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Amoxiclav felon. Cutaneous and subcutaneous form. How to treat periungual panaritium

Very unpleasant disease, which often occurs in people whose work is accompanied by microtraumas, is felon. Treatment at home for this disease is possible if the inflammation is not very severe and is not accompanied by high temperature and extensive tumor. Often felon occurs in children due to poor hygiene, biting or minor injuries to hands that have not been treated with antiseptics. It might happen

also with an incorrectly done manicure, finger puncture fish bone or a splinter.

Features of the disease

This disease causes serious trouble, especially for those who must work with their hands. After all, at the site of inflammation, a tugging pain is felt, often very strong. It intensifies when lowering the hand down, as well as at night. A tumor appears at the site of injury. It is by these signs that you can understand that you have felon. Treatment at home is only possible with initial stage diseases. And the earlier it is started, the more favorable its results.

In advanced cases, the help of a surgeon is often required to open the source of inflammation, because the pus, not finding a way out, can penetrate inside, and osteomyelitis or sepsis will occur or may occur. The peculiarity of this disease is that the infection enters the skin through a very small hole, and without access to air, favorable conditions for its reproduction.

How to treat panaritium

This is what characterizes panaritium. Treatment at home for this disease should prevent inflammation from developing, as well as remove the pus out. Under no circumstances should you open the abscess yourself or squeeze it out. The main means of treatment are rinsing, bathing, washing and applying various ointments. Effective on initial stage use a compress with ichthyol ointment or

Vishnevsky ointment. You can mix them in equal proportions or apply just one.

If you feel pain on your finger or notice a swelling, you have panaritium. Traditional treatment treatment of this disease is effective, but time-consuming. Most often it is recommended to take warm baths or even steam your finger in hot water with the addition of soda or salt. You can also wash the affected area with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or calendula tincture. Baths should last from several minutes, if the water is very hot, to half an hour. It is advisable to do them several times a day until complete recovery.

The periungual panaritium is very unpleasant and causes severe pain. It is recommended to begin treatment as early as possible to prevent complications. For

For better drainage of pus, you can apply a baked onion or baked garlic mixed with laundry soap. Such compresses need to be changed every 4 hours.

Grated beets or raw potatoes. They prevent inflammation from developing. It is better to make compresses from different products after baths. Honey, aloe leaf, chewed are also suitable for application. Walnut, or pine resin.

If you have a problem at home, it can be alleviated if you start it as early as possible and constantly wash your finger or apply compresses to it.

Human fingers and toes are more susceptible to injury than any other part of the body. Pathogenic microorganisms They enter the body through cuts, scratches and other damage to the skin, after which redness, inflammation and suppuration appear. This condition is called felon. IN advanced cases possible development dangerous complications up to fatal outcome. Treatment of felon at home should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

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    Most often, felon affects the first 3 fingers on right hand And thumbs legs Ulcers located on the back of the hand, with the exception of inflammation around the nail, to this disease do not apply.

    There are several types of felon depending on the depth of its penetration:

    View Description Example
    CutaneousThe easiest type. The affected area turned red painful sensations insignificant and tolerable, a purulent bubble forms in the thickness of the skin
    SubcutaneousIt occurs when the subcutaneous fat layer becomes inflamed. The affected area is very painful and festers. Getting worse general state patient. Manifestations are noticeable 5 days after injury
    TendinousOccurs when deep wound or after complications of skin inflammation. Symptoms appear a couple of hours after the lesion. The patient notes that the area is swollen, severe throbbing pain appears, and the finger bends spontaneously. With absence medical care the temperature rises
    ArticularOnce the area is affected, the infection penetrates deep into the tissue and occupies an even larger area. There is unbearable pain, swelling, redness of the entire finger, after which it breaks out. Nausea, vomiting and dizziness
    BoneIt is a complication of the milder type of panaritium. It occurs initially extremely rarely. Pain and swelling appear on day 3-4. The finger swells, severe suppuration appears, and intoxication of the body occurs
    SubungualMost often it occurs after being hit by a splinter. Pus accumulates under the nail plate and is visible through it. The area becomes red and inflamed. The nail in the affected area often peels off
    ParonychiaDevelops after mechanical damage nail fold, penetration of splinters, improper removal of burrs. Redness and suppuration form on the side of the nail. In advanced cases, not only the skin is affected, but also deeper tissues.

    Stages of damage

    Panaritium has several stages, accompanied by the following symptoms:

    1. 1. The infection penetrates the upper layer of the epidermis. The skin turns red, swelling, pain and itching appear.
    2. 2. The inflammatory process penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. Stripes or blisters filled with pus appear.
    3. 3. Inflammation increases, swelling appears. The finger loses the ability to bend, the affected area around it is hot and hard to the touch. The pain is throbbing and jerking in nature.
    4. 4. Suppuration of fatty tissue and tendons occurs. The patient's condition deteriorates sharply and the temperature rises.


    The development of felon occurs under the simultaneous influence of several factors. First there is a violation of integrity skin burn, cut, scratch or puncture. The most common injuries are caused by:

    • manicure tools;
    • wood or metal shavings;
    • splinters;
    • small bones during cooking.

    After a wound is formed, pathogenic infections penetrate into it:

    • staphylococcus;
    • streptococcus;
    • enterococcus;
    • gonococcus

    If the injury was not treated in a timely manner, then inflammatory process. It develops rapidly and affects nearby tissues.

    Panaritium actively develops in the presence of favorable factors:

    • Diabetes. The disease causes disruption of blood circulation through the capillaries of the extremities. This aggravates the development of felon, the wound does not heal for a long time.
    • Avitaminosis. A lack of vitamins causes thinning and drying of the skin of the hands. As a result, it peels off and microtraumas form. Tissues become most vulnerable to various infections.
    • Onychomycosis. Fungal diseases can affect not only nails, but also the skin. The spores spread quickly and easily enter the body through the slightest damage to the epidermis.
    • Onychocryptosis. Ingrown nails into the skin cause tissue inflammation. In advanced cases, infection occurs.

    Poor quality manicure and pedicure can also cause abscesses. This may include:

    • injuries when cutting the cuticle;
    • deburring;
    • improper cutting of the nail, causing ingrown nails;
    • use of unprocessed tools.


    Abscesses should not be ignored, since the inflammatory process can penetrate into deep tissues and cause the following complications:

    • Sepsis. The infection enters the blood and spreads throughout the body. The result can be fatal.
    • Tenosynovitis. Damage to the synovial membrane of the tendons. Causes loss of motor ability in the affected finger.
    • Phlegmon. A purulent inflammatory process of the upper tissues of the bone can penetrate deeper.
    • Osteomyelitis. It is a complication of phlegmon. Absence timely assistance can lead to complete amputation of a finger.

    If along with felon are found accompanying illnesses, for example onychomycosis or onychocryptosis, then it is necessary to carry out complex treatment to eliminate the root cause.


    Treatment of panaritium at homecan be carried out if the abscess is located in the skin or subcutaneous layer. You should follow the step-by-step instructions:

    1. 1. Identify the cause that caused the inflammatory process.
    2. 2. Carefully treat the wound and the entire finger with a disinfectant.
    3. 3. Make medicinal bath and repeat the procedure throughout the day.
    4. 4. At night, apply a bandage with ointment or make a compress.
    5. 5. Continue treatment for 3-4 days, monitor the general condition of the body and the inflammatory process.
    6. 6. If therapy does not work, you should immediately seek medical help.

    Under no circumstances should you pierce the abscess yourself. This can lead to blood poisoning.

    There are many methods for independent struggle with an abscess on the finger. From medical supplies The most commonly used ointments are:

    Name Description Photo
    Vishnevsky ointmentIs one of the most effective means to open an abscess. Promotes rapid elimination cloudy exudate
    LevomekolDestroys pathogenic microorganisms. Promotes tissue regeneration and cleansing
    Tetracycline ointmentHas a wide spectrum of action. Inhibits the ability of bacteria to grow and reproduce
    LincomycinIt is used for severe purulent-inflammatory skin diseases. Has a bactericidal effect

    One of the effective antiseptic drugs is Dimexide. Used for compresses or lotions. Helps relieve inflammation. If a purulent process develops, it is necessary to use antibiotics such as Amoxiclav, Levofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin.

    Treatment of felon in children should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Spreading purulent process can cause not only damage to a large area, but also intoxication of the body. The principle of treatment for children is the same as for adults.

    Effective traditional methods fight against panaritium.


    It is important that the water is boiled and warm. It contains herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is best to use a decoction of chamomile, nettle, calendula or string.

    Antiseptic baths help fight bacteria and help remove pus. To do this you need to add 1 tbsp. l. soda and salt per glass of water. For greater effect 10-15 drops of iodine are added. A weak solution of potassium permanganate will help disinfect the wound. The water should be pale pink color. The procedure is carried out for 20-25 minutes 4-6 times a day.


    It is best to apply a compress some time after the baths. The prepared gruel is applied to the gauze in a thick layer, the fabric is applied to the affected area, covered with a film on top and secured with a bandage. For compresses, you must use the following recipes:

    • Onion. To prepare the gruel, you can take coarsely grated raw onion or bake it and mix it in equal proportions with grated laundry soap.
    • Aloe. The sheet must be cut lengthwise and applied with the cut to the skin. The plant reduces inflammation and draws out pus.
    • Coltsfoot and plantain. The leaves need to be chopped, you can add agave. This tool provides emergency medical care.
    • Honey and laundry soap. The ingredients are mixed in a 1:1 ratio, and then sent to water bath. After the mixture acquires a homogeneous consistency, flour is added. A cake is made from the resulting mass and applied to the abscess.
    • Vegetable mush. Carrots, beets and onions are used. They should be grated and a couple of drops of aloe juice added. Swelling and suppuration are reduced.


    A decoction is used medicinal herbs. A cotton swab is soaked in it, after which it is fixed on the finger with a bandage or plaster.

    At night, it is better to use natural baby or laundry soap without aromatic additives. Cotton wool is soaped and applied to the abscess. Such lotions help relieve pain and begin to remove pus from the wound.

Panaritium is called inflammation of the tissues of the fingers (less often the feet), caused by infection in places where the skin is damaged. Subungual panaritium is characterized by inflammation and suppuration under the nail plate, while the finger is very painful, and for treatment it is imperative to consult a surgeon.

What is subungual felon

Panaritiums have not only a subungual shape. When an infection occurs (usually Staphylococcus aureus or streptococcus) through cracks in the skin, small wounds, abrasions or hangnails, cutaneous, subcutaneous, periungual (paronychia), nail, bone, osteoarticular, or tendon panaritium can develop - depending on the place where the inflammation is localized. Acute inflammation nail bed, which is accompanied by pain and subungual suppuration, is called subungual felon.


The subungual form of the disease is accompanied by sharp pains, accumulation of pus under the nail phalanx. A neglected panaritium threatens the development of pandactylitis - purulent inflammation all tissues of the finger. Therefore, you should consult a doctor if one of the following symptoms appears:

  • redness of the skin around the nail or the subungual fold itself;
  • severe swelling;
  • suppuration under the nail plate;
  • sharp throbbing pain in a quiet position, when bending and straightening a finger;
  • peeling nail plate;
  • increased body temperature;
  • deterioration of the patient's general condition - weakness, fatigue, enlarged lymph nodes.

Reasons for development

Inflammation under the fingernail begins due to infection in subungual puncture wounds - splinters, needle pricks, manicure tools. Against the background of weakened immunity and lack of necessary treatment, subungual panaritium can occur as a result of complications of other forms of the disease - it can be caused by subcutaneous or periungual panaritium. Other reasons for the development of the disease are:

  • suppuration of subungual hematomas as a result of injury;
  • non-compliance with hygiene standards and rules;
  • hypothermia, overheating and other regular negative external influences on the skin of the hands;
  • disorders of the circulatory mechanism and metabolic processes in the tissues of the fingers.

Development mechanism

Subungual panaritium occurs acutely. When the pathogen enters the wound, the infection spreads and inflammation begins under the nail. Pus accumulates, peels off the nail plate, the finger hurts and swells. In the absence of treatment for late stages inflammation, the general condition of the patient worsens - the temperature may rise, inflammation The lymph nodes. The purulent process can spread to the bones, joints and tendons.


Subungual panaritium needs surgical treatment and concomitant drug and supportive local therapy. Lack of necessary therapeutic measures can lead to the development of the following forms of complications:

  • paronychia - purulent inflammation of the skin tissue of the nail fold;
  • the spread of pus into the deep tissues causes other forms of the disease - subcutaneous, bone, articular panaritium;
  • pandactylitis is a purulent inflammation of all tissues of the fingers, which, if left untreated, can spread to other fingers and further, to the wrist, palm, hand and forearm;
  • transition from acute stage diseases into chronic ones.

Panaritium during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman’s immunity is weakened, so nail panaritium can develop due to minor damage or a cut in the tissue of the periungual surface. Take precautions during manicure and pedicure, promptly disinfect accidental injuries on your fingers and toes. If inflammation appears under the nail, consult a doctor immediately to prevent complications from developing.

Treatment of felon

Treatment of panaritium subungual form on early stages limited conservative methods, using antibacterial baths, physiotherapeutic procedures, dressings with antibiotics in the form of ointments. If it is not possible to cure felon with these remedies, it is necessary surgery, and complete removal The nail, as a rule, is not required; only its partial resection is necessary in places where pus accumulates.

In advanced cases, when inflammation spreads to other phalanges of the finger, the patient may be hospitalized for surgery under local anesthesia. IN postoperative period, to avoid relapse of the disease, antibiotic therapy and dressings with means for healing the wound surface are carried out, treating it with chlorhexidine or other disinfectant solutions.

Conservative treatment

Treatment of subungual panaritium is carried out at home and involves wearing bandages with antibacterial ointments. Before bandaging (bandaging should be done every 5-6 hours), soothing disinfectant baths are performed. It is important to provide the sore finger with rest and immobility; for this, it is brought into a comfortable physiological position before applying a fixing bandage.

Antibacterial ointments

The use of antibacterial ointments in the treatment of felons is recommended for all their forms. Ointments are applied to the diseased nail in a thick layer and the surface is bandaged. The dressing is changed every 6-7 hours. There are cases when, thanks to the use of local disinfecting ointments, it is possible to avoid surgical intervention. To relieve inflammation use:

  1. Ichthyol ointment. It relieves pain, has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect, and improves blood microcirculation. There are practically no contraindications (except for individual intolerance), the duration of the course can be 10-20 days, the bandage with ointment is changed every 6-8 hours.
  2. Dioxidine ointment. Antibacterial, bactericidal, fights pathogens purulent infection. Cannot be used during pregnancy renal failure and under the age of 18. Maximum daily dose is 2.5 g of the drug. The dressing is changed every 7-10 hours.
  3. Levomekol. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, and perfectly relieves swelling. Contraindicated for individual allergic reactions on the components of the drug. The ointment is applied twice a day, that is, every 10-12 hours, while the sore finger is bandaged with a fixing bandage.

Autopsy of a panaritium

Surgical method treatment of subungual felon consists of excision of the nail plate to remove foreign body(if any) and cleaning the source of inflammation. It is carried out using local anesthesia; during the postoperative period, wearing a bandage with a medicinal disinfectant, rest and immobility for the injured finger are required. Restoration of the skin and complete recovery occurs within 7-15 days.

Traditional methods

Treatment of subungual panaritium can be carried out at home using products traditional medicine only in the early stages of the disease. To relieve inflammation and pain, disinfectant baths and bandages are used. Doctors recommend combining these measures with traditional conservative treatment. There are the following methods home treatment diseases:

  1. Disinfecting baths with potassium permanganate, soda, calendula or eucalyptus extract. The solution should be warm, not lower than 40-42 °C, for 200 ml of water use 20-30 mg or 10-15 ml disinfectant. The duration of the procedure should be 15-20 minutes, it is carried out every 5-6 hours, 2-3 times a day.
  2. Vodka compress. The sore finger is bandaged with a cotton swab soaked in vodka or alcohol. The bandage should be changed every 5-6 hours. It is impossible to warm an inflamed nail, so do not use cellophane or compress paper when bandaging.

Panaritium is a purulent inflammation of the tissues of the finger, less commonly the foot. In most cases, fingers I, II, and III are affected. According to statistics, people aged twenty to fifty years are more likely to suffer from panaritium, which is associated primarily with active labor activity. Thus, approximately 75% of cases of the disease are caused by work injury and only 10% - household, 15% are due to other reasons. It is worth noting that felon often occurs in early childhood. And it is not surprising, because children are very inquisitive, active and often receive micro-injuries to the skin.

Table of contents:

Causes of panaritium

Purulent inflammation in tissues is caused by pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria: staphylococcus, streptococcus, enterococcus, Proteus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Microorganisms get deep into the tissues of the finger through all kinds of cuts, puncture wounds, splinters, bites, burns, and cracks. Concomitant factors also influence the development of purulent inflammation:

  • Peripheral circulation disorders;
  • Immunodeficiency states.

For working people, such aggravating factors are the influence of vibration, hypothermia, as well as exposure to irritating chemicals.

The skin of the palmar surface of the hand is tightly fused with the aponeurosis, their connection is ensured by fibrous bridges. The bridges form closed cells filled with fat cells. Thanks to this, the infection spreads deeper, rather than wider, into the hand. These anatomical features explain why purulent processes are predominantly localized on the palmar surface.

Symptoms of felon

Depending on the location of the purulent process, as well as its spread, the following types of felons are distinguished:

  1. Cutaneous;
  2. Subcutaneous;
  3. Subungual;
  4. Periungual (paronychia);
  5. Tendinous;
  6. Articular;
  7. Bone;

The first four forms are classified as superficial felon, the next four - to deep. In superficial forms of the disease in clinical picture prevail local symptoms, A general symptoms poorly expressed. And deep forms of panaritium can greatly affect the general well-being of the patient.

Clinical manifestations depend primarily on the type of panaritium.

In this form of the disease, the purulent process is located within the skin. Often suppuration occurs in the epidermis, with pus raising the stratum corneum. As a result, a purulent bubble forms on the skin. The blister is surrounded by a narrow rim of hyperemia. Yellow pus is visible through the wall of the bladder. The pain with this form of panaritium is mild.

In this form of the disease, purulent inflammation is concentrated in the subcutaneous fat. The danger of subcutaneous panaritium is that pus from subcutaneous fat can spread to the tendon sheath, joints, and bones.

In most cases, the purulent process is concentrated in the area of ​​the distal phalanx of the finger on the palmar surface. A couple of days, and sometimes several hours after receiving microtrauma, pain appears in this area, which then transforms into throbbing pain, especially worse at night, which disturbs sleep.

Often the patient develops regional lymphadenitis, weakness, and increased body temperature.

The boundaries of purulent inflammation are determined by the extent of pain detected when pressing on the affected area of ​​the finger with the tip of tweezers.

In the area of ​​pain, thickening and redness of the skin is determined. There may be slight swelling in the dorsum of the hand.

Infection of the periungual fold occurs due to existing hangnails caused by microtrauma during manicure. The purulent process seeps under the nail, thereby peeling it off from the nail bed. The periungual fold and the surrounding skin become edematous and swollen. Soreness is noted. When pressing on the affected area, pus appears on the surface of the skin. If you look closely, you can also see pus under the nail plate.

The process can be transformed into chronic form and drag on for weeks.

This form of the disease develops as a result of a splinter getting under the nail or infection of a hematoma formed as a result of a bruise in the nail area. A yellowish accumulation of pus is visualized under the nail plate, and local soreness is noted. In addition, redness and swelling in the area of ​​the periungual fold are detected. The person is bothered by severe throbbing pain, noticeably worsening when lowering the arm.

Bacteria penetrate into the tendon sheath of the flexor finger when it is damaged by all kinds of wounding objects or due to the spread of purulent infection from subcutaneous tissue. Appearance purulent exudate in the tendon sheath provokes an increase in pressure there. Clinically this is manifested by the appearance severe pain. The danger is that increased pressure and effusion compress blood vessels, and this can lead to tendon necrosis. As a result, the functions of the finger are irreversibly impaired.

The purulent process from the tendon sheaths of the 1st and 2nd fingers can spread to the deep cellular space of the forearm. And isolated suppuration of the tendon sheath of the first finger can spread to the tendon sheath of the fifth finger; this phenomenon is called U-shaped.

Tendon panaritium occurs with severe throbbing pain. Pain occurs upon palpation along the tendon sheath. The affected finger is red, enlarged, half-bent, and when you try to straighten it, excruciating pain occurs.

This form of the disease occurs as a result of the introduction of microorganisms directly into the bone itself during injury, but more often as a result of the spread of a purulent process to the periosteum during subcutaneous felon.

Bone panaritium often affects the nail phalanx. The finger is slightly bent, the slightest movements lead to increased pain. Purulent effusion leads to compression of blood vessels, as well as detachment of the periosteum. The result is necrosis bone tissue. Even after drainage of a purulent focus (operative or spontaneous), the inflammatory process can become chronic nature due to infected dead bone tissue. With a long course of the disease, the nail phalanx increases in volume and becomes club-shaped.

Bone panaritium occurs with intoxication symptoms in the form of weakness, fever, lymphadenitis.

This form of the disease develops due to infection of the joint cavity when applied puncture wound in this area or during the transition of a purulent process from soft tissues or the adjacent phalanx. It is noteworthy that the appearance of purulent effusion leads to the rapid destruction of elements of the articular apparatus. That's why full recovery joint function often does not occur even after healing.

Swelling and pain appear in the joint area, which soon spread to the entire finger. Due to the destruction of the articular elements, pathological mobility of the joint occurs, as well as crepitus during movements. The general well-being of a person also worsens: weakness, increased body temperature, and lymphadenitis appear.

This is the most severe form of the disease, affecting the skin, subcutaneous tissue, tendons, joints and bones. Develops as a complication of skin, joint, bone panaritium, which is possible if the patient does not consult a doctor in a timely manner or if there is common diseases, aggravating the course of felon.

The affected finger is greatly enlarged and even deformed. The skin of the finger is tense, cyanotic-purple, which indicates a severe circulatory disorder. The finger assumes a half-bent position. Often fistulas form on its surface, through which pus is released.

The patient feels severe weakness, fever and lymphadenitis are noted.

For superficial forms of felon in the initial stages, conservative treatment is possible with antibacterial agents and NSAIDs, physiotherapy, baths with hypertonic solution salt. Unfortunately, patients often do not consult a doctor during this period, hoping that the disease will go away on its own. But after a couple of days the purulent process gains momentum. Surgeons are guided by the rule of first sleepless night, which sounds like this: if the patient did not sleep at night due to pain in the finger, then it’s time to operate.

The operation should be carried out as early as possible, since the spread of the purulent process deeper can lead to tissue necrosis.

With cutaneous panaritium, the surgeon removes the exfoliated layer of the epidermis with scissors, and then applies a bandage with an antiseptic.

With subcutaneous panaritium, the surgeon makes parallel incisions corresponding to the purulent focus, and on the nail phalanges - club-shaped incisions. After opening the abscess, the doctor excises the necrotic tissue and dissects the fibrous bridges to open the tissue cells. The cavity is drained through two incisions. Then a bandage is applied and the finger is immobilized in the required position.

For the treatment of periungual panaritium purulent cavity open, remove necrotic soft fabrics periungual fold, then apply a bandage with an antiseptic. If pus has accumulated under the base of the nail, the nail plate is removed. After the operation, you need to apply bandages with ointment. The same is done for subungual felon.

Tendon panaritium can sometimes be treated conservatively by puncture of the tendon sheath with aspiration of purulent contents and administration of an antibiotic. But in most cases you still have to resort to surgical intervention. The surgeon makes parallel incisions on the proximal and middle phalanges, then opens the tendon sheath. The wound is washed and drained through. After surgery, the vagina is regularly washed with antiseptics. If the tendon dies, it is removed.

With bone felon, the surgeon makes longitudinal parallel incisions, removes necrotic soft tissue, as well as destroyed bone. In this case, the base of the phalanx must be preserved, since it is thanks to it that bone tissue regeneration is possible in the future. And with articular panaritium, the surgeon removes the affected joint with the prospect of creating arthrodesis in the future.

In case of pandactylitis, in order to save the finger, the surgeon removes fragments of bones and cartilage, as well as opening pockets and leaks with their drainage. But, unfortunately, in many cases it is necessary to amputate the finger.

Grigorova Valeria, medical observer

Fingers are the most susceptible to all sorts of minor injuries.

In most cases, after discovering an abrasion or cut, a person does not even think about the need to treat such a place with an antiseptic.

However, it is through such small wounds that harmful bacteria enter the body, which cause the formation of panaritium.

Suppuration appears on the finger. How to treat felon depending on its type is discussed below.

Types of panaritsi

An acute purulent inflammatory process that has developed in soft tissues or on the skin near the nail is called felon. Methods of treating such a manifestation, including at home, depend directly on the form in which it manifests itself.

In this case, different therapeutic effects can be used.

Forms of felon

It should be borne in mind that in some advanced cases, without surgical intervention it's impossible to get by.

Panaritium can manifest itself in the following forms:

  1. A skin type of panaritium. Appears on the finger near the nail. First there is redness and some burning. Then such symptoms are replaced by the formation of edema and the appearance periodic pain. The skin at the site of inflammation acquires bright red swelling. In this case, the accumulated pus under the top layer of the skin forms a bubble, which gradually increases in size. In the absence of proper treatment, the inflammatory process spreads to tissues located deeper.
  2. Periungual form of the disease. Often occurs due to improper manicure or when hangnails are torn off. 3-5 days after receiving microtraumas appear painful sensations and redness of the skin. If the infection penetrates shallowly into the tissue, it is possible to see a translucent strip of pus. Inflammation of the periungual fold is called paronychia.
  3. Nail form. It may occur due to the habit of biting nails or dead skin particles around the nail plates. This form can also appear when a splinter gets into it, and along with it, an infection under the nail. Due to the inflammatory process, swelling of the last phalanx of the finger appears. Pressing pus from under the nail eventually leads to peeling of the nail plate. Only in this case the pain begins to subside.
  4. Subcutaneous panaritium. This shape appears on the fingertip from the palm side. Swelling and redness of the skin appears. The pus that forms in the soft tissues cannot come out due to the dense skin on the fingers. Because of this, in the absence of therapeutic effects, the source of inflammation spreads to the ligaments, tendons and bone tissue.
  5. Bone form. Appears in the absence timely treatment previous forms of the disease or due to open fractures of the fingers and subsequent infection. This form occurs quite rarely. However, it manifests itself sharply, accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms.
  6. Articular form of the disease. Most often it appears together with bone panaritium. At the same time, it is quite difficult to bend the inflamed finger due to pain and severe swelling.
  7. Tendon form. This is a severe type of disease. There may be loss of motor ability, leading to disability. Required serious treatment, often involving surgical intervention.

The first two forms of the disease are called superficial panaritium. With this development of an abscess, pus accumulates under the upper epidermal layer of the skin of the finger. The remaining forms refer to deep panaritium, since they are involved in the development of the purulent process inner fabrics– tendons, ligaments and even bones.


Photo of felon on a child's finger

The development of any type of panaritium most often begins in an acute form.

The following symptoms appear:

  • In the place where the inflammatory process is localized, throbbing pain and twitching are felt.
  • The skin at the site of inflammation turns red, swelling and swelling appear.
  • At the site of the abscess, the temperature of the skin increases.
  • Pus is visible through the outer skin (with superficial panaritium).
  • The patient may have an increase in body temperature, a feeling of aching, chills and weakness, and a headache.
  • Restrictions appear in the motor ability of the finger, its sensitivity may become dull.
  • The pain syndrome when deep panaritium occurs manifests itself in an increasing form. After a day, the pain can become unbearable, preventing you from falling asleep or even resting for a short time. The patient's ability to work is lost.

Diagnostic measures for identifying panaritium are not complicated. Surface forms are determined by external examination. If deep panaritium develops, an x-ray is performed. The presence of inflammation is confirmed upon examination general analysis blood.

With any form of development of the disease, manifestations are possible severe consequences for the body. Pyogenic microbes can travel from the inflammatory focus to distant organs.

Moreover, their defeat is accompanied by general infection blood. In this regard, consulting a doctor is the most correct decision in case of felon formation.

In case of refusal of treatment (they say, the abscess will break out on its own) or improper implementation, in addition to blood poisoning, the following consequences are possible:

  • The inflammatory process can spread not only to soft tissues, but also to lymphatic (lymphadenitis is diagnosed) and blood vessels.
  • Loss of finger functionality due to necrosis of both ligaments and tendons.
  • Inflammation of bone tissue may result in bone destruction (osteomyelitis).
  • Inflammation can affect all tissues of one or more phalanges of the finger (pandactylitis). In this case, amputation is often used to avoid the spread of the process to neighboring tissues.

Medicines for treatment

During the first few days, the panaritium that has arisen in a superficial form on the finger can be conservative treatment at home.

In this case, ointments with antiseptics and antibiotics, as well as folk remedies, can be used.

It should be borne in mind that every day lost for treatment reduces the chances of quick release from a purulent process. This increases the likelihood of needing surgical intervention.

In many cases, when panaritium is detected, people immediately begin to use antibiotics.

However, this approach is incorrect, since antibacterial medicines- This potent drugs, which have certain contraindications and a number of side effects. In addition, very often panaritium occurs due to staphylococci getting under the skin.

Most antibiotics have no effect on them.

Curing panaritium on a finger with antibiotics is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. To determine the infection that caused the purulent inflammation, a culture is required. However, its implementation requires a certain time, but it is missing.

One of the first prescribed drugs for superficial panaritium is antibacterial ointment Levomekol for external use. This remedy not only draws out pus, but also relieves inflammation.

With more severe forms development of purulent process antibiotics wide range exposures are prescribed orally or intramuscularly. Such drugs include:

  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Ceftriaxone.

Treatment of felon at home

After visiting a doctor, treatment of felon on the finger can be continued at home. In this case, all the surgeon’s recommendations must be followed impeccably. In case of deterioration general well-being you need to urgently consult a doctor.

IN home medicine cabinet There may be remedies for treating felon. In addition to Levomekol, this is Vishnevsky ointment or Dioxidin ointment, Levomethyl or Netran will also help.

These drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, it is imperative to read the instructions, as some drugs have contraindications for use.

Dimexide may be in your home medicine cabinet. To prepare a compress from this product, you need to dissolve one part of the drug in four parts of boiled, cooled water. After soaking a sterile bandage with this solution, apply it to the site of inflammation and wrap it in polyethylene.

To fix the compress, apply a bandage on top and leave for 15-30 minutes. During the day, the procedure is repeated three times. Dimexide for felon not only relieves inflammation, but also promotes the wound healing process and is good remedy to fight infection.

It should be remembered that warming procedures can only be performed at the initial stage of the development of the process. When an abscess forms, hot baths or applying heat to the site of inflammation should be stopped. Continuation of such procedures leads to general poisoning of the body.

To reduce pain in such cases, the use of ice is recommended. To perform baths, the temperature of the solution should not exceed 37º C.

The most common folk remedies

You can also treat panaritium on your fingers or toes using folk recipes.

For superficial panaritium, such remedies turn out to be quite effective.

Among them are a number of recipes that do not require much preparation and are easy to apply:

  1. Soda bath. This remedy is used to speed up the process of therapeutic effects. The solution is prepared at the rate of two tablespoons of soda per half liter of boiled and then cooled water. Three times a day, the inflamed finger must be kept in this solution for 15 minutes. After the procedure, ointment is applied to the site of inflammation.
  2. Beets mixed with sour cream. The product is used as a compress. Grate half a small beet using fine grater. Add one spoon of fat sour cream and, stirring, apply to the abscess. Polyethylene is placed on top and secured gauze bandage. The compress is left overnight.
  3. Baked onion. This folk remedy, crushed to a pulp, is applied for four hours, either as a stand-alone remedy or mixed with one teaspoon of honey and the same amount of wheat flour.
  4. Alcohol with egg white. In 40 ml pure medical alcohol Stir the egg white separated from the yolk until white flakes are obtained. Strain through cheesecloth, this mush white applied to the site of the abscess. Place polyethylene on top and secure with a bandage. This compress is changed every 7-8 hours for three days.
  5. Golden mustache. A tincture of this product is sold in pharmacies. If you have 200 ml of vodka and a growing plant on the windowsill, you can prepare the product yourself. Homemade tincture made from crushed golden mustache leaf and heated vodka should stand for six hours. Keep your finger in this solution for about half an hour.

To perform baths the following can be used:

  • copper sulfate (one pinch dissolves in a glass of water);
  • potassium permanganate;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • medicinal herbs;
  • chopped garlic;
  • salt.

Treatment of panaritium on the fingers or toes is possible using quite a large list traditional medicine recipes.

It should be remembered that with the help of such advice only superficial forms of the disease are effectively cured.

In deep forms, for example, a wound or fracture, self-treatment you can't do it.

Surgical intervention

If there is no improvement in execution drug therapy or if you apply late medical assistance surgical intervention is necessary. This requires opening the abscess.

Local anesthesia is performed, after which an incision is made over the site of purulent inflammation. The pus is cleaned out and dead tissue is removed. If the abscess is located under the nail or close to it, the plate must be removed.

After opening the site of purulent inflammation, the wound is treated antiseptic solution, and an antibiotic is injected into it. In the future, dressings are required. In most cases, a course of antibiotics and medications is prescribed to promote rapid wound healing.

Surgical intervention for the development of deep forms of felon is most often used due to the urgent need to preserve the motor ability of the finger.

You need to know that in order to avoid surgical intervention, treatment for felon should begin immediately after inflammation is detected. If pain occurs when pressure is applied to the nail, as well as the fingertip, this confirms the onset of the inflammatory process.

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