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CALCAREA CARBONICA - Lectures on homeopathic MATERIA MEDICA. Calcarea carbonica

Prepared from the secretion of Ostrea edulis, an oyster.

The source of the drug is the soft, snow-white, calcareous substance of the inner layer of the oyster shell, secreted by the mollusk mantle, which is actually a deposit of pure calcium carbonate crystals.

This mollusk, an intermediate between the snail and the cuttlefish, attaches itself to the ocean floor with the two halves of its wide-open shell in an apparent lazy stillness. He is capable of only one type of movement - if there is the slightest movement of water near him, he closes the shell flaps with the force of a vice, demonstrating the ability to experience severe muscle spasms.

It is important to note that the Calcarea carbonica patient leads a sedentary lifestyle, appears lazy and relaxed, and hides the confusion, fears and restlessness bubbling within behind a mask of unsociability. The tightly clenched oyster shell hides the internal agitation that leads to spasmodic contraction and the creation of a safe shelter.

Along with lack of tone and muscle weakness, a Calcarea carbonica patient may also exhibit muscle spasm of both striated and smooth muscles.


The predominant mineral form of calcium in nature is carbonates. Thus, after aluminum and iron, it is the most common metal in the earth's crust. Calcium also performs very important functions in the body and is found there in large quantities. Calcium metabolism in the body and its transformation in the soil are largely similar. Calcium metabolism in the body consists either of its precipitation, and then it settles in tissues, or of its diffusion - then free calcium ions participate in cellular metabolism. Calcium is mainly found in skeletal bones in the form of phosphate and carbonate; active ions combine, when necessary, with bicarbonate, acid phosphates and, to a lesser extent, with chlorides.

Sufficient calcium intake, for example from food, lime water and tablets, does not necessarily protect against calcium metabolism disorders. The processes of absorption, assimilation and utilization of calcium depend on many factors; it is important that the calcium content is in the correct proportion with the other members of the metabolic quartet - sodium, potassium and magnesium; these four elements must be in fluid equilibrium, and for this, the absorption of calcium and its excretion must be balanced.

Calcium is an antagonist of sodium and potassium ions, which regulate the absorption of water by cellular colloids. In this case, calcium acts as a barrier and reduces the permeability of cell membranes, thus maintaining cell tone and preventing cells from becoming overfilled with water.

The predominant calcium content impedes the exchange between cells and fluids and slows down metabolism. The membranes change their properties, as if parchment was used as a filter, and the release of water and solutions stops. Oxidation decreases, and the patient with impaired calcium metabolism in the tissues becomes slow, cold, lethargic, pale, obese, puffy, phlegmatic, and snail-like.

The slowing and suppressive effect of calcium is also evident in the neuromuscular sphere. Without the intervention of calcium, the unlimited influence of potassium and sodium ions would keep the skeletal muscles in a constant state of hypertonicity, resulting in tetany, leading eventually to paralysis due to exhaustion. Therefore, both too little and too much calcium lead to metabolic disturbances, and when homeostasis is disturbed, potentized Calcarea carbonica can restore the necessary balance.

Understanding the various functions of calcium in the body, or rather the variety of functions (since they are not very well understood), will help to appreciate the significance of the various symptoms presented by this drug.

Calcium is the main constituent of bones, where it is present in the form of apatite, crystal cell composed of calcium carbonate and phosphate, which give bones strength.

Calcium is responsible for coagulation reactions in both blood and milk.

In optimal concentrations, calcium accelerates the action of certain enzymes, but if there is a lot of it, it, on the contrary, slows down the activity of enzymes.

It is also believed that calcium plays a leading role in the formation of bioelectric potentials due to the presence of a calcium electrode in the form of calcium proteinate in the cell membrane. It is possible that the ability of calcium to combine with protein and form these compounds throughout the body is the most important biological feature of this element. This explains its participation in many vital physiological processes.

Huge variety pathological conditions may be due to improper absorption, distribution and utilization of calcium. This includes inadequate nutrition, slow growth and development, improper bone formation, slow blood coagulation, increased irritability of the nerves and a tendency to tetany.

The calcium balance can thus fluctuate in two directions - from an excess of calcium to a lack of it. But not only these disorders help to explain the various symptoms of Calcarea carbonica patients. Experience shows that this remedy, when prescribed in time and in the required potency, can effectively correct the imbalance and restore health.


The first pathogenesis of Calcarea carbonica appears in the first edition of Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases.


The patient who requires Calcarea carbonica is often corpulent, blond, with blue eyes, a pale, waxy complexion, pale lips, ears and pale fingers, although the face is sometimes red-tinged. Sometimes the Calcarea carbonica patient is a lean, dark-haired man with a sallow complexion.

Children are loose, lethargic, with a pasty face, and their heads are constantly sweating.

A child of the Calcarea carbonica type is inhibited, sits more, remains where his parents left him, fidgets with his fingers, plays with small objects. His teeth erupt late, his fontanelles close late, his breath is hot, he moves lower jaw as if he is chewing gum, signs of rickets are possible. Starts to walk late and sways due to muscle weakness. In general, outwardly they are overweight and untrained. Adults are plump, but some children have pronounced emaciation of the neck and limbs with a protruding, tight abdomen.

Poor circulation is manifested by cold, clammy, lifeless, flabby, limp hands and cold, clammy feet. Sometimes the brush is soft, warm, wet, and seems to have no bones.

Wide pupils indicate a decrease in the tone of the parasympathetic system.

The speech can be endless, non-stop, constant muttering about trifles that concern him personally, or the person can plunge into complete silence, and the state in this case resembles catatonia.

A characteristic feature is an unusual sour odor of the body, vomit, and feces.


Emotional manifestations are mainly a mirror reflection of general slowness due to impaired calcium metabolism. The Calcarea carbonica patient is slow, dull, uninterested in his surroundings, shy, avoids mental stress in any form. This does not come from congenital laziness, but from an inability to make effort: this is not the patient’s fault, but his misfortune.

Children do not like to be laughed at, or, when disappointed in something, they simply give up. They are slow at school, slow at play, afraid of the dark, can see faces in the dark, and have nightmares. They cry and are in a bad mood.

The Calcarea carbonica patient is usually irritable, stubborn, unable to think coherently or remember events, and completely unable to make a decision. Mental and any other stress causes malaise, to the point that the patient can no longer stand it and gives up everything.

Fear - pronounced symptom. The Calcarea carbonica patient is full of fears - afraid of people, of the dark, afraid of being looked at, afraid of being alone, a vague fear of “who knows what,” a growing fear of encroaching madness. Being in such a state, the patient does not stop thinking about his premonitions, talks about it without stopping and thinks that everyone is suspicious of him.

Another feature is the lack of reaction, the person slams shut like a clam, indifferent to everything, which is actually an attempt to cover up fear and internal excitement, he may be discouraged, in despair and disgusted with life.

A stage of hyperexcitability is observed: jumps up, flinches easily at the slightest noise, becomes very upset when he hears about cruelty, becomes frightened at the sight of wounds, suddenly screams or bursts into unreasonable tears.

The patient has a tendency to grumble and complain about long-standing mistakes, becomes grumpy, takes everything with hostility and experiences unreasonable antipathy towards certain people.


Disturbance of calcium metabolism disrupts heat exchange in the body. It is therefore not surprising that the Calcarea carbonica patient is unusually chilly, and when it is cold he feels completely miserable. He wants to be warmly dressed, it is unpleasant for him to be in the open air, he does not like drafts. Direct Sun rays also unpleasant.

Violation of the distribution of blood flow leads to a combination of a feeling of internal heat with external chilliness; cold is often felt in certain areas of the body; the feet are usually cold, but may, however, burn at night; the patient moves them, trying to find a cool place, or sticks his feet out from under the blanket - a symptom characteristic of, and. The hands “burn” in the area of ​​the back surface. The Calcarea carbonica patient overheats easily when physical activity and feels unwell, then, when physical activity stops, quickly becomes hypothermic.

Usually feels hungry, tends to feel weak, hungry every hour, sometimes immediately after eating. He loves sweets and often simply craves eggs, this is also observed in children. Often there is an aversion to hot food, meat, coffee, tobacco and milk, which may not be digested.

A perversion of taste that is unusual in the field of food addictions - a child can eat earth, coal, chalk, perhaps thus showing that his calcium metabolism is upset.

Thirst is expressed, but drinking water causes nausea. Ice water, however, is better tolerated and is preferred.

Sleep is usually disturbed by nightmares; Children wake up screaming and it is almost impossible to calm them down. The child sleepwalks, mumbles or grinds his teeth, and lies with his hands under his head.

It is often difficult to fall asleep; full of restless thoughts, does not sleep until 2, 3, 4 o'clock in the morning; or may wake up at 3 a.m. and then rush around restlessly.

Sweating is a characteristic symptom, often very severe, and especially pronounced on the head and feet. This is especially noticeable at night, when the child's pillow is completely wet from sweat. You may suddenly sweat due to tension, excitement or fear.


General symptoms

Symptoms characteristic of Calcarea carbonica indicate one or another aspect of a calcium metabolism disorder - these are symptoms indicating a slowdown in functioning and a lack of oxygen saturation of tissues on the one hand, or hypertonicity and hypersensitivity on the other. Clinical picture of deficiency vitality, very easy fatigue associated with muscle weakness, and slow development. As a result of this weakness, any effort causes discomfort in the form of shortness of breath, flushing, headache and general malaise.

Also striking is the pronounced tendency to catch a cold, manifested in the development of catarrh. Involvement of the mucous membranes in the process leads to the formation of polyps and papillomatous growths that are prone to bleeding.


Although the scalp is usually sensitive to cold, which makes you want to cover your head warmer, at times there is a rush of blood to the head with a sensation of burning heat, especially in the crown area. Dizziness easily occurs with strong physical and even mental stress, due to the fact that the blood circulation is not able to satisfy the increased need for oxygen. A tearing or splitting headache located over the right eye, extending down the triangle towards the nose, or an intermittent headache, recurring every 7 or 14 days and accompanied by irritability, is common. The headache is worse in daylight, relieved by warmth or hot compresses, and by lying in a darkened room. A unilateral headache is also described, aggravated by noise and when trying to talk, which decreases in the evening. Alopecia occurs, where hair falls out in clumps rather than evenly throughout the head.


Eye symptoms are severe, including corneal lesions, including ulceration and photophobia. These major changes are preceded by blurred vision. Sensation of a veil or film before the eyes. Symptoms sharply intensify with any stress, prolonged reading and other activities.


Involvement of the middle ear in the catarrhal process leads to perforation of the eardrum with chronic discharge: thick, yellow, purulent mucous; Every time there is exposure to cold, there is an exacerbation. Regional authorities are often involved in the process. The lymph nodes, a rash may appear on the auricle and behind the ear.

Respiratory system

As mentioned above, there is an excessive tendency to catch colds, which is manifested by persistent inflammation of the throat with enlarged tonsils and involvement of the cervical lymph nodes. Colds tend to go downhill and cause a painless hoarseness that gets worse in the morning. The patient complains that he feels a lump in the left side of his throat. Catarrh of the nose, turning into a chronic form, with soreness of the nose, swelling and ulceration of the mucous membrane and thick yellow discharge with the presence of crusts. Nasal polyps. A persistent, irritating cough is likely to be especially bothersome at night, or the cough may be accompanied by copious amounts of thick, yellow, sweet-tasting sputum, sometimes streaked with blood. The breathing is bubbling due to a large amount of mucus, and the chest feels as if it is full of blood.

Digestive system

Unpleasant sour taste in the mouth is accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the mouth. There is a burning pain at the tip of the tongue. Digestion seems sluggish with frequent sour belching or even sour vomiting. There is an unusual aversion to hot food, severe heartburn and possibly a cutting pain towards the right shoulder blade radiating to the right hypochondrium and epigastric region, which is often very tender to palpation. Persistent diarrhea with clay-colored stools; defecation is accompanied by a sensation of crawling, burning and heaviness in the rectum. Watery diarrhea is common, worse in the afternoon; the stool is whitish, watery, frequent, has a sour, putrid odor and causes excoriation of the skin of the perineum. Stool often contains clots and particles of undigested food. Calcarea carbonica is often indicated for tuberculous mesadenitis, as well as for helminths. Lymphatic and endocrine systems

Lymph nodes in different places become enlarged, thicken, and burning and stinging pains appear in them. Clusters of nodes are palpated, especially in the neck and mesentery. Lymphadenitis is usually of tuberculous origin.

The cardiovascular system

In accordance with the general asthenic state, there is a weakening of cardiac activity, and such an effort as climbing stairs is accompanied by shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. When walking in the fresh air, fainting is possible. Varicose veins with severe burning and discomfort.

Urinary system

Cystitis with the discharge of dark, brown urine, which has an unusual unpleasant sour putrid odor.

Reproductive system

Menstruation comes early, profuse, prolonged - too long and too abundant. Your period may stop due to emotional stress or physical strain. The mammary glands become swollen and painful before and during menstruation; Dysmenorrhea is associated with characteristic cramping pain in the uterus, as well as general pain in the stomach. Pain from the region of the right ovary extends to the thigh and is aggravated by reading and writing. Profuse leucorrhoea, accompanied by acute pain, burning, itching. Bleeding polyps of the uterus and vagina.

Nervous system

Calcarea carbonica is indicated for convulsions at night, and also for epileptic fits preceded by an unusual aura, as if a mouse were running along the arm or leg. Complaints of paresthesia include tingling sensations, pinching, muscle tremors, a feeling of a “cold wet sock on the foot,” a feeling that some “part of the body will explode.”

Propulsion system

Muscle weakness prevents any sustained effort. The ankle joints are weak and often twist. The back muscles are weak, which is why when sitting for a long time, posture is disrupted and curvature of the spine appears. Cramps usually occur at night, especially during calf muscles. Rheumatic pain in the limbs is accompanied by severe stiffness. Joints are hot and swollen. Gout of small joints with the formation of gouty nodules around them. Bone deformations as a consequence of rickets. Metabolic disorder in bones, which is expressed by the appearance of exostoses.


Calcarea carbonica is indicated for chronic urticarial rashes, as well as warts and papillomatous growths. Leather cracks easily. You should always remember that ointments and dressings are inadmissible for skin diseases of the Calcarea carbonica type in children. Excess calcium is released from the body through the skin, and there is no need to prevent this.


Worsening occurs with any contact with cold air, with drafts, with changes in weather from warm to cold, with humid weather and with contact with cold water. The condition also worsens before and during menstruation, when standing for a long time or when the limbs hang down, which impedes blood circulation. The symptoms are worse after midnight and also during the full moon.

Better in warmth, in dry weather, when lying on the sore side, and, unusually enough, in constipation.


This medicine well illustrates the point that the person should be treated, and not the disease by its name. The main indication for use is the patient's compliance with the medicinal type of Calcarea carbonica, especially constitutional and mental manifestations.

December 4, 2014

“Take an oyster shell of sufficient thickness and crush it into small pieces, then take one grain of the softer, snow-white substance of lime, located midway between the outer and inner layers of the shell. This preparation is prepared in all degrees of potency... in the manner used for the preparation of dry medicinal substances, used as homeopathic medicines."

(Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Chronic Diseases)

Physical properties (Hersku):

(a) Head:

In the baby we see a large, round head, which is due to late fusion of the fontanelles.

A child is often born with persistent seborrheic dermatitis of the wet variety, which tends to form a superficial crust. Parents usually report that a child who is currently being treated for asthma or chronic sinusitis has had this type of rash with infancy and that his respiratory symptoms began after treatment and the rash disappeared. In addition, it is known that often after a child is prescribed this medicine, skin symptoms appear as the respiratory symptoms disappear. This body reaction to the medicine should be considered a positive sign and medical intervention should be avoided.

The head sweats from the slightest physical exertion and during sleep.

(b) Ears:

Ears are a constant source of problems for children Calcarea carbonica. From the mother's stories, it usually follows that ear pain usually occurs after the child has had bronchitis, tonsillitis, or even a simple cold, and the infection penetrates the ears very quickly. The discharge from the ears is usually thick, yellow and very smelly. Ear symptoms worse from cold wind. These children prefer to wear a hat at all times. Fluid in the ears can lead to chronic hearing loss over time. Fluid accumulation in the eustachian tubes is often noted in allergic children who breathe through the mouth and suffer from one respiratory infection after another.

(c) Nose:

Constant nasal discharge is common even in children in good health.

(d) Face:

As a rule, the child Calcarea carbonica round face. The appearance of the skin can indicate the presence of a large amount of subcutaneous fat.

(e) Mouth:

The mucous membrane of the oral cavity Calcarea carbonica reacts very sensitively to any damage. From the slightest damage or injury to the skin inner surface lips in a child easily occurs aphthous stomatitis and aphthae.

Teeth eruption usually occurs late.

(f) Throat and neck:

Children Calcarea carbonica get sore throat easily. When they have a sore throat, enlarged glands are always easily palpable in large numbers.

(g) Chest:

The chest bears the brunt of allergies and respiratory infections in the form of cough, which is characterized by dryness at night and dampness with slight sputum in the morning.

(h) Food cravings and aversions:

Young representatives Calcarea carbonica love all carbohydrates: candy, ice cream, pasta, bread and potatoes. They are also passionate about salt and fish. Eggs are among the favorite foods and act as a very strong key symptom of this remedy. They generally prefer cool or cold water and food.

They don't like meat in general and fat in particular. They do not like slimy foods. Many of them do not like or cannot tolerate milk at all.

(i) Stomach:

Children of this type are usually characterized by slow digestion.

Infants are prone to chronic vomiting. IN clinical practice O Calcarea carbonica should be recalled in the case of infants who regurgitate undigested milk within five minutes of unsuccessful belching after feeding.

Although some children of this type are picky in their choice of food, most of them wake up hungry and immediately demand either their mother's breast or breakfast.

(j) Belly:

In these children you can often see a large, protruding belly, a characteristic large belly. Their belly is soft muscle tone bad, causing an umbilical hernia to easily occur.

(k) Rectum:

The main complaint of many children is constipation, the stool is usually large and massive.

Diarrhea is often caused by gluten-sensitive celiac disease and lactose intolerance and is common in many acute illnesses such as otitis media, bronchitis and difficult teething.

(l) Genitourinary system:

Boys are prone to hydrocele. There may also be rashes and various rashes in the genital area resulting from exposure to saturated urine.

Recurrent vaginitis occurs under the influence of yeast fungi, mainly in obese girls of infancy. Vaginal discharge thick, milky yellow, reminiscent of thick mother's milk.

(m) Back:

Calcarea carbonica is one of the main medicines for the treatment of bone diseases such as rickets. Since rickets is now much less common in the rich countries of the world than in the past, calcium imbalance, manifested in back weakness and/or scoliosis, or the more serious spinal abnormality, spina bifida, has come to the forefront.

(n) Limbs:

Some children begin to walk later than usual, and they are also characterized by weak ankles that twist easily. This weakness also affects long (tubular) bones and nails: they either grow slowly or break easily.

Pronounced sweating of the hands and feet, sweating even in the cold, is another of the well-known key symptoms of this remedy.

(o) Leather:

This medicinal type is predisposed to eczema. Many children are born with eczema or severe seborrheic dermatitis.

They often have Candida rashes bright red and with sharp outlines of the elements of the rash. In a child with allergies or asthma, the rash may return several months after the first homeopathic medicine is taken. Respiratory symptoms disappear, but parents may insist on treatment for the severe diaper dermatitis that their child now suffers from. Don't give in to pressure from them! The formation of a rash allows the body to overcome the imbalance that has arisen in it. Under no circumstances should you interfere with the rash in any way, since as a result of such exposure the rash will disappear, but the respiratory symptoms will return. Many successful cases have been ruined by efforts to get rid of the rash.

Another important skin symptom that occurs in some children Calcarea carbonica- These are warts that usually appear on the hands.

A unique symptom that can be seen in newborns and very young children is that they often scratch their face, especially if they eat something that causes them an allergy or when they are tired.

Dream (to Hershku):

Children Calcarea carbonica love to be rocked to sleep. In addition, this medicine is among the most used remedies for night terrors.

Sometimes children overheat in bed. They sweat quite a lot, especially babies. They sweat most heavily during teething and other acute conditions.

Distinguish Calcarea carbonica The following property helps well with other medications: the child wakes up in a fresh state and in a good mood, often he is the first one in the house to get out of bed.

Important general features (Herschku):

(A) Calcarea carbonica, certainly more often than any other medicine, is used for epilepsy, especially if it occurs during teething.

(b) Children Calcarea carbonica poorly absorb calcium, they are also characterized by functional disorders thyroid gland, which leads to retardation in mental and physical development.

(c) Many symptoms can develop due to changes in metabolism, for example, in situations such as teething or the formation of the ability to walk. Hair, nails and bones often grow poorly, and glands easily become enlarged and hardened. With age, children often become anemic and chilly and - very characteristic feature this type - they sweat even when they are cold.

(d) In general, they are aggravated by teething, physical exertion, cold and damp weather, changes in the weather from hot to cold and from drinking milk. Their condition improves from warm and dry air. Of all the seasons they prefer summer.

Mental/Emotional Features (Herschku):

Dealing with cases Calcarea carbonica, the doctor is faced with a child who is developmentally delayed and late in mastering both mental and physical skills and abilities. This lag is a deliberate, even willful, slowing down of development on the part of the child in order to be able to more thoroughly assimilate and understand new information. Memory related problems are common.

If you look at it from an academic point of view, there are two types of children who require this medicine. Children of the first type are not diligent enough in school due to the mental stress they experience. Child Calcarea carbonica the second type is a brilliant student. These kids work hard, get there slowly and steadily, and often get the highest grades. These children need structure and may come across as slow-witted. Due to their peculiarities of mastering educational material, they must learn consistently, learning new things step by step. Then they firmly assimilate the material and retain it in their memory for a long time. These children may have delayed comprehension, so that directions and instructions have to be repeated twice or thrice. Parents often say about their child that he is very smart, but he has his own pace of learning new information. That's right. A child may be superior in intelligence to all students in the class, but information must flow slowly and systematically.

Children Calcarea carbonica Already at an early age they realize that they are slower than others of their age. To avoid ridicule of themselves, they usually behave quietly and withdrawn, preferring to play alone. This behavior forms in them the habit of self-sufficiency, an example of which is a child who can be safely left alone and will play alone for an hour while the mother cleans up the house. During illness, these children become quiet and withdraw into themselves.

A child of this type is careful and circumspect and tends to shy away from new things for quite a long time, gaining time to assimilate new information and structure and categorize it in his mind.

The child also needs additional time in order to be able to complete the things he has started. When four-year-old Alan's mother asks him to do something, he usually agrees, but continues to do what he was doing before her request. The mother is angry, believing that he is deliberately disobeying her. In fact, he just needs to finish one thing first, only then can he move on to another. Structure and schedule are very important for this type of child.

The inability to quickly change their thoughts and mood is a characteristic feature of young children Calcarea carbonica. They are stubborn and prefer to do things at their own pace. If one of the parents, brothers or sisters interferes and disrupts his plans, the child of this type usually falls into a strong anger, and can feel offended and insulted for a very long time, unless he is distracted by offering something else in return, giving him, for example, some object desired by him. In this case, the child can completely immerse himself in exploring a new subject and replace anger with a feeling of satisfaction.

Stubbornness is one of the most important key symptoms of this remedy. It appears that many children who require Calcarea carbonica, it is much easier to devote all their energy to stubbornly achieving what they want and saying goodbye to it all, than to have “unfinished business” in their souls. Stubbornness is one of the main personal characteristics of a child of this type. It is bad that most parents do not understand the peculiar psychological structure of their child and persistently impose their own agenda and time schedule on him. Irritability, screaming and violent anger seem to parents disproportionate to what they want from him, and give the impression of complete surprise.

The nature of the resulting outburst of anger is also eloquent. Children are often unable to stop their tantrums or refuse to do so. If other medicinal types in a given situation would have long ago realized that they would not achieve their goal and gave up, then the child Calcarea carbonica continues to stomp his feet and pound the floor with his fists, making his demands.

Sometimes you can see other manifestations of stubbornness. At one year and three months old, Barry looked like a child who had never learned to walk. It turned out that there were no physical obstacles to this, the boy just didn’t want it at all. Four days after taking the medicine, Barry suddenly stood on his feet and began to walk easily and become less stubborn. This delay in walking is a classic example of child behavior. Calcarea carbonica. Parents of children of this type often admit that it is not easy for their child to take on anything new, but when he does make such an attempt, he often shows remarkable results.

In essence, stubbornness is a sign strong character child. Children look the doctor straight in the eye with a strong, serious look. They are independent by nature.

When placed in an unfamiliar environment, such as a doctor's office, these children give in to their natural curiosity and begin to explore their surroundings, categorizing things around them. They touch everything they come across with their hands, moving around the office, pulling books off the shelves, trying to open doors.

Child Calcarea carbonica behaves independently, has his own opinion about everything and knows how to stand up for himself. Combined with slowness, these individual characteristics often determine their ability to deep and prolonged concentration of mind, noticeable even in the youngest representatives of this type.

This child has a lot of fears. Many of them are afraid of the dark and shadows. They often prefer to sleep in the light because darkness gives them nightmares. They are afraid of spiders and insects. In addition, they are characterized by a fear of loneliness in the dark. They often refuse to go to bed alone. Because of their fear of spirits and monsters, they ask their parents to tuck them into bed. Causes of fear include previous fear, bad news, scary stories, masks, etc. They are very sensitive and vulnerable to such impressions. The origin of many fear behaviors can be traced back to specific startle episodes.

If children Calcarea carbonica nothing is known about plans for the future or these plans suddenly change unexpectedly, they are overcome by anxiety. Because of their tendency to have anxious expectations about the future and the need to see things through to completion, they do not like it when the established order is disturbed. In addition, they want to know in advance everything that can happen in a new situation, and they arrange a real interrogation, bombarding parents with a variety of questions in order to maximally concretize and flesh out their ideas about unfamiliar places, activities or guests in advance. Finding himself in a new classroom or any new group, the child shows nervousness, the strength of which does not correspond to his tender age.

Many children Calcarea carbonica Attachment manifests itself during illness.

These children have a great interest in the other world. They ask many questions about God, heaven and hell, death and spirits: about all kinds of unknowable things. So, when his aunt died, one child asked a series of questions that usually occupy the mind Calcarea carbonica. He wanted to know where his aunt went after her death. What does it mean to die? Why did she die? How did it happen? Why are all the people around crying? Why didn't uncle cry? The reason for such intense interest in such difficult questions is that they need to categorize this information into one category or another - just as they have to categorize everything in the world - but because these things are not at all easy to sort and label in one word or another, they make great efforts to understand them.

Child (Coulter):

Calcarea carbonica- This mainly children's constitutional remedy. Many children begin their lives as Calcarea and only later, under the influence of circumstances and personal experience transform into other constitutional types, which is why this medicine is prescribed to most children in certain circumstances during childhood.

The child has a healthy appearance, he is decorated with golden curls, which later straighten and darken, he has round face and rosy cheeks. But he lacks energy. The head is large and moist, the body looks like a pear due to the noticeably protruding belly. It is predisposed to enlargement of the tonsils, as well as the cervical, mesenteric, axillary and mandibular glands. In winter, these children endlessly suffer from colds, otitis media and bronchitis. Often their bone tissue development is disrupted, long bones and teeth are formed incorrectly, and their typical high and narrow dental arch foreshadows a visit to an orthodontist in the future.

In general, we see a picture of impaired calcium metabolism. Potentized lime promotes healthy growth of bones, teeth and nerves by ensuring the assimilation and utilization of calcium and other nutrients at proper levels.

The baby is often floppy and relaxed (a “floppy baby”): it is a soft, fatty, lymphatic creature with poorly developed muscles, in which all processes proceed at a slow pace. In physical terms, this is manifested by late fusion of fontanelles, difficult teething, slow relief from seborrheic dermatitis, delayed development of motor skills (especially the ability to walk) and control of bladder and bowel functions.

Slow speech development in Calcarea It often comes from the child’s own reluctance to make efforts. He already has all the necessary knowledge, but he does not want to talk just because he push to that. Sometimes a child who has not spoken at all before begins to speak and immediately uses complete sentences, thereby showing that his words were only waiting for an opportunity to be spoken.

At school, a child may also behave like a “slow-witted person,” sometimes in all subjects, sometimes only in one; for example, he usually likes mathematics (there is something reliable about the predictability of numbers), but is a poor reader. If he still achieves success, it is only because he devotes much more time to work than other children. Often he gives up too quickly; he either has too little energy and does not have enough energy for activities that require concentration, or does not have enough motivation to complete an unpleasant task.

This is one of those medicines that you should think about first if you have a smart and quick-witted child whose educational results do not correspond to his abilities. Perhaps they dislike the teacher, or do not like to make mental efforts, or simply shy away from following rules and regulations that limit their freedom.

Calcarea can be recognized by its remarkable self-sufficiency. Once in the doctor’s office, the child, without any fear, examines everything around him or closely examines any object or person. If he is placed on his back, he enjoys playing with his fingers. A child who has already learned to walk follows the route chosen by him, climbs over furniture, the laps of adults, explores neighboring rooms, calmly, but not without a bit of imagination, entertaining himself while his parents are busy talking with the doctor. An older child can calmly go about his business for hours, refraining from outward manifestations of strong feelings and enthusiasm. Having retired to himself, he carries out some of his ideas, which others will learn about only when he brings it to completion. But if he loses the inertia of movement, it can be difficult for him to get back into action.

He is an autonomous little creature from which he grows into an original and independent adult. Both at home and at school, he clearly sees his surroundings and reacts to what is happening, showing his adequacy and sensitivity, when he is not prevented from developing at his calm and carefully measured pace - but this must happen within the limits of structured environment. Following my roundabout path, Calcarea often offers something new, an original twist, revealing that he perfectly understands what is happening around him, even if he needs time for this. He reminds us of that notorious tortoise, a hard worker who can reach the finish line before the hare rushing forward.

It is surprising that the “shadow” or “reverse” side Calcarea- this is a terribly difficult child who behaves disgustingly. What is the basic defense of a vulnerable and fragile child from the adults around him who control his life? He is slower than them, expresses his thoughts less well, physically weaker, more dependent - what can he do to achieve his goal? One way is to throw tantrums.

A more balanced child may resort to another way to get his way: stubbornness. Calcarea insists on his own and resists like a stubborn donkey. If he refuses to eat or dress, then no persuasion will work on him. If he is pressured at school, he counters this pressure with calm but stubborn resistance.

Child sensitivity Calcarea finds expression in various fears: loneliness, darkness, going to bed. He is characterized by “night terrors”, from which he wakes up with a loud cry.

The effects of fright last long on these children. In one case, after a girl opened a closet drawer and a mouse jumped out at her, she suffered from convulsions for several years. Another child had his first epileptic seizure at the age of four after seeing a snake swallow a frog. Both cases were cured with several doses Calcarea in high potency. Often a child cannot fall asleep, being under the persistent impression of a terrible event that he saw on TV, read about in a book, or accidentally heard in a conversation.

Calcarea cannot stand the sight of violence committed against other people and animals; He is deeply upset even when he sees the image of a cripple in a picture or reads in a book about rough treatment of people or animals.

Child Calcarea extremely sensitive to the small annoyances of everyday life that offend his sense of justice and decency. Having strong principles and a sensitive heart, he does not understand what makes others behave so unreasonably or simply basely. These kids are little Charlie Browns (Charlie Brown is a comic book character Peanuts) living in our world. Cute, but slow and not of this world, and therefore easily find themselves in the role of a victim.

Sensitivity to criticism is another aspect of this child's vulnerability. The teacher or parent may get the impression that this child takes criticism very easily, but on a deeper level it hurts him deeply. True, it does not immediately affect him, and he does not immediately begin to noisily be indignant or make excuses. He is characterized by a slow reaction. But the lack of initiative and fear of failure, which later make themselves felt in an adult, originate from those ancient critical remarks dating back to childhood. In response to criticism, the child does not cry, does not cling to an adult, does not seek consolation; he withdraws into himself, beaten and alone, refusing to make new attempts in the future.

But Calcarea will help strengthen the child’s ability to live and act in a tense or hostile environment, endowing a lethargic and weak-willed child with the ability to persistently achieve a goal, an insecure child with the desire to achieve a goal, a fearful child with the willingness to take risks and dare. It also helps to accept criticism without being offended in response, to accept ridicule without losing faith in oneself, and gives an overly vulnerable child the ability to more successfully accept the unfair attacks of fate. Thus, for some children, medicine serves as a shield against the harshness of the world, while for others, by exciting and irritating them, it provides an incentive to overcome their fears or sensitivities, to face life's challenges head-on, and thus prepares them for the coming adult life.

Material for translation taken from the site: http://www.millstherapeutics.com/childrensremedies.html

The homeopathic remedy calcarea carbonica (calcium carbonicum) is nothing more than lime carbonate. Introduced into homeopathy by Doctor of Medical Sciences.

How does Calcarea carbonica affect the patient’s body?

Unlike most homeopathic medicines, Calcarea carbonica is not poisonous. As a result of experiments with this remedy, Hahnemann showed that it is comprehensively effective and, based on this, very valuable. It is used very widely due to the fact that it affects almost all organs and systems.

Indications for use of Calcarea carbonica

Based on the properties of Calcarea carbonica described above, we can conclude that the drug is effective for various ailments. It is used in the case of herbal medicine, for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, for diseases of the lymphatic glands and for tumors of the salivary glands. The drug helps in cases of chronic skin diseases and damage to the sebaceous glands.

Another area of ​​application of Calcarea carbonica is nervous ailments characterized by the absence of clear disorganization. Muscle damage, cramps, weakness of the limbs, fainting fits and epileptic seizures are also indications for the use of the drug. Calcarea is also recommended as a remedy for mental disorders.

Further, a homeopathic medicine is used for inflammation of bone tissue, in which pus is released. Helps with ulcers and chronic diseases. Calcarea carbonica copes with many problems of the gastrointestinal tract, such as poor digestion, lack of appetite, stomach cramps, constipation, liver and spleen tumors. The homeopathic remedy also helps in cases of diseases of the genitourinary system, including catarrh of the bladder, bedwetting, and sexual impotence.

The next group of ailments from which the homeopathic remedy Calcarea carbonica saves is women's diseases. These include tumors of the mammary glands and uterus, too heavy and too early menstruation, as well as catarrh of the mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus.

Finally, Calcarea carbonica helps in cases of gout and rheumatism.

Who is Calcarea carbonica intended for?

Calcarea carbonica are pale-faced individuals with sunken eyes with dark circles around them. Endowed with full lips and cheeks. These patients are extremely sensitive to cold and are prone to colds. They are characterized by sweating of the head, hands and feet. They often complain of pain in bones, joints and muscles. People of this type are characterized by severe irritability.


If we wanted to get a patient Calcarea carbonica, we would need to stuff healthy person slaked lime or lime water until the digestive organs are so exhausted that they can no longer digest lime, and then a deficiency will increase in the tissues necessary substances. Thus, we will see a typical “calcareous” patient, a case associated with bone demineralization, which most accurately defines the essence of the drug in question. Children who receive a certain amount of “lime water” with milk always become “lime” patients to one degree or another. Their body very often turns out to be unable to obtain calcium from natural foods, as a result we are faced with a patient of Calcarea carbonica, detailed description which we will now devote some time to.

True “calcareous” patients are people with congenital pathology; immediately after birth, they are determined to be unable to digest and absorb calcium from natural food; such children grow up lethargic, suffer from excess weight, and they often experience bone decalcification. Percent cartilage tissue their bones significantly exceed the percentage of calcium found in them, as a result of which the bones become too flexible, which causes the occurrence of various diseases and destructive changes. Damage to teeth or lack thereof. Bones stop growing, and dementia may develop. In this case, it seems quite naive to believe that such children need to be given calcium dissolved in water, because their digestive tract is simply not able to absorb it. Isn’t this tactic as unfounded as everything else in allopathy? And despite this, homeopaths continue to use allopathic medicines.

These doctors use the lowest dilutions, and it would be strange if essentially the same substances were more effective in the hands of homeopaths than in the hands of allopaths. But it is surprising that a single dose of the drug in a dilution that is truly appropriate for the case can restore the child’s ability to digest and assimilate food, and release calcium from food, which is so necessary for bones and other tissues. Then teeth will immediately begin to grow; bone growth and development will be restored, the legs will become so strong that the baby will be able to walk. Under the influence of various medications that are indicated for impaired growth of hair, bones and nails, surprising changes usually occur in the body of young patients. But only a sufficiently potentized drug is able to resist pathology. And of course, the medicine should not contain unprocessed material, since the child’s body is already sufficiently retarded in development, precisely because of this substance in its pure form.

In just a month or at most six weeks after a single dose of a sufficiently potentized medicine, you will see that the child’s nails, which were previously uneven, rough, speckled and brittle, are gradually and very gently modified, their growth is normalized, their edges are leveled. These children usually have ugly plaque on their teeth, their teeth may be crooked, and they sometimes have black deposits that appear to grow right out of their gums. After prescribing adequate homeopathic treatment, a clear marginal line is formed on the teeth; at an outside glance, the teeth already appear healthy, smooth and even. It seems that the child has received an additional impulse, energy for correct height teeth. A similar situation is observed in relation to bones. The periosteum needs healing and reconstructive processes. The Calcarea carbonica patient is in dire need of calcium, but does not get enough of it because the body was once oversaturated with it; or because, due to digestive and absorption disorders, the patient’s body is not able to absorb calcium from the food received, which, as it were, passes through the patient’s body without having any effect. A similar situation is observed in many other diseases that we encounter, when the patient’s body is unable to absorb and accumulate necessary substances from food. This substance cannot be neglected simply because it is merely a material for the formation of teeth. High potencies, of course, will not provide the body with the necessary amount of material to build organs and tissues; they will simply create conditions for establishing order in the body, so that both digestion and the accumulation of necessary substances will return to normal, all processes of normal life will be restored, and the condition of all organs and tissues will improve. The child will become healthy, beautiful, his hair will grow, the condition of his skin and nails will improve.

It is very important for us to have a good understanding of the constitution of Calcarea carbonica. It is completely irrelevant whether the patient has been “poisoned” with calcium in the past; this fact is not of particular interest, since it is not a direct indication when choosing a drug. In cases where calcium malabsorption was caused directly by calcium itself, it may be necessary to prescribe one of ten drugs that can potentially restore this physiological function. Calcarea carbonica will not always be indicated in this situation. A drug that fully corresponds to the symptoms of each specific case will definitely be able to change the pathologically organized vital activity of the body to normal, digestion will become more orderly, prosperity will come to the body, and problems will arise. the necessary conditions for normal development. A case of Calcarea carbonica is determined by the symptoms present and not by a history of lime poisoning. You may have to deal with patients who have never received any lime at all, and yet their condition requires the use of Calcarea carbonica. Many children never received excess calcium, but from birth their digestive tract was unable to absorb calcium from food and store it in the body.

Congestions, including rushes of blood to the head, are typical for Calcarea carbonica; cold feet; hothead; chest congestion. Calcarea carbonica is very often indicated in chlorotic and anemic children with pale and waxy skin, but in spite of this, in plump children. Excess weight, lethargy, and pallor are characteristic, but along with this, a state of exhaustion. Signs of anemia; pallor and waxiness of the skin; soreness; pale lips, ears, fingers; general pallor and yellowness. Chlorosis, which most often refers to the condition of anemic girls. A great number of different remedies can be prescribed for such symptoms, but it is Calcarea carbonica that causes the type of anemia commonly called chlorosis. Pernicious anemia is also characteristic of this medicine. Pronounced relaxation of tissues throughout the body; flabby muscles; venous tone is reduced; all the walls of the blood vessels are so relaxed (especially in the lower extremities and anus) that hemorrhoidal symptoms or varicose veins in the legs occur. The veins are stretched, and there is burning and burning pain in the varicose veins. Bleeding and leakage of fluids. Inflammation and painful swelling of the joints.

Another distinguishing feature of this remedy, which runs through its entire pathogenesis, is its tendency to attack glandular tissue; glands in the neck, throughout the body, especially the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes in the area abdominal cavity become dense, inflamed and painful, increase to large sizes, resembling hazel fruits; tuberculous degeneration is possible. Calcarea carbonica is effective against tuberculous lesions. Calcified degenerations, calcified glands and lymph nodes, their compaction. The medicine is effective in hardening ulcers, at the base and around them, therefore it has a remarkable palliative and suppressive effect in malignant degeneration ulcers, since malignant ulcers always have a compacted base. Old cancerous ulcers stop growing, the normal constitutional state is restored, the patient is able to resist the development of the malignant process, and a tendency to healing appears. Such cancerous lesions usually cause death within sixteen months, and after the administration of Calcarea carbonica the life span is extended to five years. This is already a considerable result; in cases of malignant growth it is rarely possible to achieve more. The question is more serious with lesions of glandular tissue, when the surrounding glands or lymph nodes are infiltrated and compacted, when burning and stinging pains are noted, and growing formations capture and affect the surrounding tissues, so that adhesion occurs. In most of these cases, malignancy occurs. Such formations are fundamentally different from lymph nodes, which are not fused to the skin, are mobile and do not have fibrous growths, and therefore are not fixed. Cancerous lesions are burning and stinging. The pathogenesis of Calcarea carbonica is so closely related to the process of tissue growth in the glands and lymph nodes that, when appropriate symptoms are present, this remedy is capable of curing many tumors, both fatty and cellular. It restores both glands and bone tissue.

Another characteristic symptom, reflected in the entire pathogenesis of the drug, are pyaemic states, expressed in abscesses in the deep muscles. Abscesses located deep in the thickness neck muscles, deep in the thighs, in the abdominal cavity. You may be surprised to know that Calcarea carbonica works well in curing abscesses (when the symptoms are consistent) and its action is never weakened. I have observed many times how abscesses disappeared, and precisely at the period when the most pronounced fluctuation was determined. I saw how abscesses where there was a large amount of pus disappeared; Moreover, not only the abscesses themselves regressed, but also the accompanying pyaemic state. We know of only a few drugs that can do this. This is a unique and exceptional feature.

How does Calcarea carbonica promote fluid absorption and promote calcification of the affected areas? I cannot give a clear enough rationale for this fact, but the medicine certainly has extraordinary powers - provided, of course, that the symptoms are similar. Sulfur and Silicea, when the main symptoms coincide, can accelerate the process of suppuration. The specific action of Calcarea carbonica is to absorb pathological secretions and heal wounds. In some cases, one drug should be prescribed, in others, a completely different one. There are cases where the abscess is located in such a dangerous area that the administration of Silicea produces an effect that is typical of the independent development and spread of the abscess, which in itself may prove dangerous; in such cases, surgical treatment should be resorted to to carefully remove the abscess, even if it is obvious that if it were localized in a safer place, it would be much better to limit the administration of the necessary medicine. Sometimes the periosteum is damaged due to deep, especially chopped and incised injuries; trauma or contusion of the periosteum.

In cases of severe inflammation and rapid formation of pus, it is necessary to prescribe Calcarea carbonica, especially with the corresponding constitutional type of the patient, then the surgical knife can be completely useless, and often even harmful. Hearing this, an old school physician who knows nothing about homeopathy and the power of homeopathic remedies will likely be horrified. “By causing the resorption of pus into the circulatory system, you thereby doom the patient to death as a result of massive intoxication.” The fact is that under the influence of Calcarea carbonica, resorption obeys special laws, the patient’s condition improves every minute, sweating stops, chills go away, the patient feels much better, appetite increases, as a result the patient becomes stronger than he was before the illness, the condition stabilizes. Based on the position of routine medicine, we will never be able to fully appreciate the capabilities of homeopathy. We rely only on our own point of view and our own knowledge. If you hear that someone has tried both without much effect, remember that this doctor has only demonstrated his own failure. Homeopathy is always able to show its strength and power; we only need knowledgeable and thoughtful professionals; when the doctor is able to think and draw conclusions based on the laws well known to him, when he applies medicine in accordance with the existing symptoms, then the situation will certainly develop exactly as described above.

Another characteristic symptom of the drug is the ability to form polyps. In Calcarea carbonica patients, polyps form in the nose, ears, vagina, bladder, and many other places. Characterized by cellular growth and papillomatosis.

The medicine is also characterized by exostoses. This symptom is a consequence of a calcium metabolism disorder. Normal operation as if it is specially violated precisely in those areas where it is especially necessary. When bone demineralization occurs, calcium accumulates in some places and disappears in others. In some bones, cartilaginous degeneration begins, while in others, on the contrary, the growth of bone tissue begins. Softening of bones and disruption of their structure. Hence the key symptom, namely “starts to walk late,” which is associated with severe weakness of the legs. It is not difficult for a child to learn to walk, but he starts to do it late for other reasons: he knows how to walk, but is not able to do it. Natrum muriaticum is characterized by disturbances in brain development, when the child lags behind in learning. "Slow development of bone tissue. Curvatures." Muscles are flaccid. Damage to the joints, especially the hips. There are many rheumatic symptoms in the pathogenesis of the remedy. Rheumatic and gouty joint lesions.

The Calcarea carbonica patient is very chilly. Sensitive to cold air, chilly winds, approaching thunderstorms; in the cold season, when the weather changes from warm to cold, it can be very difficult for him to keep warm; strives to keep the body warm. Sometimes there is congestion of the head; head hot to touch; she often seems cold to the patient. The skull also seems cold. The body is almost always cold to the touch, the patient is freezing, and puts on a huge amount of clothing. Feet are cold. Sweats in different parts of the body, in places. Sweating in the forehead, face, back of the neck, front of the chest, and feet. Sensitivity to cold and weakness are evident throughout the remedy. Weakness in the legs. Lack of stamina. Worse from any effort. Choking. Overweight, lethargic anemic patients, sometimes they can be called chubby, their faces are usually ruddy, they are completely intolerable, after every, even minimal physical effort, the patient may develop a fever or headache. Many of the complaints of Calcarea carbonica arise from heavy lifting, from exertion, from walking, from physical exertion which causes sweating; all symptoms begin suddenly, since in order to reduce sweating, the patient must remain at rest for some time, which immediately entails illness. If he sweats and stops for a moment to cool down a little, the sweating will stop so abruptly that the patient will immediately feel cold or have a headache. Weak, tired, anxious. Difficulty breathing. Weak heart. Weakness throughout the body. The muscular frame is not able to withstand any more or less prolonged physical effort, and the same applies to mental processes.

The brain cannot withstand prolonged stress. A tired patient is typical of Calcarea carbonica. He suffers from calcium deficiency. His body is unable to digest calcium, his glands are enlarged, his neck is losing weight and lower limbs, while the fat layer and lymph glands abdomen enlarge. This is especially pronounced in children. Children with large bellies, thin limbs and thin necks. Enlarged glands and lymph nodes. Pale, lethargic and sickly. Such children gain weight, but they physical strength it does not increase. They get fat, become lethargic and flabby. They remain frail for a long time. Immediately after recovery from another illness, they begin to gain weight, become loose and flabby, and after a while they develop swelling. Calcarea carbonica patients have difficulty climbing stairs; they feel severe fatigue in their legs and chest; climbing the steps, they breathe quickly and heavily, suffocating. They have every reason for muscle weakness and flabbiness. Eating disorders affect everything. This type of patient was usually called scrofulous; now this condition is called psora; Calcarea carbonica is a profound antipsoric. This medicine is able to penetrate deeply into vital processes and have a powerful effect on the patient’s constitution.

Let us now consider the mental symptoms. All mental manifestations of Calcarea carbonica reflect a state of marked weakness; inability for long-term mental work. Filled with fears, quickly gets tired mentally and physically, does not tolerate work associated with psycho-emotional stress, is subject to bouts of severe sweating, becomes excitable, irritable and restless. Significant emotional distress; after excessive excitement, complaints appear that can last for days or even weeks; a state of prostration is possible after grief, after troubles, or after some strong emotional disorder. "Can't pull himself together." For some time after mental excitement, grief or disorder, the patient is unable to think correctly. The medicine is very useful in the treatment of complaints arising from prolonged anxiety, prolonged work loads, and agitation.

The drug has a huge number of mental characteristics that in many ways distinguish it from other drugs; it seems to the patient that his mental capabilities are exhausted, he believes that his weakness, inability to act and think are interconnected, sometimes he reaches almost madness, reflects on this, considers himself crazy or gradually going crazy; his own mind seems weakened to him, thoughts are constantly present in his head that he is going crazy, becoming weak-minded and those around him, of course, notice all this. It seems to him that everyone is looking at him with suspicion, he is just waiting for someone to speak about it openly. He is sure that complete madness will soon await him, that those around him know and notice this, such thoughts are present in the patient’s head almost constantly. He thinks about it during the day. which pretty much shakes it up; These same thoughts do not leave him at night, often preventing him from falling asleep. Until late at night he lies in bed and thinks.

Calcarea carbonica tends to be deficient in thoughts; this remedy causes an impoverishment of the psyche, the thoughts become insignificant, dwell on trifles, the patient's mind is absorbed in insignificant thoughts which he is unable to discard. When a Calcarea carbonica patient tries to describe his condition to friends, they usually say to him: "Why can't you stop thinking about it? Get it out of your head," but it is too much for him, his brain is not capable of it; everything strengthens the patient in the belief that he is going crazy. He cannot count in his head, think deeply, understand deep and complex things; in the past he may have been a philosopher, but now he has lost the ability to reflect on philosophical matters. He seems to be losing the depth of his mental processes. He now bases his conclusions on emotion rather than reason. He has his own concepts, and he demands that reality fully comply with them. It may seem that the patient even wants to go crazy, he talks about it so much. He loses the ability to argue his statements, and over time this condition deepens. He can no longer trust his doctor, even if in the past there was complete understanding between them. It seems completely useless for him to prove anything; although his condition is not so bad, he, as a rule, has his own opinions on any matter, the only thing he does not understand is the state of his own mind. He often fantasizes; It is always surprising how such a thing can be thought of, since the patient’s imagination often concerns very small, insignificant things. Gradually, the patient actually becomes either crazy, or weak-minded, or he develops a serious general illness. A passive state is typical, when the patient sits quietly and thinks about his “little” worries, “little” things that cost absolutely nothing, he sits and sits. The text says: "Sits and rocks in a chair or breaks off pinheads all day long." Busy with little things, this is the only thing he pays attention to, but this makes him more and more tired. Trying to think about anything else becomes impossible. The patient is unable to make a decision; he absolutely cannot have two thoughts connected with each other. He cannot add or subtract even the simplest numbers.

The patient thinks so often about his mental problems, it seems to him that those around him are watching him so closely that as a result, as soon as he closes his eyelids, visions immediately appear before his eyes. As soon as the patient calms down, goes to bed and thinks: “Now I’ll go to sleep and get rid of all these thoughts,” - as soon as he closes his eyes, at that very second he sees terrible little ghosts, he immediately opens them, gets scared, gets excited; cannot free his brain from these horrors. He cannot sleep because he is overcome by thoughts and various visions. His brain is not harmonious. A strong mind usually resists this kind of nonsense, but this is what the Calcarea carbonica patient encounters. Talking to himself. Lying in bed or sitting alone, the patient continues a dialogue with all possible interlocutors with whom he has only met in life, on any topic; this state intensifies, grows, it already seems to him that all this is real. Judge for yourself how far this condition is from healthy, but still the patient does not yet require placement in a psychiatric hospital, along with all the oddities, he is still able to carry on a conversation, perform some ordinary, everyday activities. He only starts acting strange when he is alone and no one is talking to him. Being in company, he controls himself, he develops the right dominant; thus, all deviations and oddities do not come to the surface.

The patient is overwhelmed by the same thoughts and fantasies when he completely falls into delirium or insanity. Fingers fingers, performs many specific little things. When you close your eyes, visions and different faces appear. "Imagines that someone is walking behind her back." In the Silicea trials, similar symptoms were also very pronounced. The same is true for Calcarea carbonica and Petroleum. It is unlikely that such symptoms will appear in a healthy state in people with powerful and stable mental processes, but they are not uncommon for nervous people, especially for women. "Mental abnormalities with terrible visions. Seeing dogs crowded around, fighting with them." A characteristic sensation that occurs mainly in nervous women is: “feels a desire to rush back and forth and cry.” She seems to be unable to hold back her tears. These symptoms occur in people who are too tired from work or very upset by the death of someone in the family. A mother loses a child, or a wife loses her husband; a young girl loses her fiancé. She is heartbroken and very excited. This is a hysterical state. I observed the same thing in men. I remember one incident well. The patient fell ill due to problems at work. He had the same sensation; he felt the need to walk up and down the house, to fly or jump out of a window, or do something similar. It's similar mental state with hysteria or severe agitation. "She is unable to think about anything other than murders, fires, rats, etc." We already know the need to talk about trifles and nonsense. She is interested in something that no one else is interested in. When I met such patients, I always asked them why they did this or that. They usually say: “I tried to stop, but when I realized that I couldn’t anyway, I just gave in to my desires because it seemed like it would benefit me.” "She thinks and talks about murders, fires, rats, etc." Your patients may talk about other, in your opinion, nonsense, I gave this example just for that. to more clearly show how the patient sits and talks about stupid things, she cannot control herself; thinks about it all the time or, voicing his thoughts, talks and talks and talks. Attacks of sudden crying. Sometimes the Calcarea carbonica patient refuses to speak at all and sits silently. The patient can talk to herself when alone, but refuses to participate in general conversation and is constantly silent.

The Calcarea carbonica patient sometimes has an aversion to work and quits it. He leaves a thriving business and sits at home, doing nothing, resulting in terrible fatigue, which appears at a time when he has achieved success in his business. He believes that this job is not suitable for him. He is tired of everything and when he has to do business again, it seems to him that this activity will drive him crazy. He no longer wants to see, hear, or remember his work. You have probably already noticed that the Calcarea carbonica patient is not so much bothered by weakness and fatigue from failures in business, although this is also present, but rather by overwork that breaks him, and right at the peak of his success he suddenly gives up everything and withdraws into his own life. home, gives up everything - it seems that the person is overcome by laziness. Looking at him, it might seem that he is really very lazy. But it's all our fault mental disorders, and not the laziness inherent in some tramps, although this may also be present and should be taken into account in treatment. The patient was a business man - and suddenly everything changed. Pronounced metamorphoses occur in the psyche, pathological symptoms appear. These are not those people who were born lazy and never strived for work, but those who became so. This is reminiscent of a situation where a pious and devout person, whose reasoning has always been characterized by righteousness, suddenly begins to curse and blaspheme. Of course, it immediately becomes clear that this person is crazy. On the other hand, there are patients who, being simply industrious, suddenly show an extraordinary passion for work, it seems that they are ready to work frantically day and night; they get up before dawn and work until late. It is also a painful condition. Therefore, when we find the column “Industriousness” in the repertory, keep in mind that what is meant is not ordinary industriousness, but pathological, which already becomes a symptom of the disease. The patient is so industrious that it resembles mania.

"Whining, ill humor and melancholy." It is strange to see a small, pretty girl of 8-9 years old, in melancholy and melancholy, talking about the future life, about angels, about how she wants to die quickly and get there, she is very sad, reading the Bible all day long. This is quite rare and goes away quickly after using Calcarea carbonica. Both Arsenicum and Lachesis can also help in this condition. Such children are precocious, they attend Sunday school and take what they learn there too seriously. Sad and unhappy children, old people, disappointed and tired of life. This condition is much like Aurum. When meeting Aurum patients, I always try to explain to them that the highest love on earth is the love of life; and when a person refuses to love his own life, gets tired of it, becomes disillusioned with it, strives for death, this is a direct path to madness. In fact, this in itself is madness, a disorder of the will. An experienced doctor will always be able to distinguish the destruction of attachments from a thinking disorder. One may remain completely unchanged, while the other may be disrupted. In Calcarea carbonica we find a disturbance of both. Madness may affect the patient's consciousness so that all expressions of his love are distorted; he no longer loves as he was used to, not as he loved before his illness. Antipathy towards one's own family or one of its members. Or, it is possible that the patient’s attachments remain normal, which cannot be said about his thinking; in such cases, the strangeness in his behavior is explained precisely by this.

He is full of fears. Tired of life; hopelessness, anxiety. Everything is seen in black light. "Afraid that something sad, terrible will happen. Fear that he may lose the ability to reason logically, that others will notice his mental disorders." "Fear of death, illness, failure, loneliness." Many fears, especially when consciousness is damaged. The patient flinches at every sound. Can't sleep, so usually rests body and mind alternately. During sleep, the patient experiences terrible dreams. Restless sleep. "Severe anxiety and depression. Restlessness and palpitations. Frustration, hopelessness." It is necessary to be able to combine these symptoms and combine them with the leukophlegmatic, pale, lethargic and sickly type of the patient. "A capricious child. Gets scared easily." Many complaints arise after mental stress. Complaints after excitement, distress or fright.

The patient has very weak blood circulation and heart; the slightest excitement causes palpitations. Every physical effort causes the patient to experience shortness of breath; this is so strongly expressed throughout the entire circulatory system, in the circulatory system of the brain, and has such a noticeable effect on the intellect and on the sensitive sphere, that for almost any reason the patient experiences dizziness, which is interspersed with other symptoms. Fear, anxiety and dizziness. Dizziness occurs when the patient's emotions are excited. When climbing stairs, blood rushes to the head and dizziness begins. Changes in consciousness and dizziness from mental effort. Dizziness also begins in cases where the patient is surprised when he hears bad news, from grief or mental excitement. A change in consciousness, a rush of blood to the head, cold extremities, the patient becomes covered in sweat, and dizziness occurs. “Dizziness when climbing to heights” as a consequence of the physical effort expended. "When climbing stairs or up a mountain. When standing up suddenly, when turning your head, or even at rest."

One of the most significant symptoms of Calcarea carbonica on the head is profuse sweating; The head sweats from the slightest effort. The face sweats, while the rest of the body is completely dry, the head is covered in cold sweat, while nothing similar is observed in the rest of the body. The same goes for the feet. When your feet get very cold, they start to sweat. However, when they warm up, they also sweat. Usually when people go into a cold room they stop sweating, but the Calcarea carbonica patient sometimes has sweat on his head and feet under such conditions. He sweats on his forehead, so any draft gives him chills or a headache. The head freezes, so he has to wrap up the scalp, although during an attack of congestion the head may be hot. At times my head starts to burn. The headaches of Calcarea carbonica are stupefying and stupefying; they may be accompanied by a change in consciousness.

The Calcarea carbonica patient often has catarrhal lesions of the nose with more or less discharge; He feels best when there is copious discharge. In the cold, these secretions stop and a headache occurs. Headache above the eyes. Congestion in the head; V posterior regions heads. "Rending headaches in the region of the eyes, going down to the nose," is a very characteristic symptom of Calcarea carbonica. There is a feeling as if a large wedge is stuck into the sore spot. These pains are relieved by very hot compresses, in the dark; intensifies in daylight. When pain occurs, the patient is forced to go into a dark room and lie down in order to relieve the pain at least a little. Sometimes headaches are relieved by lying in the dark. They increase during the day, but in the evening they intensify so much that nausea and vomiting begin. This is a type of constitutional headache that occurs once every one or two weeks. Periodic headaches. Migraines, what used to be called " American disease"Usually attacks occur at regular intervals, every seven or fourteen days, after adverse environmental influences, in extremely chilly patients, for example after traveling in windy weather; headaches and migraines occur more often after the patient becomes cold or very cold. Pain in the left half of the head. Unilateral headaches. Headaches, aggravated by noise, talking, decreasing in the evening, from lying in the dark. Characteristic headaches in the temples, with a pulling sensation at the root of the nose, radiating to the nasal area from the supraorbital region. Temporal headaches , causing a feeling of compression and pronounced tension in the forehead.Headaches, aggravated by movement, walking, talking.

Many Calcarea carbonica headaches are accompanied by intense throbbing as their intensity increases. The pulsation becomes so strong that when describing it to the patient, the term “pulsation” is no longer enough; he compares it with the knocking of hammers. Most headaches are pressing or tearing. "Jerking headaches." Sharp, throbbing pain in the head, feeling as if the head is splitting. Headaches worsen from walking and shaking. Sometimes the patient feels cold in the head area, it seems to him that the head is numb, cold, as if made of wood. Sometimes the patient more clearly feels numbness in the head area; he compares this sensation to a hat or helmet placed on his head. It can be quite difficult for a patient to describe all these sensations; sometimes the same symptom is hidden behind different descriptions. All Calcarea carbonica headaches are related to congestion to some degree.

A characteristic feature of Calcarea carbonica is Feedback between the temperature of the external and internal parts: the more pronounced the congestion in the internal parts, the colder the external parts become. If there are lesions in the chest, stomach, intestines, hands and feet, the patient becomes ice cold and covered in sweat; the patient lies in bed with a high fever, while his head is also covered with a cold sweat. Remember this unusual feature. This cannot be logically explained from the point of view of the development of pathology. When there are such inexplicable symptoms, they should in no case be ignored during repertorization, since they are almost always specific and most accurately determine the essence of the remedy. This symptom is so pronounced in Calcarea carbonica that it is, in fact, a general characteristic of the remedy. A burning sensation in the back of the head is characteristic, which is often combined with coldness in the forehead, or the entire head may seem cold, with the exception of one burning area in the crown. Calcarea carbonica again exhibits cold head and icy feet when walking in cold air or very cold weather; but as soon as the legs warm up, the other extreme arises - they burn so much that you have to stick them out from under the blanket. Inexperienced doctors are always confused by this symptom; they prescribe Sulfur, since this is really the key symptom of Sulfur. Those doctors who always rely on the key symptoms and in any case where the patient puts his feet out from under the blanket, prescribe Sulfur, while in fact this situation is not at all limited to Sulfur, since a number of medicines are characterized by a burning sensation in the feet

Calcarea carbonica typically affects the bones of the skull and the outer parts of the head. Slow ossification. The fontanelles do not close for too long. Characterized by hydrocephalus, effusion into the meningeal space, the bones grow poorly and do not correspond to the growth rate of the head, so the sutures begin to separate, the head becomes larger and wider, which is typical for hydrocephalus. In hydrocephalic children, sweating in the head area is often detected. During their night's sleep, sweat flows from the head and wets the pillow around it; Sweating is especially pronounced at night. In patients suffering from softening of the brain, the entire pillow around the head becomes damp with sweat. Children have a hard time teething, for them it is a terrible period with nightmares, the pillow around the head usually gets wet. Plethoric old people with a broken constitution, fat, flabby, lymphatic patients with enlarged lymph nodes, increased sweating of the head, with cold sweat on it. Hair loss, but not total, like all old people, but in places. An absolutely bald area is identified on the side of the head or at the back; hair falls out in clumps, in two or three places. Rashes appear on the head and face; eczema in children and newborns. "Thick crusts on the face with yellow pus." Fetid eruptions.

Eye symptoms also often occur. Calcarea carbonica can become one of the main assistants of the ophthalmologist, if only he uses it correctly. The indication for this medicine is not any inflammation, but only diseases in patients with a full and flabby constitution, when any cold affects the eyes and causes inflammation, which continues for several days and then ulceration begins, in such cases Calcarea should be seriously considered carbonica. Blisters form, burst and turn into ulcers. Eye symptoms arise from getting wet feet, riding in cold air, or cold, damp weather. Corneal ulcerations. All complaints from the eyes and head are accompanied by such pronounced photophobia that at the height of the manifestation of these symptoms the Calcarea carbonica patient absolutely cannot bear ordinary light, and exposure to sunlight is associated with severe pain. In many cases, inflammation begins immediately after bright sunlight or prolonged eye strain. All types of stress cause headaches and eye problems. Tension due to weakness of a muscle. Accommodation disorders. Worse from slightest strain of the eyes; note that this is a manifestation of one of the general characteristics - aggravation from effort. The patient cannot tolerate any more or less prolonged effort; this manifests itself both in individual symptoms and in the general condition. Everything can be considered as effort - reading, writing, any use of the organs of vision. In Calcarea carbonica, tension worsens the condition of the whole organism and its individual parts. Calcarea carbonica can cure cataracts. The drug is also characterized by other eye lesions, especially when combined with headache symptoms, fevers, and any disorders arising from tension; the patient may suddenly become fussy and restless, a change in consciousness occurs that resembles delirium, and when he closes his eyes, he sees terrible visions, ghosts, and ghosts. Long before this, pathological changes occur in tissues, in the retina or other disorders in the eye area, which are detected ophthalmoscopically. During this period, the patient may complain that the entire field of vision seems to be obscured by clouds of smoke or steam; he looks as if through a veil or veil. "Decreased visual acuity." Poor vision. Weak eye muscles. The patient complains of blurred vision, which progresses as the general weakness and can lead to complete blindness.

All eye symptoms, as well as headaches and nervous symptoms, are worse from reading, from prolonged fixation of the gaze on the same object. Such efforts extremely exhaust the patient and cause bursting pain in the eyes, behind the eyes and in the head. These are specific headaches, those to which the patient is already accustomed. They can occur in any part of the head and are associated with eye strain. It is an excellent remedy for the effects of eye strain (Onosmodium). Calcarea carbonica has cured many cases of corneal opacities (Baryta iodata). But in advanced cases there is no need to promise a cure, since clouding is a consequence of the disease, and we never know when it will go away, we can only eliminate the painful condition itself.

A competent homeopath never bases his prescription on the outcome of the disease, but only on the condition of the patient. Cloudiness itself is not a symptom, but a consequence of the disease. Often, when the prescription is based on the patient's general symptoms, symptoms such as clouding will begin to resolve on their own. In this case, the patient generally feels better. General symptoms begin to disappear, and with them the disease or pathology with which the patient came to you. Do not be alarmed when this pathology does not go away immediately; but if all the patient’s symptoms improve, if he now eats, sleeps, and moves well, then it is not impossible that the clouding of the cornea will also go away sooner or later. Patients came to me a year or even more after I gave them the medicine, the cloudiness remained, but the other symptoms completely disappeared. At the same time, I naively told them: “I think that nothing can be done about this, it will remain with you, but otherwise you are completely healthy and there is no need for you to be prescribed any more medicine.” And six months later, such a patient came and asked: “Doctor, do you think this medicine of yours helped me? Recently the cloudiness completely disappeared.” I am talking about this here only to show you how long you can expect the result of treatment until nature itself removes the diseased tissues and replaces them with new ones, restoring the affected organ. It takes time, and don't be surprised by it. And then the medicine will do everything it can do. And there is one more point that I would like to touch upon here. Even when no symptoms remain, and after a long time no new symptoms have appeared, but the cloudiness remains, I think of a new dose of the same drug that previously brought significant relief to the patient, and the pathological changes often begin to disappear. So Calcarea carbonica is a great helper to ophthalmologists, and any physician should treat eye diseases as well as an ophthalmologist if he is to try to treat a patient. When prescribing medicine, I doubt whether medical specialization is needed at all, since a homeopath prescribes medicine for the patient as a whole. The medicine is aimed at the patient regardless of what hurts him: eyes, ears, throat, liver or anything else.

The medicine is also related to a variety of ear related problems. Thick yellow discharge from the ears. The ears begin to hurt in cold, dank weather, as soon as the patient gets a little chilled, stands in the cold, or the weather suddenly changes to damp and cold. When he is relatively well, then, as with other catarrhal conditions, there is copious discharge. But when under the influence of unfavorable external conditions and the cold suppresses these secretions, then a slight inflammation begins, and this is enough to cause headaches and throbbing. This happens every time after an external adverse influence. Wherever the catarrh occurs - in the nose, ears, eyes - it is always accompanied by a headache. The Calcarea carbonica patient is so quickly damaged by bad and cold weather, and is so sensitive to cold, that even warm clothing cannot protect him. He has a weak body that is easily influenced environment. If his ears hurt, this is accompanied by deterioration of hearing, purulent inflammation of the middle ear, catarrh of the Eustachian tubes, etc., all this causes headaches and involvement of regional lymph nodes in the process.

A runny nose causes many problems to the patient. Old, persistent runny nose with thick yellow discharge and large crusts in the nose. In the morning, abnormal black, bloody pieces come out of the nose. The patient breathes through his nose for part of the night, then his nose becomes blocked and he is forced to breathe through his mouth. The medicine cures many cases of nasal polyps. When the homeopath trusts the symptoms he sees and, after studying the case, feels what medicine to use, he can prescribe only on the basis of the symptoms. He says: "The patient needs Calcarea carbonica, I am sure of it." The patient receives the medicine and leaves. It appears three to four weeks later, showing a thick lump of gelatinous consistency lying in a handkerchief: “Doctor, this is what came out of my nose. Could this be related to your medicine?” You might not even know that the patient had polyps; this does not matter to you; you should not base your prescription on this. You don’t do anything that would remove polyps mechanically, let all these cauterizations and loops remain for those who do not know homeopathy, that’s why you don’t need a detailed examination of the nasal cavity, it is important for those who treat polyps, not the patient. Damage to the nasal bones. The inflammatory process in the nose lasts so long and penetrates so deeply that both the bones and cartilage of the nasal passages are infiltrated and destroyed. The surgeon can remove the bone, remove the cartilage and do these operations ad infinitum, and each operation will repeat the previous one, but if the patient wants to be cured, he must come to a homeopath. First you need to cure the person, and only then remove what needs to be removed.

Painful face covered with cold sweat. Sweating with the slightest effort, sometimes sweating occurs at night, on the forehead. “Cold sweat on the face. The face is pale, cachectic,” this happens in advanced cases of cancer or consumption. The face is sickly, sallow, pale, puffy. Rashes on the face, around the lips, cracks on the lips and raw mucous membranes in the mouth. Lips crack and bleed. Painful swelling of the parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands. The pathology of Calcarea carbonica is almost always accompanied by damage to glandular tissue - lymph nodes and glands.

Calcarea carbonica is a remedy for chronic inflammation of the throat. A sore throat in itself is not enough to warrant a prescription, but here we have just such a patient who catches colds so often that the intervals between colds are reduced and the throat hurts constantly. It may, and most often does, begin as a case of Belladonna sore throat, but before one cold is over, another begins. Remember, this is the property of the Calcarea carbonica patient - he catches a cold easily, from any draft, from the slightest hypothermia or slush. As soon as one cold like Belladonna goes away, he already feels that he is getting sick again. He may feel better two or three times after taking Belladonna, but then the process will become chronic with the appearance of small red spots, even small ulcers in the throat, which gradually spread over the entire surface of the throat. They appear on the palate, accompanied by a dry tongue and a constant feeling of dryness and suffocation in the throat, spread to the tonsils and reach the choanae, becoming covered with thick yellow mucus. Chronic inflammation throat. The tongue may swell. "Swollen, red parts," but this swelling occurs in patches. The throat is very painful when swallowing.

The stomach of Calcarea carbonica is slow. “The food eaten is retained in the stomach,” which is unable to digest it. It fills with acid. "Sour vomiting" Milk turns sour in the stomach. Milk intolerance, digestion is slow and weak. The patient has a feeling of fullness and fullness; enlargement of the stomach after eating; everything that gets into it turns sour, no matter what a person eats. upsets stomach function. Thus, the stomach becomes completely weak. The Calcarea carbonica patient has a strong craving for eggs. Small children love to eat eggs, they eat them every time they sit down at the table, and they digest eggs better than anything else. It is quite rare for them to actually want to eat eggs, these are children with cold feet, thin limbs, large heads and enlarged bellies, with a stomach swollen in the shape of an inverted gravy boat; overweight, with a swollen belly, weak limbs; chilly and sensitive to cold; with pale, waxy skin. Subsequently, they completely lose their appetite, their craving for any type of food completely disappears, but the desire for eggs remains. Aversion to meat, to hot food. This is combined with enlargement of lymph nodes and glands, with goiter. Flatulence. Sour vomiting, sour diarrhea; sick people, especially children, emit a sharp, sour smell. In infants who are breastfed, milk comes out undigested; the stool is so sour that the smell can be heard from a distance. The stool is corrosive, diaper rash on the buttocks of infants in places of contact with the diaper. At times the stomach becomes saggy; when the gases go away, he relaxes, but most of the time he is in a bloated state due to flatulence. At those moments when the abdomen is relaxed, you can palpate the lymph nodes in it. They are hard and can be palpated when the abdominal wall is relaxed. Such patients have a tendency to tuberculosis, and one of the outcomes of the “calcareous constitution” will be tabes abdominal, tuberculous lesions of the mesenteric lymph nodes with the formation of tuberculous deposits.

Diarrhea: watery, sour; with gradual wasting, especially in the limbs. Each hypothermia is accompanied by increased gastrointestinal disorders and sour vomiting. Diarrhea that cannot stop, because every time the patient freezes, the diarrhea returns. If this is an acute attack, then Dulcamara often helps to relieve it, but if the diarrhea recurs repeatedly, then Dulcamara ceases to act; in this case one of the possible remedies would be Calcarea carbonica. On the other hand, it is one of the most effective remedies for old, persistent cases of constipation. When the diarrhea is not very severe. white chair; it is also white, chalk-like, and is also used for constipation. When the stool is light or white in a nursing infant, we may conclude that it is so due to milk, but the Calcarea carbonica patient may not live on milk at all, but eat quite ordinary food, but nevertheless his stool is completely devoid of bile pigments and barely colored, it is yellow or white; With constipation, the stool is also almost colorless and hard.

The Calcarea carbonica patient suffers from sexual weakness, with general relaxation and lethargy. Sometimes he feels an extraordinary desire, an all-consuming passion that keeps him awake at night. But he is weak, so weak that as soon as he allows himself to give in to his desire, he is overtaken by weakness in the back, sweating, general lethargy, so that all these ailments force him to refrain from such attempts.

Women suffer from the same problems. I have spoken so much about the constitutional weakness of Calcarea carbonica patients that you will not be surprised that Calcarea carbonica women often suffer from infertility. They are so lethargic and relaxed that they are completely unprepared for reproduction. Just like men, they suffer from apathy, sweating, drowsiness and general weakness after each sexual intercourse. All members are relaxed. Uterine prolapse. It seems that all the organs are about to fall off. A state of general relaxation and weakness of both female and male genital organs. Calcarea carbonica tends to grow warts and polyps, pedunculated polyps that bleed easily, are soft and spongy.

During menstruation, women have very heavy discharge, last too long, and the interval between discharge naturally shortens. Menstruation every three weeks, lasting a week, with profuse discharge, i.e. they last too long, come too often and are too abundant. In this case, Calcarea carbonica is not necessarily indicated; a complete picture of the remedy, consisting of all the patient’s symptoms, is necessary. Sometimes it may seem that five or six key symptoms will be enough to prescribe a remedy, but imagine that this patient with the key symptoms of Calcarea carbonica turns out to be Pulsatilla - will your prescription then work? Imagine that the patient cannot stand the heat and a lot of clothing, he always wants fresh air, and at the same time he has the same few key symptoms of Calcarea carbonica - if you prescribe this medicine, you will not get anything. Until your general symptoms combine with the particular ones into a single whole, until the medicine fully corresponds to the patient in all its general and particular manifestations, do not expect good result. This is why I say that one should not prescribe for one key symptom, but look at the patient as a whole.

The general state of extreme relaxation that we always see in Calcarea carbonica patients also manifests itself in the form of leucorrhoea. Copious, thick, constant discharge day and night. The discharge is acrid, causing itching, tingling and burning. "Leucorrhea thick and yellow," from one menstruation to another, sometimes interspersed with menstrual flow. "Polyps in the vagina. Burning and soreness of the genitals" due to leucorrhoea. "Itching and rawness" due to leucorrhoea. Uterine bleeding after lifting weights, from excitement, shock, any event that seriously unbalances, from fear, any strong emotion, muscle strain, i.e. from any event ending in weakness and apathy. Inability to tense muscles or make any effort, physical or mental.

Complaints during pregnancy also boil down mainly to relaxation of all organs and general weakness. Risk of miscarriage. Weakness and prostration after childbirth with sweating. Weakness after breastfeeding.

Calcarea carbonica is characterized by painless hoarseness. The vocal cords are “tired” and unable to withstand contraction; almost paralytic weakness. Periodic copious secretion of mucus from the larynx. There is strong irritation in her, but weakness still prevails. We do not find the burning and rawness characteristic of Belladonna and Phosphorus, since painless hoarseness predominates here. In Belladonna and Phosphorus the hoarseness is accompanied by a sore throat, and such patients cannot speak without pain. But in the case of Calcarea carbonica, usually no one who suffers realizes how badly the throat is affected, since it does not cause any sensation. Thus, the disease progresses from bad to worse, and, given the existing tuberculous tendencies, the process ends in tuberculous laryngitis. Prescribed in the early stages, the remedy eliminates these tuberculous tendencies and cures laryngitis. Strong bubbling of mucus, hoarse breathing, wheezing as a result of the movement of copious amounts of mucus in the trachea, larynx, bronchi, and chest. Severe shortness of breath. Difficulty in breathing occurs when climbing stairs or walking into the wind. Anything that causes the slightest physical stress leads to shortness of breath. We encounter this with asthma, heart weakness, and the threat of developing tuberculosis. The condition of the lungs can often be understood by the pattern of breathing; when there is a threat of developing tuberculosis, breathing will be tired and weak. The person is so weakened that he cannot make the slightest breathing effort, gets tired easily, and it is difficult for him even to climb a few steps, climb to a hill, or walk against the wind.

Lung problems represent one of the most important areas of action of Calcarea carbonica. We have hemoptysis here, prolonged cough, copious discharge of thick yellow mucus, sometimes almost pus, ulceration or abscess. Tickling cough. At the onset of pulmonary disease we observe the onset of exhaustion, pallor, sensitivity to cold, weather changes, cold air, dampness and wind. The patient constantly catches colds, and these colds settle in the chest; the limbs gradually become thinner, constant feeling fatigue.

The remedy corresponds to that constitutional state of weakness which precedes the development of pulmonary tuberculosis or is present in its early stages. It prevents the patient from manifesting the tendency to hypothermia, which underlies the process. After taking Calcarea carbonica, the patient begins to feel better, his general condition improves, and the tuberculous deposits are encapsulated. The process progresses from caseous to petrified form, so that calcifications are found in the lungs many years later. The patient will live a long time and healthy life, perfectly adapted to these residual tuberculous inclusions. Naturally, if a subject is in an advanced stage of development of tuberculosis, it is likely that little can be done to help him. Do not believe or listen to those who claim that it can cure tuberculosis. Here and there, claims appear about new methods of treating consumption. But anyone who knows enough to judge the real nature of this disease is not particularly competent in these matters, and I lose respect for those who claim to cure consumption. This is either crazy, or worse, the one who makes money from this. It is unlikely that anyone who understands this at least a little will shout to the whole world about curing pulmonary tuberculosis. But it is necessary to prevent the development of the disease, and Calcarea carbonica plays a huge role in this. The expectoration is often sweetish in taste, as in Stannum and Phosphorus. Sputum is white or yellow; thick. We could describe here for a long time all the general symptoms, rawness, soreness, apathy, types of pain and many small symptoms of the same kind, too numerous and not particularly adding anything, even if we go into detail about their varieties and shades. What needs to be studied is the constitution of Calcarea carbonica, the nature and character of this medicine.

Further symptoms from the spine, there are quite a lot of them. Weakness, all its stages. The Calcarea carbonica patient has such a weak back that he literally “drops” out of his chair when he sits down and cannot sit upright. He throws his head back when he sits down, so that the back of his head rests on the back of the chair. Weak, sensitive spine, swelling cervical lymph nodes. Again here we note a condition caused by a lack of calcium, in this case in the spine, which becomes deformed and curved. You will be surprised to hear this, but Calcarea carbonica helps well in this situation and sometimes brings recovery without any orthopedic devices at all, if the medicine is prescribed for early stage. You see children with beginning weakness of the spine, let them lie on their backs in bed and give them the indicated medicine - sometimes it will be Calcarea carbonica - and after a while the process stops and the baby sits up perfectly straight. These are the amazing things Calcarea carbonica does when all the symptoms coincide!

There is a rheumatic condition in the limbs which can be described. Gouty lesions of the joints, their enlargement, gouty conditions, especially small joints of the hand and foot, Rheumatic complaints from the joints from any influence, any change in weather to cold, especially from exposure to cold and dampness. The feet are constantly cold or cold and wet, except at night, when in bed more blankets are piled on the feet than on any other part of the body, then they become hot and go to the other extreme - a burning heat arises in them, thus the feet burn at night in bed. But this happens because the feet are very cold and the patient wraps them up more than his body can bear. So, cold, wet feet. The patient walks for a long time. Clumsiness, awkwardness, rigidity. Rheumatic condition. Stiffness is especially characteristic of Calcarea carbonica. Stiffness at the beginning of movement, at night when standing up, in all joints at the beginning of movement; if it becomes cold or the patient is exposed to cold rain, then the Calcarea carbonica patient will always suffer from cold, stiffness, rheumatism; rheumatic complaints occur after every cold spell.

The dream is very upset. He falls asleep late, sometimes cannot fall asleep until 2, 3, 4 am. Thoughts are spinning in my head; frightening visions when closing eyes. Grits his teeth. Children chew, swallow, and grind their teeth in their sleep. Insomnia for most of the night. Cold feet at night in bed.

Carbonated lime. In homeopathy, carbonated lime is used, obtained from oyster shells. The carbonated lime obtained in this way is not chemically pure, but, nevertheless, cannot be replaced by any other preparations, since it was with this kind of lime preparation that Hahnemann carried out his experiments. The first three dilutions of this salt, insoluble in either water or alcohol, are prepared in the form of rubbing.

Pathogenesis Calcarea carbonica found in Hahnemann's Treatment of Chronic Diseases.


Calcarea carbonica does not have toxic properties; Hahnemann carried out experiments with small doses, which he used for a long time, which, together with clinical experience made it possible for homeopaths to accurately determine the indications for the use of this remedy, which is one of the most valuable polychrests (i.e., comprehensively effective).

Calcarea has long been used in therapy in various forms: in the form of chalk, eggshells, cancer eyes, etc. In our time, after Ferrier’s work, the fever of remineralization gripped modern doctors, and tons of lime salts in large doses began to be absorbed by unfortunate tuberculosis patients. Dangerous results of this method are already beginning to appear. After the report of Manoussakis in the laboratory of Tessier in Lyon, proving that lime salts introduced in this way not only are not absorbed by the body, but also contribute to its decalcification, Laufer, a doctor, head of a tuberculosis dispensary, published a very important work on this issue, where he came to the conclusion same conclusions. His work can be found in the Tuberculosis Review, August 1926, page 600, under the title " Mineral metabolism in tuberculosis patients."


Lymphatic temperament, as defined by Guernsey, is typical of Calcarea carbonica- a fat, plump, rather damp than strong child, the head is disproportionately large, the fontanelles do not close, the child partially sweats, especially the head, so that the pillow becomes wet. The face is pale, the features are rather large, upper lip swollen; teeth erupt late, are often jagged, feet are cold and clammy. Child Calcarea predisposed to weeping skin inflammations, rashes and especially eczema of the scalp; he has ear inflammation, enlarged cervical and axillary glands, chronic catarrh of the nose with thickening and ulceration of its wings. The belly is large, it can be compared to an overturned pelvis. A child always begins to walk and talk late.

Other type Calcarea carbonica also with swollen glands and also begins to walk late, but his skin is thin, delicate, his eyelashes are long, silky, his hair is long, smooth. Purpose Calcarea such a child will be prevented from contracting tuberculosis.

Calcarea corresponds to very emaciated children with loose hanging folds of skin in the same way as to fatty children, and the belly remains abnormally large; these are “atrepsic” children, progressively losing weight due to lack of nutrition and absorption, for whom Calcarea- a heroic remedy.

A young man with weak muscles is the exact opposite of an athlete; he seeks only rest and peace and begins to get fat early.

The young girl is fat, anemic, and complains of palpitations, shortness of breath and headaches. The same types are also found among adults, mainly young women, affectionate, tender, sensitive, lazy, always tired due to too abundant and too frequent menstruation; they become desperate that after lunch their face burns and the tip of their nose turns red.

The mental state of such a subject is easy to understand: he is full of all kinds of fears, especially worried about his health. Mental work is difficult for him, due to the difficulty of concentrating his attention and the rapid onset of brain fatigue with the appearance of sweat on the forehead.


Deterioration. From cold, dampness and during the full moon.

Improvement. In dry weather. If you are constipated, you feel better.

The predominant side is right.

Indeed, Charger notes that in scrofulous children and women with heavy menses, nosebleeds are almost always from the right nostril. For pulmonary tuberculosis, selective action Calcarea clearly expressed at the apex of the right lung. Feeling of icy coldness in the right side of the head.


Feeling of coldness in the feet, knees, throughout the leg, as if it were wearing a wet stocking. The coldness in various parts of the head, especially the right side, is so strong that it seems as if there is a piece of ice on the head. Feeling of inner cold.

Constant chilliness with aversion to fresh air; The slightly cold air seems to penetrate right through.

Feeling weak, exhausted for no reason or after even the lightest exercise and, in particular, walking.

Entire digestive tract Calcarea carbonica sour: sour taste, sour belching, sour vomiting, sour stool.

Milk is poorly tolerated, the child vomits curdled milk; it often causes hives.

Attacks of heat in the face and rushes of blood to the head, as in a critical age.

Chronic dilated pupils.

Heavy menstruation.

Profuse sweat on the head.

Aversion to meat, to fried foods, appetite for eggs, sweets and indigestible things: chalk, coal, pencils.

The pain is always accompanied by a feeling of local or general cold; however, they usually explode in damp cold, damp weather, and are always aggravated by washing with cold water. Rheumatic pains in washerwomen are often cured Calcarea carbonica.

Menses. Premature, too abundant, too long. They appear again with the slightest mental excitement.

Leucorrhoea milky.


Calcarea carbonica- An important remedy for assimilation disorders. The result of these disorders are three main diseases: scrofula, rickets and tuberculosis, in which Calcarea very effective.

With scrofula in the initial period Calcarea indicated by the following symptoms: enlargement and dull pain in all lymph nodes, weeping impetiginous and granulosa eczema, blepharitis, chronic runny nose, leucorrhoea. It is also indicated in a later period in the presence of pain with swelling of the cervical vertebrae.

With RACHT Calcarea indicated for children whose teeth erupt late and who begin to walk late; Their heads sweat easily and their urine produces a whitish sediment.

For TUBERCULOSIS Calcarea acts mainly on the upper and middle lobes of the right lung. Painful sensitivity to touch and breathing; shortness of breath when walking and especially when climbing.

Together with other lime salts, this is one of the means that promotes the action of tuberculin drugs.

“One Belgian doctor,” says Jousset, “Dr. Marini, in search of a specific medicine for all cases of tuberculosis, prescribed the following combination for chronic and uncomplicated forms of pulmonary tuberculosis: Arsenicum iodatum 6 one day and Calcarea phosphoricum 6 another day, and so on for weeks and months. I must confess that I had the opportunity to observe the effect of this method."

For my part, I’ll add that you get even better results if you choose Calcarea, which may be сarbonica or phosphorica, according to the type of patient.

Calcarea carbonica Another valuable remedy for diffuse bronchitis of small branches of the bronchi with the threat of their becoming chronic; in these cases, two characteristic symptoms are often observed: profuse sweat on the head and cold feet.

WHEN DIGESTION DISORDERS IN CHILDREN, first of all you need to think about Calcarea carbonica and other lime salts. Although when choosing a remedy, the type of stool is less important than the type of patient and associated symptoms, but still we list its characteristic features, usually observed in such cases: sour stool with undigested food, with very strong odor, worse after breast-feeding, mixed with undigested and curdled milk, usually greenish and watery. "The child is suffering chronic enteritis, says Cartier, as a result of which he suffers from exhaustion; Calcarea carbonica will be a life-saving remedy in all stages of the disease if he has at least some of the symptoms characteristic of this remedy.”

Calcarea- an excellent remedy for ATREPSIA, a disease close to chronic intestinal infection. “How many children of the poorest part of the population with all the signs of intestinal cachexia due to poor nutrition and care have been saved in homeopathic dispensaries. I always remember one wrinkled, old-looking child whom I did not recognize after two weeks of treatment Calcarea carbonica 30, such a change for the better took place in his entire being." (Cartier).

Because Calcarea profoundly changes the body's assimilation processes, it is not surprising that it works well for LIVER STONES.

Calcarea carbonica may be indicated for nervous diseases.

EPILEPSY with dizziness and blackout, with falling and complete unconsciousness, with weakening of memory and mental abilities, indicates this remedy. In these cases, as always, you need to have in the accompanying and side symptoms indications for Calcarea.

Yahr, among other numerous symptoms, notes that Calcarea especially useful for nocturnal epilepsy with screaming and violent attacks during the full moon.

HYPOCHONDRIA. The patient fears for his health, sluggish thinking and decreased mental abilities. Unreasonable loss of strength especially indicates Calcarea carbonica for hypochondria.

Dizziness when standing up abruptly or turning the head, even at rest, when climbing stairs or a porch.

FEAR OF SPACE (agoraphobia).

Goiter has repeatedly responded to treatment with Imber-Gurbeir when prescribed Calcarea in material doses.

EYE DISEASES. Corneal cataracts and ulcers. Chronic dilated pupils. Cataract. Lacrimal fistula.

HEADACHE. Various pains with nausea, belching and a feeling of icy cold inside and on the surface of the head, especially on the right side. Headache Calcarea begins in the morning upon awakening, intensifies from mental work, alcoholic beverages and physical exertion. Chronic neuralgia trigeminal nerve with pain beginning in the right side of the chin and extending to the ear.

COUGH with expectoration, especially in the morning, of thick purulent sputum: emaciation, general weakness, sweating at the slightest exertion. Depressed morale. Scrofulous and tuberculous.


Calcarea carbonica Rarely prescribed above 12 and 30 dilutions. Calcarea acetica for diarrhea, it is usually given in the first dilutions.


Calcarea carbonica Primarily a constitutional remedy. Inadequate nutrition is its main characteristic. In particular, it corresponds to subjects of the scrofulous type (leukophlegmatics of the old authors). Greater sensitivity to cold, partial sweats, a feeling of weakness and exhaustion, heavy menstruation are characteristic symptoms that should always be remembered.

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