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How to cure the facial trigeminal nerve. Symptoms and treatment of trigeminal neuralgia - diagnosis and medication

Neuritis is an inflammation of the nerve, which manifests itself in the form neurological symptoms. Such a pathological process is usually accompanied by acute, aching and shooting pain, and it can last from 2-3 weeks to a year. Such diseases include inflammation of the trigeminal facial nerve ().

According to statistics, this disease most often occurs with right side and suffers from it predominantly female after 45-55 years. You can eliminate the inflammation of the trigeminal nerve on the face with the help of a course of therapy aimed at eliminating the pain attack and the cause of the disease.

The trigeminal nerve divides into three major branches. One of them passes over the eye, and the other two under the lower and above the upper jaw. Such branches cover the entire face of a person and respond to innervation (connection with the central nervous system) muscle tissue, skin and mucous membranes in the area. The main symptom that occurs with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve on the face is sharp pain. It can be described as follows:

  • The inflamed nerve usually manifests itself in the form of severe pain resembling a burning sensation;
  • Signs of pain are predominantly localized in one place, but can be given throughout the face;
  • Attacks are usually extremely intense, but last mostly no longer than 3 minutes;
  • During a seizure, the patient has a twitching of muscle tissue;
  • With inflammation of the nerve on the face, hyperemia (blood congestion) sometimes occurs, as well as intense salivation and lacrimation;
  • If the inflammatory process is strong enough, then the attacks may not actually stop for hours, and the pause between them will be no more than 2 minutes;
  • With severe pain, a person does not control facial expressions and freezes during an attack with a strange grimace.

The symptoms of inflammation of the trigeminal facial also include pain that radiates to the gums. This symptom is especially manifested if the 2nd and 3rd nerve branches are damaged.

The patient often visits the dentist at the same time to find out how to treat the tooth, although it has nothing to do with it and it is necessary to eliminate the inflammation of the jaw nerve. An attack is usually provoked by any external stimulus and even laughter.

If left untreated, the triple nerve will not stop hurting. Attacks will occur more often and last longer. In such situation discomfort appear with any external stimuli and the slightest work of the muscles. Over time, half of the face where the inflammation is localized will begin to go numb ternary nerve and there will be a crawling sensation on the skin, as well as tingling. In addition to the symptoms of paresthesia, signs of deterioration in the general condition can also be distinguished:

  • Weakness;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Groundless irritability;
  • Depression.

The symptoms of trigeminal inflammation only get worse as the problem develops, and the patient gets the feeling that the pain radiates to other parts of the body, such as the hand. Physiologically, this is impossible, because other nerve branches are responsible for the limbs.


The attending physician should look for the causes of facial numbness and pain attacks. The nerve branch can become inflamed as a result of compression or due to failures in the circulatory system. Such problems are usually the result of internal failures and external stimuli. Neurologists often refer to the following reasons inflammation:

  • The appearance of a tumor or adhesions that compress the nerve branches;
  • Aneurysm (protrusion) of the arteries;
  • Dental pathologies (pulpitis, periodontitis, etc.);
  • Inflammatory process localized in the nasopharynx or in the jaw area;
  • Infection in the oral cavity;
  • The appearance of sclerotic plaques in the vessels that feed the facial nerve;
  • Getting a head injury;
  • Hypothermia.

Sometimes the appearance of a numb area and acute pain is provoked by other pathologies:

  • Mental disorders;
  • Cardiovascular pathologies;
  • Herpes;
  • Disruptions in metabolism and endocrine disorders;
  • Multiple sclerosis ().

The triple nerve can become inflamed due to hormonal changes e.g. in menopausal women. Sometimes the reason is hidden in a banal lack of nutrients.

Medical therapy

With inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, the symptoms and treatment at home are interconnected, because the main task is to relieve pain attacks and eliminate the cause of the problem. Composed course drug therapy from the following tablets:

  • Drugs with an anticonvulsant effect help well with trigeminal neuralgia. Among the drugs from this group, carbamazepine is most often used. Due to its composition, the drug reduces the intensity and frequency of attacks. The effect becomes noticeable after about 2-3 days from the start of administration, and the duration of the course is selected individually;
  • In the early days, the treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve at home takes place with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen;
  • Anesthetics and antispasmodics like Baclofen help to remove pain. IN severe cases the doctor will prescribe narcotic drugs that can only be bought by prescription;
  • For improvement mental state drugs with a sedative effect are used, as well as antidepressants, for example, amitriptyline. You can buy it only by prescription;
  • Strengthen immunity and improve general state help vitamin complexes with a large concentrate of B vitamins and is most often prescribed by Neurobion.

In addition to stopping seizures, it is necessary to eliminate the main problem, and for this, the following drugs are useful:

  • If the cause lies on a viral infection, for example, herpes, then antiviral drugs are prescribed by the type of Gerpevir;
  • If a patient has a demyelinating disease, then drugs are used to slow down the course of the pathology and improve the passage of a nerve impulse;
  • Atherosclerosis medicines are used for resorption cholesterol plaques by the type of Atoris;
  • If the cause of the pathology is a protrusion of the artery wall, then often the treatment is carried out surgically.

Physiotherapy and folk methods

Physiotherapy goes well with a course of pills, because it accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues and improves blood circulation. Doctors often prescribe the following procedures:

  • Ultraviolet irradiation (UVI). It serves to reduce pain;
  • Ultra high frequencies (UHF). This procedure is designed to eliminate pain and normalize blood circulation;
  • Electrophoresis with diphenhydramine and vitamins from group B. This remedy serves to reduce muscle spasm and improve the nutrition of nerve fibers;
  • laser therapy. It prevents the nerve signal from passing through damaged tissues and reduces the intensity of the pain attack;
  • Electricity. It reduces the intensity of attacks and increases the breaks between them.

Along with a course of physiotherapy, treatment can also be used. folk remedies. This includes various lotions and decoctions from medicinal herbs, for example, from lemon balm, chamomile, hawthorn, oak bark, calendula, etc. They are usually prepared in a standard way; for this, you need to mix the main ingredient with water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. for 250 ml of liquid and put on fire until boiling. Then the broth is turned off and infused for 1-2 hours. The remedy is used depending on the selected components, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Treatment with leeches

Usually leeches are placed in special clinics. experienced professionals This treatment is called hirudotherapy. Pain reduction and reduction inflammatory process achieved by an enzyme produced by leeches. These worms also help cleanse the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

During research, experts found that the bite of a leech activates immune system, as a result of which it is strengthened. After all, lymph comes out of the wound, therefore, the body begins to actively produce it.

This useful procedure there are some contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Low pressure;
  • Anemia;
  • Low blood clotting;
  • Individual intolerance to leeches.

Surgical treatments

With inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, the treatment lasts quite a long time (from 2 weeks to a year), but if there are no results after 4-5 months, then the doctor recommends surgery. The most commonly used surgical methods are:

  • Enlargement of the hole in cranium from which the nerves emerge. An operation is performed in the region of the infraorbital canal;
  • microvascular decompression. During the procedure, the surgeon will move away all the vessels interfering with the nerve and, if necessary, remove them.

If a neoplasm is detected, then the operation is mandatory. After all, only by removing it can the inflammation of the trigeminal nerve be removed. In the case of a successful operation, pain attacks should no longer torment.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand how to treat inflammation of the trigeminal nerve and doctors can only reduce its conduction with the following procedures:

  • Rhizotomy. In this case, electrocoagulation is used to cut the damaged fibers;
  • balloon compression. During this operation, an air balloon is used to compress the ganglion of the facial nerve;
  • radiofrequency destruction. It is performed to eliminate the modified roots of the facial nerve.


Inflammation triple nerve always proceeds with an abundance of pain attacks, but they can be avoided by observing preventive measures:

  • Do not overcool;
  • Strengthen immunity;
  • Try to avoid stress, as well as mental and physical overload;
  • Make the right diet
  • Timely treat emerging diseases, especially those related to the oral cavity and nasopharynx.


Trigeminal neuralgia is unpleasant pathological process but not fatal. With a properly selected course of therapy and compliance with the rules of prevention, you can get rid of it. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of damage to the nerve tissue, but varies from 2-3 weeks to 10-12 months. Gradually, the attacks will decrease in frequency and intensity of manifestations, and then they will completely disappear.

Any neuritis, including inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, is quite treatable if not delayed with it. Otherwise, the symptoms of the disease will worsen significantly and surgery may be required.

tormented by chronic pain For 8 months, in the clinic and hospital, they brushed aside or made vague diagnoses, despite all the information that I provided ... Viktor Anatolyevich is a doctor who accurately diagnosed my problem in the shortest possible time. The professional skills of such a highly qualified specialist are what I have been critically lacking for a long time. Many thanks to the doctor and all the staff of the clinic!

Maklashin B.

I express my deep gratitude to the attending physician Khislavskaya Elena Vladimirovna! Long and painful trips to the district clinic and the consultation center of the Kalininsky district led to nothing, none of the doctors could put accurate diagnosis, found nothing, only shrugged, and some of them were sent to a psychotherapist. I got worse and worse. As the last hope was this clinic, I got to Elena Vladimirovna. She was so attentive to my problem, correctly diagnosed (Tittze's syndrome), prescribed treatment, and slowly I began to get out. I believe that only her sensitive attitude to the person, the desire to understand gave the result. Since the disease was started, the treatment was for 2 months and then even after discharge, recovery. Yes, it costs money, but taking into account the fact that going through compulsory medical insurance and even paid specialists from other clinics did not bring results, it is definitely worth it. I was returned to normal life than it can be measured! I want to say special thanks to the orthopedist Rustam Fanilievich, he did the blockade, very carefully and accurately. I also express my deep gratitude to the masseur Gubernatorov Sergey Nikolaevich, he has golden hands. And to all the staff of the clinic for their friendly and sensitive attitude!

Olga, St. Petersburg

I express my gratitude to the staff of the clinic for the respectful and attentive attitude towards patients. I would like to separately thank such doctors as Soboleva Svetlana Nikolaevna, Kustova Marina Anatolyevna, Akhmadullina Tamara Nurievna, Chernov Andrey Aleksandrovich for their professionalism, kindness of heart and great skill. It is a great happiness that such competent, skillful and talented, caring people work exactly where they are most needed. I wish prosperity and well-being to your clinic and the specialists who work in it.

Kudryavtseva Natalya Pavlovna, 65 years old

She underwent a course of treatment at the "Workshop of Health" and in particular with Stanislav Vladimirovich. I want to express my deep gratitude for the help rendered to me, for the golden hands. A very attentive and sensitive doctor, taking into account my diagnosis (hernias, protrusions, etc.), used soft techniques and after each session my state of health improved and my life got better, I could not wait to see him so that he would alleviate my suffering. Stanislav Vladimirovich thank you very much, I will definitely recommend you to those who need the same help.


She was treated by Lisina E.A. Very satisfied. She saved me from nervous breakdown, cured me. Problems with hip joints. She prescribed plasma therapy. I am very grateful to her. All clinic staff are polite and attentive. All medical staff are excellent workers. I am very grateful to all the staff of the Health Workshop. I also thank Alexander Sergeevich Kryukov, who immediately understood my condition and handed me over to E.A. Lisina.

Kharevich Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Doctor Kryukov Alexander Sergeevich. Thank you for your advice and treatment. Very competent, knowledgeable and caring doctor. Thank you!

Pleskovskaya Elena Vyacheslavovna

I would like to sincerely thank the entire team of the Health Workshop at 224B Moskovsky Ave. Absolutely everything: both doctors and administrators are very attentive and professional. I received the treatment that I wanted to receive. I will definitely apply again to maintain my current - very good condition - of the musculoskeletal system. I would especially like to thank the neurologist Lisina E.A., the hirudotherapist Lapin G.V., chiropractor Daskovsky S.V. and physiotherapist Gvirdzhishvili D.T. It's just a pleasure to meet and work with them. Thank you!

Alekseeva Yana Vladimirovna

I want to thank Stanislav Vladimirovich for his professionalism, humanity and sensitive attention to patients. A huge thank you to this doctor! Stanislav Vladimirovich is simply a super-doctor, if only there were more such knowledgeable doctors.

Larisa Ivleva

Here is my saving circle - "Health Workshop": my legs do not walk, my back hurts, my head is ringing. I accidentally heard about this clinic on the radio and this is the second time I visit it. I enter and find myself in the kingdom of silence, peace and hope, if not cured, then at least improve my condition. Lovely, charming girls-consultants meet you with kind greetings. Patiently listen to your questions, fill out Required documents and escorted to the doctor. During the waiting period, they offer to watch reference videos on TV, drink a cup of coffee or tea. And all fears behind! Thank you darlings. Without your well-coordinated work, attentive, friendly attitude towards the patient, there would not have been such an effect from the visit. And here is the first meeting with the doctor. I was lucky and I think others are as well. I met a real magician who, with just one word, gave me the confidence that I needed to be treated. This is Egorov Vladimir Leonidovich. Who in our district polyclinics would talk to a patient for an hour? Nobody! And Vladimir Leonidovich listened attentively to me, explained the essence of the disease - osteoporosis of the spine, and then selected the same amount of time necessary treatment. I am grateful to you, dear doctor, I congratulate you on the coming New Year and wish you health and creative success. With the same wonderful doctors, professionals in their field, very kind and attentive, I talked during the procedures. These are Alekhintseva Svetlana Evgenievna, Stepanova Elena Anatolyevna, Akhmadullina Tamara Nurievna, exercise therapy doctor and, of course, chiropractor Rakhmatov Tolmas Turaevich. This is a doctor from God. His warm hands do wonders. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to ordinary people. I want to say a special thank you to all the staff of the treatment room. The work of nurses and a nurse cannot be compared with anything in terms of difficulty and responsibility. And how sensitive, attentive and kind they all are... Forgive me, whom I didn't mention in my message. The whole team works just fine. Happy New Year to the entire team of the clinic! I wish you health, personal happiness, creative success, grateful patients.

Kalinova A.V.

Many thanks to Stanislav Daskovsky!!! Professional in his field with a capital letter!!! My entire spine is covered in numerous hernias and protrusions, for many years it was simply painful to walk. Completed six sessions manual therapy and I felt like a completely different person: the sharp pains were gone, my back really straightened up (I didn’t even think that I could bring my shoulder blades together again as in my youth), lumbar like a second wind. Take care of your hands Stanislav, they are not "simple" with you. Sincerely, Alexey Seregin.


I want to say a big thank you to all the employees of the clinic "Health Workshop" for their attentive attitude to patients. I especially want to note my doctor Khislavskaya E.V. and manual therapist Kabailov A.A. came to the clinic with acute pain in the groin and lower back. After complex treatment feel much better. Thank you!

Grigoryeva Elena Leonidovna, 62 years old

Thank you all medical staff for attention for kindness and competence. I am very grateful to everyone.

Khaygonina Lyubov Fedorovna

I thank you for your kind consideration. Special thanks to Elena Vladimirovna Khislavskaya and Angel Ankhelivich Kabailov.

Sosedova Lidia Eduardovna

I want to express my gratitude to your staff for the ability to organize attention and care for the patient.

Excellent doctors Shkarupa A.A., Kryzhanovsky A.A., Paronko S.N. Thank you very much!

Vasilyeva M.G.

Thank you all for the warm welcome, professionalism and help.

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Oblapenko Mira Pavlovna, 81 years old

The human body is made up of a large number nerves that transmit impulses to the brain. One of the most important nerves located on the face is the facial trigeminal nerve. It consists of three branches:

  • ophthalmic branch;
  • zygomatic (maxillary) branch;
  • mandibular branch.

The trigeminal nerve is responsible for the sensitivity of the skin of the face, the motor function of the jaws, chewing, blinking and sneezing. With the defeat of one or more branches of this nerve, a decline in the most important functions occurs.

If the ophthalmic nerve is damaged, the sensitivity of the forehead, eyelids and eyebrows disappears. When the zygomatic nerve is damaged, the upper lip and lower eyelid become insensible. To paresis or paralysis of the masticatory muscle, loss of sensitivity of the chin, temple and lower lip can lead to damage to the mandibular nerve.

The main diseases with damage to the trigeminal nerve

The most common diseases with damage to the trigeminal nerve:

  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • Gradenigo syndrome;
  • damage to the sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve;
  • strong pain in places of innervation of the upper and middle branches trigeminal nerve as a result of an aneurysm of the carotid artery;
  • anesthesia, hyperesthesia;
  • sensory disturbance skin eyes, lips, cheeks, chin, jaw, gums, tongue.

Trigeminal neuralgia (trigeminal neuralgia) is a disease characterized by sharp outbreaks of pain at the sites of transmission of the nerve impulse of the trigeminal nerve. There are such types of trigeminal neuralgia:

  • primary (idiopathic), the causes are not known;
  • secondary (symptomatic), occurs as a result of various diseases and injuries.

The pain in this disease is so severe that it is compared with a blow. electric current. Painful attacks last from 10 seconds to 2 minutes, and are aggravated by sneezing, chewing and talking. Patients experience severe psychological trauma and physical torment, as they are forced to constantly live with pain that interferes with normal living and functioning as a person.

Gradenigo's syndrome is often combined with paresis of the abducens nerve, which is responsible for the abduction of the eyeball, and pain in the innervating zones of the trigeminal nerve. The disease is accompanied by neuralgia of the orbital region, as well as upper jaw and teeth.

Damage to the nuclei of the trigeminal nerve manifests itself in a disorder of sensitivity upper lip. With this disease, pain often occurs, which are neuralgic in nature, since pain is directly related to damage to the nucleus of the trigeminal nerve.

To the strong pain in the zones of innervation of the upper and middle branches of the facial trigeminal nerve, an aneurysm of the carotid artery can lead.

Anesthesia and hyperesthesia of the skin of the face, eyelids, corners of the eye, eyebrows, cheeks, upper and lower jaws are often observed when the corresponding branches of the trigeminal nerve are damaged. There are known cases of loss of sensitivity in the zones of three branches at the same time when the gasser node of the trigeminal nerve root is damaged.

Trismus is another disease that is caused by irritation of the branches of the trigeminal nerve, namely - lower branch. With this disease, there is a strong compression of the jaws, which complicates the life of the patient: there are difficulties with eating, speech becomes illegible, it becomes difficult to breathe.

Traditional medicine is far from the last place in the fight against diseases of the trigeminal nerve. There are several folk recipes trigeminal nerve treatment:

  • 1 tablespoon of dry yarrow pour 150 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, take 1 tablespoon daily;
  • boil a hard-boiled egg, cut into two parts and apply to painful places;
  • pour finely chopped garlic with boiling water and leave for 10 days, then rub the painful areas;
  • apply geranium leaves to the affected area, put a warm towel on top;
  • heat buckwheat in a frying pan, pour into a bag of any natural fabric and apply to sore spots on the face until the groats cool down;
  • brew chamomile tea and 3-4 times a day, picking up a mouthful, keep for several minutes;
  • lubricate diseased areas with fir oil.

Video - "Trigeminal neuralgia"

What is trigeminal neuritis?

Of the twelve pairs of cranial nerves trigeminal nerve- the fifth in a row. The main function of the trigeminal nerve is to provide sensation in the face. The trigeminal nerves are located on different sides, one on the left, the other on the right. There are three branches from the trigeminal nerve. One branch gives sensitivity to the eye, upper eyelid and forehead skin. The second branch provides sensitivity lower eyelid, cheek, nostrils, upper lip and upper . The third branch is used for the implementation of sensitivity mandible, lower lip, gums and some chewing muscles.

The pain that trigeminal neuralgia causes is perhaps one of the most excruciating pains that occurs in humans. As a rule, the pain is localized in the lower face and jaw, but it happens that the pain affects the area around the nose and above the eyes. The pain that occurs with trigeminal neuralgia is so severe that it can be compared to an electric shock. Such severe pain is due to irritation of the trigeminal nerve, from which branches go to the forehead, cheeks and lower jaw. The pain usually manifests itself in one side of the face.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to completely cure trigeminal neuralgia. However, there are still ways that help to significantly reduce the pain in this disease. First of all apply anticonvulsants. In cases where drug treatment does not bring relief or there are severe side effects, use surgical methods treatment.

Causes of trigeminal neuritis

Trigeminal neuralgia is accompanied by severe pain, as the trigeminal nerve is irritated. As a rule, the cause is the contact of an artery and vein with the trigeminal nerve at the base of the skull. There is compression of the nerve, and this gives severe pain. Back to possible reasons trigeminal neuralgia are those that compress the nerve, multiple sclerosis, which leads to the destruction of the myelin sheath of the nerve. In people young age the development of trigeminal neuralgia is usually associated with multiple sclerosis.

Despite the fact that the etiology of the disease is very wide, but, fortunately, it is not realized in all cases.

The main reasons for the development of trigeminal neuritis are:

    Transferred viral infection. Almost any virus can cause. But representatives from the family are considered the most important pathogen. In the first place among them is encircling;

    Immune dysfunction of the body. Against this background, herpes viruses are able to become more active than in healthy body;

    Hypothermia local and general. Most often, trigeminal neuritis occurs after being in a draft or other influences. low temperatures on one of the halves of the ear and facial areas;

    Strong physical overstrain and psycho-emotional shocks that lead to the depletion of the body's defenses;

    Poor nutrition, and as a result, immune dysfunction;

    Severe infections of any localization, if they proceed for a long time and require aggressive treatment.

The reasons contributing to the onset of an attack of trigeminal neuralgia include:

    touching the skin of the face;


  • teeth cleaning;

    blow to the nose;

    light breath of wind;

  • talk.

Symptoms of trigeminal neuritis

For some people, pain comes on suddenly, without any apparent reason. Other patients, in addition to pain, also note other symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia, for example, pain occurs after, such as car accident, a punch in the face or a visit to the dentist. However, doctors, including dentists, believe that, most likely, the pathology developed much earlier, and stressful situation only served as an impetus for the onset of pain. Since the pain usually begins in the region of the upper or lower jaw, the person mistakenly assumes that the pain is associated with the teeth. A person goes to the doctor for dental treatment, but this does not relieve the pain.

Clinical picture The disease is quite bright and consists of such sudden symptoms:

    The strongest shooting, penetrating pain in the region of one of the halves of the face, which is of a penetrating character;

    The distortion of one of the halves or individual parts of the face, and the associated distorted facial expressions (the corner of the mouth, eyes, eyelids are lowered);

    Periodic muscle twitching in the region of innervation of the affected nerve;

    General hyperthermic reaction of the moderate type;

    General weakness, chills, muscle pain throughout the body;

    Fatigue and irritability due to strong pain syndrome;

    small rash in the area of ​​the affected part of the face.

The most central manifestations of trigeminal neuritis are insanely severe pain in one of the halves of the face, which simply exhausts the patients with the suddenness of its shootings from the ear region to the midline of the head. After its reduction, a distortion of the facial expression is added, which causes a rude cosmetic defect. If the disease acquires a protracted or progressive course, the described changes may remain for life.

Symptoms that accompany trigeminal neuralgia can also occur with other diseases. It could be tendinitis, Ernest's syndrome and neuralgia occipital nerve.

Temporal tendonitis is accompanied by pain in the area of ​​the cheeks and teeth, and the patient is also worried headache and pain in the neck. When the stylomandibular ligament, which connects the base of the skull to the lower jaw, is damaged, the so-called Ernest syndrome develops. This syndrome is also accompanied by headache and pain in the neck and face. Neuralgia of the occipital nerve is accompanied by pain behind the head, sometimes passing to the face.

Pain in trigeminal neuralgia can be divided into typical and atypical.

Typical pain is characteristic of trigeminal neuralgia, during the course of the disease, it either arises or subsides. The pain is usually shooting, resembling an electric shock, usually arising after touching certain areas of the face.

Atypical pain, as a rule, is constant and captures most faces. There are no periods of pain relief during the course of the disease. Such neuralgia is much more difficult to treat. Trigeminal neuralgia is classified as a cyclic disease, as periods of exacerbation are replaced by periods of remission. The pains usually last for some time with small intervals between them. Other patients experience pain only once a day. It happens that a person is in pain every hour. The pain starts very abruptly, reaches a maximum in 20 seconds, after which it continues for a certain time.


The sooner neuritis is recognized and treatment is started, the higher its effectiveness will be.

It should begin almost from the first day of the disease and includes a set of measures:

    Antivirals. Indicated in case of neuritis caused by the herpes virus. The gold standard is acyclovir and its analogues (gerpevir, lavomax);

    Painkillers. In connection with a pronounced pain syndrome, not only non-narcotic analgesics (ketanov, dexalgin, ketalgin), but also narcotic drugs (promedol, tramadol, morphine, nalbuphine) are shown:

    Non-steroidal drugs anti-inflammatory action: dicloberl, indomethacin, rheumoxib, movalis, celebrex;

    Glucocorticoids. They reduce inflammation and nerve by providing good effect V short time. These include methylprednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone;

    Drugs that reduce muscle spasm: mydocalm, sirdalud;

    Vitamin preparations and neuroprotectors: milgama, thiogama, neurorubin, neurobion, prozerin.

    Physiotherapy treatment: UHF, electrophoresis, paraffin-ozocerite, magnetotherapy.

Facial massage for nerve neuritis

The main task of massage for trigeminal neuritis is to relieve increased muscle tension in certain muscle groups and increase tone in those muscle groups, which are atonic. This improves microcirculation and blood supply not only in the affected surface tissues, but also directly in inflamed nerve. In terms of massage, in the first place is the impact on reflex zones at the points of exit of the branches of the trigeminal nerve in the face, ear and neck. After that, you need to work with the skin and muscles.

Massage is carried out in a sitting position, the head leans back on the headrest, so that the neck muscles relax. Start with them with light massaging movements. The focus is on the sternocleidomastoid muscle. After that, they rise up to the parotid regions with rubbing and stroking movements. Then the face is massaged, first the healthy side, and then the affected one. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes. The number of sessions per course of treatment is 10-14.

Expert editor: Mochalov Pavel Alexandrovich| MD general practitioner

Education: Moscow medical institute them. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - "Medicine" in 1991, in 1993 " Occupational diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".

Most of them are cranial, that is, they come from the brain. one of these nerves is the trigeminal. What is the anatomy of the trigeminal nerve?

What is it?

The trigeminal nerve is structurally a nerve mixed type. Refers to the 5th pair of cranial nerves.

It includes sensitive (afferent, centripetal) and motor (centrifugal) fibers, due to which impulses are transmitted along this nerve from both surface (pain and temperature) and deep (proprioceptive) receptors. Motor innervation is carried out by the motor nucleus, which innervates mainly the masticatory muscles. What is the anatomy of the trigeminal nerve and the localization of its branches?

The nerve exits the brain at the pons. Leaving the brain, most of it passes through the pyramid. At its top, the nerve is divided into three branches: ophthalmic (r.ophthalmicus), maxillary (r.maxillaris) and mandibular (r.mandibularis).

This nerve is of interest to neurologists, as it innervates the entire area of ​​the face. Quite often, its lesions are observed during hypothermia, injuries facial area, some diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

What is the anatomy of the trigeminal nerve, its branches?

ophthalmic nerve

The first branch of the trigeminal nerve is the ophthalmic nerve or nervus ophthalmicus.

This is the thinnest branch extending from the trigeminal nerve. It performs mainly the function of reception. Innervates the skin of the forehead, some parts of the temporal and parietal region, upper eyelid, back of the nose, some sinuses of the facial bones and partially the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

The composition of the nerve includes about thirty relatively small bundles. The nerve enters the orbit in outer wall ophthalmic sinus, where it gives branches to the block and In the region of the superior orbital notch, the nerve divides into three smaller and thinner bundles - the lacrimal, frontal and ciliary nerves.

Their close localization to eyeball often leads to their defeat as a result of trauma to the orbit or supraorbital region.

The ciliary nerve, in turn, forms the ciliary ganglion, located on the border of the inner and middle thirds. It consists of parasympathetic nerve endings involved in the innervation of the glands of the eye and the periorbital region.

maxillary nerve

Another branch of the trigeminal nerve is the maxillary or nervus maxillaris.

It exits the cranial cavity through oval window. From it, he enters the pterygo-palatine fossa. Passing in it, the nerve continues into the infraorbital, passing through the lower orbital foramen. After passing through it, the nerve passes in the canal of the same name on the lower wall of the orbit. It enters the face through the lower orbital opening, where it breaks up into smaller branches. They form connections with branches and innervate the skin of the lower eyelid, upper lip, and lateral surface of the face. In addition, such branches depart from the maxillary nerve as the zygomatic nerve, the superior alveolar branches, which form a plexus near the teeth, and the ganglionic branches, which connect the maxillary nerve with the pterygopalatine ganglion.

The defeat of this nerve is observed with massive facial injuries, neuritis, operations on the teeth and sinuses.

Mandibular nerve

The third and most complex branch of the trigeminal nerve is the mandibular or nervus mandibularis. In its composition, it has, in addition to sensitive branches, almost the entire part of the motor root of the trigeminal nerve, coming out of the motor nucleus, nucleus motorius, to the muscles of the lower jaw. As a result of this arrangement, it innervates these muscles, as well as the skin that covers them. The nerve exits the skull through the foramen ovale (oval window or hole), after which it is divided into 2 groups of branches:

We can assume that it is this branch that continues the trigeminal nerve. Anatomy, scheme of this nerve (structure) and its properties (mixed nerve fiber) allow us to consider this branch as terminal. Although it forms the inferior alveolar nerve plexus, the place of its termination can be considered the entrance to the mandibular canal.

The course of nerve fibers

What is the anatomy of the trigeminal nerve (the structure and course of its branches)?

The structure of the trigeminal nerve, similar to that of any of the spinal nerves, has a special large node - the trigeminal ganglion. This education is located in the middle cranial fossa. On all sides it is surrounded by sheets of solid meninges. The node has dendrites that form the three major main branches of the trigeminal nerve. The sensitive nerve root penetrates through the middle legs of the cerebellum, where it closes on three nuclei of the brain - the upper and middle, each of which contains specific sensory neurons. The motor part of the nerve starts from the motor nucleus - the nucleus motorius.

Due to this location, the nerve can be exposed to both the brain and surrounding tissues, which is why it is of particular interest to neurologists.

What are the main types of lesions characteristic of the nerve?

Trigeminal nerve diseases

What processes affect the functional ability this education, and how can the trigeminal nerve be affected?

The anatomy of its course predisposes to the development of channelopathy - infringement of the branches of the nerve passing through the canal or opening by the surrounding formations. In this case, knowledge of the topography of the nerve and some topical signs allows you to determine the level of damage to it and take appropriate measures.

Others, no less an important factor is the influence of surrounding tissues. Most often, brain tumors affect the nerves. Growing, they contribute to its compression and the appearance of an appropriate clinical picture.

The anatomy of the trigeminal nerve (knowledge of its branches and places of its projection on the face) allows you to determine the exit points of the branches of the nerve and stimulate them using electrophysiological methods of influence, or, given the location of the branches, to carry out the appropriate treatment of the underlying disease that led to the appearance of pathological symptoms.

Trigeminal nerve examination

The study of the function of the trigeminal nerve is carried out in determining the sensitivity of the skin areas that it innervates, as well as the patient's ability to strain and relax the masticatory muscles. The study of the nerve is carried out by palpation of the points of its exit to the face. How to determine how sensitive the trigeminal nerve is? Its anatomy allows you to determine the activity of sensitive neurons located under the skin.

The determination of sensitivity is carried out with cotton wool or a swab soaked in a cold or hot solution. pain sensitivity checked by touching the needle.

To check the motor function, the patient is asked to perform several chewing movements.

In the presence of pathology, there is a change in sensitivity in one or more zones of innervation, or the inability of the patient to perform correct chewing movements. There is a deviation of the jaw to the affected side or excessive muscle spasm. The tension in the masticatory muscles is determined by pressing them during the act of chewing.

Why you need to know topography

Topographic anatomy of the trigeminal nerve is necessary to accurately determine the site of the lesion. Knowing where which branch passes, which Clinical signs characteristic of its defeat and how they can be complicated, you can decide on the volume and treatment plan.

Knowledge of the location and course of the branches of this nerve rests on the shoulders of neurologists and neurosurgeons. It is these specialists who, for the most part, are faced with diseases in which the trigeminal nerve is affected. Anatomy (photo obtained using MRI) allows you to determine the tactics of treatment and take appropriate measures.

When the first signs of damage to one or another branch of the nerve appear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor of the appropriate specialty to determine the diagnosis and draw up a treatment algorithm.