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What vitamin preparations can save hair. How to solve the problem of hair loss? List of the best vitamins for beautiful and thick curls

Provocateurs of weakening and hair loss are incorrectly chosen shampoos, frequent use of hair dryers and straightening irons, hormonal disorders, poor-quality paint, exposure to cold and heat, vitamin deficiency. Most often the problem occurs due to the latter reason. Unfortunately, the diet of a modern person cannot be called high-quality and complete. But the deterioration of the hairline can be dealt with; for this you need to use pharmacy vitamins. Today, pharmacies sell a huge number of hair products based on a variety of components.

Vitamins your hair needs

In order for hair to remain beautiful and strong and grow quickly, it needs the following nutrients:

  1. Retinol (A). Provides synthesis of keratin, elastin, collagen structures. With a lack of vitamin, the hairs lose their softness and elasticity, become dull, and begin to split.
  2. Tocopherol (E). Necessary for accelerating hair growth, protecting it from the influence of negative external factors. A deficiency of the substance causes dullness, splitting and excessive hair loss.
  3. Ascorbic acid (C). Stimulates growth processes, improves blood circulation in the follicles, and prevents baldness. It is a strong antioxidant and prevents free radicals from destroying hair structures.
  4. Thiamine (B 1). Accelerates growth processes, controls the production of secretions by the sebaceous glands, and prevents the development of dandruff and seborrhea. With a lack of substance, the scalp becomes oily and painful, the hairs become dull and thin.
  5. Riboflavin (B 2). Promotes active growth hair, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Vitamin deficiency causes oily hair at the roots and excision of ends.
  6. Nicotinic acid (B 3). Provides complete nutrition and hydration of hair follicles. Regulates cell pigmentation and prevents early gray hair.
  7. Pantothenic acid (B 5). Strengthens follicles, improves their nutrition. Helps restore hair damaged by frequent curling, drying and coloring. Vitamin deficiency causes dull, greasy, brittle hair.
  8. Pyridoxine (B 6). It has a positive effect on the scalp and prevents the occurrence of dermatological diseases. A lack of substance results in dandruff and scalp irritation.
  9. Inositol (B 8). Strengthens the structure of hair follicles and prevents hair loss. Deficiency of the substance causes baldness.
  10. Folic acid(B 9). Necessary for rapid restoration of hair structures. Accelerates growth processes, regulates pigmentation. Due to vitamin deficiency, hair falls out rapidly and turns gray prematurely.
  11. Cyanocobalamin (B 12). Increases hair strength and accelerates hair growth.
  12. Biotin (H). Normalizes hair structure, controls the synthesis of secretions by the sebaceous glands. Due to a deficiency of the substance, the hair becomes greasy and looks unkempt.
  13. Unsaturated fatty acids (F). Normalize work skin glands, prevent the development of seborrhea. With a lack of acids, hair weakens, looks greasy and unkempt.

What effects do different vitamins have on hair?

Each beneficial compound affects the hair in a certain way and gives a specific healing effect. One vitamin, for example, strengthens the hair structure, another is important to prevent hair from falling out. Therefore, for certain hair pathologies, it is necessary to take specific beneficial substances that can eliminate the problem. Listed below are vitamins that fall into two categories: those that promote hair growth and prevent baldness.

Substances that accelerate growth processes include:

  • retinol – activates the construction of hair structures (collagen tissue, elastin, keratin);
  • ascorbic acid – normalizes blood circulation in the scalp, accelerates the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the follicles;
  • biotin – controls the amount of sebaceous secretion produced, optimizes hair hydration, and prevents hair from getting greasy;
  • nicotinic acid – normalizes the structure of follicles, improves their functioning;
  • riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acids - stimulate metabolism in the tissues of the head, accelerate the construction of hair structures.

The list of substances that strengthen hair and prevent baldness includes:

  • ascorbic acid – normalizes the blood supply to hair follicles;
  • tocopherol – blocks the process of hair loss, protects hair from negative environmental factors;
  • biotin – inhibits hair loss, prevents premature greying;
  • riboflavin – regulates the production of sebaceous secretions, strengthens the structure of hair tissue;
  • pyridoxine – maintains normal metabolism in follicles and hair tissue;
  • inositol – prevents hairs from falling out of the follicles;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - support healthy condition scalp.

The best vitamin preparations for hair

The most purchased drug that gives excellent results

Manufacturer: Germany

Average price: 700 rubles

The drug is sold in the form of tablets. The composition contains antioxidants, biotin, carotene, vitamins and yeast extract. Active substances affect the condition of hair, skin, nail plates: eliminate brittle nails, stimulate hair growth, improve appearance. Dragee should be taken 2 times a day. One package includes 60 units - the amount required for a monthly course.

  • noticeable improvement in appearance;
  • an optimal set of useful components, no frills;
  • complete restoration of hair structure;
  • elimination of inflammation and peeling of the skin;
  • strengthening nail plates;
  • stimulation of hair growth.

Cons: none found.

The best amino acid set

Manufacturer: USA

Average price: 1050 rubles

The American vitamin complex is distinguished by its rich component composition. Vitamin A, tocopherol, calciferol, phylloquinone, group B strengthen hair and nails, improve skin condition. Iron, magnesium, selenium are microelements that have a pronounced antioxidant effect, weakening the effect on the scalp and hair follicles various stress factors. Rutin and flavonoids strengthen capillaries and improve blood circulation in the tissues of the head. Amino acids are involved in the synthesis of collagen fibers and keratin - compounds necessary for the construction of nail, skin and hair tissue.

  • richness of component composition;
  • active effect of amino acids and antioxidants;
  • strengthening nails;
  • noticeable acceleration of hair growth;
  • beneficial effect on head tissue.
  • Due to its rich component composition, the drug is not suitable for people with a high-quality and varied diet, as it can cause hypervitaminosis.

Proven quality

Manufacturer: USA

Average price: 1700 rubles

The famous American company Solgar produces highly effective drugs from natural and harmless ingredients for adults and children. Vitamin C and amino acids stimulate the construction of protein hair structures. Sulfur bound in plant form helps to form keratin. Zinc blocks hair loss. Copper protects the skin tissue on the head from negative external factors.

  • the absence of animal substances, making the drug suitable for vegetarians;
  • inhibition of hair graying, age-related changes skin;
  • strengthening nails;
  • prevention of seasonal alopecia.
  • high price;
  • rare appearance in pharmacies, easy to buy only in online stores.

Excellent digestibility of components

Manufacturer: USA

Average price: 1150 rubles

Another powerful and high-quality women's vitamins from an American manufacturer, characterized by an optimal component composition. All beneficial compounds are in easily digestible chelate form. The composition contains all the vitamins necessary to maintain the beauty and health of girls’ skin, hair, and nail plates. Flavonoids strengthen capillaries and normalize blood circulation in the skin tissues of the head. Silicon and iodine, extracted from algae and plant extracts, improve the absorption of nutrients.

  • good digestibility of nutrients;
  • varied positive impact on the female body;
  • preventing splitting of nail plates;
  • improvement of the condition of the skin;
  • strengthening hair follicles.
  • high price;
  • insufficient number of tablets for a monthly course.

High popularity

Manufacturer: Russia

Average price: 500 rubles

An actively purchased food additive from a domestic manufacturer. Quickly gets rid of dandruff, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, strengthens the hair structure, and heals split ends. Vitamins and mineral elements, contained in the drug, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the follicles, thereby activating hair growth. The complex helps with alopecia caused by hormonal imbalance. But when hormonal problems It is permissible to take the drug only after the doctor’s permission. You need to drink 2 capsules per day, in the morning and evening time. Capsules intended for morning use are colored red, and those shown for evening reception, are white. The therapeutic course lasts a month.

  • naturalness of the composition;
  • various positive effects on the body;
  • ease of reception;
  • effectiveness against hair loss;
  • strengthening nails.
  • quite high cost for a domestic drug;
  • increased hair growth not only on the head, but also on other parts of the body, which makes women need frequent hair removal.

The most used preparation with brewer's yeast

Manufacturer: Germany

Average price: 1600 rubles

Effective and potent medicine, stopping hair loss after curling or radiation therapy. The drug quickly restores hair even in a severely bald person, unless alopecia is caused by hormonal imbalance. The purpose of the product is also to improve the health of thin and brittle nails. The composition contains vitamins, mineral compounds, high concentrations of keratin, yeast and amino acids that are essential for the body. It is recommended to treat hair with the drug for at least 3 months. The medicine is not prescribed to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

  • noticeable benefits for hair growth;
  • a positive result is noticeable after a month of use;
  • restoration of damaged hairs;
  • giving softness and thickness to hair;
  • healing of nails;
  • the ability of beneficial components to accumulate in the body.
  • high price;
  • long-term treatment;
  • the need to consult a medical specialist;
  • possibility of side effects.

Triple benefit

Manufacturer: UK

Average price: 650 rubles

Imported vitamin tablets are based exclusively on natural ingredients. The composition contains vitamin C, biotin, folic acid, iron, iodine, herbal extracts and other substances that are necessary to strengthen and good nutrition hair. The drug is prescribed to quickly solve the problem of baldness; it also activates hair growth, makes nails strong and even, and the skin smooth and radiant. The vitamins and natural substances contained in the composition increase the resistance of the skin to the effects of ultraviolet radiation and other negative factors, and accelerate tissue regeneration. It is recommended to drink the drug for a month. Take 1 tablet per day. A positive result becomes noticeable after a couple of weeks of use. It is acceptable to use during pregnancy.

  • triple benefit - for hair, skin, nails;
  • Ease of use;
  • rapid appearance of a positive result;
  • rich component composition;
  • healing effect;
  • The tablets are inexpensive for their level of effectiveness.
  • the drug causes a feeling of hunger;
  • In the first days of use, there may be a slight disruption of the digestive tract.

Ideal European quality

Manufacturer: France

Average price: 1400 rubles

A high-quality French vitamin complex designed for an active positive effect on the hair. The capsules contain extracts of grapes and green tea, as well as amino acids and trace elements important for hair health in optimal daily doses. The active substances of the drug strengthen hairs along their entire length, prevent baldness, restore the structure of hair tissue, give shine and volume to hair, have a protective effect on the skin and a general tonic effect on the body. According to the instructions, you need to take 2 tablets per day.

  • ease of use, easy to swallow tablets;
  • rich composition;
  • improving the appearance of hair;
  • significant benefits for restoring hair structure;
  • effective against baldness;
  • acceleration of the appearance of new hairs.
  • high price;
  • cannot be purchased at any pharmacy;
  • long wait for an acceptable effect.


Optimal natural composition

Manufacturer: Hungary

Average price: 900 rubles

Good vitamins for strengthening hair, blocking baldness, improving the structure of nail plates and the condition of the skin. The composition contains trace elements, yeast, amino acids - compounds that protect the hair from negative external factors. The drug also contains plant extracts that improve nutrition and hydration of hair and skin tissue. Treatment is long-term, for persistent positive effect It is better to drink the complex for 3 months. Pregnant women and patients with nail fungus should use the drug with extreme caution.

  • naturalness of the composition;
  • rapid cessation of hair loss;
  • prevention of premature graying;
  • minimal side effects.

Optimal component composition

Manufacturer: Germany

Average price: 460 rubles

The German vitamin-mineral complex is characterized by an optimally selected composition and does not have unnecessary additives, includes only substances important for hair. Biotin, pyridoxine and pantothenic acid stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers. Zinc strengthens follicles and is responsible for the construction of hair tissue. The oil extract of wheat sprouts supplies the body with vitamin E and fatty acids, and the extract of millet grains provides antioxidants. You need to take 1 tablet per day.

  • high efficiency;
  • The tablets are cheap for their level of quality;
  • optimally selected components;
  • noticeable hair growth;
  • improvement of nail condition.
  • long wait for a positive effect;
  • one package is not enough for a full course of treatment;
  • the drug rarely appears in pharmacies;
  • The tablets are large and difficult to swallow;
  • an allergic reaction may occur.

The most economical hair product

Manufacturer: Russia

Average price: 360 rubles

Vitamin and mineral preparation Russian production It has a rich component composition. Each tablet includes 11 vitamins and 8 mineral elements, as well as a tea extract, which is a strong antioxidant. Daily dose – 1 tablet.

  • excellent combination of price and quality;
  • the drug can be seen in any pharmacy;
  • The tablets are small and easy to swallow;
  • the complex is effective against hair loss;
  • improvement of the condition of the nail plates;
  • positive influence on well-being, increasing body tone;
  • elimination of minor skin peeling;
  • useful substances in the tablet are in the optimal daily amount.
  • a large number of auxiliary components;
  • the presence of synthetic additives;
  • The lid of the jar is not childproof.

Effective against hair loss

Manufacturer: Denmark

Average price: 900 rubles

A high-quality food supplement based on beneficial substances responsible for strengthening the structure of hair tissue. The main components are silicon and group B compounds. The composition also contains biotin, which accelerates the formation of hair and nail tissues, preventing baldness, and horsetail extract, which stimulates regeneration processes in cells. The preventive course involves taking 1 tablet per day for 2 months, and the treatment course means taking 2 units per day for 1 month.

  • high efficiency;
  • fast action, positive results are observed within a couple of weeks;
  • carefully selected composition;
  • reduction of hair loss;
  • strengthening hair tissue;
  • adding beauty and shine to hair;
  • restoration of the structure of the nail plates.
  • quite high cost;
  • a package of 60 tablets is not enough for both a preventive and therapeutic course.

Biologically active substances for deep hair treatment

Manufacturer: Italy

Average price: 2100 rubles

High-quality drug in ampoules for intensive hair therapy. A solution with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, herbal components and animal placenta extract is recommended to be used to block the process of baldness and normalize hair growth. Active components useful for improving blood circulation in the follicles and skin tissues of the head. One pack includes 12 ampoules of 10 mg each. The ampoule solution should not be injected, but rubbed into the scalp. The medicine is distributed over the skin using a pipette included with the ampoules. The procedures are carried out every day for 1.5 months. After the course, you must take a one-month break, then therapy can be repeated if necessary.

  • ease of application with a pipette;
  • no need to rinse off;
  • a positive result is observed quickly;
  • the solution smells pleasant;
  • active substances help eliminate dandruff;
  • noticeable acceleration of hair growth and increase in hair density;
  • Can be used to strengthen eyelashes.
  • very high cost;
  • inability to buy in a pharmacy chain, the product is available only through online stores;
  • prohibited for use during lactation due to the content of placental components.

Noticeable strengthening effect

Manufacturer: Slovenia

Average price: 340 rubles

Good vitamins that have a positive effect not only on the structure of the hairs, but also on the appearance of the hair. The composition contains yeast, amino acids, mineral elements and other compounds that prevent hair loss and stimulate the nutrition of hair and skin tissue. It is recommended to take 1 capsule per day. The course of treatment lasts 2 months. The drug can be found in the pharmacy chain.

  • strengthening the hair structure;
  • acceleration of hair growth;
  • improving the appearance of hair;
  • can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • low cost.
  • inadmissibility of use in childhood.

The best Russian vitamins with added amino acids

Manufacturer: Russia

Average price: 860 rubles

A popular domestic manufacturer of dietary supplements produces a high-quality remedy for hair loss. The composition contains vitamin C, amino acids, zinc, copper, as well as fucus extract, which is a supplier of microelements to the body. This drug can be chosen as a good replacement for expensive imported drugs.

  • good combination of price and efficiency;
  • reduction of hair loss;
  • eliminating brittleness of nail plates;
  • restoration of weakened and damaged hairs.
  • large tablets that are difficult to swallow.

Mixing vitamins with shampoo

In addition to taking vitamin complexes internally, you can inject solutions of retinol and tocopherol. These two vitamins are recommended to be used in injections when the situation with the hair is deplorable; due to vitamin deficiency, the hair grows very much.

Also, ampoule solutions of vitamins can be added to shampoos. Various substances are used as additives, but it is best to dissolve group B compounds in care products. If desired, you can mix several vitamins into one solution. The main thing is that before using fortified shampoo, it is advisable to do a skin allergy test.

Shampoo enriched with useful substances helps to cope with almost all problems of the hair and scalp. The exception is alopecia caused by hormonal changes and pathologies of internal organs.

Hair masks with vitamins

To prepare masks, vitamins A, E, group B are used in ampoule form. Vitamins, individually or in combination, are added to both homemade and store-bought masks. Optimal dose for single use - one ampoule. It is best to use retinol, tocopherol, inositol, compounds B 6 and B 12 for masks.

Every woman dreams of healthy and beautiful curls. But in the conditions of modern ecology and stress, hair needs additional care and nutrition. Get everything essential vitamins and microelements from products is quite difficult, here pharmacies come to our aid vitamin complexes.

Today, a website about hair care will make its rating of the best vitamins for hair based on popularity, effectiveness and reviews of the use of these complexes. So, are you ready?

What vitamins are good for hair?

In order to consciously approach the choice of the best vitamins for your hair, we suggest that you first understand what nutrients your hair needs. So, the main vitamins that ensure the beauty and health of hair:

  • Vitamin A(retinol) will relieve your skin and hair from dryness and brittleness. To maintain this vitamin in the body, you should include fish, cottage cheese, egg yolk, carrots and liver in your daily diet.
  • B vitamins stimulate hair growth, fight hair loss and eliminate oiliness. The group is quite large, so there are a lot of sources. So, for example, B1 is found in buckwheat and oatmeal, wholemeal bread, and green peas. B2 in large quantities found in meat products, chicken eggs and almonds. Such important vitamins, like B5 and B6, you can get from peas, hazelnuts, cauliflower, meat and dairy products. Vitamin B12, which is responsible for hair growth, is found exclusively in animal products.
  • Vitamin C nourishes hair and also prevents hair loss. It can be obtained from fruits (especially citrus fruits).
  • Vitamin E is responsible for the condition of the scalp and gives the desired shine to your hair. Mainly found in products of plant origin.
  • Vitamin D especially relevant in winter. In summer we get enough of this vitamin from direct sun rays.

Even if your diet is perfectly balanced, we often do not receive these vitamins in the required quantities. But this is the 21st century, medicine has stepped forward, and everyone has heard about vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. There are many different drugs on the market today, but are they all as good as the manufacturer claims?

Rating of vitamin complexes for hair

It is impossible to choose the “best” or “worst” vitamin complex, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Some hair lacks shine and strength, others lack growth rate, and others simply need to let it fall out. Therefore, we present to your attention a rating of the best vitamins for hair with reviews of them.

Inneov "hair thickness"

Today it is one of the most effective means for hair restoration and growth.

It includes:

  • green tea and grape seed extract, which are powerful antioxidants;
  • zinc, necessary for the synthesis of hair keratin;
  • taurine, which fights damage to hair follicles.

The peculiarity of this drug is that it is designed for men and women separately. Vitamins and minerals are balanced in the best way for each organism.
Perhaps the main disadvantage is the duration of the course (3-6 months). If you haven’t seen results after the first month of taking it, don’t despair. After taking a course of the drug, the result will not be long in coming. Your hair will become stronger and thicker, “fuzz” will appear and you will see how much faster your hair begins to grow.

Marina, 40 years old:

It became clearly visible that new small hairs had grown out. After 2 months of taking it, there were even more such hairs. By the end of taking INNEOV, the condition of my hair had improved significantly. They stopped falling out, a healthy appearance appeared, the hair finally stopped splitting and began to grow quickly!

Yulia, 21 years old:

I'll share my review! After a month of taking the drug, I noticed that the amount of hair loss was halved. Thanks to the fact that it contains taurine and green tea extract, I feel much better and more energetic. And this is worth a lot!

Vitrum Beauty

One of the most popular and rated brands among domestic consumers. Vitamins are designed specifically for women, taking into account the needs female body. Vitrum Beauty not only eliminates brittleness and dullness of hair, but also helps to resist negative impacts environment, also strengthens the body’s immunity as a whole. Judging by the reviews, within a month the hair becomes less brittle and the skin becomes radiant.

Reviews of Vitrum Beauty for hair:

Oksana, 25 years old:

I started drinking Vitrum Beauty specifically for my hair. The effect shocked me! In about a month, my hair grew by 2.5 centimeters, something that had never been observed before. My hair usually grows quite slowly. The vitamins had an effect not only on my hair, but also on my nails, and I myself became more cheerful and lively...

Olga, 36 years old:

To be honest, I didn’t expect this. I never thought that they would help so quickly. Because of these vitamins, my hair became noticeably stronger and my nails stopped peeling!


The key to Pantovigar's success is the combination of various components:

  • Keratin is the basis of our hair.
  • Vitamin B1 restores hair structure.
  • Vitamin B 5 is needed for hair growth and strengthening.
  • Vitamin B 10 is responsible for hair color (gray hair) and its health.
  • L-cysteine ​​(L) promotes fast hair growth.

Together, these elements have a more precise effect than any other vitamin.

It should be said that this drug is somewhat different from those described earlier. Pantovigar is highly specialized and is aimed at restoring, preventing hair loss, as well as its growth.

The drug affects the condition of the hair from the inside, saturating and nourishing the cells, it stimulates growth and improves the structure of the hair. The course of treatment is quite long, 3-6 months, but the result exceeds expectations. Apparently that’s why it’s one of the first in the ranking of vitamins for hair loss.

The price of Pantovigar is a little scary. Many women are simply forced to look for cheaper analogues.

Olesya, 32 years old:

My nails have become stronger and do not flake, I noticed the effect after a couple of weeks of use. The hair showed an effect a little later, after about a month of use. My hair was slightly dry from constant dyeing, but now it is more pleasant to the touch and not so brittle.

Anastasia, 19 years old:

The first results appeared after a month of use, hair loss was very noticeably reduced. Another month later, an undercoat of new hairs appeared. My course lasted 6 months and the results are obvious. I would recommend this drug.


Alerana is Russian drug. It is in no way inferior to foreign, more expensive analogues, and the course of taking the drug is much shorter (1-3 months). Women who have tried Aleran vitamins notice that the result is visible after 10 days.

Dividing vitamins and minerals into daytime and nighttime ones allows you to more effectively combat problems. The daily portion contains mostly minerals aimed at restoring and protecting the follicle.

Night contains B vitamins, as well as useful acids to stimulate hair growth.

Maria, 22 years old:

While taking these vitamins, I did not feel any discomfort. They actually promote hair growth. My hair is unrecognizable! Hair has become more voluminous and manageable...

Natalya, 46 years old:

The condition of my hair has changed beyond recognition, which makes me very happy. They are smooth, shiny, the ends have stopped splitting, and they are quite soft to the touch. Of course, we should thank not only vitamins for this, but they played a major role.


However, due to the fact that the drug has very complex composition, many women complain of side effects. Therefore, before taking these vitamins, you need to consult a specialist and carefully study the composition. Those who are satisfied with the drug will never exchange it for another.

Nastya, 21 years old:

There is something to praise the vitamins for - with them I grew my hair to a very decent length, it became thicker and, finally, I got rid of brittle nails. After two weeks of taking Perfectil, my hair stopped growing so much. Now I continue to grow my hair. I was very pleased with the vitamins. I will definitely recommend them, and with great pleasure!

Ksenia, 29 years old:

The main task that I set for the drug was completed one hundred percent!! I've been trying to grow my hair out for quite some time. So with Perfectil they really began to grow! I am very pleased with the condition of my hair, it is vibrant, shiny and flowing...

Merz Beauty

Special dragees Merz are a dietary supplement. Thanks to its balanced composition, the drug not only improves the condition of hair and skin, but also replenishes the supply of nutrients in the body as a whole. Unlike medicines, Merz Beauty is allowed and even recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

For nursing mothers, this is a real panacea for hair loss. However, Special Merz dragees should be used with caution and not exceed the dose prescribed according to the instructions, so as not to cause an overdose. Also should not be used with other multivitamins.

On initial stage Hair loss can be managed without powerful medications and expensive procedures. In most cases, the problem is solved with the help of vitamins that are necessary for normal life follicle.

What vitamins are needed

A lack of any of the 13 vitamins known to science weakens the adhesion of the follicle to the hypodermis, which over time leads to its loss. Moreover, a deficiency of some substances manifests itself almost immediately, since they are very important for the life and health of hair follicles.

Scientists have found out which vitamins are missing if hair falls out. First of all this:

  • riboflavin (B2);
  • pantothene (B5);
  • retinol (A);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • coenzyme R (B7);
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • cyanocobalamin (B12).

Just don’t buy everything at once and drink indiscriminately. Hypervitaminosis is just as dangerous to hair health as vitamin deficiency. So be careful and learn how to handle them properly. If you take it, complete the course, and only then drink it to strengthen your hair.

On a note. B12 taken orally alone is almost not absorbed by the body, so if you want to stop hair loss with its help, you need masks for external use.

How to use them

Before you start using vitamins, you need to read the instructions for use. This applies not only to ingestion, but also if you use them for external masks. WITH pharmaceutical drugs must be handled carefully.

Application options

  1. Take in the form of tablets or capsules.
  2. Rub ampoule solutions for injection into the roots pure form or as part of masks.
  3. Add to hair cosmetics.
  4. Inject intramuscularly if the deficiency of a certain vitamin in the body is too obvious - this can only be done as prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Include in your diet as much as possible more products with a high content of vitamins that prevent hair loss.


This point is specified in the instructions for the drugs. Read more carefully and combine only those vitamins that can work in tandem. Their compatibility with each other concerns primarily internal use. But for external use, you can combine any. Therefore, if you see thiamine with pyridoxine in the same recipe, do not panic.

Combine and give a wonderful effect:

  • A/E/C;
  • B9/S.

Not compatible:

  • B1 / B7 / B6;
  • B6 / B12;
  • C/all group B, except B9.

Helpful advice. Pyridoxine is best used as a supplement in store-bought cosmetical tools hair care.


Review your diet, include in your daily menu foods that are high in the vitamins you need, and you will soon notice an improvement.


  • yeast;
  • wheat, bran, buckwheat;
  • milk, cottage cheese;
  • seafood;
  • chicken, pork, kidneys, liver;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, red beans, Bell pepper, garlic, avocado, horseradish, spinach, white cabbage;
  • walnuts and pine nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts;
  • syrup;
  • sardine, mackerel, tuna;
  • seeds;
  • bananas, pomegranate;
  • yolk.


  • all dairy and meat products;
  • seafood;
  • all types of fish;
  • yolk.


  • squid;
  • vegetable oil;
  • milk;
  • carrots, potatoes, white cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, radishes, legumes, onions;
  • oats;
  • pistachios, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts;
  • liver;
  • seeds;
  • zander;
  • viburnum, rowan, sea buckthorn, cherry;
  • yolk.

Knowing what vitamins are needed for hair loss and what products contain them, it’s easy to create sample menu. However, not everything we eat reaches the follicles. Therefore, you need to play it safe and stop at the pharmacy on the way to the store.

Did you know that... Is ascorbic acid water-soluble and therefore the body cannot produce it on its own? So you definitely need to get it by any means from the outside.


In pharmacies, hair vitamins can be sold separately in the form of capsules or injection solutions. You can purchase and drink a whole complex designed specifically for this purpose.

Release forms

Vitamins in ampoules are used in masks and for a course of injections. Liquid ones are best rubbed into the roots or included in external products. It is better to take capsules orally: if they are oily, then their contents are extracted through a puncture and used to prepare masks, and tablets can be crushed and used in the same way.

  1. Volume Top. DHC (Japan). $50.
  2. Silettum (Silettum). Deval Jaldes (France). $41.
  3. Pantovigar (Pantovigar). Merz (Germany). $29.
  4. Merz (Merz). Merz (Germany). $14.
  5. Alerana (Alerana). Vertex (Russia). $9.
  6. Doppelherz Aktiv. Queisser Pharma (Germany). $8.
  7. Complements the Radiance. Pharmstandard-Ufavita (Russia). $7.
  8. Hair expert. Evalar (Russia). $7.
  9. Pentovit. Altaivitamins (Russia). $2.
  10. Aevit. Alina Pharma (Russia). $1.

From severe loss

  1. B-Right. Jarrow Formulas (USA). $36.2.
  2. Imedeen classic. Ferrosan, Pharmacia&Upjohn (Denmark). $30.
  3. Phytophanere. Laboratoires Phytosolba (France). $26.9.
  4. Tricologic Perfectil. Vitabiotics (UK). $26.
  5. Skin, hair, nails. Solgar (USA). $21.5.
  6. Oenobiol Revitalisant Capillaire (France). $21.2.
  7. Deacura (Germany). $17.6.
  8. Revalid. Teva (Hungary). $14.
  9. Zincteral. Teva Kutno (Poland). $5.1.
  10. Biocomplex with A, E, F. DNC (Russia). $1.8.

Vitamin brand masks

  1. Berry kvass with sea buckthorn from the Fresh SPA series - for weakened strands. Natura Siberica (Russia). $25.
  2. Vitamin cocktail with avocado from the HairJuice line. Brelil (Italy). $11.
  3. Fruit Shake - vitamin cocktail. Tasha&Co. Russia. $9.
  4. Hair Treatment Beetroot Extracts - with beetroot extract. Lolane (Thailand). $9.
  5. Treatment Mangosteen - with mangosteen. Banna (Thailand). $4.
  6. Original Collagen - vitamin-collagen mask. Caring (Thailand). $3.
  7. Vitamin complex mask with grapefruit and passion fruit. Avon (USA). $2.
  8. Biomask with sea buckthorn. Russian concern Doctor. $1.9.
  9. Burdock mask with vitamin composition, strengthening hair follicles. Mirrolla (Russia). $1.
  10. Sweet pepper - vitamin intensive strengthening mask. Chinese company Tai Yan. $1.

On a note. B vitamins cannot always be obtained from food and mineral-vitamin complexes. Even a balanced daily diet and diet cannot directly improve the condition of the hair, unlike external use in masks.

Special cases

In some cases, gender differences must be taken into account.

For men

Hair loss in men indicates a lack of the following vitamins:

  • biotin;
  • retinol;
  • tocopherol;
  • thiamine.

Among vitamin complexes, we can recommend Men-C and Inneov for men “Hair Density”.

For women

In women, hair loss most often occurs due to hormonal imbalances, and this usually happens during menopause. To normalize the condition you need:

  • tocopherol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • retinol;
  • the whole group B.

To replenish them, nursing mothers can drink the following complexes:

  1. Elevit Pronatal. Bayer (Germany). $31.
  2. Vitrum Prenatal (Vitrum Prenatal). Unipharm (USA). $24.
  3. Pregnavit (Pregnavit). Ratiopharm International (Germany). $23.
  4. "Mom's Health", Alphabet brand. Akvion (Russia). $6.

During menopause:

  1. Hemafemin is the secret of women's health. Pantoproject (Russia). $15.5.
  2. Lady's formula Menopause. ArtLife (Russia). $22.4.
  3. Femicaps Easy Life. Hankintatukku Oy (Finland). $33.2.
  4. Qi-klim - for women 45+. Evalar (Russia). $6.6.
  5. Divina. Orion Pharma (Denmark). $13.1.
  6. “50 plus”, Alphabet brand. Akvion (Russia). $6.
  7. Femin (Femin). Orthomol (Germany). $134.1.

If a woman does not have postpartum and climacteric condition, but your hair still falls out, we can recommend the following complexes:

  1. "Cosmetic", Alphabet brand. Akvion (Russia). $6.
  2. Vita Charm. Veropharm (Russia). $3.5.
  3. Vitrum beauty. Unipharm Inc (USA). $14.1.
  4. Duovit for women. KRKA (Slovenia). $6.6.
  5. Time For Miracle by Lundenilona (Ilona Lunden). $71.2 (the vitamin complex is designed for a whole year's course).
  6. Wellwoman. Vitabiotics Ltd (UK). $10.3.

Attention! For oral use of any vitamin complexes during pregnancy or postpartum period, as well as during menopause, you must first consult a doctor.


The best vitamins for hair loss are presented in a short review complex drugs. He will help you choose the right product.


Release form: capsules.

  • calcium;
  • keratin;
  • medical yeast;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • cystine

Indications: non-hormonal alopecia, androgenic alopecia in men, hair loss in women after pregnancy.

Directions for use: 1 capsule 3 times a day, for a course of 3-6 months.

Cost: $28 for 90 capsules.


Release form: capsules.

  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • wheat germ;
  • medical yeast;
  • pantothene;
  • millet;
  • zinc.

Indications: weakened follicles, brittle and dry hair.

Directions for use: 3 capsules daily for a course of 3 months.

Cost: $14 for 90 capsules.

Manufacturer: Teva (Hungary).


Release form: tablets and capsules.

  • DL-methionine;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • beta-carotene;
  • iron, zinc, calcium, copper;
  • medical yeast;
  • para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • millet, wheat germ;
  • thiamine, pyridoxine, biotin;
  • tocopherol;
  • cholicalceferol;
  • cystine;
  • Echinacea.

Indications: non-hormonal alopecia, dermatitis, damaged hair structure, psoriasis, dry scalp.

Cost: $10 for 30 capsules.

Line of drugs:

  • regular Perfectil;
  • Perfectil Plus (extra support): blue blister with tablets and turquoise with capsules, double the amount of vitamins compared to simple Perfectil;
  • Tricologic Perfectil, designed specifically for hair health and growth.

Manufacturer: Vitabiotics (UK).

Merz (Merz spezial dragees)

Release form: pills.

  • ascorbic acid;
  • beta-carotene;
  • biotin;
  • yeast;
  • calcium, iron;
  • calciferol;
  • nicotine;
  • pyridoxine;
  • retinol;
  • riboflavin;
  • thiamine;
  • tocopherol;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • cystine

Indications: hair loss.

Directions for use: 1 tablet twice a day with breakfast and dinner for 3 months.

Cost: $13 for 60 tablets.

Manufacturer: Merz Pharma (Germany).


Release form: tablets.

  • zinc;
  • retinol

Indications: severe hair loss in men and women, alopecia and malignant baldness.

Directions for use: dosage is prescribed by a doctor based on individual indicators; most often - 1 tablet three times a day, followed by a decrease to 2 and 1 time.

Cost: $4 for 25 tablets.

Manufacturer: Teva Kutno (Poland).


Release form: capsules.

  • biotin;
  • yeast;
  • iron, zinc, copper;
  • pantothene;
  • pyridoxine;
  • riboflavin;
  • thiamine;
  • folate;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • cystine


  • weakened follicles;
  • damaged structure;
  • disruption of the physiological processes of their renewal and growth;
  • fragility and thinning;
  • itching and irritation of the scalp;
  • dropping out;
  • dandruff;
  • preventative care.

Directions for use: 1 capsule daily 3 times for a course of 3 months.

Cost: $80 for 60 capsules.

Manufacturer: KRKA (Slovenia).

Inneov Hair Density

Release form: tablets.

  • green tea;
  • riboflavin;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • taurine;
  • zinc;
  • grape seed extract.

Indications: alopecia, increased hair loss.

Directions for use: 1 tablet daily, twice a course of 3 months.

Cost: $26 for 60 tablets.

The line of drugs is presented as a universal remedy and specially developed for men.

Manufacturer: Vichy (France).


Release form: tablets, ampoule solution for injection.

Ingredients: pyridoxine.

Indications: for the treatment of damaged, weakened hair follicles falling out of the socket.

Directions for use: 2-4 tablets daily for 2 weeks, 1 injection intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously (course -10 days).

Cost: $1 for 50 tablets, $0.5 for 10 ampoules.

Manufacturer: Veropharm (Russia).

Expert Hair Evalar

Release forms: tablets, shampoo, spray lotion.

  • silicon, zinc oxide;
  • brewer's yeast (source of B vitamins);
  • horsetail;
  • taurine;
  • cystine

Indications: loss and weakening.

Directions for use: 1 tablet per day for 3 months.

Cost: $7 for 60 tablets.

Manufacturer: Evalar (Russia).

Selencin Hair Therapy (Selencinum)

Release forms: tablets, masks, lotions, conditioner.

  • B vitamins;
  • silicic acid;
  • lycopodium;
  • aluminium oxide;
  • selenium;
  • potassium and sodium salts;
  • phosphorus.

Directions for use: 1 tablet per day, kept under the tongue until completely dissolved, for 2 months.

Cost: $9 for 60 tablets.

Manufacturer: Alkoy (Russia).

Each complex has its own characteristics and specific instructions for use. It is difficult to choose the right one from such a variety on your own. Therefore, the easiest way is to seek help from a trichologist, who will prescribe the drug based on individual indicators.

Food for thought. Many people have the wrong idea about vitamin complexes: most people perceive them as harmless dietary supplements. In fact, they have their own lists of contraindications and side effects, and they require consultation with specialists.

Homemade masks

Pharmacy vitamins are also effective in various homemade masks. If you use the contents of oil capsules and injection solutions for external use, the process of hair loss will stop after the first procedure.

Ampoule solutions are shaken and used immediately after opening, as they lose their beneficial properties when in contact with air.

The head should be clean, the hair should be slightly moisturized. The masks are rubbed into the scalp with your fingers using massage movements; it is better to distribute them along the entire length with a wide-toothed comb. Wash off with a warm decoction of medicinal herbs. If the product contains oils, you can use baby shampoo.

Frequency of use: 2 times a week until hair loss stops completely. The break between courses is at least 1 month. Before use, each mixture must be tested for the presence of allergenic substances.


Brew 15 g of loose leaf tea (black or green) with 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, strain. Mix tea with raw yolk. Add 15 ml concentrated lemon juice and 1 ampoule of solutions of pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin. The duration of action is half an hour. Wash off with baby shampoo.

  • With retinol and tocopherol

Heat 30 ml of unrefined olive oil, add vitamins A and E (squeeze out 4-5 capsules).

  • With cyanocobalamin

Mix 1 ampoule of cyanocobalamin with 20 g of ground red pepper. The mask is rubbed into the roots, but be sure to wear gloves before doing this. Action time is 10-15 minutes.

  • With Thiamine, Riboflavin, Tocopherol & Retinol

Mix 15 g of chamomile and nettle, 10 g of linden blossom. Grind, pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. Strain. Add thiamine, riboflavin, tocopherol and retinol (1 capsule each).

  • With pyridoxine

Heat burdock (30 ml) and almond (15 ml) oils in a water bath or in the microwave. Add an ampoule of pyridoxine.

  • With pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin

Mix crushed herbs: 30 g each of burdock and chamomile roots, 15 g of nettle. Pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. Strain. Add 2 yolks, 1 ampoule of B6 and B12.

  • With niacin

One of the most effective homemade masks for hair loss is made from niacin acid. Mix 2 ampoules with 200 ml of lukewarm kefir. Leave for 50 minutes.

  • With cyanocobalamin

Dilute 10 g of cinnamon in 2 ampoules of cyanocobalamin, add 50 ml of natural olive oil.

  • With retinol

Mix 2 ampoules of retinol with 500 ml of burdock root decoction. Moisten your hair generously with the resulting solution without drying, leave for half an hour, then rinse.

  • With tocopherol

Dissolve 20 g of gelatin in 50 ml of water. Beat, leave for 15 minutes. Stir again, dilute in 100 ml of chamomile infusion, add 2 ampoules of tocopherol. Keep for 40 minutes.

  • With pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin

Mix 1 ampoule of B6 and B12, 50 ml of aloe juice, 100 ml of chamomile infusion.

Use vitamins for oral use and as masks. If you set a goal, you can not only stop hair loss, but also achieve impressive hair growth and improve your appearance.

Hair loss is a common problem for both women and men. Unfortunately, it is the gentle sex who suffer the most from this. Contrary to general opinion, the reason for the untimely loss of hair from our scalp is considered not only by various chemicals, used regularly by the weaker sex. Lack of vitamins often leads to hair loss in girls. This is associated with the physiology of the body: pregnancy, menstrual cycle, hormonal changes, childbirth leads to poor absorption or loss of essential microelements. This means that to maintain health and beauty, it will be useful to know what vitamins to take during hair loss.

Causes of loss

Most people face this problem, and there are plenty of reasons for its occurrence:

  • heredity;
  • age;
  • endocrine system problems;
  • stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • negative external factors(dry air, salt water, etc.);
  • lack of vitamins (we will tell you below which vitamins to take if you have hair loss);
  • use of chemical cosmetics;
  • female physiological changes (pregnancy, menopause, etc.);
  • diets;
  • ecology, etc.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Vitamin B1 affects the condition of hair indirectly, although very strongly. If we consider hair vitamins, the best of which can be found in this article, this is worth paying close attention to. Thus, it regulates the metabolism of the main amount of proteins, fats, acids, carbohydrates and minerals in the body. Thiamine is responsible for providing the scalp, hair follicles and hair with structural components, nutrients, and energy for development and growth.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

It is responsible for the rapid functioning of metabolism and has a significant effect on the absorption of nutrients. In addition, these vitamins, which are essential for hair loss, help the hair cells become saturated with oxygen. Riboflavin deficiency leads to overwork sebaceous glands, located also under the scalp, due to which our hair always becomes oily at the roots. At the same time, their ends, on the contrary, are very dry and brittle.

Vitamin B3 (niacin or PP)

This vitamin has a positive effect on work circulatory system and provides the hair follicles with the necessary amount of oxygen. In addition, the coenzymes include nicotinic acid. And they are actively involved in regular cell renewal. PP has a positive effect on the rate of hair growth and is responsible for its coloring. Therefore, a lack of nicotinic acid in the body leads to early onset gray hair. If you don’t want to go gray at a young age, then keep in mind that your body should receive at least 50 mg of this vitamin per day.

Provitamin B5 (D-panthenol)

If you don’t know what vitamins you need to take for hair loss, then it’s worth taking a closer look at this one. It, like B3, is responsible for stimulating hair growth, while ensuring active division of skin cells. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, and is also involved in the restoration of the skin. In addition, thanks to vitamin B5, hair becomes less brittle.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 is known for its participation in metabolic processes, as well as its role in the synthesis of the most important functional and structural compounds in the human body. The presence of hormones, fats and proteins in the human body, which are necessary for healthy hair, depends on the activity of pyridoxine; in addition, it supports full metabolism in the scalp.

In relation to strands, vitamin B6 manifests itself especially noticeably when there is a lack of it: the body sacrifices hair in the very first place. Even with minor hypovitaminosis, they begin to fall out, while the scalp suffers from dermatitis and seborrhea.

Biotin (vitamin H)

An insufficient amount of vitamin H in the human body inevitably leads to hair loss, anemia, active sweating and various diseases and damage to the skin.

Vitamin A (beta-carotene or retinol)

It plays a big role in hair restoration and growth, promotes the work and normal functioning sebaceous glands, and also has a positive effect on the health of the scalp. It also solves problems such as hair loss. What vitamins should you take if they begin to break down badly and resemble dry straw in appearance? Most likely, your body has a large shortage of beta-carotene and ascorbic acid. If you do not replenish your supplies immediately, your hair will fall out a lot, after which it will completely lose its shine and shine. Also, the appearance of dandruff will not take long to occur. To avoid these not so pleasant moments, you need to regularly take vitamins A and E for hair.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

This vitamin helps our blood to be significantly saturated with oxygen, while having a beneficial effect on the immune system, making it able to resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses. In addition, tocopherol promotes hydration, necessary hair, due to which they become shiny and lush. Vitamin E becomes very important in the summer, when our strands are exposed harmful influence sun rays. Tocopherol deficiency will inevitably contribute to rapid hair loss.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

It not only protects our body from colds, it slows down the process of hair loss. In addition, it helps provide the scalp with the necessary amount of blood, as well as nourishes the hair. Due to ascorbic acid, iron is absorbed much faster in the human body. Vitamin C fights free radicals, which violate the integrity of the scalp and hair roots.

Vitamin F

In fact, it is a complex compound of unsaturated fatty acids. It counteracts the appearance of cholesterol, preventing the latter from being deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin F keeps our hair healthy in good condition, while preventing their premature and excessive loss. He also acts as a fighter against dandruff. The main role of the vitamin is the rapid absorption of all the above-described vitamins by our body.

When choosing hair vitamins, you should remember which ones have a significant impact on the health of your curls. Together with them, the condition of our hair is influenced by microelements, including iron, silicon, sulfur, magnesium, selenium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus and iodine.

Pharmacy vitamins for hair

Vitamins that enter our body with food can be poorly absorbed, because of this, even with a balanced and rational diet, the condition of the hair becomes deplorable. To eliminate this problem, various multivitamin complexes are used, which contain the required amount of microelements and vitamins. Determining which vitamins to take for hair loss is required individually in a diagnostic laboratory or specialized clinics.

They should be taken in the absence of contraindications and strictly according to the instructions. Must be observed daily dose and time of administration, in addition, adhere to recommendations regarding food intake when using the drug. These complexes cannot be combined with other drugs without a doctor’s recommendation. You need to understand that an excess of vitamins is also harmful, so you need to take and choose complexes responsibly.

Complex "Revalid"

This is a drug that contains an amino acid and vitamin complex that promotes the health and growth of nails and hair. The product is inexpensive - costs about 400 rubles. It has no side effects, so if you don’t know what vitamins to take for hair loss, then you can safely opt for this drug. Take 1 capsule three times a day for about 2-3 months.

The product "Revalid" compensates for the lack of amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. The components of the drug normalize metabolic processes. In addition, they contribute to:

  • Improving trophism of nails and hair follicles.
  • Improving the appearance and surface structure of hair, as well as strengthening it.
  • Slowing down hair loss and increasing hair resistance to harmful environmental factors.

The drug "Perfectil"

These vitamins for hair loss, reviews of which attract the attention of many people, accelerate hair growth and affect the condition of nails and skin. The average price of the drug is 400 rubles. Take one capsule once a day with a glass of water, after or during meals.

Indications for use:

  • Changes in hair structure, brittle nails, baldness.
  • Prevention and treatment of avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis, as well as lack of minerals.
  • Skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczematous dermatitis.
  • Peeling and dry skin, cracks on the lips, jams.
  • Violations of the integrity of the skin, including scratches, cuts, burns.

Tool "Alphabet"

When choosing vitamins for hair, the best of which are discussed in this article, you should pay special attention to this complex. It is not intended directly for hair growth and strengthening, but it effectively promotes this. Its average cost is 200 rubles. The minerals and vitamins that make up the complex are divided into three groups and presented in the form of three tablets that need to be taken every 4 hours.

Indications for use:

  • Therapy and prevention of micronutrient deficiencies of various natures and hypovitaminosis.
  • High need for vitamins and microelements (intense mental and physical exercise, chemotherapy, antibiotic treatment, pregnancy, irrational and insufficient nutrition, postoperative period, infectious diseases, etc.).

Dragee "Merz"

These are microelements and multivitamins with components having natural origin. Cost - about 500 rubles. This complex is necessary to give beauty, health, shine to hair and strength to nails. You need to drink one tablet twice a day.

Indications for use:

  • Malnutrition.
  • Prevention of hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency in conditions that are accompanied by a high need for vitamins, for example during the recovery period.
  • Voltage and prolonged overload.

The drug "Aurita"

The complex optimizes metabolic processes, prevents cell aging, strengthens nails and hair, and smoothes out wrinkles. Hair vitamins, the best of which are presented in this article, have different prices. So, the average price of this drug is 300 rubles. It is used in a course to strengthen the body, as well as for problems arising with the hair. Available in 3 dosage forms: yeast, capsules (silicon-calcium) and flower tea.

Indications for use:

  • Alopecia areata.
  • Androgenetic alopecia.
  • Idiopathic trichoclasia.

The best vitamins for hair loss: System 4

The complex stops baldness, treats hair, and also accelerates its growth. The average price of the drug is 2200 rubles. Includes natural products: bio-botanical shampoo, therapeutic masks, bio-botanical serum. This complex must be used for 1-2 months, twice a week.

Use for hair loss:

  • Due to pregnancy or childbirth.
  • Because of stress.
  • Because of menopause.
  • Due to surgery.
  • Due to bad environment.
  • Due to skin infection.
  • Due to excessive oiliness of the skin.
  • Due to reception hormonal drugs.
  • Due to low-quality varnishes, dyes and other hair products.

The drug "Supradin"

This multivitamin preparation from Switzerland eliminates hypovitaminosis, improves metabolism in tissues, and stabilizes energy balance. Average cost - 230 rubles. Contains micro- and macroelements, vitamins. It comes in the form of effervescent and regular tablets.

Indications for use:

  • Active lifestyle.
  • For women to restore the condition of nails, hair and skin (due to the optimal content of vitamin A, calcium pantothenate, and biotin).
  • The moment of recovery (during an epidemic of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections).
  • Seasonal hypovitaminosis.
  • Replenishing the amount of vitamins in people who abuse alcohol, as well as smokers.
  • Taking hormonal drugs or antibiotics.

The drug "Vitacharm"

This is a multivitamin product for hair, nails and skin. Approximate cost - 220 rub. Improves the blood supply to the skin, while restoring its elasticity and firmness, and also slows down the aging process. These vitamins are necessary for severe hair loss.

Indications for use:

  • Prevention of those disorders that arise due to vitamin deficiency.
  • Improves the appearance of nails, hair and skin structure.
  • Varied skin diseases(psoriasis, eczema, hyperkeratosis, ichthyosis).
  • Strengthening nails and hair follicles.

Product "Vitrum Beauty"

This is a vitamin complex that is designed for the woman’s body. Average cost - 500 rub. Helps the formation of collagen, as well as other proteins, normalizes metabolism, affects the structure of hair, nails and skin. Antioxidant.

Indications for use:

  • For visible improvement of the condition of skin, nails and hair.
  • For the treatment and prevention of deficiency of microelements and vitamins.
  • In the absence of the required amount of vitamins in the diet.
  • Carrying out chemotherapy.
  • After infectious diseases.
  • For physical and nervous exhaustion.
  • The drug is also recommended for those who live in regions with poor environmental conditions.

To stop your hair from falling out, you can also use various alternative means, including recipes traditional medicine and homeopathic medicines.

Selentsin remedy

This homeopathic tablets, which are designed to combat excessive hair loss. Cost - about 400 rubles.

Indications for use:

The drug "Tallium-plus"

This effective vitamins for hair loss, which stimulate hair growth and strengthen it. Average cost - 250 rubles.

Indications for use:

  • For increased hair growth and stopping hair loss.
  • Acute hair loss that occurs against the background of alopecia.

Most likely, every person has encountered in their life a problem such as hair loss: viruses and diseases, too fast a pace of life, daily stress, a huge amount of work make themselves felt. In this case, the following vitamin complexes will help, which also generally strengthen the human body.

The problem of hair loss very often appears due to a lack of vitamins and minerals. Human body cannot produce them himself. They come with food eaten every day. Some are involved in the process of building tissue, others in maintaining immunity, others are responsible for the synthesis of vital hormones, and there are those that are necessary for healthy and strong curls.

Loss rate

Dying is a natural process, thanks to it a selection is carried out, during which excess hair is eliminated, and in its place new ones appear, full of energy and life. If 50-100 pieces are lost per day, there is no need to worry, as this is acceptable. In the case of such an update, you don’t have to think about baldness. The alarm should be sounded when the figure is exceeded several times. This may already indicate slow baldness, which requires timely intervention.

If such a problem has been identified, then you need to consult a trichologist; only he can give an exact answer as to why your hair is falling out.

What vitamins are missing?

Only a specialist should determine the body’s needs; if a problem is identified, he will select the appropriate medicine.

It is almost impossible to independently understand which elements are missing, since the signs of absence are the same. Uncontrolled consumption of vitamins can lead to an overdose of one of them, which will cause serious health problems in the future. Therefore, there is no need to self-medicate; it is better to spend a little time and go to a clinic than to have to deal with the consequences for several years.

What vitamins are needed?

Many people are interested in how to stop hair loss, since today it is a very serious problem. There can be a huge number of reasons. One of the most common is the lack of important components; then you need to figure out which ones are missing for health and beauty.

1. C (ascorbic acid) - acts important element which the body requires for wellness. Its deficiency in the body will lead to a decrease in immunity, which will subsequently affect the condition of the hair. It also helps increase blood circulation, which helps hair follicles more will be coming nutrients and oxygen.
2. A (retinol) - helps strengthen and rapid growth, and also stimulates collagen production. It is very useful for women, as it slows down the aging process.
3. B1 (thiamine) - necessary for correct functioning nervous system. Protects against stress and helps overcome the phenomenon of seasonal hair loss, very useful after 50 years.
4. B2 (riboflavin) - relieves skin irritation and strengthens roots.
5. B3 (niacin) - carries out many oxidative reactions, and also regulates metabolic processes occurring in the hair follicles.
6. B5 (pantothenic acid) - helps normal metabolism. Deficiency can accelerate weakening of roots and slow growth. Early gray hair appears due to stress and lack of this component.
7. Vitamin B6 plays a significant role for hair, since without its participation proper nutrition is impossible.
8. B7 (biotin) - prevents hair loss, often prescribed for baldness.
9. B8 (inositol) - helps to absorb tocopherol well.
10. B9 (folic acid) - promotes rapid cell division and frees follicles from decay products.
11. Vitamin B12 plays an important role for hair; it improves the supply of oxygen to the roots.
12. F - forms the structure of the strands, protects them from the influence of external factors.
13. E (tocopherol) - stimulates cell growth and division.

Rules for choosing vitamins

Ideally, the selection should be made by a trichologist. The doctor will give competent recommendations that will help solve the problem of hair loss. If it is acute, then it is necessary to take tests for hormones and blood, and then start raising hemoglobin levels.

Often vitamins for treating hair have different effects on women. The most can help one simple complexes, and they won’t save the other one expensive drugs, everything is individual.

Some clinics offer testing for elemental deficiencies. To do this, you need to provide a few hairs, and in a couple of weeks the result will be ready. You will find out exactly what is missing and what is in excess.

When choosing drugs, you must adhere to certain rules.

1. It is better to purchase complexes that contain not only vitamins, but also microelements. First of all, these are iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium.
2. Choose tablets that do not contain dyes or fragrances. Very often it is flavoring additives that cause allergies.
3. According to experts, there is not much difference between foreign and Russian analogues. After all, raw materials are purchased from the same companies. There is an opinion among doctors that domestic production better because it is adapted to our needs.

How to use

If you have selected vitamins for hair loss, you can safely use them for a long time. They are not addictive, and their effectiveness does not decrease over time. It is best consumed with food, preferably at lunch or in the morning. If group B complexes have been prescribed, it is better to postpone taking them until the evening, as the drugs have a slight calming effect. Don't forget that you need to devote special place water, there should be enough of it. It will help remove excess components from the body, if any.


It is not only through purchased drugs that you can get the necessary elements for the body. The right diet will significantly reduce, or even completely overcome the problem of hair loss.

1. B1 can be obtained by eating peanuts, pork, yeast and various vegetables, as they all contain thiamine.
2. B2 is present in foods such as spinach, mushrooms, fish, liver and carrots.
3. B3 is found in cheese, meat, sesame seeds, buckwheat and greens.
4. B5 is found in veal, dates, fish and avocados.
5. Vitamin B6 is very useful for hair, it is mainly found in plant foods: bananas, nuts, potatoes, seeds and cereals.
6. B7 is a component of such ingredients as soy flour, egg yolk, honey, liver, beef and brewer's yeast.
7. Cereals, melon, orange and peas are rich in vitamin B8.
8. B9 can be obtained by eating carrots, cottage cheese, apricots and beans. Folic acid is found in large quantities in the liver.
9. Vitamin B12 plays an important role for hair and is present in pork, beef and cheese.

If you reconsider your diet, you can overcome the problem of severe baldness. Proper nutrition is the key to health and longevity. If you eat the necessary foods, you won’t have to seek help from a problem-solving specialist.

Pharmacy complexes

Vitamins for hair loss are widely available today and show good results.

1. “VitrumBeauty” is a dietary supplement containing herbal extracts, antioxidants and all groups of components. This drug improves the structure of curls well.
2. “Perfectil” is designed to strengthen nails, hair and skin rejuvenation, and contains natural ingredients. Not recommended for people with thyroid problems.
3. "Revalid" - a multicomplex containing the entire group of B vitamins, brewer's yeast and natural growth activators. The effect will be noticeable after several months of use.
4. Merz dragee contains vitamins A, B, C, carotene and important minerals. The course is only a month. It should be used with caution if you have gallbladder or liver diseases.
5. “Inneov” - a dietary supplement with soybean and green tea extract. Not very popular and has mixed reviews.
6. “Alphabet Cosmetic” - all components are well absorbed, as they perfectly complement each other. The strands will become noticeably healthier within a month after starting the course.


Such cosmetics are very effective if your hair is falling out. Which vitamins are missing can be determined in a laboratory. Based on the results, the missing group of vitamins is added to the medicinal formulations; they will be an excellent help in eliminating the problem. Masks are made at home and need to be applied 1 to 3 times a week. You can try the following recipes below.

1. For dry hair, you need to heat 10 drops of lemon juice and 50 grams in a water bath. vegetable oil, and then rub the mixture into the hair roots for 2 hours. After time, the head is washed with shampoo and rinsed with a solution made from 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 1 liter of water.
2. For oily curls, prepare 1 ml of a mixture of vitamins B6 and B1, and then mix with one egg. The prepared mass is rubbed into the roots and left for 1 hour, then washed off with shampoo and sour water.
3. To give elasticity and strength to the hair, before washing, apply blue clay to the dampened hair for 1 hour. To do this, the clay is cleaned by sifting through a sieve and diluted in thick sour cream. Put the mask on your hair and wrap your head with a towel, you need to stay like this for about an hour. Then beat the egg and rinse your hair well.

How to prevent hair loss

Using masks and vitamins is not enough; you need to take good care of your hair and look after it. To keep your hair strong, you need to choose the right shampoos. Universal family remedies are ineffective, since everyone’s hair structure is different.

If the curls begin to lose health and strength, you will need to eliminate aggressive mechanical influence on them. To begin with, comb the ends, slowly moving upwards. You need to make at least 100 movements in each direction. Such a massage will be useful for improving blood circulation, which, in turn, will lead to rapid hair renewal. These procedures should always be performed for prevention, and not only when hair falls out.

What vitamins do men lack?

In order for a man not to lose his hair, he needs to regularly take components such as H, A, E and B1. The duration of treatment directly depends on the appearance positive results, the course should last at least several months. Vitamins help well both individually and in combination. To maintain a lush head of hair, it is recommended to use specially developed preparations that contain the daily requirement of vitamins. When choosing, you must pay attention to the composition, which must contain element H in a dosage of at least 20 mcg, since it is especially effective.

Components for women

If a woman’s curls begin to thin, then you need to take hair vitamins as soon as possible. The advice of a trichologist is that to improve the nutrition of the hair follicles and strengthen the structure of the hair, you need to take medications that contain vitamins E, H, C, A and the entire group B. The most effective mixtures will help solve the problem of hair loss, and also improve the condition of the nails and skin. You can also use all components separately and observe positive results.

The main rule of these doctors is systematic and consistent care. This means that the chosen vector must be adhered to constantly. Trichologists will determine the reason why your hair is falling out, what vitamins are missing, and what needs to be changed in your diet.

All complexes are developed taking into account daily requirement body, therefore, by choosing the necessary means, you can quickly solve the problem;
- microinjections and rubbing into skin covering drugs in ampoules will give better and faster results;
- when mixing the components for the mask, it is important to comply with all dosages and conduct a sensitivity test before use, because each organism is individual and it is very difficult to predict its reaction.