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Seeding from the cervical canal. Bakposev from the cervical canal (bacteriological culture)

Women's health requires a lot of attention, since such an important reproductive function is assigned to the weaker sex.

That is why regular checkups and consultations, delivery general analyzes and their own increased attention to everything that happens in the body should be present in the life of every woman.

This category also includes bacterial culture from cervical canal. Many, however, do not quite understand why this is necessary. And what of what he can show is not available to a gynecological examination or ultrasound.

But as practice suggests, only bakposev can highlight the whole picture of the microflora of the cervix and help to find the cause of a particular ailment.

Availability is also a definite plus. this study, its painlessness, ease of implementation and moderate cost. After all, you will not even need to go to the laboratory: your gynecologist will carry out the procedure, and at the next examination he will announce the results. At the same time, a diagnosis will be made and an appointment will be made. adequate treatment. Why is treatment necessary? Because this is not an ordinary procedure and it is prescribed only by observing ideal indicators smears "for purity" ...

- this is the same smear, but it is taken from the canal that connects the cervix and vagina. Thus, its indicators are "clean" and carry reliable information about the state of the microflora of the cervical region.

Since this type of study is not included in the preventive group, indications are also required for it. Namely increased amount leukocytes in a normal smear. If any are found in the cervical region, this indicates possible diseases from a number of endometritis / adnexitis / other inflammatory processes and the need for their immediate treatment.

And given the fact that the causative agents of such ailments are pathogenic microorganisms(mushrooms, Escherichia coli, enterobacteria), which quickly adapt to drugs, then antibiotics cannot be dispensed with. But even without a proper examination, it is not so easy to pick them up.

The "functions" of bacterial culture from the cervix can also include research sensitivity to antibiotics and selection of the most effective of them to eliminate the detected disease.

Norm of indicators

Is it worth saying that the microflora of the cervical canal cannot be sterile? That is, it is in any case inhabited by microorganisms. The only question is how pathogenic they are and how fast they grow and multiply.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude the presence mushrooms. Their presence, in any case, is not the norm and requires immediate antibacterial intervention.

No less undesirable enterococci and Escherichia coli, which also indicate an inflammatory process in genitourinary system. But, unlike mushrooms, their single indicators (for coli limit 10²) are allowed and do not pose a threat to women's health.

What can not be said about staphylococci, gonococci, trichomonas, leptothrix and others harmful microorganisms. Even their lonely representatives are able to disrupt the healthy balance of microflora, which will certainly affect women's health. And, perhaps, the health of the child, if the woman was pregnant at the time of the examination.

Quite a different situation is observed with lacto- and bifidobacteria. Their presence is just a variant of the norm and in the absence inflammatory process must be at least 10 to the power of 7.

Deciphering the results of the analysis

If you don't have medical education, and even more so are not competent in the analyzes, leave their transcript to a friend specialist. After all, this is not the case when extraneous information sources will come to your aid. And if they come, then nothing but broken peace of mind will not bring.

First of all, because results- these are not just numbers that can be compared with "generally accepted norms". These are your personal individual indicators of microflora. And even a small "deviation" for you can be absolutely normal, given many factors.

But, what then is not included in the variants of the norm?

And those results are not included in which bakposev found pathogenic bacteria that are in the growth stage and are actively developing. Moreover, the most important stage of their development is considered:

  • First stage demonstrates slow growth microorganisms that has been seen on their liquid habitat.
  • Second stage indicates the reproduction of bacteria already on a solid surface, but only up to 10 colonies.
  • Third stage means an increase in the number of colonies from 10 to 100 and indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Fourth stage exceeds 100 on a solid medium.

The reasons for such violations are varied and relate to both hormonal background, and the states immune system, personal hygiene and related ailments.

Tank seeding during pregnancy

Often this analysis prescribed during the patient's pregnancy, which justifiably causes her doubts about the safety of this procedure.

But in order not to panic, it will be enough to have basic knowledge of the structure of the small pelvis and possible changes caused by interesting position. It's about O cervical canal color on early dates: it acquires a bluish tint, which helps to determine the presence of a fertilized embryo. Don't forget also about mucous plug, which is formed in this very cervical canal and reliably protects the entrance to the uterus, in which your baby grows and develops. She protects from pathogenic microorganisms that can be detected during bacterial culture.

But, since the cork leaves on the eve of childbirth, it is still worth treating the microflora failure during pregnancy. What can we say about isthmic-cervical insufficiency, in which the cervix cannot withstand pressure and begins to open already in the middle of the second trimester.

Against this background, it may develop cervicitis(inflammatory process in the cervical canal), and, in the absence of adequate therapy, this is a direct threat to the bearing of crumbs.

How to prepare for the analysis?

First of all, it is worth understanding do you need This:

  • Are you planning a pregnancy?
  • Have you been diagnosed with an inflammatory process in the cervix?
  • Was coccal flora found in a regular smear, an increased number of leukocytes?
  • Are you often worried about gynecological diseases?

If you answered yes to at least one question, you should take a smear for bacterial culture from the cervical canal.

This procedure is painless and only requires you to undress and lie down on a gynecological chair. And the doctor, using a sterile probe mirror, will quickly take a smear, after placing it in a test tube with a special medium.

It remains only to wait for the results, which will be ready at least in a few days.

Is it worth it prepare for material collection? It is difficult to call it preparation, but you still need to take into account a few rules:

  • Before the procedure itself, it is impossible to carry out hygiene of the genital organs, douche, use any vaginal preparations.
  • For a day, you should refrain from sexual activity.
  • Antibiotics are excluded when passing tests of this kind. IN last resort You should tell your doctor about this.

Don't forget also about menses: during it and a few days after, no smears are given.

Research price

Unlike a conventional smear from the vagina, a culture tank from the cervical canal implies a detailed study of the microflora. And, more often than not, this procedure is free.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to name the exact cost of the analysis, since it depends only on the price of the laboratories available to you. On average, the price range ranges from 400 to 1500 thousand rubles. At the same time, you can choose the place of processing of your biomaterial. Although often doctors long time cooperate with the same laboratory, and your analysis will be sent there. Therefore, the announced amount will not be discussed.

However, if you are unhappy with the cost of collecting your assigned bacterial culture, you will most likely still be given the option to choose another test processing network. But, on the other hand, this may make it difficult to decipher the results obtained, since they will need to be compared with those already available. And, it is desirable that they be from the same laboratory.

Tank seeding from the cervical canal - an informative analysis that allows the doctor to accurately determine the presence bacterial infection and strains of pathological microorganisms that provoked the inflammatory process. This makes it possible to quickly, and most importantly, choose the right drugs for treatment.

Modern medicine in its arsenal has a huge number of techniques that allow you to timely detect the most serious illnesses and timely start their therapy. Gynecology also has its own diagnostic principles, one of the most reliable is smear cytology. The cervical procedure is a cervical swab that evaluates the vaginal environment and detects bacteria such as:

  • enterobacteria;
  • klebsiella;
  • mushrooms, etc.

The fence from the cervical canal is done using a special sterile stick. The doctor removes the mucus produced by local glands and pieces of desquamated cells of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. After extracting the biomaterial, it is placed in a test tube specially prepared for this purpose with a nutrient medium for bacteria.

E. coli and other representatives of pathogenic microflora will absorb from an artificially created environment the necessary for them useful material, and multiply. This will allow you to accurately determine the type of colony and choose a drug to which one or another strain of microorganisms is sensitive. It is important not to create destructive conditions in the test tube that will lead to the death of microorganisms, otherwise the doctor will not be able to identify the provocateur of the disease and will not cure the woman.

The slime that goes on cytological examination after collection, it is placed in a closed test tube and inserted into a thermostat. Then her nurse or the patient herself delivers to the laboratory. IN laboratory conditions the test tube is opened and the biomaterial is transferred to another nutrient medium, which is in a Petri dish. The mucus is in it for 3-5 days, only after this time, you can separately select all representatives of the pathogenic handicap that is in the smear.

Carrying out diagnostics

Curettage, like any analysis, has its indications. A smear must be taken:

  • when planning a pregnancy;
  • annual medical examination;
  • suspicion of an inflamed process;
  • an increase in leukocytes in a conventional smear;
  • availability pain in the region of the ovaries.

In order for the results of the procedure from the cervical canal to be reliable, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the analysis. If you are going to take this analysis, as sowing, follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not douche the day before the procedure.
  2. Do not use antibacterial detergents.
  3. The day before the analysis, exclude sexual intercourse.
  4. Perform thorough hygiene of the genitals.

To pass the analysis of the cervical canal, there is no need to wait for a certain day of the cycle, mucus is withdrawn on any day menstrual calendar. If you are taking some antibiotics for other reasons, then diagnostic curettage should be postponed, it is likely that the results of the analysis will be unreliable. It is not recommended to carry out curettage after colposcopy, it is required to wait at least a week after the procedure.

Carrying out decoding analyzes

This procedure is a serious analysis, so it takes several days. This period is necessary so that a colony of bacteria can grow and be identified by a microscope. Separate diagnostic curettage allows you to separately indicate in the form the presence and exact number of pathogens of the same species. RDV is one of the methods operational diagnostics in gynecology, the doctor removes part of the endometrium of the uterus and sends it to a laboratory for examination.

Normally, the mucous mass that is scraped from the uterus should not contain fungal spores, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria should be at least 10 7. The presence of single enterococci is allowed.

The results of the study of the cervical canal are considered pathological in the following cases:

  • mucus contains an increased number of enterococci. On the medical form, they will be indicated with Latin letters— E. coli;
  • there is a fungus especially with mycelium;
  • Staphylococcus aureus is present;
  • citrobacter;
  • Proteus;
  • gonococcus;
  • trichomonas;
  • gardnerella;
  • leptothrix.

Cytology smear can also determine the presence of leukocytes. The rate of leukocytes in the cervical canal is up to 20 units, if the number of leukocytes in the canal is more, we can assume the development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

As for ureaplasmas, chlamydia and cytomegalovirus, these are intracellular bacterial organisms, here PCRRP diagnostics of mucus is needed. There are a number of cases when atypical cells will be found in the analysis, this, as a rule, indicates precancerous condition fabrics. Without fail, a tissue biopsy is taken from the woman and the study for the presence of tumor markers continues.

How to eliminate bacterial flora?

To fight Staphylococcus aureus that is often found in a smear is used: Oxacillin, Methicillin, Vancomycin, Teicoplanin, Fusidin, Linezolid.

In relation to echinococcus, Vancomycin and Rifaximin are sensitive. To treat citrobacter bacteria, drugs called Levofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin are used. The Proteus bacterium is less common than others in a smear, it is sensitive to Rifaximin, Amoxicillin, Nifuratel and Clotrimazole. Proteus is not at all sensitive to Tetracycline and Doxycilin, they are in treatment of this type bacteria is useless.

The most terrifying for a woman is the diagnosis of gonorrhea. The disease is provoked by gonococci, which are sensitive to the following drugs: Ceftriaxone, Spectinomycin, Ciprofloxacin. Trichomonas is treated with Metronidazole, Tinidazole, Solkotrichovak and Clindamycin. In the treatment of gardnerella, it is recommended to use Macmirror, Hexicon, Clindamycin and Ornidazole.

Leptothrix is ​​considered a conditionally pathogenic bacterium that is not transmitted through sexual contact, but is a constant companion of chlamydia, ureaplasma and other STDs. To eliminate it, drugs are prescribed: Tetracycline, Metronidazole, Clindamycin, Levomycetin.

For the treatment of a fungal infection, which is commonly called "thrush", the drugs Flucostat, Mikoflucan, Diflazon, Fluconazole are used. One tablet is enough to take unpleasant symptoms fungal infection and for its complete elimination.

Duration of treatment and dosage medications V individual mode appoint a doctor. In no case, do not buy the above funds on your own, and do not adjust the dosage at your discretion. Most drugs contain toxic substances that can make you feel worse and also cause allergic reaction organism. Do not use prescriptions that have been prescribed by your friends with similar diagnoses. Those remedies that helped them can significantly harm you and provoke unforeseen complications and deviations from the norm.

Most women, having heard about the presence of a bacterial environment in their smear, think about what could have provoked their growth. Among the most common causes development of pathogenic microorganisms note:

  • decline protective properties organism;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • inflammation of adjacent organs;
  • insufficient hygiene of the genitals;
  • frequent change of sexual partners.

By eliminating the above causes in combination with taking antibacterial drugs, you can bring the microflora back to normal and avoid many diseases, the treatment of which requires being in a hospital. Spend more time on your diet, because it is with him that the body gets everything essential vitamin and micronutrients. Woman with increased immunity less susceptible to attack by bacteria and, accordingly, their mass reproduction.

Often, after visiting a gynecologist, a woman is prescribed laboratory analysis- bacterial culture from the cervical canal. Not everyone knows what it is, why is it needed and what information can it give?

The cervical canal is the transition from the vagina to the body of the uterus, it has a conical shape with a hole in the center through which the vagina communicates with the uterus. Normally, the length of the canal is 3-4 cm; it is part of the cervix. The external os of the canal enters the vagina, and internal os into the uterine cavity.

One of its main functions is to protect the uterus from infections and pathogenic microorganisms, the cells located inside the canal produce mucus, its consistency is determined by the stage of the cycle. Slime at the beginning and at the end menstrual cycle more viscous with hyperacidity most microorganisms do not survive in such conditions. In the middle of the cycle, the level of estrogen rises, and the mucus changes its structure, becoming more liquid with an alkaline environment. During these few days, spermatozoa have a chance to enter the uterus and meet the egg there.

If pregnancy occurs, under the action of the hormone progesterone, a plug is formed from the mucus in the cervical canal, which protects the fetus from infections from the outside.

A sowing tank is the same smear, only it is taken not from the walls of the vagina, but from the opening of the cervical canal. This type of study is not preventive, it is prescribed by a doctor for a reason. elevated white blood cells in a normal smear.

An elevated white blood cell count is a sign infectious disease occurring in the body of a woman and requiring immediate treatment.

Also, sowing is necessarily prescribed when planning a pregnancy, if you suspect venereal diseases, with infertility, when registering for pregnancy.

The inoculation is taken with a sterile brush and placed in a flask, inside which foreign microorganisms from external environment. After that, the analysis is sent to the laboratory.

You should not be afraid of this procedure, it is absolutely not painful and safe. Also, this analysis is safe for pregnant women.

IMPORTANT! To get a reliable result of the analysis, at least 24 hours in advance, you need to give up sexual intercourse, do not use contraceptives. vaginal preparations, do not douche and do not use perfume gels for intimate hygiene. If you took antibiotics, the analysis is prescribed no earlier than 2 weeks after the end of the medication.

In the laboratory, the material is transferred from a test tube to a Petri dish, to conditions that are comfortable for it for development and reproduction. After 3-5 days, a colony of microorganisms grows in an amount sufficient to carry out diagnostic studies. Also, an antibiogram is immediately carried out for the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics, so that the doctor can prescribe an effective treatment.

The bacteriological culture indicator is considered positive when the analysis shows the presence of pathogenic microflora. These indicators are divided according to the rate of growth and development into 4 degrees:

  1. The first degree - the growth of microorganisms is scarce; it is present only in a humid environment.
  2. The second degree - microorganisms of the same type on a solid medium show growth up to 10 colonies.
  3. Third degree - the number of colonies on a solid medium reaches 100.
  4. Fourth degree - the number exceeds 100 colonies.

The third and fourth degrees indicate no infection in the body.

Tank seeding is the gold standard in detecting infections, it can be used to determine not only acute, but also hidden infections. It is able to identify not only pathogens, but also to determine their activity and quantity.

This diagnostic method determines the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics.

Antibiogram is complete list antibacterial drugs to which isolated bacteria have susceptibility.

To identify antibiotics to which the detected microorganism will show vulnerability, 2 methods are used:

  1. diffusion method - test strips soaked in antibiotic solution are used. The strips are immersed in a nutrient medium with microbes and the changes taking place are observed;
  2. standard disc method - special discs impregnated antibacterial drugs, are placed in containers sown pathogenic microflora if the growth of microbes stops, then it is sensitive to this antibiotic. To clarify the level of vulnerability, the diameter of the stunting zone is measured.

Result interpretation

When the analysis is ready, the woman will receive a result form, the analysis form indicates which microorganisms and in what quantity were found in the patient in the cervical canal. If everything is normal, then the analysis will show the absence of fungi and the presence of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the amount of at least 107 colonies. Also, the reproduction of Escherichia coli in an amount of not more than 102 and a single number of enterococci is considered the norm.

A smear is considered pathogenic if it contains a large number enterococci and Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, proteus, yeast fungi, gonococci, gardnerella, trichomonas, citrobacter.

Ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and chlamydia are introduced into the cells and are not detected by bacteriological culture. To identify these infections, PCR analysis is performed.

Infection of the cervical canal is congenital and acquired. Infection (atresia) of the cervical canal leads to partial or complete closure of the walls of the opening and prevents exit menstrual blood.

Causes of atresia can be:

Primary atresia is diagnosed during the first menstruation without finding a way out, menstrual blood accumulates in the uterus and stretches it, the girl feels a general deterioration in well-being and if she does not go to the doctor in time, the blood further spreads through fallopian tubes and can cause purulent inflammation.

Acquired (secondary) atresia is diagnosed when a woman sees a doctor about infertility. Stagnant blood clogs the tubes, and the egg is not able to get into the uterine cavity. The diagnosis can be established using hysterosalpingoscopy, MRI, probing. This pathology is treated by bougienage of the cervical canal.

The bougienage operation is performed in a hospital, the operation time is about 30 minutes. If the infection is complete, then the manipulation is performed under general anesthesia, and if not significant, then under local anesthesia. After surgery if used general anesthesia, the patient is discharged for home treatment the next day, and with local anesthesia is released on the day of surgery. Duration home treatment lasts 10 days, wound healing drugs and anti-inflammatory suppositories are prescribed.

Thickening of the cervical canal

The woman in reproductive age the pharynx of the cervical canal with a width of 7 - 8 mm is quite enough for the removal of menstrual blood and for the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterus.

In the reproductive period, the expansion of the pharynx occurs in the middle of the cycle, which is absolutely normal and is associated with approaching ovulation.

With age, a woman's body undergoes various changes, reproductive system due to changes in the hormonal background, it also becomes different. You need to take care of your health during menopause even more carefully than before. During this period, there may be various diseases including deadly ones.

During the examination, some women find that the opening of the canal is greatly expanded, which is a sign of some gynecological disease that needs to be urgently diagnosed and treated.

The cervical canal plays a huge role in the functionality of the internal reproductive system of a woman. This body takes an important part in the process of childbirth, is of great importance for carrying a pregnancy.

In order to prevent the appearance of deviations in the cervical canal, it is imperative to undergo scheduled examinations by a gynecologist. Never self-medicate in the event of any ailments!

In addition to attentiveness and accuracy to the health of the patient on the part of doctors. Every woman should take her own health seriously. If a woman leads healthy lifestyle life, attends antenatal clinics on time, has no bad habits, does not behave randomly sexual life the risk of getting inflammatory diseases she is much lower.

Video: bacterial culture from the cervical canal

Video: correct cervical smear technique

Video: Cervical and vaginal smear technique

Bacterial seeding, or tank for short. sowing means by its name the cultivation of the microflora of the bacteria of the human body in an external specialized environment for further analysis. Such a study shows what types of microorganisms are present in the microflora, their number and viability.

In gynecology tank. culture is one of the main tests, which is carried out as in preventive purposes, as well as on purpose.
Let's analyze it in more detail.

What is the study for?

The female genital organs are the habitat of many beneficial bacteria(mainly lactobacilli) and microorganisms that maintain the internal balance and the necessary acidic environment, acting as a barrier to viruses and infections.

But sometimes, due to a number of factors, there are more pathogenic representatives of the flora than beneficial microorganisms, a woman begins to notice certain unpleasant symptoms, an inflammatory process occurs, which may be the beginning of a more serious disease.

Tank. sowing from the vagina allows you to find out the composition of the microflora, and in the case of the presence of pathogenic microbes, various viruses and fungi, prescribe appropriate treatment. The need to identify a specific type of microorganisms is explained by the fact that each of them is vulnerable to a certain medicinal product and an antibiotic.

Thus, the main purpose of the tank. sowing in gynecology - identifying the presence and type of harmful bacteria in excess of the permissible amount, which cause diseases and inflammation, for the appointment of proper and timely treatment.

It should be noted that a small number of some pathogenic organisms, such as E. coli, are allowed in the cervical canal (in the vagina). It is connected with female physiology, which determines the close location of the anus to the vagina.

For any tank. sowing uses biological fluids of the human body from a certain area (saliva, sputum, feces, urine, etc.). In gynecology, for these purposes, a swab is taken in a certain way from the cervical canal.

The whole procedure is fast and painless.
As in a regular examination, a gynecological mirror is inserted into the vagina, the doctor removes the necessary layer of mucus from the surface of the walls with a special brush. Next, the contents are placed in a prepared test tube, which provides for sealing and a certain nutrient medium.

To obtain reliable and accurate results, it is necessary to transfer the material to the laboratory within the next few hours after sampling, since heat and constant maintenance are necessary for the growth and reproduction of bacteria. favorable conditions. You can find out more by reading our new article.

Analysis results

The results of the analysis are prepared approximately 5-6 days after the smear is taken. During this period, all microorganism present will grow in sufficient quantity and size for the study. Approximately in a week, the gynecologist will be able to get an opinion on the delivered tank. sowing.

Such a study of the biomaterial shows the presence of each type of microorganism, as well as their number. If pathogenic microorganisms are not detected, but the number of beneficial bacteria is below normal, prescribe special means normalizing the microflora of the vagina. The lack of beneficial microorganisms further leads to infections and inflammation caused by various pathogens. The main useful representatives of the cervical canal are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

The pathogenic environment is determined by the following commonly found microorganisms:

Standard tank results. crops are characterized by assigned degrees of purity of the cervical canal. There are four of them, depending on the number of pathogenic bacteria present. The number of the latter is marked by colonies - separate areas of accumulations of their cells.

The analysis is considered negative in the absence of any type of "bad" microorganism, and positive if at least a minimal number of them is found in the biological material.

Each degree of bacterial growth has its own characteristics:

Inflammatory and infectious processes begin to develop from the third degree of bacterial growth. This will also be indicated by the exceeded limit of the norm of contained leukocytes. In this case, immediate and suitable treatment, in accordance with the identified family of the main causative agent of infection.

It is the determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms to specific antibiotic drugs is an undoubted advantage of the tank. sowing.

Indications and preparation for the analysis

It is necessary to take the material for analysis following a number of rules that contribute to obtaining an accurate and reliable result.

These include:

Failure to comply with at least one of the above conditions can significantly distort the final data of a bacteriological study. From the side medical personnel the established norms for taking material into the tank must also be observed. sowing:

The main indications for passing this type of analysis are:

  • Availability chronic diseases genital organs;
  • frequent infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • annual scheduled inspection for preventive purposes;
  • pregnancy planning, as well as its first trimester;
  • the appearance of disturbing and overt symptoms (copious discharge, pain, failure of the menstrual cycle, etc.);
  • postpartum care;
  • long-term therapy of gynecological diseases.

Harmful bacteria can multiply when certain factors occur, both individually and in combination. Among them are:

All this contributes to the entry and active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, which can lead to serious problems with health in the absence of proper and timely treatment.

A smear from the cervical canal allows you to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe microflora and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Pap smear take 2 ways:

  • sowing;
  • microscopy.

A study that allows you to identify oncological ailments is carried out 24 hours after douching. A cervical smear is recommended for women every year. The use of oral contraceptives, the development of pathology or ailments of the reproductive system provides for a study 1 time in 6 months.

cervical canal plays important role during pregnancy and childbirth. His average length is 3-4 cm. The main functions of the organ in question include:

  • protection against infection;
  • conception.

Microbes and fungi live in the vagina. The uterine cavity is sterile. Special cells are responsible for the production of mucus. The level of female sex hormones has a direct impact on the properties of mucus. At the end and at the beginning of menstruation, mucus is characterized by an acidic (viscous) environment. It blocks the cervical canal. Microbes, getting into an acidic environment, die, and spermatozoa lose their mobility and ability to fertilize. At maximum level estrogen mucus becomes liquid alkaline environment. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, sperm and eggs begin to new life. Progesterone is produced after conception.

The vagina is lined with epithelium that renews, matures, and is shed. A new population of cells occurs every 4-5 days. The composition of cells depends on the following factors:

  • menstrual cycle;
  • phase of menstruation.

Medical indications

Cytology of the cervix is ​​carried out under the usual gynecological examination female patients. This will require a spatula. The material is taken from various parts of the respective canal. A smear from the cervix is ​​applied to the plate and sent to the laboratory. If the procedure is performed correctly, then the patient does not feel pain.

The consequences of such a process include discomfort that may appear in the vaginal area during the day.

A cervical smear is performed to detect pathology of the cervix.

The examination is carried out in the middle of menstruation. Before taking a smear for cytology, you must follow the doctor's recommendations. Before the study (for 2-3 days), it is recommended to give up sex, vaginal products, contraceptives and douching. During this period, you can not visit a gynecologist and perform a colposcopy. In this case, a smear for cytology will be reliable.

  • rash;
  • bad smell;
  • selection.

In this case, you need to heal. The cleanliness of the vagina should have the 1st degree. If necessary, the patient gives a smear on the flora. Especially such an analysis should be taken by the fair sex, who lead an active sex life. You can not take a smear for cytology and flora from a gynecological mirror. To do this, use a special brush. If there is ectopia and other changes on the neck, the material is taken from these areas. Pregnant women should have a microscopic cytology test, as opposed to a cervical canal examination, 2 times within 9 months.

Diagnosis and treatment

Deciphering the analysis is part of the specialization of the gynecologist. Doctors in the study of the collected material Special attention given to atypical cells. Their moderate amount symbolizes the development of the inflammatory process. Therefore, a smear for cytology is taken at a time when the number of leukocytes does not exceed the permissible value.

The smear norm provides for the absence of atypical cells. Otherwise, the gynecologist diagnoses "Dysplasia" of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree. Malignant cells are observed in the development of cervical cancer. If the specialist has identified grade 1 dysplasia, then the patient needs to undergo full examination. With the development of dysplasia of the 2nd and 3rd degree, colposcopy, biopsy and conization are performed. The last procedure involves the removal of the affected area of ​​the cervix with a scalpel or radioknife. Grade 3 dysplasia is understood as cancer, the treatment of which is part of the specialization of an oncogynecologist. The patient is admitted to the oncology clinic.

Diagnosis and treatment of ailments of the cervical canal involves the use of curettage. The canal scraping procedure is carried out in medicinal purposes in the following cases:

  • hyperplasia;
  • polyps;
  • bleeding of the uterus;
  • myoma removal.

The resulting material is sent to the laboratory. Curettage is prescribed by a gynecologist in the case when such a technique is the only way to diagnose and treat the female genital organs.

Planned curettage of the cervical canal is prescribed a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle. In this case, the operation coincides with the physiological period of rejection of the uterine epithelium. For diagnostic curettage intravenous anesthesia is used.

After the operation (for 2-3 weeks), the patient must observe hygiene, avoiding hypothermia and excluding severe physical activity. You can not visit the solarium during this period and gym. It is contraindicated to swim in the pool, the sea and in the bathroom. Showering is allowed. Similar rules must be observed in postoperative period, since the genital tract has not healed. At the end of the course of treatment, a second smear for cytology is prescribed.

An alternative method to curettage is hysteroscopy. For its implementation, a hysteroscope is required. With its help, the specialist examines the uterus. Diseases of the female genital organs occur for the following reasons:

  • infection;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • tumor.

Regular visits to the gynecologist will help to identify any pathological change in a timely manner.