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Doberman is a blue-blooded dog. Doberman: characteristics, photo, description, character, care Dog care

Doberman – amazing dog with a controversial reputation. Smart and incredibly fearless. Some consider him a vicious and determined watchman, while others consider him a reliable and good-natured friend for the youngest members of the family. It's all about him. And, all this is true! A dog with high intelligence has increased vigilance and responsibility for its family and protected territory. At the same time, she is capable of being tender and loving with those whom she considers her family.

What do those who want to adopt such a dog need to know about the breed? What should you prepare for in advance? What are the features of care, maintenance and training of this breed? Why is a dog interesting? You can find answers to all these questions in our article.

Family attachment 5

The breed is capable of true devotion and deep connection with its family, with people whom the dogs consider “their own”.

The Doberman must live with his family. This is liked by dogs who crave to feel like part of a family, to love its members, and to feel reciprocal love. Only then do representatives of this breed reveal all their best qualities. Faithful friends, devoted companions, affectionate and sweet dogs - this is how the owners describe Dobermans. It should be borne in mind that the breed is very sensitive to a change of owner.

Attitude towards children 4

Dogs get along well with children if they are raised and raised with them.

Dobermans take younger family members under their wing and protect and defend them in every possible way. However, it must be taken into account that the breed is wary of new people and new family members - problems may arise when a child appears in the family.

Attitude towards strangers 2

To avoid problems with guests at home, you need to take care of early socialization and proper education of the dog.

Dogs are capable of being friendly and loving towards your friends, relatives and guests. But keep in mind that dogs have highly developed watchdog characteristics, and their intuition is able to foresee dangers - the pet may be overly suspicious of strangers. This suspicion can develop into unjustified aggression.

Security qualities 5

Representatives of this breed are ideal guards.

Vigilant, fearless and decisive dogs are considered “security” of the highest category. Dogs are born to protect their owner. A sharp mind and developed intuition enable dogs to anticipate and predict dangerous situations. A dog, selflessly devoted to a person, is ready to protect its owner and members of his family at the cost of his life.

Guard qualities 5

Bad luck will come to those who decide to enter the property under the protection of the Doberman.

Just as these dogs guard humans, they resolutely rush to defend their territory. To be always on the alert is genetically inherent in dogs by nature.

Hair loss 3

The dog's short, smooth coat will not cause you much trouble.

Coat care involves daily wiping with a towel or massage mitten to collect loose lint.

General health 4

Dogs are prone to certain hereditary pathologies. Read more about them in the “Health” section.

Playfulness 5

Representatives of this breed are energetic and playful.

Dogs love to participate in everything that happens around them. They are happy to support any active activities and play with younger family members.

Tendency to train 5

Incredible intelligence, excellent memory and a great desire to learn something new make the Doberman one of the easiest to train breeds.

But don't think that training a dog won't require any effort from you. No, Dobermans require early socialization and training. In order for a dog to unconditionally obey its owner, he must have a certain strength of character and become a real leader for it.

History of the origin of the Doberman breed

Doberman is one of the few breeds whose name posthumously immortalizes the name of its creator. Initially, the breed was called the Doberman Pinscher, but later the prefix “pinscher” was removed from the name. Friedrich Louis Dauberman was a German tax collector and night policeman who worked at the city butchery in the town of Apolda in the mid-19th century. He had access to a large number dogs and selected the most vicious and intelligent of them for breeding work.

The breeder wanted to breed a smart one watchdog, who can protect him and the collected money from thieves. To do this, the German crossed Rottweilers, Thuringian Shepherds, German Pinschers and black and brown terriers. The breeder achieved his goal in the 70s of the 19th century. The breed of dog developed for its working characteristics began to be hired by the police, which gave it the name “gendarmerie dog”. Subsequently, work on the creation of the breed was continued by Otto Geller and Philipp Groening, who softened the overly aggressive character of the dog.

In 1897, three years after the death of Louis Dobermann, dogs of this breed were presented at an exhibition in Erfurt (Germany). And three years later the breed was officially recognized as. In America, the first Doberman was registered in 1908 with the American Kennel Club. The first breed club in America was created in 1921. In February 1994, the FCI breed standard was approved.

Description of the breed

The Doberman is a dog with an ideal anatomical build and a noble appearance. Behind the average size lies enormous energy and power, which are harmoniously combined with the grace of lines, noble posture and sophisticated exterior.

Breed standard

Exterior features according to the German FCI breed standard

  • Body type. Has practically square proportions. The height at the withers is 5-10% greater than the length of the body.
  • Back. Well-muscled, short and strong.
  • Small of the back. Wide, with well-developed muscles.
  • Limbs. The front ones are straight, with well-developed muscles. The hindquarters are strong, straight, and set parallel.
  • Paws. The front ones are short, gathered into a ball (cat-like). The claws are short and black.
  • Gait. Energetic, free, with sweeping, elegant movements.
  • Breast. Wide, with a pronounced front part.
  • Neck. Long, muscular, dry. It has a beautiful upward curved shape.
  • Head. Proportional, with highly developed muscles.
  • Scull. Shaped like a blunt wedge.
  • Muzzle. Developed. The opening of the mouth should reach the molars.
  • Nose. With well developed wide lobe and large nostrils. The nose is the color of the fur. Black dogs have black, brown dogs have brown.
  • Jaws. Strong and wide. The bite is scissor-shaped.
  • Ears. Vertically positioned and set high. They are bought in those countries where it is not prohibited by law.
  • Eyes. Dark, oval shape, medium size. Eyelids – dry, tight fitting.
  • Tail. Set high. It is docked in those countries where it is not prohibited by law up to the second caudal vertebra.
  • Coat. Short, smooth, hard, without undercoat. Adheres tightly to the skin.
  • Color. Black and tan and dark brown with tan. The tan marks can be rusty-red or reddish-red and have a clear shape.
  • Weight. Males – 40-45 kg, females – 32-35 kg.
  • Height at withers. Males – 68-72 cm, females – 63-68 cm.
  • How long do they live?. The average life expectancy is 13-16 years.

Breed characteristics

Thanks to its high learning ability, developed intelligence, courage and determination, the Doberman successfully copes with many tasks assigned to it. Dogs have historically been used for military service, in the police, as security guards and bodyguards. This involuntarily gave dogs a bad reputation - many are afraid of them, consider them too aggressive and dangerous.

In fact, these dogs are ready to take risks with every cell of their body and fearlessly rush to protect their territory and their family. But, in his soul and in relation to his people, he is a gentle, loving, devoted dog. Dogs are vigilant, but do not show unreasonable aggression - they simply stand guard and protect their family.

The breed is considered an ideal family companion - Dobermans need to feel like part of the family, its full member. They are incredibly happy to be around people and take part in all household chores. They need to see everything, control everything, without losing sight of anything. Dogs respond with trust and tenderness to the love of their owner. Yes, they are constantly on guard, protecting the interests of their person, but they are able to trust and be friendly towards guests and family friends.

For a dog to fully reveal all its best characteristics, it needs an owner-leader who will raise and train it. The dog needs active, long-term exercise and the ability to constantly solve some problems. Bored dogs capable of manifesting destructive behavior, damage property, organize “concerts”. For the same reason, dogs should not be left alone for long periods of time or kept alone in an enclosure in the backyard. The Doberman should live in a family next to a person.

Dogs have the highest intelligence and developed intuition; they react very sensitively to attitude towards themselves and the microclimate in the family. Dobermans intuitively distinguish between good and evil and amaze with their reaction to what is happening. In families where there is no agreement and constant quarrels occur, dogs become hot-tempered and uncontrollably aggressive.

The Doberman is friends with other pets if he grew up and was raised with them. But you need to be careful while walking. A dog may become aggressive if it believes that other people's dogs are threatening its owners.

Care and maintenance

If you are ready to raise and train a Doberman, walk him a lot and actively, then caring for and maintaining a dog will not cause you any special problems.

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We have already written about this, let us remind you again - dogs need to be kept in the family. It doesn’t matter what it will be: suburban a private house or city apartment. If you want to get a loyal friend, a balanced companion and a bodyguard all in one, do not separate your dog from your family. Do not trust advice on keeping Dobermans in outdoor enclosures. You don’t want to raise an evil and cowardly aggressor, do you?

The dogs feel great, and their short, smooth coat and average level of shedding do not cause much trouble for their owners. The only thing that needs to be ensured is regular active exercise and not leaving the dog alone for a long time. If everyone in the family works, get your pet a companion dog. Then she won't get bored while no one is home.

For normal mental and physical development of dogs of this breed, daily walks of many hours are necessary. Dobermans are very athletic and incredibly energetic; walks should be supplemented with training and games. The intensity of the training is increased gradually. Until 1.5-2 years of age, dogs are allowed only gentle exercise - this will protect musculoskeletal system from overloads.

What does care consist of?

Caring for your dog's coat involves weekly brushing with a massage brush or mitt. Some owners make it even simpler - they wipe the dog’s body with a damp towel. This is often enough to prevent you from finding dog hair all over the house. Dobermans shed moderately, so during the seasonal coat change, it is enough to carry out these procedures daily.

Dogs are bathed only when necessary if their fur is very dirty. The only thing that needs to be washed regularly is the dog’s paws after a walk in bad weather. Show-class dogs that participate in competitions are also bathed before shows. For bathing, use special products from pet stores. It is unacceptable to use human soaps and shampoos for this purpose.

Dogs' nails are trimmed as they grow. In the summer it is not necessary to do this - the dog itself grinds them off on asphalt and other hard surfaces. In winter, dogs walk less and cannot wear their nails off the snow, so they must be carefully trimmed with special pliers. carried out 1-2 times a month.

The dog's eyes should be cleaned daily after sleep to remove accumulated secretions. This is done with a damp cotton pad soaked in boiled water or chamomile decoction. If the discharge from the eyes acquires a greenish tint, you need to rinse your eyes with special eye drops(children or from veterinary pharmacy) and show the dog to the veterinarian.

Dog ears are usually cropped. This way they are better ventilated, but water, dust and other contaminants can get into them. Ears You need to check it carefully every week. Clean them with cotton pads soaked in ear lotions or drops from a veterinary pharmacy. It is unacceptable to use hydrogen peroxide or other aggressive agents to clean your ears.

Teeth are the calling card of any guard dog. Doberman is no exception! In order for them to serve the watchman and security guard faithfully, it is not enough to simply buy special bones. Oral cavity inspect daily for stuck bones or other foreign bodies. Everything that is found is removed using tweezers. Plaque on teeth is cleaned with a special paste and brush. Puppies from a very early age. For timely removal of tartar, the dog is shown to a veterinarian-dentist at least twice a year.


The breed was artificially bred and during long-term selection, breeders made a number of mistakes, which ultimately led to various genetic pathologies. Be careful when choosing a puppy. Request from breeders medical documents his parents and the results of genetic tests.

Genetic pathologies

  1. Cardiomyopathy. A disease of the heart muscle, characterized by thinning and expansion of the heart chambers. These dogs develop heart failure.
  2. Von Willebrand's disease. Congenital blood pathology characterized by disorders of blood clotting. Sick individuals experience excessive and prolonged bleeding after wounds and operations. Nosebleeds and internal hemorrhages are also possible. The disease has no cure.
  3. Progressive retinal atrophy. Pathology leads to complete or partial blindness.
  4. Hip dysplasia. Genetic defect, in which the thigh bones do not fit tightly into the hip joint. In dogs it manifests itself as lameness. In old age, the disease develops into arthritis.
  5. Wobbler syndrome. A congenital malformation of the cervical vertebrae, characterized by their instability. Causes pain in the cervical spine and can lead to paralysis of the hind limbs due to constant compression of the spinal cord.
  6. Albinism. Another possible genetic pathology. It is a mistake to think that an albino Doberman is just a white dog. No, dogs with the albinism gene have blue or light eyes, pink nose and skin. These dogs are prone to various problems with the eyes, they are more likely to develop malignant neoplasms.
  7. Color mutant alopecia (baldness). This pathology is popularly called “blue Doberman syndrome.” With this condition, over time, dogs' hair becomes weakened and brittle, resulting in bald patches on the dog's body, possibly complete baldness. The color weakening gene is to blame for this.
  8. Hypothyroidism. Disorders of the thyroid gland, which leads to thickening of the skin and hair loss. Dogs require lifelong hormone therapy.
  9. Narcolepsy. Pathology of the development of the central nervous system. The dog is experiencing sleep disturbances. Pets with this disease may suddenly fall asleep while actively awake. Such attacks happen to them several times a day.

Tendency to other diseases

  1. . Allergy sufferers are common among dogs of this breed. Allergies can be to pollen, mold, food and household chemicals.
  2. Stomach bloating (dilatation, torsion). The pathology often occurs in dogs with deep chests. Dangerous condition, which can be fatal.
  3. Obesity. The problem is dogs that receive excessively high-calorie food with insufficient physical activity. It is important to create a balanced diet for your dog from the first days of its life in your home and control the amount of food consumed.


Majority genetic pathologies are revealed by the results medical tests. Don't forget to ask for them from breeders when purchasing a puppy.


The breed is considered one of the easiest to train. This is true! Dogs are distinguished by an inquisitive mind, good intelligence and memory. But these characteristics both make it easier and more difficult to work with the dog. An intelligent and quick-witted dog quickly senses the owner’s weakness and indecisiveness. Dobermans must be trained and trained by a self-confident person who can immediately put the pet in its place and show it “who’s boss.”

Puppies begin training as soon as they cross the threshold of their new home. They do this consistently and persistently, ensuring that the child strictly adheres to discipline. If something is forbidden to do, the puppy should not be allowed to do it under any pretext. No permissiveness even at a very early age! You can’t ask for and take food from the table, that means you can’t! Follow the rules strictly yourself and ask all family members to do the same.

Violence in raising Dobermans is unacceptable! No cruelty - the dog will harbor anger and then take it out on you or your household. Patience, persistence and affectionate encouragement with a word or a treat for a completed command are the components of your success. If you feel that you are unable to do this, it is better to contact professional dog handlers. A well-bred Doberman can become the pride of its owner, but a poorly trained dog be his punishment.

  1. Train your puppy through play. Doberman puppies love to play, and adults will not refuse this. But the game shouldn't be a competition. Victory should always be on the owner’s side, for example, when you take away a stick or ball, the object should remain in your hands.
  2. You cannot start training in bad mood, dogs sense this and will not listen to you.
  3. First, dogs are taught the basic commands: “Ugh!”, “Sit!”, “Place!”, “Come to me!” The commands are patiently repeated in the process ordinary life and caring for the dog: grooming, feeding, bathing.
  4. Commands begin to be practiced in a familiar home environment. When the dog can do them, they move on to training outside, but not in a busy place. In a crowded place, commands are practiced only when the dog has fully learned to carry them out.
  5. Commands “Quiet!”, “Aport!”, “Near!” They are introduced to training after 4 months of age.
  6. Mastering new commands begins with 15 minutes, then the training time is increased.
  7. The general training course begins to be studied upon reaching 6 months of age.

Doberman training video:

What and how to feed a Doberman

When composing a Doberman's diet, one must take into account that this is a fairly large, active dog with high energy needs. You can stop at natural nutrition or feeding with prepared industrial feeds. Main condition correct menu For this breed, dogs need a lot of protein food.

Natural nutrition

When compiling natural diet The volume of the daily portion is calculated using the formula - 2-3% of the dog’s weight. At increased activity Doberman's volume can be increased to 5% of its weight. Portion for puppies and adolescents – 6% of weight. The number of feedings gradually decreases from 4 at the age of 1-4 months, 3 from 5 to 12 months, to 2 after 1 year.

What does a natural diet consist of:

  1. Lean meat - beef, turkey, rabbit, lamb. An adult dog needs 500-700 grams. meat daily. The meat is cut into pieces and pre-frozen for 2-3 days. Minced meat is not suitable for feeding a dog - useful material from minced meat are not digestible by animals due to the short digestive tract.
  2. By-products – chicken gizzards, beef and chicken heart.
  3. Unpeeled raw tripe.
  4. Raw chicken necks.
  5. Lean fillet sea ​​fish- 2-3 times a week.
  6. Low-fat dairy products– fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, kefir.
  7. Vegetables, fruits, greens - zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers, cauliflower and White cabbage, beets, lettuce, parsley, green beans.
  8. Raw quail egg– it is kneaded together with the shell into a fermented milk bowl.
  9. Bran.
  10. Vegetable oil – olive, flaxseed, unrefined sunflower. The oil is given a few drops along with the vegetables.
  11. Raw bones. Large (oils).
  12. Prebiotics.

With this type of nutrition, dogs are prescribed vitamin and mineral complexes in accordance with the age and condition of the dog.


Make sure your dog has 24/7 access to clean drinking water. Bottled or filtered is best. The water bowl is washed daily, the water is changed 2 times a day.

Industrial feed

Feeding ready-made food is convenient because you do not need to independently calculate the portion size and ensure that the dog gets everything necessary substances. Composition of quality industrial feed is already balanced, and the required serving size is indicated on the package.

The only thing the owner should take care of is choosing the right brand of food. For Dobermans, premium, super-premium and holistic food classes are suitable for active dogs medium size.

The best food for a Doberman:

  • Innova EVO Dog (USA) – high-quality holistic;
  • Orijen Adult Dog (Canada) – holistic for adult dogs;
  • Acana Pacifica (Canada) – dry diet based on fish, “holistic” class;
  • Acana Heritage Sport & Agility Grain Free (Canada) – for active and sporting breeds;
  • Canidae Grain-free ALS formula (USA) – grain-free formula with chicken, turkey, lamb and ocean fish;
  • 1st Choice Dog Adult Medium & Large Breeds (Canada) – formula for dogs of medium and large breeds;
  • GO! Daily Defense Lamb Meal Recipe (Canada) – with dietary lamb meat for adult dogs.


Black and Tan

The most common color was the first to be recognized by all breed standards. Only he was present in the first approved Doberman breed standard. This color modern dogs inherited “butcher dogs” from their ancestors. Black wool comes in two shades: anthracite (a shiny black) and a deep black that glows red in the light. The scorch marks have clear outlines and the color of rust.

Chocolate and tan

The second universally recognized color. The dogs have dark brown or red-brown fur and tan markings of a red-rust or red-rusty hue.

Blue and tan

The dogs' fur is steel-blue in color, and their heads have a silver tint. The tan marks have a bleached red color. Blue color is recognized as the standard in America; in Europe, breeding of such dogs is prohibited due to genetic health problems.

Isabella (fawn)

The rarest color of the Doberman. Coat color is silver-beige. Can be plain or roan. Isabella color is recognized only by British and American standards.

Main questions

We have a private house. We want to adopt a Doberman to guard the yard. Is kennel keeping suitable for this breed?

No. These dogs need constant human contact. In an enclosure, a Doberman will grow up angry and fearful. In addition, the dog has short hair and is very sensitive to cold.

I know that Dobermans have their tails and ears docked. I have never looked after such dogs. I'm afraid that I won't be able to position my ears correctly.

It is not necessary to dock at all - modern breed standards allow both options.

We want to get a Doberman as our first dog. Who is better to take: a bitch or a dog?

For inexperienced dog owners, females are more suitable. They do not strive for leadership; they are easier to train.

Does this breed need clothing?

Yes. Our climate is too cold for these short-haired dogs. For walks in wet and cold seasons, you will need a special blanket.

Is it dangerous to take a Doberman into a house where there is a cat?

You can adopt, but you will need to work hard on socializing the dog. If a puppy grows up next to other pets, he will not offend him and may even become friends.

What is better for keeping representatives of this breed: your own home or a city apartment?

Dogs feel great in any conditions. The main thing is that you must be ready to implement their activity.

Tell me, is the dwarf Doberman a type of Doberman? Or an independent breed?

The correct name of this breed is . Sometimes they say mini Doberman or miniature pinscher. There is no relationship between the Doberman and Miniature Pinscher breeds. But the dogs have a similar exterior and character.

Who is the breed suitable for?

  1. Active and sports people. The dog needs to be active all the time, walk a lot, run, and train. You won't be able to lie down on the couch with him. But you can do skijoring, canicross, and agility with your Doberman.
  2. For housewives. A companion dog needs the constant presence of its owner. If you work from home or just do housework, take a look at the Doberman. He will thank you with his devotion and love.
  3. For experienced dog owners. The breed requires a professional approach to education and training.

Who is the breed not suitable for?

  1. Infantile people. The owner of a Doberman must have a strong character in order to immediately show the dog who is the leader of the pack. Otherwise, a smart dog will not follow commands and obey. If you’re not sure you can handle it, start one.
  2. Inactive phlegmatic people. If you are not ready to walk your dog for 3-4 hours a day, train it on the playground, play active games on the street and at home, do not get a Doberman. There are many breeds in the world that will happily lie on the couch with you while you watch your favorite TV series. For example, or.

Doberman is an amazing breed of dog. They ideally combine leadership and fighting qualities, perseverance, loyalty, devotion and obedience. Once in a loving environment, they will become true friends and will actively participate in the life of the family as full members. But when getting a dog, every novice dog owner worries about how long it will take... Doberman lives. and how to create ideal conditions for his life. It is these main issues that our article is devoted to.

What determines the life expectancy of a Doberman?

Lifespan of a Doberman , like dogs of other breeds, depends on many factors:

  • Heredity. It is no secret that there are a number of diseases that are inherited, that is, from parents to children. If the bitch from whom the puppies were born suffered from any pathology, then most likely it will also be passed on to the puppies. That is why it is so important to buy “cubs” not from the hands of imaginary dog ​​breeders, but directly from the nursery, where you will be provided not only with a puppy document, but also veterinary passport the animal, and, if necessary, the parents’ passport.
  • Proper care. Of course, Dobermans are not Yorkshire terriers or Pomeranian Spitz that require careful daily care. The maintenance of Dobers is quite simple. It is enough to clean the ears weekly, trim the nails and bathe if necessary. But, do not forget that Doberman Pinschers have short hair, so it is extremely important for them to always be warm and not get too cold. For the winter it is better to stock up on a warm wardrobe.
  • Is it possible keep a Doberman outdoors? Of course you can, because first of all it is a guard dog. But, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly for street maintenance. Everything should be thought through down to the smallest detail. The dog must have a spacious enclosure, located in such a place that the view of the territory is maximum. The animal should not feel isolated. Ideally, the structure should be removable. Firstly, it will be more convenient to put things in order. Secondly, insulate or, conversely, remove all excess, depending on the season. You definitely need a booth - a secluded place for the dog to rest, insulated with heated floors and walls for the winter. In the summer it will be unnecessary. It is better to lay straw in the enclosure; it is hygienic and can be easily changed. IN free access There should be water, a bowl of food, and toys. But, having placed the animal in an enclosure, do not delude yourself too much: as if walks are not needed, the dog is already on duty around the clock. fresh air. The peculiarity of dogs of this breed is that they are extremely mobile and love to lead an active lifestyle. It is for this reason that it is so important for them to release their accumulated energy at least twice a day. If the dog is deprived of such an opportunity, then trouble will not be avoided. Firstly, it is possible that the pet will start mischievousness and frolic right in the enclosure or in the area in front of the house. Anything can fall under the merciless paws and fangs: a favorite rose, an unfinished barn or small livestock. Secondly, the dog can come to terms with the current situation and accept the “sofa” lifestyle as the norm. Then health problems, obesity and development are likely oncological diseases. Which, by the way, are the most common diseases in Dobermans. Any dog ​​aged six to eight years is at risk. Therefore, carefully monitor the health and well-being of your pet and if there is the slightest deviation from the norm in the dog’s behavior, contact a veterinary clinic for advice.
  • Everything that was said about keeping a Doberman on the street meant that the dog was in a temperate climate, where severe frosts were excluded, and for owners of private houses with local areas. It is not recommended for residents of small apartments to purchase a large dog. Spacious city apartments are suitable for a Doberman to live comfortably, provided that he has his own permanent place, ideally a room or storage room.
  • Nutrition. About the benefits of healthy and good nutrition everyone knows. Moreover, this benefit is important both for the human body and for any other living creature. The well-being and life expectancy of the animal will directly depend on how rich the food is in vitamins, minerals and other useful micro and macro elements. You can purchase already finished products at the pet store. Dry food has a wide range for all occasions: for puppies, young, aged, healthy, with various diseases, for pregnant, lactating, active dogs, from budget to expensive premium luxury. If your financial situation allows, it is better to give preference to more expensive products, since they contain natural vitamins and elements, not substitutes or flavorings. Also, you can take care of yourself Doberman nutrition and prepare food daily. We cannot say that it will be less costly, especially in terms of time. You will have to cook a lot and preferably a variety of dishes. Meat, offal, fish, dairy products, vegetables, cereals and fruits - all this should be on the animal’s menu.
  • Lifespan of a Doberman depends on the psycho-emotional state of the animal. A balanced, mentally healthy dog ​​will not provoke himself and others into rash actions. Fine well behaved dog behaves with dignity and does not show malice or aggression.

Lifespan of a Doberman on average from twelve to fifteen years, subject to correct care and maintenance. Only in this case will the pet stay with you for a long period in good health. Love your four-legged friends, take care of them, and they will definitely respond to you with loyalty, devotion and sincere love.

At first glance, the Doberman appears to be an uncontrollable dog, but in fact it is an intellectually developed, easy-to-train breed.

Its representatives are distinguished by their boundless devotion to their owner, passion and high fighting spirit. They are always vigilant, ready at any moment to defend their owner and his family.

In contact with


Breed characteristics

There are no absolutely identical representatives of a dog pack, but all Dobermans are united by the same way of thinking and temperament.

They are called animals with human thinking. They understand and analyze everything.

Except they can't say it out loud. Then sign language and facial expressions come to the rescue. They have the most pronounced speed reaction. While the other dog is busy with one thing, this one will redo a dozen different things.

During training, the pet observes and tries to imitate the actions of a person. He can try and make mistakes. It seems that the animal is capable of reasoning. You shouldn’t be surprised that the dog opens the door on its own and pulls up a chair. Some even make an attempt to “plant” flowers torn out from the flowerbed in their place. At the same time, they amaze with their sense of humor and mischievous character. The Doberman is characterized by certain traits and a peculiar temperament:

  • martial spirit, determination, passion, desire to go to the end under any circumstances;
  • pronounced hunting instincts;
  • loyalty to man who raises him;
  • lack of trust in strangers;
  • high intelligence;
  • good learning ability;
  • bravery.

At the same time, he is very playful. It is characterized by good endurance. Has developed muscles. The combination of these qualities allows the animal to claim primacy among the best working dogs.

How long does a Doberman live?

For duration life cycle dogs are affected by diet. At proper diet, which corresponds to the age characteristics and needs of the pet, its health does not cause problems. According to statistics, representatives of this breed live up to 12-15 years. They are full of energy when feeding is balanced. Choose quality feed, give only fresh food. If useful components not enough, the animal will get sick and lack energy.

In order for your pet to feel good, he needs to be taken to the veterinarian for a preventive examination once a year and vaccinated on time. With careful care and good nutrition your four-legged friend will delight you with his company for a long time. If you don't take good care of your dog, it will live much shorter.

Breed standards

In general, the dog looks elegant, well-developed muscles are visible. One feels strength and power, but at the same time the appearance does not seem rude. It is no different in its massiveness. The graceful dog has a perfectly proportional body.

For boys, the typical height is from 68 to 72 cm, and for girls - between 63-68 cm at the withers. The best option is the average size of the animal. If it is too large, this is a sign of imbalance in the body, not an indicator good health. The body weight of males is 40-45 kg, and that of females - from 32 to 35. The outline of the body resembles a square - the length of the body is no more than the height of the dog. A difference of up to 5% is allowed in males.


It is wedge-shaped, emerging smoothly from a long, graceful neck. The transition between the forehead and the deep muzzle is clearly visible. The nose is wide. The cheeks are muscular and toned. The lips are located close to the teeth. The eyes are medium in size and have the shape of an elongated oval. Cropped ears stand upright.


The withers protrude, abruptly turning into a short back. The ribs appear slightly on the convex chest. The tummy is tucked. The tail is set high. If it is docked, the first two vertebrae remain. The length of the paws matches the outline of the body.


The coat is hard, short, lying close to the body. There is no undercoat. Possible different variants color - from pure black to dark shades of brown. Orange or red markings stand out. They are located on specific areas of the body - on the cheeks, above the eyes, on chest, on the paws.

Price of puppies

Before purchasing, it is useful for fans of this breed to study different market offers and get acquainted with the factors influencing the final cost. A dog purchased second-hand or at a poultry market is unlikely to be of pure blood. If you don’t have the opportunity to see the baby’s parents in person, and the seller doesn’t have the documents, no one can guarantee that this is a real Doberman. If the price of a baby does not exceed $80-90, then it is a mestizo - a descendant of a gene carrier and a representative of another breed. In appearance, it may hardly differ from its purebred counterparts. There are several price categories for puppies from the nursery:

From 110 to 280 $ - animals with slight deviations from generally accepted standards are excellent for raising in a family as a pet.
In the range of $280-410 - Dobermans for breeding.
From $410 and above – executive class, pets with an ideal pedigree.
On average, it turns out that you can buy a baby for $250-350.

What is their character?

Legends are made about the evil disposition of Dobermans, perpetuating this stereotype with videos of them being used during combat operations and in police service.

This is not a reason to doubt the representatives of this breed. They do not belong to the category of completely harmless dogs, but are easy to train and control.


He will behave peacefully with family members who live with the dog under the same roof. The Doberman will not touch or avoid those who are weaker than him. Shows respect for all members of the household, including other pets.

He gets very used to children and will not allow himself to offend them. He will not knock the child down during joint fun, and will not snatch the available delicacy from his hands.


It manifests itself in everything. The pet knows when and to what extent to be angry, and when to show calm. Can distinguish good behavior from bad actions. Excessively excitable, difficult to control individuals become the result of an incorrect attitude towards the animal. That's great rarity. They also don’t look like spineless good-natured people. The basis of their kindness lies in self-confidence, staying in a safe zone. At the moment of threat, they instantly increase their combat readiness, rushing to save their owner. Guarding instinct in the dog's blood. Together with competent training, you will have a permanent bodyguard.

Strength and grace

The animal understands everything instantly, learns very quickly, but can show rancor.

A properly tamed Doberman becomes the best four-legged friend. To do this, the owner must be smarter and stronger in character.

At the same time, you need to love your pet. Then he will be able to objectively assess the situation, will obedient dog. He is also distinguished by his instant reaction, grace, and courage. Endowed with self-esteem and powerful strength.

What you need to know about parenting

Representatives of this breed need early training. Long-term walks are also preferred. It is better to shape your pet’s character and habits from childhood. He has well-developed powers of observation and thinking. If the puppy ever senses your weakness, he will manipulate you to his advantage. To prevent this from happening, always be consistent and persistent in the parenting process.

Attitude to classes

Smart kids love learning new skills. Training and work are the favorite activities of dogs of this breed. But they need to be kept in sight at all times. When your puppy loses interest in a game or task, end the training immediately. You shouldn’t force it, otherwise next time you will encounter insurmountable stubbornness. Continue as soon as he is rested and enthusiastic. Then you will get a good result.

Aggression Management

According to its natural characteristics, this is a rather vicious dog. He has enough alertness and fearlessness from birth. There is no need to experiment or provoke the animal to display aggressive behavior. First of all, this applies to puppies and young individuals. Proper upbringing will provide you with a good watchman, so don't deliberately anger him. At the same time, the owner himself must be organized, have a stable nervous system, have the makings of a leader, strong willpower. The owner's excessive nervousness and cruelty can subsequently set a bad example for the dog, which imitates some of the human behavior.

Origin story

The founder of the breed was Carlos Doberman, who wanted to have a brave dog. In the middle of the 19th century, he collected taxes from the population, and in the process of work there were often clashes with angry citizens. The employee adored dogs, but had not yet been able to find one that would make him feel protected. Then he decided to create it himself.

In 1870, a man purchased a pair of pinscher puppies at an exhibition. They were distinguished by their fierce disposition and fearlessness. Their union gave the world a baby named Bismarck. From this moment the process of crossing with representatives of different breeds began. Carlos did not write down the results of his work, his observations. Now it is impossible to reliably say who exactly he used for selection. These were probably the ancestors of the Rottweiler, Shepherd and Cattle Dog.

The Doberman was officially recognized in 1898. Representatives of this breed immediately gained enormous popularity. They began to be used for army or police service. They only took in balanced animals, so we can say with confidence that they have a stable psyche. Everything else depends on the upbringing and personality of the owner.

If you decide to get a puppy, make every possible effort to qualitatively shape its character, love it deeply, but in moderation. Then you can count on a devotee four-legged friend who will reciprocate your kind attitude and care. The Doberman will protect your peace of mind and guard your home comfort.

Having decided to own one, potential owners go through many options. In most cases, the question of choosing a pet depends on its character, appetite and the living conditions of the owner. Of course, everyone wants the dog to be energetic and loyal - there are many such lines. We will learn about one of them by getting acquainted with the “guest” of the review - the Doberman dog, and we will begin by studying its characteristics.

Description and photo

  • Origin: Germany.
  • Group: Working. Used as a service, search or guard dog.
  • Recognized by: ACR, AKC, ANKC, APRI, CKC, FCI, NKC, NZKC, UKC.
  • Lifespan: 8–12 years.
  • Litter: 3–8 puppies.
  • Coat color: Black, brown, less often - brown with a yellowish tint or black with a blue tint.
  • Wool length: Short.
  • Shedding: Short.
  • Dimensions: “At the withers” males grow to 68–72 cm, females are slightly inferior to them (63–68 cm).
  • Weight: 40–45 kg (males), 30–35 kg (females).

This is a fairly large animal with well-developed muscles. Looking at the photographs, you can see that the body is perfectly proportioned, and the main lines of the body almost outline a square. Thanks to this, Dobermans run very fast.

The dog is also distinguished by a proud, upright posture, which seems to emphasize his confidence in his abilities. Add here the “signature” erect ears, and it will become clear why the Doberman service dog does not lose its popularity.
The breed standard also provides for the following features:

  • A narrow head, the two upper lines of which run parallel and are separated by a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The forehead line is lowered to the cheekbones with a slight transition. The head is clearly separated from the nape.
  • Wide muzzle with tightly closed lips. 42 teeth have a scissor bite. The skin is stretched tightly, and the flat muscles are emphatically dry, almost sculpted.
  • Dark eyes average size. Dogs with brown or bluish coats may have a lighter tint.
  • The nose is the same tone as the overall color.
  • The neck is dry and muscular, set high and in harmony with the proportions of the body and head.
  • Well developed long withers (especially in males).

  • A short, strong back, turning into a powerful loin and sloping croup. The ribs are lowered to approximately the ulnar line. From the edge of the sternum, the abdomen is expressively tucked in, and a characteristic undercut is visible from the side.
  • The forelimbs stand at right angles. Plumb forearms are straight, elbows tucked to the chest. The round paws are brought together into a ball.
  • The hind limbs are distinguished by well-developed muscles and a large stroke angle. Toes on paws are not dewclaws.
  • Dobermans have free movements; they have a sweeping and light step. Both pairs of legs touch the ground at the same time, the front ones are carried far forward, while the rear ones provide the necessary force.

How the breed appeared

This line is considered young - its first representative was shown to the public in 1876.

By their appearance these strong dogs owe to Friedrich Louis Dobermann, who worked in the modest position of tax inspector.

It was he who came up with the idea of ​​bringing out a new guard breed. According to one version, he was prompted to do this by the need to protect himself from intractable debtors.

This is probably just a legend - the breeder’s notes have not survived to this day, and one can only guess about the true motives.

It is believed that the prototype of all Dobermans was the miniature pinscher, which Louis intended to enlarge. This is true, but to get the first result the German had to work for a long time on crossing different breeds.
It is known for certain that in this process, in addition to pinschers, German and French shepherds (smooth-haired Beaucerons), English greyhounds, etc. took part. There was also an “admixture” of setters, pointers, Great Danes and various terriers.

The result was a dog similar to its miniature “ancestor”, but with impressive size and power. Dobermann's success was appreciated after his death (1894), assigning his surname to the entire breed.

Did you know? The first Dobermans were brought to the Russian Empire in 1902 - all of them were bought for police work. The animals quickly proved their professional suitability, and the dog named Tref became a detective legend; many newspapers of that time wrote about him.

Over the past 40 years, albinos have been actively bred, in which the usual brown or black fur is replaced with white. It looks impressive, but they soon found out that this is the result of a gene mutation, which seriously affects the dog’s health (especially the eyes).

Puppy selection criteria

Even before purchasing a pet, it is worth deciding for what purpose such an acquisition is being made. If you want to raise a “star” of exhibitions and shows, you will have to visit a lot of nurseries (at the same time forking out a lot of money), and in the future - provide enhanced. When you need a security guard for your home or just true friend, the task becomes a little easier.
To become the owner of a healthy puppy, pay attention to such factors:

  • Age(at least 9 weeks). Until this point, primary vaccination and prophylaxis must be carried out. The same applies to tail docking (in the first week of life) and ears. The seller is obliged to provide documents indicating all procedures with dates.
  • General state. A clean, shiny coat is good, but try petting your puppy again while feeling the skin. In a healthy animal it is a little free, with some reserve for growth. Scars from cupping at this age will already heal.
  • Take a closer look at the eyes. An attentive, clear look, along with the absence of dirt and mucus on the corners and inner folds, indicates that the baby is fine.
  • Weight. A well-groomed puppy of this age will weigh 8–9 kg (females are lighter than males).

Important! In a trusted nursery you will be given a pedigree up to the fourth generation and the so-called AKC blue form for registration. If the puppy is “assigned” to the previous owner, they are given a white form, on which the previous data is indicated on one side, and the other remains blank- information about the buyer is entered there.

  • Number of puppies in the litter. A one-time “brood” of 4–5 (less often 6) dogs is considered optimal.
  • Character. Males are more impulsive and active, while females are flexible and more willing to make contact.
  • Pedigree. A smart breeder will always let you see the mother of the puppies. If the dog does not show aggression and has a good appetite, then there is no need to worry about the offspring. Naturally, she will try to protect them, but without excessive zeal.

Conditions of detention are also important. A nursery with cramped, musty enclosures will not the best option for purchase. In an effort to save money, some buy cheaper, not paying attention to this point.

And in vain - keeping a puppy in isolation can make him timid, and violating his diet, on the contrary, will only make him angry. And this becomes a problem for the new owner, who does not understand why a clumsy and funny Doberman puppy grew into a naughty killer dog.

Where will the Doberman live?

An active dog needs space. The ideal option would be private house with a large plot.

It is impossible to accustom such a handsome man to a leash. This will cause more harm What's the benefit - your appetite will immediately disappear, and the apathy that has appeared will at some point turn into an outburst of anger.

It is advisable that the area be fenced. The fact is that an inquisitive puppy can run out into the street and get hit by a car. Many breeders simply will not sell a dog if they find out that the yard is “through”.
In the warm season special difficulties with no - the animal sleeps calmly in the open air, guarding the entrusted area. But when cold weather sets in, you will have to prepare a large, insulated one for wintering (short wool does not protect against frost). There is no need to close it - your pet needs it frequently.

Did you know? In 1907, a regimental kennel for military field dogs began operating in Peterhof. At the beginning of the First World War, 300 of its “graduates” were sent to the front, where they performed guard and relay functions, and also helped to establish communications.

Neighborhood with other dogs can result in difficulties, because Dobermans, regardless of age, are wary of their “colleagues”. Therefore, it is better for the dog to be alone, this will eliminate such conflicts.

Dog care

No special conditions are required here, but regularity is extremely important. In short, care comes down to, not to mention frequent “walking”.


There are no problems with a short, straight “coverage”. In most cases, the dog independently shakes off all the specks and dust that get there.

In this regard, a minimum of effort is required on the part of the owner in the form of weekly combing. The manipulation is done carefully and specially. It should not be too hard so as not to accidentally scratch the skin.

"Duty" water procedures in the form of rubbing with a wet towel are done every week. This simple method moisturizes the skin, while simultaneously removing dead skin and removing dried dirt.
A more thorough “bath” using special shampoo is carried out once every 2-3 months (although many increase the break to six months). It looks like this:

  • before bathing, the coat is combed;
  • Apply the shampoo carefully, trying not to get it into your eyes;
  • After the foam is washed off, the wool is thoroughly wiped with a dry towel.

Note that liquids for “human” hygiene are not suitable here - they have a completely different rigidity, and they are designed for a different skin density.

Eyes, ears, claws

The eyes of these dogs are deep-set, which is why mucus accumulates in the corners, forming a persistent “sourness.” Knowing this, the owners inspect this area daily. Having seen deposits, carefully wipe the area with pieces. soft fabric(changing them for each eye).

Do not disdain to take a closer look at the color of the discharge. Gray or yellow mucus can be removed using Optrex. If they appear too often, along with redness of the eyes, then immediately go to the veterinarian.
Ears are checked every week. At the same time, they are thoroughly wiped, removing accumulated dirt or grease. For such purposes, take fabric (cotton or wool) or cotton pads lightly moistened in a special lotion. Cleaning is done to a shallow depth, without using sharp objects.

When sulfur “plugs” appear, veterinary services are used ear drops or other oil-based cleaners intended for use on animals.

The claws grow very quickly - they have to be trimmed once a week (maximum one and a half weeks). The difficulty is that through the black claws it is impossible to see the vein running in the claw. To prevent bleeding, trim the very ends using guillotine scissors. For puppies, they even use manicure files with a fine cut.

Did you know? There is a small monument to the Doberman on the island of Guam. On its base are the names of 25 dogs who served in the US Marine Corps and died in the performance of their duties.

It happens that through negligence a vein is cut. Don't panic - immediately treat the cut with permanganate.
While working on the claws, take a look at the paws as well. Most often, various seeds and thorns get stuck into the pads, which must be removed immediately. Such inspections should be daily. By wasting time, you risk your dog's health - an undetected cut or crack can turn into a swollen blister in a few days.


They are extremely necessary for an athletically “tailored” agile dog with fairly long legs.

Daily walks are required. They can take place in different ways, but they definitely stimulate physical activity.
Consider the age of the pet. A puppy will only need short trips to the park or the street together, while a grown-up Doberman will be happy to accompany you on a run. For an adult animal, pace no longer plays a special role - they can easily run next to a bicycle.

But there are also some nuances. For example, when meeting other dogs, not only natural curiosity may appear, but also some aggression. This fact will have to be taken into account.

Important! Two-month-old puppies usually undergo a series of simple tests to determine how trainable they are and whether they are suitable for working with people. A simple example: move a little away from the dog, make sure that he notices your movement, and watch his reaction (no need to call him). If he runs up, you’ll work together without difficulty.

Making up a diet

The Doberman Pinscher loves to eat, and the very description of the breed suggests this conclusion.

Particular attention is paid to “young animals” under the age of 1 year. They require an extremely balanced diet that will cover the needs of a growing body and at the same time replenish “energy” losses.
Here is an example of such a diet:

  • A one-month-old baby is fed 5–6 times a day. This number of approaches is divided into 450–500 ml of milk, 200–250 g of meat, 75–100 g of cereals, 100–150 g of cottage cheese, up to 150 g of vegetables and one chicken egg yolk.
  • At the 2-3rd month of life, food intake is no longer so frequent (3-4 times). 50 g of vegetables and cereals are added to the “ration”, and 100 g of meat.

Important! In hot weather, wet wipes are done especially often. Short hair does not at all guarantee special “heat resistance” (especially in black dogs).

  • A five-month-old dog eats a maximum of 3 times a day. For one day she will need up to 600 g of meat, 0.5 liters of milk, 200 g of cottage cheese and cereals. There are slightly fewer vegetables - 150 g, and for dessert once a week they give a whole chicken egg.
  • A one-year-old pinscher will already require 700 g of meat and 500 g of cottage cheese daily. 300–400 g of cereals and vegetables are eaten. They begin to gradually add fish (700 g are given no more than once a week). This scheme will continue in the future.

The appetite, as you can see, is truly brutal. But when you get acquainted with this list, the question arises: what exactly should you give your dog? It's not a secret.
For normal development the following are suitable for food:

  • lean raw beef or not particularly rich pork (it will have to be thoroughly boiled);
  • cottage cheese;
  • curdled milk and kefir;
  • omelette;
  • millet;
  • buckwheat or rice;
  • cereals;
  • bran;
  • boiled fish without bones and “guts”;
  • raw carrots and cabbage in the form of salad.

There are also dishes that are best avoided. Among them:

Breed training

Rumor ascribes to these dogs a ferocious disposition. This is only partly true. Dobermans are aggressive only in cases where the owner is in danger, while in “peaceful life” their character is characterized by restraint.

Other virtues include fearlessness, sharp intelligence, loyalty and attentiveness. They also get along well with children.

In order to fully develop all these qualities, it is necessary to raise a puppy from the very first days of its arrival in the house. Fortunately, they learn willingly and with genuine interest. The owners will have to remember a few simple rules:

  • First of all, accustom the puppy to its new home and family. Without this you cannot start.
  • Be patient - you can’t raise your voice, much less be cruel. This is especially true for babies, who are very sensitive and may not respond to basic commands until 3–4 months of age.
  • Give the dog loads commensurate with its age. So, during the period of changing teeth, you cannot practice gripping exercises.
  • Don't forget to praise your puppy.
  • Please note that working with a Doberman will be constant, and any long break will result in a “gap” in training.

Important! Meal breaks are contraindicated. Also, you cannot “finish off” the daily norm in one go.- this will lead to stomach problems.

Many owners, having soberly assessed their capabilities, turn to kennel clubs. There is a reason for this - in most cases, home training does not go beyond mastering 2-3 commands, and to continue, the help of a professional is required.

But you shouldn’t sign up for the first section you come across. Some instructors promise to turn a dog into a real protector in a couple of weeks. And they do it, sometimes forgetting about practicing “submission” exercises. As a result, another uncontrollable “monster” that does not listen to the owner. To avoid this, contact trusted breeders.

Possible diseases

Body features and an active lifestyle leave their mark on the well-being of the four-legged “rocket”.

Veterinarians can easily name the sores inherent in this breed. Most likely, among them will be:

  • broad type cardiomyopathy;
  • dysfunction of blood vessels;
  • dysplasia of the hip and ulnar ligament;
  • volvulus, noticeable by bloating;
  • cataract;
  • hair loss;
  • melanoma;
  • hypothyroidism (abnormal activity of the thyroid gland);
  • von Willebrand disease is a rare genetic disorder that causes internal bleeding.

Fortunately, Dobermans rarely get sick. Note that they may have problems with their teeth - from malocclusion to loss of incisors. With such troubles, it is better to immediately contact a veterinary hospital.

The “risk group” includes old dogs that exhibit illnesses acquired over their entire active life. Most often these are various heart defects and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Excessive care often leads to illness. Not in moderation caring owners They often increase the portions for their pets, thereby provoking obesity.

Now you know that the nimble and heavy Doberman is not as scary as people think. We hope that before adopting a puppy, our readers will compare their capabilities with its appetites and the costs of raising it. More respect and kindness!

> Doberman (Doberman pinscher)Doberman is relatively young, but has already proven itself service breed dogs. The working qualities of the Doberman are widely used in the army, border and police services. The animal's sense of smell and sense of smell are so developed that the breed makes excellent bloodhounds, as well as guards and watchdogs.

There is a common belief that Dobermans are vicious and aggressive dogs with a choleric temperament. Indeed, dogs of this breed are energetic, alert and somewhat impulsive, but at the same time, they are very obedient and intelligent. Well-mannered and intelligent, the Doberman can show aggression when he is sure that his family is in danger. In relation to its owner, this dog is very loyal, affectionate and loving. It is important to never forget that the Doberman is a friend and companion, not a servant. The dog will not tolerate physical violence even from its owner. This dog cannot prove its superiority by violent means; it requires respectful and attentive treatment.

Brief description of the appearance and life expectancy of the breed

The Doberman Pinscher is a beautiful, lean and muscular dog. Height at the withers is 68-72 cm for males and 63-68 cm for females. Male weight is 40-45 kg, females are more graceful and weigh 32-35 kg. The body of the animal has a square format, its length is approximately equal to the height at the withers. The head is wedge-shaped, with high-standing cropped ears. The Doberman's tail is also docked puppyhood, leaving a length of 2-3 vertebrae. The breed is short-haired, the hair is shiny, hard and lies tightly to the skin.

Doberman Pinschers have a black or brown coat color with reddish-red tan markings on the face, throat, chest and paws of the animal.

The lifespan of a dog is 12-15 years.

Easy care and maintenance of the Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman is an unpretentious and easy-to-maintain breed. Dogs are subject to light shedding and do not need daily brushing. Frequent bathing it is better to replace with wet wipes, so as not to disturb protective properties skin. The animal should undergo only minimal grooming procedures regularly, such as trimming its nails and cleaning its ears.

The Doberman is an active and energetic dog that needs sufficient exercise. The dog will be happy to accompany the owner on daily runs, long walks, and will gladly take part in various dog competitions. And of course, if you want to get an obedient and well-mannered pet, you need to be trained in a standard set of commands.

Breed temperament problems

The Doberman is a breed that does have some innate aggression. It is unacceptable to educate or encourage manifestations of anger in a puppy - its natural suspicion will be quite enough so that, with proper training, a small Doberman will grow into a reliable watchman and guard.

This dog, like no other breed, needs persistent education and consistent training. In order for a pet to be obedient, the owner will have to earn the animal’s respect and prove his unquestioning authority. With an overly soft and weak-willed person, a dog can feel like a leader and leader, while a dominant, uncontrollable Doberman is simply dangerous.

Some animals tend to show aggression towards strange, unfamiliar dogs, so the owner should take precautions before going on a walk to avoid harming anyone.

Who wouldn't like a Doberman Pinscher?

Doberman is not the most suitable choice for calm and phlegmatic people who prefer sedentary lifestyle life, the dog needs to regularly give vent to its ebullient energy.

The breed is well suited for keeping both in apartments and in private houses, but it should be taken into account that this dog cannot be left in an enclosure or on a chain in the yard. Firstly, the lack of undercoat makes the Doberman sensitive to low temperatures and vulnerable to hypothermia. Secondly, such a pet cannot live without human attention; it needs regular communication and contact with its owner.

How to choose a healthy puppy?

You should buy a Doberman puppy at 6-8 weeks of age. A purebred baby will have dark eyes, a square body, wide back and chest, and a docked tail. Healthy puppy has good appetite, he is well-fed, but active, inquisitive and cheerful. A good dog will have shiny wool and correct bite. Disadvantages for the Doberman are white spots, light eyes, crooked limbs, etc.