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Aflubin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (drops, spray in the nose - nase, tablets under the tongue) of a homeopathic medicine for the treatment of influenza, orvi, rhinitis and sinusitis in adults, children and pregnancy. Aflubin tablets - official*

In 1 tablet: aconite, bryonia dioecious, iron phosphate, lactic acid 37.2 mg each, gentian yellow 3.6 mg. Potato starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate as excipients.

In 100 ml drops: aconite, bryonia dioecious, iron phosphate, lactic acid 10 ml each, gentian yellow 1 ml. ethyl alcohol 43%, as an excipient.

In 100 ml of spray: milkweed milky juice, meadow lumbago, luffa, mercury (II) iodide 10 ml each, black mustard - 1 ml. Excipients: isotonic solution, .

Release form

Sublingual tablets No. 12 and 48.

Homeopathic drops in bottles of 50 ml, 20 ml and 100 ml.

Nasal spray in a plastic bottle of 20 ml with a spray dispenser.

pharmachologic effect

Immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


A complex homeopathic remedy that has mild antipyretic, detoxifying and immunomodulatory effects. Its use reduces the severity and duration of intoxication and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

according to the homeopathic pharmacopoeia aconite used in initial stage inflammatory processes with localization in the upper respiratory tract accompanied by high temperature. Bryony effective somewhat later - with manifestations of catarrh with irritating cough and runny nose .

drug for respiratory viral infections, flu , inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs. stimulates nonspecific protective factors of the nasal mucosa and tracheobronchial tree. It has not pronounced antiviral activity and a pronounced ability to enhance interferon formation. Does not have a cytopathogenic effect.


The study of the pharmacokinetics of the drug is impossible, because it has complex composition active ingredients in small quantities.

Indications for use

Prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections; influenza .

For spray:

  • eustachitis ;


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • age up to 12 years (for spray) and up to 1 year for all forms of the drug;
  • (for spray).

Side effects

Increased salivation.

Application instruction of Aflubin (Way and dosage)

Tablets Aflubin, instructions for use

The drug in tablets is dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved 30 minutes before meals, without drinking water. This method of administration provides the greatest efficiency. Adults and children over 12 years old - in the first days of the disease, 1 tab. from 3 to 8 times a day, with the transition to three times a day during the week.

For the prevention of the disease during the epidemic - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 21 days.

For emergency prevention influenza in contact with the patient - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 2 days.

Drops Aflubin, instructions for use

The drug in drops is taken orally in pure or diluted form, for this the required number of drops is diluted in 1 tbsp. l. water and take 30 minutes before meals, holding the drug in the mouth before swallowing.

Dosage is age appropriate. Adults and children from 12 years old - 10 drops 3-8 times a day during the first two days of illness. To quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease, you can take 8-10 drops every hour, but no more than 8 times a day. When the condition improves, they switch to taking 10 drops 3 times a day. Treatment influenza or SARS is 7 days.

Prevention of infection during the epidemic - 10 drops 2 times a day for 21-30 days.

Emergency prevention of diseases in contact with the patient - 10 drops 2 times a day for 2 days.

This form of release is considered as children's Aflubin, since it is approved for use in children from 1 year old.

Instructions for use Aflubin children

For children from 1 to 12 years old, the dose is 5 drops. The frequency of administration depends on the stage of the disease. The first days of the disease give 5 drops 3 to 8 times a day, and then 5 drops 3 times a day. For the purpose of emergency prevention (in contact with the patient), 5 drops twice a day, 2 days in a row.

For preventive treatment during an epidemic influenza - 5 drops 2 times a day for three weeks. The dosage regimen of tablets for children from 1 to 12 years old will be indicated below.

Aflubin Naze is used only in adults and children from 12 years of age - 2 injections into the nasal passages 4 times a day are recommended. The course of treatment can be from 1 to 4 weeks. There is no injection form of the drug (injections).


Cases of overdose have not been registered.


Meaningful interaction with others medicines not installed.

Terms of sale

Released without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Storage temperature drops up to 25°C, protected from light and electromagnetic fields.

Best before date

Drops 5 years.

Tablets 3 years.

Aflubin for children

significant place in the treatment of respiratory viral diseases assigned to Aflubin, which has a powerful immunomodulatory effect, eliminates swelling of the mucous membranes, inflammation and is very often prescribed to children. Its effectiveness does not depend on the type of virus and depends on the timing of the start of treatment.

If the treatment of the child is started at the first signs of the disease, then the drug stops the development of the disease or it proceeds in mild form. With treatment started at the stage of advanced symptoms, there is an acceleration of the healing process. All these points confirm the reviews of parents about this homeopathic remedy. The only gripe is that it contains alcohol.

  • « ... It often helps us out, yesterday my son's throat hurt, a runny nose began, but today it is much better».
  • « … I recommend this one to everyone natural preparation especially for children. Tested on my kids, though I give pills (I think that alcohol is not for children), they dissolve them with pleasure».
  • « ... I also like this drug, but children's Aflubin should not contain alcohol, it is not very good for children, so we switched to tablets».
  • « … Our pediatrician loves to prescribe Aflubin, says he believes him and sees the effect, so he often recommends».
  • « … Heals very effectively if taken from the very beginning of the disease. If you don't like alcohol solution give the child pills».

Instructions for Aflubin for children

The choice of one or another dosage form of the drug depends on age, doctor's recommendations and the choice of parents. For children up to a year, drops are designed that are easy to dose, they are given one 3 times a day. How to take drops for children? Drops are diluted in 1 tsp. mother's milk or water and give 30 minutes before feeding. The course of treatment is up to 10 days. Dosage and frequency of taking this form of release for children from 1 year to 12 years - 5 drops 3 times a day.

Drops for children in the average daily dose contain 0.24 - 0.336 g of ethanol, which must be taken into account. You need to know that during storage there may be a cloudiness of the solution, but this does not affect the effectiveness of the drug and it can be used.

In children under 1 year old, tablets can also be used, but they are difficult to dose - 0.5 tablets are dissolved in 1 teaspoon of mother's milk and given 1 drop 3 times a day.

Children from 1 year old use drops (their dosage was given above) and tablets, which are dissolved in 1 teaspoon of water for convenience. Assign 0.5 tablets 3-5 times a day in the first days of the disease, then 0.5 tablets 3 times a day for 5-7 days.

Planned prevention during the epidemic influenza provides for taking the drug by children from 1 to 12 years old, 0.5 tablets 2 times a day for 3 weeks.

After contact with a sick person, emergency prophylaxis is carried out. Children from 1 to 12 years old are prescribed 0.5 tablets 2 times a day for 2 days.

Aflubin during pregnancy

Proof possible risks when using the drug during pregnancy is not available, so the question of the use of the drug during this period, as well as during breastfeeding, is decided by the doctor individually. In practice, during the rise in the incidence of influenza in all trimesters, pregnant women are prescribed, IRS-19 , Flu-heel And Aflubin .


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

There are no structural analogues. Preparations with similar action: , Flu-heel , Asinis , Faringomed , Broncho-gran , Agri , Anabar , Edas-308 .

Reviews about Aflubin

Because the children's body more susceptible to respiratory viral diseases and children get sick more often than adults, doctors are faced with the question of how to alleviate the course of the disease and what drugs to choose in order to harm the child less. Treatment SARS consists in prescribing a smaller number of drugs that would combine a pronounced effect with a small number of adverse reactions.

In order to relieve symptoms, children are often prescribed homeopathic remedies, among which, Faringomed , Broncho-gran , Agri , Flu-heel And Aflubin . And it makes sense, because homeopathic remedies are better tolerated, sufficiently effective and can be used in all age categories. This drug used in children early age, it can be prescribed during pregnancy, as well as in diseases of the liver and kidneys. In case of illness, children are prescribed drops 3 times a day, and their number depends on age. It is important not to miss the moment of the onset of the disease and immediately begin treatment.

Reviews about Aflubin for children confirm that children had more easy current diseases and rarely developed complications:

  • « ... I have something to compare with: if I give Aflubin to a child, full recovery occurs by day 5. If I do not give the drug, a cough joins and we can get sick for 10-14 days».
  • « ... We notice an improvement on the second or third day of taking this remedy: the temperature normalizes, the runny nose and redness in the throat decrease».
  • « ... I have noticed more than once that a cold is easier and without complications (I mean a cough) if I immediately start giving my daughter Aflubin».

This drug is recommended to be taken not only in case of illness, but also with preventive purpose and this gives good results. According to ongoing research this remedy was prescribed to children (from 8 months to 10 years) during the period of rising incidence SARS , 1 time per day age dosage. Treatment was carried out from 2 to 6 weeks.

Among the children who took this drug, 2.3% fell ill with influenza, and in the same period, according to the average statistics, the incidence among children was 34.2%. The data was confirmed laboratory research- there has been an increase in T-lymphocytes , playing a role in the local , other indicators have improved immune system blood counts returned to normal.

Complex homeopathic remedies are in demand among a wide range of consumers due to the safety of use and affordable prices.

Aflubin price, where to buy

In terms of accurate dosing for children, it is more convenient dosage form drops. Children's Aflubin can be purchased at any pharmacy. The price of Aflubin in drops of 20 ml in pharmacies in Moscow ranges from 209 rubles. up to 287 rubles, tablets can be purchased for 367-498 rubles.

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    Aflubin drops 20 mlRichard Bittner AG

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
It is necessary to consult a doctor, and also read the instructions before use.

Aflubin drops: instructions for use


100 ml contains Yellow gentian (Gcntiana) D1 1 ml, Pharmaceutical aconite (Aconitum) D6 10 ml. Bryonia dioecious (Bryonia) D6 10 ml, Iron phosphate (Ferrum phosphoricum) D12 10 ml, Lactic acid (Acidum sarcolacticum) D12 10 ml, ethyl alcohol (ethanol) 43% (by mass) 59 ml.


Clear, colorless to colorless liquid with a slightly yellowish tinge specific smell.

Indications for use

IN complex treatment influenza, parainfluenza and acute respiratory diseases to relieve symptoms these diseases, as well as for their prevention, both planned and emergency; in the treatment of inflammatory and rheumatic diseases, accompanied by articular pain syndrome.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is used as prescribed by a doctor.

Dosage and administration

For maximum effectiveness, Aflubin ® should be taken 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal.
Age Dose (single) Multiplicity of reception Mode of application
1-2 days of illness with acute respiratory infections or influenza
Adults and teenagers 10 drops 3 to 8 times a day (no more)
Children from 1 year to 12 years old 5 drops
Children under 1 year old 1 drop From 3 to 8 times a day (no more)
Further treatment clinical manifestations ARI or flu
Adults and teenagers 10 drops 3 times a day. 5-10 days Inside in pure form or dilute in a tablespoon of water 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal, keeping it in the mouth for a while before swallowing.
Children from 1 year to 12 years old 5 drops
Children under 1 year old 1 drop 3 times a day. 5-10 days Inside, dilute in 1 teaspoon of water or mother's milk. Give 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal.
Planned prevention of exacerbation of the disease at the beginning of the cold season or before the influenza epidemic
Adults and teenagers 10 drops 2 times a day. 3 weeks Inside in pure form or diluted in a tablespoon of water 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal, holding it in the mouth for some time before swallowing.
Children from 1 year to 12 years old 5 drops
Children under 1 year old 1 drop 2 times a day. 3 weeks Inside, dilute in 1 teaspoon of water or mother's milk. Give 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal.
Emergency prevention - carried out immediately after contact with a sick flu or acute respiratory infections or after severe hypothermia
Adults and teenagers 10 drops 2 times a day.
2 days
Inside in pure form or diluted in a tablespoon of water 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal, holding it in the mouth for some time before swallowing.
Children from 1 year to 12 years old 5 drops
Children under 1 year old 1 drop 2 times a day.
2 days
Inside, dilute in 1 teaspoon of water or mother's milk. Give 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal.
Treatment of inflammatory and rheumatic diseases accompanied by articular pain syndrome
Adults and teenagers 10 drops 3-8 times a day at the beginning of treatment (1-2 days), further treatment 3 times a day for 1 month Inside in pure form or diluted in a tablespoon of water 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal, holding it in the mouth for some time before swallowing.
Children from 1 year to 12 years old 5 drops

At the onset of the disease, as well as in cases requiring rapid relief of symptoms, it is possible to take the drug 8-10 drops every half an hour - an hour until the condition improves, but not more than 8 times, then take 3 times a day.

Side effect

Rarely may occur increased salivation. When other side effects you should consult a doctor.


Cases of overdose have not been registered to date.

Interaction with other drugs

Clinically significant drug interactions with other medicines not installed. The drug should not be used by patients with alcohol addiction.

Application features

Since the preparation contains herbal natural ingredients, during storage, there may be a slight turbidity and a weakening of the smell and taste, which does not lead to a lower effectiveness of the drug.

Release form

Homeopathic drops; 20, 50 or 100 ml in brown glass bottles with a propylene screw cap, with a polyethylene dropper. Each bottle, along with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light and strong electromagnetic fields at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Complex homeopathic remedy.
Preparation: AFLUBIN®
The active substance of the drug: non appropriated
ATX encoding: R05X
KFG: Homeopathic medicine used for colds
Registration number: P No. 013116/01
Date of registration: 23.06.06
The owner of the reg. Honorary: RICHARD BITTNER AG (Austria)

Homeopathic drops in the form of a clear, colorless to colorless liquid with a slightly yellowish tint, without a specific odor.

100 ml
gentian (Gentiana) D1
1 ml
aconite (Aconite) D6
10 ml

10 ml

10 ml

10 ml

Excipients: ethanol 43% (by weight) - 59 ml.

20 ml - dark glass bottles with a dropper (1) - packs of cardboard.
50 ml - dark glass bottles with a dropper (1) - packs of cardboard.
100 ml - dark glass bottles with a dropper (1) - cardboard packs.

Homeopathic sublingual tablets white color, round, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer and risk, odorless.

1 tab.
gentian (Gentiana) D1
3.6 mg
aconite (Aconite) D6
37.2 mg
Bryonia dioecious (Bryonia) D6
37.2 mg
iron phosphate (Ferrum phosphoricum) D12
37.2 mg
lactic acid (Acidum sarcolacticum) D12
37.2 mg

Excipients: lactose monohydrate, potato starch, magnesium stearate.

12 pcs. - blisters (1) - packs of cardboard.
12 pcs. - blisters (2) - packs of cardboard.
12 pcs. - blisters (3) - packs of cardboard.
12 pcs. - blisters (4) - packs of cardboard.

The description of the drug is based on the officially approved instructions for use.

Pharmacological action Aflubin

Complex homeopathic preparation. It has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antipyretic, detoxifying effect. Has antiviral activity. Promotes increased activity non-specific factors local immunity. Reduces the intensity and duration of intoxication and catarrhal syndromes, normalizes the functions of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

The action of the drug Aflubin is the result of the cumulative action of its components, so it is not possible to conduct kinetic observations; all together the components cannot be traced using markers or bioassays. For the same reason, it is impossible to detect drug metabolites.

Indications for use:

Treatment and prevention (planned and emergency) of influenza, parainfluenza and other acute respiratory infections in order to alleviate symptoms (as part of complex therapy);

Treatment of inflammatory and rheumatic diseases accompanied by articular pain syndrome.

Dosage and method of application of the drug.

For influenza and acute respiratory infections (day 1-2 of the disease), children under 1 year of age are prescribed 1/2 tab. or 1 drop, children 1-12 years old - 1/2 tab. or 5 drops, adults and adolescents - 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - no more than 3-8 times / day.

For influenza and acute respiratory infections (advanced stage), children under 1 year of age are prescribed 1/2 tab. or 1 drop, children 1-12 years old - 1/2 tab. or 5 drops, adults and adolescents - 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 3 times / day for 5-10 days.

For planned prevention of influenza at the beginning of the cold season or 1 month before the annual expected peak incidence, children under 1 year of age are prescribed 1/2 tab. or 1 drop, children 1-12 years old - 1/2 tab. or 5 drops, adults and adolescents - 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 2 times / day. Course duration - 3 weeks.

For emergency prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections, immediately after contact with a sick person or after severe hypothermia, children under 1 year of age are prescribed 1/2 tab. or 1 drop, children 1-12 years old - 1/2 tab. or 5 drops, adults and adolescents - 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 2 times / day. Course duration - 2 days.

For the treatment of inflammatory and rheumatic diseases accompanied by articular pain syndrome, children 1-12 years old - 1/2 tab. or 5 drops, adults and adolescents - 1 tab. or 10 drops. The multiplicity of reception - 3-8 times / day at the beginning of treatment (1-2 days), in the future - 3 times / day for 1 month.

At the onset of the disease, as well as in cases requiring rapid relief of symptoms, it is possible to take the drug every 0.5-1 hour, 8-10 drops, but not more than 8 times / day. After improvement of the condition, the drug is prescribed 3 times / day.

The drug is taken 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal. Drops are taken in pure form or diluted in 1 tablespoon of water. For children under 1 year old, drops are diluted in 1 teaspoon of water or mother's milk. 1/2 tab. should also be dissolved in 1 teaspoon of water or mother's milk and given 1 drop. Before swallowing, it is recommended to hold the drug in the mouth for a while. The tablet should be kept under the tongue until completely resorbed.

Side effects of Aflubin:

Rarely: increased salivation.

The patient should be informed that if other side effects occur, consult a doctor.

Contraindications to the drug:

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation.

The question of the use of the drug Aflubin during pregnancy and lactation ( breastfeeding) is decided by the doctor individually.

Special instructions for the use of Aflubin.

Since the drug Aflubin in the form of homeopathic drops contains herbal natural components, during storage there may be a slight clouding of the solution or a weakening of the smell and taste, which does not lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug.

Drug overdose:

Cases of overdose have not been registered to date.

Interaction of Aflubin with other drugs.

Clinically significant interaction of the drug Aflubin with other drugs has not been established.

Conditions of sale in pharmacies.

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Terms of the storage conditions of the drug Aflubin.

The drug in the form of sublingual tablets should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, protected from light, out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 3 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

The drug in the form of homeopathic drops should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C in a place protected from light and strong electromagnetic fields, out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 5 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Homeopathic remedy for colds

Release form, composition and packaging

Homeopathic drops in the form of a transparent, colorless to colorless liquid with a slightly yellowish tint, without a specific odor.

Excipients: ethanol 43% (by weight) - 59 ml.

20 ml - dark glass bottles with a dropper (1) - packs of cardboard.
50 ml - dark glass bottles with a dropper (1) - packs of cardboard.
100 ml - dark glass bottles with a dropper (1) - cardboard packs.

Homeopathic sublingual tablets white, round, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer and a risk, odorless.

Excipients: lactose monohydrate, potato starch, magnesium stearate.

12 pcs. - blisters (1) - packs of cardboard.
12 pcs. - blisters (2) - packs of cardboard.
12 pcs. - blisters (3) - packs of cardboard.
12 pcs. - blisters (4) - packs of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Complex homeopathic preparation. It has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antipyretic, detoxifying effect. Has activity. Helps to increase the activity of nonspecific factors of local immunity. Reduces the intensity and duration of intoxication and catarrhal syndromes, normalizes the functions of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.


The action of the drug is the result of the cumulative action of its components, so it is not possible to conduct kinetic observations; all together the components cannot be traced using markers or bioassays. For the same reason, it is impossible to detect drug metabolites.


- treatment and prevention (planned and emergency), parainfluenza and other acute respiratory infections in order to alleviate symptoms (as part of complex therapy);

– treatment of inflammatory and rheumatic diseases accompanied by articular pain syndrome.


hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


At flu and acute respiratory infections (1-2 days of illness)children under 1 year old children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 caps. Multiplicity of reception - no more than 3-8 times / day.

At influenza and acute respiratory infections (advanced stage)children under 1 year old appoint 1/2 tab. or 1 cap., children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 3 times / day for 5-10 days.

For routine flu prevention at the beginning of the cold season or 1 month before the annual expected peak incidence children under 1 year old appoint 1/2 tab. or 1 cap., children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 2 times / day. Course duration - 3 weeks.

For emergency prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections immediately after contact with a sick person or after severe hypothermia children under 1 year old appoint 1/2 tab. or 1 cap., children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 2 times / day. Course duration - 2 days.

For treatment of inflammatory and rheumatic diseases accompanied by articular pain syndrome,children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 cap. The multiplicity of reception - 3-8 times / day at the beginning of treatment (1-2 days), in the future - 3 times / day for 1 month.

IN the onset of the disease, as well as in cases requiring rapid relief of symptoms, it is possible to take the drug every 0.5-1 hour, 8-10 drops, but not more than 8 times / day. After improvement of the condition, the drug is prescribed 3 times / day.

The drug is taken 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal. Drops are taken in pure form or diluted in 1 table. l. water. For children under 1 year old, drops are diluted in 1 teaspoon. l. water or mother's milk. 1/2 tab. should also be dissolved in 1 tsp. l. water or mother's milk and give 1 cap. Before swallowing, it is recommended to hold the drug in the mouth for a while. The tablet should be kept under the tongue until completely resorbed.

Side effects

Rarely: increased salivation.

The patient should be informed that if other side effects occur, consult a doctor.


Cases of overdose have not been registered to date.

drug interaction

Clinically significant interaction of the drug Aflubin with other drugs has not been established.

And a flu infection needs to be approached responsibly and prepared. For these purposes, it is better to use herbal preparations that have a general strengthening effect and stimulate the body's own immunity to counteract numerous microorganisms that try to harm it and provoke various diseases.

Our immunity is powerful tool protection provided by nature to destroy the threat to human health. If you stimulate and support him correctly, he will be able to cope with many unpleasant colds and viral diseases on his own, without immediately starting to use "heavy artillery" in the form of complex and sometimes dangerous chemicals. For this purpose, numerous homeopathic herbal medicinal substances have been developed.

One of these drugs, which has proven itself in action, was Aflubin in a convenient form - in drops.

Before you take Aflubin in drops, you need to understand its composition and how it affects the body.

The composition of the product contains the following substances and plants:

  • Gentian is yellow.
  • Pharmaceutical aconite.
  • Bryonia is dioecious.
  • iron phosphate.
  • Lactic acid.
  • Ethanol.

The drug in drops is a clear solution that does not have a pronounced specific odor. It may be completely colorless or have a very slight yellowish tint.

Drops Aflubin is a homeopathic preparation with immunomodulatory properties. It is designed to mobilize the body's defenses, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect, removes toxins from the body and in every possible way helps it fight infection.

Release form, shelf life and storage

Aflubin is available in tablets and drops. Drops have the form of a transparent, slightly yellowish liquid without a specific odor. They are available in dark glass bottles of 20, 50 and 100 ml. Each bottle is supplied with a convenient and practical polyethylene dropper, as well as instructions for use. Vials are packed in cardboard boxes.

The shelf life of the drug is 5 years from the date of issue. It is forbidden to use the product after the expiration of the storage period.

Over time due to specific features vegetable raw materials, the shade of the product may slightly change or light turbidity, precipitation may appear.

This does not affect medicinal properties medicines.It is recommended to store the product in places well protected from sunlight and exposure to electromagnetic waves, with a temperature not exceeding 250C. The drug should be kept away from children.

Indications for use

The doctor will tell you how to take Aflubin drops in each specific situation. The drug, taken at the first symptoms of a cold, will quickly suppress the activity of the infection and prevent the disease from developing. If the disease has already manifested itself, then the use of the medicine will speed up recovery and alleviate the patient's condition.

Also, Aflubin can be taken prophylactically in case of a threat of a disease, for example, during a period of mass infections or being in the same team with sick people.

The drug is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory diseases, and as part of a complex effect on the body, as well as in the treatment of rheumatic and inflammatory diseases, in which the joints become inflamed and sore.

Dosage and application rules

The dosage and method of use depends on the purpose of using the drug - treatment or prevention, the state of the disease and the age of the patient. Drops can be consumed undiluted or diluted with a tablespoon of clean water.

On the first or second day of illness, the drug is given according to the following scheme:

  • Children under 12 months - 1 drop of Aflubin in a teaspoon of water or breast milk, 3 to 8 times a day. Maximum dosage do not exceed.
  • Children from one year to 12 years old - 5 drops of the drug diluted in a tablespoon of water with the same frequency and duration as for infants.
  • Adolescents over 12 years old and adults - 10 drops according to the above scheme.

It is advisable to hold the drug in the mouth before swallowing to improve its absorption and enhance effectiveness. For this purpose, you can use clean drops or dilute them with water according to the previous scheme, that is, in a tablespoon of liquid.

IN next days the drug is taken with the same dosage, only three times a day for 5 to 10 days in a row, taking into account the age group.

As a planned prophylactic:

  1. In the same dosage for each age group, but 2 times a day for 3 weeks.
  2. As a co-remedy for hypothermia, getting wet under precipitation or in direct contact with patients, staying in an infected team: 2 times a day for two days in a row, at a dosage intended for a specific age group. If the drug did not work and the symptoms of the disease nevertheless appeared, the treatment should be continued according to the usual regimen, not forgetting to adjust the dosage and frequency of administration, adjusted for the age of the patient.
  3. For joint pain due to rheumatism or inflammatory process children from 1 to 12 years old are prescribed 5 drops of Aflubin 3-8 times a day in the first two days of illness, and then three times a day for 30 consecutive days. Teenagers and adults take the remedy in the same way, but 10 drops each. Aflubin can be combined with other antirheumatic drugs, but if we are talking about children with allergies pronounced manifestations diseases or frail older people, prior consultation with the patient's physician may be required.
  4. If necessary, quickly relieve symptoms and flu, you can take a loading dose of 8-10 drops with an interval of 30-60 minutes, but not exceeding 8 times a day. After the symptoms subside, proceed to the reception usual dose for age three times a day. You can use Aflubin in parallel with other ways to fight a cold, for example, with warming up in a bath or in a bath, hot foot baths, using folk remedies from and, plentiful vitamin drink. This will help to more effectively prevent the development of the disease or speed up the recovery of the patient, reduce the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

For more information about what homeopathy is, see the video:

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated and the only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug with the threat of developing an allergic reaction.

Side effects are also extremely rare, with the exception of increased salivation. If after taking the drug appear discomfort, cancel it and consult a doctor.Cases of overdose are unknown and not officially documented.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The decision on how to take Aflubin drops for a pregnant or lactating woman is made by the doctor. It all depends on the state of health of the pregnant woman and the course of gestation, the need to use the remedy.