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Phosphalugel. Its therapeutic effect and its action. Phosphalugel: instructions for use

In case of poisoning, it is necessary to take any measures to remove the toxin from the body as quickly as possible. Let's look at how Phosphalugel works in case of poisoning: indications for the use of such a drug, its possible unwanted actions, contraindications and methods of use.

Composition of the drug and release form

This medicinal product contains the following components:

  1. Aluminum phosphate.
  2. Sorbitol.
  3. Agar.
  4. Pectin.
  5. Calcium sulfate.
  6. Potassium sorbate.
  7. Flavoring agent.
  8. Purified water.

Available only in gel form. For convenient use, it is packaged in bags of 16 or 20 grams. There are no tablets or powders of the same name sold. The color of the gel is white, the structure is uniform. The actual active compound is aluminum phosphate (it is contained in analogue drugs - Maalox or Almagel.

The difference between Maalox is that aluminum phosphate dissolves in the gel. This way, a noticeably greater effectiveness of such a medicine is achieved. The concentration of the active substance in it is 20 percent. Auxiliary components are added for better interaction from the gastric mucosa and its protection from harmful factors.

How does Phosphalugel work?

Phosphalugel in case of poisoning has the following effect on the body:

  • Adsorption – colloidal molecules bind tightly to the toxin, forming strong compounds. The drug is able to absorb a large number of water, toxins. This is achieved by the large contacting surface of the sorbent, which firmly retains toxins. The peculiarity of this drug is that it is not absorbed into the bloodstream. Accumulated poisons are removed from the body: by taking Phosphalugel, a person gets rid of them naturally.
  • Enveloping - the correctly selected structure of the substance allows you to achieve good adhesion to the gastric mucosa. The preparation contains agar and pectin, which further enhance protective functions. Thanks to this, the medicine removes gases, bile acids and substances from the stomach that can have an allergic effect.
  • Protective – Phosphalugel forms on the surface digestive tract thin protective film. It stimulates the production of bicaronates - substances that reduce increased secretion of hydrochloric acid. Again, this all happens naturally. In this case, the so-called rebound process does not start, as happens, say, when sodium bicarbonate is taken orally.
  • The drug fights nausea and vomiting. It is especially recommended to take Phosphalugel if vomiting is caused by stomach irritation. But with pancreatitis, Phosphalugel does not help.
  • The antidiarrheal effect of Phosphalugel is detected due to its ability to adsorb toxins.
  • Anti-pain effect - the drug effectively eliminates discomfort in the abdominal area.

When is the drug indicated?

This medicine should be taken for the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Ulcerative process of the stomach or duodenum.
  2. Diaphragmatic hernia.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Inflammation duodenum.
  5. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa (including exacerbation chronic gastritis, with preserved or high acidity).
  6. Diseases of the large intestine.
  7. Diverticulitis.
  8. Disorders of the stomach (including idiopathic).
  9. Intake of alcohol, chemical compounds.
  10. Prevention of absorption of radioactive substances from the stomach or intestines.

It is also recommended to drink in case of food poisoning.

Features of administration for different types of poisoning

Clinical researches prove that Phosphalugel is practically ideal drug not only for food poisoning, but also for other types of intoxication. If you drink it much earlier, then significantly less poisons will enter the blood, and the symptoms of poisoning will be much less pronounced.

Usually the doctor prescribes the dosage of the drug based on individual indications. The more severe the intoxication, the more it is necessary to take such a drug to normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to take Phosphalugel for poisoning? There are a number of recommendations for this:

  • Before taking the medicine you need to do a test. Then you should immediately take the recommended medicine: this way its effect will be felt more noticeably.
  • The initial dose should be higher: doctors advise taking two sachets of the product to remove toxins as quickly as possible.
  • It is advisable to take the gel at pure form and do not dilute it with water.
  • Repeat the dose after about three hours (at this time the patient will feel much better).

Often, to relieve signs of poisoning, it is advisable to take the drug 2 times in the highest possible dose. This must be done for another 3 days.

It happens that poisoning occurs during travel or in another situation. To do this, you just need to tear the package and squeeze the gel into your mouth, swallowing it. At the same time, after a short time you can feel the first signs of improvement in your health.

Features of the use of Phosphalugel during alcohol poisoning

This drug is best taken to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of excessive drinking. Moreover, its composition contributes to maximum protection of the gastric mucosa: after all, the combination of alcohol and hydrochloric acid is very dangerous for the stomach.

To avoid unpleasant consequences feast, it is recommended to take a sachet of the drug before use alcoholic drinks. If it so happens that a person drank too much and symptoms of intoxication are evident, then the drug is drunk in maximum dosage- 2 sachets. This should be done every 3 hours until the unpleasant symptoms subside. You should drink no more than 6 sachets per day.

The next day, it is recommended to drink one sachet three times a day. And then everyone disappears Negative consequences overuse alcohol that comes with hangover syndrome.

Taking the drug by children

This medicine can be taken by children from birth. It helps fight stomach upsets when the digestive system does not produce enough enzymes.

The anti-poisoning medicine Phosphalugel must be taken in dosage, depending on age. It is not recommended to exceed it:

  1. A newborn baby can be given a quarter of a sachet.
  2. From 6 months to 6 years, it is advisable to take half a sachet (up to 4 per day).
  3. Up to 12 years old, you can give a packet 3 or 4 times a day.
  4. From 12 years of age, the dosage of the medication is the same as for adults.

It is best to give this medicine undiluted to children, as well as adults. They willingly drink Phosphalugel because it has no taste.

For toxicosis during pregnancy

This phenomenon can accompany a woman for almost the entire period of bearing a child. And in order to maintain the health of the expectant mother, she is recommended to take Phosphalugel when the first signs appear.

This medicine is completely safe in this situation. It does not wash away the microelements necessary for the baby’s growth. It is advisable that a woman always keep it in her home medicine cabinet.

Other instructions

If during treatment there are painful sensations, then the patient can take additional medicine in order to eliminate them.

In case of kidney or liver pathologies, taking the medicine is possible, but the patient must carefully monitor his condition. If it worsens, then the use of Phosphalugel should be postponed and consult a therapist.

During treatment, you must drink enough fluids. This is necessary to eliminate the likelihood of developing constipation. The drug does not affect the speed of work nervous system.

The absorption of drugs such as Ranitidine, Digoxin, Furosemide, Tetracycline is reduced if the patient takes Phosphalugel. These medications should be taken two hours before using a bag of sorbent, or two hours after that.

Additional measures for detoxification

The use of Phosphalugel alone during intoxication is not enough. Only a comprehensive approach to treatment guarantees quick withdrawal symptoms and patient recovery. At mild degree Poisoning can be treated at home with Phosphalugel and other measures. But severe intoxications are treated only in a hospital setting.

Home therapy consists of the following measures:

  • . It is necessary to give up alcohol and fatty foods. You can eat porridge, boiled lean meat, broth, yesterday's bread. Useful baked apples, vegetables (can be stewed).
  • You need to drink plenty of fluids. Moreover, it is useful to drink teas, mineral water, rosehip decoction. All liquids must be without gas, so that there is no additional irritation of the stomach by gas bubbles.
  • Additionally, you need to take enterosorbents - such as Sorbex or. They must be taken for detoxification.
  • In case of severe pain, it is recommended to take antispasmodics. Most often, the doctor recommends taking.
  • Antibiotics are only necessary if the infection is clearly confirmed.
  • To restore digestive processes, it is recommended to take enzyme agents - Pancreatin, Creon.

Treatment of severe forms of poisoning

Is it possible to drink Phosphalugel in case of severe forms of poisoning? The drug alone will be completely insufficient for complete treatment. Therefore, all therapeutic measures are carried out only in a hospital setting. The patient may be given drips with drugs for detoxification. When certain chemicals enter the body, antidotes are administered to it.

If it happened heavy defeat internal organs, then the patient is indicated for hemodialysis.

Video: how to cure food poisoning in 1 day?

Side effects and contraindications

If a person takes Phosphalugel for a long time or drinks it in large dosages, the following undesirable effects may develop:

  1. Decreased calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood.
  2. Increased content calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria).
  3. Osteomalacia, that is, destruction of bone tissue.
  4. Increased aluminum content in the blood.
  5. Brain damage.
  6. Impaired kidney function (up to the development of kidney failure).
  7. Calcification renal tubules, which leads to severe disruption of the excretory organ.

This medicine often causes constipation in a person. Their appearance is associated with inhibition of colonic motility. If you take Phosphalugel in excess quantities, this can cause a decrease in the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the body and an increase in aluminum content. This negatively affects brain function.

Like any other medicine, Phosphalugel has prohibitions for use. It should not be taken by people suffering from chronic failure kidneys and with a tendency to allergic reactions. Not recommended simultaneous administration with tetracyclines, glycosides and preparations containing iron.

It is forbidden to use the drug in question if the amount of phosphorus in the blood decreases and Alzheimer's syndrome occurs.

During treatment, an overdose may occur. As a rule, in such cases a person develops constipation. The occurrence of stool disorders occurs because aluminum suppresses the normal peristalsis of the large intestine. To treat constipation, you should take laxatives.

Phosphalugel is an effective drug from intoxication. It makes it possible to get rid of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. Not prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. Treatment will be more effective if the patient carefully follows the diet and other doctor’s recommendations. Analogue drugs have the same dosage regimen.

Gastritis, as a rule, is accompanied by extremely unpleasant and painful symptoms: heartburn and stomach pain. Excess gastric juice It also provokes sour belching and distorts the taste of food. To alleviate the consequences of the disease, doctors prescribe Phosphalugel.

This is a gel-like or powdery substance, the active component of which is aluminum sulfate. It is able to control the pH balance of the gastric environment and create a protective film on the walls of the mucous membrane, which is especially important for erosions, ulcers and tissue thinning. How to take “Phosphalugel” for gastritis and other diseases is written in the instructions.

Rules for taking gastritis

First, please note that the drug is intended to neutralize increased acidity. If you have the opposite situation, then drinking Phosphalugel on your own is not recommended.

The gel is packaged in convenient sachets, each of which contains a single serving. The admission rules are simple:

  1. The powder can be diluted with water (50 ml), but can also be consumed dry.
  2. The medicine is taken on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  3. If your diet also includes a second breakfast and an afternoon snack, divide the bag into two doses.
  4. The course of treatment is designed for two weeks, and only the attending physician can extend it.


In addition, the above chemical compounds do not release carbon dioxide(which would inevitably lead to flatulence), but, on the contrary, absorb it and remove it from the body along with toxins.

If you are wondering which is better, Maalox or Phosphalugel, then pay attention to the following:

  • "Maalox" acts faster, eliminating nausea, heartburn and pain;
  • he is also able to hold it longer;
  • "Phosphalugel", unlike its analogue, can be taken longer, and also during pregnancy and during pregnancy. childhood In addition, it does not flush potassium, magnesium and phosphorus from the body.

How to drink Maalox:

  1. Of the two release forms, it is better to choose a suspension rather than tablets.
  2. The suspension should be lightly crushed in the bag with your fingers before opening or shaken in the bottle.
  3. Take a tablespoon 60 minutes after meals.

Don't forget about contraindications:

  • deficiency of phosphorus and magnesium;
  • hepatic and renal failure;
  • age up to 15 years;
  • CNS diseases.

All the described antacid drugs are absolutely safe for health, but you should not take them without a doctor’s prescription, especially in combination with other medications. A timely consultation will allow you to avoid many health problems, and you will reliably know how long the optimal course of treatment will last.

Due to the constant lack of time, people often have to eat unhealthy food, unhealthy snacks have a negative impact on human health - they lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and nausea occurs. Snacking is not the only cause of distress digestive system, this includes alcohol abuse and poor hygiene.

In case of poisoning, the first urgent Care- gastric lavage. Precautions: Take toxin absorbents harmful substances relieve nausea and vomiting. Example – Phosphalugel.

How does Phosphalugel work?

Antacid (acid absorbing) drug. Used for food poisoning, reduces the acidity of stomach juice. Helps in the fight against heartburn, eliminates nausea. Accelerates the healing of the stomach, eliminates the development of gastritis. Used against diarrhea. The gel is safe and is prescribed to pregnant women and infants.

The product penetrates the mucous membrane, protects against negative influence toxins. The effectiveness of treatment with antacid drugs is 85%. With continued use, the percentage decreases.

The medicine cannot be used systematically - it leads to brain damage.

Manufacturer, drug components

The drug is of French origin, a white gel, produced by Pharmatis. The main component of the drug is aluminum phosphate. Additional ingredients: pectin, calcium sulfate, water, orange flavor.

The gel is used by adults and children. Instructions: children over 6 years old, adults drink one ticker twice a day.

A child up to six months should drink one teaspoon, from six months - 2 teaspoons, four times a day. Use as a gel or mix with water.

Effective when received alcohol poisoning, will help normalize a person’s well-being. Will remove the toxic effects of alcohol-containing drinks on the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of poisoning resulting from drinking alcohol require large doses of the drug - drink 5 sachets during the day, in the following days you do not need to take the medicine, just empty your stomach.

Tips for use:

Taking the drug by children

The medicine is approved for children from birth. The specifics of taking the drug should be properly clarified with the attending physician - the appointment is individual. Typically used for nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It is safe for a child to use the gel for 2-3 days. Long-term use may cause Negative influence on brain activity and, in the future, the child is in danger of developing mental inhibition.

As already stated, infants Phosphalugel can be prescribed from birth; its use is harmless. Doctors use it to reduce the acidity of stomach juice, the symptoms of which are regurgitation and vomiting. Also used if the baby has diarrhea.

Use by pregnant women

During pregnancy, many girls experience discomfort due to gastrointestinal illness, this manifests itself in the form of heartburn after vomiting. These symptoms complicate pregnancy. Phosphalugel is allowed to be taken during pregnancy; it is prescribed to be taken during the appearance of discomfort, to suppress them. There are restrictions: five sachets of 20 grams per day.

For toxicosis, take 3-4 times a day before meals (16 gram sachet).

Contraindications to taking the medicine

Like any drug, Phosphalugel for vomiting can be used only if there are no contraindications:

  • Allergic reaction to the drug. Stop using the drug immediately if a rash or red spots appear after taking it.
  • In case of renal failure. Kidney function is impaired due to intoxication of the body.
  • When using medications that have cardiotonic and antiarrhythmic effects.

Side effects

IN in rare cases the gel causes painful effects. Constipation occurs, but most of the symptoms occur in older people.

The negative effect of the drug on the body occurs when the dosage is distributed incorrectly medicine.

  • Removal of calcium from the body (with urine).
  • Elevated levels of aluminum in the blood.
  • Kidney failure.


In case of poisoning, you can use an analogue of Phosphalugel; these medications are classified as antacids: Almagel, Smecta, etc.

If we compare Phosphalugel with Almagel, the significant difference is that Almagel should not be taken by children under 12 years of age, pregnant or lactating girls. And there is also a difference in price - Phosphalugel costs on average 350 rubles, Almagel - 240 rubles. Phosphalugel is also used in the treatment of large number of diseases. By creating a protective layer on the gastric mucosa, the remedy correct use does not wash calcium out of the body and does not lead to brittle bones, even with prolonged use.

Your doctor will help you determine the remedy that is right for you.

Complex treatment of poisoning

Treatment must be done comprehensively, it must not only relieve symptoms, the body must be cured, overcome the infection and restore the functionality of organs.

If the poisoning is not severe, then it can be dealt with at home; you should consult your doctor. But if the poisoning has severe form, then for its treatment treatment is prescribed in the infectious diseases department.

Thank you

Medicine Phosphalugel belongs to the group antacids. How antacid drug, Phosphalugel binds hydrochloric acid in the stomach and reduces the increased acidity of gastric juice, which often occurs with gastritis, peptic ulcers, reflux esophagitis, etc. In addition, Phosphalugel has unique properties envelop the gastric mucosa, protecting it from the aggressive effects of digestive juice. Thanks to the antacid and protective property Phosphalugel, it is also used for digestive disorders (dyspepsia) and various food poisoning.

Phosphalugel - recipe

The correct prescription for the drug Phosphalugel is as follows:
Rp.: PHOSPHALUGEL – 20 g No. 10
D.S. 1 sachet (20 grams) 2 times a day after meals.

Moreover, after the designation "Rp." the name of the drug is written in Latin and indicated required dosage. Next to it, after the No. icon, is written the total number of tablets, sachets or capsules of the indicated dosage required for the entire course of treatment. From a new line, after the designation "D. S." it indicates how the drug should be taken (in what dosage, how many times a day, etc.).

Composition and release form

To date, the drug Phosphalugel is available only in gel form. For ease of use, the gel for oral administration is packaged in double-layer sachets of 16 g and 20 g. One package of Phosphalugel contains 20 or 26 sachets, 16 g or 20 g each. There are no Phosphalugel tablets.

The gel is colored in White color, has a uniform texture and becomes homogeneous after mixing. The drug has a pleasant orange smell. As active substance Phosphalugel contains aluminum phosphate gel. That is, the actual active component of the drug is the chemical compound - aluminum phosphate. In principle, aluminum phosphate is a component of many antacid drugs (for example, Almagel, Maalox, etc.), but only in Phosphalugel it is dissolved not in water, but in a gel, which makes the drug more effective and harmless. In gel, as in aqueous solutions other drugs, the amount of aluminum phosphate is determined using the percentage concentration. Thus, Phosphalugel has a 20% concentration of the active substance - aluminum phosphate.

Phosphalugel contains the following substances as auxiliary components:

  • Sorbitol 70%;
  • Agar-agar 800;
  • Pectin;
  • Calcium sulfate dihydrate;
  • Potassium sorbate;
  • Orange flavor;
  • Purified, bidistilled, deionized water.

Therapeutic effects and action

Colloidal aluminum phosphate (gel) has a triple therapeutic effect, which is achieved through a combination of antacid, enveloping and sorbing effects. In addition, Phosphalugel has an analgesic effect.

Antacid effect

The antacid effect of Phosphalugel is the binding of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice with its neutralization due to the formation of salt - aluminum chloride. Neutralization of hydrochloric acid allows you to reduce the acidity of gastric juice to normal indicators(pH from 3.5 to 5) within 10 minutes after taking the gel orally. After reaching normal acidity of gastric juice, the neutralization reaction slows down, almost stopping. And the remaining amount of the active substance is spent on maintaining normal acidity of gastric juice for a long time. This maintenance of acidity normal level achieved due to the buffering properties of aluminum phosphate. Normalizing the pH of gastric juice leads to a decrease in the activity of the digestive enzyme pepsin.

Enveloping effect

The enveloping effect of Phosphalugel lies in the ability of colloidal particles of aluminum phosphate to be adsorbed onto the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, creating a special mucoid layer on it. This mucoid layer protects the mucous membranes from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, as well as toxic substances entering the body from the outside or produced as a result of metabolism. The protective effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs leads to normalization of the movement of the food bolus through the intestines.

Sorbent action

The sorbing effect of Phosphalugel allows the drug to bind various pathogenic microorganisms and harmful substances located in the intestinal lumen and remove them out. In other words, Phosphalugel acts as a sorbent. The gel is capable of binding bacteria, viruses, toxic substances that have entered from the outside or formed in the body as a result of vital activity, as well as gases that are products of rotting and fermentation processes in the intestines.

Phosphalugel has excellent safety indicators, since it does not cause strong alkalization of digestive juice and is not capable of leading to increased production of hydrochloric acid in response to its binding and neutralization. In addition, the use of Phosphalugel for a long period of time does not lead to disruption of phosphorus metabolism.

Indications for use

Phosphalugel is used to treat various pathologies gastrointestinal tract which are caused or accompanied by increased acidity of gastric juice. At the same time, due to safety and high efficiency, the drug is approved for use in children from 1 month of age. However, the indications for use of the gel for children and adults are somewhat different. Therefore, for ease of comparison, different pathological conditions conditions for which the use of Phosphalugel in children and adults is indicated are shown in the table:
Adults Children
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
Symptomatic ulcers of the stomach and intestines of various origins(for example, developed while taking Aspirin, Indomethacin or due to stress, etc.)Gastroesophageal reflux
Erosion of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract (stomach, intestines, esophagus)Esophagitis
Exacerbation of gastritis with normal or high acidityGastritis
Acute gastritis
Acute duodenitis
Gastroesophageal reflux esophagitis
Hernia in esophageal hiatus aperture
Digestive syndrome of non-ulcer origin
Functional disorders in the large intestine
Diverticulitis, diverticular disease
Diarrhea that develops after removal of part of the stomach
Various digestive disorders caused by intoxication or taking medications, irritants (acids, alkalis), alcohol
Prevention of absorption of radionuclides from the intestinal lumen


Phosphalugel has absolute and relative contraindications for use. If there are absolute contraindications, the drug should not be taken. And if available relative contraindications Phosphalugel can be used, but with caution and careful monitoring of the person’s condition.

So, absolute contraindications the use of Phosphalugel is the presence of the following conditions:

  • severe renal failure;
  • low concentration of phosphorus in the blood (hypophosphatemia);
  • presence of allergies, hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
Relative contraindications to the use of Phosphalugel are the following conditions:
  • pregnancy;
  • moderate to mild renal dysfunction;
  • severe heart failure;
  • elderly age(over 65 years old).

Side effects

In rare cases, as side effects Phosphalugel may cause nausea, vomiting, taste changes, or constipation. In this case, constipation mostly develops in older people or bedridden patients.

At long-term use In large dosages, Phosphalugel can lead to the development of the following side effects:

  • low concentrations of phosphorus (hypophosphatemia) and calcium (hypocalcemia) in the blood;
  • increased excretion of calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria);
  • destruction bone tissue(osteomalacia);
  • high concentration of aluminum in the blood;
  • renal failure;
  • calcium deposits in the kidney tubules (nephrocalcinosis).

Phosphalugel - instructions for use

Phosphalugel is taken orally. The gel can be taken in its pure form or dissolved in a small amount of clean drinking non-carbonated water (half a glass is enough). Before use, you need to knead the closed bag well with your fingers so that its contents are mixed and take on the appearance of a homogeneous gel. Then, using scissors, cut off the corner of the bag in the place where it is indicated by a special dotted line. The entire gel from the bag is squeezed into a spoon or cup.

The dosage is individual, as it is determined by the type and severity of the disease. In general, children over 6 years of age, adolescents and adults take Phosphalugel 16 g - 40 g, 2 - 3 times a day. That is, in children over 6 years of age and adults, the dosage of Phosphalugel is the same. The more severe the disease, the larger the dose of medication that needs to be taken. The frequency and scheme of application of the gel depends on the type of pathology. For convenience, approximate dosages, frequency and method of taking Phosphalugel for various types pathologies in adults and children over 6 years of age are shown in the table:

Type of disease Phosphalugel dosage and frequency of administration Method of administration
Diaphragmatic hernia
Gastroesophageal (gastroesophageal) reflux1 sachet 20 g 3 times a dayTake immediately after meals, and in the evening an additional sachet just before bedtime
Gastritis1 sachet 20 g 2 – 3 times a day
Digestive disorders (heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, etc.)1 sachet 16 g 2 – 3 times a dayDrink Phosphalugel before every meal
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum1 – 2 sachets of 20 g 2 – 3 times a dayTake the drug 1 – 2 hours after meals, or immediately if pain occurs
Functional disorders of the large intestine (diarrhea, gas formation, etc.)1 sachet 16 g 2 times a dayTake on an empty stomach in the morning and evening before going to bed

If pain begins to bother a person in the interval between two doses of Phosphalugel, then you can drink single dosage drug to eliminate them.

When ingesting various substances that have an irritating effect (acids, alkalis, alcohol, etc.), it is necessary to begin using Phosphalugel as soon as possible after they enter the body. In this case, the gel is taken with the maximum possible frequency (best every hour). In this case, the gel cannot be dissolved in water; it should be taken in its pure form. In addition, Phosphalugel in this case should be taken in large doses - 15 - 25 g at a time.

Patients suffering from kidney disease, liver cirrhosis or heart failure should take Phosphalugel carefully, monitoring their condition, and in no case exceed therapeutic dosages. And patients suffering from diabetes can take the drug without fear, since it does not contain sugars.

Phosphalugel for infants up to 6 months is given 4 g (1/4 sachet or 1 teaspoon) 6 times a day, immediately after each feeding. To treat regurgitation and diathesis, a course of treatment is usually prescribed for 5 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the child’s condition. For flatulence, the drug is given sporadically, that is, when symptoms appear increased gas formation. In this case, the drug is stopped as soon as gas formation normalizes and the child begins to actively fart. In case of poisoning and diarrhea, Phosphalugel is given to the infant for 2 to 3 days.

It is more convenient for infants to give the drug in its pure form, without diluting it in water. The gel has no taste and is not unpleasant, so the child calmly tolerates the need to eat a spoonful of the medicine.

Phosphalugel for gastritis

In case of exacerbation of gastritis or the appearance of unpleasant symptoms accompanying this disease, it is necessary to take Phosphalugel half an hour before meals, 1 sachet (20 g), 3 times a day. If a person eats 4 times a day, then Phosphalugel is taken 1 sachet (16 g) 4 times a day. It is best to take Phosphalugel during the day at intervals of 3 hours. Treatment is continued until the condition normalizes. On average, the course of therapy lasts from 4 to 14 days.

Phosphalugel for pancreatitis - how to drink

Phosphalugel is prescribed for pancreatitis in order to reduce the secretory activity of the stomach and reduce the acidity of gastric juice. This is due to the fact that the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice is very aggressive, and in pancreatitis it is this that irritates the pancreas and causes the development pain syndrome. That is why suppression of the production of hydrochloric acid is used to eliminate pain in pancreatitis and to speed up recovery.

In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, Phosphalugel should be taken 1-2 sachets (16 g) 4-5 times a day, before meals. The duration of treatment is 15 days. At chronic pancreatitis You can take 1 sachet (20) along with enzymes (Pancreatin, Penzital, Creon, etc.) after eating fatty and heavy foods.

Phosphalugel for poisoning

At acute poisoning You need to drink 2–3 sachets of Phosphalugel at a time as quickly as possible. Then you need to monitor the condition. If your health worsens and signs of poisoning appear, you must again take another 1–2 sachets. Usually, poisoning can be cured by taking the drug twice in a large dose (1-3 sachets) during the day. The next day, as a rule, the person’s condition returns to normal. If the next day there are residual effects poisoning, then you should take another 1 - 2 sachets of Phosphalugel. In principle, manufacturers recommend taking the drug for 3 days to treat poisoning. Moreover, on the first day, 2 sachets every 3 hours, on the second day - 1 sachet every 3 hours, on the third day - 1 sachet twice a day.

Phosphalugel for diarrhea

To relieve diarrhea, it is enough to take 2 sachets of Phosphalugel at a time. After which it is necessary to monitor the condition. If loose stool occurs again, then after it you need to take 2 more sachets. Subsequently, you need to take 1 sachet of the drug after each trip to the toilet. Stop taking Phosphalugel after no bowel movements for 10 hours.

Phosphalugel for vomiting and nausea

To stop vomiting, you need to take 2 sachets of Phosphalugel at once. If no urge to vomit is observed within two hours, and the water you drink is absorbed normally, then you can stop further taking the drug. If vomiting recurs, mainly after drinking water, then after two hours you need to take 2 more sachets. In the future, until the end of the current day, take 1 sachet every 3 hours. The next day, take the drug 1 sachet 4 times a day. If after two days of using Phosphalugel the vomiting does not go away, you should consult a doctor.

Nausea can be relieved by taking 1 sachet of Phosphalugel when it develops. this symptom. This is done sporadically: that is, as soon as nausea develops, you can take 1 sachet. If nausea bothers you regularly, for example, during pregnancy or intolerance to any odors, then the drug can be taken for 1 week, 1 sachet 3 times a day, regardless of food. After a break of 1 week, the course of taking Phosphalugel can be repeated.

How to take Phosphalugel for heartburn

If heartburn occurs, take half a packet of Phosphalugel and wait 10 minutes. If heartburn does not go away, you need to take the remaining half of the sachet. To treat heartburn, you should take the drug occasionally, that is, only when a painful symptom appears.

Phosphalugel and alcohol

Phosphalugel stops the irritating effect of alcohol on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. It also quickly normalizes a person’s condition in case of alcohol poisoning.

For heartburn, stomach pain and others unpleasant symptoms associated with alcohol intake, Phosphalugel should be taken in large doses 2 - 3 sachets every 2 - 3 hours until the end of the current day. The next day, use of the drug is not required. However, it is necessary to have a bowel movement in the morning; if you cannot do this naturally, then you should give an enema.

In case of alcohol poisoning or hangover, the drug must be taken in the amount of 3 sachets at a time. After 3–4 hours, you should empty your bowels and take 1 more packet of Phosphalugel.


Synonyms of Phosphalugel are medications, which as active component also contain aluminum phosphate. Today in the domestic pharmaceutical market Phosphalugel has the following synonyms:
  • Alfogel;
  • Aluminum phosphate;
  • Gasterin;
  • Gelfos;
  • Hephalus.


Phosphalugel analogues include drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect, but contain different active substances. Thus, the following drugs are analogues of Phosphalugel:
  • Ajiflux;
  • Almagel;
  • Almol;
  • Altacid;
  • Algeldrate and magnesium hydroxide;
  • Alumag;
  • Anacid;
  • Gastracid;
  • Gestid;
  • Gaviscon;
  • Gaviscon forte;
  • Aluminum and magnesium hydroxide;
  • Inalan;
  • Coalgel;
  • Maalox;
  • Maalukol;
  • Mailax;
  • Palmagel (taken orally);
  • Prolanta;
  • Rennie;
  • Rivolox;
  • Cherry namagel.

Phosphalugel is an antacid drug that has an adsorbing and enveloping effect. Aluminum phosphate acts as the active ingredient.

Designed for symptomatic therapy in adults and children, strictly according to indications. The instructions for the drug contain standard doses of the drug, but if necessary, the doctor can prescribe an individual dosage.

We will consider in detail how to take Phosphalugel correctly, dosages for various diseases adults and children, as well as what analogues can replace the drug.

Composition and release form

Phosphalugel is effective remedy allowing to relieve symptoms of increased gastric acidity. The medicine is widely used in gastroenterology for complex treatment diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Colloidal aluminum phosphate (gel) has a triple therapeutic effect, which is achieved through a combination of antacid, enveloping and sorbing effects. In addition, Phosphalugel has an analgesic effect.

pharmachologic effect

Phosphalugel is an antacid drug that has an adsorbent, acid-neutralizing and enveloping effect. It reduces the activity of pepsin. Aluminum phosphate neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid, while maintaining physiological conditions of digestion, and prevents secondary hypersecretion of gastric juice.

Envelops the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, thus forming a protective layer on it that protects against aggressive factors and promotes its regeneration.

The drug is safe, because it is not able to provoke a strong alkalization of gastric juice and does not cause excessive production of hydrochloric acid. And long-term use of Phosphalugel does not cause disturbances in phosphorus metabolism.

What it helps with: main indications

The drug significantly reduces the acidity of gastric juice, while helping to normalize the previous performance of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therapeutic effect after taking Phosphalugel, as a rule, it begins within 10-15 minutes. and lasts for 4-6 hours.

Main indications for use of Phosphalugel:

  • acute or chronic form;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • acute or chronic;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • heartburn;
  • gastroesophagitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • food poisoning;
  • chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

Phosphalugel can be prescribed to children for the following conditions:

  • Functional digestive disorders.
  • Poisoning in children.
  • Gastritis.

Phosphalugel can also be used for other conditions and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, but only as prescribed by a doctor individually for each patient.

Pancreatic diseases Used in complex therapy in acute and This is due to the fact that excess hydrochloric acid negatively affects the pancreas, causing pain. Phosphalugel, restoring acid balance, will relieve pain.
For heartburn The use of Phosphalugel will help with heartburn of any etiology, because in order to eliminate the burning sensation, it is necessary to reduce the acidity of the juice in the stomach. The instructions for use indicate that Phosphalugel not only reduces acidity for heartburn, but also forms a protective layer that soothes the mucous membrane.
In case of poisoning and vomiting In case of alcohol intoxication, poisoning of various etiologies, a sorbent with a slight laxative effect helps to cleanse the body and remove, by adsorbing, toxic substances. For vomiting caused by poisoning, it will help calm the gastrointestinal tract by forming an enveloping layer on the gastrointestinal mucosa, which will help stop the urge to vomit.
For heartburn Consumption of fatty spicy food, snacking on the go, deterioration in nutrition and water quality while traveling are the main causes of indigestion and exacerbation chronic diseases. Nausea, heaviness in the stomach, and diarrhea may occur. This is also an indication for taking phosphalugel. When overeating or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, symptoms of stomach and intestinal upset occur. Phosphalugel reduces their manifestation and relieves hangovers.

Instructions for use: dosage and rules of administration

The sorbent should be drunk with caution and strictly according to the instructions so that the drug does not provoke inhibition of gastrointestinal motility. Read the instructions before use to know exactly how to drink Phosphalugel correctly.

Rules of application:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly knead the contents of the sachet between your fingers to obtain a homogeneous gel.
  2. Holding the bag vertically, you need to cut or tear off the corner in the place indicated by the dotted line.
  3. Squeeze the gel into a glass through the hole in the bag.

How to take Phosphalugel for adults?

The drug is intended for oral administration. Shake the bottle or sachet of gel before use.

  • Adults take 16 g – 40 g, 2 or 3 times a day.

Dosage for various diseases:

  1. For gastroesophageal reflux, diaphragmatic hernia The drug is taken immediately after meals and at night;
  2. at peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum - 1-2 hours after eating and immediately if pain occurs;
  3. for gastritis, dyspepsia - before meals;
  4. at functional diseases colon - in the morning on an empty stomach and at night.
  5. At digestive disorders such as heartburn or heaviness in the stomach, the drug should be taken three times a day in a 16-gram sachet before meals.
  6. For diarrhea and other disorders of the large intestine, Phosphalugel should be taken at night and in the morning at empty stomach per 16-gram bag, after kneading it to obtain a homogeneous consistency.
  7. If the patient is concerned about constipation, then Phosphalugel should be taken early in the morning and before bedtime, a 16 g sachet.

Instructions for children

Application of Phosphalugel depending on age:

  • For children under 6 months of age, the drug is prescribed 1/4 sachet or 1 teaspoon (4 g) after each of 6 feedings;
  • children over 6 months of age - 1/2 sachet or 2 teaspoons after each of 4 feedings.

The drug can be taken pure or diluted in half a glass of water before use.


Phosphalugel has absolute and relative contraindications for use. If there are absolute contraindications, the drug should not be taken. And if there are relative contraindications, Phosphalugel can be used, but with caution and with careful monitoring of the person’s condition.

Thus, absolute contraindications to the use of Phosphalugel are the presence of the following conditions:

  • severe renal failure;
  • low concentration of phosphorus in the blood (hypophosphatemia);
  • the presence of allergies, hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

If indicated, the drug Phosphalugel gel can be taken by pregnant women. Aluminum phosphate does not cause developmental abnormalities in the fetus and does not have an embryotoxic effect even when the drug is used on early stages pregnancy.

Phosphalugel can be taken orally by nursing mothers, no harm to infant it is not observed.

Side effects for the body

Side effects from taking this drug occur extremely rarely, most often in bedridden patients or elderly patients, in the form of constipation.

The following side effects have been reported:

  • vomit,
  • nausea,
  • constipation,
  • change in taste sensations,
  • allergic reactions.

To prevent the development of side effects, it is necessary to use Phosphalugel only as prescribed by a doctor and follow the dosage regimen.

With long-term use of Phosphalugel in high dosage possible development:

  • hypocalcemia,
  • hypophosphatemia,
  • hypercalciuria,
  • osteomalacia,
  • hyperaluminemia,
  • nephrocalcinosis,
  • encephalopathy.


An overdose of Phosphalugel is possible. The main symptom of overdose is constipation, which develops due to the fact that a large number of aluminum ions suppress intestinal motility. To treat an overdose, simply use laxatives.

Interaction with other drugs

Drugs such as cardiac glycosides, iron supplements and tetracycline antibiotics should not be taken earlier than 2 hours after taking Phosphalugel.

May reduce the effectiveness of certain drugs.

Reduces the absorption of the following drugs:

  • Furosemide;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Digoxin;
  • Isoniazid;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Ranitidine.

special instructions

The drug should be used with caution in case of kidney disease, liver cirrhosis, or severe heart failure.

In patients with impaired renal function and elderly patients, when using Phosphalugel in recommended doses, an increase in the concentration of aluminum in the blood serum is possible.

The drug does not contain sugar, therefore can be used in patients with.

Best before date

  1. It is recommended to store sachets of the drug in the refrigerator or a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight.
  2. The shelf life is 2 years from the date of manufacture; after this period, the medicine cannot be taken orally.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Phosphalugel gel is available from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.


The following analogues of Phosphalugel exist:

  • Alfogel,
  • Gasterin,
  • Aluminum phosphate,
  • Gefal,
  • Phosphalugel.

Prices in pharmacies

Costs in pharmacies start from 149 and up to 359 rubles.