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Acupuncture points on the foot massage. Biological points on the human foot

Chinese doctors have long and successfully used the points responsible for human organs to treat people. For example, more than 70 thousand nerve endings are concentrated on the soles of the feet. The foot is like a map of internal organs, which can even be used to diagnose their pathologies.

Biologically active points work related different systems and organs, by acting on which you can help get rid of pathologies. Therefore, it has always been considered useful to walk barefoot on grass and earth to get a boost of energy and prevent many diseases. On our feet there are projection zones of many internal organs, by acting on which we can improve our well-being.

Massage is important not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of various diseases. If it is not possible to visit a specialist, start studying the sole map yourself.
Knowing the projections of the internal organs on the foot, you can massage yourself.

Before starting the procedure, warm up your feet, walk around, stand on tiptoes, take baths with salt, and then follow all the massage rules.

Full foot massage rules

To improve your health, try to perform this procedure every evening before going to bed.

- Before the massage, knead the soles, make a warm bath for them. Walk barefoot, rise several times on your toes

- Take any comfortable position:

  1. Bend one leg, put on the thigh of the other leg.
  2. Place your foot on the chair seat.
  3. In chair fetal position with the leg resting lightly on the edge of the chair.
    If for health reasons you cannot sit down as described, take the position in which you feel comfortable doing the massage.

- Massage with warm hands.

– First stretch the entire sole.
Massage with fingers of both hands, knuckles, fists.
It is recommended to massage the entire foot.

– Rub the entire foot with stroking movements, then begin to press on each active point (3-7 seconds), moving from the toes to the heel. Also use techniques such as pulling (when massaging your fingers), tapping (with the edge of your palm), pinching, and kneading.

- Knead the toes very gently: from the nail to the base.
Treat each finger separately.

– Massage the ankle and ankle with gentle circular motions.

If during the procedure you find painful points, then treat them with special care, remembering to alternate pressure with a pause. This means that the organs for which they are responsible are not in order.
Massage painful projections for at least a minute, until the pain disappears.
And for the whole massage of each foot you need to spend about 3 minutes. The result of a properly performed massage is the disappearance of pain.

Before starting a massage, look contraindications. There are very few of them.

  • Pregnancy.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Exacerbation of diseases.
  • Venous thrombosis. Embolism.

Both the right and left foot are divided into 5 zones, which are formed by 4 lines. Each area on the foot corresponds to certain areas on the body and the organs located in them.

The location and meaning of active points on both feet is identical. The projections of paired organs (for example, eyes) are located on the right and left feet, respectively.

The values ​​of the points on the right and left legs are different. It is recommended to massage the projection area of ​​the heart on the left foot during severe anxiety or stress.

The values ​​of the points located on the right and left feet are different.

The meaning and location of the points in this part of the foot are the same for the right and left legs.

Acupuncture of the foot is one of the varieties of acupuncture. Acupuncture of the foot is given special place, because it is on the foot that many nerve receptors are located, so through it you can gain access to any part of the human body. There are approximately sixty biologically active points on the foot.

A person’s feet may seem rough only at first glance, but in fact they are a support for the body and there are many active points on them. In other words, the foot is a kind of topographic map location of organs. In eastern countries this feature is actively used to treat various diseases.

Since ancient times, acupuncture has been considered traditional medical science in Asian countries. And in Russia this technique is presented as auxiliary treatment and it is successfully used for the treatment and prevention of various pathologies.

As for the history of the origin of this technique, it is associated with ancient treatment by Chinese and Indian healers. In India, the impact on biologically active points was carried out using a sharp stick. In addition, massage was carried out on the areas responsible for a particular organ. Modern acupuncture involves influencing points with thin needles, which stimulate recovery processes in the body.

The foot acupuncture diagram is a kind of small map of the internal organs of the human body.

In some cases, acupuncture does not require direct insertion of a needle into the foot, but rather specific points are stimulated using directed pressure or needle massage devices.

It can also be activated on the foot using sujok therapy or seed therapy. Each seed of a special plant has its own unique shape and contains energy potential. Such a seed is glued to a specific point or area, and then the person must walk for several hours. This is how energy effects and massage are realized.

If we consider Chinese medicine, then in its traditions, human treatment and philosophical concepts of the world are in no way classified from each other. Foot acupuncture can cure almost all pathologies at the level of their development, at which the body is still able to achieve self-healing. According to one of the theories of ancient teachings human body should recover on its own, provided that pathological irreversible changes have not yet occurred in it. The doctor's duty is to help the patient establish the necessary connection.

biologically active points

If acupuncture points on the foot are correctly identified, it becomes possible to influence the health of the body as a whole using acupuncture needles or acupressure. The human foot is the basis and foundation, which make it possible to correctly distribute the load on the entire body when moving. The ankle joint is an incomparable perpendicular in the human body.

Multiple accumulations and interweaving of nerve endings on the foot indicate the presence of a large number of reflex points. The inner edges of the foot control the spine, and the outer edges control the face. The tips of the toes correspond to the head, and the sole of the foot corresponds to the back of the body. The heel part corresponds to the buttocks, and the lower zone of the heel corresponds to the organs of the reproductive system. Many stimulating points are located on the toes and with acupuncture they affect the ears, eyes, nasal cavity and the oral cavity.


A large number of studies conducted by specialists indicate that foot reflexology gives positive results regardless age group person. but it's important to remember. What this method cannot completely displace necessary treatment using classical therapy, but is successfully used as a supplement. When treating the feet, the doctor uses needles, and their incorrect insertion into skin covering can cause severe pain or cause many complications.

Without the appropriate experience and necessary skills, you should not engage in the practice of acupuncture. Before starting treatment, it is important to check for any contraindications. Contraindications for foot acupuncture include: pregnancy, blood clotting disorders, acute infectious pathologies during their exacerbation, thrombosis in the veins, acute embolism and skin pathology at the site of a biologically active point.

Carrying out and indications of the technique

Since ancient times, the acupuncture technique has remained virtually unchanged and is carried out by stimulating biologically active points and meridians using a pointed stick or needles specially designed for this purpose. In order to increase the effectiveness of the technique, they use essential oils. Special needles for reflexology make it possible to influence reflex areas, thereby stimulating organ restoration processes. In addition to needles, other means of influence can be used, for example, plant seeds that are fixed in a specific area to influence it.

A professional approach is required to perform foot acupuncture. The density of active points on the foot is very high and therefore only a well-trained specialist will be able to correctly organize the procedure, which will subsequently bring the expected results.

Stimulation of reflex points provokes activation of the organs of the human body that correspond to them. At the same time, the outflow of lymph and blood circulation in the human body significantly improves.

Among other things, acupuncture has a restorative effect on the body as a whole. It has been proven that it can improve the functioning of the immune system and increase resistance to negative impacts, also stimulates the functioning of systems and organs, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and stimulates recovery processes.

In addition, foot acupuncture procedures and foot massage help combat stressful situations. Such manipulations allow a person to relax and restore strength and a depressed nervous system, since its condition affects the overall health and vital activity. Also, foot acupuncture improves the tone of the human body and fills it with new vitality.

Modern medicine does not deny high efficiency acupuncture techniques, which were first invented in the East. Foot acupuncture is an excellent additional method of primary treatment for various diseases, as well as an independent method of strengthening the body’s strength and human health. The main thing is to trust your health only to trusted specialists.


The human foot consists of 26 bones and has three bony support points. The appearance, size, color, and type of foot determine many aspects of a person’s physical and emotional state.

Unlike the palms, which can be examined quickly and easily, examining the feet is somewhat difficult and time consuming. Before examining our foot, we need to do several manipulations: sit down, take off our shoes and, pulling our foot towards us with our hand, turn it with our foot up. Moreover, not everyone will be able to do this right away, and if they do, they will still have to look at their foot from a certain angle. And this already somewhat distorts the picture of perception. Turning your foot up so that it is parallel to the ground will only become possible after long training and stretching of the muscles. However, there is a much easier and nice way examine your own foot - all you need to do is use a mirror.

Tie your feet to your head

It would seem, what could be common between the feet and the hemispheres of the brain? Yet such a connection exists, and it is very strong. Scientists have long proven that different people One of the cerebral hemispheres may be more developed than the other, which leads to differences in their development and behavior. People with a more developed right hemisphere have pronounced creative abilities, they have well-developed intuition, they understand classical music better, easily abstract from specifics, are capable of associative thinking, and remember longer a variety of impressions from what they saw or heard.

People with a more developed left hemisphere have stronger concrete thinking, logic, numeracy, and language abilities. Such people perceive rhythmic music better, their associations are quite specific, since it is generally not easy for them to generalize concepts.

Right foot, left foot

In relation to the feet, the concepts of “right-sided” and “left-sided” are also appropriate, although the properties of the right and left hemispheres transfer to the feet and the rest of the body in the opposite way. This occurs because the nerve ganglia in the head intersect in a special way. For example, if a person is injected in right side body, then pain may occur in the left side of the head, and vice versa.

The right foot relates to the masculine aspects of being,it also determines our relationships with men, including our father. By right foot You can learn about events related to the past. The left foot is associated with the feminine principle, relationships with women, including the mother. From it you can judge the present, what is happening in a person’s life at the moment. On the left foot, what we would like to hide from others can also appear more clearly.

Size matters too

By the size of the feet, or rather, by the degree of difference in the size of one foot from another, you can learn a lot about a person. If, for example,the right foot is smaller than the left,this may indicate inhibition or even suppression of masculine character traits, especially in the past. Ifthe right foot is larger than the left– perhaps you are currently trying to limit the manifestations of your feminine side. Feet that vary greatly in size may indicate that their owner has an imbalance or even a complete lack of balance between the feminine and masculine principles.

People with large differences in foot sizemay suffer from attacks of unreasonable jealousy. They do not trust manifestations of the opposite principle and will strive for dominance and control from that part of their nature that is responsible for the larger foot.

Having found out Which of the feet is larger, we can say which of the principles predominates in a person.In modern people, there is a tendency towards greater development and increase in size of the right part of the body, including the chest, arms, legs and, of course, feet. And there is nothing strange in this, because in modern society the masculine principle dominates. Modern people would rather achieve their goal than accept or agree with what fate presents to them. Differences between masculine and feminine principles can also manifest themselves in a person’s relationships with others.

You can tell about a person’s character not only by the difference in the size of the feet, but also by the size of the feet itself, which is almost independent of the person’s height. Meet as tall people with small feet, and short ones with large feet.

People with disproportionately small feetthey walk through life carefree, they are less demanding and ambitious, although they can influence others.People with disproportionately large feeton the contrary, they do everything thoroughly; it is important for them to leave a mark in life. By the imprint of feet in the sand one can judge the influence that a person has on others. The smaller the imprint, the softer and more dynamic the effect, and vice versa, the larger it is, the more more pressure on others.

What color are they?

The color of the skin of the feet is also an important component of our knowledge about a person. It is never constant and can change depending on the situation. There are no strong differences in color between the feet and other parts of the body, but minor differences are still observed. The ability to notice these differences can provide a deeper understanding of the life situation in which we, our loved ones or our friends find ourselves.

Very pale feetthey say that a person is tired, exhausted and almost deprived vitality. In this case, rest is urgently needed, not only physical, but also emotional. You can, for example, lie down, raise your feet up and imagine yourself surrounded by roses that smell wonderful. When you feel that you have rested, try to get up and pamper yourself with something.

Feet turn redif a person finds himself in a situation that irritates him in some way. For example, redness in the heel area is associated with social, family or business problems. If you find yourself in such a situation, you should under no circumstances isolate yourself from others, accumulating negative emotions within yourself. People are often afraid to show their feelings to others for fear of causing misunderstanding or irritation, but then these unexpressed feelings can turn against them. It is better to get rid of your anger while it is small, without waiting for it to grow. Suppressing anger in the soul has the same negative effect as the feeling of dissatisfaction that constantly irritates us. One day you may simply explode, like an overheated steam boiler, and for a completely trivial reason. To prevent this, try to calmly analyze the situation. By finding the true source of irritation, you will thereby protect yourself from a volcanic eruption of emotions.

Bluish color of the skin of the feetappears when a person is tired of the pain and suffering that life brings him. It seems to him that life mercilessly beats and breaks him and nothing good will ever happen again. In such a situation, rest is urgently needed. If the situation does not change after this, you need to think about how to change the situation and put an end to the suffering.

Complete or partial yellowing of the footindicates that a person has come to the very edge in some life situation or in relationships with other people. If absolutely the entire foot turns yellow, this is a signal that he is too tired of life. The appearance of yellowness on calluses indicates that a person is creating too many obstacles to expressing his feelings. You can get rid of this by simply talking about the reasons for your disappointments.

More than five

It wouldn’t be out of place to talk about six-toed feet, which are by no means uncommon. According to statistics, 40% of people have six toes on their feet. Among men, the number of people with six toes is up to 60%, and among women - up to 30%. We may simply not be aware of this, because other people’s feet are almost always covered with shoes. But even if a person is barefoot, we tend to just ignore their toes.

Six-toed feet sometimes serve as a kind of sign of the originality and talent of a person: the owners of such feet, for example, were Napoleon, L. N. Tolstoy, I. V. Gogol. However, in the Middle Ages, people with six-toed feet were persecuted and even burned at the stake. Nowadays, this pathology is treated surgically.


Human feet can vary in size, shape, width, and more. But, despite all their diversity, each pair of feet can be conditionally attributed to one of the five main types, each of which is characteristic of people with certain character traits. The characteristics of each type are based primarily on the length of the fingers.

If you count from the very thumb(first) to small (fifth), the feet can be described as follows.

Greek type

The Greek type of feet is characterized by a short first toe and a longer second, followed by the remaining three toes in descending order of length. This type of feet is also characterized by a significant, compared with others, distance between the first and second toes. The width of the feet of the Greek type can vary from the narrowest to the average. Feet of this type up to 20% of people have.

People with Greek foot typecharacterized by a strong need to lead others. They are able to inspire others with their ideas and inspire action with deeds. Such people are more theorists than practitioners, although one does not exclude the other.

Egyptian type

The Egyptian type of feet is characterized by a long first toe and a decrease in length of the remaining four toes. The width of the feet varies in the same range as the Greek type feet.People with Egyptian feet, often dreamers and visionaries, they are driven by great ideas. It is believed that they are prone to a passive life position. If, in addition, the big toes of their feet are somewhat protruding, they can hardly endure criticism from others. If the heels of the Egyptian type of feet are smaller than the large balls of the feet, such a person is likely to have to struggle to realize his ideas, while facing great financial difficulties.

Scots-Irish type

The feet of the Scotch-Irish type have relatively long toes of almost equal length.People with this type of feetsensitive and caring, easy-going and, being sometimes very conservative, can still struggle to expand the boundaries of their life.

English type

The feet of the modern English type are somewhat wider than those of the Scots-Irish type, and their toes are sharply sloping.People with this foot typeThey are quite down-to-earth, do not particularly strive to develop their spiritual or creative potential, and have a stable character. In their actions, such people would rather withdraw than do anything wrong.

Peasant type

Peasant-type feet usually have three inner toes of the same length, with all the toes being rather short and sort of square. The width of the feet of this type can vary from medium to wide.People with peasant feetreliable and industrious, firmly on their feet and well prepared for life. They are much closer to today's problems than the distant and unknown future.


There are 12 main lines on each of the feet.

"Sinks" and "curls" on the skin of the feet are considered lucky signs only if they are located on the right foot: this indicates the favorable position of the corresponding planets. The same lines on the left leg are considered an unfavorable sign.

Clear lines on the soles and auspicious signs such as “temple”, “pisces”, etc., indicate happiness, contentment with life and wealth of a person. If any of the lines of the foot extending from the heel ends at the big toe, then this person lives in comfort and wealth.

If the lines are broken and there are no clearly defined signs on the feet, then, depending on their location, pedomancers can predict a rather joyless existence for a person.

For clarity, consider an image of a foot on which the “lines of fate” are schematically indicated.

Life line

Line 1, or the life line, is analogous to the life line on the hand; it symbolizes longevity and life. This line is on the feet of almost everyone. Being located vertically, it goes from the center to the first or second fingers. The length and severity of this line is judged on the vitality of a person.

Mind line

Line 2, or the line of the mind, runs parallel to line 1, but unlike it connects the center of the foot with the little toe or ring finger. It reflects the mind and resourcefulness of a person. It is believed that the length of this line is directly related to the development of his mental abilities. Line 2 is also present on the feet of almost all of us, but it is less clearly expressed than the life line.

Heart line

Line 3, or the heart line, is parallel to the toes and symbolizes strength of feeling and emotionality. Refers to the main lines of the foot.

A straight line of the heart indicatesabout the calm and balanced nature of a person’s personality, the curve speaks of his coldness. A branched line indicates heartlessness, indifference and even deceit.

Venus Line

Line 4, or the line of Venus, runs close to the thumb in places where calluses or corns often form, and therefore is poorly visible or not visible at all on rough areas of the skin. This line is responsible for sociability and sociability. The clearer it is, the better these two qualities are developed in a person.

Jupiter line

Line 5, or the Jupiter line, runs vertically, parallel to the outer part of the foot, and is located closer to the heel. This clearly running line speaks of a person’s desire for power, his intentions to lead and command.

Saturn line

Line 6, or the Saturn line, runs exactly down the center of the foot, below the life line. She shows the ability to overcome difficult situations with honor. Often both these lines intersect. The Saturn line testifies to the resilience and vitality of its owner, and the more clearly it is expressed, the stronger the person’s ability to survive.

Sun Line

Line 7, or the line of the Sun, runs along the left edge of the foot from the heel to the middle and is more common in creative people. The clearer the line, the more talented the person.

Mercury line

Line 8, or the Mercury line, is often an extension of the Sun line. It is directed from the middle of the foot to the toes and shows a person’s entrepreneurial abilities, his predisposition to doing business.

Line of Mars

Line 9, or the line of Mars, runs across the foot from the edge to the middle, intersecting lines 7 and 8. This line is V-shaped and indicates the will to win. The more clearly it is expressed, the more strongly a person’s willpower is expressed. For women, a clearly cut line means dominance in the family, the ability to keep a husband “under his thumb.”

Not everyone has a Mars line.

Moon Line

Line 10, or the line of the Moon, is directed along the heel and occurs only in avid travelers and dreamy people with a wide flight of imagination.

Line of Emotionality

Line 11 runs at the base of the thumb and shows the superiority of emotions over rationalism or the heart over the mind.

Line of practicality

Line 12 is located next to the fifth finger and indicates insight, economy and frugality. In pedantic and greedy people it is pronounced. A weakly expressed line indicates a tendency to prodigality.


Each of the toes is responsible for certain traits of the human personality.Pedomants judge a person’s character and abilities mainly by the appearance of their fingertips. For convenience of research, the sequential numbering of fingers shown in Fig. 7.

First finger, or finger of Venus, symbolizes emotionality and sensuality. These features directly depend on the size of the pad of this finger: the more convex it is, the more emotional and sensitive the person is.

Second finger, or finger of Jupiter, shows how honest a person is. The greater the convexity of the pad, the more scrupulous he is about matters of honor.

The third finger, or the finger of Saturn,symbolizes will. By the size of the pad one can judge the rigidity of character and great willpower or, on the contrary, cowardice and lack of will.

The fourth finger, or the finger of the Sun,symbolizes prosperity. The sun is a symbol of gold, so the size of the pad of this finger is proportional to the wealth of a person.

Fifth finger, or Mercury finger, shows how smart a person is and is able to solve various life problems.


On the surface of the foot you can find points corresponding to almost all the main organs, glands and limbs of a person. The organs are projected onto the feet, onto the male and female sides, just as they are located in our body.

Each of the organs, in addition to performing purely physiological functions, is responsible for the spiritual and emotional state of a person. For example, the spleen is considered to be the seat of grumpiness and anger, that is, traits that for some reason are traditionally attributed to women.

Although the heart area is located on both feet, its projection is more pronounced on the left foot, which confirms that emotions are more related to the feminine principle in a person. The liver is projected onto both feet, but the projection area on the right foot is larger than on the left. By the way, the liver has long been associated with purely masculine qualities: anger, raw emotions, and a fighting spirit.

Both the physical and spiritual health of a person depends on the condition of each organ. For example, a healthy spleen cleanses the blood of moral impurity, allowing a person to show more compassion and empathy, and lead a righteous lifestyle. The liver, on the contrary, will be out of order if a person begins to suppress such a strong emotion as anger.

All of the above fully applies to other organs. Therefore, for a person to be healthy both physically and spiritually, each of his organs must be in order. And it is not at all necessary to treat the organ itself directly. A method of treatment has long been invented by influencing points located on the feet and which are projections of organs. This is foot massage and acupuncture.

The figures show only the points responsible for the main organs. In fact, there are many times more of them. According to some data, about 15 thousand biologically active points are concentrated on human feet. In addition to the points of the main organs, there are points responsible for general health, work of the stomach, mood, good dream and even for tobacco addiction.

The layout of the projections of the main human organs on the feet

Left foot (bottom view):1 - head, brain: right side; 2 - frontal sinuses: right side; 3 - cerebellum, brain stem; 4 – pituitary gland; 5 - trigeminal nerve, temple on the right; 6 – nose; 7 – back of the head; 8 – right eye; 9 - right ear; 10 – left shoulder; 11 - trapezius muscle on the left; 12 – thyroid gland; 13 - parathyroid glands; 14 – lungs and bronchi on the left; 15 – stomach; 16 - duodenum; 17 – pancreas; 18 – liver; 19 - gallbladder; 20 – solar plexus; 21 – adrenal glands on the left; 22 – left kidney; 23 – urinary tract left; 24 – bladder; 25 – small intestine; 26 – transverse colon; 27 - descending colon; 28 – rectum; 29 – anus; 30 – heart; 31 – spleen; 32 – left knee; 33 - gonads, ovaries on the left; 34 – hip joint left; 35 – nervous system; 36 – knee-joint; 37 – throat

Right foot (bottom view):1 – head, brain: left-hand side; 2 - frontal sinuses: left side; 3 – cerebellum, cerebral cortex; 4 – pituitary gland; 5 – trigeminal nerve, left temple; 6 – nose; 7 – back of the head; 8 – left eye; 9 - left ear; 10 – right shoulder; 11 – trapezius muscle on the right; 12 – thyroid gland; 13 – parathyroid glands; 14 – lungs and bronchi on the right; 15 – stomach; 16 – duodenum; 17 – pancreas; 18 – liver; 19 – gallbladder; 20 – solar plexus; 21 – adrenal glands on the right; 22 – right kidney; 23 – urinary tract on the right; 24 – bladder; 25 – small intestine; 26 – vermiform appendix; 27 – ileum; 28 – ascending colon; 29 – transverse colon; 30 – right knee; 31 – genitals, ovaries on the right; 32 – hip joint on the right; 33 – nervous system; 34 – knee joint; 35 – throat


Chakra is the energy “wheel” of our body

In addition to the internal organs of a person, chakras are also projected onto the feet - subtle energy centers located in places of nerve plexuses.

The word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit. There are seven main chakras in the human subtle body, each of which corresponds to a specific stage of development. Each chakra is responsible for the revelation of certain spiritual qualities in a person, which in most people are dormant. A person’s energy potential depends on the state of the chakras.

Each chakra has its own name and specific location on the human body.

First chakra (Muladhara)located at the base of the spine on its outer side.

Second chakra (Svadisthan)located at the level of the appendix (a palm's width below the navel).

Third chakra (Nabi, or Manipura)located at the site of the solar plexus.

Fourth chakra (Anahata)located at the level of the heart.

Fifth chakra (Vishuddi)located at the level of the jugular cavity at the base of the neck.

Sixth chakra (Agya)located at the level of the middle of the forehead in the place where the optic nerves cross.

Seventh chakra (Sahasrara)located in the upper part of the head, in the crown area.

Visually, the chakras are represented by seven color funnels, the colors of which correspond to the seven colors of the rainbow. In addition, each color corresponds to a certain frequency of energetic vibrations. For example, the red chakra is the first chakra, and the violet chakra is the seventh chakra. Accordingly, the first chakra has the lowest vibration frequency, and the seventh has the highest. The numbers of other chakras located between them completely coincide with the colors of the rainbow.

Chakras on the feet

As mentioned above, all seven chakras are projected onto the feet, dividing them into seven conventional zones. For convenience, we will further talk about the location of the chakras on the feet. These chakras maintain a person's connection with the Earth and are responsible for problems in a specific part of the human body.

As you can see, the first chakra is located on the heel, the second - at the bottom of the instep, the third - at the top of the instep, the fourth - on the big ball of the foot, the fifth - on the neck of the fingers, the sixth - on the bottom of the balls of the fingers, the seventh - on the top. parts of the fingertips.

In addition to the seven chakras located across the foot (horizontally), there are seven more chakras located longitudinally, that is, going from the heel to the toes (vertically). The scheme of their location and intersection with the horizontal chakras is shown in fig. 11. Vertical chakras are secondary to horizontal ones.

Now that we have figured out the location of the chakras on the feet, let's agree on a certain numbering of the toes, which will be used only in the current section ("Projections of the chakras on the feet"). We will need such a numbering to match the number of the finger with the number of the chakra.

As you can see, the first five chakras of the feet are located on the fingers, so each toe contains not only the fifth, sixth, or seventh chakras, but also one of the first five horizontal chakras. Thus, all fingers are associated with the fifth, sixth and seventh horizontal chakras, but individually only with certain vertical chakras. However, this does not mean at all that the chakras have influence only in the area of ​​​​their location and are not connected with each other. There is a close relationship between all the chakras of one foot. For example, when problems arise in the area of ​​the first chakra, this necessarily affects the chakras adjacent to it, just as a person who has injured his heel experiences pain in the entire foot.

Now let's consider which parts of the body are responsible for each of the seven chakras on the feet, their connection with the physical body of a person and his spiritual world.

First chakra. Sense of self-preservation

The first chakra is located on the heel and first toe. It affects the relationship of a person with representatives of various groups to which he may belong. For example, with family members, work colleagues, people of the same race, etc.

The color of the chakra is red, the element is Earth.

The emotional manifestations of the first chakra are anger, a sense of threat, or a feeling of physical fear. The location of the first chakra on the heels of both feet determines a person's connection with the Earth and a sense of stability.

You can judge by the shape of the heelhow strong family ties are for a person. People with a very narrow or small heel can be described as sophisticated, impractical, and hovering in the clouds. People with wide heels, on the contrary, have a realistic outlook on life. For them, personal safety, the safety of the family and their home are in the first place. If the heel is too wide, the person may lack a sense of security and a sense of stability in life.

The right heel is responsible for the past,and from it one can judge how unstable a person’s family was, whether he was given enough attention in childhood. If the situation has not changed over time, similar symptoms may occur on left heel responsible for the present. In addition, this person is significantly susceptible to fear or anger due to threats to personal safety, and financial problems are also possible.

If the heels protrude beyond the foot, this indicates that the person is overly worried about his future, he is seriously concerned about the issue of preserving his family and procreation. Any changes seem too difficult for such people, and, trying to distance them, they begin to drag their feet. As a result, the skin on the heels often becomes rough and hardened, and calluses may appear on it. This is a sure sign that a person wants to protect himself from external stimuli and protect yourself from problems at work or in the family. Fear of life's difficulties and the associated emotional pain makes him vulnerable.

It happens that even people with small and narrow feet complain of unusual heaviness in their legs. This indicates that the burden of life is pulling them down, making them “barely drag their feet.” Feeling of heaviness in the legs can also be caused by depression.

It also happens that a person, lifting his feet off the ground, does not feel their weight. A feeling of such extraordinary lightness is experienced by enlightened people, those who do not consider their life a heavy burden and are looking for ways to solve physical or emotional problems, focusing on intellectual realities.

To summarize the story about the first chakra of the feet, we can say the following.You can tell a lot about a person by the appearance of their heels.Does he stand firmly on his feet in this life or does he drag out a miserable existence? Are you strongly attached to the land where you took root, or are you inclined to periodically seek happiness in a foreign land? Heels can also tell you whether their owner is prone to losing his temper easily over a given situation, or whether he often experiences irritation towards other people.

Second chakra. Relationships with people.

The second chakra is located at the beginning of the instep, just above the heel and on the second toe (Fig. 14). It is responsible for our ability to influence others, such as children, spouses, and work colleagues.

The color of the chakra is orange, the element is Water.

The emotional manifestation of the second chakra is guilt.

By the location of the second chakra, you can find out whether a person is a supporter of establishing very strict boundaries or they do not exist for him at all, whether he easily perceives change or is conservative in relation to the past, whether he needs constant control of the situation or is prone to manipulating people.

The location of the intestinal projection in the area of ​​the second chakra indicates thatthis chakra is responsible forthe process of digestion and removal of undigested food and waste from the body. Violation of these processes leads to the emergence of emotional problems, which are characterized by a “steam boiler” state: if you do not allow emotions to come out, you get the feeling that you are about to explode. In the area of ​​the second chakra there is also a projection of another important internal human organ - the kidneys (Fig. 15). By the appearance of the projections of the kidneys on the feet, one can judge the emotional state of a person. If the kidney areas have a sunken shape, this indicates emotional exhaustion; swelling, on the contrary, indicates an excessive accumulation of emotions that need to be thrown out. Indeed, the kidneys are involved in removing toxins from the body along with fluid, and water has always been a symbol of emotions.

Deep horizontal wrinkles or folds in the second chakra area indicate possible difficulties in relationships with other people, including sexual ones. Pronounced deep wrinkles on the outer edges of this area of ​​the foot suggest a decrease in psychological adaptability to changing environmental demands and a need for control.

The second chakra is also responsible fora feeling of support from others and a sense of financial security. It is curious that it shares this responsibility with the third chakra, although this is not surprising: as mentioned above, there is a close relationship between all chakras. Let us give an example of such a relationship.

The feeling of instability, for which the first chakra is responsible, affects the feeling of financial well-being, for which the second chakra is responsible. And all this, in turn, is associated with self-esteem, for the degree of which the third chakra is responsible.

Third chakra. Self-esteem

The third chakra is located on the top of the instep, just below the ball of the foot, and on the third toe. It influences the person himself.

The color of the chakra is yellow, the element is Fire.

Emotional manifestations of the third chakra– repressed anger, self-esteem resentment, shame, master/victim relationship problems.

The liver is projected onto the area of ​​the third chakra of the feet, and most of this projection falls on the right (male) side.

The third chakra, like the first, is responsible foremotions such as anger or anger. But if in the first chakra these emotions are associated with the instinct of self-preservation, then in the third – with self-esteem. For example, if you encounter a poisonous snake in the forest, you kill it or flee. In this case, the motives for your behavior are associated with the first chakra. You can imagine another situation. You are walking down the street in new or highly polished shoes, and suddenly some passer-by steps on your foot with his dirty boot. It is possible that you will feel anger or even burning rage, in the impulse of which you will be ready to literally attack the offender. This kind of emotion is associated precisely with the third chakra.

You know that the use of fire is part of the ritual in almost every religion. Candle flames or incense fires are considered cleansing. Fire, which can transform energy, can have a transformative effect on humans. The fiery energy of the third chakra contributes to the symbolic rebirth of the personality, just as it does with the phoenix bird. Thanks to purification by fire, a transition to a new life occurs. You begin to live by listening to your heart, your love for people becomes absolutely selfless and open.

As you can see, in many cases, anger associated with the third chakra can be beneficial, pushing a person towards positive change. However, fire can also burn. This happens, for example, if you are forced to silently endure an insult, although everything is boiling in your soul. If such situations occur frequently, this will certainly affect the condition of the gallbladder, which over time can lead to cholelithiasis. To avoid this, you should allow yourself to “let off steam” from time to time by getting rid of negative emotions.

Lack of balance in the third chakra is expressed either in excessive passivity or in excessive activity of a person. Energy changes can occur in this chakra from its maximum to its minimum. Manifesting high level self-discipline, we can insist that our actions are absolutely right. Or, completely loose in terms of discipline, they are quite capable of forcing themselves to complete the work they have started.

We can show a completely explosive temperament or show no emotions at all, are capable of active struggle, or force ourselves to come to terms with the situation. In the latter case, various kinds of complications associated with the outflow of bile or increased acidity of gastric juice are possible.

Fourth chakra. Heart problems.

The fourth chakra is located on the ball of the foot and on the fourth toe. It connects a person with those whom he loves selflessly.

The color of the chakra is green, the element is Air.

E emotional manifestations of the fourth chakraare sadness or love. The heart is projected onto the area of ​​the fourth chakra of the feet.

By the appearance of the pads on the feet, one can determine the emotional state of a person. Convex pads, as if “swollen” from accumulated emotions, indicate the presence of many unresolved problems. Outwardly, such a person may look arrogant; sometimes it seems that he is characterized by narcissism. However, in reality, behind all this lies complete absence pride or fear of rejection. The convex pads of the feet, as well as the protruding chest, are a sign of a huge amount of unexpressed emotions.

Shriveled pads of the feet indicatelack of vitality, inability to experience strong feelings. Such a person’s shoulders are often drooping and his chest looks sunken. This happens if we are unable to give love to those around us or are afraid to seek love. Instead of forgiving those we believe are responsible for our problems, including ourselves, we live on past grievances.

There is often a vertical dividing line running down the ball of the foot from the fourth toe, sometimes called the “broken heart line.” The presence of such a line indicates something that happened in a person’s life. serious breakup or the fact that he was once forced to live away from home. Sometimes this is a sign of being forced to lead a double life, which causes the heart to “break.”

If hardening or thickening of the skin is observed in the heart area or along the dividing line on the ball of the foot, this is a sign that life circumstances are forcing a person to build a wall to protect his heart.

Quite often, deep pits can be seen on people’s feet in the area of ​​the projection of the heart - evidence that life has presented them with difficult trials. If such pits are located on the left foot, then they are related to the present time and relate only to “women’s” problems. The pits on the right foot indicate past life troubles and are related to men or “male” problems.

Along with pitting, hemorrhages may appear on the feet blue-black colors, which speaks of deep inner experiences, as well as the fact that a person is having a bad time not only emotionally, but also physically.

Finishing the conversation about the fourth chakra, let us mention those curious cases when the fourth finger takes on a funnel shape. People with this form of the fourth finger have quite a great ability to transmit information coming to people through the channels of universal communication.

Fifth chakra located on the necks of the toes and on the fifth toe. She is responsible for the feeling of compassion for literally all living beings.

The color of the chakra is turquoise, the element is Earth. The emotional manifestations of the fifth chakra are truth, lies, or self-expression.

The fifth chakra is a kind of center where thea person’s creative potential and his feelings are voiced. It is to this chakra that people owe their magical abilities and the ability to create their own reality, if this does not contradict their karma.

The longer the necks of the toes, the higher the creative potential of a person, the better he is able to generate new ones. original ideas. At the same time, it cannot be said unequivocally that people with short fingers do not have creative potential. The short length of the toes may indicate that a person’s abilities are more related to contemplating the world than to comprehending it.

If the toes curl down and seem to cling to the ground, this indicates that the person is not using his full potential. This applies not only to creative professions. This refers to a person’s ability to create anything at all. For example, he may miss the opportunity to become an excellent cook, hairdresser, manager, or simply develop himself as a person.

There are many reasons why a person does not use his potential. Among them are a reluctance to stand out from the crowd, fear of possible failure, fear of being drawn into an adventurous project, lack of self-confidence and, as a result, a feeling of the insignificance of one’s ideas.

Sixth chakra. Ego.

The sixth chakra is located on the bottom of the fingertips. It influences a person's inner ego.

The color of the chakra is blue (indigo), the element is Light. The emotional manifestations of the sixth chakra are insight or deception of the senses.

The size of the balls of the toes is directly proportional to the level of intellectual activity of a person, his ability to generate ideas and create concepts. However, people with small pads have no less intellectual potential, it’s just much more difficult for them to realize it. As you can see, the size of the fingertips determines how successfully a person will be able to realize the abilities given to him by nature and use his achievements in the future. Teardrop-shaped toe pads are often seen in people suffering from sinusitis. This is a sure sign that either you yourself or the people around you are preventing the implementation of your ideas. It is not surprising that you are often unhappy with yourself and irritable, as if duplicating the reaction of your inflamed and clogged sinuses.

In the Figure on the left there is an ordinary finger; on the right is a finger with a teardrop-shaped pad.

Restraint of emotions is also indicated by an excess amount of fluid in the body, accompanied by painful sensations and a state of despondency. This is due to the fact that a person cannot find the real reason your emotions and eliminate it.

Seventh chakra. Secret knowledge

The seventh chakra is located at the tips of the fingertips.

The color of the chakra is purple or white, the element is Thought.Emotional manifestations of the seventh chakrathere is devotion and enlightenment.

The seventh chakra is the channel through which a person receives divine signs or thoughts.

People whose fingertips are shaped like a funnel are most likely to acquire cosmic knowledge. However, if your fingers look ordinary, do not be upset: your feet can change. If you learn to use the thoughts and ideas that come into your head, you have every chance of changing the shape of your fingertips and, accordingly, becoming an unusually receptive person.

The seventh chakra teaches us to push away unnecessary attachments, be they people, objects, ideas, beliefs or objects, as they limit our freedom.

People with a developed seventh chakra not only know themselves well, they gain true knowledge about everything that exists. However, not everyone is able to achieve this level of knowledge. Most people have to deal with the more mundane aspects of the seventh chakra: many of us, unfortunately, often accept beliefs that are alien to us, and also tend to succumb to intimidation and “zombification” from others.

As a defensive reaction to others' attempts to invalidate our ideas, the skin on the tips of our fingertips can harden. If we are simply bursting with unrealized ideas and dreams, our fingertips may look swollen. Flattened pillows are a sign that we have neither space nor time for solitude and reflection on our lives.

So, we have looked at all seven chakras in their projection onto our feet. Of course, this is far from complete information about the chakras as such. We can devote our entire lives to understanding them, and yet this will not guarantee that we will be able to come closer to a final understanding of their nature and properties.

To summarize the above, the following can be noted. In the process of creation and development of the human personality, the chakras play a leading role. Our seven chakras represent a kind of divine ladder, standing at one end on the earth and the other resting on the heavens. Having begun to climb it, with each step we get closer to our integrity.

Each of the seven chakras is responsible for a certain part of the path of our ideas, from the moment of their birth in our consciousness (or our perception of divine thoughts) to the final moment of their physical embodiment. If you imagine the path of an idea through the chakras, you will get something like this.

An idea enters a person through the seventh chakra, its essence is revealed in the sixth chakra, and its expression begins in the fifth. The fourth chakra is where we realize how important this idea is to us. Having an idea in the third chakra forces us to think about the possibility of failure or success and what we need to do specifically to realize this idea. The second chakra will lead us to solving financial problems and creating relationships that contribute to the implementation of the idea. And finally, passing the area of ​​the first chakra, our idea becomes ready for implementation.

The dependence of the psycho-emotional state on the appearance and condition of the feet.

Human feet are constantly under enormous stress, so approximately 80% of people have some kind of problem with them. The condition of the foot is influenced by factors such as general health, degree of physical activity, profession, shoes and much, much more.

It has long been noticed that the appearance of the feet and many of their diseases are directly related to certain of our feelings, emotions and even attitude towards life. For example, the yellowish color of the skin of the feet indicates severe fatigue, and a rough callus in the area of ​​the fifth toe indicates that a person has shouldered an unbearable burden and too often takes responsibility upon himself. An emotion as strong as anger can affect thumbs feet in the form of redness.

Various cases of such a relationship, such as: webbed fingers, bones on the fingers, hardened skin, fungal diseases, warts, blisters, spurs, flat feet, etc. You can read


The history of shoes goes back more than one millennium. Perhaps it is as old as the history of human culture. Scientists have found specimens whose age exceeds 8 thousand years. The impetus for the creation of shoes by ancient people was climate change. The first boots in the history of mankind, according to researchers, were something like foot wraps made of bear skins, insulated from the inside with dry grass. The shape of shoes, like all other parts of clothing, has changed at all times and among all peoples. Interestingly, only in the last 200 years have people begun to make shoes to be worn on the right and left feet.

Shoes can tell a lot about their owner. For example, if a person has been wearing shoes for a long time and they are already quite worn out, but he is in no hurry to replace them, this means that a sense of comfort for this person is more important than prestige and luxury. If he nevertheless decides to buy a new pair, this may mean he is ready to change vector life path.

As you can see, by shoes you can judge not only social status its owner, but also about many other things, for example, about the peculiarities of his emotional make-up. Very often, what can be said about a particular pair of shoes fully corresponds to their owner. In order to identify this correspondence, you should pay attention to the pair that is worn most often. Let us give an example of several such correspondences.

Degree of wear

Comfortable, but thoroughly worn shoes indicate fatigue of the person wearing them. If the shoes are uncomfortable, but a person continues to wear them, this means that he does not want to fight the unpleasant aspects of life, preferring to put up with his existence. Shoes that are too cheap can be a sign that a person does not consider himself worthy of the best. Sometimes this indicates that the owner of the shoes is accustomed to living exclusively for others, often ignoring his own needs and desires.

Worn down heels indicate that a person is tired of living in cramped circumstances and feels sorry for himself. High heels, as a rule, give a feeling of confidence in one's capabilities and financial situation. If the right heel is worn less than the left, this means that a person almost always experiences joy and pleasure from performing his marital and household duties. If the sole of the right shoe or shoe is more worn, then probably such a person has problems associated with his masculine or with men from his inner circle.

Shoe type

The type of shoe can also tell a lot about its owner. Take, for example, rough “work” boots. On their feet they look heavy, which means that their owner should not be perceived superficially. Such shoes are worn mainly during working hours, but some young people prefer to wear them all the time, believing that they look much more respectable and courageous in them. True, this does not always work out, but nevertheless, the rough appearance of these shoes serves its purpose, betraying some aggressiveness of its owner. Girls also wear such boots, sometimes together with a skirt. Such a strange combination can mean something like this: “Just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean at all that I’m weak and can’t stand up for myself.”

As you know, narrow high-heeled shoes are very popular with most women. Sometimes men simply cannot understand why such absurd shoes, from their point of view, can attract someone. The toes in such shoes are extremely compressed, the leg at the ankle is bent so that it is difficult to move without the risk of falling, and it is very harmful for the spine. In addition, high-heeled shoes contribute to the formation of bunions and often lead to other foot diseases.

Be that as it may, women are not going to give up shoes with high thin heels, citing that they are beautiful and even comfortable. From a psychological point of view, commitment to high heels indicates a woman’s desire to rise above men or at least become equal to them. Modern woman refuses to live on the sidelines, to be led and dependent. She strives to prove that she is capable of achieving success in life and not depending on men financially. At the same time, she wants to be treated like a goddess who needs to be adored and pleased.

Shoe color

The choice of a new pair of shoes is approximately 70% determined by its color. And color, as has long been known, influences our psyche on a subconscious level. Red, for example, has a stimulating effect, being a symbol of vitality and self-confidence. Dark blue, on the contrary, gives a feeling of calm and relaxation. Green evokes a feeling of strength, yellow - a feeling of openness, lightness, joy, freedom. The cooler the color scheme, the more calming it is.

The choice of shoe color is inextricably linked to a person’s mood. Intuitively preferring or rejecting certain colors, we sometimes appear as we really are.

Currently, the most common shoes are brown and black. This is understandable, because we walk on the earth, which has the same colors. By preferring dark-colored shoes, a person shows that he stands firmly on the ground. The choice of shoes in lighter shades speaks of his aspiration upward or of his desire to rise above people.

The person who prefers to wearblack shoes, often appears to be a dark, mysterious, secretive, sexual person. In some cases, this choice may be due to a gloomy mood at the time of purchase or depressive state during this period of life. Black color can also mean a desire to explore the unknown or a willingness to come into contact with one’s earthly and feminine principles.

Brown shoesquite popular. It is worn by both men and women, and of any age. Brown is closest to the natural color of animal skin from which shoes are made; with its help, a person seems to strive to gain a stronger foothold in this life. In the vast majority of cases, brown shoes are chosen by reliable people, on whom you can always rely in everything. They are practical, stand firmly on the ground, and have a hard time with change. Dirty brown shoes are more often purchased by introverts, people with a detached perception of life.

Gray shoesUsually worn by people who are unsure of the correct choice of their life path. Nothing makes them happy; life seems boring, gray and monotonous to them. Such people look tired, like a squeezed lemon. But we should not forget that gray is also a symbol of wisdom. Wise in life, graying people no longer perceive the volcanic passions of the world around them so emotionally.

White color, as is known, it contains all seven colors of the rainbow. He personifies unity, that is, perfection, including in the spiritual and emotional sense. White shoes are most often chosen by people who are close to perfection in all respects.

Blue color shoes indicates that its owner is an honest, calm and peace-loving person. He knows exactly what he wants from life. Choosing dirty blue shoes indicates that the person is depressed.

Green shoesThey are worn by balanced and compassionate individuals - people who know how to give their love to others without demanding anything in return. The color green can also signify a certain stage of growth in a person's life. Dirty green shoes are usually chosen by very jealous people.

Orange shoesemotional people choose. Such people are usually great optimists; they always have good mood, conducive to communication, they are always ready to serve others.

Silver color- This is the color of the moon. It symbolizes something mysterious, magical and feminine. The color silver can also be associated with wealth.

Golden color of shoes,as well as silver, a sign of security or an indomitable desire to achieve it. The choice of shoes of this color indicates a person’s passionate desire to command people, to control everything and dominate everything, like an emperor.

Pink shoesworn by loving and compassionate people. A dirty shade of pink can indicate a person's need to extract all the juice from those with whom he directly interacts.

Red shoes chosen by passionate, energetic, lively people. This color can also indicate the explosive nature and anger of the person who chose it.

Turquoise shoespromotes self-expression. It can be recommended for politicians to wear during public speaking or teachers of educational institutions during lectures.

Yellow shoe colorreveals the character of its owner as a cheerful, warm and sunny person by nature. Such people readily accept change, have remarkable mental abilities and are able to fight for their beliefs. Usually these are extroverts. If the color yellow has a dirty undertone, the person may be very timid by nature.

Purple The shoe represents Venus and testifies to spiritual wisdom.

Number of pairs of shoes

Usually people buy shoes out of necessity, to wear on certain appropriate occasions. But it also happens that a person buys an incredible number of pairs of shoes, and some of them are never worn. This can be explained either by the fact that he cannot decide on the final choice of life path, or by the desire to replay as many roles as possible in his life. With each new couple, such a person gets the opportunity to try on another role.


On the surface of the foot you can find points corresponding to almost all the main organs, glands and limbs of a person. The organs are projected onto the feet, onto the male and female sides, just as they are located in our body.

Each of the organs, in addition to performing purely physiological functions, is responsible for the spiritual and emotional state of a person. For example, the spleen is considered to be the seat of grumpiness and anger, that is, traits that for some reason are traditionally attributed to women.

Although the heart area is located on both feet, its projection is more pronounced on the left foot, which confirms that emotions relate more to feminine in man. The liver is projected onto both feet, but the projection area on the right foot is larger than on the left. By the way, the liver has long been associated with purely masculine qualities: anger, raw emotions, and a fighting spirit.

Both the physical and spiritual health of a person depends on the condition of each organ. For example, a healthy spleen cleanses the blood of moral impurity, allowing a person to show more compassion and empathy, and lead a righteous lifestyle. The liver, on the contrary, will be out of order if a person begins to suppress such a strong emotion as anger.

All of the above fully applies to other organs. Therefore, for a person to be healthy both physically and spiritually, each of his organs must be in order. And it is not at all necessary to treat the organ itself directly. A method of treatment has long been invented by influencing points located on the feet and which are projections of organs. This is foot massage and acupuncture.

The figures show only the points responsible for the main organs. In fact, there are many times more of them. According to some data, about 15 thousand biologically active points are concentrated on human feet. In addition to the points of the main organs, there are points responsible for general well-being, stomach function, mood, good sleep, and even tobacco addiction.

The layout of the projections of the main human organs on the feet

Rice. 8. Left foot (bottom view): 1 – head, brain: right side; 2 – frontal sinuses: right side; 3 - cerebellum, brain stem; 4 – pituitary gland; 5 – trigeminal nerve, temple on the right; 6 – nose; 7 – back of the head; 8 – right eye; 9 - right ear; 10 - left shoulder; 11 - trapezius muscle on the left; 12 – thyroid gland; 13 – parathyroid glands; 14 – lungs and bronchi on the left; 15 – stomach; 16 – duodenum; 17 - pancreas; 18 – liver; 19 – gallbladder; 20 – solar plexus; 21 - adrenal glands on the left; 22 – left kidney; 23 – urinary tract on the left; 24 – bladder; 25 - small intestine; 26 – transverse colon; 27 - descending colon; 28 - rectum; 29 – anus; 30 – heart; 31 – spleen; 32 – left knee; 33 - gonads, ovaries on the left; 34 – hip joint on the left; 35 – nervous system; 36 – knee joint; 37 – throat

Rice. 9. Right foot (bottom view): 1 – head, brain: left side; 2 – frontal sinuses: left side; 3 – cerebellum, cerebral cortex; 4 – pituitary gland; 5 – trigeminal nerve, left temple; 6 – nose; 7 – back of the head; 8 – left eye; 9 – left ear; 10 – right shoulder; 11 – trapezius muscle on the right; 12 – thyroid gland; 13 – parathyroid glands; 14 – lungs and bronchi on the right; 15 – stomach; 16 – duodenum; 17 – pancreas; 18 – liver; 19 – gallbladder; 20 – solar plexus; 21 – adrenal glands on the right; 22 – right kidney; 23 – urinary tract on the right; 24 – bladder; 25 – small intestine; 26 – vermiform appendix; 27 – ileum; 28 – ascending colon; 29 – transverse colon; 30 – right knee; 31 – genitals, ovaries on the right; 32 – hip joint on the right; 33 – nervous system; 34 – knee joint; 35 – throat

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Today we will start discussing It we can do too independently, at home.

Foot massage - the benefits of acupressure on organs

What are the benefits of foot massage? Besides that foot massage it is very pleasant and has a quite powerful relaxing effect, it also relieves fatigue, improves sleep, activates the immune system, affecting the entire body as a whole.

As we already know, on the limbs, more precisely on the soles of the feet, they are widely represented biologically active points , pressing, pressing, rubbing which can indirectly affect almost any internal organ.

Even without any medical education, a person is able, simply by feeling his feet, to find painful points... These are points of discomfort, or even quite severe pain signal to us that there is a problem with some organ. By checking the table, which will be at the end of the article, with the prescribed projections of biologically active points, we can:

1. Pay attention to this organ, it may not hurt yet; the projection points on the feet react much earlier.

2. Start massaging painful points on the soles of your feet, reflexively influencing the diseased organ and helping it become more active.

How to massage your feet

The foot massage procedure does not take very much time, but if you do it yourself, it may take about half an hour. Since the main relaxing foot massage effect, then I recommend doing it before bed.

Start spot foot massage at home should be warmed up with warm water. Then vigorously rub the soles until they turn red.

Let's prepare the cream. Anyone, even a child. Although, in practice, I can say that, in order for the foot massage to be more effective, it is worth taking some warming up cream, for example with mustard, with pepper, massage tonic.

Let's start the foot massage with general energetic rubbing movements of the entire foot.

After 1-2 minutes we move on to toes. We give each toe a minute, rubbing in a circular motion, bending in one direction and the other. In people over 30 years of age, it is possible painful sensations with active flexion of the fingers. When some joints, muscles and tendons almost do not work, they, when trying to load them, give painful sensations. So gradual impact and once again gradualism.

As you noticed from the table, on the pads of the fingers and the bases of the toes have reflexogenic zones related to the organs located in the head (eyes, ears, teeth, nose, sinuses and the brain itself), therefore, paying a lot of attention to the fingers, we activate our thought processes and improve our protection against colds.

In principle, we have known since childhood that we have wet (frozen) feet, expect a cold... Based on this knowledge is the fact that when colds We soak our feet with mustard, wrap them up, and put on warm woolen socks. And if we suddenly decide to toughen ourselves up, then we bravely walk barefoot.

Based on the number of fingers they distinguish five energy channels fanning out along the foot. With pressure, strong passage with vibrating movements from the middle of the foot to the base of the fingers, a gradual restoration of the energy balance in the body occurs. With good development of the points of these lines, the flow of energy through these channels improves and expands.

You can do a foot massage to yourself, you can do it to a friend, partner, so to speak, mutually.

It is extremely useful to massage the feet of children before bed, even for infants, it calms, relaxes and promotes better health. sleep soundly. And what if the baby has flat feet or, God forbid, hallux valgus feet, mastering massage techniques is a must.

Your friends will also thank you, especially pregnant women, their legs swell and hurt in the evening, and you can help them improve blood circulation, relieve fatigue and tension by your actions.

They often ask How to do a foot massage correctly?

But, in fact, there can be no wrong influence, various techniques only help to more accurately influence biologically active points, but even if you don’t know something yet, and not everything massage techniques you have yet mastered, do not stop in indecision!

Start small, your intuition can help you in this matter, and the pain of some points on the soles of your feet will also help.

Active points on the feet - correspondence to organs

And in the next The table shows the projections of these important points on the soles of the feet (click on the picture to enlarge)

Even a short impact of one or two minutes on a painful point of the foot can activate the organ corresponding to it and begin its healing.

Reflexogenic foot massage gives rise to self-healing mechanisms, of course, if the situation is neglected, then this method will not be able to completely cure a serious disease, but in its infancy, when there are still no symptoms of the disease, and the point on the foot already hurts, saying that stagnant processes are taking place and pathology develops.

Foot massage - video

For those who better perceive the information in the video, an example of a foot massage:

As for me, I will return to foot massage more than once in my articles, because not every organ available for independent action is so rich in reflexogenic points.