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What is vitamin B12 for, what does it help with? Drugs and therapeutic doses. What and how much to eat to get vitamin B12

As you know, I've started a series of articles on how to go vegan and keep your hair, strong nails, and wonderfully glowing complexion. But this article is not only for those who have given up meat! It turns out that everyone needs to know about B12 deficiency and how to replenish its reserves in the body, because this is our main vitamin!

One of the main tasks which we set before ourselves in any change is to make the transition more eco-friendly for health and all the people around us. If this is a move from one place to another, then we definitely need to take into account changes in the composition of water and air, food, etc. If this is a lifestyle change with the so-called. wrong to a healthier one, it's still a shock to the body. If you have never practiced yoga and suddenly daily Surya Namaskar suddenly happened, then despite the fact that in long term the best choice for body and mind you could make, then at first your body experiences overload. Believe me, a whole restructuring work and a whole transformation process has begun in your body. And here the body needs help!

In the case of a change in nutrition, the tasks are:

  1. Understand / know / understand what vitamins and minerals we need, and whether we are depriving ourselves of them.
  2. And dedicate time and energy to adjusting our diet in such a way that our beloved body - the brain, hormones, skin, hair and nails - has enough of everything. Otherwise, as you understand, an anemic complexion and sadness in the eyes await us. And the most unpleasant thing called "I said", i.e. constant reproaches from those who, to put it mildly, do not quite agree with our decision to raise our vibrations and refuse the meat of slaughtered animals.

With the first point, I want to help us all figure it out! The first part of the article is here, there will definitely be a second one, and today about the notorious vitamin B12, the advice of the famous American nutritionist Eliza Goodman:

“Vitamin B12 deficiency prevents our body from working at its full potential. If you like to drink a glass of good wine at night, or avoiding animal products has become a way of life, then you just need to know everything about it.

My life changed dramatically when I started supplementing my diet with vitamin B12. The energy skyrocketed. You know that feeling of flying after a workout or another cup of coffee? This is exactly the state.

Vitamin B12 is called the "essential nutrient for life":

  • Your heart, brain, amount of energy, mental health and the cardiovascular system depend on it.
  • It strengthens the nervous system, promotes the formation of its cells, blood cells and even DNA.
  • He is also involved in the creation of white blood cells, which help the body defend itself against disease.
  • This vitamin also supports thyroid function and the production of melatonin and serotonin (and sleep well and be happy!).

Approximately 40% of the population is deficient in B12, the "essential nutrient for life."

Signs of a lack of B 12:

  • feel tired and confused, your life is sluggish and devoid of motivation;
  • you are in a state of anxiety, weakness or depression.

Familiar? And then, it turns out, you can easily be included in the ranks of those 40%. And only a blood test can detect and confirm B12 deficiency.

You may be deficient in B12 if:

  • You are a vegetarian. B12 comes primarily from animal products; plant foods can also supply the body with a vitamin, but only an analogue of B12. This very analogue does not allow the true vitamin to be absorbed, therefore, in reality, the body's need for nutrients only increases.
  • You have been eating processed food for many years. Even if now you stick healthy eating, then "years spent with processed foods" such as monosodium glutamate, gluten, fast food, sugary sodas have already disrupted the production of B12.
  • You long time are taking hormonal oral contraceptives. Studies have shown that high estrogen pills are associated with a lack of B12: the hormone prevents the vitamin from being absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • You are over 50 years old. With age, the absorption of the vitamin decreases due to a decrease in the amount gastric juice. A decrease in stomach acid, combined with an increase in drug use, tends to result in deficiency.
  • You are taking heartburn medication. Heartburn medicines suppress the production of stomach acid, which is essential for the absorption of vitamin B12. If you carry out such treatment regularly, then you should worry about the lack of a vitamin.
  • You drink alcohol daily. Frequent alcohol consumption irritates the gastric mucosa, the production of gastric juice decreases, and this, in turn, leads to a decrease in the absorption of B12. This vitamin is located in the liver, so the violation of its work is closely related to its reserves.

How to deal with a B12 deficiency

Take extra B12. But keep in mind that not all drugs are effective, since it is not so easily absorbed. Its absorption depends on many factors, such as the condition of the stomach, its enzymes. Therefore, an IMPORTANT addition to the choice of a suitable drug:

Three key points in the absorption of vitamin B12:

  1. Probiotics: An imbalance in the microflora can interfere with the absorption of a vitamin, taking probiotics will perfectly cope with this problem.
  2. Enzymes: Taking enzymes will help regulate the stomach, thereby promoting better absorption of B12.
  3. Hydrochloric acid: daily use of freshly squeezed celery juice for several weeks can increase the production of HCl in the stomach, which allows the vitamin to be absorbed better. About 450 g (small bunch) of celery, ground and made into juice, will work wonders.

Advice which B12 is better

It is better if your B12 preparation contains methylcobalamin with adenosylcobalamin. This is the perfect combination for the best absorption of the vitamin. For the opposite reason, preparations containing cyanocobalamin should be avoided, it is poorly absorbed!

If you need to replenish your B12 stores, but are afraid of taking too much, then know that this is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that the body absorbs only a large number of. An overdose of B12 is extremely rare and is manifested by diarrhea and itching, but if you follow the recommendations correctly, this is not difficult.

Like these ones important tips. I will start by saying that in the near future I will find where to get tested for B12 and I will tell you all about it.

All Beauty, Radiance and a lot of useful vitamins and minerals!

In order for our body, all its organs and systems to function normally, it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of trace elements and vitamins. Vitamin B12, which plays an important role in the normal functioning of the body, deserves special attention here. Our body cannot produce this important element on its own. Therefore, it is very important to eat daily foods that contain vitamin b12.

Why does the body need vitamin B12?

B12 performs the following functions in the body:

  • responsible for the formation of red blood cells. DNA molecules develop in these cells. If sufficient supply of vitamin B12 is not provided, DNA synthesis will not be possible, which will lead to the formation of pernicious anemia;
  • is directly involved in the production nerve cells. With an insufficient amount of vitamin b12, the nerve sheath is damaged, which leads to their death;
  • participates in the assimilation of proteins by the body;
  • involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. If the body does not receive the required amount of vitamin B12, metabolic processes are disturbed and cannot be completed correctly;
  • participates in the division of all body cells;
  • positively affects the functioning of the liver;
  • lowers blood cholesterol;
  • interacts with vitamins and microelements of other groups. So, against the background of a lack of vitamin B12 in the body, vitamin B1 deficiency may also occur, which will cause brain cells to malfunction and digestive system.

How much vitamin B12 does the body need per day?

Only 3 mcg of vitamin B12 per day is necessary for the body to eliminate various problems with health.

Due to the fact that the main source of this vitamin in the body is food of animal origin, and in food plant origin the content of the element is low, then it will be most difficult for vegetarians to replenish the reserves in the body of this element.

For them, vitamin complexes and preparations will become a source of B12. To prevent oversaturation of the body with vitamin B12, before taking any vitamin complex or medication, you should always consult your doctor. But it will be much better if, of course, you can find a source in natural products nutrition (refuse vegetarianism), rich in vitamin B12, in the amount necessary for the normal activity of the body.

When playing sports, pregnant women and during breastfeeding, the body's need for vitamin B12 increases by approximately 4 times.

If the body is deficient in vitamin B12, this will be expressed by the following symptoms:

  • increased nervousness, fatigue, depression;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • red or inflamed tongue;
  • tingling or numbness in the legs;
  • often have problems with memory;
  • failures of the menstrual cycle (soreness, timing shift);
  • heartbeat quickened;
  • pulse is poorly defined.

B12 deficiency can occur against the background of a vegetarian diet, alcoholism, smoking, the use of a large number of confectionery products, taking medicines, reception birth control pills.

If the body does not get enough vitamin b12 for a long time, this will lead to the destruction of the nerves. And this process is already irreversible. People who have a lack of vitamin B12 in their bodies turn gray faster than usual, because. lose the pigment melanin.

Foods Containing the Most Vitamin B12

This vitamin of group B is found most of all in foods of animal origin. The element is also present in plant products, although in very small quantities.

It is safe to say that the leader in the content of vitamin B12 is the liver (veal or beef), which simply has no competitors. Therefore, it is the liver that should be an obligatory component of the diet of pregnant or lactating women and children. The intake of vitamin B12 for these categories of people increases several times a day.

A considerable amount of vitamin B12 is also found in fish and seafood. It is not surprising that in the diet of many people there is a so-called "fish day", when a variety of foods are consumed throughout the day. fish dishes. For seafood lovers who eat them often and in sufficient quantities, vitamin B12 deficiency is extremely rare.

Some dairy products also boast vitamin B12 content in varying amounts. It should be noted that this element is found not only in milk, but also in cheeses, feta cheese, kefir, sour cream, yoghurts and other fermented milk products.

Dry cereal breakfasts are also a storehouse of vitamin B12, so do not neglect them. Their obligatory presence in the diet has great importance, despite the fact that many people do not consider such food useful.

Do not forget about the products of plant origin, which contain vitamin B12, albeit in very small quantities. These are lettuce, spinach, green onion. Products containing this element can be consumed on their own, or they can be added to salads, first or second courses in the process of their preparation, as a result of which the level of vitamin b12 in the body will rise at least a little.

It should be noted that vitamin B12 has the ability to persist with any method of cooking. For example, roasting beef at 200°C for 45 minutes retains approximately 70% of vitamin B12. Or when boiling milk for 5 minutes, it retains up to 70% of vitamin B12.

Despite the fact that vitamin b12 is quite stable to high temperatures and is not destroyed at all during normal cooking, abuse high temperature not worth it. For example, prolonged boiling of milk not only destroys all the vitamins in it, but also significantly reduces it. nutritional value. Therefore, when preparing milk porridge, you must first boil the cereal in a small amount of water, and then add milk and boil. And do not initially boil the cereal in milk for half an hour.

When cooking meat, you can also use the accelerated method using sugar. At the same time, not only the cooking time is reduced (almost by half), but all available nutrients and vitamins are preserved. And the liver with this method can be cooked in just 5 minutes.

For people who adhere to vegetarianism, fortified supplements (muesli, bread, etc.) or tablets can become a source of vitamin B12.

It also happens that a person does not absorb vitamin B12, which has entered the gastrointestinal tract (the reasons for this may lie in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract), so they need to inject vitamin b12. The dosage is selected by the attending physician strictly individually.

The table below shows how much vitamin B12 is contained in a particular product, where its content is highest.

Foods Highest in Vitamin B12


%Daily Value Per Serving

Liver (beef)
Liver (pork)
Heart (beef)
Kidneys (beef)
Liver (chicken)
Powdered milk
rabbit meat
Lungs (beef)
Powdered milk (whole)
Beef (category 2)
Beef (1 category)
sea ​​bass
Cod (fillet)
Turkey (fillet)
Russian hard cheese
Hard cheese "Dutch"
Hard cheese "Poshekhonsky"
Cheese "Cheddar"
Cottage cheese
Chicken (1 category)
Chicken egg)
Condensed milk (sweet)
Condensed milk
Sour cream
curdled milk
Ice cream
Cheese (processed)

Now, knowing exactly which products, and in what quantities, vitamin B12 is present, you can easily create a menu for yourself by including those products that will help replenish the supply of this useful element in the body. As we have already seen, vitamin B12 is one of the most necessary elements for normal operation of the whole organism, so its deficiency should not be neglected. Everything needs to be taken as soon as possible. necessary measures to replenish vitamin B12 stores by eating the “right” foods.

As a rule, little is said about the B vitamins. Meanwhile, each of these vitamins deserves attention. Vitamin B12 is the most important, also called cobalamin.

Who lacks cobalamin (vitamin B12)

Vitamin B12 is very important for the functioning of the whole organism, so it stores it. Each of us has a supply of cobalamin sufficient for about 5 years. Therefore, after changing the diet, we do not immediately notice signs of its deficiency.

alarming vitamin B12 deficiency occurs primarily in people who have switched to a meat-free diet. For vitamin B12 is an important component of meat and eggs. In case of deficiency, the body launches special processes that provide partial recovery. cobalamin, but after a few years, its lack will begin to manifest dangerous symptoms.

People who have problems with the intestines or stomach are also susceptible to a lack of this vitamin - this vitamin is absorbed in the small intestine, but this requires an enzyme that is produced in the stomach. Therefore – in addition to a vegetarian diet – the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency is inflammatory processes gastric mucosa, disruption of the intestinal flora, or other bowel disease.

Cobalamin deficiency is also often experienced by older people, since after 50 years of life, its absorption deteriorates.

Daily dose of vitamin B12

Daily requirement for cobalamin in an adult, healthy person- 2 mcg. The need increases in women during pregnancy, and the highest demand is in nursing mothers.

Most vitamin B12 in red meat (beef, poultry and offal). Luckily for vegetarians, it can also be found in fish, lean and fatty seafood, milk, cheese, and eggs.

Cobalamin is also found in fermented vegetables, such as miso, which is made from fermented soybeans. Most soy milk producers also keep vegans in mind and fortify their products with vitamin B12.

What and how much to eat to get vitamin B12

by-products. In 100 g of the liver, up to 20 mcg of cobalamin. Because daily requirement is 2 mcg, it is enough to eat 10 g of offal per day.

oily fish. 100 g of mackerel, salmon, herring, halibut or sprat contains approximately 5 mcg or more of cobalamin. In this regard, the daily requirement is 50 g.

lean fish. 100 g of pollock, cod, flounder, silver carp or hake contains 1 mcg of cobalamin. Thus, daily dose vitamin B12 coming from these fish is 200 grams.

Dairy products and eggs. Contains up to 5 micrograms of vitamin B12. Most of all - ripening cheeses and eggs. Therefore, it is enough to eat 200 g of dairy products per day.

Meat and sausages. The greatest amount of this vitamin is present in beef meat, but is also found in pork and chicken. It is enough to eat about 300 g of meat per day.

Important Probiotics

For vitamin B12 deficiencies be aware of probiotics. They "take care" of the proper state of the bacterial flora in the intestines. Gut bacteria produce small amounts of cobalamin. However, you can not be afraid of an overdose of vitamin B12. Until now, medicine has not recorded such a case.

When are vitamin B12 injections

If you've just noticed signs of vitamin B12 deficiency, and a blood test confirms a cobalamin deficiency, it's time to think about supplements. Sometimes a doctor prescribes tablets with vitamin B12.

But if you have anemia caused by a deficiency of this vitamin, your doctor will probably prescribe injections. This form of vitamin B12 replenishment will quickly lift blood cobalamin level. Unfortunately, the injections are painful.

Warning symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency

Anemia Its symptoms include fatigue, lethargy, pallor, apathy. In severe form - shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness, acceleration of the heart rate and disturbances in its rhythm.

From the side of the nervous system- tremor and convulsions, balance disorder, blurred vision, sleep disturbances, mood swings. Anxiety disorders and depressive episodes may appear.

Gastrointestinal tract- burning sensation in the mouth, taste disturbances, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue,

Back in the middle of the 19th century, a case was described with lethal outcome, which would later be called "pernicious anemia" or "pernicious anemia". The cause of this disease was a severe deficiency of the B vitamin, often referred to as the "red vitamin".

The origin and discovery of cobalt-containing substances (vitamin B 12) - why the body needs them

Biomedical research with vitamin B 12 has been conducted by American scientists since 1926. Subsequently, in 1934, they were awarded the Nobel Prize for unique discoveries in the treatment of pernicious anemia.

The impact of the "red vitamin" on the body of both adults and children is very difficult to overestimate. Vitamin B 12 is a group of cobalt-containing substances (cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, methylcobalamin and cobamamide) involved in the blood-forming functions of the human body. Lack of it (anemia) can create a lot of problems and disrupt the functions of the whole organism. Lead to severe consequences for good health. And sometimes to death.

B 12 contributes to the formation of DNA, the formation of cell fibers, normal metabolism in the human body. Indispensable for rapidly recovering cells of the liver, skin, gastrointestinal tract. Maintains normal blood pressure and immunity, nervous system. Reduces cholesterol levels. It has a general regenerating effect on all tissues.

The chemical structure of vitamin B 12 is very difficult to synthesize in laboratories. It is produced by unicellular microorganisms (bacteria and archaea). Neither plants nor animals are able to "produce" cobalamin (B 12). A person receives B 12 with animal food (meat, fish, etc.) and dairy (cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.) origin or medication, in the treatment of any disease.

Why does the body need vitamin B 12 - symptoms of deficiency and excess

It is very difficult to pay attention to anemia (anemia), which can lead to a lot of diseases, but some symptoms of the body should alert you and refer you to a specialist.

A person with a deficiency of vitamin B 12 in the body may:

▪ get tired quickly;

▪ have poor appetite;

▪ notice an increase in nervousness;

▪ get a slow reaction.

In this case, depression is not uncommon. Numbness of the limbs and their tingling. Dysmotility (coordination of the movement of a certain muscle group). Shortness of breath when walking, heaviness in the back, increased heart rate, pale skin - serious reasons for worry.

People with alcohol addiction also at risk.

Vitamin deficiency can affect women using birth control pills, and people taking drugs with hypnotic effect. They disrupt the microflora, which prevents the absorption and digestibility of cyanocobalamin.

Is there a glut of "red vitamin"? Theoretically, anything is possible, and the symptoms that can show this are mainly related to skin problems (urticaria), heart palpitations(tachycardia), impaired purine metabolism (synthesis and breakdown of purines). But in practice, this happens very rarely. Most often, vitamin deficiency occurs in children.

The ability of cyanocobalamin to be absorbed and accumulated in the liver cells, and then slowly consumed by the body, is often a salvation from the deficiency of this valuable vitamin in the body.

But this does not mean at all that with the fact of beriberi, the doctor will prescribe you a loading dose with injections or tablets, and you will “stock up” with the necessary amount for many years. The main problem is malabsorption of B12 by the body.

Factors of influence on vitamin B 12 (rules for use and assimilation by the body)

Cyanocobalamin is resistant to temperature rise, highly soluble in water, has a red color, for which it received the name "red vitamin".

The most complex vitamin in structure is also difficult to assimilate by the body. It is absorbed into ileum (lower section small intestine), but is produced in the large, and therefore cannot be independently synthesized and absorbed by one organism. A person receives vitamin B 12, mainly from food. But, even if you are an avid meat eater, and it would seem that it is possible to exclude a vitamin deficiency in you, and not in lovers of vegetarian cuisine, there are still factors that prevent the absorption of cyanocobalamin.

▪ Salts heavy metals in combination with B 12 destroy it.

▪ The rest of the B vitamins are completely incompatible with the “red vitamin”.

▪ Lack of calcium ions in the body - a problem for absorption.

▪ The presence of diseases of the pancreas does not contribute to the full absorption of cobalamin.

▪ During treatment with antibiotics, you should stop taking medication B 12.

And yet, there are the most important "enemies" in the human body, which reduce the chances of absorption of the vitamin to almost zero.

Firstly, it is a violation and change in the microflora in small intestine. The moldy and fermentative environment of the intestine is the cause of multiple human beriberi.

Secondly, helminths that feed on, among other things, vitamin B 12.

How to promote vitamin B 12? After all correct application- the guarantee of the desired result. The answers are quite simple. If you were prescribed treatment with injections (intramuscularly, intravenously, intralumbarly, etc.), and other drugs were prescribed in addition to B 12, please note that it is undesirable to mix them. It is better to alternate the intake of drugs in different time, on different days.

Do not take with drugs that increase blood clotting.

Got a prescription for oral use - eliminate citrus fruits from your diet. Avoid foods high in vitamin C.

Some doctors claim that the tablets do not give the same result as subcutaneous and intramuscular administration of B 12.

Vitamin B 12 intake norms, and their correct use in food

Daily intake of cobalt-containing substances:

▪ for children - 0.4-1.8 micrograms;

▪ men and women - 2.4 micrograms;

▪ pregnant and lactating women - 2.6-2.8 micrograms.

The average human intake is 5-7 micrograms per day.

Foods containing B 12:

▪ high rates: chicken, beef, pork liver; chicken heart; octopus meat;

▪ average indicators: mackerel, herring and other seafood (carp, mussels, shrimps), turkey fillet, beef;

▪ low rates: eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, sour cream.

The listed products perfectly retain the vitamin even after heat treatment and freezing, so all the required amount of cobalt-containing substances will enter your body unchanged.

A controversial issue remains the intake of vitamin B 12 by people who prefer vegetarian cuisine. Claims that this unique vitamin is found in seaweed(Spirulina) and can replace the consumption of animal products are incorrect. Therefore, people with a similar form of nutrition need to “listen” to their body in a special way or consult their doctor on this issue.

Name and forms of vitamin B 12

What is vitamin B 12 for - physiological role

2. Prevents the destruction of red blood cells.

3. Provides coverage of nerve fibers with a myelin sheath, necessary for the transmission of impulses and protection of the structure from negative impact external factors.

4. Prevents fatty degeneration of the liver, kidneys, spleen, heart and other organs.

Absorption and excretion of vitamin B 12

1. Formation of the Castle factor + cobalamin complex;

2. Entry of the complex into the small intestine and its passage through the wall into portal vein liver;

3. Disintegration of the complex and release of vitamin B 12;

4. Transfer of free vitamin B 12 to all organs.

Vitamin B 12 deficiency - symptoms

  • Megaloblastic anemia;
  • Irritability;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Funicular myelosis (degeneration of sections of the spinal cord);
  • Paresthesia (feeling of running "goosebumps", tingling on the skin, etc.);
  • Paralysis, accompanied by a violation of the functioning of the pelvic organs;
  • Dry tongue, colored bright red, on the surface of which tingling and burning can be felt;
  • Decrease or complete absence appetite
  • Bad smell body;
  • Achilia (zero acidity of gastric juice);
  • Diarrhea;
  • Erosions and ulcers on the mucous membranes of various organs (mouth, throat, nose, bronchi, intestines, vagina, etc.);
  • Heaviness when walking;
  • yellowing of the skin;
  • Shortness of breath and erratic heart rate during exercise;
  • Focal hair loss;
  • Ulceration of the corners of the mouth;
  • Glossitis (inflammation of the tongue);
  • Seborrheic dermatitis in certain areas of the skin of the body and face, especially near the nose or mouth;
  • Inflammation and itching of the skin in the genital area in men and women;
  • redness, itching, burning, and sensitivity of the eyes to light;
  • Blurred vision;
  • Formation of a cataract;
  • Dizziness;
  • Depression;
  • Personal degradation.

The listed symptoms of vitamin B 12 deficiency can have varying degrees expressiveness and appear in different combinations. Symptoms are more pronounced, the more severe the deficiency of vitamin B12. For example, with a deficiency of 15% of vitamin B 12 in the body, the symptoms will be moderately expressed, the person as a whole will retain his ability to work and continue to lead his usual lifestyle, explaining his condition as malaise. And with a deficiency of 30% of vitamin B 12, the symptoms will be pronounced sharply, the general condition will worsen significantly, and the person will not be able to lead a normal life, being forced to consult a doctor to find the reasons for his poor health.

Vitamin B 12 deficiency: causes, symptoms, consequences - video

Vitamin B 12 - what foods contain

The main sources of vitamin B 12 are animal products, fish and seafood, such as:

  • Beef liver (60 mcg of vitamin B 12 per 100 g of product);
  • Pork liver (30 mcg per 100 g);
  • Beef kidneys (25 mcg);
  • Octopus (20 mcg);
  • Chicken liver (16 mcg);
  • Mackerel (12 mcg);
  • Mussels (12 mcg);
  • Sardine (11 mcg);
  • Atlantic herring (10 mcg);
  • Keta (4.1 mcg);
  • Beef (3 mcg);
  • Notothenia (2.8 mcg);
  • Sea bass (2.4 mcg);
  • Lamb (2 - 3 mcg);
  • Egg (1.95 mcg);
  • Turkey fillet (1.6 mcg);
  • Cod (1.6 mcg);
  • Carp (1.5 mcg);
  • Curd (1.32 mcg);
  • Shrimp (1.1 mcg);
  • Cheeses (1.05 - 2.2 mcg);
  • Broiler chickens (0.2 - 0.7 mcg);
  • Milk and sour cream (0.4 mcg);
  • Yogurt (0.4 - 0.7 mcg).

That is, a large amount of vitamin B 12 is found in the liver of farm animals and birds, in seafood, fish and egg yolk. The average amount of cyanocobalamin is found in meat, cheese and dairy products. Thus, it is obvious that vitamin B 12 is found in very small amounts in plant foods, so people who practice strict vegetarianism should take vitamins to prevent hypovitaminosis.


Vitamin B 12 is a group of cobalt-containing biologically active substances called cobalamins. These include cyanocobalamin, hydroxycobalamin, methylcobalamin and 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin. In a narrower sense, vitamin B 12 is called cyanocobalamin, since it is in this form that the main amount of it enters the human body.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) first announced itself to the scientific world in 1926. American doctors George Mino and William Murphy found that the inclusion of large amounts of half-baked liver in the diet has therapeutic effect with pernicious anemia. In 1934, two Harvard physicians, George Maycott and "William Parry Murphy, received Nobel Prize for the discovery of the medicinal properties of cyanocobalamin. In 1948, E. Lester Smith (England), as well as Edward Rickes and Carl Folkers (USA) received vitamin B12 in crystalline form. Dorothy Hodgkin was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1955 for deciphering its structure.

Vitamin B12 is an odorless dark red crystalline powder. international title: syanocobalamin. Hygroscopic. Difficult to dissolve in water; solutions are red (or pink). Sterilize the solutions at a temperature of + 100°C for 30 minutes. With prolonged autoclaving, the vitamin is destroyed. Cyanocobalamin is relatively stable in the light and at high temperatures.

Vitamin B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin that is synthesized in the human and animal body by the intestinal microflora, from where it enters the organs, accumulating in the largest quantities in the kidneys, liver, intestinal wall and spleen. Synthesis in the intestine does not fully provide the body's need for cyanocobalamin; additional amounts of it come from animal products.


Vitamin B12 is the only nutrient that contains the essential trace element cobalt for humans. Cyanocobalamin plays a huge role in the body:

1. Necessary for normal hematopoiesis and maturation of erythrocytes, regulates the function of hematopoietic organs.

2. Cyanocobalamin has pronounced lipotropic properties, prevents fatty infiltration of the liver, increases the activity of the oxidative enzyme succinate dehydrogenase, increases oxygen consumption by cells during acute and chronic hypoxia.

3. Vitamin B12 removes the risk factor for heart disease from the body - homocysteine ​​- an amino acid, increased content which in the blood leads to strokes and myocardial infarctions.

4. Together with vitamin A, it participates in cell division inherent in all living cells. Without it, the synthesis of the tissues of our body is impossible. Provides the entry of carotenes into the metabolism and their transformation into active vitamin A.

5. Cyanocobalamin plays a huge role in lowering blood cholesterol.

6. Reduces the symptoms of dementia and mental confusion.

7. Vitamin B12, in interaction with other substances, activates the main life process - the synthesis of ribonucleic and deoxyribonucleic acids. And they are the protein substances that make up the cell nuclei and which contain all the hereditary information.

8. Cyanocobalamin plays a huge role in the human body, participating in the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for restructuring the rhythm of our biological clock.

9. Vitamin B12 restores the ability of the immune system to resist bacteria and other microbes.

10. Relieve pain associated with nerve damage in diabetic neuropathy.

11. Helps correct low blood pressure.

12. Vitamin B12 is essential nutrient necessary for health reproductive organs in men and women. Increases the content of spermatozoa in seminal fluid.

13. Cyanocobalamin is essential for maintaining the health of the nervous system. Nerves in the body are surrounded by an insulating fatty sheath containing a complex protein called myelin. B12 is necessary for the conversion of propionic and methylmalonic acids to succinic, which is part of the lipid part of myelin. Prolonged B12 deficiency can lead to nerve fiber degeneration and permanent damage to the nervous system.

14. Together with vitamin C, folic and pantothenic acids, vitamin B12 is actively involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.


Cyanocobalamin is extremely effective in small doses, one of the few vitamins measured in micrograms (mcg). It is destroyed by the action of the sun, excessive boiling of products, from the use of alcohol and baker's yeast. Because vitamin B12 is found exclusively in meat and animal products, supplementation is especially important for vegetarians.

Sugar, confectionery and sugary drinks destroy the sensitive intestinal flora and thus prevent the absorption of vitamin B12. Foods rich in vitamin B12 should be evenly distributed throughout the day. In this case, it is absorbed to the maximum. If you consume the entire daily diet of cyanocobalamin at a time, then the body absorbs only a quarter of it, and the rest is excreted from the body. With very small portions, up to 80% of the vitamin is absorbed in the intestines, and with large portions, only up to 10%.


Vitamin B12 is absorbed in the small intestine. This requires the so-called internal factor Castle. This protein is produced by cells in the stomach. Its function is to specifically bind to the vitamin B12 molecule, followed by its transfer through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. With the blood, cyanocobalamin is distributed throughout the body. The main storage site for vitamin B12 is the liver. A large amount of it is absorbed by the spleen and kidneys, somewhat less - by the muscles. The total reserves of cyanocobalamin in the body of an adult are about 2-5 mg. The metabolism of vitamin B12 is very slow. For the development of its deficiency with reduced intake into the body, a long time is required: about 5-6 years.

Potassium interferes with the absorption of vitamin B12. But since cyanocobalamin accumulates in the body, when taking potassium short courses there is no danger, however, long-term use of potassium (for example, in patients taking diuretic drugs) can lead to depletion of its reserves.

Max Suction vitamin supplements B12 occurs when taken orally after 8-12 hours, and when administered intramuscularly - after 1 hour.

daily requirement

For children under 6 months - 0.4 mcg.

For children up to 7 months to 1 year - 0.5 mcg.

For children from 1 year to 3 years - 1 mcg.

For children from 4 to 6 years old - 1.5 mcg.

For children from 7 to 10 years old - 2 mcg.

For teenagers from 11 to 17 years old - 3 mcg.

For adults - 3 mcg.

For pregnant women - 4 mcg.

For breastfeeding women - 4 mcg.

Cases of cyanocobalamin poisoning are unknown. Exceeding the RDA by several hundred times is considered safe. The RDA is 2 mcg for adults. Sometimes the need for vitamin B12 is measured in international units (IU). 1 IU equals 1 mcg of vitamin B12.

The need for cyanocobalamin increases with alcohol and smoking.

An additional intake of cyanocobalamin is necessary for vegetarians, since this vitamin is found in animal products.

The need for vitamin B12 is increased in pregnant women, the elderly, AIDS patients, and patients with chronic diarrhea.

Those who like sugary and carbonated drinks absorb vitamin B12 much worse than people who consume sweets in moderation.

Increased consumption of vitamin B12 occurs when taking birth control pills and a large number of different drugs.

Vitamin B12 is the most amazing of all vitamins. We need only three millionths of a gram a day, and in a lifetime a person consumes as much as one grain of wheat weighs. And yet life without it is impossible.

Lack of vitamin B12 in the body

Signs of vitamin B12 deficiency in the body:

1. The main symptom of cyanocobalamin deficiency can be considered low level hemoglobin. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes leukemia - a decrease in the number of red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells, which in turn can cause pernicious anemia(blood cancer).

2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

5. Headache, dizziness.

6. Inflammation of the mouth, sore, reddish tongue.

8. Numbness of the limbs.

9. Difficulty walking.

11. Unpleasant body odor.

12. Painful menses.

13. Visual disturbances, hallucinations.

14. Labored breathing.

Too much vitamin B12

An excess of vitamin B12 is possible only with the use of synthetic cyanocobalamin, or with its introduction in the form of injections. Symptoms of vitamin B12 hypervitaminosis:

2. Congestive heart failure.

3. Thrombosis of peripheral vessels.

5. Rarely - anaphylactic shock.

Treatment of diseases

Drug safety is not the refusal to use drugs, but the competent use necessary medication at the right moment. This information is presented in order to make it easier for the patient and the doctor to cope with the disease without negative consequences. Indications for the use of vitamin B12:

1. It is indicated for patients with pernicious anemia, agastric hyperchromic anemia, with anemia in pregnant women.

2. With liver diseases and chronic pancreatitis.

4. With polyneuritis.

5. With sciatica.

6. With trigeminal neuralgia.

7. With amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

8. When children cerebral palsy.

9. With multiple sclerosis.

10. With Down's disease.

11. For skin diseases.

12. For injuries peripheral nerves.

13. With diabetic neuropathy.

14. With radiation sickness.

15. When allergic diseases(asthma, urticaria).

Cyanocobalamin is administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously, and with funicular myelosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis also intralumbar. Vitamin B12 is poorly absorbed when taken orally. Absorption improves somewhat when administered together with folic acid.

In B12-deficiency anemia, the drug is prescribed at a dose of μg (0.1 - 0.2 mg) every other day until remission is achieved.

With the appearance of symptoms of funicular myelosis and with macrocytic anemia with damage to the nervous system, cyanocobalamin is prescribed in a single dose of mcg (0.4 - 0.5 mg) or more. In the first week, they are administered daily, and then at intervals between injections of days (at the same time, folic acid is prescribed). IN severe cases injected into the spinal canal starting with a single dose of mg, and with each subsequent injection, the dose is increased (50, 100, 150, 200 mg). Intralumbar injections are done every 3 days, only injections are needed for the course. During the remission period, in the absence of funicular myelosis phenomena, 100 mcg twice a month is prescribed for maintenance therapy, and in the presence of neurological symptoms - mcgraza for a month.

With posthemorrhagic and iron deficiency anemia appoint pomkgraza a week.

With aplastic anemia in children, 100 mcg is administered until clinical and hematological improvement occurs.

With anemia of a nutritional nature in the early childhood and anemia in premature babies, use 30 mcg for 15 days.

children early age with Down's disease, cerebral palsy, pomg is prescribed every other day.

With amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, encephalomyelitis, neurological pain syndrome diseases are administered in increasing doses - from 200 to 500 micrograms per injection (with improvement in micrograms per day). The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks.

In case of injuries of peripheral nerves, mcg is prescribed 1 time in 2 days during the day.

In diabetic neuropathy, sprue, radiation sickness, micrograms are administered daily during the day.

For hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, adults and children are prescribed pomg per day or 100 mcg every other day for days.

Duration of vitamin B12 treatment and repeated courses depend on the nature of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment.

It is important to take the drug regularly, however, since it takes a long time for the development of vitamin B12 deficiency, you should not worry if you miss the next dose.

Taking vitamin B12 is contraindicated in acute thromboembolism, erythremia, erythrocytosis. With caution, cyanookbalamin should be used in patients with angina pectoris. At hypersensitivity allergic reactions to vitamin B12, headache, dizziness, nervous excitement, pain in the heart, tachycardia. In these cases, the use of cyanocobalamin is temporarily stopped or canceled altogether.

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How to increase vitamin b12 in the body

It has many functions, let's briefly go through the main ones. cobalt essential for our health. This vitamin is actively involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in close cooperation with vitamin C, folic and pantothenic acids. So that we have healthy nerves and we are fully prepared for everyday stresses, it diligently helps billions of folic acid molecules in the production of choline. It also revitalizes the iron stores in our body, which are usually deficient. Over the millions of years of its development, this vitamin, in addition, became close friends with vitamin A, which it helps in the synthesis of body tissues. It ensures the entry of carotenes into metabolism and their conversion into active vitamin A. Finally, in interaction with other substances, the vitamin starts the main life process - the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acids.

Nervous system and psyche.

Vitamin B12 is involved in the construction of protein and fatty structures of the protective myelin layer. One of the main tasks of vitamin B12 is the production of methionine, which in our psyche orchestrates such feelings as kindness, love, and a sense of joy. Vitamin B12, folic acid and methionine (as well as vitamin C) form a kind of working group that focuses mainly on the brain and nerves. Depends on availability of cyanocobalamin wide range emotional and cognitive abilities. Maintaining optimal levels of this vitamin helps prevent depression, dementia, and mental confusion. Vitamin B12 helps to overcome insomnia, and also helps to adapt to changes in sleep and wakefulness, which is explained by the participation of cyanocobalamin in the synthesis of melatonin.

How is vitamin B12 absorbed?

Neither animals nor plants are able to synthesize vitamin B12. This is the only vitamin synthesized exclusively by microorganisms: bacteria, actinomycetes. Of animal tissues, the liver and kidneys are the richest in vitamin B12. This vitamin is produced by microorganisms in digestive tract any animal, including humans, as a product of the activity of microflora, but it cannot be absorbed, as it is formed in the large intestine and cannot enter the small intestine.

Vitamin B12 importance, uniqueness, need

Vitamins are an essential component of the normal functioning of the body. Their lack can cause depression, lack of mood, weakened immunity and many more ailments. A person receives some vitamins with food, some is produced by his body. Among other essential B vitamins, vitamin B12 occupies a separate place. However, it is synthesized by the body in very small quantities.

Why is vitamin B12 so important?

This vitamin is essential for the full functioning of the nervous system, both central and peripheral.

The thing is that B12 is involved in the process of creating new nerve endings(takes part in the synthesis of myelin sheaths of nerve fibers and in the formation of bone cells), and its deficiency can lead to damage to their integrity. In addition, a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the digestive tract and impaired cerebral circulation, because its insufficient amount can also affect the presence of vitamin B1, which is responsible for these processes. Also, vitamin B12 determines the composition of skin cells, blood and immunity.

vitamin deficiency in the body

The main symptoms of B12 deficiency are:

  • depression
  • paranoia
  • confusion in thoughts, words
  • bad memory
  • mood swings
  • digestive problems
  • fatigue
  • numbness

The most prone to vitamin B12 deficiency are people with reduced production hydrochloric acid in the stomach low acidity suffer from 10 to 30% of people of retirement age), as this leads to low absorbability useful substances from food. And if the rest of the vitamins are obtained in large quantities with food, then B12 is not.

What foods contain the vitamin

An indispensable source of B12, which makes up for its lack by 100%, is the liver of a cow, calf and pig. Pregnant women and young children will benefit from offal.

Another important source of vitamin B12 is seafood. It can be all sorts marine fish, shellfish, etc. Besides, seafood are full not only of this vitamin, but also of many others that are also necessary for the body.

A valuable source of B12 is milk and dairy products. Apart from the cow's milk, it can be: sour cream, kefir, cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk products.

You can also get vitamin B12 by eating breakfast cereals. It is best if it is bran or muesli.

Plant foods cannot boast a high content of vitamin B12, however, they also contain it. For example, its most significant amount is found in green onion leaves, lettuce and spinach.

Of the cheapest and easiest to buy products, homemade whey can be called. It contains 2.00 micrograms per 100 grams of product. That is, 1 glass of whey is enough to replenish the supply of B12 for a day.

The main thing to remember is that, in order to establish a normal content in the body, not only B12, but also other important vitamins, you should consume foods not only with their high content, but also many others. Indeed, in order to synthesize certain vitamins, as well as to qualitatively assimilate those that the body itself synthesizes, it must receive minerals and other valuable substances from a wide variety of foods.

Daily rate

But as recent studies have shown, if you are at risk:

  1. you are over 50;
  2. you are a vegetarian or do not eat meat food;
  3. you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Then your norm of vitamin B12 (at long stay at risk) can reach up to 100 mcg per day. But it's a huge dose. Yes, but natural vitamin B12 is completely non-toxic (unlike its pharmaceutical version).

Fasting restores B12 levels in the body

One of the strangest things about vitamin B12 is that it is not always possible to consume it to cover a deficiency. Why? Many people cannot take foods or supplements containing B12, or they have problems with the vitamin synthesized in the body.

Some people take pills and injections every day without any effect. Dr. Virginia Vetrano told the story of a woman she treated: despite being given B12 and iron injections twice a month, she continued to suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency (which manifested itself as pernicious anemia and other symptoms that significantly affected her condition in for many years).

After the Vetrano fast, her B12 levels rose and her anemia disappeared. Virginia observed more than a hundred patients who fasted under the supervision of Dr. William Howard Hay: all but eight of the anemia was gone.

How is this possible? During fasting, a person does not consume anything but water. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that he suddenly has a source of sufficient B12 for the symptoms to subside. There are several other mechanisms for this:

The required amount of vitamin B12 was always in his body, but the conditions in which it was located - low-quality foods high in fat and an unhealthy lifestyle - did not allow him to use the vitamin properly.

The lack of fat intake allows the body to produce B12 in the right amounts in the intestines. Thus, everything that was needed for its synthesis was always in the body, but the process was hindered by excess fat.

The patient had reached a point where his body had lost the ability to use or produce B12, but fasting restored those abilities.

All three of these mechanisms go against the typical "more is better" approach to treating vitamin B12 deficiency, which is followed by most doctors and nutritionists.

B12 in the pharmacy

  • 0.02 and 0.05% injection solutions (intended for intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous or intralumbar administration).
  • injections are used for anemia due to cyanocobalamin deficiency, neuralgia, neuritis, nerve injuries, radiation sickness, certain types of dermatosis (eczema, psoriasis, photodermatosis).

What is the danger of independent use:

  • the drug affects the blood picture, therefore, during treatment, patients require constant monitoring by a doctor and monitoring of laboratory parameters. Uncontrolled use of drugs threatens to increase blood clotting and, as a result, the development of thrombosis.

Vitamin injections - a new trend in the fight against fatigue

Everyone experiences fatigue: managers of large enterprises and their subordinates, young parents, schoolchildren and students. From time immemorial in better ways get rid of it were considered good rest and sound sleep. Unfortunately, not everyone can take advantage of them: a mother cannot make her newborn baby not cry at night, working adults must rest in accordance with the vacation schedule, and schoolchildren cannot change the class schedule.

Everyone tries to get rid of overwork in their own way: someone starts to meditate, someone relieves stress in the gym, and someone with alcohol in a bar. Recently, injections of vitamin B12, which prevents the development of anemia, protects the myelin sheaths of nerve cells and strengthens the body's immune system, have been especially popular among the many ways to combat fatigue. Singers Madonna and Cheryl Cole are said to frequently recharge their batteries with these energy shots.

“The main advantage of intramuscular vitamin injections is that they act instantly, unlike vitamins in tablets and capsules. Those who fear the negative consequences of an overdose have nothing to worry about: the remains of water-soluble vitamin B12 are quickly excreted from the body along with urine, ”comments British doctor Martin Kinsella, who actively practices this method of combating overwork in his own clinic in Cheshire.

However, not all doctors share the enthusiasm of their colleague. “Vitamin B12 injections are a relatively new phenomenon in medicine, and their impact on human health requires further research. Therefore, physicians using these injections as restorative procedures should carefully and comprehensively monitor the condition of their patients. You should also not forget about the placebo effect and the fact that any injections carry the risk of developing allergic reactions”, - an employee of the British charitable foundation Nutrition, Dr. Helen Gibson-Moore.

And what is important: the trend towards an increase in doctors talking about the direct danger of vitamin B12 injections is more and more. The use of this drug is not in extreme situations, when it is necessary for vital signs, is a dangerous game with human health.

What foods will help restore vitamin B12 levels

As a rule, little is said about the B vitamins. Meanwhile, each of these vitamins deserves attention. The most important vitamin is B12, also called cobalamin.

He is responsible, first of all, for the normal development of nerve cells. Without it, the synthesis of phospholipids of the myelin sheath surrounding all nerve fibers will not occur. Therefore, it is also called the good mood vitamin.

It relieves anxiety and depression. It also has a positive effect on skeletal system, especially for the production bone marrow. Thanks to him, the metabolism works faster. Cobalamin reduces the amount of lipids in the blood. This valuable vitamin is also involved in the production of red blood cells.

Who lacks cobalamin (vitamin B12)

Vitamin B12 is very important for the functioning of the whole organism, so it stores it. Each of us has a supply of cobalamin sufficient for about 5 years. Therefore, after changing the diet, we do not immediately notice signs of its deficiency.

Alarming vitamin B12 deficiency occurs primarily in people who have switched to a meat-free diet. For vitamin B12 is an important component of meat and eggs. With a deficiency, the body launches special processes that provide partial recovery of cobalamin, but after a few years, its deficiency will begin to manifest dangerous symptoms.

People who have problems with the intestines or stomach are also susceptible to a lack of this vitamin - this vitamin is absorbed in the small intestine, but this requires an enzyme that is produced in the stomach. Therefore, in addition to a vegetarian diet, the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency is inflammation of the gastric mucosa, disturbance of the intestinal flora, or other bowel diseases.

Cobalamin deficiency is also often experienced by older people, since after 50 years of life, its absorption deteriorates.

Daily dose of vitamin B12

The daily requirement for cobalamin in an adult, healthy person is 2 mcg. The need increases in women during pregnancy, and the highest demand is in nursing mothers.

Most vitamin B12 in red meat (beef, poultry and offal). Luckily for vegetarians, it can also be found in fish, lean and fatty seafood, milk, cheese, and eggs.

Cobalamin is also found in fermented vegetables, such as miso, which is made from fermented soybeans. Most soy milk producers also keep vegans in mind and fortify their products with vitamin B12.

What and how much to eat to get vitamin B12

Offal. In 100 g of the liver, up to 20 mcg of cobalamin. Since the daily requirement is 2 mcg, it is enough to eat 10 g of offal per day.

Oily fish. 100 g of mackerel, salmon, herring, halibut or sprat contains approximately 5 mcg or more of cobalamin. In this regard, the daily requirement is 50 g.

Lean fish. 100 g of pollock, cod, flounder, silver carp or hake contains 1 mcg of cobalamin. Thus, the daily dose of vitamin B12 from these fish is 200 grams.

Dairy products and eggs. Contains up to 5 micrograms of vitamin B12. Most of all - ripening cheeses and eggs. Therefore, it is enough to eat 200 g of dairy products per day.

Meat and sausage products. The greatest amount of this vitamin is present in beef meat, but is also found in pork and chicken. It is enough to eat about 300 g of meat per day.

Important Probiotics

With vitamin B12 deficiencies, probiotics should be remembered. They "take care" of the proper state of the bacterial flora in the intestines. Gut bacteria produce small amounts of cobalamin. However, you can not be afraid of an overdose of vitamin B12. Until now, medicine has not recorded such a case.

When are vitamin B12 injections

If you've just noticed signs of vitamin B12 deficiency, and a blood test confirms a cobalamin deficiency, it's time to think about supplements. Sometimes a doctor prescribes tablets with vitamin B12.

But if you have anemia caused by a deficiency of this vitamin, your doctor will probably prescribe injections. This form of vitamin B12 supplementation will quickly raise blood levels of cobalamin. Unfortunately, the injections are painful.

Warning symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency

Anemia - its symptoms include fatigue, lethargy, pallor, apathy. In severe form - shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness, acceleration of the heart rate and disturbances in its rhythm.

From the side of the nervous system - tremor and convulsions, balance disorder, blurred vision, sleep disturbances, mood swings. Anxiety disorders and depressive episodes may appear.

Gastrointestinal tract - burning sensation in the mouth, taste disturbances, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, frequent diarrhea.

Why does our body need vitamin B12 and what foods to eat to make up for its deficiency

Good day, curious readers of my blog. Do you often have cyanocobalamin in your diet? Don't be intimidated by this terrible name - this is not some outlandish product. In fact, this is the second name that vitamin B12 received. Believe me, this cobalt-containing element is simply indispensable for every person. And I intend to convince you of this today. If you're ready, then listen.

What does the body need

Vitamin B12 has a special effect on our mood, energy levels, memory, heart, digestion and more. This is one of the most important elements group B. It affects following processes flowing in the body:

  • DNA synthesis;
  • provides hormonal balance;
  • supports healthy nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • removes homocysteine;
  • lipotropic function;
  • participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and leukocytes;
  • supports reproductive function;
  • takes part in the breakdown of proteins.

Deficiency symptoms

Due to the importance of B12 for the body, it is very difficult not to notice the deficiency of this element. It will appear in various negative symptoms. With a lack of this substance, you may feel broken in the body or dispersed.

Additional symptoms in adults are (1):

  • muscle, joint pain and weakness;
  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath;
  • dizziness;
  • bad memory;
  • inability to focus on business;
  • mood changes (depression and anxiety);
  • palpitations;
  • poor dental health, including bleeding gums and mouth ulcers
  • digestive problems such as nausea, diarrhea, or cramps;
  • poor appetite.

In more severe manifestations, deficiency can cause pernicious anemia. This dangerous disease, which can lead to memory loss, confusion, and even long-term dementia.

There are 2 groups of people who are in the zone increased risk lack of B12. These are the elderly and vegetarians (2)

Representatives of the first group are very susceptible to a lack of a vitamin, because they have a digestive disorder. As a rule, the production of gastric juice is reduced in older people. But it is so important for the absorption of nutrients by the body.

As for vegetarians, their vitamin B12 deficiency is understandable. The best sources of this element are animal products. Vegetarians don't eat them.

Also, the lack of this element is observed in smokers. The reason for this is that nicotine can block the absorption of elements from food. And a lack of vitamin B12 is diagnosed in people suffering from anemia and digestive upset. And in people who abuse alcohol, there is a lack of this element.

How to identify a B12 deficiency

The diagnosis of deficiency of this vitamin is made after measuring its level in the blood serum. However, studies show that such research is not always objective. About 50% of patients with vitamin B12 deficiency have normal levels of this element. (3)

There are more accurate screening options for vitamin deficiency. But they, as a rule, do not give a 100% accurate result (4). Therefore, if you suspect that you have a lack of this element, the first thing to do is get tested. If the test result shows that everything is normal, talk to your doctor about additional tests.

What foods contain vitamin B12

According to a 2007 study, the absorption of vitamin B12 from food by adults is about 50%. In reality, however, this number is often much lower. (5)

The best food sources of vitamin B12 are meat, fish and poultry, organ meats and eggs

Although the cobalt-containing element is absorbed worse from eggs - only about 9% is absorbed by the body. Vegetables and fruits do not contain this element at all.

However, B12 can be found to varying degrees in fortified plant foods. It can be nutritional yeast, fortified cereal products. However, a greater percentage of this substance is still found in animal sources.

For vegans and vegetarians, I have some sad news. Such a superfood product as blue-green algae, a very poor substitute for vitamin B12 (6). Therefore, those who adhere to a vegetarian diet, it is imperative to take vitamin complexes.

In general, the exact level of absorption depends on the health of the person's digestive system. Below I present to your attention best sources, which supply the body with a vitamin (the value of 3 μg for an adult is taken as the norm).

With the help of these foods, you can eliminate the deficiency of the element b12. To do this, you just need to increase the consumption of such food.

Instructions for use

The daily need of the body for this element depends on the age of the person. It can vary from 0.4 micrograms to 3 micrograms.

So, daily rate for children is:

For adults, this figure rises to 3 micrograms. The only exceptions are pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as athletes. For them, the daily dosage is 4-5 mcg. However, only a doctor can determine the exact need of the body for a cobalt-containing element. And then after the patient will pass certain tests.

Compared to other vitamins, we don't need very large amounts of B12. But it is extremely important to replenish its stocks daily. Therefore, to maintain the recommended level, it is necessary to eat foods rich in this element.

In addition, vitamin B12 can be taken in tablets that are placed under the tongue or in the form of a spray. In addition, it is issued this drug and in ampoules. Since this element is water-soluble, the body can wash out all the excess with urine and it is impossible to get an overdose. Therefore, cyanocobalamin is safe and non-toxic.

It is important to remember that vitamin B12, intended for oral administration, has a low bioavailability - when it enters the stomach, the body absorbs only 40% of the drug. And here intravenous injections are more bioavailable - up to 98% of the active substance is absorbed.

Despite the safety of the drug, I do not advise self-medication. The intake of this vitamin and its dosage must be agreed with the doctor. Otherwise, the price of the experiment on your health will be too high.

Top 9 Vitamin B12 Benefits

Here I have highlighted the most striking advantages of this element. Take a look and you may want to reconsider your diet in favor of consumption more meat products.

  1. Supports metabolism. Vitamin B12 is needed to convert carbohydrates into glucose, which is used as energy for the body. Therefore, people with a deficiency of this element often complain of fatigue. It is also needed by neurotransmitters that help muscles contract and give you energy.
  2. Prevents memory loss. B12 deficiency can cause various neurological and psychiatric disorders. The role of this element in the regulation of the nervous system is high. Therefore, this vitamin is used to reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and dementia. (7) (8)
  3. Improves mood and learning. There have been many studies proving that B12 helps in the regulation of the nervous system. It also reduces depression and anxiety. (9) Also, this element is necessary for concentration of attention and cognitive processes (such as learning). Therefore, its lack can lead to difficulty in focusing attention.
  4. Supports heart health. The vitamin helps reduce elevated level homocysteine. But it is he who is today considered the main risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases. (10) Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid. The content of vitamin B complex in the body depends on its concentration in the blood. There is also evidence that B12 may help control high level cholesterol and blood pressure. And the elements of group B can control atherosclerotic diseases. (eleven)
  5. Essential for healthy skin and hair. Vitamin B12 has importance for healthy skin, hair and nails. The reason for this lies in the fact that it plays a special role in the reproduction of cells. Plus, this element reduces redness, dryness, inflammation and acne. It can be applied to the skin for psoriasis and eczema. In addition, it reduces hair breakage and helps nails become stronger.
  6. Promotes digestion. This vitamin helps in the production of digestive enzymes to break down food in the stomach. This contributes to the formation of an environment for development beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Destruction harmful bacteria in the digestive tract and the presence of useful - this is what prevents digestive disorders. In particular, problems such as inflammatory disease intestines.
  7. Essential for pregnant women. B12 is needed to create nucleic acid(or DNA - the main genetic material). Well, it is used to create our body. Therefore, this element is the main nutrient for growth and development. And it is also a vital component that helps a healthy pregnancy. The vitamin also interacts with folic acid in the body. This reduces the risk of birth defects.
  8. May help prevent cancer. This vitamin is currently being studied as a risk-reducing aid. certain types cancer. Its properties are enhanced by simultaneous reception element with folic acid (12). In addition, some preliminary studies show that it is beneficial immune system. This means that b12 potentially helps in the fight against cancer. And in particular, it fights cancer of the cervix, prostate and colon.
  9. Prevents anemia. Vitamin B12 is needed to create normal level red blood cells. This prevents the development of megaloblastic anemia. Its symptoms are chronic fatigue and weakness. (13)

Interactions with other drugs

Absorption of vitamin B12 can be difficult in the case of alcoholism or smoking. Moreover, long-term use antibiotics reduces the ability of the stomach to absorb the cobalt-containing element. As a result, the body receives less vitamin B12. And potassium supplements can also reduce the absorption of this substance.

For this reason, anyone taking stomach medications should consult their doctor. You may need to take additional vitamin supplements in your case.

I am sure that today's article has helped you to look at vitamin B12 in a new way. And now you understand that the lack of this element can cause serious problems. Knowing this is very important. So share the link to this article with your friends in social network. And subscribe to the updates, because there are so many more useful and interesting things prepared for you. And that’s all for today – see you soon!