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In the morning the calves cramp due to cramps. Why cramps in the calves at night (morning) - what to do if there are cramps in the calf muscles

Nighttime leg cramps are a familiar phenomenon to many. The problem often occurs in older people, pregnant women, and athletes. Spasms of the lower extremities are paroxysmal in nature, sometimes accompanied by unbearable pain.

A little about leg cramps at night

Cramps are a condition of uncontrolled muscle contraction. They appear suddenly, are accompanied by severe pain, and can recur after a certain time.

In medicine, repeated cramps in the calf muscles are called - crumpy.

Cramps of the lower extremities often occur at night. The patient develops painful sensations, spasms, tension in the calves. A person wakes up, shakes his legs, stretches his lower leg and foot. The muscle is tightened, the foot is extended, the toes are curled.

The average duration of a spasm is from 5 to 60 seconds. Goes away without intervention or after rubbing. Such spasms are not life-threatening, but require treatment, especially if they are permanent. Frequent seizures indicate possible pathologies.

In case of rare manifestations of the condition, there is no need to worry. The cause of the sudden phenomenon may be an uncomfortable position of the body, in which the nerve is pinched and the muscles become numb. After changing the position, everything goes away, without relapse.

According to statistics, almost everyone has seizures. Spasm may appear in various parts of the lower extremities:

  • in the feet and fingers;
  • in the hip area;
  • in the calf muscles.

A person's occupation is important factor in the manifestation of this condition. Leg cramps are more common among athletes, loaders, and trade workers.

The disease is also provoked by:

  • cold environment;
  • pathological changes in the body, chronic diseases;
  • age-related changes in the body.

Types of leg cramps at night

Convulsions - a reaction to external and internal stimuli , the mechanism is individual for each person.

The condition appears suddenly and varies in duration, intensity and extent of distribution.

Divided into types.

  1. Clonic. These are short-term spasms with tightening of certain muscle groups.
  2. Tonic. The process lasts 3 minutes or more. Muscle hardening is observed. The pain is severe and the process cannot be controlled.

There are also the following types of seizures:

  • generalized. The entire muscular system contracts. They are often symptoms of serious illnesses;
  • localized. Certain muscle groups are affected. In most cases, localized tonic contractions are recorded in the area of ​​the legs and thighs.

Why do my legs cramp at night?

Frequent leg cramps at night can be a harbinger of quite serious illnesses or certain malfunctions in the body.

Cause Description
Dehydration Even mild dehydration can be a trigger for leg cramps. This is due to the fact that along with water, they leave the body. essential elements(copper, chromium, zinc) and electrolytes (calcium, potassium, sodium). Excessive sweating may also be the cause.
Voluntary excitation of motor signals in the brain Observed:
  • at the initial stage of a stroke, sometimes during the rehabilitation period;
  • when the nervous system is infected;
  • in case of alcohol poisoning.

The localization zone of seizures is associated with the area of ​​excitation of the brain.

Local hypoxia It provokes a disturbance in the blood vessels in a certain area.
Fever Hyperthermic convulsions are caused by certain diseases. Identical manifestations are possible with sunstroke.
Osteochondrosis The nerve fibers are compressed, as a result of which the actions of individual nerves are disrupted. The process is accompanied by reflexive muscle spasms.
Hypokalemia Is a consequence long-term use hormonal or diuretic drugs that actively remove potassium.
Neurological ailments This includes:
  • radiculitis;
  • vertebral hernia;
  • neuropathy of a traumatic nature;
  • polio;
  • myositis;
  • parkinsonism;
  • multiple and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
  • infectious-allergic polyneuropathy.
Hypomagnesmia Manifests itself due to long use drugs that slow down the absorption of vitamins and microelements.
Stress A stressful state is accompanied by calcium deficiency, which is involved in the stable functioning of the nervous system and in the process of rapid muscle tightening.
Protein diets Excessive amounts of protein in the body make it difficult to absorb calcium.
Pregnancy Cramps occur due to additional pressure from the enlarged uterus on the blood vessels and nerve endings of the legs.

Also, cramps in the lower extremities appear under the influence of certain disruptions in the body:

  1. Excessively frequent brain impulses. Spasms are provoked by:
  • epilepsy;
  • acute psychosis;
  • eclampsia;
  • traumatic brain injuries.
  1. Decrease in ATP concentration. Convulsions, with this disorder, appear due to the following pathological conditions:
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • heart failure;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • obliterating atherosclerosis;
  • anemia;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • with flat feet.
  1. Genetic factor. This includes Tourette's syndrome.

First aid for leg cramps at night

If the convulsions are of a tonic local nature, The condition can be alleviated as follows:

  • walking barefoot on a cold floor;
  • take a horizontal position, stretch your leg, pull your toe towards you;
  • massage the affected area;
  • take aspirin to improve microcirculation in the vessels of the legs;
  • for cramps of the calf muscles, a needle prick in the area of ​​spasm is effective. The procedure must be carried out by a specialist who knows the rules of acupuncture.

Step-by-step manipulation to alleviate the condition in the legs:

  1. in a lying position lower limbs needs to be raised;
  2. then grab your toes and bend your feet toward your knee. First, bend and release, then slowly bend and hold until the attack passes. After the procedure, the muscles are actively supplied with oxygen-enriched blood.

Folk remedies

  • Lubricate the feet with grated lemon (15 days), in the morning and before bed. After drying, put socks on top.
  • Rubbing with mustard oil, alcohol, apple cider vinegar, and warm compresses are also effective.
  • Coniferous baths are also effective with sea ​​salt.
  • Light jogging for 15 minutes daily will help prevent leg cramps.
  • Warming ointments are considered a proven remedy.

Prevention of night leg cramps

When taking preventive measures against seizures, you should:

The calves of the legs cramp not only during physical activity, but also at rest, and sometimes during sleep. There is no need to worry if this is a one-time occurrence, but if cramps occur regularly, it is worth identifying the cause of convulsive muscle contractions as soon as possible and eliminating it.

What is a leg cramp

A cramp is a tonic contraction of a muscle that occurs unconsciously and is not controlled. Typically, all contractions of striated muscle tissue occur under the control of higher nervous activity.

During a cramp, a person cannot control the contraction of the muscle, it tenses, causing very severe pain.

Types of muscle tissue

Calf muscle cramps are very painful

There are two types of muscle tissue in the body, which have their own characteristics.

Smooth muscle- These are muscle fibers that contract very slowly and unconsciously. They are located, for example, in the walls of the intestine and provide peristalsis. With the help of wave-like movements, the food bolus moves through the intestines and is digested.

Smooth muscle lacks a granular reticular system. Externally it is pink, smooth, contracts and relaxes very slowly. Therefore, it is considered unstriated.

There is also smooth muscle in the walls of blood vessels and narrows them when a person freezes, he lacks oxygen and nutrients.

Striated muscle tissue part of skeletal muscles. It provides strength, agility and speed to the body. The muscle fiber of this species includes granular endoplasmic reticulum. This organelle externally looks like a cluster of black (dark) substance. Hence the name of the fabric – striated. Under a light microscope, the muscle looks like a cluster of pink threads with dark speckles.

A special striated tissue forms the heart muscle. Not only does it work without the control of human consciousness, but it is also capable of contracting from its own nerve impulse.

Physiology of muscle contraction

Massage to relieve cramping effect

ATP, a special molecule and source of energy, plays an important role in the contraction of skeletal muscles.

  1. ATP hydrolysis occurs under the action of myosin, as a result of which the cross bridges receive energy for the development of pulling force.
  2. The binding of ATP to myosin leads to the detachment of the cross bridges attached to actin, which creates the possibility of repeating the cycle of their activity.
  3. ATP hydrolysis for the active transport of Ca2+ ions into the lateral cisterns of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, reducing the level of cytoplasmic calcium to the original level.

Causes of cramps in the calf muscles and toes

Additional symptoms will help determine the cause of muscle contractions.


Symptoms of dehydration:

  • Dry mouth.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Thirst.
  • Increased or decreased body temperature.
  • Loss of body weight.

First aid for dehydration:

  • Rehydron 1 sachet per 1 liter inside.
  • Water or herbal decoctions.
  • Intravenous infusion of saline solutions or simply physiological solution in double the amount of lost fluid.

Furasemide acts the fastest, but it removes potassium from the body, so it is urgent to take a small amount of rehydron (or Essentuki 17). In order to prevent convulsive syndrome from taking diuretics, it is necessary to take asparkam or other potassium-containing drugs.

Important! Sometimes older people complain of muscle cramps. It is worth immediately finding out what heart medications a person is using. Some therapists prescribe diuretics to lower blood pressure.


Associated symptoms of intoxication are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness.

Treatment of intoxication is always complex:

  1. Etiological treatment is the fight directly against the cause of intoxication. If it is bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed; if it is viruses, we use antioxidants and antivirals; if it is poison, we use an antidote, etc.
  2. Pathogenetic treatment - combating the consequences of intoxication: dehydration, heart failure, etc.

Vascular changes

Treatment tactics and first aid depend on the type of pathology.

  • For varicose veins, use a compression bandage of the correct size.
  • For thrombophlebitis - asparkam, ascorutin, vitamin C and E.
  • If the cause of the seizure is an epileptic seizure, you need to invest in oral cavity bandage or clean block of wood, spoon. Inject intramuscularly with the desired drug for an epileptic seizure. For each patient, they select their own specific drug, taking into account the cause of the disease.

Treating cramps with massage

Massage of calf muscles

Massage will help relieve spasms. It will complement therapy for diseases, and if the cause of the spasm is overexertion, you can get by with it alone without taking medications.

How to massage for muscle cramps:

  1. Stroking - slowly stroke the calf muscle with your palms from the ankle joint to the knee joint (to the nearest lymph nodes).
  2. Rubbing - quickly rub the calf with a fist, palm or its edge, or other objects (for example, a massager) until the skin becomes hot and red.
  3. Kneading. “Knead” the muscle like dough, working it from start to finish.
  4. Vibration – use your fingers to create a vibration wave on the muscle. This improves blood circulation and lymph outflow.
  5. Stroking – end the massage with soft stroking movements along the muscle.

Water massage is good for treating leg cramps at night. Simply direct a stream of water into the muscle and massage along the entire length. It is advisable to do the procedure before bedtime.

Treating seizures with diet

Eating right can help prevent cramps

What to add to your diet:

  • Animal protein – you need to consume large amounts of fish, white meat, eggs at least once every two days.
  • Vegetable protein - spinach, buckwheat, beans, peas, lentils.
  • The right fats are lard (50-100 grams of unsalted lard even normalize fat metabolism in the human body), fatty sea fish (salmon, trout, salmon) 100-200 grams per week. Beneficial for skin, muscles and nervous system vegetable fats: olive, corn and sunflower oil.
  • Fiber – in order to remove excess waste and toxins from the intestines, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.
  • Water. Cramps are one of the first symptoms of lack of water in the body. Dehydration develops gradually. To correct water metabolism you need to drink 1.5-2 liters clean water in a day. The correct amount of water is calculated without taking into account tea, coffee and other liquids.

What to exclude from your diet:

  • Alcohol – drinking alcohol causes a lack of oxygen in the cells and also disrupts the supply of nutrients to them. The cell gradually shrinks and cannot work in the desired mode. This disrupts mineral and acid-base metabolism, which causes either muscle cramps (tonic tension), or muscle twitching (clonic tension), or atony (full or partial absence muscle tone).
  • Large amount of salt. 4-5 grams of salt per day is sufficient for the human body. If this amount is reduced, dehydration is likely. If you increase it, swelling will appear. Both are not the norm.
  • Energy drinks are any substances that stimulate the nervous system and should not be consumed in large quantities. Excessive strain can affect the transmission of nerve impulses and cause seizures.

What to do if your calf muscle is cramped

First aid in the form of self-massage

If the calf muscle is severely cramped, you need to act like this:

  • Counteract the muscle and stretch it.
  • Pull your foot towards you with your hand. After the pain in the muscle goes away, release the foot.

Prevention of lower limb seizures:

  • Proper drinking regime.
  • Comfortable shoes.
  • Dress according to the season, it is important to avoid hypothermia.
  • Relieve muscle strain after a hard workout or physical activity by stretching or showering.

If your calves cramp after a fracture, removal of a cast, or simply prolonged immobilization, you need to do general strengthening exercises. They raise general tone body.

An unpleasant phenomenon that occurs more often than other convulsions is called cramps. They are usually accompanied by pain and numbness in the calf muscle, which interferes with restful sleep. For proper treatment of night cramps, it is necessary to analyze the provoking factors and establish their cause. If attacks recur frequently, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of night cramps

The reasons are very different.

  • Lack of mobility. Due to lack of physical activity, the muscles gradually atrophy, resulting in pain in the legs. Office workers and drivers are especially susceptible to this problem.
  • Failure to comply with training techniques. A serious mistake is placing all the weight on one part of the foot. People involved in athletics and strength sports should analyze their activities.
  • Flaw useful substances.
  • Liver diseases, diabetes, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, anemia, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, heart failure, flat feet.

During pregnancy, various types of disruptions in the body's functioning are possible. Some of them provoke the occurrence of cramping in the calf muscles. They come suddenly and often at night. Let's look at the reasons for the violations.

  • Deficiency of vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, calcium. In the early stages of pregnancy, toxicosis occurs, which removes microelements from the body.
  • Reduced percentage of glucose in the blood. To maintain glucose levels, pregnant women are advised to split their meals into small portions.
  • Phlebeurysm. In the last period of pregnancy, the increased load does not allow the veins to cope with their work. Blood stagnates, circulatory problems occur, which makes it difficult to get the right amount necessary substances into the muscles. Metabolic products are not excreted, creating a favorable background for the appearance of seizures.
  • Inferior vena cava syndrome. IN horizontal position The pregnant woman's uterus presses on the lower vein, which reduces the outflow of blood and leads to calf cramps.
  • Using diuretics in excess can cause mineral loss.

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New-fangled diets advise limiting the consumption of certain foods, which threatens deficiency important substances. A lack of magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium promotes the formation of ionic compounds in the intercellular spaces, which have a stimulating effect on nerve endings, thereby causing painful muscle contractions at night. Mono-diets are considered especially dangerous in this regard.

Use of diuretic foods and drinks, choleretic action contributes to disruption of the metabolic process of muscle tissue water balance. Important microelements are excreted along with the liquid.

If your calves cramp at night, your shoes may be to blame. Women often wear high-heeled shoes, so during the day their legs become tired from long-term incorrect positioning of the foot, and at night fatigue and relaxed muscles manifest themselves in the form of reflex contractions.

A woman’s body experiences serious stress in menstrual period, due to impaired peripheral circulation.

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Women are prone to cramps due to stress. Minor disturbances often result in nighttime calf cramps.

The peculiarity of spasms in men is that they are more painful, since the muscles are denser than women’s. The causes of seizures are considered to be:

  • Forced inactivity, increased loads. Men who are busy suffer from this professional activity: truck drivers, tractor drivers, bulldozer drivers, athletes.
  • Muscle hypothermia. Many men allow themselves to be in the cold water of reservoirs and neglect warm underwear, which leads to hypothermia of the muscles.
  • Overweight. Body parameters and a huge belly lead to the fact that she is hollow inferior vein is pinched, as in pregnant women.
  • Smoking and alcohol. They negatively affect peripheral blood supply: they spasm blood vessels, stimulate nerve endings, which provokes convulsions.
  • Dehydration. Heavy sweating removes a significant portion of microelements from the body.

Treatment is acceptable both with folk remedies at home and with medications.

In rare cases, you can avoid medical attention by using home remedies. Traditional medicine offers many recipes to help with cramps in the calves.

  • Fast method. Hold a pinch of salt in your mouth for up to 2 minutes and the cramp will go away.
  • Lemon juice. Take a spoonful of salted lemon juice under your tongue. The disease can be eliminated by lubricating the area of ​​spasm with juice.
  • Kvass mixture. Into a glass bread kvass add a teaspoon of yeast, leave for 6 hours, divide into equal parts according to the number of meals. Take before meals for a month. Improves the taste of the honey mixture.
  • Wormwood tincture. Pour vodka into a container filled with wormwood herb and leave for 2-3 weeks. Rub your feet every evening until the cramps disappear completely.
  • Chamomile mixture. Brew two tablespoons of chamomile like tea with a liter of boiling water. Drink after meals, last time before bed.
  • Celandine ointment. Mix freshly squeezed celandine juice with medical Vaseline 1:2. Rub problem areas for 2 weeks.

To ease pain and spasms, it is recommended to pull your toes towards you. Then restore blood circulation by doing a massage. You can pinch or prick the muscle. After relief, you need to lie down with your legs elevated. This method will speed up blood circulation and relax spasms.

If effectiveness cannot be achieved with folk remedies, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe additional tests.

In accordance with the identified cause and correct diagnosis, drugs of different effects are prescribed. In this case, therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause itself. The treatment complex includes vitamins and microelements.

For local treatment, heparin ointment, troxevasin gel, ointments based on horse chestnut, and finalgon are used. With anti-inflammatory and warming properties, they relieve seizures and symptoms of pathologies. Ointments are used before bedtime, applied to the problem area.


There are no pills that will completely eliminate cramps without identifying the underlying cause. But these anticonvulsants are recommended more often than others:

"Difenin" Relieves spasms, relaxes muscles. As prescribed by a doctor.
"Mydocalm" Local anesthetic and muscle relaxant effects. As prescribed by a doctor.
"Panangin", "Asparkam" Replenishes magnesium and potassium deficiency. 1-2 tablets per day.
"Magnerot" Contains magnesium. 2 tablets 3 times a day are used for a long time.
"Analgin", acetylsalicylic acid, "Paracetamol" Analgesic, anti-inflammatory. 1 tablet up to 4 times a day.

For convulsions provoked by varicose veins, popular drugs that relieve inflammation, improve the walls of blood vessels, and accelerate blood circulation are: “Venoturon 300”, “Antistax”, “Venarus”, “Anavenol”.

IMPORTANT! Most drugs used in the treatment of seizures have many contraindications, so self-medication is unsafe for health.

Compliance with the following preventive rules will help prevent a condition where your calves cramp at night.

  • The diet must fully meet the body's needs for vitamins and microelements.
  • Minimize heavy and prolonged stress on the legs.
  • Wear comfortable shoes if possible.
  • Before going to bed, massage your feet to normalize blood circulation and relieve tension.
  • Reduce consumption to a minimum junk food and drinks.
  • Get rid of bad habits.
  • Protect yourself from unnecessary worries.

ADVICE! In order not to remove water from muscle tissue, after a cup of strong coffee or tea, it is good to replenish the body with 200 milligrams of liquid.

In most cases, calf muscle cramps are not life-threatening. However, frequent repetitions create significant discomfort, so it is necessary to immediately identify the causes. calf spasms and get rid of them using traditional medicine recipes or drug treatment. Don't forget about prevention to eliminate this problem forever.

You are here Home » Diseases » Convulsions » Cramps in the calves of the legs: causes, symptoms and treatment of the problem

Cramps are a common problem that almost every person faces, regardless of gender and age. They usually occur at night or during vigorous physical activity, causing severe discomfort and in some cases leaving behind mild pain for several hours.

Most often, cramps affect the calf muscle. If your calves are cramping, there are methods that can quickly relieve the pain and prevent the cramps from recurring.

Why do my calves cramp? Let's look at the various reasons

There are many negative factors, which affect the appearance of cramps in the calves, and the most common are the following:

  • Increased physical activity without prior warm-up. A sudden load on an unprepared muscular system leads to acute pain. Prolonged stay in a sitting or standing position without the opportunity to warm up leads to blood stagnation, and the muscles receive an insufficient amount of valuable elements.
  • The influence of severe stressful situations. When stressed, cortisol is released into the blood, a hormone that helps cope with stressful situations. But frequent exposure interferes with calcium absorption, which leads to seizures. Excessive consumption of caffeine-containing products (energy drinks, coffee, desserts with it, medications) also increases the production of cortisol.
  • Inadequate diet. Fasting and uneven nutrition are stressful for the body, which leads to the release of cortisol. There is also a shortage of a number useful elements negatively affects the condition of blood vessels and muscles. Particularly harmful, in addition to a lack of calcium, is a lack of potassium, magnesium, vitamins from group B, calciferols (vitamins from group D), sugar, and iron.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes for a long time. The foot in incorrectly selected shoes is compressed and is under constant tension, and blood circulation is impaired. There is also a connection with cramps and heel height: wearing high-heeled shoes overstrains the calf muscle.
  • Disruptions in metabolic processes. They develop due to endocrine disruptions, poor diet, excess nicotine and alcohol, and congenital abnormalities (enzyme disorders).
  • Exposure to cold. When swimming in cold water, blood vessels constrict and cramps may occur. And physical activity in a cold room more often leads to cramps, since it is more difficult to warm up the muscles with training and they are more vulnerable.
  • Flat feet. With this pathology, the load is distributed unevenly, and the calf muscle is overstrained.
  • Excess protein in the diet. Protein interferes with calcium absorption. Athletes who actively consume protein to gain muscle should take additional calcium tablets.
  • Refusal alcoholic drinks in the process of treatment for alcoholism. Quitting alcohol after long-term and regular use in large quantities leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, which require time to restore function. With alcoholism, muscle spasms are also possible due to disruptions in blood circulation and impaired absorption of nutrients.
  • Atherosclerotic vascular lesions in the calves. Fatty plaques accumulate in the vessels, blocking their lumen and disrupting blood flow.
  • Varicose veins. With this pathology, blood circulation is impaired, which leads to seizures and other symptoms.
  • Slowdown of metabolic processes in old age.
  • Serious pathologies. Frequent seizures may indicate the development of dangerous diseases, including Parkinson's disease, brain tumors, epilepsy, various neurological disorders, diabetes, and latent infections.

Pregnancy is a period during which changes occur in the body that affect blood circulation, the absorption of useful elements, and the functioning of many organs and systems.

Calf cramps in pregnant women most often occur due to:

  • Iron deficiency anemia. A growing fetus urgently needs iron, and its deficiency leads to a number of disorders in the body of both the pregnant woman and the unborn child.
  • Excessive intake of diuretic drugs. Edema during pregnancy is a common pathology for which diuretics are prescribed: drugs that remove excess fluid from the body along with some of the nutrients.
  • Compression of the inferior vena cava. A heavy uterus puts pressure on a vein when a pregnant woman lies on her back. Blood circulation in the legs is disrupted and cramps occur.
  • Lack of nutrients. During pregnancy, the need for vitamins and minerals increases, and the standard diet is no longer suitable. During pregnancy, the need for vitamins included in group B is especially high.

Predisposes to seizures and sedentary lifestyle life, and excessive regular physical activity. In these cases, the calves of the legs cramp, usually at night.

Read in another topic:

Cerebral palsy - causes of the disease

This serious illness includes a whole complex of serious lesions of the brain and central nervous system, which lead to disturbances in the patient’s movements and musculoskeletal system.

Read about how and when cerebral palsy is diagnosed here.

More about treatment of cerebral palsy you will find out in this article.


A cramp that affects the calf muscle causes very sharp pain that is difficult to tolerate. It lasts on average from a few seconds to one or two minutes.

Other symptoms are also observed:

  • the muscle becomes very tense and hardens;
  • it is difficult to stand on your full foot due to pain;
  • Moderate pain in the muscle may continue for several hours.

When is the peak the pain will go away, noticeable discomfort will persist for several minutes. Also, cramps can in rare cases be accompanied by severe symptoms, especially with a low pain threshold.


  • dizziness;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • tachycardia;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • loss of consciousness.

Most often, a cramp occurs during:

  • sleeping or resting lying down;
  • stretching legs in the morning;
  • physical activity;
  • kneading stiff legs;
  • swimming in bodies of water.

If cramps occur frequently and are accompanied by severe symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.


If the calves of the legs are cramping, what should the patient do? As a rule, treatment begins with identifying the causes that caused the disorder.

Diagnosis of the disorder, depending on the symptoms and results of the initial examination, may include:

  • MRI of the spinal column;
  • a series of blood tests;
  • tests that determine hormone levels;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • electroencephalogram;
  • cardiac tests;
  • MRI and CT of the brain;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • tests to determine the content of vitamins and microelements.

Always before starting therapy diagnostic measures, anamnesis is being collected.

Treatment for seizures that are not caused by serious illness includes:

  • Nutrition correction. It is useful to eat fractionally: five to seven times a day in small portions. It is also useful to include in your diet foods that contain a large number of useful elements: fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, fish.
  • Lifestyle changes. You should reduce your stress level, smoke less or stop altogether, move more (walking, training, exercise), drink coffee and energy drinks in moderation.
  • Foot massage. The feet and calves are massaged before bed using oils and warming ointments.
  • Foot baths. Sea salt is good for your feet: three tablespoons of salt per five liters of water at a comfortable temperature.
  • Taking vitamins and microelements. Selected by a specialist. The intake of iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, E, D, B and others is indicated (for example, in case of vascular disorders, vitamin C and rutin may be prescribed).
  • Wearing comfortable shoes with the correct heel height. The heel should be stable and not exceed 5 centimeters in height, and shoes should be selected according to size: if the shoes squeeze the foot, this impairs blood circulation.
  • Use of compression tights and stockings. More often when varicose veins and venous insufficiency.
  • Correction of flat feet: exercises, special shoes, insoles.
  • Use of muscle relaxants (Mydocalm). They do not eliminate the cause of the pathology, but they reduce the frequency of seizures. They are not used in all cases and should be prescribed only by the attending physician.

In most cases, there is no serious problem behind calf cramps.

Exercises for cramps

To reduce the frequency of seizures and quick fix The following exercises are useful for pain:

  • walking on heels;
  • rolling from heel to toe;
  • walking on toes;
  • flexion of toes in a sitting position;
  • smooth stretching of the legs (yoga, gentle stretching complexes).

Examples of leg stretching exercises:

  • Sit on the floor, stretch out your legs, take a towel and hook your foot with it, and then smoothly pull both edges towards you.
  • Stand next to the wall (at a distance of a meter), stretch your arms forward and rest them against the wall at the level chest, and then bend in the torso so as to feel the stretch in the calf area.

If a cramp occurs while swimming, you need to turn over on your back and swim to the shore.

You can quickly get rid of a cramp if you pull on yourself thumb legs.

It is known that

hemiparetic form of cerebral palsy

distinguished by defeat muscular system. Most often, the disease covers half of the patient's body.

For information on peroneal nerve neuropathy, click here.


The following preventive methods are useful:

  • adjust the diet and introduce foods high in magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron (nuts, dairy products, bananas);
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • sleep on a comfortable bed;
  • enough to move;
  • if the work requires staying in one position for a long time, periodically do warm-ups;
  • use comfortable shoes.

Video on the topic

Complaints about what drives

at night are not uncommon. This condition accompanied by painful sensations, which does not allow a person to get a good night's sleep. This can be heard more often from older people, but the possibility of seizures in young people cannot be ruled out.

Causes of pain at night in the calves

If you experience regular spasms in your calf muscles, you should definitely see a specialist. The causes of night cramps can be different.

To determine the cause of seizures, you need to analyze your lifestyle for the degree of presence of predisposing factors in everyday life.

Prolonged stress, irregular nutrition. Both the first and second lead to a decrease in blood sugar. Muscles feed on glucose. Its deficiency can cause a decrease in the level of electrolytes, as a result of which cramps appear.

Excessive physical stress. The reason for cramping your calves may be intense exercise. This is especially true in cases where the muscles were not ready for this. Both beginners with poor training and professional athletes can face a similar problem. Therefore, it is important to increase the load on the limbs gradually.

Sedentary or standing work. Both options can cause night cramps. In the case of sedentary work, immobility helps slow blood circulation and the flow of nutrients into the intercellular spaces of the muscles. In the case of standing work, on the contrary, the leg muscles long time are in a state of static tension.

Metabolic disease. Consequently muscle mass may experience a lack of oxygen and nutrition, which explains why the calves are cramped.

Caffeine abuse. If you consume more than 5 cups of strong tea or coffee per day, cramping of the calf muscles may occur.

Wearing uncomfortable shoes. During the day, the leg muscles become very tired, and at night they cannot relax.

Abrupt refusal of alcohol. In the case of alcohol addiction, a sharp refusal of such drinks may be accompanied by convulsions.

Atherosclerosis of leg vessels. With such a diagnosis, contraction of the calf muscles can be observed not only at night, but also during the day while walking.

Elderly age. Slow metabolism, lack of glucose, and incipient Parkinson's disease can cause seizures.

What to do if you have calf muscle cramps

To prevent relapses convulsive conditions calf muscles, it is necessary to eliminate provoking factors.


Calming fees.

Mint tea is very soothing.

It is imperative to adjust your diet. Meals should be taken at approximately the same time.

You cannot do without monitoring physical activity. You should try to do only feasible exercises. Daily kneading of the muscles of the lower extremities is encouraged.

For cramps, self-massage has a positive effect. It should be done not only at critical moments, but also throughout the day. After the massage, a cold compress on the skin of the legs is useful.

If the cause of calf muscle cramps is any serious disease, it is necessary to treat it. Reception medicines must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. After recovery, the spasms will disappear on their own.


  • Why do my calves cramp?

There are probably quite a few people who are familiar first-hand with such an unpleasant phenomenon as leg cramps. Sometimes it is really difficult to figure out why it drives legs.


Leg cramps that sometimes occur can be of a different nature. Their origin can be peripheral (not cerebral) or central (i.e. cerebral) in nature. The main cause of seizures of peripheral origin is increased excitability muscle and nerve cells, which in turn is caused by a lack of calcium or sodium chloride, insufficient supply to the brain,

and muscles with oxygen and glucose.

It is the lack of calcium that explains the occurrence of seizures

in pregnant women

Part of the calcium leaves the body in the urine; when diuretics are used, a very significant portion is taken by the developing fetus. In general, cramps are one of the most harmless (so to speak) manifestations associated with a lack of calcium in the body.

A lack of sodium chloride can be caused by significant physical activity (for example, when playing sports).

Convulsions of central origin occur, as a rule, with chronic changes and organic damage to the brain and manifest themselves in such serious diseases as, for example,


Myoclonic spasms, etc.

Insufficient supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain, nerves and muscles can occur during intense sports (when all glucose reserves are exhausted), while swimming in cold water (the muscles seem to do double work), during and after sleep in an uncomfortable position (

legs numb

Blood supply is disrupted)

during pregnancy

When the developing fetus is taken from the body

iron. At the same time, the hemoglobin level

goes down

Blood supply

getting worse

Another possible cause is diabetes. The occurrence of seizures indicates that in the brain, nerve tissue and the muscles starve because the blood vessels are unable to properly supply them with nutrition.

Another possible cause of cramps is flat feet. Try using special orthopedic insoles– instep supports (it is advisable to use custom-made insoles rather than store-bought ones).

Do it daily special gymnastics for feet While sitting or lying down, bend and straighten your feet. Start with 10 -12 movements and increase to 60 - 70. Perform 3 - 4 times a day. All recommendations must be agreed with your doctor.

Convulsions of central origin are usually caused by chronic changes and organic damage brain and can manifest themselves in such serious diseases as, for example, epilepsy, myoclonic convulsions, etc.

From all of the above, we can conclude: convulsions of peripheral origin are an unpleasant phenomenon, but in

legs In x cases, removable. If they happened to you repeatedly and without

visible reasons

Don't put off visiting your doctor.

convulsions involuntary contraction of the muscles of the whole body or individual muscle groups occurs. Most often, the cause of this is poor blood supply, insufficiency of calcium in the body or its poor absorption, insufficiency parathyroid gland or exposure to cold.

convulsions muscles of the upper body, such as the forearm or finger

Squeeze with thumb and forefinger

the other hand, the upper lip in the middle. If


cramps the muscles of the lower body, or a toe or lower lip. Or simply bite your upper or lower lip depending on the location of the spasm. Thus, alternately contract and relax the muscle several times. This will increase blood circulation and

will stop

cramp. Try to grab the cramped muscle. Press as deeply as possible index finger into its protruding central part for 20-25 seconds and at the same time take several deep breaths to improve blood circulation. It will help

cramp and soft

spasmodic muscle, relaxing muscle fibers. To do this, apply a little oil (sesame or mustard) on it and massage lightly. After rubbing with oil, apply a warm diaper or cover yourself with a warm blanket. Try to stretch the cramped muscle by pulling your foot towards you. Then knead it to release any residual tension and prick the skin over the contracted muscle with a sharp object. Good


acupressure. With your thumb, press the calf muscle where it meets the tendon, gradually increasing


After this, press for a few seconds on the point located in the middle of the popliteal fossa. This method is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. Use a hot compress with marjoram, lavender or ginger oil. To do this, add one or two drops of any of these oils to a saucepan with

hot water

Dampen a piece of cloth with this solution, wring it out and apply it to your cramped leg. Consult a doctor immediately if the cramps are associated with poor circulation and they do not go away within an hour.

Many people know firsthand about foot diseases. Among the leaders in unpleasant sensations caviar. After all, when the leg muscles cramp, it is very painful - you can’t turn around, stand up, or sit down. All actions are accompanied by tension and unpleasant sensations. And there are many reasons for such diseases.

Pregnant women often suffer

Due to the growing stress on the body and the double consumption of beneficial salts and minerals,

mothers have an insufficient amount of calcium. This leads to cramps and pain in the

legs As a rule, the situation is corrected by taking vitamins and additional mineral complexes. The so-called potassium supplement also helps in this case.

When you need to eat more bananas, kiwi and honey. In addition, muscle cramps can also be observed in cases where


chronic venous insufficiency develops. This causes the veins to become pinched, function poorly and give off strong

at the bottom of the leg. Before starting treatment and to confirm the diagnosis, it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the veins, Doppler or scan. Then the phlebologist will prescribe treatment. In some cases, pain

This is a signal that there is overexertion or a blood pressure disorder. Such manifestations can be relieved by a properly balanced diet with a high content of greens, fruits and dairy products. Normalize your blood pressure and relax. And the pain will go away. In addition to treatment, you can relieve emerging pain with additional


For example, massage. Gently stroke the cramped limb. Then gradually massage your leg with very light pressure. This is needed to relieve vasospasm. Alternatively, try to relieve pain with a bath with warm water. To do this, fill the bathtub with water level up to

and place your feet in it. Stroke them lightly

under the water

The moisture will relax the muscles and relieve spasms. Which in turn will eliminate pain. Drinking herbal teas is also recommended. You just need to drink them very carefully. Choose only those that do not have a diuretic effect, otherwise you risk leaching out even more calcium, thereby worsening your leg problems.

Leg cramps are a fairly common phenomenon, which is an involuntary frequent contraction of muscles. It is always sudden and accompanied by very strong pain.

Unexpected convulsive tensions (tonic convulsions) often last up to three or more minutes and occur during monotonous sedentary work, when the muscle nerve is pinched in the muscle canal, long walk or hypothermia while swimming in cold water or winter. In addition, cramps can begin due to excessive stress on the leg muscles, insufficient warm-up or increasing the volume of training. Such phenomena can also be observed in healthy people.

The cause of tonic localized seizures can also be a violation of the biochemical or electrolyte composition of the blood. They are formed when the body loses significant salts, which develops when the amount of calcium, potassium or magnesium in the blood decreases, as well as when there is a lack of vitamin D.

Calf muscle cramps may be a consequence of severe anemia. This most often occurs in pregnant women, when there is a particular deficiency of iron, which is part of hemoglobin. In this case, the metabolism of mineral substances is disrupted, the external manifestation of which is leg muscle cramps.

If a person’s legs hurt and swell for a long time, he experiences a feeling of heaviness, which causes cramps that become permanent over time, this may indicate the development of varicose veins. Varicose veins are also common among expectant mothers, when the growing uterus puts pressure on the lower sex and iliac veins. As a result, varicose pressure increases.

Often the cause of leg cramps can be a focus of irritation in the motor area of ​​the brain. This phenomenon is most common with the onset of a stroke or during its development, as well as with infectious lesions of the nervous system (influenza, ARVI).

Cramps in the limbs are often observed with local hypoxia (lack of oxygen) due to vascular disorders in them, as well as with changes in innervation in spinal osteochondrosis. The nerve roots are compressed and the function of the motor nerves is impaired.

Sometimes leg cramps occur due to diseases of the nervous system (neurosis, tetanus). In some patients, they develop or intensify due to external irritation (when the leg is pricked with a needle, alcohol abuse and poisoning). The above diseases require careful monitoring by the attending physician.


  • why do my legs cramp?

There are people who experience cramps in the calf

Oh. This is a fairly common and unpleasant phenomenon. Most often, this disease begins unexpectedly. Therefore, it will be useful to learn how to get rid of such spasms quickly and easily.

You will need


To relieve pain and discomfort

during spasm

It is necessary to stretch the cramped muscle. To do this, stand a step away from the wall, facing it. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Place your palms against the wall above your head. Move backwards in small steps, while

should not come off the floor. Do these movements until you feel that

muscle stretched

Do not overdo it, do not lead to the appearance of unpleasant sensations. Stay in this position for approximately

Then pinch and rub


During cramps in the calf muscles, massage. With your thumb, press the point in the middle of the muscle, gradually increasing the pressure. After this, press on the area in the popliteal fossa for a few seconds. This massage is contraindicated

pregnant women

If a spasm occurs while swimming in cool water, make a few


exercises. IN

You should warm up your muscles to increase blood flow to them. It’s good if you have a pin or needle with you. Stab her in sore spot. This irritation of the muscle will stop the spasm.

To prevent seizures, every day for two

Lubricate your feet with freshly squeezed lemon juice. A hot infusion will also help.

crow's feet. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Take a third of a glass before meals three times a day.


There are many reasons for the occurrence of such seizures. Cramps can be symptoms of certain diseases, as well as complications during pregnancy in women. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor in order to identify and eliminate the cause of their appearance in time.

Helpful advice

Do leg exercises regularly, try to get rid of excess weight, strengthen your ligaments, give up uncomfortable and tight shoes, and do not overload your feet.

Each person's body is unique in its own way. It is known that when losing weight, the body does not always lose kilograms evenly. As a result, additional efforts are required to get rid of excess weight in problem areas. A special set of exercises will help correct the shape of the calf muscles.

You will need

  • - step platform;
  • - jump rope.


Place your toes on a small hill (a thick book), while resting your heels on the floor surface. Now rise up onto your toes. Lock in this position by counting to 5. Carefully return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.

Simple squats, which must be performed on your toes, will help reduce the calf muscles. Please note: when performing the exercise, you should Special attention give balance. Squat like this for 5-7 minutes.

Static exercises also give excellent results. Take the starting position - half squat. It is worth noting that the bend angle must be at least 90 degrees. Lock in this position for 3-5 minutes.

If you decide to reduce the size of your calf muscles through exercise, you should know that you should not train your legs on machines. Use the suggested exercises only in combination. Also avoid any aerobic exercise. Before starting your workout, focus on stretching exercises for your calf muscles.

Stand with your right foot on the step platform. Leave your left foot on the floor surface. This is the starting position. Now put left leg to the step, then lower the right one to the floor. Alternate your legs in this manner for 3-5 minutes. Perform the exercise at a fast pace.

This exercise is aimed at stretching the calf muscles. Take a step forward, placing your hands on your buttocks. Gradually bend your leg. The leg that remains behind should rest on the floor. This position provides an effective stretch for both the hamstrings and calf muscles. Perform the exercise for 30 seconds, alternating legs.

Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Gently pull the socks towards you, alternating your legs. This exercise may seem too simple at first, but you will be surprised at the effect you can get from it.

Place your hands on the wall. Bend one leg at the knee. After this, place the shin of the other leg on top of it. In this position, lift your body weight onto your toes 10-12 times. Perform the exercise at a slow pace. Switch legs.

Helpful advice

You should not do exercises every day to reduce your calf muscles. The optimal option is 2-3 classes per week with a break between workouts of 2-3 days. Experts believe that it is in this case that excellent results can be achieved in a short time. On your free days, spend some time jumping rope. They also work great on the leg muscles.

Some people systematically experience discomfort as a result of tension in the muscles. At the moment of muscle spasm, the muscles contract, and the condition is accompanied by acute pain. Thus, any activity, be it playing tennis, running, walking or even sleeping, can be interrupted by a cramp.


A provoking factor in the occurrence of muscle spasms may be insufficient elasticity of the fibers, which in some cases can be eliminated with the help of special stretching exercises. Experts also believe that one of the reasons why this condition occurs is fatigue. Special


nervous system (alpha motor neurons) control involuntary muscle contractions and human reflexes. Through them, commands are sent from the cerebral cortex and from the spinal region in the form of electrical impulses, creating reflex muscle contractions if necessary. This reflex is the body's way of protecting itself from stress.

In a state of fatigue, alpha motor neurons continue to function, but the impulse reaches only the muscle and not the tendon. From a large number of impulses, the muscle tenses because it cannot transmit them further due to fatigue. Thus, the vessels become squeezed by the swollen muscle fibers and therefore do not allow blood to pass through. At this site of spasm, oxygen starvation and increased pressure on some nerves occur, resulting in pain.

Excessive body sweating can also lead to muscle spasms. This is due to the loss of a large amount of minerals along with sweat, as a result of which the usual balance between potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium is disrupted. These microelements determine the timely transmission of impulses from the brain to their destination, and their significant losses disrupt this process, which is why the muscles contract.

Also, problems in the circulatory system, with the spine (osteochondrosis) or nerves very often provoke muscle spasms. Metabolic disorder, change hormonal levels, a monotonous diet, as well as taking certain medications can also be one of the reasons for the appearance of muscle spasms.

A lack of certain vitamins (B1, B5 and B6) that affect the transmission of nerve impulses in the human body can manifest itself in such unpleasant symptoms as spasms and painful tension in the muscles.


If any muscle discomfort occurs, you should consult a specialist. At the reception, you should be very attentive and list everything in as much detail as possible. possible reasons the appearance of muscle spasms (all past illnesses, allergic irritants, injuries and surgeries, as well as medications taken).

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Cramps are reflex muscle contractions that occur unexpectedly, causing discomfort or pain, make leg actions impossible. More and more people are turning to doctors with complaints that their calves are cramped. There are many reasons contributing to the disease. To establish the exact cause and prescribe treatment, you will need to trace all sorts of factors that can provoke cramping of the calf muscles. It is possible to treat spasms in the calf muscles with the help of modern medicine and folk remedies.

The main causes of calf muscle cramps

Depending on the reason for calf reduction, you need to find correct elimination this problem. It is considered useful to engage in a set of exercises aimed at stretching muscles and tendons. If the contraction of the calf muscles has become a common occurrence, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo an examination of the body. The solution will help to find dangerous diseases, and timely treatment will prevent their development.

Statistics have shown that every second inhabitant of the planet faces this phenomenon. Most people do not notice such a nuisance. Often the cause of cramped legs is a lack of potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Initially, you will need to compensate for the deficiency of these microelements. If the frequency of manifestations is high, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Convulsive muscle contraction

Common causes of muscle spasms are:

  • Physical activity without warming up and stretching muscles;
  • Prolonged stress on the legs as a result of standing or sedentary work;
  • Stress accompanied by poor nutrition;
  • Failure in metabolic processes, as a result of which the muscles do not receive enough oxygen;
  • A sharp drop in temperature causes constriction of blood vessels;
  • Inconvenient, incorrectly selected shoes;
  • Flat feet;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • ARVI;
  • Injuries;
  • Heat;
  • Drug poisoning.

In adulthood, the causes are: excess glucose in the body, slow metabolism, Parkinson's disease. It is extremely rare for calf cramps to occur due to serious illnesses: brain cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, thrombophlebitis.

An additional reason is impaired blood circulation in the lower extremities, when blood moves poorly through the veins. This happens due to a passive lifestyle, little physical activity. Neurology and diseases of the spine can be attributed to the causes of spasms of the calf muscles. There is a direct connection, since a pinched nerve due to difficulties with the spine produces an unpleasant sensation in the lower limb.

Cramp in shin

Why do my calves cramp when stretching?

If your calves cramp while stretching, the cause is probably a simple muscle spasm that occurs during sudden physical exertion. Such cases are especially often observed in women who spend a large amount of time on a high platform; the muscles are in a state of tension also during sleep.

There are several ways to avoid cramps: raise your leg up and pull your toe down. Or it is enough to simply massage the area of ​​the spasm, and then smear the leg with a special medicinal ointment.

Cramps your calves when walking

If your calves cramp while walking, running, or swimming, you should pay attention and identify the factor contractile muscles. The reason may not be a deficiency of microelements, but a circulatory disorder. In addition to normal flat feet, the cause is believed to be incipient varicose veins.

You can get rid of a cramp in several ways: pinch or prick the place where the cramp is cramped with a sharp object. However, you need to be extremely careful; there is a high probability of damage to blood vessels or infection. After the injection, it is recommended to actively massage the leg, then apply a special ointment.

Why do calf cramps occur in men?

More often, cramps among men are observed in athletes after intense physical exertion. The reason is a decrease in microelements and dehydration of the body due to increased sweating. Due to excessive consumption of sugar, nicotine and caffeine, a lack of essential muscle components occurs, causing the calf muscle to contract.

Muscle contraction in a man

Causes of calf muscle cramps in women

Certain factors are known to cause leg cramps in women. The main common reason is wearing high heels. To avoid cramps, it is recommended to wear shoes with low heels or alternate high platforms with low ones. Often cramps in the calves of pregnant women, mainly shortly before the birth of the baby, since the expectant mother’s body has a deficiency of microelements and vitamins, which are spent on the development of the fetus.

Treatment with elastic stockings will definitely help with varicose veins, which cause leg cramps. Stockings help keep blood vessels in a static position. It is not recommended to wear shoes with a high platform, use tight belts, or sit with one leg crossed over the other.

Why do my calves cramp at night?

The question often arises as to why the calves cramp at night - in dark time the muscles are not tense for days. At night, blood flow is disrupted, resulting in incorrect sleeping position or vascular problems. Any movement during sleep can cause a spasm. Patients often turn to doctors with complaints: sharp muscle spasms, acute pain that lasts for several minutes. Doctors are not clear exactly why cramps occur at night. Such seizures are called idiopathic. It means that the patient has no apparent reason for the occurrence of such a condition.

If a cramp occurs suddenly, it is recommended to change the position of the legs and allow the muscles to relax. Then the leg needs to be massaged and a cold compress applied.

A proper, balanced diet is a sure salvation in the fight against cramps. It is recommended to eat more natural products, give up fatty foods, avoid deficits necessary for the body substances. In case of a lack of magnesium, potassium and calcium in the body, it is recommended to include apples, dried apricots, bananas, and cottage cheese in the diet. In the appendix to proper nutrition Taking vitamins will help. For example, vitamin D deficiency is quite capable of causing muscle contraction.

How to avoid calf muscle cramps

Most people feel in advance that a cramp will occur. It's worth trying to relax as much as possible. If you experience cramps in your calves, you will need to change your position. Try to lift the limb, then pull the sole towards the knee. After doing the exercise, sit down and pinch the location of the spasms. Try shifting your body weight onto the cramped leg. After a certain time, blood circulation and sensitivity in the legs will improve.

With sudden and prolonged leg cramps, immediate medical attention is required, and there is a risk of depression of vital functions, for example, breathing. Do not neglect treatment and examinations; complications are likely in the future.

Treatment of seizures

Treatment of seizures using folk remedies

If seizures are not frequent, and the cause cannot be identified, it is possible to do without the help of a doctor and resort to treatment with folk remedies:

  1. When cramping your calves, it often helps effective way V folk medicine– rubbing the area where the spasm occurred using mustard oil.
  2. Folk remedy: infuse 3/4 cup of dope seeds in 0.5 liters of 75% alcohol in a place out of direct sunlight for 30 days. If cramps occur, rub the disturbing area with cotton wool, after dipping it in the tincture. Yeast will help prevent cramps. To compensate for potassium deficiency, make a remedy from them.
  3. Simple magnets will help with cramps; just place objects on the place where the spasm occurred. For treatment, it is recommended to prepare baths from special medicinal herbs: nettle, peppermint, wheatgrass, yarrow, shepherd's purse. Divide the listed herbs into equal parts. Pour 100 g of herbs into 250 ml of boiling water, place in a water bath, and boil for 20 minutes. Pour the resulting product into a container with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 38-40 degrees. Place your feet in the broth so that your calves are completely immersed, hold for 20 minutes. It is worth doing the procedure for 10 days in a row.

Treatment with folk remedies is much more profitable and a priority than with expensive medications.

It is permissible to perform exercises to prevent calf spasms in advance, aimed at improving blood circulation, stretching and relaxing muscles. If you carefully monitor the condition of the body and receive timely treatment, there is a high probability of avoiding spasms of the calf muscles.

Leg cramps occur at any age, but they are most annoying to people over the age of 50. Cramps are involuntary contractions of the striated muscles of the legs, which can be caused by various reasons. Contractions of skeletal muscles are paroxysmal in nature and are often unbearably painful.

Numerous causes of muscle spasms are well studied by medicine, are easily corrected, and quickly treated. If you constantly suffer from contractions of your limbs, then be sure to consult a doctor who will help you solve this problem.

In this article we will look at why the legs cramp, especially at night, over the age of 50. What is the cause of this unpleasant symptom, and what should be done at home so that the cramps no longer bother you.

What are the reasons for leg cramps?

The reasons why leg muscle cramps develop at night lie in disturbances in the electrolyte balance of muscle cells, inadequate blood supply to soft tissues, or neurological problems.

These three groups of reasons can occur both in isolation and in various combinations, accompanying congenital anomalies or acquired diseases. In this case, it is not so important what the patient’s age is, since the mechanisms of development of myoclonus are almost identical for children, adults and the elderly (including those over 50).

  1. Muscle strain (for example, when long work in the garden near the beds or professional muscle cramps in the arms of pornos or, say, musicians);
  2. A sharp increase in temperature leads to hyperthermic convulsions. This condition can occur with heat, sunstroke, as well as with diseases accompanied by an increase in temperature.
  3. Dehydration of the body. With active sweating, there is a significant loss of microelements that ensure healthy muscle function. That’s why it’s so important to drink up to 2.5 liters of water a day, especially in hot weather. summer season and during active sports.
  4. One of the reasons why your legs cramp at night may be the beginning of varicose veins. Other symptoms of this pathology are swelling, heaviness in the legs, and fatigue.
  5. Infectious damage to the nervous system is also a fairly common cause of leg cramps. Such damage can occur with influenza, as well as with other infections.
  6. Stress. During emotional stress or a nervous breakdown, an intense load occurs on the entire human body, primarily on the nerve endings responsible for contracting the muscles of the body. An excess of the stress hormone (cortisol) leads to an imbalance of micro- and macroelements, leading to a lack of calcium in the body, which is necessary for healthy functioning, muscle tension and relaxation.
  7. Violations of the biochemical or electrolyte composition of the blood (loss of calcium, potassium, magnesium salts, lack of vitamin D).

A lack of vitamins and minerals can be caused by:

  1. A stressful condition in which cortisol is produced in large quantities (it impairs the absorption of calcium in the intestines and promotes its excretion in the urine);
  2. Long-term use of medications that impede the absorption and further absorption of magnesium in the body. A similar effect is caused by the antacids Maalox and Almagel, which are used for heartburn. Their action is to coat the gastric mucosa to protect against the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid. At the same time, the absorption of microelements and vitamins slows down. Eufillin and insulin remove magnesium from cells.
  3. Consumption of proteins in large quantities (glucose is absorbed not from carbohydrates, but from the body’s fat reserves, which is why ketones appear in the blood, which contribute to the excretion of calcium in the urine);
  4. Pregnancy of a woman due to non-compliance with a balanced diet (lack of calcium, magnesium);
  5. Long-term lack of exposure to sunlight on the body (lack of vitamin D, leading to deterioration in calcium absorption) - residents of northern latitudes are susceptible to this;
  6. Increased sweating, which leads to the excretion of magnesium along with sweat, resulting in a deficiency of this microelement in the body.

Secondary seizures are more dangerous, since their appearance at night can be associated with a wide variety of diseases. These include diabetes, disorders of the central nervous system and thyroid gland, varicose veins, as well as some infectious diseases.

Very often they bother pregnant women, whose weight increases, which leads to increased stress on the leg muscles. We also note that poisoning may also be the cause. medicines, lead, mercury.

My legs cramp at night, why and what to do?

If your leg cramps at night, you need to take several measures to help eliminate the cramp. First you need to stand with the affected leg on something cold. In this case, you should try to pull the toe forward as much as possible. Then you can try to squat slightly, leaning mainly on the leg that was cramped. The spasm is relieved by lightly massaging the affected area.

It is also advised to strongly pinch the tense muscle or lightly prick it with a sharp object, such as a needle or pin, and the spasm should stop. To prevent relapse, apply warming ointment to the sore spot or rub with alcohol.

Treatment of leg cramps

The main condition successful treatment is to determine the cause of seizures. To find out why your legs cramp at night, your doctor may prescribe a blood test for magnesium and calcium levels, neuromyography, and other examinations.

Treatment includes:

  • impact on the cause (treatment of varicose veins, correction of flat feet, sedative therapy under stress);
  • a diet rich in vitamins and microelements.

If your leg cramps at home, you need to massage it, rub the muscles thoroughly, stand up, and walk around. If muscle cramps bother you at night, it is better to sleep in warm socks or knee socks. To relieve pain, use any “burning” ointment, for example finalgon.

When the cause of cramps is a lack of vitamins, reconsider your diet. It is important to eat foods rich in magnesium, calcium, vitamins D, B6, and so on. Therefore, it is useful to enjoy bran, dried apricots, raisins, fish, bananas, and peanuts. Eat dairy products every day - cottage cheese, hard cheese, drink milk.


To prevent cramps in your legs at night, regardless of the causes of convulsive contractions of the lower extremities, it is useful to do simple exercises before going to bed:

  1. Press your heels to the floor and stand for 10-20 seconds.
  2. Repeat the exercise with your toes together and your heels apart.
  3. Repeat the exercise, but now toes apart, heels together.

After a working day, try to relieve accumulated tension with the following exercises:

  1. Slowly bend your toes down and then quickly straighten them.
  2. Walk on the outside and inside of your feet.
  3. Sit on a bench, raise your feet and “write” the numbers 1 to 10.

And one more exercise option:

  1. Sitting, bend your legs and pull your toes towards you for 8-12 seconds, stretching the calf muscle. Repeat 3-6 times with a break of 5-10 seconds.
  2. Standing, we rise on our tiptoes, stretch our arms up, and breathe deeply. Then lower your heels to the floor. Repeat 3-6 times with a break of 5-10 seconds.
  3. Standing, bend your torso and reach your toes with your hands, without lifting your heels from the floor, stretching your calf muscles. Repeat 3-6 times with a break of 5-10 seconds.

For severe physical work When you have to stand on your feet for a long time, find an opportunity to rest for 5-10 minutes: sit down or take a lying position with your legs raised. At the same time, you can do the listed exercises.


To prevent leg cramps from bothering you, you should adhere to the following prevention measures:

  1. Wear only comfortable shoes with low heels - this will prevent not only cramps, but also varicose veins;
  2. Avoid physical activity that involves standing for long periods of time or walking for long periods of time.
  3. Reduce coffee and sugar consumption to a minimum, especially before bedtime;
  4. Stop smoking.
  5. Every day, in the evenings, contrast baths, as well as baths with sea salt and decoctions of medicinal herbs that have
  6. anticonvulsant effect (horsetail, peppermint, valerian).

It is also very important to eat right and get enough vitamins and minerals. Lack of potassium in the body can cause cramps in the calves and feet. Dehydration can also cause cramps. The body needs water and other fluids, especially those that provide electrolytes.

Vitamin D is also important for healthy feet and bones. Smoking and drinking alcohol can lead to dehydration.

People of various ages People often wonder why their calves cramp even in the absence of prolonged physical activity. Fatigue, swelling, cramps are just an incomplete list of external manifestations that can significantly reduce physical activity. Doctors urge not to take this situation lightly. Quite often, the above symptoms indicate the onset of a serious illness that requires immediate medical intervention.

The first thing you need to remember when your caviar begins to cramp is that you don’t need to immediately grab medications. It is enough to take a short break, during which you can massage your lower limb. In most cases, this is quite enough to get rid of unpleasant sensations. More attention should be paid to this issue if this is not the first time your leg has cramped. In such a situation, it would not be a bad idea to visit a medical facility.

IN for preventive purposes You should consult a phlebologist. As a result of a short examination, the doctor will conduct the necessary diagnostic procedures. Based on the collected data, it is concluded why the lower limb is bothered unpleasant symptoms. Patients should remember that early diagnosis- the key to quick and effective treatment.

In addition to varicose veins, flat feet in any form can be the culprit of discomfort. Doctors note that this disease may not manifest itself for a long time. As a result, the person does not have a compelling reason to seek medical help. In fact, you can suspect something is wrong. Firstly, even with initial degree flat feet legs get tired quickly.

It is enough to pay attention to the usual rhythm of life. If previously a person could calmly walk the whole day without significant problems, then as flat feet develops, even 2-3 km a day turns into an impossible task. In this case, you need to visit a therapist who will give you a referral to a more specialized specialist. Will help get rid of unpleasant sensations orthopedic shoes, thanks to which the foot experiences less stress.

Doctors tend to blame not only objective factors that worsen the condition of the lower extremities, but also the behavior of the person himself. A frivolous attitude towards one's own health can make even a healthy person who is plagued by spasms disabled. In addition to the listed factors, muscle spasms in the lower extremities can be provoked by the following reasons:

  1. Lack of nutrients and vitamins - in order to cope with the daily load, muscles need regular replenishment. We are talking about beneficial substances obtained from food. If in the morning a citizen notices that his legs “ache,” then he should consult a doctor. You probably need to review your diet.
  2. Bad habits - this point is largely related to the above. Long-term use of alcohol and tobacco products leads to “washing out” of beneficial substances from cells. As a result of weakness of the muscular frame, the lower limbs may cramp.
  3. Incorrect posture - often people themselves provoke pathological changes in the muscle structure of the legs. We are talking about staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time. An example of this is professions where it is necessary to remain in one position for a long time. In order to make such work less tiring for the legs, it is necessary to take breaks from time to time. The therapist will tell you what simple exercises will help relieve accumulated tension.
  4. Addiction to coffee and tea - the more of these fluids in the body, the more difficult it is to sleep peacefully. We are talking not only about the stimulating effect of caffeine, but also about its negative impact on the muscle structure. If clinical manifestations are celebrated at night, then this is the first sign that you need to “give up” with these drinks. Those who actively consume sugar should do the same.

To answer the question of why the calves are cramped, it is often necessary to conduct an examination of the entire body. We are talking about those cases when the initial examination does not reveal the culprit. On the one hand, clinical manifestations may be cyclical. We are talking about a long remission, followed by an exacerbation phase. On the other hand, a person’s calf muscle may suddenly become sore at night.

Epilepsy in its initial form opens the list of dangerous diseases in all respects. It manifests itself as spontaneous spasms of the lower extremities. Moreover, they can occur without significant physical exertion. However, this list includes:

  • oncological neoplasms;
  • spasmophilia;
  • eclampsia;
  • hidden injuries that weaken bone or muscle tissue;
  • a latent inflammatory process often provokes a spasm in the morning;
  • infection;
  • neurological pathology.

As you can see from the list above, muscles can work incorrectly for a variety of reasons. A comprehensive examination conducted in medical institution. The more timely it is done, the faster it will stop hurting while moving.

Until you visit a doctor, leg cramps that occur can be reduced at home. To do this you need to perform a number of simple exercises. Pinch yourself - simple advice, allowing you to quickly reduce unpleasant symptoms. It is important to remember that the spasm that cramps the leg will disappear only with a slight impact. No need to pinch soft fabrics until the blood starts flowing.

In most cases, it is enough to do this 2-3 times. If after this it was not possible to reduce the intensity of unpleasant manifestations, then you should immediately go to a medical facility. There is a high probability that the leg is cramping as a result of the activation of a serious disease. Any delay will only reduce the chance of positive developments. In second place in terms of frequency of occurrence is the recommendation to rub the limb with a special ointment.

This can only be done after consulting a doctor. If the patient has chronic diseases, then independent use medications are strictly prohibited. This applies not only to varicose veins, but also to many neurological pathologies. Despite the assurances of manufacturers that their ointments are harmless, if your lower limb cramps, you should not experiment with your own health.

A similar recommendation applies to mustard oil, which is common in folk medicine. It will be harmless only for a healthy person whose muscles have become overstrained. At the same time, we should not forget that only on the basis of the results of the examination can a conclusion be made about the degree of human health. If this recommendation is neglected, the course of varicose veins can be complicated.

Increased attention should be paid to shoes. In order for the muscles to cope with their work, it should not be tight. Even a slight obstruction of blood flow in the lower extremities leads to stagnation. Those, in turn, do not have the best effect on motor activity. It becomes difficult for a person to walk. Even after minor physical activity, a feeling of heaviness occurs, complemented by “aching” pain.

If we talk about the fair sex, then they should refuse high heels. The desire to comply with fashion trends should not cross boundaries common sense. The longer a lady walks in such heels, the more the leg muscles are exposed to excess stress. The rate of occurrence of pathological changes largely depends on anatomical features every lady.

It's never too late to take care of your health, so every morning you need to make it a rule to do simple exercises. On the one hand, they will help those who are in pain after waking up in the lower extremities. On the other hand, they will strengthen the muscle structure of those who do not yet experience such manifestations. To perform a set of exercises you must do the following:

  • lie on your back;
  • extend both legs;
  • one by one, slowly pull each sock towards you, and the second - away from you;
  • stand on the floor;
  • stand on one leg so that the entire body weight is concentrated on the limb that is experiencing spasm;
  • the duration of such actions is more than 2-3 minutes;
  • if sleep is often interrupted by spasms, then you should abandon the exercise described above;
  • apply a piece of ice to the surface of the leg, which you need to massage the sore spot;
  • the duration of cold therapy is no more than 3 minutes, otherwise there is a high probability of damage to the upper skin;
  • in order not to remember the spasm in a dream, it is recommended to place a small cushion under your feet;
  • for preventive purposes, it is recommended to rinse your lower limbs with cool water before going to bed;
  • if the patient has average degree varicose veins, then cold baths should be avoided.

If we talk about preventive and therapeutic methods, then a person with a spasm or cramp should not grab the first medicine that he finds in the medicine cabinet. Without a proper examination, it is impossible to determine the culprit of the deterioration in health. The wrong choice of painkiller will only lead to a worsening of well-being if we're talking about about varicose veins.

No less caution must be exercised by those who seek to get rid of cramps when stretching. These arise as a result of serious neurological pathologies. It is strictly forbidden to use painkillers that have not been prescribed by a doctor. To make a correct diagnosis, a physician needs to know what exactly the patient is experiencing. No less important for the doctor is the answer to the question about the location of the pain.

If, due to self-administration of medications, the patient is unable to describe how he feels, this will only worsen the situation. The disease will have enough time to develop. The doctor will not dare to begin a therapeutic course without having good reasons for choosing a method of restoring lost health. That is why patients should know: if they cramp their calves, only a qualified physician can decide what to do in this situation.

The duration of the diagnostic stage is about 3-5 days. It all depends on the severity of the patient’s condition. Initial appointment and referral to narrow specialists carried out by a local therapist. If the doctor suspects that there is a threat to the life or health of the patient, the patient is hospitalized. In this case, the development of the disease can be observed. If suddenly there is a sharp deterioration in the course of the disease, employees medical institution will have time to intervene.

The therapeutic course is carried out conservatively. It is extremely rare for a doctor to raise the question of the need for surgical intervention. The pros and cons of such a decision are communicated to the patient.

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 7 minutes

Leg cramps are a common problem. Almost everyone at least once in their life has experienced cramps in their calves at night. If this happened a couple of times, then you shouldn’t worry too much. But frequent muscle spasms are an alarm bell. This is how the body signals about health problems.

What is calf spasm

A cramp is an involuntary muscle contraction. It is usually accompanied by tingling and severe pain. Typically, the spasm lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. In severe illnesses, it can be quite long.

Seizures are divided into two main types - idiopathic and secondary. The first ones are usually provoked by external factors - heavy load, excess weight. Most often, young people suffer from idiopathic diseases. Secondary – are the result of any disease and can occur at any age.

Calf cramps are some of the most painful. They occur both during the day and at night. Elderly people often suffer from seizures. Teenagers and middle-aged people suffer from them less often. Pregnant women quite often complain of this symptom.

The main causes of calf muscle cramps during sleep:

  • muscle fatigue;
  • sedentary lifestyle, inactivity;
  • nerve tension;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • long exhausting workouts, sports;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • diseases.

The spasm in some cases appears when people stretch after sleep. This happens because the relaxed muscles tense quite sharply, causing a cramp. But it usually goes away quickly, this is not a reason to seriously fear for your health.

Diseases that can cause cramps at night

If your legs cramp frequently and it bothers you almost every night, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Recurrent spasms can be caused by the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • spasmophilia;
  • abscesses;
  • malignant brain tumors;
  • eclampsia;
  • subtle injuries;
  • inflammation and infections;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • tetanus;
  • neurological diseases.

This is not a complete list. Correct accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can give you a diagnosis. The therapist will examine medical card and will tell you which specialist doctor you need to consult with. Most likely, he will prescribe the following tests: blood tests (clinical, sugar, biochemical), general analysis urine, ultrasound of veins. Examinations by an endocrinologist, phlebologist, neurosurgeon, and neurologist would be useful.

Other causes of spasms

Seizures may not be associated with illness. There are also external factors that provoke them: