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E. coli - what is it? Types, symptoms and treatment. E. coli in the baby

Hemolyzing coli present in every human body large quantities but is opportunistic pathogen. The danger lies in the fact that it opposes the protective function of a person and is resistant to drugs.

In infants, the bacterium is similar in symptoms to colic, but not only abdominal pains are noted, but also diathesis, constipation, or, conversely, liquid stool with mucus impurities. Where does it come from in babies who are just born? Consider the ways of transmission of infection, symptoms and methods of treatment in children.

What is hemolyzing E. coli

The bacterium is part of the opportunistic pathogenic microflora. Since it is present in the body of every person, it does not cause pathologies. But there are a number of certain conditions that can “wake up” the bacterium and cause it to actively multiply. The impetus can be not only a disease or reduced immunity, but also a banal hypothermia.

Children who suffer from an increased content of this stick can often experience bloating, diathesis, diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation. And also such babies spit up more often than healthy babies. In this case, the temperature indicators can remain within the normal range.

In terms of its effect on the body, it is similar to Staphylococcus aureus. Even if there is a small amount in the body of the baby, it can cause disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract.

Hemolysing Escherichia coli in infants

When a child is born, it is still clean intestines begin to colonize different microorganisms. Normally, it should be only 3 types of bacteria - colibacilli, bifidumbacteria and lactobacilli. But quite often, the baby's intestines are also exposed to pathogenic microbes that cause the growth of harmful microflora. The reason for this may be some food pigments that enter the body of the baby with mother's milk, as well as infection during the passage of the birth canal.

As soon as the baby's intestines are populated with the "wrong" microflora, unpleasant symptoms. This is primarily reflected in the quality and quantity of stool, and is also expressed by painful sensations in the abdomen. Often, mothers confuse this with banal colic and diagnose "dysbacteriosis". In order to identify pathology, it is worth passing tests, primarily a fecal analysis.

How is the infection transmitted and developed?

The main source of infection of hemolyzing Escherichia coli in children and adults is a person or animal. The route of transmission of the infection is fecal-oral. It can be dirty hands, contaminated water (even bottled water), food or bathing in infected water. That is why it is important to bathe the baby in boiled water with herbs that neutralize pathogenic microorganisms.

Most often, infection occurs in the warm season (summer or spring). The risk increases with hypothermia, as well as frequent acute respiratory infections when there is a decrease protective functions child's body. Pathogenic microbes enter the digestive tract, affect the mucous membrane, are absorbed into the intestinal wall and begin to multiply actively there.

Ways of infection in the body of the baby:

  • low-quality milk formulas for feeding;
  • improper storage of dairy products;
  • intake of products (meat) by a mother who feeds the baby with breast milk;
  • reduced immunity.

Normal E. coli in the body is 106-108 CFU/g in the colon and 107-108 CFU/g in the feces. If this indicator decreases or increases, we can talk about the development of dysbacteriosis in a child.

Symptoms of the disease in children

The reproduction period of hemolyzing Escherichia coli is from three to six days. After that, they begin to appear pain in the abdomen, a feeling of heaviness, headaches, dehydration and lack of appetite. But children will not tell about all this, because they still do not know how to determine the nature of the pain. What are the symptoms then to recognize the infection in the baby?

Outward signs of E. Coli infection in children:

  • the child becomes capricious, the sleep pattern is disturbed;
  • V rare cases there is an increase in body temperature;
  • regurgitation is like vomiting;
  • liquid stool with mucus and bad smell rot;
  • there is no appetite, because of which the child loses weight;
  • frequent or, conversely, too rare going to the toilet "in a small way."

In rare cases, swelling is observed, purulent rashes and even convulsions appear. And also infection provokes dehydration in a child, although this is more likely due to loose stools, which can reach up to 15 times a day.


Diagnosis of hemolyzing Escherichia coli in infants most often occurs using fecal analysis. And swabs are also taken from the genital organs, sown in the laboratory in a Petri dish, and the development of these bacteria is monitored for two to four days. It is important that the diagnosis takes place before the start of drug therapy.

Additional diagnostic method is a serological blood test. Based on this analysis, antibodies are determined, that is, as the immune system baby resists these bacteria. For rent also general analysis blood, urine. To clarify the diagnosis, biochemical analysis blood.


Treatment of E. coli should be under the supervision of a physician. After the diagnosis, the specialist determines the method of therapy. Newborns and children of the first month of life in order to encourage their microflora to resist pathogenic bacteria are prescribed probiotics. This has a beneficial effect on the growth of "good" bacteria in the intestines and at the same time reduces the number of harmful microorganisms.

good effect in the treatment of hemolyzing Escherichia coli in infants has mother's milk. It has a beneficial microflora for the intestines of the child and helps to improve its work. But in order for mother's milk to bring benefits, not harm, mothers should adhere to a certain diet. If the child is already being introduced to complementary foods, then it is worth monitoring the nutrition of the crumbs.

positive therapeutic properties has grain bread (slightly dried), prunes and a decoction based on it, as well as water with the addition of a couple of drops of honey. These products can be given to a child older than nine months to treat E. coli.

Do not forget about the baby's drinking regimen, especially with diarrhea. This can cause dehydration in the child, which is fraught negative consequences. Therefore, the element of treatment should be plentiful drink.


Having figured out how to treat hemolyzing E. coli in infants, let's talk about prevention. It is mandatory to observe the rules of personal hygiene and heat treatment products if the baby is already being introduced to complementary foods.

Also a guarantee of good and correct operation the baby's intestines is pregnancy planning, proper nutrition mothers during the period of bearing a baby, which is to receive all essential trace elements and vitamins. And also expectant mother it is time to undergo an examination by a gynecologist in order to exclude bacterial vaginosis. During the passage of the baby through the birth canal, a woman can infect the baby. The absence of stress is also important, which can cause dysfunction and failure. hormonal background. He, in turn, can affect the baby.

An excellent prevention of all diseases, including E. coli, is breast-feeding for at least the first six months. Complementary foods should be introduced gradually.


Hemolyzing Escherichia coli in infants is a fairly common phenomenon, but only with the help of diagnostics it is possible to identify the pathology and prescribe correct therapy. Often mothers confuse the disease with colic, which have similar symptoms. But when diathesis appears in a baby, diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation, it is worth considering that this may be the result of another pathology.

Of great importance in the treatment of infants is breast milk mother, who must adhere to a certain diet, as well as compliance drinking regime. Diarrhea in a baby can cause dehydration, which is fraught with negative consequences for a small body. It is important to carefully monitor the condition of the child in order to notice violations in the work of the digestive tract in time.

– Escherichia coli (E.Coli) is a bacterium consisting of pathogenic and non-pathogenic species. Pathogenic - the basis for the occurrence of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, genital and urinary organs of men and women. Non-pathogenic live in interaction with the intestinal microflora.

Common bacterium pathogenic species- hemolytic Escherichia coli. The consequences of bacteria - from serious poisoning to the development of dysbacteriosis, colibacillosis. Often sticks become the culprits of diseases - inflammation urinary canal, testicles, vagina, lungs; purulent infection of the brain, blood.

Escherich's lactose-negative bacillus is an opportunistic pathogen. In the intestine for a long time is not determined. With an increase in concentration, the disease manifests itself.

Hemolytic bacillus in an infant is the cause of death in the absence of timely assistance.

Causes of the disease

Escherich's bacillus is transmitted by the fecal-oral route.

Ways of infection:

The main group at risk of infection is children.

A hemolytic bacillus in adults appears with immunodeficiency, acute respiratory infections, and taking antibiotics.

coli in women

In an immunocompromised child, Escherich's bacillus penetrates into blood vessels, affects organs, causing purulent inflammation, meningitis, sepsis.

Hemolyzing stick in infants provokes elevated temperature, migraine, lack of appetite. Self-healing - after 5-10 days.

Treatment of hemolyzing Escherichia coli in adults

Treatment in adults begins with the exclusion of signals of intoxication.

To eliminate the risk of dehydration, you should take rehydration drugs. A sparing diet, accompanied by fluid intake, is recommended. Refuse fatty, salty, soda and alcohol.

Eat lean, boiled food or made in a water bath. Drink weak tea, fruit drink, drinks based on dried fruits. Take drugs with regenerative properties - Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Acipol.

If hemolyzing Escherichia coli in adults is found in the urine, it is bacteriuria. Therapy of the disease includes taking antibiotics, uroseptics, dietary supplements, which strengthen the patient's immunity and prevent the development of an infectious disease.

If Escherich's wand is found in urinary organs start taking antibiotics hygiene rules and temporarily abstain from sexual intercourse.

Detected colibacilli in pregnant women and babies are treated with probiotics and viruses that infect bacteria. If unsuccessful, take antibiotics.

Increased content pathogenic bacteria are treated using prebiotics and probiotics. These medicines accelerate the regeneration of the intestinal microflora.


For effective protection from an illness, an established treatment is combined with an unconventional one.

  1. Peel 300 grams of Jerusalem artichoke, cut into cubes, bring the milk in half with water to a boil, throw in the chopped. When Jerusalem artichoke becomes soft, pull out, add 20 grams of flour, 40 grams of oil to the uzvar. Cook until thickened. Pour the prepared sauce over Jerusalem artichoke, garnish with herbs.
  2. Boil 25 g goose cinquefoil in 300 ml of liquid. Steam for 20 minutes, remove and leave for 7-8 hours. Use 70 ml three times a day.
  3. Mix 15 g of a string with cool boiled water (a quarter of a liter), steam for 20 minutes. Take three times a day, 20 ml.
  4. Mix plants coltsfoot, medicinal sweet clover, centaury to obtain a homogeneous mass (25 g). Pour in 200 ml hot water let it brew for 20 minutes. Use twice a day for 20-50 ml.
  5. Observe preventive measures:
  • wash fruits and vegetables before eating;
  • boil dairy products;
  • refuse water from the tap;
  • wash hands with soap before eating.

Ways and timing of entry of Escherichia coli into the human body

Having discovered E. coli in the 19th century, which was later called Escherichia coli, the German scientist Theodor Escherich could not even imagine how many problems it would create for the inhabitants of the planet Earth. This gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium is a permanent inhabitant of the human body and even takes part in many processes: metabolism, formation fatty acids, the production of vitamin B and the overall functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But E Coli brings help to the body only when the number of bacteria does not exceed the established norm. Otherwise, dysbacteriosis, escherichiosis and other diseases are guaranteed.

Particular attention should be paid to the concentration of bacteria in children infancy.

According to the type of effect on the body, hemolytic E-Coli bacteria in the feces of a child can be divided into several types:

  • Enterotoxigenic. This type of stick promotes the accumulation toxic substances in the intestines and is the main cause of diarrhea in a child.
  • Enteroinvasive. The main symptoms are: loose stools, abdominal pain and spotting.
  • Enteropathogenic. This species is characterized by diarrhea severe pain abdomen and vomiting.
  • Enterohemorrhagic. They are considered the most dangerous. Characterized by contractions in the abdomen, high fever, diarrhea with bloody discharge.

The disease is long-term and can cause various kinds of complications. TO this species includes E. coli with hemolytic properties.

Symptoms of infection in infants

With the development of Escherichia coli, the child's condition deteriorates sharply

The development of Escherichia coli in large quantities becomes the main cause of the imbalance of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract in newborns. The child becomes restless, sleep is disturbed, abdominal pains appear, usually after feeding. Symptoms are varied:

  • Bloating, rumbling and increased gas formation,
  • The appearance of vomiting
  • After feeding, regurgitation occurs more often than usual,
  • Kind of diarrhea. foamy stool accompanied by an unpleasant sour smell,
  • At serious illness possible weight loss of the child.

You should also keep an eye on the general physiological state baby. Increased sleepiness, weakness, fever or infrequent urination are the first signs of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnosis of the disease

When the symptoms described above occur, it is important to make a correct diagnosis. To do this, you need to do an analysis of the feces of a sick baby. Specialists determine the type and quantity of bacteria. Having found E Coli hemolytic in the feces of a child, the doctor prescribes treatment. The main thing here is not to self-medicate, because only a specialist can understand the results of the analysis, bacteria and other pathogenic microflora.

An increase in the number of Escherichia coli does not always indicate a disease. It is impossible to draw conclusions without knowing the general clinical picture. For a more complete diagnosis, the attending physician must know, after which there were intestinal disorders how long and with what frequency they occur, what is accompanied by other signs.

It is important not to hide any details from the doctor. All this will help correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Treatment of diseases caused by E. coli

The treatment of any diseases caused by microorganisms is reduced to taking antimicrobials- antibiotics, phages, etc. To prescribe a suitable antibiotic, hemolytic EColi are detected in the feces of an infant by testing for dysbacteriosis, and they also diagnose the sensitivity of the child's intestinal microflora to antibiotics. Medicines for each specific case are selected in individually. These can be phages, antibiotics or complex drugs containing bifidus and lactobacilli.
It should be remembered that at birth, the intestines of the child are sterile, but after a few days, E Coli bacteria appear in it and persist throughout the life of the body. The normal concentration of bacteria is 106 - 108 CFU / g of the contents of the large intestine.
However, if the presence of E Coli in the intestine is unavoidable, then E. coli with hemolytic properties should not be present in the child. Its presence is clear deviation from the norm.
It should be remembered that hemolytic bowel disease can occur against the background of acute respiratory infections or as a result of taking antibiotics. Therefore, to choose medicines must be treated with special attention.

Prevention of intestinal diseases

Following simple advice can protect the baby from E. coli

The main reason for the increase in the number of E Coli bacteria in the stool in a child is a low immune defense. Most pediatricians recommend not to stop breastfeeding your baby for at least a year, because, as you know, with mother's milk, the baby receives lactose and all the necessary components to combat the effects of negative microflora. If breastfeeding is not possible, formulas containing prebiotics should be used.
Naturally, elementary hygiene of a nursing mother will minimize the occurrence of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract in a child and hemolytic E-Coli in the feces of a baby will not appear. At the same time, the main causes of intestinal infections are as old as the world:
Eating unwashed fruits - straight from the garden;
bad heat treatment eggs, fish and meat products;
Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
In addition, the use of raw milk is not desirable for adults, and for children - the product must be boiled.

Conclusions and final aspects

If the child began to show symptoms of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, vomiting, fever, you should immediately consult a doctor and take the appropriate tests.
If E Coli is found in the feces of an infant, do not self-medicate, but strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician.
Strictly observe personal hygiene.
Eat foods rich in vitamins and amino acids.
sticking to simple rules, the child will be active and healthy, and with the possible onset of the disease, he will quickly recover.

Among the pathogenic microflora that disrupts the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), is a representative of lactose-negative enterobacteria - hemolyzing (hemolytic) Escherichia coli. Not even her a large number of may cause severe disorder intestines.

Hemolyzing Escherichia coli in children appears as a result of nutritional errors. The reason may be poor-quality infant formula, improper storage of dairy products, etc. Infection in childhood may develop as a result of immune protection.


After entering into gastrointestinal tract in a child, the stick begins to actively multiply, which causes an imbalance in the local microflora. Hemolyzing Escherichia coli in infants and newborn babies causes the development of dysbiosis.

Typical features the presence of a pathogen in the gastrointestinal tract of an infant become:

  • regular intestinal colicpain syndrome increases significantly after feeding;
  • loss of appetite - the child refuses to eat;
  • frequent regurgitation - a symptom due to impaired intestinal motility;
  • diarrhea - frothy stool containing mucous inclusions, the smell is putrid-sour;
  • weight loss;
  • poor general health - the baby does not sleep well, is constantly naughty.

Of particular danger is dehydration. Signs are: dry skin and mucous surfaces, the appearance of non-smoothing skin folds, violation of urination - the child pees less than 1 time in 4 hours, crying without the release of tear fluid.

In older children - from 1-1.5 years - clinical picture infection looks a little different. Its initial symptoms resemble the development of gastroenteritis. The child has:

  • pain in the epigastric region, cramping or aching character;
  • bouts of nausea, sometimes ending in vomiting;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • general weakness, fatigue;
  • symptoms of dehydration.

At the very beginning of development, the disease resembles gastroenteritis with its signs.

In severe cases of the disease, blanching is observed skin up to the appearance of a full blue tint. Fixed deceleration heart rate and declining performance blood pressure.


The presence of hemolytic Escherichia coli in the body of a child can provoke the development of hemolytic-uremic syndrome. The signs are:

  • rapid increase in body temperature;
  • presence of blood in stool;
  • inflammation of the large intestine;
  • skin blanching;
  • the presence of small hemorrhages;
  • thrombosis small vessels- in severe necrotizing;
  • kidney failure.

With the provision of timely medical care, the condition is reversible.


As biological material feces and vomit, the contents of the stomach after washing are used. They are seeded in a Petri dish. It takes at least 2 to 4 days to grow a full-fledged colony.

Laboratory assistants examine isolated microorganisms and give a conclusion. At the same time, tests are carried out for the sensitivity of pathogens to various antibiotics.

If there is a need to obtain a quick result, then a serological technique is practiced. The child has a fence venous blood followed by the isolation of antibodies to hemolytic Escherichia coli. The study has a high diagnostic value. Additionally, the patient is assigned a general analysis of urine, blood and feces.

Infection treatment

Many factors are taken into account when drawing up a treatment protocol. In particular: the age of the child, the severity of the disease, the current symptoms, the body's response to medical preparations.

The treatment regimen in each case is developed individually, taking into account the current symptoms.

In order to suppress the activity of the pathogen, antibiotics are prescribed. Often used drugs from the fluoroquinolone line (Ciprofloxacin, Gatifloxacin, Levofloxacin), which differ a wide range actions and a small number side effects. Pathogen habituation syndrome develops slowly.

At easy course disease is recommended for the child oral rehydration. During the day, he should drink as much liquid as possible. This contributes to the restoration of the damaged water-salt balance, and also compensates for the reserves of fluid lost by the body. You can buy drugs at any pharmacy. They are available in powder form for preparation. aqueous solution.

For severe illness, use saline solutions For intravenous administration. Infusion detoxification is carried out in a hospital and is implemented in order to remove toxins accumulated in the body. The child receives a large amount of fluid intravenously (drip). The most commonly used solutions are salts and glucose.

Symptomatic treatment aimed at improving general well-being. The patient may be prescribed:

  • sorbents - drugs that help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract;
  • antidiarrheal medicines - Immodium, Enterofuril, Loperamide and others;
  • antispasmodics - pain relievers - No-Shpa, Spazmalgon, Plantex, etc .;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - necessary to eliminate inflammatory process- Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Ketoprofen and others;
  • eubiotics, probiotics, prebiotics - drugs that restore the disturbed imbalance of microflora - Laktovit, Bifidumbacterin, Linex, etc .;
  • vitamin complexes.

Nutrition correction starts from table 4

During the entire period of treatment, the child must adhere to the principles diet food and respect water regime. IN acute period(at severe diarrhea) recommended table number 4, which provides for the reduction of fat and carbohydrates consumed, salt restriction, frequent fractional meals.

After improvement of the condition and stabilization of the stool, the patient is transferred to diet No. 2. It provides the convalescent organism with all essential substances.

modern medicine has stepped far ahead and the presence of hemolyzing Escherichia coli in the body of a child does not pose a significant danger to him. Timely initiated therapy allows you to get rid of the infection and eliminates the formation of any complications.

As soon as the baby is born, his body becomes susceptible to various microorganisms. They do not cause trouble for an adult, but the body baby still weak, and the immune system has not yet formed. That is why E. coli in infants is a frequent phenomenon. Parents are scared, but in reality serious reasons no to panic. You just need to identify the signs in time and prescribe treatment.

It is not always necessary to be afraid of such a problem. To understand whether it is worth worrying about, you need to know the process of digestion. It is different for a child. At first, the intestinal microflora of the baby is clean and sterile, since the first feeding has not yet taken place. There are no foreign bacteria. Microorganisms begin to emerge only on the 2-3rd day.

These bacteria are not dangerous. On the contrary, they help to break down the remnants of food, form feces. The baby begins to go to the toilet: he does this up to 4 times a day. All this is normal, so there is no cause for concern.

The first microorganisms begin to contribute to the work of all organs. For example, they improve blood circulation, improve breathing. The child has an increased heart rate. The blood is filled with oxygen, which is so necessary for many life processes.

But there are situations when you should be wary, because problems arise. Sometimes pathogenic bacteria start another activity. There are dysentery, salmonellosis - frequent intestinal infections at breasts.

How to recognize

Usually in infants, the infection penetrates in a common way through the mouth. Since babies are very fond of putting foreign small objects in their mouths, in digestive system microbes get in. But do not scold the child for this. The process is natural, so the baby learns the world around him.

Also, the infection enters through unwashed hands, untreated dishes. If the nipple fell to the floor, and the parents did not wash it, but immediately gave it to the baby, microorganisms will not keep you waiting. Much depends on the carelessness of parents: a large percentage of diseases and problems with the intestines happen for this reason.

It is important to be able to recognize the first signs of infection. It is easy to distinguish them, because the child's body reacts very sharply to infections. Here are the main signs that should alert any parent:
  • temperature. Infection is inflammation, and the body fights with it in a standard way, raising body temperature. Heat - alarm signal. The baby's arms and legs turn red, he becomes lethargic;
  • loose stools also indicate that there are problems with the intestines. In this case, it is clearly clear that there is an infection in the stomach and intestines;
  • regurgitation;
  • behavior. Babies with an infection cry, scream, refuse sleep and food. This sign should alert, since the behavior directly indicates problems in the body;
  • Mom can feel her tummy. If at the same time she felt something solid or felt liquid, it means that not everything is in order with digestion.

How to get rid

At the first sign of bowel problems, parents should seek medical care. You can’t self-medicate: what will help an adult will not help a child. Only a doctor is able to identify the infection and choose the treatment. The baby can be left at home or sent to the hospital with her mother.

Usually the doctor prescribes special preparations, for example "Smektu". This is a soft sorbent that effectively copes with the infection. Toxic substances are quickly and naturally excreted from the baby's body. "Smecta" not only eliminates bacteria, but also restores natural balance in the intestinal microflora.

But what definitely should not be given to babies is antibiotics. Therefore, self-medication with antibiotics should not be done.

Many medicines treat diarrhea but do not fight the infection. "Smecta" acts differently: it forms a protective mucous membrane that protects against bacteria, microbes, gases. Now they are not afraid of the child, so parents do not have to worry.

The powder of the drug is dissolved in water. They give it to the baby in a bottle, dissolving one sachet there. The course of treatment is 3 days. Usually during this time, all symptoms disappear. But if this does not happen, you should choose another treatment. But everything is done only under the supervision of a doctor.

If the baby is given some other medicines, "Smektu" should be given only after two hours. Otherwise, the drug adsorbs drugs.

If the doctor insists on hospitalization, it is better to do this, since infection in an infant is dangerous. Diarrhea and vomiting dehydrate weak children's body. It is almost impossible to restore moisture, and it can even be fatal.

In the hospital, the baby will be constantly monitored. Here they will immediately collect tests to identify the pathogen. Since the results of the tests will not be immediately, and help is needed immediately, the baby can be placed under a dropper with glucose. This is necessary because the liquid must be restored and the temperature must be reduced.

In the hospital, babies are given antiemetics and antipyretic drugs. A day later, some tests are ready. But some results are ready only on the third day and even on the fifth.

Common microbes

Hemolysing Escherichia coli. Often occurs in small babies. Symptoms: bloating, gas emission. The child has constipation, in the feces - green streaks. However, hemolyzing bacillus is not characterized high temperature so it's hard to notice.

Hemolytic bacillus is treated with diet. But in a baby, everything proceeds differently, so it is better to consult a doctor. He will advise and prescribe treatment. Hemolyzing stick should not be present in the body at all.

There is also lactose-negative Escherichia coli. It is included in the list of opportunistic pathogens. The lactose-negative bacillus is present in the child's body and is responsible for the production of vitamins K, B, takes part in metabolic processes, helps to absorb calcium and other substances.

But if the amount of this bacterium is exceeded, problems arise: the child is tormented frequent gas formation, regurgitation, constipation, diarrhea, pain. Therapy includes treatment with bifidobacteria, probiotics. But everything is individual, depending on the condition, age of the child. First, tests are carried out, and only then the doctor prescribes treatment.


Many infections can be avoided if the rules are followed.

  1. Strengthening the immune defense is the first requirement. Therefore, pediatricians strongly do not recommend stopping breastfeeding before the age of one. This will protect the baby from infections and future illnesses.
  1. Hygiene. It concerns not only the child himself, but also other family members. Dishes, clothes, baby diapers - everything must be clean. Even a dropped nipple should first be washed with boiling water and disinfected, and only then given to the baby.
  1. If the baby has the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication is not recommended.
  1. Mom should also follow the diet. You only need to eat healthy foods, more cereals, fruits, vegetables, wholemeal bread. But sweet, muffin should be limited. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with boiling water. Especially it concerns summer period when the risk of catching an infection arises.