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Spicy cloves: beneficial properties and contraindications. Use for colds. Cloves for parasites: how to take, reviews, photos


Here you will learn everything about cloves: what health benefits this spice has, contraindications for use, how it is used in cooking. It is one of the highly prized spices, widely recognized throughout the world for its medicinal and culinary qualities. Find out more about cloves - what they are, what they are made from, what their benefits are and possible harm and all about its use in the culinary and medical world.

What is clove?

Cloves are the dry, reddish-brown, unopened flower buds of a tropical evergreen tree that are used as a herb with a strong aroma and a sweet-sharp, warming taste. Widely used in Indian, Middle Eastern and North African cooking.

It pairs beautifully with the flavors of apples, oranges, ham, pork and chocolate, as well as other spices such as cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and cardamom.

Cloves are also an ingredient in many spice mixtures, such as baharat, Chinese five-spice, curry, garam masala, and others.

What clove seasoning looks like - photo

The whole spice has the shape of a small reddish-brown spike, usually about one centimeter in length, with a bulbous tip.

general description

This spice has nothing in common with the clove flower; the clove seasoning is the flower buds of the evergreen tropical clove tree, which is found on the Indonesian Moluccas islands, known as the “spice islands.”

Botanically, clove spice belongs to the Myrtaceae family, genus Syzygium and is scientifically called Syzyigium aromaticum.

The name “clove” comes from the French word clou, meaning “nail,” which is what this spice resembles in appearance.

In the early stages of development, the flower buds are pale in color, then gradually turn green and finally develop into bright red carnation buds at harvest time. The buds are usually picked by hand when they are 1.5-2cm long, then polished before being sent for sale.

How does the spice clove grow?

The clove tree grows to approximately 9 meters tall.

Structurally, each bud consists of a long calyx, ending in four flaring sepals and four unopened petals. These closed petals develop into a small ball (dome) at the top.

The sweet aroma of cloves comes from the essential oil of eugenol it contains.

Cloves are grown in India and Madagascar, but if there is one country on earth that is most closely associated with the production of this spice, it is Indonesia.

How to make clove seasoning

Unopened flower buds of the clove tree are collected from plants older than 6-8 years. A good harvest does not happen every year.

The spice is collected by hand, so as not to damage the branches, and dried in the sun. As the buds dry, the color of the buds changes from pale to dark brown. The drying process cannot be accelerated, otherwise the cloves will become dry and brittle rather than elastic.

How to choose clove spice and where to buy

A good clove is red-brown in color and should give off a sweet aroma when squeezed between the large and index fingers and be oily to the touch,

This spice is often sold in the spice department in stores in whole and ground form. Buy whole cloves instead of powdered cloves, as they can often contain adulterated spice additives. The buds should be whole, with a stem and sepals, and compact.

Organic clove seasoning (that is, grown in clean places without harmful substances) can be purchased in the IHerb online store.

How to store

Whole cloves should be stored in a cool, dark place in closed containers for many months. They can be ground using a "hand grinder" or in a coffee grinder as needed.

Store ground cloves in the refrigerator in jars with a tight-fitting lid and use them as quickly as possible, as they have a shorter shelf life and quickly lose their flavor.

What is the smell and taste of clove seasoning?

Both the taste and aroma of this spice are incredibly intense. Cloves can suppress all other ingredients in dishes, even if taken in small quantities.

It has one of the most powerful aromas of all the world's spices. The taste is pungent, strong and sweet with a bitter, astringent aftertaste. Cloves also have a distinct pungency, almost burning for some. This spice is very strong! The pungency is concentrated mainly in the petioles of the bud. The most subtle aroma is in the cap.

Eating cloves leaves a sensation in the mouth similar to that of nutmeg. Combination of cloves and nutmeg It is very popular in spice mixtures and in specific dishes, as their flavors are similar and complement each other well.

Chemical composition

While cloves are usually known for their mouth-watering taste and aroma, they are also packed with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients which are necessary for the health of the body.

Nutritional value of ground cloves (Sygizium aromaticum) per 100 g.

NameQuantityPercentage of daily value, %
Energy value47 Kcal 2
Carbohydrates10.51 g 8
Squirrels3.27 g 6
Fats0.15 g 0,5
Dietary fiber (fiber)5.4 g 14
Folates68 mcg 17
Niacin1.046 mg 6,5
Pantothenic acid0.388 mg 7
Pyridoxine0.116 mg 9
Riboflavin0.066 mg 5
Thiamine0.072 mg 6
Vitamin A13 IU 0,5
Vitamin C11.7 mg 20
Vitamin E0.19 mg 1
Vitamin K14.8 mcg 12
Sodium94 mg 6
Potassium370 mg 8
Calcium44 mg 4
Copper0.231 mg 27
Iron1.28 mg 16
Magnesium60 mg 15
Manganese0.256 mg 11
Phosphorus90 mg 13
Selenium7.2 mcg 13
Zinc2.32 mg 21
Beta carotene8 mcg -
Lutein-zeaxanthin464 mcg -

Physiological role

It is known that the active substances in cloves have the following effects on the body:

  • antioxidant;
  • antiseptic;
  • local anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • soothing;
  • antimicrobial.

Health benefits of clove spice

Back in 200 BC. Cloves were known for their beneficial properties and even today they continue to be used to treat illnesses and promote health.

The spice contains health benefits essential oil eugenol, which gives cloves a pleasant, sweet aroma. It has local anesthetic and antiseptic properties, therefore, useful for dental and oral care.

Other important components of this spice include:

  • essential oils - acetylevenol, β-caryophyllene and vanillin, maslinic acid;
  • tannins: gallotanninic acid, methyl salicylate (painkiller);
  • flavonoids: eugenin, kaempferol, rhamnetin and eugenitin;
  • triterpenoids: oleanolic acid, stigmasterol and campesterol;
  • several sesquiterpenes.

The beneficial substances in cloves increase intestinal motility and digestive ability through improved gastrointestinal enzyme secretion. Thus, it helps eliminate digestive problems and constipation.

The spice also contains a large amount of minerals - potassium, manganese, iron, selenium and magnesium. Potassium is an important electrolyte in cells and body fluids that helps control heartbeat and pressure. Human body uses manganese as a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase.

Spice buds contain very good quantity vitamin A and beta-carotene. These compounds have antioxidant properties. The body also needs vitamin A to maintain healthy mucous membranes, skin and healthy vision. Consuming natural foods rich in flavonoids helps protect the body from lung and oral cancer.

Spice cloves - good source vitamins K, B6 (pyridoxine), B-1 (thiamine), C and riboflavin. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance to infectious agents and eliminate harmful oxygen-free radicals.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Cloves

Here are some popular medicinal properties that cloves have:

  1. Improves digestion by stimulating the production of enzymes and gastric juice. Cloves are also good for reducing flatulence, indigestion and nausea.
  2. Effective against bacterial infections. Cloves have been tested for their antibacterial properties against a number of human pathogens. It is powerful enough to kill these pathogens. Clove extract is also effective against specific bacteria that spread cholera.
  3. Anticancer and antimutagenic effect. Cloves are of interest to the medical community due to their anti-carcinogenic properties. Tests have shown that they are useful in fighting lung cancer in the early stages.
  4. Protects the liver. Cloves contain high amounts of antioxidants, which are ideal for protecting organs from the effects of free radicals, especially the liver. Clove extracts are beneficial for the liver due to their hepatoprotective properties.
  5. Useful for diabetes. In patients with diabetes, the amount of insulin produced by the body is either insufficient or non-existent. Research has shown that clove extracts mimic insulin in certain ways and help control blood sugar levels.
  6. Maintains density bone tissue. Cloves contain eugenol and its derivatives, such as flavones, isoflavones and flavonoids. They are useful for maintaining bone density and mineral content, and for increasing the tensile strength of bones in cases of osteoporosis.
  7. Boosts the immune system. Clove helps in improving immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells, thereby improving delayed-type hypersensitivity.
  8. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Research shows that the presence of eugenol reduces inflammation caused by edema. It has also been confirmed to have the ability to reduce pain by stimulating pain receptors.
  9. Treats diseases of the oral cavity. Cloves can be taken for gingivitis and periodontitis. Bud extracts significantly control the growth of pathogens that are responsible for various oral diseases. Cloves are also used for toothaches due to their analgesic properties.
  10. Aphrodisiac properties. Spices such as cloves and nutmeg are said to have aphrodisiac properties and have shown positive results in tests.

IN food products and in drinks, cloves are used as a flavoring agent, and in industry they are used to make toothpaste, soap, cosmetics, perfumes and cigarettes. Clove oil is also used in aromatherapy.

Why chew dried cloves - video

Clove essential oil

Clove oil is commonly used for oral health treatment due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which help in avoiding bad breath and mouth problems.

It is also used as a skin care product and as an aromatherapy oil.

Clove essential oil must be diluted base oil to avoid allergic reactions.

High-quality essential oil can be purchased from a world-famous online store IHerb.

Contraindications (harm) of cloves

In addition to the powerful benefits of this spice, cloves also have some contraindications and possible side effects that can cause significant harm.

  1. It is recommended to avoid consuming too much large quantity cloves for people suffering from hemophilia or taking anticoagulant medications. It is also recommended to stop taking this spice a couple of weeks before surgery. It contains eugenol, which can slow down the blood clotting process, promoting abnormal bleeding.
  2. Those whose blood sugar levels are below normal should reduce their consumption of cloves. It has been found that the spice can significantly reduce the amount of glucose, which can cause harm to patients with hypoglycemia. Therefore, try to keep a close eye on your blood sugar levels and adjust your clove intake accordingly.
  3. Eating foods prepared with large amounts of cloves may cause irritation. gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the central nervous system.
  4. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. Allergy is one of the common side effects of cloves, which is again caused by eugenol.
  5. In men, cloves may cause erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.
  6. During pregnancy, the use of cloves is contraindicated, as it increases muscle tone and there is a danger of uterine contractions.
  7. Do not apply clove oil to your skin before going straight out. Sun rays, as this will cause serious burns and other skin problems.
  8. Applying clove oil to damaged skin can cause severe allergic reactions and damage it even more.

Like all other spices, cloves should be consumed in moderation. If you experience any of these side effects, stop using it.

Use of clove spice in cooking

Cloves can be used either whole or ground to flavor sauces, soups and rice dishes. There are many popular recipes that call for the addition of cloves.

Whole cloves are either removed before serving or discarded from the plate. Even after cooking, this spice has a very hard, woody texture.

Where to add clove seasoning

Here are some ideas:

  • In gravies and sauces for fish, poultry, meat.
  • It goes well with apples - it is added to apple sauce, pies or other baked goods with apples.
  • Ground cloves are used in muffins, cookies, gingerbreads and other spices.
  • Used for preparing marinades (mushroom, fruit and berry, meat, vegetable).
  • Masala tea gets most of its characteristic flavor from cloves.
  • Cloves go well with meat, liver pate, jellied meat and jellied tongue.
  • Cucumbers, cabbage, mushrooms, peppers, pumpkin, carrots, beets and others are marinated with it.
  • A mixture of grated cloves with nutmeg and marjoram is used to flavor sausages and baked pork.
  • It is added to coffee, cocoa, compotes, and jam.

When to put cloves in a dish

Cloves are added to different dishes at different times:

  • in marinades - during their preparation along with other components;
  • into dough and minced meat - before heat treatment;
  • in meat dishes - 10-15 minutes before readiness;
  • into broths, soups, compotes - 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking.

Cloves should not be added at the beginning of the cooking process to dishes that require long-term cooking. This spice conveys its aroma and taste well not only in hot, but also in cold water, and colors it brown. When boiling, its smell begins to evaporate, and the taste of the dish becomes bitter. That is why the more subtle the aroma of cloves is desired in a dish, the later it is added.

Be careful with the dosage of cloves, especially when preparing pastries.

How many cloves to add: bookmark standards

You can add about 4-5 cloves per 1 kilogram of dough. If it includes other spices, it can be from 1/5 to 1/7 parts.

For 1 kg of cottage cheese – 2-3 ground or 4-5 cloves.

For 2-2.5 glasses of liquid (compotes, soups, broths) – 1 pc., no more than 3 pcs. per 1 liter.
For 1 serving of meat - 2 pieces, and when frying, cloves are used in ground form, and when stewing as a whole. If other spices are added at the same time, the amount of cloves is halved.

In mushroom marinades – 1-2 grams per 10 kg of mushrooms.

For fruit, berry and vegetable marinades - 3-4 grams per 10 liters of pouring.

When used in the right amount, cloves can take your dishes to the next level of culinary excellence!

How to replace cloves in a recipe

Cloves are a fairly common and affordable spice that most cooks have in stock, but when they unexpectedly run out, there are options to replace it.

For example, an excellent substitute for cloves would be:

  • Nutmeg is the best option of all possible substitutes for cloves. It is equally aromatic with a wonderful and unique taste that is very similar to cloves. Add the same amount of nutmeg as called for in the recipe. It is ideal for all types of dishes, both sweet and savory.
  • Allspice too decent option replacing cloves. To use this substitute, simply add it in the same quantity. This spice has a unique flavor and contains notes of black pepper that may be undesirable in sweets, for example.
  • Cinnamon – This has more spice and less sweetness than other possible clove substitutes, so depending on what kind of dish you're making, you may need to add another ingredient to create the right flavor. For example, in desserts, cinnamon goes well with vanilla. Again, the amount of cinnamon (or cinnamon plus vanilla) should be equal to the amount of cloves called for in the recipe.

In addition to its strong aroma and memorable taste, cloves are renowned for their powerful medicinal properties. Here you learned about some contraindications for eating food and everything about its culinary use.

With its very hot and spicy aroma, clove reminds of itself to those who have at least once tried it as part of culinary dishes. Herbal aroma promotes relaxation

and peace, and what beneficial properties does clove have and is there any contraindications for the spice specifically for you? Let's learn more about this interesting spice, cloves.

Benefits of cloves

Cloves are a unique spice that contains a vitamin complex of groups A, B, P, C, E. The presence of minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids and fiber allows the spice to occupy a leading position in unique beneficial properties. Cloves, medicinal beneficial features and contraindications for this spice. Cloves are widely used as a spice, having beneficial properties and some contraindications. Dried fruits perfectly freshen breath, eliminating the smell of garlic and onions.

IN medical purposes cloves are capable of:

1. Give pain relief, replace medications antispasmodics, get rid of germs.

2. Help in dental procedures- eliminate irritation of the mucous membrane, reduce inflammatory processes for diseases such as pulpitis or caries. Today, the beneficial and medicinal properties of clove spices are used to relieve pain from temporary fillings. Ancestors used cloves to get rid of toothache by rubbing the spice on sore spots or chewing the buds of the plant for several minutes.

3. Cloves have beneficial properties for those who suffer from diarrhea and contraindications to its use may include stomach diseases, pregnancy or hypertension. The spice eliminates germs in case of illness, eliminates helminths and all kinds of bacteria.

4. Fruits help speed up digestive processes and prevent gas formation.

5. The beneficial properties of clove spice help get rid of diaphragmatic and muscle cramps, eliminate hiccups and contraindications to its use may include stomach diseases, pregnancy or hypertension.

6. The beneficial and medicinal properties of clove spice are especially appreciated in obstetrics, helping to speed up birth process. Eugenol in the spice promotes stronger labor, increasing the tone of the uterus. Outside of pregnancy, the plant helps fight sluggish and scanty menstruation, generally helping to restore the normal menstrual cycle.

7. The medicinal properties of cloves are the secret to long-lasting sexual intercourse for many partners; its composition contributes to faster and longer-lasting sexual arousal for both partners.

8. The plant promotes rapid recovery from all types of injuries, for example, arthrosis, arthritis.

9. Helps eliminate eye diseases when rubbing them with a decoction of cloves.

10. Using the medicinal properties of cloves, it is possible to increase arterial pressure and get rid of asthma attacks.

Find out why cloves are useful as a spice. Its properties and contraindications.

Cloves are a fairly popular spice; its beneficial properties were noticed after recent medical research and contraindications to its use do not apply to patients with oncological diseases. For them, the plant is truly unique, since its fruits are capable of producing significant positive result, aimed at the recovery of patients in this category.

According to the results of studies, the properties of the spice can prevent and slow down the growth process cancer cells, facilitating the overall recovery of the patient. For patients with leukemia research fellows also found the use of cloves.

Treating with clove spice: beneficial properties and contraindications for the body.

Cloves in gynecology

The beneficial properties of cloves for women allow you to traditional medicine get rid of discomfort during menopause and improve reproductive function. Herbal medicine specialists have discovered the use of cloves in the field of gynecology. However, all prescriptions require prior consultation with your doctor to avoid negative consequences for your body. Let's give detailed recipes spice treatment for home use.

Infertility treatment

When used daily, cloves can provide significant assistance to women in the fight against infertility. Preparing clove spice will not take much of your time. Take 4 tablespoons of the crushed plant (you can use a coffee grinder) and pour a glass of boiled purified water. Leave the prepared tea to steep for half an hour in the room, then use gauze or cotton wool to get rid of the grounds.

Spice treatment should be carried out before meals - drink 3 tablespoons of tea, therapy should be repeated 4 times in one day. Be sure to prepare fresh tea every day to reap the medicinal health benefits of the spice.

Cloves for menopause

During menopause or hormonal change All women experience hot flashes, which cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Therefore, the beneficial properties of cloves for women are especially valuable at this time.

The following recipe will help you cope with age-related hormonal changes.

To reduce pain in the evening, 15 pieces of fruit are poured with a glass of water heated to 40 degrees and left until the morning. The next day, you should drink half the tea before breakfast, and the rest before dinner. To make the spice treatment more effective, prepare a fresh portion of tea every evening.

Treatment with cloves in folk medicine

The medicinal plant is in home arsenal For many housewives, its cost per 100 grams is 300 rubles, making it accessible to a wide range of consumers. What can you prepare from it at home to restore your health? We invite you to familiarize yourself with the following spice treatment recipes.

1. For a cold, 5 buds of clove spice should be ground in a mortar to a powder, then pour a glass of boiling milk. Wait 20 minutes, strain the broth and consume warm - drink in slow sips, holding the liquid in your mouth.

2. A tablespoon of pepper will help cope with headaches. ground cloves, cinnamon and almonds taken in equal proportions. Pour water over all the spices until you get a thick consistency. The folk ointment is ready - rub it into your temples for 5 minutes and migraine attacks will stop causing you inconvenience.

3. To improve digestion, it is recommended to chew a clove bud with honey for several minutes 15 minutes before eating. This recipe is contraindicated for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

4. To relieve a spasmodic cough, take 5 drops of clove essential oil, a tablespoon of honey and a small clove of garlic. Mix everything and consume before bed; the recommended dosage is presented in the recipe for one day.

5. For toothache or ear pain in boiling water Sesame oil(200 ml) add 5 clove buds and boil for several minutes, then leave to cool slightly. Warm, but not hot mixture 3 drops are instilled into the ears, or applied to the diseased tooth in the form of a moistened swab.

6. A simple recipe will help you get rid of stye - add a few drops of water to a crushed clove bud, mix and gently apply to the eye area.

7. If you have low blood pressure, instead of drinking caffeine, try chewing a few clove buds, which will normalize your blood pressure and pleasantly freshen your breath.

8. When massaging joints, it is recommended to add clove oil, taken in equal proportions with massage oil, for faster recovery.

9. A drop will help cope with unpleasant skin rashes during adolescence clove oil, which must be applied to the inflamed area once a day. The oil especially helps to cope with boils and pustules.

Try making a wonderful mulled wine drink using cloves in the recipe.

A warm alcoholic drink stimulates the heart, relieves the autumn blues and depression, and is especially popular during colds. The most important thing is proper preparation.

For treatment, take 0.5 liters of quality wine, heat it a little and add 5 clove buds and a pinch of cinnamon. Mulled wine is ready. Adults are recommended to drink it as a stand-alone drink; teenagers should add a few teaspoons of alcoholic beverage to their tea.

Tea with cloves - a spicy aroma or a healthy drink?

Cloves, poured into boiling water or added to tea, provide many with a rich aromatic taste; its medicinal properties are especially valued in winter and autumn.

We list the main beneficial properties of tea with cloves:

  • Eliminates physical tension, relaxes after a hard day and stress
  • Fights muscle spasms
  • Eliminates stomach colic
  • Helps activate digestion processes
  • Helps with diarrhea
  • Removes painful sensations in the throat during colds
  • Prevents the development of cancer cells, being an auxiliary drug for cancer.

There are many recommendations for brewing tea with cloves; the differences lie only in achieving different aromatic effects. In the classic method of preparation, several dried buds are added to tea, the drink is infused for 5 minutes, and then consumed in small sips.

Tea recipe for colds

The beneficial properties of clove tea are known to many during colds. Spice added to tea helps fight viral infections, a warm drink is recommended to be consumed as a preventive measure in winter and autumn.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Purified boiled water - 0.5 l
  • 2 clove buds
  • A little ginger
  • Tablespoon tea leaves
  • Half a cinnamon stick or a small pinch of dried spice
  • Lemon slice
  • 3 tablespoons orange juice
  • Sugar to taste

Place the ginger, cinnamon and cloves covered with water in a small saucepan. Boil the decoction and pour it into a brew of black or green tea, after 5 minutes add lemon, sugar and Orange juice. Consume 3 times a day aromatic tea at home or at work.

Another recipe has no less beneficial properties of clove tea during a cold and will appeal to all milk lovers.

To prepare it you will need:

  • Boiled milk - 0.5 l
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Tea leaves - 3 teaspoons
  • Cloves - 3 buds
  • Grated ginger

Pour dried ginger buds with a glass of water and bring to a boil, add tea leaves, let the tea brew for 5 minutes. Strain the warm drink through cheesecloth or a sieve, add boiled milk. Tea with milk and cloves is ready to be poured into cups and consumed.

However, it has medicinal cloves(spice) beneficial properties and contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of cloves

At all times, cloves have been used for healing, but it is important to know when you can use the bud of the flower, and when only the cap. The beneficial properties of the clove spice are very popular among adherents of folk and traditional medicine, and contraindications to the plant should be taken into account before using it. Therefore, before treatment, carefully study the recipe. Here is some general advice for use:

If you use cloves to prepare marinades or dishes that require the addition of alcoholic drinks, then the bitterness of the spice can be quickly extracted in the alcohol itself, bringing no benefit, but only worsening the aromatic properties of the dish.

There is a group of people who should not include cloves in their daily diet:

1. Children under 2 years old should avoid this type spices.

2. For pregnant women and during lactation, the concentration of spice should be reduced several times, based on a specific recipe.

3. Availability high pressure is a reason to avoid cloves, as it helps to increase it.

4. Individual intolerance to clove spice - expressed in allergic manifestations on the skin.

Cloves are a widely used spice, which are the unopened buds of the clove tree. The seasoning has an original, unique aroma and can add a refined taste to even the most ordinary dish. Meanwhile, the beneficial properties of the spice are not limited to its use exclusively in cooking. Since ancient times, it has been used to treat and prevent various ailments.

Cloves (spice): beneficial properties and uses

The composition of the spice is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Contents in it valuable substances so high that it can easily be compared with a multivitamin complex.

The spice contains:

Vitamin A (retinol);

B vitamins;

Beta carotene;

Vitamin E (tocopherol);

Vitamin K (phylloquinone);

Fiber (more than 30 grams dietary fiber per 100 g of cloves);

Ash (approximately 6 g per 100 g of product);

Essential oil enriched with beneficial aromatic compounds (more than 20% of the total spice);

Macro and microelements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, selenium);

Digestible carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, fructose);

Glycozoids, tannins, mucus;

Essential, non-essential, fatty and unsaturated fatty acid;

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated acids.

The calorie content of cloves is just over 300 calories per 100 grams of product. Of these: carbohydrates – 27 g, fats – 20.1 g, proteins – 6 g.

The benefits of the spice are expressed in the following properties:

Pain reliever;





Wound healing;





Cloves are used to combat various diseases, the spectrum of action of its beneficial properties is very wide: from stabilizing blood pressure and improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract to increasing the tone of the uterus and stimulating labor. And in the field of dentistry, this seasoning has no equal!

Cloves (spice): beneficial properties for various diseases

Folk wisdom allows you to use the seasoning not only for cooking meat dishes, marinades and sauces. Due to clove oil (eugenol), the spice is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

The spice is widely used for dental diseases (stomatitis, pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease). If you rub ground cloves on your gums or simply chew the inflorescence, you can get rid of toothache. Clove essential oil is an effective pain reliever for temporary fillings and relieves bad breath.

The spice is a real salvation for severe headaches. To alleviate the condition, you need to mix cloves, cinnamon and almonds in equal parts, grind, pour warm water and dilute to a thin paste. Place the mixture on the affected areas and hold until the discomfort subsides.

Low blood pressure, asthma are also indications for the use of cloves. Several inflorescences (5-6) are poured with water, brought to a boil, cooled and the decoction is drunk three times a day. For improvement taste sensations you can add honey.

Dry, debilitating cough effectively treated with a solution consisting of sea ​​salt and ground cloves. Wet conditions can be treated with a special tea made from crushed ginger and cloves, but for asthma and tuberculosis, a mixture of garlic, honey and clove oil, which should be taken orally, helps perfectly.

The beneficial properties of cloves (spice) are also manifested in the effective treatment of diaphragmatic and muscle cramps, hiccups and sore throat. To eliminate the symptoms, you need to warm the milk and throw a few inflorescences into it. Drink the aromatic decoction in small sips, trying to hold it in your mouth.

The effect of cloves is invaluable in the gynecological field. It helps with infertility and childbirth, enhancing the effectiveness of contractions and pushing, normalizes the menstrual cycle, and slows down the aging process. female body and strengthens sexual desire, as it is a natural aphrodisiac.

Spice not only gives dishes an unsurpassed taste, but also has beneficial affects the digestive system, increases appetite and promotes rapid absorption of food. In addition, it helps with flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, colitis, intestinal colic. To improve digestion, it is recommended to eat a teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach with the addition of cloves and black pepper.

The spice is indicated for people suffering from nervous system disorders, because, thanks to the B vitamins contained in the seasoning, it relieves mental fatigue, tension, stress and helps fight depression.

Medical observations have shown that cloves effective in the fight against cancer, since the spice prevents the proliferation of cancer cells and has an anti-carcinogenic effect.

Cosmetology- an area in which cloves have also found application. Thus, essential oil can be used for various problems with skin - acne, purulent rashes. To prevent the spread of infection through skin, just wipe the inflamed areas with oil. This will not only relieve redness and itching, but also help skin cells regenerate.

Cloves (spice): beneficial properties for children

The use of hot spice for adults and children differs significantly. Babies, of course, need very small doses, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided. For example, to remove helminths, a mixture of ground flax seeds and cloves is prepared in a ratio of 10:1. Apply 3 grams per 7 kilograms of weight.

Clove essential oil will protect your baby from annoying mosquitoes. It is absolutely harmless for children, unlike most anti-mosquito drugs that have wide range contraindications and side effects.

Cloves (spice): contraindications

Despite its many beneficial properties, cloves also have contraindications that must be taken into account.

It is contraindicated, first of all, for gastritis with high acidity and ulcers, as it can irritate the walls of the stomach.

Strictly prohibited when carrying a child. Hot spice increases the tone of the uterus, and this can lead to miscarriage. Breastfeeding is another reason not to use cloves, as they may change the taste of the milk and your baby may refuse to drink it.

The spice with its unique taste is prohibited from being given to children under three years of age, as well as to hypertensive patients and people with mental disorders.

In any case, having decided to try clove (spice) or its oil on yourself, you must remember the strict dosage of the spice, contraindications and possible side effects due to individual intolerance.

Cloves are better known as a spice used in cooking. Not fully opened buds of the clove tree have a unique aroma and medicinal composition, expressed in multivitamin complex, which allows it to be used in folk medicine. Cloves, whose beneficial properties and contraindications depend on the action of valuable substances, are used in for preventive purposes as an antiseptic, antiviral and anti-stress agent.

The clove spice contains the main active substance- essential oil, occupying 20% ​​of the total mass of the bud. It also has a distinct smell. The beneficial properties of clove essential oil are complemented by a complex of micro- and macroelements, vitamins, ash, fiber, digestible carbohydrates, tannins and fatty acids (saturated, non-essential, essential), polyunsaturated acids.

Important! The field carnation and the clove tree are not the same thing. In some indications for treating the body, they agree, for example, for colds, nervous tension, for pain relief, but in composition they are completely different. In addition, the grass grows in the European part of Russia and Siberia, and the tree loves tropical climates.

Let's take a closer look at how cloves are beneficial for the body.

For weight loss, the spice is one of the plant substances that can affect the secretion of enzymes in the stomach and improve its muscle contraction, that is, quickly digest food without pathologies of the digestive process (flatulence, increased acidity, nausea).

Cloves during pregnancy will help relieve morning sickness and alleviate toxicosis in the first trimester, but it is not recommended to get carried away with it, since it helps to increase the tone of the uterus. The plant can be added to tea, made into infusions, or simply chewed on a few dry buds.

Bacteriostatic effect

The spice benefits the body by destroying pathogenic microorganisms, including worms. Thanks to antibacterial properties, based on a bacteriostatic effect, increases the concentration of leukocytes in the blood, which produce antibodies (proteins that neutralize the effects of toxins produced as a result of the activity of viruses and bacteria).

The pleasant, pronounced, but unobtrusive smell of cloves can remove nervous tension and reduce the excitability of the central nervous system. The secret is in essential oil, the aroma of which can improve the psychological state, relieve muscle spasm. Honey with cloves has beneficial properties, combining a complex of B vitamins and microelements, which are necessary for the restoration of nerve fibers.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Clove seasoning can relieve inflammatory processes that occur during degenerative processes in the joints. The main active ingredient is essential oil, which is soaked in a napkin and applied as an application. Leave until the oil is completely absorbed by the skin. Penetrating into tissues, eugenol, which is part of the composition, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Interesting to know! An additional benefit of cloves when applied to joints is strengthening bone tissue. Essential oil contains mineral, phenolic compounds and its derivatives, which are building substances. With regular use, there is a positive trend in the restoration of bone tissue.

Cloves for teeth are used as part of the extract. Benefits have been noted with treatment chronic inflammation gums (gingivitis), including the preparandantosis state of periodontal tissue. Essential infusions are used in the form of an anti-inflammatory, analgesic liquid for rinsing or application.

What are the benefits of cloves if you chew them? She will eliminate bad smell from the mouth, disrupting synthesis pathogenic microorganisms, and will also reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

Interesting to know! Ground cloves or its essential oils are widely used by pharmacists in the manufacture of products (toothpastes, rinses) with pronounced antimicrobial, analgesic, and whitening effects.

Therapeutic effect for diabetes

Dried cloves (the beneficial properties in this form depend on the amount of essential oil in the bud) help with diabetes. Eugenol, aromatic liquid yellow color, helps maintain normal level blood sugar, successfully reducing the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

Important! When purchased by weight, dried cloves (whole) should have a slightly shiny cover, indicating a sufficient concentration of essential oil. If you purchase a spice in a packaging bag, you can check the quality by placing the bud in a glass of water. If it sinks, it means there is a lot of oil in it and it is fresh.

Drink the infusion 3 times a day for 6 months, preparing in a ratio of 20 dry buds per 250 ml of water, as well as correct image life will have a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism, the production and absorption of insulin, and it is also beneficial for vision.

Cloves, a spice whose beneficial properties are still being studied by doctors, are considered effective plant, helping with sore throat and respiratory diseases. It has warming and relaxing effects, and inhalation procedures quickly eliminate cold symptoms ( headache, nasal congestion).

Cloves are used for coughs. Chewing a few dry buds will help with the body's dry reflex reaction to irritation from viruses. Milk tincture will improve sputum discharge.

Cloves and pressure

Dried cloves, the beneficial properties of which are aimed at a positive, versatile effect on the human body, help with hypertension. At high blood pressure Uncontrolled intake of spice is not recommended, only in small quantities, otherwise it will increase even more.

Cloves contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on strengthening and dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow in general.

Beneficial properties for men

What are the benefits of clove decoction or powder added to dishes, drinks for men's health? In any form, the plant can improve the quality of sexual life: it prevents rapid ejaculation, increases potency, and improves reproductive function.
Cloves, which have beneficial properties for men in the treatment of prostatitis, help normalize blood circulation, relieve tumors and neutralize infectious agents. Contraindications for men - hypertension, mental disorders, gastrointestinal problems, individual intolerance.

The plant also has a special effect on the fair half of humanity. It helps stimulate labor, increasing efforts. It also helps stop bleeding during the menstrual cycle, relieves spasms and pain, and tidies up the nervous system during menopause.

Just like on men, cloves act as an aphrodisiac on women. It is added to tea, coffee and cocktails, and if there is no time to cook, then simply chew a few dry buds. Improvement reproductive functions- the result of the action of a complex of useful substances that make up the spice.

What else is clove good for?

  1. Cooking. European and Asian dishes cannot do without the spice: cold meat or fish appetizers, soups, preserves. Coffee with cloves is everyone's favorite drink, with invigorating properties and a bright, rich aroma.
  2. Cosmetology. Buds and seeds of cloves, the beneficial properties of which are extracted from folk cosmetology by grinding into powder, they are used in eliminating skin rash, wounds, cleansing and hair restoration.
  3. For home. Man has used the spice in everyday life as an air freshener and insect repellent.

Decoctions and infusions

Medicinal drinks made from cloves are more effective for the body than in dried form.

Important! The use of cloves in the form of decoctions or infusions has a beneficial effect on the integrity of the gastric mucosa, without irritating or causing diarrhea, which can occur when chewing dry seasoning.

Possible preparation:

  1. Decoctions. Suitable for external use (gargling, oral cavity, treatment of skin affected by fungal diseases) and internal use.

Preparation: 0.5 tsp. ground spices, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes. Apply 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoons. For coughs, a decoction can be made with milk.

Tea with cloves, whose beneficial properties bring incredible benefits to the body, is also considered a kind of decoction, but in a low concentration of active ingredients.

  1. Nastoev. Exist various recipes tinctures, where any alcohol-containing liquid is used (vodka, cognac, wine, vermouth). It is prepared as follows: 25 buds are thrown into a jar, 250 ml of vodka is poured, closed and set aside in a dark place for 7 days. Take 1 tsp. before eating.


  1. Pregnancy. Treatment can be carried out in a one-time form, for example, to relieve the first symptoms of a cold, calm the nervous system, but regular use can increase the tone of the uterus;
  2. Stomach diseases. Spice helps release of hydrochloric acid in the gastrointestinal tract, so it should not be used for ulcers and gastritis. An overdose leads to severe pain and disruption of the digestive process.
  3. Children. Cloves are not harmful to children, but they are recommended for use from 2 years of age.

It is not recommended to combine blood thinners with cloves, as the plant has the same effect. The consequence may be insufficient transport of oxygen into cells, which will lead to feeling unwell(dizziness, powerlessness, drowsiness, nausea).

Hello, dear friends!

A variety of seasonings allows you to add not only unique taste characteristics to dishes, but also enormous benefits. By properly creating spice mixes, you can count on replenishing vitamins that you don’t even know you need!

In today's material, I would like to tell you about the unique features and healing properties of ordinary cloves, which have a characteristic pleasant aroma and miniature shape. But first things first!

Benefits of cloves was noticed long before she became a culinary star. The unopened buds of the famous Syzygium tree, freed from moisture, form the usual understanding of the seasoning and its type of origin.

It was first discovered in the Moluccas. But mainly, such trees are grown in Tanzania. Although both India and Madagascar also boast suitable climate conditions for expanding clove tree populations.

To ensure that the buds are ready for consumption, they do not undergo harmful chemical treatments. Often, they are simply dried under the scorching rays of the sun. The trees bloom twice a year, so there are practically no problems with the abundance of the harvest.

Cloves, as you know, have a pleasant aroma and a pungent taste. And at the same time, she participates in the preparation of various dishes in the form of ground spices and in the form of buds.

I think it's time to expand the boundaries of use seasonings and really enjoy unique properties given to us by nature itself.

Composition of cloves

The spice has been used for the prevention and treatment of complex diseases in the context of traditional medicine for decades. Just think about it, just 1 bud, but what a powerful effect and range of benefits! for the body man he can provide!

Its nutritional properties are represented by a wide range of vitamins, mineral inclusions and, of course, essential oils, which are considered very valuable.

Cloves contain vitamin A, without which it is impossible to imagine a properly functioning body. Beta-carotene is essential for many vital important systems human, which influence the maintenance of optimal balance of organ function.

It also contains vitamin B (1,2,3,4,6,9), PP and, of course, vitamin C, which is presented in the supplement ascorbic acid, tocopherol or vitamin E and phylloquinone, which is more commonly labeled K.

The seasoning cannot do without the mineral wealth, which contains the most valuable elements, such as iron, zinc, copper, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and even manganese, which are so necessary for good health.

More than 25% of the spice is fiber, which regulates correct work digestive system human, 27% carbohydrates, proteins and lipids form more large quantity beneficial substances that enter the body thanks to the use of the fragrant bud in food.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are presented in the range of Omega-3 and Omega-6 substances. But a significant 20% of each bud is occupied by the essential oil that I mentioned above.

The oils include aromatic substances with complex names: ylangene, eugenol and caryophyllene. In combination with glycosides and tannins, cloves form a powerful, protective shield that stands guard against microbes and viruses.

If you think carefully about the composition, then you can safely say that cloves are the strongest medicine, which has a wide range of applications.

What's the benefit?

It is very important to understand what diseases the plant will help to cope with effectively and quickly. To do this, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the track record of achievements and skills of the little bud!

  • Fights staphylococcus, anthrax, diphtheria bacillus, suppresses and kills tuberculosis bacillus;
  • a powerful remedy for the prevention of influenza;
  • used to combat helminths;
  • stimulates the production of enzymes for food processing;
  • relieves inflammation in colitis, helps with severe flatulence and colic;
  • clears ;
  • used as an anesthetic against toothache;
  • helps to cope with slagging in the body;
  • spice nourishes the central nervous system, calms the nerves;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • fights cancer cells;
  • literally prescribed for “nervous bowel” syndrome, but can also invigorate the body;
  • tones the muscles of the uterus, which is very useful for women ;
  • raises blood pressure (in the right proportions).
  • warms during colds;
  • strengthens the walls of the stomach and helps regenerate liver cells;
  • treats gum diseases (gingivitis and periodontal disease);
  • stimulates mental activity and gives energy;
  • useful for respiratory diseases, especially for men that they did not cleanse the lungs;
  • cleanses bad breath (even gets rid of tobacco amber, so long time used as chewing gum).

Effective Application Area

Very often, cloves are used for treatment eye diseases and swelling around them. To remove unpleasant symptoms make a decoction of 6-8 pcs. spices using water up to +40 degrees. After letting the mixture sit for more than 6 hours, proceed to rinsing tincture eye, and a cotton swab dipped in liquid is ideal for eliminating puffiness. You need to apply a cotton pad to the area around your eyes and leave it on for at least 10 minutes.

To stimulate the digestive system before eating, you need to treat yourself to 1-3 buds of cloves, with the addition of one teaspoon of honey. Fifteen minutes before meals, chew the mixture thoroughly without drinking water, and you are guaranteed smooth functioning of the digestive organs.

If you have hypotomy or the inability to literally open your eyes in the morning, replace harmful caffeine with an aromatic spice. The effect will be even better, but you will not become addicted to caffeine, and will improve your condition with natural ingredients.

There are many recipes for cooking various decoctions from the buds and buds of a clove tree. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when heat treatment medicinal value is practically reduced to zero.

That is why the spice is in demand and is perfect for raw foodists , because only in fresh or dried buds can you get the real benefits of consuming cloves.

Very often it is added to red cabbage and kohlrabi salads, sauces, and used in the preparation of desserts and compotes. And in combination with cinnamon, it literally permeates the room with notes of piquant aroma.

But it is important not to overdo it and add seasoning in moderation. In addition, as everyone knows, it is better to add any spice to dishes at the very last moment and avoid heat treatment in every possible way.

Tea brewed with ground cloves, cloves and cinnamon is perfect for treating coughs in children. Such healthy drink you need to drink it with honey and make sure that the water temperature is not hot, but only warm, otherwise honey and cloves will not be able to reveal the full arsenal of their abilities.

Clove oil

Bud oil occupies a special place in application. It combines a powerful antiseptic agent that can kill bacteria and pathogenic viruses. It is also often used in aromatherapy, having an excellent effect on the stable functioning of the human nervous system.

The oil helps normalize heat exchange and is well recommended for therapeutic inhalations to relieve nasal congestion and dry cough. You need to add a couple of drops of oil to hot water and breathe steam over the container for a few minutes.

How to use spice if you're worried skin diseases and rashes such as acne, scabies or furunculosis? I recommend that you use cloves in tandem with. Mix ground cloves with orange powder, add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and apply to problem areas. A couple of minutes and you can wash off the mask and enjoy medical procedures on restoration!

Many esotericists believe that the aroma of cloves has a beneficial effect on a person’s aura. That is why it has long been used in protection against the evil eye, energy vampirism and envy. Oils are also used as a powerful aphrodisiac, which increases the sexual desire of partners.


Naturally, it is important to know what prohibitions on use exist, and what harm can you get it if you take the seasoning carelessly when you have a disease?

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, ulcers, gastritis, hyperacidity);
  • hypertension;
  • with severe fatigue and.

I'll put an end to this!

See you on the blog, bye-bye!