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Domestic antiallergic drugs. Antihistamines for children of different ages

The drug Parlazin is an antihistamine used to relieve...
  • Side effects of antihistamines... When choosing from all the medications designed to combat allergies, it is best to stop...
  • The use of antihistamines... Antihistamines are considered to be medications used to treat certain allergic...
  • Modern antihistamines... In recent years, there has been a significant increase not only in the frequency, but also in the severity of allergic...
  • Telfast Telfast is a medication that is used to treat allergies and allows you to eliminate almost...
  • Therapy for allergic... Allergy is the high sensitivity of the human body to proteins and haptens, this is a special protective...
  • Year-round therapy... Every day, every person comes into contact with various allergens, which can cause the development...
  • Fenistil Fenistil is a drug intended to treat allergy symptoms. According to the mechanism...
  • Tsetrin The drug Cetrin is an antihistamine that is intended for...
  • Cinnarizine Cinnarizine is a vasodilator and antihistamine. It dilates small arteries and improves...
  • Due to the expansion of the lumen small vessels the blood flow through them is facilitated, which, in turn, leads to a significant improvement in microcirculation and blood supply to peripheral tissues with oxygen and nutrients. It is by expanding the lumen of small vessels that Cinnarizine improves blood supply to the brain, kidneys and limbs. The drug also reduces blood viscosity and increases the elasticity of red blood cell membranes, which also helps to improve blood supply to peripheral tissues through which numerous small vessels pass.

    The effect of relaxation of blood vessels that occurs under the influence of Cinnarizine is not eliminated by biologically active substances that usually have a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect, such as adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine, angiotensin and vasopressin.

    In addition, Cinnarizine has moderate antihistamine activity, due to which it reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus and the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. The drug also increases tissue resistance to oxygen starvation(hypoxia).

    Summarizing the above, we can conclude that Cinnarizine improves cerebral and peripheral blood circulation, reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus and increases tissue resistance to oxygen starvation. That is why Cinnarizine is effective in the treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency, cerebral atherosclerosis, focal post-stroke changes, as well as for improving peripheral circulation in various diseases, including endarteritis, Raynaud's syndrome, diabetic angiopathy, IHD, etc.

    Cinnarizine - indications for use

    Cinnarizine is indicated for use in the following conditions and diseases:
    1. Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency (dizziness, tinnitus, headache, memory impairment and poor concentration).

    2. Cerebrovascular disorders:

    • Post-stroke focal disorders;
    • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
    • The rehabilitation period after a traumatic brain injury;
    • Encephalopathy;
    • Senile vascular dementia(dementia).
    3. Disorders of the vestibular apparatus (Meniere's disease, tinnitus, nystagmus, nausea and vomiting).

    4. Prevention of kinetosis (sea and air sickness).

    5. Prevention of migraine attacks.

    6. Peripheral circulatory disorders (prevention and treatment):

    • "Intermittent" claudication;
    • Raynaud's disease;
    • Diabetic angiopathy;
    • Trophic or varicose ulcers;
    • Obliterating endarteritis;
    • Thromboangiitis obliterans;
    • Nonspecific aortoarteritis;
    • Leriche syndrome;
    • Paresthesia (pins and needles sensation, tingling, numbness, etc.);
    • Night cramps in arms and legs;
    • Coldness of the extremities;
    • Acrocyanosis.

    Therapeutic effect, indications for use - video

    Cinnarizine - instructions for use

    How to use?


    Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation period, age up to two years.


    Symptoms: headache, hypersomnia, cardiopalmus. With a body weight of less than 30 kg, when consumed in an amount of more than 0.01 g, disturbances in the functioning of the extrapyramidal system and tachycardia are possible.
    Treatment: Antidotes are unknown. Provocation of vomiting with emetic root syrup (the use of emetic root preparations is necessary even in case of spontaneous vomiting); gastric lavage, consumption of activated carbon and large volumes of water; symptomatic and restorative treatment. Dialysis is ineffective.

    Special instructions and precautions

    The use of the drug must be discontinued at least 8 days before the skin allergy test. The use of loratadine by pregnant women and during breastfeeding is permissible only if the intended positive effect for the mother exceeds the possible risk for the child. You should be careful about the concomitant use of liver enzyme inhibitors (guanidine, Prozac), because missing necessary clinical trials, confirming the admissibility of such combinations.
    Caution must be exercised when driving or when performing work that requires high concentration.

    Drug interactions

    Inhibitors of the cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase system increase plasma levels of loratadine and descarboethoxyloratadine. Loratadine reduces the concentration of erythromycin in the blood (by 14-16%). Given the likelihood of developing a dose-dependent sedative effect, caution must be exercised when using the drug concomitantly with other antiallergens, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, opiate receptor agonists, antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, tranquilizers, sedatives and hypnotics, as well as when drinking alcohol.

    Storage conditions

    Store in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, at a temperature of 15-25 degrees. The expiration date is indicated on the packaging. The drug is sold without a prescription.

    When choosing from all the medications intended to combat allergies, it is best to opt for single-component medications, which include one single antihistamine. Antihistamines really effective in combating allergic reactions of any origin.
    Why are single-component products in this category used by specialists most often?
    This fact is very easy to explain: the fact is that these medications are much easier for patients to tolerate, since they cause certain side effects only in very rare cases.

    The most common side effect that can occur with the use of these pharmaceuticals is considered to be drowsiness. If this effect has developed, then the patient should temporarily refrain from working with dangerous mechanisms, as well as from driving a car. Even if the patient does not experience drowsiness, this type of medication in any case slows down his reaction. Plus, we should not forget that the use of this type of medication along with sedatives or alcoholic beverages will only enhance the effect of the former.

    The strength of drowsiness during a course of therapy with one or another antihistamine is determined both by the medication used and by the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Among this type of medicines, which are less likely than others to cause this side effect and can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, can be considered: clemastine, so chlorpheniramine maleate, pheniramine maleate, and brompheniramine maleate. But such medications as doxylamine succinate And diphenhydramine hydrochloride on the contrary, they very often cause the development of this side effect.

    When using certain antihistamines, some other side effects may become apparent, namely dryness in the throat, nose and mouth. There are also cases where people develop dizziness, migraines and nausea. Others experience blurred vision, loss of coordination, low blood pressure, decreased appetite, and upset stomach. When using these medications by older people suffering from a hypertrophied prostate gland, it is quite possible to develop difficulty urinating. Sometimes these medications also cause anxiety, nervousness and insomnia. By the way, insomnia very often develops in children.

    When choosing one or another antihistamine in the fight against allergic pathologies, first use its minimum dose and make sure that it is normally tolerated by your body. Reliable information regarding contraindications, as well as special instructions for the use of a particular antihistamine, will also help prevent the development of certain side effects. It is important in this case not to deviate from the prescribed dosages, since certain adverse reactions against the background of the use of this type of medication, they can also develop as a result of an overdose.

    Allergic conjunctivitis especially often makes itself felt in the spring. The person seems to be completely healthy, yet his eyes are constantly watering, swollen and itchy.
    What's the matter?
    Most likely, allergic conjunctivitis on the face. Having heard such a diagnosis, the first thing that comes to mind is antihistamines. Indeed, it is these pharmaceuticals that are used in the fight against this disease.

    What happens to the eyes with allergic conjunctivitis?
    Around the end of spring, people can watch the leaves begin to bloom on the trees, fluff flies around all the time, and flowers bloom. As a result, people prone to allergic reactions begin to have red and swollen eyes. In addition, these symptoms are also accompanied by burning and itching. Sometimes people begin to be afraid of daylight. In general, allergic conjunctivitis manifests itself differently in all people. It should also be noted that this pathology can be caused by a reaction not only to fluff or pollen, but also to animal hair, dust, perfumes, household chemicals and so on.

    Is it possible to get rid of this disease without the help of medications?
    In fact, it is impossible to ignore this pathology, since it is characterized by symptoms that significantly worsen not only the mood, but also the appearance of the patient, while significantly changing the usual lifestyle. It should also be noted that this pathology “takes hold” of both eyes at once.

    In what cases is it impossible to do without the help of antihistamines?
    First of all, it is worth noting that antihistamines in the form of eye drops are used in the fight against this disease. Their use is extremely necessary in cases where the development of allergic conjunctivitis has already begun. Antihistamine eye drops help prevent the release of histamine in the first place. As a result, histamine is unable to penetrate the space between cells and, therefore, begin its destructive effects.

    In principle, this type of medicine is recommended to be used not so much for treatment as for the prevention of allergic conjunctivitis. This is explained by the fact that their use for preventive purposes gives a stronger therapeutic effect. We draw the attention of readers to the fact that antihistamines in the form of eye drops in the fight against allergic conjunctivitis should in no case be used by patients who wear lenses. If their use in such cases is really necessary, then it is recommended to put on the lenses approximately fifteen minutes after instillation.

    How is allergic conjunctivitis prevented?
    In order to prevent the development of this allergic pathology, it is recommended to use special antiallergic agents in the form of eye drops. Agree, it is better to use these medications and not feel the symptoms of this disease than to experience all the signs of allergic conjunctivitis and fight them with other more serious pharmaceuticals.

    Antihistamines are considered to be medications used to treat certain allergic pathologies or reactions. These pharmaceuticals belong to the category of the most commonly used drugs among all histaminergic medications. If we talk about their use during pregnancy, then in this case it is immediately worth drawing the attention of all expectant mothers to the fact that their use is possible only after consulting an allergist, and also under his strict supervision. Unfortunately, all medications in this group are strictly prohibited for use in the first trimester of pregnancy. Starting from the second trimester, they can be used only if you really cannot do without their help. We note right away that there is not a single medication on the list of antihistamines that can be confidently called completely safe.

    Right now, pregnant women will be given information regarding certain antihistamines and their effects on pregnancy. Let's start with diphenhydramine. This medication is strictly contraindicated for use throughout pregnancy, as it tends to cause premature birth. The same goes for betadrine. If we talk about diprazine, then it can be prescribed during pregnancy only in emergency cases. Nothing is yet known about exactly how this antihistamine affects the course of pregnancy. Suprastin is allowed to be used only in the second trimester of pregnancy and then only as prescribed by a doctor.

    As for tavegil, it is strictly forbidden to use it only in the first trimester of pregnancy. During clinical trials Using animals, scientists were able to establish that the use of this medication in the second and third trimester can cause the development of some birth defects. Cyproheptadine And bicarfen Under no circumstances should it be used during pregnancy. Flonidan can be prescribed to a future mother only in extremely severe cases. But as for Zyrtec, then this medication It is allowed to use during pregnancy, but only in strictly specified dosages, since only in this case it does not tend to have a teratogenic effect. Pheniramine can only be prescribed to a pregnant woman from the second trimester of pregnancy.

    Ditek is produced in aerosol form, despite this, this medication is unsafe for all pregnant women, despite the fact that numerous clinical studies have failed to establish its direct effect on the growth and development of the fetus. It is highly undesirable to use this period and antihistamines such as ketotifen, histaglobulin, zafirlukast, cromolyn sodium and some others.

    Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that almost all antihistamines are dangerous not only for a pregnant woman, but also for the fetus. That’s why it’s not worth taking unnecessary risks. The use of any pharmaceutical product must be agreed upon with a specialist.

    Every person finds himself from time to time allergic reaction, and some people suffer from allergies almost all the time, so new generation antihistamines are relevant for most people. Statistics show that the number of allergy sufferers is steadily increasing every year. The reason for this ecological situation and weakened immunity.

    Antihistamines - what are they in simple words?

    Antihistamines help fight allergies. They are medications that weaken the effect of histamine in the human body. Histamine – special substance, reproduced by cells immune system body and designed to fight bacteria and viruses. But since an allergy is a “mistake” of the immune system, histamine does not bring any benefit, but acts on the receptors, causing swelling of the mucous membranes, redness and itching of the skin, etc. Antihistamines act on H1-histamine receptors and block them. Thus, histamine cannot influence the receptors, as a result of which the manifestations of allergies are reduced: itching, tearing, swelling of the mucous membranes, etc. are reduced.

    There are several generations of antihistamines, each of which has its own differences. The first generation was created in the 30s of the last century and became a real breakthrough in the fight against allergies. After some time, second and third generation drugs were created.

    Generations of antihistamines differ significantly from each other: they have different properties and side effects. This applies to drugs of three generations. 4th generation antihistamines are very conventional; most often this is an advertising ploy by manufacturers who want to emphasize the innovativeness of their products. Which ones are better? Let's take a look at the features of each category to choose the best antihistamines.

    1st generation antihistamines

    This is the most common group of anti-allergy drugs that have a pronounced sedative effect: they cause drowsiness and calm. They are quite powerful and do not last long, usually 4-5 hours, can be found in any pharmacy, their price is quite low, and their quality and effectiveness are time-tested. The use of first-generation antihistamines lasts no more than 7-10 days, after this period addiction begins and the effectiveness of the drugs noticeably decreases. These drugs are prescribed after certain vaccines, in the treatment of skin diseases, as well as in case of an acute allergic reaction to a temporary external irritant.

    TO side effects This group includes:

    • decreased blood pressure;
    • increased appetite;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • discomfort in the stomach, vomiting and nausea;
    • thirst, drying of mucous membranes;
    • weakening of attention and muscle tone.
    • Suprastin. Available in ampoules and tablets, the active substance is chloropyramine. Used to treat angioedema, eczema, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, swelling of the mucous membranes. Also used to eliminate skin itching, incl. after an insect bite. Suprastin can be given to children starting from one month, but it is important to calculate the dosage. This remedy can be used at high temperatures, which are difficult to bring down, and also as a sedative for colds and viral diseases.

    Suprastin should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

    • Diazolin. This is a fairly mild product that does not cause drowsiness and is suitable for long-term use. Diazolin can be used during pregnancy, with the exception of the first trimester, and is also suitable for children from two years of age. This product is available in the form of tablets, ampoules, and suspensions with various dosages.
    • Fenistil. Very effective universal remedy, which is used for all types of allergies. Causes drowsiness only in the first few days of treatment, then the sedative effect disappears. Can be used externally (gel) for insect bites. Suitable for children from 1 month (externally), it can be taken by pregnant women from the second trimester if their condition due to allergies causes serious concern. Available in the form of capsules, suspensions, tablets, gel.
    • Fenkarol. An effective remedy, often used in the fight against seasonal allergies, as well as in blood transfusions. Prescribed to children from 1 year and pregnant women from the 2nd trimester (under medical supervision).
    • Tavegil. One of the most powerful drugs with a long period of action (12 hours). Causes drowsiness. Available in tablets and syrup form, it is approved for children from 1 year of age. Pregnant women should not take this medicine.

    Antihistamines 2nd generation

    These are improved antihistamines that do not have a sedative effect and have a prolonged effect. You need to take them once a day, the use can be long-term, since these medications are not addictive. Their price is usually low. They are quite effective in treating skin diseases, eliminating Quincke's edema, and are used to alleviate the condition of chicken pox. These medications are not recommended for older people and those with heart disease. Below is a list of the most effective second generation products.

    • Loratadine. An effective product available in the form of syrup and tablets. Helps fight allergies and their consequences - anxiety, sleep disturbances, weight gain. The medicine can be given to children from three years of age; pregnant women can take the drug in the second and third trimesters. In critical situations, the doctor may prescribe Loratadine up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Rupafin. A fairly strong drug that is used in the treatment of skin allergic reactions. The product is safe, acts quickly, and the effect lasts throughout the day. It cannot be used during pregnancy; use by children under 12 years of age is also prohibited. During lactation, Rupafin can be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.
    • Kestin. The most powerful drug in this group, the effect of which lasts for two days. Used in the most difficult cases, it quickly removes angioedema, relieves suffocation, reduces skin rashes. At the same time, Kestin is toxic to the liver, so it cannot be taken systematically. It is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 1 year of age.

    Also effective second generation drugs include Claritin, Zodak, Cetrin, Parlazin, Lomiran, Cetrisin, Terfanadine, Semprex.

    Important! Long-term use (more than a month) of these drugs is dangerous without a doctor’s permission, especially for powerful drugs. Therefore, do not forget to consult a specialist.

    Antihistamines 3rd generation

    Third-generation antihistamines are considered the newest, but, in fact, they are an improved version of the second generation. They have the same long-lasting effect, do not have a sedative effect, but are completely harmless to the heart and non-toxic to the liver. Thanks to these properties, they can be taken for a long time (for example, for seasonal allergies, psoriasis, bronchial asthma). These are the safest antihistamines for pregnant women, but you should still consult your doctor before taking them.

    Important: Antihistamines during pregnancy can be dangerous in the first trimester, so you should consult your gynecologist. If there is a threat of miscarriage, then you should abstain from such drugs if possible. Antihistamines during breastfeeding also need to be discussed with your pediatrician. If powerful drugs are prescribed, it makes sense to stop breastfeeding for a while.

    3rd generation antihistamines are considered the most powerful and fastest-acting. A list of the names of the best of them is given below.

    • Telfast (Allegra). A new drug that not only reduces the response of receptors to histamine, but also suppresses the production of this substance. As a result, allergy symptoms disappear very quickly. It works throughout the day and is not addictive when taken for a long time. Children under 12 years of age and expectant mothers cannot use Telfast; it is also contraindicated during lactation.
    • Cetrizine. This remedy is often classified as the fourth generation; in this case, the division into categories is very arbitrary. This is a drug of the latest generation, which begins to act almost instantly (20 minutes after administration), and you can take tablets once every three days. In the form of syrup, Cetrizine can be given to children from six months of age, but it is contraindicated for pregnant women. If the medicine was prescribed by a doctor during lactation, then feeding should be stopped for the period of treatment for allergies. This drug can be taken for a long time.
    • Desloratadine. A strong antihistamine and anti-inflammatory agent. In therapeutic doses it is well tolerated, but if the dosage is exceeded, it can lead to headaches, dry mouth, rapid heart rate, and insomnia. It cannot be taken during pregnancy, but in critical cases (suffocation from bronchospasm, Quincke's edema) it can be treated under the supervision of a doctor.
    • Xizal. Xyzal and its analogues are effective antihistamines for skin allergies and itching, seasonal allergic manifestations, urticaria and chronic year-round allergies. They have a prolonged effect and relieve allergy symptoms 40 minutes after administration. Xyzal is available in the form of drops and tablets and is safe for children over 2 years of age.

    Also good third generation products include Desal, Lordestin, Erius, Suprastinex.

    Antihistamines 4th generation

    Such drugs are a new word in the fight against allergies, since they are practically free of side effects, despite their high efficiency. They are not harmful to the heart, like most earlier antihistamines, do not cause drowsiness or addiction, and are easy to use (taken every 1-3 days). The only contraindication is pregnancy and early age of the child. As for the disadvantages of fourth generation antihistamines, this is the high price of the medicine.

    The most popular and effective remedies of this generation:

    • Fexofenadine. An effective remedy in the fight against all types of allergies, it is as safe as possible and has virtually no side effects. Available in tablets and syrup form, it can be given to children over 6 years old.
    • Levocetrizine. Strong remedy, which is used to treat year-round and seasonal allergies, reduces the symptoms of conjunctivitis. It is non-toxic to the liver and heart, so it can be taken for months.

    How to choose the best allergy remedy

    The best antihistamines are not always the most expensive and modern; it is important to understand how relevant a particular drug is in a certain situation. For example, during an illness accompanied by insomnia or restless sleep, first generation drugs will be preferred. They will eliminate allergy symptoms, and their sedative effect will be very useful. If an allergy has overtaken a person who does not want to get out of the usual rhythm of life, then he should pay attention to the newest metabolite drugs. In any case, before long-term use remedies, you should consult your doctor, especially if you need to treat a child or a pregnant woman.


    Rating of the best allergy remedies

    Exclusive of its kind - Cetrin
    the best allergy drug at the moment

    In first place in terms of effectiveness is the third generation antihistamine, Cetrin.

    The average estimated cost of the drug is from 160 to 200 rubles.

    The main advantages of Cetrin are its high degree of effectiveness, as well as its rapid action after taking the drug. It is also preferable because it does not cause drowsiness and “abstains” from negative effects on the liver.

    Cetrin should be taken to eliminate symptoms of seasonal allergies, hay fever or atopic dermatitis.

    This drug is best choice for both adults and children. It has a pleasant taste and has virtually no contraindications or restrictions on use. Unlike other drugs, it is enough to use it once a day, which greatly simplifies the application process.

    In the ranking of the most effective antiallergic drugs, Cetrin takes first place. On a ten-point scale, he can safely be given 9.5 points. 0.5 points are deducted for the only drawback - the price. Allergy medications can be purchased at a more reasonable price, but this is precisely the case when it is appropriate to remember the words of the wise Jew: “I am not rich enough to buy cheap things.”

    Claritin is a true, reliable, safe medicine for allergies

    Next on the list of the most effective drugs for treating allergies is Claritin (Loratadine).

    The average cost of this drug is from 160 to 220 rubles.

    Before the advent of third generation antihistamines, Claritin was the most common. It is one of the first antiallergic drugs that did not affect the patient's state of attention, which made it possible for use by doctors and drivers.

    It is used for various manifestations of the allergic process, ranging from cutaneous forms(itching and redness) and ending with laryngospasm (suffocation).

    Claritin is good for its speed of action, the possibility of use in children after one year, as well as in people who need concentrated attention while working.

    The rating of this drug is 9.2 out of 10, since the drug has some disadvantages, such as restriction of use in persons with impaired renal function, in women who are breastfeeding, and in children under one year of age. To some extent, the price also stops it - for the same money you can buy the safest and most effective Cetrin.

    Fenistil - old, but still effective...

    The average price for it currently ranges from 220 to 280 rubles.

    Fenistil is a second generation antiallergic drug. Has less effect compared to Claritin, however, it is much more effective more effective than drugs first generation.

    The drug is used when an allergic reaction develops from food products, medications, for skin rashes and nasal discharge during the flowering period.

    Fenistil has a good, pronounced anti-allergic effect, preventing the development of an allergic reaction even with a high concentration of allergen and histamine.

    In terms of frequency of use, it is in third place among all drugs in the rating. Its rating is 8.2 out of 10. The drug has such disadvantages as a sedative, calming effect, increased effect of alcohol when used together, distortion of the effect of some other drugs. Contraindicated in breastfeeding, pregnancy, and in children under 2 years of age.

    Dangerous, but extremely effective - Gistalong

    Gistalong (Astemizole) is an antihistamine drug with the longest clinical effect.

    The price of this drug ranges from 300 to 460 rubles, which makes it one of the most expensive drugs.

    Gistalong belongs to the second generation drugs. Has the longest therapeutic effect (in some people it can reach up to 20 days)

    This drug is used in the treatment of chronic allergic processes.

    The duration of action of Gistalong allows it to be used with a frequency of about once a month. Its use allows you to avoid taking other antiallergic drugs.

    Despite its duration of action and antiallergic activity, the drug ranks only fourth in the ranking. Its rating on a ten-point scale is 8 out of 10. This result is due to the side effects of this drug - when taken, it may disrupt the normal heart rhythm, which can lead to death in people with heart disease. Contraindicated for use in acute phase development of allergies, as well as in pregnant women and children.

    Time-tested drug - Tavegil
    good reliable first generation allergy remedy

    Tavegil (Clemastine) is one of the most common and used first-generation drugs.

    You can buy Tavegil for, on average, 100 rubles.

    The drug is used in both tablet and injection forms. It has a fairly strong antiallergic effect. It is often used as an additional drug for anaphylactic shock and pseudoallergic reactions.

    The low incidence of side effects and high efficiency allowed Tavegil to be included in the ranking of the most used drugs. In addition, the drug begins to act quite quickly, and the effect of its use lasts quite a long time, which makes it the drug of choice in the treatment of allergic processes.

    The average rating of this drug on a ten-point scale is 8. 3 out of 10. Tavegil receives a similar rating for such shortcomings as the possible development of an allergic reaction to tavegil itself, a slight sedative effect, which makes it impossible for drivers and doctors to use it. Also, the drug is contraindicated for use in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 1 year of age.

    Will help quickly and in any situation - Suprastin

    Suprastin (Chloropyramine) is a drug often used in most branches of medicine. You can buy it for 120-140 rubles.

    One of the most effective first generation histamine blocking drugs

    It is used for almost all types and manifestations of allergic reactions; used when providing emergency care for allergies (one of the mandatory medications).

    Suprastin does not accumulate in the blood serum, which prevents the possibility of an overdose of the drug. The effect develops quite quickly, but to prolong it it is necessary to combine Suprastin with other drugs. The low cost of the drug is also its undoubted advantage, since choosing high-quality and inexpensive remedy It is extremely difficult in the modern drug market.

    In the ranking of the best antiallergic drugs, Suprastin receives 9 points out of 10. Its use is prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, in children under 1 month, in persons with individual intolerance to chloropyramine, as well as during an acute attack of bronchial asthma.

    Standing guard from time immemorial... - Diphenhydramine

    Diphenhydramine (Diphenhydramine) is a drug of the first generation of antihistamines, the founder of this group of drugs.

    It is one of the cheapest antiallergic drugs. Its cost ranges from 15 to 70 rubles.

    One of the antiallergic drugs that were invented first. It has a fairly strong antihistamine effect.

    Diphenhydramine is used to eliminate the manifestations of most allergic processes. It is produced primarily in the form of products applied topically (in the form of an ointment), but can also be used for systemic treatment. It is part of the so-called triad due to its anti-inflammatory effect.

    Diphenhydramine has a pronounced antiallergic effect: the effect develops quickly, but ends just as quickly. Thanks to its low cost, anyone can buy it.

    In the drug rating, Diphenhydramine receives a rating of 8 out of 10. Despite its effectiveness in treating allergies, Diphenhydramine has a number of side effects, among which the most pronounced are drowsiness after using the drug, mild confusion with a sedative effect, anemia, and heart rhythm disturbances.

    Results... Which allergy medicine is best?

    Having understood in detail the principles of action, effectiveness and degree of safety of each of the above drugs, we should once again mention the crowned Cetrin. Due to its safety and effectiveness, it takes first place in our rating, and can be recommended for a home medicine cabinet.

    This drug deserves a huge plus for its lack of effect on a person’s attention and concentration. You can take it without worrying about side effects and your psycho-emotional state.

    Of course, before taking it, it is best to consult with an allergist and study the instructions.

    Be healthy and don't sneeze...


    Brief description of antihistamines:
    * 1st generation antihistamines
    * 2nd generation antihistamines
    * 3rd generation antihistamines
    * Classification of antihistamines.
    Characteristics of modern 3rd generation antihistamines:
    * use in children and women during pregnancy and lactation
    * effect of the drug
    *adverse events
    * application to specific patient populations
    Criteria for choosing antihistamines:
    * The need to choose a drug that has an additional antiallergic effect
    * Indicated for use by women during pregnancy and lactation, and children
    * The patient has specific problems

    During recent years the number of patients with atopic asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis is increasing. These conditions are generally not life-threatening, but require active therapeutic intervention that is effective, safe and well tolerated by patients.

    The advisability of using antihistamines for various allergic diseases (urticaria, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, allergic gastropathy) is due to the wide range of histamine effects. The first drugs that competitively block histamine receptors were introduced into clinical practice in 1947. Antihistamines suppress symptoms associated with the endogenous release of histamine, but do not affect the sensitizing effect of allergens. In the case of late prescription of antihistamines, when the allergic reaction is already significantly expressed and the clinical effectiveness of these drugs is low.

    Efficiency first generation antihistamines in the treatment of allergic diseases has been established for a long time. Although all of these drugs quickly (usually within 15-30 minutes) alleviate allergy symptoms, most of them have a pronounced sedative effect and can cause unwanted reactions in recommended doses, as well as interact with other drugs. 1st generation antihistamines are used primarily to relieve the following acute allergic reactions:

    • acute allergic urticaria;
    • anaphylactic or anaphylactoid shock, allergic Quincke's edema (parenteral, as an additional remedy);
    • treatment of allergic and pseudoallergic reactions caused by drugs;
    • seasonal allergic rhinitis (episodic symptoms);
    • acute allergic reactions to food;
    • serum sickness.

    Some 1st generation drugs may also be effective in the following situations:

    1. For ARVI (drugs with anticholinergic effects have a “drying” effect on the mucous membranes):
      • Pheniramine ( Avil);
      • Promethazine ( Pipolphen, Diprazin);
        + paracetamol + dextromethorphan ( Coldrex Nite).
      • Chloropyramine ( Suprastin).
      • Chlorphenamine;
        + paracetamol + ascorbic acid (Antigrippin);
        + paracetamol + pseudoephedrine ( Theraflu, Antiflu);
        + biclotymol + phenylephrine ( Hexapneumine);
        + phenylpropanolamine ( CONTAC 400);
        + phenylpropanolamine + acetylsalicylic acid (HL-cold).
      • Diphenhydramine ( Dimedrol).
    2. For cough suppression:
        Diphenhydramine( Dimedrol)
        Promethazine ( Pipolphen, Diprazin)
    3. To correct sleep disorders(improves falling asleep, depth and quality of sleep, but the effect lasts no more than 7-8 days):
        Diphenhydramine( Dimedrol);
        + paracetamol ( Efferalgan Nightcare).
    4. To stimulate appetite:
        Cyproheptadine ( Peritol);
        Astemizole ( Hismanal).
    5. To prevent nausea and dizziness caused by labyrinthitis or Meniere's disease, as well as to reduce the symptoms of motion sickness:
        Diphenhydramine( Dimedrol)
        Promethazine ( Pipolphen, Diprazin)
    6. To treat vomiting during pregnancy:
        Diphenhydramine( Dimedrol)
    7. To potentiate the action of analgesics and local anesthetics (premedication, component of lytic mixtures):
        Diphenhydramine( Dimedrol)
        Promethazine ( Pipolphen, Diprazin)
    8. For the treatment of minor cuts, burns, insect bites(efficiency local application drugs have not been strictly proven, use is not recommended for > 3 weeks due to an increased risk of local irritation):
        Bamipin ( Soventol).

    To the advantages 2nd generation antihistamines include a wider range of indications for use. However, ideas about the clinical effectiveness of 2nd generation antihistamines in the treatment of bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis are based on a small number of uncontrolled studies. The effect of the drug develops quite slowly (within 4-8 weeks), and the pharmacodynamic effects of 2nd generation drugs have been proven only mainly in vitro.

    Recently created 3rd generation antihistamines, which have significant selectivity and do not have side effects on the central nervous system. The use of 3rd generation antihistamines is more justified when carrying out long-term therapy of allergic diseases:

    • seasonal allergic rhinitis (conjunctivitis) with seasonal exacerbations lasting > 2 weeks;
    • chronic urticaria;
    • atopic dermatitis;

    The pharmacokinetic properties of antihistamines vary significantly. Modern 3rd generation antihistamines have a longer duration of action (12-48 hours). Astemizole has a maximum half-life (about 10 days), which inhibits skin reactions to histamine and allergens for 6-8 weeks. Serious cardiotoxic side effects in the form of severe cardiac arrhythmias have been described for two 3rd generation antihistamines (terfenadine and astemizole). The likelihood of developing these side effects increases with simultaneous administration of drugs with macrolides (erythromycin, oleandomycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin), antifungal agents(ketocanozole and intracanozole), antiarrhythmics (quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide), some antidepressants, as well as in patients with chronic liver diseases and hyperkalemia. If it is necessary to use terfenadine or astemizole simultaneously with the above groups of drugs, preference is given to antifungal drugs fluconazole (Diflucan) and terbenafine (Lamisil), antidepressants paroxetene and sertraline, antiarrhythmics and antibiotics of other groups.

    Topical antihistamines, in particular acelastine (allergodil), have a rapid (within 20-30 minutes) symptomatic effect, improve mucociliary clearance, and have no significant systemic side effects.

    The most promising oral antihistamines are loratadine and cetirizine.

    Loratadine (Claritin) is an antihistamine that does not have a sedative effect or significant drug interactions, and is recommended for use by patients of all age groups. The excellent safety profile of Claritin allowed the drug to be included in the list of over-the-counter drugs.

    Cetirizine (Zyrtec) is a basic antihistamine, especially in young children, when the inhalation route of drug administration is difficult. It has been shown that long-term administration of cetirizine to children with early atopic syndrome can reduce the risk of progression of atopic conditions in the future.

    Classification of antihistamines.
    1st generation- act on peripheral and central H 1 -histamine receptors, cause a sedative effect, do not have additional antiallergic effect.

    • bamipin ( Soventol, ointment)
    • dimethindene ( Fenistil)
    • diphenhydramine ( Dimedrol, Benadryl)
    • clemastine ( Tavegyl)
    • mebhydrolin ( Diazolin, Omeril)
    • oxatomide ( Tinset)
    • promethazine ( Pipolphen, Diprazin)
    • pheniramine ( Avil)
    • hifenadine ( Phencarol)
    • chloropyramine ( Suprastin)
    • with antiserotonin action

    • dimebon ( Dimebone)
    • setastin ( Loderix)
    • cyproheptadine ( Peritol)

    2nd generation- act on histamine receptors and stabilize the mast cell membrane.

    • ketotifen ( Zaditen and etc.)

    3rd generation- act only on peripheral H 1 -histamine receptors, do not cause a sedative effect, stabilize the mast cell membrane and have an additional antiallergic effect.

    • acrivastine ( Semprex)
    • astemizole ( Hismanal, Histalong, Astemisan, Astelong)
    • terfenadine ( Trexyl, Teridin, Tofrin)
    • fexofenadine ( Telfast)
    • loratadine ( Claritine)
    • cetirizine ( Zyrtec)
    • desloratadine ( Erius, other names: Alergostop, Delot, Dezal, Claramax, Clarinex, Larinex, Loratek, Lordestin, NeoClaritin, Eridez, Eslotin, Ezlor)
    • ebastine ( Kestine)
    • acelastine ( Allergodil)
    • levocabastine ( Histimet)

    Characteristics of modern antihistamines.

    use in children and women during pregnancy and lactation
    Possibility of use in children from 1 year from 3 years from 12 years old from 2 years from 2 years from 12 years old
    Use in pregnant women Maybe contraindicated Maybe Maybe undesirable contraindicated
    Use during lactation contraindicated contraindicated contraindicated contraindicated contraindicated contraindicated
    effect of the drug
    Duration of action 24 hours 18 - 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 48 hours
    Effect onset time 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 0.5 hours 1 hour 1 hour
    Dosing frequency 1 r/d 1-2 times per day 1 r/d 1 r/d 1 r/d 1 r/d
    adverse events
    QT prolongation YES YES No No No No
    Sedative effect No No No No RARELY No
    Increased effects of alcohol No No No No YES No
    Side effects when used together with ketoconazole and erythromycin YES YES No No No YES
    Weight gain YES No No No No No
    use in specific patient populations
    The need to reduce the dose in renal failure No No YES No YES YES
    The need to reduce the dose in case of liver dysfunction contraindicated contraindicated No No No contraindicated

    Criteria for choosing antihistamines

    The need to choose a drug that has an additional antiallergic effect:

    • year-round allergic rhinitis;
    • seasonal allergic rhinitis (conjunctivitis) with seasonal exacerbations lasting up to 2 weeks;
    • chronic urticaria;
    • atopic dermatitis;
    • allergic contact dermatitis;
    • early atopic syndrome in children.

    Indicated for use in children:

      children under 12 years old:
    • loratadine ( Claritine)
    • cetirizine ( Zyrtec)
    • terfenadine ( Trexyl)
    • astemizole ( Hismanal)
    • dimethindene ( Fenistil)
    • children 1-4 years old with early atopic syndrome:

    • cetirizine ( Zyrtec)
    • loratadine ( Claritine)
    • desloratadine ( Erius)

    Indicated for use by women during pregnancy and lactation:

    • loratadine ( Claritine)
    • cetirizine ( Zyrtec)
    • desloratadine ( Alergostop, Delot, Dezal, Claramax, Clarinex, Larinex, Loratek, Lordestin, NeoClaritin, Eridez, Erius, Eslotin, Ezlor)
    • fexofenadine ( Telfast, Allegra)
    • pheniramine ( Avil)

    When choosing antihistamines (or any other medications) during lactation, it is better to be guided by the data on the website http://www.e-lactancia.org/en/, where you just need to search for English or Latin name drug or main substance. On the website you can find information and the degree of risk of taking the drug for a woman and child during lactation (breastfeeding). Since manufacturers often play it safe and do not recommend using the drug during pregnancy and lactation (who will allow them to conduct research on the effect of the drug on pregnant and lactating women, but no research means no permission).

    The patient has specific problems:

      patients with renal failure:
    • loratadine ( Claritine)
    • astemizole ( Hismanal)
    • terfenadine ( Trexyl)
    • patients with liver dysfunction:

    • loratadine ( Claritine)
    • cetirizine ( Zytrec)
    • fexofenadine ( Telfast)


    Impact on the body

    To understand how 4th generation antihistamines differ, you need to understand the mechanism of action of antiallergic drugs.

    These medications block H1 and H2 histamine receptors. This helps reduce the body's reaction to the mediator histamine. Thus, the allergic reaction is relieved. In addition, these drugs serve as an excellent prevention of bronchospasms.

    Let's consider antihistamines of all generations. This will allow you to understand the advantages of modern means.

    First generation drugs

    This category includes sedative drugs. They block H1 receptors. The duration of action of these drugs is 4-5 hours. Medicines have an excellent antiallergic effect, but have a number of disadvantages, including:

    • pupil dilation;
    • dry mouth;
    • blurred vision;
    • drowsiness;
    • decreased tone.

    Common first generation medications are:

    • "Diphenhydramine";
    • "Diazolin";
    • "Tavegil";
    • "Suprastin";
    • "Peritol";
    • "Pipolfen";
    • "Fenkarol".

    These drugs are usually prescribed to people suffering from chronic diseases that cause difficulty breathing (bronchial asthma). In addition, they will have a beneficial effect in case of acute allergic reaction.

    2nd generation drugs

    These medications are called non-sedatives. Such products no longer have an impressive list of side effects. They do not provoke drowsiness or decreased brain activity. Medicines are in demand for allergic rashes and itchy skin.

    The most popular drugs:

    • "Claritin";
    • "Trexyl";
    • "Zodak";
    • "Fenistil";
    • "Gistalong";
    • "Semprex."

    However, the big disadvantage of these drugs is their cardiotoxic effects. That is why these drugs are prohibited for use by people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies.

    3rd generation drugs

    These are active metabolites. They have excellent antiallergic properties and have a minimal list of contraindications. If we talk about effective antiallergic drugs, then these drugs are precisely modern antihistamines.

    Which drugs from this group are the most popular? These are the following medications:

    • "Zyrtec";
    • "Cetrin";
    • Telfast.

    They do not have a cardiotoxic effect. They are often prescribed for acute allergic reactions and asthma. They provide excellent results in the fight against many dermatological diseases.

    4th generation drugs

    Recently, specialists have invented new medicines. These are 4th generation antihistamines. They are distinguished by their rapid action and long-lasting effect. Such drugs perfectly block H1 receptors, eliminating all unwanted allergy symptoms.

    The great advantage of such medications is that their use does not harm the functioning of the heart. This allows us to consider them quite safe means.

    However, we should not forget that they have contraindications. This list is quite small, mainly children and pregnancy. But it is still recommended to consult a doctor before use. It would be useful to study the instructions in detail before using 4th generation antihistamines.

    The list of such drugs is as follows:

    • "Levocetirizine";
    • "Erius";
    • "Desloratadine";
    • "Ebastine";
    • "Fexofenadine";
    • "Bamipin";
    • "Fenspiride";
    • "Cetirizine";
    • "Xyzal."

    The best drugs

    It is quite difficult to identify the most effective drugs from the 4th generation. Since such drugs were developed not so long ago, there are few new antiallergic drugs available. In addition, all drugs are good in their own way. Therefore, it is not possible to identify the best 4th generation antihistamines.

    Medicines containing fenoxofenadine are in great demand. Such drugs do not have a hypnotic or cardiotoxic effect on the body. These drugs today rightfully occupy the place of the most effective antiallergic medications.

    Cetirizine derivatives are often used to treat skin manifestations. After taking 1 tablet, the result is noticeable after 2 hours. At the same time, it persists for quite a long time.

    The active metabolite of the famous Loratadine is the drug Erius. This drug is 2.5 times more effective than its predecessor.

    The medicine “Xyzal” has earned great popularity. It perfectly blocks the process of releasing inflammatory mediators. As a result of this effect, this remedy reliably eliminates allergic reactions.

    Medicine "Cetirizine"

    This is a fairly effective remedy. Like all modern 4th generation antihistamines, the medicine is practically not metabolized in the body.

    The drug has proven itself to be highly effective for skin rashes, as it is able to penetrate perfectly into the epidermis. Long-term use of this medicine in children suffering from early atopic syndrome, significantly reduces the risk of progression of such conditions in the future.

    2 hours after taking the tablet, the desired lasting effect occurs. Since it lasts for a long time, taking 1 pill per day is enough. Some patients can take 1 tablet every other day or twice a week to achieve the desired result.

    The medicine has a minimal sedative effect. However, patients suffering from kidney pathologies should use this remedy with extreme caution.

    The drug in the form of a suspension or syrup is approved for use in children from two years of age.

    Medicine "Fexofenadine"

    This drug is a metabolite of terfenadine. This medication is also known as Telfast. Like other 4th generation antihistamines, it does not cause drowsiness, is not metabolized and does not affect psychomotor functions.

    This product is one of the safest, but at the same time extremely effective medicines among all antiallergic medications. The drug is in demand for any manifestations of allergies. Therefore, doctors prescribe it for almost all diagnoses.

    Antihistamine tablets "Fexofenadine" are prohibited for use by children under 6 years of age.

    The drug "Desloratadine"

    This medicine is also a popular antiallergic drug. It can be used for any age groups. Since medical pharmacologists have proven its high safety, this drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

    The drug has a slight sedative effect, does not have a detrimental effect on cardiac activity, and does not affect the psychomotor sphere. Often the medicine is well tolerated by patients. In addition, it does not interact with other medications.

    One of the most effective medications from this group is the drug “Erius”. This is a fairly powerful antiallergic medicine. However, it is contraindicated during pregnancy. In syrup form, the medicine is approved for use by children from 1 year of age.

    The drug "Levocetirizine"

    This remedy is better known as “Suprastinex”, “Cesera”. This is an excellent drug that is prescribed to patients suffering from an allergic reaction to pollen. The remedy is prescribed in case of seasonal manifestations or year-round. The drug is in demand in the treatment of conjunctivitis and allergic rhinitis.


    New generation drugs are active metabolites of previously used drugs. Undoubtedly, this property makes 4th generation antihistamines extremely effective. Medicines are not metabolized in the human body, but they give a long-lasting and pronounced result. Unlike previous generations of drugs, such drugs do not have a detrimental effect on the liver.

    Everyone has an allergic reaction from time to time, and some people suffer from allergies almost all the time, so new generation antihistamines are relevant for most people. Statistics show that the number of allergy sufferers is steadily increasing every year. This is due to the environmental situation and weakened immunity.

    Antihistamines - what are they in simple words?

    Antihistamines help fight allergies. They are medications that weaken the effect of histamine in the human body. Histamine is a special substance produced by the cells of the body’s immune system and designed to fight bacteria and viruses. But since an allergy is a “mistake” of the immune system, histamine does not bring any benefit, but acts on the receptors, causing swelling of the mucous membranes, redness and itching of the skin, etc. Antihistamines act on H1-histamine receptors and block them. Thus, histamine cannot influence the receptors, as a result of which the manifestations of allergies are reduced: itching, tearing, swelling of the mucous membranes, etc. are reduced.

    There are several generations of antihistamines, each of which has its own differences. The first generation was created in the 30s of the last century and became a real breakthrough in the fight against allergies. After some time, second and third generation drugs were created.

    Generations of antihistamines differ significantly from each other: they have different properties and side effects. This applies to drugs of three generations. 4th generation antihistamines are very conventional; most often this is an advertising ploy by manufacturers who want to emphasize the innovativeness of their products. Which ones are better? Let's take a look at the features of each category to choose the best antihistamines.

    1st generation antihistamines

    This is the most common group of anti-allergy drugs that have a pronounced sedative effect: they cause drowsiness and calm. They are quite powerful and do not last long, usually 4-5 hours, can be found in any pharmacy, their price is quite low, and their quality and effectiveness are time-tested. The use of first-generation antihistamines lasts no more than 7-10 days, after this period addiction begins and the effectiveness of the drugs noticeably decreases. These drugs are prescribed after certain vaccines, in the treatment of skin diseases, as well as in case of an acute allergic reaction to a temporary external irritant.

    Side effects of this group include:

    • decreased blood pressure;
    • increased appetite;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • discomfort in the stomach, vomiting and nausea;
    • thirst, drying of mucous membranes;
    • weakening of attention and muscle tone.
    • Suprastin. Available in ampoules and tablets, the active substance is chloropyramine. Used to treat angioedema, eczema, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, swelling of the mucous membranes. Also used to eliminate skin itching, incl. after an insect bite. Suprastin can be given to children starting from one month, but it is important to calculate the dosage. This remedy can be used at high temperatures, which are difficult to bring down, and also as a sedative for colds and viral diseases.

    Suprastin should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

    • Diazolin. This is a fairly mild product that does not cause drowsiness and is suitable for long-term use. Diazolin can be used during pregnancy, with the exception of the first trimester, and is also suitable for children from two years of age. This product is available in the form of tablets, ampoules, and suspensions with various dosages.
    • Fenistil. A very effective universal remedy that is used for all types of allergies. Causes drowsiness only in the first few days of treatment, then the sedative effect disappears. Can be used externally (gel) for insect bites. Suitable for children from 1 month (externally), it can be taken by pregnant women from the second trimester if their condition due to allergies causes serious concern. Available in the form of capsules, suspensions, tablets, gel.
    • Fenkarol. An effective remedy, often used in the fight against seasonal allergies, as well as in blood transfusions. Prescribed to children from 1 year and pregnant women from the 2nd trimester (under medical supervision).
    • Tavegil. One of the most powerful drugs with a long period of action (12 hours). Causes drowsiness. Available in tablets and syrup form, it is approved for children from 1 year of age. Pregnant women should not take this medicine.

    Antihistamines 2nd generation

    These are improved antihistamines that do not have a sedative effect and have a prolonged effect. You need to take them once a day, the use can be long-term, since these medications are not addictive. Their price is usually low. They are quite effective in treating skin diseases, eliminating Quincke's edema, and are used to alleviate chickenpox. These medications are not recommended for older people and those with heart disease. Below is a list of the most effective second generation products.

    • Loratadine. An effective product available in the form of syrup and tablets. Helps fight allergies and their consequences - anxiety, sleep disturbances, weight gain. The medicine can be given to children from three years of age; pregnant women can take the drug in the second and third trimesters. In critical situations, the doctor may prescribe Loratadine up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Rupafin. A fairly strong drug that is used in the treatment of skin allergic reactions. The product is safe, acts quickly, and the effect lasts throughout the day. It cannot be used during pregnancy; use by children under 12 years of age is also prohibited. During lactation, Rupafin can be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.
    • Kestin. The most powerful drug in this group, the effect of which lasts for two days. Used in the most difficult cases, it quickly removes angioedema, relieves suffocation, and reduces skin rashes. At the same time, Kestin is toxic to the liver, so it cannot be taken systematically. It is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 1 year of age.

    Also effective second generation drugs include Claritin, Zodak, Cetrin, Parlazin, Lomiran, Cetrisin, Terfanadine, Semprex.

    Important! Long-term use (more than a month) of these drugs is dangerous without a doctor’s permission, especially for powerful drugs. Therefore, do not forget to consult a specialist.

    Antihistamines 3rd generation

    Third-generation antihistamines are considered the newest, but, in fact, they are an improved version of the second generation. They have the same long-lasting effect, do not have a sedative effect, but are completely harmless to the heart and non-toxic to the liver. Thanks to these properties, they can be taken for a long time (for example, for seasonal allergies, psoriasis, bronchial asthma). These are the safest antihistamines for pregnant women, but you should still consult your doctor before taking them.

    Important: Antihistamines during pregnancy can be dangerous in the first trimester, so you should consult your gynecologist. If there is a threat of miscarriage, then you should abstain from such drugs if possible. Antihistamines during breastfeeding also need to be discussed with your pediatrician. If powerful drugs are prescribed, it makes sense to stop breastfeeding for a while.

    3rd generation antihistamines are considered the most powerful and fastest-acting. A list of the names of the best of them is given below.

    • Telfast (Allegra). A new drug that not only reduces the response of receptors to histamine, but also suppresses the production of this substance. As a result, allergy symptoms disappear very quickly. It works throughout the day and is not addictive when taken for a long time. Children under 12 years of age and expectant mothers cannot use Telfast; it is also contraindicated during lactation.
    • Cetrizine. This remedy is often classified as the fourth generation; in this case, the division into categories is very arbitrary. This is a drug of the latest generation, which begins to act almost instantly (20 minutes after administration), and you can take tablets once every three days. In the form of syrup, Cetrizine can be given to children from six months of age, but it is contraindicated for pregnant women. If the medicine was prescribed by a doctor during lactation, then feeding should be stopped for the period of treatment for allergies. This drug can be taken for a long time.
    • Desloratadine. A strong antihistamine and anti-inflammatory agent. In therapeutic doses it is well tolerated, but if the dosage is exceeded, it can lead to headaches, dry mouth, rapid heart rate, and insomnia. It cannot be taken during pregnancy, but in critical cases (suffocation from bronchospasm, Quincke's edema) it can be treated under the supervision of a doctor.
    • Xizal. Xyzal and its analogues are effective antihistamines for skin allergies and itching, seasonal allergic manifestations, urticaria and chronic year-round allergies. They have a prolonged effect and relieve allergy symptoms 40 minutes after administration. Xyzal is available in the form of drops and tablets and is safe for children over 2 years of age.

    Also good third generation products include Desal, Lordestin, Erius, Suprastinex.

    Antihistamines 4th generation

    Such drugs are a new word in the fight against allergies, since they are practically free of side effects, despite their high efficiency. They are not harmful to the heart, like most earlier antihistamines, do not cause drowsiness or addiction, and are easy to use (taken every 1-3 days). The only contraindication is pregnancy and early age of the child. As for the disadvantages of fourth generation antihistamines, this is the high price of the medicine.

    The most popular and effective remedies of this generation:

    • Fexofenadine. An effective remedy in the fight against all types of allergies, it is as safe as possible and has virtually no side effects. Available in tablets and syrup form, it can be given to children over 6 years old.
    • Levocetrizine. A powerful remedy that is used to treat year-round and seasonal allergies, reduces the manifestations of conjunctivitis. It is non-toxic to the liver and heart, so it can be taken for months.

    How to choose the best allergy remedy

    The best antihistamines are not always the most expensive and modern; it is important to understand how relevant a particular drug is in a certain situation. For example, during an illness accompanied by insomnia or restless sleep, first-generation drugs will be preferable. They will eliminate allergy symptoms, and their sedative effect will be very useful. If an allergy has overtaken a person who does not want to get out of the usual rhythm of life, then he should pay attention to the newest metabolite drugs. In any case, before long-term use of the drug, you should consult your doctor, especially if you need to treat a child or a pregnant woman.


    What are antihistamines

    These are medications that work to suppress the action of free histamine. This substance is released from connective tissue cells that are part of the immune system when an allergen enters the human body. When histamine interacts with certain receptors, swelling, itching, and rashes begin. All these are symptoms of allergies. Drugs with an antihistamine effect block the above-mentioned receptors, alleviating the patient’s condition.

    Indications for use

    A doctor must prescribe antihistamines to you after making an accurate diagnosis. As a rule, their use is advisable in the presence of the following symptoms and diseases:

    • early atopic syndrome in a child;
    • seasonal or year-round rhinitis;
    • negative reaction to plant pollen, animal hair, household dust, some medications;
    • severe bronchitis;
    • angioedema;
    • anaphylactic shock;
    • food allergies;
    • enteropathy;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • atopic dermatitis;
    • conjunctivitis caused by exposure to allergens;
    • chronic, acute and other forms of urticaria;
    • allergic dermatitis.

    Antihistamines - list

    There are several generations of antiallergic drugs. Their classification:

    1. New generation drugs. The most modern medicines. They act very quickly, and the effect of their use lasts for a long time. They block H1 receptors, suppressing allergy symptoms. Antihistamines in this group do not worsen heart function, therefore they are considered one of the safest.
    2. 3rd generation drugs. Active metabolites with very few contraindications. Provide fast sustainable result, are gentle on the heart.
    3. 2nd generation drugs. Non-sedative medications. They have a small list of side effects and put a lot of stress on the heart. Does not affect mental or physical activity. Second generation antiallergic drugs are often prescribed for the appearance of rash and itching.
    4. 1st generation drugs. Sedative medications that last up to several hours. They eliminate allergy symptoms well, but have many side effects and contraindications. Eating them always makes you sleepy. Nowadays, such drugs are prescribed very rarely.

    New generation antiallergic drugs

    It is not possible to list all the drugs in this group. It's worth taking a look at a few of the best ones. The following drug opens this list:

    • name: Fexofenadine (analogues - Allegra (Telfast), Fexofast, Tigofast, Altiva, Fexofen-Sanovel, Kestin, Norastemizole);
    • action: blocks H1-histamine receptors, relieves all allergy symptoms;
    • advantages: it acts quickly and for a long time, is available in tablets and suspensions, is well tolerated by patients, does not have too many side effects, is available without a prescription;
    • cons: not suitable for children under six years of age, pregnant women, nursing mothers, incompatible with antibiotics.

    Another drug worthy of attention:

    • name: Levocetirizine (analogues - Aleron, Zilola, Alerzin, Glencet, Aleron Neo, Rupafin);
    • action: antihistamine, blocks H1 receptors, reduces vascular permeability, has antipruritic and antiexudative effects;
    • pros: there are tablets, drops, syrup on sale, the drug works in just a quarter of an hour, there are not many contraindications, it is compatible with many medications;
    • cons: a wide range of strong side effects.
    • name: Desloratadine (analogs - Lordes, Allergostop, Alersis, Fribris, Eden, Eridez, Alergomax, Erius);
    • action: antihistamine, antipruritic, decongestant, relieves rashes, runny nose, nasal congestion, reduces bronchial hyperactivity;
    • pros: the new generation allergy medicine is well absorbed and works quickly, relieves allergy symptoms for a day, does not have a negative effect on the central nervous system and the speed of reactions, does not harm the heart, can be taken together with other drugs;
    • cons: not suitable for pregnancy and lactation, prohibited for children under 12 years of age.

    Antihistamines 3 generations

    The following drug is popular and has many good reviews:

    • name: Dezal (analogs - Ezlor, Nalorius, Elisey);
    • action: antihistamine, relieves swelling and spasms, relieves itching, rashes, allergic rhinitis;
    • pros: available in tablets and solution, does not give a sedative effect and does not affect the speed of reactions, works quickly and lasts for about a day, is quickly absorbed;
    • cons: bad for the heart, many side effects.

    Experts respond well to this drug:

    • name: Suprastinex;
    • action: antihistamine, prevents the appearance of allergic manifestations and facilitates their course, helps with itching, peeling, sneezing, swelling, rhinitis, lacrimation;
    • pros: available in drops and tablets, there is no sedative, anticholinergic or antiserotonergic effect, the drug acts in an hour and continues to work for a day;
    • cons: there are a number of strict contraindications.

    The group of third-generation drugs also includes the following:

    • name: Xyzal;
    • action: pronounced antihistamine, not only relieves allergy symptoms, but also prevents their occurrence, reduces the permeability of vascular walls, fights sneezing, lacrimation, swelling, urticaria, inflammation of the mucous membranes;
    • pros: sold in tablets and drops, does not have a sedative effect, is well absorbed;
    • cons: has a wide list of side effects.

    Antiallergenic drugs 2nd generation

    A well-known series of medications is represented by tablets, drops, syrups:

    • name: Zodak;
    • action: prolonged antiallergic, helps against itching, flaking of the skin, relieves swelling;
    • pros: if the dosage and rules of administration are followed, it does not cause drowsiness, begins to act quickly, and is not addictive;
    • cons: prohibited for pregnant women and children.

    The following second generation drug:

    • name: Cetrin;
    • action: antihistamine, good for swelling, hyperemia, itching, peeling, rhinitis, urticaria, reduces capillary permeability, relieves spasms;
    • pros: drops and syrup are available for sale, low cost, lack of anticholinergic and antiserotonin effects, if the dosage is observed, does not affect concentration, is not addictive, side effects are extremely rare;
    • cons: there are a number of strict contraindications; an overdose is very dangerous.

    Another very good drug this category:

    • name: Lomilan;
    • action: systemic blocker of H1 receptors, relieves all allergy symptoms: itching, flaking, swelling;
    • pros: does not affect the heart and central nervous system, is completely eliminated from the body, helps to overcome allergies well and quickly, suitable for continuous use;
    • cons: many contraindications and side effects.

    1st generation products

    Antihistamines in this group appeared a long time ago and are now used less frequently than others, but nevertheless deserve attention. Here is one of the most famous:

    • name: Diazolin;
    • action: antihistamine, H1 receptor blocker;
    • pros: gives an anesthetic effect, acts for a long time, helps well with dermatoses with itchy skin, rhinitis, cough, food and drug allergies, insect bites, is cheap;
    • disadvantages: there is a moderately pronounced sedative effect, many side effects, contraindications.

    This one also belongs to 1st generation drugs:

    • name: Suprastin;
    • action: antiallergic;
    • pros: available in tablets and ampoules;
    • cons: pronounced sedative effect, the effect does not last long, there are a lot of contraindications and side effects.

    The last representative of this group:

    • name: Fenistil;
    • action: histamine blocker, antipruritic;
    • pros: available in the form of a gel, emulsion, drops, tablets, relieves skin irritation well, provides some pain relief, inexpensive;
    • cons: the effect after use wears off quickly.

    Allergy tablets for children

    Most antihistamines have strict contraindications based on age. A completely reasonable question would be: how to treat very young allergy sufferers, who suffer no less than adults? As a rule, children are prescribed drugs in the form of drops, suspensions, and not tablets. Medicines approved for the treatment of infants and persons under 12 years of age:

    • Diphenhydramine;
    • Fenistil (drops are suitable for infants older than one month);
    • Peritol;
    • Diazolin;
    • Suprastin (suitable for infants);
    • Clarotadine;
    • Tavegil;
    • Cetrin (suitable for newborns);
    • Zyrtec;
    • Clarisens;
    • Cinnarizine;
    • Loratadine;
    • Zodak;
    • Claritin;
    • Erius (allowed from birth);
    • Lomilan;
    • Fenkarol.

    Mechanism of action of antihistamines

    Under the influence of an allergen, the body produces excess histamine. When it binds to certain receptors, negative reactions are caused (swelling, rash, itching, runny nose, conjunctivitis, etc.). Antihistamines reduce the release of this substance into the blood. In addition, they block the action of H1-histamine receptors, thereby preventing them from binding and reacting with histamine itself.

    Side effects

    Each drug has its own list. The specific list of side effects also depends on which generation the product belongs to. Here are a few of the most common:

    • headache;
    • drowsiness;
    • confusion;
    • decreased muscle tone;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • constipation;
    • disturbances in concentration;
    • blurred vision;
    • abdominal pain;
    • dizziness;
    • dry mouth.


    Each antihistamine has its own list indicated in the instructions. Almost every one of them is prohibited for pregnant girls and nursing mothers. In addition, the list of contraindications for therapy may include:

    • individual intolerance to components;
    • glaucoma;
    • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
    • prostate adenoma;
    • bladder obstruction;
    • children or old age;
    • lower respiratory tract diseases.

    The best allergy remedies

    TOP 5 most effective drugs:

    1. Erius. A fast-acting medicine that is good for eliminating runny nose, itching, and rashes. It costs expensive.
    2. Eden. A drug containing desloratadine. Does not have a hypnotic effect. Copes well with lacrimation, itching, swelling.
    3. Zyrtec. A drug based on cetirizine. Fast-acting and effective.
    4. Zodak. An excellent allergy medicine that instantly relieves symptoms.
    5. Cetrin. A drug that very rarely produces side effects. Quickly eliminates allergy symptoms.

    Price of antihistamines

    All medications are available for purchase, and you can easily choose the one that suits you best. Sometimes they give good discounts on funds. You can buy them in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities, or order them delivered by mail from online pharmacies. For an approximate price range for antihistamines, see the table:

    Name of medicine, release form, volume

    Approximate cost in rubles

    Suprastin, tablets, 20 pcs.

    Zyrtec, drops, 10 ml

    Fenistil, drops, 20 ml

    Erius, tablets, 10 pcs.

    Zodak, tablets, 30 pcs.

    Claritin, tablets, 30 pcs.

    Tavegil, tablets, 10 pcs.

    Cetrin, tablets, 20 pcs.

    Loratadine, tablets, 10 pcs.

    Video: Antiallergic drugs for children


    Margarita, 28 years old

    Since childhood, spring has been a terrible time for me. I just tried not to leave the house; there wasn’t a single photo of me on the street. When I got tired of this, I turned to an allergist. He prescribed me the drug Cetrin. Taking it, I walked calmly, without reacting to flowering plants or other irritants. There were no side effects from the drug.

    Christina, 32 years old

    I am allergic to household and other types of dust. The house is perfectly clean, but on the street or at a party only medications can save you. At first I took Erius, but the price of this antihistamine is steep. I replaced it with Desloratadine. It works the same, but costs much less. This medicine helps me very well, one tablet lasts for a day.


    General concept of antihistamines

    To everyone who wants to understand in depth the question of what antihistamines are, doctors explain that these drugs are created to counteract histamine, an allergic mediator.

    When the human body comes into contact with an irritant, specific substances are produced, among which histamine exhibits increased activity. U healthy person it resides in mast cells and remains inactive. When exposed to an allergen, histamine enters an active phase and provokes allergy symptoms.

    To relieve negative reactions, medications were invented at different times that could reduce the amount of histamine and neutralize its harmful effects on humans. Thus, antihistamines are general definition all drugs that have the indicated effectiveness. To date, their classification includes 4 generations.

    The advantages of the drugs in question are a gentle effect on the body, in particular on the cardiovascular system, rapid relief of symptoms and a prolonged effect.

    Review of new generation antihistamines

    Antihistamines are also called H1 receptor blockers. They are quite safe for the body, but still have some contraindications. For example, during pregnancy and childhood, a doctor has the right not to prescribe anti-allergy pills if their instructions list these conditions as contraindications.

    All new generation antihistamines - list of new drugs:

    • Erius.
    • Xizal.
    • Bamipin.
    • Cetirizine.
    • Ebastine.
    • Fenspiride.
    • Levocetirizine.
    • Fexofenadine.
    • Desloratadine.

    It is difficult to single out the most effective 4th generation antihistamines from this list, since some of them appeared relatively recently and have not yet proven themselves 100%. Phenoxofenadine is considered a popular allergy treatment option. Taking tablets containing this substance does not have a hypnotic or cardiotoxic effect on the patient.

    Medicines containing cetirizine are good at removing skin manifestations of allergosis. One tablet brings significant relief within 2 hours from the moment of use. The result lasts for a long time.

    The drug Erius is an improved analogue of Loratadine. But its efficiency is approximately 2.5 times higher. Erius is suitable for children over 1 year of age who are prone to allergies. They are given the drug in liquid form at a dosage of 2.5 ml once a day. From 5 years of age, the dosage of Erius is increased to 5 ml. From the age of 12, the child is given 10 ml of medication per day.

    The medicine Xyzal is also in high demand today. It prevents the release of inflammatory mediators. Effectiveness is determined by the reliable elimination of allergic reactions.

    Feksadin (Allegra, Telfast)

    The drug with fexofenadine reduces the production of histamine and completely blocks histamine receptors. Suitable for the treatment of seasonal allergies and chronic urticaria. The product is not addictive. The body is affected for 24 hours.

    Fexadin should not be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding or children under 12 years of age.

    Zodak (Cetrin, Zyrtec, Cetirizine)

    The effectiveness of the taken tablet is felt after 20 minutes, and after discontinuation of the drug it persists for another 72 hours. Zodak and its synonyms are used for the treatment and prevention of allergosis. Long-term use is allowed. The release form is not only tablets, but also syrup and drops.

    In pediatrics, Zodak drops are used from 6 months. After 1 year, syrup is prescribed. Children can take tablets from 6 years of age. Dosages for each type of medication are selected individually.

    Cetirizine should not be taken by pregnant women. If there is a need to treat allergies during lactation, the baby is temporarily weaned.

    Xyzal (Suprastinex, Levocetirizine)

    Xizal drops and tablets work 40 minutes after administration.

    The medication is indicated for the treatment of urticaria, allergies, and skin itching. For children, fourth-generation antihistamines for allergies called Xyzal are prescribed from 2 years and 6 years (drops and tablets, respectively). The pediatrician calculates the dosage based on the child’s age and weight.

    Xyzal is prohibited during pregnancy. But it can be taken during breastfeeding.

    Suprastinex helps well with seasonal allergies, when the body reacts to pollen from flowering plants. As the main medicine, it is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis and rhinitis of an allergic nature. Take Suprastinex with food.

    Desloratadine (Erius, Lordestin, Dezal)

    Desloratadine and its synonyms have antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties.

    They quickly treat seasonal allergies and recurrent hives, but sometimes cause side effects such as headaches and dry mouth. Desloratadine is sold in the form of tablets and syrup.

    Doctors prescribe syrup for children 2–6 years old. Tablets are allowed to be used only from 6 years of age. Desloratadine is completely contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. But for angioedema and bronchospasm, a specialist can choose a gentle option for using this medicine.

    Antihistamines for babies

    It is not recommended for newborns to take antihistamines. But sometimes situations arise when it is impossible to do without medication, for example, if the baby is stung by an insect. From 1 month of life, the child can be given Fenistil in drops.

    Diphenhydramine, which was previously given to children different cases, pediatricians today prescribe only from the 7th month of life.

    Suprastin is considered the most gentle option for the little ones. He quickly manifests medicinal properties without causing the slightest harm to the body. Children are also prescribed Fenkarol and Tavegil. For urticaria, drug-induced dermatosis and food allergies, it is better to give Tavegil to the child. The tablets relieve swelling, restore skin color and work as an antipruritic agent.

    Analogues of Tavegil are Donormil, Diphenhydramine, Bravegil and Clemastine. The child takes them if there are contraindications to the use of Tavegil.

    From 2 to 5 years, the child’s body gradually strengthens and can normally tolerate more strong drugs. For itchy skin, the names of antihistamines for this age group of patients, the specialist will consider the following:

    1. Erius (4th generation).
    2. Cetrin.
    3. Claritin.
    4. Diazolin.

    Erius was mentioned above, now let’s focus on Tsetrin. These tablets can be used to prevent allergies in children prone to negative reactions. In case of individual intolerance to the constituent components, Cetrin is replaced with analogues - Letizen, Cetirinax, Zodak, Zetrinal. After 2 years, the child can take Astemizole.

    From 6 years of age, the list of antihistamines is expanded, since medications are suitable for such children different generations– from 1 to 4. Junior schoolchildren can take tablets Zyrtec, Terfenadine, Clemastine, Glencet, Suprastinex, Cesera.

    What Komarovsky says

    Famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky does not advise parents to give antihistamines to young children unless absolutely necessary and without medical prescription. If a pediatrician or allergist considers it necessary to prescribe an antiallergic drug to a child, it can be taken for no more than 7 days.

    Evgeniy Olegovich also prohibits combining antihistamines with antibiotics and says that it is not at all necessary to give a child an antihistamine tablet on the eve of vaccination or after vaccination.

    Some parents, based on their own considerations, try to give their child Suprastin to drink before DPT, but Komarovsky does not see any point in this. The children's doctor explains that the body's reaction to the vaccine has nothing to do with allergies.

    Women with allergies planning to have children are always interested in what antihistamines can be taken during pregnancy and preferably during lactation, or whether it is worth enduring the inconvenience associated with hay fever, rash and swelling. Doctors say that it is better for women not to take any medications during gestation, as they are potentially dangerous to the mother and fetus.

    In the 1st trimester, treating allergies with pills is strictly prohibited, except in cases where the disease threatens the life of the expectant mother. In the 2nd – 3rd trimesters, treatment with antihistamines is allowed with a number of restrictions, because no pill is 100% harmless.

    Women who experience allergies every season should plan their pregnancy in advance so that irritating substances are inactive during pregnancy. If conception does occur, and you have to carry the pregnancy to term in the summer, expectant mothers can reduce the severity of allergic reactions by taking natural antihistamines:

    • Zinc.
    • Fish fat.
    • Vitamin B12.
    • Ascorbic acid.
    • Organic acids – oleic, pantothenic, nicotinic.

    But pregnant women can take such substances only with the consent of a doctor.


    What is histamine?

    Histamine is a complex organic substance that is part of many tissues and cells. It is found in special mast cells - histiocytes. This is the so-called passive histamine.

    Under special conditions, passive histamine turns into an active state. Released into the blood, it spreads throughout the body and has a negative effect on it. This transition occurs under the influence of:

    • traumatic injuries;
    • stress;
    • infectious diseases;
    • effects of medications;
    • malignant and benign neoplasms;
    • chronic diseases;
    • removal of organs or their parts.

    Active histamine can enter the body with both food and water. Most often this happens when eating food of animal origin that is not fresh.

    How does the body react to the appearance of free histamine?

    The transition of histamine from a bound state to a free one creates a viral effect.

    For this reason, flu and allergy symptoms are often similar. In this case, the following processes occur in the body:

    1. Smooth muscle spasms. Most often they occur in the bronchi and intestines.
    2. Adrenaline rush. This entails an increase blood pressure, increased heart rate.
    3. Increased production of digestive enzymes and mucus in the bronchi and nasal cavity.
    4. Constriction of large and dilation of small blood vessels. This causes swelling of the mucous membrane, redness of the skin, the appearance of a rash, and a sharp decrease in pressure.
    5. The development of anaphylactic shock, which is accompanied by convulsions, loss of consciousness, vomiting, and a sharp drop in pressure.

    Antihistamines and their effects

    The most in an effective way Anti-histamine drugs are special drugs that reduce the level of this substance in its free active state.

    Since the first medications to combat allergies were developed, four generations of antihistamines have been released. In connection with the development of chemistry, biology and pharmacology, these drugs were improved, their effect increased, and contraindications and undesirable consequences decreased.

    Representatives of antihistamines of all generations

    In order to evaluate the latest generation of drugs, the list should begin with drugs from earlier developments.

    1. First generation: Diphenhydramine, Diazolin, Mebhydrolin, Promethazine, Chloropyramine, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Peritol, Pipolfen, Fenkarol. All these drugs have a strong sedative and even hypnotic effect. The main mechanism of their action is blocking H1 receptors. Their duration of action ranges from 4 to 5 hours. The antiallergic effect of these drugs can be called good. However, they have too much impact on the entire body. Side effects of such drugs are: dilated pupils, dry mouth, blurred vision, constant drowsiness, weakness.
    2. Second generation: Doxylamine, Hifenadine, Clemastine, Cyproheptadine, Claritin, Zodak, Fenistil, Gistalong, Semprex. At this stage of pharmaceutical development, drugs appeared that did not have a sedative effect. In addition, they no longer contain the same side effects. They do not have an inhibitory effect on the psyche, and also do not cause drowsiness. They are taken not only for allergic manifestations of the respiratory system, but also for skin reactions, for example, urticaria. The disadvantage of these drugs was the cardiotoxic effect of their ingredients.
    3. Third generation: Acrivastine, Astemizole, Dimetindene. These drugs have improved antihistamine capabilities and a small number of contraindications and side effects. Based on the totality of all their properties, they are no less effective than 4th generation drugs.
    4. Fourth generation: Cetirizine, Desloratadine, Fenspiride, Fexofenadine, Loratadine, Azelastine, Xyzal, Ebastine. 4th generation antihistamines are capable of blocking H1 and H2 histamine receptors. This reduces the body's reactions to the mediator histamine. As a result, the allergic reaction weakens or does not appear at all. The likelihood of bronchospasms is also reduced.

    The best of the latest generation

    The best 4th generation antihistamines are characterized by a long-lasting therapeutic effect and a low number of side effects. They do not suppress the psyche and do not destroy the heart.

    1. Fexofenadine is very popular. It is characterized by versatility of action, due to which it can be used for all types of allergies. However, it is prohibited for use by children under 6 years of age.
    2. Cetirizine is more suitable for the treatment of allergies that manifest themselves on the skin. It is especially recommended for urticaria. The effect of Cetirizine appears 2 hours after administration, but the therapeutic effect lasts all day. So for moderate allergy attacks it can be taken once a day. The drug is often recommended for the treatment of childhood allergies. Long-term use of Cetirizine in children suffering from early atopic syndrome significantly reduces further negative development diseases of allergic origin.
    3. Loratadine has a particularly significant therapeutic effect. This fourth generation drug can rightfully top the list of leaders.
    4. Xyzal effectively blocks the release of inflammatory mediators, which allows you to get rid of allergic reactions for a long time. It is better to use it for bronchial asthma and seasonal pollen allergies.
    5. Desloratadine can be considered one of the most popular antihistamines, designed for all age groups. At the same time, it is rightfully considered one of the safest, with almost no contraindications or undesirable effects. However, it is characterized by at least a small, but still sedative effect. However, this effect is so small that it practically does not affect the speed of a person’s reaction and the activity of the heart.
    6. Desloratadine is most often prescribed to patients with pollen allergies. It can be used both seasonally, that is, during the period of maximum risk, and during other periods. This drug can be successfully used in the treatment of conjunctivitis and allergic rhinitis.
    7. The drug Levocetirizine, also known as Suprastinex and Cesera, is considered an excellent remedy, used for pollen allergies. In addition, these medications can be used for conjunctivitis and allergic rhinitis.

    Thus, fourth-generation antihistamines can be used while driving and performing other tasks that require a good response. They usually do not interact with others medicinal drugs, including antibiotics. This allows them to be taken in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

    Because these drugs do not affect behavior or thought processes and do not have a detrimental effect on cardiac activity, they are usually well tolerated by patients.

    New generation hay fever tablets

    For quotation: Kareva E.N. Choosing an antihistamine: a pharmacologist’s view // RMJ. Medical Review. 2016. No. 12. pp. 811-816

    The article is devoted to the problem of choosing an antihistamine from the point of view of a pharmacologist

    For citation. Kareva E.N. Choosing an antihistamine: a pharmacologist’s view // RMJ. 2016. No. 12. pp. 811–816.

    Antihistamines (AGDs) are the first line of treatment for most allergic diseases. They are predominantly over-the-counter products; they have long been firmly established in our practice and have been used for more than half a century. Often the choice of these drugs is carried out empirically or even left to the patients, but there are many nuances that determine how effective a particular drug will be for a particular patient, which means that the choice of these drugs must be approached no less responsibly than, for example, the choice antibiotics.
    Each specialist in his clinical practice has probably encountered situations when a particular drug did not have the desired clinical effect or caused hyperergic reactions. What does this depend on and how can you minimize the risks? Variability in response to a drug is most often associated with the activity of metabolic enzymes in the patient’s liver; the situation is aggravated in the case of polypharmacy (5 or more prescribed drugs at the same time). Therefore, one of the real ways to reduce the risk of an inadequate response of the body to a drug is to choose a drug that is not metabolized in the liver. In addition, when choosing an antihypertensive, it is important to evaluate the following parameters: the strength and speed of onset of the effect, the possibility of long-term use, the benefit/risk ratio (efficacy/safety), ease of use, the possibility of use for concomitant pathology in combination with other drugs in a given patient, the route of elimination , need for dose titration, price.
    To solve this problem, consider the current information on histamine and antihistamines.
    Histamine and its role in the body
    Histamine in the human body performs a number of physiological functions, plays the role of a neurotransmitter and is involved in many pathobiological processes (Fig. 1).

    The main depot of histamine in the body is mast cells and basophils, where it is found in the form of granules in a bound state. The largest number of mast cells are localized in the skin, mucous membranes of the bronchi and intestines.
    Histamine realizes its activity exclusively through its own receptors. Modern ideas about the functional load of histamine receptors, their localization and mechanisms of intracellular signaling are shown in Table 1.

    In addition to physiological functions, histamine is involved in the development inflammatory process of any nature. Histamine causes itching, sneezing and stimulates secretion of the nasal mucosa (rhinorrhea), contraction of smooth muscles of the bronchi and intestines, tissue hyperemia, dilatation of small blood vessels, increased vascular permeability to water, proteins, neutrophils, and the formation of inflammatory edema (nasal congestion).
    Not only with allergic diseases, but also with any pathological processes with a pronounced inflammatory component, the level of histamine in the body is always increased. This is indicated for chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory and urogenital tracts, acute respiratory viral infections, flu Moreover, the daily amount of histamine in urine during influenza is approximately the same as during exacerbation of allergic diseases. Therefore, a pathogenetically justified and clinically useful step is to reduce the activity of the histamine system in conditions of its increased activity. In principle, the histaminergic activity of the body can be suppressed either through a decrease in the amount of free histamine (inhibition of synthesis, activation of metabolism, inhibition of release from the depot), or through blockade of histamine receptor signals. In clinical practice, drugs have been used that stabilize mast cell membranes, thereby preventing the release of histamine. However, when using them, you have to wait a long time for the desired effect to occur, and the therapeutic effectiveness of this group of drugs is very moderate, so they are used exclusively with for preventive purposes. A quick and pronounced effect is achieved when using antihistamines.

    Classification of antihistamines
    According to the classification adopted by the European Academy of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists, all antihistamines are divided into 2 generations depending on their effect on the central nervous system.
    First generation antihistamines
    First-generation H1 antagonists penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB) ​​and can both stimulate and suppress the functioning of the central nervous system (Fig. 2). As a rule, the latter happens in most patients. A sedative effect when taking first generation AGPs is subjectively noted by 40–80% of patients. The absence of sedation in individual patients does not exclude objective negative influence these funds on cognitive functions, which patients may not pay attention to (ability to drive, learn, etc.). Dysfunction of the central nervous system is observed even when using minimal doses of these drugs. The effect of first-generation antihypertensive drugs on the central nervous system is the same as when using alcohol and sedatives. Stimulation has been observed in some patients receiving conventional doses of antihypertensives and is manifested by restlessness, nervousness and insomnia. Typically, central excitation is characteristic of an overdose of first generation AGPs; it can lead to convulsions, especially in children.

    When taking first generation antihypertensive drugs, in addition to the sedative effect and effect on cognitive functions, the following are observed:
    short-term effect (forced use 3-4 times a day);
    rapid development of tachyphylaxis (it is necessary to change the drug every 7–10 days);
    low selectivity of action: in addition to histamine H1 receptors, they block acetylcholine, adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine receptors and ion channels, causing many side effects: tachycardia, dry mucous membranes, increased sputum viscosity. They can increase intraocular pressure, interfere with urination, cause stomach pain, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and increase body weight. That is why these drugs have a number of serious restrictions for use among patients with glaucoma, benign hyperplasia prostate gland, cardiovascular pathology, etc.
    In acute poisoning of first generation antihypertensive drugs, their central effects are greatest danger: the patient experiences agitation, hallucinations, ataxia, incoordination, convulsions, etc. Fixed, dilated pupils on a flushed face, along with sinus tachycardia, urinary retention, dry mouth and fever are very similar to signs of atropine poisoning.
    In children with an overdose of first-generation antihypertensive drugs, agitation and convulsions may occur, so experts in many countries are calling for the refusal of this group of drugs in the treatment of children or their use under strict supervision. In addition, sedation can impair children's learning and performance at school.

    New AGPs (II generation) do not penetrate the BBB and do not have a sedative effect (Fig. 2).
    Note: III generation drugs have not yet been developed. Some pharmaceutical companies present new drugs that have appeared on the pharmaceutical market as AGP III - the newest generation. They tried to classify metabolites and stereoisomers of modern AGPs as the third generation. However, it is currently believed that these drugs belong to the second generation AGPs, since there is no significant difference between them. According to the Consensus on Antihistamines, it was decided to reserve the name “third generation” to designate antihistamines synthesized in the future, which will differ from known compounds in a number of basic characteristics.
    Unlike older drugs, II generation AGPs practically do not penetrate the BBB and do not cause a sedative effect, so they can be recommended to drivers, people whose work requires concentration, schoolchildren and students. The term “practically” is used here, because in very rare cases and when taking second-generation drugs, cases of sedation are possible, but this is rather an exception to the rule and depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.
    Second-generation antihypertensives are capable of selectively blocking H1 receptors, quickly providing a clinical effect with a long-lasting effect (for 24 hours), and, as a rule, are not addictive (no tachyphylaxis). Due to their higher safety profile, they are preferred for elderly patients (over 65 years of age).

    II generation antihistamines
    Features of pharmacokinetics
    Metabolism of II generation AGPs
    All II generation AGPs are divided into 2 large groups, depending on the need for metabolic activation in the liver (Fig. 3).

    The need for metabolic activation in the liver is associated with a number of problems, the main of which are the danger of drug interactions and the late onset of the maximum therapeutic effect of the drug. Concomitant use of two or more drugs that are metabolized by the liver may result in changes in the concentration of each drug. In the case of parallel use of an inducer of drug metabolism enzymes (barbiturates, ethanol, St. John's wort, etc.), the rate of antihistamine metabolism increases, the concentration decreases and the effect is not achieved or is weakly expressed. With the simultaneous use of liver enzyme inhibitors (antifungal azoles, grapefruit juice, etc.), the metabolic rate of AGP slows down, which causes an increase in the concentration of the “prodrug” in the blood and an increase in the frequency and severity of side effects.
    The most successful option for antihypertensive drugs are drugs that are not metabolized in the liver, the effectiveness of which does not depend on concomitant therapy, and the maximum concentration is achieved in as soon as possible, which ensures a rapid onset of action. An example of such a second-generation antihypertensive drug is cetirizine.

    The speed of onset of the effect of AGP of the second generation
    One of the most important aspects of the drug’s action is the speed of onset of the effect.
    Among the second generation AGPs, the shortest period of achieving Cmax was observed for cetirizine and levocetirizine. It should be noted that antihistamine effect begins to develop much earlier and is minimal for drugs that do not require preliminary activation in the liver, for example, cetirizine - after 20 minutes (Table 2).

    Distribution of II generation AGP
    The next most important characteristic of a drug is the volume of distribution. This indicator indicates the predominant localization of the drug: in plasma, intercellular space or inside cells. The higher this indicator, the more drug enters tissues and cells. The small volume of distribution indicates that the drug is predominantly located in the vascular bed (Fig. 4). For AGP, localization in the bloodstream is optimal because its main target cells (immunocompetent blood cells and vascular endothelium) are represented here.

    The values ​​of the volume of distribution (liter/kg) for II generation AGPs are as follows in increasing order: cetirizine (0.5)< фексофенадин (5,4–5,8) < дезлоратадин (49) < эбастин (100) < лоратадин (119) (рис. 5). Малый объем распределения обеспечивает: а) high concentrations this AGP on the surface of target cells, therefore, precisely targeted action and high therapeutic efficiency; b) lack of accumulation in parenchymal organs and safety of use.

    Features of pharmacodynamics
    Pharmacological effects AGPs are mediated by histamine receptors, selectivity for different subtypes, the strength and duration of binding to which varies between drugs. A distinctive characteristic of the second generation AGP cetirizine is its high affinity - the ability to bind histamine H1 receptors for a long time: their occupancy 4 hours after taking the drug is 90%, after 24 hours - 57%, which exceeds similar indicators of other AGPs. The most important property antihistamines is their ability to reduce the expression of histamine H1 receptors, thereby reducing the sensitivity of tissues to histamine.
    According to the strength of the antihistamine effect, second-generation antihistamines can be arranged in the following order: cetirizine >> ebastine > fexofenadine >> loratadine (Fig. 6).

    The antiallergic effect of individual antihypertensive drugs (cetirizine) includes the so-called additional, extra-H1-receptor effect, together with which the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is realized.
    Side effects of AGP
    Side effects of antihypertensive drugs include anticholinergic effects (dry mouth, sinus tachycardia, constipation, urinary retention, blurred vision), adrenolytic effects (hypotension, reflex tachycardia, anxiety), antiserotonin (increased appetite), central antihistamine effects (sedation, increased appetite), blockade potassium channels in the heart (ventricular arrhythmia, QT prolongation). The selectivity of the action of drugs on target receptors and the ability to penetrate or not penetrate the BBB determine their effectiveness and safety.
    Among the second generation AGPs, the affinity for M-cholinergic receptors is the lowest, and therefore practically complete absence The drugs cetirizine and levocetirizine have anticholinergic effects (Table 3).

    Some antihypertensive drugs can cause arrhythmias. “Potentially cardiotoxic” are terfenadine and astemizole. Due to the ability to cause a potentially fatal arrhythmia - atrial fibrillation (metabolic disturbance due to liver disease or in the presence of CYP3A4 inhibitors), terfenadine and astemizole have been prohibited for use since 1998 and 1999. respectively. Among the currently available antihypertensive drugs, ebastine and rupatadine have cardiotoxicity and are not recommended for use in persons with a prolonged QT interval or hypokalemia. Cardiotoxicity increases when taken simultaneously with drugs that prolong the QT interval - macrolides, antifungals, calcium channel blockers, antidepressants, fluoroquinolones.

    Cetirizine occupies a special place among second generation drugs. Along with all the advantages of non-sedating antihistamines, cetirizine demonstrates properties that distinguish it from a number of new generation drugs and ensure its high clinical efficacy and safety. In particular, it has additional antiallergic activity, fast speed effect occurs, there is no danger of interaction with others medicinal substances and food, which opens up the possibility of safely prescribing the drug to patients with concomitant diseases.
    The effect of cetirizine consists of its influence on both phases allergic inflammation. The antiallergic effect includes the so-called extra-H1 receptor effect: inhibition of the release of leukotrienes, prostaglandins in the nasal mucosa, skin, bronchi, stabilization of mast cell membranes, inhibition of eosinophil migration and platelet aggregation, suppression of ICAM-1 expression by epithelial cells.
    Many authors, both foreign and domestic, consider cetirizine to be the standard of modern AGP. It is one of the most studied antihypertensive drugs, having proven its effectiveness and safety in many clinical studies. For patients who respond poorly to other antihypertensive drugs, cetirizine is recommended. Cetirizine fully complies with the requirements for modern antihypertensive drugs.
    Cetirizine is characterized by a half-life of 7–11 hours, the duration of the effect is 24 hours, after a course of treatment the effect lasts up to 3 days, with long-term use – up to 110 weeks, no addiction is observed. The duration of the effect of cetirizine (24 hours) is explained by the fact that the effect of AGP is determined not only by the plasma concentration, but also by the degree of binding to plasma proteins and receptors.
    Cetirizine is practically not metabolized in the liver and is excreted primarily by the kidneys, so it can be used even in patients with impaired liver function. But for patients with renal failure, a dose adjustment of the drug is required.

    Cetrin – effective, high-quality generic cetirizine at an affordable price
    Currently, among cetirizine preparations, in addition to the original one (Zyrtec), 13 generic drugs (generics) are registered. different manufacturers. The relevant issue is the interchangeability of generic cetirizine, their therapeutic equivalence to the original drug and the choice of the optimal drug for the treatment of allergic diseases. Stability therapeutic effect and therapeutic activity of the reproduced drug are determined by the features of the technology, the quality of the active substances and the spectrum excipients. The quality of drug substances from different manufacturers may vary significantly. Any change in the composition of excipients may be accompanied by pharmacokinetic deviations (decreased bioavailability and the occurrence of side effects).
    The generic must be safe to use and equivalent to the original drug. Two drugs are considered bioequivalent (pharmacokinetically equivalent) if, after administration by the same route (for example, orally) in the same dose and schedule, they have the same bioavailability (the proportion of the drug that enters the bloodstream), the time to reach the maximum concentration and the level of this concentration in the blood, half-life and area under the time-concentration curve. The listed properties are necessary for the proper effectiveness and safety of the drug.
    According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the bioequivalence of a generic drug should be determined in relation to the officially registered original drug.
    Bioequivalence studies have become mandatory for drug registration since 2010. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration, USA) annually issues and publishes the “Orange Book” with a list of drugs (and their manufacturers) that are considered therapeutic. equivalent to the original ones.
    In addition, it is important to pay attention to compliance with international manufacturing standards (GMP) when manufacturing drugs. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers (especially domestic ones) have production facilities that meet GMP requirements, and this may affect the quality of drugs, and therefore the effectiveness and safety of generics.
    Thus, when choosing generics, there are a number of reliable guidelines: the authority of the manufacturer, compliance with GMP, inclusion in the FDA Orange Book. All of the above criteria are fully met by the drug Cetrin from Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. Cetrin is produced by an international pharmaceutical company whose production sites are GMP certified. It is bioequivalent to the original drug and is included in the FDA's Orange Book as a drug with proven therapeutic equivalence. In addition, Cetrin has a long-term successful experience of use in Russia and a large own evidence base.
    In a comparative study of the therapeutic effectiveness and pharmacoeconomics of cetirizine preparations from different manufacturers in the treatment of chronic urticaria, it was shown that greatest number patients who achieved remission were in the groups receiving Zyrtec and Cetrin, while the best results in terms of cost-effectiveness were demonstrated by Cetrin therapy.
    The long history of use of Cetrin in domestic clinical practice has proven its high therapeutic efficacy and safety. Cetrin is a drug that meets the practical need of clinical medicine for an effective and safe antihistamine drug available to a wide range of patients.


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    Allergy is pathological process, which occurs when the body reacts inadequately to various substances (foreign agents). Development of civilization and abundance chemical substances in products and the environment provokes widespread spread of the disease. Recently, people are increasingly exposed to the sun, which is, in principle, unnatural for humans.

    Doctors do not yet know exactly what deep reasons inadequate response of the body to irritants, so allergy medications can only relieve symptoms and not completely cure the patient. Particular attention should be paid to children who suffer from allergic reactions. After all, this disease disrupts the functioning of the immune system and can lead to failure in other organs and systems.

    Allergy medications help relieve skin rashes, itching, runny nose and relieve cough. There are a number of medications that are used to treat allergic reactions, but you should only start taking them after consulting your doctor.

    What can cause an allergy?

    Before deciding what to drink for allergies, you should consult a doctor. He will be able to determine the factor that caused the development of the disease, and, based on this information and the main symptoms, will prescribe the correct treatment.
    The following factors can cause an allergic reaction:

    • Medicines, especially if taken too often or for a long time
    • Dust, including house dust, in which dust mites live
    • Plant pollen during the flowering period causes hay fever (a separate type of allergy)
    • Sudden temperature changes (cold and)
    • Animal fur, especially cats, dogs, rodents and rabbits, as well as bird feathers
    • Bee, wasp and mosquito bites
    • Molds
    • Household chemicals, perfumes and cosmetics, due to the abundance of chemical components, can cause an allergic reaction not only in a child, but also in an adult
    • Food products. Food allergies most often occur in children, but can also occur in adults. The most common reactions are to cow's milk, citrus fruits, red fruits and vegetables, seafood, grains and nuts.

    Allergy medications included complex treatment, which is often prescribed to alleviate the patient’s condition:

    • First of all, they try to minimize or completely eliminate contact with the allergen. If this is not possible, then the patient must constantly take antihistamine tablets.
    • Anti-allergy medications quickly relieve symptoms of the disease: itching, skin rashes, sneezing, rhinitis and allergic cough.
    • It is also recommended to carry out immunotherapy, which promotes the production of blocking antibodies to external irritants.
    • For severe and prolonged allergies, drugs with corticosteroids are used. But this is an extreme measure, since such medications can only be taken in limited quantities and not for a long time, and the course of treatment should be stopped gradually. Medicines with corticosteroids are used only if there is no other way to eliminate the signs of allergies.
    • They strive to cleanse the patient’s body of toxins as much as possible. For this purpose, sorbent drugs are prescribed, such as activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polysorb and Polyphepan.
    • Less commonly used are blood purification, for example, invasive methods such as plasmapheresis.

    The best allergy remedies

    Allergy symptoms lead to the production large quantity histamine. Therefore, to combat inflammation of the eyes, skin and respiratory organs, antihistamines are prescribed. IN this moment There are three generations of these medications.

    Below we will provide data on the drugs that exist on the modern pharmacological market, and consider their positive and negative aspects. It should be taken into account that the information provided in this article is of a purely informative nature, and only a qualified doctor can prescribe the use of a particular remedy.

    At the moment, 3rd generation antihistamines (metabolites) are considered the most effective remedy against allergies. They quickly eliminate the signs of an allergic reaction and do not cause drowsiness, cardiotoxicity or sedation. In addition, they do not disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system, so they can be given to children from two years of age and adults who work with machinery and need constant concentration.

    In rare cases, the use of metabolites may cause drowsiness. But this effect is observed only in people with hypersensitivity or those who suffer from chronic fatigue. Therefore, this symptom is not a reason to stop taking medications.

    The new generation of allergy drugs include Cetirizine, Loratadine, Ebastine, Acelastine, Astemizole, Acrivastine and others. Most effective for oral administration Cetirizine () and Loratadine are considered. Acelastine is most often used as an external agent in the form of a nasal spray and eye drops.

    The main advantage of metabolites is that they can be taken for a long time, for example, to treat long-term allergic manifestations:

    • Allergic contact dermatitis
    • Perennial allergic rhinitis
    • and adults
    • Urticaria
    • Allergic conjunctivitis

    The advantages of 3rd generation antihistamines are obvious:

    1. They do not affect the reaction rate and do not have sedative properties. Also, these medications do not interfere with mental and physical activity. You can take them regardless of meals, and improvement occurs quite quickly. The effect of the drug lasts for two days, and the activity of the drug does not change even with long-term use.
    2. Some drugs may cause side effects. For example, Terfenadine and Astemizole cannot be taken simultaneously with antibiotics and antimycotic drugs. You should also not drink them with citrus juices. This may cause cardiotoxicity and impair liver function. Therefore, these drugs are not prescribed to elderly people and patients with liver and cardiovascular diseases. For such patients, taking Loratadine and Cetrin is considered more acceptable.
    3. For local treatment, the drug Acelastine is used, which begins to act within 20 minutes after administration and has no side effects.

    Review of the most effective drugs

    Here is a list of the most effective 3rd generation medications, their main properties and analogue drugs:


    It is considered the most effective cure for allergies. The product is practically not absorbed by the body, but at the same time quickly relieves allergy symptoms on the skin. The medicine is quite often prescribed to children to combat early atopic syndrome, since taking Cetirizine significantly reduces the risk of recurrence of the disease in the future.

    Relief occurs within two hours after administration, and the effect lasts quite a long time. Therefore, it is often enough to take 1 tablet per day, and in the initial stages of allergies, Cetirizine is taken every other day or even twice a week.

    Cetirizine has a slight sedative effect, so it is rarely prescribed to people with kidney problems. The product is also suitable for treating children over two years of age (in the form of syrup or suspension).

    The table below shows a list of analogue drugs with their approximate price and release form.

    Tablets of analogue drugs are cheaper. Drops and syrups are allowed for use by children and are more expensive drugs.


    At the moment it is the most popular 3rd generation drug for the treatment of allergies. It is suitable for all age groups and has virtually no side effects. Loratadine does not have a sedative effect and does not affect the functioning of the heart or nervous system. Most patients tolerate the drug well, as it interacts well with other medications.

    Loratadine can be taken by children over one year of age. The table below shows a list of analogues. Erius is considered the most powerful of them. It should not be used during pregnancy or to treat children under one year of age.

    Name approximate price Form of the drug
    Erius 450-700 rubles Tablets for adults and syrup for children
    Loratadine 20 rubles Pills
    Lomilan 100-130 rubles Tablets, suspension
    Clarisens 30-60 rubles Tablets and syrup
    Loragexal 50 rubles Pills
    Claritin 220-205 rubles Tablets and syrup
    Desloratadine Teva 360 rubles Pills
    Desal 160 rubles Pills
    Lordestin 210 rubles Pills
    Clarotadine 110-130 rubles Tablets and syrup

    A metabolite drug that does not affect metabolic processes, does not cause drowsiness, interacts well with other drugs and does not affect the functioning of the nervous system. Although the drug is considered one of the safest, it should not be taken by children under six years of age.

    Analogue drugs are Telfast (average price 450 rubles), Fexofast (200 rubles) and Fexadin (160 rubles). All of them are available only in tablets.


    Its properties are similar to 1st generation antihistamines, but have a longer effect. The peculiarity of the medicine is that it can be used both for internal use and as an external remedy to relieve inflammation on the skin. Analogues of Dimetinden are Fenistil drops, gel and emulsion, the cost of which ranges from 280 to 350 rubles, depending on the form of release.

    The drugs Akrivastine, Astemizole, Terfenadine and their analogues (Semprex, Gistalong and Trexil, respectively) have cardiotoxic effects and other side effects, as well as short-term effects. Therefore, now they are practically not used to treat allergies.

    Choice of drugs depending on the patient

    Depending on the age and presence of other diseases in the patient, a certain type of anti-allergy medication is prescribed:

    • Children from 1 to 4 years old can use Loratadine and Cetrinizine.
    • Patients under 12 years of age are prescribed Cetirizine, Loratadine and Dimetindene, as well as their analogues Cetrin, Zyrtec, Claritin and Fenistil.
    • During pregnancy, you can use Loratadine and Fexofenadine, and during breastfeeding, the only drug that can overcome an allergic reaction is Clemastine.
    • For liver dysfunction, patients are recommended to take Loratadine, Fexofenadine and Cetirizine, and for people with kidney failure, in addition to Loratadine, Astemizole and Terfenadine are also suitable.

    Description of 1st generation antihistamines

    Such drugs are now rarely used due to their disadvantages, which are completely absent in metabolites:

    • Reduce muscle tone
    • Causes drowsiness and sedation
    • The effect of the drug occurs quickly, but lasts no more than five hours
    • Children may experience psychomotor agitation. This effect can also appear in adults with long-term use and non-compliance with dosages.
    • 1st generation antihistamines should not be used by people whose work requires concentration: drivers, students and people who work with various mechanisms.
    • Strengthen the effect sleeping pills, analgesics and alcohol.
    • In most countries, these drugs are not produced due to their serious side effects: urinary retention, constipation, dry mouth, tachycardia and decreased visual acuity.

    An approximate list of 1st generation drugs that are best replaced with metabolite drugs is given below:

    • Tavegil continues to be used to this day due to the relatively long action of the drug (up to 8 hours). However, recently cases of allergies to Tavegil itself have begun to be recorded.
    • Diphenhydramine is not recommended for use, as it can have unpredictable effects on the nervous system.
    • Suprastin and Chloropyramine are popular because they do not cause cardiotoxicity. And its ability not to accumulate in the blood allows the drug to be used for a long time. Most often, the products are used to treat urticaria, relieve itching, etc. The only disadvantages are a slight sedative effect and a short duration of action.
    • Peritol is used to treat migraines, but may cause an increase in appetite.
    • Diazolin is not used due to the fact that the drug causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, inhibits mental and physical reactions, causes drowsiness, urinary retention and dizziness.
    • Fenkarol is similar in properties to diphenhydramine, but has a less sedative effect. This drug is used mainly after addiction to other 1st generation drugs.
    • Pipolfen and Diprazine are used to relieve the gag reflex, but the drugs should be used with caution due to their adverse effects on the nervous system.

    Allergy medications for children

    Allergy tablets for children are used only in older children, and for young patients drops, syrups or suspensions are mainly used.

    Children suffering from allergies are prescribed only certain types of medications. Among antihistamines For babies over one year old, you can use Lomilan, Loratadine, Claritin, Clarisens and Clarotadine. After two years, it is allowed to take Cetrin, Zodak and Parlazin, but only in the form of drops or syrup.

    To strengthen the mast cell membrane, Ketotifen syrup, Cromoglin and Cromohexal sprays, as well as Intal are used. These drugs prevent the destruction of mast cell membranes, increasing the defense of the immune system and preventing increased histamine production. However, all these drugs can only be used in children over one year of age.

    Corticosteroids are used very rarely, as they can cause irreparable harm children's body. The danger from taking such drugs lies in the fact that the negative effect may appear long after completion of the course of treatment. Taking prednisolone, betamethasone, hydrocortisone and others hormonal pills, drops, sprays and others should be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician and only if other drugs have not been able to cope with the manifestations of allergies.