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Modern methods of contraception for women. What is the best contraception for women

About 90 cases out of 100 could be prevented. However, women for some reason do not want or cannot use contraceptives. Often, patients are simply not sufficiently aware of what reliable ways to prevent conception are. Today's article will tell you about them.

How to choose a contraceptive?

If your immediate plans do not include the birth of children, then you should find out what methods of contraception are available. For women, a lot of funds have now been developed. Some of them are based on correction hormonal background, others refer to barrier methods. Some contraceptives may also protect against genital infections. Some drugs are suitable only for women who have given birth, others are preferable to choose with an irregular sexual life.

To choose the right methods of contraception (for women), you need to contact a gynecologist. The doctor will order an examination for you. After that, taking into account individual characteristics- the specialist will offer you several suitable ways. You can choose one or more of them. Read on to find out how to protect yourself from unwanted conception.

Hormonal drugs: COCs, patches and others

What methods of contraception for women are considered the safest? Experts say that when using hormonal drugs, the chance of an unexpected conception is almost zero.

There are several types. Before choosing one or another remedy, it is necessary to pass tests.

  • Pills. There are different types: monophasic, two-phase, three-phase. Such drugs have many contraindications. They are not prescribed for diabetes, varicose veins, migraines, smoking and many diseases. You need to take the tablets at the same time. Only in this case the effect will be expected.
  • Plasters. Less commonly used hormonal agents of this kind. These modern ways contraception is considered quite expensive. One patch is used for 22 days. This is followed by a week break. The pattern is then repeated.
  • subcutaneous implants. Such contraceptives are used in cases where the use of a patch or tablets is not possible. Capsules are sewn under the skin for up to several years. As a result, a woman may not bother with taking pills and gets rid of worries about unwanted conception.

All hormonal ways contraception for women is based on one action. They stop the ovaries from working and prevent the release of the egg.

Barrier methods: condoms and vaginal products

most popular barrier method is a condom. However, it is used by men, not women. A condom is put on the penis before sexual intercourse. This method allows you to protect yourself from all infections, including syphilis and HIV. Condoms are suitable for women who do not have a permanent partner. They are also used as additional contraceptives. An alternative to such products would be

Barrier contraceptives include various spermicidal contraceptives. These are candles, creams, gels or foams. They are used 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse and last for 40 minutes. Drugs can protect against certain infections and have a bactericidal effect. However, not all microbes die from these funds. In addition, long-term use of spermicides can disrupt the vaginal microflora.

natural methods

Most dangerous methods protection from pregnancy - calendar calculation, coitus interruptus and some others. All of them are based on the feelings of the woman and her assumptions. Often, the fairer sex, who prefer these options, are pregnant.

  • The essence of contact) is that the man ejaculates outside female body.
  • protection is used by women with regular cycle. The representatives of the weaker sex calculate the period of ovulation and during this period refrain from intercourse.

TO natural ways prevention include monitoring basal body temperature, examining cervical mucus, and so on. Whatever it was, but - a method of protection, not recommended by gynecologists.

Intrauterine devices

About the use of the IUD, expert reviews say that this method of protection is proven and safe. But it's not recommended nulliparous women, since they require expansion during the introduction of the device cervical canal. Intrauterine devices do not allow attachment fertilized egg to the surface of the endometrium even in the case of conception. Therefore, there is a guarantee of a contraceptive effect.

About the IUD, reviews of some women say that they managed to get pregnant even with the device installed. Such a conception is recognized as pathological and in most cases ends in miscarriage.

Postcoital remedies

After the act? In such situations, modern postcoital methods of protection come to the rescue. Preparations are produced in tablets: "Mifegin", "Postinor", "Escapel" and so on. They should be taken no later than three days after intercourse. The drugs are contraindicated in liver failure, smoking, thrombosis.

The action of drugs is based on the cessation of progesterone production and the separation of the endometrium from the lining of the uterus. The use of such medicines is necessary only in emergency cases. They are not suitable for permanent contraception. Side effects of drugs are nausea, abdominal pain, hormonal imbalances, and so on.

TO emergency ways contraception can be attributed to the installation intrauterine device. It has already been mentioned above. In this case, you need to meet the deadline of 5 days. If during this time you manage to carry out the manipulation, then the probability of pregnancy will be close to zero. But it is worth remembering that before similar procedure testing is a must. Some studies take more than five days.

Folk ways

Even our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew how not to get pregnant after the act. For this, various folk remedies and recipes. But modern gynecologists are against such "amateur activities". The inefficiency of such methods has long been proven. But for general acquaintance they are worth talking about.

  • Douching. Potassium permanganate is used as the basis of the solution for insertion into the vagina, citric acid and aspirin tablets. All these components are diluted in water. It is assumed that the liquid drastically changes the microflora and acidity in the vagina. That is why spermatozoa cannot survive.
  • Another "grandmother's" method of protection is a shock dose of vitamin C. It has long been known that this method can bring menstruation closer. It is believed that after unprotected sexual contact, vitamin C can prevent conception.
  • In ancient times, before sexual intercourse, women inserted a slice of lemon into the vagina. acid environment did not allow viable spermatozoa to enter the uterine cavity.


Modern medicine offers couples a variety of contraceptives. They are selected individually, taking into account all your features and wishes. If a woman has hormonal disease, then some medications can help eliminate it. Be sure to visit a gynecologist and choose the method that is right for you. By using contraceptives, you can protect yourself from abortions and their complications. Approach this issue responsibly and take care of yourself!

Contraception is a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Throughout the history of mankind, many of these methods have been invented: from the usual “as lucky” to the idea of ​​protecting themselves with pet droppings. Fortunately, methods of contraception have now been developed, from the description of which one does not want to faint.

How to choose contraception

Before choosing a method of protection, you need to remember that safe sex is not one that does not lead to pregnancy, but one that prevents catching sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and hepatitis.

If you do not have a permanent partner, if both of you do not know your HIV status (that is, there is no certificate), if you have a new partner, then you can only and exclusively use condoms to protect yourself.

For those who have been in a relationship for a long time and do not forget to take tests or are fond of donation, the choice of contraception is much wider, and you need to choose based on the effectiveness of the method.

  • The theoretical effectiveness indicates how many women out of a hundred who used this method became pregnant within a year. Moreover, they used this method ideally: according to the instructions.
  • Practical effectiveness shows how many women became pregnant in real world where even contraception cannot be used perfectly. For example, partners do not put on a condom at the right time, women miss pills or forget to go to the doctor in order to change the contraceptive in time.

We will show only data close to reality. The lower the number in the "efficiency" item in the description of each method, the better: this means that fewer women become pregnant while using this remedy. Because in different sources the figures are slightly different, we indicate the maximum number of pregnancies - just in case.

And do not forget to consult with your doctor which method is right for you.

Hormonal Methods

Pro hormonal contraception many people know, but usually only pills are understood by it. But hormones can be delivered to the body in different ways.


Efficiency: 9.

How does it work


Very high efficiency when applied correctly.


Tablets are expensive, especially new ones and as safe as possible, they have many contraindications and side effects. Due to a number of factors (drugs, illness, stress), the effectiveness of drugs decreases.


Efficiency: 6.

How does it work

Just like pills, you only need to take hormones in the form of injections not every day, but every few weeks.


The same as with tablets, but you don’t have to think about taking the drug every day.


The same as the tablets, plus you need to come to the clinic often for a second injection.


Efficiency: 9.

How does it work

The ring, which contains a dose of hormones, needs to be inserted into the vagina and changed once a month.


Same as tablets, plus whole month no need to remember the drug.


It can be inconvenient to install the ring, sometimes there is a feeling of a foreign body inside.


Efficiency: 9.

How does it work

A patch with a dose of hormones should be glued to the skin and changed once a week.


The same as for tablets, plus you do not need to remember about the drug every day.


It is not always convenient to walk with a band-aid, an unusual method.


Efficiency: 0.09.

How does it work

An implant with a dose of hormones is implanted under the skin for three years.


It works effectively, you can forget about contraception for a long time.


The same as for tablets, in addition, the place where the implant is inserted can become inflamed.

Barrier Methods

Barrier methods create an obstacle on the way of spermatozoa to the uterus. This is one of the most ancient methods of contraception, with varying effectiveness.

Male condoms

Efficiency: 18.

How does it work

Before sexual intercourse, a condom made of latex or other materials (they were invented for those who are allergic to latex) is put on the penis. The condom traps sperm and creates a barrier to germs that are transmitted through bodily fluids and close contact.


Condoms are inexpensive and are sold in any pharmacy or supermarket, they are effective, they have no contraindications, they are easy to use. And this method of contraception is the best way to protect against sexually transmitted infections.


You have to learn how to put them on. And most importantly - to convince the partner that "there are not the same feelings with a condom" - this is a very bad excuse.

female condoms

Efficiency: 21.

How does it work

The principle is the same as for male condoms: there is a polyurethane tube, only female condoms have harder rings at the ends. It is necessary to install a latex pouch in the vagina before sex, and remove it after intercourse.


Protect against STIs.


They are not convenient for everyone, cause psychological discomfort.

Neck caps and diaphragms

Efficiency: 12.

How does it work

These are mini versions of the female condom: they do not cover the vagina, but only the cervix, so that sperm cannot enter it. Diaphragms are larger, caps are smaller.


It is not necessary to install immediately before sex - you can earlier (a few hours).


At the beginning of use, it can be difficult to get comfortable with how to install and remove them. You need to consult a doctor to choose the size, and the effectiveness of the method is low.


Efficiency: 18–36(the first number is for nulliparous women, the second is for those who have given birth).

How does it work

A contraceptive sponge is a kind of cap made from a sponge soaked in spermicide. That is, the sponge simultaneously creates a barrier and reduces the activity of spermatozoa.


Can be set a few hours before sex.


Same as caps and diaphragms, plus possible allergy for spermicide.


Efficiency: 28.

How does it work

Spermicides are substances that close the entrance to the uterus and suppress the activity of spermatozoa, thereby reducing the likelihood of pregnancy. Active ingredients are different and depend on the specific drug. Issued in different forms: candles, creams, aerosols.


Inexpensive, with few contraindications and side effects.


Sometimes they are inconvenient to use: for example, if you need to inject spermicide for some specific time before sexual intercourse, and this time cannot be calculated with accuracy. Sometimes they cause allergic reactions and discomfort in a partner.

Intrauterine devices

Intrauterine devices are an exclusively female affair. Spirals can be installed at any age, after their extraction there are no problems with pregnancy, but there is a practice in which nulliparous women and women under 25 do not put spirals - they are afraid of complications.

Spirals with copper

Efficiency: 0.8.

How does it work

foreign body- a spiral with copper - in the uterus causes local inflammatory response and prevents the egg from implanting.


Installed for a long time, does not interfere in Everyday life, highly efficient.


There are contraindications and side effects: appear irregular bloody issues menstruation intensifies. Installed only by a doctor.

Spirals with hormones

Efficiency: 0.2.

How does it work

A dose of hormones is added to the action of the spiral, this enhances the contraceptive effect of the spiral.


Very high reliability, long life.


There are contraindications, side effects from the installation, as is the case with a conventional spiral.

Cycle calculation methods

These methods of contraception are often practiced together in order to strengthen the others by the action of one. But even in such cases, these are not the most effective solutions.

calendar method

Efficiency: 20.

How does it work

To get pregnant, you need a mature egg, which is ready for conception within about a day. Therefore, if you calculate the time of ovulation, when the egg leaves the ovary, and do not have sex for several days before and after ovulation, then you will not be able to get pregnant.


The method does not require any costs, you only need a calendar to monitor the cycle.


This is an imprecise method. It can only work in women whose cycles are ideal and who always ovulate at the same time. And such women are not easy to find, especially since various factors - from stress to medications - can affect the cycle. Therefore, a woman can become pregnant on any day of the cycle.

Temperature measurements

Efficiency in theory: 20.

How it works

Essentially this calendar method, only with an extra dimension for fidelity. In theory, on the day of ovulation, the basal temperature rises sharply. That is, if for several months every morning without gaps to measure the temperature in the vagina or in the rectum, then on the day of ovulation, you can notice an increase.


The method is 20 rubles more expensive than the calendar method: you need to buy a thermometer.


It takes a very long time without gaps to measure the temperature, and it is better immediately after waking up, without getting out from under the covers. There are many factors to consider, because the temperature rises not only due to ovulation. The method is time consuming, but also not very accurate.

Coitus interruptus

Efficiency: 22.

How it works

It is necessary to finish intercourse before the sperm enters the vagina. It's not exactly contraception, because sperm is also contained in the lubricant.




All the time you need to worry about whether you can interrupt sex on your own. interesting place, and then worry whether it passed this time or not.


Sterilization is a surgical procedure after which children naturally cannot be born at all. Because medicine does not absolute numbers, then a ghostly chance remains, but it is a ghostly one (in case of an error in the procedure, for example).

In Russia, there is a restriction on sterilization: only people over 35 with two children can do it.


Efficiency: 0.5.

How does it work

During the operation, the fallopian tubes are tied or removed, so the egg from the ovary does not enter either the tube or the uterus.


High efficiency, contraception for life.


Surgical intervention, to conceive a child after the procedure is possible only with the help of IVF.


Efficiency: 0.15.

How does it work

During the operation, the surgeon ligates or partially removes the vas deferens, so the spermatozoa do not enter the ejaculate.


High efficiency, no side effects and contraindications, does not require attention for the rest of your life.


Surgical intervention, you can not change your mind and conceive a child.

Folk methods

Numerous remedies, such as douching with lemon juice or any other juice, may have a slight spermicidal effect, but their effectiveness tends to be zero. But backfire in the form of inflammation allergic reactions And discomfort you are provided.

For right choice method of protection against unwanted pregnancy in this topic, we will tell you what methods and methods of contraception exist. After learning about methods of protection, you can choose a more convenient contraceptive for yourself and enjoy love games without fear of getting pregnant. The term contraception refers to the prevention of pregnancy. different ways: Mechanical, Chemical, etc., moreover, some methods prevent the transmission of sexual diseases.

To determine the reliability of a particular method of contraception, we will use the pearl index, which indicates how many women became pregnant out of a hundred, using one of the types of contraception during when


INTERRUPTION: It consists in the fact that a man, at the moment of receiving pleasure, removes the penis from a woman. The pearl index for this type of contraception ranges from 4 to 18. In most cases, the unreliability of this method of protection lies in the lack of self-control of a man when receiving pleasure, which leads to untimely extraction of the male organ from a woman and her fertilization. Also, at the time of sexual intercourse, pre-seminal fluid is released from the male organ, which may contain live spermatozoa, and even if the man managed to extract his organ at the moment of pleasure, this does not mean that there is no pregnancy, the woman could be fertilized with pre-seminal fluid, which of course is very rarely occurs and has no basis scientific evidence. Moreover, after a man has enjoyed, a part of the ejaculate remains in the channels of his organ, which, when re-entering a woman, can lead to the release of ejaculate and pregnancy, so that the remaining ejaculate does not enter the woman, the man is recommended to urinate. This type of contraception is psychologically negative for a man.

CALENDAR METHOD OF CONTRACEPTION: With this method of protection, it is necessary to calculate the days of ovulation of the egg, how to do this, read here: . The Pearl Index with this method of protection is from 9 to 40. Remember that the male ejaculate can live inside a woman from several hours to 7 days, and the average life is 2-3 days. Moreover, this type of contraception is not suitable for women whose menstrual cycles are irregular.

TEMPERATURE TYPE OF CONTRACEPTION: Is that a woman measures basal body temperature and keeps a graph, almost the same as the calendar method, but based on temperature. The pearl index ranges from 0.8 to 3.

CHURCH TYPE OF CONTRACEPTION: A woman observes vaginal discharge with tests, something like a calendar method. The pearl index is 15.

SYMPTOTHERMAL TYPE OF CONTRACEPTION: The method of protection, which includes temperature and ecclesiastical form of contraception. Pearl index 0.3.

MEASUREMENT OF THE LEVEL OF HORMONES: For protection using this method, tests are needed that measure the hormones LH and FSH in morning urine, indicating ovulation. Pearl index from 4 to 18.

LACTATIONAL AMENORRHEA METHOD: effect protection method breastfeeding within 6 months after the birth of the child. Pearl index from 2 to 3.


CONDOM: A type of protection that consists of putting on male organ sheaths made of latex or thin rubber, in which, after pleasure, the male ejaculate remains. This type of contraception protects not only from unwanted pregnancy but also from sexually transmitted diseases. When using, beware of applying oily lubricants, as oils corrode the latex, and the contraceptive may break. The pearl index ranges from 2 to 12.

CONDOM FOR FEMALE: Unlike male contraceptive is not put on the male organ, but is inserted inside the woman. In all other respects, the principle of operation is the same as that of the male contraceptive. The index of pearl is from 5 to 25.

FEMALE DIAPHRAGM: A type of contraception, which is a latex dome-shaped cap with a flexible rim that covers the cervix of the female uterus. Pearl index from 6 to 20.

WOMEN'S CAP: The type of contraceptive is very similar to the diaphragm, the only difference is that it is half the size of the diaphragm and is worn at the entrance to the uterus. Pearl index from 9 to 20.


Hormonal contraceptives have various activities protection. Some hormonal pills suppress ovulation, which is expressed in preventing the development and release of the egg, other hormonal pills change the structure of the uterine mucosa (endometrium) and the fertilized egg cannot attach to the walls of the uterus, others can thicken cervical mucus which prevents the ejaculate from moving. Self-selection of hormonal contraceptives is not recommended, it would be better if a doctor prescribes it to you with a preliminary opinion based on the tests received. FAQ and general information Read more about oral contraceptives here: .

COMBINED ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES: These pills contain the hormones estrogen and progestin. Pearl index from 0.1 to 0.9.

MINI-PILS: Contain only progestin in their composition and do not have the substance estrogen, which, according to research, adversely affects a woman's health. Pearl index from 0.5 to 4.3.

HORMONAL INJECTIONS: Intramuscular injections are made every 3 months, the composition includes progestin. Pearl index from 0.3 to 1.4.

NORPLANT: Type of contraceptives inserted under the skin, containing the substance levonorgestin. Pearl index from 0.08 to 0.09.

RING NOVARING: A type of contraceptive containing estrogen and progestogen. Pearl index from 0.4 to 0.65.

EURA PATCH: A type of contraception in the form of a patch attached to a woman's skin and supplying hormones through the bloodstream to the woman's body: Pearl index from 0.4 to 0.9.

INTRAUTERINE DEVICE: A type of contraceptive, which is a plastic device with a copper spiral inserted into female uterus. It prevents the advancement of the ejaculate, the attachment of the egg to the walls of the uterus and shortens the life of the egg. The pearl index ranges from 0.1 to 0.5.

TYPE OF POSTCOITAL CONTRACEPTION: Applies this species with unprotected intercourse and the ingress of ejaculate into a woman. It consists in urgent acceptance hormonal pill after intercourse. Due to the high harmfulness of this type of contraception, it should be used only in emergency cases, no more than once every six months. Pearl index 2.


CREAMS, AEROSOLS, CANDLES, ETC.: Entered into female vagina about 10-15 minutes before the start of sexual intercourse, see the instructions for the contraceptive for more details. Pearl index from 3 to 21.

INTRAUTERINE DEVICE: Yes, this type of contraception can be attributed not only to hormonal, but also to chemical methods protection, since the composition of the spiral may include a metal detrimental to the ejaculate.


The type of contraception in the form of sterilization is used for people with children, since reverse recovery is almost impossible.

MALE CONTRACEPTION: This type of contraception is called a vasectomy or sterilization, which is a simple operation to block the seminal ducts. Pearl index 0.4.

FEMALE CONTRACEPTION: Sterilization of a woman, the operation is more complicated than that of men and consists in tying the tubes blocking the patency fallopian tubes. Pearl index from 0.01 to 0.1.

Contraceptives are divided into several types:

  • barrier,
  • chemical,
  • hormonal (including hormone-releasing mechanical),
  • intrauterine devices,
  • sterilization.
Contraceptives are also divided into female and male.

Reliability of the contraceptive- this is the probability of not getting pregnant within a year, if you constantly (and correctly) use this contraceptive. This Not the likelihood of getting pregnant with a single sexual intercourse.

For example, a 98% reliability for male condoms means that if 100 women use a (correctly worn) male condom every time they have sex for a year, then no more than 2 of them have a chance of getting pregnant in that year, out of - for various failures. Of course, all such reliability calculations are only approximate.

All methods of contraception except sterilization have limited reliability, since each method has failures. How to achieve greater security? First, when using two methods of contraception at the same time, reliability increases dramatically, because it is extremely unlikely that two methods will fail at the same time. Secondly, if there is an obvious failure of contraception, such as a torn condom, you can use an emergency contraceptive, otherwise called postcoital pills.

Barrier contraceptives

Barrier contraceptives prevent live sperm from entering the uterus. They do not have long-term effects on the body of a woman or a man. These include:

  • male and female condoms,
  • vaginal diaphragms and
  • cervical (cervical) caps.
male condom is a thin elongated shell of latex. It is put on an erect member and protects the mucous partners from direct contact.

The condom is the most important this moment contraceptive, because correct use reliably prevents not only pregnancy, but also the transmission of infections, including HIV and hepatitis.

Disadvantages: requires a stable erection; may break.

The use of a condom is under the control of the man, while the negative consequences of improper use - unwanted pregnancy - mainly fall on the woman. Both partners are at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Many men refuse to use condoms, believing that they reduce the intensity of sensations, apparently not comparing them with the intensity of sensations of a woman during an abortion. In fact, there are condoms with special surfaces that improve the sensation of both partners, which are recommended even for men who have difficulty achieving orgasm.

Condoms are also used to protect against the transmission of infections during oral and anal sex.

Reliability: 98%

female condom - a polyurethane tube with a diameter of 8 cm and a length of 15 cm. It is placed in the vagina and protects the mucous membranes of partners from direct contact.

Like the male condom, it prevents pregnancy and transmission of infections. Can be used for weak erections. May remain in the vagina for several hours.

Disadvantages: currently not for sale in Russia.
Reliability: 95%

Vaginal diaphragms and cervical (cervical) caps.

Caps and softer elastic diaphragms of various materials (silicone, latex) are used with spermicidal ointments. They are placed in the vagina so as to prevent the penetration of sperm into the uterus, and are removed no earlier than 6 hours after the last ejaculation. Reduce the risk of transmission of certain infections. Do not prevent HIV infection. Can be used repeatedly (usually within 1-2 years). For selection right size cap or diaphragm need a consultation with a gynecologist.

Disadvantages of caps: Less effective for women who have given birth. Need to re-sizing after childbirth. May cause inconvenience to partners.

Disadvantages of diaphragms: It is necessary to re-select the size after childbirth and with a significant (from 5 kg.) Weight change. May increase the risk of certain infections and inflammation of the cervix.

Reliability: 85-95%.

Chemical contraceptives

These include vaginal creams, candles, tampons.

One of the easiest to use means, which also have not only contraceptive properties, but also protect against bacteria and viruses, in particular against chlamydia, staphylococcus, herpes type 2. However, this type of contraception is more suitable for people who live an irregular sex life , since the antiseptic not only destroys spermatozoa and kills some viruses, but also disrupts the microflora, which can lead to vaginal dysbacteriosis. It is best to use these drugs in combination with a condom, because they have a short duration of action (the exception is tampons) and repeated intercourse requires re-introduction of the contraceptive. It is also important to remember that when in contact with soap (with any alkaline environment) the active substance of the drugs is destroyed, so all washing before and after sexual intercourse is possible only with clean water.

Preparations of chemical contraception: "Pharmateks" ( vaginal suppositories, cream, tampons); "Patentex-Oval" (candles); "Nonoxynol" or "Conceptrol"; "Sterilin" (candles).

Reliability: 75-80%

Hormonal contraceptives

Only female hormonal birth control drugs are now widely available. Male hormonal contraceptives exist, but are still under investigation and not widely used.

The principle of operation of women's hormonal contraceptives that they prevent ovulation.

Modern hormonal contraceptives have many forms: pills (combined containing two hormones, progesterone and estrogen, as well as purely progestogenic, or mini pili), implants(there are none in Russia) and injectables . IN different means contained different doses hormones. To choose the most suitable hormonal contraceptive, you need to contact a gynecologist and do a blood test for hormones.

Hormonal contraceptives have some contraindications and side effects. But if first-generation contraceptives could cause serious complications, then correctly selected modern facilities quite harmless. Contrary to popular belief, not all hormonal contraceptives cause weight gain.

Combined oral contraceptives take every day for 21 days menstrual cycle; mini pili- every day throughout the cycle, and it is important to take them at the same time of the day.

Injections hormonal contraceptives are done every 2-3 months. They are shown only to women who have given birth over 35 years of age, as they can disrupt the menstrual cycle. The injections do not protect against STDs either.
Preparations: Depo-Provera, Net-En (Noristerat).

Reliability: 96.5-97%

TO hormonal drugs preventing unwanted pregnancy include postcoital tablets , or emergency contraceptives. They are taken after unprotected intercourse, and prevent the egg from maturing (and then it cannot be fertilized), or, if it is already ripe and fertilized, prevent it from attaching to the uterine wall. Emergency contraceptives are effective in the first five days after intercourse, and it is best to take the remedy the next day. In any case, it is worth reading the instructions carefully before accepting.

There are often misconceptions about the mechanism of action of postcoital tablets. For example, sometimes people believe that they are "scraping the lining of the uterus." To be frank, this is complete nonsense.

In Russia, the most widely known of these drugs is Postinor. It destabilizes the hormonal background quite strongly, so its frequent use can cause very serious complications. There are newer and safe drugs(for example, "Ginepriston"), in which the dose of the hormone is much lower. However, it is important to remember that all postcoital drugs are emergency contraceptives and should not be used regularly. At the same time, emergency contraception is much more gentle on the body than even the safest, medical abortion. Therefore, you should not use emergency contraception as the only way of protection, but if for any reason there was an unprotected sexual intercourse, and the pregnancy, if it happens, will still be interrupted, then it is much better to use emergency contraception.

Reliability: 97%

Mechanical contraceptives that release hormones

This vaginal ring"NovaRing" and the contraceptive patch "Evra".

Ring "NovaRing" It is made of elastic material and, when inserted into the vagina, adapts to the contours of the woman's body. The ring does not reduce the sensitivity of partners, does not prevent a woman from playing sports, does not affect blood clotting ( varicose veins veins of the lower extremities, which in one way or another happens from birth control pills), but it does not protect against STDs.

One ring is designed for one cycle, on the 22nd day it is removed, and a new one is introduced a week later.

Reliability: 99%

Plaster "Evra" small in size, it can be glued to almost any part of the body. The patch is changed every week and is not used during the fourth week of the cycle.

Disadvantages: contraindicated in women who smoke 10 or more cigarettes a day. Safe and effective only for women aged 18 to 45. Does not protect against STDs.

Reliability: 99.4%

Intrauterine devices (IUDs)

Spirals can be hormonal, and non-hormonal. But both are introduced into the uterine cavity for a maximum of 5 years, after which the spiral must be removed and a new one should be inserted during the next menstruation. Only a gynecologist can put a spiral.

conventional navy prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus and, therefore, from developing the embryo; it reduces the vital activity of sperm and egg.

Hormonal IUD
constantly releases the hormone levonorgestrel (a synthetic analogue of progestogen), which even more reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy.

For all its popularity and ease of use, this type of contraception is quite dangerous due to the risk of ectopic pregnancy. He has long list contraindications and does not protect against STDs.

Reliability: 75-80%

Sterilization - one of the methods of contraception (not to be confused with castration). Sterilization involves the creation of artificial obstruction fallopian tubes in women and the vas deferens in men. At the same time, neither the ovaries nor the testicles are removed, continuing to work fully. Sterilization does not adversely affect sex life person.

In Russia, a sterilization operation is allowed only upon a written request from citizens who are at least 35 years old or who have two or more children.

Reliability: 100%
(for men it reaches 100% one and a half years after the operation).

Disadvantages: carried out in a hospital; the probability of restoration of fertility is not one hundred percent and low in women; in women, when fertility is restored, there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

male sterilization
called a vasectomy.
Vasectomy is done only with the voluntary informed consent of the man. The wife's consent is not required. The operation is always paid.

Currently practiced in the Russian Federation surgical And scalpelless vasectomy techniques.

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia. In the absence of complications, the man is in the hospital for one day. May resume after three to five days sexual life. After a vasectomy, men need to use other methods of contraception for about three months, since during this time the semen may contain active spermatozoa. Within 17 months after the operation, the patency of the vas deferens can spontaneously recover, so it is necessary to do a semen analysis for the presence of live spermatozoa.

At present, microsurgery methods allow, with a sufficient degree of probability, to restore the reproductive function in men by restoring the vas deferens.

Scientists are also developing a method of ultrasonic vasectomy, which leads to temporary sterilization (for several months).

female sterilization called tubal occlusion. It is carried out in a hospital and can be carried out in three ways.

Laparotomyabdominal operation, incision abdominal cavity reaches 20 cm This method has many complications and leads to the formation of scars and scars. By medical indications is carried out free of charge.

Minilaparotomy is performed through an incision 2-5 cm long, under local anesthesia.

- an operation during which the surgeon makes 3-4 incisions 1 cm long and conducts all necessary procedures using special equipment and a video camera. In the absence of complications after laparotomy, women are discharged from the hospital on days 7-10, after laparoscopy - on days 2-3. rehabilitation period ranges from a week to a month.

Minilaparotomy and laparoscopy are on the list paid services. Tubal occlusion is performed only with the voluntary informed consent of the patient. Spousal consent is not required.

Restoration of fertility (fertility) is possible by microsurgery, but the success of these operations is still low. With the artificial restoration of fertility in women, there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

In order not to get an unexpected "Valentine" after a romantic dinner, we recommend refreshing your knowledge about prevention.

and this is how the means of deceiving nature are called, can be divided into two types: good and bad. However, no, not so, barrier and hormonal. Or - conservative and surgical. Well, or you can not divide them into any types, but just talk about them.


You know this as well as I do. The cornerstone of the art of leading nature by the nose. It was invented unimaginably long ago - they say they were once sewn from animal skin with the help of harsh threads. Surprisingly few people know how to use them properly. Meanwhile, the rules of the game are always written on the box. The tip of the condom has a small reservoir - don't forget to squeeze it between your fingers so that it doesn't get inflated with air after you put it on (because it might burst!). Many, especially if it takes place in the dark, hastily set it on the subject of pride reverse side. And then flip to the right side and forget about this petty annoying hitch. Meanwhile, spermatozoa could have already landed on the tip of the mentioned pride - a few, but quite viable little villains - and when the condom is turned over, they now find themselves on the outside of the gum. Oh no no no! The chances of getting pregnant from this are small, but they say they are quite real.

The girls at some point took offense at the boys and wanted to have their own condom too. And it was made for them! True, the product of an engineering genius turned out to be so strange and inconvenient that very few people use it. My advice to you is to forget the female condom. Unless in the bedroom you want to laugh until you drop, instead of learning the delicious secrets of shamelessness.


Their appearance made real revolution- the sexual revolution. You just need to take a pill a day - and you can safely have fun. When used correctly, the effectiveness is very high. The pharmaceutical industry produces an incredible amount different types birth control pills. To understand them without the help of a doctor is not so easy, and it is not necessary. Before you start taking pills, go to the doctor for advice, and then everything will go like clockwork. The hardest thing about taking pills is remembering to take them on time. Do you think the pills will save you from any of these diseases? Right. So be careful. If you decide to take hormonal contraceptives at the same time stop smoking. Smoking plus sex hormones increase the risk of blood clots in the blood vessels, and there is little pleasant in them.

Three rings for the wise elves

The ring appeared in the arsenal of lovers not so long ago, but has already won wide recognition. The principle of its operation is very simple: if the ring is heated in the fire of the furnace (or in the brazier of the vagina filled with passion), then on its inner surface ancient runes will come out - a well-known spell, with the help of which the spermatozoa swimming through the ring turn into harmless ants, which, after sexual intercourse, calmly crawl out of you without causing any special inconvenience to anyone. But seriously, the principle of the ring is really very simple. It's soaked hormonal drugs, which are slowly released from it over a month, enter the bloodstream and help prevent pregnancy - very similar in effect to pills. As you may have guessed, just like pills, the ring will not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.


IN skillful hands this item can be very effective tool protection from unwanted pregnancy. True, in order to learn how to use it correctly, you must first complete medical institute. Surgical sterilization available for both men and women. Although many say that sterilization can be reversed, this should not be counted on. If you are sure that you will never want to have children again, then this method may be for you. The operation is very simple, fast and minimally painful. When male sterilization procedure is easier. Do not try at home, contact the professionals!

Hormonal injections

We will not talk much about injections. It's simple " liquid tablets". The convenience is that an injection usually lasts three months, and if you love the way pills work but keep forgetting to take them, then an injection once every three months may be the perfect contraceptive method for you. On the other hand, if the pills caused side effects for you, then one injection can stretch these side effects for three months. Yes, and it is advisable to quit smoking too - remember about blood clots?

Intrauterine device

The spiral doesn't actually look like a spiral, and why it's called that is unclear. We'll call it the intrauterine contraption. The doctor inserts the contraption into the uterus and leaves it there for several years. The doctor should also take it out (although not necessarily the same one who inserted it). A foreign body causes changes in the uterus that prevent the development of pregnancy, but can also cause inflammation and sometimes even, although quite rarely, infertility - therefore it is not recommended for those who have not had children. In the vast majority of women, the ability to become pregnant returns after a short time after removing the item. Some gizmos are impregnated with hormonal drugs to enhance the contraceptive effect.


There are many other, but less popular methods of contraception. Creams containing substances that kill sperm are not the most reliable way, is usually used in combination with another - for example, with a condom, to minimize the risk, say, if the condom breaks.

Aperture -
a very rare, exotic method of protection these days. If you like originality, you can try, but first ask your doctor to show you how this device works.

Hormonal patch -
another way to use hormones for protection, works on the same principle as pills, rings or injections. The only difference is that the hormone is absorbed into the blood through the skin. It is convenient because it is glued once for seven days.

And finally: the most reliable way.
This is abstinence, of course. Accept cold shower, think about the sublime, engage physical education. Beware of the opposite sex - they will threaten you with a violation of mental balance. If you hold out - the success of contraception will be almost guaranteed. The mechanism of action of abstinence is not yet fully understood, so be careful. Well, for those who are not able to use this method - pleasant somersaults!