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What types of massage are there: description and beneficial effects. Yulia Malitskaya

6 155 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about different types of massage. And also about the basic techniques and methods of their implementation.

A little about massage

Massage is a procedure during which the body is healed thanks to physical and reflex action on the body.

At first glance, it may seem that the massage therapist’s movements are very simple and primitive. In fact, the art of massage is not so easy to master.

There are many varieties of this manual procedure. Some countries have their own techniques and methods.

If you really want, you can try each type of massage for yourself. But in order not to harm your body, we recommend that you consult a doctor and be sure to trust your body only to qualified specialists.

Massage systems

Depending on the specifics of the massage, there are two main systems:

  • European– during this procedure, both the entire body and its individual parts are massaged. Basic (standard) techniques are used. This system includes: classic, therapeutic, sports, hygienic, relaxing and other types of massage.
  • Eastern– during such procedures, the massage therapist finds biologically active currents, reflex zones and presses on them. Thai massage can be considered a representative of this system.

Indications and contraindications for massage

Most people find massage a very pleasant procedure. Yes it is. But in order to get the maximum benefit from such a session, you need to know when you can do it and when you need to refuse a massage.

First, let's look at situations where massage is recommended for patients.

  • During the rehabilitation period after joint injuries.
  • For arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Patients with paralysis.
  • During the recovery period after diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, diseases of the ENT organs, etc.;
  • Patients with pathological diseases genitourinary system;
  • If there are any kind of changes in the spine;
  • People with radicular syndrome;
  • If you experience headaches associated with osteochondrosis.

This is not the entire list of indications. Depending on the type of massage, it can be expanded tens of times. For example, indications for cosmetic massage may be sagging skin, the appearance of wrinkles or the presence of acne. In any case, before prescribing such a procedure, consult your doctor.

In order not to aggravate the treatment of the disease, you need to know in what cases massage is still contraindicated.

  • Any inflammatory processes in the body that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  • The presence of any kind of bleeding (including menstrual bleeding).
  • Any poisoning.
  • Presence of cancer.
  • Hypertensive or hypotensive crises.
  • Cardiovascular failure.
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, etc.).
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Acute stage of allergy.
  • Aneurysms.
  • Psychological diseases that are accompanied by increased excitability.

Rules for massage procedures

Different types of massage require different techniques for performing it. We will consider the basic rules for conducting manual procedures for European system.

  1. You need to start the massage with stroking movements, gradually increasing the pressure on the human body.
  2. Large parts of the body, such as the back, are the first to be affected. Only after this can you move on to the arms and legs.
  3. The massage therapist's hands should move only in the direction of lymph flow. There should be no chaotic movements.
  4. At the stroking stage, you don’t need to use oil or cream, but during kneading you must use any moisturizer; it softens the movement of the massage therapist’s hands.
  5. The patient should be on a special couch or other hard horizontal surface.
  6. Before starting the massage, the massage therapist's hands must be washed. Long nails are not allowed. They must be cut at the root.
  7. The client should not feel discomfort or acute pain during the massage. If this appears, then the master must either reduce the pressure or change the tactics of the procedure.

Classification of massage. Its types

As we said earlier, there are many different types and subtypes of massage. We will try to classify the main ones.

So, depending on the effect obtained, massage can be:

  • Sports– prepares the body for upcoming stress, relaxes tense muscles, helps restore the body after injuries, etc.
  • Medicinal– promotes rapid recovery of the body after an injury or illness.
  • Hygienic– prevents the development of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, strengthens the immune system, improves well-being, etc.

According to the method of influence, massage is divided into:

  • General– the whole body is massaged, including the head and limbs;
  • Local– massage of a specific area of ​​the body;
  • Self-massage– a person carries out the procedure independently;
  • Joint– when the body is massaged by 2 massage therapists using 4 hands or two people massage each other.

Depending on what exactly and how to do the massage, it can be:

  • Hand, foot, etc.– that is, the massage therapist acts on the patient’s body with part of his body.
  • Hardware– massage using special equipment.
  • Using tools– using brushes, rollers, spoons or other special devices.

Classification of massage depending on the area of ​​the body being massaged

The whole body, as well as its individual parts, can be massaged. For example, after a broken arm or leg, a massage of these limbs is required.

Depending on which part of the body is being massaged, this procedure is classified as follows.

Hand massage Many people experience pain in the shoulder girdle due to the need to lift heavy objects. Thanks to the massage of the arms, shoulders and collar area, discomfort disappears and painful sensations. In cases where massage is prescribed as a rehabilitation method, it helps speedy recovery body.
Recommended for people whose work involves heavy physical activity. It eliminates swelling, normalizes blood circulation and lymph flow, relieves fatigue, prevents cramps, and promotes rapid recovery from injuries.
Foot massage There are a lot of reflex points on the feet. That is why foot massage has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. It is recommended for people with problems gastrointestinal tract, mental disorders, patients with acute respiratory infections, patients with severe headaches and nausea.
Abdominal massage It is very effective in treating any problems related to the intestines, improves the functioning of the stomach, liver and even prostate. In addition, it destroys cellulite and promotes weight loss.

The most common types of massage

Now we will talk about the most popular types of massage that are loved by millions of people.

Classic massage

This procedure is performed by people to cure acute and some chronic diseases. Classic massage helps:

  1. Take off painful sensations;
  2. Partially solves joint problems;
  3. Stimulates the functioning of the reproductive system;
  4. Removes swelling;
  5. Fights diseases of the muscular system.

This type massage is the basis for other types and subtypes of massages of the European system.

This procedure does not cause severe pain and is well tolerated by clients. The following techniques are used during the session:

  • Stroking the skin;
  • Rubbing the integument;
  • Kneading;
  • Pressure;
  • Vibrating and patting movements.

One of the types of classic massage is hygienic massage. It has a general health-improving nature, and is most often performed using self-massage techniques.

Classic massage technique - video instructions.


Therapeutic massage is prescribed to paralyzed people, those who have arthritis or arthrosis, patients who have suffered heart attacks and strokes, etc. In addition to these cases, therapeutic massage is recommended for people who have suffered any kind of injury.

This type of massage can be local in nature, i.e. the massage therapist deals with a specific area of ​​the body, or general - the whole body is massaged.

The following types of therapeutic massage are distinguished:

  • Classical;
  • Segmental-reflex;
  • Connective;
  • Connective tissue;
  • Periosteal;
  • Spot;
  • Therapeutic self-massage.

This type of massage is prescribed exclusively by a doctor and is performed only by a certified specialist.

Back massage for osteochondrosis, scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis. Therapeutic massage technique

Sports (Swedish) massage

Athletes are susceptible various injuries and physical stress. It is they who are often prescribed massage for recuperation and rehabilitation.

Techniques and methods for carrying out this healing and restorative procedure are selected individually for each patient based on what goal needs to be achieved.

Types of sports massage:

  • Preliminary massage– done before serious physical activity;
  • Restorative massage– after any kind of stress for quick recovery;
  • Superficial tissue massage– relieves tension and eliminates pain.
  • Massage of deep tissues – used for treatment chronic diseases musculoskeletal system.

Features of sports massage - video instructions.

Cosmetic massage

This procedure is performed by a cosmetologist. During the massage, only the face is massaged. Such sessions help get rid of a double chin, facial wrinkles, and the skin becomes more elastic and toned.

The specialist mainly uses stroking and slightly rubs the skin. All movements are carried out only along massage lines without strong pressure.

Types of facial massage:

  • Classical– smooth stroking and rubbing movements;
  • Myostimulating— recommended for women aged 35+. Thanks to the mechanical effect on the facial muscles, the skin is noticeably tightened and wrinkles disappear.
  • Jacquet massage– during the procedure, the patient’s face is subjected to pinching with vibration. This massage is performed without the use of moisturizers. Only talc is acceptable. The duration of the session is no more than 1/3 hour.
  • Sculptural– this massage is an excellent alternative to popular youth injections.
  • Lymphatic drainage– stimulates lymph flow. This procedure reduces swelling. It is prescribed to people who have undergone plastic surgery.
  • Lifting massage– after such a procedure, the skin is noticeably tightened, wrinkles disappear, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Cosmetic massage can be performed at home. The main thing to remember about massage lines.

Anticellulite massage

This medical procedure, during which the connection between fatty tissues is destroyed, skin cells begin to receive the necessary portion of oxygen, toxins are eliminated, and swelling goes away.

This massage is quite painful, but effective in the fight for a slim and toned body.

The massage therapist’s movements during the session are energetic and pressing. Massage the skin only in the direction of lymph flow, without affecting the groin area.

Types of anti-cellulite massage:

  • Classic (manual)– used standard scheme massage;
  • Honey– using honey;
  • Dry– during the session, the skin is massaged with a towel, special mitten or brush;
  • Vacuum or can– a special silicone jar is attached to the skin and moved over the skin. The desired effect is achieved due to the pressure difference.
  • Hardware– massage using special equipment;
  • Massage according to the Koch method– massage the skin with two spoons.

Video about Anti-cellulite massage. Technique, methodology, expert advice

Relaxing massage

Recently, relaxing massage has become the most popular among residents of megacities. All thanks to the wonderful effect that clients experience after it. Namely:

  1. There is a feeling of complete recovery;
  2. Anxieties disappear;
  3. Stress goes away;
  4. Sleep is normalized;
  5. Nervousness disappears;
  6. Strength is restored, etc.

For such sessions, the lights are dimmed or candles are lit, pleasant music is turned on, aromatic oils and incense are used.

There are many different types of relaxation massage. We will tell you about the most popular of them.

  • Tibetan massage– the whole body is massaged, including the head. An aromatic oil must be used, which is selected individually for each person.
  • Chiromassage– this procedure has no system, and the massage therapist’s movements are complete improvisation.
  • Stonetherapy– the purpose of this procedure is to influence energy points with basalt or marble stones of different temperatures and harden the vessels.

Thai massage

This is a whole science or direction that is created on the theory of the presence of energy lines and acupuncture points. By pressing on the right areas you can achieve relaxation of the whole body, increase immunity, remove toxins, restore normal operation musculoskeletal system, muscle strengthening.

The massage therapist uses his fingers to find hot spots on the client’s body and press on them. During such a session, a specialist can work with hands, elbows, forearms, the back of the hand, knees and even the whole body.

One Thai massage procedure can last about 2.5 hours. At the same time, not only the skin is massaged, but the spine is also stretched and the joints are straightened.

Hardware massage

The impact on the human body occurs due to a certain tool or equipment. Hardware massage has a deeper effect on the muscles, which has a positive effect on the final result.

Depending on the equipment used, this massage is divided into the following types:

  1. Vibromassage– due to the vibration created, the receptors are irritated.
  2. Hydromassage– during the session, the body is massaged with jets of water and air.
  3. Vacuum– a vacuum is created on the skin, which gradually moves. Thanks to pressure differences, the desired result is achieved.
  4. Cryomassage– based on the theory of temperature difference.
  5. Ultrasonic massage etc.

Unusual types of body massages

There are many massage techniques in the world. It is for our country that they are unusual, however, some people, in pursuit of exoticism, are not averse to trying them out for themselves.

  • Lomi-lomi– originally from Hawaii. Very reminiscent of Thai massage. In the process of performing it, the massage therapist uses hands, elbows, knees, etc.
  • Turkish– the client’s body is massaged using soap foam. Thanks to this feature, the skin is rejuvenated and cleansed.
  • Shirodhara– massage is performed by two specialists. During this procedure, heated oil is poured onto the client's forehead (the site of the third eye).
  • Eshalen massage– has one of the most complex techniques, as it combines breathing, reflex, Swedish massage and elements of fitness.
  • Reiki– the specialist presses on the points of energy accumulation. Thanks to this, the person being massaged gets rid of all negativity.

Massage for women

Due to a sedentary lifestyle, many women have problems with their reproductive system due to various types of congestion. Gynecological massage improves blood circulation, eliminates congestion, and in some cases normalizes ovarian function.

This massage is prescribed for women with diseases of the genitourinary system. It is carried out on a gynecological chair or on a couch. In this case, the woman should take a knee-elbow position.

This is an internal procedure that lasts no more than 5 minutes.

Massage for men

The same sedentary lifestyle forces men to turn to urologists. In some cases, they are prescribed urological massage.

Its goal is to improve the functioning of the prostate gland and the entire reproductive system.

This massage should only be performed by a qualified urologist. To obtain the desired effect, you need to do 15 sessions. The duration of each is 1-2 minutes.

Baby massage

In pediatrics, massage is often prescribed for children. It can be both therapeutic and health-improving.

Wellness massage can be done by parents themselves from the first days of the baby’s life, combining it with exercises. Mothers can use the following massage techniques: stroking, light kneading and rubbing. Be sure to use oil. Thanks to this, the hands glide easily over the child’s body and do not cause him discomfort.

Therapeutic massage is prescribed by a doctor and should only be performed by a pediatric massage therapist. This procedure is aimed at treating any diseases, so mothers will not be able to carry out all the necessary manipulations on their own.

Indications for prescribing baby massage are the following diseases:

  • Torticollis;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Flat feet;
  • Rickets;
  • Umbilical hernia;
  • Spine pathologies;
  • Injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Various birth injuries etc.

What to do for small patients similar procedures need 30-40 minutes after eating. The massage therapist must establish contact with the child. If the baby experiences discomfort, he constantly cries and gets irritated quickly, the session should be stopped.

Combination of massage with other physiotherapeutic procedures

Many doctors combine massage as an excellent method of rehabilitation with other physiotherapeutic procedures.

Despite the fact that any prescriptions should be made by medical professionals, we are sure that everyone will be interested in what massage can and cannot be combined with.

Can be combined with Allowed to be performed on the same day as massage Cannot be combined with
KinesitherapyElectrotherapyFour-chamber galvanic baths
Manual therapyHeat treatmentCarbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and radon baths
Hardware physiotherapyPhototherapyUnderwater shower massage
PsychotherapyTherapeutic inhalationsProcedures related to spinal traction
Balneotherapy (showers and baths)Mud applications

Carrying out massage at home

Majority health treatments can be done at home. Massage is no exception. But before you perform similar procedures on someone or trust your body to an amateur massage therapist, think several times.

A person who does not have a medical education and is not thoroughly knowledgeable about structure human body, may cause harm to the body. For example, during any type of back massage, a nerve can be pinched.

Untrained people do not know about contraindications and perform massage, which only aggravates the patient’s condition.

If you feel the potential of a massage therapist, then before providing such services, at least complete the appropriate courses. Never trust your body to amateurs. It’s better to pay a professional massage therapist than to spend several times later more money to treat the consequences after such a massage.

Of course, if we are talking about a light wellness massage for a child, or a foot massage, and you are sure that the manipulation is safe, you can try such a procedure.

If you decide to master the art of massage, we recommend using the following tips.

  1. At the beginning of the massage, use talc while stroking movements.
  2. When you begin warming up movements, rub the oil with the addition of essential oils. This way the procedure will be more pleasant for the person being massaged.
  3. Study the lines of lymph flow well.
  4. Constantly ask how the client feels.
  5. Lying on his stomach, the patient's arms should be extended along the body, and his head should be asked to turn every 15 minutes.
  6. Be sure to follow the pattern of stroking - rubbing - kneading - squeezing - vibration - shock techniques - stroking.


Massage is a very pleasant procedure that probably every inhabitant of our planet has tried. Depending on the techniques and methods of implementation, it is divided into many types. Some types of massage can relax you, others help you recover from injuries or have a healing nature.

Whatever type of massage you choose, remember the contraindications and trust your body only to certified professionals. Then you will definitely get the maximum benefit from such a pleasant procedure.

Useful articles:

There are two main massage systems: European and Asian. The Eastern school is based on the technique of stimulating energy channels through active reflex points on the body. European works with the body using mechanical force. In addition to the classic and well-known species, there are also exotic ones involving snails or snakes, hot stones and even buckwheat. The forms of massage differ in the method of influence, zones and contraindications.

All techniques are divided into several groups. The classification is conditional, since preventive massage can be medical, while sports massage can be performed manually or using hardware.

The list of types of body massages according to classification looks like this:

  • Sports, medical and cosmetology - stand out in separate group by scope of application;
  • Preventive and therapeutic techniques;
  • Group by method of execution (independent or paired);
  • Hardware or manual;
  • Group by area of ​​influence.

According to the method of exposure, types are divided into deep, medium and low. Depending on the effect of massage on the functional state of the body, trophic, tonic, calming, energy-topic and normalizing body functions types of procedures are distinguished.

The type of massage does not affect the effectiveness: they are all aimed at activating metabolic reactions, regulating the functioning of vital systems and organs, improving the well-being and condition of the patient.

Classical technique

All types of classical effects are based on one principle: mechanical treatment of the deep subcutaneous layers. This group includes European and some medical procedures.

Italian method

Auto-lifting or Italian massage is a simple and effective procedure for improving skin condition. Performed from a sitting position, it involves gentle and even pressure with your palms on your face. The forehead is worked on first, then the eye area, nose, cheeks, and chin. The session ends with synchronous pressure on the forehead and back of the head. This effect activates the lymph glands and improves the removal of toxins.

Finnish method

Finnish massage is based on a combination of Russian and Swedish systems, and it is recommended to carry it out after a bath, sauna or a hot, long shower. Sessions are recommended for frequent pain in the back, increased muscle tension, injuries and sprains. Finnish massage consists of three main techniques. The first is stroking: longitudinal and transverse. The second is squeezing. The third technique is kneading. Performed using the pads of the thumbs.

Exotic species

Exotic massage is performed using plants and animals, reptiles and mollusks, fire and stones, singing bowls and even bird droppings. It is difficult to calculate how many types of massage there are.

Almost every country has many exotic traditional techniques.

Snail method

The effectiveness of unusual procedures with snails is explained by the beneficial properties of mucus. It contains active components that promote rapid tissue regeneration, antibacterial and antioxidant substances. Before the session, a rubber cap is put on the hair, and the skin of the treated area is lubricated with fresh milk or cream. The mollusks are placed on the body for 15-20 minutes. The mucus remaining after them is evenly distributed over the body and after 20 minutes is washed off with cool water.

Snake method

The effect of the procedure is deep relaxation, elimination of phobias, relief from negative energies, headaches. Snake massage normalizes arterial pressure, relieves muscle blocks and spasms. The area to be worked on is the back, arms and legs. Snakes are placed on the human body for 20-180 minutes, and the type of reptiles depends on the goals. Snakes and other small non-venomous snakes are used for relaxation, and pythons and snakes are used for treatment.

Brazilian method with bamboo sticks

Special bamboo sticks are used to work out the body. After an unusual procedure, the following is observed:

  • A surge of vitality and energy;
  • Reduces cellulite and fat deposits;
  • Removal of toxins;
  • Normalization of blood flow;
  • Improving metabolic processes.

Brazilian massage is used to sculpt the shape of the hips, buttocks, lower legs and waist.

Buckwheat method

In England buckwheat It is used not only in cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes. Buckwheat is a good natural adsorbent that removes toxins and waste substances from the body. Buckwheat massage is recommended for smokers, people who abuse alcohol, during recovery from illness and for deep cleansing of the skin. Buckwheat massage is also indicated for diseases of internal organs, chronic fatigue, insomnia.

Cereals for procedures are poured into special bags, which are placed along the energy points and meridians of the body. Warm buckwheat is used to treat problems with blood circulation and skin, and the aroma of the finished cereal is used to normalize the mental state.


A safer and gentler method than acupuncture, but also more effective. The procedure is carried out using sharp knives. They are placed on acupuncture points on the body and face, which leads to changes in energy flows in the body. Taiwanese massage allows you to relax, calm emotions and thoughts, and normalize the psycho-emotional background.

This type of massage has a minimum of contraindications, and the first result is noticeable after just a few procedures.

Massage with a ball with spikes

Two types of spiked balls are used for sessions:

  • Large gymnastic, which is called fitball;
  • Small smooth.

Massage with tennis balls

Simple and convenient technology for home use. Massage with tennis balls helps to get rid of pain in the neck and back, legs, and abdominal muscles. It can relieve fatigue, tension, and headaches. The balls are placed in a cotton sock or pressed between the foot and the floor; the work can last from 10 to 40 minutes.

Massage with tennis balls does not have side effects and does not require special skills. It is equally useful for both adults and children.

Treatment methods

Warming method

Warm-up sessions are prescribed to work out joints and bone tissue, correct defects, and stretch muscles. This type of massage should only be performed in a clinic or rehabilitation center: Incorrect movements by the technician can lead to injury. The session consists of twisting, stretching, circular movements and vigorous stroking.

Differentiated method

When massaging, techniques are used to relax and stimulate muscle activity. Differentiated massage is used to identify muscle strain and hypertonic muscles. The sessions have an invigorating effect, activate the cardiac system, and improve metabolism.

Connective tissue method

The appearance of this form of massage is the beginning of the 20th century. Connective tissue massage is used to treat diseases of internal organs and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Connective tissue massage is performed after palpation and examination by a doctor. If compactions, tissue enlargements, increased tension or blocks are detected, massage is carried out by displacing the skin.

A connective tissue massage is performed along the muscle fibers, tendon bases and attachment lines of muscles and joints. All work is carried out by anonymous and index fingers. Begin connective tissue massage from a healthy area, gradually moving to the problem area. The master’s movements during the session are soft and smooth.

Connective tissue massage is a rehabilitation and therapeutic massage, and therefore cannot be performed at home. The depth, strength, intensity and frequency of treatment must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Local method

Local massage is the impact of a session on a specific area of ​​the body. It could be an arm, leg, joint or muscle, ligaments. When carrying out a local procedure, the maximum therapeutic and health-improving result is achieved: the entire treatment time is devoted to only a small area. Local massage differs in that it is always carried out from top to bottom.

Local massage is prescribed individually depending on the disease, its stage and degree of development, contraindications and limitations.

Preventive method

They perform preventive massage to prevent diseases, stress, increased physical and emotional stress. It is done using classical techniques: stroking, kneading, rubbing. Sessions can be for the whole body or local. The main rule of elaboration is to move from top to bottom and from the central lines to the periphery.

Rehabilitation method

Rehabilitation massage is used for diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system and as a restorative massage for rehabilitation after operations and injuries. The intensity of the course, its duration and depth depend on the testimony of doctors and preliminary examination.

Rehabilitation massage consists of basic techniques: stroking, kneading, rubbing, vibration patting. Improvement is noted after just a few procedures if performed correctly.

Hardware types


Air or compression massage is aimed at eliminating stagnant lymph. Pressotherapy consists of alternately working areas of the body using compressed air, fed into special cuffs. Effect: removal from the body excess liquid, cleansing tissue, activating metabolic processes and improving the condition of the skin.

Compression massage reduces swelling and is indicated for weight loss and as an anti-cellulite remedy. Regular sessions restore skin elasticity and smoothness. Compression massage has a number of contraindications:

  • Oncology;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Pacemaker;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Skin disorders;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Hypertension.

Air massage of the body leads to a large loss of fluid, so it is recommended to drink at least a glass of water before and after the session.

Vertebral technique

To conduct a vertebral or spinal session, a special device is required - a chair with built-in rollers. Depending on the configuration, the chair is equipped with air-compression, roller or vibration programs. With the help of procedures, a therapeutic and relaxing effect is achieved, cellulite is eliminated, and a beautiful body contour is formed.

The speed of movement of the rollers, their location and vibration intensity are controlled by the remote control.

Sports equipment


Warming massage is used for hypothermia, before training and during breaks in competitions, for quick recovery and for minor sprains and bruises. The procedure includes stroking and kneading, which are carried out only in the direction of blood flow. After the procedure, blood flow increases, metabolic processes are activated at the cellular level, and the tone and elasticity of muscle tissue improves. Warming massage also has contraindications: injuries and diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, skin disorders in the area of ​​treatment.


The youngest sports equipment. To perform this, you need kinesiology tapes - special adhesive tapes that work as applicators. The tapes have a relaxing effect, improve blood flow and metabolic processes, promote the restoration of damaged tissues and reduce pain. Each of the tapes can be worn from 3 to 14 days: the breathable material does not create discomfort, does not cause allergies and is waterproof. The greatest effect is observed in the first week.

Indications for the use of kinesio taping:

  • Sprains and bruises;
  • Shoulder pain knee joints, elbows, cervical region;
  • Heel spur;
  • Headaches, dizziness, migraines;
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Therapy is also recommended for pregnant women with swelling, lack of sleep and lower back pain.

Relaxation and beauty techniques

The second name is sculptural technique. This variety is aimed at kneading deep-lying muscle tissue. The impact method is aimed at activating metabolic processes at the intercellular level, improving blood circulation, and increasing tissue elasticity. Sessions can be carried out manually or using a special device. Before the procedure, natural oil or base cream is applied to the skin.

Relaxation method

The deep relaxation technique relieves tension, has a relaxing effect, and helps to achieve harmony of soul and body. It is used for chronic fatigue, overwork, stress, depression and a number of diseases. A relaxing session includes the following types of treatment: diaphragm massage, stroking, intense and deep kneading, rubbing, vibration. The movement of the master’s hands during the session is smooth, slow, and the strength is negotiated with the client.

Tonic method

A tonic massage is a relaxing, therapeutic, and sports massage. It involves various techniques and its effectiveness depends on the time and duration of the session. A tonic massage is indicated for apathy, drowsiness, decreased performance and concentration.

If you do a tonic massage in the morning, it will help you wake up and give strength, dilate blood vessels and activate metabolism, saturate the blood with oxygen. After the nerve receptors start working, hormones that improve mood are released into the blood. The back muscles begin to be worked, then the sacrum, hips, legs, chest and arms. A toning massage is performed with vigorous movements with moderate force. Session duration is up to 30 minutes.

If a tonic massage is performed in the evening, the session should last at least an hour. This will allow you to get the opposite effect - relaxation, relief of tension and fatigue.

Massage for men and women

If there are no contraindications or restrictions, then women can receive any massage. Cosmetic and anti-cellulite, relaxing and exotic types are popular. Specific methods are only gynecological and for bust enlargement.

Gynecological massage is a therapeutic massage and is recommended for abnormal position of the uterus, bleeding, chronic inflammatory processes and lack of activity muscle tissue. Procedures are prescribed only after the diagnosis has been made and confirmed.

To enlarge the bust, there are water, corrective, vacuum and acupressure massages. Each technique has its own characteristics and contraindications. Main danger any type - stretching of the skin and microtrauma from careless impact.

Types of massage for men

A urological massage has been developed especially for men, aimed at improving the functioning of the prostate gland. The course consists of 15 sessions. The effect of the procedure is an increase in the level of potency, a decrease in the likelihood of prostate cancer, and a decrease in the risk of developing a cyst.

Another massage for men is Taoist. A special technique of influencing points located on the penis has a relaxing effect, increases potency, and improves the functioning of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. Japanese, Thai massage, and Shiatsu are also popular among the stronger sex. Each of these techniques uses aromatherapy, natural oils and classic techniques: deep and intense stroking and vibrating tapping, kneading and rolling, pinpointing with thumbs or index fingers, power kneading.

Before attending any of the procedures, it is better to consult a doctor.

Even relaxing sessions have contraindications: high blood pressure, skin diseases and infectious diseases. It is also worth following the recommendations of a doctor or cosmetologist: sessions should be carried out according to a set schedule with intervals for rest and recovery. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect: stretching skin, circulatory disorders, microtraumas, bruises and hypertonicity of muscle tissue.

The positive effects of visiting the procedures are improved mood and a surge of vitality, relaxation, improved functioning of internal organs and activation of natural tissue regeneration, increased elasticity of muscle tissue and improved skin condition. Cosmetology sessions help eliminate facial wrinkles and reduce the appearance of age-related skin changes. Rehabilitation and healing sessions contribute to the restoration of flexibility and mobility of joints, saturation of muscle tissue with oxygen. Energy techniques help restore balance between the subtle body, energy flows and physical organs of a person.

Body massage is a very effective and useful procedure, there are many ways to perform it. Depending on the methodology, equipment used and techniques of influence, the main types of massage can be classified. Detailed description Information about each of them is provided below.

Classic massage technique

The main variety includes the so-called. This is a sequential workout of all muscle groups in the body, as in a general massage.

Approximate execution algorithm:


Physical exercise, especially during professional level, it is impossible to imagine without massage techniques.

Sports massage can affect the entire body, as well as be performed on a specific part of it.

Depending on the methods of influence there are distinguished following categories.

What is a sports massage?

  1. Preliminary procedure Designed for active warm-up of body muscles before training. Depending on the task at hand, one of the methods is used. First of all, these are warm-up manipulations that are needed to condition the muscles before loading. Warming massage is used if there is a need to stretch the muscles using thermal methods before a competition.
  2. Training procedure carried out after certain physical activity, one might say, during training. This helps distribute the load and avoid overexertion and muscle injury.
  3. Restorative massage performed after the competition. These manipulations are necessary so that the muscles cool down more slowly and do not cause discomfort. Properly performed massage helps promote success in athletes, because the body will respond much better to further stress after such rest.

Moreover, this is not just a course of procedures, but a complex impact of several specialists at once. If necessary, control by an orthopedist, laboratory and X-ray studies of the dynamics of recovery is required.

Eastern techniques

The listed types of manipulations can be attributed to the European school of massage. The impact occurs using tactile methods, without the use of additional devices (except for hardware and combined massage). The range of movements is also a little limited, because mainly four types of manipulations are used.

At the same time, the eastern school has a completely different approach.

First of all, spiritual connection is carried out, and then physical contact.

To ensure maximum results many more movements are used, and they are not entirely traditional, because in addition to the hands, pressure can be performed with the legs, knees, elbows and even buttocks.

Main types of oriental massage:

  1. Spot(the impact is aimed at active energy centers).
  2. Meridional(movements occur in a certain direction - the meridians of the body).
  3. Thai(manual therapy together with “classics”).
  4. Tibetan(a combination of acupressure and classical techniques, there are many varieties)
  5. Stonethurapia(manipulations are carried out with special stones).
  6. Chiromassage(couples massage, complex effects).
  7. Contactless(special manual techniques).
  8. Printed(processing occurs with blows of a certain frequency with wooden sticks.
  9. Cryomassage(use ice cubes)

The listed methods are very diverse and multifaceted. Their use requires certain preparation, not only physical, but also spiritual.

On video: unusual types of massage

There are also many more varieties of oriental procedures that differ not only various techniques, but also the use of unusual objects and devices.

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Massage is always relevant and in demand, because this procedure has a literally magical effect on our body.
In order for such a procedure to solve the existing problem, it is necessary to choose the optimal type of massage.
Basic classifications and short description The most common techniques can be found in the information in our article.

For local treatment of tight body muscles, therapeutic or preventive types massages that help restore health to the body. Experts are familiar with dozens massage technicians, each of which is suitable for a specific impact. The essence of the procedure is rubbing, vibration and manual pressure on the skin for physical and reflex action.

Massage classification

What types of massages are there - this question cannot be answered without a classification factor. According to execution, manual and hardware procedures are distinguished. By application, massage can be general and local, by type - self-massage, and performed by a massage therapist. The main classification breaks down procedures by purpose and identifies the following descriptions:

  • therapeutic (medical) - used in clinical practice to normalize body functions in case of diseases and injuries, variety - resuscitation;
  • hygienic (health) – its goal is to increase and maintain vitality body, disease prevention;
  • cosmetic – created to improve the condition of the body’s skin, eliminate defects on the face, and premature aging
  • sports – used in sports to increase the functionality of professional athletes and achieve good shape;
  • reflex – pressing on points of the body using shiatsu and other techniques;
  • eastern - Asian using stones, Balinese shells, sticks.

What types of massage are there?

Depending on the degree of influence on the located tissues, deep, medium and shallow massages are distinguished. The first type is painful and affects the muscles deep in the body. The middle type has a relaxing effect, the last one is relaxing and works the muscles lying on the surface. For women, men and children there are descriptions of performing techniques related to the characteristics of the body.

For women

All massage techniques are suitable for women, but for them there is one more type associated with circulatory disorders in the pelvic area and organs of the reproductive system. A special gynecological subtype of massage eliminates inflammation, congestion, muscle weakness, normalizes lymphatic drainage, and increases muscle tone. The procedure is carried out in a gynecological chair or on a massage table in a knee-elbow position.

For men

In addition to classic massage types, a special urological massage has also been developed for men, affecting the health of the prostate gland. The session is conducted by a doctor, lasts up to two minutes, the recommended course is 15 procedures. During the period of influence on the prostate, a man's potency improves, the risk of cancer is reduced, problems with urination and infertility are eliminated, and cysts resolve.

For children

The varieties of children's massage techniques are fundamentally different from the adult version:

  • vibration – recommended for any age, removes mucus from the lungs, based on rhythmic tapping on the back;
  • drainage – improves muscles respiratory tract;
  • classic percussion - to relieve heat;
  • therapeutic – stimulates points to improve the functioning of internal organs;
  • speech therapy, dental;
  • orthopedic – in combination with gymnastics, treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • preventive – given to newborns to stimulate the muscular, nervous, and circulatory systems;
  • relaxing home;
  • stimulating – to accelerate the child’s development;
  • tonic;
  • spot.


The massage of the same name and its types are common in Europe. In total, there are three descriptions of techniques that differ in methods of influence, directions of massage and effect:

  1. Russian type - massage movements are performed along the flow of blood, stroking, sliding, circular motion, and pinching techniques are used. Classic Russian processes include “squeezing,” rubbing, kneading, and vibration.
  2. Swedish type - working out the joints, stroking and rubbing are used. Aimed at stretching muscles and nerve bundles, squeezing out seals. It differs from Russian in that massage movements are performed with hands and feet.
  3. Finnish look - the task is considered to be the development of thin muscle groups along the spine and around the joints. The method is labor-intensive in its characteristics, but is effective for ligaments adjacent to the bone bed. Treats back pain, lasts 20 minutes.


To accelerate the restoration of the functionality of organs and the body, therapeutic massage types have been developed: therapeutic European classic, reflex-segmental. The first is discussed in more detail in the previous section, and the reflex-segmental one is divided into the following types from the list:

  • segmental – affects the reflex zones of the skin;
  • connective tissue – a specialist massages connective tissue using cutaneous, subcutaneous and fascial displacement methods;
  • periosteal – point pressure on the periosteum (periosteum), has an analgesic effect, lasts 2-4 minutes;
  • su-jok – restorative effect on hands and feet;
  • Chinese acupressure or finger zhen, impact on strictly defined areas of the body, a type of acupuncture;
  • linear - or Chinese meridian, influence along the lines on the body, the use of sedative, neutral, tonic methods;
  • do-in - a self-massage system for diagnosing diseases and healing;
  • Tuina is an ancient Chinese species considered traditional for normalization vital energy;
  • shiatsu - Japanese acupressure, treating colds, gastrointestinal diseases, when holding fingers with palms, they create pressure on points of the body.


To eliminate muscle tightness, relax and obtain pleasant warmth, the following forms of massage are used:

  • Spanish chiromassage - includes a mutual mixture of European and Eastern techniques, kinesiology, it does not have a classical scheme, the master does not repeat a single technique during the session;
  • Tibetan – anti-stress technique, includes oil massage, massaging joints and warming;
  • stone therapy is a technique that uses heated (basalt), cold (marble) natural stones, superimposed on the patient’s energy points;
  • Thai - a specialist acts on acupuncture points located on tantric energy lines, using pressure with the whole body, hands, knees.


The Thai massage discussed above is relaxing and is divided even deeper and represents the following types:

  • foot massage - relieves fatigue after a flight or a long walk, includes kneading with sticks, hands, light pressure with fingers on the points of the legs up to the knee;
  • oil massage;
  • massaging the head and collar area - to rejuvenate facial skin, reduce neck and back pain, improve sleep;
  • for weight loss - use fat-burning creams based on a mixture of herbs and red pepper;
  • herbal bags – bags with herbal infusions warm up, press on the skin, after cooling, the master massages the body with force to increase tone, softness, and elasticity.


Preventative or prophylactic massage is used by athletes, ballet and circus performers to relieve stress. musculoskeletal system. There are types:

  • ice massage - cold;
  • reflex massage;
  • can;
  • hyperemic with massagers;
  • self-massage;
  • brushes in water or in a sauna.


Cosmetologists distinguish types of massage that affect the skin of the face and neck in three large groups:

  1. Classic – basic techniques used in different directions. They are used to tone the skin, improve its appearance, elasticity, and eliminate sagging.
  2. Plastic – recommended for aging skin, increases tone, eliminates swelling, wrinkles, folds. The technique is intensive, activating blood flow and metabolism, improving the shape of the face. Variety – lymphatic drainage.
  3. Medicinal – used for acne, scars, oily seborrhea. The Jacquet plucked method is popular.


According to the areas being worked, methods, and equipment used, types are distinguished hardware massage:

Types of massage for weight loss

Those wishing to lose excess weight will benefit from knowledge about the types of massaging techniques, which are divided into groups:

  1. Hardware – vibration, hydromassage, pneumatic massage.
  2. Manual – manual, problem areas are worked on.
  3. Foot - with feet, rarely used.
  4. Combined - a mixture of all three groups.


Massage practice has been known for a very long time. Even in ancient times, many people, including those knowledgeable in treatment, believed that massage could help a person cope with many types of diseases. Today, unfortunately, such confidence in practical benefits it has gone away, most simply neglect the benefits of the technique, and if massage is prescribed by specialists in addition to the course of treatment, they consider it an optional component of their healing. However, it has been scientifically proven that a high-quality massage performed by a specialist will help relieve migraines, lethargy, muscle spasms or cellulite from your shoulders. In fact, immediately after the first session, positive changes in the human body can appear. What types of massage are there? What are the benefits of this practice?

Massage - benefit or harm?

Of course, this therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. At its core, massage has a therapeutic effect on a person. The main feature of massage is its systematicity, which is why you should trust the procedure only to a professional or medical specialists. Massage involves the use of special practices to calm or, conversely, restore muscle particles. This type of healing technique is usually implemented to restore stress resistance or to improve blood circulation in the human body. Massage is used as part of complex therapy for many diseases, and in sanatorium-resort treatment establishments the procedure is prescribed to all vacationers for general strengthening purposes.

Eat different types and massage techniques that have both a positive effect on a person and are completely contraindicated for a certain patient. Therefore, before starting a course of procedures, you should clarify many points about your health status with your doctor. Otherwise, this ancient practice will quite possibly only harm your body and lead to dire consequences. Types of massage (massage classification) are described in more detail below.

When is massage contraindicated?

There are times when to produce massage treatments absolutely contraindicated. The course of therapy is prohibited:

  • immediately after eating, drinking alcohol or taking drugs (it is best to perform the procedure on an empty stomach);
  • for diseases associated with the cardiac system (massage is possible only when a course of prevention is developed by a medical specialist);
  • with varicose veins;
  • people with a history of cancer;
  • for infections and any acute diseases.


Types of massage and their descriptions, perhaps, we should start with the most famous - therapeutic. Basically, a person who is under day-time inpatient observation by a doctor is sent for just this type of massage - therapeutic. These procedures are necessary to normalize the condition of the body of a sick person, therefore healing massage is carried out in medical practice for various ailments.

In fact, we can call any kind massage practice wellness, but specifically healing massage, in contrast to wellness, sets itself the task of healing from any diagnosis or preventing diseases and improving the condition of the body as a whole. Therefore, healing massage must be performed by specialists and under the close attention of the attending physician.

Types of therapeutic massage practice

What types of massage are there (of those used for therapeutic purposes). The following types of therapeutic massage are distinguished:

  1. Local massage. This procedure is performed on a specific area of ​​the body without affecting others.
  2. Dermatological massage. The procedure improves blood circulation in the body and promotes faster healing of wounds.
  3. Gynecological. This refers to a type of massage for women - this effect is used to treat infertility. Very often this technique is used as prophylaxis in the postpartum period.
  4. Segmental-reflex. This type of massage provides direct action on the human spine.
  5. Ophthalmic massage. Essential for improving and focusing the eye muscles.
  6. Speech therapy massage. Stimulates the human facial muscles, developing them to improve speech and facial expressions.
  7. Dental massage is necessary to improve the functioning of the maxillofacial muscles.
  8. Visceral massage helps to have a positive effect on the internal organs of a person.
  9. Otorhinolaryngological massage improves the functioning of the muscles of the cervical and facial joints.

Classification of targeted massage

The main function of this therapy is to maintain normal condition health human body. Besides medical practice massage, this group includes:

Relaxation massage

There are different types of massage, another one is relaxation. Everyone knows that for the normal functioning of the human body, it sometimes needs to relax. This is precisely the function of a relaxation massage.

During times of stress or anxiety, muscles unintentionally tense, and tense muscles, for their part, also affect the internal harmonious state of a person and disrupt the normal functioning of internal organs. If the muscles are in this state for a long time, then overwork occurs, performance and, in general, the moral state of the human body decreases.

The basis of the action of a relaxation massage is the opposite interaction - muscles rested after therapy send calming neurons to the brain, which stimulates a holistic calming of the entire nervous system. Relaxation occurs in the body, which helps to achieve a state similar to healthy sleep.

Relaxation body massage technique

This type of massage is often performed in the general massage technique. Massage techniques are performed measuredly, evenly, softly, with a predominance of stroking, light kneading and rubbing. Manual intermittent vibration techniques (chopping, beating, etc.) are not used.

The initial method of acting on a point is radial stroking, which turns into rubbing for 30-35 seconds, then press on the point 8-12 times, then radial rubbing and stroking again. In terms of duration of action, in relation to other main types of massage, this procedure takes longer. The patient can either doze or fall asleep during therapy. The effectiveness of a massage increases significantly if it is combined with aromatherapy and relaxing music plays at the same time.

Hygienic massage

This type of therapy is an excellent method of preventing diseases and a way to keep your body in good shape. Hygienic massage is divided into general and local and can be performed either separately or together with morning exercises. This therapy is considered an excellent skin care product. Massage helps normalize the natural components of the skin, prevents premature aging, carries out correction of cosmetic disorders. Please note that this type of massage can be used without the consent of medical personnel - according to at will patient.

Hygienic massage has recently become a popular service in beauty salons, but first you need to make sure the quality of customer service in a particular place, the availability special education, documents that confirm the qualifications of the person performing the massage. It is best for the procedure to be carried out by an employee with medical education or a professional cosmetologist.

Hygienic massage technique

Typically, this therapy is used as part of a general back massage. It is carried out in stages. First, the back is massaged, then the shoulders and back. cervical region, then - the lower back and upper part of the gluteal region.

In fact, the duration of therapy is thirty minutes. This type of massage can be both gentle and quite energetic. It all depends on the individual style of work of the massage therapist you choose. During this type of therapy, the massage therapist uses special oil and uses different techniques, with the help of which it warms up muscle tissue and eliminates muscle tension.

Toning massage

As a rule, patients resort to this type of massage in order to awaken their body, free it from the networks of despondency and apathy, and awaken within them a desire for movement and a feeling of vigor. This type also very often performed in combination with a general type of body massage, especially cervical region human body.

During the procedure, deep smoothing, intensive massaging of the body area, kneading and manual intermittent vibration are used. All methods are performed actively, with the deepest study of body tissues. Vibration stands out among the most effective tonics, which is why this type of massage is often performed together with various electrical devices.

Tonic practice is significantly shorter in time, unlike relaxing practice. It does not take more than an hour of time; all points of the body are massaged for about ten to fifteen seconds. Otherwise, the stage of inhibition in muscles and tissues is activated again, and the procedure has the opposite effect.

It is recommended to undergo a tonic massage in daytime day, and best of all - immediately after lunch. The practice is especially suitable for those people who, after the first half of the day, already feel tired, apathetic and incapable of further productive activity.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Today, manual lymphatic drainage massage is actively used in many European countries, for example, in Italy and France. This massage has two types:

  1. Used exclusively for cosmetic purposes. This therapy helps to give freshness to the skin structure and balance the nutrition of the skin. As a rule, this type of massage is performed only on the face. Lymphatic drainage cosmetic treatment is one of the types of massage for women, but men also sometimes attend such procedures.
  2. Therapeutic type of massage. If the effects are aimed at the human body as a whole, the goal is to normalize the functioning of the body. This is a type of massage for both men and women.

Lymphatic drainage practice promotes the active removal of waste and toxins from the human body, normalizes the balance of water and salt, promotes the breakdown of fats, and reduces thrombus processes in large and small vessels.

Massage can be used both independently and additional measure in the treatment of various types of diseases of internal organs.

Features of Thai massage

The history of Thai massage is interconnected with the culture of old India and China. Today's Thai massage techniques were developed after long practice, carried out for more than one century, long-term observations of the natural healing of the human body and the transformation of its condition after massage procedures.

Obviously, there were misconceptions in the evolution of Thai practices, but as a result, the current level of development of the procedure is significant in all countries. The direction in the world is valued, probably, more than all other methods of non-standard medicine.

Types of Thai massage in general

One of the main specifics of Thai massage is an extensive system of various practices, which is based on several general principles. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of Thai massage in order to choose the most suitable one for yourself.

In the very general view two groups can be distinguished:

  • General Thai massage;
  • Royal Thai massage.

General Thai massage is distinguished by very close interaction with the person being massaged, that is, the specialist performs actions with virtually the entire surface of his hands, while during the royal practice of Thai massage there is certainly a distance that allows you to touch the human body only with the working part of the hand, namely the thumb or outside wrists.

Types of massage and their description: Thai massage

The two varieties are not the entire classification of the procedure, but rather only a division according to execution techniques. In a broader sense, the following types of Thai massage are distinguished:

  1. With herbal bags. This type is characterized by herbal bags, usually warm enough to act not only on the muscles, but also on the skin. In addition, herbs emit special odors that allow you to achieve peace both on the physical and moral levels and enjoy the procedure.
  2. Thai massage with stones, which are also heated before the massage to improve blood circulation in the body. In fact, it is a more intermittent and leisurely process that resembles meditation.
  3. Massage with Thai sticks better impact to certain points of the body. This type of massage has the best healing effect; it is an intense procedure that, with a targeted action, covers virtually all the muscles of the human body.
  4. A special category is Thai massage, which uses many essential oils that have healing properties.

Is it possible to perform massage at home?

There are cases when a person, due to certain circumstances, is not able to undergo a professional procedure in medical centers. Sometimes the decisive factor is the inability to allocate time to see a specialist or lack of Money. In this case, a person decides to undergo a massage course at home.

Of course, to carry out such a procedure, you will need to study a variety of techniques and techniques for performing massage, review contraindications, so as not to harm both your body and the body of a loved one to whom you are going to perform this practice.

First you need to create the necessary conditions. The first thing you need is a fairly warm and sunny room, which warms up to more than 25 degrees. IN specialized institutions The massage is performed on a special couch, but at home this is not so important, it is only important that the surface on which the procedure will be performed is hard and flat.

It is worth realizing that unprepared person The person who takes upon himself the responsibility of performing a massage must monitor the pace of his work, otherwise the massage therapist’s hands will be very sore after a couple of minutes from unaccustomed use. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the procedure proceeds smoothly, measuredly, without unnecessary actions. Massage performed by a specialist and self-massage have many differences. Of course, the procedure of a specialist in his field will have a much better effect on your well-being than a massage performed by an untrained person.

However, such unprofessional massage is used quite often in practice. The fact is that many people simply have complexes and are embarrassed to use the services of a professional massage therapist; not everyone is able to entrust their body to the hands of a stranger.

If such difficulties arise, then it is better to do without the help of others and offer a massage to a loved one. During this procedure, you can use special creams, oils and lotions. They usually have a warming effect on human skin. Girls often carry out an anti-cellulite procedure at home. A more effective procedure in this case would be using special jars. It’s important not to overdo it. This is the only way a cupping massage at home will be painful, and at the end of it, bruises will appear on the body.

Thus, massage therapy can have many positive effects on the human body. In medicine and practical life, they often resort to the healing mechanism of massage. With the help of various types of massage it is possible to eliminate any defect, normalize the functioning of internal organs, improve blood circulation, the balance of water and salt in the body, relax after a hard day at work and restore strength after an illness. Massage also has the task of healing from any diagnosis or serves as a preventive measure for the body as a whole. Therefore, healing massage must be performed by specialists and under the close attention of the attending physician.