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The last stage of pulmonary tuberculosis. Characteristic symptoms of an advanced stage. Brain damage

Judging by your diet, you don’t care about your immune system or your body at all. You are very susceptible to diseases of the lungs and other organs! It's time to love yourself and start improving. It is urgent to adjust your diet, to minimize fatty, starchy, sweet and alcoholic foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Feed the body by taking vitamins, drink more water (precisely purified, mineral). Strengthen your body and reduce the amount of stress in your life.

  • You are susceptible to moderate lung diseases.

    So far it’s good, but if you don’t start taking care of her more carefully, then diseases of the lungs and other organs won’t keep you waiting (if the prerequisites haven’t already existed). And frequent colds, intestinal problems and other “delights” of life accompany weak immunity. You should think about your diet, minimize fatty, flour, sweets and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. To nourish the body by taking vitamins, do not forget that you need to drink a lot of water (precisely purified, mineral water). Strengthen your body, reduce the amount of stress in your life, think more positively and your immune system will be strong for many years to come.

  • Congratulations! Keep it up!

    You care about your nutrition, health and immune system. Continue in the same spirit and problems with your lungs and health in general will not bother you for many years to come. Don't forget that this is mainly due to the fact that you eat right and lead healthy image life. Eat proper and healthy food (fruits, vegetables, dairy products), do not forget to consume a large number of purified water, harden your body, think positively. Just love yourself and your body, take care of it and it will definitely reciprocate your feelings.

  • It cannot be said that if the microbacterium tuberculosis, also called Koch's bacillus, enters the human body, he will immediately become ill with this disease. In fact, it all depends on the state of the person’s immune system. The causes and stages of tuberculosis are the topic of this article.

    Methods of infection with pulmonary tuberculosis

    Powerful immunity allows you to quickly destroy the pathogen, eliminating the circumstances that cause the disease, and the person does not have time to get sick. However, for most people, the immune system is not so powerful; its strength is only enough to suppress the activity of the pathogen and keep it under control for a long time. But as soon as the immune system weakens a little, various factors can cause tuberculosis. According to statistics, out of a hundred healthy people whose bodies have been exposed to mycobacteria, only five become ill with tuberculosis immediately.

    Most in a simple way tuberculosis infection is direct contact with a sick person who, while talking, coughing or sneezing, spreads a large number of microbacteria around him. There is also a possibility of infection from animals with tuberculosis if they consume dairy products, but such cases of infection are much less common.

    Causes of tuberculosis

    The main causes of tuberculosis that contribute to the development of the disease are:

    unfavorable living conditions, both social and environmental, as causes of tuberculosis;

    alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction as causes of tuberculosis;

    malnutrition as a cause of tuberculosis;

    decreased immunity as a cause of tuberculosis;

    stress as a cause of tuberculosis;

    Availability concomitant diseases(lung diseases, peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum, diabetes).

    Risk groups for tuberculosis infection

    Those at risk of contracting pulmonary tuberculosis include:

    people who abuse drugs and alcohol are predisposed to tuberculosis;

    people who are in close contact with a patient with tuberculosis;

    persons without permanent residence;

    people who are serving sentences in prison are predisposed to tuberculosis;

    workers in prisons are predisposed to tuberculosis;

    medical workers.

    recently infected people during the first two years after infection;

    people, sick diabetes mellitus, human immunodeficiency virus;

    people who are being treated with drugs that reduce the activity of the immune system;

    Stages of tuberculosis

    Typically, doctors characterize the tuberculosis process according to a number of parameters, for example: by localization, by the phase of the process, by the presence of bacterial discharge, and so on. If we try to identify the stages of tuberculosis, we get the following picture:

    The stage of tuberculosis is primary infection. At this stage of tuberculosis, local inflammation occurs in the area of ​​infection. Then pathogenic bacteria begin to spread to nearby The lymph nodes. As a result, the so-called primary complex is formed;

    Tuberculosis stage 2 - hidden infection. At this stage of tuberculosis, with a weakened immune system, infection may spread. As a result, the appearance of foci of the disease in other organs;

    Stage 3 - recurrent adult-type tuberculosis. A characteristic feature this stage is the defeat of many internal organs. There is a general deterioration in the patient’s well-being, and fever is possible. When the lungs are damaged, so-called cavities (cavities) can form. When they enter the bronchi, tuberculosis becomes open.

    Despite the fact that all stages of tuberculosis are clearly pronounced signs, very often doctors leave primary infection unnoticed. This is mainly due to the fact that the patient’s well-being practically does not deteriorate. As a result, the disease becomes latent and then active.

    Interesting Facts about tuberculosis

    In mid-2011, Russian scientists published a number of information concerning new system diagnosis of tuberculosis. This system is based on a new drug - diaskintosis. With its help, doctors will be able to identify patients (primarily children) who have allergic reaction to purified tuberculosis allergen. But for now, a tuberculin test continues to be used as a method for diagnosing tuberculosis, as a result, a certain percentage positive results may be false.

    Lung diseases occupy one of the leading places among ailments modern world. This is facilitated by many reasons, among which are an unhealthy lifestyle, a negative impact on the environment and viral diseases. The last stage of tuberculosis is the final stage, and in the absence of proper treatment it ends in death.

    Tuberculosis – dangerous disease, which can affect both the lungs and other parts of the body. The disease is divided into pulmonary and extrapulmonary forms, depending on the location of the infiltrates.

    There are also open and closed forms. Their difference is that in the first case the person is both a carrier of the infection and its carrier. When you cough, phlegm comes out, through which tuberculosis microbacteria spread into the air. Closed form characterized by the isolation of bacteria and their inability to move throughout the body. In this case, the patient cannot infect other people.

    There are also two main types of disease, which depend on whether the person got sick for the first time or the disease is a consequence of a relapse:

    • primary;
    • secondary.

    As for the stages of tuberculosis, doctors distinguish 4 main stages:

    The last stage is characterized by the presence of several foci that occupy a huge space. The pathology develops very quickly, affecting other organs.

    Stage 4 tuberculosis often leads to the death of the patient. The reason lies in the inability of a weakened body to fight the pathogen and the lack of a prompt response to the appearance of symptoms. Many recovered patients consider the appearance of a cough and deterioration of well-being to be a consequence of the residual effect of therapy, so they consult a doctor too late.

    Provoking factors

    Phthisiatricians identify provoking factors that determine the nature and severity of the pathology. The main factors that influence the development of severe forms are:

    • infection with the virus due to contact with a person who is sick;
    • consumption of alcohol and drugs;
    • diseases that suppress the immune system (HIV, diabetes mellitus);
    • diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract;
    • taking medications that negatively affect immune system.

    Risk factors and routes of transmission

    The following categories of people are most likely to become infected:

    • persons without a fixed place of residence;
    • prisoners in places of deprivation of liberty;
    • employees of colonies and pre-trial detention centers;
    • healthcare workers who come into contact with patients.

    The occurrence of the disease is influenced by personal hygiene and the living conditions in which a person lives. You can also get sick from contact with big amount people when traveling to public transport. In addition, microbacteria can exist on surfaces and in water. long time:

    • in dust – 10 days;
    • on paper – 2 months;
    • in water – 1 year.

    Bacilli are destroyed by treating the area with chlorine, ultraviolet light and sources high temperatures. Statistics show that the likelihood of getting sick increases in people over 30 years of age. In middle age, the immune system ceases to function as effectively as in youth.

    For development advanced stage The patient’s attitude towards therapy and the timeliness of contacting a doctor are especially influenced by the slightest symptoms. If the patient started treatment at the wrong time or stopped taking medications due to at will Without the knowledge of the doctor, the percentage of severe forms of the disease is extremely high.

    Characteristic symptoms of an advanced stage

    There are many symptoms of tuberculosis, but only due to the appearance specific signs the disease can be detected. All manifestations that were present during the previous stages are aggravated.

    Characteristic symptoms of the last stage:

    The condition is constantly and steadily deteriorating, the person is not getting help standard means and drugs. Also at an advanced stage appear painful sensations in the chest area and behind the sternum. The most severe symptoms are hemoptysis and intense cough.

    Basically, at this stage, tuberculosis has general symptoms in all age categories of the population. There are some features that experts pay attention to when conducting diagnostic measures and therapy.

    In adults

    People from 18 to 55 years old experience a strong cough, mainly producing sputum. In most cases, it is wet, as the person is trying to get rid of the mucus accumulated in the bronchi. Maybe sharp increase temperatures up to 41 degrees, which quickly passes.

    At minimum physical activity there is a feeling of lack of air. As the process worsens, severe chest pain appears even in the absence of a cough and the person is at rest. Basically, the symptoms are similar to the standard ones.

    The danger is that treatment may not start on time. Stage 4, when symptoms are ignored and incorrect therapy is carried out, leads to fatal outcome six months later.

    Microbacteria become resistant to the drugs used for treatment, and this is the main difficulty.

    In children

    The child’s body is much less resistant to the negative impact of diseases due to not fully formed immunity. This is due to the fact that the child grows quickly. also in adolescence the risk increases due to hormonal surges. Therefore, tuberculosis develops faster than in an adult and develops more rapidly.

    Symptoms of tuberculosis in children

    In some situations, a month is enough for the disease to develop to the fourth stage. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out vaccinations and monitor the child’s condition through regular preventive examinations.

    In the elderly

    The body of older people is weakened due to age-related changes and previous diseases, many of which suppress the immune system. Therefore, the development of tuberculosis is more difficult, and its therapy is a difficult task.

    Diagnosis is also difficult due to the fact that elderly patients consider the manifestations of tuberculosis to be a consequence of age-related changes.

    People over 40 years of age face another danger – the risk of developing lung cancer. Patients are considered to be at risk for cancer.

    Diagnostic measures and treatment methods

    At an advanced stage, a person realizes that he is sick. Clinical researches can confirm this, and also demonstrate how much the pathology has affected other organs. The following activities are carried out:

    The sooner a diagnosis is made, the greater the chance that a person will live a long time.

    Therapy takes place in a medical facility where a patient with an open form cannot infect healthy people. A phthisiatrician and a pulmonologist prescribe the following groups of medications:

    • first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs (Isonoazid, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide);
    • second-line agents (Kanamycin, Rifabutin, Prothionamide);
    • glucocorticoids (Metypred, Medrol, Kenacort);
    • immunomodulators (Bioaron, Imiquimod,);
    • hepatoprotectors (Essentiale, Karsil, Heptral).

    Treatment is carried out over a long period of time. The complex includes the use of medications, adherence to a diet and getting rid of bad habits. In the event of a global defeat occurs surgical intervention. It is performed by resection of the damaged area. The most likely option when stopping therapy is death due to worsening complications.

    Prognosis, complications and prevention

    Many people are interested in the question of how long they live with stage 4 tuberculosis. It is impossible to answer it unequivocally. If you follow all the instructions of your doctor, it is possible to extend your life by years.

    If the patient ignores taking medications and continues to lead an unhealthy lifestyle, the period ranges from several months to six months.

    Without proper treatment, stage 4 tuberculosis leads to sudden death. Other internal organs are damaged by infiltrates, and concomitant diseases develop:

    • pericarditis;
    • meningitis;
    • pleurisy;
    • heart attack;
    • peritonitis.

    In most cases they are affected gastrointestinal tract, skin and heart. Death can occur due to the following reasons:

    • disruption of the protein metabolism system;
    • failure of vital organs;
    • sudden ruptures of the lungs.

    This is the result of the fact that the diagnosed pathology is not treated. It is possible to prolong life if all doctor's instructions are followed.

    Prevention of the disease is necessary not only for patients who have undergone treatment, but also for healthy people. To the main preventive measures can be attributed:

    Smoking is one of the triggers for the development of tuberculosis, so you should stop smoking to minimize the risk.

    If a person has already been treated for tuberculosis, then in order to avoid relapse, it is necessary to continue treatment, take prescribed medications and undergo examinations. This will allow you to detect the disease when it has not yet developed to stage 4.

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    Questions and answers on: last stage of tuberculosis

    2009-08-18 21:17:27

    Grisha asks:

    Hello! I had a situation where I drank beer from the same bottle with a person, this person is sick with tuberculosis, I only recently found out that he is sick with tuberculosis, I didn’t know before, please tell me if I got infected? If so, how to prevent the disease before it’s too late , this was a week ago, or how do I know if I got infected? This man has the last stage of tuberculosis, I was next to him for 40 minutes!

    Answers Gordeev Nikolay Pavlovich:

    Hello, Grisha. You are already infected (infected). In order to prevent the disease, you need to follow a few simple rules: 1. After 2 months (in the absence of cough, increased body temperature, increased sweating at night, etc.) you need to do a general x-ray of the organs chest.
    If it is in No., then nothing more needs to be done. A repeat photo is taken after 6 months (also not an FG, but a review). Then - once a year.
    If any changes are detected in the image, immediately go to a phthisiatrician at your place of residence and then follow his recommendations. Good health to you.

    2009-04-28 19:57:37

    Maxim asks:

    Hello, I have a question. One patient has the last stage of tuberculosis.
    People often come into contact with him. Both of them communicate wearing masks, a short time.
    Can infection occur under such conditions? The analysis showed that everything was clean.
    What measures can be taken to protect against this infection?

    Answers Gordeev Nikolay Pavlovich:

    Hello, Maxim. Tests in an adult will not show the degree of infection (contamination). In addition to masks, you also need a temporary change of clothes and a hat or headscarf. All this must be soaked after contact in a chlorine-containing disinfectant, for example, in a solution of chlorantoin 1% for 2 hours, “Brilliant” 10% for 1 hour, followed by washing and drying. This is about clothes. The diet should contain at least 200 g of protein (meat, fish, eggs, vegetable (as a last resort) - soy, mushrooms, other legumes) + good multivitamins(such as "Unicap" and the like). In addition to all this, regularly undergo examination and preventive treatment prescribed by a phthisiatrician. These are, perhaps, the main measures to prevent the disease. Good health to you.

    2015-01-21 17:19:12

    Marina asks:

    Hello. I undergo fluorography every year. And according to the results next examination fibrosis and lesions were detected in the apexes, an x-ray confirmed this. I wasn't sick colds for several years now. Yes and severe cough I’ve never had one, the last time was bronchitis at the age of 15, now I’m 27. Could some stage of tuberculosis go unnoticed and be suppressed by the forces of the body? I’m being examined now and nothing is explained at all. Thank you

    Answers Shidlovsky Igor Valerievich:

    Marina, good afternoon! You are advised to undergo a CT scan of the chest organs. Please contact us with the results and we will sort it out.

    2015-01-21 17:13:37

    Marina asks:

    Hello. I undergo fluorography every year. And according to the results of the next examination, fibrosis and lesions in the apexes were revealed, an x-ray confirmed this. I haven't had a cold for several years. And I’ve never had a strong cough, the last time was bronchitis at the age of 15, now I’m 27. Could some stage of tuberculosis go unnoticed and be suppressed by the forces of the body? They’re examining me now and nothing is explained at all. Thank you

    2013-01-26 22:09:36

    Valentina asks:

    Hello. During a medical examination, my father’s X-ray revealed spots. They sent me for examination to a tuberculosis dispensary. There they took a picture and said that tuberculosis was questionable. They did a CT scan - the same thing is “in question”. My father feels absolutely fine, has been jogging for 15 years, rides a bicycle, does not smoke, and does not abuse alcohol. Over the past 2 years he hasn’t even had a runny nose, so his immunity seems to be good. He eats well. Clinical tests also without deviations from the norm (even in dynamics). The stick is not sown. He was prescribed treatment anyway. Now he has been in the clinic for 2 months. He continues to run there. 1. Please tell me, if there is an active stage of tuberculosis, how long can it “hidden”, since there are no symptoms? 2. Can he go jogging during treatment? 3.What is the probability of an erroneous diagnosis if he has always taken care of his health and has never suffered from chronic diseases? Thank you.

    Answers Gordeev Nikolay Pavlovich:

    Hello, Valentina. 1. Every adult, without exception, has his own Mycobacterium tuberculosis throughout his life. no matter what kind of life he led and leads. So she can always hide as long as the person is alive. 2. The body should not be loaded with usual loads during treatment; the degree should be reduced as much as possible; 3. As far as I understand you, the diagnosis is still in question and the father is undergoing ex juvantibus (trial) therapy, after which they will conduct a comprehensive control examination and make a final diagnosis. So, for now we are not talking about an erroneous diagnosis - while a long-term diagnosis is being carried out. Everything is within the limits of current orders. Do not worry. Good health to you.

    2013-01-05 13:40:40

    Irina asks:

    Good afternoon!
    On April 4, 2012, I met a man. 10 days later he was admitted to the hospital (diagnosed with myocarditis). He was cured quickly. I felt great, but by the end of July I began to suffer from severe shortness of breath. I was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia on July 20. He took medication for 10 days (bought for a little less than 5 thousand UAH), but then shortness of breath again, it was difficult for him to walk to the washbasin (3 meters). Then they transferred me to the infectious diseases department. There was a slight improvement in the condition (about a week). On September 5, he was transferred to the pulmonary hospital (suspicion of tuberculosis). On September 12 he died. On the day of his death, the doctor told me that he died of AIDS. And he said that I also need to get tested, because... Oleg introduced me as his wife. 3 days before his death, he was admitted to the intensive care unit and his lungs were artificially ventilated. It was then that the doctor on duty said that he would inevitably die. He named working diagnoses: pneumocystis infection, tuberculosis, condidiasis.
    1. Why was HIV not detected in April and July? After all, this was already the last stage - AIDS. As I understand it, there was an incredible amount of virus in his body. Poor tests? Lab technicians' mistake?
    After all, if they had put correct diagnosis and he received antiviral drugs maybe he would be alive? Can you explain please. By the way, in his documents they later found a certificate dated February 20, 2012, stating that he was HIV-negative and had no sexually transmitted diseases.
    2. On September 12, I took a rapid test for HIV. He is negative. Do I still need to take tests? We didn't have sex. We met, talked, kissed. It was during this period that my gums became inflamed and bleeding. They write on the Internet that you cannot get infected through a kiss, but in many cases they add: “if there are no injuries or wounds on the mucous membrane.” Could I get infected by kissing?

    Answers Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

    Good afternoon, Irina. I will try to answer in the same order: 1. It is very difficult to suspect HIV infection on early stages when the clinical picture resembles myocarditis, etc., when already clinical picture expanded, HIV immediately comes to mind. Perhaps the analysis simply was not done, but if it was done, then there is some kind of error here, human or instrumental, it is difficult to judge. 2. The risk that you are infected is extremely low, almost zero, but to be sure about this, retake the test after 3 months.

    2011-06-09 17:24:33

    Valeria asks:

    Hello! The thing is, it recently turned out that grandfather is sick with tuberculosis - the last stage! I know how infection occurs and I want to ask if there are any preventive vaccinations, except fluorography. to avoid infection? Is there a chance of infection if there is no special contact and precautions are taken by wearing a mask? Or should I not go to visit my grandparents?

    2011-04-01 12:30:37

    Zemfira asks:

    My brother has pulmonary tuberculosis, an open form, and is over-tolerant to medications. He spends nine months in tuberculosis dispensaries. He goes to the hospital on his own, but has to be taken back, and every time it gets worse and worse, in hospitals there is no attention, they are not considered people there. Tell me, is it possible to cure this tuberculosis at all, one might say at the last stage. And are artificial lungs installed?

    Answers Strizh Vera Alexandrovna:

    Hello, Zemfira! Tuberculosis is chronic illness. The course can be undulating with alternating phases of reactivation and improvement. Curability is determined by many factors, which can only be clarified during a face-to-face consultation with a phthisiatrician. Artificial lungs We haven’t learned how to put it yet.

    2010-07-21 01:42:17

    Love asks:

    My father has an open form of tuberculosis, the last stage, the doctors said wait. Because I live far enough away, to be honest, I’m waiting. I have four questions
    1. Is this really all there is to it or is there still something else that can be done?
    2. How to protect yourself from infection upon arrival?
    3. It turns out that his sister and two children are caring for him there. What should I advise them to protect their children from pregnancy as much as possible?
    4. How long can a person survive after such a diagnosis?

    Answers Gordeev Nikolay Pavlovich:

    Hello, Love. 1. Waiting does not mean sitting idly by; I think a sick father needs help. Incl. and persuade him to take medications. Otherwise, it will simply be difficult to get used to the idea that not everything has been done. 2. Wear a mask, change it for a new one every 2 hours, and change clothes as soon as you leave the threshold 3. She, like children, is already infected. First of all, she needs to not get sick herself and so that her children don’t get sick. Children simply need to be isolated (better somewhere in a sanatorium). Examination 2 times a year by a phthisiatrician and prophylactic treatment for 3 months by a phthisiatrician 2 times a year, taking into account the stability of the father's flora. 4. Individually. I can't rate it because... I don’t see the person and his process. If this is already agony. then it can last up to 6 months. And this is the most difficult time. But the children need to be removed from there as far as possible. Decide. health to you.

    Ask your question

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    Tuberculosis is a very dangerous disease. In addition, it is difficult to treat. Anyone, anywhere can become infected with tuberculosis. This serious illness doesn't choose people based on age characteristics, according to level of income and living conditions. It may be enough to have contact with a patient who has an open form and you can become infected with tuberculosis. Even with modern methods treatment, the latest drugs there is a risk fatal outcome. Open form Tuberculosis is contagious and transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, it is deadly both for the patient and for the people around him.

    Definition of disease

    Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by fairly common microorganisms - mycobacteria (Koch bacilli). Caused mainly by human and bovine bacteria. Before the twentieth century, it was better known among people as phthisis (to waste away). Since there were no effective medicines From this disease, people, having fallen ill with it, gradually withered and faded away. Only in the twentieth century did they find ways to fight the disease. But still, the mortality rate among the population is quite high, especially if they seek help too late. It cannot be said that only vulnerable sections of the population get sick. In prosperous families, one of the household members may also develop this disease.

    Mycobacteria differ from all other organisms harmful to humans in that they are very resistant to various external factors: acids and alkalis. They calmly survive treatment with alcohol and do not die under the influence of direct sun rays.They are contagious for a long time staying in phlegm, on objects, in dust. Another negative feature that is difficult to combat is that they mimic and adapt to tuberculostatic drugs. And this can persist for quite a long time. Clinical manifestations are determined not only through the pathogen. Very important role plays a role in the state of a person’s immunity, its resistance. However, a decrease in the body's resistance can occur under unfavorable living or working conditions. A person has managed to adapt to mycobacteria and his body successfully resists them harmful effects, but over time the immunity may weaken, so in this case revaccination will be required.

    With tuberculosis, the lungs are most often affected, and in order to protect yourself from the development of the disease in the body and stop it at the earliest stages, you should at least know partial signs diseases:

    1. Fatigue. A person feels overwhelmed even after a small amount of work.
    2. Irritability.
    3. The temperature is slightly increased, as if there was inflammation.
    4. Sleep is disturbed and appetite disappears.
    5. Sweating most often at night.
    6. Enlarged lymphatic cervical nodes(but not in all cases).


    Tuberculosis is infectious disease. Therefore, a person who has become infected with it can pose a danger to others and be a spreader of the disease. But it can also be completely safe. There are two types of tuberculosis:

    • Open form. In this case, the lung tissue is directly affected and pathogenic microorganisms multiply in it, which then enter the expectorated sputum. Such a patient can infect many other people;
    • Closed form. It occurs much more often. Pathogenic microorganisms do not enter the sputum and then into the air, so patients are completely safe for others.

    Pulmonary tuberculosis can be divided into two types:

    • Primary, when infection occurred directly from the carrier of the infection. In this case inflammatory processes in the lung tissue have not yet begun, symptoms may not appear for a long time. Up to several weeks. This happens because pathological changes very insignificant and it is almost impossible to detect them using x-rays. To determine whether a person has a disease or not, there is a so-called Mantoux test. When it becomes inflamed and enlarged, it is concluded that there is a disease;
    • Secondary. It occurs as a relapse of a previously treated disease.

    Symptoms of secondary tuberculosis can be mild and sometimes similar to symptoms of completely other diseases:

    1. Lack of appetite.
    2. Dramatic weight loss.
    3. Slight increases in temperature.
    4. Weakness and fatigue.

    During an exacerbation, the patient develops a dry cough, which gradually disappears. Naturally, a false impression is created that the disease has passed. But it doesn't last long. Two to three weeks. This is followed by an exacerbation of the disease, but the symptoms become much more severe.

    At the slightest suspicion of a relapse of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. At proper treatment irreversible consequences will be avoided.

    In some cases, disseminated tuberculosis may develop. IN acute form there is practically no disease incubation period. The disease progresses, and bacteria spread throughout the body at a very rapid pace. Often disseminated tuberculosis is diagnosed in the last stages. Treatment does not bring the desired effect and the mortality rate from the disease is very high.

    According to the method of spread, there are the following forms of tuberculosis:

    • Focal. At focal tuberculosis Small lesions form on one or two lungs. Just one to two segments. Symptoms of focal tuberculosis may not be very pronounced;
    • . It is quite rare. Blood and lymph accumulate in the capsules that appear in this form of tuberculosis. When coughing, expectorated sputum mixed with blood. This indicates that the capsules are rupturing and fluid is being released through the cough reflex.

    Coughed up mucus is highly contagious.

    • Disseminated tuberculosis. It is called so because it can be located not in one focus, but can be dispersed throughout all organs with blood and lymph. As a rule, it affects those organs that cannot effectively resist pathogens. Disseminated tuberculosis may begin in the kidneys and then move to the lungs due to blood circulation. It is very dangerous because it can cause tuberculous meningitis. With simultaneous damage to the cerebral cortex and lungs, the patient’s recovery is almost impossible, since irreversible destructive processes begin in a very short time;
    • Cirrhotic tuberculosis. Lung tissue It is so affected by Koch's sticks that it begins to die. Treatment of such patients is very problematic, since the drugs practically do not penetrate into the changed tissue. Unilateral cirrhotic tuberculosis can only be cured by surgery.

    A subtype of pulmonary tuberculosis is tuberculoma. A disease in which mycobacteria, infecting lung tissue, causes the appearance of tuberculomas that are visually similar to tumors. The disease can pass without pronounced symptoms. Tuberculoma, as it were, develops separately from the whole organism due to the lung tissue. Those most at risk of developing tuberculomas are:

    • Previously ill with tuberculosis. And this may not only be the pulmonary form;
    • Workers of chemical plants. Where there is a high level of pollution with harmful substances;
    • Patients with various pathologies respiratory organs;
    • Smokers.


    This one has the most dangerous disease lungs like:

    1. Airborne. The most common route of infection with tuberculosis. According to statistics, it happens in 98 percent of cases.
    2. Contact type of infection. You can get tuberculosis if you use personal hygiene items or utensils that were used by the patient. Also through a kiss, sexual intercourse or wounds and abrasions on the body.
    3. Food route. You can become infected through the meat of livestock. Products contaminated with pulmonary tuberculosis, although very rarely, are found in markets. When consuming such products, the damage will affect the human digestive organs.
    4. Intrauterine infection. If the expectant mother has had tuberculosis, this does not mean that the baby will also develop the disease. But there is a risk. Children have a poorly developed immune system.

    A woman facing tuberculosis must undergo a course of treatment before giving birth to a child in order to kill all mycobacteria in the body.

    Incubation period

    The incubation period from the moment of infection can last, as a rule, from three to twelve weeks. But there are cases when the disease does not manifest itself for several years. In healthy people, during the incubation period, the Koch bacillus, which has penetrated the human body, is destroyed immune protection, and the disease does not develop. Things happen completely differently for people with weak immunity, children, old people. Once a harmful bacterium enters the body, it is not destroyed by the immune system, but enters the lungs through the blood, where it actively divides and creates a source of inflammation. After the incubation period, the disease appears very difficult to recognize and even doctors often confuse its symptoms with the symptoms of ARVI. Changes in the lungs can only be seen using fluorography.

    It is necessary to undergo a chest x-ray once a year. Then, if the disease is detected early, treatment will be easy with complete recovery.

    Complications if left untreated

    If pulmonary tuberculosis is not treated, it will undoubtedly lead to death sooner or later. Delayed treatment The disease can lead to the following complications:

    • Spread of the disease to other organs. Tuberculosis spreads to other, vital important organs, hitting them. If, for example, it is the liver, then its diseases lead to serious consequences for the body;
    • Joint damage. With the development of skeletal tuberculosis, severe pain in joints, swelling, abscess formation;
    • Pulmonary hemorrhage. It opens when a vessel in the lungs is destroyed as a result of advanced tuberculosis. Often the bleeding cannot be stopped and this ends in the death of the patient;
    • Respiratory failure. With extensive damage to the lungs, the efficiency of their work is greatly reduced. It leads to oxygen starvation and attacks of suffocation;
    • Heart failure. Appears along with respiratory failure;
    • Pneumotrax. When an alveoli or bronchiole ruptures, air that accumulates in pleural cavity, begins to compress the lung, which leads to attacks of suffocation.

    Modern methods of prevention (vaccination and drugs)

    You should have a chest exam every year. Adults should undergo fluorography, children a Mantoux test. Prevention of tuberculosis in children is vaccination. It is carried out on the third to seventh day of the baby’s life with the BCG vaccine. The baby is vaccinated provided that he is absolutely healthy and there are no contraindications.



    Tuberculosis was in the past incurable disease. Nowadays, although this is a serious disease, it can be treated quite effectively if it is not at an advanced stage. Everyone should remember that it will be much easier and simpler to cure this disease if, at the first suspicion, you consult a doctor. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, eat normally, include foods containing vitamins and other useful material, avoid dampness and keep your immune system healthy, you can avoid contracting tuberculosis.

    Also read about and thuja oils for adenoids in children.