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Red lichen and how to treat it. Symptoms and signs. Typical flow pattern

  • Lichen planus - treatment (antibiotics, hormones, antihistamines, vitamin therapy, creams and ointments, VLOG) - video
  • Lichen planus: features of treatment on mucous membranes. Treatment of children, pregnant women. Forecasts for lichen planus - video
  • Lichen planus: alternative methods of treatment (medicinal herbs, diet, massage), opinion of a dermatologist - video
  • Can lichen planus be cured? What are the predictions?

  • red flat lichen(red dermatitis) - chronic inflammatory disease, in which characteristic rashes appear on the skin and mucous membranes.

    Lichen planus in numbers and facts:

    • The disease occurs in 0.1-4% of people.
    • Women and men get sick in a ratio of 3:2.
    • Most often, the diagnosis is made at the age of 30-60 years, but in general, the pathology occurs in all age groups.
    • Lichen planus is one of the most common diseases of the oral mucosa.
    • Oral (in oral cavity) form of red lichen planus occurs in 1.27-2% of people. It is rarely diagnosed in children.
    • It is estimated that about half of women with oral lichen planus have an undiagnosed lesion of the genital mucosa.


    Lichen planus occurs when the immune system malfunctions and attacks skin cells. Scientists don't fully understand why this happens. Several factors are believed to contribute to the development of the disease:

    • Heredity. It has been established that predisposition to lichen planus is transmitted from parents to children through genes.
    • Disorders of the nervous system. Cases of the development of the disease after stress, hypnosis are described.
    • Diseases of the digestive system. Contribute to the occurrence of lichen planus on the oral mucosa. Gastritis, colitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine), and some other pathologies matter.
    • Viral infections. The role of hepatitis C, influenza vaccines has been proven.
    • Injury oral mucosa fragments of teeth, ill-fitting dentures.
    • Contact with certain toxic chemicals: pigments, paraphenylenediamine, substances that are used during the development of color films.
    • Reception of some medicines: tetracycline, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.
    • In some patients, there is a connection between the occurrence of lichen planus and cardiovascular diseases (arterial hypertension), endocrine system(diabetes).
    Not all people in whose lives there are risk factors develop lichen planus. In order for a disease to occur, immunity and metabolism disorders must occur in the body, caused by a combination of different causes, some of which act from the outside, while others inside the body.

    Lichen planus: risk groups, causes, signs (what it looks like), complications, localization. Is it possible to get lichen planus - video


    typical shape lichen planus is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • Raspberry-red or pinkish nodules appear on the skin. purple. They are 2-3 mm in size, irregular shape do not rise above the skin.
    • The surface of the nodules has a characteristic luster with a waxy tinge. It is best seen in side lighting.
    • Neighboring nodules are able to merge with each other and form plaques covered with small scales.
    • Itching occurs. It can be so strong that it interferes with sleep at night.
    • If you lubricate the surface of the nodules with vegetable oil, white dots and lines intertwining in the form of a cobweb become noticeable on it.
    • Most often, the lesion occurs on the wrists, flexor surface of the forearms, extensor surface of the legs, inner surface thighs, groin, armpits.
    • The skin of the face, scalp, palms and soles is extremely rarely affected.
    • Usually, after the disappearance of nodules and plaques on the skin, areas remain in their place hyperpigmentation having more dark color compared to the surrounding skin.
    • In about a quarter of patients, the disease affects the mucous membranes. Elements can be in the oral cavity, on the head of the penis, on the eve of the vagina.
    • On the mucous membrane of the cheeks, nodules usually appear in the form of dots of a gray-opal color. They are combined into nets, rings, laces.
    • The tongue is characterized by flat whitish plaques with clear, uneven, jagged edges.
    • Purple patches appear on the lips. On their surface there is peeling and a grayish-white mesh. Underlip the upper one is affected more often.
    • In some patients, the lichen planus lesion involves the nails. They appear striated in the longitudinal direction, sometimes ridges appear. Nail beds acquire bright red color. Cloudy areas appear on the nail plates.

    Often, elements characteristic of lichen planus appear in the places of scratching. The disease can proceed for a long time, sometimes for many months.

    Less often, with lichen planus, damage to the esophagus occurs. There is pain and difficulty in swallowing, caused by inflammation of the organ wall or narrowing of its lumen. There is an opinion that lichen planus increases the risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.

    Lichen planus: symptoms and signs. What does lichen planus look like on mucous membranes, on nails, on the face and head - video


    There are two stages of the disease:

    • Progressive. At this time, new elements appear on the skin. Due to a change in the reactivity of the body, nodules and plaques appear at the site of scratches and scratches within a few days. Dermatologists call it isomorphic reaction.
    • Regressive. Peeling occurs on the surface of the nodules and plaques, they gradually disappear, pigmented dark spots remain in their place. New elements may appear at the same time.

    Forms of lichen planus

    In addition to the typical, there are other varieties of lichen planus:

    name of the form of the disease Description
    Hypertrophic (warty, verrucous) lichen planus Warty growths appear on the skin, which look like brownish-red or purple plaques, covered with layers of a thickened upper keratinized layer of the skin. Next to these plaques there may be elements characteristic of the typical form of lichen planus. Most often, warty formations are located on the front surface of the legs, less common on other parts of the body.
    Atrophic lichen planus After the destruction of nodules or plaques on the skin, atrophy or sclerotic changes occur (in the second case, they speak of sclerotic form of lichen planus). May occur small focal baldness - small bald spots appear on the head.
    Bubble (bullous) form of lichen planus A rare form of the disease. Vesicles filled with a clear or bloody fluid form on the skin. They are usually about the size of a cherry or a pea. Most often, the elements occur on the skin of the legs and feet. Bubbles can occur both on unaffected areas of the skin and on the surface of plaques. Sometimes, along with vesicles on the skin, there are nodules characteristic of a typical form of the disease.
    Moniliform lichen planus There are rashes the size of a cherry seed, which are arranged in the form of chains and resemble "strung beads". The elements are knots that may have a different appearance. They can be located so close to each other that together they resemble one long scar. Rashes in this form of the disease can be located throughout the body, are more common on the skin of the forehead, neck, rear surface ears, rear of the hands, elbows, buttocks, abdomen. The palms and feet, the skin in the cheeks and nose, the genitals most often remain clean.
    pointed shape Together with the elements characteristic of a typical form of the disease, nodules of a conical shape with a horny spike in the central part appear on the skin. If the scalp is affected, small atrophic scars may form on it.
    ring shape Plaques acquire a characteristic appearance due to the fact that they spread in breadth, and in the center the skin is cleared. As a result, elements appear on the skin that have the appearance of rings, necklaces, arcs, half rings. Most often, this form of lichen planus occurs in men. Skin lesions are usually localized in the genital area, the inner surface of the hands.
    Erosive (erosive-ulcerative) form of lichen planus The most severe form of the disease, difficult to treat. Superficial lesions occur on the skin and mucous membranes - erosion. They have an irregular shape, covered with a thin film of protein. fibrin. If you remove this film, erosion will begin to bleed. Rarely, ulcers occur. Elements can exist for a long time, sometimes up to several years. During treatment, erosions heal, but after its completion, they often reappear, usually in the same place.
    Zosteriform form The nodules are located on the skin along the course of the nerves, so the disease may resemble herpes.
    Pigmentary form of lichen planus The main elements of skin rashes are - dark spots. As a rule, they are on the face, hands.

    Options for lesions of the oral mucosa (oral lichen planus):

    name of the form of the disease Description
    Mesh The most common form of oral lichen planus. Appears as lacy lines white color resembling a network or cobweb in appearance. In this case, the patient has no complaints.
    Erosive/ulcerative It ranks second in prevalence among all forms of oral lichen planus. Erosions and ulcers appear on the mucous membrane, covered with films yellow color. In a quarter of patients in pathological process gingival mucosa is involved, this condition is known as desquamative gingivitis.
    papular White nodules appear on the mucous membrane.
    atrophic On the mucous membrane there are areas of atrophy. This form of the disease can also present as desquamative gingivitis.
    bullous It manifests itself in the form of bubbles on the mucous membrane, filled with a clear liquid.

    Lichen planus: stages and forms (erosive-ulcerative, warty, atrophic, etc.) - video


    Especially unpleasant is lichen planus in the genital area, in the vagina. The disease leads to pain sexual life. Scars may remain in place of the elements. Sexual dysfunction may persist for a long time afterwards.

    There is evidence that lichen planus, although to a small extent, may increase the risk of squamous cell carcinoma. Your dermatologist may recommend that you get screened for cancer cells in the lesions.

    Pigmentation of the skin in places where there were nodules and plaques persists for a long time.

    How red flat lichen looks in the photo

    Lichen planus on hand:

    Lichen planus on foot:

    Lichen planus on the face:

    Lichen planus on the mucous membrane:

    Lichen planus on the tongue:


    In most cases, the doctor can easily make a diagnosis during the examination. Difficulties can arise if the skin is not affected, and the elements are only on the mucous membrane.

    Tests for lichen planus that a dermatologist can prescribe:

    • Biopsy. The doctor receives a piece of tissue in the area of ​​nodules and plaques, and sends it to the laboratory for analysis. Most often this is done with scrapings. On microscopy of specimens, cells characteristic of lichen planus can be seen.
    • Hepatitis C blood test. This is viral disease often provokes the occurrence of lichen planus. If during the conversation the doctor decides that you were at risk of contracting hepatitis, he will prescribe this study.
    • Allergy tests. Allergies can also provoke the occurrence of lichen planus. Your dermatologist may refer you to an allergist who will do an allergy test. Solutions with various potential allergens will be applied to your skin. ABOUT positive reaction will indicate the occurrence of redness and a blister in the place where the "guilty" allergen was applied.
    These studies are not for everyone. They are prescribed if there is a suspicion of a particular disease in cases where the diagnosis is difficult to establish.

    Lichen planus: diagnosis (opinion of a dermatovenereologist) - video


    How to cure lichen planus?

    Since the cause of the disease is not completely clear, there is no treatment directed at it. Therapy is mainly aimed at relieving symptoms and eliminating cosmetic problems.

    Ointment against lichen planus with corticosteroids

    Corticosteroids (glucocorticoids) - preparations of hormones of the adrenal cortex. They effectively suppress inflammation, immune and allergic reactions. Lichen planus is usually treated with corticosteroid creams and ointments. If this does not help, the drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets. If the tablets are ineffective, corticosteroids are used in the form of injections.

    With lichen planus, Diprospan and other glucocorticoids are used.

    Possible side effects from the use of corticosteroids:

    • irritation or thinning of the skin where creams and ointments are applied;
    • stomach disorders.

    Drugs that affect the immune response

    These drugs can be prescribed in the form of ointments, gels, or oral (to be taken by mouth) forms. The most commonly used drugs are tacrolimus (Protopic), pimecrolimus (Elidel).


    Antihistamines block the effects of a protein called histamine, which is involved in inflammatory, allergic reactions. These medicines, taken as a tablet or applied topically, relieve the pain and itching caused by lichen planus.


    Phototherapy involves exposing the skin to light waves. Most commonly used for lichen planus ultraviolet radiation B, which can only penetrate the top layer of the skin (epidermis).

    Ultraviolet A radiation is also used in combination with psoralen. However, this treatment slightly increases the risk of developing skin cancer and cataracts in the future.

    As a rule, 2-3 phototherapy sessions per week are carried out for several weeks.


    If the patient does not help glucocorticoid drugs and phototherapy, the doctor may prescribe retinoids - synthetic drugs vitamin A. They are used orally or cutaneously.

    Retinoids can lead to congenital defects development in the fetus, so they are not recommended for pregnant women. If a woman is preparing to become a mother or is breastfeeding, the doctor prescribes retinoid preparations to be applied to the skin or other medications.

    Elimination of irritants

    If your doctor thinks that lichen planus is due to hepatitis C, allergies, certain medications, or other causes, he will recommend taking steps to eliminate causative factor. You may need to switch medications you have taken recently for other ones, avoid contact with certain substances that cause you allergic reactions. If you are diagnosed with hepatitis C, you will be referred to a hepatologist, a specialist in liver disease, for treatment.

    Antibiotics for lichen planus

    Lichen planus - noncommunicable disease, so the applications antibacterial drugs not required. However, sometimes against the background of this pathology, pustular skin lesions develop. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

    Alternative medicine in the treatment of lichen planus

    The results of some studies show that taking vitamins A, B is useful for patients suffering from lichen planus. However, more research is needed to find out for sure.

    Some small clinical trials have shown that aloe vera gels help with lichen planus of the mouth and genitals.

    There are quite a few dietary supplements that, according to manufacturers and sellers, help with lichen planus. Before using them, be sure to consult a doctor. Some alternative medicines can cause serious side effects when used with medications.

    Lichen planus - treatment (antibiotics, hormones, antihistamines, vitamin therapy, creams and ointments, VLOG) - video

    Lichen planus: features of treatment on mucous membranes. Treatment of children, pregnant women. Forecasts for lichen planus - video

    Treatment at home

    The disease can be treated on an outpatient basis, at home. But the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor, periodically appear for examinations, fulfill appointments.

    • Do warm skin baths with colloidal oatmeal, followed by a moisturizing lotion.
    • Do cold compresses.
    • Avoid injury to the skin. Protect your hands with gloves when washing dishes and gardening.
    • From

    It is one of the most common types of dermatosis. This pathology often associated with disease internal organs- stomach ulcer, duodenum, chronic gastritis, diabetes mellitus. Occurs against a background of weakened immunity under the influence of factors such as emotional stress, nervous strain, mechanical injury, hormonal disbalance. What are the best ointments and creams for lichen red therapy?

    Knowledge of the main signs of the manifestation of the disease will distinguish it from other types skin lesions and start treatment on time.

    The disease manifests itself in the form of a multimorphic rash of red or crimson color with small flat nodules. The surface of the affected area of ​​the skin is distinguished by a retracted central part. Peeling is small, slightly raised along the edges of the scales are practically not separated. The progression of the disease is accompanied by multiple rashes, forming various clusters in the form of garlands, rings. Their surface is smooth and shiny. Severe itching that occurs in this case causes serious discomfort.

    The main places where lichen planus is localized - groin area, zone in the bend of the knees, elbows, inner thighs.

    Sometimes the disease manifests itself on the nails, oral mucosa, genitals. Rashes in these places are whitish, grayish or purple in color.

    One of the signs that helps not to confuse the disease with another type of lichen is Wickham's mesh, when the surface of the largest plaques is covered with a mesh pattern.

    Basic principles of treatment

    The word deprive means skin diseases caused by a fungus or virus due to malfunctions internal systems organism. For effective therapy required accurate diagnosis and proper selection of drugs. Fungal skin lesions are treated with antimycotic drugs, with viral infection other means are needed.

    It is extremely dangerous to self-medicate. At the slightest suspicion of lichen, you need to contact a dermatologist, who, after an examination and an accurate diagnosis, will select the appropriate treatment depending on the severity and characteristics of the course of the disease.

    The most effective ointments


    External remedy to eliminate itching, swelling, inflammation. Produced by a German pharmaceutical company in the form of an ointment or emulsion. The main active ingredients are synthetic hormones adrenal glands. Once in the skin cells, invading the DNA, the drug quickly narrows the small blood vessels, resulting in inflammation. In this case, the general effect on the body does not occur, with the exception of long-term use on large areas of the skin.

    The disadvantages of the drug include its ability to reduce immunity, which can cause infection.

    Advantan is not prescribed to people with skin tuberculosis, with viral skin infections and do not apply to areas where there is rosacea (bumpy red rash that occurs on the face).

    Contraindication to use is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, rashes caused by the introduction of various vaccines. Do not use the drug for children under four months. Given the hormonal origin of Advantan, care must be taken when using it during pregnancy and lactation.

    Prolonged use of the drug may cause skin changes, appearing as spider veins, depigmented areas. Applying ointment to the skin in the eye area can lead to the development of glaucoma.


    It's another one hormonal drug often prescribed in the treatment of lichen planus. Active ingredient is betamethasone valerate. Its concentration is 0.1%. Used for external use only. Available in tubes of 15 and 30 grams. Outwardly, it is a white ointment, soft, homogeneous consistency. Celestoderm has a wide range actions, providing anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and antibacterial effect.

    The pharmacological effect is due to the ability of the drug to inhibit the production of inflammatory mediators, stimulate the synthesis of lipocortin, and reduce metabolism. arachidonic acid. As a result of these actions, the symptoms of allergies, inflammation disappear. Gentamicin, which is part of the drug, acts on microorganisms that cause the development of infectious processes on the surface of the skin.

    Ointment or cream is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin with a thin layer 1-2 times a day. It is not recommended to use this remedy in the following cases:

    • During pregnancy and lactation.
    • People with damage to the skin by fungal or viral diseases.
    • At hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.
    • Newborns up to the age of 6 months.
    • After vaccination.

    Celestoderm can be used by pregnant women only in special occasions under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

    Salicylic ointment

    It has an excellent exfoliating effect, due to which there is an increase in the production healthy cells skin. Salicylic ointment is widely known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties. It has the ability to relieve inflammation, strengthening the walls of capillaries, has a softening effect on papules. Applied twice a day.

    Using an ointment from lichen planus, it is applied to a napkin and applied to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (tincture of calendula or chamomile) previously washed and treated with a disinfectant composition, fixing it with a bandage. The procedure is performed within 6-20 days. This is how long it may take to complete cure. After 2 days after the start of using the drug, the rashes become paler, gradually merging with the skin.

    The use may be accompanied by an allergic reaction, so caution is required for those who suffer from allergies. Before use, it is recommended to test by applying a small amount of ointment to the skin.

    Contraindicated use salicylic ointment people with kidney failure and children under one year old.


    A preparation made from an extract of calf's blood. pharmachologic effect is to enhance the absorption of oxygen by the cells of damaged tissues, improve blood supply, normalize metabolic processes. The processes of regeneration of the skin are significantly accelerated. Due to the action of the ointment, fast healing wounds, while scarring does not leave noticeable scars. It is recommended to use with heavily combed papules.

    Use the drug only externally, treating the affected area twice a day. The course is approximately 2 weeks. Not only damaged skin is lubricated, but also restored tissues around the entire perimeter of the wound until it is completely overgrown. Solcoseryl treatment is allowed during pregnancy, during breastfeeding. Before this, you need to consult a gynecologist.


    An antihistamine drug that can block the receptors of sensitive cells. It is used in therapeutic courses against severe allergic reactions. Effectively eliminates itching, cooling the skin, reducing the manifestation external signs diseases that distinguish lichen planus.

    The ointment is applied to the skin 3 times a day with a severe form of the disease, in other cases it can be done less frequently. The maximum effect can be observed 1-4 hours after application. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

    If treatment fails positive result, you need to see a doctor. When using Fenistil possible side effects, expressed in the appearance of a feeling of fatigue, weakness, slowing down the reactions of the body. Sometimes there is dry mouth, vomiting.

    In any form, it is very important to correctly establish the diagnosis. Treatment, chosen incorrectly, can provoke the transition of the disease to chronic form accompanied by a number of complications. There are several types of lichen, against each of them it is necessary to use drugs that have the ability to act on this species pathogens causing infection.

    Only a doctor, based on the examination, will select drugs that guarantee recovery. It is unacceptable to treat lichen on your own. It should be remembered that the disease is contagious, and people around can suffer from the infection.

    Lichen planus is a disease that affects the skin, mucous membranes (lichen planus of the mouth), in 20% of cases nails are also affected. Mostly adults are ill, cases of this type of lichen among children are very rare. Lichen planus in humans is characterized by a chronic relapsing course.


    The causes of red lichen have not been definitively determined. There are several theories for the onset of the disease. Here are some of them:
    1. Infectious-allergic theory: there are foci in the body chronic infection, which, under certain external factors, exacerbate the disease in the form of rashes of red lichen
    2. hereditary predisposition
    3. Weakened immunity
    4. Diseases gastrointestinal tract
    5. Hormonal disorders
    6. Stress
    7. Sometimes lichen planus develops as allergic reaction for some medical preparations

    Lichen planus of the mouth - causes
    Red lichen of the oral cavity develops as a continuation of the disease by this type of lichen of the whole organism and is based on the same causes of occurrence. The impetus for the development of the disease in the oral cavity can be an injury to the mucous membranes of the mouth with sharp edges of teeth, fillings, abrasions from low-quality prostheses. Often, oral lichen develops if dentures are made of different types metal.

    Symptoms of lichen planus
    With lichen planus, the skin of the chest, abdomen, arms, legs is primarily affected. Often it is localized in the elbow bends, armpits. Itchy reddish-purple seals (papules) appear on the skin with a flat, shiny surface and a depressed center. Papules may coalesce to form small plaques (like "cobblestone"). On the surface of the papules, you can see a whitish mesh pattern - Wickem's mesh. After resorption of papules, brown skin pigmentation remains.

    Lichen planus of the mouth - symptoms
    Papules are located on the inner surface of the cheeks, lateral surfaces and back of the tongue, on the red border of the lips. The gums and palate are less commonly affected. They have whitish color, glitter, form a “fern pattern” or resemble a grayish-white lace net. There is a burning sensation in the mouth, a feeling of tightness of the mucous membrane, pain when taking spicy food. With a more severe (erosive-ulcerative) form strong pain occurs when taking any food, the oral mucosa can often bleed. This form is characterized by erosion, ulcers in the center of lesions.

    Lichen planus - alternative treatment

    Before treating lichen planus folk methods and means, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that contribute to the development of the disease. Often this type of lichen accompanies diseases such as chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes etc. It is necessary to treat these diseases. Often, lichen planus manifests itself as an allergic reaction to medications - so you need to find adequate replacement these drugs.
    Before treating red lichen of the oral cavity caused by traumatic factors, these factors must be removed - polish the sharp edges of the teeth, change dentures, cure caries and periodontal disease, stop smoking and spicy foods

    Treatment of lichen planus of the oral cavity with sea buckthorn oil
    Soak a piece of cotton wool or a folded piece of gauze with sea buckthorn oil and apply an application to the affected area of ​​the mucosa for 30-60 minutes. Inside, it is also desirable to use sea buckthorn oil - 1/2 tsp. per day on an empty stomach.

    Vinegar treatment.
    It is recommended to treat lichen planus with apple cider vinegar: 4 to 6 times a day, apply undiluted to the affected area. Apple vinegar for 10 minutes. Instead of vinegar, you can use viburnum or cranberry juice.

    Ointment from hops, burdock and calendula.
    Take 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers, and 2 tbsp. l. hop cones and burdock roots, pour 200 g of boiling water and boil, strain. Mix 1 tbsp. l. decoction and 2 tbsp. l. vaseline. Apply this ointment to the affected areas in a thin layer several times a day.

    Herbal compress.
    Take 3 tbsp. l. mullein flowers, 1 tbsp. l. celandine and 1 tbsp. l. willow bark. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Make compresses from this decoction on the affected areas or simply wipe them several times a day.

    How to treat lichen planus with beets.
    Grate the red beets and tie to the lichen. When the beets dry out, you need to replace them with fresh ones. Carry out treatment until the lichen passes.

    Folk water treatment
    Lichen planus hot water within three minutes. 2 times a day; after 3 days improvement is noticed, and after two weeks the lichen disappears.

    Lichen treatment with herbs.
    External treatment of lichen planus is desirable to combine with the reception herbal infusions. Here are some recipes traditional medicine with red lichen:
    1. Mix in equal parts St. John's wort, centaury, nettle, juniper, plantain, wormwood, yarrow, horsetail, sage.
    2. Mix in equal parts kopek root, clover flowers, birch buds, dandelion root, wormwood grass, string.
    3. Mix in equal parts yarrow, tansy flowers, immortelle flowers, burdock root, goldenrod herb, bearberry
    4. Mix in equal parts cornflower flowers, cudweed grass, rosehips, rowan fruits, cinquefoil root, erect cinquefoil root
    5. Mix in equal parts black elderberry flowers, nettle, dandelion root, birch buds, juniper berries, St. John's wort
    2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist overnight in a thermos. Take the entire infusion during the day, 100-150 ml. The course is 3-4 months. Then they take a break for 10-14 days, change the collection and continue treatment. Continue to treat lichen with these remedies for at least 12 months.

    150 g birch tar mixed with 2 egg yolks and 100 g of fresh cream. Rub into affected areas twice a day.

    How to treat lichen planus with calendula
    In the treatment of lichen planus folk remedies, calendula flowers for compresses and rubdowns can be used in the form alcohol tincture, infusion (2 tablespoons per 1 cup of boiling water) or ointment. Ointment from calendula inflorescences gives best result in the treatment of lichen planus. To prepare it, you need to grind 10 g of powdered inflorescences with 50 g of petroleum jelly.
    On the affected surface of the skin, apply gauze moistened with tincture or infusion, or lubricate the affected skin with calendula ointment.

    Lichen red flat - treatment with folk remedies - recipes from the newspaper Bulletin of healthy lifestyle

    Cold water in the treatment of lichen planus.
    This type of skin lesion was cured after several days of dousing cold water. (HLS 2004, No. 21, p. 9)

    Ointment for the treatment of lichen.
    Church incense (only not imported), aloe, garlic - all 50 grams each, 1 egg white. Chop and beat everything. Shake before use. Keep in refrigerator. Lubricate the affected areas. This folk remedy also helps with psoriasis and festering wounds. (2002, No. 22, p. 18)

    Alternative treatment of lichen planus
    In three days, it was possible to cure lichen with the moisture of a misted window - wipe the misted window with a cotton swab and lubricate the affected areas. (2005, No. 22, p. 29)

    A mixture of herbs for the treatment of red lichen.
    A woman for many years could not get rid of lichen planus, was treated with antibiotics, expensive ointments - on one lower leg the lichen disappears, on the other it appears. I decided to treat lichen according to the folk recipe "Six Herbs". It is necessary to take in equal parts dandelion roots, calamus roots, yarrow grass, wormwood and horsetail, cloves. Grind everything into powder. Take 1/4 tsp with water 2 times a day 2 hours before meals. The course of treatment for lichen is 2-3 months. The woman carried out the treatment for 2 months, but did not notice the results, she quit the treatment. After a while I noticed that it got better, and soon red lichen disappeared completely. (Healthy lifestyle 2012, No. 2, p. 38,)

    Herbal baths for the treatment of red lichen.
    At severe itching baths or washings with infusion of St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, oak bark will help. To prepare the infusion 3-5 tbsp. l. pour one of these plants with 1 liter of boiling water, insist and pour into a bath of water. Lie down for 15-20 minutes. Course - 10 procedures. (HLS 2012, No. 20, p. 12)

    Calming teas.
    To cure red lichen faster, it is recommended to use soothing and restorative teas from mint, oregano, St. John's wort, motherwort, valerian. It is necessary to brew 1 tbsp. l. any herb with one glass of boiling water. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month. (HLS 2011, No. 20, p. 12)

    Propolis ointment
    A woman was helped to cure lichen planus by such a folk remedy: 100 g of petroleum jelly (you can take 100 g of lanolin or 100 g fish oil) put in an iron mug, add 15 g of grated frozen propolis, heat in a water bath for about 15 minutes until the propolis dissolves. Then strain. To smear deprive in the morning and in the evening. (HLS 2010, No. 20, p. 10)

    Lichen planus is a chronic skin disease in which any part of the body can become covered with papules. Often occurs against the background of other chronic diseases. If a person has lichen observed on the scalp, then there is a high probability of scarring.

    Symptoms depending on the type of lichen planus may vary, so the diagnosis is difficult. Sometimes it is necessary to take a piece of skin for a detailed laboratory study.

    The number of patients suffering from lichen planus is on the rise. Among all dermatological diseases, about 2% are accounted for by this disease. In 20-30%, lichen planus of red color is localized in the mouth, and in 15-20% on open areas skin. Children are less likely to get this type of dermatosis than women aged 50-60 years. Also, according to statistics, lichen red degenerates into malignant or benign neoplasm. Treatment requires complete control of the disease.

    Causes of lichen planus

    Lichen planus was described at the end of the 19th century, but until now the causes have not been fully identified. There are only assumptions based on statistical data, hypotheses. According to them, red lichen occurs when bad job immune system, which can be caused by any immunological, neuralgic, intoxication factor.

    Also mentioned as a cause hereditary factor. In 15-20% of cases, relatives of the 1st or 2nd stage in the 2nd or 3rd generation developed lichen erythematosus. Violations caused by nervous system, impair immunity, negatively affect the resistance of skin cells to external stimuli.

    Neuralgic factors include:

    • herniated disc;
    • neurasthenia;
    • vegetative neurosis;
    • neuritis;
    • radiculitis;
    • trauma;
    • stress.

    Lichen planus, red in color, can develop due to viruses, infections that are inside the surface cells of the skin. Gradually, they penetrate deep into the epidermis, contributing to increased production of antibodies that begin to destroy skin cells, not viral ones.

    The generalized immuno-allergic theory of the occurrence of lichen planus indicates a specific allergic reaction of a delayed type. In the blood, an imbalance is found between the protein produced by the immune system and the cells that reduce it. The body begins to fight with the epidermis, as with foreign bodies. Developing inflammatory process followed by destruction of skin cells.

    In case of poisoning, lichen red occurs due to an attempt by the skin to partially clear itself of harmful substances, protect yourself from them.

    Harmful substances:

    • arsenic;
    • antimony;
    • aluminum;
    • antibiotics - "Streptomycin", "Tetracycline";
    • quinine.

    It is interesting that drugs for its treatment can provoke lichen planus. For example, arsenic paste, which is used as an external remedy for this disease. Red lichen can occur against the background of internal poisoning due to secondary diseases.

    Lichen with secondary diseases:

    • diabetes;
    • hepatitis;
    • cirrhosis of the liver;
    • gastritis;
    • peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines;
    • nephritis;
    • kidney failure;
    • pancreatitis;
    • peritonitis;
    • diseases, anomalies of the oral cavity - caries, improperly installed dentures, tooth loss;
    • hypertension.

    If the appearance of red lichen is associated with intoxication, then it is more often found in the oral cavity. Rarely, patients after rehabilitation sessions of hypnosis experienced this disease.

    Is the disease contagious?

    Due to the fact that the nature of the occurrence of red lichen is not fully understood, it is not known whether the disease can be transmitted by contact-household.

    IN medical practice there have been cases when red lichen appeared immediately in several family members. But the theory of infection is not supported, since the disease could develop against the background of poisoning or infections.

    A case was described when a doctor, after contact with a patient, showed the first symptoms of lichen planus a month later.

    After another 3 weeks, the number and intensity of lesions increased greatly. Therefore, for preventive purposes, it is not recommended to touch a person with red lichen, share personal hygiene items, clothing, shoes.

    Lichen planus classification

    Lichen planus can be classified in two ways: clinical manifestations, according to the nature of the flow. When diagnosing, one of the main goals is to identify the form of lichen red, as this affects the choice of drugs, methods of treatment.

    The symptoms are divided into:

    • Wart red lichen. The skin is covered with nodules, red or purple warts. Most often, this type of disease covers the front of the lower leg.
    • Atrophic red lichen. The mucous membranes of the genital organs or the mammary glands are covered with round red rashes, sometimes they turn blue. The skin is pigmented. If the pathology has developed on the scalp, then partial hair loss may occur.
    • Vesicle red deprive. Bubbles with purulent serous fluid. They can cover both typical papular rashes of lichen, and not damaged skin areas.
    • Erosive and ulcerative lichen erythematosus. Localized in the mucous membranes. There were cases of its appearance in the language. Ulcers form. It hurts to touch them. Around them, about 5-10 mm of the mucous surface is inflamed, reddened. After cauterization, ulcers can heal for several years, sometimes the tissue becomes scarred. In the place where they were, old erosive rashes may appear new in a few years.
    • Acute lichen planus. It affects the neck, back, legs. Convex, pointed papules form on the skin.
    • Pigmented red lichen. Before the onset or during the illness, an abundance of brown spots can be found on the skin. This form of the disease also has a typical red rash of lichen planus.

    According to the nature of the flow, they distinguish:

    1. Acute lichen planus - lasts no more than 30 days;
    2. Subacute lichen - duration less than six months;
    3. Chronic lichen - the disease proceeds for more than six months.

    Atypical varieties of the disease include wart, atrophic and erosive-ulcerative.

    Symptoms differ depending on the form - atypical or typical. If you look at the photo, lichen planus appears as loose, rough spots of red color, which eventually become cyanotic.

    In addition, the patient may be disturbed by itching and soreness in the area of ​​​​rashes. Most often, the typical form of red lichen covers the limbs, back, neck, and abdomen.

    Stages of lichen vulgaris:

    1. progression. Rash appears in new areas skin. Relieves pain, flaking and itching.
    2. Peace. No new rashes are formed, the old ones turn into flat spots, fade.
    3. Recovery. Eruptions of red lichen disappear. And the skin is pigmented.

    Atypical form of red lichen affects any part of the body. Some patients complained of erosive and ulcerative rashes on the glans penis or nails. With an unusual course of red lichen, abscesses, pigmented spots appear, sometimes all signs of poisoning appear - nausea, vomiting, dizziness.

    Treatment of lichen planus

    To make a diagnosis, select effective treatment the doctor relies on the international classification of diseases - ICD10.

    In the subgroup L 43 is lichen planus. The paragraphs describe all varieties of the disease, as well as possible reaction on medicinal treatment under code L 43.2.

    Local remedies to relieve itching, irritation, pain, skin healing. begins to act 20-40 minutes after application, maximum effect achieved 4-5 hours after treatment of the affected areas. Among them are used:

    1. "Hydrocortisone" - with hormones;
    2. Flumethasone - with hormones ( medium degree impact);
    3. "Betamethasone" - with hormones (strong drug);
    4. "Triderm" (if red lichen occurs in the lungs, average form);
    5. "Gistan" - on plant-based does not contain hormones. Belongs to the category of anti-allergic ointments;
    6. "Fenistil" - not hormonal agent, reduces the activity of immunity, facilitates the course of the disease;
    7. "Tacrolimus" - on a non-hormonal basis, eliminates inflammation;
    8. "Salicylic ointment" - an anti-inflammatory agent that cleanses the skin of damaged cells, allowing healthy ones to regenerate;
    9. Socoseryl is an ointment aimed at healing the skin. Substances that make up the product improve the nutrition of cells, skin tissues, make it healthy.

    Antibacterial drugs. Their main goal is to eliminate pathogens, which provoked the destruction of the deep, superficial epidermis. More often, tablets are used - Azithromycin, Tetracycline, Sumamed, Metacycline.

    Antiallergic agents. They block the release of histamine, which damages the epidermis with lichen planus - Desal, Loratadin, Tavegil, Suprastin.

    Hormonal drugs in tablets. They help to reduce the activity of the immune system, reduce the focus of inflammation in lichen planus. As side effects considered a violation of the gastrointestinal tract, the return of the disease after completion of the course of treatment. Can be prescribed - "Prednisolone", "Metipred"

    Injections, immunosuppressive pills. The effect of therapy is not immediately noticeable, it takes a long time to be treated with the drug. With lichen planus recommended - "Cyclosporin A", "Chloroquine", "Hydroxychloroquine"

    Photo: lichen red

    Necessary for a speedy recovery:

    • Do not be nervous, avoid physical, mental overstrain;
    • cure diseases of the oral cavity;
    • Treat diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, neuroses;
    • Eat properly;
    • Get rid of bad habits;
    • Exclude drugs, contact with toxins that caused red lichen.

    If lichen planus is found on the mucous surface of the mouth, it is necessary to rinse 2 times a day with a weak solution of soda (about ¼ tsp per glass)

    Physiotherapy treatment:

    1. Sessions of laser therapy.
    2. Magnetic therapy procedures.
    3. Several sessions of PUVA therapy.

    To improve the condition of the body, resistance to red lichen is prescribed an additional dose vitamins A, C, group B.

    Six months after recovery, you need to see a specialist again. Relapses in practice are not frequent, but the likelihood chronic course illness persists.

    Treatment with folk remedies for lichen planus is carried out if there are no contraindications, the disease proceeds in a mild or moderate form. In severe cases, medication is indispensable.


    1. Oil based on calendula flowers. It is necessary to pour into the dishes 200-300 gr. calendula, pour 200-300 ml olive oil. Be sure to make sure that it completely covers the flowers. Leave in a cool place for 1 month, shaking daily. Next, drain the oil into a separate container and wipe the rash. This remedy relieves inflammation, relieves rashes, discomfort with lichen planus.
    2. Beet compress. Take one large beet, grate on fine grater, apply to the affected area, wrap it with a bandage on top. Change the bandage every time the beetroot becomes dry.
    3. Bath with chamomile, sage, St. John's wort. It is necessary to brew 60-80 gr. a mixture of herbs (taken in equal proportions) and add to the bathroom. Lie down in it for 15-30 minutes. The procedure can be done every day. With exacerbation, preferably 1 time in 2 days. Facilitates the course of the disease.
    4. Herbal decoction for rinsing. You need to take the same amount chamomile, chopped oak bark, eucalyptus, St. John's wort and mix. Brew 4 tsp collection in 0.5 l hot water. Let it steep and cool. The remedy is effective against red lichen that has appeared in the mouth.

    In the pharmacy you can buy:

    • Sea buckthorn oil. The affected area in the mouth is wiped with a cotton swab; for open areas of the skin with lichen planus, compresses are used;
    • Birch tar. The rash is smeared, wrapped with a bandage on top. The ointment must be left for 10-15 minutes. Repeat 2 times a day.

    It is not advisable to make your own decision about how to treat - with folk remedies or medicines. A consultation with a doctor is required. Sometimes it is allowed to treat lichen planus at the same time with folk remedies and medicines.

    Diet and prognosis

    To speed up recovery from lichen planus, reduce the severity of symptoms in lichen planus, it is recommended to switch to therapeutic diet. It contains a list of permitted, prohibited products.

    You can eat:

    • dairy products;
    • nuts and cereals;
    • greens, red vegetables;
    • premium bread;
    • fruits.


    • alcohol;
    • spicy, salty, pickled dishes;
    • spices and spicy vegetables (onion, garlic, horseradish);
    • coffee;
    • cocoa - only in limited quantities;
    • muffin;
    • rich meat, fish, mushroom broths;
    • meat of young animals, as well as its fatty varieties(pork, goose, duck)

    With a mild, moderate form of lichen planus, the prognosis is favorable. Sometimes red lichen can go away on its own, but in any case, you should go to an appointment with a doctor. A severe course of the disease is noted in the erosive-ulcerative form of lichen - it takes a long symptomatic treatment. This form of red lichen is characterized by frequent relapses, it is desirable to see a doctor for the first time after treatment.


    For patients who have already had lichen planus, the main task is to prevent relapse. To do this, you need to read preventive measures. It is also important to know them for people who have not suffered from this disease before.

    Basics of prevention:

    • Eat properly. Do not eat strong salty, spicy foods, avoid artificial additives in food.
    • Avoid cigarettes and alcohol.
    • Do sports, lead active image life.
    • Be more in the sun.
    • Do not be too nervous, maintain mental health.
    • Pass full medical checkup 1 time per year.
    • Treat chronic diseases.

    Since it is still unknown whether lichen planus is contagious or not, contact with carriers of the disease should be avoided, and hygiene rules should be observed.

    If a red or bluish rash of unknown nature was found on the body, it is worth seeking help from a dermatologist. Based on the results of the examination, the survey, he can additionally refer to the dentist, endocrinologist, cardiologist. Red lichen is easy to treat. Recovery occurs in more than 90% of cases.

    Doctor's story about red lichen

    Lichen red flat- a disease that affects the skin, mucous membranes (lichen planus of the mouth), in 20% of cases nails are also affected. Mostly adults are ill, cases of this type of lichen among children are very rare. Lichen planus in humans is characterized by a chronic relapsing course.

    The causes of red lichen have not been definitively determined. There are several theories for the onset of the disease. Here are some of them:
    1. Infectious-allergic theory: there are foci of chronic infection in the body, which, under certain external factors, exacerbate the disease in the form of rashes of red lichen
    2. Hereditary predisposition
    3. Weakened immunity
    4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
    5. Hormonal disorders
    6. Stress
    7. Sometimes lichen planus develops as an allergic reaction to certain medications.

    Lichen planus of the mouth - causes
    Red lichen of the oral cavity develops as a continuation of the disease by this type of lichen of the whole organism and is based on the same causes of occurrence. The impetus for the development of the disease in the oral cavity can be an injury to the mucous membranes of the mouth with sharp edges of teeth, fillings, abrasions from low-quality prostheses. Often lichen of the oral cavity develops if the prostheses are made of different types of metal.

    Symptoms of lichen planus in humans.
    With this type of lichen, the skin of the chest, abdomen, arms, legs is primarily affected. Often it is localized in the elbows, armpits. Itchy reddish-purple seals (papules) appear on the skin with a flat, shiny surface and a depressed center. Papules may coalesce to form small plaques (like "cobblestone"). On the surface of the papules, a whitish mesh pattern can be seen - Wickem's mesh. After resorption of papules, brown skin pigmentation remains.

    Lichen planus of the mouth - symptoms
    Papules are located on the inner surface of the cheeks, lateral surfaces and back of the tongue, on the red border of the lips. The gums and palate are less commonly affected. They are whitish in color, shiny, form a "fern pattern" or resemble a grayish-white lace net. There is a burning sensation in the mouth, a feeling of tightness of the mucous membrane, pain when taking spicy food. In a more severe (erosive-ulcerative) form, severe pain occurs when eating any food, the oral mucosa can often bleed. This form is characterized by erosion, ulcers in the center of lesions.

    Lichen planus in humans - Treatment with folk remedies

    Before treating lichen planus with folk methods and remedies, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that contribute to the development of the disease. Often this type of lichen accompanies diseases such as chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes mellitus, etc. It is necessary to treat these diseases. Often this lichen manifests itself as an allergic reaction to medications, which means that it is necessary to find an adequate replacement for these drugs.
    Before treating red lichen of the oral cavity caused by traumatic factors, these factors must be removed - polish the sharp edges of the teeth, change dentures, cure caries and periodontal disease, stop smoking and spicy foods

    Alternative treatment of lichen planus of the oral cavity with sea buckthorn oil
    Soak a piece of cotton wool or a folded piece of gauze with sea buckthorn oil and apply an application to the affected area of ​​the mucosa for 30-60 minutes. Inside, it is also desirable to use sea buckthorn oil - 1/2 tsp. per day on an empty stomach.

    Ointment from hops, burdock and calendula.
    Take 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers, and 2 tbsp. l. hop cones and burdock roots, pour 200 g of boiling water and boil, strain. Mix 1 tbsp. l. decoction and 2 tbsp. l. vaseline. Apply this ointment to the affected areas in a thin layer several times a day.

    Herbal compress.
    Take 3 tbsp. l. mullein flowers, 1 tbsp. l. celandine and 1 tbsp. l. willow bark. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Make compresses from this decoction on the affected areas or simply wipe them several times a day.

    How to treat lichen planus with beets.
    Grate the red beets and tie to the lichen. When the beets dry out, you need to replace them with fresh ones. Carry out treatment until the lichen passes.

    Folk water treatment
    Pour hot water over lichen planus for three minutes 2 times a day; after 3 days improvement is noticed, and after two weeks the disease disappears.

    Home treatment for lichen with herbs.
    External treatment of lichen planus is desirable to combine with the intake of herbal infusions. Here are some traditional medicine recipes for red lichen:
    1. Mix in equal parts St. John's wort, centaury, nettle, juniper, plantain, wormwood, yarrow, horsetail, sage.
    2. Mix in equal parts kopek root, clover flowers, birch buds, dandelion root, wormwood grass, string.
    3. Mix in equal parts yarrow, tansy flowers, immortelle flowers, burdock root, goldenrod herb, bearberry
    4. Mix in equal parts cornflower flowers, cudweed grass, rosehips, rowan fruits, cinquefoil root, erect cinquefoil root
    5. Mix in equal parts black elderberry flowers, nettle, dandelion root, birch buds, juniper berries, St. John's wort
    2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist overnight in a thermos. Take the entire infusion during the day, 100-150 ml. The course is 3-4 months. Then they take a break for 10-14 days, change the collection and continue treatment. Continue to treat lichen with these remedies for at least 12 months.

    Mix 150 g of birch tar with 2 egg yolks and 100 g of fresh cream. Rub into affected areas twice a day.

    How to treat lichen planus with calendula at home.
    When treating lichen planus with folk remedies, calendula flowers for compresses and rubdowns can be used in the form of an alcohol tincture, infusion (2 tablespoons per 1 cup of boiling water) or ointment. Ointment from calendula inflorescences gives the best result in the treatment of lichen planus. To prepare it, you need to grind 10 g of powdered inflorescences with 50 g of petroleum jelly.
    On the affected surface of the skin, apply gauze moistened with tincture or infusion, or lubricate the affected skin with calendula ointment.

    Lichen red flat - treatment with folk remedies - recipes of the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH

    Cold water
    This type of skin lesion was cured after several days of dousing with cold water. (recipe from HLS 2004, No. 21, p. 9)

    Ointment for the treatment of lichen.
    Church incense (only not imported), aloe, garlic - all 50 grams, 1 egg white. Chop and beat everything. Shake before use. Keep in refrigerator. Lubricate the affected areas. This folk remedy also helps with psoriasis and purulent wounds. (2002, No. 22, p. 18)

    Alternative treatment of lichen planus
    In three days, it was possible to cure lichen with the moisture of a misted window - wipe the misted window with a cotton swab and lubricate the affected areas. (2005, No. 22, p. 29)

    A mixture of herbs for the treatment of red lichen at home.
    A woman for many years could not cure lichen planus, was treated with antibiotics, expensive ointments - on one lower leg the lichen disappears, on the other it appears. I decided to treat lichen according to the folk recipe "Six Herbs". It is necessary to take in equal parts dandelion roots, calamus roots, yarrow grass, wormwood and horsetail, cloves. Grind everything into powder. Take 1/4 tsp with water 2 times a day 2 hours before meals. The course of treatment for lichen is 2-3 months. The woman carried out the treatment for 2 months, but did not notice the results, she quit the treatment. After a while I noticed that it got better, and soon the symptoms of red lichen completely disappeared. (Healthy lifestyle 2012, No. 2, p. 38,)

    Herbal baths for the treatment of red lichen.
    With severe itching, baths or washings with infusion of St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, oak bark will help. To prepare the infusion 3-5 tbsp. l. pour one of these plants with 1 liter of boiling water, insist and pour into a bath of water. Lie down for 15-20 minutes. Course - 10 procedures. (HLS 2012, No. 20, p. 12)

    Treatment of lichen planus with folk remedies - from a conversation with a doctor
    A dermatologist of the highest category Alekseeva L.R. in an interview with a healthy lifestyle correspondent gave several recipes for the treatment of lichen red with folk remedies.
    There are many recipes, but each patient will have to find his own remedy: what helps one does not always help another.
    1. Flax. 1 st. l. flax grass pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals. At the same time, we make compresses with the same infusion on the affected skin.
    2. Mix 1 tsp. valerian and 1 tsp. vegetable oil, add 1 drop of iodine. Lubricate red lichen spots with this composition.
    3. Garlic. Mix 50 g of chopped garlic with 200 ml of vodka, leave for 7 days. Wipe the affected areas with this tincture.
    4. Cabbage. Apply to the lichen a leaf of fresh cabbage, smeared with sour cream. When the sheet dries, replace with a new one. Continue treatment of lichen planus until symptoms disappear.
    5. Pasta Lassara. it can be cooked at home. Mix 2 parts salicylic acid, 25 parts zinc oxide, 25 parts rice starch, 48 parts vaseline.
    6. Tatarnik. 4 tbsp. l. Tatarnik pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.
    7. Sometimes “paper fat” helps: roll up a sheet of paper into a bag, put it on a plate and set it on fire. As a result, a yellow fatty liquid will remain at the bottom of the plate, and this is what needs to be lubricated with red lichen.
    (HLS 2012, No. 15, pp. 6-7)

    Treatment of red lichen in 10 days at home.
    A woman has a LP popped out on the oral mucosa. The treatment was very long, but to no avail, no doctors could help. The illness lasted until the woman got to good doctor, Associate Professor of the Department of Dentistry, Samara Medical Institute. He picked her adequate treatment, with which it was possible to cure lichen planus in 10 days. Medical treatment included phencarol, ketotifen, novopassit, delagil. The scheme is not specifically given, because everything is individual. But these herbs in the treatment of lichen helped a lot:
    Mix 1 tbsp. l. herbs succession, oregano, yarrow, mint, parsley seeds. Pour 1 liter of water, boil for 2 minutes and insist overnight. Drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day, rinse your mouth with the same infusion.
    Plus, twice a day, she lubricated the oral cavity with fluorocort ointment.
    10 years have passed, the disease has not returned (review from HLS 2014, No. 3, p. 30)

    Doctor's advice.
    The woman turned to the "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" with the question "how to get rid of lichen planus." She was diagnosed 2 years ago, treatment does not help much. With an exacerbation of the disease, rashes with pustules appear on the body, and the mucous membrane is affected in the mouth.
    Candidate answers medical sciences I. G. Shulgin.
    1. For the treatment of pustular rashes, make dressings at night with 20% tar, tar-naftalan ointments or with a solution of dimexide. If skin lesions are minor, instead of dressings, these products can simply be applied to the skin 2-3 times a day.
    2. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the mouth with an oily solution of retinol acetate, sea buckthorn oil, rosehip oil, Kalanchoe juice or St. John's wort tincture.
    3. Every time after eating, rinse your mouth with chamomile infusion or decoction of oak bark, strong tea leaves.
    4. From medicines take glycyram - tablets based on licorice. Or 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. decoction of licorice root (3 tsp licorice per glass of boiling water).
    5. If there is erosion in the oral cavity, apply on them dental gel solcoseryl.
    6. If itchy with shingles, drink antihistamines: cetrin, tavegil, claritin.
    7. Usually rashes from red lichen go away in 2-3 weeks. But if a person lives in constant stress, then recovery is delayed. In this case, take sedatives: novo-passit, valerian tablets, peony tinctures, motherwort.
    8. If a person has frequent flare-ups of lichen erythematosus, use hypoallergenic diet. Red fruits and vegetables, smoked and canned foods, honey, coffee, chocolate should be excluded from the diet for LP. (HLS 2014, No. 6, p. 22)