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Ground cloves for parasites. Recipes and methods of using cloves in the treatment of parasites in adults and children

Today, any good housewife in her kitchen will definitely have a box with spicy cloves. It’s worth getting to know this aromatic herb better and finding out what beneficial properties it has, how to properly brew decoctions with it, and how to take it for treatment.

Cloves are actively used in folk medicine against worms, on which the essential oil of this spice is harmful (buy on iherb). If you prepare decoctions correctly, then the correct intake of the mixture, in addition to helminths, will help cope with:

  • Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus);
  • streptococcus (streptococcus);
  • diphtheria bacillus;
  • Helicobacter pylori.

Herbal mixtures/herbs are more affordable; at grandmothers’ markets they cost just pennies compared to the same dietary supplements made from herbs.

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)

Many of us have at least once heard from our grandmothers-herbalists such a word as “threesome”. This medicinal collection, consisting of three herbs: wormwood, tansy, cloves.

Each herb has its own beneficial properties, for example, wormwood and tansy will cope with adult individuals and cleanse the body, and cloves will deal with their eggs.

Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)

How to prepare medicine. Purchased herbs must be thoroughly crushed to a powder state, and then collected in the following proportions: tansy (4 tsp), wormwood (1 tsp), cloves (2 tsp). Take the mixture in dry form, wash it down with water. Single dose - 1 tsp. (remove the slide). Correct technique mixture involves the complete destruction of worms.

Flax seeds

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A recipe consisting of spices and flax seeds is effective against many types of helminths, especially roundworms. To prepare it, you need to take equal portions of herbs - 100g each, and grind them into powder in a coffee grinder. Every evening before bed, take 25 g of the mixture in dry form, diluting it in fruit drink or tea. Take the composition for three days, then take a short break and swallow again for three days. Course - 1-2 months.

By taking this collection of herbs, you can also lose a little weight; thanks to the collection, you will cleanse the intestines of toxins and improve digestion, thereby losing excess weight.

How to take it for prevention

Cloves are not only a pleasant-smelling kitchen spice, but also an excellent medicine, providing beneficial effect on the body.

Spice has wide range useful actions: can anesthetize the body, works as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, and is also anthelmintic, antimicrobial, antiviral, diuretic, antifungal agent. In general, the benefits of cloves are enormous; they can only cause harm to pregnant women and children under two years of age.

IN for preventive purposes this spice is used from numerous viral diseases, for example, cloves can destroy Staphylococcus aureus, tuberculosis and diphtheria bacillus. Weed buds contain some types of vitamin B, which helps get rid of stress or tension, stimulates the functioning of the cerebral cortex, and improves memory.

It is not advisable to take cloves on an empty stomach.

Decoctions prepared from cloves are used in folk medicine to treat eye diseases, improve the condition of arthritis, sports sprains, arthrosis, and also help normalize arterial pressure. By adding it to food, you can improve appetite, normalize stomach acidity, and the process of food digestion.

Based clove oil anti-inflammatory and healing ointments and balms are prepared. It can also be added to baths when bathing to relieve stress after a working day. In aromatherapy, oil is used to treat depressive states, relieve stress.

Worms are dangerous not only because they consume useful material from food, taking them away from our body. In the process of their life, they produce toxins that lead to general intoxication of the body.

Symptoms of helminthic infestation are very diverse:

  • discomfort and pain in the abdomen;
  • intestinal dysfunction: diarrhea, diarrhea or constipation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite and, as a result, sudden weight loss;
  • some helminths, in particular pinworms, cause itching sensations around anal opening(anus) and/or in the genital area;
  • Grinding your teeth in your sleep.

In these cases, the symptoms of helminthiasis are easily confused with other diseases characteristic of these organs, which creates additional difficulties for diagnosing helminthiasis.

Usually, helminthic infestation in any organs and systems human body is also accompanied by:

  • general weakness up to anemia;
  • decreased performance and concentration;
  • possible increase in body temperature from low-grade to high (in the acute stage).

However, the absence of pronounced symptoms does not mean that helminthiasis does not need to be treated.

There are effective medications, but the piggy bank also contains a lot effective recipes, many of which include cloves.

Take a test for worms

Symptoms Answer
Itching in the anal area Yes No
Intestinal dysbiosis Yes No
General weakness Yes No
Dry cough Yes No
The appearance of allergic reactions Yes No
Weight loss Yes No
Headache Yes No
Dizziness Yes No
Increased irritability Yes No
Swelling of the face and eyelids Yes No

It turns out that the carnation was found too active use in folk medicine, including as an effective one (unfortunately, there is no opportunity to talk in more detail about other aspects of the use of cloves as a medicinal and cosmetic product).

Thanks to its bright taste and amazing aroma, we are accustomed to using cloves as a spice - its buds in whole and ground form give any dish a completely new, piquant shade, be it meat, fish or vegetables, not to mention baked goods and other confectionery products.

However, in folk medicine, the use of cloves is much wider, because the beneficial properties of cloves include analgesic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, diuretic, and diaphoretic effects.

Her chemical composition, including 20% essential oils, makes cloves a worthy competitor medications, which often have a whole range of side effects and contraindications.

This effect is based on the properties of the aromatic phenolic substance eugenol, which is part of cloves. If you take products containing cloves, then thanks to eugenol, not only the shell of helminths is destroyed, but their larvae are also destroyed.

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Its main advantage is that it kills not only adult helminths, but also larvae, preventing them from developing in the body.

She is capable of providing next action on the human body:

  • relieves pain;
  • is an antiseptic;
  • calms;
  • kills germs and viruses;
  • tones;
  • heals wounds;
  • eliminates spasms.

Cloves are used in connection with the following problems:

There are also contraindications:

1. pregnant women, since spice increases uterine contractility and can cause miscarriage;

2. during breastfeeding, it can negatively affect the taste of breast milk;

3. for gastritis with high acidity;

4. patients with hypertension;

6. for ulcers duodenum or stomach to avoid exacerbation;

7. people with mental illness;

8. persons with individual intolerance to substances found in cloves.

One of the main restrictions is childhood up to 2 years.

Essential oils in the plant can cause allergic reaction for some people. One of the contraindications is hypersensitivity to substances contained in cloves. They may cause nausea or dizziness.

Instructions for use

1. The plant is crushed using a coffee grinder and poured into a container.

2. Take 0.5 teaspoon of powder three times a day, an hour before meals every day, with a large volume of liquid.

4. In order to consolidate the result after the end of treatment, you can take the powder twice a week.

Children are given the composition by first dissolving it in water. The dose for them should be 2 times less.

2. A common combination is clove and wormwood. The herbs are dried and ground into powder. They can be ground separately in a coffee grinder. Take a heaped teaspoon in the evening 30 minutes before dinner: first wormwood, then cloves, washed down with water. The course of treatment lasts at least 3 weeks. For prevention, you can take it once every 3 days. It is recommended for children to add 0.5 teaspoon of honey to their drinking water to overcome the bitter taste of wormwood.

  • Mix 25 g of cloves, 50 g each of buckthorn, yarrow, tansy and wormwood.
  • All herbs are taken in dried form and ground using a coffee grinder.
  • Adults should take the powder in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before a meal, a teaspoon, and children should take the dose 2 times less.

5. The same mixture of tansy, cloves and wormwood can be prepared in a different proportion - 2:1:3. All components are ground in a coffee grinder. On the first day, take in small quantities - at the end of a teaspoon, gradually increasing this volume to 0.5 tsp. The composition is consumed twice a day - on an empty stomach in the morning, and in the evening - before dinner, with water.

The medicinal properties of the spice make cloves often used in folk medicine. The plant contains a huge amount of vitamins (among which the most numerous are group B substances), micro- and macroelements. Cloves have the following beneficial properties:

  • improves intestinal function and increases appetite;
  • eliminate bad smell V oral cavity, treat teeth and gums;
  • the smell of clove eliminates tension and restores the nervous system;
  • when consumed as part of various dishes, the spice destroys pathogenic microorganisms, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • thanks to their antiseptic properties, cloves are used to treat wounds and cuts;
  • helps normalize sexual function.

Reception features

The waste products of helminths, spreading along with the blood, poison the entire body, so the treatment must be comprehensive, involving several stages. The first step is to prepare the body for the upcoming cleansing by adhering to a special diet - you need to completely exclude fatty, fried, flour, sweet, spicy and salty foods from the diet.

Cloves and wormwood

To combat helminths in this way, it is necessary to grind both cloves and wormwood to a powder state. The mixture is used in dry form, therapeutic dose is one teaspoon. The drug must be taken once a day (before meals), the course is three weeks. Both powders can be used either alternately or together, but you should definitely wash down the dry plants with water, because beneficial substances dissolve faster in liquid.

The herbal mixture of cloves and wormwood is not very pleasant to the taste - the mixture is very bitter, causes disgust and unpleasant taste sensations. To facilitate the administration process, you can add a small amount of honey to the water with which you drink the powder.

Cloves and flax

To prepare the mixture, the correct proportions must be observed: for one hundred grams of flax seeds you need to take ten buds of cloves, after which the components should be crushed to a powder. You need to take one tablespoon (twenty to twenty-five grams).

Heat treatment reduces the value of both components, so the collection should not be used with hot dishes. Flax and cloves can be added to salads and yogurts. The duration of treatment is thirty days, but with breaks: three days of admission should fall on one day of rest.

Cloves, honey and ginger

The beneficial properties of ginger and honey attract many adherents traditional medicine. So, fresh root Ginger must be ground and a mixture of honey and cloves added to it. It is important to maintain the proportions: one part honey and two parts each ginger and cloves. Applicable this remedy in the morning on an empty stomach, one teaspoon. Treatment lasts for a week.

Cloves and dill seeds

Reviews indicate that “Triple Impact” is the most powerful tool among the above. The recipe for the product was developed by Russian doctor Ivanchenko. The drug consists of the following components:

  • clove powder (one and a half parts);
  • wormwood (one part);
  • tansy (three parts).

Use the powder in pure form only a few can due to the strong bitterness, so it is allowed to roll the mixture together with bread crumb or mix with chocolate candy. The course of treatment consists of several stages:

  • On the first day you need to eat eight grams of the mixture on an empty stomach;
  • On the second day, the dose is doubled;
  • On the third day, the consumption rate is twenty-five grams;
  • Over the next week, twenty-five grams of the mixture should be divided into three doses.

Another option is a mixture called “troychatka”. To prepare it, you need to pour two glasses of alcohol into the green skins of ten nuts. The tincture will reach the desired condition within a month; during this time the product must be stored in a cool, dark place.

“Triple Impact” is not suitable for anthelmintic therapy for children, as the drug has a very aggressive effect on the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract.

Healing decoctions

Clove decoction is quite easy to prepare: you need to pour boiling water over the flower buds in a ratio of one to ten. Next you need to wait three to four hours. It is recommended to drink this infusion twice a day for a month. Medicinal dose is half a glass. But since under the influence high temperatures carnation loses part useful properties, treatment will not give quick results.

Contraindications for use

The above combinations have an intense effect on the human body, so treatment with cloves has a number of contraindications. First of all, the use of this spice is not recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers); people with hypertension, pregnant women and women before menstruation should use cloves with great caution. Cloves do not prevent worms best method and for children.

Preventive measures

  • it is necessary to carefully monitor personal hygiene;
  • Domestic animals should be treated for worms periodically;
  • You need to wash vegetables and fruits well before eating, and thoroughly heat treatment meat and fish products.

If not ignored preventive measures, then there will be no need to think about how cloves help against worms, or how to take this spice for medicinal purposes.