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Rice crispbread glycemic index. GI depends on. When to Eat High GI Foods

This article is not related to the topic of gluten-free nutrition, it is about general principles healthy eating associated with the concept of "Glycemic index".
That is, first this concept needs to be studied, and then, on the basis of understanding this concept, it is possible to build very specific, including, depending on the goals pursued, healthy diets.

First, I will express some thoughts and describe observations about the topic. "Glycemic index" and about that why you need to know these glycemic index (GI) values .

Glycemic index (eng. Glycemic (glycaemic) index, abbreviated as GI) is an indicator of the effect of food after consumption on blood sugar levels.

I am sure that today every housewife who feeds her family every day should know about Guy, this knowledge is necessary for building proper diet nutrition for your family. Now the sciences of dietetics, medicine, biology have taken a step forward, this makes it possible to use their achievements in everyday life, and when building your family’s nutrition menu, swim not “chaotically like a fish in the sea-ocean of recipes”, but make the right and healthy choice for your family .

In the 2nd part, the generally accepted popular science theory of this issue will be given (beginning in the 1st part of the post). The second part of the post will be released on December 3rd.

You can’t approach this topic “from a swoop”, what is absolutely necessary is to learn the GI data for the main products in order to freely manipulate them. So let's get started.

If your son or daughter, or your husband, or you yourself are engaged in fitness or more serious sports, you should know what to feed everyone and how long before training, this is exactly the data that Gi information provides.

First, let's talk about vegetables, which are considered to have a minimum GI and therefore they are the most useful.
It should be understood that not all vegetables are classified as low-GI foods, for example, such as: zucchini, Gi pumpkin (75) in heat-treated, boiled carrots (85), Gi swede (99). At that time, raw carrots had only GI (35). That is, even vegetables can have a high GI.

And fructose, for example, has GI (20), this is in 5 times lower than Gi (100) of glucose and 3.5 times lower than Gi (70) of sugar. This tells us that different carbohydrates can have both very low and very high GI, and this is not related to the calorie content of the product (glucose, sucrose and fructose have a similar calorie value, more than 300 kcal).

You also need to understand that the usual meal in standard situations should be combined from products with lower and higher GI, so that the intake of sugars into the blood in the process of digestion of food is evenly distributed and so that food intake does not create peak loads on the production of insulin by the body, and, as a result, there is no overload of the pancreas in the short period of time that follows a meal.
Vegetable fiber (a type of carbohydrate) is digested for a long time, it can last 5-6 hours.

Puree soups and mashed potatoes Gees (90) always have a much higher GI index than whole or sliced ​​foods, so these soups and purees should be paired with high-fiber coarse vegetable salads or protein foods.

All puffed cereal products and chips, such as:

rice cakes Gi (94),
Gi corn flakes (85),
as well as popcorn gi (85),
puffed amaranth grains Gi (70),
potato chips gi (85)

have an index always higher than porridge from these groats gi (60-70) or just boiled potatoes gi (70). Therefore, the use of sweet popcorn during movie shows and all kinds of chips cannot be considered good habit and tradition.

Products such as white wheat bread Gee (85) are always higher in this value. rye bread Gi (45-63) and bread made from grains or from coarse grinding of whole grain flour Gi (30-45), or from rye meal (crushed grain). Therefore, a piece of such grain bread or from whole grain flour is never superfluous in any meal, in order to reduce the overall GI of a meal with its help.

Gi is well reduced when not too finely chopped and whole seeds and nuts, and bran are added to the dish, including in bread baking. Nuts and seeds themselves have a very low GI index, sunflower seeds gi (35), nuts gi (15-25), u oat bran Gi (50), while rice bran has only Gi (19)!

It is better to buy pasta from durum wheat and whole grain gi (38-60), and not from soft varieties of wheat of the highest grade gi (85), and spelled pasta is also useful, such pasta will certainly have a lower GI, or it’s good to take barley and buckwheat variants of pasta Gi (22-50).
It is better to cook any pasta 1-2 minutes less than it is written on the package (this method of cooking is called "al dente", while the core of the pasta remains semi-cooked and due to this the GI decreases).

Fruit juices have a much higher GI than the fruit itself. Therefore, it is better to eat fruits whole. Accepting a glass of freshly squeezed juice is justified only when after that you give yourself a substantial physical activity. So, for example, if oranges have GI (45), then the juice from them already has GI (65), Apple juice has GI (40), unlike the apples themselves with GI (30-35).

Such foods like eggs, meat, refined ghee don't have , but their addition to food reduces GI and cereals, and potatoes, and legumes.
To date, there are no exact methods for calculating the GI of such combined dishes. The only thing that can be approximately understood is that when combining, for example, potatoes and meat (2 parts to 1 part), the GI of such a dish decreases by about 1/3 relative to the GI of potatoes (70), that is, it becomes about GI (47).

Legumes such as beans and beans, lentils gi (30) have a low gi, but you should not abuse them and eat them every day, as in general they burden the pancreas and also put a strain on the kidneys due to the large amount contained in them squirrel.

If we consider breakfasts and side dishes from cereals and potatoes, the types of these carbohydrate foods are arranged in the following sequence in terms of GI value:

pearl barley gi (22),
maize grits Gi (35),
buckwheat Guy (50),
boiled potatoes gi (56),
rice wild gi (57),
oatmeal gi (59),
rice white gi (60),
semolina Guy (66),
millet and porridge sago gi (70).

Cooking morning porridge in milk also reduces the GI of any porridge.

I will also draw your attention to the fact that some confectionery products have a lower GI than bread and cereals. For example, for a Twix Gi bar (62), for rye bread, the Gi value can reach up to (63), and for white wheat bread, Gi (85)!

And confections with a lot of chocolate and sugar based on wheat flour have a high GI not because of chocolate GI (25), but because of GI sugar (70) and wheat flour GI (69).

The use of Fructose with Gi (20) reduces Gi confectionery in general, such as, for example, cake or gi cakes (80-100).
The use of a fat cream also reduces the GI of the cake, but this path is not necessary, since in this case other mechanisms of overloading the liver with an excessive amount of fats begin to work, and this will affect the efficiency of insulin, which ensures the processing of sugars.

An almost perfect treat a large number of bitter chocolate with 72% -85% chocolate. But even more useful is chocolate on CAROB powder (it contains less protein and it does not overload the kidneys).

What to do? Abandon cakes altogether if you want to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet?

Not at all, only cakes should be made at home and small. Instead of biscuits, make sweetened dough using whole wheat flour or rye flour on sourdough, instead of a fat cream from cream and butter - a cream on milk or medium-fat or low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt or fermented baked milk, or a cream of whipped proteins.
It is good to make jelly-like layers in such cakes from multi-colored fruit and berry juices (even better from fruit purees) on agar-agar or gelatin sheet Gi (30).
You can completely make such a cake from different colored types of jelly, with only a small addition of unsweetened crackers purchased or cooked at home.

You just need to correctly calculate how much of such a cake you can afford to eat. Be sure to take into account both the proteins and the fats included in it, based on the fact that for 1 kg of your weight you can consume 1 gram of protein and 1 gram of fat per day.

Example: Suppose your weight is 75 kg - this will mean that you need to consume 75 grams of protein per day, but from this you need to subtract 29 grams of protein per meat or fish (from 150 grams of beef per day), as well as 6 grams of protein (from one egg, if you eat it that day), and another 7 grams of protein from cheese (from 30 grams of cheese per day).
In general, if the cake is cottage cheese and cottage cheese is 9% fat, the protein in such cottage cheese contains 16 grams per 100 grams of cottage cheese. A slice of cake as a serving can be of such weight that it takes 100 grams of cottage cheese.
Total proteins: 29 beef protein + 8 g cheese protein + 16 g cottage cheese protein in the cake \u003d 54 g protein, that is, 20 grams of pure protein remains, which will need to be distributed to your daily cereals, bread, potatoes in side dishes and in the first course (these products also contain protein).

Also a good treat are cereal bars, which include cereal ghee (40), ghee nuts (15-25), ghee seeds and seeds (25-35), dried ghee fruit (35-146) and very little honey or other sweetener. in composition. By the way, dates with GI (146) in such bars should be avoided.
Dried apricots and prunes have gi (35), raisins have gi (65). That is, if you make such bars at home, then use dried fruits with low GI.
Drinks such as Fanta, Pepsi-Cola, Sprite, Coca-Cola have no reason to recommend drinking, and because of the high GI (67-70), as well as because of the large amount of dyes and other chemical substances and sugar in the ingredients.

When we cook at home, wewe can only very roughly estimate their Glycemic index . You need to take the GI of the main product by weight and evaluate whether the additional products work to decrease or increase the value.

You can accurately evaluate the GI of a cooked dish only with a 24-hour blood glucose monitoring device, of course, we will not resort to such methods in our amateur culinary activities.

The degree of grinding of products also matters, the more we grind the product, the more the GI will increase.

So bean soups always have a lower GI than bean soups. starchy vegetables and close to starchy (potatoes, celery root, turnips, rutabaga), potato soup has GI (90), and lentil soup has GI (44). This is due to the higher content of protein in legumes.

The addition of vegetable and animal oils to the dish also reduces Gi, but this technique should not be used, since there are reasonable norms for the consumption of fats per day. There are different methods on this issue, but the value of fat consumed should not exceed a value from 25 g to a total of 1 g per 1 kg of weight. That is, if your weight is 75 kg, then the total amount of fat by upper bound should not exceed 75 g in the composition of all products and dishes, and also should not be lower than 25 g.

How do you evaluate the gi at least approximately? For example, a gluten-free ice cream made in equal proportions of soy milk GI (30), cream of coconut GI (45), and bananas (GI 65) uses a little honey as a sweetener. Obviously soy milk and coconut cream bring the high GI of bananas down to (40-50) final product in the form of ice cream slight increase gives high GI honey (90)).

I received consultations on most of these issues from leading clinical nutritionists in Russia.

Next comes the data on GI products from different sources, and in the 2nd part of the post will be given tables with a wider set of data on fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy products and their gi. These tables will have non-repeating data compared to the data from the first list of the 1st part. It was not possible to observe the absolute identity of data from many sources, since I used tables different countries, and the concept of Gi is not an absolutely exact value.

Here, in red and blue, I have highlighted positions that are important for me, related to the bakery theme.



dates ................................. ......146
rice noodles ............................... 130
corn syrup...........................115
barley malt ..........................110

beer.................................. .........110
shortbread cookies ........................106

maltose ............................ ...... 105
white bread toasts .................. 100
glucose ................................. ......100
steamed rutabaga.......................99
parsnips.............................. ........97

sand baskets. with fruits...........96
millet bread. from high flour varieties......95
baked potatoes .............. 85-95
rice flour...................................95
puffed rice ...............................94
rice noodles..............................9 2

canned apricots ...............................91
cactus jam......................................91
mashed potatoes.......................90
rice porrige quick application..........90
honey ........................................ ............ 90
rice milk .............................. 85

tapioca (groats cassava sago).85
corn flakes ........................85
boiled carrots .......................... 85
popcorn................................. .........85
white wheat bread ................ 85
rice bread .............................. .85

arrowroot root (arrow-root) ........... 85
quick mashed potatoes pr...83
beans ........................................ ......80
potato chips......................80
wheat crackers.......................80
muesli with nuts and raisins............80

high flour pasta varieties.........80
tapioca sweet .............................. 80
caramel ............................ ..........80
unsweetened waffles.......................76
watermelon................................... ............ 75

heat-treated zucchini...........75
heat-treated pumpkin .............. 75
bread french baguette......................75
wheat bread ..........................75
french fries ............................ ..... 75
ground breadcrumbs for paneer ............... 74

wheat flakes.......................73
bagels, wheat bagels........72


polished rice......................70
Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite............70
potato starch, corn .................. 70
boiled corn .............................. 70
marmalade, jam with sugar.........55-70

Mars, Snickers (bars) ............... 70

parboiled turnip ............................ ...70
dumplings, ravioli......................70
millet, millet, sorghum ..........................70

wheat flour (high grade) .......... 70
steamed white rice.......................70
muesli with sugar ............................... 70

sugar (sucrose) ............................... 7 0
fruit chips in sugar......................70
milk chocolate ........................70
corn porridge .............................. 70
amaranth air flakes............70

wheat flour.............................. 69

croissants ............................... ..........67
Pepsi-cola and similar drinks.....67
pineapple ................................................. 66
wheat flour crackers.............66
fast growing oatmeal .............. 66
semolina .................................... .66

green soup puree dry peas............66
peeled rye flour.......................65
spelled flour ..............................65

bananas ............................................. 65
melon ................................... .............. ..65
decoction potatoes. "in uniform"..........65

canned vegetables.......................65
couscous groats ................................... ....65
raisin.................................... ............. ..65
maple syrup..............................65

orange juice .............................. 65
boiled beetroot ..................................65

macaroni and cheese ..............................64
black bean soup...................64
wheat biscuit ..........................63
sprouted wheat grains......63
rye bread...................................5 0-63

pancakes made from wheat flour .............. 62
Twix Bar ..............................62
hamburger buns..............................61
chestnut flour .............................. 60
drink Nesquik liquid .................... 60
mayonnaise ........................................ .....60

pizza with tomatoes and cheese........... 60
ice cream ............................... .....52-60
bananas ............................. .............. 60
white rice ............................. ........60
yellow pea soup..............60
apricots cons. in syrup..................60

oatmeal porridge .................... 60
flour pasta tv. psh varieties ....... 80
lasagna from durum psh..........60
wheat groats from TV varieties............60

canned sweet corn...................59
papaya ................................. .............58

rice vermicelli..............................58
pita arabic ............................ .....57
wild rice .............................. .........57
boiled potatoes .........................56
kiwi ................................. .............. ..56
rice brown, red .................55

baked rye bread......................55
mustard with sugar .............................. .55
ketchup ........................................ ........55

buckwheat.................................. ............... 55
oatmeal cookies...................................5 5
oat bran ............................... .55

mango juice ........................................ ....55
sweet cassava .............................55
pasta Nutella .............................55
butter biscuits wheat ................... 55
makar from millet. flour of the highest grade..55
fruit salad with vzb. drain............55

jam ................................. .............55
wheat germ flakes.......................53
sweet yoghurt ................................ ..52
canned beans..............52
barley flakes .............................50
bread made from flour is coarse. grinding with bran.....50

pancakes and pancakes made from buckwheat flour...50
fresh peas ............................... ....50

sweet potato (yam) ................50
spaghetti, pasta............................50
tortellini with cheese.......................50
bread made from buckwheat flour......................50

sherbet ............................. ............... 50
Rice, not polished..............................5 0
bulgur groats ................................... ....48
canned green peas...................48
grape juice without sugar .............. 48

grapefruit juice without sugar......................48
fruit bread ............................... ....47
green peas..............................4 7
wild rice ............................... ..........47
lactose ................................. ................ 46
grapes .............................................. 40-46

pineapple juice without sugar ............... 46
fruit juices without sugar ..............35-46
kvass ............................... .............. ......45
green peas. canned..............................45
canned pears ............................... ......44

lentil puree soup ..............................44
apricots ..............................................44
colored beans .................................... 42
spaghetti, pasta from c / h flour .......... 42
canned chickpeas .............................. 41
"Bounty" bar ............................... ....41

oranges, tangerines......................40
beans ................................. .........30-40
strawberry, strawberry......................35-40
gooseberry ............................................... 40
fresh green peas ...............40
tomato juice..................................... ...40

hominy (porridge from corn. grits. kr. p.) 40
apple juice without sugar......................40
white beans ............................... .....40
rye grain bread .........................40
wheat grain bread .............................. 40

pumpkin bread ............................... .....40
buckwheat porridge .................................... .40
fresh dates .................................. 40
dry oatmeal ..............................40
coarse pasta. grinding ...... 38-40

fish sticks .............................................. 38

barley bread ............................ ..... 38
lima bean soup..........36
vermicelli chinese ......................35
wholemeal flour bread...........35
Dijon mustard .............................. 3 5
sunflower seeds..............................3 5

fresh figs .............................. 3 5
natural yoghurt ............................... . 35
low-fat yogurt .............................. 3 5
dry peas .............................................. 35
dried apricots ................................. .............. ....35
maize (corn groats).............................35

pomegranate.................................. ............... ....35
raw carrots ..............................................35
soy milk ice cream......................35
pears ............................... .............. ....35
baker's yeast, brewer's yeast......................35
amaranth, sesame seeds......................35

germinated rye grains ............... 34
chocolate milk..............................3 4
plums ................................. .............. ....33
peanut butter...................................3 2
skimmed milk .............................3 2
whole milk ..............................................32
lima beans ..............................................32


black beans .............................. .........30
Turkish peas (chickpeas).............................30
berry marmalade without sugar......................30
milk 2%-fat ............................... ....30
turnip, raw ........................................ .....30

soy milk, almond .................................30

peaches ................................. ................ ...thirty
grapefruit, pomello............................3 0

berries................................... .............. .25-30
fruit yogurt. and sucrose .............. 20-30
marmalade with saccharazam.......................30
raw turnip ............................................ 30

garlic........................................ ......... ....thirty
sausages ................................. ................ ...28
red lentils .............................................. 25
dark chocolate .................................................. 25
soy flour ........................................ ..........25
fruit cons. without sugar ..........25

nuts different .............................................. 15-25
redcurrant ............................... ...25
pumpkin seeds.................................2 5

cherry................................... .............. ......22
crushed yellow peas ..........................22
grapefruit.............................................. 22

pearl barley ................................... .....22
plums ................................. .............. ......22
canned soybeans..................................22
green lentils ............................... ...22
fresh apricots .............................. ..20
artichoke ........................................ .......... .20

peanuts ............................... ............... .....20
dry soybeans ..................................2 0
lingonberries, cranberries ............................. ..20
fructose ................................ .................. .20
cocoa powder......................................20
CAROB powder ..............................................20

rice bran ............................... .....19
walnuts ............................... .........15
asparagus ........................................ .......... ...15
kefir................................... .............. ......15
soya ........................................................... ...........15
germinated seeds..............................15

green peas ............................... .15
wheat germ..............................1 5

eggplants ............................... ............... 10
broccoli sprouts ............................... ...10
mushrooms................................... .............. .....10
green pepper ............................... .....10

mexican cactus ............................ ..10
cabbage................................. ................ ...10
onion..................................... ............ ..........10
leaf lettuce ............................ ........ 10
lettuce .............................................. 10

Foods with a low glycemic indexcan be used without restrictions.

Foods with an average glycemic index - It is advisable not to abuse these products.

Foods with a high glycemic index - it is better to limit the consumption of these products or strictly dose.

Here recently on the net I came across people who regularly and in large quantities consume dietary supplements, prescribing them for themselves and their relatives themselves, including children, pursuing very different goals (for example, in order to control brain activity, as well as to preserve youth and etc.), not having medical education, they give each other advice on the network about the dosages of such substances.

I will not waste time describing my reaction to this phenomenon (it is a reaction close to horror!).

The apotheosis of this was the post of one woman, who, with the help of dietary supplements, tried to improve the condition of her relative, who, according to her, has diabetes in a very difficult form and does not inject insulin.

In connection with this situation, I decided to present the theory of the use of insulin (in terms of educational activities, this topic closes on Guy's question), why insulin should be used and why no dietary supplements can help in these situations.
With forms of diabetes moderate and running diabetic pills no longer help, since their effectiveness is much lower than insulin injections, only insulin can save from strokes, amputations and blindness!



The glycemic index is a reflection of the comparison of the body's response to a product with the body's response to pure glucose, which has a glycemic index of 100. For all other products, it varies from 0 to 100 or more, depending on how quickly they are absorbed. When a food is assigned a low glycemic index, it means that when it is consumed, blood sugar levels rise slowly. The higher the glycemic index, the faster the rise in blood sugar after eating the food, and the higher the immediate blood sugar level after eating the food.

The glycemic index of a product depends on several factors - the type of carbohydrate and the amount of fiber it contains, the method heat treatment product, the content of proteins and fats in it, the degree of grinding of products.

The concept of the glycemic index was first introduced in 1981 by Dr. David Jenkins, a professor at the University of Toronto in Canada. to determine which diet is best for people with diabetes. Now this concept is used much more widely in the construction of rational diets and nutrition patterns.


This simple circuit nutritional recommendations, of course, it will not help you make a detailed diet, but with the help of it you can somehow “immerse yourself” in the topic of choosing exactly the diet that you need. It is better to copy this scheme into any graphic editor and view it on an enlarged scale:

"Memory scheme" of glycemic indices of some products (of course, not everything can be recognized, Guy 97 - parsnips):

Blog second part of the post . You will also find other food GI values ​​there.

Knowing the glycemic index will help you make the right diet, because depending on this indicator, you can both increase your weight and lose weight.

Quick article navigation:

The glycemic index (hereinafter referred to as GI) is an indicator of the rate of absorption of carbohydrates that enter the body and increase blood sugar levels. The glycemic index of each product is compared with the GI of glucose, which is equal to 100 units. The fewer carbohydrates in the product, the lower the indicator will be. Thus, all carbohydrate-containing products are divided into three groups:

  • high GI - above 70 units;
  • average GI - 40-70 units;
  • low GI - 10-40 units.

Foods with a high GI are called fast or empty. Blood glucose levels rise very quickly after consuming high GI foods. In practice, sugars are present here in a pure, almost unchanged form. Those foods that have a low GI are called complex or slow, because. the energy supplied with them is released gradually over several hours.

GI depends on:

  • type of carbohydrates;
  • method of heat treatment of products;
  • storage conditions;
  • the amount of fiber;
  • content of proteins and fats.

Important facts:

  1. Initially, the study of this indicator was started to correct the diet in patients diabetes. But later it turned out that high GI foods can raise blood sugar in perfectly healthy people.
  2. The more of these products enter the body, the more problems it can cause.
  3. Sometimes even those foods that are considered to be low-calorie have a high GI and therefore it is easy to get better from them.
  4. You should pay attention to the fact that those foods that contain fiber have a lower GI and are absorbed more slowly, gradually releasing energy.
  5. Foods devoid of fiber with a high GI provide a lot of energy, if you do not spend it by leading sedentary image life, then this energy is converted into fat.
  6. Frequent consumption of products with GI leads to metabolic disorders. Constantly elevated sugar levels increase the feeling of hunger.

Video: everything you need to know about the glycemic index of foods

Glycemic index of products: table for weight loss

The table is made up of the most used products. For ease of use, foods with the same GI are grouped together.

The glycemic index of products indicated in the table is an average and approximate. This is due to the storage conditions, the method of cooking, the initial carbohydrate content in a particular product. ABOUT possible changes GI will be discussed in the next article.

Download the full table of GI products for the refrigerator for free, PDF 570 kb

Foods with a high glycemic index of 70 or higher GI
Beer 110
Dates, hamburger 103
glucose, starch, White bread, swede, bagels, fried croutons 100
Sweet rolls, baked, fried potatoes, potato casserole, parsnips 95
Rice noodles, white rice, canned peaches, apricots, honey, pies, hot dog 90
Cornflakes, stewed or boiled carrots, popcorn, rice milk pudding, celery root 85
Mashed potatoes, muesli with raisins, crackers, donuts, caramel, lollipops, condensed milk 80
Pumpkin, watermelon, French baguette, lasagna, rice porridge with milk, savory waffles, squash caviar 75
Millet, chocolate bars(Mars type), milk chocolate, croissant, sweet soda, pearl barley, white and brown sugar, chips, semolina, couscous, soft wheat pasta, halva, cheesecakes, packaged juices, jam 70
Foods with an average glycemic index of 50-69 GI
Wheat flour 69
Pineapple, instant oatmeal 66
Black yeast bread, wheat flour, Orange juice, jam, boiled or stewed beets, marmalade, sugared muesli, jacket potatoes, canned fruits and vegetables, sweet potato, rye and whole grain bread, macaroni and cheese, raisins, marshmallows, marshmallow, fruit waffles 65
Pancakes, pizza, bananas, ice cream, lasagne, melon, mayonnaise, sour cream, oatmeal, cocoa, long grain rice, coffee and black tea with sugar, dumplings, dumplings, pancakes 60
canned corn, grape juice, ketchup, mustard, spaghetti, sushi, shortbread cookies, margarine, processed cheese, feta 55
Cranberry, apple and pineapple juice without sugar, mango, persimmon, kiwi, brown rice, orange, sweet yogurt, cutlets, pork schnitzel, fish cutlets, scrambled eggs, beef liver roasted, natural coffee without sugar, egg, yolk 50

Foods with a low glycemic index of 49 and below (recommended for weight loss) GI
Dry wines and champagnes 44
Cranberry, grapefruit juice, canned green peas, basmati rice, coconut, whole grain bread, fresh orange juice, buckwheat, wheat pasta, carrot juice, dried apricots, prunes, eggplant caviar, beef, crab sticks 40
Wild rice, chickpeas, apples, fresh green peas, Chinese noodles, vermicelli, sesame, plums, quince, sesame, natural yogurt 0%, fructose ice cream, soy sauce, boiled sausage 35
Beans, nectarine, pomegranate, peach, compote without sugar, tomato juice 34
Soy milk, apricot, lentil, grapefruit, green bean, garlic, beetroot, pear, tomato, low-fat cottage cheese, pear, jam without sugar, cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, dark chocolate, milk, passion fruit, tangerine, green bananas, chicken 30
Cherries, raspberries, red currants, strawberries, wild strawberries, pumpkin seeds, gooseberries, soy flour, fatty kefir, crushed yellow peas 25
Artichoke, eggplant, soy yogurt, lemon, seaweed 20
Almonds, broccoli, cabbage, celery, cashews, cauliflower, white and Brussels sprouts (in any form), chili, cucumber, nuts, asparagus, ginger, mushrooms, zucchini, onions, leeks, olives, peanuts, tofu cheese , soy, spinach, pickled and pickled cucumbers, bran, kefir, blackcurrant, olives and black olives 15
Avocado, green pepper 10
lettuce, sunflower seeds 9
dill, parsley, vanillin, cinnamon, oregano, shrimps, hard cheese 5

When to Eat High GI Foods

  • after prolonged sports training;
  • with a sharp decrease in blood sugar, (for example, in insulin-dependent patients)
  • When to Eat Low GI Foods

    • if you want to lose weight;
    • in the conduct sedentary and sedentary lifestyle;
    • during forced decreases in activity, for example, during illness;
    • if desired, restore metabolic processes;
    • in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.


    For the vast majority of people, consuming low GI foods is much preferable for the following reasons:

    1. food is absorbed slowly, the level of sugar rises and falls gradually, and not abruptly;
    2. sick diabetes can control the increase in blood glucose levels, preventing the progression of the disease and the development of concomitant diseases;
    3. using in the diet foods with a low glycemic index, you can steadily reduce weight;
    4. foods with a high glycemic index useful only to athletes and hard-working physically people.

    Approximate GI indicators in different food categories

    Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find data on GI in products produced in our country. But in developed countries, this important parameter is mentioned on almost all food products.

    To have a rough idea of ​​the size of the GI, here are some data.

    High GI foods:
    • Chocolates, milk chocolate, fast food, ice cream in chocolate, cakes, pastries - GI = 85-70;
    Average GI:
    • Fruit juices without sugar, pizza, coffee and tea with sugar - 46-48
    Low GI:
    • Bitter chocolate 70% -22, tomato juice -15, meat and fish dishes -10.

    Advantages and disadvantages of foods with a low or high glycemic index

    GI Advantages Flaws
    • rapid influx of energy, increased efficiency;
    • increase in blood glucose levels.
    • short duration of energy inflow;
    • formation of fatty deposits due to jumps blood sugar;
    • risk for diabetic patients.
    • gradual release of energy, which is enough for a long time;
    • slow rise in blood glucose, which prevents fat deposits;
    • reduction in feelings of hunger.
    • Low effect during training and exercise;
    • Insufficiently rapid increase in blood sugar in coma with diabetes mellitus group 1.

    Metabolic disorders from high GI foods

    Energy derived from carbohydrates is used in three ways:

    1. to replenish the expended energy;
    2. for the supply of glycogen in the muscles;
    3. for backup needs in case of power shortage.
    4. Storage reservoirs are fat cells located throughout the body. By eating foods with a high glycemic index, the body is overwhelmed with glucose, rapidly converted into fat. If at the moment the energy is not in demand, the person is sitting or lying, then this fat is sent to the depot for storage.

    Are High GI Foods Harmful?

    • With the constant consumption of foods with a high GI, the level of glucose in the blood is constantly kept at elevated level. Eating something sweet or high-calorie every half hour or hour, even if only a glass of tea with sugar, a candy, a cookie, a roll or a sweet fruit, the sugar level will accumulate and rise.
    • The body responds by reducing insulin production. There is a metabolic disorder, which is expressed in the accumulation extra pounds. The fact is that with a lack of insulin, glucose cannot get into muscle fibers even if the body needs it at the moment.
    • Reserves of unspent energy sent to storage, deposited in the form of folds on the abdomen, sides and thighs.
    • At the same time, it would seem that constant overeating, a person feels constant hunger, weakness, trying to get energy, he eats more and more. The stomach is overstretched, but saturation does not come.


    It is not the high GI foods themselves that are harmful, but their excessive and uncontrolled consumption. If you have worked hard, or spent a couple of hours in the gym, then a high GI will go to restore energy, to invigorate. If you eat these products in front of the TV, at night, then body fat will grow by leaps and bounds.

    Are low glycemic foods really healthy?

    Products with slow carbohydrates they are good because they gradually maintain energy at the right level. Using them, you will not get bursts of energy, but you will be able to effectively spend it during the day. These products include:

    • most of the vegetables;
    • durum pasta (el dente, i.e. slightly undercooked) and brown rice, many legumes;
    • fresh fruits, milk and dairy products, dark chocolate, etc.

    The glycemic index and calorie content are not related, so you need to understand both concepts. Any product, even with a low GI, still contains calories.

    Here is what nutritionist Kovalkov says about the glycemic index:

    Foods with a low glycemic index. Table for weight loss.

    This table contains products that help you lose weight. You can eat them daily without fear of gaining excess weight. If you stick to such a diet throughout your life, only occasionally pampering yourself with high GI foods, then the weight will stably remain on the same numbers. However, do not forget that overeating, even healthy foods will stretch the walls of the stomach, requiring more and more portions, and then it will not be possible to lose weight.

    Conclusion: the predominant content in the diet of foods with low GI, occasionally - with medium GI and very rarely, in exceptional cases with high GI.

    Diet with a low glycemic index

    Many factors can change the glycemic index of a product, which must be considered when planning a low GI diet.

    Here are some of them:

    • duration of storage and degree of maturity of starch-containing products. For example, an unripe banana has a low GI of 40, and when it is ripened and softened, the GI rises to 65. Apples also increase GI when ripe, but not as quickly;
    • a decrease in starch particles leads to an increase in GI. This applies to all grain products. That is why grain bread or coarse flour is considered so useful. Dietary fibers, proteins, fiber remain in large flour particles, which lowers the GI to 35-40. Therefore, preference should be given to bread and wholemeal flour;
    • reheating foods after refrigeration reduces the GI;

    • cooking increases GI. So, for example, boiled carrots have a GI of 50, while in raw form it does not exceed 20, since the starch contained in it gelates when heated;
    • products industrial production cooked by resorting to heat treatment, gelatinizing starchy foods. That's why corn flakes, mashed potatoes for fast food, breakfast cereals have a very high GI - 85 and 95, respectively. In addition, they contain dextrins and modified starch - GI 100;
    • many products contain "cornstarch" in their composition. Seeing such an inscription, everyone should understand that the GI of this product is close to 100, which can increase glycemia;
    • breaking corn kernels when making popcorn leads to an increase in GI by 15-20%;
    • some types of noodles and spaghetti, obtained by pastification or high pressure extrusion, have a lower GI -40. But the dough for dumplings, dumplings, homemade noodles, made from durum flour in the usual way, has a high GI -70;
    • Spaghetti and durum pasta are recommended to be slightly undercooked, so that they crunch slightly on the teeth. This will lower the GI as much as possible. If you cook pasta for 15-20 minutes, then starch gelation will increase and the GI will increase to 70. If you cook spaghetti (even from white flour) in the al dente (slightly undercooked) way and serve it cold, for example, in a salad, then they GI will be only 35;
    • Long-term storage of foods containing starch also contributes to a decrease in GI. Warm, freshly baked bread will have a much higher GI than one that has cooled down, and even more so one that has dried out. Therefore, bread is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator or even frozen first, followed by defrosting. And there is it in a dried, stale form. For quick drying, you can cook croutons in the oven or in a toaster;
    • Refrigeration of foods, such as those sold in a vacuum casing and stored at a temperature not exceeding 5 degrees, also lowers the GI;

    1. Use as many vegetables as possible in your diet. Their low GI makes it possible not only to increase the reserves of vitamins and minerals, but also to eat in any quantity. In addition, vegetables lower the GI of other foods when eaten together. The fiber found in vegetables significantly reduces blood sugar levels, as it takes a lot of energy to digest it.
    2. Eliminate foods with a higher glycemic index from the diet: beer, carbonated drinks, confectionery and flour products, sweets.

    1. Choose cooking methods that lower the GI. For example, mashed potatoes with mashed starch particles have the highest GI, while baked or boiled potatoes have a much lower GI. The more cooked a starchy product (porridge, pasta, potatoes, cereals), the higher the GI will be.
    2. Grinding foods increases their GI. For example, a piece of meat has a lower GI than cutlets. Any crushing speeds up digestion, which means that less energy is required for this. The same applies even to vegetables. Therefore, do not try to chop vegetables for salads too finely. Raw carrots are healthier than grated and even more so than boiled ones.
    3. Natural vegetables and fruits are healthier than juices, since juices lack fiber, which slows down digestion and lowers GI. For the same purpose, it is not necessary to peel vegetables and fruits, as it can lengthen the digestion process and lower the GI.
    4. Add to salads and other dishes a little (half a teaspoon) vegetable oil, since all oils slow down the digestion process, impair the absorption of sugars, and lower the GI.
    5. Separate nutrition is not so useful, since proteins can slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, reduce glucose levels and lower GI. On the other hand, carbohydrates are needed for the digestion of proteins. Therefore, in diet food it is necessary to combine a protein dish with a vegetable one.
    6. In the daily diet, it is necessary to lower the GI with each meal. In the morning it can be quite high, in the afternoon - dishes with a medium GI, and for dinner - only a low GI. During a night's rest, energy consumption is minimal, which means that everything eaten at night is converted into body fat.

    How to create your own healthy diet. Nutritionist advice.

    This article provides information for reflection, and each person can benefit from it for himself. Of course, we most often choose not what is useful, but what is available, for which there is enough money. But this is not a reason to eat only obviously junk food which destroys health. As a result, you will have to spend much more on medicines.

    These rules will help everyone make a menu for themselves and their families:

    • choose buckwheat and rice instead of french fries and fast food dishes;
    • steam meat and vegetables instead of frying;
    • bake or boil potatoes instead of mashing;
    • slightly undercook pasta and cereals to reduce their glycemic index;
    • to add flavor, use spices, tomato and lemon juice instead of mayonnaise, ketchup and other high-calorie sauces;
    • don't try to change eating habits, and do not look for universal diets. Gradually, day after day, choose for yourself such dishes that suit you, you like to taste and are able to replace harmful and excessively high-calorie ones. Only in this way will you choose the ideal diet for yourself;
    • Learn new cooking methods, monitor the reaction of your body, your health and mood. This will allow you to find your own regimen and way to lose weight;
    • Remember that the consumption of high GI foods is acceptable only after a severe physical work and long strength training, as well as according to the testimony of a doctor during or after illness;
    • A large number of effective diets It is based just on the reasonable use of foods with an average or low glycemic index.

    If you haven't downloaded it yet, be sure to download the Table of Foods with their glycemic indexes, as well as approximately the low GI diet menu. We have made the files easy to print and hang on the refrigerator.

    To correct nutrition in diabetes, it is recommended to find out the glycemic index of bread, fruits, vegetables and other foods. It regulates blood sugar levels. Flour products have high rates, but this does not mean that rolls will have to be abandoned. Bakeries make many types of bread, and choosing the safest for diabetics is not difficult.

    What is the glycemic index?

    The glycemic index indicates the ability of a certain product to be processed in the blood into glucose. The standard is glucose with a GI of 100 units. The higher this indicator, the more sugar enters the bloodstream after eating such food. This indicator indicates the degree of assimilation by the intestines. After eating them, hunger quickly returns. If the dish has a low glycemic index (55 and below), the body is saturated for a long period. This is easy to explain: blood sugar, which gives a feeling of satiety, is much more stable in low GI foods.

    Eating different low GI foods suppresses appetite, a person is satiated for a longer period, and the effect of such foods will continue to the next meal. Thus, the body is protected from overeating. Therefore, the doctor's first recommendation would be to refuse muffins or cookies for breakfast.

    GI indicators of flour products

    At bakery products

    Not all types of bread are good for diabetes.

    The GI of white bread made from wheat flour ranges from 70-85 units, depending on the type of product. Rye flour from which different kinds black bread, reduces to 50-58 units. And the calorie content of the loaves is the same. Reasons for low rates of rye bakery products:

    • a large amount of fiber;
    • high content of proteins, amino acids and vitamins;
    • iron and magnesium improves hemoglobin and calms the nervous system.

    Borodino bread deserves special attention. It contains vitamin B, micro and macro elements, and the index is only 45 units. Bread rolls are gaining popularity. But here you should be careful: the GI of bread from wheat flour is 75, so it is better to choose bread from whole grain flour. Doctors often recommend Dr. Körner rye bread - this manufacturer carefully monitors the performance of its products. Bread with a low glycemic index saturates the body, providing nutrition complex carbohydrates.

    Flour indicators

    The bread departments of supermarkets, along with small bakeries, offer consumers products made from different flours. If Medical Card a person contains a mark on diabetes, before buying bread, you need to figure out if the flour from which the bun is made is healthy:

    • Wheat flour of the highest grade is high in calories and contains the least amount of fiber. For its production, the grains are crushed into dust, completely cleared of the useful shell. Therefore, white bread is excluded from the diet of a diabetic.
    • Whole grain flour is like ground grains. It is considered optimal for consumption.
    • Buckwheat flour cleanses the body and has mass useful substances: copper, vitamin B, folic acid, zinc, iron. Their combination increases hemoglobin, normalizes the work of the central nervous system, the level of glycemia. Her GI is 50, in 100 grams 353 kcal. Therefore, the use of bread or other products containing buckwheat flour is useful for diabetes.
    • Flaxseed flour normalizes metabolism and the digestive tract, removes toxins and lowers cholesterol. GI low - 35 units.
    • Cornmeal has high levels of fiber, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and digestive processes. Despite the borderline GI - 70 units, it is recommended for consumption by both sick and healthy people. Thiamine stabilizes work nervous system, accelerates the blood supply to the cerebral cortex. Cholesterol levels are normalized, cells and tissues are better regenerated, which is important in diabetes.

    By eating baked goods made from low glycemic index flour, a diabetic reduces the risk of developing coma.

    GI of other flour products

    Pasta It is not advisable to eat with diabetes.

    Most flour products have a GI above 70. Their use is limited for diabetics, people suffering from obesity, as well as for everyone who takes care of their health. Pasta, spaghetti and other flour products are not advisable for diabetics. If you have no strength to give up pasta, it is better to buy products made from durum wheat. The value of products directly depends on the raw materials and the way they are processed. Unpeeled and unpolished cereals are recognized as useful.

    Every year the number of people suffering from diabetes is steadily increasing. This is due to an unbalanced diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

    After a person has heard this diagnosis, the first thing that comes to mind is a monotonous diet, which is completely devoid of sweets and others.

    But this statement is not considered true, since not so long ago the rules and regulations regarding the food that is allowed or prohibited to be consumed with this disease were revised. endocrine system.

    To date, the list of fruits is quite extensive, the main thing is to be careful. Compliance with diet therapy is the main point in the treatment of the disease. The first step is to study the list of products that can be consumed in this disease. This article contains information about which flour is possible for diabetes and which is not.

    Experts select food for patients with type 2 diabetes, while observing the (GI) of all products.

    This indicator shows how quickly glucose is broken down in the blood after eating fruit or sweets.

    Doctors only inform their patients about common foods, while missing out on some important points. With this disease, it is necessary to eat only those foods that have a minimum index.

    Few know that flour for patients with disabilities carbohydrate metabolism, should have this indicator not exceeding the figure fifty. Whole grain flour with an index of up to sixty-nine units can be in the daily diet only as an exception to the rules. But food with an indicator above seventy diabetics is strictly prohibited.

    This is due to the fact that there is a risk of increasing the concentration of sugar. This can lead to serious complications.

    The world knows quite a lot of varieties of flour, from which certain products are made for people suffering from endocrine system disorders. In addition to the glycemic index, you need to pay attention to the energy value of the product.

    As many people know, excessive calorie intake can threaten obesity, which is a great danger for people with this disease. With it, flour with a low glycemic index should be used so as not to aggravate the course of the disease. It should be borne in mind that a lot depends on the varieties of the product - the taste and quality of baking.

    Below is the glycemic index of flour of different types:

    • oatmeal -45;
    • buckwheat - 50;
    • linen -35;
    • amaranth -45;
    • soy - 50;
    • whole grain -55;
    • coconut -45.

    All of the above varieties are allowed for regular use in the preparation of culinary delights.

    • corn - 70;
    • wheat -75;
    • barley - 60;
    • rice - 70.

    Since the glycemic index of whole grain flour is quite high, it cannot be used for cooking.

    Oatmeal and buckwheat

    Oatmeal has a low glycemic index, making it the safest baked goods. It contains in its composition special substance which lowers sugar levels. In addition, this product rids the body of unwanted bad fats.

    Despite the large number of advantages, the product from has an extremely high calorie content. One hundred grams of this popular product contains about 369 kcal. That is why when preparing pastries or other dishes from it, it is recommended to combine oats with any other suitable view flour.

    Oat flour

    With the constant presence of this product in the daily diet, the manifestation of diseases decreases. digestive tract, constipation is minimized and a single dose of artificial pancreatic hormone is reduced, necessary for a person For normal life. The oat product includes a large amount of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, selenium.

    It is also based on vitamins A, B₁, B₂, B₃, B₆, K, E, PP. It is important to note that this product is approved for use even by those people who have recently suffered major operations. As for buckwheat, it has a similar high calorie content. Approximately one hundred grams of the product contains 353 kcal.

    Buckwheat flour is rich in vitamins, minerals and some trace elements:

    • B vitamins have a positive effect on the functioning of the human nervous system, as a result of which insomnia is eliminated, and anxiety also goes away;
    • nicotinic acid significantly improves blood circulation and completely rids the body of the presence of harmful cholesterol;
    • iron will prevent anemia;
    • it also removes toxins and heavy radicals;
    • copper in the composition improves the body's resistance to certain infectious diseases and pathogenic bacteria
    • manganese helps work thyroid gland and also normalizes blood glucose levels;
    • zinc has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails and hair;
    • folic acid is needed during pregnancy because it prevents abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

    Buckwheat flour has a low glycemic index, which allows it to be used in the daily diet in the same way as oats.


    Unfortunately, baking from this type of flour is prohibited for people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

    It is important to note corn flour the glycemic index is quite high, and the calorie content of the product is 331 kcal.

    If the disease proceeds without visible complications, then experts allow it to be used to prepare various dishes. All this is easy enough to explain: corn contains an incalculable amount of beneficial vitamins and trace elements that no other food can replenish.

    Cornmeal for type 2 diabetes, due to its fiber content, can relieve constipation and improve the functioning of the human digestive system. Another indispensable quality of this product is that it does not lose its beneficial properties even after heat treatment.

    But, despite this, it is strictly prohibited for people suffering from certain diseases of the stomach and kidneys. It is very useful due to the content of B vitamins, fiber, and trace elements in it.

    Corn flour is an indispensable source unique substances, which are very difficult to fill with other varieties this product. However, due to its high GI, it is considered forbidden for people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders.


    The glycemic index of amaranth flour is 45. At the same time, it is considered gluten-free.

    One distinctive feature of this product is that it contains a large amount of protein in a composition that is of excellent quality.

    It also contains lysine, potassium, phosphorus, fatty acids and tocotrientol. It is known that it is able to protect against a lack of insulin.

    Wheat flour enriched with amaranth helps to significantly reduce blood glucose levels in diabetics. Nutritional supplements with amaranth significantly improve the metabolism of glucose and fats.

    Linen and rye

    Flaxseed flour has a fairly low glycemic index, as does rye flour.

    Baking from the first type of flour is allowed for people with diabetes, as well as for those who have extra pounds.

    Due to the high content of fiber in the composition, performance is significantly improved gastrointestinal tract improves digestion and eliminates stool problems. Rye flour in diabetes is actively used for making bread and other pastries.

    By the amount of fiber, rye is much more useful than any other flour with a glycemic index that is an order of magnitude lower. It contains such useful substances as copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, selenium, as well as vitamins A and B.

    Flour for diabetes

    As for other types, the glycemic index of coconut flour is much lower than, for example, wheat or corn flour. It has a high value and nutritional value.

    The glycemic index of rice flour is quite high - 95 units. That is why it is strictly prohibited for people who suffer from diabetes and obesity.

    But spelled flour has a low glycemic index, which indicates the presence of difficultly digestible substances in its composition. Many experts recommend that people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders include it in their daily diet.

    Despite the danger of rice flour due to slow absorption, it has a large amount of essential substances that are necessary for normal functioning the whole organism. It should also be noted that it does not include gluten.

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    Is it possible to eat pancakes with diabetes? You can if you cook them right. To make pancakes have a low glycemic index, use the recipe from this video:

    Subject to the recommendations of endocrinologists and the moderate use of certain types of permitted flour, no harm will be done to the body. It is very important to completely exclude from the diet foods containing a high glycemic index and characterized by a special calorie content.

    They can be replaced with similar food, which is absolutely harmless and contains a large amount of nutrients, without which the functioning of the body is impossible. It is advisable to contact a nutritionist who will make the right diet.

    People with diabetes and following the rules of a low-carbohydrate diet are accustomed to daily counting the glycemic index and calorie content of foods. This is necessary for a complete and safe diet.

    Cereals should be an important part of the diet of any person. The value of cereals lies in the presence of a large amount of fiber, amino acids, antioxidants and minerals in their composition. Glycemic index of cereals, their nutritional properties, safety for diabetics - all these indicators are discussed in the article.

    What is the glycemic index

    GI is a measure of the effect of various foods on blood glucose levels. The higher the index of a particular product, the faster the processes of splitting carbohydrates in the body, and accordingly, the moment of increasing the amount of sugar accelerates. The calculation is based on the GI of glucose (100). The ratio of other products and substances to it determines the number of points of their index.

    GI is considered low, and therefore safe for a diabetic patient, if its indicators are in the range from 0 to 39. From 40 to 69 is an average, and above 70 is a high index. Decoding and recalculation are used not only by those suffering from the "sweet disease", but also by those who are trying to correct image life and adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. GI indicators, calorie content, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates of the main cereals are indicated in the table.

    The glycemic index is an important indicator of safety for diabetics.


    Groats are quite popular among those who decide to eat right. There are even a number of specially designed diets based on porridge combined with vegetables and low-fat varieties meat.

    An interesting point is that the GIs of raw and cooked cereals are in different categories:

    • raw buckwheat - 55,
    • boiled cereals - 40.

    Important! Water during the cooking process reduces the GI of any of the cereals. This condition is valid only in the absence of any other additives, even oil.

    The product belongs to the representatives of the middle group. The addition of milk or sugar already shows completely different results, moving cereals into the category of cereals with a high glycemic index. 100 g of buckwheat for a quarter consists of carbohydrates, which means that it is necessary to refrain from eating it for dinner and combining it with other carbohydrate products. It is better to combine with vegetables and add proteins in the form of fish, chicken meat.

    Rice performance depends on its variety. White rice, a grain that has gone through a cleaning and polishing process, has a score of 65, which makes it middle group products. Brown rice (not peeled, not polished) is characterized by an indicator of 20 units less, which makes it safer for diabetics.

    Rice is a world famous cereal that allows you to saturate the body with essential substances.

    Rice is a storehouse of vitamins B, E, macro- and microelements, as well as essential amino acids. All patients need this to prevent complications of diabetes (polyneuropathy, retinopathy, kidney pathology).

    The brown variety is more useful and in quantity needed by the body substances, and according to individual indicators of GI and calorie content. The only negative is its short shelf life.

    Important! Milk lowers the GI of rice compared to water (70 and 80, respectively).


    Millet porridge is considered a product with a high index. It can reach 70, depending on the degree of density. The thicker the porridge, the higher its saturation with sugar. However, individual beneficial features make it no less popular:

    • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
    • acceleration of the removal of toxic substances from the body;
    • positive effect on the processes of digestion;
    • lowering cholesterol levels in the blood;
    • acceleration of lipid metabolism, due to which the deposition of fats is reduced;
    • normalization of blood pressure;
    • restoration of liver function.

    Wheat groats

    Wheat groats have indicators ranging from 40 to 65 points. There are several varieties of wheat-based cereals that are popular with diabetics and are famous for their valuable compositions:

    • arnautka,
    • bulgur,
    • spelled,
    • couscous.

    Wheat porridge is considered a high-calorie product, but it has the ability to help lower glucose levels, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, and activate regenerative processes on the mucous membranes.


    This is a groat made from milled spring wheat. Its composition is saturated with vitamins, amino acids, microelements that help strengthen the immune system, restore the health of the heart and blood vessels, and improve the activity of the central nervous system. In addition, croup has the ability to accelerate the regeneration of the skin and its derivatives, which is important for complications of diabetes.

    Type of cereal obtained by steaming grains of wheat. Then they are dried in the sun, peeled and crushed. This processing gives the future dish a unique taste. Its index is 45.

    Bulgur can also be used whole. These are brown grains upper shell. It is this porridge that has the largest number nutrients and nutrients. Bulgur is saturated:

    • tocopherol;
    • group B vitamins;
    • vitamin K;
    • trace elements;
    • carotene;
    • unsaturated fatty acids;
    • ash substances;
    • fiber.

    Dishes based on bulgur - table decoration

    Regular consumption of cereals restores the state of the nervous system, regulates metabolic processes, and positively affects the functioning of the intestines.


    Represents a special type of wheat with GI 40, which differs both in shape and size from all known varieties. Spelled grain is quite large, it is protected from the outside by a hard film that is not eaten. Thanks to this, the cereal is protected from all kinds of negative impacts, including radiation exposure.

    Spelled grains are superior to wheat in the value of their chemical composition. They help strengthen the body, normalize blood glucose levels, improve the functioning of the endocrine apparatus, heart, blood vessels, and central nervous system.


    One of the types of wheat groats with GI 65. Its composition is valuable for a large amount of copper, which is necessary for normal operation. musculoskeletal system, prevention of osteoporosis, as well as a significant amount of vitamin B5, which normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

    Corn porridge

    This type of cereal is also a storehouse of vitamins, amino acids and minerals, but it must be handled with extreme care, since the GI of the product can reach up to 70. It is advisable not to use milk and sugar during cooking. corn porridge. It is enough to boil the cereal in water and add a small amount of fructose, stevia or maple syrup as a sweetener.

    Corn grits are famous for their high content of the following substances:

    • magnesium - in combination with B-series vitamins improves the sensitivity of cells to insulin, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
    • iron - prevents the development of anemia, improves the process of saturation of cells with oxygen;
    • zinc - contributes normal operation pancreas, strengthens immune processes;
    • B vitamins - restore the functioning of the nervous system, their use is preventive measure in the development of complications of diabetes;
    • beta-carotene - normalizes work visual analyzer prevents retinopathy.

    Important! Corn grits should be used exclusively in boiled form. Corn flakes, popcorn or sticks have a much higher GI.

    Barley porridge is the leader in the ranking of useful and safe products. The index is 22-30 if it is cooked on water without adding oil. The porridge contains a large amount of protein and fiber, iron, calcium, phosphorus. It is these elements that should be present in the daily diet of both a healthy and a sick person.

    Barley also contains substances that are involved in the processes of lowering blood glucose levels. It is used for the preparation of second courses of a crumbly and viscous nature, soups.

    Pearl barley - the "queen" of cereals


    Semolina, on the contrary, is considered the leader in terms of the low amount of nutrients in the composition, while having one of the highest indices:

    • raw cereals - 60;
    • boiled porridge - 70-80;
    • porridge in milk with a spoonful of sugar - 95.

    Barley grits

    The product belongs to the group of substances with average index values. Raw cereal - 35, porridge from barley groats- 50. Grains that have not been polished and crushed retain the greatest amount of vitamins and minerals, and the human body needs them daily. The cell includes:

    • calcium;
    • phosphorus;
    • manganese;
    • copper;
    • unsaturated fatty acids;
    • tocopherol;
    • beta carotene;
    • B vitamins.

    Due to its rich composition, cereal helps to remove excess cholesterol, lowers blood sugar levels, helps to strengthen immune system, normalizes the work of the central nervous system. Groats contain a large amount of fiber, which ensures saturation of the body for a long time.

    Oatmeal and muesli

    Oat porridge is considered an indispensable product on the table. Its GI is in the medium range, which makes oatmeal not only healthy, but also safe:

    • raw flakes - 40;
    • on the water - 40;
    • on milk - 60;
    • in milk with a spoonful of sugar - 65.

    Oatmeal is a dish allowed for the daily diet of both sick and healthy people

    You should not give preference to instant cereals, just like muesli (GI is 80). Since, in addition to flakes, the composition may include sugar, seeds, dried fruits. There is also a glazed product that should be discarded.

    • adding a spoonful of vegetable fat;
    • use coarse grains or one that did not lend itself to grinding;
    • do not use foods with an index above average in the daily diet;
    • use a steamer for cooking;
    • refuse to add sugar, use substitutes and natural sweeteners;
    • combine porridge with proteins and a small amount of fat.

    Compliance with the advice of experts will allow you to eat not only useful products, getting everything necessary substances but also to make this process safe for health.