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How to get out of a monthly binge. Why can’t a person break out of binge drinking on his own? Stages of inpatient treatment and rehabilitation

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How to get out of binge drinking?

First of all: I would like to note that if you think that your own strength, aspirations, desires may not be enough - even if necessary help A narcologist will help you. If a person drinks constantly for several days, several times a day, in fairly large dosages and mostly strong alcoholic drinks, then it is quite difficult to give advice; the intervention of a medical professional, a narcologist, is necessary. How to get out of binge drinking is up to you, but be prudent and realistically weigh your options. After all, if you decide to quit the binge on your own, then all responsibility for your health and the absence of complications, for example: the development of delirium tremens, falls on you. If you are not a doctor, it is not worth risking your health. Treatment of alcoholism

How to get out of binge drinking

Binge drinking is the periodic consumption of doses of alcohol, repeated at different intervals to improve one’s well-being, relieve hangover syndrome, uplifting mood. A person strives to get into a normal, mentally more or less comfortable state and does this by drinking another portion. alcohol. But this can't last forever. The body gets used to the volume, demands more, the number and frequency of repetitions increases. And the longer the alcoholization and more quantity alcohol, the stronger the hangover and the harder it is to get out of the binge. We strictly note: only not large doses of alcohol and from 2 to a maximum of 4 days of binge drinking are cases in which the option of how to get out of binge drinking is possible. If you decide to do this yourself, then here are the basic tips:

We come out of binge drinking on our own

  1. 1. Be prepared for the process to take you from 1 to 2-3 days, free up some time. It's weekends, days off, sick leave - it doesn't matter! You will only stay at home and not leave the apartment.
  2. 2. In the last 24 hours before you decide to quit drinking on your own, reduce your alcohol intake. Replace vodka with weak beer, try to stretch the time between alcohol intakes.
  3. 3. It is important to remember that it is not recommended to stop drinking suddenly and immediately. Every human body has a number of individual characteristics. The duration and severity of binge drinking is different for everyone. Alcohol tolerance is the same. To avoid complications, everything must be done gradually, step by step.
  4. 4. In the evening or at night, before the first day, when we come out of the binge on our own, try not to drink alcohol; it will be easier to start the next morning.
  5. 5. You will need a large amount of liquid: still water, warm, slightly sweet tea. Juices are not recommended; they can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause vomiting. Brine - only if there are no stomach problems.
  6. 6. Bed rest, access to fresh air in the room, but not cold. We don’t get sober, we come out of binge drinking on our own.
  7. 7. Let the simplest set of medications be at hand: Corvalol, glycine, enterosgel, activated carbon, aspirin.

How to get out of binge drinking on your own

From the very morning of the first day, while in bed, you must remember the basic rules:

  • · a complete ban on drinking any alcohol;
  • · as much liquid as possible;
  • · going to the toilet, the more often the better;
  • · lack of physical activity;
  • · more sleep, albeit superficial;
  • · try to distract yourself from how you feel;

Willpower, the ability to endure unpleasant things internal state are, perhaps, the main, key factor when we come out of binge drinking on our own. Patience and time, drink more fluids and go to the toilet to cleanse the body of acetaldehyde, a breakdown product of alcohol. We take Enterosgel, one tablespoon dissolved in a glass of water, every three hours. We put two glycine tablets under the tongue, 4-5 times a day and always at night. If you have a strong heartbeat, take Valocordin 15 drops per glass of water, but no more than 4 times a day, before going to bed. Remember that every hour spent without alcohol, every missed time to take another shot, brings you closer to breaking out of the binge. You follow simple rules on your own and gradually feel relief as the day goes on. Try to sleep on the first night, when you are coming out of the binge on your own and this is mandatory and important condition. The fact is that according to all the canons of narcology: delirium delirium (delirium tremens ), develops with a sharp cessation of alcoholism and lack of sleep during the first three days. There must be a dream! Let it not be long and superficial. On the second day, be guided by how you feel. If you feel hungry, eat a little, not fatty. Drink more and go to the toilet again. Fresh air in the room. Don't smoke or limit the number of cigarettes. Try to move a little, but without sudden loads. If you managed to do without drinking alcohol for two days, then the option of quitting the binge on your own was a success.

Help to get out of binge drinking

Binge it heavy a pathological condition for the body and how to help you get out of binge drinking is up to you. But only a narcologist with the help of droppers, special medicines can reliably and safely provide assistance in quitting binge drinking. This is not an emergency; reading a forum on how to get out of binge drinking at home is pointless.

The binge has already happened and if it happened, it means the person no longer controlled himself and allowed this situation to happen. It is unlikely that any advice will help here. Only a doctor will provide help to get out of binge drinking. Don’t risk yourself, to the question of how to get out of binge drinking at home, the answer is correct and simple: challenge narcologist on house. Safety, results and everything goes as painlessly as possible, no need to suffer, fear a breakdown, fear delirium tremens. Binge drinking should be treated by a specialist. How to get out long drinking bout? Only a doctor can help! Self-medication has never done anyone any good! Please think about your health. Guarantees

After drinking alcohol for more than 5 days: Call a Doctor!

The unspoken rule of binge drinking: The number of days you drink, the more days you “go away.”

Long-term alcohol consumption leads to the development of acute alcohol intoxication, which is dangerous not only for health, but also for life. Binge drinking occurs when drinking alcoholic beverages daily—more than 50 ml. If you do not stop in time, withdrawal symptoms will develop. You can get out of binge drinking not only with the help of narcologists, but also on your own: the main thing in this matter is desire and compliance with standard recommendations.

Stop drinking immediately or gradually reduce the dose

You should not assume that you can get out of binge drinking in 1 day. The process is long and, as a rule, painful. You can quickly come to your senses only if your drinking lasted no more than 2 days.

Withdrawal syndrome is different from a regular hangover. Large doses ethyl alcohol violate metabolic processes, negatively affecting all internal organs and systems.

Options for getting out of binge drinking:

  • Cutting.
  • Smooth.

Practicing narcologists believe that breaking out of binge drinking should be abrupt, that is, “dry.” In their opinion, reducing the dose may cause breakdowns and cause more serious consequences. If you are hungover from beer, you may develop beer alcoholism.

Proponents of a smooth exit from binge drinking argue that with a sharp cessation of alcohol, psychological and physical torment is observed, aggravating the situation. Complete withdrawal from ethyl alcohol often leads to “delirium tremens,” so treatment must be approached competently.

An integrated approach allows you to cope with withdrawal symptoms almost painlessly. Women, as a rule, find it much more difficult to break out of binge drinking, which is associated with a fairly rapid distortion of the moral and personal sphere.

Advocates of gradual cessation of alcohol claim that you can break out of binge drinking in just 3 days by gradually reducing the amount you drink. To do this, it is recommended to dilute strong drinks, reduce the daily volume or increase the intervals between drinks.

It's important to organize proper nutrition. Healthy foods help eliminate dysfunction of internal organs and improve well-being. It will not be possible to cope with the problem in one day, since ethyl alcohol causes damage not only to internal organs, but also to the nervous system.

During the recovery period, you should consider psychological aspect. Motivation helps you overcome addiction that destroys your mind and body. Without conviction, most give up and go back on a binge, which most often lasts longer. It should be remembered that in almost all cases the cause of breakdowns is negative psychological pressure - reproaches from relatives, suggestions from drinking buddies.


My husband holds a leadership position and periodically drinks alcohol after concluding serious deals. He cannot afford absenteeism, and his status does not allow him to go to drug treatment. Over 20 years of married life, I have found a method for getting out of binge drinking - we gradually reduce alcohol. I take a tablespoon of vodka every hour the next day, and every 3-4 hours the next day. By Monday he gets back on his feet, and on Tuesday he doesn’t even remember the problem.

Ekaterina Stepanovna (44 years old, Izhevsk)

I don’t see anything wrong with giving up alcohol immediately after a long binge. You will have to suffer from headaches even if you gradually give up vodka, so it’s better right away. No personal advice from former alcoholics on reducing the dose works, I know from myself. If I drink for a long time, tomato or cherry juice, a lot of mineral water, and activated charcoal help me get out of the binge. I take a hot bath, even though doctors don’t advise it.

Igor (37 years old, Nizhny Novgorod)

We can handle it in 3 days

At home, the most effective way to get out of binge drinking is the “three days” method. It is effective when drinking alcohol for 3-4 days, but no more.

It is necessary to distinguish binge drinking from an ordinary hangover. In the first case, the following symptoms occur:

  • Irresistible craving for alcohol.
  • Headaches and body aches.
  • Trembling in hands, tongue and eyelids.
  • Fever and sweating.
  • Increased heart rate and insomnia.
  • Irritability, depression and aggressiveness.

A hangover is characterized by weakness and bad feeling. Drinking alcohol does not bring relief, but only aggravates physical discomfort.

The “three days” scheme for quitting binge drinking is a method whose effectiveness is aimed at removing ethanol from the body, combating dehydration and restoring the functioning of internal organs. The result directly depends on compliance with the recommendations and the desire of the alcohol addict. It is necessary to approach the problem comprehensively: eliminate alcohol, take medications, eat right and lead an active lifestyle.

First day

On the first day, without the help of doctors, it is not easy to give up alcohol; there is a high probability of relapse. Coping with an irresistible urge to use will not be easy, since symptoms such as headache, dizziness, nausea and sweating are present.

To improve your overall well-being when quitting binge drinking, you should:

  1. Drink more fluids (mineral or purified water).
  2. Take Aspirin (1 tablet) and Activated carbon(1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).

Aspirin will relieve headache, and Activated carbon will cleanse toxins and harmful substances. After improving your general well-being, you should try to fall asleep, which is necessary to restore strength. To do this, it is recommended to drink a decoction of chamomile or peppermint.

Second day

On the morning of the second day you should drink strong sweet tea. Glucose will have positive impact to the work of the heart, vascular system and will give you energy. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol or coffee. To combat nausea and hunger, you can use fermented milk products.

You can eat no earlier than the evening of the second day. It is best to use dishes such as chicken broth and boiled chicken breast with buckwheat porridge.

On the third day

On the third day of leaving the binge, you can start eating fully. You definitely need to drink fermented milk products to digestive system worked properly, and nutrients were completely absorbed.

It is recommended to take magnesium, potassium, ascorbic acid and B vitamins. Removes well withdrawal syndrome mineral water with lemon juice, rose hip decoction and tomato juice. In case of lack of sleep and excessive nervousness, you can take a sedative, such as Phenazepam.

When coming out of binge drinking, they help cope with headaches hiking. This is due to the fact that when moving, blood circulation increases, cardiac activity improves and vascular tone increases.

After a binge lasting more than a week

Long-term binge drinking (more than 7 days) requires taking drastic measures. In this case, simple adsorbent preparations and desoldering are not enough. Ideally, take a course of polyionic drugs, saline solutions and Hemodez. It is unacceptable to resort to such procedures at home, since emergency treatment may be necessary. health care.

To break down and remove toxins, you can use safe medications - a complex of drugs. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can take Metronidazole (500 mg) and Furosemide (1 tablet). To eliminate headaches - Alcoseltzer and Paracetamol. If you have heart problems - Corvalol or Validol.

During a week-long binge, you can’t do without psychological influence for an alcohol addict. To begin with, contacts with drinking buddies are excluded. Under no circumstances should you show pity towards him and leave him alone. After 2-3 days, the craving for alcohol will disappear, but the withdrawal from binge drinking does not end there, because there is still a lot of recovery procedures ahead.

Cleansing the body

After a long period of heavy drinking, there is a need for rehabilitation procedures. First of all, you need to take measures to cleanse the internal organs of the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol (aldehydes) using Activated Carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).

After drinking alcohol, the following need to be cleansed:

  • Heart - pumping thick blood, which leads to an increase blood pressure.
  • Gastrointestinal tract - under the influence of ethyl alcohol, the gastric mucosa is destroyed, which leads to gastritis and ulcers.
  • Brain. The lack of oxygen and protein, leading to memory impairment, can be replenished by consuming chicken broth and dairy products.
  • Liver. Destroyed hepatocytes require the use of restorative and detoxifying agents - milk thistle, knotweed, artichoke, St. John's wort.

To normalize cardiac activity and improve general condition after binge drinking, you need to take the drug Capozide and drink more fluids. Diuretics are effective - Diakarb, Triampur. For tachycardia, take Corinfar. To restore potassium, eat natural honey, dried apricots, oranges and bananas. To restore the natural functions of the digestive system, you need to start drinking jelly and fermented milk products. Brine or lemon water help well, restoring acid balance and liver regenerating.

For complete recovery from binge drinking, it takes at least a week after overcoming the acute phase of withdrawal symptoms. Asthenia (deterioration in the performance of internal organs) lasts for a month.

Medicines to help

When you come out of binge drinking, you should take it from the first day. medications according to the following scheme:

  1. Take medications: Activated carbon (5-7 tablets) and a packet of Enterosgel or Polyphepan. The drugs will remove the remaining ethyl alcohol and facilitate the functioning of the liver.
  2. After 1.5–2 hours, drink Essentiale and Mezim to restore the liver and speed up metabolism. After 4 hours, take a new portion of sorbents again.

During heavy drinking, No-shpa will help you cope with tremors with medication, and Analgin will relieve headaches. These medications can be taken no more than 2 times a day.

Under no circumstances should you take Corvalol or Valocordin when you are coming out of a drinking binge, as they increase the likelihood of developing a stroke or heart attack. Among the approved drugs that normalize activity of cardio-vascular system, Capozide and Glycerin should be highlighted.

To restore the activity of the central nervous system when leaving a binge, Phenibut is prescribed, a nootropic drug with tranquilizing properties. It is recommended to take after acute withdrawal symptoms have resolved.

Restoring healthy sleep

Lack of sleep after binge drinking is associated with a violation of the psychological level. To normalize it, you should take psychotropic drugs (as prescribed by a doctor), sedatives and vascular medications.

In order to restore sleep when recovering from binge drinking at home, it is recommended:

  • Do herbal teas with peppermint, motherwort, St. John's wort and drink hot.
  • Drink a pumpkin drink before bed (finely chop the seeds and add 150 ml of water, grind to pulp, add 1 teaspoon of honey).

Elenium, Donormil and Aozolam help to cope with insomnia. The most gentle are the drugs developed on the basis medicinal herbs, for example Grandaxin, Novo-Passit.

What not to do

When you come out of a binge, you can’t:

  1. Visiting the bathhouse and sauna can lead to loss of consciousness and even death against the background of a decrease in blood pressure.
  2. Accept cold and hot shower– provides negative impact on the cardiovascular system and can cause vasospasm.
  3. Excessive physical activity – working in the alveolar mode puts a lot of stress on the heart.
  4. Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

Moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages can bring benefits to the body, for example, alcohol helps relieve stress and improves mood. But only if it is not abused. Otherwise, a person may simply go on a binge.

In this case, the amount of alcohol consumed is no longer controlled, the body experiences severe stress, and many of its organs may begin to fail. That is why it is very important to know how to properly get out of this state, and what is necessary for this.

The longer the alcohol binge, the stronger and larger the consequences will be. It is best, of course, to seek help from a drug addiction specialist, but if this is not possible, then you can try to cope with the problem yourself. The main thing is to strictly follow the following action plan:

  1. Need to replenish supplies home first aid kit. After all overuse alcohol had a negative impact on the condition of almost all internal organs. Therefore, you should have on hand medications to restore the liver and normalize the gastrointestinal tract, vitamin complexes, and medications to improve and normalize heart function. And sedatives.
  2. In addition, you should always have on hand non-carbonated mineral water, mint drops, fresh brine from cabbage or cucumbers without vinegar, fruit juice, honey and chicken or beef broth. It is these products that have been used for many decades as the main means of removing a person from binge drinking.

Attention! The most important thing in breaking out of binge drinking is the psychological aspect. So, a potential alcoholic himself must first of all want to feel sober life again. Otherwise, as soon as he feels better, he will return to increased alcohol consumption.

Video: how to deal with the problem yourself?

Watch a video that tells you how best to quit binge drinking at home, if possible, without seeing a doctor? Is it possible to get out of binge drinking on your own? Which medications necessary to get out of an uncomplicated binge? What are the principles of treating simple binge drinking? Is it possible to quickly get out of a not very long drinking binge, and how to do it?

Exit plan for a long beer binge

It is the first three days that are considered the most difficult and critical. The body, accustomed to receiving a heavy dose of alcohol, will experience severe withdrawal, and the person himself may experience severe mental discomfort. That is why it is very important that during this time the patient is supported with all his might by his closest and dearest people.

Important! To get a person out of binge drinking, one should limit his contacts with the outside world as much as possible, especially with friends who also like to abuse alcohol.

The call to recover from a hangover may be stronger than common sense, and a person may simply give up. Therefore, in the very first days, he should not leave the walls of his home, and strangers should not come to him.

The first day is the hardest. Therefore, the night before you should go to bed early, and immediately before going to bed, drink a glass of water to which twenty drops of mint extract have previously been added. Immediately after waking up, you should drink 500 ml of pure still water, you can add a couple of spoons of honey to it.

The next stage is a warm shower, but in no case a contrast shower. Temperature changes provoke a sharp narrowing and dilatation of blood vessels, which can become the main cause of a heart attack or stroke. Instead of alcohol, it is important to take activated carbon, kvass, Valocordin and warm chicken broth on this day. The main task is to prevent alcohol from entering the body.

On the second day, liquid porridge with water, with a minimum amount of fat, should be included in the diet. And also take medications for the liver or improve stomach function again. The volume of clean drinking water increases to three liters.

On this day, you should use sedatives and cardiac medications as little as possible; the body should begin to function normally on its own. From this day you should start taking vitamins, especially B6 and glycine.

The third day is a turning point, despite the fact that the person already feels significant relief, he still has a depressive mood and general weakness. Therefore, here you can only expand your diet with fiber, also drink a lot of water and stick to bed rest.

Attention! During the first three days of withdrawal from binge drinking, the patient should not be allowed to perform any physical exercise. This may cause severe and sharp deterioration well-being. Physical labor in minimal quantities is acceptable from 4, or better yet, from 5 days from the start of treatment.

Taking medications should be agreed with your doctor. It is best to purchase those medications that the patient has already used before, and they are not contraindicated for him.

Quit immediately or gradually?

Experts still recommend quitting binge drinking gradually. That is why during the first day it is allowed to drink up to 250 ml of high-quality vodka or cognac with meals. A weakened body with severe intoxication can react unpredictably to a sudden lack of alcohol. So, loss of consciousness, tachycardia, or even a stroke may occur.

Important! An abrupt exit from binge drinking is allowed if excessive alcohol consumption lasted no more than three days in a row.

This option is suitable only for people with a strong will and iron health. They are allowed to drink 150 ml of high-quality alcohol on the first day. And you should eat fatty broths along with homemade ham or lard.

Relieve serious condition The following medical advice will help the patient:

  • Mandatory use of absorbents, for example, Enterosgel.
  • Complete peace and maximum support from loved ones.
  • If the craving for alcohol is too strong, then it is better to drink high-quality kvass or homemade fruit drink, but you should definitely avoid drinking even non-alcoholic beer.
  • It is necessary to sleep as much as possible and visit the toilet as often as possible.
  • It is necessary to provide access to fresh air into the room.
  • You should definitely take medications to restore your liver. They will not only help remove alcohol from the body faster, but will also help this important organ recover.

Attention! If the patient’s health does not improve within the first two days of quitting binge drinking, you should definitely seek help from a narcologist.

Quitting binge drinking is a complex and rather lengthy process that negatively affects the functioning of the entire body as a whole. Therefore, it is best to prevent the onset of such a condition than to treat it later.

With prolonged abuse of alcoholic beverages, acute alcohol intoxication occurs, which is dangerous to human health and life. Therefore, it is important to know how to get out of binge drinking at home, give up alcohol for a long time, recover, and regain the joy of sober life. Withdrawal syndrome is not only a physiological problem, but also psychological nature, therefore, treatment must be comprehensive, affecting all areas of the alcoholic’s life.

What is binge drinking

Prolonged intake of increased doses of ethanol into the body is considered a drunken state. Without motivation, the help of a doctor and the sincere desire of an alcoholic to quit drinking, it is difficult to effectively treat and can become chronic. There are four stages of alcoholism, and binge drinking is more typical for stages 3–4 of the disease. To remove the remnants of ethyl alcohol after drinking from the systemic bloodstream, you need to consult a narcologist, recognize the problem and begin intensive care.

The difference between withdrawal symptoms and hangovers

After a noisy feast, you shouldn’t consider yourself binge alcoholic if in the morning next day my head hurts a lot. This is a clear sign of a hangover, which is temporary and can be successful treatment when taking analgesics and antispasmodics internally. As for withdrawal syndrome, there is a certain difference: the pathological condition consists of internal discomfort, painful and depressed sensations in the absence of a new dose of alcohol. A person turns into an addicted drug addict who can no longer imagine his life without alcohol.

If withdrawal symptoms appear after just one drinking session, we're talking about about serious internal disease which gradually progresses. The person does not realize this, but the immediate environment must clearly notice and take all necessary measures. When, after the first drink, withdrawal symptoms form and a person enters a dangerous state of binge drinking, the problem becomes widespread. In such a clinical picture without additional treatment official and alternative methods It’s clearly not possible, but you can only act on the advice of a specialist.

Is it possible to quit binge drinking on your own?

In painful conditions after drinking alcohol, a person realizes that drinking is bad and mentally prepares himself for a sober life. When chronic alcoholism this is not easy to do because ethanol continues to be absorbed into the systemic circulation during high concentration. Vigilant relatives and timely access to a drug treatment clinic come to the rescue. You can get out of binge drinking yourself, but this requires good motivation (in other words, you need to find your own benefit).

Personal motivation

If a drinker is not able to completely give up drinking alcohol, he needs to be properly motivated. Otherwise, toxic addiction will continue to reduce the quality of life and decompose the once integral personality. To achieve radical changes in the consciousness of an alcoholic, you need to attract the following plans, dreams and aspirations:

  • the desire to preserve the family and respect of loved ones;
  • persistent desire to restore one’s good name in society;
  • plans to get a new one, promising work;
  • the desire to start a family and healthy offspring;
  • the desire to prove to the masses that an alcoholic is still worth something;
  • desire to move up the career ladder, to achieve personal growth;
  • panic fear death, incurable diseases.

What factors influence the success of the procedure?

Desire alone is not enough to quickly and effectively get out of such a state without additional help doctor, it is necessary to realistically assess the prevailing clinical picture, taking into account the internal mood of the dependent person to quit drinking. Below are the main factors that can play a decisive role in the life of a binge alcoholic:

  • duration of exposure to ethanol (the more you drink, the harder it is to be treated and remove intoxication products from the blood);
  • daily doses of ethanol (the more alcohol consumed, the more serious the health complications of a binge alcoholic);
  • presence chronic diseases against the background of withdrawal syndrome (under the influence of ethanol, a relapse of the underlying disease progresses, and it is difficult for doctors to predict the health consequences);
  • previous head injuries (in this case we are talking about a concussion with loss of consciousness or short-term amnesia);
  • the quality of alcoholic beverages consumed (low-quality products significantly increase the risk of death).

How to get out of binge drinking on your own

For the productive removal of acetaldehyde from the blood and stomach, action must be taken immediately, and without medical intervention it is possible to ensure sustainable positive dynamics in home environment. If the binge lasts no more than 2 days, it is important to strictly adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  1. Immediately stop the intake of ethanol into the body, i.e., stop further drinking alcoholic beverages.
  2. In the morning, you first need to take 1.5 liters of water orally, then drink 2 - 3 tablets of activated carbon (another sorbent). Drugs for the liver and stomach become an auxiliary treatment for visible symptoms.
  3. Afterwards you need to drink broth high fat content and take a contrast shower to invigorate and stimulate systemic blood flow.
  4. Day and evening, it is important to repeat such procedures, starting with the intake of sorbents and ending with water sessions involving cold and hot water.
  5. Recommended throughout the day natural juices and berry fruit drinks, increased physical activity in the absence of chronic fatigue.

If the question of how to get out of binge drinking without a doctor refers to a longer alcohol intoxication, than 2 - 3 days, the first step is to artificially induce vomiting. This is important so that the stomach can no longer adsorb ethanol with further distribution into the circulatory system. After introducing the remaining toxins, sorbents must be ingested, according to the weight category. In the future, carry out symptomatic treatment at home.

What is needed for treatment

Before quitting a binge without a doctor, you need to recognize the health problem. Then act according to the established scheme: first induce vomiting, then take sorbents, carry out symptomatic therapy. In such a clinical picture, it is necessary not only to take individual medications from several pharmacological groups, but also individual nutritional correction, familiar image life, bad habits. Here's what you'll need for effective treatment binge drinking without the presence of a doctor:

Medicines. The main goals of therapy, how to get out of a long binge without a doctor, are to stop the effects of ethanol on the kidneys, heart and other important organs; accelerate the removal of toxic substances from the body and promote the restoration of organic resources. Representatives of the following pharmacological groups are welcome:

  • enterosorbents necessary to restore gastric mucosa damaged by ethanol and stimulate intestinal motility: Polysorb-MP, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, activated carbon;
  • antiemetics and saline solutions for removing intoxication products: Cerucal, Regidron;
  • heart drugs to stabilize blood pressure, combat arrhythmia and tachycardia, provide a long-term effect without relapse for the myocardium and cardiovascular system: Corvalol, Validol, Valocordin, Valerian in the form of a decoction or tincture;
  • oral antispasmodics and analgesics to eliminate acute migraines, attacks of pain of unknown etiology, to alleviate general well-being: No-shpa, Analgin, Ibuprofen, No-shpalgin;
  • diuretics internally are necessary for the productive removal of ethanol residues from the body drinking man, normalization of kidney and kidney function: Furosemide, rosehip decoction;
  • sedatives and tranquilizers to calm and relax the nervous system, eliminate cravings for alcohol, combat depression: Phenazepam, Metronidazole, Tiapride, Diazepam, Aminalon;
  • multivitamin complexes full treatment course for quick removal muscle and emotional tension, strengthening local immunity, for example, Pikovit, AlfaVit, Duovit;
  • injection solutions for drip administration to restore water-salt balance, rid the organic resource of intoxication products and symptoms of long-term binge drinking.

Foods that help detoxify the body. To help get out of binge drinking, you need to change the drinker’s menu, enrich it with valuable sources of water, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Such adjustments speed up the process of getting rid of withdrawal symptoms, are tonic and general strengthening effect. The following food products have proven themselves to be effective:

  • citrus fruits, rich acetylsalicylic acid to remove toxins and free radicals;
  • sour berries or berry fruit drinks to increase permeability vascular walls and strengthening the blood vessels themselves, increasing appetite;
  • low-fat dairy products which, during binge drinking, removes harmful, toxic substances from the body;
  • beef or chicken broth to tone the whole body, reduce the severity of signs of alcohol intoxication;
  • mineral water or brine, which not only quench thirst during hangover symptoms, but also have bactericidal properties;
  • light porridge, which do not overload systemic digestion and normalize intestinal motility.

How to deal with short-term binge drinking - the three-day method

If the patient has finally decided to quit drinking, and has enough willpower due to the specific nature of his character, he can use the “three days” method of getting rid of toxic addiction, which is effective in practice. This technique is appropriate for early stages alcoholism, if we are talking about a short-term drunken state. You can implement it at home, the main thing is to follow the proposed sequence of actions, the chronology of the required stages, you can involve a course of massage.

The first day

The first step is to completely give up alcoholic beverages and eliminate their presence at home. It is necessary to vigilantly check that there is not a drop of alcohol left. The main task of the patient at this stage is to refuse the hangover after waking up in the morning, to show willpower and the desire to quit drinking forever. It will not be easy, since you may encounter symptoms such as dizziness, excessive sweating, internal chills, temperature changes, painful sensations in the head, and confusion. These symptoms are bedridden.

To normalize the general condition, an alcoholic needs to sleep and drink more, completely give up physical and emotional stress, and switch his thoughts from drinking alcohol. To accelerate positive dynamics, it is necessary to take sorbents such as Enterosgel and activated carbon. This is important for the productive removal of toxins, pain relief, calming and relaxing a tense nervous system. You need to drink 1.5 liters of water and take 2 - 3 tablets of activated carbon, then drink fatty broth and sleep.

Day two – intensive detoxification

The next day of an alcoholic should begin with a cup of sweet, strong tea, since the intake of glucose into the body has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and provides the organic resource with the necessary energy. Do not drink coffee and do not smoke under any circumstances, since caffeine and nicotine negatively affect the condition of the vascular walls.

In addition, after a long binge, be sure to drink more liquid, for example, chicken broth, herbal infusions, and berry fruit drinks. If necessary, in order to neutralize the effects of toxins, it will not hurt to take sorbents, a contrast shower and get more rest. Gradually introduce fermented milk products, lean cereals, natural vitamins.

Day three - restoration of body functions

The recommended intake of fluid into the body is 2–3 liters, but we are not just talking about water. Welcome herbal decoctions, berry fruit drinks and natural juices with a high content of vitamin C. The patient’s appetite significantly increases, pronounced signs fever and alcohol intoxication. To speed up natural process recovery, you can not only increase physical activity, but adhere to a therapeutic diet. To restore liver function it is necessary oral administration hepatoprotectors, as an option - Gepabene, Essentiale Forte.

What to do if the binge lasts 7 days or longer

During a long-term binge, a patient should not be overtired; he must strictly adhere to bed rest. Restore general health in a home environment it will not be easy, but also to solve main problem How to get out of binge drinking without a doctor is almost impossible. An alcoholic can be given ammonia to drink, which must first be diluted in water. The second option for a painless recovery is to eat sour cabbage soup or a whole lemon. Can be eaten a raw egg or drink milk with honey. Mustard plaster on the back of the head or a contrast shower help.

The main goal is to avoid dangerous health consequences and hospitalization in such a clinical picture (with a week-long binge), to restore normal work liver. It is possible to use medications in the form of infusions to perform IV drips (administration of the medicine is indicated very slowly, by drip). When answering the question of how to get out of binge drinking without a doctor, difficulties immediately arise, since not everyone can install such a system at home.

Gradual reduction in alcohol dose

Doctors report that when quick exit Binge drinking can lead to a state of deep depression. But this is not the worst of the complications, because in addition to peace of mind is significantly disrupted and physical health. Among the potential consequences of abrupt ethanol withdrawal, doctors identify the following: unpleasant symptoms:

  • alcoholic delirium;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • emotional instability;
  • extensive brain damage;
  • tendency to aggression (anger at the whole world);
  • symptoms of angina, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • complaints about vision loss;
  • massive heart attack, stroke;
  • tremors and cramps of the limbs;
  • symptoms of withdrawal (in advanced clinical pictures);
  • pathologies of the pancreas, pancreatitis.

Neutralization of toxins

Before quitting a binge without a doctor, you need to think several times. The body is in a state acute intoxication, therefore, delay in this matter can cost a person’s life. There are many medications available in the pharmacy, but the most effective and safe ones can only be prescribed by knowledgeable specialist. Below are medications to combat hangover syndrome that can neutralize the effects of toxins in the body:

  1. Activated carbon. Prevents the absorption of ethanol from the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Glycine. Recovers injured nerve cells and prevents the destruction of healthy ones.
  3. Succinic acid (in tablet form). Important component energy metabolism, is necessary to speed up the cleansing process.
  4. Alkazeltzer. Effervescent tablets in the fight against acute intoxication of the body, they are sold in any pharmacy.
  5. Aspirin or Paracetamol. Accelerates the removal of toxins from the body, has a positive effect on local immunity, thins the blood.
  6. Enterosgel. Additionally, it has hepatoprotective properties and has a systemic effect in the body.

Taking medications

When deciding how to quickly get out of binge drinking without a doctor, it is important not to forget about help drug therapy. The first step is to carefully read the instructions for use of each medication, to exclude potential medical contraindications:

  1. Limontar. You need to dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of water, add baking soda food on the edge of a knife. It is advisable to take it before a meal and the question of how to get out of binge drinking will be resolved after 2 - 3 days.
  2. Glycine. It is important to take such small tablets, one 4 times a day, to quickly regain consciousness and eliminate nervous attacks. You can purchase the drug at a pharmacy without a prescription.
  3. Afobazole. This depressant with maximum daily dose– 5 tablets (successfully treats even psychosis). It is advisable to take the pills between meals; you can supplement your treatment with a relaxing bath or contrast shower.
  4. Donormil. When solving the problem of how to quickly get out of a binge without a doctor, this remedy is not suitable, since it is sold in a pharmacy strictly according to a prescription. There are contraindications side effects.
  5. Anaprilin. This medical drug necessary when the indicator increases blood pressure above 150 mm. rt. Art. and pulse from 90 beats. per minute The medicine is not compatible with alcohol, so it only intensifies the symptoms of acute intoxication of the body.
  6. Engilok. This is a complete analogue of the drug described above, which can be purchased without a prescription. To regulate blood pressure, you need to drink 1 tablet three times a day.
  7. Cavinton. This medicine is appropriate for surges in blood pressure and flushing of the face. Doctors recommend taking pills before a noisy feast to significantly reduce the intensity of a hangover.
  8. Gepabene. It is a hepatoprotector that can restore impaired liver functions. The drug is not harmful, can participate in the discussion of the topic of how to get out of binge drinking without a doctor.
  9. Essentiale Forte (Essliver Forte). Another hepatoprotector plant origin, necessary to support liver functions. Capable of breaking down ethanol and facilitating the work of the “human filter”.
  10. Phenibut. A drug with anxiolytic activity in the form of tablets for oral administration. The recommended dose is 1 pill three times a day for 10 to 14 days, depending on medical indications.

Traditional methods of combating alcohol poisoning

Alternative medicine methods also provide stable positive dynamics during long-term binge drinking. They must be used in conjunction with official drugs, but after gastric lavage due to digestive upset. This is a good way to recover faster and significantly reduce the list of potential health complications. Below are time-tested recipes for health:

  1. Calendula. It is necessary to prepare a decoction according to classic recipe– 1 tbsp. l. raw materials for 1 tbsp. boiling water Infuse, strain, use instead of tea. Calendula can be replaced pharmaceutical chamomile, also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Motherwort root. Grind the dried raw materials, then in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. powder pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and simmer over moderate heat for 15 - 20 minutes. Infuse, strain, take a third of a glass orally three times a day until the withdrawal syndrome completely disappears.
  3. Marigold. You need 1 tsp. crushed raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Use the strained and slightly cooled composition instead of tea, thereby suppressing unbearable gag reflexes.
  4. It is recommended to eat a whole lemon, having previously divided it into slices. Vitamin C quickly restores vascular tone, has a positive effect on systemic blood flow and local immunity. You can replace lemons with carrots or apple juice, which is good even for a hangover.

Normalization of nutrition

It is important to know how to get out of binge drinking without a doctor, so that, if necessary, you can apply such knowledge in practice. For example, you can dilute glycerin with water and take it orally or use the help ammonia. In addition, it is important to radically reconsider the daily diet of an alcoholic and make certain adjustments to it. Below are valuable recommendations on a given topic:

  1. As soon as the symptoms of the addiction pass, the addicted person develops a strong appetite. Start off treatment menu preferably in small portions chicken broth, gradually introduce low-fat fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, whey).
  2. Among the methods of how to quickly get out of binge drinking without a doctor, it is important not to forget about the benefits sour cabbage soup, sauerkraut, tomatoes and cucumbers. Such food ingredients must be included in the menu of an alcoholic; bread kvass is also useful.


Binge drinking is a period when a person takes orally for a long time. alcoholic drinks, and cannot control himself. During this period, serious intoxication of the body occurs, which ultimately leads to the development of delirium tremens or even the death of a person. ​

Often the patient requires urgent medical attention so that he can independently quit the binge. But if drinking alcohol does not last too long for a long time, we can handle it folk recipes And special drugs. We will discuss in detail how to get out of binge drinking at home without the help of doctors, using safe but effective ways treatment.

How does binge drinking manifest itself?

Many people do not understand when addiction begins to develop, which turns into binge drinking. To identify the signs of binge drinking, it’s worth learning more about them:

  • a person drinks alcoholic beverages for more than one day;
  • to stop drinking alcohol, the patient needs outside help, or this will require a lot of effort;
  • physical state gradually worsens, while the deterioration is of an increasing nature;
  • in the morning the patient feels unwell, a feeling of anxiety may arise, when a dose of alcohol is taken, these symptoms disappear;
  • the body becomes more resistant to alcohol, so the amount of drink consumed is constantly increasing.

Several conditions for treating binge drinking

The result of treatment will be noticeable only if the patient agrees to undergo procedures that will help get him out of this state.

For getting desired effect, you will have to adhere to the basic rules:

  • it is important to adhere to a gentle regime for removing the patient from binge drinking; if the procedures are not carried out gradually, the body will not be able to properly cleanse itself of toxins;
  • The patient’s daily routine must include walks on fresh air, as well as good sleep and several hours of rest during the day;
  • the patient should take a contrast shower more often, namely water treatments should be the basis of treatment;
  • moral support from friends and relatives is no less important; it helps to improve the patient’s mood and also not to give in to unpleasant thoughts;
  • it will be necessary to completely exclude the patient’s contact with those people who can again provoke a state of binge drinking;
  • if a person has mental disorders, then he definitely needs help.

We have already discussed the basic rules for how to quit binge drinking at home without the help of doctors, but it is worth considering that using medications for these purposes can be dangerous. Therefore, before using them, it is better to consult a doctor.

How to get out of a 2-3 day binge

It is quite difficult to bring a person out of such a state, but it is even more difficult for the patient himself, since the process is difficult and painful. The less time the binge lasted, the easier it will be to take measures to cleanse the body of toxins.

It is very important to remember here that the struggle process will only be effective if the patient himself wants to get rid of alcohol addiction.

When the patient’s consent to carry out the procedures is obtained, everything can be carried out necessary actions to cleanse the body of toxins:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. This is the main rule for exhaustion of the body, which is caused by alcohol poisoning. The patient can be given juices, fruit drinks, still water, as well as any diuretic infusions. You can pay attention to pharmacy analogues, such as Regidron.
  2. Sorbents. Such drugs are a real first aid for poisoning. Medicines absorb waste and toxins and then remove them from the body. The most popular sorbents include Enterosgel and Polysorb.
  3. Dairy products. They help restore the functioning of the body in just one day; it is enough to drink fermented baked milk, kefir or yogurt throughout the day. Lactic acid helps in short time cleanse the body of .
  4. Brine. When the question arises of how to get out of binge drinking at home without the help of doctors, many use brine to alleviate the condition. The drink contains magnesium and potassium salts; these components make it possible to restore the balance of microelements in the body.
  5. Full sleep. No less important rule which the patient will have to strictly observe. Rest allows you not only to relieve cravings for alcohol, but also allows the body to recover faster. If you can't fall asleep, you can take a relaxing bath or use sleeping pills.
  6. Broth with croutons. This ambulance for a weakened body, you can cook chicken or beef broth, which is served to the patient.
  7. Antiemetics. Often, when coming out of a binge, the patient is faced with the problem of vomiting; in this case, the patient can take one Cerucal tablet to cope with the problem.
  8. Aspirin and No-spa. This combination makes it possible to eliminate general malaise, and also eliminates body tremors, headaches and chills. The drug is taken no more than twice a day.

    Have you or your loved ones experienced binge drinking?

Plan for several days

There is a specific plan that should be followed in order to get out of binge drinking as quickly and safely as possible. This plan includes:

  1. First day. The first day is the hardest, at this time it is important to stick to the plan and not lapse into drinking alcohol. Immediately after waking up, the patient should drink at least two glasses ordinary water. If possible, take a contrast shower. After this, you should take the necessary medications. At this time, doctors strongly recommend not using Valoserdin and Valocordin; for heart problems, use a decoction or valerian. Let's take Phenibut according to the instructions.
  2. Second day. This is the period when the condition improves slightly, as the withdrawal symptoms subside, at which time the person can already control himself better. On the second day you should drink as much as possible; about three liters of liquid is considered the norm. For those who do not know how to get out of binge drinking at home without the help of doctors, it is worth saying that drinking plays the most important role in this process. The liquid cleanses the body of remaining toxins. Medicines help eliminate unpleasant symptoms. At this time, you will have to fall asleep without the use of special medications. Still, doctors allow the use of the Phenazepam tablet.
  3. The third day. During this period, the body remains weakened, so the patient feels weak in the body and weakness, and may also worsen depressive state, since a lot of effort was spent on treatment. To prevent depression from developing, you should do chores around the house, normalize your food intake, and drink more fluids. Doctors recommend adding vitamin complexes to your diet.

It is worth noting that if a patient is looking for ways to stop drinking at home without the help of doctors, he should remember that stopping drinking alcohol right away can be very dangerous. It is best to gradually reduce the dose of alcohol so that the body begins to get used to it.

When coming out of a drinking binge that is too long, the patient is advised to replace any types of strong drinks regular beer.