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Cholesterol in eggs: can it be harmful and in what situations should you limit your consumption of this product? Eggs and cholesterol - the true story

Eggs are a product that we eat both in pure, cooked form and by mixing it into the components of main dishes in the form of sauces and dough bases. Eggs have become so familiar to us that hardly anyone thinks about how many myths and real facts(especially those related to cholesterol concentration) hovers around this product.

We don’t think about whether they are absorbed by the body or rejected, we don’t even notice it. According to scientific research, we can say that in most cases this product is absorbed by a person by 97-98%, exceptions are the individual intolerance of the body to yolk or white, then, of course, eating eggs does not make sense.

There are many ways to eat eggs. The most not recommended by doctors: drinking raw eggs without heat treatment, since they are digested worse and put a serious strain on the gastrointestinal tract. Ideally, you should still eat cooked eggs: boiled, fried, or as part of some kind of second dish.

Eating raw eggs can lead to the development of such a serious disease as salmonellosis.

Cholesterol in eggs is a scientifically proven fact. However, scientists and doctors say that proper consumption of eggs will not lead to complications in the body such as obesity, increased cholesterol levels or the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. The cholesterol in the yolk is supplemented with substances necessary for the nutrition of nerve cells: lecithin, choline, phospholipids.

We can say that the amount of cholesterol in eggs has no effect harmful influence on the state of human health and allows you to consume this product without fear of cholesterolemia.

Cholesterol in chicken eggs

One chicken egg contains 180 mg of cholesterol, which is about 70% of the daily intake. The question arises: “Is cholesterol in such quantities harmful?” Doctors say that the cholesterol in eggs is not dangerous for the human body. Much more dangerous are foods containing trans fats and saturated fats, which are absorbed by the body worse than cholesterol.

In fact, eating eggs will not lead to obesity, unless, of course, you have medical contraindications to switch on of this product into your diet. Excess cholesterol comes from foods that you eat along with eggs, for example, for breakfast: scrambled eggs with bacon, sausage, ham. On our own chicken eggs contain harmless cholesterol.

All the cholesterol in chicken eggs is concentrated in the yolk. According to scientists, it contains about 180 mg of this substance, which almost completely covers the daily cholesterol requirement for the human body. However, we should not forget about reasonable restrictions on the use of this product, violation of which can lead to unpredictable consequences:

  1. The daily intake of cholesterol for a healthy person is 300 mg or one and a half chicken eggs; it is undesirable to exceed it, since oversaturation of the body with cholesterol has a detrimental effect on the functioning of many systems;
  2. people with diabetes or increased level cholesterol in the blood, it is not recommended to consume more than 200 mg of this substance per day, i.e. The norm is one chicken egg.

If you are still concerned that cholesterol is in large quantities may be harmful or own reasons If you don’t want to eat it, you can only use the whites from chicken eggs – they do not contain cholesterol. True, scrambled or boiled eggs without a yolk are a little unusual food, but an omelet without yolks turns out no less tasty than with them.

If we talk about the full consumption of chicken eggs, doctors do not recommend consuming more than seven eggs per week in all forms: boiled or added to some kind of sauce, to the main dish.

Cholesterol in quail eggs

If you think that quail eggs and cholesterol are incompatible things, then you are very mistaken. Despite his small size, in terms of cholesterol content they are not inferior to chicken ones, they even contain a little more of this substance.

Eating quail eggs as a regular product in your diet is quite controversial issue. On the one hand, cholesterol contained in the yolk, in large quantities, has negative impact on the body. But on the other hand, along with cholesterol, lecithin enters the body from the yolk of quail eggs, which prevents the formation cholesterol plaques. An ambiguous product that combines exactly opposite properties, so before introducing quail eggs into your diet, make sure that this combination of substances in it will not adversely affect your health.

If we compare 10 grams of quail eggs and the same amount of chicken eggs, then they respectively account for 60 mg and 57 mg of cholesterol.

In quail eggs, as in chicken eggs, cholesterol is concentrated in the yolk, so you can safely eat the white without fear of getting an excess amount of this substance into your body. But, based on the research of scientists, we note that the amount of cholesterol even in the yolk is only 3% of its total daily mass. Therefore, you can eat quail eggs without fear of increasing your blood cholesterol levels.

If we talk about the rate of consumption of quail eggs, then per week it should not exceed ten pieces in order to avoid possible unpleasant consequences like an increase in blood cholesterol levels.

Contraindications for use

As has already been mentioned several times above, eggs may be contraindicated for you for medical or other reasons. You should exclude them from your diet if:

  • you have high blood cholesterol levels - in this case, both quail and chicken eggs, and the cholesterol they contain, can lead to serious illnesses associated with the heart and blood vessels;
  • there is an allergy to the product;
  • you have been diagnosed with diabetes - then eating eggs greatly increases the chance of developing a heart attack or stroke (again, due to them);
  • your body doesn't absorb animal protein– the consumption of both quail and chicken eggs with this symptom is prohibited;
  • the functioning of the liver and kidneys is impaired.

Be careful about your health: neither excess cholesterol, nor protein rejected by the body, nor the risk of cholesterol plaques are worth the scrambled eggs for breakfast that you are so accustomed to.

The benefits and harms of chicken eggs

Not all products natural origin are absolutely ideal, so it’s worth talking about the benefits and harms of chicken eggs.

Beneficial features:

  • Egg white is complete protein, which is many times more valuable than those found in meat and dairy products. Therefore, supporters of protein diets should replace beef and milk in their diet with chicken egg whites. The absence of cholesterol from yolks in such a diet will not affect the condition of the body in any way, since it is able to produce the amount of cholesterol necessary for life on its own.
  • Eggs contain niacin, which is needed for direct nutrition of brain cells and the formation of sex hormones.
  • Egg yolk contains a large number of vitamin D, without which calcium cannot be absorbed in our body.
  • Iron in chicken eggs helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
  • Lecithin contained in the yolk has a beneficial effect on the liver, helps improve memory and increase mental abilities, and to some extent it neutralizes negative action cholesterol on the body.
  • The yolk contains choline, which helps prevent cancer.
  • The yolk also contains lutein, which helps avoid problems with the visual system.
  • During pregnancy, eggs are beneficial due to their high content folic acid, which promotes the proper development of the fetal nervous system.

Eggshells are rich in calcium. Doctors recommend that people with a deficiency of this element consume ground shells with citric acid 20 days twice a year. This prevention is especially useful for young children who have bone just starting to get stronger.

Harmful properties:

  1. The possible presence of salmonella bacteria in them, which leads to the development intestinal disease– salmonellosis. To avoid contracting it, wash your hands after handling eggs and do not eat them raw or undercooked.
  2. A large amount of cholesterol (more than two-thirds of a person’s daily value in one yolk). Since this issue remains controversial, keep in mind that you should not have the contraindications written above. If they are, then remove the yolk from your diet, which contains all the cholesterol, to prevent a deterioration in your health.
  3. The health of laying hens is often maintained on antibiotics, which also get into the eggs, which is why human body, receiving them in this form, may suffer from disruption of the microflora, decreased resistance to infections and decreased susceptibility to antibiotics obtained from the outside.
  4. Nitrates, pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals- all this, floating in the air or in the feed, accumulates in the bodies of laying hens and settles in the eggs. The presence of these substances, compared to the notorious cholesterol, makes natural product into real chemical poison.

Before buying chicken eggs, it is better to make sure that the manufacturer is offering you a truly natural product and not one grown with chemicals. Otherwise, you will think not about excess cholesterol, but at least about food poisoning. The concentration of the substances described above is usually written on the egg packaging.

The benefits and harms of quail eggs

We talked about the beneficial and harmful properties of chicken eggs. Now it’s worth noting that quails have the same ones, although in many ways they will be similar to those presented above.

Beneficial features:

  • Quail eggs are a source of vitamins, micro- and macroelements - A, B1, B2, PP, iron, phosphorus, potassium.
  • Lysocine prevents the formation of harmful microflora in the body.
  • Tyrosine restores the skin, makes it elastic and returns its natural color.
  • Quail eggs rarely cause allergic reaction unlike chicken ones.
  • Improving mental development and memory, concentration and strengthening the nervous system.
  • Quail eggs are prescribed to adults to remove excess cholesterol from the blood, fight cholecystitis and dissolve fatty plaques.
  • Substances contained in quail eggs help remove radionuclides from the body.

Harmful properties:

  1. Contrary to misconceptions, quail eggs can also carry salmonella, so follow all hygiene and cooking rules to avoid salmonellosis.
  2. In certain forms of cholecystitis, cholesterol contained in the yolks can aggravate the disease, so before introducing quail eggs into your diet, consult your doctor. Your cholesterol level may not allow you to consume this product.

As in the previous case: do not overdo it. There is no need to abuse this product, no matter how useful it may seem to you. Cholesterol in eggs is not an invented thing, but actually proven, so before eating, make sure once again that neither animal protein nor cholesterol from the yolk will harm you.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that there is no panacea for everything in our world. Each product combines both useful and harmful properties, so balance your diet so that one balances the other. If you have problems with cholesterol, it is better to consult your doctor. He will choose a diet for you that contains minimal or no cholesterol. Remember that the lack of supply of this substance from the outside will not lead to absolutely any consequences: the body is autonomously capable of producing the amount of cholesterol that it needs for healthy functioning.

Remember about contraindications and reasonable restrictions. Be healthy!

Many are sure that eating eggs (specifically egg yolk) leads to an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, in order not to cause irreparable damage to health, you should not eat more than three eggs per week.

Scientists have proven that the main amount of cholesterol coming from food is contained in saturated fat, not in eggs. Therefore, on the contrary, it is not recommended to limit the number of eggs. Otherwise, the body will develop a deficiency of essential minerals and trace elements.

Eggs do contain some cholesterol. More specifically, it is found in the yolks. On average, one chicken egg contains from 200 to 300 mg of this substance.

Some people wonder what kind of cholesterol is in eggs. The scientific literature describes that in the liver, brain, eggs and shellfish only “ good cholesterol" Moreover, the share of harmful fats is only 2-3% of the total amount.

In addition, eggs contain a lot of lecithin, choline and phospholipids, which are necessary to nourish the tissues of the whole body. These compounds are especially important for brain function. Following this, doctors concluded that controlled consumption of chicken eggs is good for health. Therefore, in most therapeutic diets included this product.

However, nutritionists disagree on how many eggs you should eat per day. Many experts believe that healthy person It is recommended to eat 1 egg daily. In such quantities, the product will only benefit the human body.

Cholesterol in quail eggs

As for quail eggs, the situation is even better. Quail eggs contain much less cholesterol than chicken eggs. This is predetermined by the lower specific gravity of the yolk (about 14%, and in chicken about 11%), which is a source of cholesterol.

Besides Quail eggs contain much more useful compounds (minerals and vitamins) and less cholesterol, which cannot be said about chicken eggs. But how realistic is the statement that they are interconnected, you can find out on our website.

Therefore, quail eggs are more beneficial than chicken products.

Please note that quail eggs can be consumed even raw without fear of becoming infected with such a dangerous infectious disease, like salmonellosis.

Benefits of eggs

This product is very useful.

  1. In terms of nutritional value, eggs are on the same level as red and black caviar.
  2. One egg can easily replace one glass of milk or 50 grams of meat.
  3. The value of egg white is no less than the value of milk and beef protein.
  4. Eggs are a complete, nutritious food, just like cod.

The difference between eggs and many other products is that they are almost completely digestible (about 98%) no matter how much you eat them. But this only applies to cooked eggs that have undergone heat treatment. Raw eggs are poorly absorbed in the body.

The calorie content of eggs is determined mainly by proteins and fats. 100 grams of eggs contain 11.5 g of fat and 12.7 g of protein. Since fats are almost twice as high in calories as proteins (9.3 kcal versus 4.1 kcal), the total calorie content of eggs is 156.9 kcal.

Most of the calories come from fat. at the same time, it can be recommended, so the benefits of this product are still undeniable.

The bulk of fats and cholesterol is contained in chicken yolk, and proteins are predominantly in protein. Chicken eggs contain almost no carbohydrate compounds.

It is important to know that by consuming raw eggs you can become infected with a dangerous intestinal disease - salmonellosis. During heat treatment, the causative agents of salmonellosis die, and raw chicken eggs are the source of this life-threatening disease.

The main symptoms of this infection are:

  • high body temperature;
  • pain in the digestive tract;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

If you don't provide it on time medical care, then death is possible.

Salmonella can survive inside the shell, so even thoroughly washing eggs before eating them raw does not guarantee protection against infection. Although it is necessary to wash eggs in any case. In addition, eating raw eggs can lead to inability to absorb iron in the intestines and reduce the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.

If a person has a normal concentration of cholesterol in the blood, then it is recommended that he eat one egg every day. In this case, this product will only bring benefits to the body. If cholesterol is high, then eggs can be consumed only 2-3 times a week.

Eggs have been and remain an indispensable product in the diet of any person. They are included in main dishes, side dishes, hot dishes and cold appetizers, desserts and cocktails, sandwiches, they are eaten raw and boiled.

If you don’t have time to bother with breakfast, you can always make scrambled eggs - quickly and satisfyingly. At the same time, there are a lot of disagreements about that product. Some say eggs are healthy, others say they are dangerous. For decades, nutritionists and doctors around the world have been arguing whether this product is actually dietary, and whether there is cholesterol in chicken eggs, quail eggs and others.

Egg white has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of blood vessels

Cholesterol in eggs is found only in the yolks. Its amount is so small that with proper nutrition, eggs are not able to influence its level in the blood and body. Egg cholesterol is also balanced by other substances found in eggs - lecithin, phospholipids and choline. Together these substances can nourish nerve cells. This way your cholesterol levels will not increase.

The egg itself does not pose a danger to the body. More harm and the effects on cholesterol are exerted by the products accompanying the preparation. For example, sausage or bacon in scrambled eggs. Such meat products contain large amounts of animal fats, which can significantly increase cholesterol levels.

The benefits and harms of chicken eggs

Chicken eggs contain many useful and nutritious substances. Egg white is a source of protein, which is why it is popular among people who exercise gym and are on a protein diet. Protein is very beneficial for the cardiovascular system. It protects against heart attacks and strokes.

Chicken egg composition:

  1. Protein – 6.5 g.
  2. Carbohydrates – 1 g.
  3. Fats – saturated 1.7 g, unsaturated 3.2 g.
  4. Cholesterol – 230 mg.
  5. Vitamins – A, D, group B.
  6. Calcium.
  7. Iron.
  8. Magnesium.
  9. Phosphorus.
  10. High potassium and sodium content.
  11. Zinc.

Cholesterol is found only in the yolk of eggs

These elements affect the condition of many systems and organs - reproductive ability, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, skin, hair, nails, etc.
Chicken eggs are widely used not only in cooking. It’s the same in cosmetology special place. Egg yolks are the main ingredient in homemade hair masks. They are mixed with cognac or vodka and the resulting mixture is applied to the hair roots. This mask strengthens hair follicle, improves her nutrition and blood flow. After such a mask, hair becomes strong and voluminous, and after a while its thickness returns. It is common to use in face masks egg white, which nourishes skin cells. Cell walls become more elastic, elastic, strong and protected from damage. Their nutrition improves and premature aging is prevented.

Eggs are rich in calcium and vitamin D for its absorption. This allows you to strengthen bones, joints, nails and hair. This is especially useful for children who are actively growing.

There are many ways to cook chicken eggs. They bake it in the oven, boil it, make an omelet or scrambled eggs, add it to soups, cocktails, dough, salads and sandwiches. However, eggs are not always cooked. Many people like to drink them raw or make things like eggnog. Plus, no matter what you eat - eggs are not completely digested in their raw form, which means that less cholesterol gets into the body. But in this form they carry more serious danger– salmonellosis. The bacterium of this severe intestinal disease dies at high and long temperatures. Therefore, if you drink a raw egg, there is a chance of contracting a disease that is life-threatening.

Main symptoms of salmonellosis:

  1. Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  2. Acute pain in the stomach and intestines.
  3. Heat.

The symptoms most closely resemble food poisoning. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor and prescribe treatment. Timely visit to the hospital will protect you from fatal outcome. Therefore, chicken eggs should not be consumed raw, only after heat treatment. Just washing the egg well is not enough - bacteria may be under the shell.

Chicken eggs contain many hormones and antibiotics. Modern chickens have undergone strong change. They were divided into meat breeds and carriers. The first ones are called broilers. They are raised in cramped cages and fed hormones and antibiotics to speed up growth and prevent avian diseases. Such chickens are slaughtered already 3-4 months after hatching. Meat and eggs from such birds are saturated with medications that enter the human body. Laying hens are also actively fed drugs - the number of eggs produced increases. There have been cases when children were fed such foods, after which they became immune to antibiotics. Such children often get sick, and it is extremely difficult to cure them. In addition, this negatively affects the development of the child’s body.

There is a possibility of nitrates getting into the eggs. At first glance, this is strange - nitrates and pesticides are not used on birds. But they fertilize plants that are grown for food. Chickens are not picky birds; they will eat whatever they give them. harmful substances They won't be harmed, but will get into the eggs. Nitrates are dangerous for the human body - they arise food poisoning, stomach upsets, diarrhea.

Is there cholesterol in chicken eggs?

Cholesterol is contained exclusively in yolks, in an amount of approximately 230 mg. The daily norm of cholesterol is 200 mg. Thus, by eating scrambled eggs with three yolks for breakfast, you can get more than three times the dose of cholesterol. For people who already have problems with high cholesterol, this is a very high dose.

However, even this amount of external, or exogenous, cholesterol is not dangerous, since it does not circulate in the blood in a free form. It combines with special proteins with which a lipoprotein complex is formed. Low-density lipoproteins are called LDL - they form plaques in blood vessels.

The benefits and harms of quail eggs

Many people believe that quail eggs are much healthier than other eggs. But is this really so?
Composition of quail eggs per 100 g:

  1. Proteins – 13 g.
  2. Fats – unsaturated 5.6 g, saturated 3.6 g.
  3. Carbohydrates – 0.4 g.
  4. Cholesterol – 844 mg.
  5. High content of sodium and potassium.
  6. Vitamins – A, C, D, group B.
  7. Amino acids – lysine, tryptophan, arginine.
  8. Magnesium and glycine.
  9. Phosphorus.
  10. Iron.
  11. Calcium.
  12. Copper.
  13. Cobalt.
  14. Chromium.

Quail eggs contain more cholesterol than chicken eggs

Energy value is 158 kcal.

Quails are very demanding birds. Their diet consists only of quality feed and fresh water. Their body temperature is +42 degrees, and this eliminates the risk of infection of the testicles with salmonella - the bacterium dies at +40, like others pathogenic microorganisms. This makes it possible not to use various medications and antibiotics when raising poultry, since they are very resistant to epidemics and diseases. Chickens are significantly inferior in this regard - they are fed cheap feed with the addition of a cocktail of antibiotics, hormones and other drugs. As a result, a person gets clean and healthy egg. This also makes it possible to consume the product in its raw form, which is much healthier.

Quails require special care. They should walk on fresh air, eat food made from high-quality, clean ingredients and peck fresh grass. In this case, the eggs are obtained nutrients a lot.

Quail eggs help the body with high physical activity due to the presence of protein. Combination with folic acid can reduce the risk of heart complications. The heart and muscles become more resilient, and the likelihood of heart attacks is reduced.

Ideal for those who want to lose weight. Eggs are small in size and high in calories. You can eat a couple of pieces and not exceed daily norm the resulting substances.

Quail eggs are also recommended for pregnant women. Due to protein, folic acid and polyunsaturated fats, hormone levels return to normal. This also affects proper development fetus Girls may suffer from mood swings during pregnancy. Negative emotions have a bad effect on the fetus. Strengthen nervous system B vitamins will help improve your mood.

The product occupies a special place in the development of children. Eggs are capable of removing radionuclides and toxins that negatively affect a fragile body. Improve mental development, memory, concentration, the child better assimilates new information. Physical abilities and activity increase, fatigue disappears. Calcium strengthens children's fragile bones, vitamin A improves vision. For comparison, in Japan it is customary to give schoolchildren 2-3 eggs for lunch every day.

Even though quail eggs are clean and cannot be contaminated with salmonella, microbes are still present on them. In addition, stale eggs cause severe disorders stomach. The shelf life of quail eggs is 60 days. When purchasing, carefully check expiration dates. If, after taking an egg out of the refrigerator, you doubt its freshness, you can easily conduct a small test. You need to fill a container with water and place the egg in it. The fresh stuff will remain at the bottom, and the rotten stuff will float on the surface.

How much cholesterol is in quail eggs

Folic acid in quail eggs improves cardiovascular health

The daily norm of quail eggs depends on gender, age, and individual characteristics:

  1. Women – 1-2 pcs.
  2. Men – 2-3 pcs.
  3. Pregnant women – 2-3 pcs. only in boiled form.
  4. Schoolchildren – 2-3 pcs.
  5. Preschoolers – 1 pc.

An adult can eat up to 6 eggs per day, but not daily.

Is it possible to eat eggs if you have high cholesterol?

Despite the presence of the substance in the yolks, eggs high cholesterol You can eat according to the norm and proper nutrition. Because its quantity is very small. Whole eggs are allowed in the amount of 1 chicken per day or 6 quail, while the white without the yolk can be eaten unlimitedly.

Scientific studies have shown that eating eggs will not cause an additional increase in cholesterol if they are boiled or fried. olive oil. It is prohibited to combine it with foods that contain a large amount of cholesterol and significantly increase its levels. Namely:

  1. Pork.
  2. Fatty fish.
  3. Fat, kidneys, liver.
  4. Smoked meats.
  5. Fast food.
  6. Sausages and sausages.
  7. Cheese products.
  8. Butter substitutes.

Most often, eggs are consumed with these products. While following an anti-cholesterol diet, you should abstain from them.

Contraindications for use

There are a number of diseases for which eggs should not be consumed. Namely:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Cholecystitis.
  3. Heart diseases.
  4. Gallstones.
  5. Liver diseases.
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A common problem when eating eggs is allergies. It is caused by the allergen ovomucoid, which is contained in protein. Children are more susceptible, since their bodies are still weak and more susceptible to any irritants. Adults cope with allergens much easier.

You shouldn't overuse eggs either. Excessive use leads to stomach upsets. Also, it should be remembered that raw eggs in large quantities are not completely absorbed in the body. The excess begins to decompose, which leads to blood poisoning with toxins. First of all, liver function is disrupted. There is pain, a tingling feeling, and the general condition worsens.

If you have high cholesterol, you can and should eat eggs. Both chicken and quail are healthy. It is important to follow a diet and not exceed permissible norm, prepare the product correctly. From boiled eggs will be more beneficial than fried ones. If you want to eat more, you should remove the yolks. It is always worth remembering that in addition to being beneficial, eggs can cause harm. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select the product.

People suffering from atherosclerosis or hypercholesterolemia should exclude foods high in cholesterol from their diet.

In this regard, cholesterol in eggs is an important indicator that you should know about, because. this product is used in the preparation of many dishes.

On average, 450 mg of the substance is contained in 100 g of egg yolk. However, factors such as the method of preparation and the origin of the egg, whether chicken or quail, should also be taken into account.

Why is high cholesterol dangerous?

Cholesterol is a natural alcohol found in the cell membrane of almost all living organisms. This substance is insoluble in water, but is highly soluble in organic solvents and fats.

The human body produces about 80% of cholesterol on its own, and 20% comes from outside along with food. Organs such as the intestines, liver, adrenal glands, kidneys and gonads are responsible for its production.

It is very important for the human body to maintain normal cholesterol concentrations. It performs the following functions:

  1. ensures the production of vitamin D;
  2. stimulates the production of sex hormones (progesterone, estrogen, testosterone);
  3. ensures production steroid hormones(aldosterone, cortisol) and bile acids;
  4. stabilizes the stability of the cell membrane over wide temperature ranges;
  5. prevents the negative effects of hemolytic poisons on red blood cells.

Cholesterol does not spread independently through the bloodstream; special substances - lipoproteins - are responsible for this. There are several types of lipoproteins, which determines the presence of “bad” or “good” cholesterol in the bloodstream:

  • HDL (lipoproteins high density) – substances that are easily soluble in plasma.
  • LDL (low-density lipoproteins) are substances that are poorly soluble in the blood and tend to settle on the walls of blood vessels.

It is the latter that are atherogenic in nature, since their predominance in the bloodstream leads to the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the arteries.

The first signs of atherosclerosis appear only when the lumen of the vessel is blocked by more than 50%. The constant deposition of cholesterol in the form of plaques and growths leads to poor circulation, thinning of the arteries and a decrease in their elasticity.

The pathological process, in turn, becomes the root cause of the development of ischemic heart disease, heart attack, stroke, etc.

It is believed that the normal level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood should be no more than 2.586 mmol/l. If this indicator is exceeded, the attending physician adjusts the patient's diet and, possibly, prescribes lipidemic drugs.

We must not forget that high cholesterol may be caused by smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, stagnation of bile in the liver, endocrine disorders and incorrect taste habits.

Chicken and quail eggs - benefits and harms

Sugar level

Chicken egg is the most common product on a weekday or festive table. The protein content in chicken eggs is much higher than in meat or dairy products and amounts to 13 g per 100 g of product. Their calorie content is 155 cal/100 g.

  1. Stick to fractional meals. Portions should not be large; it is advisable to eat 5-6 servings a day.
  2. Avoid fatty, fried, pickled, smoked and salty foods. In this case, it is not allowed to consume large amounts of salt and spices. The daily intake of salt is 5 grams.
  3. The most best methods food processing is stewing, boiling, steaming or oven cooking.
  4. Instead of fatty varieties It is better to take turkey, chicken and veal for meat. Vegetable oil is used for cooking.
  5. The diet must be enriched with raw fruits and vegetables, cereals, and low-fat dairy products. This will help saturate the body healthy fiber, lacto- and bifidobacteria to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

You should also avoid baked goods, chocolate, sweets and other sweets. Allowed to accept bakery products made from wholemeal flour, rich in dietary fiber.

Foods that help lower cholesterol rich in fiber(vegetables, fruits, bran products, various nutritional supplements containing cellulose and other dietary fiber).

Why is cholesterol considered dangerous to our health?

Of all the diseases that exist on our planet, the most terrible disease modernity is atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis causes coronary heart disease (myocardial infarction and angina), which affects people like a real epidemic. On average, 51% of deaths worldwide are due to coronary heart disease. In developed countries, the percentage is much higher - this disease was the cause of death in 75% of cases in men 25-64 years old (from cancer, which comes in second place - in only 14% of cases).

Over the past half century, mortality from atherosclerosis has increased more than 5 times.

Atherosclerosis is a disease of civilization, and therefore scientists have done everything possible to study it.

In atherosclerosis, focal deposits in the artery wall contain primarily cholesterol, so the cholesterol theory of the appearance of atherosclerosis was the first to be put forward. It was assumed that atherosclerosis occurs from excess cholesterol intake from diet. It was this hypothesis that led to calls from doctors to reduce the consumption of foods containing cholesterol (primarily this applied to the consumption of eggs).

To confirm the theory, a series of experiments were conducted: young volunteers were given loading doses of cholesterol for a month and no one experienced an increase in blood cholesterol levels after the experiment!

Academician V.F. Zelenin also did not find an increase in cholesterol levels in female poultry farm workers who ate 7-10 eggs (with yolks) daily for several years.

It was found that the massive spread of atherosclerosis has nothing to do with the intake of excess dietary cholesterol. Everything turned out to be exactly the OPPOSITE, the more malnourished and starved the population, the more atherosclerosis was expressed among people - in a particularly severe form!

An expedition to the North discovered the cause of the mass death of fish (pink salmon) after spawning. The fish moved to the spawning site in starvation mode, using fat reserves in the body as an energy source. As a result long fasting The fish developed atherosclerosis, and the fish died en masse from multiple infarctions of internal organs.

They simply began to feed the fish, and this saved their lives.!!

This feeding technique salmon fish The Norwegians immediately adopted it. Therefore, in Norway it is possible to breed salmon in limited sea waters - the Norwegians have learned to prevent heart attacks in fish by giving the fish scientifically based nutrition.

All this suggests that cholesterol does not play any role in the development of atherosclerosis.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a building material that... Like everyone else building materials, cholesterol is used not only in construction, but also in repairing our body.

Cholesterol in foods and in the blood are two different things. Effect of rich cholesterol food products on blood cholesterol is weak and insignificant.

All special drugs leading to a decrease in cholesterol in the blood is primarily a fight against cancer (when a tumor grows in the body, a lot of cholesterol is required), and not against atherosclerosis. The amount of cholesterol that moves through the vessels is more than enough for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Excessive amounts of cholesterol are completely unnecessary. The cholesterol that is in the blood of ONE person would be enough for atherosclerotic plaques of thousands and thousands of people.

In atherosclerosis, the level of cholesterol in the blood has no diagnostic value. But it matters for early diagnosis cancer.

If it's not cholesterol, then what causes atherosclerosis?

Modern research has shown (Prof. P.S. Khomulo and many others) that The main culprit of atherosclerosis is low and very low density lipoproteins (LDL and VLDL).

Many substances that the body's cells need are fat-like and insoluble in water. These include cholesterol, phospholipids, and triglycerides. Their blood must be delivered to its destination on time and on time. But the blood cannot transport pure fatty substances, so in order to deliver fats to their destination, they are placed in a protein shell, and this makes it possible to deliver fats (lipids) where the body needs them.

How do beneficial high-density lipoproteins (HDL) differ from harmful low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL)?

Only in size.

The diameter of LDL is 2 times larger than the diameter of HDL (the diameter of VLDL is even larger).

The transport capacity of low-density lipoproteins is 4.5 times greater for cholesterol and 9 times for triglycerides (fats) than for high-density lipoproteins. With the same protein consumption, transport is needed.

Those. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) appear in the blood only subject to either an acute lack of protein in the body, or from an excessive amount of fat in the blood.

The body has no natural defense against LDL. LDL is a desperate step of the body, forced to perform its functions even by causing itself delayed harm in the form of atherosclerosis.

The ratio of proteins and fats in the blood determines whether fats will be transported in the normal version of high-density lipoproteins, or in the protein-saving version, low-density lipoproteins (and especially low-density lipoproteins, i.e. in a variant leading to atherosclerosis?

Therefore, researchers were unable to induce atherosclerosis in dogs because they ate a lot of meat. Vegetarians put themselves at risk hazardous conditions - a lack of protein with the slightest excess of fat leads to the fact that fat transportation begins in protein saving mode(i.e. with the help of LDL) and quickly leads to atherosclerosis, and as a result - coronary disease hearts.

After such explanations, the reason for the increase in the incidence of atherosclerosis in economically developed countries becomes clear. The reason is overeating fatty foods. The use of margarines (a mixture of vegetable and animal fats) in nutrition is especially dangerous.

The protein of cooked eggs (boiled, fried, scrambled eggs, etc.) is one of the most best proteins from a human point of view, it is absorbed better than other proteins (absorbed by 97%-98%) and has excellent amino acid composition(the white of raw eggs is very poorly absorbed).

Thus, it turns out that by refusing to eat eggs, we refuse the very the best protein. And protein restriction, as we already know, leads to atherosclerosis - the scourge of our civilization.

Thus, eggs are not only not dangerous for the heart and blood vessels, but exactly the opposite -.

It is advisable to eat at least 1-2 eggs per day. It's very good for health. Especially if the eggs are good, rustic.

In 1991, in the most authoritative American medical journal NEJM (The New England Journal of Medicine) published an almost anecdotal article with a telling headline Normal level plasma cholesterol levels in an 88-year-old man who eats 25 eggs per day.

Huge doses of cholesterol in the diet did not cause atherosclerosis in horses, dogs and some other animals. And people, in terms of their absorption of this substance, are more like horses than rabbits.

The Japanese set a good example in this regard. The Japanese eat more eggs daily (per capita) than any other country. We can say that the Japanese are the most egg-eating nation in the world. Japan ranks FIRST in the world in terms of the number of centenarians. Average duration life in Japan is about 81 years, this figure increases every year.

According to the Japanese Ministry of Health, this trend in longevity is explained EXCLUSIVELY by very low level incidence of atherosclerosis.

So it makes sense to follow the example of the Japanese and increase daily consumption eggs. And at the same time, limit the consumption of fatty meats, and instead of pork, lamb, beef, eat chicken eggs. Well, limit fatty baked goods, of course!

Egg composition: