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Aflubin is a homeopathic medicine used for colds and flu. Aflubin for children: instructions for use for children

Aflubin – complex homeopathic medicinal product, which has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, analgesic and antipyretic effects. Aflubin is widely used in our country for the treatment of patients with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract

...The experience of using this drug in medicine goes back more than fifteen years, which made it possible to comprehensively study it pharmacological properties. The product is produced by the Austrian pharmaceutical company Bittner Pharma, specializing in the production of homeopathic medicines, as well as herbal medicine.

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Most of our compatriots are familiar with the popular medicines - Bittner's balm, Pumpan, Gentos, produced by the pharmaceutical company Bittner Pharma. Mostly the drug Aflubin (drops, nasal spray and tablets) is produced in Austria, but also the result of the company’s successful cooperation with the French pharmaceutical company Laboratories Omega Pharma France was the production of chewable tablets Aflubin Aerosept in the form of biological active additive to food used for treatment inflammatory diseases oral cavity.

Taking Aflubin in therapeutic doses, according to the instructions for use, has a stimulating effect on activity nonspecific factors immunity, reduces the severity and duration of inflammatory processes, as well as symptoms of intoxication. Having a normalizing effect on protective functions mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, the drug effectively helps to cope with the symptoms of inflammation in acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity (sinusitis, sinusitis).

Aflubin is also indicated for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the tracheobronchial tree (tracheitis, bronchitis). Positive therapeutic effect noted when prescribing a drug in complex treatment rheumatic inflammatory diseases of the joints.

The drug is available in a variety of dosage forms ah: homeopathic sublingual tablets, Aflubin Naze spray, drops for children and adults, Septicogel for the treatment of inflammatory diseases skin, and chewable tablets Aerosept.

The active components that make up Aflubin have pronounced antiviral activity, regardless of the age of the patients, and are recommended for children and adults in complex therapy inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Clinical studies of the drug were carried out in leading scientific medical centers, where its high therapeutic effectiveness was confirmed. As a result of the studies, it was recommended to take the drug Aflubin for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as viral infections during periods of seasonal epidemics, which is especially important in our time, full of factors that have an adverse effect on health.

How does Aflubin work for colds and flu?

Homeopathic medicines have been successfully used for many decades to treat a variety of human diseases. Modern technologies pharmaceutical production makes it possible to obtain drugs with new therapeutic properties. Scientific prerequisites for the development of effective homeopathic remedies is fundamental principle: “If a substance in high dosages causes certain diseases, then the same substance, used in infinitely small doses, will have healing effect specifically for this disease."

The basis of the medicine Aflubin is made up of ingredients of plant and mineral origin. They have infinitesimal dosages, which makes it possible to avoid side effects, as well as severe allergic reactions.

Having a dilution of the active ingredients tens and hundreds of thousands of times, homeopathic medicines may no longer contain a single molecule of the medicinal substance, but water, which has “memory,” accumulates their energy. It is noteworthy that with increasing degree of dilution of a medicinal substance, its therapeutic effectiveness increases. Information impact on the human body during homeopathic treatment, helps self-regulation systems restore disturbed balance. Water, carrying information about the medicinal substance, is sprayed onto tablets, the basis of which is milk sugar, and is also added to drops and sprays as the main active ingredient.

The basis of Aflubin is the following components:

  • Lactic acid – relieves dry skin nonproductive cough, has a detoxifying effect;
  • aconite – has antipyretic and analgesic effects;
  • gentian root – helps cope with symptoms of intoxication during acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, has antipyretic properties;
  • step - reduces the intensity of muscle and joint pain, has an antitussive effect;
  • iron phosphate – has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect in respiratory diseases;
  • excipient in drops for internal use- ethanol.

The study of the pharmacokinetics of homeopathic medicines raises certain difficulties due to the multidirectional complex action ingredients included in the drug, as well as infinitesimal dosages of the main medicinal substances. The concentration of final metabolites cannot be determined by standard biological studies, including the use of markers.

The therapeutic effectiveness of homeopathic medicines is mainly assessed by the results clinical observations over the recovery process of patients. Comparison of the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines with medicines that have a similar effect pharmachologic effect, also poses certain difficulties due to the unique medicinal properties of homeopathy remedies, as well as the peculiarities of their metabolism.

Homeopathic treatment in our country was extremely popular at the end of the 20th century. It should be noted that currently official medicine pays much less attention to homeopathy. Most patients, having superficial information about homeopathy, consider it some kind of analogue of herbal medicine. Of course, drugs plant origin in some cases they have a similar therapeutic effect, and are also successfully used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, but these types of therapy cannot be called analogues.

Currently, acute respiratory viral infections, as well as influenza, which have the nature of seasonal epidemic outbreaks, make up a significant part in the structure of overall morbidity. The issue of selecting safe and effective medicines for the prevention and treatment of ARVI and influenza these days is most relevant due to the increasing incidence of allergic reactions and the increasing risk of developing side effects when using them.

One of the effective factors that significantly reduces negative impact drugs on the human body, is the maximum reduction in the dosage of the drug substance. It is thanks to infinitely small doses that homeopathic medicines are the drugs of choice in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract complicated by allergic reactions. Bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, food allergies- here is an incomplete list of diseases accompanied by allergic manifestations, in which homeopathic medicines can be prescribed with virtually no restrictions.

The medicine Aflubin for prevention and treatment in tablets, drops for internal use, as well as in the form of a nasal spray is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • prevention and treatment of ARVI and influenza, as well as parainfluenza infection;
  • inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses nose, sinusitis and sinusitis, for which it is also recommended to use the drugs Umkalor, Sinuforte, Salin;
  • spicy and chronic tracheitis, bronchitis, viral pneumonia(the drug is used in complex therapy as an auxiliary medicine);
  • The medicine is recommended in the complex therapy of “articular syndrome” in rheumatic inflammatory diseases of the joints.

Aflubin, having an immunomodulatory effect on the protective factors of immunity, stimulates the production of endogenous interferon, which prevents the penetration of viruses into healthy cells and limits their spread in the patient’s body. Strengthening the immune response when taking a homeopathic medicine allows effective way fight the symptoms of a viral infection, reducing the patient’s recovery time.


The drug Aflubin differs from its analogues in its high therapeutic efficacy and safety of use. The range of uses of homeopathic medicines is due to the absence of side effects and a minimum number of contraindications. Infinitely small dosages of medicinal substances included in the drug do not have a pronounced effect on the functional abilities of the organs and systems of the human body.

One of current issues facing pediatric doctors is the choice of effective and safe medicines for children in the treatment of seasonal infectious diseases. Childhood patients is not a contraindication to the prescription of homeopathic medicines. For children under one year of age and older, it is recommended to prescribe the medicine as follows: effective remedy for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The dosage and individual indications for taking the drug are determined by the attending pediatrician.

The homeopathic medicine Aflubin does not have any effect during pregnancy and breastfeeding in children under one year of age. negative influence on the health of the fetus and newborn, since the active components of the drug do not penetrate the placental barrier and are not detected in breast milk. Given the absence of side effects and allergic reactions, according to reviews from practicing doctors, pregnant women and women breastfeeding children under one year old can be prescribed Aflubin in the complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Taking the medicine in the form of drops containing ethyl alcohol is contraindicated for patients with severe functional insufficiency of the liver and kidneys, as well as for persons suffering from alcohol dependence due to the possibility of developing a relapse of the disease. It is also not recommended to prescribe Aflubin to persons managing vehicles, since the medicine may reduce concentration.

Instructions for use of Aflubin contain more detailed information about contraindications and methods of use of the medicine.

Prescription of Aflubin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During periods of seasonal epidemics of viral infections, the issue of selecting medications is especially relevant for women breastfeeding children under one year old and pregnant women. The components of a homeopathic medicine do not penetrate natural physiological barriers circulatory system, therefore do not have a negative impact on the health of the fetus and newborn. Pregnant women and women breastfeeding newborns can use Aflubin for the prevention and treatment of colds and flu, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The drug Aflubin is not contraindicated in breastfeeding women and pregnant women due to its good tolerability, absence of significant side effects and severe allergic reactions.

Do Aflubin or Anaferon help more effectively against colds and flu?

When comparing similar medications with Aflubin, the doctor is always faced with the question of the safety and effectiveness of their use. Practitioners often prescribe Aflubin or Anaferon for the prevention and treatment of ARVI and influenza. These medications are various groups drugs, their mechanism of action is significantly different, but they have a similar therapeutic effect.

Reviews from practicing doctors characterize the use of the drug Aflubin as safe and effective treatment acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

Anaferon belongs to antiviral, immunomodulatory drugs that have a stimulating effect on the production of endogenous interferon, as well as directly affecting outer shell viruses. Anaferon has a small number of side effects, but more often it can cause allergic reactions.

Which medicine will be more effective in treating your disease, Aflubin or Anaferon, should be determined by your attending physician.

Comparison of efficiency of analogues

Currently, pharmaceutical manufacturers offer big choice medicines for the prevention and treatment of viral infections. As a result of comparing the effectiveness antiviral drugs presented on pharmaceutical market, with the drug Aflubin, a similar mechanism of action is observed in the domestic homeopathic drug Antigrippin agri. The medicine is available in the form of granules for sublingual use and is successfully used for the prevention and treatment of viral infections during seasonal epidemics. Antigrippin agri price in pharmacy chain significantly lower than the cost of the drug Aflubin, since pharmaceutical production is located in our country.

Other analogues of Aflubin include domestic drugs Arbidol, Kagocel, Anaferon, which belong to a different group antiviral agents. Taking these drugs has an immunomodulatory as well as a direct antiviral effect on the outer shell of viruses, preventing their penetration into healthy cells and limiting the spread in the body, thereby reducing the patient’s recovery time. The use of Arbidol and Kagocel stimulates the production of endogenous interferon, which can significantly enhance the body's immune response to viral infections. The cost of these drugs and Aflubin is in the same price category.

Method of use of the drug Aflubin for the prevention and treatment of viral infections

When treating with Aflubin, the dosage is prescribed individually for each patient. The dose of the drug is selected by the doctor depending on the age of the patient.

Visitors to Internet forums are often interested in: “How to take Aflubin drops for viral infections? How to give the drug to children under one year of age? Is it possible to prescribe Aflubin for children up to one year for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza? Is it possible with treatment? homeopathic medicine use of other antiviral drugs? »

When prescribing Aflubin, the method of administration does not affect its therapeutic effectiveness. Allowed on doctor's recommendation combined use medicine with other antiviral drugs.

For the prevention and treatment of viral infections with Aflubin, the following treatment regimens are used:

For adults and children over 12 years of age, the medicine is prescribed 10 drops, diluted with a small amount of water, taken 3 to 8 times a day.

Children's Aflubin up to one year is prescribed one drop, diluted in a small amount mother's milk, from 3 to 8 times a day.

For children from 1 to 4 years old, the medicine is used from 2 to 4 drops, diluted in a small amount of water or breast milk, from 3 to 8 times a day.

Children from 5 to 12 years old are prescribed 5 to 9 drops per dose, 3 to 8 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician depending on the symptoms of the disease. At emergency treatment ARVI and influenza may require more intensive use of the medication on the recommendation of the attending physician.

A homeopathic medicine, according to the instructions for use, is prescribed for the prevention of colds and flu one month before the onset of seasonal viral epidemics. The dosage of the drug indicated earlier is prescribed twice a day for three weeks.

Nasal spray Aflubin Naze is prescribed for rhinitis and sinusitis. When sprayed into the nose, the medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Nasal spray is used to treat children over 12 years of age and adults; two sprays of the spray are prescribed in each nasal passage, 2 to 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 1 to 4 weeks.

Aflubin forte in capsules is recommended for children aged 7 to 12 years to take 1 capsule 1 to 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 10 days. For adults and children over 12 years of age, Aflubin forte is prescribed 1 capsule once a day. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 10 days.

Aflubin Aerosept is prescribed to children over 14 years of age and adults from 1 to 2 chewable tablets up to 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 1 to 2 weeks.

Release forms

The product is available in various dosage forms:

— Aflubin Naze spray for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity;

— Aflubin forte capsules, which have increased efficiency active ingredients;

— drops for children and adults;

— as well as Aerosept chewable tablets, used for the prevention and treatment of viral infections during seasonal epidemics.

Storage conditions

It is recommended to store all types of the drug Aflubin in a dry, dark place, away from direct sun rays, as well as heating devices, at an ambient temperature of no more than 25 C. It is recommended to store the drug in places inaccessible to children. The shelf life is 3 years and does not depend on the form of release.

Price in pharmacy chain

Aflubin (spray, drops, and tablets) can be bought at almost any pharmacy. The drug has wide application for the prevention and treatment of viral infections during periods of seasonal epidemics. The price depends on the dosage form.

Average price in a pharmacy chain:

  • Spray Aflubin Naze 20 ml – 340-360 rubles.
  • Aflubin forte in capsules No. 40 – 420-440 rubles.
  • Homeopathic sublingual tablets No. 12 – 140-155 rubles.
  • Drops for internal use 20 ml – 195-210 rubles.

The drug aflubin, instructions for use for children which are offered in our article, is considered the most effective drug for the treatment of childhood respiratory colds. Although pediatricians persistently call it a “simply homeopathic” remedy, it should be overestimated positive value cannot be saved.

How does aflubin help:

  • relieves swelling of the mucous membranes during colds and flu;
  • makes it easier general state child: reduces headache, removes aches and pain in muscles and joints, as well as other unpleasant accompanying phenomena: hyperthermia, cough, runny nose;
  • stimulates the production in the child’s body of a substance that fights viruses – interferon;
  • promotes speedy recovery, reduces the duration of the disease and its severity. Prevents the occurrence of complications after suffering from viral colds.

Properties and composition

The drug is based on herbal ingredients. That is why its use is considered safe for children infancy. The composition of aflubin (100 ml.) includes:

  • GentianaD1 1 ml.
  • AconitumD6 10 ml.
  • BryoniaD6 10 ml.
  • FerrumphosphoricumD12 10 ml.
  • AcidumsarcolacticumD12 10 ml.
  • Ethanol 43% (m/m).

100 ml of the medicine contains 25 drops. The liquid may be colorless or have a slight yellowish tint. Slight changes in taste are allowed during the storage period.

Indications for use

Aflubin is prescribed to children starting from infancy for the purpose of treatment and prevention of colds, including viral etiology. Used in the complex treatment of rheumatoid diseases
diseases to relieve joint pain.

For the purpose of treatment, the drug is prescribed together with medications that help reduce the manifestations of symptoms: antipyretics, nasal drops for a runny nose, inhalatives for a sore throat. Aflubin enhances the effect of all these drugs, stimulates immune processes and has an inhibitory effect on the pathogenic virus.

Usual indications for use for prophylactic purposes:

  • a week or two before starting a preschool visit;
  • in spring and autumn, before the seasonal jump in the level of acute respiratory infections and influenza;
  • when cases of infection with a new mutated strain of influenza appear;
  • after a long break from visiting child care facilities;
  • before the baby begins contact with other children on playgrounds; before the family child attends public events: performances in the circus, theater, going to the zoo, and so on;
  • after contact with a person infected with the influenza virus or sick with acute respiratory infections.

Pathogenic bacteria and viruses that enter the child’s body upon contact with carriers will be destroyed by the components of aflubin or by the body’s own immune forces, enhanced by the drug. In some cases, the remaining virus will not be enough to cause the disease to develop. In case of severe infection, the disease will pass in more mild form without possible complications in other cases.

How to take aflubin for young children

Aflubin for children is available in the form of oral drops. Ethanol makes the drug not entirely pleasant to the taste buds infant. Therefore, the drops are diluted in water, compote or juice.

You can give the medicine by mixing it with water from a teaspoon. You can also mix it with a small amount of liquid in a bottle. It is better to take just a little tea so that the medicinal component takes effect more quickly.

Aflubin should be taken 30 minutes before meals or half an hour after meals. It is advisable to keep the medicine in your mouth for two minutes.

Dosage for children

Dosage for children during treatment and prevention varies in frequency of administration. Treatment involves 8-10 doses per day, prevention - from 3 to 5. At the onset of the disease Doctors recommend giving children the maximum allowable dose, and then reducing it to the average.

  • dosage up to a year – 1 drop at a time;
  • dosage from one year to 5 years – 5 drops at a time;
  • dosage from 5 to 12 years – 10 drops at a time.

Contraindications and side effects

A contraindication to the use of aflubin for children may be sensitivity to individual components of the drug. The child can show allergic reaction on one of the plants: gentian, wrestler or white perestroupe. But such a reaction is extremely rare.

Aflubin, as a medicine, has not shown any occurrence of any side effects. They were also not recorded in laboratory studies.

At the beginning of using the drug, there may be some increase in the symptoms of the disease, but it goes away very quickly.

Safety and benefits of the drug

The medicine is considered completely safe and absolutely harmless. It does not put any noticeable load on excretory system small child. This is facilitated by the unique herbal composition drug and method of administration. Little ones age dosages have a gentle effect on the child’s body, but provide a significant therapeutic effect.

Advantages of using aflubin:

  • maintaining and strengthening the child’s own immunity;
  • safety for the body, diseases pass without complications;
  • reduction in the severity of the disease, high preventive properties.

Storage conditions

Aflubin is a natural homeopathic medicine, so the annotation warns of special storage conditions. Keep this medicine Need in a dark place at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Possible change in color or taste of the medicine when the right conditions storage is not considered critical and is not a basis for concluding that the drug is damaged.

And influenza infection must be approached responsibly and prepared. For these purposes, it is better to use preparations based on herbal raw materials, which have a general strengthening effect and stimulate the body’s own immunity to counteract numerous microorganisms that try to harm it and provoke various diseases.

Our immunity is powerful tool protection provided by nature to eliminate threats to human health. If he is properly stimulated and supported, he will be able to cope with many unpleasant colds and viral diseases, without immediately starting to use “heavy artillery” in the form of complex and sometimes dangerous chemicals. Numerous homeopathic herbal medicinal substances have been developed for this purpose.

One of these drugs, which has proven itself in action, turned out to be Aflubin in a convenient form - in drops.

Before taking Aflubin drops, you need to understand its composition and method of action on the body.

The product contains the following substances and plants:

  • Gentian yellow.
  • Pharmacy aconite.
  • Bryonia dioecious.
  • Iron phosphate.
  • Lactic acid.
  • Ethanol.

The drug in drops is a clear solution that has no pronounced specific smell. It may be completely colorless or have a very slight yellowish tint.

Aflubin drops are a homeopathic medicine with immunomodulatory properties. It is designed to mobilize the body's defenses, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect, removes toxins from the body and helps it fight infection in every possible way.

Release form, shelf life and storage

Aflubin is available in tablets and drops. The drops have the appearance of a transparent, slightly yellowish liquid without a specific odor. They are available in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 20, 50 and 100 ml. Each bottle is supplied with a convenient and practical polyethylene dropper, as well as instructions for use. The bottles are packed in cardboard boxes.

The shelf life of the drug is 5 years from the date of release. It is prohibited to use the product after the expiration of the allotted storage period.

Over time due to specific features When using plant materials, the shade of the product may change slightly or slight turbidity or sediment may appear.

This does not affect medicinal properties medicines.It is recommended to store the product in places well protected from sunlight and exposure to electromagnetic waves, with a temperature not exceeding 250C. The drug should be kept away from children.

Indications for use

The doctor will tell you how to take Aflubin drops in each specific situation. The drug, taken at the first symptoms of a cold, will quickly suppress the activity of the infection and prevent the disease from developing. If the disease has already manifested itself, then using the medicine will speed up recovery and alleviate the patient’s condition.

Aflubin can also be taken prophylactically when there is a threat of disease, for example, during periods of mass infections or being in the same group with sick people.

A drug is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory diseases, and as part of a complex effect on the body, as well as in the treatment of rheumatic and inflammatory diseases, in which the joints become inflamed and painful.

Dosage and rules of use

The dosage and method of use depend on the purpose of using the drug - treatment or prevention, the condition of the disease and the age of the patient. Drops can be consumed undiluted or diluted with a tablespoon of clean water.

On the first or second day of illness, the drug is given according to the following scheme:

  • Children under 12 months – 1 drop of Aflubin in a teaspoon of water or breast milk, from 3 to 8 times a day. Maximum dosage do not exceed.
  • Children from one year to 12 years – 5 drops of the drug, diluted in a tablespoon of water with the same frequency and duration as for infants.
  • Adolescents over 12 years of age and adults - 10 drops according to the above scheme.

It is advisable to hold the drug in your mouth before swallowing to improve its absorption and enhance effectiveness. For this purpose you can use clean drops or dilute them with water according to the previous scheme, that is, in a tablespoon of liquid.

IN next days the drug is taken with the same dosage, only three times a day for 5 to 10 days in a row, taking into account the age group.

As a routine preventive measure:

  1. In the same dosage for each age group, but 2 times a day for 3 weeks.
  2. As a remedy for hypothermia, getting wet under precipitation or in direct contact with patients, staying in an infected group: 2 times a day for two days in a row, in a dosage intended for a specific age group. If the drug does not work and symptoms of the disease still appear, treatment should be continued according to the usual dosage regimen, remembering to adjust the dosage and frequency of administration, adjusted for the patient’s age.
  3. For pain in the joints due to rheumatism or inflammatory process Children from 1 year to 12 years are prescribed 5 drops of Aflubin 3-8 times a day in the first two days of illness, and then three times a day for 30 days in a row. Teenagers and adults take the product in the same way, but 10 drops each. Aflubin can be combined with other antirheumatic drugs, but if we're talking about about children, allergy sufferers pronounced manifestations illnesses or frail elderly people may require prior consultation with the patient's physician.
  4. If you need to quickly relieve flu symptoms, you can take a loading dose of 8-10 drops with an interval of 30-60 minutes, but not exceeding 8 doses during the day. After the symptoms have subsided, they begin taking usual dose for age three times a day. You can use Aflubin in parallel with other methods of fighting colds, for example, with warming up in a bath or sauna, hot foot baths, using folk remedies from and, drinking plenty of vitamins. This will help more effectively prevent the development of the disease or speed up the patient’s recovery, and reduce the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

More information about what homeopathy is can be found in the video:

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated and the only contraindication is increased sensitivity to the composition of the product with the risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Side effects also occur extremely rarely, with the exception of increased drooling. If after taking the drug there are discomfort, it is canceled and consult a doctor.Cases of overdose are unknown and not officially documented.

Use during pregnancy and pregnancy

The decision on how to take Aflubin drops for a pregnant or lactating woman is made by the doctor. It all depends on the state of health of the pregnant woman and the course of gestation, the need to use the product.

"Aflubin" - drops that stimulate the formation of interferon, which allows its use on various stages infectious process. It is used for both prevention and treatment. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on mucous membranes, which helps reduce exudation and inflammation. It also has detoxifying antipyretic effects.

Physico - chemical features: transparent, colorless to yellowish liquid without a specific odor;

"Aflubin" is a complex homeopathic medicine, which is available in drops and is administered orally.

Pharmacological features.

The dual mechanism of action is triggered both through improvement local immunity, and direct antiviral effect of this drug.

According to clinical studies with preventive use, "Aflubin" reduces the risk of viral respiratory diseases or influenza several times. During treatment, it accelerates recovery and prevents complications.

The drug is indicated for the prevention and treatment of influenza and any other respiratory viral diseases, as well as in the complex treatment of rheumatic and inflammatory diseases.

"Aflubin" drops. Instructions for use.

How to take aflubin drops for treatment?

On first second sick day:

Adults - 11 drops. 3-8 r/day

To quickly improve your well-being, take the drug every hour (but not more than eight times a day).

5 - 13 years: 6-9 k.

1 - 5 years: 2-4 k.

third to seventh day of illness (or until recovery):

Adults - 11 k. 3 r/day

5 - 13 years: 6-9 k. 3 rubles / day

1 - 5 years: 3-5 k. 3 r/day

Newborns and children up to one year: 1 k. 3 r/day

"Aflubin" drops. Instructions for use for prevention

Planned prevention is carried out a month before an increase in the incidence of viral infections or during an epidemic

Adults: 11 k. 2 r/day (2-3 weeks)

1 - 13 years: 3-8 k.

Newborns and children up to one year: 1 k.

Emergency prevention carried out immediately after contact with a viral patient or after exposure to factors such as hypothermia or climate change.

Adults: 11 k. 2 r/day (2-3 days)

1 - 13 years: 3-8 k.

Newborns and children up to one year: 1 k.

For achievement best effect"Aflubin" is taken in between meals. To enhance effectiveness, hold the drug in your mouth for a few minutes before swallowing. For children, it is recommended to dilute the drug in a spoon of water.

"Aflubin" drops. Instructions for use about features of use

No side effects of the drug were identified.

There are no contraindications.

There are no known cases of overdose.

Features of use. Information about the risk to the fetus and child during use of this drug during pregnancy and beyond. breastfeeding absent.

Interaction with others medicinal products. Contraindications for combination with others pharmacological drugs No. When taking Aflubin, it is recommended to keep a pause between doses - at least twenty minutes.

Terms and conditions of storage of the drug.

"Aflubin" - drops instructions for use recommend storing for no more than 5 years. Under no circumstances should the drug be used after this time has expired. The date of manufacture of the drug will be indicated on the packaging box.

Since the medicine contains natural plant substances, its taste, transparency or color may change during storage, but this does not at all affect the effectiveness of Aflubin. So don't be afraid to use this drug until it reaches its expiration date.

The medicine must be kept tightly closed, in original packaging at temperatures up to 30 degrees (Celsius), always in a place inaccessible to children.

Beware of counterfeits, buy the drug "Aflubin" only in city pharmacies.

An excellent homeopathic remedy that is used for the treatment of colds and prevention is the drug “Aflubin” for children. Reviews characterize it as a unique panacea that can relieve a child of painful symptoms.

a brief description of

This medicine has been used in medicine for more than 15 years. Such a long period of time allowed us to comprehensively study the pharmacological properties of the drug “Aflubin” for children. Consumer reviews also contributed to the improvement of the product.

An amazing drug - this is the development of an Austrian pharmaceutical company Bittner Pharma. She has been specializing in the production of homeopathic remedies for many years. His brainchildren are worldwide famous medicines"Pumpan", "Gentos", "Bittner's Balm".

The drug has passed clinical researches in leading medical centers. The therapeutic effectiveness of the drug has been fully confirmed. As a result of the study, the drug was recommended for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract and viral infections during an epidemic.

Composition of the drug

The medicine consists of herbal and mineral ingredients. These components have small dosages. This allows you to successfully avoid side effects and allergic reactions.

The effective use of Aflubin for children is due to the following composition:

  1. Lactic acid. The ingredient relieves unproductive dry cough. Has a detoxifying effect.
  2. Aconite. It has analgesic and antipyretic properties.
  3. Gentian root. Eliminates symptoms of intoxication due to influenza and ARVI. Has an antipyretic effect.
  4. Step over. Reduces the severity of joint and muscle pain. A good antitussive substance.
  5. Iron phosphate. Affects the body in case of illnesses respiratory organs as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  6. Ethanol. Contained in drops.

The medicine "Aflubin Forte" (drug in capsules) is prescribed to children from 7 to 12 years old, 1 capsule twice a day. The duration of therapy can be 5-10 days.

Chewable tablets can be given to children over 14 years of age. For such patients, 1 to 2 pieces are recommended three times a day. The average duration of treatment is one to two weeks.

Sometimes another form of the drug “Aflubin” may be prescribed - syrup for children. The instructions warn that the product is intended for children over 6 years old. It should be consumed 1 teaspoon three times a day. The syrup perfectly strengthens the respiratory system and effectively relieves cough.

Analogues of the drug

The pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of drugs intended for the treatment and prevention of viral infections. The homeopathic analogue of Aflubin for children, the drug Antigrippin Agri, has a similar mechanism of action on the body. The product is produced in the form of granules. It provides the body with treatment and prevention during seasonal epidemics.

Quite in demand antiviral analogue"Aflubina" for children - medicine "Anaferon". This also includes the drugs “Kagocel”, “Arbidol”. These medications have an immunomodulatory effect. They limit the spread of viruses in the body. The drugs "Kagocel" and "Arbidol" stimulate the body's production of interferon. This helps strengthen the immune system.

In addition to the above-mentioned drugs, analogues include the following drugs:

  • "Aconite";
  • "Artrophone";
  • "Atma";
  • "Incena";
  • "Memoria".


Under no circumstances should the product be used by adults or adolescents who have alcohol addiction. After all, even a minimal dose of an alcohol-containing substance is enough to cause a “breakdown” in such a person. And the drug “Aflubin” contains 43% ethyl alcohol.

Again, due to the alcohol it contains, it may become dangerous for individuals diagnosed with diabetes insulin dependent." The drug is contraindicated for patients suffering from severe renal, and especially liver, failure.