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Crackling sound in the ear like soda. Crunching in the ear when swallowing: symptoms, possible causes, consultation with a doctor, diagnosis and treatment

Many people are familiar with clicking and crackling sounds in the ears. Some people immediately begin to worry and panic, while others simply do not pay attention to it. There is no need to worry if this phenomenon occurs rarely and is painless. If your ear clicks regularly, you should urgently consult an otolaryngologist.

  • Normally, the cause of crackling in the ears is the contraction of the muscles of the auditory ossicles. Muscle spasm leads to the expulsion of air, which is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic clicks.
  • In more in rare cases A cracking sound occurs in the ears when swallowing, caused by spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the pharynx.
  • Structural features mandibular joint can cause cracking and clicking in the ears. Inside the joint there is a movable articular disc. The specificity of its structure causes extraneous noise in the ears.

This physiological reasons cod in the ears that do not require treatment and do not cause special problems. If sharp muscle contractions are repeated and do not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

Pathological causes

Except physiological characteristics The body may experience clicking in the ears due to various diseases.

The following factors can provoke noise and crackling in the ears: stress, allergic reactions on food products, physical stress, fluctuations blood pressure, pathological reaction to taking certain medications - Gentamicin, Aspirin, anemia, damage auditory nerve, diabetes.


If clicks in the ear occur periodically while eating, talking, walking, yawning or chewing, there is no need to worry. But if the ear clicks and hurts, this is a symptom of a disease or some disorder in the body.

Any sound begins to be perceived as noise of various frequencies. Noise, discomfort, pain inside the ear are reasons to consult a doctor. Patients may hear clicking in their ears at any time of the day, constantly or periodically. They are often accompanied by dizziness, nausea, incoordination of movements, and impaired concentration. In the absence of timely and adequate therapy Possible deterioration or loss of hearing.

Pathological noises in the ear can be different - clicking, high-pitched squeaking, low-pitched buzzing. You can overcome subjective noise by pulling your earlobe down. If pain appears or worsens, you should visit a qualified specialist.

Clicks of vascular origin are a consequence of convulsive contraction of the ear muscles and are manifested by pulsation behind the ear. Anticonvulsants relieve these symptoms.


To get rid of clicking and crackling sounds in the ears, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease that was the immediate cause. discomfort. Specialists listen to the patient’s complaints and carry out comprehensive examination in order to identify etiopathogenetic factors. Be sure to carry out computed tomography nasopharynx, during which the degree of curvature of the nasal septum is determined.

Traditional medicine offers its own methods for correcting clicking and crackling sounds in the ears. To do this, use an alcohol tincture of garlic, propolis, lemongrass, Birch tar. Self-massage ears, warming up table salt give a good one therapeutic effect. To relieve stress or nervous tension, take medicinal baths with aromatic oils, visit saunas, do yoga, relax in nature, travel, hiking on fresh air.

Diseases that manifest as crackling and clicking sounds in the ears respond well to treatment and do not lead to the development of complications. You just need to consult a doctor in a timely manner and carefully follow all his instructions.

Many people know the expression “crackling over the ear,” which means an annoying interlocutor who loudly expresses his thoughts. However, there is also another crackling sound - in the ear itself, which sometimes does not disappear even in complete silence. Although this acoustic sensation is noted at times even by healthy people, at pathological process it acquires a persistent obsessive character. Concentrating the patient's attention on an unpleasant sound leads to psychological discomfort. In addition, if cracking is a symptom of a disease, treatment is necessary, and comprehensive, aimed at eliminating primary cause. Therefore, you should understand why there is a cracking sound in the ear and what to do if a cracking sound occurs.

Crackling as normal

Crackling in the ear cannot be considered a symptom typical of only one specific pathology. It sometimes appears even in the absence of diseases - for example, if the patient was suddenly pointed out the likelihood of having such a symptom, and he suddenly noticed that the ear was creaking. You can detect a crackling sound in the ear that is not associated with unfavorable changes during:

  • swallowing saliva;
  • yawning;
  • removing earphones.

It is important to pay attention to general health. If the crackling sound in the ears is not loud, appears periodically and practically does not bother the patient, it can be considered as a normal variant. However, if other symptoms occur - for example, congestion in the ear, decreased hearing acuity - you need to think about what causes the creaking in the ear.

Sometimes you can come across the assumption that the causes of crackling in the ear are due to the accumulation of wax and the formation of a cerumen plug. This is true - a large number of sulfur masses when water gets into the ear (during bathing, swimming) can provoke a “background sound”. In this case, the noise has a different tonality. Although it is unacceptable to call sulfur plug normal occurrence, it also cannot be isolated as an independent disease. The presence of sulfur accumulation is easy to confirm during a face-to-face examination in the otolaryngologist's office.

Some people experience noise when loud sound. Cracking in the ear is often caused by wearing headphones or constantly listening to loud music. Although the noise subsequently disappears, the adverse effects of headphones on hearing function cannot be denied.

“Sound background” may be a harbinger of changes in hearing acuity.

Possible causes of crackling in the ears associated with pathological changes, enough. They can be presented in the list:

  1. Chronic adenoiditis.
  2. Chronic rhinitis, sinusitis.
  3. Chronic nasopharyngitis.
  4. Deformation of the nasal septum.
  5. Allergic rhinosinusopathy.
  6. Hypertrophy of the tubal tonsil.
  7. Hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates.
  8. Polyps and tumors of the nasopharynx.

If the ear is cracking without stopping, this causes reasonable concern for the patient. Largest quantity complaints of tinnitus appear in patients with nasal congestion that appears during infectious or allergic diseases. Patients note an improvement during the period of easier nasal breathing and the return of creaking after repeated swelling of the mucous membrane. Sometimes the problem persists for several weeks even after clinical recovery and the disappearance of signs of the underlying disease. Only a doctor can decide whether the “sound background” is considered a sign of complications or a residual symptom.

The pathogenetic basis for the appearance of tinnitus is dysfunction auditory tube.

Of great importance in the formation of prerequisites for dysfunction of the auditory tube is frequent repetition episodes of acute respiratory infections viral or bacterial nature, allergic rhinitis. Because for recovery drainage function In this case, there is not enough time for the auditory tube; acute dysfunction becomes chronic. The causes of the crackling sound in the right ear or on the left side persist, the patient constantly notes an unpleasant noise.

To help the patient, it is necessary to clearly understand what disease provokes the appearance of an unpleasant sound. It is also necessary to differentiate noise, which is a variant of the norm. Among general recommendations can be called:

  • diet (avoiding spicy, fatty, fried foods, coffee, alcohol);
  • maintaining a daily routine (sufficient sleep and rest);
  • refusal to use headphones or listen to loud music;
  • preventing contact with household and industrial noise.

The causes and treatment of ringing in the ears are interrelated. In some cases, even the above measures are enough for the patient to feel improvement. Eliminating excess noise has a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the hearing organ, but also on general condition patient. If no objective disorders that may be the basis for the appearance of creaking are detected, it is necessary to consider the possibility of psycho-emotional overstrain. In this case, it is recommended not to focus on the noise and consult a psychotherapist.

If your ear creaks due to the presence of wax plug, it must be removed. This is a simple procedure, which, however, should be performed in a doctor's office. Self-removal It happens effective, which makes the method popular among patients. In this case, agents are used that soften sulfur masses - for example, a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. However, in some cases difficulties arise (even to the point of breaking eardrum when a sharp object is inserted into the external auditory canal), therefore it is better to immediately contact a specialist who can remove the wax plug through aspiration or irrigation (washing out).

Correction of dysfunction of the auditory tube is carried out using topical decongestants (Oxymetazoline), with allergic rhinitisantihistamines(Tsetrin, Tavegil). At chronic pathologies Treatment of the underlying disease is mandatory (both conservative and surgical).

The patient should clean his nose carefully, using each nostril in turn.

This rule is relevant both during treatment and for the prevention of dysfunction of the auditory tube. It is especially important to remember this for patients whose nose is completely blocked, the swelling is so pronounced that they are forced to breathe through their mouth. Under no circumstances should you suck mucus from your nose - it is better to use a handkerchief, clearing first the left, then the right nostril.

Unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations in the ears can significantly worsen your overall well-being. This phenomenon can occur in any person and usually goes away on its own. However, in certain cases, such a problem requires a more attentive attitude and even doctoral correction. So if you constantly experience crackling in your ears, this is serious reason to contact a specialist. Let's talk about what can cause such a symptom to develop. We’ll also try to list a few effective methods its correction.

Why does a crackling sound appear in the ear? Causes of the condition

There are many factors that can provoke noise, as well as crackling in the ears. This phenomenon can be subjective or objective. In the first case, it is heard not only by the patient, but also by a specialist using a phonendoscope. However, objective noise is quite rare symptom. Most often it develops from muscle contractions in the pharynx or in the Eustachian tube.

Cracking can also be triggered by specific activity of the temporomandibular joint. So if you place a couple of fingers in front of the tragus of the ear and make several movements, you will feel the head moving on lower jaw. It is this place that is the moving part of the temporomandibular joint, and the fixed zone is the articular dimple on temporal bone.

This area is considered the most complex joint in our body, since inside it there is a movable articular disc, and this feature is not typical for any other joint, as well as for other mammals. Many experts argue that crackling is specific feature this particular disc. It does not require any special treatment and does not cause serious discomfort.

Also, a cracking sound in the ear can be caused by a chronic reducible dislocation of the lower jaw. This phenomenon occurs in a significant number of people, but they are not aware of this problem. However, at one point the dislocated jaw refuses to move back. A person can only sit with open mouth and moo.

In certain cases, patients manage to set it back on their own by grabbing their chin and swinging it from side to side. This problem develops due to stretching in ligamentous apparatus, as well as in the joint capsule, in which this occurs inflammatory process chronic type. This pathology is accompanied by resorption of the head on the lower jaw, which significantly disrupts the closure of the teeth.

In addition to the reasons already listed, noise effects in the ears and crackling can be caused by nervous overstrain, food and the presence of wax plugs inside the ears. Also, such an unpleasant phenomenon can develop as a result of a pathological reaction to taking medicines, due to infections of the middle ear or trauma. In some cases, the cause of such complaints is anemia, disruption of the integrity of the ear nerve, as well as Meniere's disease or diabetes.

What to do when there is a crackling sound in the ear?

For successful therapy cod in the ears should consult a doctor to determine the cause of its occurrence. First, you should visit a therapist and describe to him the exact clinical picture. After this, the doctor may refer you to an otolaryngologist or a traumatologist, depending on his suspicions.

So, if the cause of the cracking sound is problems with the joints of the jaw mechanism, doctors first recommend taking a number of tablet medications designed to optimize the activity of the problem area. Can be used to correct chronic dislocation different techniques impact, depending on the level of the clinic.

So, some institutions offer to inject a Botox solution into the muscle, which helps solve the problem. Also a good option would be a small surgery, helping to improve the functioning of the joint.

If the cause of discomfort is wax plug, almond oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, can be an excellent option for removing it. You just have to bury it in sore ear two or three drops immediately before bedtime, warming the product to body temperature. In the morning, you should plug your ear with a cotton pad, this will help prevent hypothermia. The duration of such treatment should be at least two weeks.

To correct otitis media, you can use a ten percent propolis tincture. To prepare it, you need to infuse ten grams of propolis crushed into shavings in one hundred milliliters of seventy percent alcohol. This product should be infused in a fairly shaded place for a couple of weeks. The strained composition should be used to put in the ear at night, soaking a cotton pad with it.

To correct cracking in the ears, you can use birch tar. A teaspoon of this substance should be dissolved in one glass. homemade milk. Take this mixture in small sips throughout the day. It is best to do this on an empty stomach. The duration of such therapy is approximately one and a half months.

Taking lemongrass tincture also has a good effect. Consume it in the amount of twenty to thirty drops three times a day for one month. Please note what is

Surely each of us at least once experienced some discomfort, feeling an inexplicable cracking sound in the ear. This disturbing phenomenon can, to a certain extent, even affect overall well-being. As a rule, it passes quite quickly, and without any active interventions. However, sometimes, especially if the situation continues again and again, you cannot do without contacting a specialist. Therefore, it is worth considering crackling in the ear, the causes and methods of eliminating it.

In general, there are a lot of factors that can provoke the appearance of sounds in the ears. In this case, the noise can be very different; inside the ear there can be a crunching, creaking, and sometimes a cracking sound can be heard. Some noises can only be heard by the person themselves, while others can be heard even by a doctor using a phonendoscope. However, cases when there is a loud cracking sound in the ear and the sound is audible to a doctor are rare.

A cracking or crunching sound in the jaw is usually felt as a sound in the ear. This sound may be a result of normal jaw joint activity. If you place your finger near your ear without touching the ear, then by opening your mouth you can feel how the head of the joint moves inside the articular dimple. This joint is one of the most complex joints of the body; according to many experts, some noise during its operation is its specific harmless feature that does not require special treatment.

Why a crunch in the ear can sometimes be explained is by chronic dislocation of the jaw, which occurs in many patients. Most people are not even aware of this problem, but it can appear suddenly. It is the crackling that can help to identify the pathology in time, and then take appropriate measures. The development of this problem occurs due to:

  • stretching of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • development chronic inflammation inside the articular capsule, accompanied by resorption of the articular head.

As a rule, cracking together with malocclusion clearly indicates the development of pathology. In addition to the above, crackling inside the ears can be caused by many other reasons. Banal overvoltage, food allergy and even ordinary sulfur plugs sometimes cause noise manifestations. In some people, this unpleasant phenomenon appears as a pathological reaction to treatment with certain drugs.

Almost always various injuries middle ear or its infectious lesions provoke the appearance of minor noise effects. Occasionally, complaints of a cracking sound in the ears when swallowing appear in patients suffering from anemia, Meniere's disease, diabetes, or pathologies of the ear nerve.

Which doctor will help?

It is quite natural that most people, having begun to feel a cracking sound in the ear, the causes of which cannot be explained, try to find help in medical institutions. A visit to doctors should start with an ENT specialist who will check for the presence of inflammatory pathology in the nasopharynx, inner or outer ear.

If the otolaryngologist does not detect problems in his profile, he refers the patient to a phoniator examination. This specialist deals with pathologies of the auditory organs. First, it is checked whether the hearing has changed, after which a series of special tests are carried out. If no violations are detected here, a referral to a neurologist and an ophthalmologist (to determine intraocular pressure) should be made.

In addition, an examination by a dentist or maxillofacial traumatologist may be required. It is especially important to visit these specialists if it is difficult for the patient to open his mouth completely, or if the noise causes a swallowing reflex.

It is recommended to understand the causes of noise manifestations inside the ears, especially if the latter appear regularly, without delay. In some cases, such sounds indicate the development of problems that may cause temporary or complete deafness in the future. Indeed, even in a situation where the root cause of the crackling noise has nothing to do with the auditory organs, constant noises lead to addiction of the auditory nerve with its gradual atrophy.

How to eliminate sounds in the ears

The first thing to do is to find out the cause of the sounds. After this, you can often eliminate them yourself. The easiest way to get rid of cracking caused by sulfur plugs. By the way, such plugs often form on one side, so if there is crackling, for example, only in the right ear, the procedures must be carried out exclusively with it. By softening this plug with slightly warmed almond oil, which is dropped (three drops) into the ear before bed, after a couple of days you can notice its independent release.

In this case, after instillation, it is recommended to close the ear canal with a cotton pad to prevent oil leakage. If the pharmacy does not have almond oil, it can be replaced with any vegetable oil, although the effect will be somewhat worse.

Chronic otitis media, which quite often causes audio effects, can be treated at home without much difficulty. To do this, buy propolis at the pharmacy. alcohol tincture, which is diluted with water before use. The turunda soaked in such a solution is placed inside the ear canal while sleeping. You can soak the turunda before laying it in camphor or boric alcohol, while the warming effect is completely preserved. The advantage of propolis is its antiseptic property. It should be taken into account that exacerbations chronic otitis are directly related to the weather; rapid cooling or snowfall are harbingers of exacerbations.

Get rid of cracking caused by inflammatory pathologies You can try using compresses (wet or dry). For dry heating, sand or salt is used in a special cloth bag; some people apply hot water to the trestle boiled egg. Wet compresses are soaked in vodka or other alcohol-containing liquids. When applying such a compress, it is recommended to monitor the condition of the skin, avoiding burns.

Internal pathologies

You can try to get rid of periodic cracking by taking calamus tincture. Preparing the tincture is extremely simple: five grams of grated root is poured into two glasses of boiling water, after which it is infused for about half an hour in a water bath. It is recommended to take the tincture before each meal for about two months.

Traditional healers offer another tip to help get rid of periodic cracking. Take a teaspoon of pharmaceutical birch tar, which is mixed with a glass of milk. Ready mix Drinks throughout the day in approximately equal doses. Usually the crackling inside the ears goes away after a month's course.

For some people, noise inside the ears occurs due to decreased pressure. Such patients will benefit from taking lemongrass tincture. It also helps treat hearing loss. This tincture is taken twenty drops three times a day. Recommended to take after meals.

If a person feels a crackling sensation when opening his mouth, most likely the cause is intra-articular disorders. This situation cannot be overcome with home remedies; serious drug therapy, restoring normal joint mobility. In any case, it is worth first finding out the reason for the appearance of sounds, and starting treatment after consulting a doctor.

A creaking sound in the ear is not always a cause for significant concern. If its manifestation was a one-time occurrence, there is nothing to worry about; the reason for undergoing a full examination is its constant manifestation. In some cases, such a signal indicates the presence serious problems in the human body. The manifestation of crackling also negatively affects a person’s mental well-being. The patient becomes more irritable. Before getting acquainted with methods for eliminating such a disorder, it is worth considering the reasons that can provoke it.

The list of factors that can cause creaking in the ear without pain can be presented as follows:

  • acute or chronic course diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • physical fatigue;
  • stressful situations and lack of sleep;
  • horse racing blood pressure;
  • inflammatory process involving hair follicles ear area;
  • presence of wax plug in the ear canal;
  • changes in intracranial pressure indicators;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the maxillofacial apparatus. For example, when chewing or swallowing;
  • osteochondrosis cervical spine spine;
  • taking some medicines.

Often the cause of creaking in the ear is a violation normal functioning inner ear. In this case, a decrease in hearing acuity occurs. If such a symptom occurs, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist; after examination, the doctor will be able to determine the mechanism that allows you to get rid of this phenomenon.

What pathologies can we talk about?

From the list of diseases that can provoke the manifestation of constant creaking in the ear, we can highlight:

  • inflammation of the maxillary and paranasal sinuses nose;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • violations of the anatomical integrity and deformation of the nasal septum;
  • chronic and allergic rhinitis;
  • polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • tumors and cysts localized in the nasopharynx.

Creaking in the ear often occurs in patients experiencing nasal congestion. Often the symptom appears with a common cold. In this case, patients note a sharp disappearance of the crackling sound after the congestion is eliminated.

Attention! The problem of creaking in the ears may persist for several weeks after the doctor determines the fact of clinical recovery. In this case, the change is residual phenomenon.

The main cause of creaking in the ear is associated with dysfunction of the auditory tube. A common cause of dysfunction of the auditory tube is often the patient's tendency to rhinitis of an allergic, bacterial or viral nature. In this case, the body loses the ability to naturally drain the auditory tube. The process often becomes chronic.

Which doctor should I contact?

When determining complaints about the occurrence of creaking in the ears, not accompanied by painful sensations, you should contact an otolaryngologist. If the specialist does not detect any abnormalities in the functioning of the ear parts, he will give the patient a referral to a phoniator. Subspecialist through a series of tests, it will determine whether the patient’s hearing has deteriorated.

In a number of special cases, when specialized specialists studying diseases of the hearing organs are unable to determine the cause of the creaking, an examination is indicated.

The patient can receive a referral to specialists:

  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • traumatologist of maxillofacial surgery;
  • dentist.

It is worth remembering that the manifestation of constant crackling in the ears is dangerous due to atrophy of the auditory nerve. Such a change leads to the development of hearing loss.


In order to determine the correct therapeutic regimen, it is necessary.

  • following a simple diet that involves avoiding eating fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods. Refusal to drink coffee and alcoholic beverages, because they can provoke fluctuations in blood and intracranial pressure;
  • refusal to listen to music in vacuum headphones at full volume;
  • the patient is shown good rest implying a dream in dark time days;
  • limiting exposure to noise in industrial environments.

Attention! Treatment directly depends on the causes of the unpleasant, annoying crackling sound in the ears. To eliminate it, it is enough to eliminate irritating factor, for example, the manifestation of noise in persons whose work activity related to the need constant wearing headphones, is treated by changing the operating mode and observing occupational hygiene rules.

If physical irritants are excluded, but the problem does not disappear, it is worth considering the psycho-emotional background. The appearance of a cracking sound can be associated with fatigue or serious stress. To solve the problem, you will need to consult a psychotherapist.

If the manifestation of creaking is associated with the formation of cerumen plug in the auditory cavity, rinsing is performed. It is not recommended to perform the manipulation at home; there is a risk of perforating the eardrum. In the case where the cause of the creaking in the ear is chronic rhinitis, they treat it, with the obligatory elimination of the causes that provoke it.

Traditional healers also offer simple methods to get rid of creaking in the ear, but they can only be used after consultation with a specialist. Medicines contain herbs and other plant components that act as allergens, so their use is possible only after eliminating the likelihood of an allergic reaction.


You can prevent creaking in your ears. To do this, you must comply simple rules, providing prevention of manifestations colds. The patient must pay Special attention compliance with recommendations for healthy eating, on will benefit taking medications that enhance immunity.

Treatment of diseases of the ENT organs should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, because crackling in the ear is often a residual phenomenon against the background of untreated colds.


In most cases, a creaking sound in the ear is not a significant cause for concern; often such a symptom is temporary and disappears on its own after a few days. It is necessary to contact a specialist to determine the causes if such a violation is present continuously for a long time. In each specific case, after studying the medical history and in-person examination of the patient, the doctor will be able to determine the optimal method of exposure to ensure recovery normal operation ear.