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Pekingese eye diseases treatment. Prolapse of the eyeball. Pekingese care

Proud and independent Pekingese, in addition to aristocratic manners and exotic appearance, have quite decent, one might say, lion-like health. Especially if the owners do everything to make the royal pet comfortable and do not forget about the rules of caring for him. But this does not mean that Pekingese do not get sick at all.

So, if you neglect to vaccinate your puppy, then he may well get distemper or hepatitis. The dog can also be injured or poisoned by something, become infected with helminths, or become a victim of an ixodid tick. In addition, there are specific breed diseases Pekingese, i.e. those that lion dogs suffer from more often than other pets.

Breed ailments can have both genetic roots and be a consequence of the specific anatomy and exterior of dogs. For Pekingese, the latter option is more typical. The special, brachycephalic, structure of the skull determines some features of the functioning of the dog’s respiratory organs and the structure of the eyes. And it is they who become, thereby, the weak link in the dog’s body.

What can happen to the client's eyes?

Pekingese eye diseases are the undisputed leaders among all kinds of health problems for lion dogs. Very often you can hear phrases from their owners like: “If it weren’t for the eyes, then a perfectly healthy dog!” - or - “He lived for 16 years, suffered almost no illnesses, only one eye began to protrude, we suffered with it for a long time.”

Why is this happening? – The reason is obvious - the muzzle is too short and, as a result, the eye orbits are not deep enough. This is where 80% of all problems with eyes come from, and their charming bulge is the main risk factor.

This eye is less protected from negative impact wind and dust. Often it lacks natural hydration, but on the contrary, it is extremely easy to injure it. In addition, the more protruding a dog's eyes are, the higher the likelihood of them being dislocated due to injury or simply a sharp tug from the leash. Keep this in mind when choosing a puppy!

How do eye diseases begin in Pekingese? – Usually with slight redness or cloudiness eyeball. Unfortunately, not all owners pay attention to these symptoms. As a result, the dog may develop conjunctivitis, cataracts, various erosions, etc. If in this case the owner is in no hurry to take the dog to the veterinarian, it may completely lose its vision.

Some eye problems in Pekingese are also congenital, for example, double eyelashes or eyelid inversion. And here, most likely, surgery cannot be avoided.

Breathing problems

Another disadvantage of a flattened face is that it does not allow the dog to breathe normally. A short nasal passage does not allow the air to warm up enough in winter and cool enough in hot weather. Therefore, with long walks in the cold, Pekingese dogs increase the risk of developing diseases such as laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis, and in the summer heat the dog can suffocate or get heatstroke.

If your Pekingese breathes heavily and loudly even when normal temperature and without physical activity, then it makes sense to seek help from a veterinarian. In this case, to make your pet's breathing easier, you may need surgical correction some anatomical defects.

Pekingese diseases can also be caused by grains of sand, allergen vapors and foreign objects entering the respiratory tract. The dog usually reacts to all this by coughing. And if it does not stop for a long time or recurs again and again for no apparent reason, it is imperative to show your pet to a doctor.

Do not ignore nasal discharge. Yes, it could just be snot from a cold, but it could also be a symptom of a serious illness. If a Pekingese starts bleeding from the nose, then its causes can be either a simple injury or overheating, or hypertension or serious viral infections.

By the way, breathing, or rather its frequency, can serve as an excellent indicator general condition dogs. If it is from 10 to 30 breaths per minute, then everything is fine with the dog.

Be careful with your spine!

The short legs and long body of the lion dog and, as a result, uneven distribution of the load on the spine and joints, can cause Pekingese diseases such as osteochondrosis, hernia intervertebral discs, as well as various dislocations and subluxations of joints.

The risk of developing such diseases increases if the dog is overweight and has a weak muscle corset. In addition, the impetus for the development of the disease can be a jump from a height (especially for a puppy) or an injury to the spine (paws).

The first signs of problems with the spine will be some stiffness in the dog, obvious difficulty getting up, pain when stroking the back. If urgent measures are not taken at this stage and treatment is not started, the dog may be paralyzed (partially or completely).

The main symptom of limb diseases will be a change in the Pekingese's gait. And this is not always expressed in obvious lameness. It’s just that the pet may begin to walk slower, heavier, periodically jump, or the dog’s knees suddenly seem to you to be twisted, abnormally positioned. All this is a reason to immediately contact an experienced specialist. On early stages The dog’s condition can be quite successfully corrected with the help of medications and special vitamin complexes.

Is it all about age?

Pekingese diseases, especially with age, can also affect the cardiovascular and genitourinary system dogs. Older male dogs are often diagnosed with adenoma of the perianal glands and urolithiasis. However, not only age can be the cause of these ailments.

Poor care and poor nutrition like a time bomb. A young dog may not particularly react to them, but with age, harmful substances accumulate in the kidneys and liver, and chronic, often unnoticed, digestive problems suddenly make themselves felt, causing acute inflammation.

The dog's ears can also suffer from the dishonesty of the owners. Due to the abundant thick wool, their natural cleansing and ventilation are difficult, which means ideal conditions for reproduction are created. pathogenic bacteria. Until a certain point, nothing bothers the dog, even if you don’t examine its ears for years. But any infection, hypothermia, or simply water getting into them can serve as a catalyst for the development of otitis media.

Well, if you have never looked into your pet’s mouth, then don’t be surprised by the early loss of teeth in your pet. Yes, here too it’s all about the special structure of the muzzle. However, proper care taking care of teeth and regular removal of stones could significantly extend the life of the Pekingese's toothiness.

It cannot be said that representatives of the Pekingese breed are sickly animals; on the contrary, Pekingese breed diseases are minimal. But sooner or later the dog may get sick, then the owner is faced with the question of how to treat the Pekingese at home and what conditions require immediate medical attention.

Diseases and treatment of Pekingese

It’s worth making a reservation right away, in order for the Pekingese’s health to fail as rarely as possible, you should not treat vaccinations and vaccinations with disdain, considering them unnecessary. This is not so, leading veterinarians have already spoken out on this issue more than once, urging people to do everything necessary vaccinations pets.

If your Pekingese happens to get sick, you need to be aware of what Pekingese diseases are typical for this breed and how to deal with them. About this and we'll talk Further.

Eye diseases

Eye problems in Pekingese dogs occupy a leading place in the ranking of diseases of the breed. This is due to the special structure of the skull, due to which the eyeballs are not deeply set. Externally, this is manifested by the convexity of the body of the eye; more than 75% of the eye can be seen from the outside. For this reason, the dog's eye is poorly protected from external influences, natural conditions, as well as from possible injuries. For this reason, it is common to see a Pekingese with watery eyes. And the organ of vision requires more careful care.

It is not uncommon to hear from owners of Pekingese dogs that the eyes are the only organ that fails the dog’s health; otherwise, the pet is absolutely healthy. It is necessary to take into account this information when choosing a pet, since you, as the owner, must be able to provide first aid to the dog for eye problems, especially if this happened during a walk.

The most common eye diseases in Pekingese are:

  • Infectious lesion of the cornea of ​​the eye, causing discomfort and pain in the Pekingese (the eye has turned sour, clouded)
  • Cataracts (eye diseases in older Pekingese dogs), manifested by loss of vision and cloudy pupils
  • Eyes fall out due to injury, etc.

You can try to treat inflammation of the cornea (when the eyes fester) on your own, by wiping the affected eye with an antiseptic solution using a local eye antibiotic in the form of drops.

It is worth talking about the loss of the body of the eye in more detail, since this can happen to a Pekingese at any age and the owner should know how to help the dog.

Eyeball prolapse

When buying a Pekingese, it is worth knowing that the Pekingese's eyes fall out under certain conditions. A dog can lose an eye after receiving a trivial injury to the Pekingese's eye. By the way, for this reason, it is not recommended to scold your pet in this way; it is better to choose an increase in tone or a light slap on the tail.

What to do if your dog's eye falls out? In order to provide first aid to your dog in case of eye loss, you should prudently carry a first aid kit with you on a walk. You need to take a piece of bandage or stamp (if you don’t have it, a handkerchief or a regular napkin can do), thoroughly moisten it with saline solution, then carefully, without pressing on the eye, try to hold it in your hand. It is worth saying that without the help of a veterinarian, it will not be possible to eliminate the injury and set the missing eye on your own; this requires qualified assistance from a veterinarian. Otherwise, the injury can only aggravate the eye problem and even deprive the Pekingese of knowledge.

Respiratory system diseases

For the same reason special structure skull, Pekingese suffers from diseases respiratory organs. This is due to the fact that, thanks to the shortened nasal canal, the inhaled air does not have the opportunity to heat up sufficiently in the cold season, and accordingly cool down in summer time. In other words, we can say that the Pekingese has a disturbed thermoregulation system. For this reason, long walks in winter or in windy weather can result in the following diseases:

  • Tracheitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Laryngitis
  • Heatstroke

The following symptoms should alert you:

  • Heavy inhalation or exhalation
  • Noisy breathing (Pekingese open their mouths wide and try to inhale as much air as possible)
  • There is too frequent or infrequent breathing (the norm is about 15-30 breaths in 60 seconds)

As soon as you discover this in your pet, do not put off visiting the veterinarian. A dog may need not only drug therapy, but also outside of which especially difficult cases, V surgical intervention. And you, for your part, must care for the dog and provide peace for the Pekingese; without this, recovery is impossible.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Again, thanks to the special anatomical structure of the body, namely short legs and a fairly long body, the pet receives excessive stress on the spine. For this reason, the following diseases are often observed in the Pekingese's history:

  • Osteochondrosis
  • Hernia
  • Joint damage

There is a high probability of developing the above pathologies when overweight dogs or insufficient muscle development. But the most common cause of spinal problems is jumping from a height.

How to recognize problems with the spine

The first symptom of damage to the musculoskeletal system is constrained movements when walking, heavy lifting from a position, lying or sitting, as well as painful sensations when touching the back. Already on at this stage should be done urgent measures, otherwise, over time, even paralysis may develop. Obvious symptoms include lameness or lying on one side. Also, some noted a certain slowness, and even a change appearance limbs. Only a veterinary specialist can draw up a competent treatment regimen, using drugs to reduce inflammation, calcium to strengthen bone tissue and so on.

Problems with stool

Pekingese dogs often have problems with stool; let’s look at all the causes and treatment of constipation and diarrhea in more detail.

Constipation in Pekingese

The cause of the disease in Pekingese can be the presence of a foreign body in the intestines, a too narrow anus, or errors in nutrition. If we talk about more serious illnesses, the symptom of which may be constipation, these may be:

  • Oncology
  • Poisoning from chemicals or drugs
  • Intestinal obstruction and so on

How to help your Pekingese? The first aid that can be provided at home is a cleansing enema, the simplest treatment option. If the desired effect does not appear, you should try using one of the products that have a laxative effect. It can be: herbal preparations, oil or pharmaceutical.

If during observation it becomes clear that the cause of constipation is probably a spasm of smooth muscles, it is worth giving the Pekingese antispasmodic drugs - no-shpu or drugs with a similar effect.

In cases where constipation is caused by blockage of the anal glands, it is worth freeing them by squeezing out excess secretion. And after bowel movements are restored, it is necessary to place suppositories in the dog’s anus. It is recommended to use anusol or anestezol.

Diarrhea in Pekingese dogs

Frequent defecation of liquid is considered diarrhea. feces for a week or longer. Diarrhea can be caused by the following diseases:

However, the most common cause of loose, frequent stools is poor nutrition, namely, too much fatty food or spoiled.

How to treat diarrhea? Firstly, you need to stop feeding, it is advisable to withstand at least 24 hours of fasting. Instead of regular drinking water, your Pekingese can be given weak tea with a little sugar. The use of strengthening substances will also help: special herbal teas, as well as a decoction based on rice or oatmeal. First medication assistance, as in the case of diarrhea in humans, activated charcoal is considered.

When diarrhea is caused by germs entering the dog's body, the use of antibiotics is indicated intestinal group, which can only be prescribed by a veterinarian. Since the Pekingese small dog, fluid loss caused by diarrhea can lead to dehydration in a matter of hours. To restore normal water balance in the body, the Pekingese is given drips with saline, glucose and rehydron. Usually, after a day of such therapy, the little patient’s condition stabilizes.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

You can suspect the presence of pathologies based on the following signs:

  • Cough
  • Labored breathing
  • Weakness
  • Fainting
  • Developmental delay in puppies
  • Blueness on the gums
  • Increased belly size

Serious diseases can cause pathologies of the cardiovascular system:

  • Hemophilia
  • Pathology of blood clotting
  • Acute liver failure
  • Heart attacks
  • Congenital anomalies of the heart and so on

Treatment of any of the above diseases should occur under the close supervision of the attending physician. Self-medication is fraught with fatal consequences for the Pekingese.

Temperature increase

Every dog, including representatives of the Pekingese breed, sooner or later faces the problem of fever.

Normal temperature readings for dogs should be about 39 degrees. Measurements are made in the opening of the rectum for 3-5 minutes.

The reason for the increase in temperature in the Pekingese may be:

  • Due to imperfect thermoregulation in Pekingese puppies
  • In the hot season, in adult representatives
  • For diseases caused by a virus or bacteria
  • During inflammatory processes, both external on the skin and in internal organs
  • For oncology
  • During food poisoning and so on.

When the pet's temperature exceeds 40 degrees, it must be brought down. For this purpose, antipyretic drugs are used: aspirin, ibufen, paracetamol. To achieve more quick effect It is recommended to give preference to antipyretic suppositories. For dogs, cefekon, chlorpromazine and diphenhydramine with analgin are most often used. In the case when the bar rises to 42 and above, it is worth using more radical methods - dousing cold water or immersion in it.

Mouth problems

Due to the non-standard structure of the skull, the Pekingese breed often encounters congenital pathologies of the development of the palate. Among them are: cleft palate and too long soft sky. In the photo you can see in more detail what the disease looks like.

Cleft palate

A similar defect is often called a cleft palate; a similar pathology is often found in people. Externally, the disease manifests itself in the preservation of an opening between the mouth and nasal passage. It is usually possible to detect the disease even in the period when a newborn Pekingese begins to suck milk, as it has problems with this. Also, one of the symptoms of cleft palate is constant nasal discharge. The defect can only be eliminated on the operating table, otherwise, if the dog is not rid of the defect, the quality of life is significantly reduced.

The sky is too long

This defect is most often found in dogs with a short skull shape, which includes the Pekingese. Externally, the disease manifests itself as noisy breathing and incessant discharge from the nasal passages. The fact is that a Pekingese with such a Pekingese disease is not able to breathe through its nose on its own, but breathes open mouth. At night you may hear snoring accompanied by restless sleep. As in the case of cleft palate, the problem can only be solved surgically.

Diseases of the nose

A dog with shortened sinuses is unfortunately prone to nasal disease. The first problem that every Pekingese owner faces sooner or later is simple rhinitis or infection sinuses. Externally, the disease manifests itself as a characteristic green discharge that has an unpleasant putrid smell. It is worth mentioning that the cause of rhinitis can be not only bacteria, but also a fungus, which will change the treatment of the disease. Depending on the nature of the causative agent of rhinitis, the Pekingese is prescribed an antibiotic or antifungal drug, this should be done by a veterinarian.

Age-related changes in health

As they age, Pekingese diseases become more and more common. Most often it affects the heart and urinary system. The most common diagnosis is urolithiasis, especially in older male dogs.

In addition to the reasons described above why a Pekingese can get sick, illness often occurs due to insufficient coat or skin care or poor quality nutrition. However, the results will most likely appear in old age, when it will not be so easy to help your pet. Of the most common chronic problems there are the following:

  • Skin diseases (the skin becomes rough, ulcers form on the skin, lichen, scabies, etc. may develop)
  • Ear diseases
  • Tooth decay

You can alleviate your pet's condition by providing therapy aimed at improving your pet's quality of life.

Discopathy in dogs. Intervertebral hernia, disease history

Heart disease in dogs.

Cataracts in dogs, signs and treatment. Veterinarian advice

In conclusion, let's say that the Pekingese is a dog with a certain set characteristic diseases, most weakness - eye diseases. You, as the owner, are obliged to know about their presence and be able to provide first aid to your pet.

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Huge expressive eyes are the “calling card” of the Pekingese. They are what make this dog breed so unique and memorable. In the same time organ of vision– the most vulnerable part of a pet’s health.


Conjunctivitis– inflammatory lesion eye, develops as a result of infection. Divided into several forms, which differ in symptoms and treatment:

  • catarrhal - manifests itself profuse flow of tears, redness of the inside of the eyelid conjunctiva), visible swelling century;
  • purulent - in the absence of treatment, the catarrhal form turns into purulent. In this case, the amount of discharge decreases, but Tears become cloudy and turn white or yellow. May lead to blindness.
  • follicular – chronic form. It is characterized by an enlargement of the lymph nodes of the eyelid, which outwardly resemble a “bunch of grapes”; it becomes painful for the dog to blink. Purulent discharge from the eyes is observed constantly, the conjunctiva is bright red.

As you can see, these forms are stages of one process. It's important to start on time treatment. In therapy it is necessary to use Sulfacyl sodium, Levomycetin in the form of drops and Tetracycline as an ointment for at least 5 days.

In case of prolonged course of the disease or no effect from treatment need to contact a veterinarian.

Cataract in Pekingese

It is often thought that cataracts affect older Pekingese dogs, but this is not always true. This disease can begin earlier if there are predisposing factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • past inflammatory eye diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • as a result of injuries;
  • influence of drugs.

The key signs of cataracts are decreased visual acuity and clouding of the pupil.

The only method that cures this disease is surgery.

Corneal erosion

Corneal erosion is a violation of the integrity of the epithelium. eyes. Usually observed as a result of injury. Accompanied painful sensations, redness of the eye, flow of tear fluid. The animal cannot open the affected eye; light shining on the cornea causes increased pain. Sometimes erosion is visible to the naked eye as a scratch on the cornea.

If such symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor. Oxial drops or similar keratoprotectors are used locally. At night, gels and ointments (for example, Oftagel) are used, which are placed under the eyelid. As preventive measures recommended antibacterial agents. Well treatment lasts up to two weeks, since the cornea regenerates rather slowly.

Among other eye diseases, eye loss in Pekingese is common. In such a situation, medical assistance is necessary.

Subtleties care for the eye area

Pekingese eyes need to be inspected daily and, if necessary, treated with a cotton pad with boiled water. It is not recommended to use one disk for both eyes. It is also prohibited to use antiseptics containing alcohol. Rubbing with tea should also not be used, as it contains tannins that lead to dryness of the mucous membrane. When instilling drops, carefully read the instructions - for some drops, contact with the cornea is excluded.

If you follow the rules care for the eye area And timely treatment diseases of the Pekingese, his owner will acquire a healthy and strong four-legged friend for many years to come.

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Pekingese dogs have a small, strong body, thick hair, and a flat muzzle. Due to the unusual shape of the skull, the dog’s round eyes look extremely expressive. But at the same time, they are poorly protected and are susceptible to the development of various diseases.

The predisposition to ophthalmological problems in Pekingese is associated with the anatomical features of the skull. Therefore, before purchasing a puppy, bring a photo of the baby to the veterinarian. He will determine whether the dog suffers from entropion or incomplete closure of the eyelids. But even in these cases it is not difficult Plastic surgery And daily care will help your pet maintain its vision and stay healthy.


The disease conjunctivitis can be suspected if the Pekingese has watery eyes, swelling, itching, photophobia, and pus. The cause of the disease is an infection that has reached the mucous membrane of the eyelid. Additional factors risk – weak immunity, vitamin A deficiency, metabolic disorders, hypothermia.

Before going to the veterinarian, you need to relieve your pet's condition. To do this, soften the purulent crusts with Vaseline ointment. Remove accumulated exudate with a cloth moistened with chamomile infusion. After examination, the doctor will determine the type of disease and prescribe drops with an antibiotic and glucocorticoid substances.


Clouding of the lens occurs due to age-related changes, injuries, chemical burns, systemic disease of the body. Without treatment, the disease can lead to the development of glaucoma and blindness. And slipped cataracts often block the natural flow of fluid inside the skull.

It is impossible to cure cataracts using a conservative method. Medications only slow down the progression of the disease. To get rid of clouding, an operation is performed to remove the lens and replace it with an acrylic or plastic lens. Surgical procedures are not performed on older dogs with diabetes.

Corneal erosion

Cornea or outer shell has no eyes blood vessels. Due to insufficient nutrition of the tissue and the convex eyeball, it is exposed to unfavorable factors. Ingress of a foreign object, injury, or burns cause erosion. The disease manifests itself increased lacrimation, the appearance of suppuration, itching, photophobia.

For treatment, the veterinarian examines the animal, removes the foreign object, and rinses the eye. Next, he prescribes antibacterial drops (Tsipromed, Tobrex) and corneal moisturizers (Oftagel, Oksial). The epithelium is restored in 5-15 days, depending on the area of ​​damage.

Other diseases

In addition to entropion and non-closure of the eyelid, congenital pathologies include ectopic eyelashes and distichiasis. In these diseases, eyelashes grow critically close to the surface of the eyeball or have direct contact with the cornea. From a young age, dogs feel pain, itching, their tearfulness increases, and their eyelids become bright red. Diseases can only be treated surgically.

Acquired eye diseases in Pekingese often develop due to infection during walks. Purulent keratitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis can be easily determined by the presence of exudate, photophobia, nervous behavior. Such diseases can be treated at home. The main rule is not to skip procedures, provide for the dog good nutrition and care.

Daily care rules

Pekingese have a short, flattened muzzle and shallow eye sockets. Because of this natural discharge accumulate in the fold near the nose, irritating the dog’s skin. Owners should clean them daily with a paper napkin or cloth. The use of cotton wool is undesirable, as it delaminates and remains on the mucous membrane.

If signs of an inflammatory process appear, rinsing solutions should be used instead of water:

  • sterile physiological (0.9% sodium chloride);
  • Furacilin (in a ratio of 1:5000);
  • Boric acid (in proportion 2:1);
  • chamomile decoction (1 tablespoon per 200 grams of water);
  • Potassium permanganate (pale pink).

Any solution must be warm. You need to use a different wipe for each eye.

In summer, owners must carefully choose a place for walking. Pekingese should not run in bushes, tall grass, sand, or dusty roads. Hide it at home household chemicals, Construction Materials, do not create drafts near the dog’s bed. Do not allow your pet to interact with people who are sick or stray dogs, do not allow children to shake or hit your pet.

Bring older animals to the veterinarian for an annual examination. The doctor will tell you why the Pekingese's eyes fester and how to treat it similar diseases. The doctor will be able to detect the appearance of cataracts or erosion in time and carry out procedures to remove them. In addition, he will prescribe drops for hydration and give dietary recommendations.

Eye loss

Due to the special structure of the skull, the Pekingese's eyes are set shallowly. A blow to the head, a fight with other dogs, or strong shaking in transport can cause the eyeball to fall out. In addition, with age, the muscles on the face weaken and poorly support the organs of vision.

If the apple has not fallen out completely, and no more than 15 minutes have passed since the injury, you can straighten the eye yourself. The first aid algorithm is simple:

  1. Secure the dog or place him in the arms of an assistant.
  2. Wash your hands and treat them with antiseptic.
  3. Soak a lint-free cotton cloth in saline solution.
  4. With one hand, spread the eyelids, with the other palm, press on the eye through the tissue.
  5. When realigned, the eyeball seems to fall deep into the skull.
  6. Apply a napkin moistened with an antiseptic to the face and take your pet to the veterinarian.

If time is lost, the animal will need surgery. During this procedure, the doctor cuts the eyelids, sets the eyeball and applies stitches. During the rehabilitation period, the owner must put a protective collar on the dog and moisten the eyes with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents several times a day.

Today we will look at such an important topic as eye loss in the Pekingese breed. What to do if a Pekingese's eye falls out? First of all, take the problem seriously, but without fanaticism. So if you try to put the eye back without certain skills, you can make it even worse. After such manipulations, it is likely that your pet will undergo surgery.

It is better to immobilize the eye and gently but quickly refer the dog to a veterinarian. Let's figure out together why and in what cases eye loss is possible and how to prevent this phenomenon. How to treat, how to correct and how to care for the Pekingese in the future.

Unique breed

The Pekingese can well be called a royal breed, a breed of emperors and court ladies. This unique short-faced dog has an attractive appearance, fluffy “hairstyle” and at the same time an original wayward character. This is not a Chihuahua, but a lion dog, or as it is also called a monkey dog. There is a legend that once upon a time feelings flared up between a lion and a monkey and such a unique baby was born with the character and mane of a lion, but with the face of a monkey.

The legend, of course, is beautiful, but there is some truth in it - a truly noble appearance and character are combined in an original way with a comical monkey face. But the anatomical structure of the Pekingese's flattened muzzle is their advantage and at the same time their misfortune. Imperial dogs have to withstand constant stress on respiratory system. They often snore during sleep. By the way, they grunt like this while walking because of difficulty breathing. And eyes are a special topic that we want to talk about in detail.

Pekingese Eye Care

If a Pekingese has settled in your house, his eyes often fall out - you should know about this and protect the dog from this in advance. The Pekingese's eyes are special - they are too bulging and this goggle-eyed look means that you must treat them with care!

You might say, is it really necessary to wash your eyes every time? Yes, this is a mandatory procedure for all Pekingese, because you want your pet’s eyes not to become inflamed? So, after a walk outside, wash them with chamomile decoction, tea leaves or a special lotion that you can buy at the pharmacy.

Why do specks quickly get into the eyes? It’s just that the Pekingese has too small recesses for the eyes and the eyeballs, one might say, are held on mainly by the eyelids. And the eyelids cannot cover the eyes well enough. This raises a number of problems:

  • Ingress of dust and debris;
  • You cannot walk in tall grass, under low branching trees and bushes;
  • Approaching larger dogs is dangerous for the Pekingese;
  • At severe inflammation or careless handling of the dog, the eye can literally pop out of its socket.

Eye loss is dangerous dangerous consequences, so if you don’t straighten the eye in time, you can lose an important part of your pet’s organ. This phenomenon can also occur when the muscle tension of the eye weakens - when the dog becomes seriously ill.

Precautionary measures

As we have already said, you need to walk in specially designated places where there are no large canines, and also no plantings whose branches can injure the dog’s eyes. Every walk should be a joy for the dog, because stress load can also lead to weakening of the muscles that support the eye.

As you understand, this is a common problem and veterinarians are already accustomed to such a phenomenon as eye realignment in dogs with a short muzzle - Pekingese, pugs.

But you should also know how to straighten an eye if there is no veterinarian on site or if you are in rural areas, but there is no way to get to the veterinarian. But first you must try to prevent such incidents from happening to your furry friend noble blood.

Don't let children point at the Pekingese's eye, it's dangerous. Therefore, families with small children should not have a Pekingese. Also make sure that the Pekingese does not jump from heights, this can damage the ligaments.

Keep your entire body clean, and examine your eyes especially often. After sleep, every walk, after active play in nature and meeting with big dog. If your eyes are red, be sure to rinse them; under the eyelid, the eye vessels should have pink color, not bright red. This indicates inflammatory processes. Purulent discharge talk about a bacterial infection, which can also lead to a weakening of the immune system and the muscles themselves.

If it falls out accidentally as a result of an injury, every minute is precious; if you do not insert it back, this is fraught with blindness, swelling of the eye socket and complete tissue death.

But veterinary medicine does not stand still, and for such problems doctors recommend eyelid enlargement (plasty). This is a special operation where incisions are made in the dog so that the dog's eyelids close more. This operation helps prevent many problems. By at least, reduce their frequency.

How to restore the eye to its place?

Prepare a place where the dog will not slip on the surface. Also prepare a napkin - ideally a clean cotton shawl! It is better if you have an assistant, but you can do it yourself. Wash your hands to avoid infection and get to work!

First assess your capabilities - whether you can act quickly, gently, but accurately. Take a look at your eyelids - if they are completely closed behind the eyeball, it will be difficult to cope, then it is better to see a doctor. If the injury occurred 5-10 minutes ago, and the eye is about half out, it is quite possible to cure the pet.

So, if you have already washed your hands, take a cotton swab or pad, or a clean handkerchief. Wet it with cold, but not ice-cold, water.

  1. Sit your pet down; he's probably acting restless and doesn't want to obey. Grab him firmly by the cheekbones with your left hand.
  2. Place your index finger and thumb on your eyelids and stretch them in different directions, while with the other hand, place the cotton pad on your eye and carefully, quickly but gently insert it back. You will feel the eye slide back if everything worked out.
  3. Regardless of the result, apply a warm swab soaked in saline solution - sodium chloride and see a doctor as soon as possible.

If more time has passed, the conjunctiva may dry out. To prevent this from happening, also moisten the eye with saline solution - not necessarily warm - and contact the clinic. Putting off going to the doctor is dangerous, and being afraid of surgery is also dangerous. This will not affect the dog's health.

Dogs live with one eye and look at the world with one eye. We do not want to say that surgery is a given in such cases and we do not wish the worst for your dog! The doctor himself knows what to do and will see it during the examination. Most likely, after the dog's eye is set, stitches will be placed to close the eyelids together.

This is also not something to be afraid of. When the stitches are removed, the eye will already be in place. Also, to restore the body and get rid of a possible infection, the veterinarian prescribes certain medications, and even antibiotics. Take your pet's health seriously, and a speedy recovery will not be long in coming.

Pekingese dogs were developed in ancient times in China. But the dog left its territory for the first time in 1860 during the capture of the Beijing Summer Palace. 5 pets of this breed that belonged to the emperor were taken by the British and taken to Britain.

Then no one else except families blue bloods, had no right to have such a dog in the family. A thief faced execution for stealing a Pekingese. Today, these pets are so popular that everyone can afford to have them at home.

Coat color

The classic coat color of an animal can be of two types:

    pale yellow;


Just 10-20 years ago, the majority of Pekingese were of this color.

Modern shades have changed somewhat. So the dog is characterized by golden, red, smoky and beige coat colors.

The white color of the Pekingese is rare and includes shades of pink and cream.

If a dog of this color additionally has black eyes, lip rims, and a pigmented nose, then it meets the standard.

Representatives of the black and tan hue have the least fur. This is probably why dogs of these shades are least often found in kennels.

Not everyone likes the dark color of the Pekingese. But if the dog is purchased as a decorative dog, then it will look great in the interior of the house.

Albinos and Pekingese with liver-colored coats are considered a breed defect.

Pekingese can live long enough long life. Their average duration ranges from 13-15 years. But there are cases when dogs reach 17 years of age.


Over the years, Pekingese have become accustomed to being in the hands of nobility and blue blood. That is why today they do not agree to serve anyone.

By nature, dogs are proud and aristocratic. Pekingese also have high intelligence and excessive dignity. Pets are confident in their independence and irresistibility.

With all this, animals are very sensitive by nature. Despite their arrogant dispositions, these dogs are in great need of human attention. They cannot tolerate rudeness or yelling. In addition, pets are quite jealous. If there are other animals in their house, they will definitely fight with them for the owner's attention.

And basically Pekingese can be called ideal pets, which are suitable for both experienced dog breeders and owners without qualifications.

These pets make wonderful companions. Demanding on physical activity in dogs it is minimal. This means they are ideal for older people or people with disabilities.

Dogs are not suitable for those who have no time to care for pets. They are also not suitable for impatient individuals, as these dogs “yelp” very often.

Some dog lovers find this feature of Pekingese very annoying. The animal is also prone to frequent sneezing and snoring. Therefore, for those who are looking for peace and quiet at home, the Pekingese is definitely not suitable.

What else?

Dogs have periods of activity - short phases. They often like to lie quietly or sit on a soft sofa or chair.

Pets can be uncooperative and stubborn, and some of them can be selfish in matters of food, for example.

Pekingese love children who treat them kindly. That is, the child must be at least 5 years old, then, as a rule, he will not allow himself “too much.” Due to the dog's miniature size, small children can harm it unknowingly.

Dogs can be distrustful of to strangers, but at first they try to behave politely with them. The proud nature of the Pekingese makes training a very difficult procedure.

Pekingese have more similar personality traits to a lion than to a regular dog.

They are brave and self-confident. However, in relations with their owners, Pekingese are very affectionate and kind.

Also, such pets are very playful, especially at an early age. They can entertain their household members with constant pranks. With age, the pet becomes calmer, but will never refuse the offered games.


This breed requires high-quality care. Wayward dog They won't let you brush or bathe her if she doesn't want to. But here you need to be persistent.

Pekingese require regular brushing. If this is not done, the soft undercoat, of which the dog has a lot, will become tangled. These pets also shed a lot.

Pekingese are given water treatments twice a month.

To avoid combing animals so often, you can cut them. A good haircut will decorate your pet and make the process of caring for it easy and carefree.

Pekingese needs ear and eye cleaning. It is also necessary to wipe the folds on the face with a damp cloth.

It is enough to take the dog outside for 5-10 minutes to go to the toilet. These pets do not like walks and prefer to stay at home. But dogs absolutely need minimal activities.

Education and training

Training Pekingese is not an easy task. First of all, you have to learn that shouting and harsh behavior will not achieve anything from a stubborn pet. The foundations of education must be laid for the Pekingese early age. Animals only respond to praise. And this is the only way to teach them anything.

No matter how difficult it is to train a dog, it must be done. She should know basic obedience commands. You should think of training your pet as a fun, exciting game and not get angry at the headstrong animal.

Such lessons will significantly bring the owner and pet closer together. And in the end, the result will be achieved.

It is also important to socialize your pet from a very early age. It is necessary to introduce him to other animals and people.


Pekingese can safely eat canned food, unlike many other dogs. It is important to mix such food with oatmeal or boiled rice.

As for the proportions, one Pekingese eats 1/3 of a can of canned food (130-200 grams) at a time. Porridge is added in the amount of 70-100 grams. The mixed mixture is placed in a dog bowl and fed to the pet.

Pekingese can also be served sweets.

When buying meat for a dog, it is first cut into small pieces and sent to the freezer. Then they feed the dog fresh or defrosted product.

In addition, Pekingese are usually fed additional sources of protein:

    cottage cheese;




    fish (without bones).

Pekingese dogs should get used to milk and cottage cheese gradually. Otherwise, food intolerance may occur.

Cheese is also used during training as a way to reward with a treat.


Pekingese are small and healthy dogs. But this breed also has diseases characteristic of it. Namely:

    Intervertebral disc disease.

    Herniated intervertebral discs.

These diseases are common to many short-legged dogs. At untimely treatment, they can lead to paralysis of the animal. But at first it will be difficult for him to move and even lie down. Conservative or surgical intervention will help restore your dog's health and activity.

Dogs of this breed do not tolerate frost and heat well. This is because the shape of their nose makes breathing a little more difficult.

With age, an animal may develop diseases of the cardiovascular system. Dogs also experience low blood pressure, hypertension, bacterial and viral infections.

Dogs with long fluffy hair often have and ticks.

Pekingese are also prone to urolithiasis and perianal gland adenoma.

But the most vulnerable spot in these pets is their eyes. The flattened muzzle and shallow eye socket make eye injuries more likely. Therefore, Pekingese owners always need to have good ones on hand. eye drops.

Characteristics of the Pekingese in the table

Breed name


Country of origin


Time of birth of the breed

2 thousand years BC




3.2-6.4 kg

Height (height at withers)

15-23 cm


12-15 years

Pekingese video

As you can see, Pekingese are dogs with character. They are stubborn and a little arrogant towards people. But they love their owners and try very hard to achieve their favor. These pets do not like excessive activity and are perfect for elderly families or people with disabilities. You can get such a dog for a child if the latter is at least 5 years old. Since small Pekingese are very vulnerable to careless movements.

Pekingese can also be called noisy pets. They often bark when they hear a rustling sound, and when at home they snore and sniffle.

Characterized as fairly healthy dogs.

Life expectancy is 14-16 years old.

Some representatives of this breed live over 20 years.

Taking care of your Pekingese's health

With good care, staying healthy is easy. The owner must comply preventive actions, which are aimed at preventing infection with infectious diseases such as rabies, canine distemper, and hepatitis. Regular, timely vaccination will help avoid these dangerous diseases and keep your Pekingese healthy. Another important procedure is treatment against ticks, fleas and other insects. Despite enough good health, there are diseases caused physiological characteristics this breed.

Daily eye care

Nature has decorated the Pekingese with large, slightly bulging eyes. Due to their flattened muzzle, they are constantly at risk, so require special care and attention.

Eyes are examined every day, wipe with a dry, soft, lint-free cloth. Healthy organs vision looks bright, wide open, without cloudy spots.

First warning signs- blue-gray cloudiness, red streaks in the eyeball. Appears profuse lacrimation, frequent blinking. The injured organ of vision becomes inflamed, causing discomfort to the pet. Pay attention to the dog's behavior: she rubs her head on some object, rubs her muzzle with her paw.

Pekingese eye diseases

Organs of vision - the most “sick” place of the Pekingese. They suffer from debris, hair, dust. During a walk, they are easily injured by prickly grass and protruding branches. Eyes can get sick due to drafts and infections.

Common diseases are:

  • conjunctivitis,
  • cataract,
  • corneal erosion.

Incorrect treatment can lead to vision loss. It is difficult to diagnose the disease yourself, so treatment must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

To provide first aid you need to have eye drops. The choice of drugs for the organs of vision is quite large. The veterinary clinic will tell you what specific medications to use.

Congenital visual defects ( double row of eyelashes, inversion of the eyelid) are eliminated surgically.

What to do if a Pekingese's eye "falls out"

Problems with the organs of vision arise, as a rule, as a result of injuries. Pekingese are bully by nature. The main cause of eye loss is fights with other dogs.

Experienced dog owners can insert the eyeball back on their own. For this spread the eyelids wide, press on the eyeball with your fingers. The procedure must be carried out before the eyeball begins to swell.

It's best to consult a veterinarian. For a damaged organ of vision apply a sterile cloth moistened with saline solution, and take the dog to the veterinarian. The sooner you arrive at the veterinary hospital, the greater the chance of saving your eye.

Important! To avoid eye injury, you should walk your pet on a leash, avoid contact with aggressive animals, and choose a place without large bushes and tall grass.

Pekingese diseases, their symptoms and treatment

Spinal diseases

The relatively long and heavy body of the Pekingese creates a load on the spine, provokes diseases. If the dog does not want to play, behaves too calmly, and once again tries not to move, this indicates problems with the spine.

Common disease - displacement or destruction of intervertebral discs. It is believed that the disease is not associated with spinal injuries, but is hereditary. Still, do not allow your pet to go down the stairs on its own.

The disease is determined by the behavior of the Pekingese. When the dog is picked up, she squeals, tenses her abdominal muscles, trying to prevent movement in the spine. Therefore, the disease is mistaken for abdominal pain.

To ease your pet's suffering, try restrict his movements. Place him in a carrier so he can't move. They take the pet out of there just to relieve themselves.

A visit to a veterinary hospital is inevitable. After the examination, the veterinarian will prescribe treatment. Severe cases suggest surgery.


The main decoration of the Pekingese is the long luxurious wool with thick undercoat. Because of this feature They do not tolerate heat well and are often subject to heatstroke.

Rapid hard breath speaks of heatstroke. Correct maintenance is maintained in the dog keeping area temperature regime. This will preserve the pet’s health and protect against heatstroke.

Important! Don't leave your pet in a locked car in the heat. Heatstroke can lead to death.

In case of heatstroke the dog is taken to a cool place, the stomach is wiped with a cloth, moistened with cold water.

Make sure the bowl always contains fresh water. To prevent heat stroke in summer, anyone who does not plan to participate in exhibitions can give your Pekingese a haircut.

Anal gland problems

A common cause of constipation in Pekingese is blockage of anal glands. The glands are located near the anus.

If the dog tries to reach the butt with his teeth, rolls his butt on the floor, has difficulty bowel movement, That anal glands it's time to clean. The procedure is carried out in every veterinary hospital.

What to do if you have seizures

They are involuntary muscle contractions and are accompanied by painful sensations.


  • a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels;
  • liver damage;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • lack of calcium;
  • intoxication of the body.

During convulsions, remove objects that the dog can get hurt.

Convulsions vary in duration, rate of contraction, number of repetitions. Try to observe how long they last in your dog and which muscles tense:

  • several seconds pass, all muscles contract, the pace of contractions is jerky;
  • lasts several minutes, muscles contract slowly;
  • repeated several times over a short period of time, contractions are frequent.

Please note does the dog lose consciousness. The recorded information will help the veterinarian determine the cause, establish the disease, and begin treatment.

Important! If seizures last more than 10 minutes or occur more than twice a day, contact your veterinarian immediately.

How to treat urethritis in Pekingese

Urethritis is a disease of the genitourinary organs, in which the urethra becomes inflamed, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, which complicates the excretion of urine. The dog tries to go to the toilet and cannot. With urethritis, the temperature rises, thirst appears, and appetite disappears. Males are more often affected by this disease.


  • castration;
  • infection;
  • hypothermia (when lying on cold ground);
  • urolithiasis disease.

The medications and treatment regimen for urethritis are determined at the veterinary hospital. At infectious nature antibiotics are prescribed. If the cause is urolithiasis, then surgery to remove the stones is required. If there is a blockage in the urethra, your veterinarian will drain the urine through a catheter.

Tick ​​bite

Ticks are deadly dangerous diseases. The liver, spleen, kidneys, heart, and nervous system are affected. Because of the Pekingese's thick coat, it is difficult to detect these insects.

When bitten by a tick, the dog is lethargic within three hours, refuses food, she becomes nauseous. The pet's gait becomes uncertain, weakness of the hind limbs is observed, the temperature rises, the urine turns dark, there may be some blood.

The tick must be found and removed, so examine your dog carefully. Head, ears, neck - these are the “favorite” places. The bite site is moistened vegetable oil, wait 3-4 minutes, Unscrew the tick counterclockwise with tweezers.

If you have symptoms of illness, contact a veterinary hospital immediately! There they will prescribe treatment, give you an injection, and put on an IV.

remember, that determine the cause of your pet's illness and only a veterinarian can prescribe treatment.

Useful video

Video about luxation (loss) of the eyeball in a Pekingese:

It cannot be said that representatives of the Pekingese breed are sickly animals; on the contrary, Pekingese breed diseases are minimal. But sooner or later the dog may get sick, then the owner is faced with the question of how to treat the Pekingese at home and what conditions require immediate medical attention.

It’s worth making a reservation right away, in order for the Pekingese’s health to fail as rarely as possible, you should not treat vaccinations and vaccinations with disdain, considering them unnecessary. This is not so; leading veterinarians have already spoken out on this issue more than once, urging them to give all necessary vaccinations to their pets.

If your Pekingese happens to get sick, you need to be aware of what Pekingese diseases are typical for this breed and how to deal with them. This will be discussed further.

Eye diseases

Eye problems in Pekingese dogs occupy a leading place in the ranking of diseases of the breed. This is due to the special structure of the skull, due to which the eyeballs are not deeply set. Externally, this is manifested by the convexity of the body of the eye; more than 75% of the eye can be seen from the outside. For this reason, the dog’s eye is poorly protected from external influences, natural conditions, and also from possible injuries. For this reason, it is common to see a Pekingese with watery eyes. And the organ of vision requires more careful care.

It is not uncommon to hear from owners of Pekingese dogs that the eyes are the only organ that fails the dog’s health; otherwise, the pet is absolutely healthy. It is necessary to take this information into account when choosing a pet, since you, as the owner, must be able to provide first aid to the dog for eye problems, especially if it happened during a walk.

The most common eye diseases in Pekingese are:

  • Infectious lesion of the cornea of ​​the eye, causing discomfort and pain in the Pekingese (the eye is sour, cloudy)
  • Cataracts (eye diseases in older Pekingese dogs), manifested by loss of vision and cloudy pupils
  • Eyes fall out due to injury, etc.

You can try to treat inflammation of the cornea (when the eyes fester) on your own, by wiping the affected eye with an antiseptic solution using a local eye antibiotic in the form of drops.

It is worth talking about the loss of the body of the eye in more detail, since this can happen to a Pekingese at any age and the owner should know how to help the dog.

Eyeball prolapse

When buying a Pekingese, it is worth knowing that the Pekingese's eyes fall out under certain conditions. A dog can lose an eye after receiving a trivial injury to the Pekingese's eye. By the way, for this reason, it is not recommended to scold your pet in this way; it is better to choose an increase in tone or a light slap on the tail.

What to do if your dog's eye falls out? In order to provide first aid to your dog in case of eye loss, you should prudently carry a first aid kit with you on a walk. You need to take a piece of bandage or stamp (if you don’t have it, a handkerchief or a regular napkin can do), thoroughly moisten it with saline solution, then carefully, without pressing on the eye, try to hold it in your hand. It is worth saying that without the help of a veterinarian, it will not be possible to eliminate the injury and set the missing eye on your own; this requires qualified assistance from a veterinarian. Otherwise, the injury can only aggravate the eye problem and even deprive the Pekingese of knowledge.

Respiratory system diseases

Due to the same reason for the special structure of the skull, the Pekingese suffers from diseases of the respiratory organs. This is due to the fact that, due to the shortened nasal canal, the inhaled air does not have the opportunity to heat up sufficiently in the cold season, and accordingly cool down in the summer. In other words, we can say that the Pekingese has a disturbed thermoregulation system. For this reason, long walks in winter or in windy weather can result in the following diseases:

  • Tracheitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Laryngitis
  • Heatstroke

The following symptoms should alert you:

  • Heavy inhalation or exhalation
  • Noisy breathing (Pekingese open their mouths wide and try to inhale as much air as possible)
  • There is too frequent or infrequent breathing (the norm is about 15-30 breaths in 60 seconds)

As soon as you discover this in your pet, do not put off visiting the veterinarian. A dog may need not only drug therapy, but also, in particularly difficult cases, surgical intervention. And you, for your part, must care for the dog and provide peace for the Pekingese; without this, recovery is impossible.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Again, thanks to the special anatomical structure of the body, namely short legs and a fairly long body, the pet receives excessive stress on the spine. For this reason, the following diseases are often observed in the Pekingese's history:

  • Osteochondrosis
  • Hernia
  • Joint damage

There is a high probability of developing the above pathologies if the dog is overweight or has insufficient muscle development. But the most common cause of spinal problems is jumping from a height.

How to recognize problems with the spine

The first symptom of damage to the musculoskeletal system is constrained movements when walking, heavy lifting from a position, lying or sitting, as well as pain when touching the back. Already at this stage, urgent measures should be taken, otherwise paralysis may even develop over time. Obvious symptoms include lameness or lying on one side. Also, some noted a certain slowness, and even a change in the appearance of the limbs. Only a veterinary specialist can draw up a competent treatment regimen, using drugs to reduce inflammation, calcium to strengthen bone tissue, and so on.

Problems with stool

Pekingese dogs often have problems with stool; let’s look at all the causes and treatment of constipation and diarrhea in more detail.

Constipation in Pekingese

The cause of the disease in Pekingese can be the presence of a foreign body in the intestines, a too narrow anus, or errors in nutrition. If we talk about more serious diseases, a symptom of which constipation may be, these may be:

  • Oncology
  • Poisoning from chemicals or drugs
  • Intestinal obstruction and so on

How to help your Pekingese? The first aid that can be provided at home is a cleansing enema, the simplest treatment option. If the desired effect does not appear, you should try using one of the products that have a laxative effect. These can be: herbal preparations, oil preparations or pharmaceutical preparations.

If during observation it becomes clear that the cause of constipation is probably a spasm of smooth muscles, it is worth giving the Pekingese antispasmodic drugs - no-shpu or drugs with a similar effect.

In cases where constipation is caused by blockage of the anal glands, it is worth freeing them by squeezing out excess secretion. And after bowel movements are restored, it is necessary to place suppositories in the dog’s anus. It is recommended to use anusol or anestezol.

Diarrhea in Pekingese dogs

Diarrhea is defined as frequent defecation of liquid stool for a week or longer. Diarrhea can be caused by the following diseases:

However, the most common cause of loose, frequent stools is poor nutrition, namely food that is too fatty or spoiled.

How to treat diarrhea? Firstly, you need to stop feeding, it is advisable to withstand at least 24 hours of fasting. Instead of regular drinking water, your Pekingese can be given weak tea with a little sugar. The use of strengthening substances will also help: special herbal mixtures, as well as a decoction based on rice or oatmeal. The first medical aid, as in the case of diarrhea in humans, is activated charcoal.

When diarrhea is caused by microbes entering the dog’s body, the use of intestinal antibiotics is indicated, which can only be prescribed by a veterinarian. Since the Pekingese is a small dog, the loss of fluid caused by diarrhea can lead to dehydration in a matter of hours. To restore normal water balance in the body, the Pekingese is given drips with saline, glucose and rehydron. Usually, after a day of such therapy, the little patient’s condition stabilizes.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

You can suspect the presence of pathologies based on the following signs:

  • Cough
  • Labored breathing
  • Weakness
  • Fainting
  • Developmental delay in puppies
  • Blueness on the gums
  • Increased belly size

Serious diseases can cause pathologies of the cardiovascular system:

  • Hemophilia
  • Pathology of blood clotting
  • Acute liver failure
  • Heart attacks
  • Congenital anomalies of the heart and so on

Treatment of any of the above diseases should occur under the close supervision of the attending physician. Self-medication is fraught with fatal consequences for the Pekingese.

Temperature increase

Every dog, including representatives of the Pekingese breed, sooner or later faces the problem of fever.

Normal temperature readings for dogs should be about 39 degrees. Measurements are made in the opening of the rectum for 3-5 minutes.

The reason for the increase in temperature in the Pekingese may be:

  • Due to imperfect thermoregulation in Pekingese puppies
  • In the hot season, in adult representatives
  • For diseases caused by a virus or bacteria
  • During inflammatory processes, both external on the skin and in internal organs
  • For oncology
  • During food poisoning and so on.

When the pet's temperature exceeds 40 degrees, it must be brought down. For this purpose, antipyretic drugs are used: aspirin, ibufen, paracetamol. To achieve a faster effect, it is recommended to give preference to antipyretic candles. For dogs, cefekon, chlorpromazine and diphenhydramine with analgin are most often used. In the case when the column rises to 42 and above, it is worth using more radical methods - dousing with cold water or immersing in it.

Mouth problems

Due to the non-standard structure of the skull, the Pekingese breed often encounters congenital pathologies of the development of the palate. Among them are: cleft palate and too long soft palate. In the photo you can see in more detail what the disease looks like.

Cleft palate

A similar defect is often called a cleft palate; a similar pathology is often found in people. Externally, the disease manifests itself in the preservation of an opening between the mouth and nasal passage. It is usually possible to detect the disease even in the period when a newborn Pekingese begins to suck milk, as it has problems with this. Also, one of the symptoms of cleft palate is constant nasal discharge. The defect can only be eliminated on the operating table, otherwise, if the dog is not rid of the defect, the quality of life is significantly reduced.

The sky is too long

This defect is most often found in dogs with a short skull shape, which includes the Pekingese. Externally, the disease manifests itself as noisy breathing and incessant discharge from the nasal passages. The fact is that a Pekingese with such a Pekingese disease is not able to breathe through its nose on its own, but breathes with an open mouth. At night, you may hear snoring, accompanied by restless sleep. As in the case of cleft palate, the problem can only be solved surgically.

Diseases of the nose

A dog with shortened sinuses is unfortunately prone to nasal disease. The first problem that every Pekingese owner faces sooner or later is simple rhinitis or an infectious disease of the nasal sinuses. Externally, the disease manifests itself as a characteristic green discharge that has an unpleasant putrefactive odor. It is worth mentioning that the cause of rhinitis can be not only bacteria, but also a fungus, which will change the treatment of the disease. Depending on the nature of the causative agent of rhinitis, the Pekingese is prescribed an antibiotic or antifungal drug; this should be done by a veterinarian.

Age-related changes in health

As they age, Pekingese diseases become more and more common. Most often it affects the heart and urinary system. The most common diagnosis is urolithiasis, especially in older male dogs.

In addition to the reasons described above why a Pekingese can get sick, illness often occurs due to insufficient coat or skin care or poor quality nutrition. However, the results will most likely appear in old age, when it will not be so easy to help your pet. The most common chronic problems are:

  • Skin diseases (the skin becomes rough, ulcers form on the skin, lichen, scabies, etc. may develop)
  • Ear diseases
  • Tooth decay

You can alleviate your pet's condition by providing therapy aimed at improving your pet's quality of life.

Discopathy in dogs. Intervertebral hernia, medical history

Heart disease in dogs.

Cataracts in dogs, signs and treatment. Veterinarian advice

In conclusion, let’s say that the Pekingese is a dog with a certain set of characteristic diseases, the weakest point being eye diseases. You, as the owner, are obliged to know about their presence and be able to provide first aid to your pet.