography. The patient's chest is examined with radioactive beams, which are converted and focused onto film during the procedure. The technique uses an element of photography.
  • Using this technique, it is possible to visualize organs using X-ray radiation. Next, the data is processed on a computer. Thanks to tomography, it is possible to examine even those areas of the body that are not amenable to conventional x-ray examination.
  • Irrigography. This x-ray examination very effective and safe. It allows you to detect tumors in the intestines.
  • Ductography. It is a type of mammography. During the examination, a contrast agent is used.

Price for radiography services

Those who are planning to have an x-ray done in Moscow at this particular institution need to find out the cost of the services. Thus, the price of a survey depends on the complexity, equipment used, survey area, number of projections and other factors. So, it costs 800 or 1100 rubles in one or two projections, respectively. If we're talking about about the examination of the sella turcica, the cost of the procedure will be 800 rubles, and if about x-rays of the first and second vertebrae of the neck - 1150 rubles. During examination thoracic spine you need to pay 1400 rubles, the same as for the examination lumbar region(two projections). If it is performed in two projections, as well as the sternum, the patient will be billed for 1000 and 1120 rubles, respectively. Preventive fluorography costs 650 rubles, and diagnostic - 800.

For an X-ray of the lungs and a comprehensive X-ray examination of the esophagus, the patient will need to pay 1,500 and 1,300 rubles. respectively. But radiography and fluoroscopy of the stomach and duodenum costs a little more, namely 1940 rubles. If you carry out the same procedure with double contrast, it will cost you 2080 rubles. To identify diseases of the large intestine, irrigoscopy is used, the cost of which is 2880 rubles, as well as x-ray control of the passage of contrast, its price is 1940 rubles. When X-raying the pyramid of the temporal bone using the method of Schüller, Mayer and Stenvers, a bill of 1,400 rubles will be charged.

You can do it in the hospital intravenous urography, x-ray of the orbit in two projections, cystography, ureterocystography, tomography of the kidneys in one projection, ascending urethrography, as well as other examinations for 1000-13,000 rubles.

At the request of the patient, the radiologist describes and interprets radiographic images. The price for such a service depends on the complexity of the task and the doctor’s qualifications. So, if the description is made by a doctor of medical sciences, then the service will cost more.

Mammography in this institution is performed in two standard projections, and one or two glands can be examined. The price for the service varies from 2300 to 4200 rubles. If we are talking about mammography with targeted images, then the examination will cost 2,000 rubles. Our list does not contain all prices for hospital services. One thing is certain: if you decide to have an X-ray done in Moscow here, the examination will cost you much less than in other private institutions.

Best Clinic

“Best Clinic” at the River Station was opened in 2008. This was the first medical center of the network. The institution has established itself as a reliable professional center that helps maintain the health of patients.

One of the main advantages of the center is its high-quality radiology department. And all because his offices are equipped with the latest technology. In addition, the equipment is completely safe and provides the most accurate data with minimal radiation exposure. Unfortunately, the Best Clinic at the River Station does not do x-rays. This service is available only in the branch, which is located near the Profsoyuznaya metro station at the address: Novocheremushkinskaya, building 34, building 2. The institution is open from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 21:00 pm, on Saturday from 9:00 morning to 21:00 evening, and also on Sunday from nine in the morning to eight in the evening.

Clinic services

Here everyone can sign up for an x-ray in Moscow urgently. Specialists will do:

  • Survey abdominal cavity, including for children.
  • X-ray examination chest for adults and for children.
  • X-ray of cranial bones
  • Examination of a child's head.
  • X-ray of fractures various bones, including in a child.
  • Spinal examination, fluorography (children and adults).

The reception is conducted by Vlad Anzhelika Romanovna, who is the head of the department and a candidate of medical sciences. She specializes in radiology and has been working with patients for 20 years. In addition to the classic X-ray examination, the doctor performs MRI, CT, OGK tomography, fluoroscopy of the stomach, esophagus, and heart, laparoscopy, and fluorography.

Anzhelika Romanovna wrote 25 scientific papers. Some of them are printed in medical journals Russia.

Another doctor is Levon Vaagnovich Turadzhyan. He specializes in radiology. Has been working for more than 5 years. He graduated from the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, studied at the Faculty of General Medicine, as well as the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in the direction of Radiology.

The doctor has experience working with various software, allowing him to decipher and interpret the received data as much as possible. He provides services in orthopantomography, computed tomography and teleradiography. He has written several scientific articles and regularly participates in various scientific conferences.

X-ray equipment of the clinic

Where to get an X-ray of the lungs in Moscow? If you contact the described medical center, the examination will be carried out using an Axiomi Luminos DRF LUM X-ray machine. This is digital equipment controlled remotely. A special feature of the device is that it is equipped with a very powerful “Fluorospot Contrast” system. Thanks to this, it was possible to provide a safe technology for conducting surveys in real time. The received data is archived on a hard disk or regular disk. This equipment can even examine bedridden patients; it can also be used to perform digital fluoroscopy, tomography and radiography.

This device can also be used to perform digital tomography and peripheral angiography. The device has a program to reduce the radiation exposure. Using this device, you will not only take an X-ray of a joint in Moscow, but will also be able to completely examine your entire body.

A radiovisograph is another device that is available in the clinic. It is used in dentistry; it can be used to take dental x-rays in Moscow. The model is an electronic X-ray machine, with its help it is possible to as soon as possible obtain a contrast image of the teeth and display it on a computer monitor. Thanks to this study, it is possible to diagnose various dental diseases at the most early stages. And even if symptoms of the disease are not observed. The main advantages of the device are as follows:

  • The radiation exposure here is 10 times less than in a conventional X-ray machine.
  • With the help of such an examination, you can see the entire dentition at once.
  • The result is displayed on the screen, the picture is taken in just 0.1 seconds, and this confirms the safety of the unit.
  • The output is very high-quality images with excellent detail.

Thanks to the fact that the device is connected to a computer, the specialist can optimize image quality. As for the image, modeling, reconstruction and creation of three-dimensional visualization are available with the help of such a device. The images are archived, thanks to which the doctor creates a database on the computer, creating a history for each patient. This will allow, if necessary, to quickly find survey data that was done earlier.

Advantages of radiography and prices

Among the advantages of the radiology department of the described medical center are the following:

  • High information content of each image.
  • Low radiation dose. The device, which is used in the clinic for examination, makes the radiation dose very small, which cannot be said about older analogues.
  • A complex approach. In addition to X-ray examination, the department carries out CT scan. The results are written to disk. After the examination, the doctor answers all the patient’s questions.
  • Comfort. The medical center staff is very attentive and does everything possible to make patients feel at home. There is free parking near the clinic, and patients are also treated to free tea, coffee and cookies. The clinic has wi-fi. The reception is carried out without queues, and if the patient has to wait a little, he can sit on a soft sofa.
  • Speed ​​of service. The procedure takes no more than 10 minutes. And all because the clinic has developed its own application for making appointments for examinations, which eliminates queues.
  • Latest standards. Medical center specialists ensure that the services provided are safe. They work only with the best European techniques and monitor the patient’s response to each procedure.

Now you know where to get an x-ray done in Moscow using high-quality equipment. The cost of the service will be:

  • 1790 rubles for examination femur, lower leg, x-ray of the hand and collarbone, x-ray of the phalanges of the fingers.
  • 1990 rubles for x-ray of the first vertebra cervical spine and atlantoaxial joint. Also, for the same cost, the doctor will examine the ankle joint in two projections and take a photo of the sternum.
  • 1990 rubles for examination knee joint in two projections, face and nose, as well as x-rays of the forearm, elbow and wrist joint. The same cost for a chest x-ray in Moscow, or more precisely, of the organs located inside.
  • 2390 rubles costs an x-ray of the thoracic spine (two projections), x-ray of the sacrum, coccyx and coccygeal-iliac joints.

The doctor will also make a description of the image taken in another health care facility, which costs 1,200 rubles. X-ray of the chest organs in two projections, as well as a chest X-ray in Moscow in three projections to diagnose scoliosis will cost 2890 rubles. How much does an x-ray cost? lower jaw with his mouth covered. An x-ray examination of the kidneys and (two projections) cost 2,190 rubles, but an x-ray of the spine, during which all parts are examined, costs 4,390 rubles.

24/7 operation

Where to get an x-ray in Moscow around the clock? X-rays can be taken around the clock at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences; specialists from this institution hospitalize patients 24/7, and therefore will take an X-ray for those who need inpatient treatment even at night. The rest of the clinics described in our article do not operate around the clock, but the schedule is very convenient for patients. After all, you can get an appointment even late in the evening and on weekends; some institutions are open until nine in the evening.


There are many clinics in Moscow and medical centers, where you can get x-rays done for a fee. The cost of the service depends on the number of projections and other nuances. It is also quite possible to undergo a free examination in clinics at the place of registration, presenting a compulsory medical insurance policy and a passport. However, such institutions cannot boast of having the most modern equipment, which means the radiation dose will be higher. In addition, the patient may become tired of waiting in line.

X-ray of the chest in direct projection (without image) RUB 1000.00
X-ray of the chest organs in direct projection RUB 1300.00
X-ray of the chest organs in two projections RUB 1500.00
Fluorography RUB 1000.00
X-ray of the cervical spine in two projections RUB 1400.00
X-ray of 1-2 cervical vertebrae through an open mouth in a direct projection RUB 1150.00
X-ray of the thoracic spine in two projections RUB 1500.00
X-ray of the lumbosacral spine in two projections RUB 1400.00
Comprehensive examination of the spine - 3 sections - (6 images) RUR 3300.00
X-ray of one part of the spine ( functional study– 4 pictures) RUB 2500.00
X-ray of the skull bones in two projections RUB 2400.00
X-ray of the temporomandibular joints in two projections RUB 1800.00
Sight radiography of the sella turcica in lateral projection RUB 1700.00
Radiography paranasal sinuses nose in direct projection RUB 1250.00
X-ray of the nasopharynx in lateral projection RUB 1350.00
X-ray of the pelvic bones in direct projection RUB 1350.00
Radiography hip joint in direct projection RUB 1350.00
X-ray of the sacrum and coccyx in two projections RUB 1500.00
Radiography shoulder joint in direct projection RUB 1350.00
Radiography elbow joint in two projections RUB 1350.00
X-ray of the nasal bones in two projections RUB 1350.00
X-ray of the wrist joint in two projections RUB 1350.00
X-ray of the knee joint in two projections RUB 1350.00
Radiography ankle joint in two projections RUB 1350.00
Radiography humerus in direct projection RUB 1250.00
X-ray of the forearm bones in two projections RUB 1300.00
X-ray of the femur in two projections RUB 1600.00
X-ray of the leg bones in two projections RUB 1150.00
X-ray of the phalanges of the fingers in two projections RUB 1150.00
X-ray of the hands in a direct projection RUB 1200.00
X-ray of the hand in two projections RUB 1300.00
Radiography calcaneus in lateral projection RUB 1150.00
X-ray of the calcaneus in two projections RUB 1350.00
X-ray of feet in direct projection RUB 1150.00
X-ray of the foot in two projections RUB 1150.00
X-ray of the feet with a load (degree of flat feet) 2 images RUB 1900.00
Plain radiography of the kidneys in a direct projection RUB 1100.00
Radiography under the supervision of a medical specialist (service program) 0.00r
Plain radiography of the abdominal cavity in a direct projection RUB 1150.00
Radiography temporal bones in oblique projection according to Schuller - 2 images RUB 1150.00
Consultation (description) of radiographs from other medical institutions radiologist RUB 1200.00
Contrast agent (urografin) 20 ml RUB 800.00
Recording the study on CD RUB 300.00
Print one photo RUB 300.00
Hysterosalpingography (HSG) RUB 9000.00
Description of the image taken outside the clinic RUB 700.00
Overview of the urinary tract RUB 1300.00
Chest fluorography (prophylactic examination) RUB 300.00
X-ray of the paranasal sinuses in a direct projection (prophylactic examination) RUB 630.00
X-ray of the hands in a direct projection (prophylactic examination) RUB 630.00

Roentgen got its name from the scientist Wilhelm Roentgen, who in 1895 discovered rays capable of penetrating the human body, detailing how light permeates space. Thus, it becomes possible to find out what is happening in the human body, since after X-rays pass through the human body, they can possibly be captured using a photographic plate. This is how a photographic print is made internal organs human body.

Surely everyone has heard that x-ray can negatively affect human health and this is true. With large doses of X-ray radiation, living cells in our body begin to be irreversibly destroyed. But the whole point is that in order for cells to begin to destroy under the influence of X-rays, it is necessary to obtain very large dose radiation, which is natural medical equipment won't allow it. The X-ray method has existed for more than a century, and during this time it has been reliably determined which dose of X-ray radiation is dangerous for humans and which is not. Therefore, if you are offered to take an x-ray, then you should not be afraid of this at all, this procedure absolutely safe, especially if carried out on such modern equipment as in the network of our medical centers.

X-ray machine

As has already become clear, X-ray studies of the human body have been carried out for more than a century. This means not only that this procedure has become safe over time, but also that various modifications of X-ray machines have appeared. For example, in the network of our medical centers you can find not only stationary X-ray machines, but also mobile X-ray laboratories. The question naturally arises: why put the X-ray machine on wheels? Such a simple example. Let's assume that you are the head of an organization whose employees are required to undergo annual medical checkup. Such inspections will inevitably take away from your employees work time and this is unlikely to suit you. Therefore, it is much more expedient not to take the employees of the organization to a medical commission, which is still unknown how long it will last, but to invite the medical commission to your organization and quickly conduct the entire medical commission right at the place of work. This is where an X-ray machine comes in handy, which is capable of moving from one place to another, since not a single medical commission can do without examining the body with X-rays.

What can be diagnosed with an x-ray?

Now let's consider what can be learned about the human body if to make an X-ray. You can find out quite a lot. It has already been indicated that with the help of x-rays, it is possible to determine what injuries a person received and in what place in the body. By and large, on this moment There are simply no other research methods that can determine this. In addition, it is possible to find out whether a person’s internal organs have any damage, for example, whether the lungs are affected by tuberculosis. It is worth noting that it is for the presence of tuberculosis that the body will be checked when passing medical commissions. Thus, it turns out that with the help of X-rays, you can find out, if not everything, then quite a lot about what is happening in the human body. If there were currently no other methods for examining human internal organs, then x-rays could become the only means for determining the presence of damage to internal organs and the human skeleton.

In order to get more detailed information about the cost of x-ray services, call our specialists.


It is worth noting that X-rays are only necessary if prescribed by a doctor. It is not recommended to conduct research if:

There are also a number of contraindications for radiography using contrast. It should not be done if the patient:

X-ray 24/7: prices

Price diagnostic procedures It varies somewhat between clinics. As a rule, those medical centers where you can do x-rays around the clock differ high level safety and reliability. At night there is a radiologist on duty there. 24-hour radiography may be slightly more expensive than examination in daytime. However, it is unique in that in acute situations it can save the patient’s life. With its help, a specialist will be able to quickly make a diagnosis and also prescribe further treatment, including surgery. In addition, the price of 24-hour x-rays is offset by the convenience of such a service. For people with a busy work schedule, this is perhaps the only opportunity to get tested.

Where to get an X-ray 24/7 in Moscow

There are many medical centers in the capital that perform research based on the method radiology diagnostics. X-rays are performed around the clock in Moscow using modern diagnostic equipment that guarantees safety for the patient. In most cases, X-ray examinations in such clinics are carried out without an appointment, because most often patients come here with acute situations.

X-rays of light- This is an X-ray examination of the chest organs in a direct projection. An X-ray of the lungs allows doctors to get an idea of ​​the anatomical topography of the structures and study the condition of the respiratory organs, heart, and costophrenic sinuses.


Indications for X-ray examination of the lungs: annual screening (fluorography); X-ray diagnostics of tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy, atelectasis, traumatic injuries chest; monitoring the effectiveness of treatment of diseases of the pulmonary parenchyma. There are cases when radiography gives a false positive or negative result. This is due to changes in tissue density or abnormalities anatomical structure. In controversial cases, an X-ray examination is performed breathing apparatus or computed tomography. An X-ray of a child’s lungs can be done at any age, but there must be serious reasons for this.


An X-ray of the lungs during pregnancy is possible only if you have emergency indications. Pregnant women are exempt from preventive fluorography. This approach is due to the fact that x-ray irradiation negatively affects cells that rapidly divide or grow. It is not recommended to take X-rays of the lungs when planning pregnancy.

More details


The cost of a lung x-ray in Moscow ranges from 600 to 3150 rubles. The average price is 1,570 rubles.

Where can I get an X-ray of my lungs?

Our portal contains all the clinics where you can get an X-ray of the lungs in Moscow. Choose a clinic that suits your price and location and make an appointment on our website or by phone.

X-ray of extremities is a procedure in which it is done X-ray arms, legs or parts thereof. X-rays of the hands and feet are needed to check the integrity of the bone, as well as to detect infection, arthritis, bone spurs, osteoporosis and other bone diseases. Often, x-rays of the extremities are taken when a leg or arm is broken.


Indications for radiography of the extremities: for injuries of the extremities (fractures, sprains, dislocations, bruises, ruptures); to assess long-term consequences of injuries; at congenital defects development of limb bones; to measure engagement bone tissue V infectious process; for detection of tumors or metastases, etc.; to find out the cause of the pain; checking the condition and position of the bone during or after treatment of a fracture; diagnosis of joint condition and joint fluid; bone conditions due to infection, arthritis and other diseases.


The procedure does not require special preparation. If necessary, x-rays of the child's extremities can be prescribed even in the first weeks of life. However, this examination is prescribed with caution to pregnant women and young children. It should be taken into account that the fetus is especially sensitive to the effects of radiation in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is not recommended to take x-rays when planning pregnancy.

More details


The cost of x-rays of extremities in Moscow ranges from 910 to 14,400 rubles. The average price is 2400 rubles.

Where can I get an x-ray of my extremities?

Our portal contains all the clinics where you can get x-rays of the extremities in Moscow. Choose a clinic that suits your price and location and make an appointment on our website or by phone.