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High quality sunglasses. Which is better: plastic or glass? Suitable for rectangular face shape

Anyone's life modern man is simply impossible without the use of fashionable and high-quality sunglasses.

This is not just a stylish accessory - properly selected glasses can provide reliable protection from negative influence ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to this, everyone can maintain the health of their eyes for a long time.

Most important point When buying glasses, you need to choose the material used to make the lenses. There can be only two options - glass or plastic. Both materials have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Plastic lenses

Glasses made of plastic are highly durable. If the surface is damaged, they do not crumble into a large number of fragments and therefore cannot cause harm to the eyes. Another undoubted advantage of such lenses is their light weight.

However, plastic also has a significant drawback: it transmits ultraviolet rays in full. To prevent this from happening, a coating is applied to the lenses, which creates a blocking layer.

Plastic is very easy can be scratched, and therefore such glasses need to be stored in a durable case. In addition, when high temperature this material can become deformed, which will distort your perception of reality.

Glass lenses

Glass glasses they don't let you in ultraviolet radiation , so you don’t have to worry about the health of your eyes. In addition, glass is much less susceptible to various damages.

At the same time, there is a serious risk of eye damage if glasses break. Therefore, people who are keen active species sports or drive a car, it is better not to buy such an accessory.

Besides, glass lenses weigh a little more than plastic ones.

Looking at the world through colored lenses

Today in stores you can find a large number of glasses of various shades. To prevent damage to your eyes, it is imperative to know the characteristics of different colors.

According to ophthalmologists, glasses with lenses are considered the safest option gray and green.

In the first case, the light waves are distributed evenly, due to which it is possible to achieve a real perception of colors. In the second, you can easily protect your eyes from fatigue and overstrain.

Red glasses much change perception the surrounding world. You can temporarily lose orientation in space in them. Doctors say that wearing such an accessory is allowed for a maximum of two hours a day.

Lenses yellow color create cheerful and positive mood. This accessory is great for cloudy days. It can also be used by drivers at dusk.

Glasses with blue-tinted lenses cause the glasses to widen. This can lead to burns and damage to the lens, so it is advisable not to purchase such an accessory.

In addition, motorists should take into account that red, blue and green glasses distort color reproduction, so you should not wear such an accessory while driving.

Which frame to choose for glasses

When choosing a frame, you also need to take into account several important points. It absolutely must be done made from quality materials, be durable and not cause allergic reactions.

It is also very important that the frame is as convenient as possible. An incorrectly selected accessory can impair blood circulation, which will cause constant headaches and high fatigue.

And, of course, when choosing a frame you need take into account appearance and hair color:

  • For people with fair hair, frames in contrasting shades are suitable – blue and black are considered a universal option. You can also afford a color version, provided that it organically complements the entire image.
  • Dark-haired people should choose light options - golden and silver shades will look great.
  • People with red hair have a fairly bright appearance, and therefore the most extravagant options are suitable for them - for example, yellow or lilac shades.

How to treat retinal detachment

Selecting frames according to face shape

  • Holders of oval face shapes can choose absolutely any glasses, since this type of appearance considered universal.
  • People with square face can choose glasses with round edges, and they should sit high on the bridge of the nose. Thanks to this accessory, you will be able to smooth out too much cheekbones and give your face a more correct shape.
  • Those with a round face should pay attention to glasses with dark frames; preferably, they have rounded edges.
  • For people with a triangular face, oval glasses are perfect. It is worth choosing an accessory with small lenses of a neutral color and a thin metal frame.
  • Those with a rectangular face may want to consider wearing glasses. dark colors, it is desirable that they have a fairly massive frame and a wide membrane on the bridge of the nose.

UV eye protection

Today, plastic lenses are the most popular. Depending on the amount of ultraviolet radiation transmitted, they are divided into three categories:

  1. Cosmetic. Such glasses can be classified as aesthetic, since they bring little health benefits: the level of transmitted ultraviolet radiation is 51-100%. It is advisable to wear this accessory during the period of least sun activity.
  2. Universal. Ophthalmologists believe that such glasses are excellent for use in the city. They allow less than half of the UV rays to pass through—20 to 50%—and provide adequate eye protection from the sun.
  3. Special. These lenses can provide the most reliable sun protection. It is recommended to use such glasses near water, in high mountains, ski slopes, that is, under conditions of increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Correctly selected Sunglasses must not only harmoniously complement your image, but also to serve reliable protection from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

The color of the lenses and the shape of the frame are of great importance. Therefore, you should treat such an acquisition very carefully and take into account all the important features.

Many people, when buying sunglasses, chase after fashion companies, brands and look for the latest models. However, often, in the pursuit of fashion, people forget that sunglasses should not only be beautiful and expensive, but also perform their main function - namely, protect their eyes from the sun. True, not all the latest models are used for protection, and sometimes they are only a fashion accessory. When choosing glasses, we advise you to think more, not about their beauty, but about the degree of protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Our eyes are protected by a special dark pigment, melanin, which decreases with age and can no longer absorb ultraviolet radiation, protecting our eyes. Therefore, older people are often advised to wear sunglasses. However, even in your younger years you should take care of your eyes. Sunglasses can help with this. But you need to choose them correctly. We'll give you a couple of tips on how to choose this useful accessory.

Pay attention to what they are made of sunglasses.

The best sunglasses are made from glass. It is glass that protects our eyes 100% from ultraviolet radiation. Plastic lenses do not have such protection, and only 80-90% (in best case scenario), protect us.

Heavily tinted glass does not always guarantee protection. Behind dark lenses glasses, our pupil dilates, and since glasses not made of glass do not protect the eyes 100%, then about the same amount of radiation enters them as without glasses at all.

You should not buy cheap glasses of an unknown brand or, on the contrary, expensive ones, but with plastic lenses. It is better to choose glasses with natural glass, although they are more expensive, their quality is better. You can find out about the quality of the lenses on the label of the glasses (don’t forget to ask).

The heaviness of the product can also tell about the quality of the lenses - if the glasses are lighter, then they are most likely made of plastic. Glass has more weight and thickness.

Frame quality.

If you want to choose good glasses, which will serve you for many years, we advise you to pay attention to the quality of the frame. When purchasing glasses, check the temples a couple of times and bend the glasses slightly. A good frame is elastic and always quickly regains its shape.

Check all the screws on the glasses. They should hold tightly and firmly. Pay attention to every little thing so that you don’t have to run around fixing them on the first day or regret the money spent.

Lens type and color

We recommend choosing glasses with large lenses. Of course, they don't suit everyone and can make you look like a dragonfly, but they are the best for protecting your eyes and the skin around your eyes. Small glasses that barely cover your eyes will have little effect.

When choosing glasses for recreation, it is best to choose polarized glasses, i.e. glasses with uniform coverage. They block very bright light and are simply irreplaceable at sea. Mirror glasses reflect sunlight and are best used at high altitudes, such as mountains. Chameleon glasses can be worn anywhere; they change the color of the glass depending on the light, but are not very durable. Graduated glasses, half dark, are well suited for motorists and are simply irreplaceable in the city.

Now let's look at the color of the lenses. Pink and golden-yellow lenses are well suited for a bad day when the sky is constantly cloudy. Glasses with gray and brown lenses, on the contrary, are better to choose in very sunny days– they provide maximum protection against sun rays. Dark green glasses do not distort colors and are suitable for any weather.

Here are, in principle, some recommendations on how to choose the right sunglasses. We still advise you to buy more expensive glasses in branded stores, so at least you will be confident in their quality. And the quality of sunglasses is the health of your eyes. Good luck!

For many people, sunglasses are just a fashion accessory. However, first of all, they are intended to protect the eyes - both in the summer and on a resort vacation at any time of the year, and during winter sports.

The choice must be approached very responsibly, because low-quality glasses can cause harm instead of benefit.

Vladimir Neroev, director of the Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, tells how to choose sunglasses.

Why does the sun harm your eyes?

Pigment provides natural eye protection melanin, the amount of which in the eyes decreases with age. Therefore, intense exposure to solar radiation on the eyes can lead to problems and cause eye diseases such as central degeneration or cataracts.

For example, even short-term observation solar eclipse without appropriate eye protection led to a decrease in people's vision, which was subsequently only partially restored.

What is sunlight

Sunlight is primarily a combination of ultraviolet (UV) and infrared radiation. Depending on the wavelength, UV radiation is divided into:

- long wave ( type A rays) – the least dangerous range (it is what causes tanning), but the effect accumulates over a lifetime and accelerates skin aging,
- medium wave ( type B rays) – in this range, radiation has a higher energy and, when present in sufficient quantities, causes dermatitis, burns and other skin damage,
- shortwave ( type C rays) is the most dangerous range, but it is almost completely blocked by the ozone layer of the earth’s atmosphere.

Ultraviolet radiation is uneven in different latitudes. It is much more intense near the equator, decreasing as it moves away from it. Greatest danger ultraviolet light is present during the daytime.

Its influence increases when reflected from certain surfaces, increasing the total dose. For example, snow reflects about 90 percent sunlight, water is approximately 70 percent, and grass is only 3 percent.

Infrared radiation largely dissipated due to atmospheric moisture, but can also represent serious danger, especially in combination with ultraviolet light.

What to consider when choosing glasses

The selection of sunglasses in stores is so wide that it can be very difficult to sort through them. To do right choice, you need to understand where and how you are going to use your sunglasses.

High-quality glasses not only protect your eyes, but also provide comfort and image clarity. Ideally, sunglasses should change the brightness of the image, but not change the color rendition.

Choosing material

Lenses made from quality polymer materials, for example, from polycarbonate, block ultraviolet rays of types A and B. Glass also significantly blocks ultraviolet radiation, but not completely.

And here infrared radiation, which is also undesirable for the eyes, passes through both plastic and glass.

Light and color

It would seem that the darker the glasses, the better they should protect the eyes. But intensely colored lenses are not always able to block solar radiation.

If the lenses just painted and do not have UV protection properties, its dose is even greater than that received through a transparent lens. After all, the pupils dilate behind dark lenses. Therefore, poor-quality sunglasses contribute to greater eye damage from ultraviolet radiation.

This is especially true for children and adolescents, since they are more likely to be outdoors during the day than adults.

A good addition to sunglasses - visor or cap. They block about half of the sun's rays.

Radiation protection

Quality sunglasses have a special marking, helping you make the right choice depending on your needs. The level of protection is indicated in the inserts supplied with the glasses. They also contain information about the conditions in which the glasses are recommended for use (mountains, water surface, city, etc.).

«0» – light transmission 80-100 percent. Minimum protection against all types of ultraviolet radiation.
"1", "2"– light transmission, respectively, 43-80 percent and 18-43 percent. These glasses are recommended for use in urban environments, since they only partially protect against ultraviolet radiation.
"3"– light transmission 8–18 percent. This type of glasses can be chosen for regular beach holiday and going out into nature.
"4"– light transmission 3–8 percent. This is a very dark filter designed for high altitudes and hot countries.

Polarized lenses

Polarizing filters block the eyes intense light reflection from surfaces (wet asphalt, snow, ice, water), leading to poor visibility. By cutting off the harmful part of the “light”, they provide more comfortable and clear vision.

Photochromic lenses

Photochromic lenses are able to respond to ultraviolet radiation by changing the amount of light transmitted. They are used in so-called chameleon glasses, which darken in the sun, and in the absence of sunlight their lenses become transparent. There are sun lenses that combine both polarizing and photochromic properties.

When choosing sunglasses with photochromic lenses, consider darkening speed and lightening speed, as well as temperature sensitivity.

By the way, photochromic agents- special substances used in the production of such lenses - when low temperatures more active. That is, in the heat, the darkening of photochromic lenses is less, and the eyes are less protected by them.

Over time, the photochromic agents in the lenses may wear out and the lens darkening will weaken. Therefore, such glasses must be regularly replaced with new ones.

How to choose glasses?

1. Decide in advance what you need sunglasses for.
2. If you have vision problems or eye diseases, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist before choosing sunglasses.
3. Do not buy sunglasses from stalls and markets. Quality glasses don't have to be expensive. Choose from those sold in stores, such as tourist shops, that have clear labeling and inserts.
4. Carefully study the labeling of the glasses - it indicates how much ultraviolet rays the lenses of the glasses transmit, whether they are able to adapt to the brightness of the light or remove glare.
5. If you drive a car or often go out into the sun and back, buy glasses with photochromic lenses. To relax in the snowy mountains, it is better to purchase glasses with polarized lenses.

The article is about how not to get confused when choosing the right sunglasses and following the tips to purchase quality glasses.

Glasses are not only a must-have accessory, but also an excellent means of preventing wrinkles around the eyes, as well as powerful vision protection from harmful ultraviolet rays. Correctly chosen glasses will highlight not only your facial features, but can also add mystery to your image. It’s not for nothing that they are constantly used by show business stars and other famous personalities.

How to choose women's sunglasses?

  • Doctors have long postulated that protecting your eyes from the sun is much more important than protecting your skin. That is why, when choosing sunglasses, you need to study the quality of the optics, the material from which the glasses are made, the availability of certificates and, of course, the country of origin.
  • Plastic glasses are not bad. Most manufacturers today make sunglasses from very high-quality, impact-resistant plastic, which is not inferior in quality to glass. At the same time, it is not always possible to apply additional filters from UVA and UVB rays to the glass, and glass itself has the ability to block only part of the sunlight.
  • Before buying glasses, always ask the seller for a passport for the glasses. It will contain all the information about the manufacturer, which ultraviolet waves they are able to filter. High-quality glasses must be certified to block waves of at least 400 nm.

Shapes of sunglasses: photo

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

Sunglasses - 5 levels of protection against sun: tips for choosing

how to choose sunglasses?

Sunglasses are divided into five categories of protection:

  • Zero protection (the number is “0”) - these are glasses with a light translucent coating for cloudy weather, which transmit 80 - 100% of light.
  • Protection level “1” - requires glasses for partly cloudy weather, and are suitable for early spring, when there is not much sun yet.
  • Protection level “2” - glasses with a medium degree of filter spraying, which are suitable for sun protection in the middle zone, but not in the south.
  • Protection level "3" - glasses, one of the most common and are in demand and almost universal in all latitudes with predominant sunny weather.
  • Protection level “4” - these glasses have polarized lenses and they transmit only 8 - 10% of light. They are recommended for use high in the mountains or at sea to neutralize bright light and glare.
  • To make sure your glasses are right for you, go outside. If you continue to squint in the sun, then this light protection is not enough for you.

IMPORTANT: The color of the glass does not determine protection from UV rays. If the glasses are of high quality, then even with group zero they will filter up to 70% of the light.

How to choose the right one Sunglasses?

how to choose the right sunglasses?
  • When buying sunglasses, always pay attention to the fact that this is not only an element of your image, but also an important accessory for protecting your eyes. Therefore, of course, you should always buy glasses specialized stores. After all, by saving and buying a cheap product for the sake of beauty or a copy of a brand, you risk the health of the retina.
  • If the lens is not properly coated, the pupil will dilate and all the light through the glasses will directly penetrate the retina.
    Our eyes, according to researchers, are most comfortable in glasses with lenses of brown and gray-green shades.
  • You should avoid bright palettes in lenses, because ophthalmologists claim that they have a harmful effect on vision.
  • If you have the opportunity and big glasses suit you, then it is better to give preference to just such models. It is glasses with large lenses and a wide base that will more reliably hide your eyes from the penetration of side rays of light.

Sunglasses with diopters: how to choose?

how to choose sunglasses with prescriptions?

Thanks to new innovations, people with poor vision can now purchase sunglasses along with diopters, which is very convenient. In a room where there is little bright sun, they change the color of the lenses and become transparent, helping to work productively with documents and the computer. And in the sun they darken, showing protection from all types of harmful rays. Such glasses can be purchased at any optical store, after first measuring your level of vision.

IMPORTANT: Many users of such glasses complain of discomfort at first. This is normal - your vision gradually gets used to such color differences in the lenses and subsequently you will feel comfortable.

How to choose the shape of sunglasses?

how to choose the shape of sunglasses?

The fashion for the shape of glasses changes from year to year, but your style and the glasses that will fit it perfectly will remain unchanged.

  • There are large-sized mask glasses that look very creative, and are mainly produced with thick frames.
  • Drop glasses with mirrored lenses are also a trend this season and continue to attract originality.
  • Classically shaped Ray Ban glasses continue to conquer the market precisely because they look great on almost any face and have a large number of colors and frame options.
  • Round glasses in the style of John Lennon will also find their owners among extraordinary young people and those who like to stand out from the crowd.

How to choose women's sunglasses according to your face shape?

how to choose sunglasses?

You should also choose glasses according to the shape of your face:

  • For those with a narrow face, oval or rounded models are more suitable.
  • For those with a round face, it is better to opt for glasses with a square or rectangular shape.
  • For people with an oval face shape, glasses of almost any shape are suitable. You can especially pay attention to the shape of the “cat eye” glasses. For the second season now, she has been pleasing her owners, making their look original and unforgettable.
  • The well-known aviator glasses are very popular, but unfortunately they are not suitable for everyone. They look very stylish on a triangular-shaped face, emphasizing the sophistication of their owner.

Who suits square women's sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

IMPORTANT: square glasses contraindicated owners of a square face shape, due to the fact that they emphasize the angularity of the shape.

how to choose sunglasses?
  • Square glasses with contrasting colors - plain lenses and bright frames - will suit younger girls. And more mature ladies will suit calmer shades with translucent glasses.

Women's sunglasses for oval faces: how to choose?

how to choose sunglasses for an oval face?

The oval face shape is the standard among models, and glasses of almost any shape are suitable for it. Therefore, the main task remains to maintain the harmony of facial proportions.

Tip: It is very successful when the width of the frame itself coincides with the widest part of the cheekbones, and the top line runs exactly along the line of the eyebrows.

If you have very delicate and soft facial features, then smoothly shaped frames in the shape of a butterfly, cat eye or teardrop glasses will suit you. If you have sharp facial features, then glasses with strict classical shapes will suit you better.

Women's sunglasses to a narrow face: how to choose?

How to choose sunglasses for a narrow face?
  • For those with a narrow face, you need to carefully select the shape of glasses that can visually give your face more volume.
  • Most suitable for them are rectangular models with massive arms and expressive lenses.
  • Also, butterfly-shaped frames with slightly raised outer edges will give your face more expressiveness and volume. You should avoid square-shaped glasses, which will simply make your already angular chin heavier.

Women's sunglasses on the face: photo

how to choose sunglasses? How to buy inexpensive sunglasses on Aliexpress?

how to choose sunglasses?

You can inexpensively buy analogues of branded sunglasses on the Ali Express website by following this link: buy sunglasses on Aliexpress.

how to choose sunglasses?

Every girl dreams of looking stylish and harmonious. It is the right glasses that can help with this:

First, determine the shape of your face and choose glasses based on this. By following the tips above, you can highlight the strengths of your facial features and hide your flaws.

Always buy glasses with the right protection to suit your needs. This way you can protect your retina from the sun's harmful rays.

Video: How to choose sunglasses?

Choosing glasses is not an easy task.

Scientists around the world are unanimous in their verdict that bright for the human eye, especially in the hot season, when the impact of such rays is many times more intense than, for example, in more cold period of the year. That is why, in order to protect your eyes, it is recommended from the sun, or as they are also called sunglasses. However, not all glasses can protect our eyes. In order not to doubt your protection in the future, it is recommended to pay attention to the following aspects when choosing such glasses:

Choosing the right sunglasses


Sunglass lens material

Sunglasses protection level

“Good” glasses are necessarily sold with a corresponding information insert, which contains all necessary information about the level of their sun protection, as well as recommendations regarding the conditions (city, beach) such glasses are intended for. Today, there are five categories of filters for such glasses, with degrees of protection from 0 to 4. Also, glasses must be marked accordingly. But it’s best to buy such glasses at an optician, and not at a spontaneous market or in some tourist shop.

Sunglasses frame shape

Shape of glasses - big or small? It is quite clear that dictating rules with this criterion will not be entirely appropriate - after all, as you know, there are no comrades for taste and color, and there is only one type of glasses - large ones suit people with one face shape, but will look funny on others.

However, there are still general recommendations– glasses should be large enough and cover not only the eyes, but also the area of ​​skin near the eyes, tightly fitting brow ridges. These glasses will protect both your vision and your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. soft skin around the eyes, you won’t squint and small wrinkles – “crow’s feet” – won’t form in the eye area.

It is quite clear that small glasses that barely cover your eyes will be of little use. These glasses sports uniform designed more for protection from wind than from ultraviolet rays.