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Is it possible to feed a dog potatoes and in what form. All the pros and cons of the question: Can dogs have potatoes? Can dachshunds have raw potatoes?

When the dog is fed natural food, then porridge, vegetables or potatoes are always added to the meat, one of the main and familiar products on the table. At first glance, the list is harmless, but oddly enough, veterinarians strongly do not recommend giving potatoes to animals.

Each dog’s body is individual, one will eat potatoes and nothing will happen, while another dog will feel ill even from a small amount and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will be disrupted. The reason for this is starch, which is poorly digestible and does not provide any benefit. The stomach digests the remaining substances (fiber and carbohydrates) normally.

Heat treatment (cooking, frying, stewing or baking) reduces everything to zero nutrients in potatoes, only starch remains, which will become a burden in the stomach. A dense potato lunch creates a strong load on the intestines, accumulating excess slag in organism. Frequent use this product also leads to speed dial weight. Should I give my dog ​​this product? Probably not. It’s not even worth talking about the dangers of fried food; it disrupts not only the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the functioning of the liver. There are no enzymes in the animal's digestive tract responsible for processing fatty foods.

It turns out that boiled potatoes definitely cannot be given to a dog, but raw ones can be used as a rare treat. There is no harm from it, but it does not provide any benefit as such, so you can sometimes diversify your diet with it, no more than 2 times a week. For example, a large dog is given no more than 2 medium-sized potatoes. Add vegetable oil.

Every time after eating such food, you need to monitor your stool to see if there is any disorder or vice versa. Does the animal suffer from flatulence, fermentation and painful spasms? If there is nothing like that and four-legged friend cheerful and cheerful, then sometimes you can continue to give potatoes, but only raw and in small quantities!

Green potatoes are poisonous and eating them can lead to food poisoning. In this case, immediate gastric lavage is required to relieve intoxication.

Dogs even eat potato peelings. Make sure that the skins do not fall on the floor when cleaning.

On the shelves in pet stores you can see food with the addition of potatoes. This does not mean that it should not be given to a dog. Manufacturers, knowing that this product is inappropriate, carry out special treatments and starch extraction, leaving only fiber and a small part carbohydrates. Which is what ends up in this delicious and crispy cracker.

Video on how you can’t take a dog’s potatoes away:

The nutrition of an animal is its basis healthy growth and development. There are many foods whose presence in the diet of dogs, especially young ones, is undesirable. Among them is such an affordable vegetable as potatoes. Why shouldn’t a seemingly harmless product be included in a dog’s menu? How can it harm the dog? What do you need to know about other, not recommended components of the dog menu?

Potatoes are harmful to dogs

This vegetable in its raw form is a source of solanine, which is very dangerous and toxic substance. Therefore, you should not give it to puppies, even when during the period of teeth change they want to chew secretly stolen potato skins.

As for boiled potatoes, they are a rich source of carbohydrates, which tend to turn into fat. If the dog moves little, then he is at risk of becoming obese. And not only. This vegetable is difficult to digest gastrointestinal tract dog. And even more so, you should not give fried potatoes to animals, as well as other fried foods: they harm the dog’s liver and stomach.

But such prohibitions do not mean at all that potatoes should never be on a dog’s menu. If you combine a little of it with other vegetables, vegetable oil and give it in this form occasionally, then it will not harm the dog.

About other unwanted foods on the dog menu

Veterinarians advise carefully monitoring a dog’s diet, especially during the period of growing up, that is, up to a year. The presence of the following products in it is undesirable:

  1. Avocado. The fruits contain a dangerous substance, persin, which causes vomiting and stomach upsets in dogs.
  2. Grapes, raisins, currants. They contain a little-studied toxin that can damage the kidneys.
  3. Mushrooms. They contain a lot of protein and are difficult for the stomach to digest.
  4. Yeast baked goods. Digestion of such products is accompanied by the release of gases, often causing pain and fermentation in the dog’s intestines.
  5. Pork fat. If you add it to your dog’s food, it will provoke the development of pancreatitis. The same applies to the fat that remains in the pan after frying.
  6. Sugar substitute. It is intended exclusively for people, and in a dog’s diet it reduces blood sugar levels, leading to vomiting, loss of strength, and weakness. If a dog is given it constantly, the result will be liver failure.
  7. Food for cats. It's different from a dog's increased content protein and fat. This is unacceptable for the dogs' health.
  8. Bird and fish bones. These dangerous products which can cause intestinal obstruction. Fish often gets stuck in the throat. Therefore, in order for the dog to have something to chew on, it is better to buy large bones of horned animals.
  9. Rhubarb leaf. They contain oxalates, which negatively affect the kidneys and the urinary system as a whole.
  10. Milk. It causes diarrhea in many dogs, especially if you offer them homemade milk high fat content.
  11. Raw meat. This product can be dangerous because it contains helminths, their larvae, and bovine tapeworm. And even if it was frozen, this will not protect the dog from infection.

If possible, the diet of dogs should be varied; you should not limit the animal’s diet only meat products, after all plant food also supplies pets essential vitamins and minerals. Periodically, your dog should have both vegetables and grains in his bowl. Can dogs eat potatoes, how often can you offer your pet dishes made from them, and what benefits can they bring?

Potatoes in dog food

Many owners feed their pets from the table, so they can easily offer them the rest of a sandwich or mashed potatoes. As for potatoes, veterinarians urge owners not to feed their dogs fried potatoes. This very harmful to their stomach, since the animal’s digestive tract simply lacks the enzymes responsible for digesting such fatty foods. In addition, one should not forget that when heating sunflower oil, carcinogens are formed, which are considered main reason formation of malignant tumors.

Dogs, like people, are not immune to cancerous tumors, That's why fried potatoes dogs are strictly prohibited from eating. As for ordinary boiled potatoes, if a little vegetable gets into a bowl of meat, it’s not scary, on the contrary, it’s even useful, since it contains enough vitamins and minerals. In addition, the starch contained in potatoes is considered one of the main sources of energy, since when it enters the body it is transformed into sugar.

The fact that potatoes can be given to dogs in small quantities is also indicated by the fact that they are contained in some types of food. You can give your pet potatoes raw, it will even be healthier, since most of vitamins and minerals still disappear during heat treatment. It can be grated and added to the main food.

How often can you give your dog potatoes?

The vegetable will not cause any harm to the animal, but only if the owner does not feed his pet it too often. Allowed to give one small potato twice a week. If the vegetable is given to the animal every day and in large quantities, sad consequences Such nutrition will not be long in coming, because starch, which is not the number one product for a dog, will actually replace meat, protein, which is vital for the development of its skeletal and muscular system.

You should not give potatoes to a puppy, because up to five months of age digestive system The dog is still very weak, so it will simply not be able to digest starch, which will lead to an upset stomach, dysbacteriosis, and deterioration in well-being.

After your pet tries a vegetable for the first time, you should monitor its condition for 4-5 days; if the animal’s stool suddenly changes or its health worsens, weakness appears, then you should no longer give potatoes.

Potatoes - benefits for dogs

Vegetable is considered useful product, since it contains minerals(calcium, magnesium, phosphorus), vitamins C, E, PP, H and B. It also contains a lot of iodine, which is very important for thyroid gland, and also protects the body from harmful microflora. The growth and development of the dog, the condition of its teeth, fur and nails depend on its sufficient amount in the body. Potatoes are excellent at removing toxins from the body, which is why they are considered medicinal products in a dog’s diet, the main thing is that its amount does not exceed the permissible portion.

The vegetable relieves spasms and helps with the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and has a diuretic effect. The special value of potatoes is that they contain a lot of potassium, an important mineral for maintaining the health of a dog. This is how potassium improves your health cardiovascular system and regulates metabolic processes.

Potatoes are harmful to dogs

Potatoes will not harm the animal’s health only if a little of it was eaten. In other cases, when it is given to the dog too often or given in large quantities, the vegetable becomes harmful. Most often, after overeating potatoes, an upset stomach occurs, since digestive tract It simply cannot digest starch, which is contained in a lot of potatoes. As a result, the dog may experience vomiting, diarrhea, and lack of appetite.

The most dangerous thing is that during diarrhea, dehydration may occur, the pet may develop a fever, shortness of breath appears, the animal becomes weak, and its movements slow down. If you do not provide help to your pet in time, even death is possible.

Boiled potatoes in large quantities are a real test for a dog’s stomach and pancreas, but overeating raw potatoes is no less dangerous. It contains a dangerous substance solanine, which has a depressing effect on nervous system and promotes the decomposition of red blood cells. Of course, if it is a couple of potatoes, the animal is in no danger, because the poison becomes dangerous for it if raw potatoes he ate at least a kilogram.

The vegetable is also harmful because it is a carbohydrate and a source of energy. If the animal is active and constantly moving, this is an additional reserve of strength, but if the dog is old or sick and moves little, then in this case, potatoes transformed into sugar can cause obesity.

Extra pounds are detrimental to pet, its activity decreases, the dog begins to get sick, fat begins to be deposited on the internal organs, which causes a disruption in their functioning.

This vegetable is absolutely neutral in its effect on the health of dogs, it is not harmful, but it is poorly digestible. For this reason, you should not use potatoes as the main food, but you can use them as a treat and an additional source of carbohydrates.

Owners who keep their dogs “on soups and pasta” don’t even think about the fact that natural feeding is a complex of products that provides a complete and varied diet. However, dogs are far from omnivores; like many other animals, a pet can eat almost everything, but not digest it. Let's figure out what you can't feed your dog and what the consequences of ignoring the ban may be.

Taking into account the fact that an adult dog eats 1-2 times a day, the most convenient way is to add the necessary components, supplements and vitamins. However, exclusively soft food leads to tooth damage, the appearance of tartar, and disruption of the normal digestion process, so the animal must be given the opportunity to gnaw moslaks or special treats (dried tendons). Traditionally, the diet plan is as follows:

  • Porridge containing finished form 40% meat or offal, cereals and vegetables 30%.
  • 2 times a week, it is recommended to give an omelet or 1-2 boiled eggs.
  • Boiled 1-2 times a week lean fish without bones.
  • Young and large dogs it is necessary to consume boiled cartilage and jelly.
  • Depending on the pet’s preferences and financial capabilities, the dog should receive natural dairy products - every day, every other day.
  • Any fruits and vegetables that your pet prefers. Cabbage is only boiled or stewed.
  • Cereals - buckwheat, rice, other cereals that the dog loves; it is advisable to exclude semolina completely.

Naturally, the scheme is not universal and is adjusted to each pet individually. Many dogs love fish more than meat and you have to come to terms with this. If several animals live in the house, a dog and a cat, for example, the same cooking principle is taken as a basis, but vitamins or nutritional supplements are added separately to the bowl.

Read also: Carrying bag for dogs: overview of varieties

What is forbidden to feed a dog - myths and substantiated facts

Practicing veterinarians are often faced with absurd situations - a dog is seriously ill due to an inadequate or “harmful” diet, and the doctor is to blame for the poor treatment. Where would-be breeders get their knowledge is a mystery that is not worth wasting time on, a truly loving and caring owner looking for justification for statements, which is what we will do.

You can’t feed your dog pork – a myth!

And now a number of arguments that cast doubt:

Draw conclusions - treat the purchase and preparation of any meat responsibly, this is the key to the health of not only the dog, but also the whole family.

You shouldn't give bones to your dog - really!

  • Chicken bones, including “soft” broiler bones – even a chewed bone cannot be digested. If the dog has crushed the bone sufficiently, undigested remains will come out, scratching and irritating the intestinal walls. Swallowed bones remain in the stomach or intestines, which will sooner or later lead the dog to the operating table.
  • “Glass” bones, crumbling into fragments, are not digested, and when in the stomach, they damage its walls, which leads to gastritis, pain, and ulcers.
  • Necks, tails, spines - put on the teeth and get stuck, the dog is not able to free itself from the “trap” on its own, suffocation with saliva or vomit is possible.
  • Ribs – a split or cracked rib bone rips open the stomach from the inside, leading to bleeding, damage internal organs, often, to death.

Read also: We train an adult dog and a puppy to use a muzzle

All types of meat by-products containing bones or their fragments are suitable only for preparing broth. After boiling, be sure to remove the bones from the broth and only then pour in the porridge. The only exception to the rules are moslaks, joint ends, round, hard bones covered with articular membrane. When buying moslaks for your dog, consider:

  • The moslak should not fit completely into the pet’s mouth.
  • There should be no cracks in the articular membrane.
  • Buy only fresh moslaks - no more than 24 hours should pass from the moment of slaughter.
  • Do not purchase offal from spontaneous traders; ask to see documents confirming a veterinary examination.

When a dog chews on moslak, do not leave it unattended. An overly stubborn pet may get stuck. chewing teeth Trying to free yourself, the animal can damage or break its jaw.

Even the most purebred and well-groomed dogs, whose daily diet is detailed down to the milligram, sometimes get pieces of treats from the master's table. For ordinary dogs Often they prepare mash, consisting of meat, cereals and grated vegetables, adding leftovers: soups, pasta, potatoes. Sooner or later, caring owners begin to wonder which foods are healthy for their pets and which are better to exclude.

Answers to the question of whether dogs can be fed potatoes are contradictory: some experts say that potatoes are almost poison for dogs, others say that small doses will not harm the animal. In order to form your own opinion, it is necessary to establish what nature itself has prepared the dog’s body for.

Features of digestion in dogs

Dogs are predators. Before domestication, they ate the same thing as their closest relatives, wolves: rodents, and occasionally sick birds or chicks that fell out of the nest. Wolves are not suitable for hunting an adult boar, but in a pack they can hunt down a weakened deer or piglet. Forest predators eat their prey along with the contents of its stomach: cereals, roots, grass. In summer, berries are added to the diet. Consequently, in nature, a dog’s diet would consist of meat and a certain amount of vegetable carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and starch.

The dog's intestines, like those of all predators, are short, so a large number of food rich in carbohydrates and starch simply cannot be digested. But a moderate dose of foods rich in these substances will not only not harm the animal, but is also necessary for health. Therefore, potatoes for dogs are at least not poison: potato pulp contains carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins.

Manufacturers of dog formulas have come to the same conclusion. Potatoes are added even to the most famous and expensive foods:

  • Monge – Italian company, manufacturing natural food premium;
  • Bosch Tiernahrung GmbH & Co is a German manufacturer of premium dry food;
  • Arden Grange is an American company specializing in the production of food for dogs with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract and delicate skin prone to allergic reactions;
  • Exclusion is an Italian manufacturer of hypoallergenic food;
  • Brit is a Czech company.

It is important to determine how much potatoes you can give to your pet. Having carefully studied the proportions of the ingredients of various foods, we can come to the conclusion that on average 4–5% potato flour is added to dry mixtures for dogs.

Which potatoes are good for dogs?

Starch is poorly absorbed by the dog's body. Therefore, dogs should not be given too many potatoes. Potatoes are mixed with feed like other vegetables: as a supplement containing vitamins and fiber.

The optimal dose of potatoes for dogs of large and medium breeds is 100–150 g per week (1–2 tubers), for small breeds– up to 50 g. Sometimes fresh root vegetables are replaced with special potato flour for dogs at the rate of 1–2 tablespoons per week.

Cooked Potatoes for Dogs

Fried potatoes harmful to dogs. Of particular danger is vegetable oil, which becomes carcinogenic. No harm will happen if the animal accidentally eats a slice of fried potato, but you cannot accustom the dog to that dish.

Fried potatoes are contraindicated for dogs

Boiled or stewed potatoes are less harmful than fried ones, but also special nutritional value has no idea. Many dogs are able to eat a lot of puree or mashed stewed potatoes- for the sake of butter and gravy. But this can lead to indigestion. Under no circumstances should you give boiled potatoes to the dog in the same quantities as porridge.

Tubers boiled in their uniforms are more useful: they contain vitamins under the skin. The same applies to baked potatoes. Some animals are happy to eat the fragrant slices along with the peel, but you shouldn’t indulge your pet’s tastes too much. And you are allowed to feed the dog only completely cooled food.

Solanine gradually accumulates under the skin of tubers stored for storage. Even in boiled root vegetables, it is poisonous and poses a danger to dogs. Therefore, starting from February and until the new harvest, it is better not to give your dog potatoes boiled or baked in their skins. If the tubers have turned green, then they cannot be boiled or baked for an animal, even without the peel.

Raw potatoes for dogs

Raw potatoes contain many vitamins. Dogs with well-developed intuition love to chew on pieces of tubers. If the animal is indifferent to the vegetable, half of the tuber can be grated and mixed with food. Potatoes with skins are the most useful, but for the dog you need to select absolutely healthy tubers, without green spots and specks of rhizoctonia, then wash them with a brush.

Some owners add crushed potato peelings to their pet's food, but they need to be washed so long and thoroughly that it's easier to throw them away. Starting from January and until the new harvest, raw potatoes are given to the dog only in peeled form. During the germination of planting material, it is necessary to ensure that the dog does not accidentally eat a green tuber and become poisoned by solanine.

When should dogs not be fed potatoes?

Giving potatoes to dogs is prohibited in three cases:

  • puppies up to 5 months: they have very sensitive intestines, and eating potatoes can cause discomfort. Therefore, it is better not to take risks;
  • pregnant and lactating females: potato starch can clog the milk ducts;
  • animals whose body reacts negatively to potatoes.

How to train a dog to eat potatoes

Dogs have their own ideas about tasty food. A slice of raw potato is placed next to the 6-month-old puppy's bowl. Some animals perceive the vegetable as a treat, others do not pay attention to it. You can chop boiled or raw tubers and mix them with food. If the dog does not refuse food, it means that potatoes are not disgusting to him.

However, it is necessary to monitor whether the animal has diarrhea, flatulence, or discharge from the eyes. If there is any negative reaction, potatoes should not be given to the dog.

If the dog simply does not like the taste of potatoes, then it is better to replace this root vegetable with other vegetables no less rich in vitamins. There is no need to force your pet to eat food that it does not like.