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Vitamins in dried apricots. Prevents cardiovascular diseases. The right choice of dried apricots when buying

This southern guest makes not only desserts special, but also salty dishes. It goes great with chicken. Many love dried apricot, but not everyone knows about its properties. Let's look at the benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body.

Dried apricots - composition

This fruit can not be called low-calorie. It has 241 calories in 100 grams. However, there are significant advantages in such a calorie content. When consumed, there will be a feeling of fullness, and there will be no temptation to eat fast food or other harmful product. Such dried fruit as dried apricots, chemical composition has a special one. It contains:

  • carbohydrates;
  • water;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • cellulose;
  • ash;
  • organic acids;
  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.

What vitamins are in dried apricots?

Speaking about the benefit and harm that dried apricots can cause to the body, one cannot fail to mention its unique composition. Dried apricot contains various useful substances that do not harm, but, on the contrary, are vital to the human body. What vitamins in dried apricots are not known to everyone, but this:

  1. Vitamin A - 583 mcg. Participates in processes such as oxidation and reduction. In its absence, blindness may develop.
  2. Vitamin B1 - 0.1 mg. Takes part in the regulation of metabolic processes, delivers energy to the body. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous system and digestive tract.
  3. Vitamin B2 - 0.2 mg. Actively participates in metabolic processes, affects visual acuity.
  4. Vitamin C - 4 mg. Participates in nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism removes cholesterol from the body.
  5. Vitamin E - 5.5 mg. Its main function is protection against oxidation by oxygen.
  6. Vitamin PP - 3 mg. Takes part in the regulation of carbohydrate, protein, water-salt exchanges normalization of cholesterol levels.

Dried apricots - benefits for the body

Many people are interested in how dried apricots are useful and whether they are harmful to the body. It is often used during the treatment and prevention of childhood and adult diseases. Since dried apricot contains a lot of iron, it is often included in the diet for anemia. Suffering from cardiovascular diseases, it is also recommended to use it. The southern guest will be an excellent assistant in the fight against bacteria.

It is also often used:

  • to normalize work digestive tract;
  • for liquefaction of sputum;
  • in the treatment of dry cough;
  • in order to lower the temperature;
  • during an arrhythmia;
  • with hypertension;
  • in liver disease and thyroid gland.

The eastern guest is able to remove toxins and toxins and may be suitable for the prevention of cancer. Often it is proposed to include it in the menu for people who have been exposed to radioactive effects. Dried apricot is an excellent stress reliever. It helps improve brain activity, improves vision, skin, .

What is useful dried apricots for women?

The southern guest is loved by many of the fair sex, and it is no coincidence, because it has long been called the “female dessert”, because the benefits of dried apricots for female body undeniable, and harm it practically does not bring. With its help, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth. In addition, the sunny fruit is used in the treatment of disorders. nervous system that are caused by PMS. It also has a beneficial effect on skin diseases, rashes, redness.

What is useful dried apricots for men?

Not all men know about the properties of dried apricots. There is no harm from it, but the benefits for the male body are obvious. This oriental fruit contains carotene, which is not only capable of exerting therapeutic effect on the heart and blood vessels, but also slows down aging, improves eyesight, increases the potency of men, so oriental sweetness should be present in the diet of the stronger sex.

Dried apricots for weight loss

Often, the representatives of the fair half are interested in whether it is possible to eat dried apricots while losing weight. As it turned out, the southern guest not only does not harm the body, but can also become an excellent helper for everyone who wants to say goodbye to being overweight. One of the advantages of oriental sweetness is its nutritional value. Although it is quite high-calorie (100 grams of dried apricots contain 232 kcal), it is still much less than in pastries and cakes.

Dried apricots contain a lot of carbohydrates that give human body energy and are quickly used up. There are practically no fats in dried fruit. The southern guest has a diuretic effect - so, the body is able to get rid of excess fluid, which helps to lose weight. Since there is a lot of fiber in dried apricots, using it you can cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and accumulated deposits, improve digestion and metabolic processes.

Diet on dried apricots

Looking for better ways to become beautiful and slender girls and older women often wonder if dried apricots are useful for losing weight. There are various diets based on oriental dried fruit. One of the most effective is the 2-day diet. In just a few days, there is every chance to get rid of an extra couple of kilograms.

  • breakfast - oriental sweetness (no more than 70 g);
  • lunch - vegetable soup, boiled meat (150 g) and dried fruits (50 g);
  • afternoon snack - dried fruit and vegetable salad (30 g);
  • dinner - rice porrige with the addition of dried apricots (50 g).
  • breakfast - southern fruit (70 g);
  • lunch - buckwheat or oatmeal and dried apricot (50 g);
  • afternoon snack - fruits (except bananas and grapes), dried fruit (30 g);
  • dinner - fish and dried apricots (50 g).

Adjustments in the diet are allowed, but it is important to follow some rules:

  1. Sweets, fried and high-calorie foods should be completely excluded from the diet.
  2. Drink up to three liters of water every day. Avoid sugary carbonated drinks.
  3. The menu should certainly include fish and lean meat.

Unloading day on dried apricots for weight loss

We found out what beneficial properties of dried apricots for weight loss, so you should pay attention to another method of weight loss with this dried fruit. It will be o, which are sometimes necessary, especially after overeating. To rid the body of stress, such unloading is often recommended to be done together with orange oriental sweetness. This express diet is suitable for those who do not have problems with the pancreas. It is proposed to prepare a cocktail and drink it throughout the day 4-5 times in portions of 150-200 grams.

Dried apricot cocktail for weight loss

Such a cocktail is an additional source of vitamins and micronutrients and can replace one of the meals.

Bright and juicy dried apricots are a favorite delicacy of many sweet teeth. From dried apricots it turns out delicious and useful compote, it, like any other dried fruit, has a lot of useful qualities. Dried apricots are unusual in their taste, the benefits and harms to the body lie in the amazing chemical composition of the dried fruit, which includes almost all fortified and mineral components.


The amazing advantage of dried apricots is that it perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger. Moreover, having tasted a sweet dried fruit, you no longer want to be oversaturated with other types of sweets. Not in vain in clinical nutrition this dried fruit is a healthy alternative to consuming sugary and sugary foods.

What is useful dried apricots?

The main advantage of a bright dried fruit is its chemical composition.

  • Vitamin A - normalizes reproductive function a person, has a beneficial effect on the internal structure of nails, hair, skin;
  • Vitamin B2 is indispensable for stabilizing the metabolism. This component qualitatively improves memory and the work of all brain activity, helps to increase the endurance of the body;
  • Vitamin C is the best stabilizer of the body's defenses. The component takes care of the normal state blood vessels, has a positive effect on the formation of collagen, increases the resistance of the whole organism against harmful factors;
  • Vitamin E - has a rejuvenating effect, it has a positive effect on the external and structural condition of the skin, nails, hair, improves general state women during PMS, slows down the aging process, helps to cleanse the whole body of harmful and toxic compounds;
  • Vitamin PP - responsible for the normal content bad cholesterol in the blood, restores protein balance, stabilizes the metabolism;
  • Iron - actively normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Potassium - fully forms correct work all internal processes;
  • Calcium is responsible for normal condition bone and whole muscular system, improves the process of digestion;
  • Phosphorus - gives strength to the whole body;
  • Magnesium - stabilizes the proper functioning of the whole organism;
  • Copper - actively helps in the absorption of iron, has an invaluable effect on the elasticity of the skin.

It is important to note that in all useful parameters, dried apricots are in many ways superior to fresh apricots.

Dried apricots are amazing in their full composition, the beneficial properties and contraindications of this product relate to the fact that it cannot be called dietary. Calorie content of dried fruit per 100 gr. equals 213 calories. High energy value product by the fact that it contains a large number of sugar substances. But if we recalculate the ratio of the piece-calorie content, then it turns out that dried apricots can be used in the process of losing weight, because one dried apricots contains about 20 calories.

Useful qualities

What is the benefit of dried apricots for the body?

  • In terms of its positive qualities, dried fruit is superior to fresh apricots. The main advantage lies in the content of a sufficient amount of beta-carotene, which is responsible for the normal visual function and also helps to cope with various eye diseases.
  • Dried fruit is an amazing product that stabilizes the body's defenses, it helps to increase the activity of resistance against infectious and viral ailments.
  • Dried apricots have restorative effect, a valuable chemical composition in general normalizes the performance of all internal systems body, giving a person an additional charge of energy vigor and strength.
  • A sufficient amount of iron in dried fruit helps to restore the disruption of the heart and vascular systems. Dried apricots is excellent tool curing anemia, it has preventive properties against the risk of various heart diseases.
  • Dried fruit is used to normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Regular use of the product helps to combat chronic disorder stomach.
  • Dried apricots are actively used for diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract. The anti-inflammatory properties of the product increase the overall resistance of the body, and the expectorant effect helps to thin and get rid of sputum in the respiratory tract.
  • Dried fruit is able to cope with the heat. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities effectively reduce temperature conditions body to normal.
  • The intake of dried fruit with beriberi is shown. The rich content of nutrients helps the body cope with the lack of fortified substances and resist attack. immune diseases.
  • Dried apricots are used to heal and cleanse the liver.
  • It is indispensable to take dried fruit for hypertension, as well as diseases endocrine system in particular the pancreas.
  • Due to the mild diuretic effect, this bright product is often prescribed for diseases of the kidneys, as well as the entire genitourinary system.

Benefits for the body of men

Unique ratio useful components in dried fruit helps the male body cope with the risk of heart disease. Use this product serves as an excellent prevention against heart attack or stroke.

Dried apricots also have a positive effect on the nervous system, freeing the male body from nervousness, irritability, and attacks of aggression.

In addition, it has been proven beneficial effect product for potency. With regular use of dried apricots in male body rises sexual attraction, potency stabilizes.

Is dried apricots good for children?

Small children also benefit from the use of dried apricots. This oriental sweet is recommended to replace harmful chips or crackers in the diet of babies. Dried fruit reliably supplies the baby's body useful composition vital components, has a beneficial effect on the brain activity of the child, gives an additional flow of energy forces and provokes the body to proper development And fast growth.

Useful qualities of dried apricots for women

Since ancient times, dried apricots have been called "women's dessert". The whole point lies in the extraordinary qualities and usefulness for the entire female body.

To begin with, it should be noted that regular consumption of dried fruit has a good effect on the general condition of the entire skin, hair and nails. Dried apricots promotes youthfulness and good mood. Dried fruit copes well with the nervosa, which ladies in PMS are often prone to.

Is dried apricots useful during pregnancy? Gynecologists recommend to include in the diet future mother this dried fruit. The rich content of fortified and mineral components perfectly compensate for the lack of nutrients in a woman's body. Subsequently, the flow of useful components is transmitted in the womb and to the baby. Dried fruit is indicated in the diet for women who experience a decrease in hemoglobin during pregnancy. The product also helps to cope with constipation, which often torment expectant mothers. A rich content fiber in dried apricots contributes proper formation fetus.

Is it possible for a nursing mother dried apricots? Despite the significant advantage of this dried fruit, dried apricots are not recommended for breastfeeding in excessive amounts. Large portions of dried fruit can provoke the appearance gastric disorders at baby. But a small amount of dried fruit is recommended for a young mother and her baby, because the product is able to replenish the supply of nutrients in the body.

Harm dried apricots

Undoubtedly, the benefits and harms of dried apricots are invaluable for the human body, but there are also features of the use of dried fruit.

  • Pregnant women and lactating women should not eat dried apricots in large quantities;
  • With exacerbation of pancreatitis, dried fruit should not be consumed;
  • Dried apricots at diabetes can be consumed only in small proportions and only after the permission of the doctor;
  • With excess weight, it is forbidden to eat a lot of dried fruit;
  • With exacerbations of gastritis or ulcers, the consumption of dried apricots is prohibited;
  • Do not get carried away with the product allergic reaction for apricots.

Proper selection and storage of dried apricots

In stores, preference should be given to dense and strong dried fruits that do not differ in a rich orange hue. The aroma of high-quality dried apricots is honey-spicy.

Apricot and dried apricots. The difference between dried fruits lies in the fact that apricots are presented in the form of dried apricots, and the stone is completely absent in dried apricots. In addition, the drying of apricots occurs in a natural way, that is, under the sun. But dried apricots are always dried in special drying cabinets.

How to store dried apricots at home?

Dried fruit can be stored in clean glass jars or cellophane bags. If it is needed for a long time store the product, it is recommended to transfer it from clean and dry wooden containers.

Healthy Recipes

  • Strengthening the defenses. Useful mixture, dried apricots, for immunity. All products are taken in 300 gr., crushed, mixed. The resulting remedy is taken every morning for 1-2 tbsp. spoon. If juice 1 is added to the composition: honey, nuts, dried apricots for immunity, then you get a remedy that will be an excellent method for preventing influenza and winter colds.
  • Strengthening immune forces. Such a mixture for immunity - dried apricots, honey, nuts - contributes to rapid strengthening protective forces and contributes to active opposition viral infections. The method of preparation is similar to that described above.
  • Diseases of the spine. A mixture (1 pc.), Dried apricots (5 pcs.), (1 pc.) for the spine is recommended by folk healers. To eliminate pain, it is necessary to be treated with this composition for 1.5 months.

The uniqueness of dried fruits lies in the fact that they retain almost all the vitamins that are in fresh fruit. Dried apricots have long been considered a very healing dried fruit. It contains useful substances that have positive impact on the body. She has great taste and a lot of useful properties. This article will talk about the beneficial properties and contraindications of dried apricots.

How dried apricots are made

In whole apricots, an incision is made and the pit is pulled out. The most reliable method of production is drying fruits in direct sunlight in a specialized place. This process takes a little over a week. During this time, moisture evaporates, and the weight is reduced by 4 times. As a result, the finished fruits have a matte copper or Brown color with a slight grayish tone.

How to choose

The ability to choose the right dried apricots will allow you to purchase natural product. According to generally accepted recommendations, dried fruits are clean, large, elastic, not very transparent and slightly harsh. If the color is unnatural and too bright, it means that chemical substances to create a beautiful appearance of dried fruit.

How to store

If you store dried fruits properly, their appearance and taste will not disappoint. Dried apricots can be dried and dried (the calorie content of both types is approximately the same). Storage is subject to exclusively dried. Due to the low liquid content, it will last longer than dried.

The best option for preserving sweet fruits is a dry, dark place and room temperature. To avoid the ingress of oxygen into the product, it must be kept in a tightly closed glass container. When using paper or cellophane packaging, harmful insects may appear. To save dried apricots on long time(several months) it can be placed in the freezer.

What is included

Useful properties of dried apricots are extensive. In its composition:

  • Water.
  • Squirrels.
  • Fats.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Cellulose.
  • Pectins.
  • Potassium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Calcium.
  • Iron.
  • Zinc.
  • Organic acids and trace elements.
  • Vitamins (A, group B, niacin, choline, E, K, C).

And this is not all the useful properties of dried apricots. The calorie content of the sweet fruit is about 235 kilocalories per 100 g.

Beneficial features

10 main beneficial properties of dried apricots for the body:

  1. Great for colon cleansing. This action increases if you add raisins, figs and prunes. All these components must be scrolled in a meat grinder, seasoned with honey if desired and consumed daily 150 grams of this sweetness.
  2. Its use is mandatory for complications in the work of the heart and blood vessels. Amber fruit is a method of prevention in the presence of cardiovascular diseases. It lowers cholesterol.
  3. This is an excellent diuretic, in connection with this, dried fruit can cleanse the kidneys. For this purpose, it is recommended to drink compote from dried apricots.
  4. It contains a lot of carotene - a trace element necessary for the eyes. It improves vision, it also has positive effect in the prevention of ophthalmic diseases.
  5. Useful for children. Provides a young body valuable substances, relieves beriberi in the cold season, supports immunity, which is important when resisting viral and seasonal diseases.
  6. It helps to raise the level of hemoglobin, copes well with anemia, which is very necessary during pregnancy.
  7. Has an antitumor effect. In this regard, it is recommended for people at risk of developing cancer. IN medicinal purposes slows down the development of oncology and softens its course.
  8. Favorably influences removal of slags (radionuclides and salts of heavy metals).
  9. The calorie content of the product does not interfere with its good digestion and absorption in the body. It can give you a feeling of satiety for many hours.
  10. Promotes sputum discharge during a dry cough and reduces the temperature during colds.

What is good dried apricots for women

Useful properties of dried apricots for women are certainly important. The presence of a delicious treat on the menu - real find for the female body. Dried apricots will give the skin elasticity and make the hair strong. Having correctly configured digestive system, it will get rid of acne and improve the condition skin. Dried apricot strengthens the reproductive function and improves the functioning of sex hormones. And also is sedative with disorders of the nervous system and PMS.

Useful properties of dried apricots for men

Important for men's health has an abundance of fiber in dried apricots. It improves blood circulation in reproductive organs. In this regard, the state of the ovaries normalizes, potency increases and the work of hormones stabilizes. Due to blood flow to inguinal region prostate diseases are prevented.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that dried apricots have a lot of useful properties, they also have some contraindications:

  • Dried apricots can lower blood pressure, so hypotensive patients should be consumed with caution.
  • In the presence of excess weight or diabetes - seek medical advice before consuming the southern fruit.
  • According to nutritionists, adults can eat no more than 5 medium fruits per day. Too much can cause indigestion.
  • With prolonged consumption, the preservatives and sulfur oxide contained in it can provoke an increase in the level of these substances in the body. This, in turn, will increase the risk of getting allergies that affect the lungs and respiratory system. It is forbidden for asthma.
  • Damage to health can be caused by substances used in processing during drying. Some unscrupulous producers are trying to give dried apricots a presentable look - a bright orange color. It is necessary to rinse the fruits and pour them with water for 10 minutes.
  • Childhood up to 4 years.

Dried apricots for diabetes

To date, there is no exact answer to the question of whether it is worth including dried apricots in the diet for patients with diabetes. The positions of professionals are divided. Some believe that this product contains more than 80% sugar, so it should not be eaten with diabetes. Others believe that sweet fruit may actually be needed by the body, since glycemic index is equal to 30%.

Doctors say that the most acceptable option is to consume no more than 100 grams of dried fruits in one day. In addition, they will go well with porridge, pastries and salads. Also goes well with rice, meat and fish. It should be noted that it is undesirable to expose dried apricots to thermal effects.

Dried apricots for pancreatitis

Dried apricots and fresh apricots contain more than 80% sucrose. The breakdown of this amount of sugar will be associated with the production of additional insulin, which is created very little in pancreatitis. On top of that, the load on the pancreas will come from the fiber content. Having many useful properties, dried apricots are categorically unacceptable for pancreatitis, as they can cause more problems than good.

Dried apricots for those who want to reduce weight

Useful properties of dried apricots for weight loss have some features:

  • Due to its sweetness, the fruit will be a good alternative to sugar and sweet foods.
  • Able to remove toxins from the body and eliminate excess liquid. It replenishes potassium reserves (its deficiency occurs when moisture is lost from the body).
  • Acts as a laxative - eliminates constipation, which often accompanies weight loss.
  • Accelerates metabolism.
  • It helps those who do not like unleavened cereals and bran. Pieces of steamed dried apricots will help transform a tasteless dish.
  • Due to the low amount of fat and great content complex carbohydrates, which are slowly absorbed, the body is saturated with energy. As a result, a person feels full longer.

Nutritionists advise to arrange fasting days on dried apricots to stabilize the weight. It is advisable to eat dried fruits in the pre-lunch time, when metabolic processes are more active.

The harm and beneficial properties of dried apricots for the body have many contradictions among researchers. Despite this, many people love dried fruit for its bright appearance and pleasant taste. Useful properties of dried apricots have a therapeutic and preventive effect. Due to its exceptional composition, it is very popular among the population.

Since ancient times, dried apricots have been considered a very useful dried fruit. Its composition is saturated with vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of the human body. It has not only excellent taste, but also a very impressive list of useful properties that have a preventive and healing effect.


Dried apricots benefits and harms have been known since ancient times. Dried apricots are considered dried fruits, but in their original form they are called apricots. It is from this sunny fruit that dried apricots are obtained by drying.

Dried apricots are rich in vitamins and microelements. Its composition is striking in its variety of useful substances, due to which it has a very beneficial effect on the human body. Due to the content of pectins, dried apricots have the ability to remove heavy metals from the body.

The use of dried apricots helps to cleanse the intestines. Calorie content of dried apricots for healthy person is not such a big indicator, so it can be used in large quantities Oh. It is especially effective in combination with other dried fruits, such as: raisins, prunes and figs. To do this, you need to eat 100 grams per day. this mixture, it is advisable to first pass the dried fruits through a meat grinder. You can add honey.

In cardiovascular diseases, the use of dried apricots is mandatory. It not only serves as a prophylactic against these diseases, but also significantly lowers cholesterol levels. It also helps cleanse the kidneys. It has a diuretic effect, due to which cleansing occurs. For this purpose, it is necessary to take compote based on dried apricots.

Dried apricots are especially useful for children. The calorie content of dried apricots does not exceed the norm. She fills teenage body everyone beneficial substances and also helps to cope with beriberi in winter period of the year. Serves as an excellent prevention of seasonal and viral diseases.

Dried apricots will help and raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood. This is especially true during pregnancy. Many of the fair sex during the period of bearing a baby suffer from a similar problem. Dried apricot will help not only to cope with it, but also have a positive effect on the development of the unborn baby.

Dried apricots have an antitumor effect. Recommended for use by people prone to oncological diseases. It serves both as a preventive and remedy. Slows down the development of oncology and facilitates its course.

Dried apricots help to cope with diseases such as anemia and anemia. It is rich in carotene - a trace element necessary for the eyes. It improves vision. Dried apricots, despite their high calorie content, are well absorbed in the body. The nutritional value of the product is able to give a feeling of satiety for the whole day.


In addition to the fact that dried apricots have beneficial properties, its excessive consumption can adversely affect general well-being person. Dried apricots despite their nutritional value and the whole spectrum useful qualities can also harm the human body. This can happen due to its misuse, or rather by people to whom it is contraindicated.

Eating dried apricot is strictly prohibited for people with reduced pressure, it will contribute to its even greater decrease. But for hypertensive patients, dried apricots will help to feel better. Apricot is considered a fairly sweet fruit, so it raises blood glucose levels without any problems.

It is not the fruit itself that can bring harm to health, but the substances with which it is processed during the drying process to give it a presentable appearance. Often used chemicals that can provoke the appearance allergic manifestations both in adults and in children. Therefore, do not give children to use dried apricots under three years of age.

Dried apricots are only beneficial in small amounts. Excessive consumption of it can only cause harm. Daily dose dried apricots is equal to 100 gr. product. This is enough to saturate the body essential substances and vitamins.


Dried apricots contain a large amount of sugar, so it cannot be called dietary product. It is not recommended for people who are overweight and diabetic. Dried apricot calories per 100 gr. is 230 kcal. 100 gr. product is about 5-6 pieces of dried fruit.

Table: Calories per 100 gr.

For 100 gr. drying falls 70 gr. water. This is a fairly large indicator, given the fact that dried apricots are dried fruits.

Table: Measures


For all its usefulness, dried apricots also have contraindications for use.

  1. Hypotension.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Gastric ulcer.
  4. Diseases of the intestines.
  5. Obesity. Dried apricots have a fairly high calorie content, so you should not use it for overweight people.

Also, do not give it to children under 3 years old. You can not eat more than 100 - 150 gr. in a day. This can provoke an upset stomach and intestines.


Traditional medicine with the help of dried apricots and tinctures based on it has learned to solve numerous health problems. One of them is constipation. Dried fruits help to cope with this such an unpleasant situation in just a few days. To do this, it is enough to pour 100-150 gr. with boiling water. dried fruits and insist. You need to drink this decoction on an empty stomach.

It starts the work of the intestines, thereby resolving the problem with constipation. Steamed fruits can be eaten, despite the fact that they were infused in water, their nutritional value did not decrease from this, and all the vitamins were preserved in the fruits.

With the help of these dried fruits, seasonal colds and beriberi can be cured.


Proper storage of dried fruits is directly reflected in their taste and appearance. Dried apricots are no exception and, if stored improperly, can quickly deteriorate.

Dried apricots can be dried and dried. The calorie content of products and the nutritional value of these two species are slightly different. Only dried can be stored, due to the lower liquid content in it, its shelf life is much longer than that of dried.

You can store dried apricots and preferably at room temperature, in a dark, dry place. Before sending dried fruits for storage, they must be placed in a bowl. It is better to opt for a glass with a tight lid to prevent oxygen from entering it. It is not recommended to use paper or cellophane products for this purpose. They will not be able to provide sealing and soon various bugs and insects can settle in dried fruits.

If storage is expected for more than 2-3 months, dried apricots can be frozen.

The nutritional value

Despite the fact that dried apricots are 70% liquid, and in particular water, it has a fairly high nutritional value. Its calorie content is 230 kcal. Even a small amount of it can satisfy hunger and saturate the body for a sufficiently long period of time.

Table: Nutritional component 100 gr. dried apricots in %

Vitamins and minerals

Dried apricots contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. According to its composition, it is recognized as one of the most useful and nutritious dried fruits.

Table: Vitamins, trace elements and macronutrients

Dried apricots benefits and harms are quite relative and have contradictions in the scientific world. Dried apricots won their recognition among people not only because of the beautiful appearance but also incredible taste. This dried fruit has a large list of useful properties and qualities that have not only a preventive, but also a healing effect. Thanks to his rich and unique composition, dried apricots occupies one of the leading places in terms of usefulness and demand among the population.


Dear readers, do you like dried apricots? I think that many of us include it in our diet. Dried apricots are a sweet, sometimes slightly sour, dried apricot fruit that is a welcome delicacy for children and adults. This popular dried fruit serves as a substitute for fresh apricots in the cold season. It is good not only for the absence of a stone and a delicate taste, but also for a set of health benefits. Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of dried apricots.

Apricot trees spread from China to the Middle East and then to European countries. Where exactly they began to dry apricot fruits - history is silent. Perhaps the Chinese began to dry this bright fruit. Today, dried apricots are a culinary delicacy known throughout the world. It is eaten on its own, and added to a variety of dishes and desserts. The largest producer of this dried fruit is Turkey.

Apricot, dried apricots and apricots. What is the difference? Apricots are fresh fruits, dried apricots are a dried fruit without a stone, and apricots are a dried fruit with a stone. The "closest relative" of dried apricots - dried apricots is as useful as natural dried apricots. There is also kaisa - a dried whole fruit without a stone. Dried apricots are considered classic in the form of halves of the fruit.

The benefits of dried apricots are the same in all its varieties. And this dried fruit has enough species. There are dried apricots from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China and Turkey. It differs in color, size and taste nuances. What do we need to pay attention to?

Dried apricot color. What do we need to know

We pay attention to the color of dried apricots. Dried apricots can have colors from orange to yellow and brown. Gray or brown color may well correspond to natural dried apricots. But bright orange can arouse suspicion. Is it useful that bright and slightly shiny?

For the sake of a spectacular presentation, manufacturers go to different kind tricks. Wholesale producers use chemicals when drying apricots. It can be anhydride - a toxin that provokes poisoning, allergies, asthmatic attacks. It may be the preservative E-220, that is, sulfur dioxide is an equally dangerous toxin. Alkalis and caustic soda (E524) can be used for large volumes of dried apricots.

If coal, gas or fuel oil was used when drying apricot fruits, then dried fruits will be rich in carcinogens and will not have a fruity aroma at all. The most valuable in terms of taste and useful properties those types of dried apricots that were dried in the shade.

Naturally dried apricot fruit will darken. To give dried apricots shine, low-quality oils and fats can be used.

Too bright orange, less often yellow dried apricots - most often a sure sign chemical processing and the use of food coloring.

What do we need to know when buying dried apricots? Natural dried apricots will have a grayish or brown color. Also, it should be dry and not glossy, be matte. Such dried apricots have benefits for the body, and the taste is much higher. This dried apricots can be bought for children. Today there are four varieties of dried apricots. This is the highest, first, extra and table.

Composition of dried apricots

The benefits and harms to the body of dried apricots are associated with its chemical natural composition. It resembles the composition of a fresh apricot, yielding only in the concentration of vitamins. Natural dried apricots contains:

  1. Vitamin set - A, B-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -9, C, E;
  2. Fatty acid;
  3. Mineral elements - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc.;
  4. Mono-, disaccharides;
  5. Starch, fructose, glucose.
  6. Dried apricots have a lot of carbohydrates in the composition, a little less protein and very little fat. She is a supplier of dietary fiber.

To replenish the daily supply of ascorbic acid, iron and potassium, you need quite a bit of dried apricots. We will talk about this a little later. It contains vitamin A of youth, an antioxidant and vitamin C, the guardian of immunity. The mineral complex in dried apricots has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Dried apricot calories and glycemic index

Due to the saturation with carbohydrates, the calorie content of this dried fruit is 240 Kcal per 100 grams. The hypoglycemic index of the product is 30. This means that dried apricots can be used for weight loss.

Useful properties of dried apricots

The benefits of dried apricots for the body over the centuries of its use are already well known. This is a general strengthening of the body and a therapeutic and normalizing effect on its various systems. How useful dried apricots for our health? Among the actions on the body, dried apricots have the following:

  • General strengthening;
  • mild laxative;
  • Diuretic;
  • Antioxidant, incl. supporting tissue regeneration and preservation;
  • Antitumor;
  • Removal of slags, toxins, radionuclides;
  • Normalization of metabolism;
  • Maintaining hormonal balance.

For the body, the benefits and harms of dried apricots are not the same. It is as beneficial as it pleases our palate. This oriental delicacy will bring us more benefit than harm and will help to normalize the functioning of organs or eliminate some ailments.

Dried apricots for the heart and blood vessels

The benefits of dried apricots for the heart and the state of blood vessels have long been known. It allows you to remove excess cholesterol. The potassium, magnesium, and sodium in dried apricots are important for healthy heart function. This delicious dried fruit is recommended for atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, anemia and spasms in the vessels.

Iron improves blood formation and. dried apricots are very useful for everyone who monitors their hemoglobin. An interesting fact: 100 grams of dried apricots contain as much iron as 250 grams of beef liver and 40 mg of iron preparations. We draw our own conclusion.

To strengthen immunity

Dried apricots will bring benefits with a weakened immune system. Vitamin C is responsible for strengthening immunity in dried apricots. Dried fruit will be very useful for weakened patients, people with low muscle tone. Dried apricots are recommended after complex operations and strokes for speedy recovery. It is also an excellent remedy for beriberi, dysbacteriosis.

For the stomach and intestines

Being a dried fruit, dried apricots improve the functioning of the digestive tract. IN traditional medicine The benefits of dried apricots are known for constipation. In general, dried apricots activate digestion.

For metabolism

Elements in dried apricots are useful for metabolism. This is tissue metabolism, and protein and fat metabolism. A nicotinic acid in dried apricots is valuable for biosynthesis in the body, and vitamin A is important for hormonal synthesis. Regular intake of this dried fruit is important for the synthesis of hemoglobin.

In the treatment of diabetes

Scientific studies have shown that taking dried apricots is useful for diabetes. It affects the normal production of insulin in the pancreas.

To cleanse the body

Dried apricots are good for cleansing the body. As a mild laxative, it allows you to remove toxins and toxic substances. This also applies to salts of heavy metals.

To prevent tumors

When taken regularly, dried apricots produce an antitumor effect. Several fruits daily will reduce the risk of cancer.

For the visual system

Dried apricots are useful for vision and improve the functioning of the visual apparatus. The B-series vitamins in this dried fruit are good for the prevention of eye diseases.

Benefits for the female body

The benefits of dried apricots for a woman's body are great. First of all, it is normalized hormonal background. Dried apricots also improve lactation (especially when mixed with oatmeal and nuts). During pregnancy, dried fruit will help transport the vitamin and mineral composition to the fetus and normalize bowel function.

Dried apricots for weight loss

It turns out that with dried apricots it is possible to lose weight. Although this is a fairly high-calorie product, dried apricots remove toxins from cells and tissues. Precisely as an agent of cleansing the body, dried apricots are introduced into the diet.

A weekly weight loss course with dried apricots is recommended. Daily you need to take 200 g of dried fruit. In this case, a single intake of protein products is important. For a full-fledged effect with such a diet, constant monitoring by a specialist is needed. And be sure to look at the contraindications.

Other beneficial effects of dried apricots

The benefit of dried apricots is also to support the functioning of the kidneys and thyroid gland. It is recommended for diseases of the urinary system. Dried apricots have a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the health of hair and nails.

If there is no allergy to dried apricots, these dried sweet and sour fruits are suitable for both adults and children.

What is healthier: apricots or dried apricots?

Apricots contain a lot of water. And dried apricots are a dried product, so if we are talking about the concentration of trace elements, then there are more of them in dried apricots.

The daily rate of dried apricots, how much should you eat?

How much dried apricots per day should be eaten with health benefits? It is enough to eat 50-100 dried apricots a day. It is worth choosing clean, moderately soft fruits. They should smell nice, in no case have the smell of wine. Dried apricots should not be overly acidic.

Dried apricots must be washed before eating. And it is best to pour boiling water for 15 minutes and soak, drain the water, dry a little and eat. Dried apricots are poured with boiling water to get rid of possible dyes and what the fruits can process. You can eat it alone or add it to other dishes. I really like adding it to cottage cheese.

You can also cook compotes, desserts, cereals, salads, soups, meat dishes with dried apricots (dried apricots go with meat as a sweet and sour seasoning). Dried apricots are in harmony with nuts and prunes. In jam, in porridge, in fruit salad or in the form of a wonderful thirst-quenching compote, dried apricots will bring pleasure and take care of our health.

How to store dried apricots

It is stored in a tightly sealed container. Moisture on dried apricots will lead to the appearance of mold. Doesn't like this product sunlight. In the light, dried apricots will lose their valuable ascorbic acid and lose delicate taste. A dark and slightly cool place is ideal for storing dried apricots.

Harm and contraindications of dried apricots

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body are determined by its natural composition and consumption rates. Some people may be allergic to the product, which will manifest itself in itching and swelling.

You should not use it in the morning on an empty stomach for those who have a sensitive stomach and intestines, prone to inflammation. Do not drink it immediately with plenty of water, because. at the same time, dried apricots greatly increase in volume and thereby stimulate intestinal motility.

Dried apricots can be harmful to people with acute illnesses Gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, stomach ulcer, indigestion. When consuming large amounts (above the daily allowance), the body will receive an excess of potassium. This is dangerous for the intestines and in some cases for the heart.

Harmful dried apricots (if you do not comply with the norm) will be at reduced pressure and kidney disease. Carefully and following the recommendations of experts, you should eat dried apricots for diabetes and obesity. But again, remember the wisdom: everything is good in moderation.

And this video has a lot interesting facts about dried apricots, about the value of the composition, about the use in the treatment of diseases and contraindications, as well as about the features of its use.

Knowing about the benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body, we can use this and lead healthy lifestyle life. Dried apricots, as an oriental and yet already well-known product, can give beauty, good tone and normal functioning of body systems.

And for the soul, today we will listen to a video clip with music R Pauls winter fairy tale . Happy first day of winter everyone!

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