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Pain in the shoulder and elbow of the right arm. Pain in the arm muscles from shoulder to elbow: treatment, causes

Pain that appears in the arm from the elbow to the shoulder can sometimes indicate the development of a rather serious disease. Therefore, you should not treat such a symptom with disdain, ignoring it and expecting that everything will go away on its own. Pain syndrome manifests itself in different ways, but most often it is associated with degenerative and inflammatory processes occurring in the joint area. But in order to effectively and quickly cope with such a problem, you need to know why your arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow. This will allow you to make an accurate diagnosis.

Common reasons

When pain affecting both the elbow and shoulder is intermittent, it may be due to sprained ligaments. Because of this, the muscles begin to overstrain, thereby provoking the development of internal inflammatory processes. Typically, people who spend most of their time working on a computer are susceptible to such sensations and symptoms.

Sometimes pain in the shoulder and elbow at the same time can cause a dislocation or hidden fracture. This can happen if there is an unsuccessful fall, or car accident or upon receipt domestic injury. In this case, the hand hurts greatly, and the spasm itself is acute, affecting a large area.

To determine the type of damage, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the pain itself. With a crack or fracture, it becomes unbearable at the slightest movement of the hand. And even if the damaged area has been fixed, the pain syndrome is still felt for some time.

Typically, injuries affecting the forearm occur in older people. This is facilitated by age-related physiological changes occurring in bone and muscle tissue. Also at risk are those who play sports professionally.

Sometimes a person is tormented by aching pain that occurs in the shoulder and elbow area. The reasons for this unpleasant sensation may be different. Most often this is associated with the following disorders and diseases:

  • neuralgia;
  • inflammation in the tendon area;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • heart ailments;
  • joint pathologies.

REFERENCE. With neuralgia, the pain is localized in the elbow, spreading and rising higher. The provoking factor becomes inflammatory process associated with compression of the brachial nerve. This can happen due to severe hypothermia, excessive physical activity, or against the background of existing problems with the spine.

The pain in the elbow joint is intense, and a burning sensation is felt in the affected area. Shoulder sweats a lot. The muscles may twitch and the skin may turn pale or red. The joint becomes slightly limited in movement.

If no action is taken, the attacks become more frequent, and the pain is felt again and again. Neuralgia gradually turns into neuritis. This is when a significant disruption of the motor function of the diseased joint occurs.

Inflammation affecting the tendons also leads to unpleasant pain in the arm. This primarily applies to the triceps and biceps. The main cause of this condition is friction of the affected tendon against the bone itself. In this case it is required immediate appeal See a doctor, otherwise a complication such as joint deformation may develop.

Pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow may be associated with osteochondrosis occurring in the area cervical region. This disease can be identified by an acute spasm, which intensifies even more when raising the arms and turning the head. For osteochondrosis thoracic the nerve may be pinched. Then the pain radiates to one of the hands, left or right. Such additional symptoms like numbness and tingling. However, the functionality of the affected upper limb is completely preserved.

When wondering why your arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow, you need to remember that the reason may be hidden in a heart attack. In this case, the spasm will have a compressive, pressing nature. The pain syndrome can be pronounced, or it can be practically not felt. Everything will depend on individual characteristics body.

During a heart attack, pain radiates to the upper left arm

First, unpleasant symptoms occur in the area chest, gradually spreading to all neighboring areas. My back starts to hurt lower jaw, left hand. Additionally, the following symptoms appear:

  • approaching nausea;
  • cold sweat;
  • dyspnea;
  • difficulty breathing.

If a person experiences such symptoms, he should immediately consult a doctor. The risk of developing a heart attack in this case is very high. In addition to heart disease, joint diseases can cause pain in the shoulder and elbow.

Joint diseases

Arthritis and arthrosis are the main pathologies during which shingles pain syndrome may occur. It affects the shoulder and elbow at the same time. In this case, there is a feeling of limitation and stiffness in the movement of the joint in the morning.

Discomfort in the hand can be caused by an inflammatory process affecting the elbow and shoulder joints. This may be a disease called tendinitis, where inflammation affects the tendons. This disease occurs due to a constant load of the same type placed on the shoulder.

Tendonitis manifests itself as redness of the skin and swelling in the affected area. When moving your hand, you may hear a crunching sound, but the functionality of the limb is completely preserved. But the pain is constantly present, even at night, only it intensifies and weakens.

Unpleasant discomfort can be caused by salt deposits in the shoulder joint. This phenomenon is also accompanied by bursitis. This is another one joint disease, at which it occurs infectious process. During it, swelling forms, which causes severe pain in the shoulder and elbow, and the spasm is acute.

REFERENCE. Inflammation affecting the joint capsules causes a phenomenon called frozen shoulder (capsulitis). Gradually, this process affects the muscles. Therefore, in addition to pain, shoulder movement is limited. At the most initial stages illness, discomfort is insignificant. But if no measures are taken, capsulitis can lead to disability.

More often, women and those who suffer from diabetes are affected by this disease. The disease occurs against the background of increased stress placed on the muscle plexuses of the shoulder girdle. Sometimes the cause is damage to the intervertebral discs in the upper back. This also leads to pain in the muscles and joints of the hand.

A distinctive feature of capsulitis is very severe pain, which manifests itself at night. The performance of the shoulder is significantly reduced. It becomes difficult for a person to perform usual actions. This disease can last for several years.

Cervical spondylosis causes pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow. The person feels that something is pulling inside the joint. It is this symptom that brings significant discomfort. This phenomenon is caused by an increase in the lateral processes. Sometimes intervertebral hernias can provoke a spasm in the arm in the area of ​​the elbow and shoulder. The vertebral discs are damaged, thinned and worn out. In this regard, the vertebrae themselves come closer to each other, thereby provoking pinching nerve endings.

When the area between the shoulder and elbow hurts severely, we may be talking about progressive periarthritis. This disease is associated with inflammation of the tissues near the shoulder joint. This:

  • capsules,
  • ligaments,
  • muscles.

Periarthritis occurs against the background of the injury. In this case, the pain syndrome manifests itself even when touching the damaged area is very insignificant. The spasm can be shooting and even burning. It also manifests itself at night, which is why a person’s normal sleep. And during the day, such a syndrome does not allow active movement. If treatment is not started on time, the joint may become completely immobile.

Characteristics of pain

When the arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow, it is possible to identify the cause, thanks to the peculiarities of the manifestation of such a symptom. The pain may be as follows:

  • chronic,
  • aching,
  • spicy,
  • reflected.

Sometimes a nagging pain syndrome appears. It usually occurs when vascular diseases, which lead to dystrophic changes. The nagging pain gradually turns into an aching spasm affecting the shoulder and elbow. While driving such discomfort only intensifying. And as the disease progresses, the symptoms become more intense.

Acute pain in the elbow and shoulder may be associated with joint fatigue

Acute pain in the elbow and shoulder can occur due to overuse of the joints. More often, this symptom appears in those who actively engage in sports using heavy weights. If acute pain syndrome is localized in the right hand, then we can talk about the following ailments:

  • arthrosis,
  • neuritis,
  • arthritis,
  • capsulitis,
  • tendobursitis.

Painful spasm chronic most often associated with inflammatory processes occurring in the tendon area. It could be tendinitis or bursitis. Such pathologies arise due to excessive load or due to injury to the periarticular bursa.

Aching pain in the elbow and shoulder area is caused by disorders such as myalgia, periarthrosis, intervertebral hernia. The symptoms of such diseases are quite pronounced. Leaking pathological process can cover all neighboring muscles, which leads to dysfunction of the hand.

Referred pain spasm usually occurs in the left upper extremity. This condition can be caused by a malfunction of the liver. Another reason is pre-infarction state. In this case, the pain is localized in the left arm, gradually spreading to the chest. When the shoulder hurts very badly, affecting the elbow and other joints, then we can talk about pathologies of the cardiac system.

IMPORTANT! An unpleasant symptom, which is most felt in the evening or at night, may signal inflammation occurring in the cartilage tissue shoulder and elbow joint. Skin surface at the same time it turns red, and the limb may partially lose its mobility.

If your right and left arm from shoulder to elbow hurt regularly, then you should definitely visit a doctor. This condition should not be attributed to a sprain or fatigue. upper limbs. There can be many reasons, and all of them can be associated with serious violations vascular system or musculoskeletal system.


When faced with shoulder and elbow pain, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. unpleasant symptom. Therapy in this case will depend on the cause that provoked this condition. But most often treatment is based on taking medications in the following areas:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • analgesics;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • drugs based on hyaluronic acid.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs help eliminate inflammation occurring in the joint area. This could be Nise, Xefocam, Declofenac, Ketorolac. Analgesics such as Analgin, Novigan, Tempalgin help cope with severe pain. Glucocorticosteroids are added to treatment only when non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do not provide the required effectiveness.

Chondroprotectors stop the destructive processes occurring in joint tissue. They also block the spread of inflammation. These drugs can be available in the form of ointments, tablets and gels. At advanced stages they are used as injections. The most commonly prescribed medications are Structum and Chondroxide. Medicines based on hyaluronic acid are used for full recovery damaged joint.

When your shoulder and elbow hurt a lot, then, except drug treatment, you can try using traditional medicine. Many home recipes eliminate joint pain and also relieve internal inflammation. These can be baths with the addition mustard powder. Such water treatments will help reduce unpleasant spasms in sore joints. This bath should be taken for no more than ten minutes.

Baths with mustard powder will relieve pain in the elbow and shoulder

You can prepare a special bath for your hands. For this purpose in warm water you need to add ten drops essential oil orange and parsley. Keep your hands in the resulting solution for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated three times a week. In this case, you will be able to independently cope with the problem that causes pain in your hands.

A compress prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. To do this, mix crushed lilac flowers and viburnum leaves in equal proportions. Take one spoon of this composition and pour 100 ml of it hot water. IN ready-made decoction moisten the gauze and apply it to the sore arm. Secure the compress with cling film and leave it overnight.

You can make an infusion that will eliminate inflammation that has affected the bones of the shoulder and elbow. To do this, mix a glass of vodka with a spoon of honey. A piece of bandage is soaked in the resulting solution, which is then wrapped around the sore area of ​​the arm. Despite the effectiveness traditional medicine, it is necessary to take into account that if pain in the shoulder and elbow is caused by a serious pathology, then there is no way to do without drug treatment.

Doctors often have to deal with patient complaints that their arms hurt from the wrist to the elbow. Moreover, not only those whose professional activities involve physical stress on their hands, but also those who “work with their heads” turn to doctors with this problem.

General picture of the disease

Most often, pain is observed in the arms of a unilateral nature. This means that only the left or right hand can hurt. Often the pain covers the entire arm, but it can also be localized in one place, for example, only with inside. This is due to the fact that one of the structural elements of the bone was affected.

The nature of the pain also differs. This phenomenon may be temporary, but if your arms constantly hurt from wrist to elbow, this indicates possible serious problems. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis and seek professional help.

Causes of hand pain

If you have pain from your wrist to your elbow, the first thing to do is determine the cause of the problem. Only after this can we talk about treatment. The causes of this problem can be general, such as fatigue or injury, or more serious, which indicate problems with work. internal organs. To begin with, let's define common reasons:

A fairly common occurrence is when the arm hurts from the elbow to the wrist when putting pressure on it. This condition occurs due to functional disorders. Some professions lead to the fact that the muscles in the arm are constantly tense, and due to the fact that there is no opportunity to leave work for a long period, there is no time to good rest. As a result, carpal tunnel syndrome develops. This is a fairly common disease today, and programmers, cashiers, dispatchers, artists, and pianists suffer from it. The fact is that these professions involve monotonous movements of the hand, as a result of which the load falls only on a certain muscle group. The tendons in this place become inflamed, swell and compress the nerve endings that pass through the wrist canal. In this case, the arm hurts from the elbow to the wrist on the inside. Such inflammations can also appear as a result of microtraumas, which can disrupt blood circulation and even lead to gradual tissue destruction. This problem affects people whose work involves heavy physical activity, mostly done by hand.
  • Sports activities except the obvious positive effect, can cause pain in your arms from the wrist to the elbow. The whole point here is that as a result of constant training, the muscles are in an overstrained state. It is dangerous because it threatens the appearance of inflammation, while the muscles become denser. So-called tendonitis occurs. Thus, during movement, the nerve endings will be pinched, causing pain in the arms.
  • Injuries. This is quite obvious reason that my arms hurt from wrist to elbow. Injury can occur as a result of any mechanical damage, be it impacts or falls. The nature of such pain is understandable. It occurs suddenly, and the tissues that surround the damaged bone may become inflamed or swollen.
  • What diseases lead to the problem?

    The causes of pain in the hand can be not only mechanical damage or features professional activity, but also diseases of internal organs or systems, which people sometimes don’t even know about. Most often these can be:

    1. Joint diseases. These include arthritis or osteoarthritis. These diseases can cause severe pain in and wrists. The affected area may become red or even swollen. In this case, the movements of the affected arm will have to be severely limited.
    2. Neurological disorders. In this case, the root cause is a malfunction of the peripheral muscle. As a result, the arm muscles atrophy, and paralysis may develop. However, the symptoms of the disease develop rather slowly. At first, a person feels pain and weakness in his arms, and it is difficult for him to do even everyday things.
    3. Spinal diseases. This is, first of all, osteochondrosis, which can cause pain in the arm from the shoulder to the wrist.

    What does pain in the left arm indicate?

    As already mentioned, pain in the arms is often one-sided. The right hand most often hurts due to a person’s professional activity. But why does my left arm hurt from elbow to wrist? There can be many reasons, ranging from formation in the cervical spine to acute attack heart attack. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the signs. In addition to common causes for both hands, pain in the left may also indicate diseases of some internal organs, in particular the heart and lungs.


    Diagnosis of pain in the hands does not represent special difficulties For modern medicine. First of all, you need to check if this problem is related to dangerous condition for life. These include heart diseases and injuries. To do this, you need to:

    In addition, there must be assigned clinical methods research. With their help, you can determine whether the body has autoimmune processes, and possible pathologies caused by various infections.

    How to reduce pain at home

    What to do if your arm hurts from elbow to wrist? Treatment here will depend entirely on the diagnostic results, but you can try to alleviate the condition at home.

    1. If the pain is caused by the muscles being in constant voltage, you need to let them relax every 15-20 minutes. To do this, just rearrange your schedule. In addition, at the workplace you can perform special exercises, which will not only relax the muscles, but also strengthen them.
    2. If the cause of pain in the arm is an injury, it is necessary to immobilize the injured limb. The arm should remain fixed in a position in which you do not experience pain. It is advisable to remain in this position until the doctor arrives.
    3. It will help ease the condition a little and cold compress. It will help relieve swelling and inflammation.

    Any other types of treatment can only be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor and under his supervision. The fact is that there are many causes of hand pain. Trying to get rid of painful sensations, you can apply serious harm health.

    Which doctors should I contact?

    When faced with the problem of pain in the hands, not everyone knows which doctors to contact. It may help you:

    • traumatologist;
    • rheumatologist;
    • neurologist;
    • neurologist;
    • cardiologist.

    The best strategy when choosing therapy is to eliminate the cause of pain. However, for severe pain, doctors can also prescribe symptomatic treatment.

    Almost every person has encountered joint pain. Painful sensations interfere with normal mobility of the limbs and cause discomfort. Let's figure out what causes pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow, and what methods can be used to eliminate the problem.

    Causes of pain

    If your arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow, then the causes of the phenomenon may be various factors. Kinds pain depend on location, sensation, and always cause discomfort.

    Most often, people whose profession involves constant stress on the elbow joint suffer from pain in the shoulder and elbow area. These are professional athletes, artists, construction workers.

    If you experience discomfort in your elbow joint, you should consult a doctor. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must find out why the arm hurts from shoulder to elbow.

    When your left arm hurts, starting from the shoulder to the elbow, it is pathological sign arising for the following reasons:

    • due to injuries;
    • if the synovial membrane and articular capsule of the right or left hand are affected, then capsulitis develops;
    • due to neurological pathologies;
      the muscles of the cervical region become inflamed (myositis);
    • intervertebral hernia;
    • tendinitis. This is a disease in which an inflammatory process develops in the tendons.

    Let's consider each listed reason that causes pain in the arm, starting from the shoulder and ending at the elbow.


    Injuries are among the most common causes of pain in the elbow area. You can get injured by falling or getting hit.

    Athletes and older people often suffer from shoulder injuries. During sports training Displacement of the bones in the shoulder area may occur. After injury, the upper limb becomes practically immovable.

    In old age, pain in the right or left shoulder is usually bothersome due to a violation metabolic processes, And structural change bone and muscle tissue.

    Pain can occur not only due to fresh injuries, but also after untreated damage to the limb. Pain occurs from hitting hard objects. The skin, knees, and elbows also suffer from impacts. Joints swell after injury.


    Capsulitis refers to a disease in which the shoulder becomes as if frozen. Pain in the arm spreads from the shoulder to the elbow, it is impossible to move the limb to the sides. It’s difficult to raise your arm, to reach your back, the muscle is spasmed, you can’t close your fingers into a fist.

    With capsulitis, pain bothers you with any movement. Frozen joint syndrome occurs when diabetes mellitus and in old age.


    If the pain in the arm starts from the shoulder, and suddenly spreads to the elbow, and bothers you intermittently, then the cause is discomfort neuralgia appears.

    Any movement in the joints and forearm brings severe suffering, the pain is constant, and the skin may turn red. There is a feeling that the arm above the elbow seems to be pierced by a sharp object.

    If treatment for neuralgia is not started in time, the limb will become incapacitated and will react painfully to any external movement.


    Myositis develops according to various reasons. This general hypothermia body, injuries, heavy physical activity, infectious diseases, stressful situations.

    If the arm from the shoulder to the elbow hurts due to myositis, then muscle weakness is felt, the temperature may rise and chills may begin.

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    Tendinitis develops due to inflammation in the tendons. Monotonous movements in the shoulder girdle area lead to pathology.

    A sharp pain is felt in the shoulder and radiates to the elbow. The skin in these places becomes red.

    Tendinitis can develop in women menopause on the background hormonal changes. But most often it occurs in builders and athletes due to monotonous activities.

    Another reason for the development of tendinitis is a large number of calcium salts in tendons.

    Pain in right arm

    If your right arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow, then the reasons for the discomfort may be different:

    1. Pathologies of the spine, which include cervical osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, proliferation bone tissue in the spine.
    2. Joint pathologies. These are bursitis, tendinitis, periarthritis. With these pathologies, pain in the form of a burning sensation occurs on the inside of the limb, and slightly above the elbow. Pain with right side become almost unbearable and intensify with movement.
    3. When your right arm hurts from shoulder to elbow, it may be due to hereditary pathologies or the development of a tumor.
    4. Diseases of a neurological nature.
    5. Pathologies of internal organs.
    6. Injuries.

    Regardless of the reason why your arm hurts severely and there is a burning pain from the shoulder to the elbow, you need to seek help. medical assistance.

    Pain in left arm

    If your left arm hurts from shoulder to elbow, then the cause of the discomfort is the following factors:

    • injuries: dislocation, fracture;
    • pain is accompanied by inflammation of the tendons;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • pathologies of the heart muscle;
    • joint pathologies. This is arthrosis or arthritis;
    • neuralgia.

    Very strong pain in the left limb with outside may be a symptom of vascular or musculoskeletal system diseases.

    My hand is aching

    Pain in the shoulder and elbow area can be of various types:

    • aching, manifested ache;
    • acute;
    • reflected;
    • chronic.

    When the joints of the shoulders and elbows hurt, and the sensations wear aching character, then the reasons are the following phenomena:

    • injuries, often dislocations or hidden fractures;
    • inflammatory process. This may be periarthritis, in which the tendons and nearby joint tissues become inflamed. It is the glenohumeral periarthritis that causes aching pain.

    If you experience aching pain in the shoulder and elbow joint, you should not self-medicate. If you consult a doctor at the initial pain, treatment will not take much time.

    Raises his hand

    If you pull your arm and it hurts in the shoulder area, radiating to the elbow, then the cause is usually a sprained ligament or muscle strain.

    Overvoltage most often occurs in people for a long time sitting at the computer.
    Nagging pain occurs due to the accumulation of salts in muscle mass shoulder joint and tendons. If you try to raise your arm or move your limb back, the pain becomes stronger.


    How to treat the pathology, if you are worried about pain from the shoulder to the elbow, the doctor decides after the diagnostic examination, and finding out the cause of the discomfort.

    The examination may include the following procedures:

    1. X-ray examination of joints. The image shows how much the structure of bones and cartilage tissue has changed after the lesion.
    2. Ultrasound diagnostics carried out to identify salt deposits in the joint.
    3. MRI allows for an accurate diagnosis.
    4. Arthroscopy. This procedure will determine where the pain is localized. If necessary, surgical intervention can be performed directly during the examination.
    5. Biopsy. A cell analysis is taken if a joint tumor is detected.
    6. Urine and blood tests.

    Based on the results of a comprehensive examination, a diagnosis is established and treatment is prescribed. Treatment for pain in the elbow and shoulder can be traditional and folk.

    Traditional methods

    Traditional treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the pain and further eliminating the symptoms of the pathology.

    Pain can usually be managed conservative ways. It happens that it is impossible to do without surgical intervention, which is necessary in the following situations:

    • bone and muscle tissue becomes ill;
    • visible joint deformation;
    • hernia between the vertebrae;
    • tumor. There are suspicions that the neoplasm is cancer.

    If there is a need for surgical intervention is absent, then it can be treated traditional methods, consisting of the following events:

    1. A course of medications.
    2. Physiotherapeutic sessions.
    3. Physiotherapy.

    As drug therapy for pain in the shoulder and elbow, medications are prescribed for external and internal use from the following groups:

    • non-steroids: Diclofenac, Nise;
    • hormones. These drugs are prescribed if it is not possible to relieve inflammation with the help of non-steroids;
    • painkillers: Pentalgin, Baralgin, Nurofen;
    • chondroprotectors: Teraflex, Chondroitin;
    • injections with hyaluronic acid.

    If found in a joint malignant tumor, then special antitumor drug therapy is prescribed.

    After eliminating the symptoms with the help of medications, a course of physical therapy is performed. Depending on the diagnosis, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, and current treatment may be prescribed. Physiotherapeutic sessions can be attended only after acute pain has been relieved.

    Traditional treatment

    Using folk methods when your arm hurts badly, starting from the shoulder and moving to the elbow, it is important to understand that folk procedures cannot cure the pathology. Any folk remedy can only be used after consultation with your doctor. You can get rid of the problem only in combination with prescribed traditional treatment.

    Before using traditional treatment methods, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the products used in the recipes. The following folk remedies will help improve your well-being:

    1. Baths with mustard effectively relieve spasms and swelling. The bathtub doesn't fill very well hot water, then add 5-6 tablespoons of mustard or mustard powder. You can lie in such water for no longer than 10 minutes.
    2. Baths help a lot when my hands hurt. Add 10 drops of parsley and orange essential oils to a small container with a liter of water. Baths can be done up to 3 times a day for a week.
    3. Compress. For preparation you will need leaves and flowers of viburnum and lilac. teaspoon herbal mixture pour boiling water (100 g). When the infusion has cooled a little, wet the gauze and make a compress overnight or for several hours.
    4. Vodka compress. Add 1 tsp to a glass of vodka. honey The gauze compress must be firmly secured.

    Baths and compresses help temporarily relieve burning and swelling, and reduce inflammation in the sore arm.

    During treatment, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, drafts, and high physical activity.

    You need to understand that pain in the hand is also characteristic of a serious pathology. Failure to seek medical help in a timely manner may result in disability.

    When should you see a doctor?

    It happens that when pain develops, it is impossible to alleviate the condition at home. Highlight following situations requiring immediate medical attention:

    • any hand injury;
    • redness skin in the area of ​​the joint and on the palm from the outside;
    • numbness of the limb. Burning pain, the whole arm ache;
    • inability to move a hand, paralysis of a limb;
    • when the pain in the arm is combined with a burning sensation in the chest area, the body aches.

    The following situations require a call emergency care. Burning pain in the left arm may be a sign heart attack. That's why you shouldn't delay getting medical help.

    How to forget about joint pain forever?

    Have you ever experienced unbearable pain in the joints or constant pain in back? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already familiar with them personally. And, of course, you know firsthand what it is:

    • constant aching and sharp pain;
    • inability to move comfortably and easily;
    • constant tension in the back muscles;
    • unpleasant crunching and clicking in the joints;
    • sharp shooting in the spine or causeless pain in the joints;
    • inability to sit in one position for a long time.

    Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already spent on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish, which reveals the secrets of getting rid of joint and back pain.

    The body is a well-coordinated mechanism. A person feels good as long as all departments function well. If a failure occurs somewhere, the nerve endings send a signal to the brain in the form of pain.

    The musculoskeletal system is subject to heavy load. At any age, a person can experience pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow. There is no need to worry, it is better to pay close attention to this symptom and analyze the causes.

    Common Causes of Discomfort

    The causes of pain can be obvious or hidden. But they always interfere with the normal course of life.

    To understand why the area between the shoulder and elbow hurts, you need to do the following:

    1. Determine the nature of the pain: aching, pulling; sharp; pulsating; strong or weak.
    2. Determine the regularity of pain: constant; occasionally; under tension; in any position of the hand.
    3. Analyze the events of recent days.

    Active habitual and unusual exercise stress(for example, playing sports) can cause muscle strain. It is characterized aching pain, extends his hand.

    Physical labor during construction, gardening, etc., as well as carrying heavy objects, can provoke painful symptoms in the left or right hand. At risk are people with weakened muscular system(women and schoolchildren).

    There are situations in which a person gets injured without noticing it right away. There is a sudden movement in the shoulder joint, which causes short-term pain or even imperceptible. This can happen in transport, during extreme sports, in a fight, or in an unfortunate fall.

    Another reason, on the contrary, is the presence of a person long time without movement, in an uncomfortable position: office work at the computer, long written lessons or lectures, passion for gadgets.

    Consider the specifics of your professional activity:

    • everyone who spends a lot of time at the computer and actively uses the mouse: managers, editors, call center specialists, executives;
    • everyone who does “minor” work and spends a lot of time with their heads down: jewelers, welders, radio equipment installers, etc.;
    • everyone who is engaged in physical labor: loaders, builders, athletes;
    • students, schoolchildren, artists, milkmaids, cooks, people who use predominantly their left or right hand in their work.

    The algorithm will help you understand possible reasons, but only a medical examination will reveal the affected area:

    • joint;
    • ligaments;
    • bone integrity;
    • muscle.

    What diseases does the symptom indicate?

    There are many reasons for hand pain. Among them there are those that are directly related to conditions such as

    1. Injuries: dislocation; ligament rupture; open or closed fracture, as well as complicated by tendon rupture; severe bruise soft tissues; crack in the bone. There is a diagnosis: habitual - this is a complicated sprain of the shoulder joint, which has not been treated or diagnosed for years. Therefore, it is so important to respond to the body’s signals in a timely manner and not lead to surgical interventions.
    2. Joint diseases: tendinitis, bursitis, capsulitis, glenohumeral periarthritis, arthritis, arthrosis, myositis. All these conditions are characterized by inflammatory processes directly in the joint or surrounding tissues: tendons, cartilage layers, articular membranes, muscles, ligaments, etc.
    3. Pathologies associated with inflammation of the brachial nerve: neuropathy, paralysis.
    4. Spinal diseases: hernia intervertebral disc, osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine, spondylosis. Pain in the upper extremities in these cases occurs due to compression of the nerve endings in the vertebral area and has nothing to do with the shoulder joint.
    5. Osteoporosis is a change in the structure of bone tissue due to a lack of calcium. Most often found in older people.
    6. Pathologies of internal organs: peptic ulcer stomach, hepatic colic, cholelithiasis, ischemic disease, lung disease, vascular dystrophy - accompanied painful sensations in the area above the elbow.
    7. . Pain occurs due to a growing bone tumor.
    8. Gout, chondrocalcinosis. Occurs when there is an accumulation mineral salts in the joint cavity, in muscles or tendons.

    Suitable specialists and treatment methods

    The choice of doctor depends on the cause of the disease. If it is difficult for the patient to determine it, then it is best to consult a therapist. After examination and history taking, the doctor will refer you to to a specialist, who will make a final diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. It could be:

    • traumatologist;
    • surgeon;
    • orthopedist;
    • neurologist;
    • gastroenterologist;
    • cardiologist.

    Through inspection, necessary diagnostics(radiography, ultrasound, MRI, CT, arthroscopy, biopsy, etc.) and laboratory research(blood and urine tests) the doctor will determine the cause of the disease. The treatment method will depend on the diagnosis.

    To begin with, the patient is prescribed drug therapy:

    • non-steroidal drugs to eliminate the inflammatory process: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, etc.;
    • medications for withdrawal pain symptom: Nimid tablets, Tempalgin or Meloxicam ointment, Nise gel, Fastum gel, etc.;
    • intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid;
    • preparations based on chondroitin and glucosamine: Chondroxide, Structum;
    • hormonal drugs: Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone.

    In some cases, the doctor prescribes orthopedic treatment. It consists of wearing splints and rigid fixing plaster bandages.

    In the remission stage, the doctor refers to physical therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures: electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, massage, etc.

    The issue of surgical intervention is decided if the disease progresses and conservative treatment Does not help.

    Methods of pain relief

    Until a visit to the doctor takes place, you can alleviate the condition in the following non-drug ways:

    1. Applying ice or a cold compress. Effective for muscle strain or injury.
    2. Fixing the limb with a weak bandage in the most painless position and limiting the load on it.
    3. Light self-massage: leisurely rubbing and kneading of soft tissues with the fingertips of a healthy hand.
    4. Gentle gymnastics on a regular basis: slow circular movements with shoulders, then elbows for 5 minutes. Most effective for joint diseases.


    Prevention is appropriate if you are at risk by profession or specific activity.

    She comes from principles common sense and intuitively understandable to every person:

    • during forced long-term sitting position try to change your position more often and take short breaks to warm up;
    • if your line of work requires you to carry heavy loads, lift them smoothly with bent knees and a straight back, follow a work-rest schedule;
    • do not allow the body to become hypothermic;
    • undergo medical examination at least once a year;
    • do exercises daily;
    • distribute the load evenly on both hands, give preference to backpacks;
    • watch your posture;
    • observe comfortable position during sleep;
    • follow the principles of healthy nutrition.

    Painful sensations in the upper extremities indicate a number of diseases. Do not delay visiting a doctor, even if the pain is mild and episodic. By promptly applying for medical care, serious consequences can be avoided.

    Hands are the busiest part of the body, because it is with their help that a huge amount of work is performed. As a result, the limbs are constantly overworked, tired, and receive fractures and injuries. Quite often your arms can hurt from the shoulder to the elbow.

    If a person regularly lifts weights, then it is quite understandable why the muscles of the upper extremities hurt, because they do not have time to recover. The pain syndrome spreads from the forearm to the elbow. In addition, medicine knows problems of the upper arms, which can cause discomfort not only in the joints of the shoulder, but also above. The patient cannot even move his elbow.


    This disease is the result of prolonged exposure to the same type of load on the shoulder joint. If pain occurs in the muscles itself, we can talk about an inflammatory process in the biceps tendons.

    Excessive accumulation of calcium in the tendons of the shoulder and its stagnation is very common reasons the occurrence of tendinitis, which causes pain in the forearm.

    As a rule, the disease affects:

    • builders;
    • gardeners;
    • professional athletes;
    • people over 40 years of age.

    It is noteworthy that women are susceptible to such shoulder problems more often than men. This is especially true during menopause, when against the background hormonal changes The pain in the shoulder only gets worse.

    Humeroscapular periarthritis

    If the patient suffers from shooting, aching and sharp pain in the shoulder, which hurts so much that it does not allow him to even raise his arm, then most likely he is developing. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the tendon ligaments and other tissues that are located near the shoulder joint.

    Often the problem occurs only on one limb:

    • in the right hand for right-handed people;
    • in the left hand of left-handers.

    Even minor, gentle touches cause excruciating and debilitating pain between the shoulders and on the left side. A person is unable to sleep normally at night, because any movement of the elbow causes sharp pain.

    If the shoulder hurts, but the patient does not seek medical help, then the shoulder joints become poorly mobile. The pain goes from aching to boring.

    Muscle pain can occur due to discomfort in the elbow, between the shoulder blades and neck. Periarthritis causes numbness in the fingers due to swelling shoulder muscles and compression of nerves. As soon as this happens, the endings are signaled by quite severe pain from the shoulder to the elbow. Similar condition always involves treatment.

    Frozen shoulder (capsulitis)

    With this disease, the muscles located in the shoulder girdle eventually enter a state of painful “freezing.” It does not allow you to fully move your arm. A sore shoulder significantly limits the movement of the arm both up and to the side. It becomes impossible to move it and put it behind your back. Such disorders prevent the patient from dressing normally, and especially difficult cases even eat food.

    The pathology of the shoulder joint can only be confirmed with an x-ray.

    Potential patients are type 1 and type 2 diabetics and elderly people. Moreover, capsulitis is more likely female disease than men's.

    The main causes of this disease:

    • prolonged overload of the forearm muscles;
    • damage to the cervical disc between the vertebrae at the level of the shoulder girdle.

    With a frozen shoulder, the size of the capsule that surrounds the joint is significantly reduced. Anti-scarring changes (adhesive) are formed in adjacent tissues. They are the reasons for limiting the mobility of the arm and cause quite unpleasant sensations in which it hurts from the shoulder to the elbow.

    Consequence of hand injuries

    Injuries may result from:

    • bad fall;
    • strong blow.

    They cause displacement humerus. Wherein top part the arm may fall out of the hinge joint. If there is also a rupture of the tendon that provides normal work limbs, the shoulder will be completely disabled.

    As a rule, the shoulder joints “fall out” on the left side in active young people and athletes. In old age, the shoulder is injured due to:

    wear and tear of bones and muscle tissue;

    disturbances of normal calcium metabolism.

    Sports involving heavy loads on the shoulders, often provoke severe pain in: the shoulder joint, lower back, elbows, often in athletes, and so on. Wherein:

    • shoulder joints are damaged;
    • the cartilaginous ring is torn;
    • Dangerous neoplasms develop in the joint capsule.

    Other causes of pain

    Pain in one part of the arm from the shoulders to the elbow may be due to serious illnesses liver, heart, cervical radiculitis and tumors in the chest organs. Quite often, the elbows, shoulders and hands begin to go numb, and at the same time there is a decrease in sensitivity to all kinds of influences on the limb. In this case, it is important to start treatment as early as possible.

    Pain in the left or right shoulder joints with varying intensity. The pain can be dull, sharp or burning. These may be seizures or constant feeling discomfort. Often such problems are accompanied profuse sweating, redness of the skin, nervous tic affected muscles, the appearance of “balls” under the skin.

    Possible manifestations of neurological symptoms:

    1. loss of sensation;
    2. violation of basic reflexes.

    In such a situation, not only the pathology itself is observed, but also damage to the nerve endings.

    How does the treatment work?

    If there is severe pain in your left arm or elbow, then you should always contact a traumatologist, surgeon or neurologist. The doctor will examine the shoulder joints and conduct an examination.

    Typically, the patient will be treated with procedures to resolve the affected area. They will allow in short time restore limb mobility and stop the inflammatory process of the elbows and shoulders.

    As soon as the treatment ends, doctors recommend starting special physical exercise aimed at ensuring that the shoulder joints work normally.

    If you fail to contact us in a timely manner medical institution there is a high probability of complications even as the pain and residual inflammation subside.

    If left untreated, the shoulder ligaments and capsule become inelastic. As a result, the shoulder joint loses its usual mobility.

    Even before the test results, the doctor may suspect inflammation and prescribe medications, ideally tolerated by the patient’s body. This may include steroid injections into the elbow or shoulder area. Once the tests are ready, immune or anti-infective therapy will be prescribed.

    In particularly difficult and advanced cases the patient will need:

    • use absorbable medications;
    • take a course of electrophoresis, manual therapy;
    • apply special gymnastics and massage.

    If your left arm, shoulder or elbow hurts, then sometimes you can use traditional medicine recipes. However, this should not be done without a doctor's permission. Such treatment is fraught with complications that will be difficult to correct even with the help of potent medications.

    Limited hand mobility will cause impairment familiar image life, will lead to helplessness in performing basic techniques and self-care.