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Deferment from the army due to illness. Classification of categories of suitability for military service

What diseases are young people not called to serve with? This article contains a list of diseases that exempt you from military service. But since the official list is very large, the explanations stretch over dozens of pages, too many medical terms, so we will explore the main areas and diseases for which you may not be called upon.

It is worth noting right away that there is a list of diseases for which conscription is limited. So, let's start studying.

Diseases such as syphilis, tuberculosis, HIV, mycoses, leprosy and others that pose a threat to life or interfere with a full existence.

Unfortunately, diseases associated with neoplasms, both benign and malignant, are increasing at an alarming rate.

Let's start with the first type. If there are cysts or polyps that do not affect organs or systems and do not continue to grow, then they may be called in. Otherwise, you are released from service.

Malignant tumors, cancer of any organ or system are in any case exempt from conscription, and the citizen is also required to register a disability. How do you feel? young man no matter how successful the treatment is, you can’t even dream of ankle boots and a machine gun.

Blood diseases

Absolutely any blood disease is included in the list of diseases exempt from military service. If common and biochemical tests blood is not good (that is, the indicators do not correspond to the norm), then doctors will prescribe additional examination to understand what the reason is.

If over time the tests are bad again and the cause of the illness is determined, then you don’t have to wait for a summons from the military registration and enlistment office. You will be assigned a fitness category B, D or D, depending on the diagnosis and degree of pathology. That is, you are either freed from it completely, or you will be called upon in turbulent times. D - this is the case if you have a temporary illness and there is a prognosis for a quick recovery.

Endocrine system

Diabetes mellitus - if there is such a diagnosis, then you don’t have to wait for a summons. This refers to metabolic disorders with dysfunction of organs and systems.

Goiter is another reason why they may not be drafted. But doctors, as a rule, suggest surgery to remove it. The patient has the right to refuse such an offer, citing fear and possible complications.

Mental disorders

If a conscript is registered at a psychoneurological dispensary, they will give the fitness category “unfit”, since they are practically incurable. Mental deviations due to traumatic brain injury are considered temporary illnesses, therefore they are temporarily suspended from service.

This includes autism, Down syndrome, schizophrenia and other diseases that do not allow one to lead a normal lifestyle. The list of diseases that are not accepted into the army has gradually been reduced over the years, and in some cases it has been supplemented with new diseases. More likely, mental disorders- one of the few types of deviations from the norm that will never be canceled.

But in practice there are some nuances. Sometimes during a medical examination, a psychologist or psychoneurologist talks with a conscript, and suddenly it turns out that he has deviations. For example, he is not afraid of anything at all or is eager to serve the Motherland at all costs. Such examples exist.

Nervous system

Patients with regular epileptic seizures are not drafted into the army. But if there is a stable remission (for 5 years or more), then they can give a B-4 fitness category.

Those who have suffered a stroke have vascular diseases or system atrophy, you won’t have to join the army. Spinal cord and brain injuries are also barriers to military service.


Who is visually unfit for military service? Firstly, people with blindness in one or both eyes, as well as with myopia of 6 diopters, are not recruited. Secondly, if there is a color anomaly (including color blindness) and poor color perception.

Almost all diseases of the eyelids, lacrimal ducts, conjunctiva, and orbits prevent a person from living normal life, perform various tasks.

Burns, injuries, retinal detachment, eye muscle disease, glaucoma are serious diseases for which the young man receives category B or D. But if doctors consider that the deviations are not serious (especially after injury and burns), there is hope that damaged tissue recovers, they may give a deferment. But if the condition improves, at the next examination they may be sent to serve, because the list of diseases exempt from conscription explains it all.


Any hearing problems, with vestibular apparatus, with inflammation of the middle ear will become an obstacle to service. Therefore, young people with similar diseases they immediately receive the “unfit” fitness category.

In this case, there is no need to continue voicing the list of diseases that exempt from military service based on hearing: deafness, sensorineural hearing loss of any degree. In the army, it is very important that a soldier listens to commands, signals, and alarms. A warrior's life may depend on his state of health. What will happen if he does not hear the enemy's footsteps behind him?


Rheumatism, ischemia, permanent high pressure(hypertension) are deprived of the opportunity to repay the debt to the Motherland.

If a person has blood clots, poor clotting blood, this could be life-threatening. Hemorrhoids of any degree (except mild) are a terrible discomfort that does not allow you to live in peace.


How important it is for a person to have healthy breathing, both nasal and pulmonary. Here is a list of diseases that exempt you from military service:

As you can see, any chronic deviation in respiratory system is not a criterion for fitness for duty.


There is also a list of diseases that give a deferment and exemption from the army - these are diseases of any digestive organs:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • hernia (if it interferes with a normal lifestyle);
  • diseases of the liver, biliary tract;
  • stones;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

The list can be endless. If you have complaints of pain in the side or abdomen, be sure to tell your doctor about it. You can’t put it off until later, as the disease can be detected by early stage and possibly eliminated.

More than half are missing teeth, even if they have dentures, serious gum disease, and maxillofacial anomalies are also included in the list of diseases exempt from military service.


Bones and muscles

Arthritis, arthrosis, joint destruction, bone and cartilage diseases. How a soldier can run, jump, do push-ups and others physical exercise, bear the load if he has problems with joints and bones? Spinal diseases and scoliosis higher than 2 degrees and a curvature angle of more than 17 degrees, flat feet. Of course, all this is included in the list

It is worth noting that the surgeon checks whether all body parts are present and whether there are any defects.

Genitourinary system

Kidney diseases, genitourinary system, diseases of the genital organs, if the symptoms are incurable, do not allow military service.

Other options

Do you know that those with a body weight of less than 45 kg and height below 150 cm are not accepted into the army? Speech impairment with the inability to pronounce words clearly, the consequences of toxic poisoning, enuresis, and injuries are also included in the list of diseases exempt from military service.

Serving in the army is the duty of every adult male citizen of the Russian Federation. The 2018 military draft has a number of important features, because almost every year new requirements for compulsory military service arise.

Regulatory legal acts define the conditions that must be fulfilled, because military service must be carried out by men who are physically ready for this, and they must also meet conscription age! Defense of the Fatherland in Russia, a multinational country, is strictly obligatory and has always been honorable, but in some regions there are also quite specific and important features for potential conscripts.

Military service in 2018

What are the main features of urgent conscription into the army? All adult male citizens of the country who have no contraindications due to their status or health must serve in Russia. Future conscripts must undergo a whole range of important events that are strictly necessary for everyone:

  • at the age of 16 you must register with the military and receive a registration certificate;
  • Having reached conscription age and received a summons, it is strictly necessary to visit the military commissariat at the designated time;
  • the summons must be delivered personally to the conscript against his signature;
  • In case of failure to appear when summoned, the legislation provides for administrative and criminal liability.

Passing a medical examination

After receiving the summons, a strict medical examination will follow; all future privates will certainly undergo it Russian army, except for those with a legal deferment. The medical commission, after a thorough comprehensive examination, will make a decision on whether the conscript is fit for full service in the army. In total, current legislation provides for 5 categories of fitness for military service:

  • fit;
  • suitable with minor restrictions;
  • has limited validity;
  • temporarily unfit for military service;
  • unfit.

It happens when the commission cannot make an unambiguous decision due to various controversial circumstances. In this case, the conscript is redirected for inpatient or outpatient examination to a licensed medical institution. After complete treatment and the decision of the doctors, a new conscription period is set. The next important step in joining the army will be medical report. A qualified draft commission will make its final verdict on the conscript. According to this conclusion, the future date is sent to send:

  • for military service;
  • call him up for alternative civil service;
  • grant a deferment;
  • carry out exemption from conscription;
  • enlist in reserve;
  • according to legal grounds, grant freedom from military service.

Russian legislation provides for enlistment in the reserve upon reaching 27 years of age. From now on, a man is not subject to military service, regardless of his state of health.

Duration of service and time of organization of conscription into the army

The conscription dates in the future 2018 provide for two calls - the spring, which begins on April 1 and ends on July 15, and there is also an autumn, which will last from October 1 to December 31 inclusive. According to the law, conscription into the ranks of the armed forces Russian Federation possible only during these periods.


There are several important exceptions to the rules - citizens of military age from the Far North will receive their summons from May 1 to July 15, as well as from November 1 to December 31. Those who live in rural areas and are engaged in harvesting and sowing work, have a full right to implement the conscription in the autumn - from October 15 to December 31. Teachers have this opportunity - for spring conscription from May 1 to July 15.

The main branches of the military where they can be called up for service

In 2018, a potential conscript can join the following branches of the military:

  • ground troops;
  • air Force;
  • Navy;
  • strategic missile forces;
  • space forces;
  • airborne troops.

The specialty that the conscript possessed and his state of health are important. Traditionally, only the strongest and most physically resilient young people with a strong psyche and good health are accepted into the Airborne Forces.

Who will not be accepted into the army in 2018?

A citizen will not be required to join the army in 2018 if he:

  • has a permanent job in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • works in Federal service security;
  • belongs to the Ministry of Emergency Situations workers.

There is the most important limitation - if a citizen nevertheless decides to resign from there, but at that moment he is under 27, then he will definitely receive a mandatory summons from the military registration and enlistment office!

The following will be avoided from conscription into active military service:

  • adult men with one or more convictions that have not been expunged for many years;
  • Citizens under investigation for a crime or on trial will avoid conscription;
  • serving their sentence in a penitentiary institution.
  • A university student will not serve if he receives full-time education;
  • graduate students;
  • the appearance of a second child in a legal marriage;
  • Fathers who, due to insurmountable circumstances, are forced to raise a child on their own and without support are not subject to conscription;
  • guardians of elderly citizens who have sick relatives as their dependents:
  • The ranks of the Russian army will not be filled by young men who have very serious health problems.


There are several other categories of citizens who are legally may not serve in the army - foreigners who served in the armed forces of another state and future military personnel who lost their older brothers during military clashes in hot spots. They will take you into the army if you have been expelled from a university and are studying by correspondence.

Diseases for which they are not called up for service

The diseases for which people are not accepted for military service are quite numerous. They can be divided into several large subgroups.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system with which they are not accepted into the army - scoliosis of the 2nd degree with a deformation of at least 11 degrees, flat feet, called bear foot in the 3rd stage, deformities and other diseases of the hands or feet - for example, the absence of several fingers, arthrosis and arthritis of the second degree or higher, affecting the legs.

Diseases of the organs of vision

Poor vision is an important barrier to military service these are cataracts, retinal detachment, severe myopia more than -6, progressive farsightedness, glaucoma, eye injuries or the absence of one eye.

Cardiovascular pathologies

If a conscript has hypertension - pressure exceeding the threshold of 150 to 90,
chronic vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is quite severe - periodic fainting and constant dizziness, the presence of heart disease and ischemia. We have listed the most important deviations that occur in real practice.

Hearing problems

The presence of chronic otitis media and complete deafness can become an insurmountable obstacle to military service.

Digestive system diseases

Difficulties with digestive system may well lead to a delay in military service. Such a reason may be a hernia, which limits intestinal patency, pancreatitis in its chronic form, stomach and duodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids. Cholelithiasisserious illness, interfering with service.

Problems with the genitourinary system

They do not accept conscripts with chronic enuresis into the army, urolithiasis and hydrocele of the testicle, sexual dysfunction and hyperplasia.

Other chronic diseases

Stuttering, which seriously distorts speech, will be an obstacle to serving. diabetes mellitus, obesity above 2nd degree. Patients with chronic hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis, and cancer are also not useful in combat service. Mental problems are a serious reason for exemption from the army:

  • the appearance of obsessive states;
  • pronounced phobias;
  • chronic schizophrenia;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system.

Presence in the army is contraindicated chronic alcoholics and drug addicts, but it will be strictly necessary to confirm the presence of permanent persistent addiction, which is confirmed by relevant documents!

You can find a complete list of diseases with which you will not be accepted into the army in 2018 (list of diseases).

What categories of citizens are granted a deferment from military service?

A deferment for a potential military personnel is just a temporary opportunity to avoid the obligation to serve in the army. Along with its completion, you will have to repay your debt to your homeland. The following are the official grounds for not going to work for a strictly defined period:

  • state of temporary unfitness for service;
  • caring for a sick relative who is being looked after this moment no one to look after;
  • presence of a disabled child under 3 years of age;
  • pregnant wife more than 26 weeks pregnant;
  • PhD students defending their dissertation;
  • deferment due to study at a higher or secondary educational institution;
  • deferment for a schoolchild who must receive time to enter a university or college.


Postponement will only be carried out if there is necessary documents- a diploma of education, a certificate of admission to graduate school, a medical certificate indicating the presence serious problems with health

The number of deferments available is unlimited - you can get them not only after graduating from school, but also when a student transitions from a bachelor's to a master's degree system. You can only take advantage of a deferment for conscription when studying at an officially licensed institution!

Various forms of military service

Since 2017, the state has provided conscripts with the opportunity to independently choose the form of fulfilling their military duty to the country. Can choose:

  • alternative service for a period of 21 months;
  • contract service with full monetary and clothing allowance;
  • serve conscript service for a year.

By 2018, you can independently choose which military service is more attractive to you.


It is planned to gradually reduce the proportion of conscripts in the army, gradually replacing them with professionals. By 2020, more than 85% of its personnel should serve in the army on a contract basis.

Features of conscription into the army in 2018

According to the constitution, men from all regions of Russia are subject to military service, but there are several features of conscription. Conscripts from Crimea serve only on the territory of their peninsula, and in the Chechen Republic for several previous years, young men were not conscripted due to some local specific features. People from Chukotka, the Yamalo-Nenets District and Yakutia must serve, but conscription there is adjusted, starting only on May 1 and ending on July 15. In terms of its duration in 2018, the service life will remain the usual - 1 year.

Endocrine system diseases, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders
Mental illness
Diseases of the nervous system, epilepsy and epileptic seizures
Diseases of the nervous system (continued, articles 25-28)
Diseases of the eye and its auxiliary organs
Diseases of the ear and mastoid process
Diseases of the circulatory system
Respiratory diseases
Digestive diseases
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (continued, articles 69-70)
Diseases of the genitourinary system
Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period
Congenital anomalies, deformities and chromosomal disorders
Consequences of injuries, poisoning and other influences of external factors
Other diseases

Diseases for which they are not accepted into the army

Many conscripts and their parents want to know what types of diseases for which they are not accepted into the army where to find this list of diseases. On this page we have collected the entire list of diseases, the presence of which will not allow you to join the army.

Some diseases guarantee exemption from conscription, others only limit eligibility to certain branches of the military or provide deferment. Each conscript is required to be examined by a complex of specialists, which includes a dermatovenerologist, dentist, ENT doctor, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, therapist and surgeon. These experts are studying list of health requirements for conscripts for further determination of the suitability category at a meeting of the draft commission. Defined and approved by law list of diseases (list of diseases), and in accordance with it four suitability category. Schedule of illnesses contains more than a hundred names of major diseases and their varieties in order to determine the requirements for the health status of conscripts and distribute them by branch of the military, or to exempt a conscript from the army for health reasons. To quickly find the name of the disease, you can use the site search. Do you want to receive a guaranteed exemption from military service? Then you will need the knowledge of the specialists of the PrizyvaNet.ru company.

After the client selects a package of services and concludes an agreement, PrizyvaNet.ru doctors will select and thoroughly study illness schedule articles in accordance with the client’s health status, and a range of necessary examinations to reveal accompanying illnesses, which can exempt from conscription. A professional lawyer will provide legal support, explain the rights and responsibilities of a conscript, and help collect a package of documents proving the non-conscription category of suitability, submitted to the military registration and enlistment office. Legal assistance is provided until you receive a deferment or a military ID, depending on the selected package of services.

Diseases and the army

Schedule of illnesses military registration and enlistment office uses regardless of the region in which the recruiting station is located. It is located in free access, may serve as a reason for deferment, restriction or exemption from conscription. Our service will allow the conscript not to hide from subpoenas, but to carefully examine his health status and use the services of lawyers without breaking the law. Schedule of illnesses for conscripts is an official document that our specialists rely on. They work in contact with members of the medical commission of the military commissariat and are aware of all changes. Thus, obtaining a military ID for health reasons With our help, it becomes a simple and understandable procedure, increases the legal literacy of conscripts and parents. Articles 1 to 86, which exempt a conscript from service, contain the following diseases:

Having studied all list of diseases, you will find out under what conditions they don't take you into the army for a particular disease, but to determine the final fitness category, one diagnosis is not enough. Despite the fact that in list of diseases for which a deferment from the army or a military ID is given your disease is present, you need to understand what dysfunctions this disease causes and what your current medical history is. We can advise you on this issue absolutely free of charge. medical specialist our company.

For most diseases, the absence of dysfunction or minor changes in an organ impose restrictions on suitability for service; significant impairment of organs makes a person unfit for service.

Being drafted into the Russian army causes underlying fear in some, while other young men, on the contrary, are looking forward to the draft. Moms and dads are also worried, worried about their children. Both young people and their parents will be interested in looking at the schedule of illnesses from conscription into the army. This is the name of the document that divides all young people into categories. Let's look at who will not be accepted to serve in 2019 based on this schedule.

The legislative framework

The schedule under study is an appendix to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2013 No. 565. Its name is: “Regulations on military medical examination.” This document regulates the procedure for passing a medical examination for conscripts. It also gives hope to those who do not want to become conscripts to receive a military ID or a deferment.

Download for viewing and printing: The illness schedule will also be useful for those young people who dream of contract service. It limits reception by medical indications.

Health categories

The schedule includes about 2000 various ailments. They share:

  • by severity;
  • causes of the disease.

Each of the factors is strictly weighed and assessed by the scientists who worked on this document. In fact, the schedule is a unified collection of diagnoses aimed at identifying young men who are unable to endure the hardships of service.

It is advisable to study the list before going to the military registration and enlistment office. For young men who do not want to join the army, it will be useful to have a documented substantiation of the diagnosis. And they should secure it ahead of time.

The registry uses five categories from "A" to "D". Each has subsections that describe the nuances of the body’s vital functions. And they influence the decision to draft, as well as the type of troops likely to serve. Let's look at each separately.

Category "A"

Based on the results of the commission, only completely healthy conscripts receive this mark. “A” means that the young man has no abnormalities. Considering the fact that there are not so many of them these days, holders of category “A” are very likely to go to special forces.

  • the citizen is able to endure any physical activity;
  • I have never suffered from serious illnesses.
  • good health;
  • had a past illness or injury;
  • loads need to be adjusted.
Those with this characteristic will not be able to avoid military service for medical reasons. There is absolutely no chance.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Category "B"

This indicator is assigned to conscripts who have minor disorders in the body. They cannot be grounds for deferment. Rather, they influence the choice of types of troops:

  1. B1 - allows you to withstand any load. That is, practically no different from A2. With such a characteristic, it is quite possible to get into special forces.
  2. B2 - gives a chance for a calmer service, and more than one - for a deferment.

Attention: in addition to health, the commission also studies other parameters physical condition young man (see below).

Other categories

Letters in the schedule such as “B”, “G” and “D” give a chance to never get into the ranks of the armed forces. However, they have their own conventions.

  1. “B” is assigned to people exempt from conscription in peacetime. To do this, you must have a fairly serious illness. However this characteristic does not exempt from service during war.
  2. “G” - gives the right to a deferment. Some indicators in the body do not allow calling the young man right now, but they can be corrected (cured) for certain period. Therefore, the holder of category “G” will have to pass the commission again.
  3. “D” - the person is sick and completely unable to serve. Such people are not called up even during war.

“G” gives the right to defer no more than a year. After this period, the doctors are obliged to make a final verdict: whether the young man is fit for duty or not. That is this category is assigned for a maximum of a year, then it will definitely be replaced with some other one.

Examples: “D” is received by holders of such disappointing diagnoses as:

  • diabetes;
  • AIDS;
  • amputation (absence) of a limb and others.

Rules for reading the schedule

The schedule is large table, distributed by segments - diseases. That is, to find any ailment in it, you should start with the most general diagnosis. Every disease affects one of the body systems. The categories are encrypted according to them in the schedule. In total it includes 16 groups.

The reading sequence is as follows:

  1. We look at our medical card and choose which of the systems is affected (eyes, bones, etc.).
  2. We are looking for the corresponding section in the schedule.
  3. Open it and select the disease prescribed in the diagnosis.
  4. Open the item corresponding to the disease.
  5. We see a table in which the cause of the disease and the corresponding categories are described in detail.

Important: the table has three columns with alphabetic codes. They should be understood as follows:

  • For conscripts.
  • For citizens enrolled in the reserve.
  • For contract workers.

Example of reading a schedule

Let’s say a young man’s retina is damaged. The disease occurred after an injury. You can search for your code like this:

  1. Select the section corresponding to the diagnosis. In our case, it is 7 with the name “Diseases of the eyes and auxiliary organs”.
  2. It includes eight articles (from 29 to 36). We read their names carefully.
  3. 31 - “Retinal detachment.” That's what we need.
  4. Having opened the article, we find a table. It includes all cases of this disease.
  5. In our example, this is “post-traumatic etiology in both eyes.” In the first column it corresponds to the sign “B”. And the transcript is given above.
At the time of the commission, doctors look at medical documents. If in outpatient card There are no records about the causes or course of the disease, then it may not be taken into account when making a decision.

Body mass index

Another important parameter influencing the commission’s decision on conscription. The fact is that it is difficult for young men who are too thin or, conversely, overweight to endure the difficult conditions of training and other stress. Nowadays it is not customary to take them into the army. Body mass index (BMI) must be checked during the examination. Although any young man can figure it out himself.

This parameter is calculated using a simple formula:

  • BMI = Weight / twice height


The young man has a body weight of 55 kg and a height of 1.85 m.

  • BMI = 55kg / (1.85 m x 2) = 14.86

In order to understand whether it is suitable for the service, the resulting parameter is compared with the established ones. They are:

  1. For young people aged 18 to 25 - from 18.5 to 35. Anything below or above these indicators indicates deviations.
  2. For men over 25 years old, the figures are slightly different: from 19 to 36.

That is, the young man from the example is too thin. He will not be called up for service.

According to BMI, they give a deferment of six months. Afterwards a re-examination is carried out. If the indicator has not changed significantly, then the conscript should be checked by a doctor to identify diseases that affect this parameter.

Dear readers!

We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

The disease schedule is a document that allows you to determine a person’s fitness category for military service during a medical examination. It contains the official list of diseases that are exempt from military service. According to the experience of medical commissions, more than 95% of conscripts have non-conscription diseases, having no idea about them and considering themselves completely healthy people.

You can right now determine your own level of suitability for military service.

The list of illnesses may contain medical terminology that is difficult to understand. For ordinary person its concepts can be very confusing. To understand the terms presented, it is recommended to visit a medical forum on the Internet, where you can ask questions that interest you, and they will answer you completely free of charge.

Online resources contain the ability to search for diseases in a database that contains many types of concepts and explanations for them. In addition, there are telephone numbers that provide free consultations on illness scheduling in various cities.

Disease schedule 2019 - what does each article mean?

1. Enter the list of diseases and scroll down the page until you reach the table.

The table with a list of diseases contains a clear structural form and logic of construction. The list of diseases exempting from the army, for which conscripts are assigned one or another degree of suitability for service, is presented as articles. Each article has a tabular form.

The list of diseases contains articles that reveal about two thousand diseases in various contexts and references. Thus, all content of the service is structured in an easy-to-read tabular form.

2. Columns in the “Schedule of Diseases” document

The structure of the table includes three columns, each of which is intended for a specific group of people. Let's look at them in more detail:

Column number I
  • persons undergoing or undergoing military conscription;
  • persons who did not undergo military service or were conscripted into the army, except for the categories of persons noted in the third column;
  • citizens who entered contract service with ranks, which are replaced by junior military personnel consisting of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen;
  • persons in the military reserve;
  • citizens who entered military higher and secondary educational establishments;
  • employees who, as part of conscription, enroll in military educational institutions or contract service with replacement by persons of junior ranks among soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen;
  • persons in the reserve who are called up for military training with a replacement junior military personnel of soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen; except for contract employees.
Column number II
    When conducting training and recording the number of personnel in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other military entities, the following are taken into account:
  • Employees not presented to the officer military rank who are in military service or have completed it as part of conscription (except for the persons mentioned in the first column);
  • persons who are part of the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and either served or did not serve as part of the conscription (except for persons who are part of the mobilization manpower reserve).
Column number III

Contains a list of persons who will undergo contract military service, activities within the reserve, as well as citizens in the reserve:

  • Persons who perform or have performed military service on a contract basis;
  • Reserve officers who have not completed military service.

Fitness categories in the columns of the document "Schedule of Diseases"

After finding out which column in the table structure of the “Schedule of Diseases” document is necessary for a particular case, you need to clarify the meaning of the value capital letters in each line of the list. This is nothing more than a fitness category, which determines the procedure after its identification and serves as an indicator of the health status of each conscript. Each of them carries a number of characteristics and determines the procedure for citizens of the conscript categories of the population.
  • Category "A" means full suitability for conscription and military service. As a rule, this is an indicator of a completely healthy person.

  • Category "B" denotes suitability for service and conscription, but with some nuances during the service process. In this case, a person exhibits minor changes in the functioning of the body, but they do not affect general state health.

  • Category "B" implies unsuitability for conscription (exemption) and states as a limited ability to perform service. In this case, re-examination of the citizen is not carried out. assigns the conscript the status of reserve.

  • Category "G" involves a deferment from conscription for a period of six months to a year. This is temporary unfitness for service in the Armed Forces.

  • Category "D" Means complete failure from conscription and unsuitability for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The only reason not to serve in the army can only serve. Other arguments may threaten administrative fine or criminal penalties for evasion.

List of requirements in the list of diseases that determine the necessary state of health of a conscript

The structure of the document “Schedule of Diseases” for conscripts contains items and their components, which are graded according to the degree of disruption of the body’s functioning. This is due to the fact that any disease manifests itself individually in each specific case. Categories of fitness for duty depend on the degree of illness. Let's look at this in detail.

At the bottom of the tables are explanations for articles that are extremely important for assigning fitness categories to citizens and classifying diseases. Pay close attention to the explanations when viewing the table and checking the illnesses of conscripts in order to make correct conclusions about the state of health and the expected category of fitness.

Our specialists thoroughly know non-conscription diseases and are engaged in providing services, including identifying diseases incompatible with military service and supporting citizens of conscription categories in the legal aspect. If you need help, sign up for a free consultation by calling 8-800-775-10-56 or.

Search for the required disease in the "Schedule of Diseases" document

To speed up the search for a specific pathology, use the disease search, which conveniently and quickly finds the necessary terms.

If you do not want to use online help, you can resort to available computer tools. It is convenient to perform the search command in any text editor that has buttons with this function, Usually the search is called by the keyboard shortcut CTRL+F. This will speed up working with tables. Some diseases for the military registration and enlistment office have a number of synonymous names, which should be taken into account when entering a word to find the term in the list of diseases.

Proportions of height and weight in the list of diseases

The standards for the height and weight of a conscript for awarding him one of the fitness categories are in article number 13 in the “Schedule of Diseases” document.

Assessing the level of nutrition and health status of citizens within these parameters is carried out in accordance with the formula used to calculate the body mass index. Its value is defined as body weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.


If you are unable to identify reasons for exemption from military service due to your health condition, do not despair. More than 95-97% of citizens have a set of diseases that directly lead to restriction or complete exemption from military conscription. However, most people do not have the slightest idea about this, considering themselves healthy.

If your searches in the "Schedule of Diseases" document did not produce results, there is a chance that you did not formulate it entirely correctly. search query or made a mistake in spelling or choosing a synonym for the name of the disease. Otherwise, there is a possibility that you did not conduct a thorough medical examination of the entire body. The Military Medical College will be happy to help you in identifying the category of your suitability for service and determining the state of your health.