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Choosing the best throat lozenges. List of topical antibiotics for treating throat

Almost any cold causes a sore throat. This symptom, in addition, may be a sign of a more serious viral disease. Before starting treatment, the cause should be determined. When choosing absorbable tablets for a sore throat, it is worth considering that each remedy acts in its own way. The drugs have certain properties and have a number of contraindications. A qualified doctor will help you choose the right medicine.

How do sore throat medications work?

This type of product has a local effect - it relieves inflammation. They are often taken to quickly relieve unpleasant symptom. Typically, pain medications are prescribed to patients with acute forms pharyngitis or sore throat. The substances are effective even if available chronic diseases throat, when the source of inflammation is constantly present. Painkillers can also be used to treat pathologies oral cavity(stomatitis or periodontal disease).

Absorbable tablets for severe sore throat not only effectively relieve pain, but also have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and healing effects. Pathogenic processes caused by harmful bacteria should be treated with antibiotics, but there is no need to rush into taking such serious drugs. Doctors advise to first try to be cured with local funds, having an antibacterial effect (antiseptics).

It is difficult to determine which specific infection caused the pain in the larynx. This can be found out by laboratory research. Often there is no time for this - the patient urgently needs to remove painful sensations. Then the doctor prescribes him lozenges wide range actions. They help relieve symptoms in the shortest possible period of time.

What components do throat lozenges include?

Almost all lozenges for the throat produce an enveloping effect. Due to this, the patient experiences tearing, cutting sensations and irritation in the larynx. The composition of the drugs, including the main active ingredient, differs significantly. The main substance of absorbable tablets is often one of the following:

  • benzydamine hydrochloride;
  • dichlorobenzyl alcohol;
  • ambazone monohydrate;
  • amylmetacresol.

The substances have a local anesthetic effect, relieve inflammation and destroy various pathogenic bacteria. Many tablets include ascorbic acid, which stimulates immune system. Lozenges, along with rinses and sprays, serve as first aid for quick removal unpleasant symptoms of a cold. Part complex means for a sore throat includes a number of other components:

Types of lozenges for sore throat

Lozenges for sore throat are effective means, which, in addition to fulfilling its main role, relieves inflammation. The very cause of its occurrence is removed - pathogenic bacteria, viruses. Before you start self-treatment means local action, the extent of the problem should be assessed. For sore throat, accompanied by fever, dissolving tablets can only serve as an addition to antibiotic therapy.


Antiseptic tablets are prescribed for disinfecting purposes. Taking antiseptics is often possible not only if the disease is bacterial or viral in nature, but also if the symptom arose under the influence of other pathogens. Then the throat medicine helps to soften the irritated mucous membrane of the larynx. The composition of the tablets helps relieve pain, calm inflammation, and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Take them 3-5 times a day, 1 tablet after meals. The course of treatment can range from 5 days to 3 weeks. TO antiseptic drugs for sore throat include:

  • "Neo-Angin";
  • "Sebidin";
  • "Faringosept";
  • "Theraflu Lar".


Tablets of this type for the treatment of colds should be swallowed, however, in order to quickly relieve pain, it is better to dissolve them. Analgesics will help get rid of swelling and inflammation and reduce body temperature. The medications significantly alleviate the patient’s condition, but dissolving tablets do not affect the root cause of the disease. Adults are allowed to drink the product if there is no other antiseptic or antibacterial drug. Daily dosage is 3 tablets, 1 at a time. The group of analgesics includes:

  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Baralgin";
  • "Epheralgan";
  • "Solpadeine."


Peculiarity combined agents lies in their multilateral effect on the symptoms of colds. Such absorbable tablets disinfect, disinfect the larynx, relieve pain and inflammation. Composed of many combination drugs Vitamins have been added to enhance the therapeutic effect. It is allowed to take absorbable tablets up to 8 times a day with an interval of 2-3 hours. A child can be given no more than 3 tablets per day. Combination type drugs include:

  • "Strepsils";
  • "Chlorophyllipt";
  • "Angilex".

How to treat a child's throat

If a child has a severe sore throat, he refuses food and water, the body temperature rises, while the child becomes sharply weaker and begins to be capricious - these are signs of a sore throat. The inflammatory process in the larynx always affects the vocal cords, so the baby’s voice becomes hoarse. As a rule, childhood sore throat does not last longer than 10 days. The success of treating the disease depends on timely initiation of therapy prescribed by the pediatrician. How to cure children of different ages:

  • Up to 1 year. Small children from birth to 3 years old are not given lozenges for sore throats, since they are not able to hold something in their mouth for a long time. Sick babies should be given plenty of warm liquids to drink (tea with currants, raspberries, cranberries). The children's room should be constantly ventilated so that the air is frequently renewed. It is allowed to apply a warming compress.
  • Children at 2 years old. Give to child on your own antibacterial agents for treating a throat, including local ones, is not worth it. As prescribed by the doctor, your baby can take Faringosept, Antiangin, and Sebidin. In addition, absorbent lollipops such as “Bronchicum” or “Doctor Mom” are acceptable for young children. The use of such lozenges is approved for treating the throat for any disease that causes an unpleasant symptom.
  • From 3 to 5 years. You can give your child the dissolving tablets listed above. You should regularly gargle with saline solution, make vodka or vinegar compresses. A sick baby's diet should not contain spicy, too sour or hot foods - these will irritate the throat even more.

Colds are the most common among children of all ages. Seasonal influenza, ARVI, respiratory and ENT diseases caused by a variety of bacteria and viruses are accompanied by unpleasant and painful symptoms.

In addition to fever, weakness, runny nose and cough, there is pain and sore throat, which brings a lot of inconvenience. If a grown-up baby may complain about an illness, then the baby only cries and is capricious. This is why parents do not always recognize the problem in time. How to treat a sore throat? What to do if you get sick infant? What medications are suitable for children of different ages?

Causes and symptoms of sore throat

Before the pediatrician arrives, you can examine your child’s throat yourself. You will need a clean spoon or a special disposable spatula. An adult's hands should be washed thoroughly.

With viral infections, the tonsils are usually red and inflamed. Fungal and bacterial pathogens leave an unhealthy coating or pustules on the mucous membranes.

More often sore throat accompanied by other symptoms:

  • high temperature, chills;
  • cough;
  • poor appetite, general malaise;
  • crying and moodiness;
  • thick coating on the root of the tongue and tonsils;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • rhinitis (runny nose).

Rhinitis becomes common cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat, as parts of the nasopharynx are connected. That is why treatment of a runny nose becomes an integral part of general therapy and helps relieve pain and prevent bronchitis.

Diseases are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi. Often a sore throat appears due to allergies or simple hypothermia. The course of treatment and prescribed medications depend entirely on the type of causative agent of the disease.

Possible causes of the problem:

  • ARVI, acute respiratory infections;
  • flu;
  • inflammation of the tissues of the pharynx, tonsils or larynx;
  • infectious diseases of the oropharynx and nasopharynx (sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. (we recommend reading: ).
  • teething;
  • measles;
  • chickenpox;
  • rubella;
  • scarlet fever;
  • inflammatory process in the oral mucosa (stomatitis).

Drug treatment of throat in children

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The doctor develops a therapeutic regimen after examining the sick child and taking necessary tests(mandatory smear and blood test). The type of pathogen is determined by the smear. Treatment involves addressing the underlying cause of the disease and eliminating symptoms.

It is important to remember the consequences of self-diagnosis and self-medication. If you suspect any illness, you should consult a doctor.

Treating the throat of young children is not easy, since the list of approved medications is very short. Local therapy should have a bactericidal, sedative and analgesic effect. Depending on the baby’s age, it includes irrigation, rinsing, inhalation, sucking tablets and lozenges.

The best products for babies up to one year old

Recognize painful condition in children under 1 year of age it is difficult. At this age, they cannot complain to their parents about pain or bad feeling. The main signals are constant whims, crying, refusal to eat. You should be attentive to the appearance of a cough or runny nose.

In case of any alarming symptoms, it is necessary to examine the baby’s throat for redness or plaque (this must be done very carefully) and immediately contact a pediatrician. Infants’ immunity is not fully formed. They are susceptible to any external or internal factors. Getting into the body infant, pathogenic microflora immediately begins to reproduce.

The difficulty of treatment is that early age. Most medications are contraindicated for children. Children of the first year of life do not know how to rinse their mouths and throats or dissolve tablets. The main effect of therapy is aimed at eliminating the very cause of pain. After this, the symptoms go away automatically. However, it is difficult to relieve discomfort during treatment.

The main drugs allowed for children under 1 year of age:

  1. Viferon or its analogues, suitable for age. These are rectal antiviral suppositories based on human interferon. They act exactly the same as others antiviral drugs. The body begins to produce additional proteins that fight infection.
  2. Anaferon - antiviral agent in tablets that are dissolved in water. Approved for use from 1 month.
  3. Viburkol - homeopathic rectal suppositories. Used as an aid. They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and mild sedative effects.
  4. Antibacterial drugs. The most common in this case are Cefadox, Cefix, Sumamed, Amoxiclav, as well as their analogues. The doctor prescribes antibiotics only for bacterial infections. Use them according to at will forbidden.

If the baby has a fever, it is necessary to use an antipyretic agent (syrup or suppositories). Such drugs are mainly produced on the basis of ibuprofen or paracetamol. Parents usually use Nurofen or Panadol. It should be noted that in addition to reducing fever, medications relieve pain.

For disinfection and bactericidal effect, irrigation and lubrication of the oral cavity with antiseptics are used. Sprays are prohibited for one-year-old babies. For this purpose it is used saline solution, Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt. A bandage or gauze is moistened in the solution and then the oral cavity is wiped. The medicine enters the throat along with saliva.

Some parents decide to irrigate. The liquid is drawn into a small syringe, the baby’s head is tilted forward and the medication is carefully injected. Since the head is tilted forward, the fluid immediately comes back out. This must be done very carefully and only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Effective drugs for children from 1 to 3 years old

It is easier to treat a sore throat at this age. At 2 years old, a child can say that he is in pain. List of medications for local application wider. The doctor prescribes medications based on the child’s diagnosis and symptoms. Products indicated for infants, and other drugs. They use rinses (if the child can rinse his mouth), irrigation, lubricating the mucous membrane, and sometimes lozenges.

Preparations in aerosols (sprays) with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic effects:

  1. Hexoral;
  2. Hexaspray;
  3. Tantum Verde (we recommend reading:);
  4. Proposol (contains propolis, may cause allergies);
  5. Yox;
  6. Lugol (based on iodine) (we recommend reading:);
  7. Antiangin (contains chlorhexidine);
  8. Miramistin;
  9. Inhalipt;
  10. Aqualor (based on sea water);
  11. Panavir Inlight (homeopathy).

It is important to note that the medications listed above are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. As a rule, the instructions indicate that use is permitted from 4 or 5 years of age. However, in pediatric practice they are used earlier - at 2-3 years. You cannot choose a spray yourself and replace it with another drug. The products contain different active substances, and the wrong medication can only harm the baby.

Unlike adults, for young children from 2 years of age the medicine is sprayed not into the throat, but onto the mucous membrane of the cheek. In some cases, this causes laryngospasm. The active substance gets onto the tonsils or into the pharynx with saliva.

Sucking tablets, lozenges and lozenges are used infrequently. Not every child will be able to swallow a lollipop, and there is a risk of choking. In addition, the composition of some drugs is dangerous for children and is too aggressive.

Sometimes doctors advise to relieve pain and soreness with absorbable, inexpensive, proven tablets that quickly dissolve in the mouth:

  • Lysobacter;
  • Septefril.

Treatment of throat in children over 3 years of age

Age from 3 years is a fairly long time period. The child can be either 3 years old or 5 or 7 years old. However, according to medical practice, the name of the drugs rarely differs for children of this age. In case of urgent need, children aged 3-4 years are prescribed drugs approved from 5 or 6 years of age. The dosage and frequency of use differ.

Lozenges, lozenges or lozenges:

  1. Faringosept (we recommend reading:);
  2. Septefril;
  3. Lysobacter;
  4. Strepsils;
  5. Decathylene;
  6. Antiangin;
  7. Septolete;
  8. Falimint;
  9. Tantum Verde et al.

Solutions and aerosols (depending on the principle of action):

  1. Contains antibiotic: Inhalipt. For lasting results, use for at least 5 days.
  2. Antiseptic and bactericidal agents: Orasept, Hexasprey, Hexoral, Lugol, Yox, Antiangin, Miramistin, etc. (we recommend reading:).
  3. Solutions that relieve the inflammatory process. Tantum Verde or Stopangin is usually used.
  4. Aqualor, Aqua Maris, Humer contain sea ​​water. Used to moisturize, soothe and cleanse mucous membranes.


The nebulizer has long become an integral part home first aid kit from parents. Safe inhalations have many benefits. They are allowed for children up to one year old (the drug is selected by the doctor), the liquid is broken down into the smallest particles, which allows them to settle evenly on all tissues. The medicine is able to reach hard-to-reach places. During inhalation, steam is inhaled both through the mouth and through the nose (that is, both the nasopharynx and oropharynx are simultaneously treated).

Medicines used for sore throat:

  1. Lysozyme;
  2. Tonzilgon N (we recommend reading:);
  3. saline;
  4. propolis tincture;
  5. tincture of calendula;
  6. Rotokan;
  7. Furacilin;
  8. Miramistin;
  9. Bioparox etc.

Along with saline solution for inhalation, it is used mineral water, for example, Borjomi or Essentuki. The water must be of high quality; it is better to buy it at a pharmacy.


Gargling with antiseptics allows you to cure your throat much faster. However, at a very early age, rinsing the mouth will not work. Parents lubricate or irrigate the inflamed area with liquid. Suitable for this.

Pain in the throat, regardless of its cause, brings a lot of discomfort. Sometimes these unpleasant sensations are also accompanied by constant burning, soreness and dryness during swallowing or speaking. Sore throat pills will help get rid of these symptoms.

What pills to take

In the autumn-winter period, many people begin to suffer from sore throats. Most often they are of a viral nature (flu, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections) or it is simply hypothermia of the body. Do not forget about bacterial (staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, etc.) and fungal (candida) pathogens that constantly live on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and are activated at any opportunity, causing tonsillitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and other diseases.

A sore throat can be a consequence of diseases of the teeth, gums, tongue (periodontitis, stomatitis, glossitis) or an allergic reaction (for example, to cigarette smoke or any chemical substances). Sore throat and hoarseness of voice - Occupational Illness lecturers and teachers, when the vocal cords do not receive enough oxygen and the voice becomes hoarse. Excessive dry air or, conversely, cold, damp wind can cause discomfort in the throat.

Despite the apparent similarity of sensations, painful sensations throat needs to be treated by different means and preferably after consulting a doctor and conducting the necessary tests.

With antibiotic


Sucking tablets for the throat, which have a complex antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Indicated for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, including stomatitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, glossitis. Prescribed for adults and children over 6 years of age, the course of treatment is no more than 10 days.


An antibacterial drug that is available only in the form of tablets for use in the oral cavity. It has an antimicrobial effect on staphylococci, pneumococci and other microorganisms, preventing their reproduction and sometimes completely destroying them.


Lozenges with a broad bactericidal and fungistatic (slows down and inhibits the growth of fungi) spectrum of action and a moderate anesthetic effect. Active even against bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics.


It has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect, has an antitussive effect, helps to quickly eliminate sore throat with pharyngitis, stomatitis, initial stage sore throats, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and others inflammatory diseases mucous membranes of the oral cavity.


Tablets for sore throat based on sulfonamide substances. Has an antimicrobial effect against streptococci, meningococci, gonococci, pneumococci, coli and some other pathogenic bacteria. Used to treat ENT organs and upper respiratory tract. Long-term use requires constant monitoring of blood composition, liver and kidney functions, increased fluid intake (preferably alkaline mineral water) is recommended.


The action of the drug is based on the bacteriostatic effect on streptococci, staphylococci and pneumococci. Increases salivation, which eliminates soreness and pain when swallowing. The course of treatment is 4 days. It has no contraindications, with the exception of intolerance to its components.

With anesthetic


Analgesic, antiseptic and antimicrobial drug with a wide spectrum of action, has enveloping and deodorizing qualities. Can be used for sore throats, stomatitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, periodontal disease, fungal infections of the oral cavity, bleeding gums, prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, unpleasant odor from the mouth, after surgical interventions and treatment of injuries.


Tablets for sore throat and cough. The components of the drug provide analgesic and antiseptic effect, when applied to the mucous membranes of the mouth and larynx, irritate nerve endings, eliminating tickling, non-productive (without sputum production) cough, as well as the urge to vomit. They do not dry out the mucous membranes, do not cause a feeling of numbness in the throat, they refresh and cool. Long-term use is not recommended.


Has a pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect, relieves pain well. Take 1 tablet. 3-4 times a day after meals. For renewal therapeutic effect It is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking for 2 hours.

Read also why it appears on the tongue white coating and what diseases this may indicate?

With antiseptic


Lollipops with combined composition and natural additives (honey-lemon, orange, mint-eucalyptus). The components of the drug are synergistic (unidirectional) antibacterial properties, soften and anesthetize the mucous membrane. Indicated for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.


It has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and has a local anesthetic effect. Prescribed for tonsillitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, oral thrush and hoarseness.


An anti-inflammatory and anti-infective drug, which contains inactive microorganisms, most often caused by upper respiratory tract infections. The action of tablets for the treatment of the throat is based on the activation of the body’s immune responses and is intended for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases and the prevention of inflammation of the oral cavity after injuries or surgical operations.


A medicine for the prevention and treatment of bacterial or fungal diseases of the throat. With its help you can quickly get rid of pain from gingivitis, periodontitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and stomatitis. At short course therapy side effects don't appear.


Combined tablets for sore throat. They have an antiseptic effect, protect and regenerate the oral mucosa. Used for acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, larynx, gums (gingivitis, stomatitis, herpetic lesions, erosions, etc.).


It contains substances that have a softening effect on the entire mucous membrane of the throat and are active against a wide range of microorganisms. This drug released in various options: with different flavors and concentrations.


Combined antiseptic lozenges for sore throat. They have antimicrobial and antifungal effects, soften the inflamed mucous membrane. Prescribed for sore throats, gingivitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, glossitis.

For rinsing


Gargling tablets. The drug has active antimicrobial, antifungal and antibactericidal properties. Prescribed for acute infectious diseases ENT organs, including sore throats, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc. Instructions for use: 1 tab. 0.02 g is diluted in 100 ml of isotonic solution, distilled or boiled water. For better dissolution you can use hot water. Gargle warm solution every two hours until symptoms subside.

On herbs

Doctor Mom

Combined herbal tablets for sore throat and cough, which contain licorice root, ginger and emblica. They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, antipyretic and expectorant properties. Prescribed for laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, etc. Lollipops are dissolved every 2 hours until symptoms are relieved. The maximum quantity per day is 10 pcs., the maximum course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.


Lozenges for local use based on Irish moss. They have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, enveloping and softening effects on the mucous membrane. Indicated for the treatment of ENT organs, hoarseness, tickling, cough.


The components of the drug, when they come into contact with the oral mucosa, irritate peripheral nerves, which reduces inflammatory reaction, has an antibacterial effect and facilitates the release of mucus from the upper respiratory tract (coughing). Prescribed for laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis.

With propolis

Chewable tablets for sore throat. They have anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic, analgesic properties. After suction, lift local immunity, thin and improve blood microcirculation, stimulate regeneration processes. Used in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. They have no contraindications other than individual intolerance to bee products.

With sage

Lozenges with biologically active substances from natural extracts of sage leaves. Disinfects, softens and anesthetizes the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, facilitates coughing, and improves immunity. Can be prescribed for stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis and other inflammatory conditions.

With eucalyptus

Antiseptic agent based on herbal ingredients. Used when inflammatory processes upper respiratory tract and pharynx (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, cough, etc.).


Natural preparation based on essential oils of eucalyptus leaves. It has bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal and antistaphylococcal properties, has a mucolytic and bronchodilator effect, and stimulates mucosal regeneration processes. Tablets are taken every 4-5 hours after meals, but no more than 5 tablets. per day, maximum course of treatment is 7 days.

During pregnancy

With the onset of cold weather, it can be very difficult for pregnant women to avoid colds, sore throat or runny nose. The cause may be either viral infections or exacerbation of chronic diseases of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, laryngitis, otitis media, etc.).

Before choosing tablets for a sore throat, you should definitely consult a doctor, since most lozenges are contraindicated when pregnant.

It is not recommended to use drugs containing alcohol, antibiotics, or some analgesic or anesthetic substances during pregnancy. It is advisable to use homeopathic tablets for sore throat or medications containing natural ingredients. For example, lollipops with sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, propolis, sucking tablets Doctor Mom and others. The following are considered safe for expectant mothers: Faringosept, Lizobakt, Isla, Furacilin solution or Chlorophyllipt, etc.

For children

The autumn-winter period traditionally affects the health of not only adults, but also children. Worsening weather, increasing number of colds, returning to groups (kindergartens and schools, sport sections), increased physical, mental and emotional stress negatively affects fragile organisms. At the same time, children cannot always explain that they have a sore throat, and signs of the disease appear in poor appetite, tearfulness, lethargy and sleep disturbance.

Tablets that can relieve discomfort:

  • Streptocide – from 1 year;
  • Faringosept, Imudon - from 3 years;
  • Decathylene, Septolete, Hexoral, Isla - from 4 years;
  • Strepsils, tablets with sage – from 5 years;
  • Hexalize, Fervex, furatsilin solution for rinsing - from 6 years;
  • Vakosept, Pectusin - from 7 years;
  • Tablets with eucalyptus – from 8 years;
  • Tablets with propolis – from 10 years;
  • Trisils – from 12 years old.

How to use

Despite the fact that the tablets taste good and are easy to use, they are still medicine, so they must be used according to the instructions. All of them eliminate pain localized in the throat and are designed to dissolve them in the mouth. They should be taken only after eating or drinking, otherwise the effect of the drug will be interrupted. If you have already absorbed the medicine, then you can drink or eat only after 2-3 hours.

When you notice that your throat continues to hurt after 2-3 days of treatment, you should consult your doctor without delay. The same should be done if the soreness, burning sensation in the throat does not go away, general state worsens and pain appears only when swallowing or talking.

Why you can’t eat a lot of throat lozenges

Tablets, lollipops, lozenges – quick way relief from sore throat, sore throat, hoarseness and cough. They are easy to use, do not require special conditions for administration, and effectively relieve discomfort and bring temporary relief. Many people consider these drugs to be absolutely harmless and take them like regular sweets, completely ignoring the instructions for use.

We should not forget that tablets for sore throat - medications and must be prescribed by a doctor! They also have different dosage, various spheres of influence, conditions of administration and side effects. These may be allergic reactions to the components of the medication, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, fatigue, general malaise, nausea, work disorders gastrointestinal tract etc. In addition, some strong antiviral components or antibiotics create additional stress on the liver, heart, blood vessels and other organs of the body, causing exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Autumn is not only the golden time, but also the time when everyone starts to get sick. Most susceptible to colds and viral infections turn out to be children. One of the symptoms of ARVI is a sore throat. “Popular about health” will tell you how to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon in children. Our topic today is throat lozenges for children. A list of medications will be presented indicating the age at which children are allowed to be given this or that medicine.

How to give your child lozenges for a sore throat?

It should be remembered that throat lozenges or tablets are full-fledged medicines containing active chemicals. Each drug is accompanied by instructions describing doses that should not be exceeded. The medication should be taken after meals. The tablet is slowly dissolved in the mouth, after which you need to refrain from drinking or eating for half an hour. The child needs to be explained that the lollipop cannot be chewed or swallowed, otherwise there will be no effect from such treatment.

Types of lozenges for children from the throat

Tablets for children intended for resorption are different. There are medications that relieve pain, soften the mucous membrane, as well as antiseptics. In each case, the composition contains different additives - painkillers, antibacterial components, essential oils, herbal supplements and others. The choice of lozenges should be based on the symptoms present. Since most parents do not have medical education, then it is best to consult a pediatrician to choose the right drug. Let's look at which throat tablets are allowed to be used by children and at what age.

List of lozenges for children

Group of throat antiseptics for children

Strepsils for children (from 6 years old) – softens and disinfects the throat, relieves inflammation, inhibits the proliferation of certain strains of bacteria and viruses.

Lizobakt (from 3 years of age) – a resorption agent recommended for infections of the pharynx, throat and oral cavity, local antibiotic wide range with a pleasant taste. The composition contains vitamin B6, which restores mucous membranes and increases local immunity.

Decathylene (from 4 years) – has a mint flavor, relieves soreness, softens the mucous membrane, contains an antibacterial component, is used for sore throat, tonsillitis, fungal infection, and also after removal of tonsils.

Faringosept (prescribed from the age of three). Effectively eliminates bacteria, relieves inflammation, soreness, and swelling.

Grammidin for children with raspberry flavor, prescribed from the age of four. In addition to a broad-spectrum antibiotic, it contains an analgesic component and emollient ingredients. The tablets help increase salivation.

Trachisan (from 6 years old), contains lidocaine, which quickly relieves pain. The tablets contain an antibiotic. The pills are effective against bacterial infections.

Tonsilotren (from two years of age) – disinfects the oral cavity and pharynx, increases local immunity, softens, relieves inflammation, and helps restore the mucous membrane.

Preparations based on natural ingredients

Tonsipret is approved for use from the age of four. Contains plant extracts herbs, which together have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and calming effect. The tablets are also used as an immunomodulator.

Isla-Mint – lozenges, prescribed to children from 4 years of age. They soften well, relieve pain, and eliminate soreness. They do not contain sugar; fructose is included instead.

Doctor Mom (from 10 years old) – herbal lozenges, prescribed upon reaching the age of ten. They have a softening, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect. Used for coughs, especially irritating and dry ones caused by sore throat.

Golden Throat (from 10 years of age under medical supervision) is a drug in the form of sublingual tablets containing herbal extracts. Effective for infectious lesions of the pharynx and hoarse voice.

Siberian propolis (from 5 years) is a product of the Siberian Health company. Sea buckthorn - one of the components serves to soften the throat, and propolis increases local immunity and helps to quickly relieve swelling and inflammation of the mucous tissues.

Imudon is created on the basis of inactivated microorganisms, bacterial lysates. Used for infections of the mouth and throat, including chronic manifestations of tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Increases the level of local antibodies to common bacteria. Allowed from three years of age.

The list of throat medications for children is very large, and it is far from complete. It is worth paying attention that you should choose a drug based on the symptoms of the disease, while taking into account the composition of the components of the medicine. Babies may have allergic reaction for certain substances, including herbal extracts and bee products. If after starting to take the pills you find alarming symptoms– rash, itching of the child’s skin, stop treatment and show the child to the doctor.

To treat a sore throat, there are many medications, both internally and locally. The latter include all kinds of rinsing solutions. But one of the most popular remedies are throat tablets, healing effect from which occurs during their resorption in the oral cavity.

Their advantages include ease of administration, since the tablets can be simply put in the mouth without the need to drink water. Therefore, they can be used in any environment: at work, on the street, during outdoor trips, in transport.

The inclusion of various aromatic additives in their composition gives a pleasant, refreshing taste. Slowly released active substances act on a sore throat for a long time, thereby eliminating sore throat, coughing, and providing a softening and moisturizing effect.

The effect of absorbable tablets in the treatment of throat

A large assortment of such products suggests that their effectiveness has been repeatedly proven. Lozenges for treating a sore throat can quickly stop further spread various pathologies, stop the inflammation that has begun, which is causing the pain.

Almost all drugs in this group contain a component such as phenol, which destroys all pathogenic bacteria on the mucous surface of the throat. Some other substances have a similar effect, for example, the antibiotic gramicidin, hexetidine, chlorhexidine, etc.

The most effective are antibacterial lozenges against microbes (gram-positive and gram-negative), which destroy the integrity of their intercellular membranes and provoke rapid death.

It is worth noting that absorbable tablets alone may not be able to cure a throat (which depends on the neglect and severity of the disease), but they can definitely slow down the development of inflammation.

Many preparations additionally include lidocaine, levomenthol, plant extracts, menthol, etc. They not only help fight inflammation, but also reduce pain by stimulating the “cold” receptors in the oropharynx.

Indications for taking the following tablets are all inflammations of the larynx, pharynx, tonsils of various etiologies.

List of throat lozenges

Drugs presented on pharmaceutical market, have differences in their composition, indications and contraindications. Therefore, the prescription should be carried out by a doctor who will take into account the characteristics of the body and what caused the throat disease. Below we list the most effective medications.


These are one of the most popular lozenges to help relieve a sore throat. A drug combined action allowing to achieve an antimicrobial effect. And thanks to joining it natural ingredients(essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, anise, menthol), with the help of Strepsils not only gets rid of the infection, but also improves blood microcirculation in the affected area, softens the mucous surface.

Strepsils is especially effective for tonsillitis and pharyngitis with its antiseptic properties in relation to microbes.

You should dissolve 1 tablet every 2-3 hours, it is important not to exceed maximum dose– 8 pcs. per day.

The drug is available in several flavor variations. The assortment includes dragees for patients diabetes mellitus, for children (from 5-6 years old), with vitamin C, warming, with anesthetic (lidocaine).


The drug contains 2 active ingredients:

  1. Dibucaine hydrochloride, which has an analgesic effect;
  2. Dequalinium chloride is active against bacteria, fungi and antibiotic-resistant strains.

Thanks to excipients such as oil peppermint, sorbitol, talc and others, decathylene can be used as tablets for a sore throat.

Prescribed when various types sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, after removal of tonsils.


A drug for topical use in ENT diseases and dentistry, which has a pronounced analgesic and antimicrobial actions. It contains tetracaine (anesthetic), chlorhexidine and vitamin C ( ascorbic acid, stimulating recovery processes and increasing immunity). Anti-angin is active against bacteria, which most often cause infectious lesion pharynx and oral cavity.

The drug showed high efficiency for gingivitis, stomatitis and pharyngitis of various etiologies (both fungal and bacterial).

The Anti-angin lozenge must be kept in the mouth without swallowing until it is completely dissolved. Maximum effect is achieved when taking the drug 2 hours before meals. To prescribe a regimen of use, you should contact your doctor, but in most cases, adult patients should dissolve 1 tablet every 2-3 hours. IN childhood no more than 2-3 tablets per day, depending on the condition and age of the child.

During pregnancy, the 1st trimester is contraindicated. In the subsequent period, the decision on the need for treatment with Anti-angina should be made by the doctor.

The course of treatment should not exceed 5 days, since a longer period of therapy can lead to disturbances in the microflora of the oral cavity and pharynx.


Their main component is sage ( essential oil and dry extract), as well as citrus bioflavonoids and ascorbic acid. This drug effectively eliminates inflammation and fights microbes at the local level. It can be used not only for sore throats, but also for preventive purposes.

When the pill dissolves, a feeling of “irrigation” of the throat occurs, as with a mini-inhalation, which is due to the action of the essential oil.

Sage is used as lozenges for acute respiratory infections, tracheitis, sore throat, laryngitis and bronchitis. The course of treatment is designed for 5 days, but if necessary it can be repeated again. Children under 5 years of age should take 2 tablets per day, maintaining an interval of at least 4 hours. From 5 to 10 years – 3 tablets at the same interval. For adults, the recommended interval is reduced to 2 hours; no more than 6 pieces can be taken per day.

Contraindications are intolerance to the components of the drug. During pregnancy and subsequent lactation, the prescription of tablets with sage should be agreed with a doctor.

Isla moos

Isla moos are lozenges, the main component of which is aqueous extract Icelandic moss, which effectively copes with pathogenic microbes of the ENT organs and increases local immunity.

Thanks to its light enveloping effect, Isla moos reduces pain and irritation of the throat, relieves cough, prevents the onset of undesirable consequences from prolonged inhalation of excessively dry air and frequent strain on the vocal cords. It is often recommended as aid in the treatment of bronchial asthma.

You should consult your doctor before, as clinical trials has not been carried out with this category of patients, although the components included in its composition should not cause any negative impacts on the woman and her fetus.

Isla moos is used as follows:

  • Adults and adolescents: 1 lozenge at intervals of one hour, no more than 12 pieces per day
  • Children from 4 to 12 years old – 1 piece every 2 hours, no more than 6 lozenges per day
  • WITH for preventive purposes– 2-3 lozenges per day

Treatment with this drug is not carried out until the child reaches 4 years of age.

No cases of overdose of Isla moos have been identified; these tablets can be used in conjunction with other medications.

Bronchicum S

Basics active substance- liquid thyme extract, Excipients- sucrose, magnesium stearate, ethanol, glycerol, stearic acid. Available in the form of cream-colored lozenges in a blister, 10 pcs. in everyone. Bronchicum S is a cough lozenge made from plant materials. Under their influence, the viscosity of sputum decreases and it separates ( expectorant effect). In addition, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects are observed.

Before using lozenges, you need to read the instructions, since there are contraindications (pregnancy and lactation, children under 6 months, etc.). Children under 12 years old dissolve 1 lozenge three times a day, from 12 years old - 1 or 2 three times a day.


Chlorophyllipt is a preparation based on an extract from eucalyptus leaves, additional components are sugar, vitamin C and calcium stearate. Is bacteriostatic and bactericidal medicine, i.e. prevents reproduction pathogens and causes their death. Most often used when complex therapy laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis to enhance the effect of antiseptics.

The course of treatment is no more than 7 days, dissolve one tablet after 4-5 hours, maximum daily dose– 125 mg. There are no contraindications for treating a sore throat with Chlorophyllipt during pregnancy and lactation, however, you should consult your doctor before use.