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Allergic cough in a child - difference from a cold, video. Treatment of allergic cough in children. Allergic cough in a child symptoms

Allergic cough is paroxysmal and dry. Accompanied by itching in the throat and nose. Sometimes clear sputum is released, in which there are no purulent inclusions. Symptoms of an allergic cough in a child worsen in the evening and closer to night. Some attacks begin suddenly and last 1–2 hours. Only antihistamines can stop them. An allergic cough can turn into bronchitis or asthma if its cause is not eliminated in a timely manner.

Home diagnostics

Treatment of any disease begins with diagnosis. An allergic cough can be caused by:

  • dust and mites living in down pillows;
  • pet hair or saliva;
  • bird feathers;
  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • pollen of indoor and wild plants;
  • Food.

To determine the cause of pharyngitis, the mother keeps a child’s diary. In it she writes down what plants the baby came into contact with during the walk, what he ate, what he played with and washed his hands. In the diary you need to indicate the composition of the dishes, as well as the brand of powder, baby shower gel and other detergents. If there are cats or dogs in the house, the mother records the time when the child was in contact with the animal, and then the baby’s reaction to the fur.

The most common food allergens to watch out for include:

  • citruses;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggs;
  • exotic vegetables.

If it is not possible to independently determine the cause of the cough, the child is shown to a pediatrician and an allergist. Specialists give directions for biochemical and general analysis blood, X-ray of the lungs and bronchi. Children from 3 years old undergo skin tests: several common allergens are applied to the forearm and the reaction is monitored. After identifying the cause, the doctor selects antihistamines that relieve cough and other symptoms.

Cleanliness and fresh air

The house where a child with allergies lives must be clean. Parents dust daily, wash floors, regularly vacuum upholstered furniture and refuse carpets. Down pillows and duvets are being replaced with options with synthetic fillers. Polyester and ecofiber do not accumulate dirt, dust, sweat and mites. Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are also suitable for children.

An ordinary soft toy can trigger an allergy. The child is bought plastic cars, dolls and dishes, construction sets and various Board games. But no teddy bears, bunnies or other animals.

Parents are prohibited from smoking in the house and even on the balcony. Smoke and the smell of tobacco, which remains on clothes and seeps into rooms, can cause spasms in the bronchi and an allergic dry cough.

Pets are regularly bathed, vaccinated and treated for fleas and worms. A child can normally perceive the fur and saliva of a cat, but a dirty animal is a source of ticks, helminths and infections that weaken the immune system and make it susceptible to allergens.

Children who have a dry, spasmodic cough should not walk near highways. Exhaust gases and dust irritate the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and cause soreness. In winter and autumn you can go to the park and breathe fresh air. In spring and summer, during the period of active flowering, you should avoid alleys planted with shrubs, trees and ornamental plants.

Cough diet

When an allergic cough worsens, remove all hazardous foods from the child’s diet:

  • orange vegetables and fruits;
  • almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and peanuts;
  • natural cow's milk;
  • mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • bee products;
  • chocolate and sweet baked goods;
  • mushrooms;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • products containing preservatives.

Contraindicated for duck and goose allergy symptoms. Give your child chicken and turkey breast with caution. Poultry meat is replaced with beef or rabbit. Instead of cow's milk They give goat meat, but in small quantities.

Green vegetables are allowed: zucchini, broccoli, cucumbers, White cabbage, eggplants, as well as porridge. Cottage cheese, prunes, bananas and black bread are healthy. You can have green apples and boiled potatoes.

Prohibited products are introduced into children's diet after successful treatment cough. First, give 30 g of pumpkin or red apple puree, then increase the portion if the body reacts normally to the new components.

Products that cause allergic coughs are left on the menu. But they give the child literally 10–15 g of strawberries, mushrooms or milk. Gradually, the body gets used to the component and stops producing antibodies.

Cough preparations

Suprastin injection helps to quickly stop a coughing attack. The medicine is released in the form of tablets, but they act in 20 minutes. The injection relieves allergy symptoms in 5–10 minutes.

Antihistamines are prescribed to children with one month old. Infants are prescribed Fenistil or Suprastin. Patients from 6 months of age are given Ketotifen and Zyrtec drops. Children over 1 year of age are prescribed Zodak at liquid form and "Erius".

Cetrin syrup is prescribed from two years of age, and Ketotifen tablets from three years of age. For allergic cough, children are given Diazolin, Loratadine and Tavegil.

Between taking antihistamines, it is recommended to cleanse the body with sorbents. "Polysorb" will do, Activated carbon, "Enterosgel" and "Polyphepan". The products relieve coughing attacks by reducing the concentration of allergens in the blood.

Pharmacy sorbents are supplemented with milk thistle seeds or oil. The plant cleanses the body of toxins and allergens, soothes sore throat and bronchi, and has wound-healing and hepatoprotective properties. The dried seeds are ground into powder and the child is given 5 g of the product twice a day. Milk thistle oil is used in a similar way. The plant should not be overused, otherwise the allergic cough will not disappear, but will intensify.

Irritation and soreness in the larynx are removed with Glycodin. The syrup softens the mucous membrane of the throat and bronchi, relieves attacks of dry cough. Children under 7 years of age are given 5 ml of the drug 4 times a day. If a student has allergies, the portion is increased to half a teaspoon.

Coughs caused by pollen or dust are treated with Levocabastin, Cromohexal or Allergodil sprays. The drugs are prescribed from the age of 6 years. The medicine is injected into the nasal passages. It removes swelling, inflammation and soreness. Removes pollen and dust particles.

Allergic cough is treated with antihistamine syrups, tablets and sprays. But if the disease becomes more complicated, corticosteroids may be prescribed. Hormone therapy restores the functioning of the bronchi and lungs and protects against asthma.


Children aged 3–4 years are given specific immunotherapy. Doctors identify the allergen and then inject it into the body. orally. The method makes the body get used to the product, cough-inducing, runny nose and swelling.

  • household chemicals;
  • hair, saliva and dander from pets;
  • mold and fungi living on the walls of the apartment;
  • dairy products;
  • citrus fruits;
  • pollen of ragweed and other plants;
  • dust.

Immunotherapy is an expensive and time-consuming procedure. Sometimes the course of treatment is delayed for 3–5 years. But the child gets rid of not only cough, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and other symptoms, but also allergies. The body gradually gets used to citrus fruits or pollen and begins to perceive them neutrally.

Treatment takes place at home. The doctor selects medications and doses. The first procedure is carried out in the hospital to monitor the child’s body’s reaction to the allergen, and then they are allowed to take medications on their own.


A dry cough is relieved by a nebulizer. The device is intended for inhalation for colds, bronchitis, tracheitis and pharyngitis. The nebulizer is filled with mineral water or saline solution. The device turns liquid into steam, which cleanses the airways of allergens and moisturizes the mucous membrane, removing soreness.

Mineral water is replaced with special preparations designed to stabilize the mast cell membrane. Children from 6 months of age are prescribed the hormonal drug Pulmicort. The medicine prevents spasms in the bronchi, removes inflammation and swelling of the airways. The drug "Pulmicort" is diluted with saline solution. The dosage is selected depending on the age of the child and the severity of the disease.

The drug "Berodual" is prescribed to patients with a dry allergic cough and too viscous sputum. The drug expands the lumen of the bronchi, making breathing easier, and reduces spasms. "Berodual", like "Pulmicort", is mixed with saline solution.

Allergic pharyngitis is treated with Euphyllin and Ventolin. The drugs relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, expanding their lumen. They moisturize the mucous membrane, thin the sputum and gradually reduce the frequency and duration of coughing attacks.

Spasms in the bronchi and lungs are removed by Berotek. A one percent solution is poured into the nebulizer, which is prepared from 10 drops of the drug and 1 liter of liquid. Steam inhalations carried out 4 times a day. The procedure can be combined with antihistamines and a special diet that will speed up the child’s recovery.

Massage and breathing exercises

For frequent and prolonged coughing attacks, parents are advised to perform a finger massage. The child lies on his stomach on the bed or sofa, hanging his chest down. The mother holds the baby’s legs with one hand, and with the other taps the baby’s back in the area of ​​the bronchi and lungs. The fingers move quickly but carefully. They “run” lightly over the child’s chest, kneading it and relieving spasms. Massage thins mucus and facilitates expectoration, relaxes the smooth muscles of the respiratory organs.

Children aged 5–6 years are recommended to do special gymnastics for allergic cough. Mom can study together with the child. Breathing exercises develop muscles chest and bronchi, protect against asthma and calm the nerves.

The technique is simple:

  1. Mom and baby sit on the mat or just on the floor, close their eyes and listen to their own breathing. Feel how the lungs fill with air and push it out.
  2. They take a long breath. Take in air through your nose until there is no free space left in your lungs. You need to use both the chest and abdomen. Then exhale sharply and quickly through the mouth. Repeat 3-4 times.
  3. Then the mother and child take three short breaths, gradually filling the lungs with oxygen. On the count of “4”, all carbon dioxide is exhaled sharply. Three repetitions are enough.
  4. Mom and baby mentally count from 1 to 4 and at this time take one continuous breath. Air is drawn in slowly, working only with the nose. They imagine oxygen going down to the lungs and then flowing down to the navel area. They hold their breath while counting to eight. If the baby doesn’t succeed, you can reduce it to 6 or 4, and then gradually increase the number. The air is exhaled in short bursts for eight counts.

Gymnastics can be combined with moderate physical activity. Swimming, rollerblading or cycling are suitable. Skates and skis are contraindicated. Before training, the child should drink 150–200 ml of mineral or distilled water. The liquid prevents the accumulation of mucus in the lungs and protects against coughing attacks.

Traditional methods

Allergic pharyngitis caused by dust or animal hair is treated with a decoction of bay leaves:

  1. Boil 20 g of spice in 500 ml. The drink is brought to a boil and removed after 5 minutes.
  2. Add 25 g of baking soda to the strained medicine.
  3. The medicine is seasoned with 30 ml of linden honey.

The child drinks 50–60 ml of medication daily until the attacks stop.

For an allergic cough, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system with a lemon-honey drink:

  1. Medium-sized citrus is washed, doused with boiling water and passed through a meat grinder without peeling.
  2. For 100 g of lemon pulp you will need a glass of linden honey.
  3. The products are mixed and diluted with 400 ml of distilled water.
  4. The drink is placed in a water bath and heated to 40–50 degrees.

Medicine passed heat treatment, cool to room temperature and divide into 3-4 servings. The child drinks the product a day, before and after meals.

Important: Lemon-honey drink should not be brought to a boil. At temperatures of +60 degrees and above, vitamins evaporate and the medicine loses its beneficial properties.

Viscous sputum during an allergic cough is diluted with camphor oil. The product is heated to 37–39 degrees and rubbed into the chest. Mustard plasters are applied to the right side and wrapped with cling film and a thick scarf on top. Camphor compress keep for 20–30 minutes.

Allergic cough in children is treated with folk and pharmaceutical products, nebulizer and diet. To prevent pharyngitis, it is recommended to perform breathing exercises, swim a lot, keep the house clean and strengthen the child’s immunity with walks in the fresh air and vitamin complexes.

Video: how to distinguish an allergic cough from an infectious one

Allergic cough is a disease that is not a disease in the truest sense of the word. When does it start dry cough, many attribute it to a cold and try to treat it. At the same time, allergies are like the real reason such a cough continues to develop. In summer and spring, when there are so many allergens around us, the body’s reaction to them causes allergies, one of the varieties of which is dry cough. But it can also occur at any other time of the year, for example, from dust, animal hair, and so on. In this case, organs such as the nose, larynx and bronchi become conductors for allergy symptoms. Allergic cough in children is no less common than in adults. It is important to understand that these are only symptoms, when it is necessary to treat the allergy itself, and in time to distinguish it from ARVI.

Types of allergic cough

Allergic cough itself is not divided into types, being one of the common types of cough, including: colds, tobacco, asthma, and so on. You can classify the type of cough in question according to the degree of its manifestation: from mild and practically not causing discomfort (which is also desirable to cure), to severe, requiring immediate medical intervention. You can also distinguish two types of cough due to allergies: dry (the most common) and wet with clear sputum (much less common).

Causes of allergic cough and features of its spread

The reason for this cough is an allergy to foreign irritants that fall on the mucous membrane of the larynx - one of the most sensitive organs of our body. Even a microscopic amount of dust is enough to cause allergic reaction. A slight cough can begin even from banal dry air, especially on hot summer days. Of course, an allergic cough is not contagious and cannot be transmitted from one patient to another, but you need to hurry and start treating your allergies.

Signs and symptoms

  • Sudden onset without accompanying cold symptoms.
  • Having a runny nose.
  • Ordinary, no different from the usual cold cough. More often dry, much less often wet.
  • Coughing from cigarette smoke, dust.
  • Increased cough at night.
  • Coughing in the absence of elevated temperature(you should call a doctor immediately).

As you can see, the symptoms are simple and obvious enough to go unnoticed. The degree of their manifestation depends on how much your body is able to withstand various irritants. All you have to do is figure out what to do - When should you rush to the doctor or can you avoid the hospital and stop the cough on your own? An allergic cough in itself is not dangerous. But, getting rid of it is sometimes very difficult and it can become a catalyst for more serious problems without proper therapy. Therefore, you can and should go to the doctor in order to at least understand whether the cough is allergic or not, and to receive the necessary treatment.

The dangers of allergic cough and possible complications

You cannot know for sure whether an allergic cough is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. In this case, the disease can provoke stenosis - an extremely dangerous disease, especially for children.

Without treatment, allergies can develop into a very severe form of cough, which sometimes poses a real risk to life due to lack of air. Suspicion of stenosis forces the ambulance team to go to the patient immediately. That's why treatment allergic cough in children should begin at the first, even mild, manifestations of symptoms. Trying to stop a cough and get rid of it on your own is a bad idea. Allergies can also provoke dangerous diseases of the ENT organs, for example, sinusitis. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. Left untreated, an allergic cough in a child or in adults can first develop into bronchitis and then cause bronchial asthma.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

Usually, in order to distinguish an allergy from a cold and understand the allergic nature of a cough, it is enough to make sure that most antitussive medications have no effect on the disease. But it is better not to delay going to the doctor, especially if the child is coughing: sometimes it is very difficult to cure an allergic cough.

If an allergy is suspected, it is necessary to undergo an appropriate examination to identify the allergen in order to get rid of it during the treatment process. Unfortunately, today an analysis has not yet been invented that can immediately detect the causative agent of the allergy that caused the cough. You will need to check your reaction to each possible allergen.

Treatment of allergic cough

After identifying the specific pathogen, a course of therapy follows. Usually used to cure cough A complex approach, which includes several methods at once. The patient himself can speed up the healing process by adhering to some simple rules:

  • need to carry out wet cleaning more often,
  • strengthen the immune system,
  • isolate yourself from dust, woolly animals and poultry. At least until a specific allergen is identified.

To relieve symptoms during treatment, the patient can gargle as often as possible, especially after going outside. Regular warm water will do.

Treatment methods

Depending on what caused the allergic cough, therapy is selected to get rid of it and cure the cause itself. Let us remind you that the cough itself is only a symptom, and allergies need to be treated. Three main methods are used:

  • Antihistamines suppress histamine in the body.
  • Elimination therapy helps the body get rid of allergens.
  • Desensitization is an analogue of vaccination, introducing a small dose of an allergen into the body with the aim of causing addiction.

If the allergic cough is very strong and does not give rest, so that it stop bronchodilators and expectorants are prescribed drugs.


As mentioned above, the main tablets for allergic cough are antihistamines. Both older generation products are used - Tavegil, Suprastin, Peritol, and newer ones - Zirtec, Claritin, Zaditen. Before taking antihistamines, you should consult your doctor.

Possible side effects

In the case of treatment with older generation antihistamines, ground sedation is possible, i.e. symptoms inhibition of the central nervous system: drowsiness, increased fatigue and slow work nervous system. For this reason, people who spend time driving and, in general, engaged in active work activities are not recommended to resort to more modern means.

To make allergy symptoms less painful, traditional medicine recommends rinsing warm water and cleaning your nose every time you return from the street. There is a recipe for an interesting infusion that can be taken up to 6 times a day, a couple of tablespoons. It is prepared from 1 part of ordinary oregano, 2 parts of coltsfoot, 2 parts of marshmallow root. A tablespoon of the crushed dry mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for an hour. Before use, it is necessary to strain thoroughly.

Prevention of allergic cough

In the best case, prevention of any allergies should begin during pregnancy. The expectant mother should give up allergenic foods, spend more time outdoors, do wet cleaning more often, and interact with animals like cats or dogs as little as possible. The latter also applies to young children.

If they are found even the slightest sign If you experience an allergic reaction (such as skin rash), contact your pediatrician immediately. Otherwise best prevention allergic cough is to strengthen the immune system by the most different methods. Sometimes a doctor prescribes a course of Ketotifen to prevent seasonal allergies.

Features of nutrition for allergies

If you have any allergic reactions, you should not try new or unfamiliar products. It is recommended to make a list of permitted and prohibited foods. Of course, an allergic cough is a manifestation of a non-food allergy, but people with allergies may have a tendency to develop new allergic reactions, so you should be careful.


How to treat allergic cough in adults?

Before starting treatment, it is important to identify allergens. It can be not only pollen, dust and pet hair, but also cosmetics, perfumes, and cleaning products.

If possible, contact with allergens should be avoided. The cough itself is defensive reaction respiratory system, designed to protect the human body from allergens.

If you cannot determine the cause of your cough, you should seek help from an allergist.

Here are some precautionary measures that will help people prone to allergic reactions:

  • Eat only home-cooked food or dishes whose ingredients you know for sure.
  • Drink clean water.
  • Avoid excess citrus fruits in your diet.
  • Buy a humidifier.
  • Avoid scented cosmetics, air fresheners, and deodorant sprays.
  • Buy hypoallergenic pillows and mattresses.

Dry cough

Most often, this symptom manifests itself when dust, cigarette smoke, particles of skin and animal hair enter the respiratory tract.

A cough that does not produce mucus or sputum is called a dry cough.

This condition can also be side effect of taking certain medicines . Often a dry cough due to allergies occurs when taking medications to lower blood pressure, such as ACE inhibitors and beta blockers.

If the cough does not go away for a long time, you need to visit a doctor and find another remedy.

For a dry cough, antihistamines are sometimes prescribed. Gargling with salted water and warm herbal teas will help speed up the healing process. Also useful plantain syrups.

Wet cough

With a wet cough, the lungs and bronchi are cleared of mucus. This symptom often appears in people working in hazardous industries.

This type of cough is very dangerous to control because Harmful microorganisms accumulate in sputum.

If the mucus is difficult to clear, the patient is prescribed expectorants. Cough syrups are also useful.

Cough from dust

If you are allergic to dust, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Get rid of things that can quickly accumulate dust - carpets, long-pile fur coats, soft toys, etc.
  2. Regularly bathe pets.
  3. Do not forget that you should carry out wet cleaning as often as possible.
  4. Do not use wool blankets.

A good solution would be to purchase a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter. If such a disease manifests itself mainly at night, then it is necessary to purchase a hypoallergenic bed sheets and also make sure that the air in the room is not dry.

Allergic cough- a reaction to the entry into the body not of dust itself, but of substances secreted by dust mites. The body perceives them as a direct threat to health, which results in such unpleasant symptoms.

Dust mites live in the apartment all year round, therefore, the manifestations of this disease can haunt a person for years.

To those who are in force professional activity comes into contact with household dust, for example librarians, archive workers, It is important to undergo regular medical examinations.

How to treat: effective remedies

It is important to understand that cough in this case is only a symptom of the disease.

Treatment of allergic cough in adults should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

Before doing anything, you need to consult a specialist. Only a doctor can choose the right drug, the decision should be based on test results.

During treatment, it is important to strengthen the immune system. It is important to follow medical instructions, take vitamins and not overwork.

Medicines and drugs

Antihistamines block histamine receptors, thereby relieving symptoms. The most famous and widely used V medical practice are the following tablets:

  1. Suprastin: helps with various types of allergies, however, it can cause drowsiness and decreased attention.
  2. Tavegil: considered one of the effective means according to doctors and patients, the truth often causes side effects from digestive system, for example, diarrhea.
  3. Fenkarol: the drug is inexpensive, rarely causes drowsiness and copes well with allergy symptoms.
  4. Claritin: is a third-generation drug that does not cause dry mucous membranes or drowsiness. As a rule, it is well tolerated by patients.

Besides, inhalations are useful. Now, it is not necessary to go to the clinic to have this procedure done. The inhaler can be purchased at a pharmacy. Modern inhalers use saline solutions, bronchodilators, mucolytics and combination drugs.

An allergist will help you choose the right composition for inhalation.

Allergy injections allow you to quickly cope with the manifestations of the disease. This treatment is more common prescribed in difficult cases.

After all, the injections themselves can provoke allergic reactions, from rashes and hives to life-threatening anaphylactic shock. Therefore, this treatment method requires medical supervision.

Treatment with folk remedies

To get rid of allergies it is important to strengthen the immune system. Taking the herb Echinacea is beneficial.

Nettle contains antigastiminic components, so tea from this plant will help with allergic coughs.

  • Pineapples- are very good remedy for the treatment of allergic coughs because they contain an enzyme called bromelain. This substance has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces irritation of the respiratory tract. However, this remedy is not recommended for those who are allergic to pineapples or take antibiotics.
  • Probiotics: Milk and dairy products such as yogurt and probiotic cheese. This substance helps improve digestion. This product has been found to reduce the body's susceptibility to the harmful effects of certain allergens, such as pollen.
  • Basil- is a source of antioxidants. This plant has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that can help both cure allergic cough and prevent its occurrence.

    Can cook such a remedy:

    1. Grind a handful of basil leaves into a paste;
    2. Add 1 teaspoon ginger root;
    3. Add a tablespoon of honey and a liter of hot water.
  • Warm chicken bouillon will effectively eliminate cough and discomfort in the throat. To strengthen the immune system, you can add a little garlic and ginger to your plate.
  • Ashwagandha or Indian ginseng- an herb that is known for its immunomodulatory and adaptogenic properties. This plant helps the body cope better with stress. This herb is especially useful in cases where allergies often worsen due to stressful situations.


Before using any drug or traditional medicine, you must visit a doctor. You should be aware that the use of allergy medications require special care for the following diseases:

It must be remembered that many drugs for treating allergies can cause confusion, tremors, and increased blood pressure.

How to stop an attack?

To relieve an attack of allergic cough with sputum, it is better to use syrups. For example, Vicks or Doctor Mom. In addition, cough lozenges reduce discomfort and sore throat.

Need to know that tobacco smoke irritates the respiratory system, therefore it is important to quit smoking. You should immediately consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • When you cough, a large amount of mucus is released.
  • There was an admixture of blood in the sputum.
  • Wheezing, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.
  • Temperature increase.
  • After a week of taking medication, the cough does not disappear.

To get rid of an allergic cough, you need not only to take symptomatic medications, lifestyle changes may be required. It is important to eliminate the allergen as soon as possible.

Useful for relieving cough and promoting health physical exercise and breathing exercises.


How to stop a child's cough

The structure of the larynx at the site of the vocal cords in children is slightly different. It is located slightly higher than that of an adult, and in the place cricoid cartilage(in the area of ​​the subglottic space) has a narrowing. Thus, the child's larynx has the shape of a funnel. Vocal cords form the glottis, they are thin and short. The lumen of the larynx is narrow, has many nerve endings, and swelling of the mucous membrane may occur. Therefore, children most often suffer from laryngitis. Cough in babies can also occur due to ARVI or allergies.

If a cough catches a child during a night's sleep, you should calm him down and give him a drink of mineral water, chamomile decoction or a glass of warm milk. These products will soften the mucous membrane of the larynx and pharynx, which will calm the cough and relieve sore throat.

You can give a teaspoon of honey or butter for resorption. This method also has a calming effect on children’s delicate mucous membranes. You should not give honey if your little one is allergic to it.

If the cough does not subside, try giving your child inhalation: pour hot water into a pan and add essential oil (for example, cedar or eucalyptus). Inhalation with boiled potatoes is unlikely to be appropriate, since a coughing attack will not wait. In an emergency, if there is severe suffocation, you can simply open hot water in the bathroom and tilt the child over the steam. At this moment, the humidity of the room also increases, due to which the airways are moistened and the cough subsides.

You can use syrup for children containing essential oils. This often helps calm a cough.

When a child coughs during ARVI, you can use some techniques:

  • Give sweetened almond butter.
  • Mix 50 g honey and 50 g olive oil. Give 1 tsp. three times a day.
  • Place the lemon in boiling water and cook for ten minutes, then remove it and wait until it cools. Squeeze lemon juice into a glass, add the same amount of glycerin and add honey to fill the glass. This mixture is taken to cleanse the respiratory tract.
  • Cut the orange into small pieces without removing the peel, sprinkle with sugar and cook for half an hour over low heat. Give to a child during a dry cough (if there is no allergy to citrus fruits).

Despite getting rid of the cough, if it appears again, you should consult a doctor, since a dry cough may be laryngitis, a complication of which is an attack of suffocation. This condition requires emergency medical attention and is called false croup.

How to stop coughing at night

At night, the blood flow in the lungs slows down, mucus is difficult to dissolve, sputum accumulates, while the person is constantly in one horizontal position. Because of this, coughing attacks most often occur at night, preventing relatives and the patient from sleeping. Throughout sleep, it is recommended to change your body position in bed more often.

The main cause of night cough is acute inflammatory processes in the bronchi caused by viruses or bacteria, but other factors may also occur: an allergic reaction (to down or feathers in pillows), dry air in the room, body position during sleep, bronchial asthma, chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

It is worth noting that if a coughing attack is accompanied by tachycardia (increased heart rate), shortness of breath and lack of fresh air, most likely it is cardiac cough. With such a cough, sputum does not come out, in some cases hemoptysis may appear, it is dry and intensifies when taken by a person. horizontal position. People suffering from cardiac cough need to treat the heart first, but a coughing attack that occurs at night must be stopped.

Before going to bed, you can prepare special water that will alleviate a sudden night cough: heat the sugar in a frying pan until it turns brown and dissolve it in a glass of plain boiled water.

Calm down night cough Warm herbal decoctions and alkaline drinks (milk with Borjomi) will help.

For an allergic cough, you need to take an antihistamine.

Don't forget about humidifying the bedroom.

If home methods have no effect and the cough worsens, you should call an ambulance.

There are very simple folk methods that will relieve a painful dry cough in a matter of minutes:

  1. Pour 100 ml of boiling water into a glass and add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. For taste, you can add a pinch of salt so that it is not disgusting to drink, then the solution will look like meat broth. Drink half a glass in small sips.
  2. Beat the egg yolk and, stirring, add hot milk (pour in a gentle stream), stir in 1 tbsp. l. honey and butter. Drink the resulting “mogol-mogol” hot, and then go to bed.
  3. Mulled wine will help with a dry cough. This drink will be both tasty and healthy. To prepare this drink, you need to boil half a glass of water, add two dried cloves, two small pieces of ginger root and sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon. Remove from heat and let steep for 10 minutes. Add 200 ml red wine, 1 tbsp. l. honey and a slice of lemon. Drink a hot drink, go to bed and wrap yourself up.
  4. A quick way to eliminate a dry cough: grate a piece of ginger on fine grater and get 1 tsp from it. juice, add 1 tsp. honey, mix the ingredients and drink.

A dry, debilitating cough can become a symptom of dangerous diseases such as whooping cough and tuberculosis, so you need to go to the doctor for a consultation and an examination.

How to stop a bad cough

With a strong, prolonged cough, the main task is to eliminate it. Before taking pills, you can use natural remedies:

  1. Take a spoonful of linden or other honey with propolis, place it on the tip of your tongue and slowly dissolve. Perform this procedure several times a day, half an hour before meals. You should not swallow honey right away, since its help lies in thoroughly irrigating the oral cavity and pharynx.
  2. 3 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of boiling water over linden flowers, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour. After this, strain the infusion and take it within 20 minutes. before meals, 100 ml three times a day.
  3. Mix a large chopped onion and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Leave the mixture for five hours. Take 1 tsp without pouring out the juice. half an hour before meals 4 p. per day.
  4. Wash black radish, cut off two thirds of the top. Make a hole in the bottom using a knife, fill it with sugar or better with honey. Cover top part and leave in a warm place for juice to form. Take 1 tsp. twice a day.
  5. Inhalations with fir oil have an excellent effect on severe coughs. Add five drops of oil to a saucepan with hot water, bend over the steam, cover with a towel and breathe for five minutes. During illness, perform such inhalations three times a week.
  6. Grind the lingonberries with sugar (1:1), pour into a glass jar and leave for 24 hours in a warm place. Take lingonberry syrup 1 tsp. 4 rub. a day before meals.
  7. An excellent remedy is raspberry syrup. Since raspberries have a diaphoretic effect, they will help not only eliminate a severe cough, but also improve general state. Crush 200 g raspberries, add 100 g sugar. Leave for a day and take 1 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day.
  8. Place a large head of garlic in 200 ml of milk and cook until it softens. Put 1 tbsp. l. honey, mix and drink 1 tbsp. l. an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Cough - normal phenomenon Moreover, our body needs it, as it has a protective and cleansing effect. You should pay close attention to the cough that occurs and find out its etiology.

A wet cough is effective because, together with sputum, it removes pathological substances and helps cleanse the respiratory tract. A dry cough, on the contrary, increases irritation and spasm of the respiratory system. In order to remove all toxins, it is necessary to provoke the separation of sputum and its active discharge. Therefore, if you have a dry cough, you should take sputum-thinning drugs - mucolytics (Bromhexine, Ambroxol). There are also plants that have a mucolytic effect - eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, thyme. In addition to stimulating mucus production, these drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect and soothe cough. To increase the amount of mucus produced and thin it, you need to drink a lot of water.

Smokers are often plagued by a sore throat and dry cough. They can be helped by such drugs as “Gedelix”, “Bonhosan”, “Doctor MOM”, eucalyptus tincture. Traditional medicine recommends treating coughs in smokers in this way: dilute milk with mineral water, drink the solution three times a day.

Medicines such as Stoptussin and Libexin have an antitussive effect and help cope with persistent debilitating cough.

How to stop an asthmatic cough attack

Asthmatic cough is loud, annoying, accompanied by chest tightness and dry wheezing, worse in the evening. This problem occurs against the background asthmatic bronchitis. The temperature does not increase.

During an asthma attack, it is very important to relax your muscles and calm down. A special pose will help you do this: sit on a chair facing its back, put a pillow on top and lean on it. Take deep breaths. If possible, use an inhaler to relieve an attack (Salbutamol, Berotek), taking two breaths. If there is no effect, the drug is inhaled again. When a person knows that he has similar disease, he must always have an inhaler with him.

Mustard plasters and steam baths should not be used, as they further intensify bronchospasm.

In cases where it is impossible to remove the attack, it is called urgent Care. The doctor provides assistance with an injection of euphilin, which allows you to instantly expand the bronchi and relieve spasm. IN in case of emergency give an injection of dexamethasone or prednisolone.

How to stop an allergic cough attack

The symptoms of an allergic cough are very similar to an asthmatic attack, but it occurs in response to an active allergen (plant pollen, strong odors, animal hair, dust, household chemicals). Allergies are often accompanied by lacrimation, redness of the skin, and swelling of the face.

At the very beginning of the attack, it is necessary to remove the source that caused the allergic reaction, then take an antihistamine (suprastin, diazolin, tavegil). Nasal and oral cavity rinse with water.

To prevent allergies, you should ventilate rooms and regularly perform wet cleaning. If you don’t know what you are allergic to, but feel its symptoms, you need to organize a trip to the doctor and not let the condition worsen.


Cough due to allergies

How to stop a coughing attack if you have allergies? How to calm a cough? An allergic cough is very similar to a cold cough; it is accompanied by a runny nose and sore throat. Unlike a cold, a cough can last about a month, without fever or weakness.

It is a sign of bronchial asthma and begins when allergens enter the upper respiratory tract. At the first manifestations of such a cough, it is necessary to stay away from the causative agent of the allergy.

It is necessary to determine which allergen causes the cough. You will need a full diagnosis from an allergist. To alleviate the condition, the attending physician prescribes the necessary course of treatment. medications.

All conditions are created for the patient so that he can feel good:

  • The premises are constantly wet cleaned;
  • woolen bedding is replaced with artificial ones;
  • hygiene products must be hypoallergenic;
  • The air in the room should not be dry.

Treatment of the disease

How to relieve a cough in a smoker? Almost all smokers develop a suffocating cough. It intensifies if a person begins to consume less nicotine or stops smoking altogether. In such people it appears due to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which is caused by sputum. A cigarette smoke worsens the removal of mucus from the lungs.

Mostly this symptom begins as soon as the smoker wakes up, shortness of breath occurs when walking, and difficulty breathing. The cough can be wet or dry. In the morning it can be a harbinger of chronic bronchitis. With prolonged smoking, the bronchi are injured, they can become swollen and inflamed.

If a smoker has quit his bad habit, he can get rid of this manifestation with its treatment. In this case, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe a course of treatment, prescribe everything necessary medications and inhalation.

Folk remedies are also effective in treatment. One of these home remedies is milk treatment. It cleanses the body of all toxic substances, speeds up the recovery process and calms the nervous system.

Onions and sugar will be your assistant. You will need to finely chop the onion and add 100 g of sugar, cook these ingredients until a thick mass is formed. Then add 1 tbsp. honey Take the medicine 3 times a day, 1 tsp.

How to relieve a wet cough?

With a wet cough, phlegm interferes with the movement of air. Sputum must be removed from the bronchi. If the discharge is scanty and viscous, you will need to make it more liquid. Take thinners. The following will help in this matter:

  • inhalation;
  • herbal preparations;
  • gargling with soda.

A coughing attack occurs when foreign objects enter the respiratory tract. After this, the patient begins to blush and choke. It is necessary to cough up foreign bodies. You need to quickly lay the victim on his stomach and tap him on the back.

If a person does not have a fever, relieve the symptom foot bath, mustard plasters, compresses. You need to drink hot drinks in large quantities. If the patient has a desire to be treated with medications, then a doctor’s consultation is necessary. Self-medication can only be done if the tablets are based on herbs.

How to stop a dry cough? With a dry cough, the larynx is irritated and bronchospasm intensifies. In order for the burning sensation in the throat to go away, it is necessary to induce phlegm production and remove toxic substances from the body. If a dry cough occurs due to a cold, it can be treated folk remedies. Herbal decoctions, healing fruit pastes, and onion juice will help with this.

Raisin paste will help eliminate the symptom. For this you will need 100 g of raisins and sugar. Add some water and boil the mixture. The mass should be similar to sauce. It is necessary to take the medicine in the morning and at night, 1 tsp.

To relieve cough, make a decoction of oregano or ginger tea. A good soothing agent for the throat is warm milk with honey and butter; instead of butter, badger fat is effective.

Onion juice is considered the most unpleasant method of treatment, which will help eliminate the cough as much as possible. To do this, you will need to squeeze the juice from the onion and mix with 1 tbsp. honey The mixture should sit for 5 hours. After this, you can take it 2 tsp. in a day.

How to relieve cough with ARVI? A severe cough during ARVI indicates the presence of infection and acts as a protective reaction. With a dry cough, protecting the body is out of the question. It only works when removing phlegm. In the first 3 days, the patient only develops a dry cough. Under no circumstances should it be suppressed with drugs that stop the reflex. Otherwise, bacteria and viruses will remain in the respiratory tract and cause an inflammatory process.

To begin with, a dry cough must be converted into a wet one so that phlegm can be easily coughed up and a sore throat will stop occurring. To do this, the patient needs to drink a lot of fluid. They help medicinal plants, which increase sputum production and expectoration. In this case, the following will be useful: flax seeds, marshmallow, mullein leaf, plantain, coltsfoot, linden. Make infusions from these herbs.

Inhalation helps in relieving cough. To avoid burning the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, do not breathe steam over the pan. In this situation, a teapot with a paper tube will help. The water should not be hotter than 40°C. Add 5 drops of essential oil to a kettle of water. Instead of oils, you can make potato and mint infusion.

At the time of inhalation, you need to inhale the steam through your nose and exhale through your mouth. For effective inhalation When using essential oils, you will need to change them throughout the day.

When sputum production improves, you can begin procedures as with a wet cough.

As soon as you develop a cough, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will find out the cause of the symptom and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

After all, the cause of a protective reaction in the respiratory tract can be a serious illness. Never self-medicate. This will only harm your health and will make your treatment much longer and more difficult.


Causes and signs of allergic cough

The causes of allergies have not yet been reliably studied. The main reason is thought to be progress. With time and the growth of technology, a person increasingly protects himself from certain factors, which leads to changes in the immune system. Excessive hygiene from infancy is also a provoking factor. However, all these theories cannot explain the fact why some people have allergies and others do not.

Before prescribing treatment or prescribing tablets for allergic cough, the doctor will determine the allergen. If you do not isolate the person from the irritating factor, the allergy will continue. Allergies can be caused by food, chemicals, pollen, dust, animal dander, bird feathers, cosmetics, etc.

The essence of an allergic reaction is that a certain allergen gets onto the skin or into the respiratory tract, esophagus, which provokes a strong immune response, which is absent in a healthy person. A reaction to completely harmless things like dust or citrus fruits can be very strong and lead to various complications.

The cause of a severe allergic cough is usually a respiratory allergy to smoke, pollen, dust, or wool.

In addition to coughing attacks (dry or wet), allergies may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Rhinitis. Most often, allergic cough and rhinitis appear simultaneously with respiratory allergies. Under the influence of allergens, a person begins to sneeze heavily, swelling appears, and mucus is released abundantly from the nose.
  • Conjunctivitis. Purulent conjunctivitis due to allergies occurs rarely. Usually it manifests itself only with profuse lacrimation, redness, swelling of the eyelids, and itching.
  • Rash. Skin rashes in the form of red spots, hives, pimples most often indicate a contact allergy. The rash is often accompanied by itching and burning.
  • Bronchial asthma. One of the most unpleasant and dangerous manifestations of allergies is bronchial asthma. It is accompanied by attacks of suffocation and severe shortness of breath when exposed to an allergen or stress.

For any manifestations of allergies, you should consult an allergist before starting treatment. Treatment can only be effective after allergens are identified and eliminated.

Features and consequences

The peculiarity of an allergic cough is that it cannot always be quickly distinguished from a viral one. Without correct setting After diagnosis, treatment is delayed, and allergy symptoms increase. A viral cough can last up to 2 weeks, while an allergic cough continues as long as there is contact with the allergen. To diagnose a cough, you need to pay attention to the cases in which attacks occur and intensify.

If a cough occurs at certain times of the year and does not go away for a long time, it is most likely a symptom of seasonal allergies. Another distinguishing feature of an allergic cough is that it rarely occurs in isolation from other symptoms. Usually, allergic rhinitis, severe lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids and nasal mucosa, and allergic dermatitis appear with a cough.

Most often, an allergic cough is dry and is not accompanied by sputum production. But if it lasts for a long time, it can turn into wet. In this case, the sputum will be transparent, non-viscous, without any admixtures of blood or pus.

More information on how to treat an allergic cough can be found in the video:

Many people believe that allergies are not a dangerous disease, but this opinion is wrong. To the most frequent consequences allergic cough include:

  1. Laryngeal stenosis. This is one of dangerous consequences allergies, which can be fatal. With stenosis, a narrowing of the lumen of the larynx is observed. This condition is most dangerous for young children. Symptoms of laryngeal stenosis: difficulty breathing, slow heartbeat, wheezing, pallor of the skin.
  2. Bronchial asthma. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory process in the bronchi, which is not infectious in nature. Bronchial asthma occurs with prolonged and severe respiratory allergies and is accompanied by wheezing when exhaling, attacks of suffocation, and decreased immunity.
  3. Anaphylactic shock. This is a condition that is caused by severe allergies and is accompanied by a sharp activation of the immune system. Anaphylactic shock develops instantly and can lead to a drop in blood pressure and bronchospasm.

It is worth remembering that any allergy can cause respiratory arrest and sudden death. To avoid this, you need to consult a doctor promptly and always have antihistamines on hand.

Allergic cough tablets for children and adults

Treatment should be prescribed by an allergist. When treating an allergic cough, it is important to undergo examination and identify its cause. Any allergy remedies are selected individually depending on age, sensitivity of the body and type of allergy.

Not all antihistamines are intended for long-term use Therefore, in case of respiratory allergies accompanied by coughing attacks, it is necessary to carefully select medications. The course of treatment is determined individually.

Among the drugs for allergic cough are:

  • First generation antihistamines. These drugs appeared first, at the beginning of the 20th century, but are still actively used today. They have a quick but short-term effect and are not intended for long-term use; moreover, they have a number of similar effects, for example, drowsiness, weakness. They are given to children from 2 years of age and adults in case of a strong and severe allergic reaction. Among such drugs are Diphenhydramine, Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil.
  • Second generation antihistamines. Second generation drugs have a milder effect on the body. They don't have sedative effect, do not cause drowsiness or addiction. The antihistamine effect lasts 24 hours, so these drugs are taken once a day at the same time. Second generation antihistamines include Clarotadine, Claritin, Zyrtec, Zodac.
  • Allergy tablets for children. Tablets can be given to a child over 6 years old. For young children, use drops or part of a tablet, crushed and diluted with water. First-generation drugs are prescribed rarely and only when necessary, second-generation drugs are prescribed in reduced dosages.
  • Antitussive tablets for allergic coughs. These drugs are prescribed for severe attacks cough and only if there is no sputum in the lungs. They block the cough center of the brain and alleviate the patient’s condition. These include Stoptussin, Codelac, Libexin.

Mucolytics for allergic cough are prescribed quite rarely and only in the presence of sputum in the bronchi. Treatment is mainly aimed at blocking histamine receptors. If oral medications do not have the desired effect, injections are prescribed.

Allergic cough in pregnant women and its treatment

An allergic cough can appear suddenly even if the pregnant woman had no allergies before. During hormonal changes, the immune system may fail, so pregnant women are prone to allergies.

The allergy itself is quite dangerous for the fetus and the woman. Due to swelling, it may begin oxygen starvation, which will lead to delayed development of the child. A severe cough causes tension in the abdominal wall, which can lead to premature labor or miscarriage.

It is worth remembering that when an allergic cough occurs, it is necessary to treat first of all the allergy itself, and not the cough. It is impossible to relieve cough syndrome without identifying the cause of the cough.

There are some features of the treatment of allergic cough during pregnancy:

  1. In the first trimester of pregnancy, antihistamines are not prescribed at all. During this time, you should avoid any drug treatment. During the period of embryo implantation and organ laying, any impact chemical substances may cause a number of complications.
  2. First and second generation drugs during pregnancy are prescribed for health reasons. Third generation drugs can be prescribed in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. These include Levocetirizine, Desloratadine. Their effect on the fetus is minimal.
  3. Completely prohibited drugs during pregnancy include Diphenhydramine, Benadryl, Tavegil. They are contraindicated at all stages of pregnancy, as they can lead to the development of heart disease in the child.
  4. You should be equally careful when choosing antitussive drugs. Among the drugs approved during pregnancy are Fervex for dry cough, Tussin, Codeine. In the first trimester of pregnancy, their use is undesirable.

It is necessary to pay attention to allergic manifestations during pregnancy. If ignored, allergies can lead to unpleasant consequences for mother and child. It is worth remembering that allergy treatment must be comprehensive. In case of respiratory allergies, it is necessary to limit contact with the allergen and carry out wet cleaning of the apartment.

What does dermatitis on the hands look like?

Cough is one of the body's defense reactions. At this moment, forced exhalation occurs through the mouth, specific receptors in the respiratory tract are irritated, helping to push it out of the lumen pathogens, mechanical impurities. Air speeds can reach hundreds of kilometers per hour.

Allergy is a special mechanism that is a protective reaction of the immune system to any allergen. Pathology can manifest itself as a cough. Allergic cough in children is not always diagnosed in time by parents, so the problem accompanies the child for quite a long period of time. It is important to be able to distinguish between the manifestations of respiratory tract diseases and allergic cough in children.


An allergen can be absolutely any substance or food product. The negative reaction of a child’s body depends on its characteristics and genetic predisposition. Having diathesis in childhood has a negative impact on the baby's condition. Allergic cough is most often observed in children from 1.5 to seven years old. Not in all cases the symptom indicates an allergy, If you notice any unpleasant signs, consult a doctor, find out the causes of the pathology.

Most often, a cough caused by an allergic reaction occurs as a result of inhalation of allergens, these include:

  • plant pollen. During their flowering period, many spores accumulate in the air, which provoke an allergic reaction;
  • dust. At the slightest movement, dust particles easily move in space, causing a lot of trouble;
  • fungal spores;
  • animal hair (in most cases domestic);
  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetics in the form of aerosols.

They occupy not the last niche food allergens: citrus fruits, eggs, chocolate, all types of nuts and others. It is almost impossible to predict what will cause an allergy in a child if it has not already happened.

Additionally, doctors highlight several negative factors that contribute to the development of allergic cough in a baby:

  • passive smoking;
  • frequent consumption of foods rich in food colorings and additives;
  • transfer serious illness, frequent infectious diseases;
  • taking certain medications;
  • chronic diseases, the presence of diseases that suppress the immune system (HIV infection, diabetes, hepatitis and others).

Note! It is important to recognize a cough provoked by an allergic reaction in time; if no action is taken, the pathology will become chronic nature, it will be very difficult to deal with.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

Dry cough with allergies in children is very similar to a similar phenomenon that appears for other reasons. Only by looking closely can you notice distinctive features. Remember that an allergic cough is not an illness; if the cause of its occurrence is not eliminated, only by removing the symptom, the problem will not disappear and will recur with renewed vigor.

How to distinguish an allergic cough from a cold? Pathology in a baby has several characteristic symptoms:

  • in case of diseases of the respiratory tract, the cough has a paroxysmal character, allergic manifestations are protracted and can last all night;
  • a cough caused by an allergy appears suddenly against the background of absolutely normal health;
  • an allergic reaction often manifests itself as a combination of cough and rhinitis. Such symptoms are a protective reaction of the child’s body to the entry of allergen particles into the respiratory tract;
  • cough is almost always dry, periodically reminds itself;
  • Allergy symptoms most often appear at night, with the onset of morning the cough subsides, then everything repeats again;
  • with an allergic cough, the child may feel itching and burning in the nose, throat, eyes;
  • cough caused by allergies is quite rare, accompanied by sputum production (it is always free of impurities and absolutely transparent);
  • body temperature does not increase and does not depend on the environment;
  • the disease is seasonal or appears only after contact with a certain object/animal.

It is important to be able to distinguish an allergic cough from symptoms of other diseases. The course of bronchial asthma and allergic bronchitis is dangerous for the baby’s health and significantly affects the baby’s quality of life.


Almost always, a cough caused by a negative reaction of the child’s body leads parents and the baby to the doctor. After the child took antitussives, and they did not help, mom and dad decide to show the child to the doctor. Often, relatives notice that a cough occurs after contact with any object, so they know the source of the problem. In other cases, special diagnostic measures are required to determine the exact allergen:

  • allergy test. It involves making small incisions on the skin in the forearm area, then common allergens are applied to each one; if the inflammatory process has started, the allergen is identified. This method is contraindicated for children under three years of age;
  • measuring the level of immunoglobulin in the baby’s blood. Modern, accurate diagnostics makes it possible to determine the presence of an allergic reaction in a child’s body.

Additionally, the doctor examines the baby’s oral cavity, nasal passages, and assesses the child’s general condition. Parents are sometimes asked to protect their baby from the most common allergens (pets, plants, down pillows/blankets). If the coughing attacks have stopped, the allergen has been identified.

General rules of treatment

How and with what to treat an allergic cough in a child? Eliminating the problem consists of protecting the baby from the source of the problem, facilitating the baby’s breathing by taking special medications, increasing the body’s resistance, by strengthening the immune system by all possible means. Do not self-medicate; only an experienced specialist can cope with the problem and prescribe the right medications.

There are many ways to help cope with an allergic cough in a child without resorting to drugs or folk remedies:

  • Maintain perfect cleanliness in the room where the child lives. Pediatricians recommend removing all dust-containing objects (carpets, feather pillows, soft toys and others);
  • sometimes it is necessary to exclude the baby from contact with pets;
  • It is prohibited to smoke in the room where the child is (this aspect applies not only to children with allergies). Even clothing worn by a person who has smoked can cause a prolonged coughing attack;
  • exclude foods from your diet that contain increased risk development of an allergic reaction (citrus fruits, chocolate, eggs, red and yellow fruits and vegetables);
  • during pregnancy future mom must follow a special hypoallergenic diet that excludes possible allergens and unnecessary medications;
  • Regularly ventilate the room where the baby is in; first cover the window with gauze to prevent small particles of dust and other allergens from entering the room.

Drug therapy

You can cope with allergic cough in children with the help of special medications intended for children:

  • Zyrtec. It is the most common medicine for allergies, including coughs in children. The medication is produced in the form of tablets and drops; the latter form is extremely popular due to its ease of use. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Standard dosage: children from 6 to 12 months - five drops once a day, 1-2 years - five drops twice a day, from two to six years - 10 drops once a day, children from six years - twenty drops or one pill once a day;
  • Suprastin. Infants are given a quarter of a tablet twice a day, children from one to six years of age are allowed to take a third of a pill three times a day, older children are prescribed half a tablet twice a day.

To eliminate pathology in children, allergic cough tablets Loratadine, Tavegil, Diazolin, Terfenadine, Astemizole and others are also used. Additionally, they use traditional medicine that shows excellent results, is absolutely safe for the baby’s health, and can be easily made at home.

Find out how to use a children's orthopedic puzzle mat for flat feet at this address.

Folk remedies and recipes

Traditional medicine against allergic cough in children:

  • take five small onions, a liter of water, two glasses of sugar. Finely chop the vegetable or pass through a meat grinder, add the remaining ingredients, simmer over low heat for ten minutes. If you are not allergic to honey, add a tablespoon of the product. Cool the finished drug to room temperature, give the baby 30 ml each time after a meal;
  • Finely chop the onion, fry on butter. Give the finished product to your baby after each coughing attack. This medicine copes with unpleasant sensations in the throat;
  • If your child tolerates dairy products well, prepare onion milk. Boil a small onion, finely chopped, in 500 ml of milk, give the baby a tablespoon of the drug three times a day;
  • Let your child gargle with decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, and calendula. It is allowed to add lemon to the products to enhance the positive effect.

Additionally, doctors recommend exclude all foods that can provoke a negative reaction in the child’s body. Drinking plenty of fluids is the key to timely removal of toxins from the child’s body. Don't forget about vitamin therapy. Useful vitamins and minerals strengthen the immune system and promote a speedy recovery for the baby.

Preventive measures

Preventing the occurrence of an allergic cough in a child is not an easy task, but it is within the power of parents who set goals and successfully achieve them for the sake of their baby’s health.

  • wet cleaning is the key to cleanliness in the room and healthy family members;
  • watch what your child eats. Limit your consumption of food with dyes and preservatives, fast food, soda, reduce the amount of foods that can trigger allergies (chocolate, eggs, nuts and others);
  • get rid of thick carpets, curtains, soft toys. The ideal floor covering is linoleum or laminate. You can’t do without toys, so wash and vacuum them often;
  • If your baby is allergic to plant pollen, try to walk outside less often during the flowering period. Replace walks outside with active games at home.

Allergic cough in a baby - serious problem, requiring immediate treatment and constant monitoring by doctors and parents. Take care of your child's health if you find any unpleasant symptoms Contact your doctor for help and follow his instructions.

Dr. Komarovsky’s school about the treatment of allergic cough in the following video:

A cough is an attempt by the body to get rid of an irritant in the bronchi, larynx, trachea or sinuses. The most common cause of this response is due to viral diseases, but often cough occurs due to allergies.

If parents observe suspicions of an allergic cough in a child, how to treat it, what to look for and how to recognize the allergen are issues that need to be addressed first. Delay can lead to the fact that a harmless reaction to pollen, wool or food will result in prolonged asthma.

Receptors in the larynx, inside the nose and bronchi detect any foreign body or substance and transmit information about it to the brain. Further the immune system produces inflammatory mediators. After this, a normal reflex reaction occurs - the lungs clear the airways of the irritant with a strong forced exhalation.

But if in the case of sputum or liquid accidentally entering the trachea, the cough copes, then it does not with allergens. Each breath draws millions of molecules into the bronchi, which the immune system sometimes identifies as dangerous, so an allergic cough in children will continue until the child is moved to an environment without an irritant or given medication to drink.

Hypersensitivity and, as a result, cough, are caused by:

  • pollen flowering trees, shrubs, herbs (especially the Asteraceae family);
  • dust and dust mites;
  • cat or dog hair;
  • mold spores;
  • synthetic substances (latex, detergents, nickel);
  • food products;
  • wasp or bee venom;
  • medications (usually antibiotics).

Even if the irritant does not directly affect the respiratory system (for example, latex), an attack of allergic cough may occur. This occurs due to IgE and E antibodies, which initiate not only a cough, but also redness, runny nose, pain in the eyes, rashes, etc. In healthy people, negative reactions are not observed, because the immunity of an allergic person is pathological.

How to recognize an allergic cough

Dry allergic cough is often confused with initial stage infantile whooping cough. The main difference from infection is that attacks in 8 out of 10 cases are accompanied by a feeling of lack of air and suffocation. Sputum is not produced at all or comes out with difficulty. It is not formed due to an immune response, so a wet, squelching cough is almost never observed. The general condition and well-being of the child remains normal, body temperature does not increase. A runny nose, stuffy nose and itching can cause noticeable discomfort.

In addition to difficulty breathing, symptoms of an allergic cough in children may include the following:

  • attacks are sudden;
  • barking dry cough often appears at night;
  • no elevated temperature is observed;
  • in addition to a night cough, it appears immediately after waking up and in the evening before bedtime;
  • The cough may not stop for several weeks, go into a sluggish state and resume with renewed vigor.

One or more of these symptoms indicate that the baby suffers from hypersensitivity. It can appear at any time and be episodic in nature due to a possible change of location. Also, in addition to coughing, the irritant sometimes causes a runny nose, frequent sneezing, pain in the eyes, and a sore throat.

Try to determine if your child starts coughing after sleeping on a down pillow, touching a pet, wearing clothes from an old closet, eating a certain food, etc. If you notice this pattern, limit contact with the possible irritant. This way you will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis of where the child’s cough comes from, and make the baby’s life easier if the correct treatment is prescribed. In addition to oral information, the pediatrician will prescribe the following tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • analysis for the concentration of IgE in the blood;
  • chest x-ray (rare);
  • sputum smear;
  • allergen analysis (enzyme immunosorbent).

Prevention of allergic cough in a child

Prevention is easy to do if you know what causes the defensive reaction. If it is dust, ventilate the apartment at least three times a week, or even better, daily. Thoroughly clean pillows, blankets, sofas, and carpets from dust.

Pay special attention to the pillow, because at night the child can lie face down on it and inhale old dust. To avoid this, pillowcases should always be clean, and the pillow itself should not be down.

If the baby reacts to the fur of a pet, the latter should be taken to friends or parents at least during active molting (spring-summer and late autumn). If it is impossible to prevent children from contacting a cat or dog, brush your four-legged pet outside the apartment and wash it 3-4 times a week. Also due to the decrease hormonal levels pets shed 60-80% less if they are sterilized.

If you are hypersensitive to a certain type of food, you need to remove it from your diet altogether. It is important not to confuse food allergies with gastrointestinal disorders due to the difficulty of digesting them. For example, up to 20% of children are unable to fully digest lactose due to a reduced concentration of the lactase enzyme.

When consuming dairy products, people with incompatibility experience symptoms that are similar to allergic reactions, but they are not. In addition to the incompatibility of products with lactose, some symptoms appear at the acidity level gastric juice below normal.

It will not be possible to completely protect your child, but you can minimize the number of contacts with irritants: the fewer such “meetings”, the less likely development of complications. Prevention also includes folk remedies:

  1. Rinse the nasopharynx with water and salt or plain clean warm water.
  2. Syrup of garlic, honey or sugar, infused for 2-3 weeks, take a tablespoon once a day.
  3. 10 bay leaves are boiled in a liter of water, then a tablespoon of honey and soda is added.

Types of cough

Cough with allergies in children can be dry and wet. Dry is the most common, it is systematic, often starting at night or early in the morning. A barking, heavy cough goes away within 10-15 minutes to several hours. In advanced cases, hypersensitivity continues for days.

If the cough is too strong, it results in inflammation of the mucous membrane, pain and sore throat, and loss of voice. To quickly relieve the consequences of an attack, give your baby a good antihistamine. Such drugs last up to 12-24 hours depending on their half-life. To reduce inflammation of the pharynx and sore throat, brew tea, ask your child to gargle with warm water, or spray with a nebulizer. This will moisten the organs of the larynx, hardened from constant “tearing”.

A wet cough is a rare occurrence. The sputum looks clear, without pus. It is called vitreous. It forms after a long attack, when the mucous membrane of the throat becomes inflamed to such an extent that the salivary secretion thickens when secreted and accumulates like a “lump in the throat” during sharp forced exhalations, but it does not pose a danger. If cough due to hypersensitivity occurs during viral disease In addition to antihistamines, you need to take mucolytic agents that dilute sputum.

Cough in infants

In a newborn baby or infant up to 6-12 months, allergic reactions in the vast majority of cases occur due to artificial feeding. If the baby is not fed baby food, but hypersensitivity in the form of coughing or redness still occurs, the nursing mother should reconsider her diet and remove foods from it that may cause an allergic reaction. Avoid sesame seeds, nuts, milk, legumes, honey, citrus fruits and grain products for a while.

In the hospital, infant hypersensitivity is diagnosed by external examination and interviewing parents. In severe cases, a blood test is taken and ultrasound diagnostics abdominal cavity. If one of the parents is sick active form allergies or asthma, the chance that a baby under one year old will have similar health problems is 30-80% higher than that of children from healthy people.

The baby’s immunity is not able to withstand external threats, so the IgE and E proteins react to everything. Treating a newborn yourself is fraught. Contact the clinic, because selecting medications for the treatment of young children is a complex and responsible process. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances if you do not know what to do.

What to do if your child is coughing due to allergies

The first thing to do when you have an allergic cough is to limit your baby’s contact with the irritant. If it's a dust mite, take your child to the park for some fresh air. If you are sensitive to pollen, limit outdoor play during the active flowering period and replace houseplants with ornamental or coniferous ones.

If the allergen is unknown, you need to undergo treatment at the clinic. In addition to the tests listed above, agree to skin tests - scraping the upper part of the dermis and applying the suspected allergen in its place. Accurate identification of the irritant will allow you to effectively combat allergy symptoms.

How can you relieve a child’s coughing attacks:

  • taking antihistamines, cortisone, theophylline or sodium cromoglycate. For children, in the vast majority of cases, only antihistamines are used because they are the safest;
  • installation of air purifiers with carbon filters in the house;
  • vaccination. Introduction immune stimulant IgG - last resort, which is prescribed exclusively by doctors. Appropriate if no other means of treatment work;
  • taking sorbents, activated carbon - if allergies are caused by food product or liquid;
  • Give the child some warm tea and inhale saline through a nebulizer.

If you are interested in the question of how to relieve an allergic cough attack in a child, pay attention to drugs that inhibit the cough reflex: drugs based on phenylbutyrate dihydrogen, bithiodine, glaucine. Please note that you can take such drugs only after your doctor's permission. Don't do it on your own.

A pediatrician knows best how to treat a child. Remember that the best treatment is prevention.

Keep your home clean, remove dust, visit a doctor after the first suspicion of an allergy, and use high-quality medications.

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The reasons for the development of this condition are substances of a protein nature that enter the body:

  • out of thin air
  • straight into the blood
  • with food
  • by contact.

It can be:

  • saliva of domestic and farm animals found on their fur
  • house mites, most often living in pillows, mattresses, carpets, books
  • dust containing particles of house mites
  • plant pollen
  • poultry feathers
  • household chemicals
  • aerosol cosmetics (deodorants, perfumes, hair sprays, etc.)
  • mold fungi.

Sometimes an allergic cough occurs as a result of a viral or bacterial disease of the respiratory tract: the microbe has long left the body, but the immune reactions that it managed to trigger still take place.

It is impossible to predict what substance a child may be allergic to: this is an individual characteristic of a particular organism. The risk of developing any manifestations of allergies increases in children from those families whose close relatives suffer from bronchial asthma or other allergic diseases.

How to understand that a cough is a symptom of an allergy

Since coughing is accompanied by such dangerous acute diseases like bronchitis and pneumonia, it is very important to know the signs of this symptom specifically for allergies. They are as follows:

  1. A coughing attack occurs suddenly, sometimes you can notice that a short period of time before the attack there was contact with an allergen (for example, a child played with a dog or picked a flower)
  2. The cough is dry, painful, and can last an hour or more. If it is a sign of laryngitis, then barking, if it is a symptom of allergic bronchitis or asthma, then it may be accompanied by the release of a very meager amount of clear, thick sputum.
  3. Temperature does not rise
  4. Seizures recur over a long period of time
  5. Cough occurs most often at night
  6. Accompanied by allergic rhinitis in children
  7. If you give your child an antihistamine (for example, Erius or Fenistil), the cough symptoms disappear.

A dry paroxysmal cough can also occur with an inflammatory bacterial disease - whooping cough. This disease can develop in children of any age, but it is dangerous for children under 3 years of age, since it can cause respiratory arrest in them. How to recognize whether it is an allergic cough or whooping cough?

  1. Whooping cough is accompanied by an increase in temperature, while with an allergic cough the temperature is normal.
  2. An attack of allergic cough develops after contact with an allergen - sleeping on a down pillow, communicating with animals, walking in the garden.
  3. With allergies, there are no reprises, that is, a whistling noisy breath that accompanies coughing attacks.
  4. Whooping cough does not respond to antihistamines.
  5. Sputum from whooping cough can be clear and viscous, in small quantities. More often it is cloudy, viscous, and very difficult to remove from the child’s mouth.

In practice, based on the nature of the cough, even a pediatrician will often not be able to distinguish whooping cough from an allergy, therefore, especially if we are talking about a child under 3 years old, it is worth going to the hospital, where they will definitely help determine the cause of this condition.

It is necessary to accurately diagnose and determine the type of allergen that caused the development of cough in order to know how to treat the disease.

During the period of exacerbation, the following diagnostics are carried out:

  • general blood analysis: inflammatory reaction indirectly indicates whooping cough, while the number of eosinophils greater than 5 indicates an allergy
  • nasal swab for the presence of eosinophils in the mucosa
  • eosinophil cells are detected in allergies and in sputum
  • elevated levels of total immunoglobulin E in venous blood also talks about allergies
  • if whooping cough is suspected, a cough plate test is taken - a bacteriological examination of the sputum coughed up by the child
  • identifying an allergen using a blood test using the MAST method
  • enzyme immunoassay to determine the allergen.

Allergy tests - applying various allergens to scratches on the skin made with a sterile scarifier - are performed only after recovery and only in children over 3 years of age. The diameter of the resulting blister is used to determine what substance could cause the allergy.

Treatment of allergic cough is divided into 2 stages - therapy for relief acute condition and treatment during the interictal period.

How to treat during attacks:

  1. Antihistamines: Fenistil, Zodak, Erius
  2. Medicines that bind toxins that are inevitably formed during allergies and are located in the intestines: Smecta, White Coal, Atoxil
  3. Drugs that dilate the bronchi are administered by inhalation: Eufillin, Berodual, Ventolin
  4. Compliance is mandatory hypoallergenic diet, which excludes chocolate, citrus fruits, seafood, red berries and fruits

Therapy during the interictal period consists of taking:

  • antihistamines long acting: Ketotifen, Zaditen
  • drugs – leukotriene receptor antagonists: Singulair, Acolat
  • Specific immunotherapy is the introduction under the skin in gradually increasing doses of the allergen that caused the allergic cough. It is carried out only in children over 3 years of age under the supervision of an allergist.

How to prevent the development of a cough

If an allergen is identified, prevention will consist of excluding it from the child’s life. If this is not possible, specific immunotherapy is necessary.

If the allergen is unknown, the following measures are taken:

  • follow a hypoallergenic diet
  • Pets are not allowed in the house
  • Wet cleaning is carried out daily
  • Carpets are removed from walls and floors
  • pillows are replaced with those made of padding polyester and other synthetic materials
  • Flowers are removed from the room where the child lives.

Thus, an allergic cough in a child is a condition that is harmful to health due to a deterioration in the body’s oxygen supply. It is dangerous for the development of bronchial asthma. Therefore, it is important not only to stop attacks every time, but also to find out the reasons for their development, and then carry out their full prevention. Only a doctor can diagnose and treat allergic cough.

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Cough in children is most often caused by respiratory tract infections caused by viruses or pathogenic bacteria. However, allergies can also be a fairly common cause of cough.

The fact that the nature of the cough is most likely allergic can be suggested by the following features of this symptom:

  • Allergy coughs are often barking and dry.
  • This cough appears suddenly in a child in the form of attacks.
  • The cough is often protracted and lasts up to two to three weeks.
  • As a rule, there is no fever with such a cough.
  • The cough often appears at night.

Cough is often not the only symptom of an allergic reaction. In addition to coughing attacks, your baby may have:

  • Runny nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Soreness and itching in the throat and nasopharynx.
  • Tearing.
  • Discomfort after coughing.
  • Pain when inhaling.

Differences between an allergic cough and a cough with bronchitis or whooping cough

A cough of an allergic nature is similar to coughing attacks that occur with whooping cough or acute bronchitis. Often this is a dry cough, which is called a barking cough. It is difficult to separate sputum, and before an attack the child may feel suffocated (complains of lack of air) caused by swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Unlike a cough caused by an infection, the child’s general condition is almost not disturbed, and the body temperature remains within normal limits. In addition, a cough of an allergic nature can often be associated with the action of an allergen, for example, it occurs during the flowering period of certain plants, after sleeping on a pillow with fluff, or after communicating with a pet.

The difference between an allergic cough and an infectious cough is also the effectiveness of using anti-allergy drugs. If you give this drug to a child, the intensity of an allergic cough immediately decreases until the attack is completely relieved.

Type of cough Dry

In most cases, a child with allergies suffers from a dry cough. This cough exhausts the baby, can last a long time in the form of attacks and very often occurs at night. In many cases, the appearance of a cough is systematic, for example, it occurs in the spring or winter.

A wet cough of an allergic nature is much less common than a dry cough. If sputum is produced during a cough caused by an allergic reaction, it is clear and does not contain pus. Because of its transparency and high viscosity, it is called glassy.


If your child has a prolonged dry cough, it is important to show him to a pediatrician. The doctor will confirm the absence infectious cause the appearance of a cough and recommend examinations that will help identify allergens. The child will be given:

  • Complete blood count (pay attention to the number of eosinophils).
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Determination of the level of IgE in the blood.
  • X-ray examination of the chest.
  • Sputum analysis (for wet cough).
  • Tests that determine respiratory function.
  • Skin tests for allergens (in children over 3 years old).
  • Enzyme immunoassay for allergens.

How to treat?

Since an allergic cough is caused by the entry of a certain allergen into a child’s body, the basis for treating such a symptom is getting rid of this allergen, as well as stopping the body’s reaction.

If the cause is a food allergy, cough-provoking foods should be removed from the diet.

Dust is a common allergen, so if an allergic cough occurs, it is important to regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

If you are allergic to a pet, you should decide on its contact with the child.

It is important to maintain cleanliness in the apartment Treatment drugs

Medicines prescribed to children for allergies are a group of antihistamines. These include:

  • Zirtec - drops are used from 6 months, tablets - from 6 years of age.
  • Ketotifen - syrup from 6 months of age, tablets - from 3 years.
  • Zodak - drops are allowed from 1 year, tablets - from 6 years.
  • Erius - syrup is prescribed to children one year old and older, and tablets - from 12 years of age.
  • Cetrin syrup is given from 2 years of age, tablets are given to children over 6 years of age.
  • Fenistil - drops are given to children older than 1 month.
  • Suprastin - used from 1 month.

In addition to antihistamines, the child may be prescribed sorbents, for example, Enterosgel, activated carbon or Polysorb, as well as drugs that relax the bronchi.

How to relieve a coughing attack?

For quick fix attacks, modern antihistamines are used. At the same time, we note that to choose the right remedy Only a doctor can help your child. Suprastin is often used, since an injection of this drug helps relieve a cough in 5-10 minutes (tablets act a little longer - about 20 minutes).

If allergic symptoms caused by exposure to pollen or dust, the child’s condition can be improved by a spray administered into the baby’s nose. These can be drugs Cromohexal (from 5 years), Levocabastine (from 6 years), Allergodil (from 6 years).

You can quickly relieve coughing attacks using an inhaler. How to do inhalations?

Inhalations using a nebulizer can quickly cope with an allergic cough.

You can pour saline solution or mineral water into the device. This procedure will moisten the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which will ease the cough.

There are also inhaled forms of drugs that affect the bronchi.

This drug is a hormonal drug often used for bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system in which breathing is difficult. It has been noted to have the ability to relieve swelling of the bronchi, reduce inflammation and prevent spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchial tree.

Before inhalation with Pulmicort, you should consult your doctor, since the dose for each child is selected individually. The drug is prescribed from 6 months of age. The required amount of medication is diluted with saline, poured into a nebulizer and a procedure is carried out, the effect of which will be noticeable within ten minutes.

With berodual

The drug is used for dry allergic cough, in which the sputum is very viscous. Its main effect is to dilate the bronchi by relaxing their smooth muscles. Before using it, consultation with a pediatrician is required to determine the correct dosage. The medicine in the required dose is diluted with saline to obtain 4 ml of solution. Pouring it into a nebulizer, give it to the child to inhale. The procedure is repeated 4 times a day.

Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known pediatrician emphasizes that it is important to figure out whether it is caused by prolonged cough over the course of several weeks or months, an allergy or its cause is a sluggish infection, only a specialist can. However, in case of acute manifestations of allergies, parents are able to distinguish it from an infection on their own.

Komarovsky emphasizes that poor appetite, drowsiness and lethargy, as well as an increase in temperature should prompt parents to think about an infection. In addition, with ARVI, the symptoms will not be limited to just coughing. The child will complain of a runny nose, pain when swallowing, or headaches.

If there is no fever or other manifestations of infection, and the general condition has remained virtually unchanged, Komarovsky advises parents to think about what preceded the illness. Did the child go to a new place (on a visit or to the country), did the parents buy something new, treated the child to an unfamiliar dish, changed the brand of household chemicals, and so on. Allergies, according to Komarovsky, should also be considered if only the child is sick and all other family members are healthy.

For more information about this, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

The best way to prevent the occurrence of an allergic cough is to protect the child as much as possible from possible allergens. Even during the period of bearing a child, the mother is advised to exclude allergenic foods or significantly limit them. A pregnant woman should also take more walks.

When a child is born, you need to carefully examine his skin and immediately consult a doctor at the first signs of diathesis. Such a problem should not be considered a harmless condition that will go away on its own and does not require medical intervention.

To learn how to quickly find the source of an allergy, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

The child's room should be regularly wet cleaned, and direct contact with pets should be limited. Use hypoallergenic cosmetics and baby-safe household chemicals.

Remember that any allergy symptoms require a reaction from both parents and doctors, since inaction can lead to complications, such as bronchial asthma.

A cough can be a manifestation of various diseases, but it does not always indicate a disease, sometimes being a protective reaction of the body from external influences harmful to it. For example, if we are talking about allergies. Young parents often encounter this situation and begin to stuff their child with medications. But before treating a child’s allergic cough, it is urgent to make a diagnosis and understand what exactly caused it. Then eliminate the cause.

Allergy in medicine is the reaction of the body's defense system to certain irritants. We can say that it is beneficial, because if the immune system had not reacted to the negative impact, the body might not have been able to cope. And so measures are taken, the impact of the allergen is eliminated, and everything returns to normal.

“How to treat an allergic cough in a child?” is one of the most popular questions that young mothers ask in pediatricians’ offices. The modern generation of children does not have strong immunity, and allergies at a tender age, alas, are a common occurrence.

Someone never wonders how to treat an allergic cough in a child. Signs of allergies never make themselves felt. And some people suffer all their lives.

Whether a person is allergic or not, as a rule, becomes clear already in infancy. Children whose bodies react violently to certain foods or other substances with skin rashes are likely to continue to suffer from allergic reactions. Parents of such children need to be on guard all the time.

In addition, the cause of allergies in the future may be diseases transferred to infancy when immunity is still practically zero. It is difficult for the body to fight the disease, and it fails.

Those children whose close relatives also suffer from allergies are also at risk. The hereditary factor in this case is of great importance.

One of the most alarming conditions for parents is a dry allergic cough in a child. Rather than treat it and stuff the child with drugs, of course, it is better to prevent the disease.

And you should start doing prevention while you are pregnant. From the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman should take a lot of walks away from polluted highways, stop eating foods that are known to be allergenic and, of course, stop all bad habits.

Both before and after the birth of a child, it is necessary to keep the house clean - do wet cleaning, ventilate the room more often. It is better to protect your newborn from contact with animals. At the slightest suspicion of diathesis, the baby should be seen immediately by a doctor.

So, how do you treat an allergic cough in a child whose symptoms are quite specific? Before giving any medications, you should determine for sure that your baby’s cough is due to an allergy. The main signs of an allergic cough are:

  • dryness (if there is sputum, it is not abundant and transparent);
  • protracted, paroxysmal, debilitating nature;
  • cough begins suddenly, under certain conditions (after eating some food, after communicating with animals, during the flowering of certain plants, etc.);
  • cough sounds like barking;
  • attacks occur more often at night;
  • cough is often accompanied by sneezing, itching in the nasopharynx and runny nose;
  • cough is not accompanied by fever;
  • shortness of breath is often present;
  • The cough goes away after taking anti-allergenic drugs.

Experts identify several types of allergic cough. Among them are:

  • Dry - most often occurs during cold or hot weather.
  • Barking character - accompanied by a hoarse voice. Sounds like the ringing bark of a dog. Breathing is difficult.
  • Night cough lasts a long time (two to three hours). The eyes become watery and clear mucus flows from the nasal passages.

As noted above, cough can be manifestations various diseases, including bronchitis or whooping cough. It is important for parents to correctly assess the baby’s condition in order to take the necessary measures in time. After all, in particular, whooping cough can pose a direct threat to life, and you should not hesitate to seek medical help.

Of course, it is best to consult a doctor immediately. Competent doctors thoroughly analyze the symptoms before treating a child’s allergic cough. And they make adequate decisions. And the parents, being in anxious state, are not always able to think soberly.

But still, how does cough due to allergies differ from other diseases?

  • A bronchitis cough is accompanied by the production of thick, profuse sputum, while an allergic cough, as a rule, is not.
  • Whooping cough and bronchitis occur with an increase in temperature, but with allergies this indicator remains normal.
  • Coughing attacks with whooping cough are accompanied by wheezing inhalation, but this is not observed with an allergic cough.
  • With whooping cough, the sputum is thick and viscous. It is quite difficult to remove it from a child's mouth.
  • Anti-allergenic drugs do not relieve coughing attacks due to bronchitis or whooping cough.

How and how to treat an allergic cough in a child, diagnosis will help to say for sure. After all, even if the fact of an allergy is not questioned, it is difficult to determine on your own what exactly caused it.

First of all, the pediatrician examines the baby, listens to him, assesses the nature of the cough, measures the temperature and conducts a conversation with the parents, determining the type of disease. If an allergy is present, a special test is performed. Small incisions are made on the skin in the forearm area with a scarifier, which are filled with a certain reagent (allergen in small doses). If redness or blisters appear on the skin, itching begins, etc., it means that it is this allergen that causes a reaction in the form of a cough. The cause has been found and treatment can be prescribed. (This type of diagnosis is not carried out in relation to children under three years of age).

Often, when making a diagnosis, a blood test for immunoglobulin levels is also prescribed, which allows one to detect allergic reactions.

Obviously, in search of an answer to the question of how to treat an allergic cough in a child, determining the cause plays a very important role. important role. The list of provoking factors is huge, but the main ones are:

  • Causes of a domestic nature - dust, fungus, harmful insects (cockroaches), etc.
  • Food – honey, milk, citrus fruits, chocolate, eggs, nuts and strawberries are considered the most common allergens.
  • Causes of an epidermal nature are animal hair or fluff, their saliva, bird feathers, waste products, substances released by insects during bites.
  • Causes of a physical nature – cold, heat.
  • Mechanical reasons - mechanical damage skin.
  • Chemical causes - household chemicals, cosmetics, medicines.

After making a diagnosis and identifying the allergen, the first thing to do is to isolate the child from the irritant or at least minimize contact.

If the incident does occur (the child grabbed the cat and coughed heavily), the attack is removed with a special drug(“Suprastin”, “Tavegil”, “Diazolin”, “Erius”, etc.). But only after the allergen is removed to a safe distance, otherwise there will be no effect. The injections stop the attack within ten minutes. The tablets are somewhat slower - they begin to act after twenty to thirty minutes.

In cases where the allergen cannot be removed, antiallergic drugs will not help - hormonal drugs are needed. Allergies inevitably cause intoxication of the body, to eliminate which they take white coal, "Smecta" and similar drugs.

What else is used to treat an allergic cough in a child? For children over three years of age, the “hardening” method may be recommended, when an allergen is injected under the skin, increasing the dose each time, and eventually the body develops immunity. Cough is well eliminated through inhalations that dilate the bronchi.

When treating non-acute allergic cough, doctors often prescribe Gerbion syrup based on plantain. These and some other plants - faithful friends allergy sufferers, which is well known in traditional medicine.

“Whose children have allergic cough, how do you treat it?” - an alarmed mother sometimes asks other parents. And experienced parents share proven folk recipes:

  • drip aloe juice into your nose (it removes phlegm well);
  • boiled and crushed Bay leaf mix with a few teaspoons of honey and a pinch of soda - give the remedy during an attack;
  • as a drink during attacks, use the water in which the onions were boiled (several onions per liter);
  • gargle with water (you can add sea ​​salt) after walking.

A favorite of moms and dads, Dr. Komarovsky, who has already become almost a legend, answering the question of how to relieve an attack and how to treat an allergic cough in a child, calls not to panic and approaches the situation with humor. So, for example, he considers the first remedy for an allergic cough... to have a dog. Which will “take” parents out for walks with their children. And fresh air for an allergy sufferer is the best medicine.

The doctor also advises humidifying the room (during attacks, you can open the hot water tap in the bathroom to create steam). And another surefire remedy is drinking plenty of fluids.

Komarovsky is categorically against total cleanliness, which, in his opinion, leads to allergic reactions in an unhardened organism. But, of course, it is necessary to keep order, because excess dust is harmful for a healthy person, and destructive for an allergy sufferer.

The doctor agrees with his colleagues that the first step should be to eliminate, if possible, the patient’s contact with the allergen (that is, completely eliminate the cause), and then treat the effect. Otherwise there will be no positive result.

And of course, physical activity, hardening, quality products, clothes made from natural fabrics and most importantly (as in any business) - a positive attitude!

Treatment of allergic cough in children

Complex treatment of allergic cough in children is aimed at reducing sensitivity to the allergen (desensitization), getting rid of it whenever possible (immunotherapy), as well as relieving symptoms - bronchospasm.

To reduce sensitivity to the allergen, antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs are used as a means of general treatment of allergic cough in children. They block histamine, a mediator of the human body’s reactions to allergens.

It should be noted that frequently prescribed first-generation antiallergic drugs (diphenhydramine, diprazine, suprastin, pilfen, pipolfen, tavegil) not only have a sedative (calming) effect and cause drowsiness. Among the negative side effects of these popular drugs, their influence on the formation of nerve connections in children was found, even with moderate therapeutic doses. In addition, taking these medications leads to dryness of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, that is, the cough may become more intense with thick sputum in addition. It is for this reason that these medications are given to children for a maximum of five days. For example, tavegil (aka clemastine) is strictly contraindicated for children under one year of age. And for children under 12 years of age it is prescribed 0.5 tablets 2 times a day (before meals, with a small amount of water).

For antihistamines latest generation- Claritin, fenistil, Zyrtec, Kestin - no sedative effect. Thus, claritin (also known as lomilan, lotaren, clalergin, etc.) is available in the form of tablets and syrup. The dose of the drug for children from 2 to 12 years old is 5 ml of syrup (1 teaspoon) or half a tablet (5 mg) with a body weight not exceeding 30 kg; for children over 12 years of age, the daily dose is 1 tablet (10 mg) or 2 teaspoons of syrup.

The best, although the longest (for three to five years) treatment of any allergy and allergic cough in children is allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT), which “accustoms” the body’s immune system to allergens. The method is based on introducing to the patient gradually increasing doses of the same allergen that causes the allergic reaction. According to allergists, as a result of this treatment, the immune system simply stops responding to a previously intolerable irritant.

Symptomatic treatment of allergic cough in children is carried out with the help of antispasmodic medications, which reduce or completely eliminate bronchospasm and coughing attacks. The drug Berotec in the form of a 0.1% solution for inhalation counteracts the development of bronchospastic reactions. It is prescribed to children 6-12 years old, 5-10 drops, over 12 years old - 10-15 drops per inhalation. Inhalations are carried out no more than four times a day; before use, the drug must be diluted in one teaspoon of saline solution.

An effective expectorant solutan (oral solution) is taken by children from one to 6 years old, 5 drops three times a day; from 6 to 15 years - 7-10 drops. For children 2-6 years old, it is better to use salbutamol (Ventolin) inhalation aerosol - 1-2 mg 3 times a day.

Glycodin cough syrup with terpinhydrate and levomenthol should be taken 3-4 times a day: children aged 4-6 years - a quarter of a teaspoon, 7-12 years - half a teaspoon. And the drug fluifort in the form of syrup has a mucolytic (sputum thinning) and expectorant effect. Children aged 1 to 5 years are prescribed half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day, older children - a teaspoon three times a day.