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Cough figs: recipes for children. Figs with milk for cough: home doctor for children and adults

Figs have many names. Fig, fig, wineberry - these are far from full list. But no matter what the fruit of the fig tree is called, one thing remains unchanged - it is natural natural product extremely beneficial for human health.

The beneficial properties of figs have been known for a very long time. Since ancient times, various medicines have been prepared from it to treat coughs, colds, bronchitis and laryngitis.

The fruit of the fig tree contains vitamins: C, B1, B2, B6. It also includes fatty acid omega 3 and 6 and a large group of microelements: calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and others.

Figs have a powerful immunomodulatory effect. That is, in other words, the fruit of the fig tree helps increase our body's resistance to disease and strengthens the immune system.

In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects, which is very useful in treating coughs and colds in children and adults.

When coughing

There are many variations of recipes for this folk remedy. Figs with cough milk are not only useful, but also delicious medicine, which your children will definitely like.

Recipe 1. To prepare this medicinal decoction you will need fig tree fruits and milk. You can take any fig: fresh or dried. You can use cow's or goat's milk. Ideally, it should be freshly milked. Unfortunately, city residents can only dream about this. So milk from a carton will also work. Fat content can also be any. Just remember, the fattier the milk, the more effectively it soothes a throat irritated by a cough.

To prepare figs with cough milk, you need 250 ml of milk per fig tree fruit.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and place the figs in it. Place it on the burner and cover with a lid. The fire should be small. After healing agent boils, keep it on the fire for another 30-40 minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove and cover with a blanket for 1.5-2 hours.

To prevent the broth from spoiling, it should be stored in the refrigerator. But before use folk remedy Must be reheated and consumed warm.

For treatment, both the fruit and the liquid obtained during the cooking process are used. Take the product 3 times a day half an hour before meals. You should drink 0.5-1 glass of liquid or eat a fruit. The medicine can also be taken additionally before bedtime.

Figs with milk for coughs is a wonderful remedy that has excellent reviews from people who have used it at least once.

Recipe 2. To prepare the medicine you will need fig tree fruits and honey. Recommended proportions are 1:1. For example, take 1 fruit and chop it very finely. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the chopped figs. Mix thoroughly. Take the product twice a day, half an hour before meals, 1 teaspoon.

This medicine helps remarkably with long lasting chronic cough. In addition, it is good to take it for a smoker's cough.

For a cold

To treat colds, you can use any of the recipes described above.

Recipe 3. To prepare the medicine you will need the fruits of the fig tree, pure water and lemon. Take 4 figs and add 200 ml of water. Place all this in a saucepan and simmer under the lid over low heat for 25-35 minutes. Then add half a glass of sugar and 100 ml of water. Keep on the stove for another 5-10 minutes. Then remove the pan from the burner and add the juice of half a lemon to the medicine.

Take the product half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day, 2 tablespoons.

Figs during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, it is not only possible, but even necessary to eat figs. And you shouldn’t wait until you get sick. Fig tree fruits are tasty and healthy food, which will strengthen the body of a woman in this position and allow her to avoid illnesses altogether.

Fruits and berries are often used to combat various diseases. For example, they use figs with milk for cough; the recipe for preparing the product is simple and can vary depending on the ingredients used and the needs of the patient.

Benefits of figs for cough

Figs help fight coughs due to their high content of vitamin C and other vitamins. These connections improve performance immune system, which allows the body to cope with the disease on its own. One fruit can improve the functioning of the whole body, the main thing is to choose the right recipe.

The diaphoretic and diuretic effect of the fruit allows you to remove toxins from the body, removing intoxication, which negatively affects the functioning of the body and interferes with the natural fight of the immune system against the disease.

Figs, combined with milk, help thin mucus, making it easier to remove from the lungs. Anti-inflammatory effect ready-made product allows you to relieve inflammation in the upper and lower respiratory tract, which allows you to get rid of not only wet, but also dry cough.

What cough does it help with?

A product made from figs with milk is recommended for the treatment of:

  • dry cold cough;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • tracheitis.

Simple recipes using figs can get rid of almost any type of cough, but you should note that the sooner treatment for cough with figs is started, the better the result will be.

How to cook and eat - recipes

It does not take much time to prepare medicine from figs, but despite this, all recipes are different high efficiency and pleasant taste. Preparation of the products takes from several minutes to several hours.

Figs against cough, the most effective recipes:

  1. Traditional way. To prepare the medicine you will need 500 ml of milk and dried figs, some. The fattier the milk, the higher the medicinal properties. The milk must be brought to a boil over low heat, then immerse the fruit in it and cook for another 30 minutes. The resulting mixture should be wrapped and left for 4 hours. Finished product should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
  2. With ginger. It takes 5 to make a medicine fresh fruits and 250 ml of high fat milk. Figs should be chopped and immersed in milk heated to 60-65 degrees. When the figs have softened, the mixture should be passed through a blender and a little chopped ginger should be added to it.
  3. Figs with milk in three stages. Dried figs (3 pieces) should be immersed in cold milk (250 ml) and left for 30 minutes. Next, brew the figs in milk, bringing the mixture to a boil, then wrap and leave for another 3 hours. You need to add chopped ginger to the resulting product. You can also combine figs with honey.

You can also diversify any recipe if you combine:

  • dried figs with honey;
  • figs with ginger and lemon juice;
  • figs with radish.

These products can be consumed with or without milk. This method is suitable for treating people of various ages, regardless of gender.

For children

A healthy milk-fig drink can be used to treat children, but only after prior consultation with a specialist. Consultation with a doctor is necessary in order to prevent the development of pneumonia, which can occur with a bacterial cough.

Important! Fig cough medicine can be used for children over 6 years of age.

To prepare medicine for a child, it is allowed to use the same recipes as for adults. You should start giving fig remedy in small quantities, 30 ml per day.

For pregnant

Fruit and milk decoction is an excellent alternative synthetic medicines for pregnant women, which should not be used during pregnancy.

What is the recipe for treating cough in pregnant women? In order to prepare figs in cough milk, you need 750 ml of milk with a high percentage of fat content and 3 fruits.

Place the ingredients in a saucepan and cook until the mixture turns brown. The resulting product should be stored in a cool place. For the best effect, you can infuse the decoction in a slow cooker or in a thermos.

The duration of therapy during pregnancy is 21 days. The product should be consumed 1/3 cup three times a day. The result will be noticeable within 3-4 days of treatment. Milk medicine can be used both as a primary therapeutic agent and as a preventive measure.

Features of using cough medicine

Despite the fact that the product in question is easy to prepare, to obtain maximum effect Some subtleties of use should be observed.

If the whole fruit is used during cooking, it cannot be disposed of, it must be eaten. The fruit has a beneficial effect on the body, helping to reduce intoxication.

How to take the fruit (recipe without milk)? The fruit should be consumed before meals, separately from the drink. This allows you to improve digestion, activate the immune system and normalize metabolic processes, which will speed up the healing process.

The milk drink should be consumed warm, but not hot. Hot drink may lead to an increase in body temperature. A cold product will not have the desired effect, since it does not have an enveloping effect.

Therapy must be carried out for a long time. It will not be possible to get rid of a cough in a couple of days using the presented method. The duration of treatment directly depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. The minimum treatment period is 10 days. At chronic course Therapy will take up to 1 month.

The product should be used after eating food. Single dosage for adults 200 ml, for children – 1/3 cup. Frequency of use – 3 times a day.


Figs and milk can not only strengthen the body, but also harm people suffering from certain diseases.

Figs should not be consumed by persons with:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • gastritis or peptic ulcer;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gout;
  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Allergic reactions to the product rarely occur, since it contains a small amount of esters. Allergy sufferers should start consuming the fruit with small amounts, gradually increasing the amount. If an allergy occurs, you should immediately stop eating figs and symptomatic therapy in the form of a reception antihistamines, for example, Fenistila.

Irrational use of any product can lead to negative consequences. But if you approach the presented recipes wisely, you can not only get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of the disease, but also strengthen the body.

Some trends in our food market are developing quite strangely: there are plenty of bananas and pineapples that grow in the distant tropics on the shelves of Russian stores. And in some cities you won’t find figs in the wild, although their growing zone is located much closer to the borders of our country - in Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey. But still, sometimes it reaches the domestic consumer, and he discovers not only the facets of taste in this amazing fruit, but also the abyss of benefits. In particular, figs have already proven themselves to be an excellent remedy for colds, coughs and other problems associated with infection or inflammation. respiratory tract. There is even a recipe for figs with milk - a pleasant drink that restores strength and health.

Both fresh and dried figs are suitable for preparing this remedy. The latter, of course, is easier to get - especially in winter, when the cold and cough “season” is in full swing. IN as a last resort, the “dried” version is also suitable, because most their useful properties The figs are preserved even in this form.

How to cook figs with cough milk?

For medicinal purposes, it is better to choose Abkhazian figs - they are smaller in size, but their taste is richer, there are more vitamins and microelements in them, and they are also expectorant and antipyretic effects they appear more clearly. Turkish figs are distinguished by their large fruits, but most often they are sold unripe and taste “no good.”

The only ingredients needed to prepare an antitussive drink are milk and figs, nothing else is needed.

The proportions are as follows: for 1.5 glasses of milk, take one large or two small figs (it doesn’t matter whether dried or fresh).

By the way, the milk should be richer. Choose one that has a fat content percentage of 3.2 or higher. Homemade milk– completely out of competition. If possible, cook figs in it.

Fresh figs are washed before preparing the drink, dry ones are soaked in warm water within 15-20 minutes. The fruits are cut into 3-4 parts and poured with warm boiled milk. The broth is prepared in a non-stick pan - place it on low heat and bring the milk to a boil. Then, with the lid closed, boil the figs in milk. At the same time, the heating remains minimal, and the boiling of the milk is weakly expressed. Cooking time is half an hour. During this time, the volume of milk in the pan will decrease by about a third - excess liquid it will evaporate, and it itself will become a little thicker. Then the contents of the pan are poured into a thermos and closed tightly - in sealed conditions the figs will continue to “steam” in the milk. After 3 hours the drink is ready to drink.

How to drink figs with milk?

They drink “fig” milk warm, but it should be stored in the refrigerator, just like any other milk drink, it may turn sour. Before use, a portion of the broth is heated in the microwave or on the stove.

The dosage is 1 glass of drink per day for children and 1.5 glasses for adults. You can take half a glass (or a little more for adults) of the product in the morning and evening, after meals. Figs with milk are harmless, tasty, and do not give side effects, so it’s not scary if you or your child drinks a little more than normal. The course of treatment usually lasts 5-7 days, but sometimes the patient’s condition improves earlier - on the second or third day from the start of using the drug.

Pregnancy, lactation, age under 3 years - these are the main contraindications that are indicated in the instructions for most medications. In this case, a simple question may arise - what then is the treatment for people who fall under this category? Many find a solution in traditional medicine. Most recipes have no restrictions on their use and, in addition, they do not contain chemicals.

Naturally, if we are talking about a serious illness, then it is better to immediately contact a specialist, but such an ailment as a cough can be cured on your own. Simple figs, but prepared in a special way, will help you with this. It is completely harmless, so it can be used even during pregnancy and lactation. Cough figs are effective, and recipes with this fruit are very popular among the population.

Benefits of figs

So that you can verify the effectiveness of this fruit, we will look at its composition and beneficial properties.

Composition of figs

The beneficial properties of figs are explained by its rich vitamin composition, which has a positive effect on the body. Most of all it contains potassium. Also present are vitamins E, C and B6, minerals - iron, calcium, magnesium, fluorine and other trace elements.

Properties of figs

This fruit has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect. That is why the fruits are used to treat coughs and throats. In addition, it is useful for venous insufficiency.

It also tidies up the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, due to its iron content, it is used as a drug to treat anemia. It helps increase hemoglobin levels during the most short time.

To all of the above you need to add its mild laxative and diuretic properties. It easily removes waste and toxins from the body, gently cleansing the intestines.

However, despite all the naturalness of the product, there is separate categories people for whom it is contraindicated.


This fruit, in addition to all the above components, contains large quantities carbohydrates and sugar. All this makes it detrimental for people with diabetes.

There is another contraindication - allergies. Remember that figs contain vitamin C. Therefore, if you experience allergic reactions on citrus fruits, then, most likely, they will appear after eating figs.

Figs have no other contraindications.

Figs for cough: suitable for both adults and children

How to cure a cough with figs?

To effectively use figs for cough, it can be combined with other components, making mixtures and decoctions from them.

Figs with milk

This is the most popular recipe. With its help you can cure the disease in the shortest possible time. To prepare, take 1 liter of milk (can be cow or goat). Give preference homemade product, since in the store version, after processing, a row is lost useful substances. In addition, the fat content of the milk should be high, as this helps warm the throat and provides the effect of retaining this heat. Next, what you need to do is pour the product into a container and heat it over low heat. At this time, take 5 pcs. figs, wash them and put them in milk. Cover the container with a lid and cook for 30 minutes. When the time is up, remove the broth from the heat, wrap it (or pour it into a thermos) and leave for 3 hours. You need to use the medicine according to the following scheme: eat the fruits before meals, and drink the milk before bed, preheated.

A few days of this treatment and the cough will go away. You will feel relief after the first procedure.

Dried figs with honey

This remedy will help get rid of the disease, which is maintained not only by viruses, but also by smoking. To prepare, you need to chop 10 pcs. dried figs and add 10 tablespoons of honey to them. Next, stir the mixture. For best result It is recommended to use a blender. The resulting medicine should be taken one teaspoon in the morning and evening. After taking it, it is not recommended to eat for half an hour.

Figs with radish

Radish is often used in cough recipes. In particular, it is consumed together with honey. The combination with figs is no less effective. To prepare this remedy, you need to peel and grate the radish (preferably black). After this, perform the same actions on the figs, of which you need to take 6 pieces. Add 10 tablespoons of honey and mix all ingredients. Cover this remedy with a thin towel to limit the access of light to it and place it in a cool place for a day. Use a tablespoon in the morning to treat cough.

Figs with lemon juice and ginger

Cough figs can also be used in the form of syrup, together with lemon juice. Thus, the body will receive enough vitamin C, which will strengthen the immune system and the healing process will go much faster. Take 8 figs, cut them into small pieces, add a glass of water and heat over low heat for 20 minutes. After this, add 2 parts water and a little sugar. The syrup must be put on the fire again and brought to a boil. Cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, add the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of ginger. Take a dessert spoon 3 times a day.

A cough in itself is not dangerous if you take timely measures to treat it. However, if this is not done, then it can go into much more serious illnesses- pneumonia or bronchitis. Figs will help prevent this. All the recipes indicated in this article are very effective only when regular use until the disease subsides. If you stop treatment halfway through, you risk relapse. Only complete recovery will be a signal that you can stop taking the medications. By following all the requirements, you will quickly get rid of a cough with the help of figs without harming your health.

Hello dear readers. Figs are a cultivated plant that produces sweet, pear-shaped fruits. Medicinal properties fruits have been discovered since time immemorial and are successfully used to this day. The plant has several synonymous names that are familiar to many: fig, fig tree, wineberry. In recipes traditional medicine They use fruits, both fresh and dried, as well as fig leaves. The healing properties of infructescences are ensured by their chemical composition. They contain quite a lot of both fructose and glucose, which gives the fruits a pleasant sweetness. The pulp contains fats, proteins, some organic acids, and tannins. Figs are rich in β-carotene and vitamin compounds (C, PP, B1, B3). The fruits contain a substantial supply of potassium, as well as other valuable minerals(calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.).

Fig fruits come in two types - purple and light, which depends on the type of plant. They differ not only in color, but also in their healing properties.

In light figs they are expressed to a much lesser extent. Therefore, for treatment and prevention various diseases using dark berries is more appropriate.

The use of figs for medicinal and health purposes is quite widespread. The juicy pulp has a pronounced diaphoretic effect, which makes it a valuable antipyretic and cleansing agent.

It also helps quench thirst, which is also useful for elevated temperature bodies. Figs are also high in iron.

There is more of it here than, for example, in apples. Therefore, these berries are indicated for consumption in diseases associated with iron deficiency.

Figs have also found application for normalization heart rate, as well as solutions to other problems of the cardiovascular system.

The fruits, especially dried ones, are quite nutritious. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal processes, stimulate digestion, increase appetite, and also have a general tonic effect.

Due to these properties, figs are used as a natural tonic. It is used to improve performance digestive system, given to children who eat poorly, recommended during the recovery stage after suffering a long illness.

It should be taken into account that the wine berry gives a certain laxative effect, which will be more pronounced if the fruits are dried.

Yes, dried fig fruits are also used in alternative medicine. Syrups and tinctures are also made from the fruits, which help with problems with the skin, liver, genitourinary system, and are also used to reduce pain associated with inflammation and rheumatic muscle damage.

How to use figs for cough. Recipes for colds

Thanks to its combination of properties, figs are especially valuable for treating the respiratory system, including colds.

It helps with cough, sore throat and chest, bronchial asthma, pulmonary problems.

The big plus is that figs, unlike most other natural medicines, are a very tasty medicine that both adults and children enjoy taking.

There are some simple ones, but effective recipes for preparing fig-based cough remedies.

Figs with milk

Warm milk, no matter what some people say modern doctors, is an excellent emollient for colds.

In addition, it replenishes the lack of calcium, helps support a weakened body in conditions of lack of appetite, and has a urinary and diaphoretic effect.

If you combine all these effects with the beneficial properties of figs, you will get a truly miraculous remedy.

That is why this medicine has gained wide popularity today.

What you will need

So, figs for cough - a recipe for children: 1 medium fig is poured into a glass of raw milk, boiled and allowed to brew.

You will need fresh purple figs - several pieces (at the rate of 1-2 fruits per 200-300 ml of milk).

As a rule, the smaller the fruits, the tastier they are. Milk can be either cow's or goat's milk.

It is believed that the fatter it is, the more pronounced the softening effect of the mixture will be. However, it should be borne in mind that full-fat milk is a rather heavy product, the intake of which will adversely affect the patient’s condition.

So it’s better to opt for a product with medium fat content. And it would certainly be more preferable to purchase “homemade” rather than store-bought milk.

Cooking process

The washed figs are placed in a small saucepan, then poured with raw milk. The fruits can first be ground into a paste.

The liquid brought to the boiling point can be left on low heat for several minutes.

After this, remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and leave in a warm place to cool. The fruits should not be removed. It is generally recommended to mash them after boiling them in milk - you will get a delicious medicinal cocktail.

The drink has a sweetish taste. But if desired, you can add sweetness to it by adding a little honey, sugar or jam syrup.

What is the daily norm

It’s more convenient to cook right away daily norm facilities. For adults it is about half a liter, and for children – 1 glass.

This volume is divided into 3-4 servings and taken warm, preferably before meals. The remaining mixture can be stored in the cold for no more than three days without the risk of loss of beneficial properties.

To do this, it is poured into a glass container and sealed tightly. The cooled mixture should be warmed up before use. The duration of the course is 10-20 days, sometimes more.

The resulting drink is quite nutritious. It has a softening, expectorant, analgesic, and immunostimulating effect.

With its help, you can eliminate discomfort in the throat, relieve a coughing attack and speed up recovery.

Dried fig mixture

Whatever one may say, the wine berry is still an exotic fruit. Therefore, it is not always possible to buy it fresh.

But dried figs are also suitable for preparing a cough remedy. But the method of preparation, the effect and dosage will be different.

What you will need

Dried figs for cough - a recipe for children and adults: 4 fruits pre-soaked in water, pour 300 ml of milk.

Cooking process

Bring to a boil, then simmer over very low heat for 0.5-2 hours under the lid, until about a third of the liquid has boiled away.

After this, the medicine should infuse, slowly cooling. To do this, he is wrapped, for example, in a blanket. There is no need to remove the fruits. The finished mixture is divided in two.

One of the parts along with the figs is placed in the refrigerator. The remaining mixture (approximately 100 g) is taken throughout the day.

Refrigerated medicine may resemble in appearance and consistency boiled condensed milk due to the high concentration of sugars in dried figs.

The product must be warmed before ingestion. After the cold has passed acute phase, it will be possible to accept large quantity potions at a time.

In adults, a single dose will increase to 100 ml, and in children – up to 50. The course of treatment is about two weeks.

Cautions and contraindications

Although the fig-milk cough remedy contains exclusively natural products, it has certain contraindications.

Because of high concentration sugars, the medicine should not be taken by people who have problems with insulin production.

By at least, you need to seek medical advice from an endocrinologist who is monitoring the patient.

The high calorie content of figs, especially dried ones, imposes understandable restrictions on their use in case of obesity.

But this applies to eating it, often uncontrollably. The use of milk-fig mixture for the treatment of cough in this case is quite acceptable, because it is taken in doses, and figs are involved in small quantities.

In this case, you do not need to eat the fruit itself. Accordingly, the stage of its preliminary or final grinding is omitted. And after the medicine has infused, the fruits are removed and thrown away.

The presence of oxalic acid, the salts of which provoke the formation of stones, was found in fig fruits.

Because people with disabilities water-salt metabolism and prone to bile- and urolithiasis It is not recommended to take the drug, at least not as a course of treatment.

As already noted, figs, especially dried ones, have a relaxing effect on smooth muscles digestive organs, as a result of which a certain laxative effect may be observed after taking it.

Its severity manifests itself individually. In some situations, such an effect is highly desirable. It's about about cases when, due to high temperature and non-compliance drinking regime constipation occurs.

But if the body reacted to the fever with diarrhea (or it developed for other reasons), then, naturally, you should stop taking the milk mixture.

The medicine should not be taken for any acute diseases stomach or intestines, including inflammatory in nature. Figs are also contraindicated for gout, liver bloating and problems with the pancreas.

Allergic reactions, as well as individual aversion to figs due to personal taste preferences, exclude the possibility of using the drink.

The presence of milk in the product imposes its own restrictions on its intake. So, when there are problems with the breakdown of lactose ( milk sugar) milk-fig mixture will cause diarrhea, bloating and sharp pains in the abdominal area.

Deposition of calcium compounds in vascular system(calcinosis) is also a contraindication to the use of this drug.

Also, one cannot discount the fact that when industrial production dairy products, various additives, including hormonal ones, are mixed into cow feed.

Well, someone simply doesn’t like milk and will not drink this medicinal vitamin cocktail under any circumstances. Therefore, another recipe is proposed, non-dairy.

Cough figs - fig syrup recipe for children and adults

This remedy will be effective in the treatment of colds, whooping cough, and sore throat. To prepare the syrup you will need dried fruits.

From figs, of course. 8-10 large fruits need to be washed, placed in a pan, and a glass poured in raw water or boiling water and put on fire.

Boil the figs for about half an hour until they swell and soften. After this, add another glass of water and the same amount of sugar.

The mixture is boiled over low heat until a syrupy mass is obtained.

To enhance the effectiveness of the product, you can add the following to the cooled syrup:

lemon juice- from half a lemon;

ginger powder– 1 tsp;

- crushed ascorbic acid— 1-2 tablets per daily dose;

- echinacea tincture - 5-10 drops per tablespoon of the product.


Children are given a large (tablespoon) spoon of the product, and adults - two three times a day. The duration of treatment is until the symptoms disappear.

Fig syrup can be used in for preventive purposes to prevent the development of colds and as an immunostimulant. The product does not require special storage conditions.

Other recipes with figs without milk to treat colds

Figs are very beneficial for the body and health; they can be used for colds with or without milk. There are some recipes for using figs for coughs without milk.

Fig-honey mixture

To treat cough, including in smokers, you can prepare a fig-honey mixture. In this case, the figs are crushed in a blender and mixed with liquid honey in a 1:1 ratio.

Take the product 2-3 times a day with a small spoon. If you have a cold, you can add radish pulp to the mixture (at the rate of 10 pcs. fresh figs and 10 tbsp. l. honey for one medium-sized radish).

Take this medicine in the morning, a tablespoon every day (sometimes two spoons a day). The product may darken, so it should be stored in a closed container.

Alcohol tincture

You can make an alcohol tincture from figs. To do this, you will need 5 ripened fruits or 3 dried fruits and half a liter of vodka or diluted alcohol (cognac will also do).

The figs are cut into cubes, poured with alcohol and left at room temperature for about 1 decade, shaking occasionally.

If desired, put a little there ginger root, spicy cloves or a vanilla stick. You can add 30-200 g of sweetener (honey, sugar) to the finished tincture.

Before taking, the product must be diluted with water (one third of a glass, 1 teaspoon of medicine). They drink it twice a day. It is not advisable to give this medicine to children.

Rinsing and rubbing

Ginger infusions can be used not only internally. Good effect they give if you use them in the form of rinses and rubs.

For these purposes, both aqueous and alcoholic versions of the product are suitable. Gargle with warm broth or diluted alcohol tincture(1 small spoon per half glass of water).

The procedure is repeated 4-5 times a day until the symptoms disappear. To strengthen therapeutic effect, you can add a little soda and iodine to the solution. For external use, the alcohol tincture does not need to be diluted.

It should be remembered that alcohol-containing liquids have a warming effect, so if there is a fever, the patient should not be wrapped after rubbing.

When using water infusion for this purpose, be sure to cover yourself or wear socks and a woolen sweater.

Is it possible to eat figs during pregnancy?

Due to the mass of beneficial properties and a whole range of beneficial effects on health, eating figs during pregnancy is very welcome.

During pregnancy, you can eat both white and purple figs in any form - dried, fresh, or dried.

They can also be used to prepare salads, compotes and cocktails. The same goes for everyone medicinal products made from wine berries. No special contraindications for appointment of this product women at the stage of gestation no.

Restrictions on the use and prohibition of the use of figs and medicines, where it is present, are reduced to general rules described above (diabetes, enteritis, lactase deficiency, urolithiasis).

Speaking about the benefits of figs during pregnancy, it should be remembered that the fruits can have a laxative effect. You also need to be careful when taking alcohol-containing tinctures.

It should also be taken into account that during pregnancy, women often experience an increased risk of nonspecific reactions and develop intolerance to certain foods, which may include figs.

In other cases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, this fruit can be used for both treatment and preventive purposes.

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Take care of yourself, take care of your health. Be healthy!