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Feeding a Bichon Frize with natural food. Bichon Frize: a bundle of charm in the home Bichon care and maintenance

If you are thinking about purchasing a small companion dog for living in an apartment, pay attention to the Bichon Frize breed.

The Bichon Frize will become a favorite pet and will bring a lot of positive emotions

Representatives of this species are distinguished by their intelligence, playfulness, friendliness, and lack of aggression. Such a dog will become a favorite pet and will bring a lot of positive emotions.

History and description of the breed with photos

The Bichon Frize is a sweet and friendly breed to keep in the home.

There is no clear opinion regarding the origin of the breed. The most popular version is that in the 14th century dogs were brought by sailors to the island of Tenerife. From there the breed spread throughout the European continent.

The second theory is that Bichon Frizes are descendants of French Barbets and Poodles. The third version says that the ancestors of the breed were Bologneses (Italian lapdog).

Bichon Frize dogs gained their greatest popularity in the 15th century at the court of the French king, who constantly carried them with him. Over time, representatives of the breed were brought to Russia and became the ancestors of lapdogs.

The popularity of the Bichon Frize periodically fell, then increased again. Once again the breed gained attention during the reign of Napoleon (1808–1873). When the French economy began to decline, not everyone could keep large dogs. The first breed standards were formed in 1933, but this did not affect the spread of dogs. Another wave of popularity swept the Bichon Frize in 1960–1990.

Over the entire period of the breed’s existence, these dogs performed an exclusively decorative function and were not distinguished by developed protective instincts. However, when a stranger appears, pets notify the owner of the potential danger by loud barking.

Dogs have a friendly, cheerful character, which does not change with age. Adult Bichons are no less playful than young ones. They easily establish contact with all family members and other animals, but can be aggressive towards strangers. Dogs easily get along with cats, even sleep with them. They can hardly stand loneliness and are very attached to their owner.

Important! Bichon Frize are companions that are suitable for older people and children.

By standards, Bichons must be completely white.

According to accepted standards, the dog's weight should be 3–6 kg, size 23–30 cm. The head is proportional to the body, although the haircut may slightly distort the visual perception. The forehead is flat, the transition to the bridge of the nose is smooth. The eye sockets are well defined. The lips fit tightly and have a dark edge. The teeth are straight and tightly spaced. The bite should be a scissor bite; a straight bite is a deviation from the standard. The nose is round and large. The nostrils are wide open. The eyes are round, placed straight, non-protruding, dark brown in color. The skin around the eyes is black. The eyelids fit tightly.

The ears are set high and hang down to the sides of the muzzle. They should reach the middle of the head. The torso has rectangular shape. The neck is strong, rounded, widening towards the shoulders. The back is straight. The chest is wide. The abdominal line is moderately tucked, does not hang down and does not hinder movement. The limbs are strong, the muscles are well developed. The paws are parallel. The tail is thrown over the back.

The coat color is exclusively white. Any deviations are not allowed. The coat curls a little, its length does not exceed 10 cm. The life expectancy of the Bichon Frize is 15–20 years.

Pros and cons of the Bichon Frize

The breed has significant advantages. Due to their small size, these dogs are suitable for keeping in a small apartment. Animals can be trained and the necessary skills can be easily imparted to them. Sociable and friendly, the Bichon Frize is suitable as a companion for every family member.

Dog fur does not pose a risk to people with allergies. Animals rarely shed, this allows you to maintain order in the apartment.

  1. Loud barking, often occurring for no apparent reason.
  2. The need for regular grooming, which requires significant funds.

Video: characteristics of the Bichon Frize breed

How to choose a puppy

Puppies may have a peach color and a disproportionate body shape

You only need to purchase a puppy from a kennel. Do not go to the bird market for your dog; the likelihood of finding a purebred Bichon Frize there is very low. Puppies are slightly different in appearance from adults. The baby may have a peach coat color. This is normal, over time the color will change and the dog will turn white.

Head little bichon not always proportional to the body. This shouldn't be alarming either. As the animal grows, the ratio of head to body sizes normalizes. The best way To ensure that a puppy meets breed standards is to look at its parents. The babies are ready to move to new house at the age of 3–3.5 months. By this time they should have received basic vaccinations.

Important! Do not purchase puppies without documents, since their breed can be determined by external signs very difficult.

Dog care

Features of living in an apartment

Bichons do not tolerate loneliness well.

Bichon Frize - active dog. She will use the entire area of ​​the apartment for games. To rest, provide your pet with a spacious, clean and not too soft place. It is not recommended to place the bedding directly on the floor. Make a pedestal about 30 cm high. When choosing a place, keep in mind that the Bichon needs to watch all family members. Its territory should not be exposed to direct sunlight, as this can cause a deterioration in the pet’s well-being. Ventilate your apartment regularly.

The Bichon will show interest in various things left unattended. He can chew wires, books, magazines, shoes. The only way to keep things safe is to hide them. Bichons cannot stand being alone. They react to lack of attention with destructive actions. Despite their small size, pets are capable of causing serious chaos in the house in the absence of the owner.

Hygiene and haircut features

Bichon Frize haircut diagram

Dog fur requires regular grooming. It has a thin, soft and silky structure, so it often gets tangled. The cover needs to be combed every day. This will require different types of brushes. The standard set is a wide-toothed comb and a slicker brush.

Video: professional grooming master class

Dogs are bathed once a month using special shampoos. These are compounds such as Royal Jelly Shampoo, Light Management Conditioner, Evening Primrose Oil Conditioning Mist. Bathing water should be at room temperature. After the procedure, the pet should be dried with a hairdryer and combed.

The dog requires grooming once every two months, as the Bichon's coat grows throughout their life. The procedure should only be carried out by a specialist. Many owners prefer for dogs short length wool because it is much easier to care for.

Check your pet's eyes regularly; they can become inflamed due to long hair. Use a cotton swab to remove any secretions every day so that dark tracks do not form on the face.

Trim your nails once a month with a nail clipper. After eating, the muzzle should be wiped to maintain the white color of the fur around the mouth.

Nuances of nutrition and feeding rules

Nutrition should be complete and varied

The dog's health depends on the quality of its diet. You can feed as natural products, and dry food. But keep in mind that you cannot combine schemes. If you prefer natural nutrition, you should not alternate it with feed.

The regularity of food intake depends on the age of the dog:

  • up to 2 months - 5 times a day;
  • from 2 to 4 months - 4 times a day;
  • from 4 to 8 months - 3 times;
  • from 8 to 15 months feeding 2–3 times;
  • from 15 months - 2 times.

The dog's diet should include meat, dairy products, cereals, vegetables, fish, vegetable and butter. The Bichon needs to be fed beef. Cut the meat into small pieces, boil the fish. Among the feeds, one can highlight the Maqnusson brand. This manufacturer offers mixtures for both adults and puppies.

Important! Don't give it to your pet confectionery, sausages, salted and smoked foods, this will negatively affect his well-being and provoke disruption of the liver.

What to do if your pet has lost his appetite?

If your dog refuses to eat, this could be a sign feeling unwell. Watch your pet. If you notice symptoms such as decreased physical activity, trembling, fever, lethargy, increased body temperature, contact your veterinarian immediately.

But there may be no appetite for other reasons. This happens when the dog is overfed, and also when high temperature air. In this case, increase your pet’s physical activity and walk with it more. With regular loss of energy, the dog's appetite returns to normal. Also be sure to feed systematically.

Important! Do not give an adult animal food more than 2 times a day, unless we are talking about a pregnant bitch.


Bichons do not need daily walking. But to maintain wellness they need fresh air. Three walks a week lasting 30–40 minutes will be enough. The Bichon Frize gets tired quickly; heavy physical activity is not for him.

Important! Do not walk your dog on the asphalt surface; its claws will wear off very quickly.

Choose a soft, short lawn for your pet. When going up or down stairs, hold your dog in your arms.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Childbirth is a responsible process that takes place under the control of the owner

The duration of pregnancy in a dog is 58–66 days. This condition is accompanied by drowsiness, changes in appetite, and the presence of mucous discharge. In the second half of pregnancy, the bitch's size increases in the area chest. Then the belly appears and the mammary glands swell.

Important! During this period, the dog needs high-quality nutrition, but it should not be overfed.

Obesity can cause hormonal disorders, resulting in weak puppies being born. In overweight dogs, lactation decreases.

From the second month, when the stomach can no longer be filled completely due to the growing uterus, the bitch is switched to three meals a day. And 2 weeks before giving birth, she needs to be provided with four meals a day, but in small portions.

Even before the onset of childbirth, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  1. Prepare a place on the floor for the dog. You should not place her on the bed, she will constantly jump off, which increases the likelihood of uterine kinks. In addition, you will have to make sure that the puppies do not fall on the floor.
  2. Prepare clean rags. They will be needed when, after the birth of each puppy, amniotic fluid begins to flow.
  3. You will also need clean scissors, a small syringe with a rubber tip, a jar/bags for placenta, a puppy box, and scales.
  4. During the birth process, it is necessary for 2 people to be near the dog. If any puppy appears weak, you will have to simultaneously help the bitch and revive the baby.

The signs of labor are as follows:

  1. Before contractions, characteristic changes are observed in the dog's behavior. She may tear up the bedding, refuse food, and be reluctant to go for a walk. With the onset of contractions, the bitch becomes restless.
  2. During the first stage of labor, the cervix opens and the birth canal softens. The dog is breathing heavily with its mouth open.
  3. After the cervix is ​​fully opened, the second stage of labor begins - pushing and the birth of babies. The dog lies on its side or presses against the wall.

The owner must be near the dog when the puppies appear. In this case, you need to be prepared for the following actions:

  1. If amniotic sac When the puppy appears, it does not burst, it must be opened immediately.
  2. Then cut the umbilical cord with scissors at a distance of 3 cm from the baby's tummy.
  3. Wipe his face with a clean cloth.
  4. If your puppy is not breathing, his airways are likely clogged with mucus and fluid. Clean them with a syringe.
  5. Give the puppy to the dog, she will start licking him, and after 2-3 minutes the baby will be suckling. This stimulates uterine contractions.
  6. When the dog begins to push again, put the puppy in the box so that she does not damage him.

Babies appear at intervals of 15–40 minutes. If the break is about 2 hours, contact your veterinarian. After the last puppy appears, all the remaining placenta comes out. The dog licks the babies and begins to protect them.

Education and training

Bichons respond well to training

Dogs are easy to train, special training dont need. WITH childhood They need to be litter trained. If the puppy chews shoes or other things, explain to him that this cannot be done using strict intonation. Do not use physical punishment. Learn the commands with him: “Place!”, “No!”, “Come to me!”. Use a treat as a reward.

Diseases and vaccinations

The Bichon Frize is a dog that is not prone to... frequent illnesses. But she also has health problems. This breed is characterized by excessive tearing, which occurs due to contact with the eyes. foreign body, the presence of sweets in the dog’s diet or entropion of the eyelids. The disease is treated with special drops, for example, the drug Diamond Eyes.

Another disease that can occur in a Bichon Frize is arthritis. A sick dog begins to limp and slow down during walks. The animal is prescribed the drug Rimadyl. The duration of therapy is determined by the veterinarian. In some cases, treatment continues throughout the animal's life.

Bichon Frizes also suffer from cataracts, allergies, dermatitis, epilepsy, and diseases of the genitourinary system.

  1. first vaccination - at 1–1.5 months;
  2. the second - 2 weeks after the first;
  3. third - at 6–7 months;
  4. all subsequent vaccinations - with an interval of 1 year.

We bring to your attention Swedish food

"Magnusson" Perfect for feeding Bichon Frize. For those who keep this breed, the issue of food selection is the number one issue. I tried it for the first time in 2010. I had to bring one or two bags from Sweden with the opportunity, so, of course, not everyone got it. Seeing the condition of the dogs, especially the condition of the “face”, I started thinking - when will he appear in Russia? Now we have Magnusson in Russia. My nursery has been completely on this food for three years now. Seven litters were raised.

Ideal for adult dogs MAGNUSSON MEAT & BISCUIT – ADULT. If the dog is prone to being overweight, then it will be suitable MAGNUSSON MEAT & BISCUIT – LIGHT. But if, on the contrary, the dog is thin and needs to be fattened, then it will help MAGNUSSON MEAT & BISCUIT - WORK. If you prefer to feed your Bichon natural food, then “Magnusson” is ready to help you, offering a kind of “porridge” instant cooking" - MAGNUSSON BLANDA – ORGANIC MIXER. This food is intended for highly allergic dogs. You just need to fill it with warm water, add meat, vegetables, vitamins - and natural food is ready.

Perhaps someone will like others, choose - there are two rulers in the stern.

For puppies, teenagers, pregnant and lactating bitches - MAGNUSSON MEAT & BISCUIT - JUNIOR.

And of course - delicious food!!! Bichons are simply delighted with them. "Magnusson" has prepared wonderful crispy stone-shaped cookies for them.


Special nutritionists and veterinarians have been successfully solving the problems of feeding pets for a long time. Developed special feed with vitamins and many other very useful and vital components that our four-legged friends need. All the main issues in this area have long been scientifically substantiated and practically tested. And yet we make mistakes when feeding not only puppies, but also adult dogs.

1. Our mistakes are their ill health. Most often, our mistakes are caused by ignorance of feeding requirements and daily ration norms for the normal development of the animal, as well as non-compliance with the feeding regime and, as a rule, overfeeding the dog.

The main and most terrible evil that we do out of the goodness of our hearts is feeding dogs with foods that we consider tasty for ourselves, people. We give more sugar and salt than needed, even cervelat and salami. Does a dog need it?

If you decide to kill your puppy, then believe me, you are on the right track. And the most harmful thing for a puppy is bones. Bones should not be given to a baby until his dental system has formed.

2. Physical activity and diet. Full or hungry? The most basic rule that a dog owner should know is: daily norm feeding is directly dependent on the amount of physical activity that the dog has spent during this time.

With increased loads, the volume of food increases slightly, and with reduced loads (the dog rests or sleeps more, walks less) - it decreases slightly compared to the usual daily diet.

The main indicator of proper feeding is the dog’s normal fatness with well-developed muscles. If your pet is healthy and is not characterized by increased activity towards food (greed), which is quite rare, then he calmly moves away from his empty bowl. If the dog continues to lick ("chase") the bowl (maybe even bring it to you), then he does not have enough food. You always need to remember:

1. An adult dog is fed twice a day: morning and evening.

2. The bowl is removed 10-15 minutes after the start of feeding, regardless of whether it is empty or full.

3. Fresh drinking water should be available at all times, especially when feeding dry food.

3. Thin or fat? If your dog is losing weight, the total amount of food may need to be increased slightly after consulting with your veterinarian about his health.

The normal condition of a dog is checked as follows. In the place where the dog's croup begins, the croup should be easily palpable, but not visually prominent. Otherwise, the dog will develop excess fat. Obesity leads to heart problems and shortens your pet's life. Remember: we and only we ourselves either prolong or shorten their life.

Consult a dog trainer and, if your dog is healthy but doesn’t move much, take him for a walk. It’s not for nothing that dogs take us for walks. Look how they run and play! And they take care of their figure and do exercises, and we?

4. Minerals and mineral supplements. What are they needed for? Minerals are vital for both puppies and adult dogs.

Bone meal, calcium, phytin, glycerophosphate, mineral supplements, which include all the necessary components, play a role important role in the formation of the backbone of puppies. You need to know and remember that for each breed the amount of mineral supplements should be different. It is best to seek advice in any club from the head of your breed section.

An overdose of mineral supplements for a puppy can lead to bone fragility, which will likely result in paw fractures. U adult dog excess mineral supplements are washed out of the body.

5. Raw food. To cook or not to cook? The dog should receive raw meat, vegetables (preferably vegetable salads), rolled oats, sea or ocean fish. River fish can be boiled. It is better to soak Hercules (but not cook!) or give it dry.

If you are afraid that your dog will become infected with various microorganisms, then pour boiling water over or hold a piece of meat in it for 2-3 minutes before cutting it into pieces. Never give your dog a whole piece of meat! You should feed your dog meat only in the evening.

An adult dog under 5 years old should preferably receive a bone (except lamb bone), cartilage or ribs once a day. Overfeeding with bones causes stomach disorders. Strictly exclude bird bones! At dietary nutrition It is good to give boiled poultry meat.

A little vegetable oil or sour cream (not mayonnaise) must be added to vegetable salads for better absorption of the “live” vitamins contained in them. It is advisable to add fruits, washed nettle and dandelion leaves to salads. Under no circumstances should you collect nettles and dandelions near the road.

6. Intolerant foods. There are a number of foods that should not be given to a dog at all.

1. All kinds of sweets: pastries, cakes, lump sugar, etc. cause lacrimation or suppuration of the eyes, and the normal functioning of the liver may be disrupted.

2. A large number of salt is poison for dogs (as well as for you and me). Therefore, the food needs to be added minimally.

3. Any herbs, spices and aromatic substances, even those contained in ordinary cookies, can cause loss of smell, especially in hunting and working dogs.

4. Lamb and pork should absolutely not be given, given that raw pork most often contains the virus canine distemper(distemper of carnivores Pestis canum). Both of these meats cause stomach upset. They are too hard on dogs' livers.

5. Legumes and cereals cannot be given raw, except for rolled oats. Dogs love raw potatoes, believe me: 1 potato in one or two days will not hurt.

6. Problems also arise with milk. Dogs' sensitivity to milk sugar (lactose) is very limited. Milk can be given to a puppy up to 4 months of age. Fermented milk products: kefir (except fruit), cottage cheese and cheese are well absorbed by the dog’s body.

7. Should I feed from the table? The most common mistake! As soon as a puppy appears in your home, he must understand that he will not be given anything from the owner’s table and must eat only from his own bowl. The beggar dog sits at the table all the time and looks at you with such eyes that a piece of food gets stuck in his throat. And when there are guests in the house... There will definitely be a kind soul who will give you something tasty according to their own human understanding.

So decide whether to teach your puppy to beg. Feeding him correctly and in a timely manner is the most important thing.

8. How many times a day should I feed my dog? Puppies eat very often. Immediately after birth, blind and helpless, they poke into their mother's belly, looking for the precious nipple with colostrum. Up to two months, puppies are fed 5-6 times a day, from two to four months - 4 times: from four to seven, like young dogs - 3-4 times. Adult dogs are fed 2 times a day - morning and evening, and in hot weather - 1 time, old dogs - 2-3 times a day.

Sometimes a dog may refuse food throughout the day. If you are sure that your pet is healthy, then there is no need to panic. Your dog just had a fasting day! And he's right...

9. Abrupt change feed Before switching from one food to another, think about whether your dog needs it. If you decide that a change of food is needed, then consult your dog handler. He will tell you which food to choose and help control a painless transition from one type to another.

When eating dry ready-made feed You must strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations so as not to cause digestive problems for your dog. You need to be especially careful during the first 5-7 days. No other products can be added to such food: they already contain everything necessary for proper feeding of your dog. Remember that it is important not to overfeed your dog, especially in the first days of giving a new food.

Always make sure your dog has fresh drinking water available.

The dog must drink plenty!

10. Untargeted addition of additional drugs. When using special balanced feeds, there is no need to add mineral supplements or vitamins. They do not improve the dog's health. Moreover, an overdose of vitamins can lead to severe consequences, and your best intentions will turn into tragedy.

Please do not experiment on your own pet!

You can always contact a veterinarian for advice or contact a dog handler at any club - the head of the section. Be attentive to the norms and feeding regime of your dogs, to their well-being. Don’t be lazy to consult with specialists. Learn to understand your dog. Then your pet will be healthy and happy.

A fully balanced HOLISTIC food made from turkey and duck fillets raised on Canadian farms.

Now! Grain Free (grain-free) - “Balanced protein and fat content” - the first grain-free food with a balanced protein and fat content. Clover leaf shaped kibble is ideal for small dog breeds.


Turkey fillet, potatoes, fresh whole eggs, peas, duck fillet, salmon fillet, flax-seed, apples, canola oil (source of vitamin E), natural flavor, Coconut oil(source of vitamin E), tomatoes, dried alfalfa, carrots, pumpkin, bananas, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, papaya, pineapple, grapefruit, lentils, broccoli, spinach, cottage cheese, alfalfa sprouts, dried seaweed, calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate , lecithin, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, vitamins (vitamin E, L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate (source of vitamin C), a nicotinic acid, inositol, vitamin A, thiamine mononitrate, D-calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, beta-carotene, vitamin D3, folic acid, biotin, vitamin B12), minerals (zinc proteinate, ferrous sulfate, zinc oxide, iron proteinate, copper sulfate, copper proteinate, manganese proteinate, manganese oxide, calcium iodate, selenium, yeast), taurine, DL-methionine, L-lysine , algae extract, dried chicory root, Lactobacillus, Enterococcus, Aspergillus, yeast extract, Yucca schidigera extract, calendula, parsley, mint, green tea extract, L-carnitine, dried rosemary.

Normally, the body has the ability to distinguish between foreign substances necessary for life and foreign substances that can cause harm to the body. That is why, for the most part, animals and people are able to normally tolerate various food products included in food. However, in some individuals tolerance is more selective: some foods are not recognized and cause abnormal reactions.

The cause of an allergic reaction can be food products, some plants, insect bites, some medications etc. Among food products Protein, protein-polysaccharide, protein-lipid, and other complex protein compounds can have allergenic properties. Food dyes are also dangerous for allergic animals. Often strong broths are a source of trouble for both the animal and its owner. For example, the reasons for the development of an allergic reaction in the body may be:

  • intolerance to milk or feed enriched with cereals (due to a deficiency of certain enzymes, such as lactase or amylase);
  • a reaction caused directly by the ability of certain products or their components to immediately, without prior preparation, start inflammatory process(for example, histamine in some low-quality foods);
  • Excessive fermentation in the large intestine, leading to the release of toxic substances (for example, poorly cooked meat products).

At food allergies Almost every component commonly found in a dog's diet has the potential to cause this condition. The most common allergens are chicken, beef, fish, veal, milk, cereals, and soy. Most of dogs with allergies - 60% - react to at least two different proteins. Moreover, only some animals give an allergic reaction to this particular type of product. For example, some dogs can eat absolutely calmly wheat porridge, in others it causes allergies. Sometimes this reaction is not constant, but periodically occurs only in combination with any additional factors. It is impossible to predict in advance what could cause an allergic reaction in a particular dog.

The reason why one particular animal reacts inadequately to the entry of any food component into its body has not yet been clarified. Most often, food allergies are expressed by a reaction of the skin and fur: the skin may turn red, flake, or itch; wool falls out and thins. Somewhat less often, allergies manifest as disorders digestive system, even less often - edema or attacks of bronchial asthma.

However, fortunately, allergic reactions are quite rare. According to French experts, only 10% of dogs are prone to this disease. Not all animal breeds are equally susceptible to allergic reactions. However, there are breeds for which food allergies are a scourge. These primarily include exotic breeds that appeared relatively recently - Shar Pei, Chow Chow, Dogo Argentino, etc.

Allergic reactions sometimes occur and develop very quickly, so the owner must take appropriate measures very quickly.

Sometimes the symptoms of an allergy coincide with the symptoms of a food intolerance: the latter is accompanied by the same symptoms as a food allergy, but does not affect the immune system.

Allergy symptoms in dogs

Allergies are expressed differently depending on the degree of development of the disease. This may include difficulty breathing, severe itching, rash, and redness of the skin. Can appear liquid discharge from the eyes and nose, frequent urination and bowel movements. The gums take on a bluish tint. With more serious manifestations of an allergic reaction, swelling of the mucous membranes and sometimes other parts of the body appears.

With anaphylactic shock, which in some cases is an extreme manifestation of an allergy, difficulty breathing can develop into suffocation, and swelling can become very severe. All these signs can take on a threatening form and lead to respiratory arrest and cessation of cardiac activity.

Sometimes food allergies are less pronounced and more protracted, lasting for months.

In order to correctly diagnose a food allergy, it is necessary to link the observed symptoms to the specific type of food ingested by the animal. To do this, it is most reliable to resort to the method of feeding a known “hypoallergenic” diet, which will be discussed in detail below.

First aid in case of an allergic reaction

  • It is advisable to immediately exclude the effect of the allergen, although it is very difficult to identify it, and “immediately” refers rather to the area of ​​good wishes.
  • IN severe case diphenhydramine or suprastin should be administered intramuscularly, if mild form- give suprastin, diazolin, diprazine or another antihistamine in tablets.
  • In case of cessation of breathing and cardiac activity, it is necessary to act as recommended for cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest.
  • If the animal is in in serious condition, you need to give him a comfortable position and provide access fresh air. If vomiting occurs, you should release oral cavity from vomit.
  • Do subcutaneous injection cordiamine and focamphocaine sul.
  • Inject intramuscularly dexamethasone, dexona or hydrocortisone (for anaphylactic shock).
  • If the symptoms do not disappear within 15-20 minutes, you should repeat the injection of the antihistamine and give the injection ascorbic acid and immunofan.
  • If the disease is protracted, calcium chloride is prescribed orally - 1-5 tablespoons per day. To make it convenient to give this drug (very bitter), calcium chloride can be diluted by half with milk and a little sugar added. Dogs, as a rule, willingly drink such a “cocktail”.
  • If the disease is long-lasting, you can give a weak decoction of the string instead of water, and wipe the animal with a stronger decoction or make wraps by soaking the fabric in the decoction, or rinse with it.
  • For itching, hydrocortisone spray has worked well. If there is no branded drug, you can prepare it yourself by mixing 350 ml of water, 80 ml of alcohol, 50 ml of glycerin and 4 ampoules of hydrocortisone. Pour into a spray bottle, treat the animal, then rub the applied solution well into the fur.

Some companies produce food for animals with allergies, which includes lamb meat and rice. Of course, such foods cannot be recommended for all animals prone to this disease, since, as a rule, they also contain other products that can cause an allergic reaction.

When treating food allergies, you should first try to identify foods that are not allergens, rather than those that cause allergies. Only by determining the maximum amount of products that do not cause allergies can you provide the animal with normal image existence. To do this, it is recommended to switch the animal to a diet consisting exclusively of rice and lamb, which are considered hypoallergenic foods, while excluding all vitamins and mineral supplements. Drinking water should be distilled or at least boiled. You cannot give any pieces from the table - sometimes a piece smoked sausage or cake can reduce your efforts in the fight against allergies to nothing.

In parallel with the hypoallergic diet, all of the above measures for the treatment of allergies should be carried out, combining them with external treatment of the animal. In areas that were most susceptible to irritation during the period of exacerbation of allergies, the hair should be cut and treated, alternating with hydrocortisone spray, baccid and baby powder. If the animal scratches in certain places, then you may have to purchase or sew a blanket or light overalls for it that covers all the scratching areas. Sometimes it even happens hind legs put on socks. Scratching your skin can become a bad habit that is very difficult to break. As a result, irritation no longer occurs from food, but from saliva and scratching with claws.

In 25% of cases, skin manifestations of allergies disappear within 1-3 weeks, in 50% of cases - after 9-10 weeks. When all manifestations of the disease disappear in the animal, that is, the animal stops itching, the skin becomes normal, alopecia disappears, etc., the next stage begins - to finally confirm the diagnosis. It consists in introducing new foods into the animal’s diet one at a time and feeding them for five days. For example, vegetable oil is added to a regular diet consisting of rice and lamb. After five days, they again return to the diet without adding a new product, that is, rice and lamb. If after five days signs of allergy do not appear, then it is considered that vegetable oil is not an allergen, and it is added to the diet, which already consists of rice, lamb and vegetable oil. New Product, for example, grated carrots. This diet is followed for five days and then returned to the previous one, that is, rice with vegetable oil and lamb. If within five days after this the animal has not had a reaction to the new product, then it is also included in the diet. And now to food consisting of rice with vegetable oil, lamb and grated carrots, they add, for example, stewed cabbage, and the whole procedure is checked again.

New types of foods should be prepared separately, without mixing with already proven foods. Of the meat products, except for lamb (lamb), boiled turkey is considered the least allergenic. If boiled turkey does not cause allergies, then by including it in your diet, you can try introducing porridges from other cereals. After rice, millet porridge is considered the least allergenic. You should cook millet porridge separately and add one teaspoon to the already tested diet. Gradually its quantity is increased, displacing rice. Of course, this is a very lengthy procedure, but if you do everything correctly and do not shorten the time frame for testing a new product, then success is guaranteed: you will outline the range of products that your pet’s body accepts without giving an allergic reaction, and in the future you you can safely include them in your daily diet. Immunological tests, which are sometimes proposed to identify allergens, are not always effective.

If, say, a new product causes skin rashes or... allergic itching, it should be permanently excluded from the diet and return to the previous diet for a while until the manifestations of allergies disappear. When a sufficient number of products have been tested and those that do not cause allergies are selected, they begin to test vitamins using the same principle. You should only start with very small doses of vitamins, increasing their amount in your daily diet with great care. It is necessary to know which vitamins most often cause an allergic reaction. Owners of animals prone to allergies should be aware that among vitamin and mineral supplements, those containing seaweed and brewer's yeast.

Of the ready-made antiallergic foods, we can primarily recommend Canine diet d/d food, canned food (rice with egg) and dry food (lamb meat with rice).

Food allergy is a condition that is difficult to diagnose. In most cases, we should talk about food intolerance when switching the animal to a different, higher-quality diet avoids trouble.

There are a lot various breeds, both small and large. The content of each of them has its own characteristics in care. What to feed the Bichon Frize? Does food for Bichon Frize Any differences from food for other breeds?

Useful video

Watch an educational video about the wonderful Bichon Frize breed.


The Bichon Frize appeared in Russia recently, just like the Prague Rat and the Norwich Terrier. Externally, this breed is something between a poodle and a lapdog. Unlike other long-haired breeds that shed a lot, Bichon Frizes do not suffer from hair loss at all. Dogs of this breed are very easy to train and get along well with children.

Nutritional Features

To answer the question of what to feed a Bichon Frize puppy, you need to remember that puppies grow up very quickly compared to other breeds, so their diet should be rich in various mineral supplements. This will have a beneficial effect on the development of their skeleton.

  1. The Bichon Frize must be given some raw ingredients, as well as vegetables and fish.
  2. Before serving, it is recommended to chop the meat finely, it is better to give the fish boiled, and steamed vegetables.
  3. It is highly undesirable to give sweets, as this leads to allergic reactions and liver disorders.
  4. Various spices and seasonings are also prohibited; this reduces the sense of smell. Anything can be made from meat except pork, as it is too fatty for them.

Dry food is good because it contains hard fiber, which helps reduce tartar.

Also, for the convenience of the animal owner, pet stores sell specialized dry food for Bichon Frize puppies. If you can’t buy one, then you can take a universal one, but only a premium one. Since puppies grow very quickly, they need to be switched from baby food to adult food earlier than puppies of other breeds, so that they do not gain excess weight.

The representatives of the Bichon Frize have a dazzling White wool, and in order for nothing to affect it, it is necessary to choose food without dyes and flavors. Leave these for Yorkshire Terrier and Shih Tzu. Food for a Bichon Frize should generally be as close in composition to natural ingredients as possible.

It is undesirable to give cheeses and butter and anything that can lead to obesity or contribute to the occurrence of allergic skin reactions.

You can add fresh vegetables or fruits to food, as a supplement or as a treat, but only green ones.

Of course, dry food for the Bichon Frize is also important and healthy. However, please note The dog should always have a bowl with dry food next to it. clean water . It is advisable to feed adult dogs twice a day, and the portion should be appropriate for their weight and age. And never, no matter what happens, feed the dog from your table. This may lead to unpleasant consequences, no matter how your animal begs you for food. It’s better to give her some “her” treat and let her occupy herself for a while.

In principle, these rules are valid for other dog breeds. Chihuahua puppies with a sweet tooth will grow worse if you constantly treat them to sweet candies or cakes.

We couldn’t find dry food for our girl, so we decided to switch her to natural food. Tell me what can and cannot be fed to a bichon (7 months old). In what proportions to give, what fertilizers are used. We're feeding now oatmeal with turkey, he seems to be eating it, but we don’t know the proportions of porridge and meat.


Information on the proper feeding of a Bichon Frize dog can be found on our website, obtained from experienced dog breeders and in special clubs. You will need to develop a suitable diet for your pet.

If the dog eats correctly, the animal shows a normal weight, does not show signs of greed while eating, and after finishing the “meal” it moves away from the bowl calmly.

Principles of proper feeding of Bichon Frize

Until the puppy reaches a certain age, feeding is carried out in a series of distinctive features. Dog breeders are divided into three groups when it comes to feeding:

  • Proponents of dry food.
  • Supporters of natural products.
  • Proponents of a mixed approach to feeding pets.

Each power option has a number of general requirements:

  1. The dog always has access to clean and fresh drinking water. This especially applies to dogs on a “dry” diet.
  2. An adult dog needs to be fed twice a day. Meat products are given in the evening feeding.
  3. The animal's body weight must be controlled. If there are significant deviations in either direction, contact your veterinarian immediately.
  4. In addition to a complete diet, the dog needs to receive vitamin supplements containing the main active substances, minerals, amino acids. Allowed to be added to the diet bone meal, glycerophosphate.

When caring for your pet, try to learn basic health examination skills. It is possible to independently determine the condition of the puppy’s skin and muscles, the thickness of the fat folds and the degree of fatness.

If your dog is gaining more weight than expected, have your veterinarian check for endocrine disorders. If diseases are excluded, simply add physical activity to the animal.

Natural food

Proper nutrition for a Bichon Frize dog requires the presence of raw foods in the diet. Useful sea ​​fish boneless, vegetables, low-fat varieties meat. Selected varieties of cereals are given raw.

River fish is offered to dogs only in boiled form. It is allowed to give rolled oatmeal raw. It is possible to pre-soak for several hours. When feeding raw meat and vegetables, dog owners have concerns about whether they will get four-legged friend together with pathogen products infectious diseases. To calm down, it is permissible to resort to heat treatment: Pour boiling water over the raw product. It is possible to immerse raw meat in boiling water for a short time.

It is better to chop large pieces of food before feeding your pet. This applies to vegetables, meat or fish. It is important to carefully select the bones from the fish. The dog receives the food warmed up. A significant part of the puppies' diet consists of liquid cereals, milk, and pureed vegetables and fruits. It is allowed to give yolks chicken eggs and honey in mixtures.

What not to give

It is important to know what not to give your puppy. The following types of products are considered “forbidden” for animals:

  1. Spicy fatty and salty dishes.
  2. Sausage of any kind is poison for a dog’s liver.
  3. It is unacceptable to give raw river fish with small bones.
  4. Meat bones are prohibited. Especially the tubular bones of birds.
  5. White bread, pasta, semolina porridge.
  6. Legumes, potatoes, pearl barley.
  7. Sweet foods, sugar, chocolate.

Sweets cause tearing and suppuration of the eyes and liver problems in representatives of the breed. Spices and spicy seasonings lead to loss of smell. It is not recommended to feed pork.

Feeding an adult Bichon Frize

Like most small breeds, dogs are fully formed by the specified age. It is allowed to transfer the pet to adult diet. To feed natural products, the same dishes are used as for feeding the puppy. Feature – you will need to reduce the content of protein-rich foods. Otherwise, disobedience will negatively affect the animal’s fur.

When feeding natural products, the dog must receive vitamins. When choosing supplements for your pet, try not to buy products that contain carrot or seaweed extracts. The compositions are rich in pigmenting substances and can cause unwanted yellowness in the coat of snow-white dogs.

As a treat, the animal is occasionally offered a small piece of cheese, dry bread or cracker. To avoid overeating, they resort to the following method: 15 minutes after the start of feeding, the bowl is removed, regardless of how full it is.

There are many different breeds, both small and large. The content of each of them has its own characteristics in care. What to feed the Bichon Frize? Does food for Bichon Frize Any differences from food for other breeds?

Useful video

Watch an educational video about the wonderful Bichon Frize breed.


The Bichon Frize appeared in Russia recently, just like the. Externally, this breed is something between a poodle and a lapdog. Unlike other long-haired breeds that shed a lot, Bichon Frizes do not suffer from hair loss at all. Dogs of this breed are very easy to train and get along well with children.

Nutritional Features

To answer the question of what to feed a Bichon Frize puppy, you need to remember that puppies grow up very quickly compared to other breeds, so their diet should be rich in various mineral supplements. This will have a beneficial effect on the development of their skeleton.

  1. The Bichon Frize must be given some raw ingredients, as well as vegetables and fish.
  2. Before serving, it is recommended to chop the meat finely, it is better to give the fish boiled, and steamed vegetables.
  3. It is highly undesirable to give sweets, as this leads to allergic reactions and liver disorders.
  4. Various spices and seasonings are also prohibited; this reduces the sense of smell. Anything can be made from meat except pork, as it is too fatty for them.

Dry food is good because it contains hard fiber, which helps reduce tartar.

Also, for the convenience of the animal owner, pet stores sell specialized dry food for Bichon Frize puppies. If you can’t buy one, then you can take a universal one, but only a premium one. Since puppies grow very quickly, they need to be switched from baby food to adult food earlier than puppies of other breeds, so that they do not gain excess weight.

Representatives of the Bichon Frize have a dazzling white coat, and in order to ensure that nothing affects it, it is necessary to choose food without dyes and flavors. Leave these for and. Food for a Bichon Frize should generally be as close in composition to natural ingredients as possible.

It is undesirable to give cheeses and butter and anything that can lead to obesity or contribute to the occurrence of allergic skin reactions.

You can add fresh vegetables or fruits to food, as a supplement or as a treat, but only green ones.

Of course, dry food for the Bichon Frize is also important and healthy. However, please note The dog should always have a bowl of clean water next to the dry food. It is advisable to feed adult dogs twice a day, and the portion should be appropriate for their weight and age. And never, no matter what happens, feed the dog from your table. This can lead to unpleasant consequences, no matter how your animal begs you for food. It’s better to give her some “her” treat and let her occupy herself for a while.

In principle, these rules are valid for other dog breeds. Those puppies with a sweet tooth will grow worse if you constantly treat them to sweet candies or cakes.

Other possible names for the dog: Bichon, French lapdog, Curly lapdog.
Adult dog height: approximately 30 cm. Weight: from 5 kg.
Color: only white.
Wool length: long, curly.
Average life expectancy: 13 years old.
Advantages of the breed: does not shed, hypoallergenic.
Difficulties of the breed: Professional grooming is required once every 2-3 months. And monthly home care for wool.
Average price for Bichon: puppies with show potential 60 thousand rubles, companion dog puppies 30 thousand rubles.


The Bichon is a decorative companion dog. In the role pet The Bichon is ideal and perfect for both families with children and single people of any age.
Bichons are active, lively dogs who love to have fun and entertain their owners. They like to be the center of attention and easily connect with children of any age.
They love long walks with active games. They get along well with other pets. They are naturally delicate and when they appear strangers do not show aggression.
Although they are extremely distrustful of strangers, because... In the soul of every lap dog there lives a “vigilant watchman”. They are very smart and obedient, making them easy to train. Many dogs of this breed love to bark over trifles and make noise. They need free space for games and pranks. Bichons do not like to be given little attention. The owner of a Bichon must always remember that the interests of this dog must be taken into account! Only the owner who loves his Bichon and is friends with him will the dog endlessly trust and obey.


In Bichons, what is most valued is cuteness, thick hair and good pigmentation of the nose and rims around the eyes, as well as diminutiveness than smaller puppy, the more expensive.
The puppy must be well fed (the puppy's vertebrae should not be easily palpable). The coat should be clean, not tangled; there may be beige spots on the ears, which disappear over time. The puppy should not be timid and lethargic.
If the puppy you like has not reached 3 months of age, it is better to reserve it and leave it with the breeder. It is not recommended to take a Bichon away from its mother early. When buying a puppy aged 3 months or older, you are purchasing an already socialized dog that has also completed a full course of vaccinations.
It is useful to look at the puppy's mother; she should not look exhausted or have matted, dull fur.
It is better to buy a dog from a kennel. The puppy must have a mark in the groin area or on the ear. The breeder is obliged to issue a certificate for the puppy and an international veterinary passport with age marks, and also offer to conclude a contract for the sale and purchase of a dog. The stamps of the puppy and its mother must match the metric.
Otherwise, you can buy any white dog instead of a Bichon.


Caring for a Bichon does not take as much time from its owner as is commonly believed. Here are some tips on the care and maintenance of Bichons from me, as a groomer, an experienced Bichon owner and a novice breeder:

When does a Bichon's coat get matted and how can I avoid it?

After wearing clothes, collars and harnesses. In this case, the Bichon should be combed with a slicker brush immediately after removing clothes or equipment.
- If the coat is not sufficiently dried, after bathing. Or no conditioner was used. The dog's wet fur will immediately mat, and within a week it will become tangles.
- If there are many children in the house, where the dog is often squeezed, in this case the Bichon should be cut significantly shorter than the standard.

What kind of care is required from a Bichon owner, and how often?

The Bichon's eyes should be wiped daily with a cotton pad moistened with a special eye lotion.
- You need to trim your claws and clean your ears once every 1-1.5 months (between haircuts in the salon, if you cut your Bichon once every 3 months). If you cut your dog's hair in a salon once every 2 months, you don't have to do it yourself.
- It is advisable from childhood to teach your dog to brush his teeth (with toothpaste and a dog brush) at least once a week. This habit will greatly facilitate the mechanical procedure of cleaning tartar (with a regular scaler without anesthesia), and will save you from serious problems with the dog’s health in the future.
Dental calculus healthy dog begins to form only after 2 years.
- Bichon needs to be bathed once every 3-4 weeks, if Bichon goes to the toilet in a diaper. Dogs that are being walked are bathed when they become dirty or when a characteristic odor appears. Paws should be washed immediately after a walk.

How to properly bathe and brush your Bichon Frize?

Comb the coat with a slicker brush just before bathing.
- Shampoo and conditioner are diluted separately from each other. Don't use 2-in-1 products.
- Bathe the dog warm water, wet the coat with a shower head, apply shampoo, massage lightly and rinse well with water. Repeat the same procedure with the conditioner.
- Squeeze with your hand excess water from the Bichon's fur and wrap it in a large terry towel, leaving only the tip of the nose.
- Keep the dog in the towel for 20-30 minutes.
- Comb the coat with a slicker or long-toothed brush, blowing it with a warm hairdryer. Thus completely drying and brushing the dog.
There is no need to brush your Bichon's coat until the next bath.
- Use shampoo “for white coats” or “for frequent use” (if you have to bathe often) and be sure to wash off separately a “moisturizing” conditioner.
"Whitening" and "texturizing" (volumizing) shampoos should only be used by salon professionals. They should not be used for home use.

How to choose the right dog grooming salon and groomer?

Bichons require professional grooming once every 2-3 months.

Grooming- this is not only a haircut, it is a whole range of services for caring for the dog’s coat and skin to keep it healthy, beautiful and well-groomed. Groomer is a specialist in caring for pet hair.

The cost of such services in different salons depends on pricing policy salon When choosing a salon to groom your pet, you should pay attention to the fact that the range of grooming services must necessarily consist of: following procedures:
- removing hair from ear canal and ear cleaning
- nail trimming
- combing
- analysis of tangles (if necessary)
- cleaning tartar (as it forms)
- cleaning of the anal glands (as they become dirty)
- bathing
- blow-drying
- cutting with scissors according to breed standard or any other

It should be borne in mind that in some salons all services are paid separately, and in some in a comprehensive manner and at fixed price. For example, as in the Panda Animal Beauty Studio.
This is always not only more profitable, but also makes home care much easier. There is no need to remember and think about what needs to be done and when, a professional groomer will do everything himself. The less often the Bichon visits the salon, the more attention and time the owner requires to care for him.
The first haircut in a pet salon is very important, so you need to treat it with all responsibility so that there is no negativity left for the rest of the dog’s life.
Read reviews of groomers and consult with other owners of dog breeds that require grooming.
Your personal contact with the groomer is also important; if the groomer does not inspire confidence in you, do not leave your dog to him.
During the first haircut of the dog, it is advisable that you be present; this will not confuse the professional hairdresser, but will calm you down. Evaluate the approach and professionalism of the groomer with your own eyes. If you have found “your master”, in the future your presence will be unnecessary. Dogs are not distracted and groom much more calmly without their owner.

Bichon Frize nutrition

It should be remembered that any dog ​​food does not eliminate the need to consume vitamins and minerals!

It is best to feed your Bichon Frize dog natural products.
To avoid food allergic reactions, selecting food. Feed an adult dog (from 8 months it is necessary 2 times a day at the same time throughout its life), for example at 9:00 and 21:00.

A balance of meat, grains and vegetables is the key to a healthy dog. Since they are prone to food allergies, only 3 types of lean boiled meat can be present in their diet, preference is given in this order:
- beef and beef by-products (tripe and heart)
- rabbit
- lamb
- as well as white sea fish without bones

The meat is boiled in a second broth and cut into small pieces; rice or buckwheat is added to the prepared broth with meat.
Be sure to add half-raw vegetables to the porridge (ideally broccoli, cauliflower, carrots) or any green vegetables.
From time to time you need to add vitamins and minerals to your food.
Dairy products are required only for puppies; adult dogs can only be given fermented milk products at least once a week, cottage cheese from 1% to 4-5% fat or kefir.
Food is served to the dog warm or at room temperature.
Water should be freely available, filtered and fresh.
When traveling or on the road, you can always feed your Bichon with jars of “Agusha” or “Tema” baby food, with the types of cereals and meat and vegetables that he can eat.

Foods contraindicated for Bichons:

Red vegetables and fruits (for example: beets, red bell peppers, strawberries, cherries)
- salty and fatty
- sausages
- cheeses
- chicken, pork, liver, chicken and pork bones
- any sweets with sugar (including berries with high content sugar) and baked goods
- river and red fish
- legumes
- oatmeal, semolina, pearl barley
If the owner wants to feed his Bichon dry food, he should choose super-premium food. It is advisable to choose food that is designed specifically for this breed. And for sterilized dogs only dietary.

It is best to feed from a flat plate to keep the face clean. And place the plate on the table as the puppy grows for the correct formation of its bones and the dog’s exterior.

Raising a Bichon Frize

The Bichon is a decorative dog. Therefore, the main attention is paid to developing hygienic qualities and practicing commands necessary for socialization.
From the first days of the puppy in the house, he begins to learn the toilet, the feeding area (these areas should not be nearby), and the consolidation of his “place”.
It is also important at this time to closely monitor the puppy and stop his attempts to chew furniture and things.
Gradually teach the dog the basic commands: “come to me”, “fu” or “no”, “drop it”, “near”, for its own safety. Dogs are more willing to learn new commands and skills during play, for example, fetching a toy or jumping over a low barrier. Also important element education is home grooming. Dogs of this breed are intellectuals, so they need to be given a lot of attention, especially in childhood. They will willingly learn new commands, use their sides for a comb, or play. Just to be close to your owner!
It should be remembered that a dog is not a person and only remembers the last command! You cannot give the command “come to me” and scold him for doing something. She will think that they are scolding her for approaching the owner. And in the future, in response to the command “come to me,” he will run and hide.

You should learn the commands gradually, one at a time. As soon as the dog has succeeded, reward it with praise, affection or a treat (you can use pieces of boiled meat as a treat).

You should not use only treats often, otherwise the dog will begin to train its owner to give it a treat every time it goes to diaper! All achievements of the dog must be noted by the owner and always rewarded in different ways. When a dog learns to carry out a command at the sudden request of the owner for some time, for example a week. Only then can you consider the command learned and move on to learning another one. Sometimes returning to the first command so that the dog does not forget the one that has already been learned. And so on. Be mindful of intonation when giving commands. Commands must be given in a strict tone that does not tolerate objections. Praise should sound emotional. You should scold your dog as a last resort and under no circumstances should you yell at it. A dog should not be afraid of its owner. Just be friends with her. The dog will quickly understand what is wanted from it when its bad behavior is ignored and its good behavior is noticed.

Before punishing your dog, remember that you have everything: family, friends, work, entertainment, and she only has YOU!


Advantages of the dog: Bichons are quite miniature and are wonderful as a companion for any person, they have a good disposition, they adore children and get along with other pets in the house. They are adequate and sociable, easy to train. Bichon wool does not cause allergies.

There is only one drawback of this dog: They are very susceptible to food allergies, like all white dogs. You need to carefully monitor your diet throughout your life.