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How to make honey drops for eyes. Honey for eyes: best recipes and reviews

Unique honey useful product, gifted to man by nature, which has the most powerful healing potential. The topic of our conversation today: honey water for the eyes.

Ancient Indian methods and treatises of the famous ancient Arab physician Avicenna contain recipes for treating the eyes with honey solution. Observations and practical experience ancient healers were based on the anti-inflammatory effect of honey, it is this property that gives positive healing effect in the treatment of eye diseases.

Honey solution helps with: inflammatory processes outer shell eye - keratitis, conjunctivitis, with ulcers. It is also very useful to use honey drops for the eyes to preserve vision and improve its sharpness.

Ascorbic acid, soluble thiamine and carotene are contained in natural honey; their combination expands the range of color perception and improves visual acuity. If you often work at a computer for a long time and feel tired eyes, then eat honey in the morning on an empty stomach, it regular use will protect you from harmful effects external factors and improve vision. In the morning, after you wake up, 15 minutes before you brush your teeth, slowly suck a tablespoon of honey. Also do this procedure before you go to bed. Light-colored honey is considered the best for vision.

Recipes for honey drops for eyes

Once I happened to be visiting a village, and I was very surprised that an old grandmother of about eighty-five was reading a newspaper in small print without glasses. Of course, I asked my granny how she kept this good vision and learned from her such a simple and effective recipe. It turns out that the woman has been putting honey drops in her eyes for many years, and even at such an advanced age she reads and sews without glasses and sees everything perfectly.

To prepare the drops you need to take one full teaspoon of natural honey and dissolve it in warm water 100 milliliters.

We will receive a 25% honey solution, which should be instilled into the eyes, 2 - 3 drops in the morning and evening.

Or you can place cotton pads soaked in honey water on your eyes. You need to apply honey lotions twice a day, for 15 minutes. This product has a good effect on eye health and has a cosmetic effect on the skin around the eyes.

This way we get better health and honey mask for beauty.

Honey drops, recipe for eye pain, cataracts, inflammatory processes

If you work at a computer for a long time and often feel tired eyes, then this tool will also be useful to you.

How it works: the fact is that honey forms a thin protective film that protects our eyes from all harmful factors environment, helps to relax eye muscles and relieves inflammation.lechenie-glaz-medom

Preparation: one drop of natural, high-quality liquid honey (if the honey is solid, then it must be melted with heat low temperature 35 degrees) mix honey with ten drops of distilled or pure spring water. The resulting solution should be instilled into the eyes in the morning, three drops at a time. You will carry out several honey procedures and notice a significant improvement in your condition.

The course of treatment with honey drops is two weeks, then you need to take a break for ten days. After this, the course can be repeated.

General improvement in vision I

Cooking honey water:

To do this, take 200 milliliters of distilled water and dissolve one tablespoon of natural honey in it. Drink this healing drink for the night.

In case of inflammatory processes in the eyes, you can wash them with this water.


Before you start honey treatment necessary be sure to consult a doctor and also find out if you are allergic to honey.

I suggest you watch: video honey water

Now you know the benefits of honey water for eye health and how to properly prepare honey drops to improve visual acuity.

Be healthy!

Honey is very delicious product nutrition, in addition, it has a huge list useful properties. Already ancient physicians used honey mixed with plant juice to treat various eye diseases. If you have conjunctivitis (inflammation on the outside of the eye), keratitis ( inflammatory process on the cornea of ​​the eyes) or corneal ulcers, a honey solution would be an excellent remedy. It is used mainly for lotions, achieving an amazing effect. So, today we are talking about the treatment of human eye diseases with honey, and we are giving recipes.

Honey water is unique means traditional medicine. This product will not only save you from a whole list various diseases, but will also be an excellent prevention for the emergence of new ones.

The best time For the use of this remedy, morning is considered, when the body has just woken up, and late evening, just before going to bed.

Honey water should be as close to body temperature as possible, this speeds up the absorption process and makes the consumption process enjoyable. This drink will quickly relieve you of swelling, helping to relieve the urinary system.

Honey water can be used to treat stress and various work disorders gastrointestinal tract, restoring the integrity and harmony of a person’s energy field.

Also honey water is an excellent treatment eye diseases. This method has long been used in India. The recipe for this water is very simple.

You just need to take a teaspoon of natural honey (give preference to May honey) and boil it in a glass of regular honey. clean water within two minutes.

Be careful not to do this for longer, as healing properties honey will be lost. Leave the resulting water until it cools and use it to prepare lotions. They should be applied to the eyes for a quarter of an hour, twice a day.

The best time for the procedure is early morning and late evening before bed. Honey water is also used for instillation into the eyes (a couple of drops). This excellent remedy to combat eye fatigue.

Another option successfully used to treat heaviness, pain and fatigue in the eyes is next recipe: Prepare pure spring water (if not possible, use distilled water) and liquid honey.

Mix the medicine in the following proportion - ten drops of water to one drop of honey. Use every morning, placing a couple of drops in each eye. The course of treatment is two weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for at least a week and repeat again if necessary.

With increased eye pressure, you should use the following method. Mix three parts distilled water (some sources recommend using holy water) with one part honey.

Instill the solution one drop every day for ten days, it is best to do this before bedtime. The next stage involves increasing the concentration of honey water to two parts water and one part honey.

The course is the same - ten days. Then you should also apply honey and water, mixed in equal proportions. Then repeat the entire course of treatment in reverse order.

The final ten-day stage involves the use of pure honey for instillation. The given recipe has been known for decades and is very effective method combating high eye pressure.

Honey water has been successfully used and for the treatment of cataracts. Mix natural honey with pure distilled water in a ratio of one to three. Then strain the solution through several layers of gauze and apply a couple of drops to each eye twice a day.

The solution must be stored in the refrigerator. Treatment should last a whole year without interruption.

Honey water will help in general improved vision. Mix a tablespoon of natural honey into a glass of clean water and take it internally at night. If inflammatory processes appear in the eyes, use this solution for rinsing.

If an eyesore appears, prepare the following solution: mix the juice from one onion with a glass of distilled water and a dessert spoon of natural honey. Use for instillation a couple of times a day.

For the treatment of glaucoma mix equal parts of natural honey and freshly squeezed juice from the lumbago herb. Take one teaspoon orally twice a day. It is best to take it before meals with the medicine. warm milk.

In order to cure cataracts on early stage development, take one medium apple and, after cutting off the top, carefully cut out the middle. You need to pour natural honey inside, cover with the apple top and leave for three days.

Pour the resulting juice into a glass bottle and drop a couple of drops into each eye of a person in the evenings. The course of treatment lasts two weeks.

Be careful, honey for the eyes recipes with it is quite allergenic product, which can cause individual intolerance. It would be a good idea to consult with your doctor before using any of the above recipes.

Honey is not only very tasty, but also a healthy product. After all, it’s not for nothing that they produce with it cosmetical tools, and medications. Even in ancient times, this ingredient was used to treat various diseases. As you know, Avicenna recommended using honey for the eyes as an anti-inflammatory agent together with the juice of plants such as clover, onion, aloe and wheatgrass.

Properties of honey water

If you have an inflammatory process on the outer or cornea of ​​the eyes (conjunctivitis, keratitis), as well as a corneal ulcer, then experts advise using lotions made from a solution of the presented product.

Honey diluted in water is a unique folk remedy, which allows you to save a person from many diseases, as well as prevent the emergence of new ones. This solution is best used in the morning and evening. The temperature of honey water should be comfortable for drinking. This drink helps to quickly cope with swelling, relieving your kidneys.

Among other things, a solution of honey for the eyes is used in folk medicine to treat many abnormalities associated with these organs. Let's look at how to do this below.

Honey for treating eyes, or How to prepare a healing liquid

This recipe was popular in ancient India. It should be noted that the eye treatment solution is quite easy to prepare. To do this, you need to take a dessert spoon of a sweet product (preferably May), put it in and pour plain water. When the ingredient is completely dissolved, the liquid must be poured into an enamel bowl and then boiled over low heat for no longer than 2 minutes (otherwise the effectiveness of the product will decrease).

After the actions taken sweet water Let it cool, soak cotton pads in it and apply them to your eyes. It is advisable to keep such lotions for about 15-20 minutes, and repeat twice a day. It is also worth noting that these procedures are best performed before bed and early in the morning. By the way, the same honey liquid can be dripped into each eye in the amount of 2 drops. This method helps quite well with redness of the whites.

Eliminate fatigue, heaviness and pain in the eyes

Honey for the eyes helps very effectively with such symptoms. But for this you need to prepare in advance medicinal solution. You should take 10 drops of distilled or spring water, and then add a drop of natural liquid honey to it and mix thoroughly. The prepared liquid must be instilled into the eyes once a day (in the morning). This method relieves fatigue, heaviness and pain. Duration of treatment - 2 weeks. After this, it is advisable to rest for 7 days and then repeat the therapy.

High blood pressure remedy

Honey for the eyes can be used not only to treat these organs and relieve fatigue, but also to normalize eye pressure. If it is elevated, then you can prepare the following solution: you need to take six parts of distilled water and three parts of linden honey. By mixing both components, you will get a sweet healing liquid that needs to be dripped into each eye once in the amount of one drop. The duration of such treatment should be about 10 days. This procedure It's best to do it before bed.

After the first stage of treatment, it is advisable to increase the concentration of the solution. Thus, you need to take four parts water and one part honey. Using this remedy, therapy should be continued for 10 days. In the future, it is recommended to make the solution in proportions 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3. In the final 10 days, honey for the eyes should be used pure form one drop at a time. If sweet product thickened, it should be melted in a water bath and then cooled to room temperature. This method has been known for quite a long time. It quite effectively and quickly normalizes eye pressure.

Cataract treatment

Surprisingly, cataracts can also be treated with honey water. To prepare such a healing liquid, you should take pure natural Bee Honey, and then mix it with distilled water in a ratio of 1:3. After this, the resulting solution must be filtered and placed in a refrigerator, where it is advisable to store it until use. Drip this remedy Preferably 2 drops in each eye before bedtime and early in the morning. This treatment is recommended for 12 months without interruption.

If the cataract is located on initial stage its development, then it can be cured using the following recipe: you need to take a large apple (preferably freshly picked), cut off the top, remove the middle part and pour natural linden honey into it. After this, the original “glass” should be closed and left for 3 days. After the specified time, the resulting juice must be poured into a glass bottle and dripped in the morning and evening in the amount of 2 drops. The course of treatment should be about 15 days. It should be noted that apple with honey for the eyes is an effective and proven remedy that treats cataracts and prevents further development of the disease.

Glaucoma treatment

To treat this disease, the following recipe will help: you need to squeeze the juice from the lumbago grass, and then mix it with honey in equal proportions. The resulting liquid should be taken orally, a dessert spoon before meals, twice a day. Wherein remedy Be sure to drink it with warm milk.

Remedy for sore eyelids

If you are constantly tormented by inflamed eyelids, then you can use honey for the skin around the eyes. To do this, you need to take 200 ml of distilled water, several geranium flowers, a dessert spoon of honey, and then put them in one bowl, shake and leave for a day at room temperature. After time, the solution must be filtered and washed with it on the inflamed eyelids before bed for a week.

Vision restoration

You can also use honey water to improve vision and prevent eye diseases. It is very easy to prepare. To do this, add a large spoonful of honey to 200 ml of distilled water and stir thoroughly until the sweet product is completely dissolved. The resulting solution should be drunk at night. It is also worth noting that you can wash your eyes with this water if inflammatory processes occur. Moreover, if a thorn has formed on your eyes, then the following solution can easily deal with it: you need to squeeze out the juice from a small head onions, and then mix it with a glass of distilled water and a dessert spoon of linden honey. It is advisable to instill this liquid in your eyes twice a day until complete recovery.

We treat keratitis, conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers

For such diseases, aloe with honey is actively used. For the eyes, this is not only a healing combination, but also a nourishing agent that gives positive results very quickly.

In order to prepare a medicinal solution to combat keratitis, conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers, you need to cut a couple of leaves of one or two year old aloe, and then place it in a bag and leave it in the refrigerator for several days. After time, the plant should be mashed into a pulp and the juice should be squeezed out using gauze. You need to add a small spoon of liquid honey to the resulting liquid and mix everything well. This solution 1 or 2 drops should be instilled into the eyes three times a day. Those who have ever used this product note the quick and effective results. And this is not without reason. After all, aloe and honey for the eyes (reviews about them are always only positive) have a huge range of useful substances, which in combination with each other can eliminate any inflammatory reactions. By the way, the solution prepared according to the described recipe is also suitable for the treatment of cataracts.

Fighting wrinkles

Honey for the skin around the eyes effectively and quickly smoothes out all facial and age wrinkles. It is not without reason that such a product is actively used by cosmetic companies to produce various creams and masks. But to rejuvenate your face, there is no need to purchase products in stores. After all, you can prepare them at home. To do this, take two large spoons of fresh honey, and then mix it with the same amount of crushed rolled oats. The resulting mass must be carefully applied to the eyelid area and left for about 16 minutes.

The presented mask with honey for the eyes can also be used for the face. Moreover, depending on the skin type, you can add a few drops additionally to the mixed mixture. olive oil, sour cream, aloe juice and other ingredients.

Honey for eyes “Clear sight”

Such a useful product as honey is used not only in cosmetology to create various creams and masks, but also in pharmacology to make medicines having unique composition. One of these means is the “Clear Sight” collection. This drug is based only on natural ingredients, which were collected in a special way in the mountain protected forests of Bashkiria. It contains more than 300 ingredients, including propolis, essential oils, bioflavonoids, royal jelly, bee venom, glucose, fructose, a complex of microelements, vitamins, etc.

Indications for use of the collection

Honey intended for the eyes, “Clear Sight” is indicated for the following deviations:

  • corneal-conjunctival burns;
  • corneal ulcers;
  • inflammation of the eye appendages, as well as blepharitis, conjunctivitis of various etiologies, eczema of the eyelids, etc.;
  • microbial or (inflammation of the cornea);
  • fatigue after working on a computer;
  • immature and initial cataracts;
  • glaucoma (closed- and open-angle forms).

Application results

The positive side of using the “Clear Look” collection is the rapid regeneration of damaged tissue, acceleration of the timing of inflammatory phenomena, reduction of post-traumatic opacities of the cornea, and in some cases, complete resorption of these consequences. Usage this drug in ophthalmic patients practically does not cause side effects.

Already three days after the start of treatment, the patient notes a significant reduction in pain, as well as a cessation of lacrimation and photophobia. In addition, the ulcers are cleared of discharged pus. By the tenth day, the wound is completely covered with a layer of epithelium. It should be noted that such a fee is very often prescribed in complex therapy together with antibiotics, sulfonamides and other medications.

The health benefits of honey have been proven for a long time. What does it not help with: it treats diseases of the respiratory system, improves digestion, and cleanses blood vessels... Today we will talk about the not most popular use of the sweet gift of bees - honey drops for the eyes.

Majority modern people expose their eyes to stress throughout the day. Even if your work does not involve sitting in front of a computer, and the first thing in the evening you don’t rush to the monitor - reading, watching TV or driving a car tires your eyes every day. They begin to get tired faster, redness and itching appear, and by the end of the day “flies” seem to be dancing before their eyes. This indicates a disruption in the functioning of your organ of vision, and despite the fact that this does not yet seem like a problem, if not given proper attention it can lead to serious consequences. Many are accustomed to saving themselves with improvised means like “artificial tears,” but not everyone knows that this medicine over time disrupts the functioning of the lacrimal glands and is addictive. Therefore, it is worth trying to prepare honey eye drops.

How to prepare honey eye drops

There are two ways to use such drops. These are lotions and direct instillation. For lotions, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water. You need to keep this lotion for 15-20 minutes, and apply it twice a day - better in the morning and just before bed. For drops, use clean, unheated water - distilled or spring. For 10 drops of water you need 1 drop of honey. Instill 2 drops twice a day. The course is two weeks, then a week break. In this case, water can be replaced with a weak chamomile decoction. Honey eye drops effectively relieve tension and inflammation, moisturize the mucous membranes and promote fast healing microtraumas resulting from exposure to dust. They will disappear after the first course discomfort in the eye area, protruding small vessels. In this case, the effect will not be temporary, as when using “artificial tears”. The fact is that active ingredients honey directly affects the eye capillaries, improving their functioning and normalizing eye pressure. Probably, with constant use of honey eye drops, you will even realize that you have begun to see better.

Honey therapy has proven itself in the prevention and treatment of eye diseases. Thus, honey drops and eye lotions are effective for viral conjunctivitis and barley; they significantly alleviate the disease and shorten its course. In this case, lotions are done not twice a day, but every few hours. They also help with progressive myopia, and are recommended for older people to prevent senile glaucoma and cataracts. However, remember: it occurs, and the retina is sensitive. Therefore, before using honey eye drops, check yourself for allergies. And the most important condition effective treatment will be used natural product. By purchasing, you are making an investment in healthy vision!

  • 1. Useful properties
  • 2. Indications for use
  • 3. Cautions
  • 4.Usage
  • 4.1. Recipe No. 1. The most famous combination is honey and aloe
  • 4.2. Recipe No. 2. The easiest way to use honey

Residents of megacities put their health to real tests. In addition to the environment, exhaust gases, industrial pollution, and stress that negatively affect the body, they expose constant voltage eyes. Yes, most of the townspeople are forced to constantly strain their eyesight in one way or another: computers, e-readers, gadgets, neon pouring from all sides. However, eye diseases also occur quite often in less urbanized citizens. At the first symptoms, people turn to traditional medicine. Eye treatment with honey has been used for a long time.

Beneficial features

Honey is one of those rare remedies that can confidently be called a panacea. The richest natural composition - more than 300 compounds, allows it to be used not only as delicious dessert, but medications.

At the same time, the main share in it is carbohydrates, and the share of active compounds is up to 3% of the composition. This concentration allows us to talk about the mild effect of products based on honey and honey itself in its pure form.

Honey is used to treat eyes largely due to its:

  • bactericidal;
  • anesthetic;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic properties.

In addition, it contains vitamins and microelements necessary to nourish the eyes.

The rich composition of organic and inorganic acids characteristic of honey plants allows us to speak of it as a mild stimulant metabolic processes. Honey allows you to restore water-salt balance, blood supply, tone and cleanse blood vessels.

Indications for use

In folk medicine, honey is used to treat eye diseases. Such as:

  • decreased vision associated with clouding of the cornea (cataract), which occurred as a result of mechanical injury and subsequent inflammation;
  • blepharitis, which is accompanied by inflammation hair follicles, sebaceous glands, edges of the century. As a result, there are often purulent discharge, crusts, damage to the integrity of the skin of the eyelid, loss of eyelashes;
  • abscess, severe hyperemia, constant discharge from lacrimal glands which may affect tear duct and bag, are often accompanied by inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
  • increase intraocular pressure, however, only on early stages anticipating the irreversible development of glaucoma;
  • insufficient tissue nutrition or its disturbance. Usually diagnosed as cataract and associated with pathological processes in organism, autoimmune diseases or age-related changes;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye, including inner surface century, conjunctiva. This process is usually associated with mechanical contamination, ingress and long stay abrasive particles of dust or other substances. Sometimes the effect is chemical in nature. Accompanied by hyperemia, swelling, burning, itching, heavy discharge, which are most noticeable in the morning. In addition, photophobia may develop.


It would not be superfluous to remind you that self-medication is fraught with big problems in the future. Especially if you need to treat your eyes. One of the most sensitive, complex and vulnerable organs requires careful and careful treatment.

Our perception and confidence in the world around us depends on our eyes. Therefore, when the slightest problems that do not go away for more than 24 hours, it is better to immediately contact an ophthalmologist. Uncontrolled use of traditional medicine, even the mildest, for eye diseases can lead to loss of vision.

If the diagnosis has been made and you know what to fight, and the ophthalmologist is not against the simultaneous use of honey and pharmaceuticals this does not mean that it can be used.

Bee products are the strongest allergens. Therefore, before use, you must eliminate the risk negative reaction body for honey and conduct a test. At home, it is enough to apply a little honey on your wrist and leave it for a couple of hours without washing it off: if there is no reaction, then you can treat your eyes.

In addition, only natural bee honey has a healing effect, preferably no older than six months of pumping, since the concentration of enzymes and vitamins in it is the highest. Such a product has the necessary sterility and is suitable for use as the main ingredient in traditional medicine recipes.


Honey at eye diseases Used mainly externally in the form of drops. It is compatible with any other traditional medicine, so there are a huge number of ophthalmic solutions and compositions with its participation. You can prepare them at home, or buy or order production at a regular pharmacy.

Honey-based preparations can be used until they disappear completely unpleasant symptoms. It is important not to exceed the dosage and concentration. Do not drip more than is prescribed in the instructions, and keep applications and lotions for no more time than is necessary for their effect.

In addition to external use, you can enhance the effect internally using honey. To do this, you need to eat up to three tablespoons of honey during the day. It is recommended to supplement the diet with blueberries, viburnum, rowan, cranberries, and be sure to use carrot or pumpkin juice.

Recipe No. 1. The most famous combination is honey and aloe

It is used almost everywhere. These drops are prescribed if malnutrition is diagnosed, there is an inflammatory process, with eye fatigue and the presence of hemorrhages.

The pharmaceutical industry produces them in combination with other components under the name “Aloe extract according to Filatov.” It is difficult to reproduce the recipe at home, however, there is an alternative - a simpler option.

To do this, aloe in the form of potentized juice and honey are mixed in equal parts and three drops are dripped into each eye throughout the day, one at a time. Aloe is potentiated as follows: cut leaves are wrapped in a light-proof bag and kept in the refrigerator for several days.

Dropping honey into eyes

Recipe No. 2. The easiest way to use honey

To do this, just dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of distilled water. This remedy is good to use as compresses or lotions: generously moistened tampons are placed on sore eyes for an average of 20-30 minutes three times a day.

If you are confident in the naturalness of honey, then the solution prepared according to this recipe can be used to wash the eyes and also drip 3-6 drops during the day to provide nutrition and improve blood supply.

Recommendations to boil the composition and only then use it make no sense. Natural honey– a sterile product that does not retain its properties when exposed to high temperatures. Recipes with heat treatment Only minerals and carbohydrates are left unchanged.

When using fresh real honey, it provides anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, in addition, it restores blood supply to tissues and promotes gentle cleansing of suppuration and other painful secretions.

Truly honey is a miracle cure. However, the responsibility for its use without consultation with an ophthalmologist falls entirely on the shoulders of the patient, as does the risk of using an unnatural product. After all, there are a lot of fakes on the market, and you need to show miracles of resourcefulness to get a jar of healing elixir.