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Why does the right side hurt? Proper nutrition to eliminate lower abdominal pain. Kidneys - pain on the right back, radiating to the lower back

Anatomically, the right half of the human torso includes several areas. This is half chest, hypochondrium, mesogastric side, iliac region, inguinal region. Each of these areas contains organs whose diseases can cause pain.

To understand why the right side hurts, it is necessary to clarify the location and their nature as accurately as possible. This will make it possible to understand which organ is signaling a problem, to conduct targeted diagnostics, and in some cases, differential diagnostics.

The sudden onset of pain on the right side is acute. They manifest themselves in different ways:

  • cutting;
  • burning;
  • bursting;
  • pulsating.

In contrast to acute pain, the pain syndrome can be dull and feel like heaviness. Aching pain in the right side, usually chronic, exists as persistent symptom or occur periodically.

The sensations may be disturbing at the site of immediate occurrence, or they may radiate (give) to other areas. Likewise, it can radiate to the right side from other locations.

It happens that discomfort pass, but when pressing on the problem area, pain appears again.

Additional symptoms

Additional symptoms are varied:

  • cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • temperature increase;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • bloating;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • bowel disorders;
  • impaired urination.

They may intensify or change their character when coughing, inhaling and exhaling, moving, running, or after eating. Sometimes the patient complains that the right side is pulling. Dull pain can be pressing. Any discomfort in the abdomen in a pregnant woman requires special attention.

What's on the right

In the chest area, the following conditions may be the causes:

  • chest injury leading to rib fractures or pneumothorax;
  • pleurisy that occurs after inflammation or metastatic in lung cancer or breast cancer in women;
  • viral infection of the nerve ganglia with the appearance of burning pain, itching and blistering rashes along the rib behind and in front (herpes zoster);
  • osteochondrosis thoracic spine.

As a casuistry for congenital dystopia (heart on the right), discomfort on the right indicates myocardial infarction.


In the projection of the right upper quadrant of the abdomen there are:

  • part of the diaphragm;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • duodenum;
  • Part small intestine;
  • part of the ascending and transverse colon;
  • part of the pancreas;
  • bud.

Injury to any of these organs can be acute (gunshot, knife) or blunt, resulting from a blow, bruise or fall from a height. It is necessary to immediately take the victim to the hospital to determine the type of injury and the presence of internal bleeding. For hernia hiatus The diaphragm is characterized by pain behind the sternum, and not in the hypochondrium. Often, strangulation is mistaken for an angina attack.

Liver diseases - hepatitis and cirrhosis are accompanied by an aching feeling, heaviness under the ribs. For some types of hepatitis (for example C), pain syndrome is not typical; it occurs in the stage of transition to cirrhosis, for which this hepatitis received the name “ gentle killer" This area will ache with advanced cancer or liver metastases.

Inflammation of the gallbladder - cholecystitis has different appearances in acute and chronic forms. The first is characterized by dull aching pain, which is accompanied by nausea, loss of appetite, and periodic exacerbations due to errors in diet. At acute process or during exacerbation, the pain is acute and radiates to the arm.

Gallstone disease can be asymptomatic; stones are detected by ultrasound. Obstruction of the biliary tract, including a stone, causes paroxysmal, sharp, unbearable sensations in the hypochondrium, this is called hepatic colic.

During exacerbation, so-called hunger pains occur. They appear 2-3 hours after eating or at night, and intensify with poor diet and alcohol consumption. A sign of acute enterocolitis is acute spastic contractions along the intestines, combined with stool upset, bloating, and fever.

Pancreatitis begins with an acute process in the epigastrium or left hypochondrium, but as it develops it covers the right side and back area. The feeling is as if a person is tightening his belt tightly. This is the most characteristic feature acute pancreatitis - girdle pain. The patient feels nauseous, but vomiting does not bring relief. This completes the picture of the disease.

Acute pyelonephritis begins abruptly with an increase in temperature to 40 with chills, with symptoms of intoxication. The severity of sensations in the lower back depends on the stage of the disease and increases with purulent inflammation collecting system. Severe pain from the affected kidney radiates to the hypochondrium, groin, leg, in women to the labia, in men to the testicle.

Pain syndrome is expressed when the ureter is blocked purulent plug. An obstruction in the flow of urine may be caused by a stone. An attack that occurs due to the lumen of the ureter being blocked by pus or a stone is called renal colic. The patient clearly indicates the time when the pain began, the symptoms increase, and sharp spasms occur against the background of constant torment. The patient cannot find a place for himself; even at a doctor’s appointment, his walking around the office attracts attention. By pressing on the abdomen you can identify an enlarged, painful kidney.

Mesogastric region

Rarely does illness occur here strictly locally. Anatomically there are loops here small intestine, sections of the ascending and transverse colon. Pain symptoms in this area may appear with intestinal syndrome (irritable bowel syndrome).

Against the background of minor aching sensations, cramps in the abdomen occur, accompanied by upset stool in the form of diarrhea or constipation. The real reason IBS not established, suspected Negative influence stress and disturbances in diet and diet.

Mesogastric pain may occur due to the development intestinal obstruction. As a rule, their onset is sudden, their character is spastic, cramping, but it can vary depending on the type of obstruction.

Iliac region

The lower abdomen on the right is often the location of pain. Anatomically, in this area there is the final section of the small intestine, the initial section of the large intestine, the appendix (appendix), and renal colic can occur here.

Pulling, aching and stabbing pain in the abdomen on the lower right it occurs when parts of the intestine are damaged by such diseases:

  • diverticulitis;
  • intestinal tumors;
  • mesadenitis or inflammation of the lymph nodes of the intestinal mesentery, often of tuberculous origin.

On the background prolonged diarrhea the inflammatory process begins in the terminal ileum. This is Crohn's disease, the exacerbation of which is acute, reminiscent of an attack of appendicitis. If the intestine is perforated, it can cut the stomach; if left untreated, it can lead to serious complications.

Paroxysmal colic occurs in this area of ​​the abdomen during inflammation urinary tract And urolithiasis. After excessive physical activity, the muscles in the front may pull. abdominal wall, less often this condition occurs on the side; as a rule, it becomes painful on both sides.

The most common cause of pain in the right iliac region is acute appendicitis. The pain begins in the navel area and quickly progresses to specified zone. Its intensity can fluctuate, for example, it intensifies when coughing, but subsides when lying on the right side with bent knees. Once it arises, it will not disappear spontaneously. Surgeons deny the presence chronic appendicitis. If the diagnosis of appendicitis is not confirmed, then the past situation is assessed as intestinal colic.

Groin area

The spermatic cord passes through the inguinal canal in men and the round ligament of the uterus in women. The inguinal canal becomes the site of exit, and sometimes strangulation, of the hernial protrusion. Strangulated hernia requires surgical treatment. Characteristic sharp pain, which occurs after physical activity, and the presence of protrusion.

In women, pain in the lower abdomen on the right is associated with the following diseases:

  • interrupted right-sided tubal pregnancy;
  • rupture of a cyst (for example due to torsion of the pedicle) of the ovary on the right;
  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • right-sided inflammation of the appendages.

In the first three situations, the pain syndrome occurs suddenly, acutely, and may be accompanied by fainting and darkening of the eyes. It happens with them internal bleeding which is accompanied by pallor skin, symptoms of hemorrhagic shock.

Acute adnexitis is accompanied by an increase in temperature, spastic pain, radiating to the sacrum. At chronic course a woman is bothered by a tugging feeling in her groin area right, violations menstrual cycle, discharge from the genital tract. Discomfort increases during sexual intercourse, making it impossible.

When transitioning to a chronic form, the sensations acquire a pulling, aching character. The disease is prone to exacerbation during hypothermia. Complication chronic form Infertility often occurs.

In pregnant women

IN different terms pregnancy has its own reasons why your side may hurt right side. Expectant mothers may have the diseases listed above. For example, in the second trimester, kidney diseases first appear or worsen. At any time she is susceptible to an attack of appendicitis. Cholecystitis and pancreatitis may worsen in a pregnant woman.

This sign when long term pregnancy indicates a serious complication of pregnancy - premature detachment placenta, located on the side wall of the uterus of the same name. More often it occurs against the background of abdominal trauma. A less severe situation is when, as pregnancy progresses, the stomach begins to ache due to sprained ligaments or adhesions.

Do not forget about aching pain, indicating the risk of miscarriage. As the threat of ailment progresses, it becomes intense and acquires a pronounced cramp-like character.

Which doctor should I contact?

Help is needed in every case different specialists. This:

  • traumatologists;
  • pulmonologists;
  • neurologists;
  • gastroenterologists;
  • hepatologists;
  • surgeons;
  • obstetricians-gynecologists;
  • urologists.

If you have difficulty choosing a specialist, consult your doctor general practice, he spent necessary examination will refer to to the right specialist. Help and treatment are varied - from nutritional advice to immediate surgery.

Doctors agree on the usefulness of pain as a symptom with which the body has learned to report trouble in a particular organ.

The main thing is to learn to correctly recognize this sign, not to self-medicate, and not to take painkillers without determining the cause. A specialized doctor should treat diseases and not suppress symptoms.

The task of a patient who feels unwell is not to think about what might hurt in the right side, not to hesitate and wait for it to stop on its own. It is necessary, without aggravating the situation, to contact a specialist. In some cases, delay is actually like death.

Pain is an unpleasant painful sensation in response to a pathological process in the body. The localization of pain can be very different. Pain in the right side - important possible symptom pathological processes in the abdominal cavity. It is here that many digestive organs, large nervous and vascular bundles, urinary and excretory system, female genital organs and lymph nodes.

Possible causes of pain

The most common causes of pain in the right side:

Pain in the right side can be acute, which usually indicates the onset of the disease and its primary stages. Acute pain is concentrated in a specific area and has a short-term course. Usually it is very intense, shooting, stabbing, radiating to other places and organs.

Chronic pain lasts much longer and can be talked about if it continues longer than that time period during which it objectively should have stopped. It is less intense than acute, its character is more dull, aching. The pain may disappear for a while and recur again, and have temporary and daily fluctuations.

Diagnosis and treatment

Any painful sensations in the right side should be a reason for an urgent visit to a surgeon or gynecologist. Delay even for a few hours contacting medical Center not worth it in life important indications. Doctors will carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures, make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

The main diagnostic methods for pain in the right side are: initial examination patient, including taking anamnesis, palpation and monitoring body temperature. Then appointed general analysis blood, which allows you to confirm or exclude an acute inflammatory process. Good diagnostic results are obtained by ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis, biopsy, fibrogastroscopy, MRI and CT.

Treatment can be emergency surgery for pathologies that cannot be delayed, or conservative, with the use of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures.

TO preventive measures commitment can be attributed to balanced diet, avoidance of alcohol consumption, physical activity, health monitoring and regular visits to doctors for preventive examinations.

Useful video

Fragment from the program Live Healthy about pain in the hypochondrium.

Fragment from the program "Malakhov +: What does the pain in the right side mean"

A sharp pain in the right side indicates that there are some problems in the body. Depending on the affected organ, the patient may notice discomfort in the hypochondrium, from the back, or acute pain in the right side of the lower abdomen. But in any case, the nature of the pain and its location provides a lot of information about the disease that caused it.

Sharp pain in the right side may be a sign dangerous disease, which requires the patient to be admitted to the hospital

If pain appears in the right side, the first step is to identify the reasons that provoked its appearance, since this is what further treatment tactics depend on.

Unpleasant sensations can be caused by diseases of organs located not only in this area, but also outside the abdominal cavity, so you should not try to diagnose yourself, much less take any medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Important! For acute pain in the right side, you need to either call ambulance or go to the hospital yourself. The doctor needs to be told not only about the nature of the pain (spastic, pulling, bursting), the time of its appearance, but also what could have triggered the attack. This could be, for example, excessive exercise stress, trauma to this area, alcohol abuse, use unusual products and dishes. All this allows the specialist to make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe additional examination.

Pathologies that can cause pain in the right side

The causes of pain in the right side can be different, but they are usually observed with pathologies of the liver, biliary tract and gallbladder. They occur less frequently in patients suffering from diseases 12- duodenum and organs of the urinary and reproductive system.

Important! Strong cutting pain in the right side can be observed in conditions requiring emergency surgery, namely when acute appendicitis or rupture of the oviduct during ectopic pregnancy.

Pain in the right hypochondrium

The appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium most often indicates pathologies of the liver, duodenum, and organs of the biliary system.

Severe pain can be observed in acute and chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and with its complications, such as:

  • biliary colic;
  • acute inflammation of the pancreas;
  • tumor of the major duodenal papilla;
With any of this pathology, pain in the right hypochondrium may be observed.

In addition, the following symptoms are observed during the development of acute cholecystitis:

  • heat;
  • nausea and vomiting, after which the patient’s well-being does not improve.

With chronic cholecystitis in remission, no symptoms are observed. When does the disease become acute phase pain appears, which is localized in the right hypochondrium, at first they are observed from time to time, then constantly and can intensify with coughing and deep breathing.

Pain in the right side is rarely observed and a person may not even be aware of the development of pathology and more often it is detected by chance on an ultrasound.

But if a stone blocks the exit from the gallbladder, then attacks of cutting and dagger pains appear in the right hypochondrium. They often radiate to lumbar region, under right shoulder blade, V upper limb, in heart. The pain is very strong; when it appears, a person cannot find a place for himself, since it does not subside even for a minute; in addition, nausea and vomiting are observed.

If the stone blocks bile duct, there will be severe pain in the right side

New formation of the large duodenal papilla also appears; it is in this area that the bile ducts exit into the lumen of the duodenum. The tumor itself does not cause pain, but when it appears, angiocholitis develops. It is with inflammation of the biliary tract that pain occurs in the right hypochondrium; in addition, the patient’s temperature rises and signs of jaundice appear.

If a patient has biliary tract dysfunction, the nature of the pain may be different:

  • at hyperkinetic type dysfunction, pain in the liver area is sharp, acute, paroxysmal in nature;
  • with the hypokinetic type it is dull and aching, observed constantly, and in some patients it may be completely absent.

Also, dyskinesia can occur as biliary colic, the pain in this case is severe, appears unexpectedly, and is accompanied by a violation heart rate, a feeling of fear.

Important! With the development of acute pancreatitis usually. As a rule, it appears as a result of the abuse of strong alcoholic drinks, fatty, spicy and fried foods. If the disease is not treated, it can quickly result in the death of the patient.

Right-sided pain in the lower abdomen

Acute appendicitis

Sudden burning pain in the right side is most often observed with. It grows rapidly, and most patients develop other signs of pathology:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • fever;
  • stomach upset.

If these signs appear, you should immediately call an ambulance, as urgent surgery is usually required.

Ectopic pregnancy

Among women reproductive age the occurrence of sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the right may indicate an interruption ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo develops not in the uterus, but in the right oviduct. When a pipe ruptures, the nature of the pain is similar to pain syndrome in acute appendicitis.

When an abnormal pregnancy is terminated by a type of tubal abortion, in which the embryo is thrown into the abdominal cavity, the pain is in most cases cramping.

Important! Unlike other pathologies, pain during termination of an ectopic pregnancy radiates to the perineum and anus. Such an anomaly can cause the death of the patient and requires urgent surgical intervention.

Torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian tumor

The cause of the appearance of right-sided pain in the iliac region in women of various age groups there may be torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst.

In this case, the pain appears unexpectedly and can be so severe that the patient may faint. They intensify even with any minor movements. In addition, the following symptoms may appear:

  • diarrhea;
  • urinary disturbance;
  • discharge of blood from the vagina;
  • low temperature.

With this pathology, urgent hospitalization and surgery are indicated.

Torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst located on the right can provoke sharp pain in the right side

Ovarian rupture

Also, another cause of pain in the lower abdomen may be apoplexy or ovarian rupture. According to statistics, this pathology usually develops on the right side and resembles clinical picture interruption of tubal pregnancy.

When an ovary ruptures, bleeding occurs. It can be very strong and cause anemia. The method of therapy is determined precisely by the intensity of bleeding. If it is insignificant, then you can only get by with taking medications, but when it is abundant, surgery may be prescribed.

Renal colic

If a patient has urolithiasis, he may develop renal colic. A stone that has entered the lumen of the right ureter provokes the appearance of sharp pain on the right, extending down the abdomen. In most cases, their character is the same as in acute appendicitis. This is why even an experienced doctor may have difficulties in differential diagnosis both pathologies. But there are a number of symptoms that allow a preliminary diagnosis to be made.

If the patient has renal colic, the pain radiates to the groin and lower back. The patient becomes restless, he cannot find a position in which the pain would not be so severe. Also, most patients experience impaired urination and the development of hematuria.

If a person suspects that he has renal colic, he should immediately seek medical attention. medical care, since if the diagnosis is confirmed, urgent hospitalization is required.

Based on the examination results, the doctor selects a treatment regimen; it is usually possible to do without surgical intervention.


The causative agent of shingles is the herpes virus. Symptoms of the pathology resemble acute pancreatitis. At the beginning of the infection, sharp constant pain on right. Nausea and even vomiting may occur, which is characteristic of inflammation of the pancreas. The appearance of these signs can mislead even competent specialists and, as a result, the patient is first treated as if acute pancreatitis. But after a few days a specific rash appears on the stomach, and correct diagnosis is not difficult.

Many people at a doctor's appointment complain that their right side hurts below the ribs. What does it mean similar condition? What can cause painful sensations? When does a patient need emergency care? These questions interest many.

The right side of the abdominal cavity contains many organs, including the liver, pancreas, and intestines. And if the right side hurts below the ribs, then this may indicate a malfunction of almost any part of the digestive and genitourinary systems.

Soreness in the right side of the abdomen and liver disease

The liver is an organ located in the upper right side. Its importance is difficult to overestimate, because the liver is responsible for removing toxins and their neutralization, and also provides extremely important metabolic processes. And if the right side hurts below the ribs, then this may indicate a dangerous disease.

Most often, pain is associated with hepatitis - viral disease, affecting hepatocytes. Cirrhosis and fatty degeneration are also accompanied by pain. In addition, with liver damage, there are some other symptoms that you need to pay attention to - nausea, vomiting, digestive disorders, fatigue, drowsiness, decreased performance. As the disease progresses, a characteristic yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes appears. In such cases, the help of a doctor is simply necessary.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen due to problems with the gallbladder

The gallbladder is a hollow organ that stores bile. It is here that it becomes more concentrated, after which it enters the intestines through special ducts.

Stitching pain in the right side often occurs in people during physical activity, for example, fast running. Similar discomfort can be explained by the rapid release of bile into the intestinal lumen. This phenomenon is not considered serious illness, but may indicate stagnation of bile. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor just in case.

In addition, inflammation of the gallbladder is also accompanied by discomfort. Sharp pain occurs when stones form, move, and blockage of the bile ducts. Usually, similar phenomena accompanied by nausea, vomiting, digestive problems, and increased discomfort after eating fatty foods.

Pain and pancreas

C is also where part of the pancreas is located. This organ not only participates in digestion processes, but is also part endocrine system. Sharp pain in the right side, radiating to the back, may indicate pancreatitis, a disease that is accompanied by nausea, frequent vomiting, which does not bring relief, and also increased sweating and temperature rise.

Appendicitis is a common cause on the right side

Appendicitis - acute or chronic inflammation vermiform appendix of the intestine. With such a disease, pain usually occurs suddenly, it is sharp and severe. Inflammation of the appendix is ​​also accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and lack of appetite.

After some time, the main symptoms may disappear, but this is not at all evidence of recovery. A short-term improvement in the condition is observed with perforation (rupture) of the appendix and the release of its contents into the abdominal cavity. With absence timely assistance complications may occur, in particular peritonitis.

Intestinal diseases as a cause of pain in the right side

Undoubtedly, right part The abdomen is filled with loops of the small and large intestines. And any defeat intestinal tract, naturally, will be accompanied by pain. A similar symptom occurs with inflammation of the mucous membrane, perforation, Crohn's disease and many other disorders.

What diseases of the genitourinary system are indicated by pain in the right side of the abdomen?

Pain in the right side of the lower abdomen often accompanies certain diseases genitourinary system. For example, with urolithiasis (especially if it is affected right kidney and ureters), acute pain is often observed on the right side. Acute attacks Pain also appears with the so-called wandering kidney syndrome.

On the other hand, pain caused by dysfunction of the pelvic organs may radiate to the right side of the abdomen. For example, in women this may be a symptom of apoplexy of the right ovary, rupture of the right fallopian tube. This is often observed during ectopic pregnancy (when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the fallopian tube), intensive growth cysts or tumors.

Is pain on the right side during pregnancy dangerous?

Many women at an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist complain that their right side hurts below the ribs. In recent months, such phenomena can be absolutely normal. A rapidly growing baby increases in size, which leads to compression internal organs. As a rule, the pain disappears if you change your position, for example, lying down, rolling over, or walking.

But if the pain is sharp, severe and does not go away, then this is a cause for concern. During pregnancy, pain in the right side may indicate all of the above diseases - hepatitis, pancreatitis, kidney problems and gallbladder. By the way, while carrying a child, a woman’s body is much more susceptible to infections, because the immune system weakens. Therefore, intense or frequent pain is a reason to consult a doctor.

My right side hurts - what should I do?

Many people are interested in the question: “What to do if there is pain on the right side?” As you can see, this symptom can signal significant and dangerous violations in the functioning of the body. Therefore, the only reasonable option is to consult a doctor. You should not take painkillers or self-medicate until you have been examined by a doctor and made a final diagnosis. This can only make the situation worse.

Some conditions require emergency care. A paramedic team should be called if:

  • sharp, acute pain appeared suddenly and does not go away within half an hour;
  • the pain is so severe that it interferes with movement;
  • appeared severe nausea and vomiting;
  • pain causes fainting or short-term loss of consciousness;
  • the patient experiences clouding of consciousness and hallucinations;
  • if the pain radiates to the lumbar region, and there are blood impurities in the urine;
  • abundant bleeding from the vagina.

Pain in the right side - dangerous symptom, which under no circumstances should be ignored!

When there is pain in the right side, we first of all think about appendicitis. Indeed, this is a common reason, but not the only one.

Reason 1. Appendicitis

Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix of the cecum) is one of the most common causes of pain in the right side of the abdomen: up to 10% of people experience it. Most often this happens between the ages of 10 and 30 years. As a rule, it all starts with dull ache in the epigastric region (where the stomach is located), which worsens over several hours and descends below the navel and to the right. The temperature rises, nausea begins, diarrhea and vomiting are possible.

WHAT TO DO. Lying in bed, try to lift right leg or turn on your left side: if it is appendicitis, the pain should intensify. Don't hesitate and call an ambulance. The inflamed appendage must be removed as soon as possible so as not to lead to peritonitis - purulent inflammation peritoneum. If the blood test shows increased level leukocytes, you will be sent straight to the operating room.

Reason 2. Cholecystitis

If pain occurs after you eat something fatty or fried, cholecystitis is likely - inflammation of the gallbladder. In an acute process, it occurs strong pain in the right upper half of the abdomen; it radiates to the back and right shoulder blade, accompanied by nausea and repeated vomiting of bile. When lightly tapping the ribs, the pain radiates to the right hypochondrium.

WHAT TO DO. Call an ambulance: acute cholecystitis, like appendicitis, is an emergency surgical pathology. In the emergency department, the doctor will do an ultrasound, and if the bladder is full of stones and inflamed, you will have to go to the operating room. If there was an exacerbation chronic cholecystitis, you will have to stick to a strict diet and take medication for some time, and when the symptoms subside, in the so-called “cold period”, remove the bubble laparoscopically.

Reason 3. Renal colic(urolithiasis disease)

It occurs when a stone either blocks the outlet of the kidney into the ureter or gets stuck directly in the latter. This causes severe spasmodic pain in the right half of the body, forcing the patient to look for a position in which it hurts least.

WHAT TO DO. Call an ambulance. While waiting for her, you can take a warm bath and drink a couple of antispasmodic tablets. In the emergency department, they will give you an X-ray and ultrasound and choose the optimal treatment tactics: this could be installing a stent in the ureter, a session of shock wave therapy (“crushing stones”), or an attempt at conservative treatment.

Reason 4. Pyelonephritis

Kidney inflammation, or pyelonephritis, is one of the common reasons pain in the right half of the body. Often develops as a complication of urolithiasis. The pain may radiate to the lower back, groin or leg. Almost always accompanied by fever, chills, nausea and even vomiting.

WHAT TO DO. Make an appointment with your GP or urologist as soon as possible: infection urinary tract can quickly spread throughout the body and cause severe intoxication. You need to take a general urine test, do an x-ray and an ultrasound. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and uroseptics that will help get rid of the infection. In some cases, a urine culture is taken to find out which pathogen is causing the problem.

Reason 5. Gynecological.

Women especially have many causes of pain in the right side. This can be either a harmless ailment during ovulation or a sign of various inflammatory diseases genitals. For chronic inflammatory processes pain in the appendages in the lower half of the abdomen. More often the pain is dull, aching, and can go away and reappear, especially if you have a cold. An ovarian cyst can manifest itself in a similar way.

Another option is acute pain in the right lower abdomen that occurs unexpectedly during sexual intercourse, or even when you are lying down and doing nothing. The attack is accompanied by rapid breathing and heartbeat, nausea, and pallor. Causes may include cyst rupture, follicular apoplexy, or ectopic pregnancy.

WHAT TO DO. For chronic aching pain make an appointment with a gynecologist as planned: he will prescribe a full course of treatment that will prevent the formation of adhesions and relieve possible problems with fertility. If there is sudden paroxysmal pain, consult a doctor immediately: he will do an ultrasound and decide whether surgery is needed.

Reason 6. Hepatitis

The pain is concentrated in the upper right half of the abdomen under the ribs, accompanied by itching and small spider veins on the skin? This could be hepatitis (inflammation of liver cells). If the skin, tongue and whites of the eyes have acquired a yellow tint, there is no doubt. There are many types of hepatitis: acute and chronic, viral, medicinal, alcoholic, fatty...

WHAT TO DO. Contact a hepatologist or infectious disease specialist immediately. First of all, the doctor will prescribe a full examination that will help determine the cause of hepatitis. The test results will determine what treatment you receive.

Reason 7. Intercostal neuralgia

Compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves most often occurs in middle-aged and elderly people. Typically, discomfort occurs after you turn around suddenly, sleep in an awkward position, sit in a draft, or work out too hard at the gym. The pain is burning, which is why doctors may initially suspect a heart attack or angina. Fortunately, intercostal neuralgia is much less dangerous.

WHAT TO DO. Contact a neurologist. Now there are a huge number of medications that will help quickly relieve pain and inflammation. Sometimes a doctor can perform a therapeutic blockade and inject directly into the damaged nerve: you will feel the effect instantly.

Reason 8. Constipation, colitis

Poor nutrition, lack of fiber and fluid, physical inactivity can cause stagnation feces, and he, in turn, has pain in the abdomen, including on the right. But if, after normalizing nutrition and stool, the pain does not go away, intensifies, or other symptoms are added to it, it may be colitis.

WHAT TO DO. consult a gastroenterologist. He will ask you to take blood and stool tests, prescribe a diet and frequent small meals. Treatment includes laxatives, intestinal microflora agents and other drugs.