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Aconitum c30 homeopathy instruction. Homeopathic remedies for acute conditions

The aconite plant or wrestler belongs to the buttercup family. This raw material is actively used by homeopathic doctors as a basis for the preparation of medicines. Aconitum napellus was introduced into homeopathy by Samuel Hahnemann in 1805. According to Sharett, this homeopathic remedy is one of the most important and widely used.

Influence homeopathic remedy aconite on the human body includes a whole range of symptoms. In particular, it is necessary to highlight the so-called "circulatory orgasm", which is a sharp rise in pressure, increased heart rate and redness of the face, the appearance of headaches and tinnitus, and so on. The next component is the feeling of pain in the heart. The neurological component is associated with tearing and jerking pains, muscle weakness And convulsive state. Aconite also provokes large doses dry cough, problems with gastrointestinal tract, affects the liver. Another group of organs that aconite acts on is genitourinary system. Finally, homeopathic medicine also affects the psychological component, causing fear of death.

Indications for the use of aconite

Keeping in mind the basic principle of homeopathy (like is treated with like), we can formulate the main areas of application of aconite. Homeopathic medicine helps in case of different kind fevers accompanied by chills, but without profuse sweating. In essence, aconite can be recommended for almost any infection during an exacerbation. Here are just some of the ailments that can be healed this remedy. It should be noted pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, diarrhea, cystitis.

Further, homeopathic medicine is good as an antipyretic. It should also be noted that the possibility of using aconite as a panacea for neuritis with severe pain and tingling. Also, the drug is recommended for certain types of radiculitis and hypertension.

Indications for the use of aconite are heart problems, such as arrhythmia, angina pectoris, endocarditis, pericarditis. Aconite is also prescribed for hepatitis, and in addition, in the midst of pneumonia and in case of problems with urination. A homeopathic remedy is recommended for otitis media, joint pain and amenorrhea. Further, aconite is effective in case of any troubles that are associated with fright or fear.

Aconite helps to significantly alleviate the condition of women during menopause, it is also recommended in case of goiter, orchitis and epididymitis. homeopathic medicine heals carbuncles and furunculosis. Finally, homeopathy prescribes aconite in cases of bronchial asthma.

Who is aconite for?

The constitutional type of aconite is a full-blooded sanguine, very active person who loves and wants to do a lot. As a rule, such people have dark hair and eyes, as well as swarthy skin. However, it should be added that the use of this medicinal product strictly according to the constitution, it happens now infrequently.

Doses of aconite

The scope of homeopathic aconite is so wide that it is impossible to name the exact dosage level. It all depends on specific disease, for example, in the case psychological problems large doses are prescribed, and in the case of physical ones, small ones. However, in general, homeopathy uses fairly "material" dilutions, that is, not too strong.

Aconitum is classified as a left-sided homeopathic remedy.

Aconite homeopathy - indications for use

Aconite is a blue wrestler.

Aconite in homeopathy - indications

Aconite - very effective drug in homeopathy, which is used for sudden fever and complaints that occur after suffering stress - shock or fright. It is very important to correctly assess the typical behavior of the child, and then you can count on a positive result from the use of the chosen homeopathic remedy.

General complaints of the child:

Cough, cold, fever after exposure to cold weather.

Malaise after shock, with great fear of death.

Any unexpectedly occurring diseases that are intense and accompanied by pain.

Panic attacks, anxiety, fear of death or pain.

The child is hot, dry, thirsty.

Worse: in cold weather, in a dry cold wind, at night, with chills.

Better: on fresh air, while resting.

typical child behavior

In cases where Aconite is indicated in homeopathy, the child's symptoms are pronounced and develop very quickly. He will be extremely restless, may rise heat. Older children may ask if they are dying or otherwise demonstrate their fear of death. Children will be hot, dry, thirsty, rapid pulse. Aconite in homeopathy is very effective remedy. It will also help a child who is very frightened by something real or imaginary.

Aconite - indications for use

Diarrhea - an indication for the use of Aconite

Green colored stools are common in infants during the summer months. Diarrhea may be accompanied by inflammation or fever.

Fever - an indication for the use of Aconite

Whatever the diagnosis, Aconite helps with acute febrile conditions (fever), provided that at least one of the following occurs characteristic symptoms:

    Very intense restlessness and thirst. One cheek may be pale and cool while the other is red and hot. The child may moan.

Influenza - indication for the use of Aconite

At the initial stage of diseases such as influenza, colds, laryngitis, tonsillitis, the use of the homeopathic preparation Aconite is indicated if the following symptoms occur:

    Hyperemia, headache, burning cheeks. severe runny nose, hoarse voice or laryngitis.

Nosebleeds - an indication for the use of Aconite

unexpected nose bleed, accompanied by any of the above characteristic symptoms, will indicate the need to use the homeopathic remedy Aconite.


// www. homeo-patiya. ru/drugs/8/akonit. html

// www. medmoon. en/rebenok/akonit_instrukcija_po_primeneniju_.html

Fighter. Perennial, from the buttercup family. The tincture is prepared from the whole plant, harvested at the end of flowering. We find the pathogenesis of aconite in Hahnemann's Pure Medicine. It has been completely re-tested by the Austrian Society of Provers (Volume 1 of the Austrian Herald of Homeopathy), and prof. Imbert-Gurbeir wrote one of the most interesting monographs on aconite.


Leaving aside poisoning with aconite, paralyzing nervous system and leading so quickly to death that the symptoms useful to us for therapeutic purposes do not have time to develop, we will study only the results of the action of the tincture of aconite on healthy person, paying special attention to the disorder of the circulatory organs, which is the most important.

A tincture of aconite in medium doses, depending on the sensitivity of the subject being tested, produces at first an increase in cardiac activity, causing a full, hard and frequent pulse, a significant increase in temperature and blood pressure.

Here is the basic action of aconite, which the homeopath must never forget, and which gives him the key to the main therapeutic indications.

A sharp excitation of blood circulation causes the following symptoms: tinnitus, dizziness, headaches. Soft sky, tongue, tonsils, cheeks, ears, as well as the connective membrane of the eyes are hyperemic. The capillaries rupture from stress, resulting in bruising, ecchymosis, bruising, and nosebleeds. The whole face turns red, due to the rush of blood to the head, there is tickling in the larynx with a feeling of roughness. eyelids, eyeballs hyperemic, lacrimation increases. The laryngoscope shows hyperemia of the entire mucous membrane of the larynx, which can spread to the trachea. Then comes the secretion of visible mucous membranes, accompanied by chills, followed by dilation of the capillaries of the skin, and finally sweat.

Depending on the dose, aconite produces two types of fever: one that we have just described - with inflammatory phenomena in the form of: redness of the face, rapid and full pulse, fever, and the other: with a pale, exhausted face, cooling of the body and weakness of the pulse.

On the nervous system of warm-blooded high doses aconite act as follows: first - direct, easy excitation of the bulbar brain centers, then - the action of a reflex order due to irritation of the nerve endings various organs discharge (lungs, bronchial mucosa); This reflex action causes excitation of the vagus and splanchnic nerves, followed eventually by paralysis.

Aconite causes upset pain sensitivity, mainly in the area trigeminal nerve. Aconite also acts on motor nerves, but not in the same way as curare - muscle contraction stops along with the motor function of the nerve. Before the onset of paralysis, aconite causes spasm, and trismus - common symptom with aconite poisoning. The following symptoms are the result of the action of aconite on the nervous system: various pains, but mainly jerking and shooting in the region of the branches of the trigeminal nerve, in the muscles chest, all over the body; increased sexual feeling; hyperesthesia of the olfactory nerves, pressure in the pit of the stomach, dizziness with fainting when standing up and moving to vertical position. Feeling of numbness and goosebumps in the lips and nose, painful tingling in the tip of the tongue; sensation of tightening of the skin of the face and constriction in the limbs, as if they were tightly bound with a rubber bandage. At the same time, the subject becomes very sensitive to wind and experiences a purely subjective sensation of cold. Memory and thinking are sharply aggravated. Restless sleep, nightmares, mood extremely fickle, deep melancholy.

Breathing becomes irregular in number and rhythm, resulting in symptoms of suffocation. These disorders are the result of spasm of the muscles of the chest and diaphragm.

Aconite also acts on the digestive apparatus. Among the main symptoms, we note: intense thirst, nausea and vomiting, a feeling of painful heaviness in the stomach, colic and bloating. Aconite causes diarrhea rather than constipation; it is preceded by colic and rumbling. The stool is greenish or whitish, as in jaundice. Aconite poisoning sometimes presents a picture of cholera disease.

Aconite increases all kinds of discharge: the amount of urine increases and the sweat becomes profuse. Aconite has a predominant effect on some organs and tissues: on the larynx, heart, sclera, pleura, peritoneum and joints.

It is extremely important to note that all the symptoms caused by aconite can disappear within a few hours and the body begins to function normally again. The stronger the dose and the more intense its action, the faster the depression follows the symptoms of arousal. Hahnemann noticed and interpreted this phenomenon well. In his "Medicine" we read: "A sharpening of memory" is immediately followed by the opposite symptom: "weakness of memory", and about this contradiction he adds: most of the symptoms of aconitis, which would seem to exclude each other, are only alternatives (phenomena depression follows excitement), and aconite may be useful in either one or the other of these symptoms. At autopsy, there are: rushes of blood to the lungs and brain; inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, serous effusions in the pleura, arachnoid membrane of the brain and peritoneum; nodular lesions mitral valve observed in animals subjected to long-term action aconite.

Aconite is especially indicated for children, youths and adults who have arterial circulation functions quite normally. It corresponds mainly to active, full-blooded, sanguine subjects who react to their environment with great force; they have all the symptoms of aconite arterial flushes.

It does not hurt to note that, aconite is best suited for those who have dark color face, eyes and hair brown or black


Deterioration. After being in a dry, cold wind, at night - about midnight.

Improvement. After sweating; during rest, from wine and stimulants; outdoors.

The predominant side is the left.


1. Extreme restlessness and excitement, with excessive anguish and fear of death. This state occurs in severe cases inflammatory fevers, in certain diseases of the heart and in exophthalmic goiter.

This fear, as well as the disease which excites the patient, are characteristic of this remedy.

2. Fear of crossing the street, going into society, fear that something might happen, constant fear, incomprehensible, inexplicable. Here we note that aconite is an excellent remedy for diseases that have developed as a result of fright, recent and distant (opium, ignatia, veratrum, album).

3. Diseases and pains that appear after exposure to a cold wind. Other major remedies pertaining to dry and cold wind; bryony, causticum, hepar sulfur and nux vomica.

4. Violence of symptoms which come on suddenly and immediately develop with great acuteness.

5. Worsening of symptoms: agitation, pain, anguish, etc. at night, especially after midnight.

The pains of aconite are unbearable, sharp, tearing, accompanied by extreme excitement, longing, fear: the patient rushes in different directions, being unable to endure this pain or withstand touch.

The pains are worse at night, about midnight, as are the symptoms of this remedy in general.

They are replaced by a feeling of numbness, tingling, goosebumps.

And most important of all is the etiology: exposure to dry, cold air. Stool frequent, scanty, with tenesmus and intolerable urging.

Diarrhoea, with gastric mucus or chopped spinach-like stools in children during the hot season. Relief comes from a sudden discharge of mucus or blood.

Menstruation: very profuse, prolonged, sometimes short-term, or replaced by nosebleeds in strong and plethoric women.

Sudden stop from fright, anger, great excitement, even joy, or exposure to a dry, cold wind.


Aconite is the best remedy for inflammation, flushing and arterial hyperemia; it is an excellent anti-inflammatory, but it corresponds only to the beginning of inflammation (the period of formation), losing indications as soon as the rush of blood was localized, transudate, hepatization or tissue change appeared.

It is necessary to know for sure that aconite corresponds mainly to diseases due to exposure to a dry, cold wind, due to fright, cessation of sweating; those cases that are characterized by acute symptoms, violent, sudden, acute onset with fever - that's why he first of all - important tool in inflammations and congestions of the lungs, especially in plethoric, sanguine and strong subjects.

ACTIVE IDIOPATHIC CONGESTIONS (Voilé, Poten, Granchet forms) with full, hard, racing pulse and increased blood pressure. On the contrary, aconite is absolutely contraindicated in passive adynamic flushes with a decrease in blood pressure, as, for example, in typhoid. And in hot flashes, due to asystole with a thready pulse with a decrease in blood pressure, it is even harmful. The place of selective action of aconite is the upper lobe of the left lung. If the tide could not be stopped by aconite, and if tissue inflammation has developed, then it loses its strength and bryonia can take its place in pleuropneumonia, and phosphorus in spleno-pneumonia.

FOR BRONCHITIS, PLEURITIS, (as well as inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum), aconite is applicable at the beginning; the indication for it is determined by the nature of the fever, and in case of damage respiratory tract, - cooling, as the cause of the disease.

Runny nose: there is not only a painful dryness in the nose, but dryness and a feeling of heat in the skin, and a rush of blood from the periphery to the center.

LARINGO-TRACHEITIS of aconitis is often the result of cooling without perspiration (which is why belladonna is more suitable for children who catch colds more often when running around in perspiration). Aconite cold - cold when walking in an open carriage, with chills; while staying in cold rooms. Here is the testimony of aconite. An excellent regulator of blood circulation, aconite is also indicated for hemoptysis.

NOSE BLEEDING with increased blood pressure.

hemoptysis with restlessness and fear. Aconite corresponds to congestive hemoptysis at the onset of tuberculosis, caused by a sudden cold: a wake-up call that should not be neglected.

ANGINA with fever, burning, purplish fauces, excitement and anguish; we must not forget about the etiology - the common cold.

RHEUMATISM. Aconite is the main remedy for acute articular rheumatism. In acute local manifestations of rheumatic diathesis, during the febrile period, aconite is often very effective means: with lumbago (bryonia, rus, actea, puxivomica), scleritis (spigelia), pleurodynia (ranunculus bulbosus), sciatica and other neuralgia of a rheumatic nature.

COLD FACIAL NEEURALGIES affect mainly people who are prone to hot flashes and plethoric. Aconite is especially indicated when there is a strong flush in the affected part, usually the face, which in such cases becomes red and swollen. Crawling sensation in the affected part; pains bring the patient almost to despair. These pains are extremely sharp at the beginning, always accompanied by a crawling sensation and numbness.

HEART DISEASES. Aconite is an excellent remedy for aortitis and in the early stages of endocarditis. Palpitation with anguish. Attacks of sharp pains radiating from the heart to left hand and accompanied by a feeling of numbness and crawling in the fingers.

INCREASED BLOOD PRESSURE without organic damage. Nothing compares to aconite for its speed of action in cases of acute high blood pressure. Aconite permanently eliminates such increases without damage, while in patients with arteriosclerosis it only decreases for several days, weeks, maybe. months, since painfully altered arteries in these cases fatally again lead to an increase in pressure.

Similarly, aconite is effective IN THE BEGINNING OF ENDOCARDITIS, PERICARDITIS AND ARTERITIS with increased pressure. It retains all the power of its action also in acute or subacute cases of congestion during chronic diseases.

In smokers, under the influence of nicotine, a spasm of blood vessels that feed the large arterial trunks (aorta) can occur. As a result of malnutrition vascular walls there may be a general circulatory disorder in the form of palpitations, arrhythmias, and even angina attacks. In all such cases, the appointment of aconite often gives brilliant results.

IN OVERSTRAINING OF THE HEART IN ATHLETES, when an increase in blood pressure is followed by asystole and a dangerous decrease in blood pressure, giving all phases of aconite poisoning.

ARNICA acts more slowly in the same cases.

SEVERE JAUNDICE. The pathogenesis of aconitis gives symptoms of severe jaundice (icteric discoloration of the skin, hemorrhages, fever). But phosphorus reproduces these symptoms still better, thus aconite and phosphorus are two remedies for severe jaundice; here aconite is used in low dilutions.

HEADACHE. Congestive headache, with a feeling of fullness, as if a weight were pressing on the head in the forehead. Headache with feeling of heat, heaviness, throbbing, splitting, after taking a cold or exposure to the sun. Sensation of flushing with intense heat, with violent palpitations of the heart, throbbing of the arteries, in the temples, with fever, anguish, fear.

COUGH - usually dry and short whistling, like croup, worse in the evening, at night from dry cold wind or draft, smoking, drinking. Nothing seems to make it easier. It is accompanied by shortness of breath, sharp pains, fever, excitement and longing. It appears suddenly, in full-blooded children who catch a cold during the day; during first sleep between 9 and 11 p.m., before midnight; cough hoarse, violent, almost immediately suffocating; the child grabs his throat with his hands and suffocates; he is excited, yearning and afraid.

Cough of aconite, either without sputum at all, or with a slight amount of viscid mucus.

Auscultation is of no avail here, since aconite corresponds only to the simple stage of irritation, which is immediately followed by the stage of true flushing.

FEVER. In general, aconite is useful in the onset of every acute, not too severe, fever following a cold, characterized by redness of the face which turns pale on rising from bed, thirst with need large quantities water and especially severe dryness skin, the functions of which seem to have ceased due to spasm of the capillaries. In these cases, aconite, due to the stimulating effect on the circulatory system, causes a rush of blood to the surface of the skin and, consequently, the appearance of a relieving sweat. As soon as the patient sweats, indications for aconite end. Retention of urine in children at the beginning of inflammation, points aptly to aconitis.

Thus, aconite is a remedy for sthenic or simple inflammatory fever. Minor effect obtained only in septic fevers and accompanying local inflammation.

Aconite is one of the remedies that homeopaths are very willing to use in material doses.

In chronic cases, especially in neuralgias, we prefer infinitesimal doses. In inflammations, when the fever is not very intense, we prescribe small but significant doses. In acute cases, the onset of which aconite corresponds to, it is given every half hour until sweat appears, then it is canceled and another remedy necessary in this case is prescribed.

Aconite is an important remedy for all kinds of strong flushes, accompanied by melancholy, excitement and fever. It is called "homeopathic lancet". The most important feature him: "physical and mental excitement." In all illnesses due to being in the cold, and especially in the cold wind, you need to think about aconite. It is the first remedy for inflammatory fevers. Chills and numbness.

From the book Homeopathic clinical pharmacology author Ernst Farrington

Aconitum Napellus (Aconite napellus) Aconitum Napellus is called the monastic hood. Aconite actually means - without dust. This plant gets its botanical name from the fact that it grows on dry rocks, with barely enough land to grow.

From the book Practical homeopathic medicine by Gilbert Charette

Aconite Fighter. Perennial plant, from the buttercup family. The tincture is prepared from the whole plant, harvested at the end of flowering. We find the pathogenesis of aconite in Hahnemann's Pure Medicine. It was completely re-tested by the Austrian Society of Testers (volume 1 Austr.

From the book Practical Homeopathic Medicine. Add-ons by Gilbert Charette

ACONITUM Case History 2 STENIC FEVER A year ago I was called to see a three-year-old child who was suddenly struck with a violent fever with the following symptoms: severe redness of the face, as if swollen, protruding eyes, sharp headaches, dryness in the mouth and

From the book Practical Homeopathy author Viktor Iosifovich Varshavsky

ACONITUM, ACONITUM NAPELLUS - WRESTLER Specific action. Remedy for acute arterial congestion, mental and nervous excitement. Symptoms. Fever with chilliness, rapid hard pulse, flushing of the face, anxiety, fear of death (aconite only indicated before perspiration).

From the book Homeopathy for Doctors general practice author A. A. Krylov

Aconitum napellus. Akonitum (wrestler) The type of akonitum most of all corresponds to active and strong men, with a high degree reactivity to a particular disease. Outwardly, these are faces “with a relatively dark color of skin, eyes, hair” (Yu. Yu. Lyutynsky). They overreact

From the book Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica author James Tyler Kent

Aconite napellus Aconite / Aconite - pharmacy wrestler dosage forms. Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and above. Drops D2, D3, C3, C6 and above. Indications for use. Acts on the central nervous system. Used for inflammatory febrile processes, hypertension

From the book Materia Medica homeopathic drugs by William Berike

Aconite napellus mental and physical "torment". Motor and mental anxiety, fear - all this is the most characteristic manifestations Aconite. Acute, sudden, violent onset with a feverish state. Cannot bear touch.

From the book Course of Clinical Homeopathy by Leon Vanier

Glonoin and Aconite Glonoin only works on vascular system, Aconite acts on the arterial and nervous systems. They are incompatible: by giving Aconite to a subject with Glonoin pathogenesis, you will worsen the patient's condition. From the side of the head, the symptoms of Glonoin are as follows: hothead with tides

From the author's book

Aconite - Sulfur The symptoms of Aconite in the paroxysmal state will appear in the subject of Sulfur, and not in the subject of Calcarea carbonica. You know the difference that exists between these two remedies: Sulfur is always red, burning, active; he is trying to remove autotoxins from the body. Vice versa,

From the author's book

Aconite After exposure to cold, the child suddenly developed diarrhea like finely chopped spinach. Soon characteristic indications of Aconite appear: the child is frightened, afraid, screams (if he is very small, he does not want to be approached), he has a fever, his skin is dry,

The aconite plant or wrestler belongs to the buttercup family. This raw material is actively used by homeopathic doctors as a basis for the preparation of medicines. Aconitum napellus was introduced into homeopathy by Samuel in 1805. According to Sharett, this homeopathic remedy is one of the most important and widely used.

How does aconite affect the patient's body

The effect of the homeopathic preparation aconite on the human body includes a whole range of symptoms. In particular, it is necessary to highlight the so-called "circulatory orgasm", which is a sharp rise in pressure, increased heart rate and redness of the face, the appearance of headaches and tinnitus, and so on. The next component is the feeling of pain in the heart. The neurological component is associated with tearing and jerking pains, muscle weakness and a convulsive state. Aconite also provokes in large doses the appearance of a dry cough, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, affects the liver. Another group of organs that aconite acts on is the genitourinary system. Finally, homeopathic medicine also affects the psychological component, causing fear of death.

Indications for the use of aconite

Keeping in mind the basic principle of homeopathy (like is treated with like), we can formulate the main areas of application of aconite. A homeopathic remedy helps in cases of various kinds of fevers, accompanied by chills, but without profuse sweating. In essence, aconite can be recommended for almost any infection during an exacerbation. Here are just some of the ailments that this remedy can cure. It should be noted pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, diarrhea, cystitis.

Further, homeopathic medicine is good as an antipyretic. It is impossible not to note the possibility of using aconite as a panacea for neuritis with severe pain and tingling. Also, the drug is recommended for certain types of radiculitis and hypertension.

Indications for the use of aconite are heart problems, such as arrhythmia, angina pectoris, endocarditis, pericarditis. Aconite is also prescribed for hepatitis, and in addition, in the midst of pneumonia and in case of problems with urination. A homeopathic remedy is recommended for otitis media, joint pain and amenorrhea. Further, aconite is effective in case of any troubles that are associated with fright or fear.

Aconite helps to significantly alleviate the condition of women during menopause, it is also recommended in case of goiter, orchitis and epididymitis. Homeopathic medicine heals carbuncles and furunculosis. Finally, homeopathy prescribes aconite in cases of bronchial asthma.

Who is aconite for?

Akonita is a full-blooded sanguine person, a very active person who loves and wants to do a lot. As a rule, such people have dark hair and eyes, as well as swarthy skin. However, it should be added that the use of this drug, strictly according to the constitution, happens now infrequently.

Aconite is a poisonous perennial meadow herb of the Ranunculaceae family, with approximately 250 species. It is often used in homeopathy for a variety of indications. Even official medicine recognized the benefits of this medicinal product It is most often used in the treatment of oncology. However, aconite preparations are poisonous, and if used incorrectly, they can harm health up to lethal outcome.

Aconite grows mainly in the southern part of Siberia, in Altai, in the north Central Asia and Primorye. Its other names are: wolf aconite, blue buttercup, skullcap, Dzungarian aconite. Grass is a short plant with blue, purple or blue flowers that are shaped like a helmet.

For medicinal use, aconite roots and leaves long time processed using special technology. The goal of producers is the alkaloid aconitine, which accumulates in tubers and leaves during the flowering period. The resulting extract is diluted with alcohol and taken to treat cancer and other diseases.

Composition and forms of release

Available in the form of granules and alcohol tinctures.

Homeopathic preparation in the form of granules contains: aconite extract, aconite napellus (aconitum), bryonia, atropa bella-donna (belladonna), baptisia tinctoria (baptisia), gelsemium sempervirens (gelsemium), china rubra, allium cepa (cepa), echinacea, rus toxicodendron.

Alcohol tincture contains pure aconite extract and is used according to a special scheme.

Beneficial features

The drug in the form of granules acts as an anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and antipyretic agent. It affects the central nervous system, reduces the frequency and strength of myocardial contractions, the secretory function of the bronchi, lungs and glands.

Aconite tincture is used to treat oncology. The drug is unable to remove cancer cells, but its toxic effects significantly reduce tumor growth and spread of metastases. Due to its analgesic properties, aconite tincture is used to palliative care stage 4 cancer.


Aconite preparations are used both independently and in complex therapy for the treatment of such diseases:

  • malignant neoplasms in the stomach, lungs, skin, thyroid or mammary gland, in the spine, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, and so on;
  • diabetes;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • polyarthritis;
  • mastopathy;
  • pleurisy and others.

The drug is widely used to eliminate pain:

  • in the muscles;
  • head;
  • dental;
  • neuralgic.

Also, the drug containing aconite is effective for:

  • infectious diseases: laryngitis, pharyngitis, measles, scarlet fever, cystitis, etc.;
  • hypertension;
  • heart diseases: hypertension, heart neurosis, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, tachycardia, overstrain of the heart muscle in athletes;
  • impaired circulation;
  • gastric and intestinal colic;
  • furunculosis and so on.


The drug is prescribed by a doctor based on clinical indications. The duration of treatment is determined individually.

Aconite Plus (granules)

The medicine is taken half an hour before meals, dissolving under the tongue.

For adults, the dosage is: 7-9 granules 5 times a day for the first 2-3 days, then 7-9 granules 3 times a day for the next 2 weeks, then 7-9 granules are taken 2 times a day for 28 days.

While the course of treatment lasts, patients should refrain from sour drinking and acid-containing products.

Alcohol tincture of aconite (Onkolan)

Used for treatment oncological diseases. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor depending on the degree of the disease.

The standard treatment regimen is a gradual daily increase in dosage to achieve a cumulative effect. On the first day, the initial dose is 1 drop, on the second - 2 drops, on the third - 3 drops, and so on. The saturation threshold is the moment of manifestation of signs of intoxication, after which the dose is gradually reduced by 1 drop per day.

The required amount of tincture is diluted in water and taken 3 times a day half an hour before meals. After the course, the patient needs a rest of 1-1.5 weeks, after which the treatment is repeated.

The use of aconite tincture can be dangerous, so treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced homeopath.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Age up to 5 years.
  • In diabetes mellitus is used with caution.

Side effects

  • Toxic poisoning up to death if the dosages of the drug are not observed.
  • Allergic reactions are possible.

With alcohol

While taking the drug, alcohol should be completely abandoned, since both substances create an increased load on the liver. In addition, alcohol enhances the toxic properties of aconite preparations.

During pregnancy

Aconite is prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation.


Aconite is used to treat children from 5 years old and only in the form of granules.

For the treatment of fever 5 times a day, you need to give the child 5-7 granules. When his condition stabilizes, the frequency of admission in the next 2 weeks is reduced to 3 times a day.

Over the next 28 days, the same amount of granules should be taken already 2 times a day.

Despite the declared safety of a homeopathic remedy for children, its use for the treatment of any disease other than cancer is considered by many experts to be unreasonable and dangerous to the health and life of a child.

The composition of the drug, produced in the form homeopathic semolina, includes aconite tincture diluted in accordance with the methods adopted in homeopathy and applied to sugar grains.

For the manufacture of tablets evaporated aconite extract is used. Each tablet corresponds to 0.02 of the dry residue of the plant tincture.

Part tinctures includes an extract of aconite tubers (for a 10% tincture in a ratio of 1:10). Ethanol 40% is used as an extractant.

Release form

  • Sugar granules.
  • Homeopathic tincture.
  • Tablets standardized for alkaloid composition.
  • Alcohol tincture.
  • Medicinal raw materials from tubers.

pharmachologic effect

homeopathic remedy With anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, antispasmodic And narcotic properties .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The remedy renders combined action, which is primarily aimed at normalizing the processes of self-regulation. Acting on the central nervous system and stimulating the center responsible for inhibiting the parasympathetic nervous system, aconite exhibits high analgesic activity, relieves fever and inflammation, reduces the secretory function of the glands, bronchi And lungs , reduces the strength and frequency of contractions heart muscle , contributes to the expansion coronary vessels (thus reducing blood pressure), inhibits peristalsis, relieves anxiety.

Indications for use

IN official medicine the use of aconite tincture can be recommended as external pain reliever at neuralgia (in particular, when trigeminal neuralgia ), joint pain, , colds.

Outwardly and locally, the medicine is prescribed for bruises, dislocations and fractures of bones, sciatica , erysipelas , wounds and ulcers, , lice and .

The use of aconite is also indicated for helminthic infestations , urinary retention and poisoning (as an antidote).

The instructions for use of Aconite Dzungarian (medicinal raw materials from the root of Aconite soongaricum Stap. and 10% tincture) indicate that the remedy can be used to stop inflammation in acute infections, ,sepsis , , intestinal, renal, hepatic and stomach colic, pleurisy , , , , diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

However, the properties of the plant are most pronounced when used for treatment. malignant neoplasms (with localization in thyroid gland, stomach, lungs, mammary glands, brain, spine, skin), malignant angina , pernicious anemia , goiter .

The alkaloid that is part of the Dzungarian aconite sonorine has a pronounced antidepressant activity, which, according to some researchers, allows it to take a place between psychostimulants And antidepressants .


Contraindications for use are intolerance to the plant aconite, hypotension , typhus , which are a consequence asystole tides.

Aconite is highly toxic. It must be handled with great care as toxic substances able to penetrate the skin even in contact with the plant.

Side effects

Hypersensitivity reactions.

On early stages treatment may exacerbate the symptoms of the disease. With the development of this effect, drug withdrawal is not required.

Instructions for Aconite

The grits are used sublingually. In febrile conditions in the first days, the granules are taken 5 times a day, 8 pieces per dose, approximately 20-30 minutes before or an hour after a meal.

After finishing acute phase diseases, the frequency of doses is reduced to 3 times a day, and after 2 weeks - up to 2 times a day.

Depending on the specifics of the clinical situation, the doctor may recommend a different amount of granules for each dose.

Homeopathic aconite is used so widely that the exact dosage level is difficult to name. It all depends on the severity of symptoms and severity. pathological process. In general, rather weak dilutions of the remedy are used in homeopathy.

The tincture is taken orally half an hour before meals, diluting the required number of drops in 50-100 ml of slightly warm drinking water. Drink the drug should be slowly, in small sips.

To prepare a tincture for treatment neuralgia , toothache, rheumatism , 20 grams of plant roots are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and infused in a dark place for one week. The finished tincture has the color of brewed tea.

The medicine is rubbed with a gauze swab into the skin at the site of the pain projection. Multiplicity of applications - 2 times a day. The duration of the course is one month.

With convulsions, the patient is prescribed 5-10 mg ( ), in case of violations heart rate against the background of normal blood pressure - 10 mg in the form of a 10% solution or 1-2 ml of a solution Obzidana 0.1%, 1 ml solution 0.6% with 20 ml of 40% glucose solution.

At bradycardia shown subcutaneous injection solution 0,1%; intramuscular injection: 100 mg , 2 ml of ATP 1% solution, 5 ml of 5% solution, 4 ml of solution And 5%.


Aconite antagonists are antihistamines , glucocorticosteroids preparations containing caffeine.

Can be used in parallel with antibiotics .

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Keep away from children. The opened bottle of tincture should be stored in the refrigerator. Store granules and tablets in a place protected from moisture and light at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

special instructions

Botanical description of the plant

Aconite or wrestler (lat. Aconite L.) is a genus of herbaceous poisonous perennials of the Ranunculaceae family (Ranunculaceae). It has more than 300 representatives, including wolf aconite (A. lycoctonum L.), clobuche aconite (A. napellus L.), Karmichel aconite (A. carmichaelii Deb.), curly (A. volubile Pall.), arcuate ( A. arcuatum), Dzungarian (A. soongaricum Stap.), hairy (A. villosum Rchb.), etc.

In homeopathy, they use: pharmacy aconite (A. napellus L.), Altai (A. altaicum Steinb.), Baikal (A. baicalense Turcz. ex Rapaics), white-mouthed (A. leucostomum Worosch).

The wrestler is common in temperate latitudes of Asia, North America and Europe. The plant has an erect (sometimes curly or winding) stem with a height of 50 cm to one and a half meters. Climbing plants can reach a length of 4 meters.

The wrestler's root usually consists of 2-3 black-brown tubers oblong-ovoid. The depth of their penetration into the soil is from 5 to 30 cm. The leaves of the plant are palmate-separate, lobed or dissected, dark green, arranged in the next order.

The flowers are purple, blue, sometimes yellow, white or variegated; irregular shape; collected in simple or branched racemose or pyramidal inflorescences up to 50 cm long. Each flower has a corolla-shaped calyx, consisting of five sepals (the upper one looks like a helmet).

Planting and caring for aconite

It should be remembered that such a plant as a wrestler is very poisonous. Therefore, when planting it near the house, it is necessary to take all possible precautions to protect small children from it.

When working with aconite, you should pay attention to your own safety. It is recommended to cut, weed and replant the plant with gloves.

Plant flowers in warm, elevated places, optimally - in early spring or late autumn.

Care involves cleaning the planting site from weeds, loosening the soil, watering in dry weather and periodic fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Aconite plant flower, photo:

Photo of curly aconite:

Photo of Dzungarian aconite:

Wikipedia indicates that the ancient Germans and Gauls used aconite poison to rub spears and arrows designed to hunt predators: wolves, leopards, panthers. Therefore, among the people, the plant is still often called the “wolf killer”. The Slavs called it black or dog's potion.

The ancient Romans and Greeks killed those sentenced to death with the poison of aconite.

The ancient Greeks, as well as later Theophrastus and Pliny, believed that the flower got its name from the name of the town of Akon. As the legend says wolf aconite, not far from this city was the entrance to the Kingdom of the Dead, guarded by the three-headed dog Cerberus.

And when the dog, pulled out by Hercules to the Light of God, saw the sun for the first time, poisonous saliva flowed from all three mouths from horror. Drops of it, falling to the ground, immediately turned into beautiful flowers. Thus, the wrestler got its name from the nearby town, and owes its poisonousness to the saliva of a monster with three heads.

Homeopath Farrington suggested that in translation from Greek“Aconite” means “dustless” or “dustless”, which reflects the peculiarity of growth certain types mountain wrestler.

Scandinavian legends say that aconite grew on the spot where the god Thor died from the bites of the poisonous snake he defeated. The Germans called the wrestler the wolf root and the helmet of the god Thor, since it was with the help of this plant that the son of Odin fought the wolf.

In homeopathy, the aconite plant is considered a left-sided remedy. The effectiveness of the use of preparations from the grass and root tubers of the wrestler in oncology is due to the combination analgesic And antidepressant effects of aconite.

Precautionary measures

During the period of treatment with Aconite, inhalations with preparations containing camphor or menthol are contraindicated.

At diabetes sugar granules should be included in the total amount of glucose consumed.

Alcohol, nicotine, coffee interfere with the manifestation of the action of aconite.


Jungar aconite tincture 10%, BAA "Donovit-VS2" , Aconite Plus , Aconite tincture (Oncolan ),Akofit .

For children

During pregnancy

Use during pregnancy is allowed only in consultation with the doctor.