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Measles rubella mumps at what age. Possible reactions to the measles, rubella, mumps vaccine in children

Many parents are very wary of vaccinating young children. I am especially concerned about how the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine is tolerated. Anticipating possible severe reactions, mothers sometimes refuse to give their child a preventive injection. However, these diseases are much more dangerous than short-term ailments from the vaccine.

Temperature after measles-rubella-mumps vaccination

Doctors distinguish two types adverse reactions which may appear after the vaccine is administered. Local – pain in the injection area, mild inflammation, "cone". General – rise in temperature, skin rash, runny nose, cough, red throat, enlarged lymph nodes, muscle and joint pain. Such consequences are sure signs of the formation immune defense from a dangerous triad of diseases. A rise in temperature as a reaction to the measles-rubella-mumps (MMR) vaccine is observed in the first 10 days in approximately 15 out of 100 children.

Moreover, for some it rises only slightly, and this is considered normal. Others may experience fever up to 39-40 degrees. Such cases are rare and are a deviation from the norm. You should not wait for the thermometer to go off scale - as soon as the temperature reaches 38-38.5 degrees, you should immediately use an antipyretic medicine. Children are given Tsefekon suppositories. Paracetamol, Nimesulide, Ibuprofen are effective. A high fever sometimes occurs as a reaction to the measles vaccine. It needs to be reduced with drugs in the form of tablets or syrups.

Rash reaction after measles-rubella-mumps vaccination

Skin pathology, which may occur after an injection, is not a sign of a child having an infection, but the body’s immune response to the MMR vaccine as a whole or to individual components of the drug. The reaction to the rubella vaccine in children can manifest as a particularly violent rash. More often, small pinkish spots appear in certain areas of the face, neck, arms, back, and buttocks. However, they can literally litter the child’s entire body.

A rash after MMR vaccination occurs for one of three reasons: as an allergic reaction, as a result of rapid reproduction of vaccine viruses in the skin, or a temporary blood clotting disorder. The rashes do not pose any danger; they always disappear on their own, so there is no need to treat the skin with any ointments. This reaction of the body is considered normal. Moreover, a child, even with a very significant rash, is not a carrier of the infection and is not contagious either to other children or to adults.

Respiratory effects of the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine

Sometimes the child develops immunity against these infections, accompanied by cold symptoms. Adverse reactions to the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine may include runny nose, cough, muscle weakness, enlarged lymph nodes. The older the person vaccinated, the more likely he is to develop joint pain. Such symptoms are unpleasant, but do not pose a threat to health and do not require any treatment. You just need to be patient - all these ailments will go away on their own.

Complications of vaccination

Side effects from vaccination can be severe. However, one should not confuse such temporary painful manifestations and complications after the measles-rubella-mumps vaccination, which, although rare, do occur. This:

  • allergic reactions varying intensity– from urticaria to anaphylactic shock;
  • pneumonia;
  • reactive arthritis;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle);
  • glomerulonephritis.

Complications from vaccinations against CCP in the form of violent allergies can be caused by the antibiotics they contain or the protein of chicken (or quail) eggs, on the basis of which many vaccines are made. Pneumonia sometimes develops in children with chronic inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, since the body's defenses are concentrated on building immunity against CCP.

Among the currently most popular vaccination procedures are vaccinations against infectious diseases such as measles, rubella, and mumps. The vaccine is administered to children subcutaneously in accordance with the generally established periods specified in the vaccination. Most suitable age: children from 1 to 6 years old. How is the measles, rubella, and mumps vaccine tolerated? What undesirable reactions may occur in a child after vaccination?

The dangers of measles, rubella and mumps

A child can become infected with these diseases in utero. If future mom caught one of the listed infections, the final outcome can be quite serious:

  • With rubella and measles, intrauterine death of the child most often occurs. Numerous developmental defects are possible (deviations in physical development and visual functions, deafness, heart defect).
  • In the epidemic form of mumps, an inflammatory process develops in the area of ​​the salivary and parotid glands. The development of an inflammatory process in the brain and testicles (in boys) is often observed. Rare complications include nephritis, joint damage and congenital inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Measles causes the child in utero and the pregnant woman to weaken the protective functions of the body. Most often this ends with joining bacterial infection. With measles, the development of such abnormalities as tracheobronchitis, hepatitis and damage to the membranes in the brain area is noted.

If a pregnant woman gets sick with such infectious diseases, like measles, rubella or mumps, the child develops immunity in utero. Unfortunately, it is unstable. Its effect ends after 2-3 months. This is why every child needs a vaccine.

Vaccination calendar

Vaccination of measles, rubella and mumps is done according to the scheme adopted in the CIS:

  • the first vaccination is administered - from one to one and a half years;
  • The second vaccination is introduced - from four to six years.

In the case where the vaccination is not carried out at a standard age, it is allowed to be administered at adolescence. Even adults are vaccinated against these infectious diseases. It is advisable to have time to vaccinate before the child goes to a preschool educational institution.

Important! Vaccination can be done in combination with DTP. However, it is strongly not recommended to combine this drug with the tuberculosis vaccine.

Contraindications for use

  • Of a permanent nature - poor tolerability of other vaccines, the presence of a violation of the body's protective functions, allergic reactions to egg and chicken whites.
  • Temporary – undergoing a course of chemotherapy, a period of exacerbation chronic illness, colds, administration of immunoglobulin and other blood components.

If there are even seemingly minor contraindications to vaccination, the vaccine should not be administered. This approach to grafting may cause the development sad consequences, which in most cases are not subject to medical correction.

Normal reaction to a vaccine

After the measles, rubella, mumps vaccine has been administered, children's body protective immunoglobulins are produced. With this process, as a rule, a number of certain reactions occur, which are considered the norm and do not require taking any serious measures:

  • Compaction and swelling of soft tissues in the injection area (you can make an iodine mesh).
  • Increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees (it is necessary to give the child an antipyretic).
  • An allergic rash that is similar to signs of measles (you can give the child an antihistamine).
  • Runny nose, diarrhea and occasional vomiting (to relieve the condition, use drops for rhinitis, Regidron and Smecta).

Undesirable consequences

The development of complications after the introduction of the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine appears very rarely. Among the most common adverse reactions are allergies and an increase in low-grade fever. Negative effects after vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps, they manifest themselves as independent pathological processes in the body as:

  • pneumonia and respiratory dysfunction;
  • aseptic form of meningitis and toxic shock;
  • glomerulonephritis and myocardial inflammation.

If you develop undesirable consequences from measles, rubella, or mumps vaccinations, it is recommended to go to an appointment with experienced specialist. Self-administration of the vaccine and treatment of complications from vaccination is unacceptable.

Preparing for immunization

In order to reduce the likelihood of developing negative reactions to vaccination, you need to prepare:

  • Before the procedure, you should measure your temperature and rule out a cold;
  • contact with people who have respiratory diseases;
  • and the diet should be removed for 2-3 days allergenic products nutrition.

After vaccination, you should stay in the clinic for half an hour. Swimming on the day of vaccination is not recommended.

Site of drug administration

The measles, rubella, and mumps vaccine is administered subcutaneously. The first time, as a rule, the procedure is performed at the age of 1 year, and the second time – at 6 years.

Vaccination for adults: for or against?

If the vaccine is not administered on time, it can be done at any age. In this case, there is no risk of reducing its effectiveness.

However, the measles, rubella, mumps vaccination requires early introduction. You should not postpone this procedure for long. Otherwise, a person deliberately increases the risk of contracting infectious diseases, which are very difficult to tolerate and cause the development of dangerous reactions. As a rule, this is not observed after vaccination.

Vaccination during pregnancy

Vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps is a mandatory criterion for a safe pregnancy. It is best to do it before conception. Only after the expiration of the 3-month period is the woman allowed to try to conceive. But what if the vaccination procedure has not been carried out and the woman is already pregnant?

To begin with, the doctor prescribes a test for the pregnant woman to determine the stability of her immunity to viruses related to this type. If there is no resistance, then the doctor recommends undergoing vaccination, which uses a vaccine.

Types of vaccines and basic rules of immunization

In the CIS countries, the use of single-component and multicomponent vaccines from measles, rubella, mumps.

Single-component vaccines

In case of severe reactions to vaccines, it is recommended not to use them, especially when we're talking about about vaccinating boys. For girls, this measure is mandatory because it makes it possible to exclude the possibility of developing mumps, rubella and measles in women during pregnancy.

  • Measles vaccinations – L-16 ( live vaccine). The drug is produced in Russia by the Microgen company. The drug is considered one of the best. It is based on protein quail eggs. The vaccine is not recommended for those individuals who are highly sensitive to aminoglycoside.
  • Measles vaccination – “Ruvax”, France. A mono-vaccine, which has lost its popularity and is currently not supplied to the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Mumps vaccine – live (L-3). Domestic drug, which is produced on the basis of the protein found in quail eggs. The vaccine promotes the formation of stable immunity in only 60% of patients. Protective functions are preserved for 8 years.
  • Vaccination against mumps "Pavivak". Produced in the Czech Republic by the Savafarma company. The drug is developed based on chicken protein. Absolute contraindication to its use is the presence of hypersensitivity to the components included in the composition.
  • The drug SII (Serum Institute of India) is a vaccine against such a disease. Like rubella, which is often used in a generally accepted program. The drug is not recommended for use in vaccinating children with health problems. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing adverse reactions.
  • Ervevax vaccine (England) - the vaccine is widely used to develop immunity to rubella. Protective antigens remain in the human body for 16 years.
  • The drug "Rudivax" (France) - the vaccine promotes the production of antibodies that remain in the human body for 20 years. The drug includes gentle components that make it less reactogenic compared to analogues. The development of adverse reactions after the procedure is minimal. After the procedure, if it is performed in reproductive age. Recommended to take birth control pills to eliminate the possibility of conceiving a child. This measure is necessary for 3 months.

Multicomponent drugs

Complex vaccines measles, rubella, mumps:

  • The drug "Priorix" is manufactured in Belgium. The most popular and safe vaccine in Russia. It is used mainly in private clinics. The drug simultaneously protects the body from measles, rubella and mumps. The vaccine is based on chicken protein.
  • Mumps-measles (live) – manufacturer Russia. After administration of the drug, immunity to mumps is developed in 91% of cases, and to rubella - in 97%. The drug has low reactogenicity, so adverse reactions do not occur often.
  • The drug MMP-II is manufactured in Holland. Promotes the production of antibodies to measles, rubella and mumps in the body. Immunity lasts for 1 year. For some time, experts believed that this vaccine is the cause of the development of autism, but this opinion was wrong. Thanks to research, this fact was refuted.


Many parents refuse to vaccinate their children, citing the fact that they do not have contact with infected people and monitor their child’s health better than others. Don't tempt fate. The drugs used for vaccination have been tested by numerous studies and time. Isolated cases of adverse reactions are negligible compared to the incidence of infectious diseases. The consequences in this case are very sad.

Hello, our dear readers. In this article you will get acquainted with such a complex vaccination as CCP, and also find out how the child’s body reacts to the administered vaccine, and what consequences may appear after such vaccination.

Let's talk about these diseases

  1. compared to its vaccine partners, it is the most dangerous, as well as the most contagious, not only in our country, but throughout the world. In 0.5% of cases, the disease causes the development of encephalitis, which can end in fatal. Significantly reduces immunity, which is why the course of the disease is often accompanied by secondary infections. The consequences may be the development of hepatitis and panencephalitis.


In our country there is no combination vaccine, aimed against infection with measles, mumps and rubella, so parents choose foreign analogues, such as Priorix, Ervevax, MMR.

Parents should know that all reactions that appear after the administration of the vaccine can occur on the fifth and even fifteenth day. Such a slowdown indicates a delayed effect, because vaccines contain at least live, but greatly weakened viruses.

The body's reactions to the administration of this vaccine can be divided into local and general.

Among the locals there are:

  1. Swelling of the injection site.
  2. Soreness.
  3. Hyperemia at the injection site.

Typically, this reaction occurs in only 10% of vaccinated children.

General reaction:

  1. Hyperthermia. It can be observed a week or even two after vaccination. It can jump up to 39 degrees. Characteristic of 15% of vaccinated children.
  2. Skin rashes. They have a pinkish or reddish tint. On average, it occurs in 10% of children.
  3. Cold symptoms.
  4. Enlargement of the parotid glands (and salivary glands). Can be one-sided or two-sided.
  5. A serious allergic reaction if the baby is allergic to neomycin, egg white or other vaccine components.

As you may have noticed, such reactions are observed on average in 15% of vaccinated children.

After the first MCP vaccination, my neighbor’s daughter’s temperature rose to 38.6 degrees on the tenth day and lasted for two days. The lymph nodes were also slightly enlarged. On the second day they called an ambulance, they were so scared. Since the baby was clearly not feeling well, she was given an antipyretic injection. The temperature did not rise anymore, the lymph nodes returned to normal.

Reaction to the anti-mumps component

As a rule, due to the penetration of live but weakened mumps viruses into the baby’s body, they are practically not observed specific reactions. If something appears, it does not appear earlier than after a week and intensifies after two.

What can be observed:

  1. Enlargement of the lacrimal and parotid glands, but not severe. Within three days after vaccination.
  2. A short-term increase in temperature, but insignificant.
  3. Sore throat, runny nose.

The component aimed at counteracting mumps infection has virtually no complications, and these occur extremely rarely:

  1. Intoxication of the body. It can appear either a week or two after vaccination. Hyperthermia is characteristic, and the state of health changes dramatically.
  2. Penetration of the virus into the baby’s nervous system. Symptoms of meningitis are typical: headaches, photophobia, convulsions, weakness, nausea.
  3. Serious allergic reactions, mainly in children who are allergic.

The measles virus has the highest reactogenicity of the MMR vaccine.

The effect of the vaccine is manifested by the body's responses, which are considered as side effects, but do not require special treatment. The measles component may manifest itself as:

  1. Slight swelling and hyperemia are acceptable. Can last up to two days.
  2. Appetite may decrease and sleep may deteriorate.
  3. Cough.
  4. Increase in temperature. It can be either insignificant, around 37.3, or more serious, over 38.6 degrees.
  5. Nosebleeds are extremely rare.
  6. A rash is possible, but also very in rare cases. By external symptoms resembles the development of measles. First of all, they form on the head, then on the torso, and only then on the limbs. Has a reddish or pinkish tint.
  1. Development convulsive syndrome and encephalitis.
  2. Severe intoxication of the body. It can last longer than five days, with a temperature of about 38.6, characterized by weakness, rash, enlarged lymph nodes, and sore throat.
  3. It may even be observed anaphylactic shock due to an allergy to measles vaccine components.

This component is also represented by live, but weakened viruses. There are practically no reactions to the introduction of this component:

  1. Slight enlargement of lymph nodes.
  2. Hyperemia of the injection site.
  3. The temperature can last up to two days, but it remains lower than 37.6 degrees.
  4. Severe pain in the joints, even with no load, in rare cases, arthralgia.
  5. Rash in the form of purple spots.

Complications almost never occur. However, although very low, the probability exists:

  1. Anaphylactic shock.
  2. Deafness.
  3. Guillain-Barre syndrome.
  4. Erythema.
  5. Polyneuritis, optic neuritis.


If it is necessary to carry out any vaccination, you must remember existing contraindications. There are cases when parents themselves do not know that their baby has a disease that can provoke the development of adverse reactions and may even cause complications. In any case, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of conditions that are unacceptable during vaccination. There are temporary and permanent contraindications.


  1. Allergy to kanamycin, gentamicin, neomycin, egg white.
  2. Quincke's edema.
  3. Reported complications after primary vaccination.
  4. The presence of malignant tumors.
  5. Thrombocytopenia.
  6. Immunodeficiency.
  7. HIV infection.

After reading this article, you learned what viral diseases the MMR vaccine is aimed at. You also learned how infection with these diseases threatens a child’s health. Do not forget that after vaccination they can develop both normal reactions (in response to the introduction of foreign agents), the body actively produces antibodies that do not require special treatment, and pathological ones, the development of which requires urgent consultation with a doctor. I wish that your baby’s vaccination went without consequences.

Thanks to many vaccinations in childhood, it becomes possible to prevent infection with many dangerous diseases in the future. If a measles vaccination is given on time, the consequences of the disease, if a person does become infected, will not be as severe as they could be. Not excluded side effects from, however, if all the recommendations after this procedure are followed, the body will quickly return to normal and the immune system will become stronger.

Further in the article we will look in detail at what the consequences are after vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps, what precautions should be taken before and after immunization, to whom it is prohibited and other nuances.

The child's immune system responds to this complex vaccination V at different ages may vary greatly. U one year old child the body may react to the vaccine with a slight illness, which occurs with a viral infection.

Additionally, the following complications may occur from vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps:

  • the occurrence of a runny nose;
  • migraine;
  • malaise combined with poor sleep and loss of appetite;
  • redness of the throat;
  • the appearance of rashes;
  • slight increase in body temperature.

Local manifestations may include redness and swelling at the vaccination site.

As for tolerance at the age of six, it is no different from that observed in one-year-old children. In this case, there may be observed allergic manifestations at the injection site, or all over the body. Diseases of a bacterial nature cannot be excluded, including bronchitis, sore throat, otitis media - all of them often result from inappropriate behavior before or after vaccination.

In addition, a number of unusual symptoms for the vaccine are noted, but not for all the constituent parts of the drug, but for individual elements.

Reactions and complications to the measles vaccine component

The overwhelming majority of reactions to vaccine components are considered natural, so they do not require close attention or treatment. If you study them a little, it will become clearer what the measles, rubella, mumps vaccine is, how it is tolerated and how it is easiest to eliminate possible consequences after her.

The whole body reacts more acutely to the measles component of the vaccine. It is worth understanding that the vaccine contains a greatly weakened virus, which under normal circumstances will not provoke an infectious infection, but will only force the body to produce antibodies against measles.

Children may experience the following body reactions to the components of the vaccine:

  • Local: swelling and redness of tissues can remain for up to two days.
  • General manifestations in the form of cough may occur in the next 6-11 days.
  • Possible loss of appetite.
  • Sometimes there is bleeding from the nose.
  • Increase in body temperature: from insignificant – about 37.2 °C, to significant – above 38.5 °C.
  • Often, the rashes caused by the measles vaccine are similar to those caused by measles infection. The rash may first appear on the head and then spread to the torso, arms and legs. As a rule, symptoms disappear 5 days after their onset.
  • Sometimes the inflammatory process affects the central nervous system, and the child develops seizures and signs of brain inflammation.
  • In some cases, if the baby has a predisposition, an allergic reaction may occur to the components of the MMR vaccine, which is accompanied by a particularly severe rash all over the body, and in especially difficult cases– angioedema or even anaphylaxis.

Body reactions to a component of the mumps vaccine

Preparations for immunization against mumps are generally accepted by the child’s body well, although they contain weakened living microorganisms. If symptoms of an immune response do appear, this happens a week after vaccination, and after another 2 weeks they reach a peak and begin to subside.

The following manifestations are possible:

  • a short increase in body temperature that lasts no more than 2 days;
  • runny nose and redness in the throat;
  • slight expansion of the parotid and salivary glands which goes away after 1-3 days;
  • sometimes the central nervous system is affected with signs of meningitis, that is, weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting and convulsions;
  • allergic reaction - it mainly occurs in children who are susceptible to food allergies or intolerance to certain foods or medications.

Possible reactions to rubella protection

Any such vaccines contain weakened microorganisms, which, when they enter the body, are attacked by the immune system, and the production of antibodies begins. As a rule, children do not experience severe complications for this vaccination.

Adverse reactions to the rubella vaccine include:

  1. Redness of the injection site and enlarged lymph nodes.
  2. A slight increase in temperature, which returns to normal after 24-48 hours.
  3. The presence of a rash in the form of small reddish or purple spots.
  4. Allergy to rubella component, joint pain, which manifests itself at rest or under light load. This reaction occurs extremely rarely.

Complications of vaccination

As a rule, not a single vaccination is complete without slight discomfort, simply because the body needs to immobilize its strength to fight infectious agents. Therefore, a slight increase in temperature, nausea, and vomiting after the measles-rubella-mumps vaccination is a variant of the body’s normal reaction.

However, in some cases, due to vaccination, measles, rubella, mumps, the reaction may be unexpected and characterized by a severe course.

In the most difficult cases, if you have been vaccinated against measles, the reaction can be expressed by the following conditions:

  • allergies of varying intensity - from skin rash to anaphylactic shock;
  • pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the brain (meningitis);
  • inflammation of the joints against the background infectious lesion body (reactive arthritis);
  • encephalitis;
  • glomerular nephritis (kidney disease);
  • inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis).

An allergic reaction to the vaccine may be caused by the presence of antibiotics or egg white (chicken or quail) in the drug. If a child is susceptible to chronic respiratory diseases, he may develop pneumonia.

Complications such as meningitis and encephalitis occur in 1 in 1,000,000 cases, and they develop only if the body is extremely weakened. Reactive arthritis is also extremely rare - a prerequisite for its development may be previous rheumatism. In this case, the age of the vaccinated child also matters - the older he is, the higher the likelihood of arthritis.

Most often, vaccination is done with the Belgian vaccine Priorix. It is very effective, well purified, and has a minimal number of adverse reactions. This vaccine is widely used throughout the world and is suitable for immunizing both children and adults.

Temperature after vaccination measles rubella mumps

Any possible manifestations immune reaction for the introduction of the vaccine can be divided into two groups: local and general. Local reaction manifested by redness in the injection area, swelling, lump formation, and in severe casessevere inflammation up to an abscess.

The presence of a runny nose, loss of strength, rash all over the body, pain and inflammation in the throat, enlarged lymph nodes, fever after vaccination, measles, rubella, mumps, as well as joint or muscle pain - all this general reactions body to the effects of the vaccine. All symptoms are caused by the body’s increased fight against infectious agents and the formation of immunity to them.

An increase in temperature after vaccination is usually observed after 8-10 days, and it is observed only in 15% of vaccinated children. Usually the temperature rises slightly - this is a normal reaction. However, in some cases it can reach critical levels of 39-40 ℃.

Don't wait for the heat to get that high. Already at 38-38.5 ℃, children are recommended to be given antipyretic drugs, for example Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, in the form of syrup or tablets, rectal suppositories Tsefekon and others.

Respiratory effects of vaccination measles rubella mumps

The consequences of vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps often result in viral or bacterial respiratory diseases. At the same time, the child begins to develop rhinitis, muscle weakness, lymph nodes increase in size, a sore throat, and a cough. And what? older child who undergoes immunization, the more likely he is to have joint pain.

Although this state cannot be called pleasant, it does not pose a threat to health. Everything will go away in a few days without any help.

Rash reaction after vaccination measles rubella mumps

A rash after a measles vaccination is not always a deviation from the norm, so do not immediately panic. As a rule, such a reaction is natural and indicates that there is an active production of antibodies to infectious agents in the MMR vaccine. In most cases, the cause of the rash is the rubella component. Rashes in the form of small red spots can appear on the face, neck, buttocks or back, and sometimes cover almost the entire body.

As a rule, the main reasons for the appearance of spots on the skin after vaccination are an allergy to one of the components of the vaccine, a short-term blood clotting disorder, or the result of virus multiplication in skin. Small spots quickly disappear, so they do not require any treatment with medicinal ointments. It is noteworthy that vaccinated children who develop a skin rash do not pose a threat to others and cannot infect anyone.

Contraindications for immunization against measles

Any vaccinations can be done only if the child has no individual contraindications and is absolutely healthy. Many parents do not know whether it is possible to get the measles, rubella, mumps vaccine if you have a runny nose. Be that as it may, the child should be shown to the pediatrician before the MMR vaccination, especially if he has recently contracted a respiratory disease. It is the pediatrician who will give permission and explain whether it is possible to get vaccinated if you have a runny nose or cough.

In some cases, parents do not even suspect that their children are susceptible to any diseases in which the measles vaccine can cause the most unpredictable complications. This is why it is extremely important to familiarize yourself with full list contraindications to vaccination before vaccinating children.

Contraindications to these vaccinations can be divided into two categories: temporary and permanent.

The following conditions are considered temporary:

  1. Availability chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  2. Recent BCG vaccination.
  3. Received blood transfusion in the near future.

These conditions do not cancel MMR vaccination, but only delay it for some time.

Permanent contraindications for which to do MMR vaccination absolutely not allowed, include:

  1. Previously documented allergy to egg white, gentamicin, kanamycin or neomycin.
  2. Availability angioedema as a manifestation of an allergic reaction.
  3. Thrombocytopenia.
  4. Immunodeficiency and HIV infection.
  5. Serious complications following primary MMR vaccination.
  6. Malignant neoplasms.

What not to do after vaccination

The first time after vaccination, you should be careful and protect your child from contact with big amount of people. It is important to follow some basic rules:

  1. In the first half hour after vaccination, it is advisable to stay near the clinic or even under the supervision of a doctor in order to notice in time dangerous symptoms, if suddenly they appear.
  2. As for swimming, on the day of vaccination it is better to do without long periods of time. water procedures, but simply rinse the child in the shower, avoiding rubbing the injection site with a washcloth.
  3. For several days after vaccination, you should avoid new foods, especially if the child is sensitive to allergic reactions.
  4. Many mothers are interested in whether it is possible to go for a walk after the measles, rubella, mumps vaccination. If this helps the child sleep well, and the weather is not rainy or damp, then walking should not be limited. It is only advisable to limit contact with other children or a large number of people so that a weakened child does not become infected with respiratory diseases.

All possible reactions to the vaccine should be checked with a doctor and prepared in advance. necessary medications that will help relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Is it worth getting the measles, rubella, mumps vaccine?

Sometimes infection with these dangerous diseases occurs during fetal development. This situation is especially dangerous because it is often impossible to predict the consequences for the fetus and the health of the pregnant woman.

For pregnant women and their fetus, infection can have the following consequences:

  1. Infection with rubella or measles during pregnancy can result in either total loss baby, or the appearance of severe developmental pathologies, including hearing impairment, vision impairment, heart defects and general retardation physical development or the presence of incurable defects.
  2. Mumps can lead to inflammation of the salivary and/or parotid glands, damage to the brain, and testicles, which often leads to infertility.
  3. Very rarely, mumps provokes nephritis, arthritis and pancreatitis.
  4. What is dangerous about measles vaccination during pregnancy is that it can result in bacterial complications because it weakens the immune system.
  5. Also, measles sometimes results in complications such as hepatitis, panencephalitis, in other words – inflammation meninges, as well as tracheobronchitis.

It is worth understanding that the child receives immunity from certain diseases from the mother, but it is extremely short-lived. Therefore, the measles vaccination, the vaccination schedule for which involves the first injection at 12 months, must be done.

In most cases, the reaction to the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine remains within the normal range, so you just need to follow the vaccination rules. Then the child will not be at risk of disease, and he will be protected.

There are many different dangerous diseases that a child may be exposed to early age. In this regard, preliminary vaccination is used in the first year of his life in order to provide his body with protection from infection with a harmful virus. One of the most common vaccinations given to babies under one year of age is the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine.

Indications and contraindications

Since children after birth do not have innate immunity to infections of measles, rubella and mumps, then vaccination is used to prevent these diseases. Vaccination in this case is considered one of the most effective ways counteract the dangerous virus.

Measles, mumps and rubella are considered viral diseases, and the level of their infection is quite intense. In a short period of time they can spread throughout kindergarten if there is at least one sick child. The virus is transmitted as by airborne droplets and through direct contact with an infected person. The probability of contracting measles when a sick person comes into contact with an unvaccinated person is about 95%, rubella is 97-98%, mumps– over 40%.

Due to the fact that mumps, measles and rubella are biological types of viruses that can only infect the human body, vaccination is given only to people. Typically, an outbreak of epidemics with a given group of viruses is recorded once every 3-4 years on average. This frequency makes it necessary to vaccinate children from the first year of life in order to begin to stimulate the immune system to fight against the corresponding virus.

Vaccination against rubella, mumps and measles is not one of the mandatory vaccines that a child must receive after birth (as against tuberculosis or hepatitis), but is considered necessary. Thus, vaccination against these diseases is recommended for all children. It must take place in several stages, according to a certain scheme. For this purpose, a special vaccination calendar is used. The vaccination schedule has been approved by the Ministry of Health.

First time immunobiological drug administered at one year of age (with high incidence at 6 or 9 months). Then for the 6th year. Next period may be more flexible - from 15 to 17 years, from 22 to 29 years, and the latter from 32 to 39 years. Re-vaccination can be given every 10 years. However, very few people adhere to such a schedule. In addition, after the third vaccination, the human body should already have formed a stable immunity to measles, rubella and mumps. If doctors constantly observe an ambiguous reaction after vaccination, then mandatory re-vaccination may be prescribed after 18 years of age.

If the newborn child has no contraindications and the parents are not against the administration of the appropriate immunobiological drug, then the first vaccination is usually given in the front of the thigh. At an older age, it is done in the deltoid muscle on the shoulder. Places with non-fat are specially selected soft tissues. This is necessary so that the vaccine introduced into the body does not stagnate, but spreads evenly.

The most important indication It is generally accepted that before vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella there is a possible deterioration in the child’s current health status. If he suffers from acute respiratory diseases at the time of the planned vaccination, then it should be postponed, since the administration of the drug may worsen his well-being, complicating immune system fight against current infection in the body. It is especially important to vaccinate children during an outbreak. But in this case, the child must be isolated from contact with other people for some time.

Indications for vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps are potentially possible defeat testicles and adult men, inflammatory processes in organs can lead to male infertility. In order to prevent the disease and at the same time not worsen the child’s condition, it is necessary to know about possible contraindications to the administration of an immunobiological drug.

This primarily concerns the pregnant mother. You cannot get vaccinated during pregnancy. The instructions for the drug do not contain recommendations on how long after the injection you can plan to have children. Experts recommend waiting at least three months after receiving the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine. This does not affect the vaccination of a man in any way.

In a situation where a woman was vaccinated and did not know about her pregnancy, there is an opinion that it is better to terminate the pregnancy. However, there is no objective and reasoned evidence that this can harm the child, so medicine does not support such a radical solution. After giving birth, the mother can be vaccinated, since in this case the drug cannot be transmitted to the baby (even with mother's milk). Monitoring the health of the mother is as important as that of the baby, since they will have constant contact for the first few years.

Contraindications to vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps can be permanent or temporary. Permanent contraindications include various severe allergic reactions to some components of the vaccine (aminoglycosides) or to Kanamycin, Neomycin, Gentamicin. Also, detection of an allergy to egg white does not allow testing preventive measures to diseases. If, after eating chicken or quail eggs, a child develops a skin rash all over the body, swelling, or anaphylactic shock (loss of consciousness), then the injection cannot be given.

Various oncological diseases, education malignant tumor, disease blood cells(leukemia), primary immunodeficiency belong to the group of permanent contraindications. Do not give an injection if there are extensive lesions nervous system, as well as when diagnosing neoplasms in the body (for example, gastrointestinal tract). This applies to people of any age, not just children.

Temporary vaccinations include acute viral diseases, exacerbation chronic pathologies. After they move to the stage of active stable remission, the procedure can be carried out. Before administering the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine, you must consult a qualified doctor, take tests and medical checkup child. If the baby is not sick and has no pathologies, then the doctor must approve the procedure and set a time.

Video “MMR vaccine for children”

Reaction to the vaccine

As with all types of vaccination, the child’s body is able to respond to the administered immunobiological drug already in the first year after birth. If doctors followed everything necessary standards After this procedure, an acceptable reaction may occur. After vaccination against mumps, measles and rubella, a local reaction or allergy (not severe) is usually observed.

Usually, the first signs of the body’s reaction to the components of an immunobiological drug appear after a few days, but a delayed response of the body is also possible (up to two weeks).

Do not be alarmed if your child develops a rash, periodic cough, or fever. This vaccination belongs to the acute group. Due to the fact that the solution contains weakened living cells of the measles, mumps and rubella virus, the severity of reactions is quite acceptable. 5-10 days after the injection, the weakened virus begins to provoke the immune system.

The body's reaction can be general and local. General signs, which can appear in a child already in the first year after the introduction of an immunobiological drug against rubella, mumps and measles.

A sharp increase in body temperature. This sign is considered to be an absolutely normal reaction of the child’s body. Temperatures can be very high and rise up to 40 degrees. Usually this value is not very large.
On the background elevated temperature bodies in children may experience febrile convulsions, which are not considered a separate pathology, but only as a consequence of a disturbed condition. At the same time, children lose their appetite and appear general weakness in the body and drowsiness, gets tired quickly. Headaches, nervousness, high blood pressure and nausea. The severity of symptoms most often depends on the temperature itself (the higher, the worse).

Because this sign will worsen the child’s well-being, then it needs to be knocked down. Doctors usually prescribe antipyretic drugs after vaccination.
If this has not been done, then you can go to the pharmacy and buy some of the most common antipyretic drugs - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nimesulide, Nurofen, Nise. They can be produced in the form of tablets or syrup. They will also help ease general state child. It is advisable to give the drug in the morning and before bedtime in order to improve appetite for a while or for good sleep. Young children should not be given aspirin.

Painful feeling and possible enlargement lymph nodes on the neck, jaw or near auricle. Enlarged lymph nodes are also characteristic of appropriate vaccination. This should not be confused with complications of viral diseases. There is nothing wrong with this, it should go away in 3-4 days.

Skin rash. The rash may be small, pink or red. It can spread to different areas bodies. It is often localized on the back and buttocks, on the neck, behind the ears, on the arms and the front of the face. This rash can be very itchy, which should be avoided. To alleviate such consequences, you can use special means. A rash is considered a normal reaction of the body, so do not panic when you find the first spots on your body after an injection.

Redness in the throat. Inflammatory processes in the pharynx usually pass quickly. For some time, there may be pain when swallowing food or hot drinks. Therefore, you need to eat soft food normal temperature so as not to cause additional irritation to the throat. Feeling pain in joints and muscles. At the same time, a mild, periodic cough and runny nose may appear.

These signs are similar to those of a respiratory viral disease. But in this case, they characterize the process of active formation of immunity against a certain group of harmful viruses, and the corresponding reaction cannot be considered a pathology. If these symptoms occur, no treatment is required. They will pass within a few days. With age, this reaction of the body is observed more and more often; in children under the age of one year it is quite rare. 25% of adults and adolescents develop pain symptoms in the joints.

If at the same time the child has a high body temperature, it will increase these symptoms. It definitely needs to be knocked down. A local reaction involves normal soreness at the injection site and slight thickening of the skin. Also, in addition to the rash, weak infiltration and rigidity can be observed on external tissues. Typically, a local type reaction begins to appear within the first few days. They go away on their own, in different ways for all children, from 2-3 days to two weeks.

The body's response in children is observed in 15-20% of vaccinated people. This good indicator for the administration of a preventive immunobiological drug.


Typically, complications in a child in the first year after the administration of an immunobiological drug for measles, rubella and mumps are extremely rare. In addition to the usual rash and high temperature the body itself complications can be expressed serious condition or as an independent disease.
So complications after vaccination against rubella, mumps and measles can appear:

  • pneumonia and disruption of the respiratory system;
  • serous aseptic meningitis;
  • severe pain in the abdomen of a cutting and aching nature;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • inflammation of the heart muscle;
  • acute toxic shock syndrome.

Let's look at complications of each type in more detail. The need for measles vaccination is due to the need for measures to suppress measles encephalitis. This pathology occurs once in several thousand cases. As a result, this can lead to dangerous complications - mental retardation and disruption of brain function, impaired coordination of the child’s muscles, aseptic meningitis, paralysis of half the body.

In addition to encephalitis, the drug can lead to the initial form of multiple sclerosis and juvenile diabetes. These complications are very rare. There is also a possibility that some components of the drug based on weakened living microorganisms may be hidden in the human body. For several years they can remain in his tissues, and then appear, causing the development cancer(cancer tumor).

Vaccination against rubella helps prevent the development of various pathologies and disturbances during the formation of the fetus in the womb in the first trimester. However, in some cases complications are recorded that can lead to the development of arthritis in the child and arthralgia (joint pain), as well as polyneuritis (numbness of the peripheral group nerve endings and pain).

According to experts, vaccination against mumps (“mumps”) can provide complete immunity to the disease for the rest of a person’s life. The basis for this procedure is orchitis, which can lead to male infertility. The most dangerous complication after vaccination can result in damage to the child’s central nervous system. This results in febrile seizures.

If an allergic reaction to the components of the drug is detected, then a rash may appear on the body and bruising. Usually causes satiety severe itching. To avoid aggravating the symptom, the doctor recommends antihistamines, helping to soothe the skin and relieve irritation.

If signs of complications appear, you should see a doctor. If necessary, the child should be hospitalized. If parents have concerns about vaccinating their children, they can write a statement refusing to vaccinate their child. This right is guaranteed by state legislation (Ukraine, Russia, Belarusian Republic). Parents will be responsible. In the presence of acute chronic diseases, sometimes it is easier for a child to simply endure the disease itself.

Video “Measles: Dr. Komarovsky’s school”

In this issue of his program, Evgeny Komarovsky will talk about this infectious disease like measles. Find out what is required to prevent the disease in the video.