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What is the name of a dog with a blue tongue? Why does the Chow Chow have a blue tongue? Which dogs have a dark blue tongue?

It is considered one of the most ancient breeds of guards. It appeared in the vastness of ancient China, as evidenced by the drawings. The blood of Spitz and Mastiff flows in their veins.

This breed acquired its name several centuries ago. Before that, it was called both a mastiff and a Tatar dog. Reliable information about the origin of this name No.

Historical information

Scientists have proven that this breed is the most ancient. It originated from wolves in the steppes of ancient China. Had wide application, were hunters and guards. They were divorced only in the monasteries of Tibet and were strictly registered.

Marco Polo, who arrived in Europe, first spoke about the existence of a dog with a blue tongue. This breed first appeared in England in the mid-nineteenth century. Selection work was also carried out there, so the breed lost its originality.

They are very difficult to train and follow commands.


They are pets. Attached to the owner, protector of the home. He behaves warily with strangers, showing aggressiveness only in in rare cases. They treat other pets poorly, not taking them seriously.

A very apathetic person who prefers to spend all his time in a secluded place, watching what is happening from the side. To keep him happy, you need to take long walks every day. They are very stubborn and use special techniques for training. It is better to invite a specialist for these needs.

Chow chow standard

The standard for this breed was approved in 1999. Is guard dog, companion. Must be compact, strong, well balanced, similar in appearance to a lion. The tail must be pressed against the back. It has a unique gait, as well as the color of its tongue. There should be no inclusions or discoloration. All these signs indicate a bad pedigree, purebred.

Some legends and facts

There are a number of legends why a dog has a purple tongue.

  • When the world was created, God created the sky, the animal was very interested and it tasted it with its tongue, after which it turned blue;
  • Previously, they had only gray and black colors and were guards of monasteries;
  • Clean animal;
  • Puppies up to one month old have a tongue of normal color, later it acquires its permanent color, there is no explanation for this phenomenon;
  • They really don’t like the dew and prefer not to walk on water;
  • They have very fast growth backbone;
  • A lot of famous personalities were Chow Chow owners.

In this article I will look at the specifics of the Chow Chow breed, as well as some features of its care and maintenance. WITH Japanese name translated as shaggy lion. In addition, they are often called the dog that licked the sky and there is a reason why it has a purple tongue. Can other breeds have a blue tongue?

The Chow Chow looks like a lion and a bear at the same time. At the withers it reaches 50 cm. The head of this breed is massive, the muzzle is short and very slightly pointed.

Over the course of a Chow Chow's life, the color of its tongue may change several times.

The wool is soft and pleasant to the touch.

home distinguishing feature chow chow from representatives of other types of dogs - this is an unusual blue color of the tongue and oral cavity.

Why does the Chow Chow have a blue tongue?

  • Legend. Chinese folklore says that a long time ago, when God created the world and scattered stars across the sky, a piece of the blue sky accidentally broke off and fell to the ground. All living beings fled in fear and panic. different sides. And only a brave dog of this breed dared to approach the fragment and, after carefully examining it, lick it. Since then, the breed has acquired a noble blue color, a reminder of the courage and determination of their ancestor.
  • Scientific explanation. DNA tests confirm that this dog is an incredibly ancient breed. One of their hypotheses is that this dog is the product of selection between a small Asian bear and a dog, because, as is known, in bears it is black. Other researchers believe that dogs that licked the sky descended from long-extinct polar wolves, which have a pronounced blue pigmentation. Which of them is right remains a mystery.

What does the tongue look like in purebred puppies?

It is noteworthy that blue tongue Dogs of this breed do not receive it from birth.

For the first month, the oral cavity of puppies is pink, and after that it begins to turn blue, and the older the individual, the more intense the color.

The color can range from blue-black to lilac-blue and can even change depending on the mood and general condition dog of the surrounding space. When the dog is worried or stressed, lightening is observed.

Chow chow puppies are born with pink tongues; the color begins to change only a month after birth.

Diseases can also leave some pink areas on it, which will disappear over time. In summer there is also a lighter shade.

The color of the tongue is closely related to the health of any dog.

If a one and a half month old puppy has weak pigmentation of an organ or its spotted color, then there is a possibility of the presence of some diseases. Oral color - the most important sign purebred and purebred dog that licked the sky.

Can other breeds be blue?

What is considered a sign of purebred for a Chow Chow is called cyanosis in other dogs.

A change in the color of a dog’s tongue is an alarming sign for both the veterinarian and the animal’s owner. In the majority of cases, cyanosis indicates that the animal is sick . Signs of cyanosis include purple or bluish colors, trouble breathing with pronounced shortness of breath, and bluish discoloration of the paw pads.

Blue tongue color is often found in animals living in the far north

Cyanosis is not an autonomous disease, but a symptom. The condition of the mucous membranes directly depends on the oxygen entering the blood. If an animal’s body does not receive the amount of O₂ it needs, this can lead to tangible consequences, including fatal outcome. In addition, genetic diseases can cause blueness, birth defect hearts, variety respiratory diseases and some chemicals.

The tongue is the most multifunctional organ in a dog.. It qualitatively determines the taste of food and helps digestion, helps the pet drink, lick its wounds, and also significantly cools the blood through the rapid evaporation of saliva from its surface.

Tongue colors in an animal it is considered an indicator of the intensive process of blood circulation in the body. It can change its colors depending on what develops in the animal’s body (during excitement, stress, significant disruptions in the body), as well as during strong physical activity on the jaw (for example, while eating food).

U healthy pet shades mucous membrane may vary from pale pink to dark burgundy. But there are also exceptions. There are several dog breeds that have specific feature. The most famous dog with a blue tongue is a chow chow.

Features of the Chow Chow breed

This is a fairly ancient breed, whose history began several thousand years ago. The process of studying the DNA of this breed helps to put forward the theory that its ancestor was an animal that is considered an intermediate link between the Asiatic bear and the dog. And as everyone knows, the color of bears’ tongues varies from purple to black. And in appearance the dog is more similar to a bear; it is not called a bear dog for nothing.

Dog handlers are confident that dogs of this breed were found more than three thousand years ago. Evidence of this is considered to be a Chinese figurine, which belongs to the Han Dynasty, and this was 206−220 AD.

Gallery: Chow Chow (25 photos)


Despite the fact that this breed is already quite well known for a long time, scientists could not explain why their tongue is purple. Of course, there are certain versions and legends about this. So, for example, some people think that distant relative The breed is a rare polar wolf, which became extinct several thousand years ago, and they also owe the color of their tongue to very distant ancestors.

Most often, the Chao-Chao breed is related to bears: the dog’s appearance is considered to be to blame for this, since it is very reminiscent of small and fluffy bear cubs. Most dog breeders think that Chow Chow is a cross between a Samoyed and a bear., Elkhounds, Cahounds or even Pomeranian Spitz. In the Chinese province of Katonou, the chao-chao was simply called a black tongue, a wolf dog, or a bear dog.

In addition, in China there are two varieties of the breed: purebred and bastard chow, which belongs to the meat type. Bastards are distinguished by a more pointed head shape, and their tongues are spotted in color - in purebreds this phenomenon is considered a serious defect.

It is also possible that the homeland of this breed will not be China at all: some think that the dogs got there due to the trade of caravans from Mongolia. At this time, chows came to Mongolia from Siberia, and even before that they were mostly lived in the Arctic. This version seems quite true to us: animals that live in harsh climates with low oxygen levels can quickly adapt to the surrounding climate. In modern times, blue tongues indicate a severe lack of oxygen, and therefore such symptoms can be explained by mutational features.

What happens to puppies

It is noteworthy that puppies of this breed are immediately born with a simple pink tongue, and change their color only a month after birth. Every year the pigmentation becomes more and more pronounced. When choosing a pet, breeders recommend looking at the tongue.

Usually, new house puppies begin to search after one and a half months, and if by this time its tongue has not changed to dark or there are completely no spots on it, then it is easiest to refuse to purchase such a puppy. Problems with pigmentation can indicate not only defects in the breed itself, but also problems with the dog’s health.

Legends of the Chow Chow

There are legends and myths in China a large number of , And unusual breed with a purple tongue also noticed and came up with their own legend about her. According to one version, the coloring of the tongue was obtained due to courage.

According to legend, in the process of creating the world, God created the earth from the very beginning and populated it a large number animals, and then began to design the sky itself. While the creator was distributing stars across the sky, one of the pieces of the sky accidentally broke off and fell to the ground. All the animals got very scared and ran away, began to hide, and only the chow decided to come up and lick a piece of the sky. This is how the tongue of the brave pet acquired a heavenly and blue hue.

Of course, the Chow Chow from such a legend is very similar to its modern relatives: dogs of this breed differ from their relatives in increased curiosity, confidence and perseverance. It can be assumed, that real dog will not be afraid of something that will force a large number of animals to seek shelter.

Since ancient times, these dogs have been on the territory of China used as a sled dog. In addition, such animals were good shepherds, hunters, watchmen, and guards of ships and houses. In a Tibetan monastery, dogs were bred to guard various shrines. It was believed that there are more reliable breeds that are created for loyal and incorruptible owners.

And these days, the Chinese still believe that the chow can protect its owner and family from evil spirits, fence off evil people, as well as the evil eye. How just one breed could contain so many unusual qualities is another mystery of the Chow Chow. To this day, the dog that licked the sky continues to contain a large number of unsolved mysteries.

Distinctive features

Throughout a dog’s life, the shade of a dog’s tongue can vary significantly: from rich black to light lilac-blue. This coloring will depend directly on the dog’s health, its morale, and also on the weather. The tongue begins to become lighter in the heat, and also when the dog begins to experience severe anxiety.

The dog has the following appearance standards:

  1. Quite powerful, well-built body of medium size (from 46 to 56 centimeters and a total weight from 20 to 32 kilograms) with a strong body and a high-set tail.
  2. Straight limbs. The hind legs are considered the most muscular compared to the front ones; the gait of the animal is stilted.
  3. A wide and flat skull with an elongated muzzle, dark oval eyes and rounded, vertically raised ears.
  4. The main feature of the breed is its distinctive blue tongue.

Dog character

Representatives of this breed live for about 9-15 years. These are quite self-confident and completely independent individuals. They love to show their general superiority over other animals, and are also capable of showing increased aggression towards them. Tolerance to other breeds it is necessary to educate a dog from the very beginning early age. Most often, pets in the family choose their owner themselves, and the rest of the family members continue to be treated kindly. They do not show much interest in children, but they will not tolerate bullying from kids.

Representatives of the breed have a strong-willed character and also need good upbringing from early childhood.

Characteristics of the Shar Pei breed

Signs of the Shar Pei breed are considered to be a large number of folds on the skin, a uniform brown color and unusual color language.

Theories about the reason for the development of this color of the tongue are very different:

  1. The phenomenon of development of blueness in the tongue is most often explained family ties with polar wolves. Both external and internal dark covers were vital for wolves to enhance regulation metabolic processes in the body on cold days and nights. Only dogs with such characteristics were able to survive in conditions with low temperatures.
  2. Another hypothesis for the development of this language color is hereditary pathology in the pancreas. Indeed, a large number of Shar Peis suffer from pancreatitis.
  3. There is the most famous mixed Chinese legend about the origin of the Shar Pei. There lived two brothers, Shar and Pei. Once Shar stole Pei's skin and ran away. While Shar was running, he looked back several times and stuck out his tongue. But at one point he tripped and accidentally bit his tongue. From that time on he became of blue color, and the skin stolen from his big brother began to hang on him in folds.

Young breed Evrayzer

Few people know about a dog of this breed. evizer. It is rare and quite young. Evraiser was bred in Germany after crossing a Chow Chow with a Wolfsprit. It was from the Chow that the Evrizer inherited such an unusual feature in appearance.

The color of the tongue in such a dog can vary significantly from blue to purple and hay-black, and color changes can also occur throughout the pet’s life or even over several hours (for example, during stress testing by the animal, and also depending on time year and room temperature).

In any case, the blue tint of the tongue in such a breed is a sign of purebred. Blue-violet pigmentation in the tongue area is considered an indicator of the noble origin of the puppy, and in the case of the development of spots or lack of color, the animal is considered defective and is excluded from the list of the breeding process.

Causes of blue mucous membranes in other breeds

Blueness of the mucous membrane in a dog is also called cyanosis. A disease such as cyanosis cannot be called independent, but it external manifestation considered a sign of pretty serious problems with the body.

A dog's tongue may acquire blue pigmentation, and this always indicates a lack of oxygen in the body. The main reasons for the development of blue tongue are:

  1. Lung diseases that cause a rough cough, swelling in the lungs and severe shortness of breath.
  2. Injuries to the lungs, which can develop pneumothorax and hydrothorax (large amounts of air or fluid in the chest cavity).
  3. Hypertrophy in the velum palatine.
  4. The process of narrowing of the trachea (collapse).
  5. Congenital heart defects.

The listed diseases and injuries can occur in an animal of any breed, but, for example, hypertrophy often occurs in brachycephalic breeds (Pekingese, pugs, boxers and others), and tracheal collapse in most cases occurs in small and dwarf breeds(Yorkies, Shih Tzus and Toy Terriers).

Attention, TODAY only!

Do you know why the Chow Chow dog has a blue tongue? If such a question were asked to a resident Ancient China, he would not have difficulty answering. There is an interesting Chinese legend that says: “In very ancient times, when God had already created the Earth and populated it with animals, birds, insects, and fish, he was engaged in the distribution of stars in the sky. During this work, quite by accident, a piece of his sky fell off and fell to Earth. All the animals and birds, in horror, ran away and hid in secluded places. And only the bravest Chow Chow dog was not afraid to approach the fragment of sky, sniff it and lightly lick it with his tongue. Since then, the Chow Chow dog, and all its descendants, have had a blue tongue.” Thanks to this beautiful legend, the Chow Chow is still called “the dog that licked the sky.”

Most likely, the Chow Chow inherited the unusual blue-violet color of its tongue from one of its ancient ancestors. There are many versions of the appearance of this amazing breed dogs. For example, the ancient Chinese believed that the ancestor of the chow chow was a bear. Indeed, to all of yours appearance and character traits, the dog really resembles a huge teddy bear that you really want to “cuddle.” Moreover, this does not prevent her from being an excellent watchman and a good hunter. By the way, if you want to know, the polar bear also has a blue tongue. But still, the “bear” roots of the chow chow are rather the same legend.

The origin and pedigree of this ancient breed still remains an unsolved mystery. No one knows exactly where chow chows came from. Although some researchers believe that these wonderful dogs lived there 3,000 years ago. An ancient figurine of a chow chow from the Chinese Han dynasty has been preserved, which is kept in one of the museums in Berlin and dates back to approximately 206-220 BC.

Other scientists claim that the Chow Chow breed appeared much later, as a result of crossing the Tibetan Mastiff and the Samoyed. Also, there is a version that these dogs came with the raids of the Tatar tribes and were originally called “man-kou”, which means “Tatar dog”. There is another hypothesis according to which the chow chow inherited its blue tongue from an extinct species of polar wolf, although no evidence has yet been found.

Not only the origin of this amazing dog breed remains a mystery, but also the name itself - “Chow Chow”. There are several assumptions about where such an unusual name could come from.

  • Chow Chows became widespread from the Chinese city of Canton. So, the Cantonese word “kau”, according to the Chinese dictionary, means “dog”.
  • Available in Chinese Another similar word is “chow”, which is used to describe living creatures used for food (as is known, they eat dogs).
  • In addition, there is a British version of the origin of the name “Chow Chow”. When the first dogs were transported on ships to Britain, they were kept in a special room for unusual cargo. British sailors used the word "chow-chow", which meant "mixed goods".
  • But, personally, I like the other version better. Perhaps the name “Chow Chow” comes from the Chinese word “chaow”, which, literally translated, means “a dog with enormous (unprecedented) strength.”

Since ancient times, the Chow Chow was used as a sled dog. In addition, these dogs were excellent shepherds, hunters, guards of houses and even ships. IN Tibetan monasteries, Chow Chows were bred to guard sanctuaries. It was believed that there were no more reliable, loyal and incorruptible guards. And these days, the Chinese believe that chow chows protect their owners from evil spirits, unkind people, and even from the evil eye. How one breed could contain so many universal qualities is another mystery of the Chow Chow. Until now, “the dog that licked the sky” continues to keep its unsolved secrets.

Chinese legend says:
“A long time ago, when God, having created and populated the earth, distributed the stars across the heavens, a piece of the sky accidentally broke off and fell down. All the animals ran away in horror and hid. Only the chow-chow dog dared to approach the fragment of sky, sniff it thoroughly and carefully lick it with his tongue. Since then, the Chow Chow’s tongue has been blue.”

The origin of this breed is shrouded in deep mystery. The oldest image of this dog known to us is a Chinese figurine of the Han Dynasty (206-220 BC), kept in Berlin. But many researchers believe that this breed is more than 3000 years old, and if you believe the legends, it appeared as a result of crossing Samoyed Husky with a polar bear that has the same amazing blue tongue.

Again, according to legend, an amazing bear dog due to Arctic Circle got to Siberia, and then penetrated into Mongolia. The nomadic Tatar tribes brought it to China under the name "man-kou", or "Tatar dog".

The Chinese appreciated the breed, which was unknown to them until then. Unlike decorative, worthless mongrels, Chow Chows were truly universal dogs. In the northern part of China, this breed served as a sled dog, shepherd and guard of houses and ships. The Chinese believed that the Chow Chow was able to protect its owner not only from unkind people, but also from evil spirits; as a result, these dogs were willingly bred in Tibetan monasteries and used as incorruptible guards of sanctuaries.

Stories that the Chinese bred chow chow only to eat it later are completely unfounded. In China, of course, they still eat dogs, despite decrees issued in 1915 and 1926 prohibiting the use of dog meat for food. But will the practical Chinese really be able to breed for a long time a wonderful hunter and guard who can cope even with evil spirits, just to fill your stomach?

In Europe, the first information about chow chow appeared thanks to the famous traveler Marco Polo, who made a long trip to China in the 13th century. True, recently the voices of doubters that this journey even took place have become increasingly louder. The reason for doubt is that Marco Polo, upon his return, never mentioned the Great Wall of China, nor did he say anything about tea or Chinese porcelain. Or maybe he just didn't like tea? In any case, the traveler spoke about the wonderful dog in sufficient detail so that it could be recognized as a chow-chow.

It is unknown when the first representative of this breed arrived in Europe. At the very beginning of the 19th century, information regularly appeared in British newspapers about exotic animals brought to England from India, Japan and China. Mention was also made of a “remarkably beautiful, lion-like dog with a black-blue tongue and long, thick, red fur.” And in 1820, the London Zoo already kept one chow chow, on the cage of which there was an inscription: “Wild Chinese dog" In 1865, when it had already become clear that the Chow Chow was not a wild dog at all, Queen Victoria received a puppy as a gift from her subjects.

But the real boom in the spread of this breed began in 1880 in England. Society showed unprecedented interest in the dog, which looked like either a lion or a bear. In 1894, the English Kennel Club first registered this dog breed. A year later, an independent club of chow-chow lovers appeared in Britain.

Thus began the triumphant march of the Chow Chow around the world. In America, the popularity of the Chow Chow grew much faster than in Europe, despite the fact that puppies cost tens of thousands of dollars. In Germany, the first chow chows appeared in the 1920s. True, after the 30s interest in chow chow has calmed down somewhat.

Why “chow-chow”? Apart from the mystery of the origin of this amazing breed, it is still not really clear where the name itself came from: “Chow Chow”? There are several assumptions. Chinese dictionaries say that the Cantonese word "kau" or "kao" means "dog". (Canton is a city in China where chow chows came from wide use). There is a version that the name of the breed comes from the Chinese word “chow”, which serves as a description of living creatures that are used as food.

Another version - of British origin - says that when the first dogs from China were transported on ships, they were kept in a room intended for various unclassified cargo. The word “chow-chow” used by British sailors meant “mixed goods”. Well, the most beautiful version is as follows: the name of this breed comes from the Chinese word “chaow”, which means “a dog with great strength.”

At first glance, the chow chow may not seem like much smart dog, but upon getting to know each other better, anyone will be convinced that this dog has a much higher intelligence than other dog breeds. It’s just that he is always serious and independent, doesn’t understand jokes, doesn’t have a sense of humor, doesn’t like and doesn’t know how to play. This is a dog with strong nerves, it cannot be enslaved by training, but if the owner can gain trust, then the chow chow will very subtly feel the wishes of its owner and behave accordingly, which is called living in perfect harmony.

Chow chow has one interesting feature: the so-called sheep complex. For owners walking their pets in rural areas, you should definitely take this into account. As soon as chow chows see a sheep, something strange begins to happen to them. They freeze in place, take a hunting stance and look forward with concentration, then suddenly, like an arrow, they take off from their place, trying to grab the gaping sheep. There is an opinion that this is a manifestation of some kind of atavism, something that reminds the dog of its ancient Asian homeland. But why this only applies to sheep remains a mystery.

Here is such a wonderful chow-chow dog that once licked a piece of the sky...

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