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Long-term therapeutic fasting according to Stoleshnikov. Fasting according to tableshnikov. Exit from fasting

Professor Stoleshnikov has been studying for over 25 years medical practice in Russia and America. He is a fan of a raw food diet, as well as cleansing and healing the body through long-term food abstinence. Based on experience, achievements of patients and analysis of literature, Stoleshnikov invented a method of therapeutic fasting and dedicated an entire book to it.

Stoleshnikov believes main reason The occurrence of all diseases is the accumulation of toxins in the body, which gradually poison organs and tissues. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them, and The best way to do this is fasting. Stoleshnikov assures that when food is refused, dissolution and withdrawal occurs. harmful substances, as well as broken down pathogenic cells and tissues. They are excreted in all ways: through the gastrointestinal tract, salivary glands, skin, with the help of the liver in the form of bile entering the intestines. This explains not very good health during fasting.

An external sign that the body is being cleansed is a coating on the tongue and clouding of the eyes. This happens on day 4-5 of fasting. As poisons are removed from the body, the thickness of the plaque decreases and the vision becomes clearer. And only after it disappears and the eyes begin to shine, fasting according to Stoleshnikov can be considered successful. A feeling of lightness appears, disappears bad feeling and the mood lifts.

Fasting according to Stoleshnikov

According to Stoleshnikov, the optimal duration of fasting should be from 21 to 28 days. The body needs so much time for cleansing, healing and regeneration, and only in this case can fasting be considered therapeutic. Abstaining from food for up to 3 days is not cleansing. During this time, the body, due to the loss of glycogen, salt and water, temporarily loses weight, which quickly returns after breaking fast. Positive influence short abstinence from food consists of unloading, rest and partial cleansing of the digestive tract.

For those who find it difficult to give up food for three weeks, Stoleshnikov recommends fasting according to the following scheme:

  1. A week of water fasting, followed by a cleansing enema.
  2. A week on freshly squeezed fruit juices.
  3. Week on fresh fruit and non-starchy vegetables, on the last day of which it is recommended to visit the sauna.

Exit from fasting according to Stoleshnikov

Stoleshnikov considers the way out of starvation to be more important than starvation. He is convinced that efficiency and final result abstinence from food. The professor recommends ending fasting in 3 stages:

  1. First stage– drinking fruit juices diluted 1:1 with distilled water. They must be freshly squeezed and not contain pulp, that is, they must be clean and transparent. The duration of juice consumption will depend on the duration of fasting. If you abstain from food for seven to ten days, it is recommended to drink juices for a week, but you can immediately eat fresh fruit. After fasting for two weeks, the juices should be drunk for seven or ten days. During a month of fasting, juices must be consumed for at least two weeks. But if desired, the juice period can be extended; the signal that it is worth ending should be a surge of strength, return of appetite, energy and vigor. The best cleansing fruits are pineapples and lemons, pomegranate juice, followed by all citrus fruits. At the first stage of breaking from fasting according to Stoleshnikov, it is recommended to drink a lot of mineral water.
  2. Second phase– consumption of vegetable and herbal juices and fresh vegetables. An excellent choice would be juices made from beets, carrots, dandelions, potatoes, dill or celery. It is useful to start the second stage with grated raw radish, seasoned with honey. Next, you can consume any herbs, vegetables, fruits and juices for any amount of time.
  3. Third stage– raw food diet, that is, the consumption of natural raw foods. In addition to fruits and vegetables, the menu is allowed to include raw egg yolks, milk, fish or meat. It is recommended to stick to this diet for a long time.

"How to return to life" - treatment instructions A.P. Stoleshnikova

World famous professor and doctor, fighter for healthy image life, having experienced all the hardships of starvation, A.P. In 2007, Stoleshnikov published the first part of his book “How to Return to Life.”

It describes the method of abstaining from eating on the water, its pros and cons, how to prepare, how to start a diet correctly and all the main aspects that will help you painlessly go through this difficult path for a person.

The professor convinces us that the entire human body is like a large urn for toxins and harmful substances that come from environment. Over the years, there is more and more toxic garbage. To free the body from toxins, it is necessary to periodically cleanse it.

The doctor recommends that people after 30 years of age carry out such a cleansing at least twice a year. Stoleshnikov developed a unique method of water fasting, which he used himself and recommends it, especially to people with various chronic diseases and excess weight.

Description of the treatment procedure

The process of fasting involves a complete refusal of food. Only liquid is consumed. The method is not very simple, not everyone has strong strength the will to endure several weeks without food. Every day it will only get worse, the body will ask for replenishment, psychological condition is not balanced and at any moment there will be a desire to stop mocking yourself.

Increased body temperature, chills, dizziness, weakness in the body - all this will be present during the stages of the hunger strike. But the devil is not as terrible as he is painted. If everything was so bad and ineffective, there would not be so many supporters of this method.

Actually water fasting perfect way, firstly, you can quickly lose weight, and secondly, you can forever get rid of chronic diseases such as diabetes, problems with the gastrointestinal system, allergies of any type and many others. You shouldn’t be afraid to start fasting, you just need to correctly follow the recommendations according to Dr. Stoleshnikov’s instructions.

Preparing for fasting

Regardless of the method, before starting an abstinent diet, you must be examined by a doctor. Go through a medical examination and have your blood and urine tested.

Based on the results of tests and a number of examinations, the doctor can allow or prohibit a hunger strike, everything will depend on the state of health and well-being in general. There is a category of people for whom it is contraindicated this kind of diet.

These are pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 18 years of age, as well as the elderly. It must be said right away that fasting according to the Stoleshnikov method lasts from 21 to 28 days. This is exactly how many days the body will need to cleanse itself completely.

It is necessary to enter the diet gradually. In a few days, switch to a raw food diet and drinking plenty of fluids. Cleansing enemas must be used once a week. On day “X” you should not eat any food, but only drink liquid.

Professor Stoleshnikov in his method suggests using distilled water or water from natural sources. Under no circumstances should you drink liquid from the tap, even boiled water. It is also not recommended to drink mineral water, especially carbonated water, because such water contains a lot of salts.

Liquid and its amount drunk per day plays a big role throughout the entire abstinence from food. The norm that a person should consume is from 3 to 5 liters per day. You should not try to drink all 5 liters; the body itself will tell you how much liquid it needs to absorb.

Fasting process

It is worth noting that Professor Stoleshnikov developed a more gentle method, which in fact exists. Those who want to cleanse the body will not find it difficult to do it completely, without stopping halfway, especially since stopping will not lead to desired results and all efforts will be in vain.

The first three days are considered fasting days. Excessive weight loss occurs due to loss of water and salt. The body feeds on its own reserves, that is, fats. Dr. Stoleshnikov does not support colon hydrotherapy, and considers enemas once a week sufficient.

For an enema you need to use plain water room temperature in the amount of 2-2.5 liters. The final enema should be done on the last day of fasting.

With output feces Unnecessary waste and toxins are removed from the body. During enemas, a subsequent visit to a bathhouse or sauna will be good for the body, since during fasting the body also removes toxins through sweat.

It is important to note that when you starve, your health worsens and you should not overload yourself. physical activity, especially making sudden movements - this can lead to fainting. After a few days, a coating may appear on the tongue - this indicates that the body has begun to remove toxins.

At this moment it appears bad smell from mouth. There is no need to be afraid of this; it can be easily dealt with by rinsing your mouth with herbal decoctions. Why is the method gentle? Because Dr. Stoleshnikov suggests dividing the entire fasting process into three stages.

For the first week, drink only distilled or spring water. The second week may be accompanied by the consumption of various juices. Please note that not all juices can be consumed. Some fasting people are allergic to citrus. In the following days, introduce a variety of fruits into your diet.

Ending the fast

Professor Stoleshnikov considers the process of completing fasting to be the most important stage and divides it into three levels.

Level 1. Depending on duration water diet The number of days of release will depend. If a person fasted for 10 days, then the exit at the first stage should last 10 days. In the first days of release, you should drink distilled water, diluted with nectars and juices without pulp, approximately 1:1. You are also allowed to drink mineral water to restore water-salt balance in organism.

Level 2. This stage can last as long as you like. These days you can use vegetable juices, for example, potato, carrot, celery, beetroot, whatever your heart desires. But you should stick to the norm.

Gradually introduce vegetable and fruit purees into your diet. Eating greens at this stage is welcome.

Level 3. During this period, raw natural products are introduced, but more nutritious than fruits and vegetables. You are allowed to eat raw egg yolks, fish and seafood, milk and meat. It is recommended to extend this stage as long as possible.

After the difficult process of fasting, practically on water, Dr. Stoleshnikov recommends and even promotes a raw food diet, removing boiled potatoes from the diet, pasta, smoked meats of any kind, especially sausages, any canned foods, large amounts of salt and sugar.

As they say in the famous movie: “Salt is poison, and sugar is generally poison.” It is better to eat bread made from coarse flour.

The benefits of fasting according to Stoleshnikov

We can definitely say that there are benefits from fasting. In the process of abstaining from food, the body is completely cleansed of toxins and harmful substances.

Feeling better mental condition returns to normal, even improves mood, not to mention getting rid of excess weight. Over the entire period, a person can lose up to 12 kg.

When a person is full of food, the body spends its energy on processing food, forgetting to get rid of harmful accumulated garbage. During fasting, the body independently cleanses itself of everything unnecessary, first absorbing fats, then damaged and diseased cells, getting rid of naturally– bringing them out through feces, sweat, tears and saliva.

To begin the abstinence process, you need to be mentally prepared. Agreeing with your family about support is very important. Before starting the procedure, you should prepare your body several days in advance. Completely stop drinking alcohol and smoking, as this will cause vasoconstriction and cause stomach pain.

On fasting days, you can do light gymnastic exercises or yoga. Visit periodically massage parlor. Make it a rule to spend more time in the fresh air.

In general, it is worth carrying out the process of abstaining from food in fresh and clean air, for example, in the country. Reception medicines During the diet, it is necessary to discuss with your doctor, as it is recommended to stop taking medications.

In custody

Dr. Stoleshnikov, after conducting a series of experiments, found that during the stages of fasting, urine and blood parameters change significantly, and the acidity in the urine increases.

This phenomenon is called acidosis - the presence of breakdown products of toxins and harmful substances in the blood. The professor recommends that patients with anuria, that is, with insufficient urination, interrupt the hunger strike, since consumption large quantity liquids don't help.

Continued use may lead to kidney disease. According to the majority of people who are fasting not for the first time and have experienced various techniques, consider the cleansing process as described by Dr. Stoleshnikov to be the most effective.

Without exception, everyone talks about improved health and relief from chronic diseases, not to mention significant weight loss. Yes, the process is difficult and testing, but it is worth it. No diet can put the body in order like fasting with water.

But you shouldn’t force yourself and exhaust yourself, everyone has the right to decide how many days to fast. But if you take on yourself, then you should go to the end and not give up. The motivation is this: if you want to look beautiful and healthy, be patient!

A.P. Stoleshnikov is enough " a dark horse" You will not find his detailed biography anywhere. Only scanty information is known, not confirmed by anyone: a professor, a certified specialist in therapeutic fasting, who practices his technique on an ongoing basis in America and occasionally in Russia. His two books, dedicated to healing and cleansing the body through nutrition, received enough wide use: “How to return to life” and “What to fill the body with.” There is an opinion that this is just a pseudonym, perhaps even a collective one.

Some believe that therapeutic fasting according to Stoleshnikov, there is nothing more than an interpretation of the famous. Indeed, in his book the author constantly refers to it, giving examples from the practice of the American representative alternative medicine, supplementing them with your comments and recommendations. However, he still has enough unique moments.

The essence

Fasting according to Stoleshnikov refers to. He not only allows, but also strongly recommends drinking water throughout the abstinence from food. Moreover, it is desirable that it be raw and natural - from a well, a spring, a spring, or from springs and artesian wells. Tap water is strictly excluded. The professor also does not recommend mineral water, since it contains too many impurities, and especially salts, which are better to get rid of during the cleansing period. In conditions of permanent residence in the city, he considers the most optimal option to use distilled water.

Apart from drinking water, everything is permitted. water procedures and enemas. There are no concessions in terms of food.

As for the timing, Stoleshnikov considers the optimal period to be from 21 to 28 days. During this time, in his opinion, the body manages to completely cleanse itself not only of waste and toxins, but also of pathogenic tissues, which are the cause of most diseases. For beginners, he recommends trying 7, 10 and 14 day periods. The professor considers fasting that lasts less than 7 days to be ineffective. They cannot exactly be called medicinal.

Unlike his other colleagues, Stoleshnikov notes that fasting is not only useful because it allows you to get rid of chronic diseases that official medicine cannot always cope with. For him it is also effective method getting rid of obesity.

The advantage of the method can be noted detailed description exit, which the author considered one of the stages of therapy. But among the obvious disadvantages - his book does not describe the entrance, which, as many experts working on this issue have noted, is extremely important.


Condition one - water

If there is nowhere to get it natural water, Stoleshnikov suggests purchasing a distiller. Personal recipe from him: fill a third of the glass mineral water(the professor recommends Narzan, Essentuki-4 or Borjomi), and add the remaining two-thirds with distilled water. Alternatively, you can use bottled.

Clearly stated daily norm water consumption: minimum level - 2.5 l, maximum - 4 l.

Condition two - warmth and sun

Stoleshnikov believed that fasting must be carried out in the summer. When the body switches to the regime internal power supply, body temperature drops slightly, but during an acidotic crisis it can, on the contrary, rise. To endure both of these conditions more comfortably, you need to spend most of your time warm. Moreover, it should not be artificial (from heating devices), but natural (from the sun).

Condition three - fresh air

While abstaining from food, it is important to fill the blood with oxygen so that it distributes it to the tissues and organs. This is necessary for their smooth operation. Therefore, Stoleshnikov insists on carrying out this procedure somewhere outside the city. Although, as he admits, he constantly does this while living in a metropolis. He is saved by air baths on the balcony and walking through the parks.

Condition four - do not overexert yourself

Stoleshnikov does not suggest following some scientists to walk 20 km daily. He advises to behave according to how you feel. If you don't have the strength, it's better to lie down. There is a desire - you can take a walk, clean up and even work. However, the professor strongly does not recommend the latter, based on personal experience. In his book, he describes how, during one of his fasts, he had to take exams, after which he came home with a face Green colour in the literal sense of the word.

Condition five - enemas

Stoleshnikov considers enemas during fasting mandatory. Without them, as he says in his book, a complete cleansing of the body will not occur. You can start doing them only on the fifth day and repeat every 4-5 days, as well as before going out. The water should be warm distilled, volume - 2-2.5 liters.

Scheme: introduction while lying in the bath - raise the pelvis - roll over to the right side - stand up - lie on your back - turn over to the left side - stand up - empty yourself. You should stay at each point for 1-2 minutes. This will allow the water to consistently and evenly wash all the insides.

Stoleshnikov in his book warns that during fasting you will have to endure sleep disturbances. Moreover, they manifest themselves not only in insomnia or prolonged lack of sleep, but also in terrible nightmares.

The professor emphasizes one more point Special attention. If everything proceeds correctly, by 4-5 days the tongue should become yellowish or gray coating, and the sclera of the eyes become cloudy. These are the main signs that toxins and waste are actively leaving the body.


Stoleshnikov called the way out of starvation more important than the starvation itself. In his book, he paid much more attention to him than to all other stages.


The duration of withdrawal directly depends on how long the abstinence from food lasted. Stoleshnikov offers schemes described by the American naturopath Arnold DeVries in the book “Therapeutic Fasting”:

However, based on own experience, says that this is too short a time frame during which the body will not have time to recover. Therefore, he suggests prolonging the first stage of withdrawal until bitterness is felt in the mouth after drinking freshly squeezed diluted juice. As soon as she leaves, you can move on to the next stage.


Stage one. Juice therapy

Immediately after fasting, you are allowed to drink exclusively fruit juices, squeezed at home with your own hands and diluted half with distilled water. Recipe personally from Stoleshnikov: ½ lemon, ½ orange, ½ grapefruit, 300 ml water. He also advises using pineapple, grapes and pomegranate for this purpose. Partitions from citrus fruits must be removed, since during this period they are difficult food to digest. The daily volume is not specified.

Stage two. Diet based on juices from vegetables and herbs

You can switch to them after the bitterness in your mouth when drinking fruit-based juices has disappeared. What he recommends for this purpose: carrots, beets, celery, dill, fresh leaves dandelion, potatoes.

Stage three. Raw food diet

You can start to include raw foods in your diet: not only fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, but also eggs (preferably the yolk), and fresh fish with meat, and fresh milk. The main thing is to know that all this is not frozen several times and is 100% natural. Ideally, it is recommended to remain on this food system all your life (you can read about the principles of a raw food diet in ours). If this is not possible, after the juice diet you need to gradually switch to the usual regimen.

About a couple of weeks after the end of fasting, the professor recommends visiting a bathhouse to complete the process of cleansing the body. He devotes his time to this great attention in your book, and this needs to be thoroughly studied. According to his method, you will have to steam thoroughly and at the same time drink liquid according to a special scheme:

  • first a liter of juice (lemon + orange) and a bottle of mineral water;
  • towards the middle of the procedure - repeat.

The task is to evaporate all the consumed liquid.

When switching to a regular diet, Stoleshnikov recommends using a double boiler for preparing dishes and eating more spices and seasonings. The professor calls herbal soups ideal. His personal recipe: pour distilled water into half a pan of finely chopped nettles, a couple of slices of unpeeled potatoes, and as many feathers as possible green onions, a whole head of garlic (pre-crushed). Cook until fully cooked.

You will have to exclude baked goods, boiled peeled potatoes, white rice, pasteurized milk, meat and sausage products, sugar and salt.

Whether or not to trust the mysterious Professor Stoleshnikov with his method of therapeutic fasting, everyone decides for himself. Before doing this, you should definitely read his books, understand the principles he proposes, try them on yourself, weigh the pros and cons. If you have doubts and uncertainty, it is better not to experiment, because there are no health centers specializing directly in this system, and there will be no one to advise you on issues of concern.

Stoleshnikov A.P. - very a famous person both in Russia and abroad, including in America. He is a professor and doctor, famous for his scientific research on health. The doctor welcomes a raw food diet and is a big fan of fasting, that is, complete abstinence from food for a while to cleanse the entire body.

Thanks to his vast experience and analysis of a large amount of literature, Stoleshnikov created his own worldwide famous work— the book “How to return to life.” The book describes a radical but incredibly effective method of therapeutic fasting.

The professor is convinced that the main cause of all diseases lies in toxins, which gradually fill the cells and thereby poison the entire human body. By the age of forty, a person’s organs are half clogged with toxins in the fatty layers. The only and most effective method To improve the health of the body is the removal of chronic toxins from the body. And this can be achieved thanks to the course of fasting according to Stoleshnikov.

Therapeutic fasting according to Stoleshnikov

This method of treatment is very difficult, requiring a lot of endurance, patience and willpower. You need to immediately prepare yourself for the fact that the fasting process will be difficult; every day there will be an unbearable desire to break free and end this suffering, since each new day will seem more difficult than the previous one. This occurs due to the fact that more and more toxins are flushed out of the body. You may also feel chills for a while or even have a slight fever.

The first 3 days of fasting are only so-called “fasting days”, because all this time the body is saturated with glucose in the form of a starch-type polymer and it provides easily digestible energy. That is, during these days you can lose several kilograms of weight due to the loss of water and salts in the body. Fasting should last from 21 to 28 days, only in such conditions can you achieve complete cleansing body and this fasting can be considered therapeutic. That is why you should never stop halfway, stopping fasting after a couple of days. After all, then everything will be completely in vain! To achieve the final result, you must complete a course of fasting.

During the fasting process, the largest and most important role water plays, which must be consumed up to 3-5 liters per day. At the same time, you cannot force yourself to drink a certain amount of water, drinking up to 5 liters a day, since the body itself knows how much it needs, so it is important to just listen to it. But there is still a daily norm - 2.5 liters. water. Stoleshnikov claims that you should only take distilled water or water from springs. But under no circumstances should you drink tap water, even if it is boiled. Also, you should not drink only mineral water, it is harmful, as it contains a lot of salts.

For proper treatment It is necessary to remove various poisonous biles from the body and from the intestines, so you need to systematically do enemas. Certainly similar treatment not everyone can do it, and therefore Stoleshnikov came up with a gentle method for such people. It is necessary to divide the fasting process into 3 parts: for the first 6-7 days, drink only spring, distilled or well water, then in the second stage (7-10 days) you can add various juices to your diet and on the remaining days (8-11 days). ) - eat small amounts of fresh fruit. It is important to stick to the most important thing - do enemas after every week and in the end it will be useful to visit the sauna.

It is worth raising the question of what symptoms are possible and characteristic during fasting? First of all, it is a slight weakness, and sometimes dizziness is possible. Also, fasting is characterized by cloudy eyes and a coating on the tongue. All this shows that malignant poisons are leaving your body. You need to choose the right time in your life when you will not burden yourself with heavy physical activity. Vacations and trips are ideal for this. long time on nature.

Coming out of fasting can easily be called the most important process of the entire treatment. Stoleshnikov divides it into 3 stages:

  1. Mix 1:1 distilled water with various fruit juices. It is important that the juices do not contain pulp; they must be fresh and clean. The transition to the second stage will depend on how many days you completed the fasting course. If it lasted up to 10 days, then the juices should be consumed within a week; fasting lasted 7-14 days, then drinking juices is required up to ten days, and if you completed the entire course of fasting up to 28 days, then you need to drink juices for at least two weeks.
  2. This stage has no time restrictions. You can start it by drinking the juices of vegetables such as potatoes, beets, carrots, celery and so on. Then you can grate these vegetables. In addition to juices, you are allowed to add various fruits and vegetables to your diet, and a small amount of grass in your diet will be beneficial.
  3. Next, you need to gradually switch to eating raw and natural products. Now you can include raw egg yolks, fish, meat and dairy products in your diet. This stage lasts greatest number time. The longer the better.

After the difficult path traveled, Stoleshnikov recommends that in the future we eat raw foods, and bread can only be consumed if it is made from wholemeal flour. Try to completely remove boiled potatoes, pasta, sausages, canned foods, salt and sugar from your diet, as these products will only be harmful.

(practical guide only for students and graduates of NUMiZ)

Now many people have already recognized the essence of therapeutic fasting. In Russia, everyone probably already knows the names of the American classics of therapeutic fasting, Paul Bragg and Herbert Shelton.

Before justifying fasting for the sake of improving the body’s health, let’s pay attention to its significance in the social history of mankind. If people had not known for a long time the cleansing and healing value of fasting, then they would not have insisted on fasting in all cultures and religions with such tenacity. Medicinal value meaningful fasting for human life always masked by its religious significance.

In Christianity, everyone knows the legend that Jesus Christ, like Moses, before he began preaching God’s message, went into the desert and did not eat for 40 days and nights. Jesus Christ did this fasting in full accordance with the laws of Judaism, to which he himself belonged by birth and within the framework of which he was raised. Do Muslims strictly observe monthly fasting? "Ramadan".


A holiday of the soul is a conscious refusal of all food in order to cleanse the body at the cellular level. This is a process of increasing physiological regeneration, renewal of all cells, their molecular and chemical composition. We will further put this concept under the term fasting. It is recommended that a week before the planned HOLIDAY OF THE SOUL, you keep a diary of introspection daily and write self-conviction for the holiday of the soul, and then you will be convinced that the vast majority of the negative sensations that are mentioned below for ordinary fasting will not affect you.

At the “festival of the soul” it is best to drink “living” water. "Living water"? water obtained using special technology "WATER DOCTOR".

The fasting cycle includes three phases:

1. Phase of therapeutic, purely water fasting.
2. Release phase on freshly squeezed fruit juices.
3. Synthetic reduction phase when you connect raw juices root vegetables and herbs that can be eaten, but only raw.

The state of health during a long fast, that is, from 3-4 days until the end, will vary from bad and nasty to disgusting and unbearable, if you do not use a diary of self-analysis and self-conviction, according to the Siberian Health system.

The essence of fasting (feast of the soul)

From a biochemical point of view, the peculiarity of entering fasting is that the body has a supply of glucose in the form of a starch-type polymer? glycogen in the liver, which for 48 hours, that is, for the first two days of fasting, provides easily digestible energy in the form of glucose. So the first 48 hours of not eating? Are they not fasting for the body? This is just "unloading".

Hence the first practical conclusion: fasting is extremely beneficial for the heart, since it is characterized by an abundance of ketone molecules, which, in the absence of glucose, convert fat into energy. That is, during fasting the heart does not starve, but feasts. The brain is starving. Indeed, all reactions during fasting slow down and thoughts turn around in the brain with difficulty. However, this does not have harmful effects on the brain.

Real fasting on water begins only on the third day. True fasting is characterized by so-called “ketosis”, when the body switches to breaking down fat and its own harmful tissues, and begins to eat final products their breakdown by so-called fatty acids, such as “acetone”; as opposed to normal nutrition, where the body ultimately feeds on glucose.

Main external signs fasting is a state of tongue coating and cloudiness of the sclera of the eyes. By the third or fourth day, when the body switches to the mode of removing toxins from tissues into the blood, the entire gastrointestinal tract covered with dense white or yellow coating. When you open your mouth, you will see that your entire tongue is covered with a white or yellowish coating. Don't try to scrape it off. It's useless. The thickness of the plaque is directly proportional to the amount of poisons in your body, but the color and darkness of the plaque? their malignancy. As you clean, the plaque will gradually disappear, decreasing in thickness. But don’t expect this to happen quickly, because all 12 meters of your gastrointestinal tract are covered with the same coating from excreted poisons. This is another reason, besides bile, why you need to do enemas and remove poisons from the intestines. G

the holes become cloudy and cloudy and this too? a reflection of the amount of poisons circulating in the blood. There is nothing you can do about these symptoms. You must continue to starve and drink living water. How much should you drink? There is no need to force yourself. How much does the body require? This can be from 2.5 to 3-4 liters.

The lead heaviness of the body is caused by “toxemia”, that is, the circulation of toxins in the blood from fatty tissue to the liver and kidneys, as well as the transition of metabolism instead of glucose to fatty acids, which require a more labor-intensive and lengthy process of breakdown into a universal energy breakdown product,

Sick diabetes mellitus(sugar disease), in which the absorption of glucose by tissues is impaired, as a result of which glucose accumulates in the tissues, causing their damage, we must conclude from this that fasting is the most physiological method of treating diabetes. Firstly, fasting allows the body's own cells, which produce insulin, to recover. Secondly, is the body accustomed to using an alternative? fat source of energy.

Thirdly, while fasting, the diabetic’s body learns to easily tolerate hypoglycemia, that is, fainting conditions associated with a sudden decrease in normal high sugar in the blood of diabetics.

During fasting, the body goes from carbohydrate metabolism, on which all diabetes is built, on fat. During fasting you live on fatty acids, and all your blood sugar becomes just a meaningless indicator? it becomes unnecessary and your pancreas, which produces insulin, has a chance to recover.

What diseases can be treated by fasting?

The answer is simple: all existing, as well as all future diseases. If a disease is not cured by fasting, then it cannot be cured by anything.

Of course, all diseases acquired with age are the result of chronic intoxication, which simply manifests itself differently in different people.

Fasting self-digests disease-causing tissues and cells and removes them from the body.

How should you behave during fasting?

According to how I feel. Doing light work is not contraindicated. During fasting, blood vessels are under the influence of toxins. This changes the body's response during fasting.

You need to be especially careful when getting up from your squat position. To go to work? a questionable undertaking - you need to get out of bed slowly, because the cardiovascular system reacts slowly and you may feel dizzy

About enemas.

It is simply necessary to do cleansing enemas from an ordinary Esmarch mug. You should start doing enemas no earlier than the 5th day, when the bile has already begun to separate into the empty intestines, and repeat the enemas four to five days until the very end of the fast, washing out the black poisonous bile from the large intestine. They should be done no more often than once every 4-5 days. It is imperative to do a rinsing enema before starting to break the fast. However, if you are starting this process for the first time and have lived on Earth for more than 50 years, it is recommended to carry out this procedure before starting and during the first week of fasting daily.


Sleep is the most important indicator of fasting. The more poisons in the blood, the worse sleep. But remember, weight is lost during fasting only during sleep. This shows that amazing transformations in the body occur precisely in sleep. Hence the conclusion, if it works? sleep more.

One of the most important indicators for urgent cessation of fasting is total loss sleep. If you can't sleep a wink all night long? This means that we need to break out of fasting. This is an indicator that you have not prepared a “holiday of the soul” for yourself, that is, you have not actively worked with a diary of introspection and self-conviction.

If, during fasting, a decrease in urine output begins, which is not corrected by increasing water consumption, then you need to break the fast by switching to freshly squeezed fruit juices.

Fasting is a very serious process and in no case should you allow excesses in it. It is better to under-fast, it is better to repeat the fast later, but do not overload the body with toxins released in excessive quantities. The holiday of the soul is characterized by a comfortable state during the period of therapeutic fasting, which is what we should strive for.

So what do we achieve by fasting (feast of the soul)? What condition?

On a certain day of fasting, the feeling of poor health and heaviness suddenly disappears, and extraordinary lightness and excellent well-being and mood corresponding to the FEAST OF THE SOUL appear.

The tongue, and therefore the entire gastrointestinal tract, is completely cleansed, and the eyes begin to shine like two lights. What about the return of sparkle to the eyes and cleansing of the tongue? there is an accurate indicator of body cleansing. This is because your body has run out of all the poisons. They have all hatched and you have returned to your original infant state. You are absolutely healthy, just like the first day your mother gave birth to you, and you feel everything. food products in their actual capacity. That’s when you will feel what kind of air we breathe, and what kind of disgusting stuff they feed us.

However, to overcome chronic illness, it is not at all necessary to achieve complete cleansing. From a certain point, when the concentration of poisons in the body decreases to a certain level, the body begins to gain the upper hand and is already able to defeat the disease on its own.

Timing and frequency of “holidays of the soul.”

After 40 years, every person’s body contains cancer cells. The only question is how much your body can get rid of them, how clean it is. And how clean he is, the stronger his immunity is. Recommended scheme for starting soul celebrations: 24-36 hours weekly for a month, then 3 days once a month for 3 months, after that we master 7 days once a quarter. During this period, you will feel the “taste” of a real HOLIDAY OF THE SOUL, which you are preparing for yourself with the help of a diary of introspection and self-conviction - tools familiar to all graduates of the University of Youth and Health “SIBIRSKAYA ZDRAVA”. After such preparation, you plan a HOLIDAY OF THE SOUL (fasting) for 21 days.

Exit from fasting (feast of the soul)

Remember that COMING OUT OF FASTING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN FASTING ITSELF. If you are not able to provide yourself with the conditions to overcome water fasting, do not starve at all!

Already after the 7th day of fasting, a huge amount of poisons circulates in your blood. A huge number of toxins are already in the tissues in an “untied state”, ready to be released into the blood. These are the toxins that the body has managed to mobilize, but has not yet removed from the body.

Now the task is to cleanse yourself of these poisons, to prevent these toxins from returning and being deposited in the tissues again in their places. If you start eating incorrectly, then all the toxins circulating in the blood will come back and be deposited in the tissues again. And you will lose the effect of fasting.

YOU CAN ONLY GET OUT OF FASTING WITH FRESHLY SQUEEZED FRUIT AND BERRY JUICES. The number of days spent on pure (without pulp) juices is determined by the duration of your fast! That is, if you fasted for a week? This means you have to stay on fruit juices for a week. If you have been fasting for only 7-10 days, then, in principle, you can simply eat fruits, but, again, in no case ordinary food or vegetables. Have you been hungry for two weeks? ? This means that you are on freshly squeezed juices for 7-10 days. Four weeks? ? This means that you should be on only freshly squeezed fruit juices for two weeks. And more importantly! FRESHLY SQUEEZED JUICES SHOULD ONLY BE DILUTED WITH “LIVING WATER” AT LEAST HALF.

WHEN CORRECTLY COMING OUT OF A FAST ON FRESH JUICES, YOU SHOULD BE LEFT WITH A NASTY TASTE IN YOUR MOUTH. Only gradually, with a decrease in the concentration of toxins in the blood, does it return excellent health and appetite.

Don't get upset by "Zhor", i.e. beastly appetite, therefore do not consume anything other than freshly squeezed diluted fruit juices.

What juices and fruits can be used to break fasting?

The champion in cleansing power is lemons and pineapples. You can simply eat pineapple. Then there are citrus fruits in general. Fresh pomegranates are very good; they should be eaten fresh, or rather, taken into the mouth, squeezed out the juice directly in the mouth, and spit out the seeds.

You only need to get citrus juices using a pressing juicer, cutting them in half and squeezing them with a press-type juicer with a mechanical lever. It's great to come out of fasting grape juice or grapes. In summer it is good to use berries.

Films and partitions in citrus fruits are useless and difficult for a hungry intestine, so I do not recommend using cutting, centrifugal-type juicers for squeezing citrus fruits.

During the cleansing period - no other juices except fruit and berries. The prohibition applies to carrot juice, beet juice, celery juice and other juices from root vegetables and herbs.

When recovering from fasting, mineral water is an excellent remedy, but you should only drink it very diluted with distilled, or better yet, “living water.” You can drink any: “Borjomi”, “Narzan”, “Jermuk”, “Essentuki 4”, “Essentuki 2”.

The entire time you are on fruit juices, you will not experience the slightest feeling of hunger and will fill up with one mug of diluted fruit juice.

After you have scrupulously completed all the required days on fruit juices, you can add vegetable juices such as carrot, beetroot, celery, dill, dandelion or potato, or without fear of eating these vegetables and herbs, since during the period of being on fruit juices the movement the intestines are already being restored. The best thing, of course, is carrot juice. However, it is recommended to start the third period of fasting, or the second phase of recovery from fasting, with black radish juice with honey. Not even juice, but just pureed black radish with raw honey. In this situation, radish has a simply magical effect. During the entire period of water fasting, you have a terrible acidosis in your body, that is, acidity that dissolves all the toxin salts lying in the tissues of your body. On fruit juices, especially citrus fruits, which also have sharp acidity, for example, lemon juice, this acidity must be preserved. Black radish It is also the most alkaline, that is, a natural product that neutralizes acidity.

The third period of recovery from fasting on all kinds of fruit, vegetable, and herbal juices. And just on fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables, you can continue as long as you feel good, and you can even stay on this diet for the rest of your life.

The human body also has the function of elimination, that is, removing toxins. And this function is not limited to the kidneys alone, but is also closely related to the digestive organs in such a way that as soon as processed food touches the intestinal walls? then the elimination of toxins in the body is interrupted due to the onset of excretion gastric juice and digestion in the stomach.

It is this stopping of the elimination of toxins that eliminates the associated feeling not even of hunger, but the feeling of the need to throw at least something into the stomach. And people who eat constantly? They do not eliminate their toxins at all, but constantly accumulate them in the body.

Processed food in the stomach stops the process of eliminating toxins from the body, which causes addiction to toxic products. It's like alcoholics who need to drink vodka, otherwise they die. By analogy, FOOD HOLICS? These are not hungry people, but sick people dependent on food intoxication. Arnold Ehret says clearly: "Than more people accumulates toxins, the more he must eat to stop the elimination" because the beginning of the elimination of toxins causes him discomfort? food withdrawal? and he immediately wants to eat in order to get rid of the unpleasant sensations.

The bathhouse is the apotheosis of the cleansing process.

You can’t go to the bathhouse after fasting until the body’s water-salt balance is restored. And it is restored no earlier than 10 days after the start of breaking fast, even if you only fasted for a week. During the fruit-juicy period, when will you properly replenish the loss of fluid and salts in the body, then eat raw vegetables for some time? then all you have to do is go to the steam room. If you take a steam bath and do not sweat, it means that you have not replenished the water-salt balance of your body.

The purpose of the steam room is simple: the cardiovascular system with normal temperature open at one end, on the kidney side. All fasting is the kidney end of cardio-vascular system was open, and the kidneys intensively filtered toxins into the street. Now we must, figuratively speaking, open another valve of the cardiovascular system and filter toxins through the entire skin through the entire peripheral circulation. This is an amazingly effective procedure. Moreover, unlike the kidneys, not only water-soluble, but also partially fat-soluble toxins are eliminated through the skin.

Do not steam in the steam room at maximum temperature. You need to sweat a lot, “leak.” The steam should not be dry or hot. No saunas. Your task is not to heat up, but to sweat out the remaining toxins. Drink more before and during the bath. Naturally, the process should vary depending on the age and condition of the patient. At chronic diseases The heart should be given water load carefully. But on the other hand we can't wash away peripheral tissues from toxins without sufficient fluids. If you are sitting in a steam room, your skin is dry, which means you do not have enough fluid in your tissues, or the steam is too dry.

What is the right and wrong way out of fasting?

If you exit fasting incorrectly, a beastly appetite appears, which can be described in one word: gluttony. Coming out of fasting is more important and productive in terms of removing toxins than fasting itself, which is simply a phase of mobilizing toxins from the depot. If you come out of fasting for at least a week on fresh TRANSPARENT fruit juices, then you will feel normal, there will be a complete absence of appetite and you will be full of a glass of diluted juice and the elimination of agitated toxins will continue for at least another week. YOU CAN'T SKIP ON FRESHLY SQUEEZED CLEAR JUICE! YOU MUST STRICTLY FOLLOW THE SECOND PHASE OF FASTING! Naturally, after completing any fasting cycle, it is in your interests to be on a raw food diet for as long as possible, including in this concept: fresh milk, raw egg yolks, raw fish.

And further. Remember once and for all: potatoes must be eaten raw! This is a source of vitality, even if you eat mainly fried potatoes, this does not exclude that you can eat one potato raw. By the way, you can make wonderful juice from potatoes. Potatoes should not be peeled because potato skins are main source vitamins You just need to wash it well and remove rotten areas. After this, the potatoes are finely cut into small cubes along with the peel. How raw potatoes seasoning is up to you. In the end, if you want something warm, you can cook baked, steamed or fried potatoes, but never, remember, never cook potatoes and drain the water after that. As a result of this processing, the potato loses all its usefulness and nothing remains in it except pure starch. And boiled starch is an ordinary wallpaper paste. The symptom of lack of appetite is such a sure sign the right way out from fasting, that if you suddenly have an appetite, it means that you drank or ate something wrong, but something that triggers synthesis processes in the body. What other food triggers synthesis processes in the body and stimulates appetite? It's all green. Therefore, at this phase of the cycle - no green juices!

As stated earlier, the fasting cycle includes three phases:

1) The phase of therapeutic, purely water fasting.

2) The withdrawal phase on starch-free fruit juices and fruits is at least the same number of days or weeks as you fasted.

3) The restorative, synthetic phase, when you add raw root juices and herbal juices and you can also eat them, but only raw. This phase, accordingly, lasts for the same period.

Those who are most useful terms exit from fasting (festival of the soul) will be “too tough”, they can use the table of the American scientist Arnold Vries.

Switch to processed foods.

When switching to boiled-fried food, remember that the best heat treatment is steam. Never peel potatoes or throw away the skins - all the vitamins are in the skins - just wash the potatoes with a brush. Never cook potatoes except in soup, and never drain water from boiled food.

It is necessary to completely exclude from food such classical harmful products as bakery products from peeled wheat flour the highest grade is pure wallpaper paste. Use products made from wholemeal flour. For the same reason, avoid boiled potatoes and polished white rice; You can only use “brown”, untreated. You can only consume whole grains, such as buckwheat, whole oatmeal, millet, even if this requires additional heat treatment. Avoid all dairy products made from pasteurized milk, including ice cream. Avoid all meat and sausage products.

Avoid sugar, sugar is NOT glucose - it is SUCROSE. And avoid salt, that is, all canned and pickled foods. Excess salt will preserve your body's tissues and slow down your vital processes.

Conclusion on the cycle of therapeutic fasting.

So, if there is an urgent need to get rid of any painful condition, then you should fast for at least 21 days, but we do not recommend more than 28 days. And then, this duration is recommended only for persons under 50 years of age. Remember what's important? not fasting in itself? This is just the mobilization of toxins. Main? this is the subsequent removal of these toxins using strictly freshly squeezed FRUIT juices!

In all other cases, consider the (7-10)-day strategy more stable. water fasting. The simplest FORMULA 1+1+1 = a week of water? enema + a week of freshly squeezed fruit juice + a week of fresh fruits/vegetables? bathhouse, next quality food, or even better, a raw food diet for as long as possible. Remember that Paul Bragg intuitively also came to short fasts 3-4 times a year.

Stoleshnikov A.P. certified doctor,
professor (in Russia) and licensed doctor (in the USA)
Pirozhkov N.K., author of the health care complex