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Gastrointestinal disorder treatment. Intestinal upset: for what reasons does it occur and how to treat it? Causes of frequent disorder

Intestinal disorders are considered a common health condition. This reaction of the body can be caused by one of many factors. In order to know how to get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon, you should find out the causes, symptoms and treatment that will be effective for such a pathological process.

The main reason for the development of intestinal disorders is the entry and spread of harmful bacteria inside the intestines. This factor is not the only one. Causes of intestinal upset:

Functional bowel disorder no longer depends on organic causes. Often the cause of this type of disorder is a disorder in the background of mental health. This happens when there is a feeling of fear, nervous work, frequent family quarrels. For this type of disease therapeutic methods will differ slightly from standard methods that are aimed at getting rid of symptoms. Intestinal upset in a child can occur when the diet is supplemented with unusual foods.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of the development of the disorder resemble in their course a number of intestinal or gastric diseases. Symptoms of the disease:

  • Diarrhea, less commonly, difficult bowel movements;
  • Attacks of vomiting or nausea;
  • Tenesmus;
  • The appearance of a feeling of distension in the peritoneum;
  • Painful sensations in abdominal cavity;
  • The appearance of strong morning gases;
  • Attacks of heartburn;
  • Mucus impurities in feces Oh;
  • A feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine, even after defecation.

Often, the symptoms for each person have their own strength of manifestation. There is a possibility of the presence of only one of the signs or several in combination with each other. If intestinal function has been disrupted, you will need the help of a specialist to restore it.

Diagnostics of deviations

To find out the reason for the development this process, you should contact a gastroenterologist. During the examination, the doctor will ask the necessary questions about the duration of the manifestations and the degree of impact of the symptoms. If any unclear points arise, please additional methods research. Such research methods include palpation or sigmoidoscopy. The first method allows the doctor to examine the rectum, that is, to feel for possible inflamed areas. The second method is more informative; it allows you to see more distant areas of the intestine that cannot be examined by palpation.

If necessary, blood, stool, and urine tests will be prescribed in order to exclude or identify the presence of a possible infection in the body that has become the causative agent of the disease. Only after receiving all the test results will the doctor be able to prescribe appropriate treatment.

Pathology therapy

After carrying out diagnostic measures, the doctor will be able to say exactly how to treat the intestinal disorder. Complex therapy is often prescribed in order to get rid of the symptoms of the disease and the causes of its occurrence. In the case of a functional disorder, you will need the help of a psychologist, and if necessary, you will need to take sedatives.

For other cases, dietary nutrition and medications are prescribed, which will be aimed at getting rid of symptoms. If the pathology was caused by a viral infection, you will need to take antiviral drugs. Antipyretics are prescribed to lower the temperature. At painful sensations take antispasmodics and painkillers, such as No-Shpa.

The bacterial cause is treated with a combination of antibiotics, after which it is supplemented with treatment with probiotics or prebiotics in order to get rid of dysbiosis.

Smecta, Laperamide, Imodium. cope with the unpleasant symptom of loose stools. Duphalac or other laxatives are prescribed for the development of difficult bowel movements.

In case of intoxication, it is recommended to take Activated carbon, since it helps to quickly remove toxins from the body, this remedy is approved for children. Sorbents will not harm the health of the child, on the contrary, they will help get rid of discomfort. If vomiting or diarrhea develops, it is important to take medications that will restore the water-salt balance.

It should be remembered that it is recommended to consult a doctor if you have some symptoms, if the symptoms do not go away a day after their onset. If there are complicating factors, such as high temperature, severe vomiting, blood in the feces, you should not postpone seeing a doctor.

It is not recommended to treat intestinal disorders during pregnancy at home, since intestinal pathology may be a sign of the development of more serious diseases.

Traditional methods

Usage traditional methods Therapy is permissible only in the absence of complications and the doctor’s permission. It is important to remember that before starting treatment you should conduct an allergy test, as some components of the recipes can cause allergies. To do this, you should start treatment with a small dosage, look at the reactions, if no negative signs follow, you can start therapy. If there is any negative reaction of the body to the therapy method, you should stop using this method.


Peppermint is believed to help relieve intestinal upset. It is enough to drink tea with it or add it to dishes that allow the use of such a seasoning.


Using an infusion based on oak bark and chamomile flowers helps. To prepare the infusion in equal proportions (half a spoonful) of the components, you need to pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour, take a tablespoon before each meal.

For 500 ml of boiling water you will need about one hundred grams of rice. Infuse, take half a glass of infusion for three days. This decoction will help get rid of diarrhea.

Honey and tansy

For 150 grams of honey, it is enough to use 100 grams of crushed flowers. It is recommended to consume this mixture three times a day, before meals.

Potato juice

Half a glass of potato juice is considered an effective remedy for heartburn attacks. The juice should be prepared immediately before use, that is, an hour before the first meal. You can use carrots instead of potatoes.


Only flax seeds are used. They can be chewed in the morning or taken as an infusion.

It is important to remember that any traditional medicine is best used by an adult, since for pregnant women or childhood most of recipes are not suitable. To obtain accurate recommendations, you will need the help of a qualified specialist.

Diet food

Compliance with the diet is necessary even if the disease has arisen against the background of other factors. Dietary nutrition allows you to ease the load on the intestines to give it the opportunity to recover. Therefore, you should not neglect your diet.

For the time being you will have to exclude:

  • Fatty, salty, sweet, sour dishes;
  • Food prepared by frying or smoking;
  • Spices, spicy;
  • Exotic products;
  • Foods that loosen stool;
  • Coffee, alcoholic drinks or carbonated drinks;
  • Beans, cabbage;
  • Bakery products;
  • Whole milk;
  • Slimy cereals, such as rice or oatmeal;
  • Soups with light broth;
  • Fruits, vegetables, cereals;
  • Fermented milk products, such as kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese;

In the presence of allergic reaction on any food product, it should be excluded from the diet. You will need to follow a fractional regimen, that is, eat food at least 4-6 times a day, and the portions should be small. You need to eat in small pieces, chewing your food thoroughly. It is important to remember to drink enough water. Clean drinking water, rather than other liquids, helps remove toxins from the body, while avoiding constipation. Lack of water significantly affects a person’s well-being.


The main complications are: imbalance of salt and water in the body, changes in the state of microflora. Diarrhea over a long period of time is caused by a lack of potassium. Because of this, fatigue manifests itself faster, the likelihood of developing pathologies of blood vessels or heart muscle, the appearance of kidney stones, and attacks of convulsive contractions.

Magnesium deficiency may develop. It affects the state of the human psyche. The basic function of the intestines deteriorates significantly in the presence of disorders.

Preventive measures

Prevention of intestinal disorders can be called personal hygiene, the use of quality fresh products nutrition. Eating only proven food, especially in resorts, where the variety of delicacies forces you to combine incompatible things. It is recommended to walk more fresh air, strengthen the immune system so that it is more difficult for viruses to penetrate the body. At the same time, do not forget about scheduled visits to the doctor in order to identify pathologies on early stages development.

It is recommended to maintain a healthy, active image life. To improve perilstatics, simple gymnastics is suitable. For example, it is enough to turn your body, bend forward, to the sides, and squat in order to avoid some problems with the chair. The diet is worth sticking to even if there is no reason to worry. This method of nutrition helps to avoid other gastrointestinal problems. Timely prevention is the key to health. Therefore, it should not be neglected.

You should not delay the treatment of such an ailment, since the neglected process leads to serious impairment of body functions. Self-medication is permissible only in the absence of complicating factors that may arise in the absence of proper therapy. It is better to follow preventive measures, eat right, consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Bowel disorders

The nature of the discharge allows one to judge the results of digestion. The large intestine is the last and essential site where the absorption of nutrients for bone tissue, brain and nervous system. Normalization of the condition of the colon is the basis for the treatment of all digestive system. Therefore, the list of diseases of the digestive system usually begins with disorders of the large intestine.

With diarrhea, essential nutrients are not absorbed nutrients, and with constipation, digestive waste is retained in the body. Treatment of diarrhea and constipation is the mainstay of therapy for other diseases such as colitis or diverticulitis. Diarrhea and constipation are associated with most vata disorders and many pitta disorders. Both constipation and diarrhea are due to excess or accumulation of apana vayu, the downward current of air. Constipation is caused by excessive dryness, diarrhea is caused by excessive mobility of apana vayu.

If the stool is unformed, smells bad and sinks in water, this indicates indigestion and the formation of ama. Monitoring your waste is just as important as monitoring your appetite.

Disorders of the colon are associated with the first (root) chakra. They are often accompanied by fears, the need for support and security, a lack of “groundedness” and other emotional problems caused by disharmony of the first chakra. When treating such disorders, special attention should be paid to emotional problems.

Absorption in the colon is improved by many of the spices, especially asafoetida, basil and nutmeg, as well as ginger, red and black pepper. Along with taking spices to improve digestive fire, one must also remember to regulate the functions of the colon.

Diarrhea and dysentery

With diarrhea, frequent, watery or unformed stools are noted. IN severe cases this leads to dehydration of the body, a drop in vital energy and poses a threat to life.

Types of diarrhea
Diarrhea is usually associated with pitta because it tends to accumulate moisture and decrease the tone of the colon. Diarrhea can be caused by high vata or kapha, accumulation of ama, as well as mental factors.

With pitta-type diarrhea, bowel movements are usually yellow color, With unpleasant smell, sometimes contain an admixture of blood or pus. They seem to be hot, and when you have a bowel movement, you may feel a burning sensation in the rectum. Thirst, dryness, and even feverish conditions are noted (the same symptoms are usually observed in acute cases of bacillary dysentery).

Vata-type diarrhea is accompanied by pain, spasms, false urge to defecate, and flatus; increased peristalsis does not cause active movement of feces. Diarrhea may be replaced by constipation, or diarrhea may be preceded by weakened peristalsis and constipation.

With kapha-type diarrhea, the stool is stringy, with mucus, and whitish; the patient experiences a feeling of heaviness, apathy and lethargy. Stool is not frequent, but plentiful.

In Chinese medicine, there are 2 types of diarrhea: caused by excess and caused by deficiency. The cause of the first is usually the accumulation of moist heat in the stomach and large intestine; it is usually acute, and its symptoms resemble pitta-type diarrhea. Diarrhea caused by deficiency of qi (energy) or yang is treated in the same way as vata and kapha type diarrhea, but there is no direct correspondence.

Products that improve absorption in the small intestine are recommended. Low-fat yogurt is useful in combination with a light diet, including whole grains, mung bean porridge or khichad. The best is a detox diet. Good spices include ginger, pippali, saffron, coriander and cardamom, and nutmeg is most effective for stopping diarrhea.

A good antidiarrheal recipe from Western herbal medicine is nutmeg, raspberry leaf, mullein leaf and marshmallow taken equally.

If the diarrhea is severe, with watery secretions and lasts for several days, the prescription of astringents and tonic herbs is required: ashwagandha or ginseng - to restore lost energy.

Pitta-type diarrhea
A diet that reduces pitta is necessary, excluding hot spices, especially garlic and pepper, as well as all alcoholic beverages. Oily, fatty and fried foods, as well as oil massage, are contraindicated. The stomach must be kept cool.

In herbal medicine, bitter herbs are used first, and only then, as auxiliary ones, astringents are used. Typical bitter herbs such as barberry or golden seal are suitable; At the beginning of treatment, you can use a bitter laxative: rhubarb root or senna leaf.

The commonly used Ayurvedic herbs are vilva, kutaj, katuka, gentian, chiretta, musta, aloe and barberry, musta wine and kutaj wine.

Bitter herbs are also used in Chinese medicine: coptis, Baikal skullcap and blackhead; from special anti-dysentery herbs: purslane and anemone, as well as compositions from a combination of coptis and Baikal skullcap.

Among the herbs of Western herbal medicine, bitter herbs such as “golden seal”, barberry, gentian and wormwood are shown, and among astringents: raspberry leaf, heuchera root and cinquefoil. If there is an admixture of blood in the stool, then astringent and softening herbs are recommended: raspberry leaf, mullein leaf, marshmallow. To more effectively cleanse pitta, you can add barberry or “golden seal” to the above list.

Vata type diarrhea
A diet is prescribed to reduce vata, as well as carminative spices: ginger, cardamom, fennel,. A good remedy is low-fat yogurt, especially in combination with nutmeg. At the beginning of treatment, castor oil is sometimes used to cleanse the colon.

Other Ayurvedic herbs that are effective (in small doses) are kutaj and pomegranate peel. An antidiarrheal recipe from Western herbal medicine with fresh ginger is also useful.

Kapha type diarrhea
With kapha-type diarrhea, there is an admixture of mucus in the stool. Treatment consists of following a kapha-reducing diet. Dairy products, oils, other fats, sweets, confectionery and bread should be avoided. Hot spices help well: red and black pepper, dry ginger and other herbs that enhance digestive fire.

Expectorant and digestive stimulating herbs are used: calamus, myrtle, basil and sage.

Amoebic dysentery
Amoebic dysentery is usually contracted during travel, especially in third world countries where sanitation is poor. A special Ayurvedic herbal remedy for treating this disease is kutaj and compositions based on this herb.

For prevention, you can eat garlic. An infusion of wormwood is very effective (about 30 g per 0.5 liter of water, taken daily for 3-7 days). You can eat fresh purslane (a common weed) or take it in the form of a 30 g tincture 3-4 times a day.

Amoebic dysentery easily becomes chronic, causing loss of strength and tissue depletion. In this case, tonics such as ginseng are needed.

Bacterial dysentery
Bacterial dysentery is infectious, and its treatment is in many ways similar to the treatment of pitta-type diarrhea. A special Ayurvedic remedy is kutaj wine or jam or kutaj in tablet form. Bitter herbs with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are used to treat bacillary dysentery: chiretta, katuka, barberry, margosa, golden seal, wormwood, rhubarb and coptis. They are taken daily in the form of an infusion (30 g per 0.5 liter of water).

If the disease becomes chronic, spices (ginger, garlic) or restorative tonics (ginseng) are also needed.

Children's diarrhea
Infantile diarrhea and colic usually occur due to difficulties in absorbing maternal or cow's milk. This is usually a kapha or ama state.

To facilitate the absorption of milk, the mother should give the child or take spices herself: fennel, dill, cardamom and calamus, one pinch each. Dill water helps. To stop diarrhea, it is also good to use nutmeg, especially in combination with bananas. You need to be careful and not let prolonged diarrhea, as children easily become dehydrated.


Almost all people have a buildup of toxins in the colon, which is indicated by a coating on the back of the tongue. According to Ayurveda, with normal colon function there is no plaque (only a thin white coating is acceptable), the intestines empty regularly in the morning, peristalsis is not difficult, and the stool is lighter than water (if the stool sinks, this may be a sign of accumulation of ama, toxins and poor digestion).

Constipation and toxins should not always be eliminated with laxatives and intestinal irrigations, as this can weaken the tone of the colon and lead to dependence on these remedies. And their very effect on the digestive tract, quite strong and often traumatic, can disrupt the functions of other organs, as well as aggravate vata. As a result of abuse of intestinal irrigations and laxatives, the following may occur: poor appetite, weight loss, insomnia, diarrhea or persistent constipation, palpitations, dizziness, weakness, anxiety.

On the physical plane, the main cause of constipation is not proper nutrition with the consumption of difficult-to-digest foods. Constipation is often a complication of fevers or infectious diseases. Other factors include taking a long morning nap and suppressing the urge to have a bowel movement. The modern lifestyle, when people quickly get up and rush to work, suppresses natural urges. Sex in the morning weakens apana (descending air) and can therefore aggravate constipation. Constipation can be caused by the habit of drinking coffee or tea in the morning - drinks with a diuretic (drying) effect.

May cause constipation and mental factors: insomnia, nervousness, stress, anxiety, fear, sadness and any other overexcitation of the nervous system (for example, due to prolonged viewing of television), as well as medical factors - taking synthetic drugs, especially diuretics, bed rest.

General principles for the treatment of constipation
According to, digestion can be improved with the help of spices: when they correct use Agni is normalized. Mild laxatives, which tonify the colon and improve its function, are safer than strong and fast-acting laxatives and should therefore be preferred.

Strong laxatives such as senna and rhubarb are best used in acute conditions. In severe cases, castor oil is effective and does not dry out the colon as much as bitter laxatives. Symptoms acute condition: fever, thick coating on the tongue, severe bloating, gas, abdominal pain - usually indicate accumulation of ama, toxins entering the blood or food poisoning(including due to incorrect combination of products). Fasting or a light diet is indicated. However, if pain is felt in the lower abdomen on the right, you need to remember that it could be appendicitis: in this case, using laxatives is dangerous, although sometimes they bring relief.

At chronic constipation the first step is to change the diet to include enough oily or bulky foods such as dairy products, nuts, whole grains, bran, raw vegetables and fruits. Useful fruit juices: plum, grape, cherry. Apple and cranberry juices are best avoided as they can cause constipation. You may need to increase your intake of fats or oils, of which olive oil is very effective.

Then do an oil enema (half a cup of sesame oil per half cup warm water), which must be held for at least 20 minutes.

They also do nutritious enemas with tonic herbs such as ashwagandha, bala and shatavari. They are especially indicated for loss of strength and senile weakness. Herbs for such enemas are prepared with oil (for example, sesame) or in the form of milk decoctions.

Warning. The presence of feces in the colon maintains the earth element in the body, without which the air element would become excessively strong. If you abuse laxatives, you may experience anxiety, insomnia, palpitations, heart pain, fainting and other symptoms of high vata. You have to be careful with cotton wool.

Pitta type constipation
This type of constipation often occurs in the midst or at the end of febrile illnesses. In Ayurveda it is believed that laxatives are contraindicated in the onset of fever, but are good for old fever. After the fever has subsided, they are used to remove residual heat and toxins from the body.

In Chinese medicine, laxatives are usually prescribed for severe fevers to relieve them, but care is taken to ensure that the fever is ripe. Signs of a “ripe” or “lasting” fever are constipation, bloating, gas and severe abdominal pain.

Pitta type constipation is accompanied by irritability, anger, thirst, profuse sweating with a foul odor, a burning sensation and a characteristic symptom: redness of the tongue with yellow coating On him. The smell from the mouth is unpleasant, the face may turn red, headaches, insomnia, and nightmares may bother you.

This condition is caused by the same factors that increase pitta, in particular an excess of spicy, sour or salty foods, meat, and fats. With constipation, the hot properties of pitta are aggravated, so hot spices, long stay in the sun or heat, insufficient intake of liquids, etc. noticeably worsen the condition.

Pitta constipation is usually accompanied by liver dysfunction and impaired bile flow. That is, in this case, these are not only problems with the colon, which occurs with vata-type constipation. Often there is a need to cleanse the liver of toxins.

Treatment of pitta constipation
Follow a diet that reduces pitta levels, limiting the consumption of fats, oils and sweets to relieve the liver. If constipation is caused emotional reasons, you need to release anger, give an outlet to stress. Sometimes, in order to empty the intestines, it is enough warm milk with ghee, licorice tea or rose sweets. In Pitta constitution, the condition is considered severe if constipation is accompanied by high fever and thirst.

If the condition is acute, you can safely use most bitter laxatives, which will also help cleanse the liver. In other cases, as a rule, there are enough laxatives that increase the volume of intestinal contents. You can take aloe juice (1-2 tbsp before bed). Regular intake of fresh aloe juice (1-2 tsp 2-3 times a day) is a means of preventing constipation in pitta constitution. In severe cases, aloe powder (1-2 g before bedtime) is recommended, in which a little coriander or fennel can be added to prevent painful spasms.

From Ayurvedic herbs, aloe, amalaki, rose, flea grass are used to treat constipation, and from preparations - triphala, which is taken with ghee or aloe juice, and aloe wine.

In Western herbal medicine, rhubarb, senna leaf (strong effect), as well as barberry, curly sorrel, and zoster pursha (mild effect) are used.

For chronic or mild constipation, in most cases it is enough to take 1-2 tsp before bed. shells of flea grass seeds diluted in warm water.

Cleansing with laxatives
Purification with laxatives (virechana) is the main method of treatment for high pitta conditions, helping to remove heat from small intestine and liver, as well as from the colon. However, for the treatment to have the desired effect, it is necessary to first move pitta into the gastrointestinal tract through diet, herbs, oil massage and diaphoretic therapy.

Virechana - effective method removing heat and toxins from the body, allowing you to cleanse not only the digestive tract, but also the blood. Virechana prevents the upward movement of excess fire, which helps with infections and delirium.

Kapha constipation
Kapha constipation usually occurs due to stagnation of mucus in the body. It is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, lethargy, fatigue and other symptoms of high kapha. The stool is copious, whitish or with mucus. The tongue is pale, swollen, covered with white coating or mucus. There may be bloating dull pain, swelling.

The main reason for such constipation is sluggishness of the colon and stagnation in it. Provoking factors include: excess heavy or mucus-promoting food, excessively long or nap, sedentary lifestyle and other habits that increase kapha.

Constipation may be a result of kapha-related stomach or respiratory disorders, in which excess mucus enters the digestive tract. Therefore, when treating constipation of this type, one should not forget about expectorant and emetic therapy - the main methods of reducing kapha.

Treatment of kapha constipation
A diet that reduces kapha is followed, with the exception of heavy, constipating foods: sugar, cheese, yogurt, bread, confectionery, potatoes, pork. Fasting for 1-3 days often helps. It is necessary to increase physical and mental activity, do aerobic exercise and reduce sleep duration.

Mild laxative and laxative herbs are recommended. Bitter laxatives: aloe, rhubarb or senna - additionally help remove fat and reduce weight. Use hot spices: red and black pepper. In stubborn cases, take rhubarb root powder with dry ginger before bed (3 g of rhubarb and 2 g of ginger in a cup of warm water).

Bulk laxatives and laxative oils are contraindicated as they increase kapha and can cause congestion.

Useful cleansing enemas with spicy and expectorant herbs (ginger, calamus, myrtle).

Of the Ayurvedic preparations, triphala (2-6 g) and trikata (1-3 g) are used simultaneously, which are taken at bedtime with aloe juice or warm water.


Intestinal gas and painful colic are indicative of poor digestion and ama formation. This disorder is characteristic of high vata, but can occur with any constitution. Usually, flatulence is accompanied by bloating, abdominal tenderness, or migrating pains in the abdominal cavity, which is mainly associated with gases and indigestion.

Flatulence is a consequence of overusing hard-to-digest foods. Beans, cabbage and raw onions are too dry and cause gas. Sweets, ice cream and fatty foods are too difficult for digestion. The cause of flatulence can be the wrong combination of products (for example, sweets or juices with starchy, salty or protein foods, dairy products with sour fruits, bread, meat or fish), as well as overeating. The habit of eating at the end of a meal sweet dessert promotes fermentation and gas formation. Although the main cause of flatulence is malnutrition, this condition can also be caused by nervous or emotional factors - excessive anxiety, tension and stress.

Gas and bloating often accompany or precede constipation and diarrhea. The movement of the descending air of apana is hampered. This disorder is usually a sign of weak digestive fire.

General principles for the treatment of flatulence
Meals should be simple and moderate; You should not eat a lot or often, or eat a variety of foods at one time. Sweet taste should be avoided or its consumption should be limited and not mixed with other tastes. Useful spices with carminative effect: cardamom, fennel, ginger, peppermint, orange peel, Bay leaf and most commonly used culinary spices.

Ajwain (wild Indian celery seeds) with the addition of rock salt is effective. In most cases, an excellent remedy for indigestion, gas and abdominal pain is an infusion of equal parts cardamom and fennel (1/2 teaspoon of powder per cup of water before meals). Pain in the intestines weaken asafoetida, valerian, nutmeg and chamomile. As an external remedy, you can use castor oil, with the addition of red pepper or asafoetida. Also good are drugs that improve digestion: trisugandhi,.

Vata flatulence
Manifested by bloating, gas, variability of appetite, constipation, insomnia, palpitations, nervousness. There may be severe or migratory abdominal pain. The cause is often an excess of light or dry foods (beans, cabbage, raw onions, potato or corn chips, peanuts), as well as salads. Emotional factors associated with high vata may have an effect: severe anxiety, fear, excitement, etc.

Treatment consists of following a diet that reduces vata and ama, with the right combination of foods, limiting sweets, cookies, confectionery, cakes, and ice cream. Dry confectionery, biscuits and dried fruits increase vata. Spicy carminative herbs are recommended: asafoetida, ajwain, ginger, fennel, cumin, cardamom, calamus.

Among Ayurvedic preparations, Lavanbaskar and Trisugandha powders are usually used (1-3 g each with warm water before meals). These herbs can also be taken after meals when overeating.

Chinese medicine uses carminative herbs: perilla leaf, magnolia bark, citrus peel.

Spices widely used in Western cooking are useful, including those mentioned above, as well as chamomile, oregano, thyme, etc.

Pitta flatulence
Flatulence of this type accompanies symptoms of high pitta such as increased acidity, heartburn, diarrhea and irritability. Treatment begins with a diet that reduces pitta.

Carminative herbs and ready-made compounds are combined with bitters. Cool carminatives are recommended: fennel, coriander, cumin, mint, saffron, and bitter ones - gentian, barberry, “golden seal”, katuka. Cardamom, fennel and barberry make a good combination.

In Ayurveda, avipattikar powder is used in such cases. Most bitter herbs are suitable, especially when combined with a small amount of dried ginger. Another good remedy: a mixture of coriander, fennel and cumin in equal parts.

Kapha type flatulence
The symptoms of high kapha predominate: increased mucus production, congestion, nausea and vomiting. For treatment, you can use herbs and formulations recommended for the treatment of vata-type flatulence, with an emphasis on hotter herbs: red pepper, dry ginger, ajwain, calamus, cloves. It is also recommended to mix trikatu with warm water (but, in this case, not with honey).


Cause of hemorrhoids - varicose veins veins around the anus. At first, you may experience only pain and difficulty defecating. In more severe cases, rectal prolapse and bleeding may occur. Hemorrhoids can be the result of an imbalance in any of the three doshas, ​​but more often vata or pitta. As in other cases, it is first necessary to strengthen the digestive fire with the help of appropriate spices. A good remedy, which reduces swelling and inflammation of muscle tissue is turmeric paste or ointment based on it.

Hemorrhoids can be a consequence of poor nutrition, constipation and diarrhea, a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, irritability, excessive anxiety, excessive sexual activity, and stress.

General principles of hemorrhoid treatment
Astringent herbs that help strengthen tissue are used: haritaki, geuhera, pomegranate, red raspberry, mullein, which are used externally in the form of paste, lotions or suppositories. A special Ayurvedic remedy for hemorrhoids is herbal wine made from haritaki.

If the cause of hemorrhoids is constipation, you can resort to laxatives or laxatives to facilitate bowel movements. It is good to squat during bowel movements and wash the anus with cold water after each bowel movement.

In Chinese medicine, it is believed that chronic rectal prolapse in most cases is caused by a decrease in central qi (primordial energy) and can be cured with tonics (ginseng, astragalus) and special herbs that help raise yang energy - blue cohosh and black cohosh. The descent of central qi cannot be correlated with any of the three doshas. These drugs can be used for chronic hemorrhoids, regardless of the patient’s constitution.

Cotton wool type hemorrhoids
Usually accompanied by loss of appetite and pain not only in the rectum, but also in the pelvis, back, lower abdomen and bladder. Hemorrhoids dry, hard, patchy to the touch, rarely bleed or swell. No appetite.

The causes of vata-type hemorrhoids can be constipation, dry stool, and straining during bowel movements. This type of hemorrhoids often occurs in old age and in bedridden patients. The manifestation of hemorrhoids is facilitated by an excess of cold, dry, light or astringent foods and raw foods, a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, as well as emotional factors such as anxiety, worries and fears.

Treatment consists of following a vata-reducing diet similar to that used for vata-type constipation. The diet should consist of warm, moist, oily foods. Low-fat yogurt with the addition of cumin and rock salt is also useful. Warm heat is used to moisturize and lubricate the colon. Sesame oil, which is applied externally to the anus or in the form of enemas (half a cup in the evening).

If digestion is weak, as evidenced by a thick coating on the tongue, you can use spices that improve digestion and blood circulation in the colon: basil, dry ginger, black and red pepper, turmeric.

Ayurvedic herbs and compositions are used, as well as draksha. Laxatives that increase the volume of intestinal contents help well.

Pitta type hemorrhoids
It manifests itself as redness, swelling, as well as bleeding or suppuration. When defecating, a burning sensation may be felt in the rectum. The stool is usually soft and has a yellow or greenish tint. At frequent diarrhea or with pitta-type diarrhea, rectal prolapse may occur. Thirst, hunger, irritability and anger are observed.

Hemorrhoids are caused by excess spicy, sour or salty foods, drinking alcohol, exposure to the sun or heat and emotional factors such as irritability, anger and aggressiveness.

Treatment is similar to that for pitta-type diarrhea. A pitta-reducing diet focusing on salads and green vegetables is indicated. Nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers) should be avoided, especially if there is rectal bleeding. Helpful pomegranate juice. Bitter and astringent flavors are recommended.

Of the herbs, aloe (juice), turmeric, musta, barberry, katuka and margosa are good. Turmeric, must and barberry taken in equal parts are very effective. Of the preparations, triphala with ghee and compositions for diarrhea are used.

Good emollient and astringent action for hemorrhoidal bleeding, mullein leaf, raspberry leaf and marshmallow, as well as the Ayurvedic herb ashok, are helpful. Aloe powder should not be used as a laxative as it increases rectal bleeding.

Kapha type hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids with this type of hemorrhoids are large, whitish or pale, and mucous to the touch. These are mostly accumulations of mucus or fat. Other parts of the body may have polyps or swollen glands. The stool is slightly colored, contains an admixture of mucus, and the urine has a characteristic milky tint. Often hemorrhoids are accompanied by a cold, cough, runny nose, excessive salivation, sweet taste in mouth.

Treatment is the same as for kapha-type constipation. Fasting or a light diet that reduces kapha is prescribed. Products that promote mucus formation are completely excluded.

You can use powerful cleansing and stimulating spices: red and black pepper, dry ginger, myrtle, calamus. Of the drugs, the compositions and which are taken with honey are effective.

Bowel disorders

Indigestion is a malfunction of the digestive system, from which adults and children are not immune. This condition can be caused by various factors and is accompanied by diarrhea, often nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, and dizziness. In case of a single occurrence, people know how to deal with the disease. If diarrhea continues for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only after identifying the cause and making a diagnosis, the patient receives a list of drugs intended for conservative treatment. In any case, loose stools are a malaise that requires increased attention, as the body loses useful minerals and vitamins, the electrolyte balance is disturbed.

Review of Medications for the Disorder

First aid for diarrhea is gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This method is suitable for adults and children and is a short-term measure until the time of consultation with a doctor. Pharmacology offers a huge list of medicines that can cope with all sorts of diseases on different stages. These include famous medicines: Enterol, Linex, Nifuroxoside and many others. Depending on the state of the microflora and mucosa, the causes of diarrhea, the following drugs are prescribed for upset stomach and intestines:

1. For recovery water balance.

  • Treatment of indigestion is recommended to begin with funds that can quickly adjust the acid-base environment, disturbed by the withdrawal of electrolytes. This is Regidron - a drug that helps with intestinal pathologies. The powder was previously very popular, but recently pediatricians prescribe it to children with caution. This is due to an increase in sodium content, which can be dangerous for a child and pregnant women. At diabetes mellitus or kidney problems, increased blood pressure, intestinal obstruction, the medication is prohibited.
  • Acesol - drug combined action, which has a detoxifying, plasma-substituting, anti-shock and rehydrating effect. Prevents acidosis, blood thickening, improves microcirculation. Prescribed in moderate and complex cases intravenously and drip. The medicine is suitable for pregnant women if positive effect exceeds the risk to mother and child.

2. Enterosorbents.

Neutral substances capable of eliminating harmful microorganisms that have entered the stomach due to poisoning or various diseases. This list of drugs for intestinal disorders includes the following:

3. Medicines that stop diarrhea.

Pills help with stomach upset fast action, slowing down peristalsis and having an antimicrobial effect:

  • Nifuroxazide. Active against most pathogens: salmonella, staphylococcus, enterobacter, E. coli, vibrio cholerae. Some pseudomonads and proteas are resistant to it. The mechanism is based on the suppression of the activity of two-component anaerobic enzymes. Nifuroxazide destroys the walls of microbes, reduces the release of toxins, prevents the appearance of secondary infections, is excreted in the feces, and a small amount enters the blood. Tablets are prescribed to adults, the dosage depends on age. Pregnant women and children under 6 years of age are not recommended.
  • Enterol. An agent of biological origin with an antimicrobial effect that can quickly eliminate the disorder. The drug fights almost everyone pathogenic microorganisms, increases immune defense. Particularly effective against clostridia in pseudomembranous colitis. Enterol produces a neutralizing factor that works with receptors and has a trophic effect on the intestinal mucosa.
  • Levomycetin. Broad spectrum antibiotic. Prescribed for inflammatory and infectious diseases stomach, has a bacteriostatic effect in high concentrations. The tablets are able to bind to ribosomes and inhibit protein synthesis. The medicine has a number of contraindications, it is not suitable for pregnant women and babies under 3 years old.

4. Probiotics.

From an intestinal disorder, there is a list of pills that are prescribed for dysbacteriosis, for the prevention of diarrhea while taking antibiotics and for the treatment of infections in the stomach:

  • Linex. Powdered product containing bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, enterococci. Tablets restore the microflora, eliminate flatulence, nausea, abdominal pain, fight disorders and allergic skin reactions. One capsule contains more than 12 million living microorganisms. Fermentation of lactose contributes to normalization acidic environment and inhibits the growth of pathogens. Linex is involved in the synthesis of B vitamins, the metabolism of bile pigments and acids, and increases immune reactivity. The drug is prescribed for malfunctions in the digestive system at any age, it is freely allowed for pregnant women.
  • Baktisubtil. The mechanism of action of the tablets is the production of beneficial organic acids, which help restore intestinal function and improve the health of the body. The substance maintains the balance of the flora; the spores contained in the composition are resistant to the effects of stomach juice. Vegetative forms activate proteins that accelerate chemical reactions, resulting in an acidic environment that prevents the process of decay.
  • Bifiform. Soluble drug, a source of B vitamins and pribiotic microorganisms. Contains about 10 million beneficial bacteria, lactic acid starter, lactulose. Suitable for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders of various origins, chronic diseases digestion and immune system support. Contraindications – hypersensitivity to the components.

Natural remedies

In addition to medications, in many cases, herbal tablets for intestinal disorders are prescribed:

1. The list includes tanalbin, a product of the interaction of tannins obtained from the scumpia plant and protein. It does not have an astringent effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach; it is used for infectious diseases of the digestive system as an auxiliary medicine. Prescribed for ulcers, colitis, diarrhea. Once in the intestines, it breaks down and releases free tannin. Similar medicine Tansal has antimicrobial effect, thanks to the phenyl sociate in the composition. The drug is contraindicated in acute pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

2. Pomegranate peels have a positive effect on tone and improve motor skills. Prepared in the form of decoctions at home, the infusion has no contraindications, except for immunity to the product.

3. For indigestion of various forms and origins, burnet root is used. It has an astringent and antibacterial effect, helps improve digestion and normalize the functioning of the system as a whole. The herb dissolves salt deposits, breaks down fats, restores electrolyte balance, and eliminates dysentery bacteria within five minutes. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are not allowed to take it.

4. Bird cherry fruits are popularly known as a neutralizer of processes in disorders. All parts of the plant contain glucose, phytoncides and organic binders. The herb is ineffective against infectious infections of the mucous membrane. It especially helps against loose stools when combined with propolis. Decoctions are also taken in the treatment of gastritis and enterocolitis.

Diarrhea must be eliminated as soon as possible, therefore in home medicine cabinet First aid supplies should always be available. This is important to maintain fluid balance before consulting a doctor. A specialist will be able to identify the real cause of indigestion and prescribe adequate treatment. Self-help measures are often not only ineffective, but can also lead to significant complications. The description of the drugs in the instructions allows you to understand a more complete picture of the effect on the body.

Intestinal disorders are one of the most common disorders. They can be caused by pathological and psychological factors. Incorrect operation intestinal tract also leads to a decrease in the body's defenses, which can cause the appearance or exacerbation of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is important to recognize the first symptoms in time and carry out high-quality and effective treatment for the disorder.

Pathology is a disorder in which there is hyperfunction of the intestinal tract or weakened motility of its walls. In the first case, the patient suffers due to a strong laxative effect and resulting diarrhea. In the second version of the disorder, feces are retained in the digestive tract, and the patient experiences symptoms of constipation. Sometimes there is a mixed etymology of intestinal disorder, when constipation is replaced by diarrhea.

Structure of the human intestine

All three conditions require mandatory treatment, for proper implementation of which it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the dysfunction. Most often it is associated with poor diet and exposure to viruses and bacteria.

Attention! For approximately 60% of those experiencing intestinal dysfunction, the problem was a quick transition to a new diet. This usually happens during rest and instant change familiar products aimed at weight loss.

Causes of intestinal disorder

Correct operation of the lower section digestive tract depends on the quality and health of its microflora. IN in good condition The patient’s intestinal mucosa contains many beneficial organisms, most of which are beneficial.

The most common of them are bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. The former do not allow a putrefactive environment to develop, protecting tissues and blood from toxins. Lactobacilli affect the quality and rate of breakdown of absorbed products. They regulate metabolic processes and secrete useful microelements necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs.

Once quantity pathogenic bacteria exceeds three percent of the total, intestinal dysfunction begins. The following reasons may contribute to this condition:

Attention! The exact causes of irritable bowel syndrome have not yet been clarified. It can appear unexpectedly and disappear just as quickly. It is believed that the disorder is almost always associated with a psycho-emotional state and requires treatment from a psychologist and psychotherapist.

Main symptoms of intestinal disorder

When the first signs of the disease appear, you should, if possible, seek help from specialists. In many cases, more accurate diagnosis is required to exclude dangerous processes in the digestive tract, gallbladder and pancreas.

When the first signs of the disease appear, you should seek help from specialists

Attention! With any type of intestinal disorder there is a significant deterioration general condition sick. He complains about constant fatigue, can lose or rapidly gain weight, there is an exacerbation of existing diseases of the internal organs.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder during which the patient feels severe pain, complains of flatulence, diarrhea and increased nervousness. When examining the patient and after taking the biomaterial for analysis, a completely healthy intestinal microflora is found, there are no traces of other disorders in the digestive tract. The patient is physically completely healthy.

To date, in terms of the number of confirmed diagnoses, women are much more likely to experience the problem of irritable bowel. This is due to the peculiarity of their psycho-emotional background, which is characterized by greater sensitivity, as well as frequent hormonal changes. They occur before, during and after menstruation, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and also due to the onset of menopause.

Poor diet is one of the causes of irritable bowel disease

The main cause of this type of intestinal disorder lies in poor nutrition, quick change hormonal levels and unstable psycho-emotional health. But some gastroenterologists believe that this deviation in statistics is associated with more frequent requests for medical help by women.

Such conditions have periods of exacerbation and remission. After the onset of irritable bowel symptoms, they remain active for three days, after which they weaken and completely disappear before a new exacerbation.

There is no specific treatment for irritable bowel syndrome, since there is still no exact etymology of the disease. To relieve attacks of pain, diarrhea and constipation, the same remedies are used as for classic disorders of the lower digestive tract.

Attention! IBS occurs more often after eating, its quality does not of great importance. But sometimes the attacks begin to increase in activity even after a short mood swing. As a result, the patient may experience rapidly developing diarrhea.

Video - Symptoms and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

Diagnosis of the disease

Table 1. Diagnostic procedures

The main goal of nutrition for bowel dysfunction is the complete elimination of constipation, diarrhea and pain. To do this, it is important to choose the optimal balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. A nutritionist can develop such a scheme. Regardless of the required amount of BJU, it is required to adhere to the following principles in nutrition:

Attention! Diet therapy should be carried out not only during the period of treatment and restoration of the gastrointestinal tract. The principles of proper nutrition should be followed throughout life, which will help to avoid inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, the development of processes of decay and fermentation in it.

Psychotherapy for gastrointestinal dysfunction

The help of a psychotherapist is necessary if the disease is provoked by an unstable psycho-emotional state. Most often, such assistance is needed by patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. Treatment usually involves talk therapy. During communication, the doctor identifies the problematic moments of the patient and finds ways to eliminate them. This technique is aimed at reducing stress and relaxation.

With severe pain and intestinal upset of a psychosomatic nature, hypnosis helps. Through such an impact, the patient's consciousness is influenced, the doctor manages to bring the patient into remission.

Special drugs and treatment for IBS

Therapy for irritable bowel syndrome differs little from the classical treatment of gastrointestinal problems. It also provides for the use of laxatives, antidiarrheal medicines. But there are slight differences.

  1. For constipation, laxatives should be used, it is better to use osmotic ones, they act relatively quickly, soften the feces, which protects against injuries to the intestines and anal area.
  2. Anti-diarrhea should be treated with probiotics, mild absorbents, as the problem is not caused by bacterial activity. If these medicines were useless, then you can turn to more powerful means for help.
  3. If IBS provoked dysbacteriosis, it is required to take probiotics, anti-diarrheal drugs that have an antibacterial effect.
  4. It is imperative to use sedatives and antidepressants for IBS. They normalize the psycho-emotional background and help eliminate stress. It is better to take in small courses so as not to provoke addiction.
  5. Hormone-normalizing drugs are taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor and only after a failure in the reproductive or reproductive system has been confirmed. endocrine system. They are responsible for the natural level of hormones in the blood.

Diet for IBS does not have strict restrictions. It is aimed at creating the most diverse and healthy diet so that the body receives everything essential microelements and vitamins.


Used to eliminate stress and achieve relaxation. More often used for IBS than for other intestinal disorders.

It is taken in a course of two to four weeks. It is recommended to drink Afobazole 10 mg three times per day. For severe stress, the dose is increased to 20 mg at a time, and treatment is extended to 12 weeks.


The drug rarely causes addiction. Take 2-3 tablets three times a day. In the presence of severe stress, the daily dosage can be increased to 12 tablets, divided into 3-4 uses.

Fully natural remedy. In tablet form, peony is taken half an hour before meals, one tablet in the morning and in the evening. The duration of therapy is 2-4 weeks.

Attention! Antidepressant medications are taken only after consultation with a doctor. With incorrectly selected doses, there is a risk of depression, hyperactivity, sudden mood swings and even signs of serious mental disorders.

Preparations for normalizing microflora

They are living bacteria that begin to displace the pathogenic environment. Thanks to this, bloating goes away, stool normalizes, and symptoms of dehydration and vitamin deficiency are eliminated.

Quickly forms the necessary intestinal microflora, populating it natural organisms, which prevent disorders of the lower digestive tract. In adulthood, patients take five doses of Bificol at once with breakfast and dinner. The recommended course of therapy is three weeks; longer therapy is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

It has a combined effect, normalizing the functioning of the intestines and liver. This effect promotes rapid recovery and colonization of the mucous membrane with beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Drops are taken in the amount of 40-60 drops of the active substance no more than four times a day. You can take Hilak Forte for one month; it is better to take the medication before meals.

A classic probiotic prescribed for intestinal disorders. The dose of the active substance for adult patients is 2 capsules with each meal. Linex is taken for any disorders of the intestinal tract, including irritable bowel syndrome. Therapy is continued for at least three weeks, longer courses are possible in cases of severe dysbacteriosis due to diarrhea.

Medicines against diarrhea

Medicines in this group cause consolidation of feces, transferring them from liquid to solid form. At the same time, they have a normalizing effect on the microflora and suppress the production of pathogens.


It is better to take the medicine in capsules, they show longer and longer quick effect. At acute attacks for diarrhea, take two capsules of Imodium with each bowel movement. As soon as the patient’s condition is slightly normalized, one capsule of the drug should also be taken after each act of cleansing the lower gastrointestinal tract. The duration of treatment is until the symptoms disappear completely. You should not take more than 8 capsules of the drug per day.


It has a noticeable and rapid antibacterial effect, due to which the intestinal microflora is restored. You can take Nifural in liquid form and in tablet form. In the first case, the dose is 5 ml no more than six times a day. Two tablets are also taken no more than six times in one day. Taking into account the severity of the intestinal disorder, treatment is continued for up to one week.


The drug fights diarrhea of ​​any nature, bloating and increased gas formation. Already from the first use it eliminates the feeling of fullness in the abdominal cavity. Therapy involves taking 200 mg of Enterofuril no more than six times a day. Treatment is continued until symptoms disappear, but not more than one week.


Anti-constipation medications

Medicines in this group can irritate the intestinal walls or collect water in it. In both cases, rapid passage of stool occurs and constipation disappears. It is better to take laxatives once, trying to get rid of the problem with proper nutrition.


A safe drug, available in the form of rectal suppositories, can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Evakyu has an irritating effect on the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract, helping it to get rid of the stagnation of feces. It is better to take the drug at night, the dose is no more than one suppository.

It has an almost instantaneous effect, but when used it can provoke severe seething and bloating in the abdomen, often increasing pain, which goes away after cleansing the intestines. Magnesium sulfate is taken at a dose of 20 g of granules per 100 ml of water. After stirring, the solution should be drunk immediately. Due to the quick and long-lasting effect, it is better to take magnesium before bed. When taking more than 20 g of powder, uncontrolled diarrhea develops.


The medication is a microenema, which is administered preferably before bedtime. No more than five doses can be administered per course medicine. Norgalax is available in the form of a tube with a soft tip, which is inserted into the anus and the container is squeezed out. Adult dose– contents of the entire tube.


Painkillers for intestinal upset

In the presence of severe pain, it is best to use antispasmodics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are less dangerous, quickly block discomfort and have a relatively long-lasting effect.

The duration of use of the drug is determined by a specialist, taking into account the type of pain and its severity. When using Buscopan tablets, you should take 1-2 doses no more than three times a day. Suppositories are also taken three times a day in the amount of 1-2 suppositories. The rectal form of the medication is considered more effective and relieves spasms faster.

This medication is good to use if intestinal upset is accompanied not only by pain, but also inflammatory process. Nimesulide is taken one tablet in the morning and evening. The maximum daily dose is 200 mg of the active substance, which is equal to two tablets. It is not recommended to take Nimesulide for more than one week.


Painkiller tablets are available in doses of 50 and 100 mg. When taking the minimum dosage of Dicetel, you can drink up to four tablets per day. In some cases, with severe pain, the amount of analgesic can be increased to 300 mg. When using Dicetel in a large dosage, you should not take more than two tablets per day; sometimes it is allowed to increase the dose to three. The duration of treatment is individual.

Attention! You should not take any painkillers on your own without first consulting your doctor. They can blur the real one clinical picture diseases, which will not allow an accurate diagnosis.

Traditional methods of treating intestines

Home remedies are aimed at alleviating the symptoms of intestinal upset, strengthening immunity and restoring microflora.

Bacteria are not able to survive for a long time in an acidic environment. Therefore, for the necessary antibacterial effect, infusions on plants containing acid can be used. The most effective of them is sorrel. A teaspoon of grated raw leaves is brewed with 200 ml of hot water and drunk immediately. The procedure is carried out daily for seven days. Do not use if you have ulcers or gastritis with high acidity.

It has an astringent, antibacterial and normalizing effect. It is used more often to stop diarrhea. For treatment, a teaspoon of crushed bark is brewed for 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes and taken in small sips. You can drink oak bark three times a day, a whole glass. Duration of administration - until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely.

Eliminates bloating, stimulates the production of beneficial microorganisms. For treatment, you can use the branches or leaves of the plant, they have an equivalent effect. For treatment, you should crush the substance and take a tablespoon of the resulting raw material. It is steamed in 250 ml of boiling water and boiled for five minutes over low heat. After cooling, filter through thick gauze. Take 50 ml 20 minutes before meals three times a day. The recommended duration of treatment is 5-14 days, taking into account the severity of the disorder.

Preventing bowel disorders

Avoid problems with lower section digestive system is quite possible, for this you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

Attention! Preventive measures are beneficial at any age, regardless of whether you have previously suffered from a bowel disorder or not. Women, children and those suffering from frequent emotional swings patients.

Let's sum it up

An intestinal disorder is not always an independent disease, so if it is dysfunctional, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Immediate intervention by specialists is required for severe symptoms of the disorder without signs of improvement within 2-3 days.

If severe pain is noted, a doctor is called within the first day. If you follow the recommendations and after a full course of treatment, you can quickly restore normal bowel function. In the future, its performance should be maintained with proper nutrition and timely treatment chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

According to statistics, about 20% of the entire adult population suffer from regular intestinal disorders. Other people periodically encounter this problem.


provoke intestinal disorder Not only infections, but also other factors. It is important to know about situations that negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in order not to be among people at risk.

Doctors have divided the disease into several types. Define pathological process caused by bacteria, viruses, infection, i.e. gastrointestinal dysfunction has clear reasons. Along with this, more and more often the population is having problems without serious reasons. This condition is called functional bowel disorder (FBD).


Signs of dysfunction are quite obvious. You can’t ignore the symptoms of an intestinal disorder, especially if they bother you for a long time:

  • Discomfort and painful sensations in the abdomen, worse after eating.
  • Diarrhea (diarrhea) or.
  • Frequent or constant presence of gases in the stomach and intestines, causing bloating.
  • Tenesmus ( false call to defecation).
  • Feces with mucus.
  • Feeling of incomplete evacuation after visiting the toilet.
  • It is necessary to make an effort when defecating.
  • After bowel movement, a feeling of discomfort or pain remains.

If necessary, the attending physician prescribes a consultation with other doctors (infectious disease specialist, allergist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, surgeon). Modern medicine has enough opportunities to carry out accurate diagnostics and effective treatment pathological or functional disorder of the intestines.


During the first appointment, the doctor interviews the patient, determining what symptoms are bothering him. Already at this stage, the fact of dysfunction in the gastrointestinal tract is obvious to the specialist. To determine the etiology and causes of intestinal upset, a number of additional studies are carried out:

  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • They take stool for a captogram.
  • Endoscopic examination of the intestines and stomach.
  • Bacteriological culture.
  • Carrying out sigmoidoscopy (one of the most reliable ways rectal examination).

The complex of all these procedures makes it possible to determine the nature of gastrointestinal disorders and prescribe effective treatment.


Intestinal disorders need to be treated with comprehensive measures. Doctors usually prescribe special diet, taking medications and treatment with folk remedies.


Before visiting a doctor, intestinal disorders can only be treated with sorbents. These drugs are like a sponge. Passing through the gastrointestinal tract, they absorb all toxins and remove them. The rest of the medications should be prescribed by the doctor. Let's look at an example therapy:

  • Drugs for severe disorders - Loperamide, Smecta, Imodium.
  • For constipation - laxatives (Senalax, Guttalax).
  • Abdominal cramps can be relieved with one of the following drugs: No-Shpa, Besapol, Papaverine.
  • The basis of therapy for acute infections in the intestines are antibacterial agents(Ersefuril, Biseptol, Levomycetin).
  • Drinking a large volume of fluid along with Regidron helps eliminate dehydration during diarrhea.
  • Taking probiotics (Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Enterol, Bifidumbacterin) helps restore the intestinal microflora.


During treatment for intestinal disorders, be sure to adhere to special food. Boiled or steamed foods are allowed. What you can eat and drink:

  • Tea, cocoa (without milk).
  • Low-fat hard cheese, kefir and acidophilus milk.
  • Dried wheat, gray bread, unleavened flour products.
  • Olive and butter(no more than 5 grams).
  • No more than one egg per day.
  • Light soups.
  • Lean veal or beef, lean fish.
  • Porridge made from buckwheat, semolina, rice, oats.
  • Boiled vegetables and fruits.
  • Natural juices are diluted half with water (allowed in small quantities).

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies for intestinal disorders is effective for non-infectious etiology of diseases or it is combined with medication:

  • Including pumpkin, prunes, and olive oil. A daily intake of a mixture of dried fruits (200 grams of dried apricots, prunes, figs and honey) is recommended. Take 1 tablespoon before bedtime.
  • Prepare oatmeal jelly for diarrhea. Pour 2 tablespoons of cereal into a glass of water. Cook until thickened. Take 100 ml per day before meals. Or prepare rice water (per liter water is coming 1 tbsp. l. cereals). Boil for 40 minutes, strain. Take 100 ml warm every 2-3 hours.

Therapy in children

Intestinal upset in newborns often occurs after an increase in the fat content of mother's milk or with severe artificial mixtures. Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract under the influence of bacteria and viruses also occurs.

When treating your baby, it is important to prevent dehydration caused by diarrhea. For this, Regidron is prescribed. Drink the solution in small doses every 10–15 minutes. Drug therapy may consist of taking Smecta (knits and absorbs), Linex or Hilak Forte (restores the natural microflora).

If the body temperature rises, antipyretics (Ibuprofen, Panadol) are allowed.

At bacterial infections antibiotics are prescribed (Levomycytin, Furazolidone). The dosage and duration of the course is determined by the doctor, taking into account the clinical picture, age and other features.

Treatment of bowel disorders in older children, in addition to taking medication, involves proper nutrition. When breastfeeding, the mother goes on a diet.


Doctors offer a set of preventive measures that prevent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Nutrition should be balanced.
  • Medicines are taken only as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Control over excess weight.
  • Creating comfortable conditions for mental state person.
  • When the first symptoms of any disease appear, it is necessary to visit the doctor in a timely manner.

Paying sufficient attention to prevention, a person maintains the normal functioning of all systems and organs. The right approach significantly reduces the likelihood of gastrointestinal diseases or physiological bowel dysfunction.

Useful video about intestinal disorders