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Causes of liver sarcoma. Early signs and mature symptoms of liver sarcoma

Liver sarcoma, a nonepithelial malignancy, is very rare in adult patients. This type of cancer mainly affects young children. She is very dangerous because she is prone to high degree aggression and quickly matures to last stages, in which its disintegration begins, accompanied by heavy intraperitoneal bleeding.

Patients almost always call this type of cancer lesion cancerous tumor, but this is not at all true. develops exclusively from the epithelial cells lining the surface of the secretory organ, and the sarcomoidal neoplasm originates in the connective tissues that form its basis and support the parenchyma. This mechanism of occurrence of the pathological condition explains why it affects mainly children - it is in childhood that the active formation of connective tissue, vascular, fatty and muscle structures occurs.

The development and manifestation of liver sarcomas has several features:

  • dysfunction of the lymphatic and circulatory systems, leading to the appearance of severe atypia in cells and their uncontrolled division;
  • rapid proliferation of tissues that have undergone degeneration, as a result of which healthy structures are compressed and their necrosis (death) begins;
  • tendency to active infiltration (germination) into normal tissue components of the liver parenchyma, and early metastasis;
  • the presence of one large nodule, which can reach the size of an adult’s head, or multiple nodules. In any case, the secretory organ greatly increases in volume, its tissues are compressed and atrophy.

Causes and symptoms of liver sarcoma

There are 2 types of sarcomoidal lesions of the large digestive gland - primary, developing from the hepatic connective tissues and secondary, resulting from metastasis. Both types of malignant tumors appear mainly in young people under 40 years of age, but metastatic tumors are diagnosed more often than true ones and are considered more aggressive.

Classification of cancer

Liver sarcoma has several names related to the type of tissue it resembles. microscopic structure. The classification of malignant structure is based on this.

Based on what tissue served as the basis for the development of a sarcomoidal neoplasm, several types are distinguished:

  1. Carcinosarcoma of the liver. The rarest type of cancer, which is a mixed variety. Not only connective, but also epithelial tissues are involved in the formation of the abnormal structure. By appearance the neoplasm is like a polyp sitting on a thin stalk, so at the initial stage it is difficult to correctly identify.
  2. Embryonic sarcoma of the liver. The tumor structure grows from germinal tissues and affects mainly children infancy. This type of neoplasm has a high infiltrating and metastatic potential.
  3. Rhabdomyosarcoma of the liver. Develops in striated muscle tissue, of which they consist bile ducts. Macroscopically, an oncological tumor of this type resembles bunch of grapes, which is considered the classic form of sarcomoidal neoplasms.
  4. . It is found, like carcinosarcoma, very rarely. The origin of this type of tumor structure occurs in vascular tissues. Angiosarcomas are characterized by a very aggressive course and rapid invasive growth, leading to complete destruction of the parenchyma of the secretory organ and bile ducts. Early metastasis of a neoplasm is associated with its active germination in portal vein and the hepatic artery.

Causes of liver sarcoma

  • at early detection illness (at the I or II stage of development) and carrying out a complex of adequate therapeutic measures, chances for further quality of life appear in approximately 30-50% of patients;
  • if liver sarcoma is diagnosed at the penultimate stage, according to statistics, only 1/5 of cancer patients survive;
  • In patients with stage IV, the prognosis for liver sarcoma is the most unfavorable - only a few months of life. No person has a chance of living past the five-year mark.

Important! To prevent the development of a dangerous disease that almost always ends in early death, prevention of liver sarcoma is necessary. It consists in preventing the development of liver pathologies such as cirrhosis and hepatitis. Achieving this goal is quite simple - you just need to stick to healthy image life, excluding drugs, alcohol abuse and casual sex from it. Oncologists also strongly recommend that all people at risk undergo regular preventive medical examinations.

There are primary and secondary (metastatic) malignant liver tumors (PLTs). Primary liver tumors are classified as follows:
1) cancer arising from liver cells (hepatocellular cancer), cancer arising from epithelial cells of the biliary tract (cholangiocellular cancer) and cholangiohepatoma (tumors containing two types of cells);
2) sarcoma:
a) angiosarcoma (arises from endothelial cells);
b) alveolar sarcoma;
c) lymphosarcoma. Hepatocellular carcinoma occurs 3 times more often than cholangiocellular carcinoma.

When cancer and sarcoma are localized in the liver, metastatic tumors can be detected.

Liver cancer

Liver cancer (LC). A common disease. It often develops against the background of cirrhosis-cancer. In some countries in Asia and Africa, primary RP ranks first. Among all PDOs, cancer is much more common. Cancer affects people over 40 years of age. Men get sick more often than women. Primary RP is often preceded by amebiasis, dysentery, opisthorchiasis, hematochromatoche, malaria, syphilis, alcoholism, drug addiction, helminthic infestation etc. RP often develops in other diseases. It often develops against the background of benign tumors.

Pathological anatomy. The primary RP is separate node or conglomerate. The latter is different from normal tissue liver both in color and consistency. Primary cancer arises from both liver parenchyma cells (hepatocellular carcinoma) and bile duct cells (cholangiocellular carcinoma). RP spreads both hematogenously and lymphogenously. Cholangiocellular carcinoma metastasizes primarily through the lymphatic route. The lymph nodes in the area of ​​the hepatic porta, lesser omentum, paracardial and para-aortic nodes are primarily affected. Metastases more often affect the liver itself (intraorgan metastases), lungs and pleura, peritoneum, bones, as well as other organs and tissues. Cancers arising from liver cells are usually multiple (multicentric growth). It often develops against the background of hypertrophic cirrhosis or acute yellow liver degeneration.

The presence of hyperplastic nodes next to growth foci gives reason to believe that cancer arising from the liver often develops in parallel with the regenerative processes of the liver tissue.

Arising from epithelial tissue biliary tract, cancer often develops as an isolated node. It often metastasizes to regional lymph nodes, lungs and other organs. By histological structure adenocarcinomas or scirrhous carcinomas are common. In the miliary form of cancer, multiple small cancerous nodes are detected in the liver tissue.

Clinic and diagnostics. The clinical picture of RP is multi-characteristic. It depends on the phase of the cancer process, the degree of organ dysfunction, the presence of complications and the involvement of neighboring organs in the process. RP proceeds very quickly. The first symptoms of the disease often appear several weeks or months before death. As with other cancer localizations, RP also occurs with severe intoxication and other general phenomena (weakness, loss of ability to work and appetite, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, mental depression, anemia, nausea, belching, etc.). RP is characterized by a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the epigastric and right hypochondrium areas. At a later stage, back pain appears, there is an enlargement of the liver, and sometimes the spleen, and jaundice. Subsequently, ascites occurs and is noted heat, cholemic bleeding, etc. When cirrhosis turns into cancer, the condition of patients deteriorates sharply, weakness, ascites and jaundice rapidly increase.

When examining a patient, the liver is usually enlarged, of dense consistency, the surface is lumpy, sometimes painful. A tumor growing in biliary tract, leads to the development of obstructive jaundice. When the PV is compressed, a picture of PG appears (ascites, splenomegaly, dilatation of the saphenous veins of the anterior abdominal wall, bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus and cardiac part of the stomach). When the tumor disintegrates, low-grade or febrile temperature, chills, leukocytosis, and an increase in ESR are noted.

IN early stage Diagnosis of RP is very difficult, which is due to the paucity of symptoms and weak severity. In the initial stage, RP can be detected accidentally during laparatomy and palpation of the abdomen, especially when the tumor is localized superficially. RP is often diagnosed in an advanced state (stage III-IV). Diagnosis is helped by both clinical phenomena and data obtained by special research methods. Leukocytosis and an increase in ESR are detected in the blood. There is a decrease in the level total protein and albumin. In the presence of cholestasis, hylercholesterolemia, increased levels of phosphatases and sialoproteins are detected (Hess test). IN last years For diagnostic purposes, a specific test is used, based on the detection of a-fetal reactive protein (α-fetoprotein or α-globulin) in the blood. This protein is not detected in healthy individuals.

The diagnosis is confirmed by tumor biopsy or direct puncture during laparoscopy. The puncture is performed under ultrasound control. Important data are provided by pneumoperitonium and radioisotope scanning methods.

Reliable data for diagnosis are provided by CG, X-ray angiography (splenoportography, transumbilical portohepatography, celacography), sonography and laparoscopy.

Differential diagnosis carried out between sarcoma, syphilitic gumma, tuberculoma, alveolar echinococcosis, cirrhosis and metastatic cancer. Differential diagnosis is often difficult, and the issue is resolved only after a trial laparotomy and histological examination tissue taken during surgery.

Complications of RP. The affected area may rupture and internal bleeding, an abscess will form at the site of the disintegrated tumor. When germination occurs in the gallbladder and bile ducts, jaundice and purulent cholangitis can develop. When a tumor grows into the VV area and is compressed, PG develops, and when it grows into the inferior vena cava, Budd-Chiari syndrome develops. With the latter, blood stagnation occurs in the system of not only the portal vena cava, but also the inferior vena cava. When the portal and inferior vena cava are compressed, ascites develops in 70% of patients. The outcome of the disease is usually unfavorable. Life expectancy from the moment the first symptoms of the disease appear does not exceed 6 months.

Treatment is surgical in combination with x-ray and chemotherapy. The introduction gives a certain result chemicals into the umbilical vein or PA. Surgery (liver resection, hemihepatectomy) is indicated for localized tumors. The percentage of possibility of radical surgery is very low. Even after radical surgery average duration The life of patients does not exceed three years.

Liver sarcoma

Rarely seen. Less common are reticulosarcomas, which arise from Kupffer cells and vascular endothelium.

The sarcoma clinic is similar to clinical picture cancer and other PDOs. From clinical features sarcoma should be noted fast growth and rapid infiltration of the liver, especially in children. If the tumor disintegrates, intra-abdominal bleeding may occur. The tumor has an elastic consistency and a cyst-like formation. Liver sarcoma is often accompanied by pain and fever. These symptoms are often assessed as liver abscess. Liver sarcoma often occurs without metastasis. The research methods are the same as for other liver tumors.

Treatment. The treatment is the same as for RP. For tumors limited to one lobe, hemihepatectomy is performed.

Mixed liver tumors (teratomas)

These liver tumors of embryonal origin occur against the background of developmental defects. Teratomas often occur in newborns and children in the first years of life. Mixed liver tumors rarely metastasize.

Pathological anatomy. In HI, hepatocellular carcinoma is sometimes detected, containing elements characteristic of fibrosarcoma.

Clinical picture in many ways similar to other tumors. The disease may persist for some time without severe symptoms, before feeling a tumor or an increase in the size of the abdomen.

Treatment is surgical; radical surgery gives relatively best result than with other liver tumors.

Secondary (metastatic) liver tumors

The liver is one of those organs that are often affected by metastases of malignant tumors. The primary tumor is often localized in the stomach, colon, kidneys and adrenal glands, ovaries and uterus, breast and other organs. Metastases are most often caused by cancer, less often by sarcoma, melanoma and other tumors (hemangioendothelioma, teratoma, chorionepithelioma). Secondary liver tumors are much more common (approximately six times) than primary ones. Metastases most often arise from the stomach, OC, lungs, pancreas and other organs. In most patients with gastrointestinal cancer, liver metastases are detected during surgery and at autopsies.

Diagnostics. It is difficult to diagnose if the location of the primary cancer is not established and there are no symptoms of liver damage. IN terminal stage it is manifested by ascites, jaundice, and fever. The clinical picture of the disease is dominated by symptoms of primary cancer located in other organs. Detection of metastases in the liver indicates that the process is advanced (stage IV). Objective and special methods The studies are the same as for a primary liver tumor. Sometimes it is difficult to find the location of the main tumor without characteristic features diseases. In such cases, before diagnosing primary cancer, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient to exclude cancer of other organs.

Treatment. Only in some cases is it possible to remove single metastatic tumors along with the primary lesion, however, as a rule, due to the presence of widespread metastases in the liver, this turns out to be far from a radical intervention.

Sometimes there is not metastasis, but growth into the capsule or fusion with the liver capsule of a tumor of a neighboring organ. In the absence of metastases and adhesions, if they do not cover the central parts of the liver, it is possible to remove this organ along with the affected part of the liver. In the presence of a single metastatic tumor, removal of the primary tumor and liver resection makes it possible to extend the life of some patients to some extent. This is possible only when the primary tumor is localized in the OC.

Non-epithelial tumor or liver sarcoma is a malignant neoplasm connective tissue, which is characterized by infiltration growth and damage to neighboring structures. The disease is asymptomatic in the initial period. Diagnosis is mainly carried out at late stages, which leads to an unfavorable prognosis. Treatment of this pathology consists of a combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.


The etiology of the disease is unknown. Among the causes of tumor formation, experts distinguish the following risk factors:

  • complicated medical history, presence of cancer pathology in direct relatives;
  • exposure to radiation and ionizing radiation;
  • influence of chemical or industrial carcinogens;
  • long-term use of toxic medications.

Mechanism of development and manifestation of liver sarcoma

Key role in the development of oncology hepatic system belongs to dysfunction of the circulatory and lymphatic system. As a result, atypical and uncontrolled division of modified cells occurs.

Depending on the type of affected tissue, oncologists distinguish (neoplasm with predominant damage to blood vessels), (pathology of connective and muscle fibers) and fibrous (mutation of fibrous tissue).

In the later stages of growth, the tumor forms metastases to nearby organs and regional lymph nodes.

Early signs and mature symptoms of liver sarcoma

Clinical course The disease has similar features to all oncological pathologies of a malignant nature. Initial stages, as a rule, are asymptomatic. Severe symptoms of liver tumors are observed in the terminal stages. Very often, development malignant neoplasm preceded . Mostly such patients long time are located on dispensary observation for chronic lesions of liver tissue.

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Early signs diseases include:

  1. Digestive disorders with periodic nausea and vomiting.
  2. Pain and feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium.
  3. The pain tends to gradually increase in the intensity of attacks.

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Video: Oncology

Analyzes and examinations

A tumor at the primary stage of development is practically impossible to detect, which is associated with the absence of symptoms and pain. The patient is examined by a gastroenterologist and oncologist. The research plan includes the following activities:

  1. Clarification of complaints and medical history.
  2. Palpation - finger palpation of the pathological area can detect an increase in the organ, its compaction and surface roughness.
  3. Liver biopsy - microscopic examination a small area of ​​mutated tissue establishes a definitive diagnosis.
  4. A blood test for tumor markers, which allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of anticancer treatment.
  5. Additional diagnostic procedures in the form of ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are necessary to clarify the size and location of the malignant lesion.

Treatment of liver sarcoma

Many experts testify that the most effective way anticancer therapy is combined approach, which includes radical surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

In such cases surgery Doctors rarely carry out this procedure due to the extensive spread of the tumor and the abundant blood supply to the liver.

The duration of chemotherapy and the dose of ionizing radiation depends on each clinical case.

Prognosis and survival

Liver sarcoma has an unfavorable prognosis, which is associated with a low cancer survival rate of patients. Thus, according to statistics, the average life expectancy of a cancer patient does not exceed six months. To prevent such a disease, oncologists recommend undergoing preventive measures in a timely manner. medical examinations, especially for people with cirrhosis or hepatitis.

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Liver sarcoma is a malignant formation in an organ. It consists of blood vessels and connective tissue elements. This pathological condition It is diagnosed infrequently, but at the same time it is one of the most unfavorable in terms of course and prognosis. A peculiarity of the disease is that it develops mainly in young patients. Gastroenterologists distinguish between primary and secondary tumors.

Liver sarcoma is a malignant formation in an organ


The causes of the pathology may be different, depending on hereditary predisposition, exposure to radioactive radiation, chemical elements, patient's age. Dysfunctions in the functioning of the circulatory, lymphatic and endocrine system. Other causes of pathology include: injuries and wounds that do not heal for a long time, surgical interventions. Such conditions most often negatively impact young people.

Tumors with bone metastases appear in sarcomas of the gastrointestinal tract. Angiosarcoma is characterized by rapid progression and an unfavorable prognosis, even if oncology treatment is carried out. Embryonic sarcoma of the liver is a pathological lesion of the organ that occurs only in childhood and requires surgical resection.


If liver sarcoma develops, the symptoms resemble those of malignant neoplasms of other organs and systems. All signs of liver sarcoma do not appear immediately; pronounced symptoms are already noted when the disease reaches an advanced stage. Often, malignant tumors appear after advanced cirrhosis, which is not treated.

Early signs of the development of a pathological process include:

With sarcoma, ascites develops abdominal cavity

  • attacks of nausea or vomiting;
  • feeling of heaviness or discomfort on the right side;
  • painful sensations of an aching nature, which become more pronounced as the tumor develops and increases in size;
  • when the sarcoma increases in size, the surrounding tissues and biliary ducts are compressed, resulting in yellowness of the epidermal layer and mucous membranes;
  • with a decrease in the duct of the biliary vessels, ascites of the abdominal cavity develops.

At the final stages of the development of the disease, such clinical manifestations, How: constant weakness, complete loss of appetite, sharp deterioration state of the body, intensely expressed pain syndrome, febrile body temperature, hemorrhage and bleeding.


It is almost impossible to detect the presence of a pathological process that has just begun to develop, since there are no characteristic clinical manifestations. It is not uncommon for fibrosarcoma or another type of tumor to be discovered by chance while the patient is undergoing comprehensive examination body.

Only a doctor can detect problems in the liver through an examination. So, when palpating the abdomen, you can feel plaques or nodules; the organ is usually increased in volume, its shape is changed. The patient's complaints complement the clinical picture. When the external medical examination is completed and anamnestic data is collected, the doctor prescribes additional examinations. One of the very first examination methods is ultrasonography abdominal organs. With its help, changes in the organ, its size, the presence of tumors, cysts, and metastases are determined.

The most informative diagnostic methods are:

One of the most informative methods diagnosis of sarcoma - liver biopsy

  1. Carrying out a liver tissue biopsy procedure and examining it for histology. This procedure allows you to determine the malignancy of the existing tumor.
  2. Analysis of blood fluid for tumor markers.
  3. Radiography.
  4. CT scan.
  5. Magnetic resonance imaging.
  6. Magnetic resonance imaging with contrast agents.

The listed examinations are informative; they help determine the size and location of the malignant neoplasm, its structure, degree of development and influence on neighboring organs and structures. After the doctor has diagnosed correct diagnosis, therapy is prescribed immediately.


Good results in the fight against liver sarcoma are achieved by combined measures, which include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

Choice of treatment method, dosage chemical substances, their combination is directly determined by the stage of the disease, the type of neoplasm, the age category of the patient, the severity of symptoms and the patient’s condition. Prognosis for successful recovery also depends on how timely the therapy is administered and whether metastases are present in other organs.

Radical intervention for such a disease is indicated when the formation is single and isolated. If the tumor has affected all the structures of the liver, multiple nodes are present, it is not possible to perform organ resection.

Radical intervention for this disease is indicated when the formation is single and isolated

Depending on the type of tumor, its size, location and extent of tissue damage, the tactics of surgical treatment will depend. If the pathological process has affected left lobe organ, it will need to be removed completely; if there are nodes in the right lobe, they will be excised. If the tumor is located in close proximity to large blood vessels, it cannot be deleted.

According to statistics, procedures radiation therapy and chemotherapy do not have any visible effect in the treatment of sarcoma, sometimes they bring results in the form of improvement in the patient’s condition, help reduce the diameter of pathological growths and formations, and reduce the severity of clinical manifestations.


Usually the prognosis for this disease is unfavorable. The average life expectancy of a patient after the first signs of the disease appear is no more than six months. Even after chemotherapy and radiation therapy, the patient’s life expectancy does not increase, only his condition improves temporarily, the activity of the pathological process and the severity of symptoms are inhibited.

To the main preventive measures that will help prevent the occurrence of pathology include timely treatment liver diseases (cirrhosis, different types hepatitis) because running form Such diseases can lead to the appearance of a tumor-like process. It is also recommended to avoid the effects of negative exogenous factors on the body. You should definitely undergo regular preventive examinations in order to detect possible pathological processes in the body as early as possible.


Symptoms and treatment of liver cancer.

The liver is one of the organs in which metastases of malignant tumors are most often detected ( liver sarcoma). Metastases in an organ can occur during various types oncology.

The most common sources of cancerous growths of this organ are:

Human organ

  • colon cancer;
  • pancreas cancer;
  • stomach cancer;
  • mammary cancer;
  • lungs' cancer;
  • melanoma.

In approximately 10-20% of patients with colorectal cancer, metastases (tumors) in the liver are diagnosed simultaneously with malignant tumors in the intestines (synchronous metastases).

Currently, modern medicine has a wide range of capabilities in the field of diagnosis and treatment of metastatic liver pathologies. However, to choose optimal method therapy for each patient, first of all, it is necessary to answer some basic questions.

What is important to know about liver sarcoma

First: which tumor is the source of metastases?


Metastases can develop in different ways - depending on the primary malignant tumor, that is, cancer from which they spread to the liver. Thus, malignant changes occurring from colorectal cancer (intestinal cancer) have completely different dynamics and biology than metastases, for example, from breast cancer. While in the first case the decision is made to remove them, or destroy them, in the latter, surgical intervention required much less frequently.

Second: is the liver the only place where metastasis occurs?

A completely different course of treatment is prescribed for patients with metastases that are limited only to the liver and patients with metastatic changes in the liver and other organs. Surgery sarcomas is usually recommended for patients with malignant tumors that have formed only in the liver. In some cases, if tumors in other organs can be controlled, surgery may be indicated in the next stage of treatment. In general, availability malignant tumors outside the organ is a contraindication to surgery.

Thirdly: the number of metastases and the indication for surgery?

To put it simply, we can say: the fewer tumors, the better. But a large number of metastatic formations, in some cases, is not a contraindication to surgery. If it is technically possible to radically remove the affected liver tissue without loss large quantity healthy (and provide normal functioning liver), surgical intervention may be considered.

Fourth: how do tumors spread?

As mentioned above, the most important criterion for surgery is to save enough healthy tissue after operation. Sometimes the spread of metastatic tissue can make surgery difficult or even impossible. This is especially true when tumors have formed very close to important anatomical structures inside the liver, or when they are located in large numbers in many areas of the organ. Sometimes even one metastasis can cause very serious problems during surgery, for example, due to its proximity to the hepatic arteries. Liver sarcoma (cancer) is a dangerous and serious, and most importantly, painful disease.

The difficulty of treating sarcoma in the liver

Thus, we can give an analogy and assume that modern treatment of oncology of this organ is often compared to “tailoring a custom-made suit.” Each situation is slightly different, each patient has its own specifics, and therefore a key element of treatment planning is a comprehensive diagnosis and optimal adjustment of treatment options for the individual.

Therefore it is very important that treatment center had an appropriate (modern) diagnostic laboratory:

  • ultrasonography;
  • CT scan;
  • magnetic resonance;
  • PET study.
What do the doctor's say

And treatment options for liver sarcoma:

  • removal operations;
  • microwave ablation;
  • chemotherapy;
  • stereotactic radiation therapy.

So, what to do, how to treat sarcoma, which ones are prescribed.

First of all, don't panic! Liver sarcoma can be successfully treated!

First of all, you need to contact a center that has advanced diagnostics and modern approach in treatment. The course of treatment for each patient is prescribed individually.

Basic methods of treating liver sarcoma


During surgery, one or more parts of the liver are removed along with the tumor or metastases. The most important element This treatment is to leave as much healthy tissue as possible and ensure the patient has proper function of this organ.


There are several methods of ablation (destroying the tumor). These methods differ in the type of energy (produced by a radiofrequency generator) used to destroy the affected tissue. One of the most modern is the so-called microwave ablation.

Using a special needle inserted into the diseased part of the liver, under ultrasonic control(without opening the abdominal cavity and under local anesthesia) the affected tissue is destroyed by microwaves, including metastases. This method is fast and effective, but when used there is a risk of relapse of the malignant neoplasm.

This type treatment can be used to destroy up to 5 metastases in one session. In this case, the largest tumor should not exceed more than 5 cm in diameter. Ablation can be combined with surgical removal. This procedure means that during one operation, some metastases are completely excised, while others are destroyed through ablation. This method must be precisely adapted to the needs of the individual patient - individual approach taking into account the actual condition of the patient.


Most patients with liver sarcoma are prescribed chemotherapy at some stage of treatment. This technique is used both before surgery, in order to reduce metastases, and after surgery, as an addition to treatment. Patients who are contraindicated for resection or ablation due to too many metastases, after chemical treatment may qualify for surgery if the amount of affected tissue decreases significantly.


Treatment with radiation to the tumor is rarely used. This method can be prescribed to patients for whom other methods have failed. positive results.

Liver transplant

Transplantation of this organ is carried out if the tumor is primary - that is, not derived from another organ.


Symptoms of liver sarcoma are most often general, which complicates their diagnosis. Many other pathologies can cause the same symptoms. Therefore, the diagnosis of this type of cancer is difficult to establish: sometimes the disease is identified only at an advanced stage (with right-sided pain).

Liver sarcoma: general symptoms

The first symptoms may be intermittent, so they often go unnoticed. Among these signs, some may indicate sarcoma. However, these are common Clinical signs observed in any type of oncology, and not specifically in the case of liver cancer.

Thus, we can distinguish:

  1. general deterioration in the health of the person accompanied by chronic fatigue due to vital impairment important functions liver (detoxification of the body, control of blood glucose levels, storage of nutrients, etc.);
  2. debilitating weakness;
  3. rapid weight loss associated with loss of appetite because nutrients in case of oncology, they are not absorbed enough;
  4. digestive disorders (nausea and vomiting) or other disorders (diarrhea, constipation) partly because the liver is responsible for the synthesis of bile necessary for digestion.

Possible symptoms of a tumor in the liver

In the case of liver sarcoma, other symptoms may occur:

  • abdominal pain that may radiate to right shoulder(on the same side as the liver);
  • the presence of an abdominal mass under the ribs on the right side due to swelling of the liver (in some cases on the left side, leading to swelling of the spleen);
  • jaundice caused by a blockage of the bile duct through which bile should be drained from the liver to the duodenum;
  • swelling of the lower extremities due to vascular disorders caused by hypertension portal vein which pumps out venous blood from the lower part of the body and returns it to the liver;
  • ascites (accumulation of fluid, bloated belly);
  • hepatic encephalopathy due to impaired liver function and accumulation of waste in the blood, leading to:
  1. impairment of consciousness;
  2. tremor;
  3. loss of alertness or even consciousness;
  4. memory problems;
  5. split personality;
  6. unpleasant smell from the mouth (galitz).

Rare symptoms of liver sarcoma

Much less often, some may indicate liver sarcoma specific signs:

  1. Budd-Chiari syndrome, in which blood clots cause a blockage hepatic vein. This leads to swelling of the abdomen and spleen, jaundice, fatigue and varicose veins veins of the esophagus.
  2. Paraneoplastic syndrome – leads to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and hypercalcemia ( increased level calcium in the blood).
  3. Besides, in in rare cases, (V advanced stages) internal hemorrhage may be observed due to liver rupture.