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The healing properties of Icelandic moss. Methods for preparing decoctions and syrups based on Irish moss. Using moss to relieve cough

Lichen plants are perceived by many as a weed crop. Others are simply indifferent to them, considering moss an indispensable attribute of cold regions. But there are also those who know about the healing properties of representatives of the botanical class of lichens, among which cetraria or Icelandic moss is especially valued. It is worth talking about her wonderful qualities in detail.

Morphological description

Icelandic moss is a lichen plant native to the European continent, as well as Australia and Africa. Like all lichens, Cetraria chooses tree stumps, rocky surfaces or soil for its substrate. It can be found in pine forests, tundras, and mountainous areas, but cetraria also grows in swampy areas. Its favorite places are sandstones and peat bogs, grassy slopes or well-lit mountain ranges. Wherein Cetraria grows only in conditions of high ecological purity.

Icelandic lichen is perennial, having a palmate shape. Its leaves look like flat, narrow ribbons twisting in different parts. The color and shape of moss depends on the conditions in which it grows, and varies from brown to green and even whitish-beige.

Cetraria reproduces vegetatively, asexually and sexually and grows extremely slowly, which distinguishes it from other representatives of lichens.

IN medicinal purposes The thallus of the plant is used, which is harvested mainly in the fall. Purified Icelandic moss is dried under industrial conditions or natural method(on air). Dried lichen retains its healing properties for 24 months if stored in a cool, dry place.

Chemical composition

You can understand why lichen has healing properties by carefully studying it. chemical composition. It has been established that plant tissues contain elements that exhibit biological activity. Most often, aqueous preparations are prepared from it, since this method of processing Icelandic moss promotes the active transition of glucose, carbohydrates and nutrients into the liquid.

The high nutritional value of cetraria is also explained by scientific point vision: the thallus contains approximately 80% polysaccharides. At the same time, the use of the plant noticeably improves peristalsis and the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa, which is explained by the presence of chitin in it, which exhibits the qualities of a sorbent.

The bitter taste of Icelandic moss is the result of the presence of lichen organic acids in its tissues.

In particular, it is usnic acid, a natural antioxidant that has a high antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. It is its presence in cetraria that makes it possible to use the plant for the treatment of tuberculosis and other diseases caused by the activity of gram-positive bacteria. The plant also contains mucus, proteins, natural wax, gum, triterpenes, vitamins, a number of trace elements and naphthoquinone.

Beneficial features

Collected independently or purchased at a pharmacy, crushed Icelandic lichen raw materials have active healing properties. In its pure form, Icelandic moss can be used as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent for the treatment of wounds, burns and bacterial skin lesions. But most often in medicine, aqueous solutions (decoctions, teas, infusions) with cetraria are used. They are indicated for any disease respiratory system, including asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

The plant has a strong mucolytic effect - it quickly dilutes the mucus accumulated in the bronchi and lungs and promotes its removal. And biologically active substances protect the mucous membrane from the addition of repeated infections and negative impact other factors.

Pharmaceuticals and folk remedies from Icelandic moss are widely used in therapy for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavity: stomatitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. The main form of use is rinsing and inhalation.

The mucous texture of lichen-based decoctions helps normalize the condition of the walls gastrointestinal tract during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

It has a natural anesthetic effect, so patients with ulcers consume cetraria with food, which eliminates the pain symptom when eating food due to mucosal lesions. The natural bitterness of Icelandic moss activates appetite and normalizes digestive processes. A decoction from the plant strengthens the immune system and gives preventive effect to prevent disease viral infections.

Also Icelandic moss is used to treat and prevent such diseases and dysfunctions, How:

  • Mastopathy;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Depressive disorders, neuroses;
  • Obesity;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Use in folk medicine

IN alternative medicine Many recipes have been compiled in which the main component is Icelandic moss. Moreover, depending on the type of disease, the technology for preparing the product and its type differ.

The following are distinguished: methods for preparing cetraria for medicinal purposes:

  • Infusion on water - 15 - 20 g of dry lichen is poured with cold water, boiled over a fire and taken cooled and strained. The second method of preparing the infusion is reminiscent of the method of brewing tea (a pinch of raw materials per glass of boiling water);
  • Mucus decoction - two tablespoons of crushed dried plant are poured into a pan, cold water is added in a volume of 1 liter. The product is boiled over low heat for an hour and a half, then filtered while hot and left to sit under the lid. The finished decoction of Icelandic moss has a slimy consistency and can be stored in the refrigerator for 48 hours;
  • Alcohol tincture - pour three tablespoons of dry moss into a glass medical alcohol, leave in a cool, dark place for a week. Take 10-15 drops per spoon of water or drop the tincture onto a piece of sugar and hold it in your mouth.

Icelandic moss is also used to make compresses, ointments and healing creams. They usually take as a basis vegetable oil or any neutral cream (can be for children), into which crushed lichen is mixed. However, pharmacies sell ready-made cosmetical tools with cetraria, so this method of application is not very popular.

For cough and bronchitis

For acute respiratory diseases accompanied by a severe cough and bronchitis, decoctions on plant based can quickly bring relief. Icelandic moss is no exception. To prevent the bitter taste of the infusion from becoming an obstacle to its use, it is better to prepare the product with milk.

To begin, pour 10 g of dried cetraria into an enamel pan. Pour cold milk into it (one glass is enough). Bring to a boil and reduce heat, continuing to simmer the broth for another 30 minutes under the lid. Strain the milk and cool. You should drink a decoction of Icelandic moss at night, before going to bed. When taking mucolytic drugs and expectorants in parallel, you should consult with the doctor who prescribed the treatment about the possibility of combining medications.

For tuberculosis

At infectious disease pulmonary system, provoked by mycobacteria, the body is significantly weakened. To restore its protective functions and general tone used medicinal infusion Icelandic moss. It is prepared in a standard way, but the process of treating the disease largely depends on the method of administration. 20 g of dried crushed Icelandic cetraria is poured with a glass of boiling water and left under the lid for 1.5 - 2 hours.

After cooling, strain the product and drink before meals. The dosage for adults is three tablespoons; children are given a significantly smaller portion (1 teaspoon). The course of treatment lasts 30 days, after which there is a break for 2 weeks. To monitor your condition, visit your pulmonologist regularly and report your symptoms and progress of the disease.

For gastrointestinal diseases

Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by such serious symptoms as dyspepsia, spasms and pain, loss of appetite, and stool upset. With diagnosed gastritis or ulcer, the affected mucous membrane of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach or duodenum) becomes covered with ulcerations. Against this background, the digestion process becomes significantly more difficult, as the patient experiences constant pain at every meal and/or in between. During such periods, he needs light, nutritious food that saturates the body and is quickly digested without loading the stomach.

One option could be the following folk recipe: Grind a glass of dried lichen in a blender and mix with muesli (take natural flakes without additives). The resulting mixture is poured with low-fat kefir or milk and left for 1.5 - 2 hours. It is better to eat it instead of breakfast or as an afternoon snack. Before eating, heat the dish in the microwave for 10–20 seconds so as not to eat it cold: a sick stomach does not tolerate temperature “jumps” well.

With a runny nose

Over-allocation muconasal secretion during a cold or allergy, which accompanies inflammation of the nasal mucosa, causes a person great discomfort. A runny nose that lasts several days aggravates the course of the disease and itself becomes a serious problem.

To eliminate it, try steam inhalation using a decoction of cetraria. Throw a pinch of Icelandic moss into a pan of boiling water and wait until it acquires its characteristic color. Cool the liquid slightly, otherwise the strong steam will burn the mucous membrane. Tilt your head over the water and cover yourself with a towel. Inhale the steam from the decoction through your nose for 7 to 10 minutes. Do not pour it out: the decoction can be used 2 more times - a total of three inhalations per day will be needed. Additionally, the mucous membrane can be washed with a warm infusion of the plant.

For the thyroid gland

Iodine contained in live cetraria has a positive effect on the function thyroid gland for diseases caused by a lack of microelements in the body. To prepare remedy based on Icelandic moss to improve thyroid function, you will need natural yogurt without additives (250 ml). Add the crushed plant (20 g) and a small amount of linden honey to it. Mix in a blender and let it brew for a quarter of an hour.

Prepared yogurt will replace one of your daily snacks or be a healthy alternative to dinner. You can take the product every day or every other day. First, ask the endocrinologist you are seeing if he approves similar treatment, considering individual characteristics your body.

For dysbacteriosis

Thallus lichen contains a large amount of carbohydrates and is considered an excellent nutritional element for the cultivation of beneficial microflora in the large intestine. Dysbiosis provoked by antibiotics or infections (bacterial or viral) responds well to treatment natural means, prepared from cetraria.

For dysbacteriosis, it is useful to drink an infusion of moss with cold water or kefir, but it is even better to use jelly based on lichen.

It is prepared simply: 20 - 30 g of the crushed plant is poured with cold water (200 ml) and brought to a boil. Then the mixture is simmered over low heat with constant stirring for about 10 minutes. After it is cooled, ground through a sieve and left in a cool place for a couple of hours. The product should acquire a jelly consistency. Eaten in small portions before each meal (15-25 minutes).

For constipation

Constipation, accompanied by slow, difficult or systematically insufficient bowel movement, is not a disease, but a symptom of many diseases. For quick and painless cleansing of the body, an infusion based on Icelandic moss is used. A glass of lichen is crushed using a meat grinder and filled with cold water (2 liters will be needed). The product is infused for 24 hours. A day later, add another liter of water to it and take 200 ml 30 minutes before meals. Usually the effect occurs within the first day, but the course of treatment is continued for another 2 weeks.

For cancer

The use of cetraria for the treatment of diseases in the presence of malignant neoplasms may be approved as complementary therapy. It is known that in some cases, decoctions and infusions based on lichen have a protective effect against side effect medications used in chemotherapy.

However, Icelandic moss is not a cure for oncological diseases. It activates protective functions body and gives a comprehensive preventive effect.

To enhance immunity and general strengthening functions of the main body systems the following are used recipes:

  • A teaspoon of dried cetraria is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and left for 10 minutes. Drink warm or hot instead of tea for a month (then you need a week's break);
  • Stir two tablespoons of lichen in boiling milk and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, then let sit covered for another half hour. Drink a few sips before each meal and at night. The course of prophylaxis is 2 weeks with a break of 7 days and resumption of treatment.

The plant, known as Icelandic moss, is used in 90% of cases as a component of herbal preparations for the treatment of cancer. Other ingredients are usually bee products, etc.

For weight loss

To get rid of fat folds at the waist and find the figure of your dreams, you need to follow physical activity and healthy eating patterns. A decoction with cetraria will help speed up the process. A pinch of Icelandic moss added to regular tea also helps increase metabolism, but it is better to drink a ready-made decoction. This drink, when used, gives complex effect, including activation of intestinal motility and regulation of natural bowel movements.

To prepare the remedy, take a tablespoon of crushed dry raw materials and pour 200 ml of boiling water. The infused decoction is drunk three times a day before each meal. You should not continue to use the plant for more than 3 months, otherwise addiction will occur.


Icelandic moss, like any herbal remedy, has limitations associated with its use. Before consuming decoctions or other lichen-based products, make sure you do not have allergic reactions. To do this, you should first accept small dose infusion and look at how you feel. If there is no individual intolerance, gradually increase the amount consumed.

Teas, decoctions and infusions based on Icelandic moss should not be drunk at elevated body temperatures. If the thermometer shows 39 degrees or higher, you should stop using the product to avoid worsening the condition.

The use of cetraria is not recommended for relapse of any chronic diseases, including gastrointestinal dysfunction, gastritis and ulcers, cholecystitis. Since a decoction of moss has some strengthening effect, its use in spastic constipation will have a negative effect.

To restrictions on use folk remedies prepared from cetraria are classified as systemic autoimmune diseases. If treatment with Icelandic moss lasts longer than three months, its effects may weaken due to the body becoming accustomed to it. In some cases, there is severe discomfort in digestive tract, which goes away after stopping the use of cetraria.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is better to stop using products containing cetraria. If you wish to continue treatment with Icelandic moss, consult your doctor about the safety of consuming lichen for the fetus. Remember that self-medication can harm not only you, but also the unborn baby.

Icelandic moss is effective plant, thanks to which you can eliminate such an unpleasant manifestation of a cold as a cough. It is he who provides many inconveniences, especially at night. Most people start running around pharmacies in a panic and looking for effective and inexpensive remedy for coughs, not knowing about such a plant as Irish moss. It allows you to eliminate coughs that arise for various reasons: colds or allergies, as well as a mixed type.


Icelandic moss boasts of its amazing healing properties. His homeland is America and Europe. But in Iceland it grows much more often. Its composition is very rich in the following components:

  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • acids;
  • trace elements (iodine, iron, manganese, etc.).

The presence of polysaccharides in the composition allows preparations based on Icelandic moss to have an enveloping effect. But lichen acids have an antibacterial effect on the body. In addition to fighting cough, Icelandic moss also has its own positive effect in the treatment of ulcers, gastritis, anemia and diaper rash.

The video describes the use of Icelandic moss for coughs:

As for contraindications, this natural medicine they are practically absent. During the entire period of its use, no toxic or side effects. In addition, pregnant women actively use this component to treat cough. Although Icelandic moss has such positive properties, it is not recommended to use it without a doctor's prescription.

But it is very difficult to give such medicine to small children, because it does not taste very pleasant. To somehow disguise this, it is better to prepare a decoction based on milk, then the medicine will acquire a sweetish taste. To treat a child, it is better to use ready-made cough syrup based on Icelandic moss. It tastes sweet, so the little patient will not be capricious, but will happily take the medicine.

Children generally prefer syrup to other forms of medicine. To treat cough in children, they also use: siroa kaornya alteiki (you can find instructions here), onion cough syrup for children, Erespal cough syrup and other drugs.

How to brew and take correctly

Irish moss is actively used to treat coughs. It can be used either in a ready-made version or you can prepare a medicinal decoction yourself. The method of preparation and the required dosage are determined taking into account the type of cough that needs to be eliminated.

For tuberculosis

To prepare the medicine, you need to take 4 tablespoons of the main component and add 400 ml of water. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, then strain and take everything throughout the day.

The video shows instructions on how to brew Icelandic moss for cough:

For whooping cough

To eliminate this symptom, you should use the following remedy: pour boiling water over a dessert spoon of thyme and Icelandic moss. Infuse the decoction for 5 minutes, remove the herbs from the decoction, take a glass 3 times a day.

For bronchitis

Place a glass of milk and a tablespoon of moss in an enamel bowl. Cover with a lid and put on fire. Boil the broth for half an hour. Take the resulting product warm before going on a night's rest. Follow the link to read more about how to treat bronchitis. Also read how to properly treat bronchi in a child. Also read what medications treat bronchitis.


To overcome a severe paroxysmal cough, you need to use the following tincture. Take 40 g of the main ingredient and add alcohol. After a week, the drink is ready to drink. Just 10 drops 2 times a day are enough.

For bronchial asthma

Take 2 dessert spoons of moss and 200 ml of boiling water. Combine the two components in a bowl, leave for half an hour, take 2 large spoons 6 times throughout the day. It is advisable to take the decoction before meals. Duration of therapy is 10 days. Then take a rest for 3 days and continue again.

For colds and allergies

This symptom should be eliminated with the help of an infusion, for which take 2 tablespoons of crushed moss. Fill it with a liter of water and place it on the stove. When the water boils, cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for another half hour.

You can tell if the decoction is ready by such a factor as its jelly-like consistency. After this, the product can be strained and left in the refrigerator. It is necessary to take this medicine for a cold cough in the amount of 2 liters per day, for allergies - 1 liter. The presented infusion does not have an exquisite taste, for this reason it is worth diluting the medicine with water before using it.

What does cough with green sputum mean in adults?

Read how to prepare ginger root for cough.

Approximate prices for children's nasal drops: http://prolor.ru/n/detskoe-zdorove/detskie-kapli-v-nos-ot-nasmorka.html.

In tablet and syrup form

Drugs based on this unique product can be bought at a pharmacy. There they are presented in the form of tablets and suspensions.


This medicine can be taken for ENT diseases. The tablet is dissolved or swallowed. Adults can use the tablet by inhalation. To do this, crush it into powder and inhale alternately into one and then into the other nostril. This therapy is very effective for rhinitis and sinusitis.

Icelandic moss contains components that provide an antibacterial effect. Thanks to this, the tablets can be used in the treatment of cough caused by bronchitis and whooping cough. In addition, this medicine serves as an effective general strengthening agent during the recovery period after illness. Irish moss is used as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of cough due to pulmonary tuberculosis. The tablets also provide excellent protection against side effects resulting from taking medications used in chemotherapy.

In addition to Icelandic moss, the tablets also contain the following components:

  1. Black elderberry– has a positive effect on the body in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are characterized by cough and high fever.
  2. Sage has astringent action, effectively fights cough during colds of the upper respiratory tract.
  3. Calendula helps relieve inflammation, has an antiseptic and healing effect.


Irish moss in the form of a suspension actively eliminates cough caused by colds. Thanks to the presence of active components, it is possible to create a protective film and relieve the inflammatory process from the mucous membrane of the pharynx, nose and mouth.

The syrup, just like the tablets, has an antibacterial and restorative effect. The syrup contains no alcohol or cane sugar.

Children over the age of one year are allowed to use the syrup. For adults, it is allowed to use 10 ml 3 times a day; children 8-16 years old – 5 ml 3 times a day; 1-8 years – 5 ml 2 times a day. This product is gluten-free, making it suitable for a gluten-free diet. Can be used in patients with lactose intolerance.


  • Marina, 35 years old: “I am a mother of two children, so I know first-hand about bronchitis. In children, this disease occurred with wheezing and whistling. We used the medications prescribed by the doctor for a very long time, but achieved desired effect failed. Then I was advised to give the children an infusion based on Irish moss. I brewed it in a thermos, and the children took 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. We managed to eliminate the cough after 2 weeks. The next time the child had a cough, I immediately brewed Irish moss and all the cold symptoms disappeared in a short period of time.”
  • Tatyana, 23 years old: « Painful cough visited me for a long time. As the doctor told me, this is a sign of an allergy. It was already unbearable to endure it, and pharmaceutical drugs did not have the desired effect. Then my mother told me a recipe for a truly amazing medicine. I brewed Irish moss with milk and took the medicine at night. Within a week, the intensity of the cough was noticeably reduced, and after 3 weeks I was completely healed.”
  • Margarita, 27 years old: “I used this medicine in the form of a suspension. I had a cold, there was no fever, but the cough was painful. I immediately went to Pharmacy, where I was recommended a syrup based on Irish moss. I took the drug 3 times a day, according to the dosage indicated in the instructions. overcome this unpleasant symptom I succeeded in 2 weeks.”

Icelandic moss is a unique plant that is used to eliminate many diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Medicines prepared on its basis can very quickly and effectively overcome symptoms such as cough. Despite the fact that the plant does not have side effects, before using it, it would not hurt to consult a specialist.

Benefits of Icelandic moss for coughs

When we have a cough, we need to take it as a signal of the onset of the disease. He brings us a lot of inconvenience. This and sleepless nights, and searches necessary medications and trips to the doctor. Icelandic moss helps cure coughs, both cold-related and allergic. A mixed form of cough is often found, which is due to deteriorating environmental conditions and the presence of harmful preservatives in food products. Under these conditions, it takes a lot of time to select the right drug that would not only improve our well-being, but also affect the cause of the disease.

Icelandic moss is a perennial lichen. It grows on trees and in the soil of tundra and forest-tundra. This is an indicator of a clean environment. It grows throughout Northern Europe and Russia in humid and sunny areas. The peoples of the north have used it as a dietary supplement since ancient times to recover from a serious illness. The thallus of the plant was crushed and a slimy thick decoction was boiled. It was well absorbed by the body, while the secretion of gastric juice increased, appetite increased, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract was regulated.

The plant contains vitamin B12, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamin C, wax, manganese, zinc. Icelandic moss is rich in iron, copper, and molybdenum. It also contains usnic acid, which is rich in sodium salt. It is used to treat tuberculosis, whooping cough, and bronchial asthma, as it is one of the best antibiotics.

Iceland moss cough syrup

The syrup prepared from Icelandic moss is effective immunomodulator. The mucous substances of the plant contain enveloping components that have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. As a dietary supplement containing uronic acids, it is prescribed for diseases:

  • acute respiratory viral infection;
  • flu;
  • pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis and bone tuberculosis;
  • postoperative rehabilitation period.

Traditional medicine uses the beneficial properties of Icelandic moss to relieve inflammation and have antibacterial effects. To prepare cough medicine, pour two tablespoons of the finished product into a liter cold water. After boiling, simmer over low heat for an hour. The broth should have a slimy consistency and resemble jelly. You need to insist for ten minutes with the lid closed, and then strain. The medicine should be taken warm. The remaining portion can be placed in the refrigerator, but for no more than two days. Add sugar to reduce bitterness.

Here is another recipe: pour two teaspoons with a quarter glass of cold water. Bring slowly to a boil, remove from heat and strain. Drink one cup three times a day. Can be sweetened with honey.

It is useful to add thyme when cooking. Pour half a spoon of each plant into a glass of boiling water and leave. Drink one glass three times a day.

Icelandic moss for cough: contraindications

Contraindications for use are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes.

Icelandic moss for coughs for children

Using Icelandic moss to treat a child's cough is effective, but the child may not like the taste of the medicine. When preparing the decoction, use the recipe with milk. Pour a glass of milk into an enamel bowl and add a tablespoon of moss. Place on the fire for thirty minutes. Strain the resulting broth and give it warm to your child before bedtime.

Where to buy Icelandic moss for coughs

Iceland moss or Cetraria can be purchased as an herb or tea drink. They are sold both in city pharmacies and in online pharmacies, or on specialized websites. Delivery is carried out to any city.

Icelandic moss for cough reviews

Elena: “Icelandic moss helped get rid of long-term treatment”

Advantages: got rid of cough quickly

Flaws: did not find

I have two children, five and three years old. Both suffered from bronchitis very often with severe wheezing and whistling. We were treated and observed for a very long time different specialists, but the immune system was not strengthened in any way, and the illnesses continued. I was advised to brew Icelandic moss in a thermos, and gave the children two tablespoons three times a day before meals. Once again the cough started, but we did without serious medications and the cough went away after four days. I was very surprised and delighted. Now he uses this remedy as a tonic, and we practically do not get sick.

Ekaterina: “This product really works”

Advantages: inexpensive and effective medicine

Flaws: difficult to find in regular pharmacies

The cough has been bothering me for a very long time. Any cold always leads to bronchitis. I went to many doctors, they prescribed a variety of procedures, but nothing helped. They started thinking about me that I had a smoker’s cough, although I don’t smoke and have never smoked. Neighbor on own experience tried the healing properties of Icelandic moss and advised me. I decided to follow her advice, not particularly hoping for results. I brewed the herb in a thermos and drank it before bed. After two days I felt dramatic relief, and after a couple of days the cough completely disappeared. For six months, bronchitis did not return to me, and I did not even get a cold, although there was a period of epidemic. I realized that I not only cured my cough, but also thoroughly strengthened my body’s immune system. I recommend this miraculous plant to everyone. In order not to look for Icelandic moss in pharmacies throughout the city, order online. It's much more convenient and even cheaper.

The lichen, which is called Icelandic moss, has long been known to the northern peoples, who have used it since ancient times as a tonic. It can be found in the middle zone and in the north, in the tundra, pine forests, forest-tundra, heath and swamps. It grows directly on the soil and on the bark of stumps, preferring unshaded and sandy areas, as well as clean air.

Moss composition

Moss contains about 75% mucus, which envelops the mucous membranes. In addition, it contains lichen acids (lichesteric, fumarprotocentral, protolichesteric, usnic and many others), which give it a specific bitter taste, and also determine its antibiotic and tonic properties.

In addition, Icelandic moss contains such valuable substance, like sodium utriate, which helps cope with the tuberculosis bacillus. It also contains iodine, enzymes, pigments, starch, wax, sugars and vitamins B1, B12 and A.

Properties of moss

Icelandic moss is valued primarily for its antiseptic properties. The usnic acid it contains has a pronounced antiseptic effect. And lichesteric and protochlychesteric acids have high antimicrobial activity against such dangerous pathogens diseases such as streptococci and staphylococci. Sodium usinate promotes healing various burns and wounds, including infected ones.

Mucus, which moss is very rich in, helps reduce inflammation in the throat, nose, mouth, as well as the intestines and stomach. In addition, these mucus also have calming properties. Therefore, medicines prepared from this plant are often used to treat cough. In addition, sometimes it is recommended to brew moss in order to rinse with the resulting infusion sore throat.

Of course, Icelandic moss, like any other medicine, can only be prescribed by a doctor. Indications for its use may include not only colds accompanied by cough, but also such serious pathologies as whooping cough, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. And since moss has a general tonic effect, it is also used in the treatment of exhausted and severely weakened patients.

Harvesting moss

Icelandic moss has been successfully used to treat many pathologies accompanied by cough. Some people buy this lichen at the pharmacy, but in the summer you can prepare it yourself. Having found this moss in the forest, you need to carefully cut off its roots, which usually have a slightly reddish tint, with scissors.

At home, the collected raw materials must be carefully sorted, removing all sticks, needles and other unnecessary impurities. After this, it needs to be dried in the sun, in the open air, or using a special dryer.

Folk recipes

Many diseases that are accompanied by cough are recommended to be treated with Icelandic moss. For example, for tuberculosis, you can make a decoction from this plant. To do this, pour 4 tablespoons of lichen into 2 cups of boiled cold water and boil for 5 minutes. The resulting broth should be strained well, cooled and taken 3 times a day in a couple of small sips.

For whooping cough, tea will help, for the preparation of which you need to pour a teaspoon of lichen and thyme into a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be allowed to brew for about 5 minutes, and then strain it. You should take a cup of tea no more than 3 times in one day.

For bronchitis, pour 250 ml of milk into an enamel bowl and add a tablespoon of finely crushed moss. Then cover the bowl with a lid and leave on the fire for about half an hour. The resulting decoction is drunk hot before bed.

At severe cough It is recommended to take a tincture, for the preparation of which approximately 40 grams of dried lichen is poured with a glass of sixty-degree alcohol. After the mixture has been infused for 7 days, it can be taken 10 drops.

Medicines containing Icelandic moss

Pharmacies sell medicines that contain Icelandic moss. For example, the German drug Isla is excellent for treating a sore throat. These gel lozenges, intended for resorption, come in two types: Isla mint and Isla moos. Both contain acacia flower extract, and Isla Mint also contains mint oil.

These lozenges perfectly protect and moisturize irritated mucous membranes, while at the same time increasing local immunity. Isla preparations, due to the fact that they have an antibacterial effect, will help with infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the throat.

In some pharmacies you can find syrup prepared on the basis liquid extract Icelandic moss. It is used to treat cough in acute respiratory infections, whooping cough, influenza, chronic or acute bronchitis. The syrup should not be taken by those who have diabetes or cannot tolerate any of the components of the drug.

How to brew Icelandic moss for cough? The use of Icelandic moss in folk medicine

The lichen, which is called Icelandic moss, has been known since ancient times to the northern peoples, who used it as a tonic. You can meet it in the north and in the middle zone, in pine forests, tundra, heathlands, forest-tundra, and also in swamps. It grows on the bark of stumps and directly on the soil, preferring sandy and unshaded areas and clean air. In this article we will learn what it is and its beneficial properties, including how to brew Icelandic moss for coughs.

Botanical description

The plant reaches a height of 12 centimeters. It is a bush with widely spaced leaves. Its individual branches are up to 10 centimeters wide, mostly bent. Their outer surface is olive to dark green, the lower one is light brown, light green, often with white spots.


It contains approximately 75% mucus, which envelops the mucous membranes. In addition, there are lichen acids (fumarprotocentral acid, lichesterolic acid, usnic acid, protolichesterolic acid, etc.), which give it a bitterish specific taste, and also determine its tonic and antibiotic properties. Icelandic moss also contains sodium utriate. It helps get rid of the tuberculosis bacillus. In addition, it contains enzymes, iodine, starch, pigments, sugars, waxes and vitamins.


The plant is valued for its high antiseptic properties. The usnic acid it contains has a pronounced antiseptic effect. And protochlychesteric and lichesteric acids have high antimicrobial activity against various dangerous pathogens, including staphylococci and streptococci.

Sodium sinate helps heal various wounds and burns, including infected ones. Mucus, which is rich in Icelandic moss, helps reduce inflammation of the nose, throat, mouth, stomach and intestines. For coughs (we’ll tell you how to brew it below) it is also an effective remedy. For this purpose, medicines made from this plant are often used.

Sometimes moss can be brewed to gargle a sore throat with the resulting infusion. Of course, only a specialist can prescribe Icelandic moss for treatment.

Indications for its use may include various colds accompanied by cough, as well as serious pathologies, including tuberculosis, whooping cough, obstructive chronic illness lungs, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. In addition, moss has a tonic property; it is also used in the treatment of severely weakened and exhausted patients.


The plant is successfully used for treatment various pathologies accompanied by a cough. Some people who already know how to brew Icelandic moss for coughs buy this lichen at the pharmacy, although in the summer you can prepare it yourself.

Having found this moss in the forest, you need to carefully cut off its roots with scissors - they mostly have a slightly reddish tint. The collected raw materials at home must be carefully sorted, all needles, sticks and other unnecessary impurities must be removed from it. Then it should be dried in the sun. Now let's talk about how to brew Icelandic moss for coughs.


Various cough diseases can be treated with this plant. So, a decoction of it will help with tuberculosis. To do this, you need to pour 4 tablespoons of lichen into two glasses of cool water. boiled water, then boil for 5 minutes. The finished decoction must be strained well and taken three times a day, 2 sips.

Now we’ll learn how to brew Icelandic moss for coughs with milk. You need to pour a glass of milk into an enamel bowl and put a spoonful of crushed moss there. Then cover the bowl with a lid and put it on the fire for half an hour. The prepared decoction is consumed hot before bedtime for bronchitis.

The following tea will help you with whooping cough. You need to pour a teaspoon of thyme and lichen into a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be allowed to brew for about five minutes, after which it should be strained. You should take a cup of tea about 3 times a day.

It is recommended to use a tincture for a severe cough, the preparation of which requires 40 grams of lichen. It must be filled with a glass of 60-degree alcohol. After a week, the mixture can be taken ten drops.

Preparations with Icelandic moss

Modern pharmacies sell medications containing Icelandic moss. Thus, the drug "Isla" is suitable for treating a sore throat. Such gel lozenges, which are intended for resorption, are produced in two types: “Isla moos” and “Isla mint”. Both contain acacia flower extract, while the latter also contains mint oil.

These lozenges well moisturize and protect irritated mucous membranes, increasing immunity. These drugs, having antibacterial properties, will help with inflammatory diseases of the throat. In addition, in some pharmacies you can find cough syrup that includes Icelandic moss. How to brew the plant in this case does not matter, since it is a ready-made preparation.

It is used for whooping cough, acute respiratory infections, acute or chronic bronchitis, and influenza to treat cough. It should not be used by people with diabetes or intolerance to any of its components.

For tuberculosis, you can add 4 tablespoons of moss to 2 cups of cool boiled water. Bring the mixture to a boil and keep on low heat for 5 minutes. Drink a quarter glass three times a day.

Prevention of vitamin deficiency

Drink the same decoction, starting with two liters per day, gradually reducing the dose to a glass per day. Must be consumed in spring, or twice a year.


So, how to brew Icelandic moss for coughs for children? To do this, pour a spoonful of moss into a glass of cool milk. Cook with the lid closed in an enamel bowl over low heat for about 30 minutes. Drink warm before bed.

Emphysema, chronic bronchitis

Now we will learn how to brew Icelandic moss for coughs for the above diseases. A mixture of coltsfoot and moss (in equal proportions) weakens coughing attacks and facilitates expectoration. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into a glass cool water, bring slowly to a boil, then strain. Drink one cup twice a day.

Whooping cough

Not everyone knows how to brew Icelandic moss for coughs for children. To do this, a mixture of this plant and thyme is taken in equal proportions. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and leave for 5 minutes. Drink 1 cup twice a day.

Stomach ulcer

You should take flax seeds, Icelandic moss, and marshmallow root in equal proportions. spoon ready mixture pour two glasses hot water. Boil all this for 7 minutes over low heat, strain. Drink a third of a glass 5 times a day.

Purulent wounds, boils, burns, ulcers

So, from this article we learned how to brew Icelandic moss for cough. But how to use it with such skin diseases? For this, lotions made from a decoction applied to the wound, as well as washing, are suitable. Dried moss powder can be used as a powder.

Cough is defensive reaction the body and a way to remove phlegm, but it irritates, deprives you of rest and sleep, and interferes with your work. Pharmaceutical market offers different means, which help relieve the annoying reflex. There are also known medicinal plants with the same properties. They help just as well, without any side effects. One of them is Icelandic moss. In fact, Icelandic moss is a lichen called Cetraria Icelandica.

Composition of medicinal plant and characteristics

Icelandic moss is most often used for coughs.. What are the nutritional and healing properties of lichen based on? It includes:

  • vitamins and minerals, almost a complete set of microelements;
  • organic acids with antimicrobial properties;
  • carbohydrates, fats, proteins (enzymes);
  • polysaccharides that form mucus (70%), capable of liquefying, enveloping and soothing the epithelium of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract.

This composition makes cetraria an important component in the treatment of diseases of various natures. But more often it is used for respiratory diseases.

Lichen grows in many parts of Russia and Northern Europe. The growing location is humid and sunny. It is not found in arid areas or in regions with polluted air. Where does citraria grow in an environmentally friendly atmosphere: the plant is considered a natural indicator of clean air.

Characteristics of lichen: has a brown-green color with white spots. Grows in bushes. The thallus is twisted and branched, similar to deer antlers. The plant is inconspicuous and difficult to notice in the forest.

Icelandic moss is collected at any time of the year, but the collection cannot be called easy. It needs to be found, cut and cleared of numerous forest debris accumulated in dense branches. The collected moss is crushed and dried.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of the plant were known 400 years ago. And today they do not refuse his help. Most often, Icelandic moss is used for coughs. In addition, it treats:

  • colds: flu, ARVI;
  • throat diseases: sore throats, tonsillitis, pharyngitis;
  • complex illnesses: tuberculosis, whooping cough, pneumonia, asthma;
  • V complex therapy– bronchitis and allergies.

Cetraria destroys viruses and bacteria, working in unison with the immune system. Icelandic moss helps not only with colds, they treat various ailments. For example, it relieves inflammation, fights cancer and aging of the body, and helps with stress.

In our country, little is known about the medicinal properties of lichen, but in the West, pharmacists have taken it into service and produce medicines, cosmetics and hygiene products.

In ancient times, the peoples of the north used Icelandic moss not only for treatment, but also as a source of food during lean years. When crushed and boiled, jelly is formed - a decoction with a slimy consistency that helped people survive.

Anti-cough recipes

Exist different recipes using Icelandic moss for coughs. Here are the most common ones:

Recipe N1. Fill a glass of clean cold water with 2 tbsp. l. dry moss and boil for about an hour. The broth is ready if it has reached a thick, jelly-like consistency.. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes, then strain. The decoction is taken throughout the day, drinking 2-3 sips and taking a break between them. It is advisable to drink it warm.

Recipe N2. Pour 2 tsp into a glass of milk. lichen and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. until thickened. It's better to drink it before bed. Icelandic moss helps with bronchitis if you use this recipe.

How to determine the quality of a dry plant? Take a piece of lichen thallus and fill it with water at room temperature. If it changes color to bright green, the thallus expands and a smell appears fresh chanterelles, which means the raw materials are of high quality.

Recipe N3. For asthma and severe cough, a tea drink helps. Pour 1 tsp with a glass of boiling water. raw materials and leave for 5 minutes. We take the drink three times a day, warm, in a glass. Children are recommended to drink half a glass of this tea.

Recipe N4. If the cough is paroxysmal in nature, it will save alcohol tincture . Pour 40 g of Icelandic moss into 1/2 liter of alcohol. The tincture is prepared for a week. Dosage – 10 drops twice a day.

Ready decoctions can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. It is better to brew Icelandic moss for cough in small portions for one day. Typically, decoctions are taken before meals for 10 days.

Cetraria has a rather specific sour-salty taste, which not everyone likes. But since the herbal decoction really is a panacea for colds of various types, the taste can be neglected. In addition, over time you can get used to it.

Syrup and yogurt for treating children

It is allowed to be used for coughs in children, but since it is almost impossible to force them to drink a tasteless decoction, honey is added to it. This not only improves the taste, but also enhances the positive effect. You can add milk to the broth, which will help get rid of unpleasant taste sensations. But more often, Icelandic moss is prescribed for children in the form of a delicious syrup.

Recipe N5. In a glass of water, dilute cetraria powder (150 g). Pour the mixture into a saucepan and boil for 7 minutes. When the composition has cooled, add 4 tbsp. l. sugar and a little citric acid. Continue boiling for another 35 minutes until thickened. When the syrup becomes warm, you can give it to the child. The syrup is consumed throughout the day, several sips intermittently.

Recipe N6. Pour 3 tbsp into a blender. l. cetraria powder, add 3 tbsp. l. honey (can be replaced with rosehip or sea buckthorn syrup) and 350-400 ml of kefir. Mix the mixture thoroughly and let it sit for a while. You can drink this yogurt for breakfast or dinner. It has a good general strengthening effect.

Cough syrup with Icelandic moss

Icelandic moss for coughs is prescribed in the form of tablets, lozenges, lozenges, syrup. The syrup contains:

  • Icelandic moss thallus extract;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • peppermint oil;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • auxiliary components.

Larinal - cough syrup with Icelandic moss and vitamin C can relieve coughs that have a paroxysmal character. This is a syrupy mixture, clear or with sediment. The shade can vary from yellow to brown. The syrup has a pleasant taste with a slight menthol scent.

The instructions say that the dietary supplements included in the syrup have an antiseptic, antitussive and enveloping effect. Shake the contents of the bottle before use. Adults take 1 tbsp. 3-5 times a day. The product is washed down with tea or water. The duration of treatment is from a week to 10 days. If relief does not occur after 4 days, you should consult your doctor.

Contraindications include sensitivity to the composition of the drug, pregnancy, age under 18 years. It is not used for thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, diabetes mellitus. Use only after medical consultation by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder, with a diseased liver.

Cough syrup with Icelandic moss, due to the large amount of mucus, interferes with the absorption of drugs if all drugs are taken at the same time. Therefore, Larinal is not taken immediately, but an hour after taking other drugs. You should not use products with vitamin C in parallel, because the drug already contains it.

The syrup is available in a 130 g bottle, packaged in cardboard box, It contains instructions for use. The drug is produced in the Czech Republic by Doctor Muller. Valid for 3 years. During storage it may become cloudy, which does not affect the composition and quality. The price in different pharmacies varies from 7 to 11 rubles, so it is available to buyers with any wallet.

The tablets also have a positive effect. They are dissolved, swallowed, or inhaled as a powder through the nose. Due to the antibacterial effect, as well as the content of additional components (black elderberry, sage, calendula), the tablets help relieve inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, which occurs with cough and fever.

Icelandic moss for cough is a natural remedy that is intended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The complex properties of Icelandic moss allow you to quickly cope with the manifestations of colds, viruses, infections and allergic cough. Homeopathic medicine perfectly relieves swelling of the inflamed mucous membrane respiratory system, thins too thick sputum and promotes its rapid removal from the bronchial tree.

Icelandic moss acts on the lung tissue and bronchi on the principle of relieving focal inflammation, as an expectorant and bronchodilator, expanding the space between the walls of the alveoli, which allows stabilizing the functioning of diseased lungs. After ingesting a decoction of Icelandic moss, or a syrup made from this medicinal plant, the active components of the homeopathic drug are absorbed into the intestinal walls, penetrate the bloodstream and quickly reach the inflamed areas of the respiratory system. Maximum concentration of medicinal substances in the lungs is recorded 30 minutes after taking the medicine orally.

Due to its expectorant properties, Icelandic moss thins the too thick structure of sputum and thanks to this the patient can independently cough it up during the next attack of bronchial spasm. Icelandic moss is used in the form of a decoction or syrup to treat a severe dry cough that does not go away over a long period of time. Homeopathic medicine is effective as a therapeutic agent for treating chronic forms pulmonary diseases varying degrees of severity. At wet cough is prescribed very rarely, since the main pharmacological purpose of medicines made from Icelandic moss is the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the upper and lower respiratory tract, accompanied by a severe dry cough.

How is it sold and how much does it cost?

Icelandic moss is sold in retail stores pharmacy chains in the form of dried parts medicinal plant, and also as an extract produced as a syrup. The dried plant is available in cardboard packages containing 50 grams of dried Icelandic moss leaves. The cost of one such pack ranges from 130 to 145 rubles. The final price depends on the final seller, but in general it does not exceed the specified limits. Syrup made from Icelandic moss is available in dark glass bottles of 100 ml. The cost of one such bottle is 75 - 90 rubles. The drug is dispensed without a special prescription from the attending physician. Can be purchased wholesale and retail.


Like most natural medicines, Icelandic moss is well absorbed by the body and has virtually no contraindications. However, there are some precautions that must be followed, namely:

Before starting treatment for dry cough and inflammatory lung diseases with Icelandic moss decoction or syrup, you should first consult with your doctor. Adults need to visit a general practitioner or pulmonologist, and the child needs to be shown to a local pediatrician.

How to brew Icelandic moss and take it correctly for coughs

For the treatment of colds or coughs infectious origin It is recommended to brew dry Icelandic moss in accordance with following rules, namely:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of the dried plant and pour into a metal pan.
  2. Pour 1 liter of clean cold water over Icelandic moss.
  3. Place the pan over medium heat and wait until the liquid comes to a boil.
  4. After boiling, the broth must be cooked for at least 30 minutes. If necessary, the future medicine should be stirred.

After the specified time, the healing liquid will begin to acquire a thick consistency, reminiscent of transparent jelly. This factor indicates the readiness of the home medicine and the digestion of the maximum amount of useful components. Adults need to take a decoction of Icelandic moss 3 times a day, 250 grams 15 minutes before eating. Children also drink the medicine 3 times a day, but only 100 ml. The decoction has a specific swampy smell and similar taste, so it can be diluted with water before use. The main thing is to maintain the specified dosage.

When treating acute bronchitis and pneumonia, which are accompanied by a strong dry cough, to prepare a decoction you should use not 2 tablespoons of dried Icelandic moss, but 3 heaped tablespoons and boil it in 1 liter of milk. The features of the method are the same as for a decoction prepared on a water basis. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 10 days. Generally positive therapeutic effect observed already on the 3-4th day of taking home medicine. The dry cough gradually changes to a productive one, sputum is expectorated and all symptoms of the disease disappear.

Instructions for treating cough with Icelandic moss syrup

Treatment with syrup made from Icelandic moss extract is carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Average dosage the drug for adult patients is 2 teaspoons 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals. Children aged 5 to 12 years take 1 teaspoon of syrup 3 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals. The peculiarity of treating dry cough with syrup is that it cannot be diluted with water or washed down with any other liquid. After taking it orally, it is extremely important to maintain the specified time interval so that all medicinal components The medication penetrated into the bloodstream through the intestinal walls and reached the site of the inflammatory process unchanged. First of all we're talking about on preserving the chemical formula of the drug.

A cough is a kind of signal that indicates the occurrence of some disease. Because of it, a large number of various inconveniences appear, for example, nights without normal sleep, constant discomfort during the day. You usually need to look suitable medications, visit doctors, etc. One of the remedies currently used to treat coughs is Icelandic moss. It is a fairly productive remedy that helps treat cough of different origins, both allergies and colds. Often a cough occurs in a mixed form, which is usually caused by a worsening environmental situation, an abundance of various preservatives of harmful origin in products, etc. For this reason, it is very important to choose the optimal remedy that will allow you to achieve your goals related to eliminating cough. It is important not only to improve the overall well-being of a person, but also to have a direct impact on the very cause of the disease.

This moss is a perennial lichen that grows on a variety of trees. You can find it in the tundra zone, as well as forest-tundra. The origin of moss is exactly this. If such moss grows somewhere, this is clear evidence that the environment is clean and safe from an environmental point of view. It grows in the area Russian Federation and some northern European countries. Most often it can be found in areas where there is a plentiful amount of sun rays, as well as moisture. Northern peoples have used this plant for a huge number of years as a kind of food additive.

Since ancient times, it has been famous for its good restorative qualities, which made it easier to eliminate the consequences of some serious illnesses. Even then, the moss thallus was crushed and then boiled. It was customary to boil the components of the plant until the broth became thick, a little like mucus. The body absorbed it quite well. The plant had positive impact on the production of gastric juice by the body, which in turn increased appetite and regulated the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The plant contains a fairly large amount of various vitamins, microelements and other useful components. For example, there is a fairly large number of:

  • Healthy fats and proteins.
  • Manganese.
  • Zinc.
  • Copper.
  • Gland.
  • Molybdenum.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Usnic acid.
  • Sodium salt.


The main component is the plant itself. Additional components may be used to enhance the effect. The composition includes moss thalli. Due to the presence of some acids in its composition, the taste is bitter, but it has a good tonic effect. Because of this, it also has tonic properties. Lichen can be used to prepare a variety of decoctions.

Release form

This drug is available in the form of syrup and tablets. Based unique plant high-quality suspension and tablets are created. They can be used for a variety of ENT diseases. The tablet is dissolved or swallowed. You can also use it by inhalation, for which you must first crush it to obtain a powder. Then it is inhaled into the nostrils one by one. This type of therapy can be quite effective during the treatment of sinusitis or rhinitis.

Part this drug contains components that provide a good antibacterial effect. The tablets can be used to relieve coughs that are caused by whooping cough or bronchitis. The medicine has a general strengthening effect on the body in recovery period after various diseases. Tablets can be used as an auxiliary therapeutic element in the fight against pulmonary tuberculosis. Tablets are a good protector against various side effects, which can occur due to the use of medications during chemotherapy.

The tablets contain not only Icelandic moss, but several other plants:

  • Calendula. It is an effective anti-inflammatory agent that is useful for healing a variety of wounds.
  • Sage. It is characterized by effectiveness in the fight against cough. It is actively used for colds.
  • Black elderberry has a positive effect on the body, if it needs to be treated inflammatory diseases of chronic origin, which attacked the respiratory tract. The component allows you to reduce elevated temperature, as well as eliminate cough, gradually suppress it.

The suspension is another form of this drug. It is used to eliminate cold cough. Active components allow you to form a special film to protect and eliminate inflammatory processes from the mouth, nose, and pharynx. The syrup also has a good general strengthening effect on the body. It does not contain cane sugar or alcohol.

Can Iceland moss be used by children?

It's definitely possible. This product can be very effective for use by children, however, some problems may arise due to the not so pleasant taste. Therefore, when preparing the decoction, you can use a special recipe that contains milk. In an enamel bowl, boil milk with a tablespoon of moss. You need to keep the dishes on the fire for about half an hour. The decoction obtained in this way must then be filtered. It should be served warm to your child before bedtime.

There are several popular recipes with which you can brew moss correctly, getting the maximum amount of benefits from it. You can make an aqueous tincture from it when the plant is filled with cold water. After this, you need to bring everything to a boil and strain. You need to drink three cups of this product in one day.

A couple of teaspoons of moss can be poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. It is recommended to take the resulting decoction one tablespoon approximately five times a day before meals. The treatment course in this case lasts for ten days, after which a break of several days is taken. After this, the course is repeated. The best option would be to take three such courses. This will effectively cure bronchial and pulmonary diseases.

You can also prepare a slimy decoction, where a couple of spoons of moss are poured into a liter of cold water and boiled, cooked for an average of one hour over low heat. After this, you need to strain the broth. It can be stored in the refrigerator without losing its basic properties for no more than two days.

Instructions for use of Icelandic Moss for children and adults

This drug can be actively used to treat cough. Instructions may vary for different forms facilities. If the plant is to be used directly, it must be brewed as described above. For bronchitis, moss can be mixed with coltsfoot. It is best to consume the tincture early in the morning, about one cup at a time. This will improve the discharge of sputum and make coughing attacks less annoying and intrusive. You can also use thyme in cooking, which will enhance the effect of moss.

If we are talking about syrup, it can also be consumed by children over the age of one year. For adults, the best option would be to take 10 milliliters three times a day. Children from eight to sixteen years old should take it three times a day, five milliliters. From one to eight years of age, it is recommended to take five milliliters twice a day. It can be used by patients who are lactose intolerant.

The tablets can be taken orally. But they can also be crushed and inhaled through the nostrils, which has a positive effect on treating nasal problems.

Contraindications and side effects

Among the main contraindications are:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Diabetes.
  • Lactation and pregnancy.

Can Iceland moss be used during pregnancy?

The product, in principle, is safe for the body, but it is still better to refrain from using it during pregnancy. This will avoid some unpleasant consequences that may occur in some individual cases.


Currently, there are no similar drugs with the same composition based on Icelandic moss in pharmacies. But you can try to find products with similar indications. This is best done with the help of an experienced doctor.

The main healing properties of moss

This plant has long been used in official pharmacology for the preparation of special food additives. There it can be supplemented with other plant components, for example, thyme, chamomile, sage and others. Thanks to the unique medicinal properties moss has become widespread. It is used not only in traditional, but also in folk medicine. It contains a large amount useful substances, including unique lichen acids. They are characterized by excellent antibacterial properties. With the help of these qualities, it is possible to eliminate bacteria and microbes from the body and have a positive effect on its strengthening. It also contains other interesting substances that make moss an ideal option for relieving coughs.

The mucous substances that are present there have special enveloping properties. This allows you to treat not only cough, but also some other problems with the body, for example, gastritis, colitis, chronic constipation and everything else. Preparations based on this type of moss have good anti-inflammatory, choleretic, and antimicrobial effects. The main thing is to prepare the decoction correctly so that it receives all the necessary quality characteristics. If we are talking about tablets or syrup, then it is very important to use these products in full accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.